The forgotten legacy of adám

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H.C. ELĂ?AS The Forgotten Legacy of Adam The Civilizations of the gods


Running the dark veil of ages, To discover silhouettes desecrating the times Names of majestic gods forgotten They forge their paths in heaven Those observing, call them myths and legends


THE FORGOTTEN LEGACY OF ADAM The civilizations of the gods

© Ing. Hiram Castro Elías Copyright INDAUTOR No. 03-2013-070913532700-01 ISBN 978- 607-00-7742-5


With Love Hiram and Martha

























PROLOGUE One evening I was watching the sea, and saw how it was formed on a storm in the distance. The storm took shape, transformed, dissolved, turned to form and transform again, and I thought, something like this must be the history of mankind.

Civilizations that arise, become myths, then their history, their achievements, their fingerprints, and finally are dissolved in the darkness of times.

Only confused vestiges of a glorious past, legends stored in the collective memory of mankind.

Monumental buildings with hidden messages encoded within the them. Reflection of distant constellations, which bring to mind the phrase, as above, so below.

The official story was not until today more than a niche that has protected the folly and left out the truth.

To maintain a hypothesis, is not enough just close our eyes to all that seems incongruous with this, or even downright contradictory.

But that's the attitude of many who falsely call themselves scientists, if they were, would have an open mind seeking truth where it can be found, not twisting the evidence to fit his vision of what should be the story of the humanity, in its own view.

Incredibly, the first 6 chapters of Genesis Bible, not just challenge those who deny that there were highly developed prehistoric civilizations, also mention different races to Adamic, that millions of years ago shared the land with them. What's more, it contains evidence that those early members of the Adamic Race coexisted with dinosaurs.

Name two different beings within the Adamic Race, the first created out of nothing as male and female and the latter formed from ground or clay considered as man and woman.

Talk about genetic manipulation to create better adapted species, including hybrids, by the first Adam, but not content with that, these beings go further, and decide to combine their own DNA with a certain type of animal, which current science defined as hominid, doing what in Felipe´s Apocryphal Gospels call man-like animals.

Describes the transgression that caused the imbalance that broke the harmony of Genesis 1 between the heavens and the earth, and brought death into the world, which originated as a result of genetic manipulation of species, which clearly broke the original scheme creation of Elohim, which specifically defined should not

mix genres or species. This is evident when repeatedly pronounces the phrase, "each according to its kind or species." This behavior of the first Adam came to a climax when a mixture made by sexual contact between two different races, theirs and the Reptiles Erect, giving rise to hybrid race called Serpents.

Since the first Adam was created eternal, death, whether understood as a degenerative process or as the result of an accident or homicide, not affected them, only the creatures that emerged not as a result of sexual contact.

Then in Genesis 3, in order to activate the death in creatures formed in Genesis 2, prepare a scenario that serves as a "trap" for the second Adam can recreate the maximum transgression represented by the mixture of races, and in this way the serpent have sex with women, becoming pregnant Kain, initiating his seed and especially carrying death, although only for murder or accident, to the first Adam through a kind of transposition between both, the latest and the first Adam.

Then comes the most enigmatic verse of Genesis, 6:4, which speaks of beings called Nephilim, also appoints others called Sons of Elohim, and about them, says that took wives from among the daughters of men.

Speak no more about it, because remember, this is just the prologue, but the time to read the book and come to this verse understand who these, at this point, enigmatic beings are. I assure you that after reading this book, the enigmatic issue cease to be.

Finally we see the real passengers who were in the ark of Noah.

This study is based on the direct translation from the Hebrew of each verse, eliminating the inconsistencies that were added when they were translated into Greek.

After the reading, we will have done something together trembles who want to keep us ignorant, eyes closed and submissive, locked in their falsehood, tied to the slavery of their lies, we have discovered the truth, and this will make us free .

THE FIVE WORLDS For millennia many minds have read and studied the genesis trying to decipher the actual content it contains, that which goes beyond what is written on its leaves. It sees the mind and soul feel, but can´t understand, leaving it as an immeasurable kept secret in the depths of being locked in a dimension beyond the perceptible, not only waiting, but yearning to be deciphered.

