April 2012 www.hbtsnews.com
This is a publication written and produced by Sandpaper Publishing, Inc./Navarre Press for the owners of HBTS and is not an official publication of Holley by the Sea Homeowner's Association, Inc.
Cable Guy helps Boo Weekley ‘git er done’
Where the sidewalk ends
By Yvonne C. Harper HBTSnews.com
By Yvonne C. Harper HBTSnews.com
Holley by the Sea Board of Directors approved a resolution of support for the upcoming Boo Weekley Charity Golf Tournament. Toggy Pace, business manager for professional golfer Boo Weekley, and Dave Taylor, general manager for Hidden Creek Golf Club, addressed HBTS board members during a March 13 regular board meeting. Pace discussed the tournament that will be held at the Hidden Creek Golf Club. The tenth annual charity golf tournament will feature Milton native and pro golfer Boo Weekley, with entertainment by Larry the Cable Guy and country recording artist Gary Allen. The tournament will be held July 26-29, the last weekend of July. Pace went before the board to request approval to hold the event inside Holley by the Sea subdivision. “It will only affect a certain amount of people around the club house, and I made contact with several of those people,”Pace
The need to be a good neighbor and to make contact with all the surrounding neighbors was again stressed by Peterzen. Taylor said the tournament organizers were bringing in a lot of highprofile people that will bring attention to the event and to the area. Weekley continued on page 2
Photo Courtesy of Boo Weekley
Boo Weekley and Larry the Cable Guy pose for a photo during a past Boo Weekley Charity Golf Tournament held in Alabama. This year’s tournament will be held July 26-29 at Hidden Creek Golf Club in Holley by the Sea. said,“I don’t want to be a bad neighbor.” HBTS President Pete Peterzen’s first question was whether the organization was looking for money to which Pace said it was not. Peterzen then asked Pace if all the neighbors had been contacted. Pace said he had contacted most of the neighbors and will ensure the remaining neighbors are contacted before the event is held. When asked about parking, Taylor said the
driving range would be providing parking space for the participants. Peterzen mentioned the possibility of the noise nuisance. Pace said the noise ordinance if effective from 9 p.m.-7 a.m. and the event should be concluded by midnight but no later than 1 a.m.
Sidewalk continued on page 2
Contact Holley by the Sea President Pete Peterzen
Submitted photo
County music artist Gary Allen will be performing at the Boo Weekley Charity Golf Tournament this year. The tournament is being held at Hidden Creek Golf Club in Holley by the Sea.
Internal Vice-President James Mitchell External Vice-President Joseph Sipp
By Yvonne C. Harper HBTSnews.com
Board denies variance request for Henry Homes The Holley by the Sea Board of Directors denied a variance request from Henry Homes to build a new model home during the March 13 board meeting. The original application date to build the home was made July 18, 2011. The application required the home builder to answer the question,“Will this home be used as a model home?” The builder checked
Holley by the Sea Board of Directors President Pete Peterzen told fellow board members at the March 6 board meeting that he has been in discussion with the county to extend the Sunrise Drive sidewalk from Waters Street to U.S. Highway 98. Peterzen explained to the board members that the lack of a sidewalk from Waters Street to U.S. 98 was initially brought to his attention from a HBTS resident. He said that he contacted Stephen Furman, the assistant public works director, and discussed the possibility of extending the Sunrise Drive pedestrian lane to the highway. In his conversation with
Treasurer William Stuart Secretary Brooke Goldberg Brooke is available at the Rec Center M-W-F 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Email the board: HBTSBOD@holleybythesea.org
Interim General Manager: Jennifer Barrett Photo by Sandi Kemp
A model home was built by Henry Homes near the entrance of Holley by the Sea. “no”and a subsequent follow-up check list review by former architectural committee liaison Brandon Buckley with the
applicant again stated the Drive, near the front of home would not be used the main entrance of the as a model home. subdivision. The location of the Henry Homes continued on page 2 home is 1874 Sunrise
Email: hbtsaccting@ bellsouth.net
Holley by the Sea Homeowner’s Association 6845 Navarre Parkway, Navarre, FL 32566 850-939-1693
Valid through April 30, 2012
April 2012
Call us with your HBTS news 939-8040
Henry Homes Continued from page 1
Photos by Sandi Kemp
Boo Weekley’s business manager Toggy Pace, from left, and Hidden Creek general manager Dave Taylor talk to the Holley by the Sea Board of Directors about the upcoming Boo Weekley Charity Golf Tournament.
