2015 Assessment Due ... $347 Interest and late fees applied after Jan. 31
New Candidates Meet & Greet Jan. 29, 7:30 p.m., at the HBTS Cafe
Holley by the Sea residents hold signs in protest to the window where board members are meeting.
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February 2015
Board Meeting Feb. 10 at 6 p.m.
This is a publication written and produced by Sandpaper Publishing, Inc./Navarre Press for the owners of HBTS and is not an official publication of Holley by the Sea Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
Miller resigns
Contact Holley by the Sea President Alex Crawford Internal Vice President Open External Vice President Bill Crouch Treasurer Jan Frink
A sample recall ballot was placed on social media at 5:01 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 25, and a little more than an hour later, board member Ryan Miller
sent a 1,439-word resignation letter to the HBTS board. Miller, who served on the board for more than five months, misspelled the association’s name incorrectly throughout the letter.“To the Members of Holly [sic] by the
Sea, This is to state that I, Ryan Miller, am formally resigning from the Board of Directors effective immediately. It has come with much thought and consideration of everything that this decision was made.”
See Miller Page 3
Secretary Rebecca Ward Email the board: BoardofDirectors@
General Manager: Alex Fambri Email: generalmanager@
Photo by Sandi Kemp
Protesters greet board members Alex Crawford and Bill Crouch as they walk through the cafe. See pages 8 and 9.
Holley by the Sea Homeowners’ Association 6845 Navarre Parkway Navarre, FL 32566
Board hires engineering company to address county demands
Engineering company quits amid chaos By Sandi Kemp Work described as“erosion control”on the 40 acres of Holley by the Sea (HBTS) common properties closest to the Sound has come under scrutiny by both Santa Rosa County and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection engineers. Additionally, former board member John Longdin recently filed complaints with the Attorney General regarding Sunshine Law violations on issues surrounding three board members who appear to be meeting outside of the Sunshine regulations and are alleged to be making end runs
around the management company, FirstService Residential. “The Holley by the Sea Recreation Center has a number of sediment basins that have been constructed on the property, only one of which has been found to have DEP authorization,” stated minutes provided by DEP for a meeting held Jan. 6 in its Pensacola offices. Five DEP members, three representing HBTS, and Dale Long, an engineer with Municipal Services Inc., were in attendance. The minutes also state that HBTS has another meeting in mid-February to update the DEP on its progress, which includes addressing “everything that
has taken place on the site from development to present day. This includes addition of impervious areas such as buildings, parking lots, gravel drives, and picnic pavilions, etc., as well as all sediment basins/ponds, and drainage features that have been constructed.” Previous to the DEP letter, Santa Rosa County Engineer Chris Phillips canvassed the property in November and stated that,“The current configurations are not shown on any plans the county has received.” Phillips gave Holley by the Sea until Jan. 21 to present certified engineering drawings. However, since DEP has become involved Phillips has moved the dead-
line indefinitely. “We feel like when they satisfy DEP – it will give us what we are looking for.” On Jan. 2, the HBTS Board of Directors met to select an engineering company from three bidders. All three bids were submitted to three different recipients’ personal email addresses. The bids were requested to satisfy the demands of SRC, even though members of the community thought it would be best to wait until the DEP made a formal recommendation. One of those members was Rod Danner. “We keep talking about the county, but in four days you are meeting with the
Attorney cans HBTS Sandi Kemp Holley by the Sea’s attorney of record, Michele Anchors, disassociated herself from HBTS after more than seven years of service during a scheduled meeting with the HBTS board of directors on Jan. 21. All five board members were in attendance. Anchors told the board immediately that she would no longer be representing the association, however, the meeting lasted three additional hours. The contents of the meeting have not been disclosed, but there were no formal motions or votes taken. Anchors had not submitted a formal resignation letter as of press time. The American Bar Association states that the most common reasons an attorney fires a client is because clients, “don’t pay legal fees, leave out important details, have unrealistic expectations, are uncooperative or are unethical.” A call to the HBTS accounting office reveals that the invoices from Anchors have been on time and that the budget for the attorney is $87,000 ruling out payment issues for the resignation. See Attorney Page 9
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See Engineer Page 2
To contact Holley by the Sea go to
Valid through February 28, 2015
February 2015
“… We were not told about a meeting with DEP or of their involvement, only Santa Rosa County’s involvement.”
gested that there was a man- The third bid was submitted by be handled or even if we were agement company,”said Daniel Rebol-Battle to erosion control appropriately engaged. At this Corliss, PE with FABRE. Corliss committee member Tom point, the scope has grown considerably due to the FDEP went on the say that manage- Downing on Dec. 29. ment companies,“are there to MESI has decided to sever becoming involved and we are being pulled into the political protect the homeowners.” ties with HBTS. Corliss also stated that the call “As you are aware from some bantering. We feel our mission from Navarre Press was the first of our first meetings, one of our in the community is no longer he had heard that the firm was missions as a company is to being served by our involveno longer being considered for help the community served by ment with this project…For the work at HBTS. Holley-Navarre Water system. these reasons we would like to yet been approved by the board. “I sent Stevens an email … it would appear there is sig- terminate our agreement for Fabre’s bid was addressed about a week and a half ago nificant discord among the services,”said MESI engineer to Endell Stevens, chairman and asked if HBTS would be in members of the Association Long in an email dated Jan. 20 of the erosion control com- need of our services and I have and perhaps even Board mem- and sent to Alex Crawford at mittee. FSR’s (also known as not heard back,”Corliss said. bers in how this issue should 12:46 p.m. TCG – the parent company of FSR) contract with Holley by the Sea requires that all contracts go through FSR. “Subject to the direction of Oct. 14: Brown’s Hauling is approved as a vendor by the board for erosion control work. Bid comes in close to 50 percent less than next bidder. the Association and the Association budget,TCG (now FSR) Oct. 15: Board President Alex Crawford, signs the contract. shall solicit, analyze and negoOct. 15: Crawford requests a blank check from management to pay Brown. tiate contracts on behalf of the Oct. 22: Brown obtains workers’ compensation insurance. Association, as needed or annually, for services reasonOct. 30: Board member Bill Crouch and Crawford sign a change order for an additional $7,000 ably necessary with respect to Nov. 6: Board meeting results in two more projects for Brown’s, totaling more than $20,000. the operation, maintenance, Nov. 7: DEP visits the site and recommends work cease on the shoreline. upkeep, repair, replacement Nov. 10: Work is complete on the shoreline. and preservation of the ComNov. 10: Santa Rosa County representatives visit and determine the work was not properly permitted. mon Areas.” The signed contract also Nov. 11: (Veterans Day) Final invoice from Brown walked in by erosion committee member and board member. states that the“Association Nov. 16: Treasurer refuses to pay Brown due to discrepancies. shall not interfere nor permit, Nov. 17: Crawford calls FirstService 30 times and the association attorney to find a way to get the check cut for allow or cause any of its offiBrown. Crouch hand-delivers Brown’s check and also obtains a lien release. cers, directors or members to Nov. 18: Brown cancels workers’ compensation insurance. interfere with TCG in the perNov. 21: Santa Rosa County gives HBTS 90 days to submit engineering drawings. formance of its duties or the Dec. 2: Crawford praises work done by erosion committee. Has surprise vote to give FirstService Residential a exercise of its powers hereun“no-fault” 60-day notice. der.” Jan 2: Board hires Municipal Engineering Services to satisfy county recommendations. When asked, both Fabre and MESI engineers were unaware Jan. 6: DEP compliance and enforcement meeting. that HBTS had a management Jan 9: FirstService Residential sends letter stating the 60-day notice letter was neither official nor legal. company and stated that Jan 10: Town hall meeting regarding benefits of keeping FirstService Residential Stevens, Crouch and Crawford Jan 13: Board meeting with no quorum. Three of five board members are no-shows. represented themselves as the Jan 20: Municipal Engineering Services sends email saying “No thank you.” authorized party to negotiate and sign contracts for the assoJan. 21: Engineering drawings due to county – extended due to DEP work. Attorney Michelle Anchors resigns. Jan. 25: Recall announced; Ryan Miller resigns from the board ciation. “Normally we would go Feb 10: Next scheduled regular board meeting. through management comMid Feb: Meeting with DEP panies – but Stevens never sug-
