The LINCOLN BUSINESS BUILDER February 2011 Published monthly by the Home Builders Association of Lincoln Volume 48 No. 2
2011 Home & Garden Show February 10-13
It’s that time of year! Time to get out the ol’ cookbooks and bring your best chili to the Third Annual Chili Cook-off!
Lancaster Event Center 84th & Havelock
Thursday & Friday - 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday - 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
See page 5 for registration information.
More information is provided on pages 23-25 or visit
President’s Message
Upcoming Events
Chili Cook-off
Lincoln Home Builders Care Foundation
Find this guy in the Lincoln Business Builder and be the third person to call HBAL (423-4225) with his location and your meal at the next General Membership Meeting is on us!
Installation & Awards Ceremony: 14-17 Celebrating Sixty Years Spring Parade of Homes New Members
Directory Changes
21 21
Member News
HBAL Mailbox
OSHA Fact Sheet
2011 Home & Garden Show
Step by Step
Scholarship Application
Building Permit Update
23-25 26
Congratulations to Fred Hoppe, Hoppe Homes, LP on finding the frog last month! Only one call per member company will be allowed. Note that once you win, you are not eligible for 12 months. If there is not a third caller, the prize will not be awarded.
Find the Frog!
Home Builders Association of Lincoln
President’s Message
February 2011 Vol. 48, No. 2
Home Builders Association of Lincoln
6100 S. 58th Street, Suite C, Lincoln, NE 68516 (402) 423-4225 phone • (402) 423-4251 fax • The Lincoln Business Builder is published 12 times per year by the Home Builders Association of Lincoln, 6100 S. 58th Street, Suite C, Lincoln, NE 68516. The Lincoln Business Builder is mailed to all members of the HBAL. The Home Builders Association does not accept responsibility for or endorse any statements or claims made by advertisers or authors of any articles. The annual subscription rate is included with your membership dues. Nadine Condello Jennie Korth
Editor, Photographer, Design
Executive Committee
Lois Hartzell, GMB, CSP, President Dan Klein, Sr., President Elect Mike Rezac, 1st Vice President Perry Haralson, 2nd Vice President Dan Walker, Secretary Bob Bryant, Treasurer Mike Rezac, Immediate Past President Mike Benker, GMB, CGR, CAPS, CGP, Executive Board Nadine S. Condello, Executive Vice President
Board of Directors
Tom Artz, Eric Hoke, Ken Inness, CGP Justin Johnson, Mike Kinning, Matt Kleinschmit, Jo Lewis, Mike May, Brock Peters, Chuck Pfenning, Gary Reese, Ken Svoboda
Remodelers Council Jenny Samek
National Directors
Mike Benker, GMB, CGR, CAPS, CGP Steve Fulton, CGP Mike Goings, CGP, CSP Allen Barber, Alternate Lois Hartzell, GMB, CSP, Alternate Mike Rezac, Alternate
President’s Message Lois Hartzell, HBAL President What a great 60th Anniversary and Installation party! Thanks for the large turnout; it was good to see so many of our members there. Sixteen past presidents were in attendance to celebrate this milestone. I hope to see all of you at more meetings this coming year. The next time you see Mike Rezac, I hope you will thank him for his year of working for the association. Mike put a lot of time and energy into HBAL, and we all need to let him know how much we appreciate it. 2011 is now in full swing, and we have a lot of events coming up soon. I would like each and every one of you to participate. The Home & Garden Show starts February 10, followed by one of my favorites . . . the Chili Cook-off. If you would like a booth to show off your chili, call Jennie at the HBAL office and sign up. For those who have booths in the Home and Garden Show, remember these tips to having a successful event: 1. Never leave your booth unattended 2. Stand in your booth and don’t hide behind a table 3. Smile 4. Learn to read people 5. Follow up! I think cabin fever has set in and we should have a really good Home Show this year. If you aren’t exhibiting, please come to the Show and see the new products and services on display. LB 546, regarding the update of the state building code, is now in committee. We will need your help to get this very important bill passed. If passed, the bill would allow each city/village to decide if fire sprinklers will be mandated. If you have never taken the time “If you have never to respond to a Call To Action this is the one where taken the time to you MUST. We need to work together for our respond to a Call To industry and affordable housing.
Action this is the one where you MUST. ”
National Life Directors
Jim Christo, CGR, CGB, Joe Hampton, Duane Helmink, John Hoppe, Jr., Ward Fred Hoppe, Joe McKee, Robert Peterson, J. Greg Schwinn, Bob Stephens, Jerry Witthuhn
Past Presidents
Jerry Boyce, Rick Krueger, Dan Kubr, Donn Mann, Sam Manzitto, Roger Reynolds, CGR, CAPS, Don Rowe, Greg Shinaut, CGP, Ken Westerhold
HBAL Staff
Kayla Harrison, Jennie Korth & Laure Husmann
Let’s Turn the Charts in a Different Direction 3 Lincoln Business Builder
Upcoming Events
Calendar of Events Feb. 10-13
West Gate Bank is Lincoln’s Bank
Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show Thursday & Friday 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 am- 8:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Lancaster Event Center
for Mortgage and
Construction Loans
Feb. 17
Board of Directors 10:30 a.m. HBAL Office
Feb. 18
Spring Parade of Homes Early Bird Deadline
Feb. 25
Spring Parade of Homes Final Deadline
Mar. 4
Tour of Remodeled Homes Deadline
Mar. 14
Scott Williamson
Susan Bredthauer
Adam Flanagan
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HBAL Chili Cook-off 6:00 p.m. Cost: $15.00 per person (12 yrs & under are FREE) Shrine Center • 1050 Saltillo Road | 434-3456 | member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender
West Gate Bank
LincoLn’s Bank
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4 Lincoln Business Builder
Chili Cook-off
Join us for the “HOTTEST” event of the year!
HBAL Chili Cookoff Monday, March 14, 2011 Shrine Center
1050 Saltillo Road (off Hwy 77 & Saltillo Road) 6:00 p.m. - Let the feast begin! 7:30 p.m. - Votes must be cast 7:45 p.m. - Prizes awarded Admission - $15 per person (kids 12 and under are free) It’s time to form a team, get out the cookbook and start planning your red hot chili booth at our Third Annual Chili Cook-off. Let’s have some fun, eat some chili and win some super prizes. Does your company think it can make the best chili this side of El Paso? Now’s the time to prove it. Contact the HBAL office at 423-4225 if you want to be a part of the committee or if you want a booth.
You don’t have to be from Texas to make great chili! RSVP to attend by March 1 (no shows will be billed)
We will be attending the 3rd Annual Chili Cook-off. ________________________________________ Company Name _____ Yes, we will be attending with _____ adults and _____ children under 12. Please list names below: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Return your RSVP form to the HBAL office via fax (423-4251) or e-mail ( ____ Check here if you would also like to enter the Chili Cook-off and complete Contest Registration form to the right.
Raffle Prizes!! There will be a variety of prizes awarded throughout the evening! Each attendee will receive a raffle ticket upon arriving at the event. Prizes include gift baskets, gift certificates and more!
Chili Entrant Info Cost for a booth - FREE Chili preparation and booth set-up - 10:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. **All preparation MUST be done at the Shrine Center!** Exhibitors (cooks) will: • Prepare 3 gallons of chili (in a roaster pan) • Have their own meat thermometer • Bring a table cover • Provide their own extension cords • Choose a theme for their booth & decorate • Name their chili (you can do a google search for some great ideas)
HBAL will provide: • 8 ft. table • Chairs • Electrical outlet • Bowls, spoons, napkins • Crackers • Prizes
Contest Registration
Our company wants to have a booth because we are the best cooks this side of El Paso. We understand that all food preparation must be done on-site.