As we know all those who have studied the Scriptures, the key to decode the information that is enclosed behind every story, usually found in different verses included in stories contained in the various books that make up the Bible.

I always thought that the key to deciphering a code is in the code itself. For this reason, to decode some Bible verses from Genesis that are of great importance for understanding the origin of our Adamic Race, I will quoting a verse from Isaiah 43:7: All calls of my name, for my glory I created, whom I formed and made. Reyna-Valera Version 1960

Who has been created for My glory, is called in My Name, I've formed them, yes I made them. Version Hebrew-Spanish Bible Translation Moses Katznelson

Even one who is named by MY Name, for I have created for My glory, I made them, I have indeed formed. Version of the Bible of Israel

Comparing the three translations see which is most suitable to replace the word call (s) used in the first two appointed by the word appearing in the third. That done, is clearly seen as in verse four verbs include: Name, Create, Form and Make.

In this verse God states that He use in our region of existence four levels, to get the one to manifest as diversity, and diversity could entertain the notion of individuality, but to varying degrees.

The common denominator of these four levels is that all involve action, so they are described by verbs. But to do something, anything, if we want to get right, we need a plan which can serve as a guide for the proper execution of what we want to do.

That level which serves as a model, is known by the name of Adam Kadmon (Primordial Man).

Well, leave aside for a moment the model, ie the Adam Kadmon, and concentrate on understanding the four phases of creative work represented by name, create, form and make.

In Hebrew olam represents world, universe, dimension, forever, and comes from the word lehialĂŠm, which means hiding. In the creative process, each step or level is represented by a "olam". This means that each step is interpreted as a world or dimension itself, that always exists.

Each world hides the world which precedes, though each contains the former.

Although they can be distinguished by their degree of substantiality, there are actually a single form of essential energy called or (light), which flows from the divine through certain filters of perception.

The description of each stage or world begin from the most subtle or pristine, until its material manifestation.

Thus we begin with the stage associated to the verb NAME, this is known as the Olam HaAtziluth, or World of Emanation.

This is the world of emanation of divinity, is the primary pure Will. Its kind of reality is as close to nothing there is virtually no difference between them.

Atziluth represents the first door to the substantiality between absolute nothingness and infinity, and the substantiality and its finitude.

The HaAtziluth Olam light takes its form or is gained from the upper world, the Adam Kadmon.

The main difference between them is that the world of Adam Kadmon is not structured and is so tightly bound that it is impossible to distinguish between up and down, left and right, inside and out, beginning and end. However in the Olam HaAtziluth, is added the dimension of an internal structure.

In fact, the emergence of the full concept of structured when being structured, linked us to the idea of immanence, as opposed to self-transcendence of Adam Kadmon.

With this, the HaAtziluth Olam can be understood as a world where there is an internal structure, where the light is immanent, ie transcendent light that descends from Adam Kadmon, becomes structured and orderly.

Atziluth world is a world of not being with a fully and complete awareness of its Divine origin and where unity prevails. It represents the union with God s. CREATE verb follows the World of Creation, the Olam HaBeriรกh.

As the light emanating from the Adam Kadmon was a transcendent light Or, now the light emanating from Atziluth to Beriah is an immanent light Kav. With this difference in this

world is introduced the concept of being, as opposed to nothing of Atziluth.

In Beriah substance "ethereal" home creation emerges from pure nothing. And thanks to the degree of inherent light obscuration, it encourages the creation of limited beings.

Given that each world contains the former, Beriah is covering and hiding the light and glory of Atziluth, while bringing it into reality created.

It is in this world out of nowhere, where diversity begins, but predominantly a collective consciousness.

From this world, because it appears the concept of being, God creates out of nothing the first beings, which appoints Serafim (flaming angels or arca angels).

These beings are messengers of God created to implement the divine will, making the design process into action.

This Serafim comes out of nothing and almost immediately turn to it, their consciences are the type group and are strongly linked to the unit

The verb FORM, leads to the next world or HaIetzirรกh Olam World of Formation.

