Dec. 2012 HBTS News

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December 2012

This is a publication written and produced by Sandpaper Publishing, Inc./Navarre Press for the owners of HBTS and is not an official publication of Holley by the Sea Homeowners’ Association, Inc.

Contact Holley by the Sea

Snoopy prepares for flight


By Yvonne C. Harper

Pete Peterzen Internal Vice-President Brooke Goldberg External Vice-President Pat Traynor Treasurer Jean Tashlik Secretary Joseph Hart Email the board:

Interim General Manager: Jennifer Barrett Email: hbtsaccting@

Holley by the Sea Homeowners’ Association 6845 Navarre Parkway Navarre, FL 32566 850-939-1693

Memorial Garden blooms to life

Photo by Yvonne C. Harper

David Bratley, a HBTS resident, readies Snoopy for his annual battle with the Red Baron. Each Christmas, Bratley hoists Snoopy between two pine trees as part of his Christmas decorations.

There’s a story in the garden. Actually, there are many stories… the sign bears the name of Uri“Lee” Steinert, Harry and Adel Crouch, George Rodgers and Don Ward.Years of stories; their names etched in wood in remembrance of their lives. Aged planks from the old Navarre Beach Fishing Pier and twisted drift wood retrieved from the shores of Navarre Beach have new life as the sign reads“Dedicated to the memory of…” The story of the garden began when Billy Neal, HBTS member, wanted to find a way to honor his friend Lee Steinert. Steinert died in February and left behind a legacy of commitment to HBTS and a lifetime of stories. It was in honor of Steinert that led Neal to a memorial garden. “I thought about doing something for all of the people who have made contributions to our community over the years and a memorial garden came to mind,” said Neal.“I was thinking about plants and trees, but the more I thought about it, (the more) I wanted to focus on it being natural and low maintenance.” Neal settled on natural stones for members to use in the memorial garden.Thomas Jackson, a local painter, was contacted about making the sign and he (Jackson) took Neal’s idea of a sand dollar and nature and incorporated them into the sign. Jackson used Navarre Beach drift wood and planks from the old pier to make the sign.



Memorial Garden continued on page 2

Fixing HBTS’ communication problem By Yvonne C. Harper Terry Gormley, Continental vice president of client relations, discussed the outcome of the town hall during the Nov. 13 Holley by the Sea board of directors meeting. The town hall meeting was held Nov. 3 to allow HBTS residents a chance to meet Gormley and learn about the Continental Group that is now managing the homeowners association. About 15 people

attended to include the board members. “I’m going to be very honest and very up front with you,”said Gormley. Communication within the community is a major concern because after checking, he learned that only about 5 percent of owners’email addresses on file at HBTS. “We have found out, including the research I’ve done, there are communities out there with between 80 and 85 percent emails on record. And that is their num-

ber one source of communication within their community,”said Gormley.“I understand why there’s a communication problem.” Robo-calls, text messages and mail outs were suggested as ways to improve communication between the association and the homeowners. “Keep in mind, every time (you) do a mail out, at 44-45 cents postage plus paper, (you’re) looking at $28 to $30,000. (We) need to find something (that’s) more efficient,”said Gormley. Other topics discussed at the

town hall meeting were the financial diversion among the HBTS community where some homes are high dollar homes and others are low dollar homes, and the affect that diversity has on the community. Gormley discussed the importance of improving the HBTS association’s reputation among community businesses and residents. Ideas, such as having an open house to invite Realtors and other local business leaders to reestablish Continental continued on page 2

Valid through December 31, 2012


December 2012

Continental Continued from page 1 HBTS as a wonderful community and great place to live, were discussed. “There were a lot of board issues that were brought up,” said Gormley.“The number one was a review of the documents which we can proceed with, (but) any changes will have to go through nor-

mal channels.”According to Gormley, members present at the town hall meeting also mentioned a concern about the lack of continuity of the board of directors.“Every time something gathers momentum… the board makeup changes and then suddenly (the) ideas change with it and end up going nowhere.” Billy Neal, HBTS member, suggested having a safety

inspector take a look at the properties to make sure codes are being followed and chemicals are stored properly. Gormley told those in attendance that on Nov. 29, Debbie Gomberg, Safety Director from corporate headquarters in Hollywood, will visit HBTS to look at the facility, check safety items and give recommendations. Upgrades and renovations to the HBTS recreational facil-

ity were mentioned, and Gormley stressed that problems need to be identified followed with a cost analysis and how the money would be raised for any renovations or upgrades. Of the concerns and ideas discussed, Gormley explained that they won’t be solved overnight, but that they were a good starting point. “Where we have very good success is putting together a

one-year plan, three-year plan and five-year plan. What do we want HBTS to look like a year from now, three years form now, five years from now? That got a lot of traction, by the way,”he said.“So, it felt that if homeowners have a vision they would be more likely to buy into the vision.” Gormley said the town hall meeting was a starting point for concerns within the community and what will

be done on a board level and management level to resolve the concerns. “We do have some ideas and some thoughts, but one of our objectives is to get with the board to start working together to form an ongoing plan to come up with ideas and come up with thoughts to make this the best community to live in, in the Panhandle of Florida,” said Gormley.


