Oct. 2012 HBTS News

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October 2012 www.hbtsnews.com

This is a publication written and produced by Sandpaper Publishing, Inc./Navarre Press for the owners of HBTS and is not an official publication of Holley by the Sea Homeowners’ Association, Inc.

Contact Holley by the Sea President

Reeling in the children

Pete Peterzen Internal Vice-President Brooke Goldberg External Vice-President Pat Traynor Treasurer Jean Tashlik Secretary Joseph Hart Email the board: HBTSBOD@holleybythesea.org

Interim General Manager: Jennifer Barrett Email: hbtsaccting@ bellsouth.net

Holley by the Sea Homeowner’s Association 6845 Navarre Parkway Navarre, FL 32566

By Yvonne C. Harper Navarre Press

Fishing program and promotes it as a way to teach children about fishing and conservation, and to encour- The Take a Kid Fishing event is a major event that age family and friends to go the Holley by the Sea Fishing Club supports. The HBTS fishing with a child mainly Fishing Club donated $500 to help ensure the event is because“fishing is fun”accord- a success; however, the fishing club would also like volunteers to attend the event to help the children who attend. ing to the FWC website. Anyone interested in volunteering for the event can Navarre High School stucontact Pat Traynor at adventure54@hotmail.com dents from the Navarre Beach or 850-939-7963. Marine Science Station will Billy Neal, HBTS Fishing Club president, stressed that mix learning and fun that day anyone can volunteer for the event, not just fishing by helping the novice fish- club members. ermen (children) learn how The event will be held from 8 a.m.-noon on Oct. 6 at the to fish, they will also teach Navarre Beach Fishing Pier. them about the fish. “(We) get to see the moms out here that Photos by Dan Ramsey either have no clue about how to do it, or Children attending the 2011 Take a Kid Fishing they’re not going to do it,”said Walker.“(The event enjoyed a clear day on the Navarre students) will help bait the hooks and they’ll Beach Fishing Pier. The 2012 event sponsors help set up the rods and reels.” are hoping for an even better turnout this year Fishing continued on page 2 for the Oct. 6 Take a Kid Fishing event.

Calling all HBTS members

Holley by the Sea Fishing Club members donated $500 for the Oct. 6 Take a Kid Fishing event that will be held at the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier. The fishing club members and other sponsors of the event hope to hook hundreds of children on fishing during the event. The third annual Take a Kid Fishing event at the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier will provide children an opportunity to learn about fish and how to catch them. Event Coordinator Sheila Walker hopes to see 500 children on the pier learning how to fish for free. “Last year there were 423 (children),”said Walker,“and we’re aiming for 500 children this year.” Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission participates in the Take a Kid

HBTS board of directors approves lower assessment CURRENT HBTS RESIDENT



Photo by Yvonne C. Harper

A few Holley by the Sea Fishing Club members went to the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier on Sept. 13 to present Sheila Walker a $500 check for the annual Take a Kid Fishing event. Pictured from left are Bob Burton, Jim Strickland, Pat Traynor, Sheila Walker, Billy Neal, Vinny Mosher and Stan Kuhn.

By Yvonne C. Harper HBTSnews.com The budget for 2013 was approved during a Sept. 25 Holley by the Sea board of directors special meeting. In its final form, residents will see a $15 decrease in their 2013 annual assessment. The present assessment is $365. Interim General Manager Jennifer Barrett stated that the projected end-of-year total income is $2,296,811. Barrett said 40 new homes had

been built in HBTS this year, about 18 more than last year.That increase resulted in an increase in the Architectural Committee budget. However, Barrett said she couldn’t guarantee new home construction would carry over into next year. New fitness program classes were added this year, but several did not hold through the full year, so she projected the budget would stay the same for next year. The rentals for the beach house were a little higher this year, but there were fewer social events, which lowered what was pro-

jected for the end-of-year costs. Increased prices for tennis and youth programs gave HBTS an income increase for that budget. An increase in passive income was due to greenbelt sales, but Barrett could not project that sales would happen each year. An administrative position was added, which increased the general administration and office equipment budget, according to Barrett. The board plans to budget $5,000 for the member committee employee appreciation fund.