–Frank Fabre, CEO, Fabre Engineering and Surveying County’s involvement.” Engineer Also, Fabre Engineering only From page 1
DEP. I can pretty much assure you with almost 100 percent certainty that DEP is going to want an as-built certification,” Danner said. That is in fact what happened. Municipal Engineering Services, Inc. (MESI) was awarded the contract based on the SRC request. At that meeting, Board President Alex Crawford said that a representative from MESI w o u l d attend the DEP meeting on Jan. 6. However, at least one of the bidders, Crawford Fabre Engineering and Surveying (Fabre) was not asked if they would be available for the DEP meeting and in fact, was not notified during the bidding process that there were any DEP issues. “Evan Robertson, E.I., and Daniel Corlis, P.E. , of our staff, met with the president of HBTS and visited the site, ”Frank Fabre, CEO, said. “Evan said that we were not told about a meeting with DEP or of their involvement, only Santa Rosa
submitted one proposal while MESI was asked to submit two different proposals. The first bid was for $3,100 and was addressed to HBTS Board Member Bill Crouch. “She (Crawford) came back and said we got some other proposals and in order to be apples to apples – we needed to include Crouch more,“ Long said. On Dec. 30, 2014, in a letter addressed to Bill Crouch, MESI stated,“Mr. Crouch: Pursuant to your request, please accept this revised proposal letter as a supplement to the Stormwater Study Proposal submitted to you on Nov. 20. The following proposal is intended to outline the additional scope and associated fees as requested by Ms. Crawford.” This bid is for $15,500. And, according to DEP records obtained by HBTS member Melanie Lambert, on Dec. 30 DEP was asked to change the time of the meeting to accommodate the engineer, along with Long’s phone number. Long works for MESI, and at that time, MESI had not
Residents seek recall-HBTS Board Members Alex Crawford - Bill Crouch - Ryan Miller C. Our employees are in limbo. No one has told them what their status will be when/if FSR leaves. D. FirstService has challenged the validity of their terminaMiller Crouch Crawford tion and may have cause for legal action against the Association. 2. Unethical behavior: Reason: They secretly orchestrated Alex Crawford, Bill Crouch the termination of the man3. Arrogance: and Ryan Miller have engaged agement contract with FirstPrior to the January 13th in unprofessional business prac- Service Residential outside of Board meeting a petition signed tices, unethical conduct, and a regularly scheduled HBTS by over 470 members asking an arrogant disregard of Hol- Board meeting. the Board to reconsider their ley by the Sea homeowners. They purposely blindsided actions was presented to the two of their own Board mem- Board Secretary.The Secretary's Examples: bers by changing the agenda attempt to add the item to the 1. Unprofessionalism: mid meeting to introduce a ter- agenda was quashed by Mrs. They engaged in an erosion mination vote. Mr. Miller (who Crawford.Via E mail, she said control project without con- was not present at the meet- that Mr. Crouch and Mr. Miller sulting our Management Com- ing) called in with the decid- did not want the item addressed pany or any other competent ing vote. and demanded that the Genprofessionals. This lack of due The senior vice president for eral Manager remove it before diligence caused the work to FirstService Residential had the Board meeting. be completed without proper been invited to the meeting to According to Robert's Rules permitting. of Order, the President does discuss their contract. Result: Instead, FSR was fired "with- not "set the agenda".Any board A. $53,000 expended on a out cause". As a result, they member can add an item for project that won't work. cannot defend themselves and consideration. An item should B. A Consent Order from Mrs. Crawford does not have only be removed by a vote of the Department of Environ- to prove any allegations she the Entire Board at the beginmental Protection that could makes against them. ning of the meeting. Any agreerequire remediation for conWorst of all there is NO cred- ments made outside of Board struction projects going back ible transition plan available to meetings are clear violations to 1981. of the "Sunshine Laws". the members. C. $15, 000+ in engineering Obviously expecting a backResult: fees to survey and map the entire A. Mrs. Crawford could be lash from the members, Mrs. facility. in sole charge of the associa- Crawford called in sick minutes D. Unknown fines associ- tion on February 1st. before the January 13th meetated with what is uncovered B. $1,600,000 in assessment ing. Mr. Crouch and Mr. Miller by the engineering study. fees will be managed by three boycotted the meeting without even bothering to give the memuntrained Board members. A sample recall ballot was distributed to homeowners regarding three HBTS Board members. Ryan Miller resigned shortly after the recall was distributed. The sample is below:
bers a reason for not attending. The damage being caused by these three board members continues to grow. Within the last few days the Attorney that represents HBTS has severed her relationship with the association and the engineering
firm hired to work on the DEP problems has backed out of their contract. It is obvious that they don't want to be tainted by the toxic environment surrounding HBTS. Mrs. Crawford, Bill Crouch and Ryan Miller are clearly not
operating in the best interests of the community and need to be recalled. For more in- depth information visit the links below: rosion_of_Trust.pdf
WRITTEN RECALL AGREEMENT INSTRUCTIONS To recall and replace board directors listed on the recall agreement, please follow the steps below: (1) In Block A on the attached form, place a checkmark or “X” on the "RECALL" line next to the name of each board director you wish to recall and remove from the board. Place a checkmark or “X” next to the board director's name on the "RETAIN" line if you are voting for the board director to remain on the board. Note that ballots may not be pre-marked. The voter must fill in the recall or retain boxes. (2) Place a checkmark or “X” next to the names of the candidates in Block B who you wish to replace the recalled board directors OR you may write in your own choices. DO NOT VOTE FOR MORE THAN A TOTAL OF THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS SOUGHT TO BE RECALLED. This includes voting for persons listed, write-in votes, or a combination. The ballot for replacement board directors in Block B should be included and filled in on the written agreement only if a majority or more of the board directors are sought to be recalled. Where a majority or more of the board directors are recalled, the homeowners have the right to name replacement board directors. If less than a majority of the board is recalled, the remaining board directors have the right to appoint replacements. (3) In Block C, print your name and address of the parcel (property) subject to the homeowners’ association in the space designated. Sign the agreement in the space designated. This will affirm that you are authorized to cast the vote, in the manner required by the documents. If your parcel is owned by more than one person, your documents may require that a voting certificate be filed with the association designating which owner has the authority to cast votes on behalf of the parcel. If your documents require a voting certificate and one has not been filled out and delivered to the association, your vote may be rejected. (4) Return the executed agreement to the homeowners' representative named in the agreement in Block C.