Holley by the Sea

Continental Vice President letter to homeowners On Saturday Nov. 3, The Continental Group held a Town Hall meeting at Holley by the Sea for the purpose of finding out what the concerns are of the homeowners and to use those concerns to begin creating a list of priorities going forward. Don Alley, Regional Director for Continental and Terry Gormley,V.P. of Sales represented Continental and presided over the meeting. There were approximately 15 owners that attended the meeting and seemed to be quite comfortable voicing their concerns. In all, we discussed about 15 major points. The purpose of this article is to address what seems to be the most important of the 15 issues… Communication. As we move forward together, we will continue to talk about the other concerns, but overwhelmingly, communication was the No. 1 talking point. I am fortunate to have a colleague who is the LifeStyle Director at a homeowner’s community in Mesa, Arizona that is almost identical to Holley by the Sea. I have even had the pleasure of attending two of their functions and have been extremely impressed by the homeowner’s participation. For their annual golf tournament, through a lot of effort, the golf committee was able to increase participation of players from 76 last year to the maximum 130 players this year. I was also very impressed with the number of families that turned out for their annual Halloween parade. There had to be 700-800 owners that attended that function. The golf tournament alone raised $3,700 that will be used for their children’s recreational fund. When I asked her what form of communication works best for them, she stated that hands down, email notification was the best medium. She stated that 80 percent of the homeowners in her community have updated email addresses on file. Holley by the Sea has about 5 percent of all owners email addresses. For communication to be effective at Holley by the Sea, we must make a concerted effort to increase the number of accurate email addresses for homeowners. That said, the homeowners in attendance did state that they were not comfortable giving their email addresses to the management office due to past experiences. Keep in mind that each time something is mailed via USPS to homeowners, postage alone is over $2,200. By using an email delivery system, we can send an infinite number of communications at no cost, thus saving the association money. As we have mentioned in previous meetings, the Continental Group will be developing a community website that has the capability of“blasting”email messages to all owners whose address is on file. If this email blast is sent through the Continental website that we are developing, your email address does not appear anywhere in the message so no one can copy or acquire your email address. We will also be developing a specific process for the safe keeping of email addresses so that

you as homeowners can feel comfortable that no one can pirate your information. We will also institute severe penalties to employees that give out email addresses or any personal information for that matter. Going forward, the employees of Holley by the Sea (soon to be Continental employees) will be asking your help in keeping their information updated. As you check in at the Recreation Center, there is a form at the window that you can complete. We will update your information in the data base so that you will be advised of any new information pertinent to your community and you will also be advised of upcoming events. Let’s work together for the betterment of Holley by the Sea and hopefully we, too, can get to that 80 percent email participation level.You will also find a copy of that same form in this edition of the newspaper. Please complete at your leisure and drop it by the office. Another way Continental uses technology is a program we call Resident Alert and we are the only management company that I am aware of that has this technology. By using our website and our intranet called ContinentalConnect, your General Manager, Jennifer Barrett, will have the ability to record a greeting using her telephone and once she hangs up her phone, the message will be sent to all homeowners via their cell phone, home phone or office phone. The homeowner has the ability to choose the sequence of how they want to receive the message. For example, cell phone first, home phone second and work phone third. Each homeowner can list up to three phone numbers. This is an extremely effective form of communication especially in the event of an oncoming storm. This feature will become available as soon as we go“live”with your new website. We cannot complete the website until the accounting has been transferred which will take place Jan. 1, 2013. You will continue to have notices posted to the bulletin board in the hallway of the Rec Center and any other notification used in the past, so please keep checking there and the current community website for any notices pertinent to HBTS. Continental also agreed that we will continue to hold these Town Hall meetings at least quarterly and we would really like for everyone to attend. The purpose is to keep the residents informed and updated to new things happening in your community and to listen to your concerns and work together to make Holley by the Sea THE community to live in on the Emerald Coast. We will keep you posted on the dates and times of these meetings. You have a beautiful community and speaking for all our regional employees, we are very proud to be part of Holley by the Sea and looking forward to working with you for the enhancement of your association. Terry Gormley, Continental vice president of sales

PLEASE PRINT Name: ____________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________ City, State, & Zip: __________________________ Home Phone: _____________________________ Work Phone: ______________________________ Fax: __________________________Date:_______ Cell Phone: _______________________________ E-Mail: ___________________________________ Property Address (if above address is not the property)

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ By signing below I consent to receive correspondence via email and telephone. ___________________________________________ Please mail, deliver or fax form to: Holley by the Sea Improvement Association, Inc. 6845 Navarre Parkway Navarre, Florida 32566 Email to:

Photos by Yvonne C. Harper

The Memorial Garden located north of the HBTS Beach House to honor HBTS members.

