Beau Daffer, President
Jereme Montgomery, President Elect
Dan Loeck, 1st Vice President
Perry Haralson, 2nd Vice President
Lori Wellman, CKD, CGR, CAPS, Immediate Past President
Ryan Trausch, Secretary
Bob Bryant, Treasurer
Michaela Schwarten, Executive Vice President
Jeremy Bishoff
Dave Chapin
Megan Dreyer
Matt Firestone
Andrew Hartman
Dave Lakin
Jeff Pankoke
Blake Pittack
Scott Schneider
Maria Semerad
Brett Sundberg
Tim Zeng
Remodelers Council
Jason Willet
Past Presidents
Jim Christo
Steve Fulton
Ward Fred Hoppe
Justin Johnson
Bo Jones
Matt Kinning
Mike Kinning
Happy Thanksgiving! It's hard to believe the holidays are here. The year has flown by. I hope everyone has an opportunity to sit back and give thanks for family, friends and successful business.
We had a great turnout for the Santa Cop project. We built toys for the Lincoln Police Department to hand out to children who might not have the happiest of Christmases. A huge shoutout to Dan Loeck and the rest of the committee for organizing the project and to the 100+ volunteers who showed up to help. Among our volunteers were city council members, Building & Safety employees and even Santa himself made an appearance. If you haven’t participated in this event in the past, I highly recommend you kick off the holiday season with us at Santa Cop next year.
We are looking forward to Casino Night for the HBAL Christmas Party at the Country Club of Lincoln on December 3. The deadline to RSVP has passed, so I hope you got yours in!
Dan Klein, Sr.
Mike May
Herb Reese
Roger Reynolds
Mike Rezac
Denny Van Horn
HBAL Staff
Michaela Schwarten, Jennie Korth, Laure Husmann
A final note, now is a great time to recruit new members. Our association has never been more active within our community and working with elected officials to help our industry. That doesn’t happen without the support of our membership and helping it to grow.
I will leave you with some words of encouragement:
“Make allowances for each other’s faults and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” Colossians 3:13
Dec. 3
Dec. 11
HBAL Holiday Party (Casino Night) & Election of Officers Country Club of Lincoln 5:30 p.m. Social • 6:30 p.m. Dinner
Remodelers Council Holiday Party HBAL • 6100 S. 58th Street, Ste. C
11:30 a.m. • See page 17 for more info.
Dec. 12
HBAL Board of Directors Meeting Country Club of Lincoln 11:00 a.m.
Our sympathy to Duane & Connie Helmink on the death of Connie's mom, Wilma Linder, who passed away October 28, 2024.
Just wanted to thank you folks for making the HBAL Home Show better & better every year. Your team is appreciated. Keep up the good work!!
The Prominent Exteriors Family
Thank you for partnering with the Paul & Neva Grace Foundation golf event. It was a success, not only according to the number of participants and the amount of funds raised, but especially due to the awareness raised for the Foundation and the financial support it provides for individuals spending their last days at The Grace Space...Despite the warm and steamy September day, there was plenty of good spirits and laughter AND some
By: Julie Schumacher, Mark Fahleson & Tara Paulson Rembolt Ludtke Employment & Labor Law Practice Group
On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Nebraska voters passed an initiative titled the Nebraska Healthy Families and Workplaces Act (the “Act”) that will require many employers in the state to provide employees with paid sick time beginning October 1, 2025. Information intended to guide employers regarding what the law requires in its current form can be found here. However, there are many open issues, unanswered questions and nuances to the Act. We anticipate these open issues may be considered by the Nebraska Legislature in its session commencing in January that may result in revisions to the Act. We also may see guidance from the Nebraska Department of Labor to assist employers with compliance.
Any Brick You Use Can Last for Hundreds of Years. So Be Particular.
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Standard and custom color ranges, sizes, and shapes are our specialty. Brick murals and ornamentation are brought to a new level of sophistication at Yankee Hill Brick.
Rely on Yankee Hill to supply your project with the finest of materials.
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Crushed landscape brick
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The Remodelers Council toured the CenterPointe Campus for Health and WellBeing for their November meeting. They also held an election of officers at this meeting.
• Matt Firestone (Concrete Craft) will serve as chairperson.
• Kelly Krueger (Rainwood Interiors) will serve as vice chairperson.