“We will get a lot of exposure,” he said.“If you love comedy it doesn’t get any better than Larry the Cable Guy.” Furthermore, Gary Allen will be performing in a“personal private setting,”he said. Some of Allen’s hits include,“Life Ain’t Always Beautiful”, “Songs About Rain”,“Best I Ever Had”,“The One”,“Nothing On But The Radio”and“Watching Airplanes”.
Sidewalk Continued from page 1 the Furman, Peterzen mentioned that there is no right of way near the entrance because the road is used completely by cars entering and leaving the subdivision. Furman proposed two ideas for the HBTS board members to consider. According to Peterzen, the first proposal would be to place the sidewalk on the west side of Sunrise Drive with a crosswalk delineated on the street to allow for pedestrians to cross the street. Crossing the street would put the pedestrian on the side that meets the pedes-
Pace noted that the area will also gain exposure because John Boy and Billy, a nationally syndicated radio show, will be covering the event. The tournament also has been endorsed by the Santa Rosa County Tourist Development Council. Pace stressed that no vendors would be present as nothing will be sold at the tournament other than items at a silent auction. All the proceeds of the auction will go toward Boo Weekley’s charity. Outside the cost to enter the tournament, all items provided at the event will be free.
Taylor said that for HBTS home owners, there will be a $25 discount on the ticket price, but those tickets will sell out quickly. Peterzen expressed concern over the traffic and the number of people attending, but Pace said security will be provided to patrol the area and to ensure local residents’ safety. He also assured the board members that the roads would remain clear so the HBTS residents could enter and leave the subdivision unimpeded. Pace also notified the board members that if any
HBTS residents that reside in close proximity to the club house were interested in renting out their homes to attendees, they could contact Dave Taylor at 939-4604. The resolution in support of the Boo Weekley golf tournament was passed unanimously. A letter of support was sent from the board members to the Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners. The commissioners approved the noise ordinance waiver March 22 for the event.
Weekley Continued from page 1
After the home was completed, banners and signs were put up advertising the home as a model home. The HBTS architectural committee sent a notice of violation to Edwin Henry of Henry Homes on Jan. 27, and requiring the company submit a variance request by Feb. 7. The committee received a letter on Feb. 6 requesting a 10-day extension“due to hardship.”However, a variance request was received the next day. The architectural committee recommended disapproval of the request and it went before the board members on March 13. Board President Pete Peterzen first said that he “would like to table it”until a representative could be present at a board meeting. However Architectural Committee Chairman Dan Ramsey stated he did not want the matter tabled because of the history. After reviewing the history of the application process with the board members, he explained that the company stated it would not be a model home twice. Peterzen noted that he “has further issues with this” because there are several homes already on the street that are model homes, and this builder did not seem to adhere to the regulations
concerning the use of homes. He also said that the surrounding neighbors were not given adequate notice to voice any concerns about added traffic, and he questioned if there were county codes in which the builder might be out of compliance. Ramsey said that the regulations state the architectural committee must receive prior notice to using a home as a model home. “We hold all these members to a standard concerning signs,”he said,“they have flags, neon signs and now another builder is copying what they are doing.” The board members were also informed that Henry Homes had wanted to buy blocks of lots further in the subdivision for model homes and after the initial conversation with the architectural committee they never followed up with the architectural committee. Board member Joe Sipp motioned to reject the variance and require Henry Homes to remove the signs and banners from the property. Ramsey recommended sending a letter to the company informing them of the violation and a representative wanted to come before the board at a later date. It was approved unanimously. At print time, a message left with Edwin Henry, owner of Henry Homes, was not returned.
Map illustration Dickie Williams
trian crossing on U.S. 98. The pictured sidewalk Peterzen said that this 1 is the first proposal plan is not feasible because being considered by Sidewalk 1 the Holley by the Sea “I’m not sure a painted sign Board of Directors. would slow cars down”to The first proposal allow pedestrians to safely would require cross. Sidewalk 2 pedestrians to cross The second proposal is to Sunrise Drive. extend the sidewalk on the Sidewalk 2 is the east side, the same side as second proposal that the current sidewalk, to the would link the light. existing pedestrian However, Peterzen was walkway to U.S. Highway 98. The told by Furman that the board supports drawback to this proposal proposal 2. is that the county would need to remove at least one palm tree and the roadway US Hwy 98 irrigation system to allow that it would need to decide pay for two surveys. left open for discussion. for the sidewalk to be feet,” Peterzen said. It was placed on the The county would also which option because while No decision was reached installed. “It would mean los- need to put in a retention the county will fund the as to which option to pres- March 27 board meeting between four to six wall. Peterzen told the board project, it doesn’t want to ent to the county, but it was ing agenda.