____________________________________ Company Name ____________________________________ Contact Name ____________________________________ E-mail Address / Phone No. Return your entry form to the HBAL office via fax (402-423-4251) or e-mail (
Don’t forget to RSVP, too! You will receive admittance for two with your booth. Each additional attendee is $15. 5 Lincoln Business Builder
Member News | Lincoln Home Builders Care Foundation
MEMBER NEWS Thinking of You... Our sympathy to Paul and Carol Andringa, Integrity Builders, Inc., on the loss of his mother, Johanna Andringa, on January 7, 2011. Our condolences to Julie Sydow on the death of her husband, Jerry, who passed away on January 14, 2011. Jerry had been a member of HBAL since 1986.
Lincoln Home Builders Care Foundation Please consider a contribution to the Lincoln Home Builders Care Foundation when designating memorials. Funds go to scholarships and awards for students who want to be involved in the construction industry. Gifts can also be designated as a specific scholarship to be awarded to worthy students who plan to enter our industry. Gifts are tax deductible to this 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please contact Bob Bryant (402-486-1040) or Nadine Condello (402-423-4225) if you have questions. Thank you.
Shinaut’s Assistance with Prairie Gold Appreciated In the fall of 2009, Greg Shinaut, Black Hills Energy, agreed to join the board of directors of Prairie Gold Homes, Inc. and was elected as vice-president of the newly-formed corporation. He also accepted the chairmanship of the “Curriculum Committee” with the first assignment of organizing a committee of members experienced in education and in construction that could develop a training curriculum to accompany their earlier home-building program. This program has matured into a joint effort with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services and the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. of Nebraska to award inmate graduates “core certifications” under the program of the National Center for Construction Education and Research. This program has just graduated its first class of ten inmates on January 14, 2011, and has qualified for a Cooper Foundation grant to host a second class. Greg’s earlier experience as a homebuilder, and more recent experience as a leader of the local and state “Green Building” activities have also proven valuable to Prairie Gold Homes. Greg’s caring attitude and hard work have made a difference in many lives. Thank you, Greg. 6 Lincoln Business Builder
SCC-Milford $100 Scholarship Recipients Congratulations to the following students who received $100 Scholarships for the winter quarter. • Michael DeJonge • Logan Hanzlicek • Matt Neville
• Zack Dai • Travis Kaslon
Congratulations Rita & Chuck Pfenning (Nebraska Title Co.)
They are the proud grandparents of a baby girl
Stella Grace 7 lbs. 11 oz. Born December 12 to Angie & Ben Duval
Bonnie & Brady Yoder (Nebraska Furniture Mart)
They are the proud grandparents of a baby girl
Anna Rose 6 lbs. 8 oz. • 20 in. Born December 16 to Bruce & Elisha Yoder
Corena & Eric Wiechert (Lincoln Laminating)
They are the proud parents of a baby girl
Saryn Harlee 5 lbs. 12 oz. • 19 1/2 in. Born December 29 Grandparents: Bob and Alice Wiechert
HBAL Mailbox | Member News
HBAL Mailbox
Dear Mike Rezac, Lori Pippitt and Nadine Condello, Thank you so very much for choosing me to be a recipient of the winter quarter HBAL/Remodeler’s scholarships. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. Having this scholarship will help me out so much. I have no job and work for my family on the farm so I have no income to help pay for my tuition and fees. Every bit of money helps me so receiving this scholarship helped me out greatly. Thanks again, Travis Kaslon • • • • • • Nadine & Staff, What an honor and what a surprise! I sat at the table all evening without a clue that this was coming. I participate in HBAL because I believe in your mission and you make it fun. To be recognized like this makes the HBAL experience even more enjoyable. Thank you!!! Ron Ecklund Recipient of the 2010 President’s Award • • • • • • Nadine & Staff, Thank you so very much for the donation of trucks and dolls. Your generous donation was greatly appreciated. You helped to put smiles on the children and families we serve. Thanks again! Stacy Stenka and the Behavioral Health Team
SCC-Milford Student Chapter Places First at IBS Congratulations to the SCC-Milford Student Chapter for placing first in the National Outstanding Student Chapter at the International Builders Show in January. This marks the eighth first place award for the group since 1990.
Dear Lori & Remodelers Council of Lincoln, Thank you so much for the generous donation of cold weather gear for our students. The items were appreciated and will be used throughout the season. Our students and families are so grateful for your kindness. Sincerely, Jadi Miller Elliott Elementary School • • • • • • Dear Remodelers Council of Lincoln, Thank you for your donation of so many hats and mittens for students! Your dedication to this project is obvious! We have been able to distribute them to children who did not have either a hat or mittens, and they were very grateful. Thank you for supporting us, and all of our kids in this important way. With gratitude and all best wishes, Lizabeth Ebers Truesdale, Counselor Scott Schwartz, Principal West Lincoln Elementary School • • • • • • Dear Remodelers Council of Lincoln, On behalf of the Principal Jo Theis and all of us at Clinton Elementary we would like to thank you for donating gloves and mittens for our children. They have already made a difference with our students prior to the holiday to help them stay warm on these very cold days. We so appreciate you thinking of our students as often there is a real need here at Clinton. Our student population is at 92% of free and reduced lunch and breakfast programs. Our families often have a hard time just meeting some of the very basic needs, but with help from you and others in the community we are able to make the lives of these students a little brighter with your thoughtfulness and gifts. Even though you may never receive thank you notes from the Clinton families, please know that when they have received the gifts they are genuinely grateful. We would like to thank you for your gift of kindness. We would also like to wish you a Happy New Year and hope that it will be filled with joy and peace. Sincerely, Clare Nelson Family Care Coordinator
Pictured are Dave Rainforth (advisor), Jim Harrison, Michael DeJonge, Jose Lopez and Buddy Hughes (NAHB Leading Suppliers Board Chairman).
7 Lincoln Business Builder
When it comes to cabinetry, Millard Lumber offers a vast and diverse selection. Whether it’s a color, finish, or look, Millard Lumber has the solution to any builder or contractors needs. Stop by our Design Center today for design assistance and free estimates. Millard Lumber also offers installation for all cabinets and hardware. 11200 N. 148th St., Waverly NE
8 ď ´ Lincoln Business Builder
M-F 7:30am - 5pm
OSHA Fact Sheet: Fall Protection in Residential Construction
OSHA Fact Sheet: Fall Protection in Residential Construction
The United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a directive rescinding the Interim Fall Protection Compliance Guidelines for Residential Construction (STD 03-00-001).
Before issuance of this new directive, STD 03-00-001 allowed employers engaged in certain residential construction activities to use specified alternative methods of fall protection (e.g., slide guards or safety monitor systems) rather than the conventional fall protection (guardrails, safety nets, or personal fall arrest systems) required by the residential construction fall protection standard (29 CFR 1926.501(b) (13)). Employers could use the alternative measures described in STD 03-00-001 without first proving that the use of conventional fall protection was infeasible or created a greater hazard and without a written fall protection plan. With the issuance of the new directive, all residential construction employers must comply with 29 CFR 1926.501(b)(13). • Residential construction employers generally must ensure that employees working six feet or more above lower levels use guardrails, safety nets, or personal fall arrest systems. A personal fall arrest system may consist of a full body harness, a deceleration device, a lanyard, and an anchor point. (See the definition of “personal fall arrest system” in 29 CFR 1926.500.) • Other fall protection measures may be used to the extent allowed under other provisions of 29 CFR 1926.501 (b) addressing specific types of work. For example, 1926.501(b)(10) permits the use of warning lines and safety monitoring systems during the performance of roofing work on low-sloped roofs.
structure from being considered residential construction. • Traditional wood frame construction materials and methods will be characterized by:
- Framing materials: Wood (or equivalent cold-formed sheet metal stud) framing, not steel or concrete; wooden floor joists and roof structures. - Exterior wall structure: Wood (or equivalent coldformed sheet metal stud) framing or masonry brick or block. - Methods: Traditional wood frame construction techniques.