Memorial Garden Continued from page 1 Throughout the process the board of directors was kept appraised and they approved the location and use of natural stone. The memorial garden is located just north of the beach house that Steinert, Crouch, Rodgers and Ward were instrumental in having rebuilt. A small magnolia tree was planted and over time it branches will spread over the stones, filling the air with the aroma of magnolias. A bench will allow visitors to sit under the umbrella of the tree and remember the smiles, the laughs, the tears, all the moments that make up the story of a person’s life. Rules of the garden, stone order forms and contact information can be found at Steinert’s stone will be the first one placed in the garden.

HBTSNEWS Volume 2 • Issue 3

HBTS News is published weekly by Sandpaper Publishing Inc., HBTS News and its entire contents and style are fully protected by copyright and registered according to copyright laws. HBTS News cannot be reproduced in any form for any purpose without the expressed written permission of Sandpaper Publishing Inc. and Navarre Press.

Publisher Sandi Kemp

News Editor Jessi Stone

Writer Yvonne C. Harper

Advertising/ Marketing Manager Gail Acosta

Production Manager Dickie Williams

To Contact Us: HBTS News 7502 Harvest Village Court Navarre, FL 32566 Phone: (850) 939-8040 Fax: (850) 939-4575 Web: E-mail:

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Meet your neighbor

By faith through grace By Yvonne C. Harper As a teenager, Gail LyonsRoberts vowed to become a nun and not to marry. God had other plans. The daughter of a Catholic father and Anglican mother, Gail grew up in Trinidad-Tobago and went to a Catholic school. “I was in awe of nuns, one in particular, Sister Jerome. She was my mentor. She was very stoic, so wise. The way she responded to things drew me in. I saw myself there,” said Gail.“In the Catholic church, I learned to reverence God and know who he is.” That stayed with her and Gail always prayed that she would respond the way Jesus did. “They brought this woman to Jesus to judge for adultery. Instead of his judging, he said, ‘He who is without sin cast the first stone.’He responded in that way,”explained Gail. A quiet woman of strength, Gail remembered a time when she ran away. “I was about 20, 21 - then I went on a streak. I just started partying, going out, things like that,”she said. Attending college in Connecticut at the time, she met Michael, her husband of 31 years. They married in 1981, or eloped as Gail recalls. “We were both looking for an apartment and he suggested moving in together and I said,‘Are you crazy?’ I decided to move to Staten Island and when he realized I was moving, he said‘let’s get married’and we did.” Their families found out when they moved in together and it wasn’t comfortable for anyone she said with a laugh.Their families were told and in 1984 they had a formal wedding ceremony so family and friends could attend. Michael joined the Air Force and Gail began her life as an Air Force wife. She earned her bachelor’s degree in business and her master’s degree in human resources. When her husband transferred to the area, she worked with Children Services Center in Pensacola. As a director for a part of the agency she recalled going to work one day. “I realized I was tense. I was doing 65 in a 45 and I thought,‘oh no,’and I turned around and went home,”she said. Around that time she also did a bit of soul searching and discovered something was missing. “I was doing a Beth Moore Bible study. Over the years, I would ask myself ‘how did I get from wanting to be a nun to where I was.’ My prayer was ‘God teach me to pray again.’(I) got to thinking (that)

Gail Lyons-Roberts with her husband of 31 years Michael Roberts.

Gail Lyons-Roberts’ 17-year-old twin sons, Devon and Dante. the best times of my life were when I was with him.” Her answer to the question of how she went from the desire to be a nun to being distant from God came after completing a timeline that was part of the Bible study. “(I) had to do a timeline in five-year increments. She (Moore) wanted us to write down what was good and what wasn’t, but in doing that I looked at the timeline and I just wept. Then I got the answer to how I got from there to where I was at that

point, and I realized that (her drifting) was when my father (and then) grandmother died. I had never put the two together until that time – then I understood so much,”she quietly said. With her faith renewed, she created her own consulting firm, GLR Consulting, in 2006. “I help with business plans, proposals (for small businesses), and ideas on how to set up (a business) and what they need to do and know,” she explained.“I like it. I can see the vision with people

Submitted photos

and get excited with them.” Last year, Gail along with two friends, Lesley Butcher and Eddie Rousell, created the nonprofit organization Love, Faith and Grace to help those in need in the community. Love, Faith and Grace held a fashion show in May with clothing designed and sewn with all natural fabrics by Gail, Butcher and Rousell. Gail and Michael bought a home in Holley by the Sea eight years ago after renting a home elsewhere for several years. “God brought us here for a reason,”she said.“It’s quiet, our boys like it here.” Their boys are Devon and Dante, 17-year-old twins, who attend Navarre High School and enjoy a good game of soccer. Gail has traversed many roads in her life, some smooth, others rut-filled, but the one thing that has guided her life is God, be it in her marriage, her parenting, her friendships and all other areas of her life. “Put him (God) first in everything, then everything else will fall into place,”Gail quietly said with conviction. “(I’ve) been on an awesome journey with him. He is real and he loves us.”