• Megan Dreyer (Personal Touch Designs) will serve as secretary. Their next meeting will be December 11 at the HBAL office for the Holiday Party which will feature The Music Bingo Guy. Only $75 to be part of the Remodelers Council. The officers have met to discuss the meetings for 2025.
There were a total of 34 members recruited for the drive. Currently we have 500 members vs. 509 last year, the Association maintains good retention.
2023 Code Adoptions:
Building and Safety has shared their intent is to have all codes except the Energy Conservation Code updated to 2023 in January.
Beau Daffer, Scott Schneider, Denny Van Horn, Megan McKay, Michael Grosshans and Michaela Schwarten met with the State Electrical Division in early November. It was recommended to meet again in August or September 2025 after the 2026 National Electrical Code is published to discuss changes and adoption of the 2026 code during the 2026 Legislative session.
Beau Daffer and Michaela Schwarten attended a roundtable discussion at Congressman Flood’s office. Rising homeowners insurance premiums due to reinsurers increasing their rates was the topic of discussion.
in Construction:
The Careers in Construction Committee will be meeting soon to work on April's Construction Career Day and finding new members to be involved with the event.
Santa Cop:
Built 71 toolboxes with builder blocks. Good volunteer participation from the membership. Looking to continue the project again next year.
...or view more photos from our 2024 Santa Cop Project here. Tap here to watch the recap video...
Thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success!
Kirby & Amber
Bailey, Elin, Jaide & Sloane
Chad Blahak & Sutton
Malachi & Sierra
James Michael Bowers
Cindy & Pat Cerny
Dave & Lauri Chapin
Jim Christo
Beau Daffer
Megan Dreyer & Miles
Tom Duden
Matt Firestone
Jaxson Fleming
Wilem Ford
Ron Fricke
Tim & Carrie Gans
Pat Genrich, Fin & Tinsley
Stan Haas
Bill Hams, Cora & Owen
Perry Haralson & Zacoben
Andy & Jenn Hartman & Mira
John Helter
Laure & Dann Husmann
Addison Johnson
Justin Johnson
Michael Johnson
Ryan & Alyssa Jones
Matt Kinning, Madelyn & Ryan
Mike Kinning
Jennie Korth
Kelly & Becky
Krueger, Keara, Kellan & Kent
Dan Loeck, Amanda, Brianna
Scott & Lori Luedtke
Erin Magnussen, Logan, Ryan & Jacob
Vivian Matoush
Jamie Mayolo
Carson & Carley McCormick
Allan McGill & Lily
Rylee McQuade
Heather Merrill, Brooklyn & Tyler
Jereme & Amy
Montgomery, Mason
Duane Mundt
Steve Peregrine & Zoe
Emmanuel Perez
Ann Post, Audrey, Ethan & Jackson
Herb Reese
Roger Reynolds
Tyler Reynolds
Deb Roberts
Julie Samani
Briana Scheef & Aiden
Jerry Boyce
Denny Van Horn
Ken Koch Design
Rainwood Interiors
Custom Countertop
Reynolds Design & Remodeling
Hoppe, Inc.
Stonybrook Homes
John Hoppe, Jr.
Jim Christo
Jo Lewis
Brett Richert
Kinning Design
LL Countertops
Pioneer Printing
Lynn Schoening
Brandon & Kelly Schroer, Haizy
Michaela & Josh Schwarten, Jack & Kamryn
Terry Schwimmer
Bennie Shobe
Rachel & Zack Spiegel
Shawn Stranathan
Andrew Stubbendieck
Jeff Sweney
Ryan Trausch, Claire, Henry, Lucy & Simon
Amy Vahle, Calvin & Hunter
Denny Van Horn
Rick Vest
John Weber
Bob White
Christa Yoakum
Chad Yost & Quintin
We would also like to thank Millard Lumber Inc. and 84 Lumber for donating material and SCC Milford for cutting and sanding the wood pieces.
Publication of the Remodelers Council of Lincoln December 2024 • Vol. 27, No. 12
I hope 2024 has been a great year for everyone. Thank you for the opportunity to serve the Remodelers Council. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as Chairperson. I will be handing over the "hammer" to Matt Firestone in December and am looking forward to seeing what the officers have planned for next year.
Jason Willet Remodelers Council Chairperson
The Remodelers Council is collecting hats, mittens, gloves and other cold weather items for Lincoln’s elementary schools. Please keep this in mind as you start your holiday shopping!
Items will be collected at our December 11 meeting or can be dropped off at the HBAL office by December 14.