About $500 was spent for the employee Christmas party last year. This year the fund was increased to recognize staff, committee members and volunteers. The board didn’t specify how the $5,000 would be spent. An increase in the HBTS newsletter production for homeowner notification was added; the present cost is $9,600 for one page of submitted content. Allied Waste increased its prices 5 percent, resulting in a higher budget for next year’s HBTS Board continued on page 5

Valid through October 31, 2012



October 2012

Continental selected to manage HBTS By Yvonne C. Harper HBTSnews.com The Continental Group was selected to manage Holley by the Sea during a Sept. 25 HBTS board of directors special meeting pending finalization of the contract. Board President Pete Peterzen spoke briefly about a third group that was being considered to present the board members with a presentation, however, he recommended pulling the invitation. He said several aspects of Condominium Concepts Management, a company based out of Atlanta, concerned him. “Concerns about their price, their distance to their support staff, their closest office is Atlanta. The have district offices in Jacksonville, Orlando and Tampa. They have one managed property in the entire Central time zone, in Panama City, and that is a mix of apartments, condos and commercial space,”said Peterzen. “They don’t have a lot of experience with homeowners’ associations.” “So I guess no is the answer?” board member Pat Traynor asked. The board members were

in agreement not to follow through with hearing a proposal from Condominium Concepts. “When do we want to gather to evaluate the other two proposals?”Peterzen asked. Board member Brooke Goldberg then made a motion to continue and finalize a contract with Continental Group. On Sept. 8, the board members heard a proposal from a second company, Southern Association Management, but its presentation focused on providing consulting services instead of a managing proposal. “I can see the consultant only for some $30,000 roughly, but they would only give us advice. They’re not doing the work,” said Peterzen. “Continental would do the work.” Peterzen also contacted three of the references Continental provided and said the feedback was positive. The board members seemed to be in agreement that they would rather have a managing company instead of a consulting firm. According to Continental’s June 26 presentation to the board, as a third party management group, Con-

tinental staff would be on the property and available to support existing staff. According to the proposal, HBTS residents would get the following: Communication A new website would be developed that would be the hub of communications for the association and would have a“My Account” tab where residents could look up their information. The Association would have a 24/7 call center that could handle most of the calls immediately. Emergency calls would be transferred to the general manager. There also would be a community-wide calendar of events and a“meet board” to define needs, develop suggested programs and budgets, implement activities and analyze results.

Financial/Accounting TCG offers detailed monthly financial reports, training on proprietary system and computer and software updates if needed. TCG will prepare annual budgets and reserves and electronic scanning of invoices. TCG has a proven collection process to keep accounts receivable low.

The following would be done in the first 120 days. ■ Establish asset manuals ■ Create preventative maintenance manuals ■ Create emergency manuals ■ Establish accounting system and analyze financials ■ Identify areas for cost savings create inventory control systems ■ Create a work order Maintenance Documented work orders system ■ Setup a contract book would show the history of the and vendor review system. maintenance done on the property, manuals for every piece of equipment and training onThe motion to“move to site and off-site would be continue and finalize the included. State certifications contract with Continenwould be included and more tal” was approved by the than 2,000 classes would be four present board memavailable to choose from in bers Peterzen, Goldberg, web-based training. Traynor and Jean Tashlik.

Variance Requests

Photos by Dan Ramsey

Pat Traynor, Jim Carson and Dan Ramsey, Holley by the Sea Fishing Club members, during the 2011 Take a Kid Fishing event. The HBTS Fishing Club members will again be assisting the event this year on Oct. 6 at the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier.

Fishing Continued from page 1 The HBTS Fishing Club members will also be on the pier to help the children. The first 500 children will be provided a rod and reel, bait and a T-shirt, with the children being able to keep the rod and reel. Walker said that in addition to HBTS Fishing Club, there are many other sponsors for the event to include the Pier, Inc., TC’s Front Porch and other local businesses. Local residents are encouraged to go to the pier that day and lend a hand. “My son-in-law got up that morning (for last year’s event) and said‘I don’t want to really spend my day like that,’ but by 9 (a.m.), he was just beaming from ear to ear because of all these little kids catching fish,”said Walker. Billy Neal, the HBTS Fishing Club president, echoed that sentiment when he described children whose Tshirts went to their feet. “Last year (there were) kids this tall (gesturing with his hand) and the T-shirts went all the way to the bottom of their feet, (and they) caught a fish and rubbed it on their faces and kissed it,”said Neal with a smile. And that’s what the day is really all about, spending time with children and allowing them the opportunity to experience the lure and fun of fishing.

HBTS gets walkway bridge

The following usage and architectural variance requests were reviewed during a Sept. 11 Holley by the Sea board of directors meeting. Usage Variances ■ 2524 Cypress Point Circle: Renters consisting of a husband and wife with six children under the age of 18 in a five-bedroom home requested a usage variance because the number of individuals exceeds the number of rooms. The home owner supported the request. It was unanimously approved. ■ 2182 Basswood: The homeowner purchased the home for his mother who is ill. The homeowner’s adult sister and brother live in the home and care for the mother during the year. The homeowner usually visits once every few months to allow his brother and sister a reprieve. The homeowner was requesting full usage of the HBTS facilities when he and his wife are in town. The motion to allow the homeowner and his wife facility usage for

two weeks per quarter was approved 4-1. Pete Peterzen voted against the approval not because he is opposed to the result, but to be consistent with his personal standard. Architectural Variances 1923 Everglades: Owner requested an architectural variance to allow his privacy fence to extend to the front of his home. Beth Walter of the architectural committee said that this was an ongoing issue dating back to February. The ACC and the homeowner went back and forth regarding the fence and the ACC told the homeowner that the fence could not extend to the front of the home. The architectural committee recommended denying the request. The board voted 4-1 to deny the request to allow the homeowner to extend the fence to the front of the house.