OSHA Update on Fall Protection Changes Friday, February 18, 2011 • 9 a.m.
Darwin Craig
Assistant Area Director, Omaha Area Office, OSHA
Cornhusker Bank
6100 Apple’s Way • 63rd and Hwy 2 Please RSVP to Seminar is free but seating is limited to 65 people.
• OSHA allows the use of an effective fall restraint system in lieu of a personal fall arrest system. To be effective, a fall restraint system must be rigged to prevent a worker from reaching a fall hazard and falling over the edge. A fall restraint system may consist of a full body harness or body belt that is connected to an anchor point at the center of a roof by a lanyard of a length that will not allow a worker to physically reach the edge of the roof. • If the employer can demonstrate that use of conventional fall protection methods is infeasible or creates a greater hazard, it must ensure that a qualified person: • Creates a written, site-specific fall protection plan in compliance with 29 CFR 1926.502(k); and • Documents, in that plan, the reasons why conventional fall protection systems are infeasible or why their use would create a greater hazard. The new directive interprets “residential construction” as construction work that satisfies both of the following elements: • The end-use of the structure being built must be as a home, i.e., a dwelling. • The structure being built must be constructed using traditional wood frame construction materials and methods. The limited use of structural steel in a predominantly wood-framed home, such as a steel I-beam to help support wood framing, does not disqualify a
9 Lincoln Business Builder
Step by Step
The video from the Remodeler Council’s Better Business Bureau’s Integrity Award is now online. View it at
Published by the Remodelers Council of Lincoln • February 2011
Chairperson’s Message by Jenny Samek
Thanks to all who joined us at the tour of Schneider Industries in January. We had a great turnout. I was very impressed with the facility. It is great that they are the last manufacturing company in the US making electrical breakers. Now if only ever ything was still being manufactured in the USA, our country would be in a very different economic state. I think we should all be more conscious in buying American made and local products whenever possible! Please join us for the Home and Garden Show in February. We will be collecting food for the Food Bank again this year, so come help us fill the Remodelers Council Food Bank House. We still have time slots available for volunteers. Please call the HBAL office at 402-423-4225 to sign up for a shift. Even if you are not an exhibitor, stop by the Home Show to say hello to all the other members and get ideas for your own projects. Thanks,
Tour of Remodeled Homes
April 9 & 10, 2011 Entry Deadline: March 4, 2011 Contracts will be mailed soon! 10 Lincoln Business Builder
March Meeting Preventing Job Site Theft Speaker: Brian Hoefer, Lincoln Police Department Wednesday, March 2, 2011 • 11:30 a.m. Valentino’s • 35th & Holdrege Please send your RSVP to or call 423-4225 by February 25. Cost: $10.00 per person
National Designation Month:
Gain a Competitive Edge with a Designation With today’s changing market, it is more important than ever that building industry professionals maintain their edge. Like any other profession, a changing market can translate into fiercer competition for your business. Earning a designation from NAHB Education can be a great way to distinguish yourself—and your company. Although February is National Designation Month, we ask you to consider the opportunities NAHB provides to advance your industry knowledge and skills throughout the year. Having a designation tells clients that you have honed your business skills and have superior training, hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge of your profession. Designation holders can also take advantage of valuable networking opportunities during their enrollment, working closely with expert instructors and other professionals within their field and outside their specific areas of expertise. As part of National Designation Month public relations efforts, NAHB educates consumers about the value of selecting a professional with a designation, so your hard work will mean even more when it comes marketing yourself and your business. If you’re interested in taking a NAHB class, contact Jennie Korth at 402-423-4225 or For more information on the professional designations offered by NAHB and National Designation Month, visit
When it comes to mid-sized skid steers, speed equals productivity, and you were fast to ask for more of both. Now you have it at the push of a button, with the new two-speed option on the John Deere 318D and 320D Skid Steers. Top speed is now 11 miles per hour, allowing you to make quick work of light hauling and snow removal, as well as moving from one site to another. So no matter what your job is, if you would like to do it up to 60% faster, see us today. Productivity? Uptime? Low Daily Operating Costs? We’re On It.™ 11 Lincoln Business Builder
Scholarship Application
Lincoln Home Builders Care Foundation Scholarship Application
$1,000 President's Scholarship two $750 Lincoln Home Builders Care Foundation Scholarships and two $750 Remodelers Council Scholarships may be awarded. Description: These scholarships were established to benefit recent graduates of high school and who will attend an accredited college, university or technical college and major in one of the construction fields. Scholarship must be used within 2 years and will be paid upon submission of tuition statements/receipts. To apply: Application must be completed and submitted along with two letters of recommendation from your industrial technology instructor(s) and/or school counselor(s). You must also include a separate sheet explaining why you are interested in pursuing a career in construction and what influenced your decision. Time line: Application forms are due at the Home Builders Association of Lincoln office by March 1, 2011. Name Address City
High School GENERAL INFORMATION Date of Birth Parents or Guardians: Occupation Father Mother Occupation EDUCATION PLANS Month/year you will graduate from high school Month/year you plan to enter college Where have you applied for admission? Date applied 1. College 2. College Date applied In what courses do you plan to major? What do you expect to do after graduation from college?
President=s Scholarship Application: If you have a parent, grandparent or other relative who owns or is employed by a member of the Home Builders Association of Lincoln, you may be eligible for the $1,000 President=s Scholarship. Please give us the name of the relative, your relationship to them and their place of employment. Name of relative: Relationship: Place of employment: FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS How do you plan to finance your future education?
Have you received scholarship aid to date? Do you feel you could continue your education without scholarship aid?
HIGH SCHOOL AND OTHER EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES List high school activities. (Clubs, sports, leadership, etc.)
APPLICATION CHECK-LIST Did you include two letters of recommendation? Did you attach a separate sheet describing why you are interested in pursuing a career in construction and what influenced your decision? Did you submit the application no later than March 1, 2011?
List any extracurricular activities.
12 ď ´ Lincoln Business Builder
Date Submit Scholarship Application to: Scholarship Committee Lincoln Home Builders Care Foundation 6100 S. 58th Street, Suite C Lincoln, NE 68516 Phone: 402-423-4225
Camherdz Services Corporation Painting
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13 Lincoln Business Builder
Installation & Awards Ceremony: Celebrating Sixty Years
Celebrating Sixty Years Today we toast our memories the builders, developers, contractors and friends we once were reunited for a time, reliving our shared past.
A special message was given by Mayor Chris Beutler in honor of the celebration.
Perry Haralson toasts to the 60th Anniversary of the Home Builders Association of Lincoln.
Roger Reynold installs Lois Hartzell as the 61st President of the Home Builders Association of Lincoln.
Lois Hartzell presents Mike Rezac with the President’s Plaque in appreciation of his year of service. 14 ď ´ Lincoln Business Builder
Installation & Awards Ceremony: Celebrating Sixty Years
President’s Award
Building & Safety Employee of the Year
Dan Peterson Affordable Housing Award
Steve Weiss City of Lincoln
Ken Inness Skyline Homes, Inc.
Associate of the Year
Retention Spike of the Year
Herm Hempel Award
Dave Rainforth SCC-Milford
Mike Benker Excite! Builders, Inc.
Lois Hartzell Vistar Homes, Inc.
Ron Ecklund HBE Becker Meyer Love, C.P.A.’s
2011 President Lois Hartzell is pictured with HBAL’s Past Presidents.
The Executive Committee is thanked for their service. 15 Lincoln Business Builder
Installation & Awards Ceremony: Celebrating Sixty Years
Celebrating Sixty Years
Clockwise from top left: PAHS Recipients - John Hoppe, Jr., Lois Hartzell, Bob Bryant, Mike Benker and Mike Rezac; Susan Ferris, Chuck Pfenning and Mike Rezac visit during the social hour; Jeff White is recognized for his service on the Board; SCC-Milford students and staff attend to celebrate Dave Rainforth’s Associate of the Year Award; Marlee Krohn signs the National Anthem.
