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Welcome New Members! J.M. Barber Construction & Design Matt Barber Innovative Homes & Design, Inc. Mark Resseguie JR Premier Designs Jeff Bohmont
Published by the Remodelers Council of Lincoln • April 2011
Chairperson’s Message by Jenny Samek
It’s tax return season! Now is a great time to get your name out and be ready to find those customers who are ready to remodel using this year’s tax return. Thanks to those who attended our March meeting with a presentation by Brian Hoefer of the Lincoln Police Department. He gave some very helpful hints on preventing theft on job sites. He mentioned always keeping a record of serial numbers on any equipment you purchase. In case of theft this will help them retrieve stolen property. He also mentioned a great web site You can check the crime rates in a neighborhood you will be working in. At the March meeting we also had a visit from Chuck Zimmerman from the Building and Safety Department. He gave us some updates to the changes in permit rates. Please make sure to keep informed on current fees and schedules. See the current Building Permit Fee Building Valuation Data at
Make sure to attend the April meeting, as we will be touring Vantage Pointe Homes. Hope to see you there.
April Meeting Tour of Vantage Pointe Homes Wednesday, April 6, 2011 • 11:30 a.m. 1000 W. Rokeby Road Please send your RSVP to or call 402-423-4225 by April 1. Cost: $6.00 per person
Order Your Tour of Remodeled Homes Tickets! Tour tickets may be purchased from the HBAL office for $2.50 each. Contact HBAL at 402-423-4225 for more information or fill in the order form below and fax it to 402-423-4251. Please send me ____ Admit One ticket(s) to the Tour of Remodeled Homes. Tickets are $2.50 each, which totals $____. ____ My check is enclosed. ____ Please bill me. Company
The video from the Remodeler Council’s Better Business Bureau’s Integrity Award is now online. View it at
10 Lincoln Business Builder
Address City State Zip
Tour of Remodeled Homes
Tour of Remodeled Homes SaturdaY and SundaY • apriL 9 & 10 • noon to 5 p.m. admiSSion $5.00 for aLL 21 homeS • ChiLdren under 12 are free 1.
3432 Laura avenue Whole house remodel wiLLet ConStruCtion, inC., remodeLing SpeCiaLiStS
3819 S. 31St Street CirCLe sunroom addiTion and neW decK tru-buiLt ConStruCtion, LLC
3725 randoLph Street TWo baThroom addiTions wiLLet ConStruCtion, inC., remodeLing SpeCiaLiStS
3921 S. 32nd pLaCe KiTchen and laundry remodel CS KitChen & bath Studio
705 S. 40th Street TWo-sTory addiTion ChriSto deSign buiLd, inC.
5630 preSCott avenue KiTchen remodel LinCoLn Cabinet
501 eaStridge drive Whole house remodel Jr pLatinum propertieS (a SubSidiarY of mahriS CuStom homeS)
6900 piKe pLaCe sunroom addiTion reeSe ConStruCtion
631 SYCamore drive KiTchen and baTh remodel goodeguY ConStruCtion, inC./ 3-daY KitChen & bath
4710 S. 76th Street basemenT finish WiTh baThroom CS KitChen & bath Studio
7320 twin oaKS road KiTchen remodel LinCoLn Cabinet
6309 S. 83rd Street KiTchen remodel LinCoLn Cabinet
1801 greenbriar Lane KiTchen remodel LinCoLn Cabinet
1620 brighton avenue TWo baThroom remodels goodeguY ConStruCtion, inC./ 3-daY KitChen & bath
6210 gLaSS ridge drive firsT floor remodel Jr premier deSignS
6500 rexford drive KiTchen remodel LinCoLn Cabinet
6600 potomaC pLaCe baThroom remodel reeSe ConStruCtion, inC.
3131 Cedar avenue KiTchen, baThroom, living room, bedroom remodel remodeL SoLutionS
7230 S. 30th pLaCe KiTchen remodel reeSe ConStruCtion, inC.
3000 bonaCum drive KiTchen/laundry remodel reYnoLdS deSign & remodeLing
8105 mCbride avenue basemenT finish wiLLet ConStruCtion, inC., remodeLing SpeCiaLiStS
You muSt remove Your ShoeS at theSe LoveLY homeS.
6100 S. 58th Street, Ste. C • LinCoLn, ne 68516 • 11 Lincoln Business Builder