In this world, the light that descends from Beriah (Kav), reach limited and measure. One feature of the concept of limit entails is that required at least two reference points, one where mark the start and other to establish the end, and this necessarily involves the notion of dimension.

Olam HaIetzirรกh then represents the world where it originates the dimension and with it the duality and polarity, and hence the beginning of the interaction, ie the beginning of the condition that each point is defined by reference to any other, instead of in terms of their intrinsic qualities.

In this world, Beriah ethereal substance is endowed with a spirit and generic form.

This form comes from something, not out of nothing as in Beriah. The existing takes the form of archetypes or general species.

In Yetzirah there is division and greater diversity, each "something" comes from "something" above. There are still collective consciousness, but consciousness begins to emerge individually.

In this world were also created other angels, who are called cherubim or chayot HaKodesh that literally means Holy Living.

These, unlike the Flaming angels of Beriah world that are totally consumed in fire to enter Atziluth Divine reality, are conscious beings that have emotional power and independent motivation to carry out the will of God.

From the verb MAKE, it follows the Olam HaAsiĂĄh or World of Action.

The beings of this world are in a state of individual existence, and related to the spiritual consciousness of the laws of nature.

This is the world of the physical senses, the world of experience and the concrete. This is the action as final process, including expression, communication and freedom.

There are still vestiges of collective consciousness in some species or forms, but also is present the individual conscience in its must separate expression. Asiah, represents a plane of material existence, where the world of forms with duality and polarity is framed within a physical space and a present time, but with the conscious notion of past and future. However Asiah also has, in addition to the material dimension, a spiritual dimension, where dwell the third type of angels, called Ophanim, these angels unlike jaiot HaKodesh, don´t

have an emotional move, but move in a spontaneous and instinctive way.

In short, all these worlds are needed to reach the finite from the infinite, to go from unity to diversity, from uniqueness collective consciousness to a single and isolated one. From nothing to the material expression of the form.

Finally let's talk about the Primordial Man or Adam Kadmon.

The two words in the name alluding to its paradoxical nature, if on the one hand, a created being (Adam), and on the other a manifestation of the Divine Primordial Kadmon. That is why in this name is revealed primordial infinity in finite created reality.

This is a very high plane of existence as it is made in the likeness of Infinite Light Or Ein Sof. This implies that their level is so sublime and pure and transcendental that is almost imperceptible.

The Adam Kadmon represents the trnscedent will of God. The God´s desire for His creation, and how they will manifest, is planned in one piece, without any separation into specifics. This is known as the "Primordial Thought" and serves as the planes of all Creation.

This is why Adam Kadmon lie in the root and source of the four worlds described above, thus descending from it all.

Like every world contains the formers hidden behind the manifestation itself, the world of Asiah, whose nature is both, spiritual and material, containing in all its forms each of the four worlds that precede it. The same happens with the above.

This is why Moshe Corvero said, "Where you are, all dimensions or worlds are."

ELOHIM Here again will initiate the chapter with a verse that seemingly little or nothing to do with the title, however, eventually fully understand the importance of it in relation to the definition of what is in the word Elohim. In my father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you .... John 14:2 Reyna-Valera Version 1960

In relation to the five worlds, we recognize that the most perfect plurality is also the perfect unit.

According to string theory and M theory of quantum physics in the area of unified field, we know that our universe besides the three dimensions of space we perceive through our senses, ie height, width and depth, has another six at the quantum level, and additional spatial dimension, which is home to an infinite number of universes parallel to our own.

Thus the scheme of creation is made up of an infinity number of universes belonging to Olam HaAsiรกh, plus worlds, Yetzirah, Beriah, Atziluth and Adam Kadmon. In truth there are many mansions in the Father's house.

Universe after Universe, World after world, we see the "One" and "Many". We suspect also that God not here or there, but He is "seen" in all worlds and universes.

Therefore we must recognize all the universes, worlds or dwellings, to perceive the essence of God, because he can not be understood in all its magnificence if we restrict ourselves only to the image of our own universe, under which He is beyond all images.