60-Year Members
40-Year Members
25-Year Members
D.H. Merritt & Sons Sand, Gravel & Ready-Mix Green’s Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Remodeling Home Real Estate - Charter Hoppe, Inc. - Charter Lincoln Electric System Lincoln Lumber Co. Nebraska Title Co. Ready Mixed Concrete Co. - Charter Reimers-Kaufman Concrete Products Co. - Charter US Bank
KFOR Radio Lincoln Laminating, Inc. Southeast Community College - Milford
Biggerstaff Plumbing, Heating, A/C & Radiant Floor Heating Bob Nohavec Plumbing, Inc. Bonsall Pool & Spa Bryant, Katt & Associates, P.C. Custom Countertop, Inc. Drywall Unlimited, Inc. General Excavating Hans Electric, Inc. Hartland Homes, Inc. Heritage Builders, Inc. Kinning-Sydow Builders, Inc. Kubr Construction, Inc. KZKX Lincoln Glass, Inc. Lincoln Winnelson Co. Loeck Designs Micek & Crouch P.C. Mid-Alliance Insurance Associates, LLC Nebraska Furniture Mart New Ventures, Inc. Pioneer Printing, Inc. Rainwood Interiors, Inc. Reynolds Design & Remodeling Schwinn Homes, LLC Supreme Surface Countertops United Rentals, Inc. Wellmann Plumbing, Inc.
55-Year Members Black Hills Energy Bryant A/C, Heating, Plumbing & Electrical Co. Hampton Enterprises, Inc. Midwest Steel Works, Inc. Nebraska Building Products Woods Bros. Realty Yankee Hill Brick & Tile Company
50-Year Members McKee Construction, Inc. Pioneer Overhead Door, Inc.
45-Year Members Capital Concrete Co. Culligan Water Conditioning Endicott Clay Products Co. Lincoln Federal Savings Bank
16 Lincoln Business Builder
35-Year Members Action Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Athey Painting, Inc. Capital Patio & The Flame Shop Christo Design Build, Inc. Harley’s Heating & A/C, Inc. KLIN 1400 Lincoln Lighting Center Mann Customs, Inc. Mutual of Omaha Bank Pella Products of Omaha & Lincoln Stephens & Smith Construction Co.
30-Year Members A & D Auto Truck Service Brester Construction, Inc. Campbell’s Nurseries & Garden Center Cherry Hill Construction, Inc. Cohawk New Horizons Drywall, Inc. Lincoln Drywall Service & Architectural Products Manzitto Bros. Residential & Commercial Construction Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA) Schultz Construction Shelter Distribution Usher Custom Cabinets, Inc. Wolfe Electric Co., Inc.
Installation & Awards Ceremony: Celebrating Sixty Years
Celebrating Sixty Years 20-Year Members
ABC Seamless House Siding American Electronics, Inc. BJ Shower Door Co. Beach Construction Bill’s Heating & Air Conditioning Buhr Homes, Inc. CS Kitchen & Bath Studio Cabinet Craft, Inc. Campbell’s Kitchen Cabinets, Inc. Capital Overhead Door Co. Carpetland Carlisle Insulation of Lincoln Casburn Construction Cornhusker Bank Cummins Sprinkler Dworak Plumbing Electrical Enterprises, Inc. Fireplace Center Fulton Construction, Inc. Handy Man Home Remodeling Center Hoppe Homes/Law Firm KBBK-FM B107.3 KTGL The Eagle 92.9 Krogman Tile Co., Inc. Krueger Development
15-Year Members
Lee Sapp Ford/Mercury Lincoln Cabinet Lincoln Underground Sprinkler Systems, Inc. McEwen Construction, LLC May Custom Homes & Cabinets, Inc. Millard Lumber, Inc. Nebraska Sod Co. Piccolo Electric Prairie Home Builders, Inc. Realtors Association of Lincoln Reese Construction, Inc. Rels Title Rew Materials Rezac Construction, Inc. Schneider Electric Signs Now Strain, Slattery, Barkley & Co., CPA’s, P.C. Structural Component Systems Underwood Construction Company, LLC Union Bank & Trust Co. Usher Pest Control Co. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Zimmer Insurance Group
StoneS, BrickS, Stucco, & More 14981 Grover Street oMaha, ne 68144 phone:
2K Landscape Designs KLMS Lincoln’s Most Sports AAA Rents LA Home Builders Action Electric, Inc. Lincoln Housing Authority Art F/X McConnell Thermal Services, LLC Aspen Builders, Inc. Midlands Financial Benefits Barber Homes & Remodeling Miller Landscapes & Barrett Remodeling, Inc. Construction, Inc. Buss Excavating, Inc. Moser Well Drilling & Service, Inc. Capitol City Electric, Inc. Nebraska Land Title & Abstract Central Sales, Inc. Nebraskaland Steel Products Contractors Siding & Olsson Associates Window Supply PDI, Paul Daniels Interiors Drywall Supply, Inc. Pinnacle Bank Earnest Well Drilling, Inc. Precast Products & EcoWater Systems of Lincoln Landscape Village Ernie’s in Ceresco R & D Custom Homes Ferguson Bath, Kitchen and R & L Siding Lighting Gallery Raynor Doors of Nebraska Goings Homes, Inc. Reams Sprinkler Supply Co. The Harry A. Koch Co. Regal Building Systems, Inc. Home Innovations Spas, Inc. Schaefer’s, Inc. HomeServices Lending, LLC SPAS Plus of Lincoln Jerry’s Basement Waterproofing, Inc. KFGE Froggy 98.1 Summit Homes, L.L.C. KIBZ The Blaze 104.1 Wellmann Heating & Air KLKN-TV 8 West Gate Bank
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Baltazar@BaltazarSStoneSaleS.coM www.BaltazarSStoneSaleS.coM
• Local decisions on residential and commercial construction loans • Pre-sold, spec, lot, and development products Perry Haralson, Vice President 434-9337 • 11th & Cornhusker
• Mini-permanent and extended lock programs to help manage interest rate risk
Let’s talk about how you can build a more profitable business.
Mike Barrett, Vice President 434-2258 • 56th & South St.
Member FDIC
17 Lincoln Business Builder
Spring Parade of Homes
2011 Spring Parade of Homes Contract May 8-15, 2011
Early Bird Deadline - February 18, 2011 • Final Deadline - February 25, 2011 THE BUILDER PARTICIPANTS AGREE TO: 1. Participate with a new, not previously occupied home(s) built by the entrant.
THE PARADE OF HOMES COMMITTEE WILL PROVIDE ENTRANT WITH: 1. A comprehensive advertising campaign.
3. Display the HBAL site sign prominently in the front yard of the entry(s). (Sign pick-up is at the 84 Lumber the Friday before the Parade from 8-11 a.m.)
3. A full page in the Parade Guidebook which describes your house. Builders will receive a proof of their page by email if we have an email address on record. If an email address is not available, a copy of the page will be faxed or mailed.
2. One site sign and two directional signs per entry, or more if route evaluation indicates. SIGNS MUST BE RETURNED ON MAY 16 BY 11:00 A.M.
2. Have the entry open Sundays 1-6 p.m., Weekdays 6-9 p.m., and Saturday 1-6 p.m.
4. Have final inspection completed by the city AND DECISION OF THE PARADE OF HOMES COMMITTEE by the opening date and time.
4. A full page ad opposite your entry page may be purchased for only $350. (This ad must be about the builder’s business only.)