HBTSNEWS Volume I • Issue 7
HBTS News is published weekly by Sandpaper Publishing Inc., HBTS News and its entire contents and style are fully protected by copyright and registered according to copyright laws. HBTS News cannot be reproduced in any form for any purpose without the expressed written permission of Sandpaper Publishing Inc. and Navarre Press.
Publisher/Editor Sandi Kemp skemp@navarrepress.com
Assistant Editor Jessi Stone jstone@navarrepress.com
Production Manager Dickie Williams williams@navarrepress.com
Writer Yvonne C. Harper ycharper@navarrepress.com
To Contact Us: HBTS News Chanda Ryan 7502 Harvest Village Court chanda@navarrepress.com Navarre, FL 32566 Phone: (850) 939-8040 Graphic & Web Design Fax: (850) 939-4575 Sam Colborn Web: www.HBTSNEWS.com sam@sandpapermarketing.com E-mail: info@HBTSNEWS.com
Advertising/ Marketing Manager Gail Acosta ads@navarrepress.com
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April 2012
Meet your neighbor
When words fail By Yvonne C. Harper HBTSnews.com
The ability to speak is often taken for granted. A person opens his mouth and without thought to the process, the words are formed, uttered and sent across the airwaves to the listener. But what happens when no words can be formed, and a person so passionate about the spoken word can no longer utter even the most simplest of words. If you are Holley by the Sea resident Dorothy“Dottie”Steinert, ink and paper become the instruments of communication. Dottie was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease, an incurable disease that is marked by progressive muscle weakness, resulting in paralysis, to include the voice box, leaving the person devoid of verbal communication. However, Dottie has put her emotions, life experiences and thoughts onto paper, filling notebooks with words; she has always loved writing and has boxes full of her written musings. Her writings are“my memories from the time I was born,”she wrote. The stories, she expressed,“explain what I cannot.” Her cats, garden, her younger years sitting on a small iron balcony dreaming of better days, her father whom she“adored,”her“love affair,”and the man she shared several decades with are just a few topics she has inscribed onto paper. She began her story of meeting Lee with a written“commandments of love.” She described how she was divorced and not really looking for someone because she was“sick of Type A personalities.”So she penned a list to keep herself on track and it“read like the Ten Commandments.” “Thou shall not become attracted to a macho type!”was first on her list. “He must really like animals,”was another requirement on the list. On and on the list went with the last one reading,“He must love me!” Her friend took her to a singles dance which she described as a disaster, she described, with her friend quickly leaving her for a man that was a“cross between Robinson Caruso and the Incredible Hulk.” So she decided to see what the buffet table had that could satisfy her hunger. Honing in on the potato salad, she did not notice a man approach until he was standing right in front of her. She recollected that she could tell by his demeanor it was hard for him to advance. “Would you like to go to dinner and get something to eat?”was his first question. She immediately thought“of course not”but after peering into his“sincere eyes,”she could not bring herself to say“flake off.”So she agreed to dinner. “And so…”as she wrote,“the most unlikely of couples, the country club matron and the stock car enthusiast met, became lovers.” And so they would remain until his passing last month. Dottie also writes of the year she and Lee acquired seven cats and fostered one, making eight cats at times. It all began with Lee’s heart attack and then the loss of“a feline friend”that was suffering from kidney failure. After Dottie had to put the cat to rest, she and Lee decided to get another cat a few weeks later. Lacey, the first cat, eventually led to six more, all named after fabrics:Velvet, Tweed, Paisley, Chintz, Silk and Angora. Dottie also wrote of her love affair. She waxes poetically about the beauty, the seduction, the green eyes and a retreat. “I am helplessly in love with the cruel, fickle sea, the magnificent sea.” The beach is the retreat she seeks, and the“talcum-powder sand,”the“lathery frost”of the waves and the“salty”air comforts her as none other. Her many of writings also describe her time as a restaurant and nightclub owner, a designer, a wife, a mother and the many other roles she has starred in that combined make up the story of her life. Her most recent writing described a big bird that perched in her back yard one morning shortly after Lee’s passing. The bird was a bald eagle and her son believed it was Lee coming to tell her she was spending too much money. While she doesn’t believe in such things, she finds herself checking the trees several times a day now.