He is beyond all universes and worlds, and yet all the universes and worlds work coordinately as parts of an immense mechanism under existing plan diagram.

According to Malachi 3:6, God s says: I am God, I have not changed Israel Bible Version

But we also know that He can be both here and in any other world or universe at the same time and not only that, also has the ability to create diversity in each of these universes and worlds.

We are talking about the same unchanging consciousness has several projections simultaneously on different levels of reality, and despite being immutable is able to act on each of them.

The one is represented by the word MI, which literally means one, and the many by the word ELEH which means these.

MI represents the attribute of God expressed in Malachi 3:6, in which no change nor ever shall be.

Now I will play an excerpted from Sefer HaZohar or Book of Splendor.

Now I will reproduce a fragment extracted from the Sefer HaZohar or Book of Splendor.

"When the most mysterious wanted to reveal himself, first produced a singular point which was transmuted into a thought, and he executed many designs and countless engravings. Then recorded in the sacred and mystic lamp a drawing mystic and saint which was a wonderful building that emerged from the midst of thought. "

"This is the one called MI (who) and was the beginning of the building, existing and non-existing, deeply buried, unknowable by name. Only it was called MI (who). He wish to become manifest and be called by the name, and then dressed in a garment precious glittering, and created ELEH (these) and ELEH acquired a name.

"The letters of the two words forming intermingled full Name ELOHIM".

"While still was called MI was unproductive (no change), and not brought into existence the latent forces, but when created ELEH (these) and assumed its proper Name, Elohim then, by the power of this Name, produced finished forms ".

Analyzing the above can give a broader idea of what ELOHIM means. This Name represents the combination of something singular (who), not plural (whom), and some plural (they). It is understood that when Scripture mentions ELOHIM, we must accompany it with a preposition not plural but singular, although the phrase becomes uncomfortable left lobe of the brain, or rational part. Thus, instead of saying the (plural) Gods, we must read the (singular) Gods.

This is neither an inconsistency, or incongruity, is a way of understanding the (singular) Gods from a perspective beyond our plane of reality.

When our mind trapped in a dimensional plane of reality see the Name Elohim, associated this with a multitude "horizontal", ie with many individuals. But if we look from a perspective beyond our plane of reality, call it "vertical", then we see that it is a single entity, or power, or consciousness, which can create and manifest simultaneously in different worlds and universes (mansions).

Meanwhile MI, is the One that covers everything but is not aware of the diversity in each world, universe or mansion, nor can create them, ELOHIM, participates simultaneously, but so aware of the diversity, plus create it.

So both MI as ELOHIM participate in all the worlds, universes and mansions, only inert MI is the part that provides uniqueness, while Elohim is the active part that creates and recognizes diversity.

Elohim is the diversity itself, but with a sense of belonging to the unit, but perceiving, manifesting and acting in all the worlds, universes and mansions simultaneously.

GENESIS 1:11-31 The Fist Adam

If you look directly at the source, ie the Hebrew writing Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 in relation to the creation of the human race (Adam), we note that speaks of two different creations. Although it is the same race, different individuals is because they weren´t brought into existence in the same way. However, both come from the original and perfect design represented by Adam Kadmon and therefore, in essence, are the same race, the Adamic Race will call.

To show this, I will use as reference the verses of Genesis transliterated directly from the Hebrew.

Using as a guide the Spanish translation in the Bible of Israel, I will present my own translation bracketing what has been changed or added.

First quote the verse according to the generally accepted translation, then the transliteration, and finally mine.

I will also use bold to highlight the importance of certain words, which later will serve to demonstrate the existence of two groups within the Adamic Race.

1:11 And God said, Let the earth sprout vegetation, grass seed produces after its kind, and fruit trees that produce fruit on the earth after his kind, whose reproducibility is in it. And it was.


1:11 And ELOHIM said , Let the earth produce grass, the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth. And it was so.