5. Provide information for the Guidebook by February 25, 2011. This includes the price range of your home(s), professional rendering, narrative, and directions. Renderings must be professional drawings or photographs and may be supplied in color or black and white. Renderings are subject to approval of the Parade Committee. Narratives and renderings may be emailed to Call 402-423-4225 for questions regarding format. 6.
5. Sufficient Guidebooks for each entry.
6. A page with your rendering and narrative on our Online Tour of the Parade of Homes, sponsored by FEES: Your check must be submitted by February 25. (After the Early Bird Deadline, the entry is $50 more per entry. There is no discount for more than one entry.)
You must notify HBAL IN ADVANCE if you are unable to have your entry open--NO EXCEPTIONS!
Early Bird Fees _____ Single-family: $700 _____ 2-4 plex: $850 _____ 5-and-up plex: $1,100
Additional information regarding the Parade is on the next page.
Final Deadline Fees _____ Single-family: $750 _____ 2-4 plex: $900 _____ 5-and-up plex: $1,150
I agree to cooperate with the Parade of Homes Committee and to abide by the terms and conditions above and on enclosed sheet. Exact Address of Entry
Name of Entry
Company Name
Approximate Price of House: (we will assign the house into a price range for the guidebook)
With Lot:
This home is: Presold
For Sale
Without Lot:
Directions to the home will be on each page. You must give specific turn-by-turn directions to your entry: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The information below is for the Lincoln Journal Star’s information: Number of Bedrooms:
Number of Bathrooms:
Return this contract to
Home Builders AssociAtion of lincoln
6100 S. 58th Street, Suite C • Lincoln, NE 68516 Phone: 402-423-4225 • Fax: 402-423-4251
Return this form to HBAL! 18 Lincoln Business Builder
This home uses a natural gas furnace and water heater (no heat pump). yes
Spring Parade of Homes
2011 Spring Guidebook Advertising Contract May 8-15, 2011
Early Bird Deadline - February 18, 2011 • Final Deadline - February 25, 2011 Circulation: Ten thousand books are distributed to Parade visitors.
Please return this page to reserve your ad space. Complete the second page (the Advertising Checklist) and return with your ad.
Ordered By
Billing Address
ZIP Code
If you use an ad agency or graphic artist for your ad, include the contact name, company and phone number of the person who designed it: Name/Company
Contract for 2 Parades & Save!
Ad Size
Full Page
7.75 “ wide x 10.375” high
1/2 Page
Early Bird
7.75” wide x 5” high
1/4 Page
3.75” wide x 5” high
15.5” wide x 10.375” high
Inside Front Cover* 7.75” wide x 10.375” high Inside Back Cover* 7.75” wide x 10.375” high Outside Back Cover 7.75” wide x 10.375” high
$675 per issue $405 per issue $270 per issue $1,550 per issue $1,025 per issue $1,025 per issue $1,350 per issue
Final Deadline
$700 per issue $435 per issue $300 per issue $1,610 per issue $1,075 per issue $1,075 per issue $1,400 per issue
Single Parade Cost Early Bird
$725 $440 $310 $1,600 $1,100 $1,100 $1,540
Final Deadline
$750 $470 $335 $1,660 $1,160 $1,160 $1,600
Note: Builders can purchase a full page ad opposite their Parade Home entry for $350. This ad must be about the builder’s business only. Builder Page
7.75” wide x 10.375” high
*The previous advertiser has the right to request the centerfold, inside front cover, inside back cover and outside back cover again.
Please see the attached Advertising Checklist for acceptable ad formats and other details.
Check One:
Use the exact ad placed in the 2010 Fall Parade Guidebook.
I want HBAL to revise my ad (see hourly rates under “Revisions”).
I will furnish an ad to HBAL by February 25, 2011.
I want HBAL to design my ad. (minimum $55 charge--talk to Jennie or Kayla for details)
Color: At an additional cost, you can use color in your ad. If you are using a process or spot color, be sure to list it. Otherwise, we will choose the color for you.
Black & white (No color, no extra charge) 1 color (in addition to black) ($50) 2 colors ($150) 3 colors ($200)
Full color ($250)
& &
(state the spot color and PMS number, if applicable) &
Ad Format: Please see the attached Advertising Checklist for acceptable ad formats and other details. You must include a hard copy proof of how the ad should appear in print. The Advertising Checklist on the next page outlines format specifications for ads furnished on disk. Revisions: Any adjustments or changes to your ad will be billed as follows: $55 per hour for all changes $55 per hour for pre-production work if required $55 minimum to design your ad (please talk to Jennie or Kayla at 402-423-4225 for details)
Proofs: If we make revisions to your ad, you will receive one proof for approval prior to publication. If you have questions on whether your ad will be subject to additional charges, contact Jennie Korth or Kayla Harrison at 402-423-4225. If we receive the final ad as it should appear (with no changes requested) you will not receive a proof of your ad.
While we do keep previous Guidebook ads, it is your responsibility to keep your ad on file if you want to re-use it or make changes to it in the future.
Return this contract to
Home Builders AssociAtion of lincoln
6100 S. 58th Street, Suite C • Lincoln, NE 68516 Phone: 402-423-4225 • Fax: 402-423-4251
Please return this form to HBAL to reserve your ad space. 19 Lincoln Business Builder
New Members
Welcome New Members Heartland Professional Home Energy Raters, Inc. Principal: Kari Beckenhauer
1831 Meadowlark Circle, Lincoln, NE 68521
Phone: 402-450-3946
Sponsor: Bob Ruskamp, Lincoln Electric System Reason I joined HBAL: To meet and work with home building professionals. What I hope to get out of my membership: To network and learn more from local companies about new homes and also retrofits and remodels. Desired areas of involvement with HBAL: Anything Green. Company Information: Our company offers home energy ratings for new and existing homes. Personal: My husband, Tom, and I enjoy Husker sports and many church activities.
Emerald Homes
Principal: Gary Brockhoff P.O. Box 82421, Lincoln, NE 68501 Website:
Phone: 402-499-0203 Fax: 402-484-8078
Sponsor: Mark Aksamit, Earl Carter Lumber
StoneWorth Innovative Concrete Products
Principal: Bruce Collingsworth 2884 O’Malley Drive, Lincoln, NE 68516 Phone: 402-890-4250 Website: Fax: 402-328-8509 Sponsor: Blake Collingsworth, Cameron Townhomes, LLC Reason I joined HBAL: The opportunity to meet other members and network with them. Increase others’ knowledge of the products and services we provide. What I hope to get out of my membership: Connections with other members, promote our products and services, use the HBAL logo on our brochures, website, etc. Desired areas of involvement with HBAL: General membership meetings, annual functions and participation in the Home & Garden Show. Company Information: We’re family owned and have been involved in the concrete industry for over 25 years. Other organizations I belong to: The Concrete Network. Personal: Bruce and his wife, Charlotte, enjoy golfing and entertaining family and friends.
Valley Boys, Inc.
Principal: Steve Shannon P.O. Box 38, Boys Town, NE 68010 Email: Website:
Phone: 402-898-7108 Fax: 402-426-4700
Sponsor: Dan Klein, Sr., Regal Building Systems, Inc. Reason I joined HBAL: We want to help support the Lincoln builder community. Desired areas of involvement with HBAL: Home & Garden Show. Other organizations I belong to: BBB, NRCA, Omaha Chamber of Commerce, RSI
20 Lincoln Business Builder
Schrock Innovations Principal: Thor Schrock
2801 Pine Lake Road, Ste. A, Lincoln, NE 68516 Phone: 402-423-9595 Email: Cellular: 402-212-5393 Website: Fax: 866-780-4091 Sponsor: Bob Bryant, Bryant, Katt & Associates, P.C.
CRS - Concrete Restoration Specialists Principal: Jim Springer
245 S. 84th Street, Ste. 212, Lincoln, NE 68510 Phone: 402-770-2765 Sponsor: Herb Reese, Reese Construction, Inc. Reason I joined HBAL: To network and expand our business. What I hope to get out of my membership: Business opportunities and to develop strong relationships. Personal: I enjoy music and travel.