Water Company owns golf course By Yvonne C. Harper Holley-Navarre Water System’s now owns The Club at Hidden Creek. Closing documents were signed Nov. 20 with the total cost standing at $2,003,678. The Club, located in Hidden Creek Estates, a subdivision of Holley by the Sea, had been on the market for more than a year. Meadowbrook, the golf course management company, was informed last year that the golf course would need to be sold after Textron Financial, the loan holder, liquidated its portfolio of golf courses. Meadowbrook owned four courses in Northwest Florida known as the Emerald Coast Golf Trail that included Scenic Hills, Tiger Point Golf Club, Hidden Creek and Shalimar Pointe Country Club. Scenic Hills was sold to University of West Florida this past summer and the City of Gulf Breeze plans to purchase Tiger Point. HNWS made the decision to put together an offer for Hidden Creek during an Oct. 17 HNWS board meeting. Ken Walker, HNWS general manager, said the water company had about $1 million invest-

ed in the golf course spray field and if HNWS lost the right to use the course to spray reclaimed water it would’ve had to purchase land elsewhere. Meadowbrook accepted HNWS’s $2 million offer Nov. 10, said Walker, adding that Meadowbrook paid most of the closing cost. HNWS created The Club at Hidden Creek, LLC to run the operations of the course and the LLC will be kept separate from HNWS. The $2 million was loaned to the LLC at 3 percent interest.The money was taken from HNWS’s cash reserve account, leaving a balance of $4 million said Walker. Walker reported at the Nov. 20 HNWS board meeting that Meadowbrook would manage the course until Dec. 31, at which time the board will decide whether to enter into a long-term relationship with Meadowbrook. “A lot of it will be based on the proposed budget and estimated profits on the course,” said Walker. Walker stressed that there are no plans to put a sewage treatment facility in. “And no (HNWS) employees, staff or board members will be given free golf,” Walker added.

Peterzen claims he was misquoted By Yvonne C. Harper During a Nov. 13 HBTS board of directors meeting, board president Pete Peterzen took issue with published reports about the purchase of Hidden Creek Golf Club. “I have been quoted and misquoted concerning the golf course situation. Despite news publications, nobody from Meadowbrook has ever directly approached me or as far as I know anybody on the board,” said Peterzen.“It was two HBTS members, one of whom is a golfer, wanted to know what I thought about the chances. Considering the facts that it would require a vote of the membership and special assessment I didn’t think it would ever pass.” Peterzen continued saying that “as water company users, we still may become part owners of the golf course because apparently

HBTS water sewer has an offer on the table to buy the golf course and we all belong to HBTS water.” Board member Pat Traynor corrected Peterzen informing him it was Holley-Navarre Water System not HBTS water. Peterzen was quoted in the Navarre Press during an Oct. 9 board meeting as saying“people approached me and asked if HBTS was interested in buying (the golf course)… I don’t think so, although it’s a good price.” The Navarre Press reported in the October HBTS Newsletter that Scott Beasley, vice president of operations of Meadowbrook, said he had approached the HBTS board of directors to discuss the possibility of selling the course the HBTS, but the offer was declined. The article did not quote Peterzen has saying Meadowbrook approached him with an offer.



HBTS Fishing Club donates to Special Ops

Photo by Yvonne C. Harper

The Holley by the Sea Fishing Club presented a $1,000 check to retired Chief Master Sgt. Wayne Norrad, director of Special Operations Warrior Foundation, on Nov. 8 at the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier. SWOF provides assistance to children and spouses of fallen special operations personnel, and to returning severely wounded special ops personnel. Norrad thanked the fishing club for their support. Pictured from left are Billy Neal, Jim Strickland, Jon Lambert, Betsy Traynor, Stan Kuhn, Melissa Lambert, Gloria Strickland, Wayne Norrad, Bill and Bernice Schlosser, Laurie Gallup, Simonne Pelley, Pat Traynor, Vinnie Mossier, Art Martinez, Shirley Mossier, Jim Carson, Bob Burton and John Lambert.

HBTS beach property being restored By Yvonne C. Harper Holley by the Sea beach property will be restored to allow homeowners to take advantage of the sound shoreline located on the main property. During the Nov. 13 HBTS board of directors meeting, Jennifer Barrett, general manager, told the board members that“after an on-site inspection by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and after receiving the proper permits, we were given the go ahead to begin restoration.” Heather Mason, environmental specialist, met with Matthew Scott of Lake Doctors on the property to discuss options for controlling unwanted vegetation along the shoreline that has grown since Hurricane Ivan according to the FDEP letter sent to HBTS. Mason found that there was no protective conservation easement along the shoreline and as such, herbicides can be applied and the vegetation can be trimmed without a permit. Trimmed vegetation must be removed and herbicides