1:12 Then the earth brought forth vegetation: herb bearing seed according to their kinds, and trees bearing fruit with their ability to reproduce in itself, after his kind. And God saw that it was good.


1:12 Then produced the earth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind. And ELOHIM saw that it was good.

1:13 And there was evening and there was morning, the third day


1:13 And the evening and the morning were, the third day.

I'll skip some verses that are not relevant in this work, to retake transcription with Genesis 1:20.

1:20 Then God said, Let the waters teem multitude of living creatures and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.


1:20 ELOHIM said, Let the waters (of the earth) produce (soulliving-beings), and birds fly above the earth in the open expansion of heavens.

In almost all translations use the word living only, but nefesh also means soul, so I want to add the word souls, because Hebrew is a language that supports multiple simultaneous translations, to read we keep that in mind.

By adding the word sheretz after hamayim-waters, suggests that not only speak of seas, but of rivers, lakes, ponds, etc. That is both saltwater creatures, such as fresh water.

1:21 God also created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves which were filled the waters, according their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.


1:21 And ELOHIM created (giant monsters dragons of the sea), and every creature being-living-soul that (creeps), which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And Gods (singular) saw that it was good.

The phrase et-hataninim haguedolim that is traduced as "the great sea monsters," I have translated a bit differently, as "the dragons giant monsters of the sea," which I think is most appropriate according to the original meaning as Taninim also means besides monster, dragon.

Haromeset is more associated with a type of creeping movement, so it is more attached to the meaning of the word, making it necessary to replace the word "moves" to "creep". 1:22 Then God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.


1:22 And ELOHIM blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.

1:23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.


1:23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and reptiles and beasts of the earth according to its kind. And it was so.


1:24 Then ELOHIM said, Let the earth produce (being-living-souls) living according to their gender, beasts, reptiles and animals of the earth after his kind. And it was so.

1:25 And he made God the beasts of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every reptile that creeping upon the earth after his kind. And God saw that it was good.


1:25 And ELOHIM made land animals according to their gender, and (beasts *) according to their gender, and every (reptile **) on earth (***) After their kinds. And ELOHIM saw that it was good. * Typically translates as cattle, but is more suited beast. In-depth analysis will be seen because it is.

** Currently is translated as animal, however Remes means reptile, although it is an animal, does not refer to any animal but specifically to reptiles.

*** After the word reptile (remes) there is no expression until said “upon the earth” (ha adamah). The phrase "that creeping" that I've stolen from where the parentheses is just, has no words to justify it in the original. Come on, not written anything as haromes, word that can be translated as if, the phrase " that creeping", however, again there is no such phrase in this verse.

1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, over the cattle, over all the beasts of the earth and over every reptile that creep on earth.


1:26 And ELOHIM said: Let us make Adam in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the beasts, over all the earth, and over all (reptile **) that creeps on the earth.

1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. VAYBRÁ ELOHÍM ET-HÁADAM BETZALMÓ BETZÉLEM ELOHÍM BARÁ OTÓ ZZAJÁR UNEKEBÁH BARÁ OTÁM

1:27 So ELOHIM created adam tries his image, in the image of Gods ELOHIM he created adam; male and female he created them.

1:28 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, over the beasts, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.


1:28 And ELOHIM blessed them and said (ELOHIM to them ^): Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth, and conquer it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the heavens, and (in all living animals ^^) that (creeps ^^^) on earth.

^ Perhaps this phrase (lahem Elohim) was not included in the translations to be somewhat redundant, however I think desirable to take into account to not modify any of the original text.

^^Jayah means animal or leaving being, not beast as is usually translated. For this I have replaced the word "beasts" to "living animals".

^^^They creeps is a more accurate translation of the word haromeset, so I have replaced the word "moves".

1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed to be sown on the surface of all the earth. And every tree fruit, tree whose seed is planted, shall be food.


1:29 And ELOHIM said, Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed, shall be for meat.

1:30 For every beast of the field and all the birds of the sky and everything that creeps on the earth, that has life, every green will be food. And it was.


1:30 And every (living animal, +) of the earth, and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, which are (soulliving-beings + +), every green herb for meat. And it was so.