February 2015
Letter to the Holley by the Sea Board Good morning, Holley by the Sea Board of Directors. Last night, Jan. 13, there was scheduled to be a regular meeting of the Board of Directors. An agenda had been drafted and properly noticed; association members were informed and many present; Mr. John Bordelon was there, as requested, at 5:30 to present the Board with information about properties in HBTS. At 5:20, The Board President, Alex Crawford, phones - or rather has her husband phone - the recreation center to state she will not be in attendance, due to illness. At 5:30, Mr. Bordelon begins his presentation with three vacant seats. Thirty minutes later, three seats remain vacant still. Ryan Miller and Bill Crouch are absent - no phone call, no email, no text message explaining their absence. Therefore, there is no quorum and no business can be conducted. I ask you, Mr. Miller, Mr. Crouch and Ms. Crawford, what would you think and what would you recommend happen to negligent board members? What would you do if you took time off from work to attend a Board of Directors meeting in order to find out if you could install a fence or build a shed or garage, only to find the board member who represent you, DID NOT SHOW? What would you do if you followed procedures and needed an answer regarding the use of the facility only to attend a meeting where three board members DID NOT SHOW? I'd like to know why you, Crouch and Miller, did not attend the meeting. I'd also like to know if it was orchestrated so there wouldn't be a quorum, thereby, preventing action on listed agenda items. Although it is apparent that the three of you neither care how your decisions affect the members nor care to represent the members, I was one of those who took time off work to attend this meeting. As an adjunct with Pensacola State College, I am only paid when I am in the classroom. I do not get paid for the many hours I spend preparing for class, developing curriculum; grading, meeting with students, etc. I am only paid when I am in the room. So when I found a sub to cover last night's class - I DID NOT GET PAID. Another member took time off work to attend so he could get an answer to his architectural variance request - he also DID NOT GET PAID for the time he was off work. Do you really think this is right? I'll accept at face value that Crawford was ill, but why were you, Crouch and Miller, not there and would you be willing to reimburse me and the other gentleman our pay from last night? I took the time off because as a member of the Long Term Planning Committee, we had two recommendations to present to you, the board. As directed by the board, the Long Term Planning Committee as meet and develop recommendations, only to face three empty seats. As an association member, I have questions that I am is search of answers. Questions such as: - Why was the membership not allowed to provide input regarding the decision to terminate FSR services? - During the Dec. 12 BoD meeting, the item was noted as a discussion with Miller being absent. As required by F.S., no new items were added, voted on at the beginning of the meeting; yet, at the start of the New Business portion, Miller comes on-line via phone, Crawford provides her reasons for why FSR should be terminated, Earl Dean speaks, a vote is taken, Miller leaves via hanging up the phone. This entire process violates several laws/regulations. Please explain your actions. - Why was the contract not followed in making the determination to terminate their services? - Why was the job announcement for a General Manager posted on a closed Facebook site with the verbiage, "We already have someone in mind and resume in hand. We are just doing due diligence and making sure that we open it up to those who might be interested." Soundman Bill? Please explain how
that is due diligence. - Why are you, Crawford, attempting to draft the agenda when that is the Secretary's job? - Why are you, Miller, not attending board meetings and not on conference call for the full meeting of the ones you miss? - Why, Crawford, did you not attend the Certified Board Training Program? - Why is misinformation being given, such as stating Beth Walters canceled the insurance that covers the pool - when this Harper is blatantly false? - Why are the covenants/by-laws and Florida Statutes not adhered to? - Miller, who has a conflict of interest, drafts the Usage Exception Policy that conveniently allows his entire family, immediate and extended, to have access to the recreation center. Why are you writing this policy, Miller? Given that you, Miller and Crawford, have a conflict of interest with this issue, why was this not handled by another? There are more, but that's a good start. The Board of Directors are elected, or appointed in certain circumstance, to serve the association.You are not on that board to pass your own personal agenda by hook or by crook; you are not on that board to be boss - each of you represent the association.You are to follow procedures, gather all the facts, be objective and make decisions that are best for the association.You, Crawford, Miller and Crouch, have FAILED in this regard. Based on your public actions, one can only surmise that you three are working, or rather Crawford dictating with two following, together behind closed doors. This is wrong. If your goals are worthy, then go about accomplishing them proper way. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. I may not agree with every decision made, but when the process to get to that decision is open, above board and done in accordance with the covenants/by-laws and F.S., I'll accept the outcome. However, that is NOT the way things have been done. The liability and chaos you three have placed this association under is enormous. It is WRONG. As for this email, I suffer no illusions that I will get a response because based on your actions last night, you - Crawford, Miller and Crouch - do not care about the membership. I request each of you resign your positions on the board. Yvonne C. Harper 850-910-1572
HBTSNEWS Volume 4 • Issue 3
HBTS News is published monthly by Sandpaper Publishing Inc., HBTS News and its entire contents and style are fully protected by copyright and registered according to copyright laws. HBTS News cannot be reproduced in any form for any purpose without the expressed written permission of Sandpaper Publishing Inc. and Navarre Press.
Publisher Sandi Kemp
Editor Ashley Varese
Miller From page 1
Miller goes on to say he shouldn’t have to attend every “argument that I’m invited to.” Miller states that he believes it is in the best interest of Holley by the Sea to sever the contract with FSR and mentions
acrimony at a recent town hall meeting that he did not attend. In fact, he has not attended a meeting of the membership since November. Board member Bill Crouch has said that he found a way to save the association more than $300,000 but has yet to defend his numbers. Miller writes,“Don't be con-
fused though, as we do have a good transition plan in place and this covers all of the other affected areas such as the finances, the communications, etc. Bill Crouch is heading up most of the transition plans and so far is doing great with how much there is.” The transition plan has not been discussed publicly.
Dirt Worxs Inc.