Andes Painting, LLC
Principal: Tomas Woitschach 3045 S. 42nd Street, Lincoln, NE 68506 Email: Website:
Phone: 402-570-8790 Cellular: 402-217-0370
Sponsor: Allen Barber, Barber Homes & Remodeling Reason I joined HBAL: For the opportunity to network with builders. What I hope to get out of my membership: To show the type of work I do and to gain name recognition associated with being a member. Company Information: I have years of experience combined with the ability of managing my crew efficiently to finish the job successfully in the least amount of time possible.
Sadoff Iron & Metal Principal: Kara Kugler
5510 NW 39th Street, P.O. Box 83465, Lincoln, NE 68501 Email: Phone: 402-470-2510 Website: Fax: 402-434-2892 Sponsor: Lois Hartzell, Vistar Homes, Inc. Reason I joined HBAL: Exposure to contractors. What I hope to get out of my membership: More customers that recycle metals. Company Information: 2010 Lincoln-Lancaster County Environmental Leadership Award Recipient. Other organizations I belong to: Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, Better Business Bureau and Arnold Heights Neighborhood Association.
JR Premier Designs Principal: Jeff Bohmont
6215 Glass Ridge Drive, Lincoln, NE 68526 Email: Sponsor: Alan Hersch, Black Hills Energy
Phone: 402-617-1308
Directory Changes | Renewals | Cancellations
Directory Changes
Address Changes: • New address for Vistar Homes, Inc. is P.O. Box 82421, Lincoln, NE 68501. New physical address is 7141 A Street, Lincoln, NE 68510. Phone: 402-499-0207. Fax: 402-484-8078. Email Changes: • New email address for Nac Luxury Bath Systems is Phone Changes: • Office number for Jason Barton, Windstream, is 402-436-5522. • New phone number for Bob Knuth, Lincoln Drywall Service & Architectural Products, is 402-484-5152. Company Changes: • Square D Company is now Schneider Electric. Member Changes: • Elizabeth Katt, Home Real Estate, is no longer an affiliate member. • New principal for Quality Fence Company is Carrie Van Meter. • New principal for Concentra Medical Center is Michael Hilt. Phone: 402-331-8555. Cellular: 402-218-7224. • New affiliate at Millard Lumber, Inc. is Chad Gleckler. Cellular: 402-212-8249. Email: • New affiliate at Stuchlik & Associates Insurance is Michael Stuchlik. Email: • Capital City Exteriors is no longer a member of the Remodelers Council. • Ramco Enterprises, LLC is no longer a member of the Remodelers Council. • Skyline Homes, Inc. is no longer a member of the Remodelers Council.
design • copy • print
3133 S. 7th, Suite D Lincoln, NE 68502
Fax (402) 483-7577
Call us for your design, copy & print needs Multi Color Printing
Engineering Copies
Graphic Design
Digital Color Copying
Bindery Services
Digital Black & White
Free Pick-up & Delivery
Celebrating 30 Years!
Thanks for Renewing Your Membership!
(Please allow 60 days for names to appear on this list.) 1st United Mortgage Banc, 25 years A1 Complete Services, Inc., 2 years American Building Supply, 4 years AW Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc., 2 years Baylor, Evnen, Curtiss, Grimit & Witt, LLP, 4 years Cabinet Craft, Inc., 20 years, 11 years DuctMedic Air Duct Cleaning, 10 years EcoWater Systems of Lincoln, 15 years Farmers Cooperative, 8 years First National Bank, 9 years Galaxy Countertops, 7 years Hofeling Enterprises, Inc., 9 years ImageScapes, Inc., 4 years K2 Construction, 2 years Larsen Painting, Inc., 10 years Lee Sapp Ford/Mercury, 20 years Lemke Custom Homes, LLC, 4 years Liberty First Credit Union, 11 years Lincoln Underground Sprinkler Systems, Inc., 23 years Lincoln Cabinet, 23 years McConnell Thermal Services, LLC, 16 years Mid-Alliance Insurance Associates, LLC, 28 years Nac Luxury Bath Systems, 13 years Nebraska Title Co., 60 years Nelson Construction & Design, 7 years Ramco Enterprises, LLC, 5 years Ray’s Electric, Inc., 4 years Ready Mixed Concrete Co., 60 years Reimers-Kaufman Concrete Products Co., 60 years Rezac Construction, Inc., 20 years Rybak Homes, LLC, 3 years Schaefer’s, Inc., 18 years Star City Concrete Construction Co., 4 years Thrasher Basement Systems, 13 years Tillotson Enterprises, Inc., 2 years Two Men And A Truck, 8 years US Bank, 60 years Vantage Pointe Homes, Inc., 3 years Wellmann Heating & Air, 19 years Wilderness Construction, Inc., 4 years
Sorry to See You Go!
If you see your company listed below, contact HBAL at 402-423-4225 to renew your membership TODAY!
Clark Electric, Inc. P.W. Concrete Walls, Inc. Sundance Builders Duane Hartman Investments, Inc. Kepler Family Chiropractic Spring Valley Homes, Inc. 21 Lincoln Business Builder
Bob Nohavec Plumbing
Service • Remodeling • New Construction Free Estimates Bob Nohavec, Master Plumber 3400 S. 6th Street, Lincoln, NE 68502
22 Lincoln Business Builder
A & D Auto-Truck Service
“Your Total Vehicle Service & Repair Center”
Special discount for HBAL Members! 10% discount on a service or repair First-time customers only.
“We Specialize in Fleet Service and Repair.” Open: Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Phone: 464-3211 5940 Colfax Avenue
2011 Home & Garden Show
Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show
Home Show Exhibitors as of January 24, 2011
2K Landscape Design Centurion Stone of Nebraska A&D Technical Supply Co. Champion Family Chiropractic ABC Seamless House Siding Chiropractic USA AW Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Christo Design Build Inc. Show Hours Absolute Kitchen & Bath City of Lincoln - Cleaner Thursday, Feb. 10............... 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Greener Lincoln Action Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Friday, Feb. 11.................... 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. City of Lincoln - Public Works Advanced Carpets Utilities Department, Saturday, Feb. 12.............. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Advanced Chiropractic Watershed Management Sunday, Feb. 13................ 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Solutions City of Lincoln, Solid Waste Advantage Remodeling, Inc. Operations – Recycling Move-In Hours for Exhibitors Al’s Johns The Cleaning Authority Wednesday, Feb. 9............. 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Allergy Relief Center College Pro Painters Thursday, Feb. 10............... 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Amazing Sheets Comfort Techs Move-Out Hours for Exhibitors American Electronics Complete Insurance, LLC Sunday, Feb. 13.................. 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. American Exteriors LLC Concrete Designs LLC Monday, Feb. 14............ 8 a.m. - 12 Noon American Family Insurance Cornhusker Bank American Fence Company Creative Landscaping American Roofing Culligan of Lincoln Aqua Systems Cummins Sprinkler Architectural Glassarts Custom Blinds & Design Artz & Sons Construction Dakota Wall Systems, Inc. Aspen Builders, Inc. Designwear, Inc. Astro Buildings Detail by Design, LLC BAJCO Construction Dodd Construction Baltazar’s Stone LLC Drain Rite Seamless Gutters Beckmann Cabinet Inc. DuctMedic Air Duct Cleaning Benes Heating & Air Eagle 1st Roofing & Conditioning, Inc. Construction, Inc. Better Business Bureau Eagle Nursery LLC The Big Rack Shack Earnest Well Drilling, Inc. Big Red Alert EcoWater Systems of Lincoln Exhibitors will automatically receive Black Hills Energy Edward Jones ten Admit One tickets and six Exhibitor Bonsall Pool & Spa Edward’s Stone Passes in the mail. However, all members of HBAL have the Endicott Clay Products Co. exclusive opportunity to purchase tickets for their employees, Boulder Works Landscaping friends or clients in advance. The Bridges Enercept Admit One tickets for the Show may be purchased for $2.50 Broadcast House Energy Panel Structures each (tickets are $6 at the door or $5 with a Food Bank Bryant Air Conditioning, Ernie’s Store Inc. donation). Contact HBAL at 402-423-4225 for more information Heating, Electrical & Plumbing Factory Direct Appliance or fill in the order form below and fax it to 402-423-4251. Budget Blinds Ferguson Bath, Kitchen and Bugbee Homes Lighting Gallery Please send me: CRS - Concrete Restoration First National Bank Specialists First State Bank ____ Admit One ticket(s) to the Home & Garden Show at Cabinet Craft Inc. $2.50 each, which totals $____. Frazier Construction Cameron Townhomes Company Inc. ____ Extra Exhibitor Pass(es) at $2.50 each, which totals $____. Campbell’s Nurseries & Fulton Construction, Inc. ____ My check is enclosed. ____ Please bill me. Garden Center Futuramic Products Capital City Exteriors Company GE Landscape Supply Capital Overhead Door Co. Gana Trucking & Excavating Address Capital Patio/The Flame Shop Going Nuts Carpets Direct City State Zip (continued)
Feb. 10-13, 2011 Lancaster Event Center
Exhibit space is still available. Call 402-423-4225 today for more information!