+ Since in Hebrew is the word jayat is more suitable translated as a living animal, which as a beast, a word originally used.

+ + Nefesh jayah, soul-living-beings, not "has life" which is the phrase that appears as a translation in most Bibles. This difference, while seemingly subtle, is very important, because later we will see that is not the same living beings, than soul- living-beings, even though both

have life. Thus we clearly see that the verse refers only to soul- living beings and not both.

1:31 And God saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.


1:31 And ELOHIM saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Now that we have reviewed each verse and made appropriate changes to achieve a translation as possible attached to the original Hebrew version, we are ready to begin our study.

First let's see some of the words that are repeated under each stage ending leaves our world.

ELOHIM……………………………………………..…….ELOHIM TOB………………………………………………………….good VAYBRÁ…………………………………………….and created VAIBÁREJ…………………………………………..and blessed PERÚ……………………………………….…………..…..fructify UREBÚ………………………………………………..……multiply UMILÚ……………………………………………………..….….fill

BARÁ……………………………………………….………created ÄSÁH……………………………………………….…………make

Before referring to the set of words will include a verse of Genesis is also important to consider precisely at this stage of the study:

Genesis 5:2 Male and female he created them and God blessed them, and he called their name Adam, in the day that he created.


Genesis 5:2 Male and female created them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day they were created.

SHEMÁM………………………………….….called their name ZZAJÁR………………………………………………..……male UNEKEBÁH………………………………………………female

From this list of words can be seen several things, the first is that the creative power is ELOHIM, also in this creation intervened the verbs, name, create and make, therefore what´s done it is associated with Atziluth, Beriah and Asiah worlds.

The prototype of the human race is the Adam Kadmon, personified in two separate beings, one male and the other female. All that is done is blessed, and the mandate is given both, to all soul-living-being, and mankind to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth.

Besides everything done at each stage was being recognized as good and the soul-living-beings eats only living-beings (plants, fruits, herbs).

Now perform a more in detail analysis starting with the pair of verses 1:11 and 1:12, the first thing that the earth produces are plants and fruit trees yielding seed after his kind. This implies that a mango tree was not first one apple. Each of these entities arose in the finished form in its own genre. But they were not mentioned as souls-living-beings. Perhaps that is why in these two verses curiously does not appear any of the verbs associated with the 4 worlds, name, create, form, make, and instead only the verb produce on both.

It seems clear that even though it has now been shown that families of the plant kingdom seem to respond to stimuli such as music, words, light, etc‌ only is a stimulus-response type behavior, then clearly tells us that there are not nefesh hajayah, ie soul-living-beings, only living beings. However, both are equally divine manifestation of consciousness that underlies all creation.

That is why if we go to genesis 1:29 and 1:30 we see in them that is authorizing the creation eat these beings, because although they are living, but not soul-living beings.

Let us continue analyzing the verses 1:20 and 1:21, these ones mentioned several types of beings, but here they are all soul- living-beings.

At this stage of realization were created birds, the creatures of fresh and salt water, also those that crawl on the bottom of the sea and rivers. But perhaps most striking is the creation of giant monsters sea dragons, as this phrase may well allude to marine dinosaurs, rather than literally dragons. We see this clearly in the book of Job Ch. 41 which describes explicitly a dragon, just that the Hebrew word used here is Lewyatan (Leviathan) instead of Taninim.

Let's see what surprises come across in verses 1:24 and 1:25.

We have three groups of souls-living-beings who dwell on the earth, beasts, reptiles and terrestrial animals.

The first thing that strikes me is 多why differentiate to beasts and reptiles of land animals? 多Not all fall under the classification of land animals?

Especially after clarifying in both verses that were made after his kind.

But further reading based on the original Hebrew suggests that the three species, despite being souls-living-beings who dwell on the earth, are different between them, because the first two, or are not properly animals, or have some feature that strongly distinguishes the other inhabitants of the land called animals.

Analyze each of them separately beginning with the beasts.