Consider these options:
1. Make a monetary donation and HBAL staff will purchase items for you!
If given the opportunity, don't be afraid to talk to other contractors about HBAL and the Remodelers Council. Our group gets stronger by growing our network with others in the remodeling industry. We would all love to see many new faces at our meetings in 2025.
A big thank you to Jennie Korth and the rest of the HBAL staff for the work they do for us! They do a great job, and we are blessed to have their support.
One of the perks of being Remodelers Council Chair is getting to help decide what we do for the Holiday Party. I hope you'll join us for Music Bingo on December 11. It'll be a great time!
2. Purchase items at your favorite online retailer and have them shipped directly to HBAL! 6100 S. 58th St., Lincoln, NE 68516
The Remodelers Council had a great tour of CenterPointe for their November meeting. What an important resource for our community! We appreciate them taking time to tell us about the services they provide as well as show us the renovation of Trabert Hall.
We have 53 years of history in Lincoln. The Nebraska Builders Home and Garden Show is the largest show in the market. The Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show is a yearly event that is a community favorite! Most homeowners believe faceto-face interactions are the most important source of home improvement information. Your business will reach a year’s worth of customers in just three days while you increase your name recognition. Once you get set up you’ll have the opportunity to showcase your work, meet other vendors and share ideas!
AS OF 11/24/24
ABC Seamless of Nebraska (402-477-5400) ........................................ T-305
Advantage Remodeling, Inc. (402-416-1430) 4312
Allo Fiber (402-480-6550) ........................................ 4006
Al's Johns (402-783-2022) T-530, T- 630
American Fence Company of Lincoln (402-467-2511) .......................................... T-500
American Red Cross (402-506-3562)............................................ TBD
Aqua Systems (402-466-6800).................................. 1815,1816
Architectural Glassarts (402-613-2365) ............................................ 1925
Avid Realty (402-770-2959) 1351,1352
BAJCO Construction (402-310-2469) ........................................... 1984
Bath Pros (402-885-8940) .................................. 1311, 1413
Black Hills Energy (888-890-5554) ............................................ 1613
Black Label Built (402-730-6333) ........................................ C-450
Bobcat of Lincoln/Hamilton Equipment (402-464-6381) T-730, T-830
Bristol Windows, Inc. (402-435-8815) ............................................ 1460
Burrows Tracts Real Estate (402-450-3497) ........................................... 1612
Capital Patio & Flame Shop (402-421-7575) .......................................... T-430
Carper's 'O' Street Carpet (402-476-7567) .... 1315, 1316, 1317, 1318, 1319
Carpets Direct (402-486-3700) 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929
Champion Windows (888-230-4177) ......................................... C-250
Cheney Welding Inc. (402-432-4199) 1881, 1882
Chill Monkee (402-699-9244) ........................................... 1419
City of Lincoln Urban Development Department (402-441-8211) .............................................. 1556
City of Lincoln Watershed Management (402-441-4959) ................................. 1551, 1552
CKF (402-423-0025) 1751
ComfortMade Mattress Factory (531-500-5030) ........................................ T-405
ComfortTechs (402-465-0000) 1655
Command Heating, Air & Duct Cleaning (402-202-4899) ....................................... T-030
Concrete Craft of Lincoln (531-333-5225) ................................... 1425, 1515
Creative Builders (402-520-0399) 4729
Creative Edge Landscape Curbing (402-440-3410) ........................................... 1560
Creative Landscaping (402-580-9698) 1575, 1576
Crewline Exteriors, LLC (402-890-4040) ............................... 4811, 4812
All Home Show Exhibitors are invited to attend the
to celebrate the opening of the Show!
Date: Friday, February 7, 2025
Time: 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sponsored by:
Join your fellow Exhibitors for drinks and light snacks. An Exhibitor wristband is required to attend this event.