Order Your Home & Garden Show Tickets!
23 Lincoln Business Builder
2011 Home & Garden Show
Home Show Exhibitors as of January 24, 2011
Goings Homes, Inc. Krogman Tile Company Nebraskaland Siding & Seeds of Life, Inc. Windows GoodeGuy Construction, Inc. Kuhlman Construction Inc. Sesostris Shrine Neighbors Family Homes, Inc. Grabit Hardware Lancaster Conservatories Shine-A-Blind Nebraska Nelson Contracting, LLC Granite Transformations Landscape Curbing of Lincoln Soil-Tek NHance Wood Renewal Great Plains Flagpoles Liberty First Credit Union South Shore Builders, LLC Nissen’s Hardwood Floors, Inc. Star City Heating & Cooling Green’s Plumbing, Heating, Lifetime Cookware Inc. Cooling & Remodeling Noakes Heating & Lift Fitness/Team Beachbody State Farm, Vinnie Krikac Air Conditioning Handy Man Home Lincoln Cabinet Stephens & Smith Remodeling Center O Street Carpet Construction Co. Lincoln Children’s Zoo Handyman Remodeling Outback Fence & Stain Sticks & Stones Hardscapes, Inc. Lincoln Electric System Harley’s Heating & Air Outdoor Solutions Stone Clad, Inc. Conditioning, Inc. Lincoln Journal Star Owens Corning Basement StoneWorth Innovative Heartland Professional Home Lincoln Lumber Co. Finishing System of Nebraska Concrete Products Energy Raters, Inc. Lincoln Saltdogs Pace Epoxy Stone Summit Homes, LLC Heartland Sunrooms Lincoln Winnelson The Pampered Chef Superior Spa & Pool Heritage Builders & LincolnFirst Realty The Paper Puller, Inc. Heritage Lakes Supreme Surface Countertops Lite-Form Technologies A Pause for Paws, Inc. Heritage Homes Tailored Landscapes, LLC Loeck Designs Pella Windows & Doors of Hickman Area Economic Telbasta Forge Omaha & Lincoln Development Assn Lumber Liquidators Thrasher Basement Systems Pioneer Overhead Door, Inc. Hinrich’s Fine Woods, Inc. Lumbermen’s Brick & Three Eagles Communications Supply Co. Prairie Home Builders, Inc. Hofeling Enterprises, Inc. Tillotson Enterprises, Inc. M & E Sales Precast Products & Home Design Center Landscape Village Titan Gutters McConnell Thermal Home Innovations Spas Services, LLC Primerica Financial Services Titan Machinery A Home of Your Own McEwen Construction, LLC Quality Fence Co., Inc. Trouba’s Patio Shop, Inc. Home Real Estate Mahris Custom Homes Quality Homes Inc. Tru-Built Construction LLC Home Solutions of Nebraska Malibu Sunrooms & Quality Water Services, Inc. Two Men And A Truck Homestead Homes Outdoor Living Quick’N Brite, Inc. UBuildIt Husker Exteriors Manzitto Bros. Residential & Ray’s Lawn & Home Care Union Bank & Trust Co. Commercial Construction ICF Connections, Inc. Raymond Contracting, Inc. Union Title Company, LLC Mary Kay Cosmetics Illuminations Lighting Inc. Raynor Doors of Nebraska, Inc. Urethene Contracting Midwest Retrofoam, Inc. Infinite Pathways Realtors Association of USA Insulation Midwest Sales Innovations Siding & Lincoln V2K Window Decor & More Windows Midwest Tile, Marble and Re-Bath of Lincoln Granite, Inc. Valley Boys, Inc. Innovative Homes & Reese Construction Design, Inc. Millard Lumber, Inc. Vantage Pointe Homes, Inc. Regal Audio & Video INSPRO Insurance Miller Landscapes & Versa-Lok Construction, Inc. Reinick Heating, Air Invisible Fence Brand Village Gardens, LLC Conditioning & Duct Miracle Landscapes, Inc. Ironwood Builders Cleaning Vistar Homes, Inc. Monkey Bar Storage Solutions J-Tech Construction Reinke Shakes Waddell & Reed Morton Buildings Inc. JL Exteriors, Inc. RE/MAX Real Estate Concepts Watkins Products Moser Well Drilling & JR Premier Designs Rembolt Development, Ltd. WellnessOne Service, Inc. John Henry’s Plumbing, Remodel Green Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Mr. Amoto Lawn & Tree Service Heating & Air Conditioning Renewal by Andersen West Gate Bank Mr. Electric of Lincoln John’s Tractor Shop Reynolds Design & Willet Construction, Inc. LLC, Home of Tractors, NAC Luxury Baths Remodeling Bad Boy Mowers & MTV’s Window Option Specialists Nature Shield Windows Inc. Rezac Construction, Inc. Don Johnson Homes, Inc. Window World Nebraska Building Products Sadoff Iron & Metal Co. Judson Irrigation, Inc. Windstream Communications Nebraska Furniture Mart Sark Tile Kelly Custom Homes Wood Floors R Us, Inc Nebraska Home Scentsy Kepler Family Chiropractic Improvement Center Woods Bros. Realty Schulte Chiropractic Kinning Design Build Nebraska Lottery Wright’s Shed Co. Wellness Center Krieser Drywall & Insulation Nebraska Nursery & Yankee Hill Brick Security Fence, Inc. Color Gardens Yankee Hill Landscaping 24 Lincoln Business Builder
2011 Home & Garden Show
Home Show Seminars 6:30 p.m.