Here the Hebrew word used is behemah. Again, in the book of Job chapter 40 verses 15 to 24 describes the behemoth as a herbivorous creature, huge, type "diplodopus" which was some kind of dinosaur herbivore huge tail and neck.

This seems to show that when using the word behemah or beasts are referring to different genres of herbivorous dinosaurs that walk on land.

Consider the third species mentioned, ie the reptiles. Let's start by comparing the traditional translation of this verse with the translation in this book and I think is more attached to the original Hebrew writing.

Genesis 1:25 And God made animals of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good s. Reyna-Valera Version 1960

Genesis 1:25 And God made the beasts of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing of the earth after his kind. And God saw that it was good. Peshitta Version

Genesis 1:25 And ELOHIM made land animals after his kind, and beasts after their kind, and every reptile of the earth after his kind. Direct translation of the Hebrew made in this book


We see the Peshitta translation is closer to our translation.

In this verse is striking that do not stand next to the word "reptile", the phrase "creeps". So I think that originally these "reptiles" as they may be, not be crawled, but walked upright.

At this time when Adam has not yet been created, we have a world with dry earth, seas, rivers and freshwater springs, full of plants and trees that bear fruit all edible; soul-living- beings

animal type dwell the sea, rivers and the earth after his kind, together with marine dinosaurs, various terrestrial herbivorous dinosaur genera and species of reptiles upright, all vegetarian, and living in harmony, because so far everything is seen by ELOHIM as good.

Now it's time to verses 26, 27 and 28.

Before enter completely analyzing, lets talk a little about the image and likeness.

The image is associated with the material side, while likeness to spiritual world. The image is matter, likeness is energy. The image belongs to the world of Asiah, while likeness to Adam Kadmon.

The light being both matter and energy, contains in itself the image and likeness.

Made in the image and likeness implies that the Adam of Light, the Adam Kadmon, embodied within the image of Adamic species.

As the image belongs to the world Asiah, it is not sufficient for the form manifested it self like soul-living-being, requires the likeness, which is the sustaining of the image.

In the likeness its found the codification of Adamic species, and is the one that defines the image. So like light, the Adamic Race simultaneously consists of matter and energy, spirit and matter.

Even the likeness may be associated with the heavens and the image with the earth, the same way, the first to force fields, and the second to elementary particles.

The Adamic species as far as image and likeness, reflect the union between heaven and earth. In verse reads: Then ELOHIM said, let us “make” Adam in our image ... saying “make” (naaseh) is engaging the world of Asiah, the physical world to determine the image. Then says "compliant" after our likeness. The term “compliant” is not associated with any of the four worlds (not applicable to any of the four verbs that represent them), therefore, the likeness can´t be tied to any of these four, being then suggested the involvement of the fifth world, the Adam Kadmon.

The first thing we notice is that the image and likeness embraces all worlds, it ranges from Adam Kadmon to Asiah. From Divine prototype, to the material manifestation of the form as soul-living-being.

When ELOHIM says "Let us make humankind in our ..." based on the last chapter, we can say that there are no many artists who are performing the action to make the humankind, but one that is doing so that his conscience can perceive itself simultaneously in all the worlds that compose it, such as with Elohim.

Elohim created mankind from nothing (bara), involving explicitly world Beriah.

In this first Adamic race, the male and female were created simultaneously, face to face.

This is because during the process of this creation heavens and earth were in perfect harmony, so ELOHIM see at each stage of the process that is actually good.

Because of its "Beriรกhn" origin, these beings must have a collective consciousness and be closely linked to the unit, although consciously perceived simultaneously other worlds as ELOHIM created them in His image and likeness. Also knew good and evil, as if ELOHIM knew, them too. From Asiah world, we know that they had material bodies and senses to perceive the physical world. They were able to communicate, express and act exercising freedom. As to its mode of perception not only possessed senses that allowed them to decode the material world, but also had others that could be in contact with other worlds.

Since the lower worlds reflect superiors, albeit only partially, it is likely that these beings have physical bodies that mimic some angelic features, such as being winged.