Photo by Yvonne C. Harper
Dottie sitting in the yard she has lovingly maintained throughout the years and one she described in one of her writings.
Submitted photos
From left: Dottie pictured in her night club at age 39, Dottie at age 4 with her family, Dottie at age 12.
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New boat ramp is now open
Photo by Yvonne C. Harper
The Holley by the Sea boat ramp is now open to all HBTS boaters. Use of the boat dock, ramp and pavilion are for HBTS members only. For more information on access and operation times, contact the HBTS recreational center front desk at 939-1693.
Precedent not set with late fee waiver By Yvonne C. Harper HBTSnews.com Home Owner Association fees and members that have not paid were discussed during the second regular Holley by the Sea Board of Directors on March 12. Board President Peter Peterzen discussed fee waivers for HBTS members that have not paid the yearly assessment dues yet. The assessments were due no later than January 31 to avoid a late fee. One resident requested a waiver of the late fees for the 2012 HOA assessments. She described herself as a widow whose husband always took care of all the bills. She was ready to pay the two HOA fees on Jan. 31, but she was diagnosed with a severe ear infection that day. She stated that she took the prescribed medication and went to bed and it wasn’t until later in the evening that she realized she had forgotten to drop the payments off at the recreation center. The next morning, she went to the office to pay the assessment and was told that she would be required to pay two
Photo by Sandi Kemp
Pete Peterzen, Holley by the Sea Board of Directors president, speaks to a resident at a board meeting. late fees with interest. The resident spoke with Jenny Bartlett, the interim general manager, and was told her circumstances were not relevant to the late fees. The resident paid the assessments. She was told by the bookkeeper that to receive the late fees and interest back she would have to request a waiver from the board of directors. She requested that the board of directors waive the late fees and interest. Peterzen’s first question was, “You do understand the due date is Jan. 1?” He followed that question with“You do understand that you received the statement
approximately Nov. 1?”He then asked why she hadn’t paid before the end of the grace period. The resident stated that she lives off two checks a month and that sometimes she has to be creative, but she always pays her bills and she said she had every intent of making the payment before the grace period cut-off of Jan. 31. Peterzen brought up previous years that the resident had been late, to which the resident replied she had been and had paid the late payments without concern. However, she felt that this year’s circumstances were such that she felt the need to request
Michael Simpson
the waiver. She presented the doctor’s receipt to the board members to confirm that she was indeed sick and she presented the check’s to verify that she had written them in advance to pay on Jan. 31. She was displeased with Peterzen’s behavior and asked him not to smirk because she was“embarrassed”to be in the position of having to ask for a waiver. Joe Sipp made a motion to approve the waiver of the fees and the motion was seconded. Peterzen stated that he was sympathetic to her situation but that he personally would only be willing to waive one late fee because a later fee is applied to his payments if he is late by one day. In order to not set precedence, the motion was amended to waive all interest and half the late fees. Sipp stated that he thought the compromise was good because she still had the responsibility to ensure her payment was made within the grace period. The motion carried and the resident will only be required to pay only one late fee.