HBTSNEWS Volume 2 • Issue 1

HBTS News is published weekly by Sandpaper Publishing Inc., HBTS News and its entire contents and style are fully protected by copyright and registered according to copyright laws. HBTS News cannot be reproduced in any form for any purpose without the expressed written permission of Sandpaper Publishing Inc. and Navarre Press.

Publisher Sandi Kemp skemp@navarrepress.com

News Editor Jessi Stone jstone@navarrepress.com

Writer Yvonne C. Harper ycharper@navarrepress.com

Advertising/ Marketing Manager Gail Acosta ads@navarrepress.com

Production Manager Dickie Williams williams@navarrepress.com

To Contact Us: HBTS News 7502 Harvest Village Court Navarre, FL 32566 Phone: (850) 939-8040 Fax: (850) 939-4575 Web: www.HBTSNEWS.com E-mail: info@HBTSNEWS.com

Photo by Yvonne C. Harper

James Smith, from left, Steve Ward, on-site project manager, and Ricky Renfroe, with Santa Rosa County roads and bridges department, install planks on a raised sidewalk at the main entrance of Holley by the Sea. The walkway crosses over the pond at Sunrise Drive and will connect to the existing sidewalk when the project is completed.

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October 2012

Meet your neighbor

From sea to Gulf By Yvonne C. Harper Navarre Press Grandchildren motivated Peter and Janet Wright of England to move to Holley by the Sea in Navarre. Their daughter Cathryn married an American in 2001 and they lived in Nashville at the time. Cathryn and her husband Chad then relocated to Destin where he worked in hotel management. “We were always going to retire in France,”said Janet.“But when the grandchildren arrived, and I held my grandson for the first time, we changed our minds immediately.” That was in 2004 and in 2007 the retired educators moved across the ocean to Navarre. Peter was a linguist at WellsNext-the-Sea, a high school located in Norfolk, England. Janet was a principal for a first school, which educates children ages 3-8. The move wasn’t without difficulties though. “We had a horrific set of circumstance before we moved,”explained Janet.“The school I was working at was closing, and then in June, Peter’s mother was taken ill and out of the blue (she) died July 25. At the same time my mother’s health began to fail… she died Sept. 22. We buried my mother Oct. 1, and we got on an airplane Oct. 2 with our last worldly possessions… so we arrived here in a daze.” But two days later, Cathryn and the boys arrived from Tennessee and that was the best thing that could have happened, Janet said. “We couldn’t sit and suffer,”said Peter. They got up each day and spent time at the beach, buying furniture for their home, going to dinner and the movies. “It was wonderful,”said.“We gradually assimilated ourselves into the community. I’m very involved in church and Peter in sports.” As a Cradle Anglican, Janet said that an Episcopal church is the equivalent to the Church of England. On one Palm Sunday, she attended St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church in Navarre. “It was a lovely service and the priest welcomed me,”described Janet.“When I went back four months later, he remembered me and that goes a long way.” Janet now serves as the Senior Warden at the church. “I work along side the priest… to make

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sure the church functions properly, meets the needs of the congregation and the needs the Bishop puts upon us,” Janet explained. Peter and Janet married 40 years ago after he came to her rescue on an English hill in Shropshire. They attended Madeley College of Education and during a history field trip to locate inclined planes, a series of locks that were used to lift barges up a hillside from a river to canal, Janet disturbed a wasps’nest. “I disturbed a wasps’nest and all the wasps found me,”she said,“and Peter came to my rescue. He was my knight in shining armor.” Peter recalled swatting the wasps off her and moving her away from the nest. “I went with her to the hospital,”he recalled,“and I knew then she was the one. She was pretty; we talked and got on well together.” Janet remembers being attracted to his kindness,“Because underneath the brash bravado there’s a very gentle soul,” she said. When asked what the key is to staying married so long, Peter said“there isn’t a key to it, you just get on with it.” But both said that love, respect and support are important. “Hang in there. Nothing is always sweetness in life. There are dark days… times when you think why on earth am I doing this… remember the good times,” said Janet. But Peter doesn’t remember any bad times, and Janet couldn’t remember any either. The biggest adjustment to living in the United States has been the sheer size of the country. “First time we came, we drove from Nashville to Memphis, a three-hour drive,”said Peter.“We passed one fairsize town. If we’d driven that far (from London) we would have driven by Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool, all with well over one million people.” Peter said that people in the UK have no idea how big it is here. “From here to the keys, it is 16 hours,” said Peter.“That’s the length and breadth of the UK.” With that in mind, when they visit the west coast to explore, they’re still deciding if they will drive or fly. “We’ll probably drive,”said Janet with a laugh.