Variance Requests The following variance requests were reviewed during the Nov. 13 Holley by the Sea board of directors meeting. Usage Variances 6661 Fairmont Street: Homeowner of four bedroom home, in good standing, requested facility usage for adult daughter, bringing the total numbers of users on the account to four. Request was approved 4-1 with Pat Traynor voting no. 7051 Sawfish Street: Homeowner of four bedroom home, in good standing, requested to add special needs son to account, bringing the total number of users on the account to three. Request was unanimously approved. 2016 Commodore Drive: Homeowner of three bedroom home, in good standing, requested to add fiancé and fiancé’s son to account, bringing the total number of users to three. Request was approved 41 with Traynor voting no. 7311 Jasper Street: Disabled homeowner of four bedroom home, in good standing, requested three additional users to be added to her account, bringing the total number of users to four. An additional request was made to allow the care giver that comes during the week to accompany the primary user to the recreational center.The motion to approve both requests was approved. 7211 Freedom Court: Nuclear family of four in a four bedroom home requested four additional users to account. The primary owner’s father, mother and two children, 16 and 20, reside in the home due to the parents’being disabled causing a financial hardship. The parents and brothers are listed as the primary owner’s dependents for military purposes. Request was approved 3-2 with Pete Peterzen and Traynor voting no. 6447 Flagler Drive: Owner of three bedroom home, in good standing, requested to add significant other to account. Request was approved 4-1 with Traynor voting no. Assessment Variances 7530 Pepperwood Street: Request to waive half of the 2012 assessment that is past due. Motion to approve the request was denied 5-0. Lansford Street,Vacant lot: Four years behind in assessments with late fees and lien fees added. Owner requested“a break”but did not specify the amount requesting to be waived. A motion to reduce only the interest on the past due assessments was approved 4-1 with Brooke Goldberg voting no.

Photos by Yvonne C. Harper

The HBTS beach area east and west of the pier is in the process of being restored. cannot be applied past the mean high water line. Young pines that have grown since Ivan can be cut to ground level, but the roots must remain to help stabilize the soil and prevent erosion according to the letter. “The HOA should be aware that any removal of vegetation will leave the shoreline area more susceptible to erosions, especially during high energy storm events,”cau-

tioned Mason in the letter. No permits were granted by FDEP said Mason, rather the letter was to provide HBTS with information about what could be done to the area. Barrett reported to the board members that Lake Doctors will conduct quarterly spraying. In a follow up email, she wrote that the tree cutting will be done“in house.” During the Sept. 25 HBTS board of directors’ budget

meeting, board member Pat Traynor requested $1,000 be added to expenditures to restore the beach. The process of spraying the area has already started according to Scott and will continue to be sprayed on a quarterly basis.The treatment will cost $225 per quarter. Barrett hopes that by next summer some of the beach area will be back for family members to enjoy.

Architectural Variances 7559 Brevard Street: Owner requested driveway variance, Architectural Committee recommended approval. Request was approved 5-0. 7670 Duval Street: Owner requested setback variance, ACC recommended approval. Request was approved 5-0. 1948 Resort Street: Owner requested side setback variance, ACC recommended approval. Request was approved 5-0. 2160 Smallwood Drive: Owner requested garagesize variance, ACC recommended disapproval because the size exceeds the 600-foot allowable size and therefore must be approved by the board of directors. Owner stated the garage was large to accommodate an antique car, a camper and trailer that they would like to house indoors. Request was approved 5-0. 7271 Manatee Street: ACC Chairman Rob Loy motioned to have the board of directors handle the excessive signs posted and garage/yard sales held at the residence. Motion to approve sending a nuisance letter to the home owner was approved 5-0.

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December 2012

Home sweet home

Submitted photo

Teresa Kingrey’s mom, Ruth Parsons, on the sleigh that Larry put back together.

Photos by Yvonne C. Harper

Teresa and Larry Kingrey at their home on Reef Road. By Yvonne C. Harper A vacation to Destin last Thanksgiving was the impetus for Larry and Teresa Kingrey selling their home in Tyler, Texas and moving into Holley by the Sea. “We came to Florida from Iowa by way of Texas,”said Larry. They chose Tyler because it was between Shreveport, La. and Dallas where Teresa has family, but east Texas was not what they expected.Thanksgiving 2011 found them vacationing in Destin and as they were leaving town, they stopped by a

Prudential Realtor office. “It (the sign) said agent on duty, it was a Sunday,”said Larry.“The guy walked out and said‘Hi, I’m Mr. Kingry.’” They looked at houses that day, with one of the houses located at 7249 Reef Road, in HBTS. Upon returning to Tyler, Teresa told Larry she wanted to move. Larry put their home on the market the Monday before Christmas.“Nobody buys houses at Christmas,”said Larry. The house sold on Wednesday. “I caller up and said,‘We have a small problem. We don’t have any place to live,’”

said Larry. A quick trip to Navarre and 13 houses later on Jan. 2, the Kingreys had a home.“We moved in Feb. 16, 2012.” The yard was already landscaped and there wasn’t too much work that had to be done, but Larry and Teresa replaced the landscaping brick, seeded the centipede grass and have hired a company to fertilize every month. “We need more flowers,”

December’s yard of the month located 7249 Reef Road.

