Member News
I wish to express my thanks and gratitude to the members of HBAL who took the time to come in to honor me after 25+ years of service with Building & Safety. The pandemic has made it difficult to see many of you in person. Being a hands on guy, it was very refreshing and extremely humbling to be honored in person. I will miss all of you, but will never forget your part in my career, as well as my father's. It was an emotional moment I will cherish. Thanks for the kind words, card, and gift certificate. Even though you all surprised me, your kindness really came as no surprise, coming from such a classy organization. Respectfully, Mike Petersen
6 Lincoln Business Builder
Sympathy Our sympathy to Shawn & Valerie Stranathan, Nebraska Building Products, on the death of Shawn's brother, Kelly Stranathan, who passed away on December 31, 2021. Our sympathy to the family and friends of Lynn Knuth, Foundation Building Materials, who passed away January 1, 2022.