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Janet and Peter Wright’s son Andrew Wright and his wife Bu Kyung live in Korea.

Janet and Peter Wright’s daughter Cathryn and her husband Chad are the reason the couple moved to Navarre from England.

Submitted photo

Janet and Peter Wright are pictured during a vacation to South Korea to visit their son and daughter-in-law this past summer. The Wrights found a new home in Navarre after relocating from their native England in 2007.

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Residents address traffic issues By Yvonne C. Harper HBTSnews.com

An electronic speed-monitoring device was placed on Edgewood Drive in Holley by the Sea after residents contacted local officials with concerns about speeding. Lt. Bob Johnson, Santa Rosa County Sheriff Office District 2 supervisor, said that his office placed the unit on Edgewood last week because a Whitfield resident requested the device. “That is generally step one,”said County Administrator Hunter Walker. Edgewood Drive connects U.S. Highway 98 and County Road 399 and is comFurman monly used by non-residents and residents as a shortcut. A town hall meeting held Sept. 13 at the HBTS Recreation Center focused on proactive measures residents could take to improve traffic safety, especially on Edgewood. Stephen Furman, county assistant public works director, cautioned that whatever measures are implemented impact more than just the residents who live on the street. For that reason, he would like the association to create a committee that can develop a broad plan for the entire subdivision. “In the past, we had a traffic calming work group that was in the planning and zoning department… and the ladies worked with a HBTS group to develop a master plan for traffic control throughout the entire subdivision,” Furman said.“But due to budget cutbacks, the traffic calming group was eliminated and transferred to the roads and bridges department.” Furman also noted that he was never given a master plan for traffic control. “Whomever HBTS might choose to work with us should come up with a broader plan instead of piecemeal (solutions),” he said.“Looking at one street at a time generally causes more headaches, or diverts traffic to other areas. We don’t want to shift traffic issues to another area or street.” The construction of sidewalks for Edgewood was also suggested during the meeting. Forman said that Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) assessments could be pursued to fund sidewalks on Edge-

Photo by Yvonne C. Harper

The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office placed an electronic speed monitoring device on Edgewood Drive in Holley by the Sea. wood or other streets within the subdivision. “But that’s a board (of county commissioners) decision,”said Furman.“We would not make that decision. The location of capital improvement is a function of the BOCC.” Avis Whitfield, county public works director, said that the process is similar to the process for when residents want to pave a dirt road. “The key on that is there needs to be 60 percent approval by Santa Rosa County property owners living on the street (that would be requesting the sidewalk),” said Whitfield.“We wouldn’t do the work; that would be contracted out.” Residents said the county could use prison labor to install the sidewalks, which would decrease the cost. However, Whitfield stated that when the county does pay for a sidewalk, prisoners are not used for the actual construction. Prisoners are used to flag traffic during construction. Diane Ebentheuer, with the county budget office, works with MSBUs and gathers the requests. That process begins in January. “If there is someone interested in something, have them contact me to get on my call list,”she said.“Or they can call me in January to discuss.” For sidewalk MSBU requests, she said every resident who is impacted by the sidewalk would pay the MSBU assessment, even if that person did not support the request. Ebentheuer can be reached at 850983-1853 or dianee@santarosa.fl.gov. MSBU requests are voted on by the county commissioners once a year. The requests for this upcoming year were approved in August, and included a few requests for road paving in HBTS. Ebentheuer added that residents can always make a request to District 4

County Commissioner Jim Melvin to pay for a sidewalk on Edgewood and any other street within HBTS. Lauretta Aiken, a HBTS resident and Holley-Navarre Fire commissioner, suggested contacting Dave Szymanski, Gulf Breeze assistant city manager, about using speed cameras in HBTS. “She believes we can get them for free and may even generate revenue back to HBTS,”according to the meeting minutes. However Lt. Johnson said that the cameras were expensive. “It would cost so much,”he said.“It’s not just mounting the camera and taking a picture of the car; it’s taking a picture of the car, the driver and the tag.” Then there is the process of sending out any traffic citation. “The revenue goes to state and local governments,”said Johnson. Revenue generated from any traffic citations would not be returned to the HBTS association, like residents suggested during the meeting. Johnson also reported that his deputies patrol the subdivision when they can, but how often is determined by factors beyond his control. “Patrolling HBTS for traffic issues depends largely on other calls and manpower on any given day or night,”he said. Residents also suggested installing speed humps and four-way stop signs, but Aiken cautioned that those traffic calming measures could reduce emergency vehicles response time. “There are pluses and minuses to every action taken,”said Furman. All HBTS resident are encouraged to attend an Oct. 8 board of county commissioners meeting to present their concerns and make suggestions to improve traffic safety in Holley by the Sea.