said Larry.“We haven’t had time to do those yet.” The Kingreys have also remodeled the home’s interior, laying tile, painting and upgrading fixtures. Where a concrete slab greeted visitors in the front entry way, now a mosaic tile brings warmth to the front. On the red brick border of the rose bed in the back sits three shells that once belonged to Teresa’s grandmother. The roses are in memory of her

mom. For all the projects, inside and outside, the Kingreys have accomplished, rebuilding a horse-drawn sleigh is the one that brought the most joy. “Tell her the story about the sleigh,”Teresa said to Larry. At 14, Teresa’s dad bought her a horse-drawn sleigh; at 18, he died and the sleigh eventually became a pile of wood,”Larry said. “Someday, before I die, I’d like to see that sleigh put together,”Teresa’s mother would say. When Teresa and Larry made the move to Texas, Lar-

ry was struck with a sense of urgency that it was time to reconstruct the sleigh. When they moved to Navarre, it came with them. “The driver of the (moving)truck was from Iowa and I asked him what it would cost to transport it back to Iowa,”said Larry. It was a good price, and the sleigh returned home in February. “My mother died in September, but she finally got to see it,”said Teresa quietly. Larry and Teresa have many more projects planned, but they have found a home in Holley by the Sea. “This is home,”said Teresa.

HBTS supports Toys for Tots By Yvonne C. Harper Navarre Press

Flying high Photo by Yvonne C. Harper

Riley Hoppe, 7, Jackson Hoppe, 5, Xavier Donald, 5, enjoy childhood on recently installed swings at the Holley by the Sea playground area near the sound.

Holley-Navarre Water system to elect directors Staff reports Navarre Press The Holley-Navarre Water System will hold its annual membership meeting and election of directors from 7:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. on Jan. 15 at 8574 Turkey Bluff Road. Three board directors will be elected to serve for a three-year term each.

According to Ken Walker, HNWS general manager, the directors establish policy for the operation of the company such as personnel, spending and banking policies, while carrying out the bylaws of the corporation. They also approve expenditures and set what water fees will be along with the authority to waive the fees.

The terms of William Goulet, Sheldon Hutchins and Brian Duncan will expire in January, although they can opt to run again. Individuals interested in being a candidate for the HNWS board must be a HNWS member, live in the franchise area and cannot be a convicted felon. Applications must be endorsed by at least 25 sponsoring

members and turned in no later than 4 p.m. Dec. 14 at the HNWS main office. A personal biography with permission to publicize the information must also be submitted. Applications can be picked up at the main office beginning Nov. 21. For more information, contact Walker at 850-939-2427 ext. 229.

been distributed throughout the two counties, with another 200 boxes coming; coin jars can be It all began with a Raggedy- provided upon request. Ann doll. In 1947, the wife of Events throughout the area Major Bill Hendrix, U.S. Marine are scheduled to help raise funds Corps, made a Raggedy-Ann and collect toys. doll and asked him to find an The annual Bear’s Run was organization to held Nov. 3 and raised donate the doll. His United Way 211: $4,500 and more than attempts to find one to receive assistance 300 toys. failed and she during periods of “On Nov. 25, I will asked,“Why don’t use the money to purhardship, dial 211 chase bikes and toys you create one.” to speak with In true Marine from the Gulf Breeze a United Way Corps fashion, he Walmart,”said Tagle. representative. did and 5,000 toys On Nov. 23, the were given out that Gulf Breeze Zoo gave year. In 1948, the Marine Corps free entrance for Zoo Lights to Reserve programs officially adopt- anyone that brought a new ed the Toys for Tots and ever since unwrapped toy. Marines have filled in the gap to Local drop off sites are the make Christmas brighter for chil- Holley by the Sea recreational dren across America. center, the Gulf Breeze Zoo, the Master Gunnery Sgt. Bobby Flea Market, Walgreens, and Tagle, local coordinator for Escam- Arrington’s Home Furnishings, bia and Santa Rosa counties and among many others. the United Way of Santa Rosa Distribution dates are Dec. 17 and Escambia counties are work- and 18 for Escambia County and ing together to process applica- Dec. 19 for Santa Rosa County. tions and distribute toys. To request a Marine to attend Applications are being accept- an event, donate, complete an ed until Dec. 10. Individuals in application or view the complete need can dial 2-1-1 and provide list of drop off sites visit http://pentheir information which is then to Tagle. coordinator-sites/lco-sites/Default. “Right now we have 450 kids aspx for more information. (in need) in Santa Rosa CounTagle can be contacted at 850ty, in Escambia County we have 452-8762 ext. 3130 or pensaco4,500 kids that need help,”said Tagle.“We expect that the total This year’s goal is to fill the will be 12 to 15,000 kids that will 26,866-square foot warehouse need help.” with toys to distribute to chilAbout 400 drop boxes have dren of both counties said Tagle.




