Directory Changes
Directory Changes New email address for Deb Wagner, Nebraska Realty, is New address for BK Restoration & Remodeling is 8033 S. 15th Street, Ste. D, Lincoln, NE 68512. Mark Hunzeker is the new principal member for Baylor Evnen, LLP. Sarah Meier is no longer a member. Jeni Meyer is a new affiliate member with Smetter Homes. Phone: 402-7706624. Email: Cameron Hall and Byron Riddle are no longer affiliate members with NuHAVEN Builders. Nebraska Title is no longer a member of the Remodelers Council. New address for the Lincoln Independent Business Association (LIBA) is 3601 Calvert Street, Ste. 29, Lincoln, NE 68504. Doug Hancock is a new affiliate member with Yost Net Solutions. Phone: 402-560-9862. Email: New web address for Van Dorn Custom Homes is
Don’t forget to return your directory letter to HBAL with any changes you’ve had in the last year!
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