Memorial garden makes progress By Yvonne C. Harper HBTSnews.com The Holley by the Sea Memorial Garden will have pavers placed by residents who wish to honor loved ones who have died. HBTS resident Billy Neal was instrumental in creating a memorial garden located at the northwest area of the HBTS beach house. “We planted a magnolia tree as a start to the memorial garden,”Neal Neal told the HBTS board members during a Sept. 11 meeting.“That’s the only plant we plan on putting in unless a person wants to put small flowers. There will be little to no maintenance because the area will be mulched.” Neal was asking the board to approve allowing pavers to be placed. His original request had the pavers being varied sizes and types of stone provided the stones were flat and no bigger than 2 feet by- 2 feet. Board member Jean Tashlik, who supports the garden, recommended Neal offer only pavers, similar to the ones used at the Navarre Park. “I think pavers would be consistent, and looking at the Chamber (Navarre Park) and how they have theirs, it looks neat,”said Tashlik.“I just think you’re asking for trouble accepting different sizes and shapes. It looks nicer with consistent pavers.” Board member Brooke Goldberg concurred with Tashlik on the uniformity issue. “If nothing more than simplicity for (the) future,”said Goldberg.“It would decrease displeasure with options because (you) only have one.” Neal stated that pavers would be cheaper. He will be the volunteer administrator for the first year and Jackie Goldberg, HBTS maintenance manager, will provide oversight. “Other than cutting grass, there should be little or next to nothing of maintenance,”said Neal.“I will supervise the families or work with the families who want to do something.” Interim General Manager Jennifer Barrett asked Neal what would happen with the garden if no one has an interest in serving on the committee. “You pull them (pavers) up,”replied Neal. The motion to approve the uniformed pavers for the memorial garden was approved with the stipulation that standardized memorial pavers are used.

Ice cream truck makes the rounds

Photo by Yvonne C. Harper

Summer may be over, but the weather is still warm enough to enjoy ice cream on any given Saturday thanks to Kim DeKorver and her Rainbow Frost ice cream truck. DeKorver slowly rides through Holley by the Sea in the afternoon hours every Saturday.



October 2012

HBTS board Continued from page 1 waste management.The total projected operating end-ofyear expenses will be about $1,628,000. Barrett said a total of $245,000 will be rolled into the HBTS reserve funds this year. Barret is anticipating a lower collection shortfall in 2013 because she thinks

many of the foreclosures that have been sitting on the market will go through and HBTS will receive the assessments on those properties. Dave Parenteau, a former board member, asked how much money was in the operating fund as of now. Board President Pete Peterzen said it was $1.9 million at the end of August. Parenteau said the math for the operating costs for the remainder of the year

should result in an excess of $1 million. “And you’re anticipating $150,000,”Parenteau said. Peterzen replied that the accountant advised that it was prudent business practice to keep six months of operating expenses and to set aside the insurance deductible. “If we have a hurricane and have to do a 3 percent insurance deductible, that money is sitting there and

we don’t have to do a special assessment for that,” Peterzen said.“So between the two of those, we’re sitting on about $1 million.” However, Parenteau did not agree that the association should be keeping that much money because it could result in“fluff spending.” “You have $1.2 million and you think you can spend (money) on anything you want,”said Parenteau.“You’re way high.”

After further discussion, Peterzen recommended a set amount, to be determined, of carry-over funds be allocated to lower the assessments to $350 with the balance going in the reserves. Per the HBTS covenant, 2013 assessments must be set by Oct. 1. Two motions were approved. The board approved 3-1 to carry over enough revenue cover expenses to

reduce the per lot assessment to $350. The motion passed with a 3-1 vote; board member Jean Tashlik abstained from voting. “I abstained because I wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do,”Tashlik later explained. The board unanimously approved the budget as amended with $1,000 for Lake Doctor to work on the beach.

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Yard of the Month spotlights improvements By Joanna Hammond HBTSnews.com When Paul and Paula Towle moved into their home at 6809 Marlin Drive, they had a challenge on their hands. The home was vacant for many months, and the yard was in disrepair.Vines grew into the tall pines, choking out the azalea bushes, and the majestic oak tree in the side yard was overwhelmed with too many branches and not enough care. “It was just left,”said Paul.“If you have a category for most improved, this is it.” The improvements the Towles have made to their home in the 18 months they have lived there was exactly the reason that September’sYard of the Month recipients, Stan and Caroline McGill, nominated their neighbors. Stan said that the improvements that have been made in the yard since the Towles moved in were impressive. He wanted his neighbors recognized for their hard work in bringing the yard back from the brink of disaster. “We tied ropes around the vines and pulled them down,”said Paul, describing how he and Paula would roll the vines up like a bale of hay and tied up the debris. “We pulled all the old briars and weeds up,”he continued. The Towles did all the work themselves; clearing the lot line and bringing the lawn back to life. They’ve incorporated a vegetable garden in the back yard that kept them in tomatoes, lettuce, onions and banana peppers well into September. Paul and Paula are humble about their yard, but they put in an extraordinary amount of effort into clearing the lot and nurturing the trees, flowers and grass. “There’s nicer yards around,”said Paul,“but we’ve done a lot of work.” The Towles both work on the yard together, putting in long hours weeding and clearing on weekends. “We kind of want to do it ourselves,”Paula said.“You see the reward when you do it yourself.” “It will take a while to get it looking good,”Paul said, “but it will be worth it.”