Solar not shining on HBTS pool By Yvonne C. Harper HBTSnews.com Using solar energy to heat the Holley by the Sea pool was the lead topic during a March 6 Holley by the Sea Board of Directors regular meeting. Resident Billy Neal expressed concern about the cost of installing the system versus the return benefits. At best, he said there would be a 50-percent savings. “We would still need to relay on gas,”he said.“Solar is not to replace”the existing system. Board of Directors President Peter Peterzen also questioned the cost savings. Jason Goldberg, a member of the pool dome committee, said the percentage of savings would be about 50 percent or $18,500 a year. Peterzen questioned Goldberg about how efficient the system would work on rainy days and heating the pool to 85 degrees during cold days. Goldberg said the only way to maintain thermal heating is if the pool is being heated perpetually. “You either keep heating it perpetually with gas on its own,”he said,“or you augment the gas with something else,” which is what the point of having the solar alternative. Jackie Goebel, the HBTS maintenance manager, told the board members that the pool heating system is never turned off. Peterzen mentioned that during the summer, only the first and last month of the season required the use of the pool heater because the middle summer months are not needed. Dan Ramsey, also a member of the pool dome committee, expressed reservations about the solar system installation. “It seems a whole lot more questions have come up,”he said,“and I don’t think we’re ready to make a decision.”He supports using solar to offset the costs of heating the pool, but thinks the board members should keep researching the idea and reach a bigger consensus among the residents. Board secretary Brooke Goldberg stated that when the search began, the originally goal was to have a permanent structure over the
pool and not a dome. “If there was a permanent structure,”she said,“the gain would be totally different.” She expressed concerns that the board members have set themselves up to be disadvantaged by trying to fix everything and to accommodate what is installed now, being the dome, and“I don’t think we have the best scenario in place,”she said. Ramsey suggested leaving the matter open for the time being. Peterzen expressed appreciation to the pool dome committee for all their hard work, but he also has his own reservations. Several being the knowledge that the pool would be losing heat in the heating process, the number of rainy days and how that equates to solar heat. Neal, who was on the pool dome committee, stated that heating the pool now is not efficient because the pool is being heated from 9 p.m.-6 a.m. when it is not being used. Members seemed surprised that the solar companies that submitted bids couldn’t guarantee a higher percentage of efficiency than the 50 percent. Paul Kitko, a HBTS resident and assistant swim coach, questioned where the pool heating efficiency numbers were coming from and thanked the pool dome committee for its hard work in getting the dome installed. Kitko agreed with Ramsey that more research needs to be done to ensure that the right thing is being done. Goebel addressed the issue of maintaining the temperature. She said when she contacted Gulf Breeze Plumbing she was told it was better on the system and more efficient to keep the water at a set temperature rather than turning a timer off and on and reheating the water each day. Peterzen asked about doing an experiment and manually turning the heaters off in the evening to test the water temperature in the morning, and how long it would take to reheat the water. At the end of the discussion, a motion was made to discontinue solar heating research and not actively pursue the option at this time. The solar committee was suspending but requested to capture all research information for future use.
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April 2012
Content provided by Holley by the Sea
St. Patrick's Day Tennis Mixer Tennis Pro Jimmy Celli and the HBTS Tennis Club hosted 24 tennis enthusiasts in a St. Patrick's Day Mixer on March 17.Vina Kramer catered the event which featured a traditional Irish fare of corned beef, cabbage and potatoes. Each player competed in four rounds of eight-game, no-ad sets earning one point for each game won. After four rounds, Jack Drinkwine and Tom Dawson were tied with 22 points. Drinkwine won the seven point tie-breaker (4-2) giving him 23 points to earn Top Male Player. Heather Pohlmann won Top Female Player. Other awards given were: Best Serve Men: Alex Karlson; Best Serve -
Tennis Pro Jimmy Celli congratulates Heather Pohlmann who finished with 24 points and the honor of Top Female Player at the St. Paddy's Day mixer.
Tennis Update
Jack Drinkwine follows through a tough serve and wins the tie-breaker 4-2 to take top honor for men at the St. Paddy's Day Mixer with 23 points.
HBTS Tennis Schedule - April 2012
It’s Official. Interim tennis pro Jimmy Celli has been hired as the new HBTS staff tennis pro. Welcome to the HBTS‘family,’ Jimmy! Any HBTS member interested in learning more about tennis programs should contact Jimmy at TennisPro@HolleyByTheSea.org or by phone or text to 203-722-0376 or by calling HBTS Recreation Center at 939-1693 ext. 7.
Mon 9-10:30 Fl 3 Clinic
Tennis Club Tennis Club officers were elected at the February meeting.
4:30-5:30 Tiny Tennis & Future Stars
Congratulations to Mike Dickens, Joel Dickes, Kathy Karsten, Vina Kramer and Robin Stewart. Meeting announcements and meeting minutes will be posted on the Recreation Center bulletin board. Regular Tennis Club meetings are scheduled for the Fourth Wednesday of each month and are open to all HBTS property owners. The next meeting of the Tennis Club will be at 7 p.m. April 25.
Submitted photo
Tom Dawson executes a strong volley against Jack Drinkwine in the men's tie-breaker finale.
Women: Dana Williams; Best Volley - Men: John Moore; Best Volley Women: Robin Stewart. Best Festive Dress went to Tim and Kathy Karsten. Other participants were Marianne Akkerhuis, Brad and Angela Allensworth, Marianne Begg, Joe and Carrie Clancy, Tasha Dawson, Tom Downing, Tamara Duncan, Bruce Karlson, Mark Kirschten, Chrissy Koenig, Tom Quinn, Bubba Rockhold, and Jerry Sandvick. If you would like to receive HBTS Tennis Club news via email, please send your request to Robin Stewart, Tennis Club Communications Coordinator at tennisclubnews@gmail.com.