2025 Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show
AS OF 11/24/24
Critel Buildings (402-984-9613) ........................................... 4127
Culligan Water Conditioning (402-476-3351) 1772, 1773, 1852, 1853
Cummins Sprinkler (402-420-1063) ........................................... 1555
Custom Blinds & Design (402-730-2000) T-805
Custom Scapes & Tree Removal, LLC (402-239-2379) ......................................... 4003
Cutco Cutlery (716-790-7181)............................................... 1980
Divine Decks (402-301-8064) 1461, 1480
Doors Plus, LLC (402-590-5800) ......................................... 4628
The Durable Flags Company (402-689-9141) 4627
EcoWater Systems of Lincoln (402-474-3440) ......................................... T-105
Edward Jones - Scott Grof (402-483-6101) ............................................ 1979
Elite Egress LLC (402-860-6392) 4103
Empire Fence and Netting (402-682-7658) ..................... 1580, 1660, 1661
Epp Foundation Repair (402-623-6427) C-740
Ernie's in Ceresco (402-665-3151) ...................................... 1516,1517
Express Life Chiropractic (402-318-5797) ............................................. 1651
Festive Expressions Illuminations & Décor (402-314-7165) Corridor
Four By Four Construction (402-937-0326) .......................................... 4528
Futuramic's Clean Water Center (402-453-5730) 1411
GiornoLight (402-718-6051) ............................................. 4710
Going Nuts (402-770-3636) ............................................ 1971
Good Life Family Chiropractic (531-289-7100) 4631, 4632
GoodeGuy Construction / 3 Day Kitchen & Bath (402-435-6893) 4100, 4101
Granite Garage Floors (402-858-8823) ............................................ 1753
Groundworks (844-902-2753) 1652, 1653
H&H Roofing (402-359-2546) ................................ 1476, 1477
Halo Custom Lighting (402-281-3922) 1677, 1678
Handy Man Home Remodeling Center (402-474-0550) ......... 1760, 1761, 1780, 1860
Hardwood Artisan (402-416-7287) .................................. 4611, 4612
Harley's Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. (402-466-3408) 4509, 4510
Heartland Moving (402-466-1112) .............................................. 1656
Heartland of Nebraska Windows, LLC (402-430-3852) 1415, 1416, 1417
Hello Garage (402-265-8039) ......................................... 4709
Hinrichs Fine Woods, Inc. (402-499-9854) ............................................1512
Home Guardian (402-770-5002) 4608
Home Innovations Spas, Inc. (800-899-8827) ...................................... C-900
Home Pride Contractors, Inc. (402-477-5549) 1977, 1978
HOME Real Estate (402-436-4663) ............................... 1855, 1856
Home Solutions of Nebraska (402-420-6911) .................................. 1819, 1820
Homestead Homes (402-375-3515) 1671
ICON Plumbing (402-416-0406) .................................. 1371, 1372
Illuminations (402-475-4663) 1817
Invisible Fence Brand (402-330-4000) ..........................................1758
Ironclad Concrete Coatings (402-900-4766) ................................ 1375, 1376
John Henry's Plumbing, Heating, Air and Electrical (402-435-5555) ......................................... C-910
Kitchen Tune-Up Lincoln/Grand Island (402-366-9765) 1519
AS OF 11/24/24
Krieser Drywall & Insulation (402-432-2031) ............................... 4809, 4810
Krogman Tile Co. (402-488-4614) 1975, 1976
Kuhlman Construction Custom Homes (402-643-5654) ....................... 1312, 1313, 1314
LAE (Lincoln American Electronics) (402-421-1222) 4511, 4512
LeafFilter Gutter Protection (800-290-6106) ........................................... 4212
LeafGuard (816-248-4903) ............................................. 1471
Legacy Curbing (402-450-8662) 1625, 1626
Lincoln Cabinet (402-475-0650) ........................................ T-705
Lincoln Concrete Specialists (402-476-4070) 4231
Lincoln Electric System (402-473-3276) ........................... T-810, T-820
Lincoln Fence Contractors (402-617-6722) ............................................ 4107
LL Countertops (402-434-6009) 4411, 4412
Luxury Landscape (402-440-7721) .............1273-1276, 1353-1356
M & E SALES (952-884-0326) 1327, 1777, 1778, 1857, 1858
M & W General Contractors (402-239-7916) ............................................ 4128
Mad City Windows and Baths (402-513-0033) ........................................... 1320
Madihay Custom Blinds (402-578-0074) 1715
The Mattress Hub (702-482-1197) ............................. T-230, T-330
Mead Lumber Company (531-530-0480) 1325
Miracle Landscapes, Inc. (402-580-1805) ........................................... 1429
Mod Wattage Electric (402-904-9459) ........................ 1611, 1712, 1713
Murray Custom Homes, LLC (402-802-7021) C-350
Nebraska Building Products (402-438-2006) ........................... 4408, 4409
Nebraska Curb and Fence, LLC (308-340-9046) 1373, 1453