Advertising/ Marketing Manager Gail Acosta
Production Manager Dickie Williams
To Contact Us: HBTS News 7502 Harvest Village Court Navarre, FL 32566 Phone: (850) 939-8040 Fax: (850) 939-4575 Web: E-mail:
* Tenant Screenings - Inspections - Maintenance * Licensed Realtors accompany all showings, we do not hand out keys. * On call evenings & weekends * Quick Pay Options - Monthly Reports of Income & Expenses
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C o n t e n t
From the General Manager: February is traditionally the month of love ... hmmm! This difficult time provides a great opportunity for this community to pull together and make some serious corrections. The need Alex Fambri for consistency and long-range planning has been discussed, but implementation has been a challenge. The need for professional management was realized and implemented by a previous board after years of being ineffectively selfmanaged. Some find it restrictive to operate within the guidelines of FL Statute 720 and the Best-Practices we bring to the organization. Just as some forget that to serve a community requires a servant heart and wiliness to approach all decisions with the greater good of the community as the end goal. Holley by the Sea has been progressing in a good direction over the last 16 months. Several long time problems have been solved, such as the roof. It was costly to do the project right, but you get what you pay for as they say. Using a professional consultant and seeking seven bidders yielded a successful project after nine years of the roof leaking. There are other projects to be completed and they should be approached in the same systematic method that was applied to the roof project. Recently the community hit a rough patch of divided goals and a struggling board. The good news, if there is any resulting from the strife, is that many have realized that participation in their community is critical to its overall success. Members previously willing to sit on the sideline have brought their talents to the forefront; while some who previously volunteered to serve have moved on. If we can all agree that we want the best for Holley by the Sea, together we can make the difference we seek for this diverse community. We don’t have to all be alike, but we are all drawn to be part of this community, so let’s make it what it could be. We have a team of staff that go above and beyond for the community they care about and volunteers willing to share their time and skills. Let’s not throw away what has been accomplished, let’s build on it.
Beginning February 2, 2015 and continuing through April 15, St Sylvester’s Catholic Church in Navarre will again be partnering with United Way of Escambia to offer free tax preparation for taxpayers in the Navarre/Midway/Tiger Point area. While our focus is on Seniors and Moderate to Low Income taxpayers, this service is open to anyone. IRS Trained and Certified volunteer tax preparers will be available M-T-W in the Church’s Education Building. We can do taxes in both English and Spanish. Hours of operation will be 10AM to 4PM each day. If you need assistance outside of these hours, please give us a call at 850-4968124 to schedule. During our normal hours on M-T-W, no appointment is needed; just come to the center and bring your SS card and a picture ID along with your tax information (W-2s, SS payment info, interest statements, last year’s return, 1099-R’S, 1095s, etc.) The United Way has offered this service in the Pensacola area for several years and regularly prepares thousands of returns for seniors, low and middle income families, students and others looking for help. The expansion of this valuable service to Navarre area recognizes the growing population of this community and offers residents a way to get free expert help with tax preparation and filing. You do not have to be a member of St Sylvester’s to get this free tax preparation service.
p r o v i d e d
b y
H o l l e y
b y
t h e
S e a
President’s Corner:
ARIZONA 02.01.15 HBTS Fishing club welcomes all RESIDENTS of HBTS to come meet your neighbors, watch the Super Bowl and be sociable. What - Super Bowl Celebration / Chili Cook Off When - Sunday February 1, 2015 Tail Gate Party starts at 3:30 PM with the Kick-Off scheduled for 5:30 PM. Where - HBTS Beach House Reservations must be made NLT January 28, 2015 to Chris at the front desk or email to: (Please let us know if you will be participating in the Chili Cook Off when you sign up.)
Sponsored by the HBTS Fishing Club
Youth Dept. Hello Parents! It’s February, which hopefully means spring is right around the corner with warmer weather. Parent’s Night Out is still happening once a month and the kids are enjoying it more and more each time. The next Parent’s Night Out is February 20th. Sign up now, space is limited. Deadline for sign up’s is February 13th. It is $15.00 per child and includes: dinner, swimming, arts/crafts, games, movie and more! Don’t miss out on the fun!
Future Parent’s Night Out dates: February 20th March 13th April 10th
Mornings Monday-Friday (ages 6 months- 5 years) Session 1- 8:30am-9:30am Session 2- 9:30am-10:30am
There is currently ONE spot open in the After School Program. For more information about the After School Program, please call 850-939-1693 Ext. 6. Please find below the hours for Fun Factory:
** The evening Fun Factory sessions have been cancelled due to lack of participation. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Revised 8/12/2014, will be reviewed and complied to.
well maintained. Owners may not permit visible hoops to become an unsafe or unsightly nuisance, and the ACC or BOD in its sole judgment may require the removal of such hoops. *Hoops, players, or balls must not be permitted to damage surrounding landscape, structure, vehicles, common areas or other owner’s property. Any damage occurred is the responsibility of the basketball hoop owner. * For safety reasons, hoops may not be positioned to encourage playing on a sidewalk, on neighbors’property, or in a street.
Architecture News NEWYEAR: NEW POLICIES A NewYear brings in New Resolutions and New Policies being drafted by HBTS’Architectural Control Committee. In January and February, the ACC is addressing the need for a Garage/Yard Sale Policy and Recreation Policy. Members are invited to leave feedback on the following information that is included in the drafts of these policies that are currently“under construction.” Garage/Yard Sales: 1. Garage/yard sales are to be held during daylight hours only. 2. HBTS HOA Members/ Renters are limited to no more than four (4) garage/yard sales per calendar year that may be held for up to 3 consecutive days at a time. 3. Signs promoting garage/yard sales placed at the entrances to the community, road intersections and other locations within the boundaries of HBTS, must be in accordance with Santa Rosa County Sign Ordnance, 8.00.00. a. Signs must be free standing or self-supporting. b. Signs must be removed within 24 hours following the garage/yard sale. 4. HBTS Sign Policy, BOD