6:30-8 Men’s Clinic
4-5:30 HS & Tourney Prep
Wed 9-10:30 Fl 8 Clinic
Thurs 9-10 Men’s Clinic
Fri 9-11:00 Fl 5 Clinic
10:30–11:30 Ladies 3.5
10-11 Beginners
11-12:00 Ladies 3.0 Clinic
11-noon Cardio Tennis
4:30-5:30 Tiny Tennis & Future Stars
4-5:30 HS & Tourney Prep
4-5:30 Jr. Academy
5:30-6:30 Ladies 3.5+ Clinic
5:30-7 Jr. Academy
Please contact Jimmy for information or to sign up for clinic(s) Phone or text: 203-722-0376 Email: TennisPro@HolleyByTheSea.org or JamesPatrickCelli@yahoo.com *NOTE: A minimum of three participants are needed for adult clinics. For more information, contact Jimmy.
Water features help home stand out By Joanna Hammond Holley by the Sea News
For Larry and Anne Neil, life in Northwest Florida affords them the opportunity to engage in a great number of outdoor activities they did not have access to during their years in upstate Michigan. A client told Larry about the beauty of Gulf Shores, Ala., and the couple had spent many weeks during the winter months visiting the area, but found that it had gotten too busy for their taste.They decided to relocate to Navarre. Having lived on Masters Boulevard in Holley by the Sea for six years, the Neil home reflects their love of nature and the outdoors. The patio and pool area are an extension of their house making the entire area one lovely, relaxing spot. “We don’t know them but they seem to be very detail oriented and every time we drive by its well-manicured,”said Liz Potts, who selected the Neil’s yard for the April Yard of the Month honor.“They mow their own lawn and it is always immaculate.” Larry, who does most of the yard maintenance, takes pride in his home’s appearance. A waterfall feature graces the front facade of the home and flowering plants line the side. The enclosed pool area also has a waterfall and potted plants and flowers dot the area. The result is a tropical oasis with a familiar, homey feel. “I really enjoy the flowers,”said Larry. “I’m an outdoor person. If I am not golfing, I am out in the yard.” Larry puts in time every day working on the lawn, the plants, or some aspect of the landscaping. For him, it’s a labor of love.
Larry and Anne Neil’s home on Master’s Boulevard is the Holley by the Sea Yard of the Month for April. “I don’t really look at it in terms of hours,” said Larry.“Every day I pick a particular project or a particular area and do something. I don’t want to make a job of it.” This daily attention to detail shows in every aspect of the Neil’s yard.The Mediterranean style home is enhanced by many windows and local plants that are designed to flourish in the unique weather patterns
of Northwest Florida. “My favorite is the wisteria,”said Anne, “But it has such a short season.” The Neils have advice for those who are buying a new house and looking to landscape it into a home. “Stagger your planting cycle so that something is always in bloom,”Anne suggested. “I would encourage azaleas,”Larry offered.
Photo by Joanna Hammond
“They are easy and they’ll bloom four to five times a year.” The Neils have crafted their yard into a reflection of their personalities and lifestyle. But that’s not the only thing growing. The family is also expanding. “We are going to be great grandparents any minute now,” said Larry with a wide grin.