Photos by Joanna Hammond

With a tidy lawn, flower beds, a vegetable garden and trees that are thriving instead of being strangled by weeds, the Towles’ yard on Marlin Drive is now a sight to behold rather than an eyesore.

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MSRP $569 Our Price $519

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MSRP $519 / $469




October 2012

The Blake sets standard for retirement living M

ore than 1,000 people a day move to Florida and the majority of those people move into retirement and assisted living communities. Last month,“Forbes”magazine provided its best picks for areas to retire in 2012. It is not surprising that the Pensacola area was listed as one of the top 25 areas to retire. Gulf Breeze and Navarre continue to offer the best in retirement living, including beautiful weather, first class health care and wellness programs, easy access to fine restaurants, shopping and the emerald coast. The Blake at Gulf Breeze continues to set the standard for retirement living in Northwest Florida. Since opening in 2008, The Blake at Gulf Breeze has been voted the“Best of the Bay”for three consecutive years. Retirement years are meant to be spent enjoying those things that bring special meaning to our lives, including family, helping others, developing new friends, enjoying hobbies and developing new interests. Consider a retirement community to maximize your potential for experiencing joy, maintaining your health and fully appreciating your time with family and friends. Retirement years are the perfect opportunity to effectively utilize a lifetime of experience, wisdom and skills. The Blake at Gulf Breeze offers tremendous opportunities to volunteer and give back to our community. Opportunities to volunteer at local elementary schools, reading programs, non-profit organizations and other mission minded organizations are available year-round at The Blake. One example of our commitment to our community is our annual Ronald McDonald House Summer Fundraiser. Our residents, employees, families, local bakeries and businesses contribute each year to support the families that benefit from the important and meaningful services provided by The Ronald McDonald House. The bake sale boasts incredible one-of-akind cakes and pastries provided by The Blake culinary department, local bakeries and secret recipes from our residents and employees.You will find home-made caramel cakes, specialty cupcakes, upside down pineapple cakes, local honey, jams and jellies. In addition, special activities and our silent auction provide additional opportunities for fun.

Come and support great cause and treat your family to delicious cakes, pies, candies and pastries.

The Blake Annual Blake Sale and Silent Auction Benefiting The Ronald McDonald House Charity

August 25, 2012 4410 Gulf Breeze Parkway (1 ½ mile east of the Garcon Point Bridge and Walmart Shopping Center) For more information, contact Brooke Hicks at 850-934-4306. Also, The Blake dining room is open to persons interested in retirement living. For lunch reservations, contact The Blake concierge at 850-934-4306.


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Get on Board our Business Billboard For only $40 a week for 12 weeks, you can capitalize on a powerful promotional tool. HBTS News’ Business Billboard page is one of our most popular advertising sections. It combines the strength of a well-written business feature story with photos, along with 12 weeks of well-designed ads.

Call 939-8040 to get on Board today!

Content provided by Holley by the Sea

Fun Factory

HBTS Trunk-or-Treat night Chris Bartnick, a Holley by the Sea employee, is sponsoring a Trunk or Treat to allow HBTS children to be safe and have fun on Halloween. The Trunk-or-Treat event will be held from 6-8 p.m. on Oct. 31 at the HBTS Recreation Center parking lot. Residents that would like to open their trunks filled with candy can contact Bartnick at 850-939-1693. Those residents that plan on bringing their children to the

event are encouraged to sign up at the recreation center front office or by calling 850-9391693. The event is free but a number of how many children plan to attend is needed to ensure there is an ample supply of candy. Set up time is at 5:30 p.m. for those who are volunteering for the event. For more information, contact the recreation center front desk at 850-939-1693.

Asian Night in HBTS The Holley by the Sea Social Committee is sponsoring an Asian Night for all HBTS members. The dinner will be held from 5-8 p.m. on Oct. 6, at the HBTS Beach House. Individuals interested in attending are asked to sign up at the HBTS front desk no later than Oct. 3. The dinner menu is crab rangoon, fried rice, chicken with broccoli, pork with vegetable, shrimp lo mein with dessert and beverages included. Attendees may bring other beverages. The cost to attend is $9 per adult and $4 for children 10 and under. Reservations can be made in person at the HBTS front desk or by calling 850-939-1693.