Recreation: Basketball Hoop Restrictions: Non-portable hoops, like any other exterior change, are subject to advance written approval of the Architectural Control Committee. Hoops erected without prior approval might not be approved by the ACC; homeowners could be required to remove unapproved hoops, and be subject to fines. Portable basketball hoops may be used on front yards and on owner’s driveways, subject to restrictions described below. The presence of a sloping driveway does not waive or limit this restriction. To prevent unsightly conditions, portable basketball hoops should be stored out of sight from the street when currently not in use. Portable hoops must be stored upright off the driveway. Hoops must not be used on or block common areas, sidewalks or streets. Santa Rosa County will not permit basketball goals, whether fixed or movable, within a county right of way or easement. *Visible hoops must be mechanically sound, clean and
Recreational Restrictions: Other Recreational Items including, but not limited to trampolines, soccer goals, exercise equipment, kayaks, watercraft etc… may not be stored in view of others (from the street) in front and side yards or on the driveway. Feedback may be mailed to by February 21, 2015. We appreciate Member input and your help in maintaining the harmony in our community. Shelby Filek and Denise Puentes, Architectural Staff
To all the homeowners in H.B.T.S. I want to speak personally to each one of you. As a candidate for the Alex Crawford Board I ran on the platform of returning H.B.T.S. to the Members. Not a small group of Members but the majority of Members who had become dispirited, disillusioned and felt like nothing could ever change the special interests that ran the Community. These are Members who may not vote, who may not use the facilities – who just pay their dues and wish to live a peaceful life. With the signing of the Contract with FSR in October 2012, the rights of the homeowners to control their own association were supplanted. Have you as a homeowner read the contract with FSR? In it we signed away our control and only gained liability and cost. On December 2nd 2014 the Board voted by a 3-2 vote to terminate the contract with FSR with 60 days no fault notice. Cost was cited as the reason and that is certainly true. Two years ago HBTS ran itself with a Board and a CAM and this is the model we are going back to. Why should we be paying so much more for payroll processing than we would if we engaged a payroll company for THE SAME SERVICE! Employees will once again work for the Members of HBTS. Employee costs will be down. Resources for improvement of the facilities will once more be available. In addition to payroll, medical, and a 25 percent cost for payroll processing we are paying a management fee equivalent to 135 people’s yearly dues when this money can be utilized for the benefit of the Members! I only have a brief column to address some other issues – more information will soon be on the website – Have any of you asked WHY the DEP and the County have become so interested in HBTS! Members and staff have called to the DEP repeatedly with accusations of wrong doing which in turn resulted in the DEP becoming involved. There has been dissemination of false information by people who have never attended any of the meetings. The minutes from the last meeting are posted on the HBTS web page under Forms and Documents – Meeting Minutes DEP. Contrary to what has been disseminated, the DEP is there to help us not to hurt us. I would like to reassure the members of HBTS who are concerned about the parking lot that it is in the budget for 2015 to repair or replace whichever is required. We will be soliciting for bids just as soon as is possible. It is with great sadness I accept the resignation of Ryan Miller. He has attempted to serve this Community with honor despite the constant harassment of him and his family. As a Community we should be concentrating on fixing our issues rather than apportioning blame! Does it matter who was historically at fault? Let us move forward for the betterment of our Community. As a Community we should take a look at how others in the area now view us. At present we are not showing our best face to the world. Alex Crawford President
Transactions ■ Seller: Robert Furloni Buyer: Sam Burch Address: 1940 Resort St. Date: 10-07-14 Price: $219,0000
■ Seller: Benjanin T. Fingarson Buyer: Jay A. Martinez, Jr. Address: 6555 Lansford St. Date: 01-07-15 Price: $249,500
■ Seller: Julian A. Yee Buyer: Richard J. Williams Address: 7570 Pepperwood St. Date: 12-31-14 Price: $195,000
■ Seller: Tax Ease Florida REO LLC Buyer: Vero Atlantic 2 LLC Address: 1401 Hwy. A1A #202 Date: 10-28-14 Price: $5,900
■ Seller: Terry F. Clark Buyer: Kenneth Guay Address: 6871 Flintwood St. Date: 12-10-14 Price: $165,000
■ Seller: Whitworth Builders Buyer: Paul A. Tarnuzzer Address: 2138 Villa Ct. Date: 12-22-14 Price: $336,000
■ Seller: Matthew Boffin Buyer: Jeremy Lo Address: 6842 Liberty Sr. Date: 10-31-14 Price: $146,000
■ Seller: Thomas G. Clemens Buyer: Cary Manning Address: 6701 Castlewood Dr. Date: 12-19-14 Price: $42,500
■ Seller: Gooden Homes Buyer: Fred A. Staub Address: 7347 Broadmoor St. Date: 12-10-14 Price: $329,900
■ Seller: Sean M. Anderson Buyer: Brandon S. Nance Address: 2509 Crescent Rd. Date: 10-16-14 Price: $249,900
■ Seller: Troy J. McConnell Buyer: David J. Lee Address: 3930A W Scott St. Date: 01-12-15 Price: $199,900
■ Seller: Bank of New York Mellon Buyer: Pier 51 Inc. Address: 1804 Prado St. Date: 12-22-14 Price: $127,000
■ Seller: Russell A. Duffy Buyer: Vincent A. Colley Address: 14600 Farmington Creek Rd Date: 10-17-14 Price: $264,000
■ Seller: Khamkert Khuesey Buyer: Camden L. Babcock Address: 6686 Britt St. Date: 01-13-15 Price: $255,000
■ Seller: Joshua K. Harden Buyer: Ashley H. Hughes Address: 7696 Manatee St. Date: 01-12-15 Price: $215,000
■ Seller: Tax Ease Florida REO Buyer: Mark Bethea Address: 174 Country Club Rd. Date: 11-21-14 Price: $1,000
■ Seller: Oasis Properties Buyer: Whitworth Builders Address: Date: 12-17-14 Price: $55,000
■ Seller: Jack R. Drinkwine Buyer: Jeffrey A. Maurer Address: 7705 Leisure St. Date: 10-30-14 Price: $193,900
■ Seller: Eileen S. Nohava Buyer: Randolph W. Royce Address: 10720 Chatham Ridge Way Date: 12-19-14 Price: $10,745
Seller: Rudolph J. Cegielski Buyer: Benjamin A. Cook Address: 1940 Bahama Dr. Date: 12-17-14
■ Seller: Kermit P. Dubea, Jr. Buyer: Linda G. Rain Address: 2016 Jamaica Dr. Date: 10-20-14 Price: $131,000
■ Seller: Andrew L. Huffman Buyer: Daniel L. Andrews Address: 6631 Desoto St. Date: 01-02-15 Price: $250,000
■ Seller: Richard O. Harrison Buyer: Michael J. Price Address: 1993 Aurora St. Date: 10-24-14 Price: $244,000
■ Seller: Magdalene Sarris Buyer: Whitworth Builders Address: Date: 12-19-14 Price: $55,000
■ Seller: Ronald E. Waggoner Buyer: Wesley M. Velez Address: 1996 Indigo Dr. Date: 10-22-14 Price: $182,500
■ Seller: Joseph D. Pritchard Buyer: Kevin J. Baillargeon Address: 7047 Jasper St. Date: 01-09-15 Price: $174,500
■ Seller: Richard M. Eubanks Buyer: Helen S. Landers Address: 2530 Masters Blvd. Date: 10-30-14 Price: $362,500
■ Seller: Gary F. Streets Buyer: Brian L. Cook Address: 2573 Crescent Rd. Date: 12-22-14 Price: $254,000
■ Seller: Gary V. Meier et al Buyer: Brett H. Scudder Address: 6667 Water St. Date: 10-28-14 Price: $245,000
■ Seller: Richard C. Gasawaqy Buyer: Whitworth Builders Address: Date: 12-15-14 Price: $48,000
■ Seller: Whitworth Builders Buyer: Joseph E. Kabatek Address: 2580 Hidden Creek Dr. Date: 10-10-14 Price: $315,600