December 2012

‘We are here for you’ Rose Lawn Funeral Home

Rose Lawn Funeral Home and Cemetery of Gulf Breeze has provided many generations of families with first class service with a“down home”feel and a reputation of treating everyone like family. Through the years Rose Lawn has been here for you and has helped families in the Gulf Breeze and surrounding area say farewell to loved ones in a special way. Funeral Directors Chip Reed and Scott Heaton utilize some of the finest options available and work with families to design a personalized, lasting impression of their loved one’s funeral, cremation or memorial service. Allow the caring, experienced funeral directors of Rose Lawn to care for every aspect and create a service that truly honors and celebrates the life of a loved one. The staff’s goal is to provide personal care to every family they serve. Dorothy Reed will be glad to assist you with your pre-arranged funeral plans. This can be done by simply putting your wishes down on paper and thus letting your loved ones know what your wishes are.You can fund your plan to freeze the costs at today’s prices, or have your wishes just put on file. Lisa Schroeder will assist you with the many cemetery options available in their cemetery, conveniently located on the grounds of the funeral home. You may wish to select a cemetery space, mausoleum crypt or niche as your final resting place. In addition, Rose Lawn can arrange for veterans services at Barrancas National Cemetery as well as all private cemeteries in the Santa Rosa-Escambia County area. If your needs call for an out-of-town transfer, the experienced staff can take care of handling all those details. Call any one of the caring staff members, or one of the funeral directors to assist you today. Rose Lawn Funeral Home & Cemetery,“We are here for you.” Rose Lawn Funeral Home is located at 2942 Gulf Breeze Parkway. For more information, call 850-9329192 or visit

Rose Lawn Funeral Home 2942 Gulf Breeze Parkway 850-932-9192

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Rose Lawn Funeral Home funeral directors Chip Reed, left, and Scott Heaton

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Call 939-8040 to get on Board today!

C o n t e n t

p r o v i d e d

b y

H o l l e y

b y

Architectural Control Committee

Hello HBTS members, First, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. The kids are out of school from November 21st to the 25th, so remember to drive Barrett carefully. The new toddler playground equipment and swings have been erected by the beach. Come down and enjoy. Breakfast with Santa is scheduled for December 8th at the Beach House. Santa will arrive with an official escort from the Holley Navarre Fire Department. This event books quickly, so call the front desk to reserve your space. I would like to thank the HBTS Social Committee and the Fishing Club for their recent donations to the Heroes on the Water fund and the Special Operation Warrior Foundation, collected from the proceeds of their events. I would also like to thank our Maintenance and Front Desk employees for all their hard work in helping to make these events a success. The Social Committee is planning a Wine and Cheese social on January 19th. Look on the website for more information as it becomes available. There is now a Holley by the Sea Memorial Garden in place down by the Beach House. Please stop into the front desk or check on the website for more information. For the ending month of October, our funds are as follows: Cash Account Balances Operating Account $1,861,525.47 Reserve Account $385,605.25 Improvement and Expansion $137,315.07 $73,179 uncollected for 2012. 96 percent of assessments collected compared to 94 percent last year. Don’t forget, your 2013 Assessment payment is due on January 1st, 2013.You may stop in to pay at the recreation center, pay online via MasterCard or Visa on the website, or mail checks made payable to Holley by the Sea directly to the bank at Charter Bank, PO Box 3654, Milton, FL 32572. As always, I am in my office Monday to Friday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Please stop in any time if you have any questions or concerns.

Youth Department *Before and After School Program: The Youth Department provides a Before and After School Program for School - Age children (Kindergarten – 5th grade) who are members of Holley by the Sea. There is currently a waiting list for the After School Program. For more information please contact theYouth Department. *Parents’Night Out: Parents’Night Out is open to all school age (kindergarten – 5th grade) members of Holley by the Sea. Parents’Night Out is Friday, December 14th.There are 25 available openings for PNO.You must call the Youth Department to have your child’s name put on the list for the program. Sign-up deadline is Friday, December 7th. No reservations will be taking after this date.

*Fun Factory: Please be sure to call the day of to reserve a slot for your child. Space is limited. Cost is $3/hour per child. Morning Fun Factory: Mon. – Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Ages 6 months – 5 years old Evening Fun Factory: Mon. – Fri. 6 p.m. – 8 p.m., Ages 6 months – 10 years old Sat. Fun Factory: 8 a.m. – noon, Ages 6 months – 10 years old Fun Factory Parents: All old, laminated Fun Factory Cards expire December 1, 2012. If you have any credit remaining on an old Fun Factory Card, it must be used by this date. If it is not used by this date, your credit will be lost. No exceptions.






23 30


Fun Factory: We have new hours! Please remember reservations are required. For reservations, contact the Youth Department. Mon. – Fri. 8 a.m.-noon, 5-8 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-noon

Youth Dept. Closed: Dec 24-26 **Youth Dept. and Architectural Dept. are participating in Toys For Tots: Please bring a new, unwrapped gift for children ages birth-12 yrs. old. Hair accessories and bath items are welcome. Deadline is December, 10th. Drop-off box is located in the lobby at check-in or you may bring your item to the Youth Dept. or Architectural Dept.