Nebraska Safety Council (402-483-2511) .............................................. TBD
Nebraskaland Siding & Windows (402-464-4388) 4307, 4308
NeighborWorks Lincoln (402-477-7181) ............................................ 4328
North Country Windows and Baths (402-464-7500) 1752
Novo Chiropractic (402-817-7373) .................................... 1616, 1617
Pampered Chef (402-450-4226) ......................................... 4707
Patio Enclosures (800-230-8301) 4130
Pella Windows & Doors of Omaha and Lincoln (402-331-9225) T-505, T-605
Penner Sprinkler and Lawn LLC (402-413-1215) ................................... 1725, 1726
Pioneer Overhead Door 3G, LLC (402-476-6539) ................................. 1930, 1931
Plum Creek Wagyu Beef (402-418-7134) ............................................. 4102
Prairie Home Builders, Inc. (402-476-6599) ............................... 4531, 4532
Prellwitz Exteriors (402-300-3117) 4609
Premium Carpet Care, LLC (402-525-1580) ........................................... 4508
Professional Realty Group of BHHS Ambassador Real Estate (402-419-6309) .................................. 1571, 1572
Prominent Exteriors (402-499-4639) ........................................... 1573
Provision Realty Group at RE/MAX Concepts (402-984-0544) 1513
RDM Landscapes (402-480-1156) . C-540, 1529-1530, 1619-1620
RE/MAX Concepts (402-441-4120) 1974
REALTORS Association of Lincoln (402-441-3622) ............................................. 1716
RED Custom Homes (402-499-6784) ......................................... 4527
Redfern Enterprises, Inc. (877-462-5757) C-870, 1561
Reese Construction, Inc. (402-483-1313) .............................................. 1615
AS OF 11/24/24
Relentless Merchandise (402-973-7016) 1326
Remodel Nebraska (402-999-4595) ........................................... 1527
Remodelers, Inc. (402-540-3548) ................................ 1719, 1720
Renewal by Andersen (877-773-0845) 1627, 1717
Rezac Construction, Inc. (402-477-8844) ............................. 4428, 4429
RFD Sales Kitchen and Bath (402-799-3385) 1478, 1558
Ryker Tools (903-517-0364) ............................................ 1329
Sam the Concrete Man - Nebraska (402-265-0044) ........................................... 1775
Sark Tile (402-475-1300) 1727
SavATree / Mr. Amoto Lawn & Tree (402-476-8873) ................ C-440, 1430, 1520
Scentsy (402-601-8781) 1412
Security Fence, Inc. (402-628-2332) ....................................... C-640
SkyLimit Remodeling (402-601-1821) ...............................................1475
Smetter Luxury Townhomes (402-786-8808) 1729
Southeast Community College TCA (402-325-4700) ......................................... T-130
Stand Strong Fencing of Lincoln (402-761-0061) 1776
Star City Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing (402-464-7827) C-340, 1330, 1420
Stephens & Smith Construction Co. (402-475-8087) ........................................ T-400
Sticks & Stones Hardscapes, Inc. (402-450-7169) ............... T-300, 4327, 4407
Stonebrook Exterior (402-438-5559) T-700
Sunset Blinds (402-202-7289) ........................................ C-240
Superior Sleep Experience (423-660-0220) 1426, 1427
Supreme Spa & Pool (402-328-0085) .... C-950, C-750, 1771, 1851
Tailored Landscapes, LLC (402-416-5691) C-940
TCA Outdoor Power (402-420-9424) ....................................... T-200
Thrasher Foundation Repair (800-827-0702) ......................................... 4708
Tillotson Enterprises, Inc. (402-466-7038) 1525, 1526
Travelin' Tom's Coffee of Lincoln (402-417-0078) ............................. 4001, 4002
Tru-Built Construction (402-477-4663) T-600
True Finish Painting (402-413-2066) ............................................ 1557
Tuff Shed Inc. (402-592-8833) ................................ 1473, 1553
Tupperware (402-440-4756) C-920
Uribe Refuse Services (402-467-1239) ............................................4732
Veskerna Plumbing & Excavating (402-443-1604) C-550
Vinnie Krikac State Farm Agency (402-474-1173).............................................. 1730
VirtuActive 3D Drafting & Design (402-979-8100) .......................................... 4427
West Gate Bank (402-434-3456) 4432
Willet Construction Remodeling Specialists (402-434-8008) C-880
The Window & Door Store (402-328-0533) ......................................... T-100
Window Option Specialists (402-466-2777) C-980
Window World of Lincoln (402-464-7313) ............ 1577, 1578, 1657, 1658
Wireless Sourcing (855-657-0470) ........................................... 1455
Woods Bros. Realty (402-434-3700) 1755, 1756
Yard Boss (402-418-2233) .................................1629, 1630
Zeng Countertops and Surfaces (402-429-8412) 1972, 1973
The Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show™ is trademarked by the Home Builders Association of Lincoln (HBAL) and the use of the name and logo is only allowed with HBAL’s permission.