■ Seller: Russell T. Waite Buyer: Kent R. Tullis Address: 7193 Siesta St. Date: 12-22-14 Price: $247,000
■ Seller: Flynn Building Specialist Buyer: Joseph R. Signor Address: 2380 Tumbleweed Dr. Date: 10-24-14 Price: $295,000
■ Seller: Jeffery S. Woodside Buyer: Asghar Abbas Address: 296 W Oakdale #4E Date: 12-29-14
■ Seller: Timothy R. Harrington Buyer: Flynn Building Specialist Address: 1451 Keylan Cove Date: 10-17-14 Price: $47,500
■ Seller: Fannie Mae Buyer: Benjamin T. Bransford Address: 2044 Resort St. Date: 12-18-14 Price: $220,500
■ Seller: Charles A. Olson Buyer: Lance E. Carver Address: 7341 Sandstone St. Date: 01-09-15 Price: $235,000 ■ Seller: Franco Boffice Buyer: Samuel Stevens & Assoc. Address: 2313 Hwy. 87 Date: 12-16-14 Price: $89,000 ■ Seller: Club at Hidden Creek Buyer: William Thiel Address: 2708 PGA Blvd. Date: 01-02-15 Price: $7,800 ■ Seller: Clifford E. Day Buyer: Linda J. Netro Address: 3219 E Lagoon Ct. SE Date: 12-12-14 Price: $99,000 ■ Seller: Michael F. Jaquish Buyer: Daniel Keery Address: 2912 Sherwood Dr. Date: 09-12-14 Price: $27,800
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■ Brewster St Narcotics Violation – Felony 12/03/2014 ■ Manatee St/Citrus Dr Traffic Offense – Other or Arrest 12/03/2014 ■ Brewster St Death Investigation – Attended/Natural PHYS 12/05/2014
■ Garden Dr Death Investigation – Attended/Natural PHYS 12/16/2014
■ Citrus Dr/Brevard St Suspicious Person – Loitering or Prowling 01/05/2015
■ PGA Blvd Substance Abuse – Detox/ Protective Custody 12/16/2014
■ East Bay Blvd Warrant Service 01/05/2015
■ Cypress Point Cir Disturbance – Family 12/17/2014 ■ Britt St Disturbance – Family 12/18/2014
■ Coral St and Hwy 98 Traffic Offense – Other or Arrest 01/06/2015 ■ Resort St Burglary – Residence 01/06/2015
■ East Bay Blvd Disturbance – Family 12/21/2014
■ Crescent Rd Service Assist – Other AgenciesHRS-G&F-FMP 01/08/2015
■ Federal St Disturbance – Family 12/21/2014
■ East Bay Blvd Violation of County Litter Law 01/09/2015
■ Palmetto St Disturbance – Family 12/24/2014
■ Holley Ct Burglary – Vehicle 01/09/2015
■ Crescent Rd Disturbance – Family 12/25/2014
■ Coral St Alcohol Offense – Except DUI 01/10/2015
■ Bayou Dr Missing Person – Adult – Endangered 12/08/2014
■ East Bay Blvd Disturbance – Family 01/03/2015
■ Indigo Dr Battery 01/11/2015
■ Rexford St Battery 01/03/2015
■ East Bay Blvd Fraud – Prescriptions 01/12/2015
■ Siesta St Death Investigation – Unattended 12/08/2014
■ Sherwood Dr Injury – Other 01/03/2015
■ PGA Blvd Disturbance – Family 01/12/2014
■ Broadmoor St Fraud – Other 12/10/2014
■ Apples Way Burglary – Vehicle Associated Reports 01/04/2015
■ East Bay Blvd Miscellaneous – Report Written 01/13/2015
■ Citrus Dr Disturbance – Family 12/06/2014 ■ East Bay Blvd and River Run Traffic Offense – DUI 12/06/2014 ■ Crescent Rd Disturbance – Family 12/07/2014 ■ Leisure St Battery 12/07/2014 ■ Manatee St Disturbance – Family 12/07/2014
■ Houston Cir Disturbance – Family 12/10/2014 ■ Flamingo Ln Missing Person – Juvenile 12/11/2014 ■ Flintwood St Disturbance – Family 12/11/2014 ■ Crescent Rd Burglary – Residence 12/13/2014 ■ Hidden Creek Dr Disturbance – Family 12/13/2014
■ Codell St Disturbance – Family 12/16/2014
■ Seller: Bill D. Wallace Buyer: AK Land Title LLC Address: 2038 PGA Blvd. Date: 12-19-14 Price: $96,000
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■ Federal St Disturbance – Family 12/01/14
■ Bellingham St Miscellaneous – Report Written 12/16/2014
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HBTS Incident Reports: December 21, 2014 to January 18, 2015
■ Arrow Ct Burglary – Vehicle Associated Reports 01/04/2015 ■ Balboa Ct Burglary – Vehicle Associated Reports 01/04/2015 ■ Broadmoor St Burglary – Vehicle 01/04/2015 ■ Leisure St Burglary – Vehicle Associated Reports 01/04/2015 ■ Menton St Burglary – Vehicle Associated Reports 01/04/2014 ■ Woodmont St Burglary – Vehicle Associated Reports 01/04/2015
■ Hawthorne Dr Disturbance – Family 01/16/2015 ■ Hawthorne Dr Burglary – Residence 01/17/2015 ■ Australian St Miscellaneous – Report Written 01/18/2015
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Crawford acting as both president and secretary
Members protest closed meeting
Forbidden in covenants Board President Alex Crawford has signed agendas at least three times. The HBTS covenants strictly prohibit this. Crawford has also uniCrawford laterally decided that items would not be on the agenda and has called before the official meeting to have items removed, altered, or taken off the agenda after it has been presented by the board Secretary Rebecca Ward. Our covenants - pertaining to officers of the board of director. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 1. Officers. The executive officers of the Association shall be a President, who shall be a Director, a Vice President, a Treasurer and a Secretary all of whom shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors, and such Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine upon. Any person may hold two (2) or more offices except that the same person shall not hold the office of President and Vice President, provided, however, that the President shall not also be the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. Any officer may be removed peremptorily by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors present at any duly constituted meeting. Section 2. President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association. He shall have all the powers and duties usually vested in the office of president of an association, including but not limited to the power to appoint committees from among the members from time to time, as he, in his discretion, may determine appropriate to assist in the conduct of the affairs of the Association. Section 3. Vice President. The Vice President on the absence or disability of the President shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the President. He shall also assist the President generally and exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as shall be prescribed be the Directors. Section 4. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the Directors and the members. He shall attend to the giving and serving of all notices to the members and Directors and other notices required by law. He shall have custody of the seal of the Association and affix it to instruments requiring a seal when duly signed. He shall keep record of the Association, except those of the Treasurer, and shall perform all other duties incident to the office of secretary of an association and as may be required by the Directors or the President. The Assistant Secretary, if any, shall perform the duties of the Secretary when the Secretary is absent, and shall otherwise assist the Secretary. Section 5. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have custody of all property of the Association, including funds, securities and evidences of indebtedness. He shall keep the books of the Association in accordance with good accounting practices; and he shall perform all other duties incident to the office of Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer, if any, shall perform the duties of the Treasurer when Treasurer is absent, and shall otherwise assist the Treasurer.