Friday, February 11
Staged to Sell: Lights! Camera! Action! Put Your House on Centerstage presented by Vicki Hundt, Detail by Design, LLC
Saturday, February 12
Located in the Amy Arena (look for the banner)
All Four Days
Tattoos for the Kids by Lancaster County 4-H Shades & Petunia – Clowns Make Balloon Creations Saltdogs Bounce House
11 a.m. Calliope Clown Alley #40 Show Noon - 3 p.m. Make Valentines with the Lancaster County 4-H Noon - 5 p.m. Help the UNL Student Chapter build bird houses 1-3 p.m. Meet Homer the Haymarket Hound 2-5 p.m. Color an Artistic Rain Barrel and Learn about Saving Water - City of Lincoln Watershed Management 2-5 p.m. Make recycled paper with the City of Lincoln Recycling Office
11:00 a.m. Staged to Sell: Lights! Camera! Action! Put Your House on Centerstage presented by Vicki Hundt, Detail by Design, LLC Noon Turpin Time presented by Dick Turpin 2:00 p.m. Backyard Farmer Panel LIVE presented by UNL Extension 3:30 p.m. Green Building Techniques for a Better Built Home presented by Steve Fulton, Fulton Construction 5:00 p.m. Take a Rain Check - Make a Rain Barrel presented by City of Lincoln
Sunday, February 13
1:00 p.m. Herbs - Flavor and Beauty in the Landscape presented by Luann Finke, Finke Gardens 2:30 p.m. Green Building Techniques for a Better Built Home presented by Steve Fulton, Fulton Construction
Noon - 3 p.m. Make a Wooden Heart with the SCC-Milford Student Chapter or decorate your own tool apron (while supplies last) 1-3 p.m. Meet Homer the Haymarket Hound 2:00 p.m. Calliope Clown Alley #40 Show
Participate Online! For Home Show promotional opportunities, visit or contact Monica at 402-420-9800 25 ď ´ Lincoln Business Builder
Building Permit Update Building Permits
City of Lincoln - 9 -Year Table SF=detached single family - TH=townhouses - MF=multi-family (including duplexes) 2002 SF TH Jan. 69 14 Feb. 108 9 March 93 23 April 102 22 May 106 34 June 113 12 July 124 26 Aug. 132 18 Sept. 84 18 Oct. 121 22 Nov. 116 34 Dec. 107 25 YTD 1,275 257
MF 81 6 2 14 160 10 98 25 72 6 122 4 600
2003 SF TH 98 8 103 33 136 24 145 26 186 98 183 27 131 49 87 26 106 74 152 125 125 43 114 0 1,566 533
MF 4 2 90 4 102 2 54 20 0 6 52 2 338
SF 74 73 137 124 113 107 114 87 106 88 101 103 1,227
2004 TH 8 9 18 22 33 52 21 146 89 22 16 25 461
MF 5 24 20 0 100 4 10 2 0 18 52 210 445
SF 54 66 92 80 88 96 89 94 82 83 69 65 958
2005 TH 21 10 11 16 12 37 35 96 44 26 28 24 360
MF 0 4 4 4 4 20 70 26 48 4 4 46 234
SF 72 58 82 91 83 93 52 66 55 50 49 43 794
2006 TH 14 20 17 16 20 15 28 18 26 14 14 25 227
MF 0 2 16 60 16 68 2 612 38 0 0 41 855
SF 40 35 59 61 65 67 59 37 45 45 24 32 569
2007 TH 8 4 40 70 39 17 28 2 2 39 16 9 274
MF 4 12 112 66 0 64 0 2 0 0 60 0 320
SF 35 22 41 50 59 39 31 37 33 26 23 14 410
2008 TH 19 0 28 2 15 17 10 20 29 16 4 0 160
MF 6 4 2 2 4 10 2 0 0 16 2 0 48
SF 11 29 30 30 38 60 35 37 39 20 25 24 378
2009 TH 14 2 14 14 28 4 10 14 26 24 24 6 180
MF 0 3 2 15 24 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 62
SF 24 32 42 33 29 36 31 33 26 27 26 31 370
2010 TH 7 18 6 8 19 6 18 6 10 18 8 7 131
MF 2 60 8 0 0 4 0 2 10 138 92 36 352
Remodeling Permits: Additions City of Lincoln - Detached Single Family - 7 - Year Table 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 # Cost # Cost # Cost # Cost # Cost # Cost # Cost Jan. 13 177,199 8 119,859 19 333,000 7 87,400 9 1,364,460 2 52,000 6 152,980 Feb. 11 331,083 14 180,030 13 426,676 4 314,300 9 141,600 5 125,240 3 99,500 March 43 704,532 36 382,380 34 613,750 33 1,283,155 36 589,154 10 206,900 11 317,000 April 72 688,396 80 948,241 52 560,472 56 539,511 62 1,208,366 10 198,413 19 706,474 May 65 1,016,506 54 436,403 57 907,924 55 818,301 52 809,323 9 183,000 9 148,500 June 71 697,258 68 900,974 59 520,942 62 481,374 19 543,997 14 297,872 12 460,740 July 68 1,460,283 51 642,118 49 645,103 46 728,615 11 212,984 17 554,070 15 697,500 August 51 778,738 49 1,628,700 44 433,967 56 807,215 13 583,602 8 244,470 11 219,300 Sept. 61 909,209 57 636,804 43 585,123 32 558,017 14 556,083 15 407,066 15 375,278 Oct. 36 402,780 52 840,653 41 621,817 47 1,150,309 18 490,847 19 793,181 11 333,693 Nov. 28 669,548 26 312,931 24 384,690 23 747,848 12 776,208 11 990,184 11 230,395 Dec. 12 269,600 10 253,124 14 480,951 17 693,600 4 152,860 2 18,000 5 92,000 Total 531 8,105,132 505 7,282,217 449 6,514,415 438 8,209,645 259 7,429,484 122 4,070,396 128 3,833,360 Avg. Cost 15,264 14,420 14,509 18,743 28,685 33,364 29,948 Remodeling Permits: Alterations City of Lincoln - Detached Single Family - 7 - Year Table 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Cost # Cost # Cost # Cost # Cost Jan. 66 699,013 68 774,591 89 1,007,372 88 1,163,863 81 907,619 Feb. 71 731,756 67 910,004 87 967,125 78 909,207 76 947,505 March 102 923,393 109 1,213,341 100 1,147,674 107 1,280,089 89 800,412 April 110 1,331,907 99 883,165 87 706,214 88 1,031,776 82 877,275 May 74 596,198 86 675,079 120 1,042,668 115 1,578,971 79 723,878 June 90 759,157 91 675,834 97 985,229 97 736,760 76 662,915 July 87 843,366 86 736,801 94 1,072,119 117 1,258,848 77 1,143,624 August 98 836,485 91 577,553 44 433,967 110 1,138,598 92 1,264,374 Sept. 86 860,902 96 1,066,767 92 674,348 94 1,070,733 83 962,319 Oct. 89 761,519 92 644,856 96 966,277 96 868,251 80 750,551 Nov. 74 543,139 93 1,070,079 66 423,155 88 961,501 62 1,071,515 Dec. 72 663,541 63 512,579 74 871,566 61 686,991 58 474,216 Total 1,019 9,550,376 1,041 9,740,649 1,046 10,297,714 1,139 12,685,588 935 10,586,203 Avg. Cost 9,372 9,357 9,845 11,137 11,322 #
26 ď ´ Lincoln Business Builder
71 76 72 85 65 89 96 77 78 79 81 60 929
2009 2010 Cost # Cost 784,232 57 502,454 706,588 69 600,743 946,927 125 1,229,150 813,112 154 1,386,859 617,270 124 931,223 766,615 117 754,480 1,172,764 161 1,181,825 790,319 119 1,006,147 778,464 124 976,777 552,852 141 929,354 890,150 118 827,222 743,974 134 2,823,358 9,563,267 1,443 13,149,592 10,294 9,113
27 ď ´ Lincoln Business Builder
Call For All Your Exterior Needs! Contact Us Today For A Free Estimate
Home Builders Association of Lincoln 6100 S. 58th Street, Suite C Lincoln, NE 68516
Lance Roach President
Cell 402-730-6333
Fax 402-421-2005 Certified Lead Renovator
ENERGY STAR homes are a win, win, win proposition. ®
Homebuyers win because ENERGY STAR homes are more efficient, more comfortable and the lower costs of ownership allow them to put more money into their homes. Builders win because ENERGY STAR homes are more profitable to build. And the more we conserve, the more we all win. To learn more, contact Bob Ruskamp at 473-3275 or MA_8.5X5.5Ads_2011
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