Fun Factory Parents: All old, laminated Fun Factory Cards will expire Dec. 1, 2012. If you have any credit For the ending month of August, our remaining on an old Fun Factory Card, funds are as follows: it must be used by this date. If it is not Cash Account Balances used by this date, your credit will be Operating Account $1,992,930 lost. Reserve Account $378,617 Improvement and Expansion Barrett *Before and After School Pro- $139,607 gram: The Youth Department pro$83,450 uncollected for 2012; 95 percent of assessments collectvides a Before and After School Pro- ed compared to 94 percent last year. gram for School - Age children (KinderThe 2013 budget will be completed by Sept. 25. Assessment garten – 5th grade) who are members statements will be mailed out by the end of this month. of Holley by the Sea.There is currently Construction is being done on Sunrise by U.S. Highway 98.The a waiting list for the After School Pro- county is installing a sidewalk on the east side by the ponds. gram. For more information please Please be careful driving in the area. contact theYouth Department. The 2013 Reserve study has been completed by GAB Robbins. *Parents’ Night Out: Parents’ The final copy will be on the website this month. Night Out is open to all school age Please remember that Holley by the Sea is your neighborhood. (kindergarten – 5th grade) members Be an active part of your community. Help keep this a clean and of Holley by the Sea. The first Parents’ safe area for everyone. Night Out for the school year is FriAs always, I am in my office Monday to Friday from 8a.m.-4 day, Oct. 26. There are 25 available p.m. Please stop in any time if you have any questions or concerns. openings for PNO.You must call the Youth Department to have your child’s Thank you, Jennie Barrett name put on the list for the program. General Manager Sign-up is required by Oct. 19. No reservations will be taking after this date.


8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics

Board of Directors Meeting October 9 6 p.m.




5:00pm Poker Night

8:30am 6:15pm Circuit Training Bingo

6:30pm Taekwondo ages 13 and up

8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics 8:30am H2O Aerobics


5:30pm Taekwondo Ages 5 - 13

8:30am Circuit Training 6:30pm Taekwondo 9:30am ages 13 Long and and up Lean Pilates

9:30am 6:30pm Long and Lean Taekwondo Pilates ages 13 and up 10:30am Zumba Class

6:15pm Fishing Club Meeting 7:30pm Zumba Class

10:30am Yoga-Stretch and Flex 5:30pm H20 Aerobics 6:00pm HBTS Regular BOD Meeting


7:30pm Zumba Class

15 5:00pm Poker Night

8:30am H2O Aerobics

5:30pm Taekwondo 8:30am Circuit Training Ages 5 - 13 6:30pm 9:30am Long and Lean Taekwondo ages 13 and Pilates up 10:30am Zumba Class

22 Monday, October


10:30am Zumba Class 5:00pm Poker Night

5:30pm Taekwondo 8:30am Circuit Training Ages 5 - 13

10:30am Yoga-Stretch and Flex


9:00am Architectural Control Committee Meeting



8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics 5:00pm Poker Night 8:30am H2O Aerobics 5:30pm Taekwondo 8:30am Ages 5 - 13 Circuit Training 6:30pm 9:30am Taekwondo Long and Lean ages 13 and Pilates up


8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics

5:30pm Taekwondo Ages 5 - 13

8:30am 6:30pm Circuit Training Taekwondo ages 13 and 9:30am up Long and Lean Pilates

10:30am Yoga-Stretch and Flex 5:30pm H20 Aerobics

8:30am Circuit Training

7:30pm Zumba Class

10:30am Zumba Class

6:30pm Taekwondo ages 13 and up

8:30am Body Conditioning


7:30pm Zumba Class

8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics


10:30am Zumba Class

10:30am Yoga-Stretch and Flex 5:30pm H20 Aerobics 7:30pm Zumba Class



8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics 8:30am H2O Aerobics 8:30am cuit Training


10:30am Yoga-Stretch and Flex


8:30am Circuit Training

5:30pm H20 Aerobics

10:30am Zumba Class 5:30pm Taekwondo Ages 5 - 13

8:30am Body Conditioning


10:30am Yoga-Stretch and Flex

8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics


6:30pm Taekwondo 8:30am H2O Aerobics ages 13 and up 8:30am Circuit Training

5:30pm H20 Aerobics 7:30pm Zumba Class

10:30am Zumba Class

5:30pm Taekwondo Cir- Ages 5 - 13

9:30am Long and Lean Pilates 10:30am Zumba Class

6:30pm Taekwondo ages 13 and up

8:30am Body Conditioning 10:30am Yoga-Stretch and Flex 5:30pm H20 Aerobics 7:30pm Zumba Class


8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics

20 5:30 a.m.