Photos by Sandi Kemp
Above, board members leave a closed meeting while protesters hold signs. Below, members follow board members Bill Crouch and Alex Crawford looking for answers following the meeting. ing the concept of representaBy Sandi Kemp tion,” Shellenbarger yelled after them. Afterward, Crawford wrote an When board members Bill email to Mark Stoops, the presCrouch and Alex Crawford ident of First Service residential walked through the café of the for the North Florida Region. HBTS Recreation Facility on Sat“While proceeding to the Board urday, 30 minutes before a“closed” Conference Room through the board meeting, they were greetMain Recreation Area the Board ed by 14 members and past board Members encountered a group members of the association holdof approximately 20 - 30 people ing signs. attempting to intimidate. At no The signs read,“Resign,”“Are time did any employee of FSR you listening now Alex?,”“Resign or Face Recall!,”“Where are you walking as I walked with them on the windows of the meeting maintain discipline and control Mr. Miller?,”“Do the right thing, Mr. Crouch put me on a path room by the tennis courts and so that Board Members as well resign!,”and“Lawyer Quit, Engi- such that I either walk into the knocking on the windows while as other members could peaceneer Quit, Crawford needs to wall or knock him over. I refused Crouch was taking pictures inside fully use the facility. After the Board Members Quit!”The protestors were the in any way to invade their per- with his phone while laughing. only members in the café area sonal space and tried to be The door to the room was reached the Board Conference at the time. respectful,”detailed Shellen- unlocked but members did not Room, the group proceeded to Member Scott Shellenbarger barger later in a Facebook post. go in. Board members Frink and surround the room and knocked met them on the entry and asked “Thus is your board president Ward were in the room less than on the windows for over 20 minif they would please stop and and her pal and how they treat 10 minutes before they got up utes disrupting and attempting talk to residents, but they ignored a total stranger.”Shellenbarger and walked out. According to to intimidate the Board Memhim. did raise his voice in frustration Frink and Ward, when they found bers inside the room. Again FSR “I approached Ms. Crawford when they wouldn’t even address out fellow board member Ryan failed to monitor the area to allow and Mr. Crouch alone as they his concerns. Miller would not be in atten- the Board members to conduct entered and said it's nice to finalBoard members Jan Frink and dance, they got up and left. a peaceful meeting. The Recrely meet you face to face and get Rebecca Ward were also in atten- Crouch and Ward left immedi- ation Center is for families and to talk. I asked them if they had dance and they talked to the ately and were followed by a few children and such a disruption read our bylaws and if we could members before and after the members who asked if they in the peace should not be talk, they ignored me and kept meeting. Members held up signs would stay and talk.“Quit deny- allowed to occur,”Crawford wrote.
Three board members absent at regularly scheduled board meeting Staff Reports More than 80 people attended a regularly scheduled board meeting on Jan. 13, in which business could not take place because three of the five board members did not show up. This is also the meeting in which a petition was to be delivered to the board which garnered more than 430 signatures asking the board to reconsider its vote (32) to give FirstService Residential a 60-day“No Fault”notice of termination. The meeting was scheduled for 5:30 p.m. and at approx- No-show board members seats. imately 5:20 p.m. Alex Crawford’s again try to do multiple things on husband called her in sick. It wasn’t until the next day after a day we have a meeting – espethe prompting of board secretary cially when clients call and I have Rebecca Ward, did board mem- to drive 70 miles to their location. ber Bill Crouch offer a reason for I am really disappointed that I missed the meeting,”said Crouch his absence. “I am incredibly sorry I missed in an email. Ryan Miller has been asked sevthat meeting – especially since we had a lot of issues to deal with. I eral times for a reason for his was in the North end of the Coun- absence but has not provided one. Crawford had retained Attorty when I had car troubles on my way back and I did not have my ney John Bordelon to speak to the cell phone with me so no way to membership at a cost not to exceed get in touch in a timely fashion $500. Bordelon spoke to those in with anyone. I was able to flag attendance regarding the green down some help to get me a sta- belts in HBTS and their relationtion to get assistance. I will never ship to the B. Williams Family Trust.
Karsten left the podium, only to return moments later to address Crawford as if she were sitting in the meeting. “Crawford was voted into office with the majority of the minority. She said she knocked on 1200 doors and only got 377 votes, that isn’t a very good return,”expounded Karsten.“One of the things Crawford said was that she thought FSR was unprofessional. I don’t know what is less professional than to try to send someone off packing with a note – you don’t do business that way.“ Member and college professor Yvonne Harper found a substitute After Bordelon teacher at her own expense so that completed his she could address the board regardexplanation and ing the long-range planning comanswered quesmittee that she is a member of. tions, members Another member who is also a started asking law enforcement officer took time why Crawford, off of work to be there to address Crouch and a variance that was on the agenKarsten Miller were not da. in attendance. Business could not be con“I’m very disappointed that I had ducted, but members had plento adjust my entire schedule to be ty to say. A video of the entire here and three members of this meeting can be found on the board without the consideration HBTS News You Tube Channel. for every member here to show There is also a video of Attorney up for this meeting,”member Tim John Bordelon’s explanation of Karsten said.”That is appalling.” the HBTS Greenbelts.
Three on recall ballot to replace Crawford, Crouch and Miller Members will find the names of Bob Bower, Rod Danner, and Pete Waschenko as replacement board members on the recall ballot. None of these individuals sought to be on the board, but only agreed to do it until the next election is held and a new board is seated in July. “I have no interest in serving longer but only trying to avoid the devastation at the end of this train wreck,” wrote Danner. There will be a “Meet and Greet” at 7:30 p.m. this Thursday, January 29 at the Rec Center.
Bob Bower
Pete Waschenko
Rod Danner
My family and I moved to Holley by the Sea in 2007 as part of our last Air Force Assignment with the 505th Command and Control Wing at Hurlburt Field. Since retiring from the Air Force in 2011, I have worked for JACOBS Technologies in Valparaiso, Fl, in support of the Air Force’s Patriot Excalibur program. When buying a home in the Florida Panhandle, we chose HBTS over other locations mainly due to the home values, but the draw of the community and the recreation center sealed the deal. I was amazed at the (relatively) low annual fee for the HOA and amenities. Why do I want to be on the board? To be honest, I don’t. However, in light of recent events, I feel compelled to offer my assistance to the HOA. The current leadership, in my opinion, is being overly ambitious trying to save money at all costs. In other words, they are being penny wise and pound foolish. Compounding this problem is a lack of two-way communication between board members and the association. I consider myself a good communicator and a team player. Further, I’m a believer in deliberative planning and budgeting processes and I am not prone to make rash decisions. Should I have to make an unpopular decision, I will not hesitate to explain, either in person, or via the myriad communication channels we have now. I’m married to Trish Bower and we have two kids: Robert (a senior at the Ohio State University) and Catherine (a sophomore at the University of Central Florida).