• Contact HBAL at info@hbal.org to request permission and, if desired, receive the current logo file.
• When using Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show, you must also reference the Home Builders Association of Lincoln (ie. HBAL's Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show).
• When using the Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show logo, the HBAL logo must be included.
• HBAL must be tagged on all posts using Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show and/or the logo.
• Use of Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show or its logo is limited to exhibitors or sponsors participating in the Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show.
• Do not alter the logo in any way.
• Do not use Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show or its logo in a way that suggests endorsement, sponsorship or affiliation with HBAL unless explicitly authorized to do so.
We love it when our members promote our events! Here are a few ways you can promote the Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show!
• Comment, like and share the content posted on HBAL’s social media pages including links to the official Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show promotional video.
• Tag HBAL in your social media content promoting the Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show .
Ron Handke, Black Hills Energy, is no longer an affiliate member.
Mike Poskochil, Woods Bros. Realty, is no longer an affiliate member.
New email for Loeck Designs is loeckdesigns@gmail.com
Blair Shearer is the new principal contact for Tillotson Enterprises, Inc. Email: blair@trusttillotson.com.
New address for Epp Foundation Repair is 1133 Libra Drive, Lincoln, NE 68512.
Russ Meyer is a new affiliate member with Nebraska Realty. Phone: 402-310-8262. Email: russ@fdrg.net.
Samara Groff is the new principal contact for Renewal by Andersen. Email: sgroff@southardcorp.com
Robert Panzer is the new principal contact for Exchange Bank. Email: rapanzer@eb-us.com.
Nick Gervasi is the new principal contact for Champion Windows. Phone: 888-230-4177. Email: nickolaus.gervasi@getchampion.com.
Pam Leupold is a new affiliate member of Home Real Estate. Phone: 402-560-3866. Email: pam.leupold@homerealestate.com.
Sam Stutzman is a new affiliate member of EcoWater Systems of Lincoln. Email: squad@ecowaterlincoln.com. Bob Wiedemeyer has retired and is no longer an affiliate member.
Jesse Hengelfelt is the new principal contact for John Henry’s Plumbing, Heating, A/C & Electrical
built a fiber network that delivers Lincoln businesses and homes with reliable, secure, fiber-fast communications, all backed by superior customer service - and we just keep getting
72 Years
• Woods Bros. Realty
69 Years
• Nebraska Building Products
• Yankee Hill Brick
63 Years
• Pioneer Overhead Door 3G, LLC
52 Years
• Pella Products of Omaha & Lincoln
36 Years
• Cummins Sprinkler
• May Custom Homes & Cabinets, Inc. 35 Years
• Nebraska Sod Co.
• Moser Well Drilling & Service, Inc.
• Kuhlman Construction, Inc.
• Remodelers, Inc. 20 Years
• Tuscany Townhomes
• Outdoor Solutions
• Industrial Services, Inc.
• Neemann & Sons, Inc.
• Creative Landscaping 19 Years
• E & A Consulting Group, Inc. 13 Years
• White Castle Roofing 10 Years
• A to Z Compass, Inc. 9 Years
• Carpenter Masonry
• Lynch Contracting
• Mead Lumber Company
• Ten Point Construction 8 Years
• Heartland of Nebraska Windows
6 Years
• TMP, P.C.Taylor Made Properties 5 Years
• AKRS Equipment
• Beacon Building Products
4 Years
• CT Construction, Inc.
• Groundworks Omaha
• J-Tech Construction & Solar
2 Years
• Fast Freddy's Plumbing
• The Schmeits AgencyFarm Bureau Financial Services
• Uribe Refuse Services
• Veskerna Plumbing & Excavating
1 Year
• AD Blinds & Design, LLC
• LaGasse Construction, LLC
Remodeling Permits: Alterations