Great Games Night

Come play Games with everyone. Bring a snack or appetizer to share. See flyer for more information.

5:30pm Taekwondo Ages 5 - 13

8:30am H2O Aerobics 5:30pm Taekwondo 8:30am Ages 5 - 13 Circuit Training 6:30pm 9:30am Taekwondo Long and Lean ages 13 and Pilates up

5:30pm H20 Aerobics

8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics 8:30am H2O Aerobics

10:30am Zumba Class



5:30pm Taekwondo Ages 5 - 13

7:30pm Zumba Class 10:30am Yoga-Stretch and Flex


8:30am H2O Aerobics

6:30pm Taekwondo ages 13 and up

8:30am H2O Aerobics

10:00am Free weight room orientation with Marsha


8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics

5:30pm H20 Aerobics

7:30pm Zumba Class

10:30am Zumba Class

6:30pm 9:30am Long and Lean Taekwondo ages 13 and Pilates up

10:30am Zumba Class

8:30am Body Conditioning


5:30pm Taekwondo Ages 5 - 13

8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics

8:30am H2O Aerobics

6:30pm Taekwondo ages 13 and up

9:30am Long and Lean Pilates

5:00pm Poker Night

8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics


8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics 8:30am H2O Aerobics 8:30am Circuit Training

10:30am Zumba Class


8:30am Cardio Basic Aerobics

8:30am Circuit Training

3:00pm Hidden Creek



Estates Con- 10:30am tol Committee Yoga-Stretch and Meeting Flex

10:30am Zumba Class


For information about HBTS Calendar Events contact 939-1693

8:30am H2O Aerobics

5:30pm H20 Aerobics


October 2012



With the 2013 assessments being prepared to be sent out at the end October, HBTS is requesting that members update their information. The front office has requested that members take a few minutes to update their membership information and pictures for the computer to ensure that all account information is correct. Members can stop by the HBTS front office, call 939-1693 or email hbtspam@yahoo.com to update information.


5:30pm 8:30am Taekwondo H2O Aerobics Ages 5 - 13

9:30am 5:30pm Long and Lean Pi- Taekwondo lates Ages 5 - 13


10:00am Social Committee Meeting

Update membership information

*Fun Factory: Please be sure to call the day of to reserve a slot for your child. Space is limited. Cost is $3/hour per child. Morning Fun Factory: Mon. – Fri. 8:30am – 12:30pm, Ages 6 months – 5 years old Evening Fun Factory: Mon. – Fri. 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Ages 6 months – 10 years old Sat. Fun Factory: 8am – 12pm, Ages 6 months – 10 years old


A word from the interim general manager:



8:30am H2O Aerobics 6:00pm Fishing Club 8:30am Sociable Circuit Training 6:30pm 10:30am Taekwondo Zumba Class ages 13 and up 5:30pm Taekwondo Ages 5 - 13

Fun Factory: We have new hours! Please remember reservations are required. For reservations, contact the Youth Department. Mon. – Fri. 8 a.m.-noon, 5-8 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-noon Before and After School Care: We currently have a waiting list. If you are interested in having your child’s name added to the list please contact the Youth Department.

Want to get involved with social events? Our monthly committee meeting will be at night starting in January. For more information, call 939-3018 x0 or email the Social Committee chairperson at bobgeller@bellsouth.net

Ages 2 to Adult

Register NOW for Classes! •Ballet •Jazz •Tap •Hip-Hop •Musical theatre •Modern •Zumba •Tumbling •Cheer •Competitive Dance



Now in two locations! 7020 Navarre Parkway, Navarre 2701 Gulf Breeze Parkway, Gulf Breeze

Architectural News The Architectural Department has received numerous telephone calls and emails concerning unauthorized dumping of furniture, tires, trash and other miscellaneous items throughout Holley by the Sea’s vacant or undeveloped areas. We truly appreciate the homeowners who take the time to call or email us with the information. Upon receipt of the complaint, the Architectural staff reports the location to Santa Rosa County Roads & Bridges; a work order is prepared, submitted and placed on the County’s schedule. Santa Rosa County attempts to remove the miscellaneous items from our community within a month’s time; however, that’s not always possible. Every homeowner is afforded the opportunity to report the illegal dumping areas directly to Santa Rosa County by calling 850-626-0191 or by emailing tanak@santarosa.fl.gov. Again, thank you from the Architectural Staff for assisting us in keeping Holley by the Sea a beautiful community.

HBTS Community Yard Sale A community yard sale will be held from 7 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Oct. 20, at the Holley by the Sea recreation center for sellers and shoppers. Holley by the Sea residents who would like to sell items can reserve space and a table, or just space. The cost for space and a table is $10; the cost for space only is $5. The yard sale will be set up outside on the back park road. For more information call the HBTS front office at 9391693, ext. 0.

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October 2012


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