I moved to HBTS 1.5 years ago fromYonkers, NewYork. While living in NewYork, I was an electrician for 22 years, 13 of which I owned my own business. I was also a professional fire fighter for 20 years and was a lieutenant for 7 of those 20 years. I am retired and have made HBTS my forever home. I want to be part of this community and I want to help make HBTS a better place to live for everyone. I am the current chair of the Architectural Control Committee. I have a wife and four children.
My family and I have lived in HBTS since 2003. My children are both graduates of the University of West Florida. My wife, Sarah, and I are active in sports activities at our Recreation Center, one of the main reasons we chose HBTS. I am a retired Chief Law Enforcement Professional with twenty-seven years as a federally commissioned officer. I am an honorably discharged Vietnam Veteran, U.S. Navy (Enlisted)
Town Hall Meeting reveals back door politics By Sandi Kemp
The town hall started with board secretary Rebecca Ward and treasurer Jan A town Frink giving slide shows hall meeton the budget before and ing to disafter FirstService and Ward cuss Firstgave a presentation on what Service FirstService provides for Residential the association. Lucy Jan. 10 Crouch stood up and ran became to the podium at every Crouch fiery when opportunity. L u c y “ I ’ m Crouch brought handouts happy to showing how her husband, have a Bill Crouch, came up with managesaving the association m e n t $338,731.25 without First- company Service Residential at the back me helm. up as a It also got loud when m e m b e r Lucy Crouch admitted that b e c a u s e Shellenberg she knew more about the I’m very transition and what was worried about what is going going on than the two on right now,” said memboard members who were ber Scott Shellenbarger. present at the meeting. “This discussion that we More than 75 members are having today should were in attendance. have been at the last board
Attorney From page 1
I was very disheartened when our attorney quit”board member Rebecca Ward said when asked about the resignation of the attorney.“I feel personally vulnerable and very concerned for the community and the membership because we have so many pending legal issues.” Ward also expressed concern that President Alex Crawford would have a hand in picking the next attorney.“If she (Crawford) does the same to the new attorney – that I think she did to this attorney – we will be in a world of hurt – and no one will touch us unless we pay them a premium,”Ward said. Crawford has asked each board member to call attorneys and interview them over the phone and then bring their recommendation to a future meeting. A brief search of,“How to pick an attorney for an HOA”revealed that choosing an
meeting where it was on the agenda to discuss… there was a five-minute monologue and a vote,” said Yvonne Harper.“The board represents us – there is not a boss that gets to decide and the rest of the board follows along. This process stinks,”Harper continued. “What is the transition plan – how are we going to go from where we are to where we want to be? We may support it if we know what it is. The unknown is what we fear. To say you can’t share the information with the members – it is not right,” said Billy Neal addressing Lucy Crouch. “The attorney suggested that during the transition …” started Lucy Crouch.“Excuse me – how do you what the attorney suggested ?” asked Frink. “Because I was home
Photo by Sandi Kemp
Yvonne Harper when it was discussed,” answered Crouch. “Well, I’m on the board and I didn’t know that,” replied Frink to the
attorney for an HOA is not something that should be done through a phone interview. South Florida blogger and Community Association Manager Mark Benson describes a rigorous exercise that HOAs should go through when choosing an attorney. In order to,“avoid the pitfalls of poor legal representation, and enjoy the comforts of finding an attorney that you can trust, and who truly knows what they are doing,” Benson says in his online post. Some points include: Contacting a firm that specializes in HOA representation and finding out how many years with HOAs and what percentage of the business is HOA related. Does the attorney have a system in place to learn about changes in the law, new administrative rulings, industry trends? There are a list of at least 20 more questions that each attorney should be asked, and checking of references, and checking the courts documents in regards to cases that the law firm has been involved in – and the outcome.
applause of the crowd – some shouting “Transparency!” “Maybe you should have asked her,” was Lucy
Crouch’s retort. Lucy Crouch went on to describe what the attorney advised Alex Crawford about talking to the members. “We have since had a conversation – my husband and I – if you want to see the cost savings – right here,”Lucy Crouch said as she laid down the “Cost Savings” spreadsheet. “Someone told me I was very diplomatic but I’m about to lose my diplomacy,” Harper said.“We should not have to be married to a board member to get information. These two board members should not have to ask for information – they should be included on everything correspondence.” The video of the meeting – part a and b are on the YouTube - HBTS News Channel.
Michelle Anchors Michelle Anchors is a partner at the law firm of Keefe, Anchors & Gordon, P.A. She and her family have been leaders in the Fort Walton Beach /Destin community for many generations. Anchors is a graduate of Vanderbilt University (B.A. 1987) and the University of Florida College of Law (J.D. 1991). Following her graduation from law school, Anchors served as a law clerk to Justice Parker Lee McDonald on the Florida Supreme Court. She subsequently served as Deputy Anchors General Counsel to former Governor Lawton Chiles and was a member of his staff when he served in the United States Senate. Anchors’ depth of government and administrative knowledge allow her to match the needs of her private sector clients with the most efficient and effective solutions. She provides counsel to many businesses, condominiums and homeowners associations along the Emerald Coast. She has received the highest rating offered by her professional peers in the Martindale Hubbell peer review system and been named ”Legal Elite” by Florida Trend magazine (2011, 2010). In addition to her law practice, Anchors is committed to a number of issues and organizations in her community. In 2013, she was appointed to the State of Florida Commission on Ethics by Florida Senate President Don Gaetz. Governor Bush appointed her to serve as the Chair of the Committee for a Sustainable Emerald Coast and Michelle was named the Emerald Coast’s “Best Corporate Citizen.” In 2012 Michelle was honored to serve as one of the founding members and first President of IMPACT 100 of Northwest Florida, which provides significant grant funding to local non-profits. Michelle also served as former Chair of the Okaloosa County School Readiness Coalition. She served on the Board of Directors of the University of West Florida Foundation and the Board of Directors of the Fort Walton Beach Medical Center. -- Keefe, Anchor & Gordon, P.A. website
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850-699-2957 ✁
$25 OFF Any repair
Expires 2/28/15
$150 OFF
Any system replacement
Expires 2/28/15
Tara Capron 850-565-0480
Leonie Withers 850-240-7838
Debbie Treat 850-803-9635
Ursula Householder 850-642-5711
Paula Patching 850-450-2643
Jodi Mike Van Wagner Simpson 850-723-1907 850-206-4553
Doris Taylor 850-499-4344
Danie Bell 850-324-8428
Rhonda Musch 850-293-5069
Milton Miller 850-417-9786
Billy Chapman 850-217-0275
8871 Navarre Parkway Navarre, FL 32566
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