8:30 am Aerobics 8:30 am Cardio 9:30 am Pilates 10:30 am Zumba 5:00 pm Poker Night 5:30 pm Taekwondo 5-13 6:30 pm Taekwondo 13-up 7:30 pm Zumba


8:30 am Aerobics 8:30 am Cardio 9:30 am Pilates 10:30 am Zumba 5:00 pm Poker Night 5:30 pm Taekwondo 5-13 6:30 pm Taekwondo 13-up 7:30 pm Zumba


8:30 am Aerobics 8:30 am Cardio 9:30 am Pilates 10:30 am Zumba 5:00 pm Poker Night 5:30 pm Taekwondo 5-13 6:30 pm Taekwondo 13-up 7:30 pm Zumba

8:30 am Aerobics 8:30 am Cardio 9:30 am Pilates 10:30 am Zumba 5:00 pm Poker Night 5:30 pm Taekwondo 5-13 6:30 pm Taekwondo 13-up 7:30 pm Zumba




9:00 am Architectural Control Committee Meeting 10:00 am Social Committee Meeting 10:20 am Yoga 5:30 pm Aerobics 7:30 pm Zumba

10:20 am Yoga 5:50 pm Aerobics 6:00 pm BOD Meeting 7:30 pm Zumba



9:00 am Architectural Control Committee Meeting 10:20 am Yoga 5:50 pm Aerobics 7:30 pm Zumba

10:20 am Yoga 5:50 pm Aerobics 7:30 pm Zumba



December 2012

For information about HBTS Calendar Events contact 939-1693


Before and After School Care: We currently have a waiting list. If you are interested in having your child’s name added to the list please contact the Youth Department.

Thank you, Jennie Barrett General Manager

**Closure Dates : Building Closing at 4 pm on Thursday, Dec 6 Evening Fun Factory: Closed Dec. 14 Morning Fun Factory: Closed Dec. 19 through Jan. 2, 2013 due to Christmas Break

HBTSCALENDAR December 11 6 p.m.

S e a

A word from the general manager:

The HBTS Architectural Control Committee welcomes John Resch and John Butler as new members. Mr. Resch has been a member of HBTS for over 25 years; worked for the US Army Research and Development Command and will share his previous home owners association knowledge and experience with us. John Butler is a relatively new resident of HBTS and is eager to become involved in our community. Mr. Butler is retired from the US Navy and the Tennessee public school system. The ACC appreciates both Mr. Resch and Mr. Butler’s willingness to serve and make a difference in HBTS. Please remember to attend the meeting addressing the parking concerns and needs of HBTS scheduled at 10 a.m. Dec. 1. Your input is welcomed and needed. The Architectural Office hours are from 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday and we have an open door policy. Happy holidays from the Architectural Staff and the ACC.

Board of Directors Meeting

t h e




Want to get involved with social events? Our monthly committee meeting will be at night starting in January. For more information, call 939-3018 x0 or email the Social Committee chairperson at


8:30 am Aerobics 8:30 am Cardio 9:30 am Pilates 10:30 am Zumba 5:30 pm Taekwondo 5-13 6:15 pm Bingo 6:30 pm Taekwondo 13-up


8:30 am Aerobics 8:30 am Cardio 9:30 am Pilates 10:30 am Zumba 5:30 pm Taekwondo 5-13 6:30 pm Taekwondo 13-up


8:30 am Aerobics 8:30 am Cardio 9:30 am Pilates 10:30 am Zumba 5:30 pm Taekwondo 5-13 6:15 pm Bingo 6:30 pm Taekwondo 13-up


8:30 am Aerobics 8:30 am Cardio 9:30 am Pilates 10:30 am Zumba 5:30 pm Taekwondo 5-13 6:30 pm Taekwondo 13-up

8:00 am Zumba

6 8:30 am Body Conditioning 10:20 am Yoga 5:50 pm Aerobics 6:15 pm Pyramid Training 7:30 pm Zumba


8:30 am Body Conditioning 10:20 am Yoga 5:50 pm Aerobics 6:15 pm Pyramid Training 7:30 pm Zumba


8:30 am Body Conditioning 10:20 am Yoga 5:50 pm Aerobics 6:15 pm Pyramid Training 7:30 pm Zumba


8:30 am Body Conditioning 10:20 am Yoga 5:50 pm Aerobics 6:15 pm Pyramid Training 7:30 pm Zumba


8:30 am Aerobics 8:30 am Cardio 10:30 am Zumba 5:30 pm Taekwondo 5-13 6:00 pm Fishing Club Holiday Social 6:30 pm Taekwondo 13-up


8:30 am Aerobics 8:30 am Cardio 10:30 am Zumba 5:30 pm Taekwondo 5-13 6:30 pm Taekwondo 13-up


8:30 am Aerobics 8:30 am Cardio 10:30 am Zumba 5:30 pm Taekwondo 5-13 6:30 pm Taekwondo 13-up


8:30 am Aerobics 8:30 am Cardio 10:30 am Zumba 5:30 pm Fishing Club Social 5:30 pm Taekwondo 5-13 6:30 pm Taekwondo 13-up


8 8:00 am Zumba 9:00 am Breakfast with Santa

8:00 am Zumba 5:30 a.m.


Great Games Night

Come play Games with everyone. Bring a snack or appetizer to share. See flyer for more information.

8:00 am Zumba



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