Content provided by Holley by the Sea
Holley by the Sea safety
Youth Department News Before and After School Program: This program is for school age children (K-5). HBTS currently has openings in the Before School Program and a waiting list for the After School Program. If you would like to have your child added to the waiting list please contact theYouth Department. Fun Factory: Please be sure to call the day of to reserve a slot for your child. Space is limited. New Hours: Morning Fun Factory: 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Mon. – Fri., Ages 6 months – 5 years old Evening Fun Factory: 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Mon. – Fri., Ages 6 months – 10 years old 8 a.m. – noon Saturday, Ages 6 months – 10 years old Summer Camp Information: Summer camp registration is now open. All forms for registration are available on the HBTS website and at the front desk. Please make sure you follow the summer camp paperwork checklist to ensure you have all required forms. Summer camp is open to children who are members of HBTS and are 5-years old (entering kindergarten for the 2012–13 school year) to 12-years old (children who have completed sixth for the 2011–12 school year). Summer Camp fees are as follows: $30 registration fee – includes a summer camp T-shirt and bag. $90/child – Full Time $75/child – Monday, Wednesday, Friday $50/child – Tuesday, Thursday $25/child – Daily
TheYouth Department is currently hiring summer camp counselors. Applications are available on the HBTS website and at the front desk.The application deadline is April 20. Applicants must be responsible, dedicated, hard-working, be able to get along well with others, enjoy working with children and must be at least 18-years old. This is a seasonal, full-time position that runs from June 11 – Aug. 17. For more information, please contact theYouth Department. TheYouth Department is seeking counselors-in-training or CITs for summer camp. CITs are volunteers who earn volunteer hours throughout the summer by helping the camp counselors and directors with summer camp. Applications are available on the HBTS website and at the front desk. The application deadline is April 20. CITs must be a member of HBTS and 14-years old or entering ninth grade to be eligible. For more information, please contact the youth department. Closures: Morning Fun Factory will be closed Monday, April 2 and Friday, April 6. Parents’ Night Out: This program is for school age children (K – 5). Cost for the event is $15/child. Sign up is required before noon on the Monday before the event. To sign your child up, please contact theYouth Department. The dates for the 2012 School Year are as follows: April 13, June 1.
Holley by the Sea wants to ensure that all members, including children are safe this summer and all year round.
Bicycle Safety
■ When riding a bicycle, ride with the traffic, not facing it. ■ Bicycles must have a lamp on the front of them after sunset. ■ Bicycle riders under 16-years old must wear a bicycle helmet. ■ Drivers of a vehicle need to be cautious of riders of bicycles and leave them plenty of room.
Pedestrian Safety
■ Do not wear dark clothing when walking at night. ■ Wear reflective gear so that others can see you. ■ Driver of a vehicle need to be cautious of walkers. ■ Pedestrians must yield the right of way to drivers unless at a crosswalk. ■ If there is a sidewalk pedestrians must user it.
Pool Safety
■ Do not leave children unattended in the pool. ■ When above ground pools are not in use you must remove the ladder. ■ Do not let children play around a pool.
Dan Ramsey Architectural Committee Chairman
Sara Bounds Youth Director Holley by the Sea 939-3018 x6 hbtsyouth@bellsouth.net
A word from the interim general manager: Hello HBTS members, Summer Camp applications are now available on the website at holleybythesea.org. Sign up early as spots are available on a first comeBarrett first serve basis. We are also hiring for camp counselors and counselors in training. These applications are also available on the website. Our 399 boat ramp area repairs are nearly complete. The driveway, ramp and dock have been repaired, as well as the removal of some trees to make it easier to maneuver. Check our website for an official opening date. HBTS Nominating Committee is accepting applications for the 2012 Board of Directors elections. There are three spots available. The term will run from July 2012 through July 2013. Applications are available on the website and at the front desk of the recreation center. This month we will be making repairs to our metal roof this month in an effort to correct some areas around the copula’s that have been causing leaks in the main building. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to call or stop in. As always, my door is open and I welcome you to come in and say“Hi.” Thank you, Jennie Barrett
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unnecessary service calls. That kind of neighborly service is just one of the many serves customers from reasons to choose Air CondiNavarre to Pensacola and north to Milton. Whether you tioning One for all of your heating and cooling needs. need routine service or an Roger guarantees all of his entirely new system, Roger work for 10 years. This and his team are here to includes parts, equipment make sure you get the best and labor; not your everyday care around. warrantee. Roger’s honest “I take a lot of pride in my approach to business has work,”Roger said. A preventive maintenance made Air Conditioning One a trusted name in HVAC service call can be a lifesaver before the heat and humidity around the Gulf Coast. Raised in a military family, hit their peek. For just $89, Roger and his team of experts and a veteran of the U.S. will come out and assess your Army, Roger feels a special system. A complete checkup, connection with the military families in the local area. In including drainage clearing, insulation, filter checks and a order to thank them for their service to the country, Roger Freon check as well can be money well spent as the tem- offers a military discount for active duty and retired miliperature soars. Customers are top priority tary members. It’s just one way that Air Conditioning for Air Conditioning One. One works hard to keep their Often, Roger will be able to troubleshoot a problem over customers a priority. Routine service appointthe phone, so his customers ments can usually be made aren’t inconvenienced with
within 24 hours, and Roger is always on call for emergency situations. If you’re investing in a new air-conditioning system, Roger will come out and assess your home to ensure that the system you choose will be the most effective for your needs. Military members and seniors can save $200 off a new system. Schedule a service call now to ensure your system is in tip-top condition for the coming summer. “Whatever you put into something, that’s what you get out of it,”Roger said. He puts his all into every call, so customers know they are getting the best service for a great price. For service you can trust, and a local business with the tools you need to keep your heating and air conditioning units running smoothly, call Air Conditioning One today!
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This content provided by Holley by the Sea
9:30am Functional Conditioning 10:30am Zumba Class
3:00pm Hidden Creek Estates Control Committee Meeting 5:30pm Tae kwon do
9:30am Functional Conditioning
8:30am Pyramid Training
April 2012
For information about HBTS Calendar Events contact 939-1693
9:00am 5:30pm Architectural H20 Aerobics Control Committee Meeting 6:15pm Body 9:30am Conditioning Turbo Kick 7:00pm 10:30am Fishing Club Yoga-Stretch & Meeting Flex 7:30pm 11:30am Zumba Class Zumba Toning
8:30am Pyramid Training
10:30am Zumba Class
9:30am Turbo Kick
5:30pm Tae kwon do
10:30am Yoga-Stretch & 6:15pm Flex Body Conditioning 11:30am Zumba Toning 7:30pm Zumba Class 5:30pm H20 Aerobics
6:00pm HBTS Regular BOD Meeting
9:30am Functional Conditioning
10:30am Zumba Class
9:30am Turbo Kick 10:30am Yoga-Stretch & Flex
5:30pm Tae kwon do
11:30am Zumba Toning
6:45pm Bingo
5:30pm H20 Aerobics
10:30am Zumba Class
5:30pm Tae kwon do
6:15pm Body Conditioning 7:30pm Zumba Class
9:30am Functional Conditioning
9:30am Turbo Kick
10:30am Zumba Class
10:30am Yoga-Stretch & Flex
5:30pm Tae kwon do
11:30am Zumba Toning
7:00pm Free weight room orientation with Marsha
5:30pm H20 Aerobics
10:30am Zumba Class 5:30pm Tae kwon do
Great Games Night
Come play Games with everyone. Bring a snack or appetizer to share. See flyer for more information.
6:15pm Body Conditioning 7:30pm Zumba Class
9:00am Architectural Control Committee Meeting
8:30am Pyramid Training
9:00am Architectural 5:30pm H20 Aerobics Control Committee 6:15pm Meeting Body Conditioning 9:30am Turbo Kick 7:30pm Zumba Class 10:30am Yoga-Stretch & Flex
9:30am Functional Conditioning 10:30am Zumba Class 5:30pm Tae kwon do
9:30am Functional Conditioning
10:30am Zumba Class
10:30am Yoga-Stretch & Flex
5:30pm Tae kwon do
11:30am Zumba Toning
6:45pm Bingo
5:30pm H20 Aerobics
9:30am Functional Conditioning
8:30am Pyramid Training
10:30am Zumba Class
5:30pm Tae kwon do
6:15pm Body Conditioning 7:30pm Zumba Class
11:30am Zumba Toning
9:30am Turbo Kick
6:15pm Body Conditioning
10:30am Zumba Class
9:30am Turbo Kick
5:30pm Tae kwon do
10:30am 7:30pm Yoga-Stretch & Zumba Class Flex
9:30am Functional Conditioning
9:30am Turbo Kick
0:30am Zumba Class
10:30am Zumba Class
10:30am Yoga-Stretch & Flex
5:30pm Tae kwon do
5:30pm Tae kwon do
11:30am Zumba Toning
6:00pm Fishing Club Sociable
5:30pm H20 Aerobics
11:30am Zumba Toning
6:15pm Body Conditioning
5:30pm H20 Aerobics
7:30pm Zumba Class
9:30am Functional Conditioning 10:30am Zumba Class 5:30pm Tae kwon do
Before and After School Care: We currently have a waiting list. If you are interested in having your child’s name added to the list please contact the Youth Department.
Fun Factory: We have new hours! Please remember reservations are required. For reservations, contact the Youth Department. Mon. – Fri. 8am – Noon, 5pm – 8pm Sat. 8am – Noon
Want to get involved with social events? Our monthly committee meeting will be at night starting in January. For more info, please call 939-3018 x0 or email the Social Committee chairperson at bobgeller@bellsouth.net
Board of Directors Meeting April 10 6 p.m.
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