Due to its high level of collective consciousness, surely its type communication was telepathic and had different now call paranormal powers such as telekinesis, clairvoyance, precognition, etc.. It is also likely that his stature has been far superior to that of modern man. Later justify this last statement.

Once created face to face out of nothing, male and female where blessed and given the mandate to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth with their kind.

According to Genesis 1:26, before the creation of Adam, it is established that should rule over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the beasts, over all the earth and over every reptile that creeps on earth.

But then in Genesis 1:28, once the male and female of the human race were created, sends them conquer the earth and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air and all the animals that creeps along on earth. Comparing both verses we see that the beasts are no longer in the second, probably this is because at first these beasts

(dinosaurs) where many, but then disappeared almost entirely when the first type of human appears.

Whereas Genesis 1:25 again, shows that before the first human race was created, even before Elohim declared his intention to create it, there were creatures called "reptile" that walked upright, but in the time that passed from this until the moment Elohim proposes the creation of first Adam, for some unknown reason maybe some of them left to walk upright and started to creeps on the ground. And then during the rule of the first humanity some of them ceased to be seen as something other than the common animal that creeps on the earth and happened to be another genre within this class. That is, under the domination of this humanity many of them remained reptile but it was not seen as "Remes" but as "jayaḼ". That quality that made it different besides being erect, whatever it was, was lost during the domain of the first Adam.

So the world has been entrusted dominion the first Adam is one where the land is separated from the sea, there are rivers and freshwater sources, there are plants, herbs and edible fruits. There is a biodiversity covering the seas with fish, birds heavens, the earth with animals, but there are some dinosaurs in the sea and on land herbivorous dinosaurs, however the reptiles that walked up right, many of them or left, or something happened now creeps on the earth. However, the first Adam only was allow to rule over de reptiles to creep not over ones that walked up right, which at that time were few.

It was during the rule of these first Adam that early dinosaurs almost became extinct.

Not only do I base these conclusions to the effect that first Adam and dinosaurs coexisted in these three verses of Genesis, also in the book of Job, as to describe the two types of dinosaurs, marine and terrestrial reveals clearly that existed at the era that is described in Job´s book. Also basing the idea that they were much taller than modern humans in coexistence with these beasts, as if they had been of our stature would have been difficult to rule over them. Among the beasts were also at that time, the dragons, as they are described in mythology, were fearsome and threw fire from his mouth. (For a more complete description, see Job 41)

In short we have a human race was created by ELOHIM in his image and likeness, male and female were created simultaneously from nothing. They are blessed, are commanded to multiply, be fruitful and fill the earth and conquer besides dominion over his creatures. And Gods (singular) looks this good. They live in a world in harmony and balance, where all soul-living-beings only eat vegetables and fruits.

GENESIS 2:4-25 The Second Adam The process for Genesis 2 will be similar to that followed in Genesis 1, so start by putting the translation that best conforms to each verse. 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that Yahweh God made the heavens and the earth.


2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that HVHI ELOHIM made the earth and the heavens,

2:5 and every herb of the field, before they were on earth, and every herb of the field when hadn´t yet sprouted, for Yahweh God had not yet sent rain on the surface of the earth, and there was no Adam to till the earth.


2:5 and all (flora and vegetation º) of the field before it (will º º) on earth (and everything green º º º) of the field before it became plant, for HVHI ELOHIM had not sent rain on the earth there was no Adam to till the ground,

° siaj more than plant should be translated as flora and vegetation it is more specific.

ºº Ihieh means will not were. And this seems trivial but is very important because the word ” were” given the idea that the word field is only descriptive, but if we substitute the word “will”, indicates that first developed in the field and then were placed in all the earth.

º º º Vejol-eseb means everything green

2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the earth


2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the earth

2:7 Then Yahweh God formed Adam from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And Adam was a living soul.


2:7 Then HVHI ELOHIM formed Adam tries dust of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and Adam became a living being.

2:8 And Yahweh God planted a garden in Eden, and there he put Adam, whom he had formed.


2:8 And HVHI ELOHIM planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the Adam he had formed.

2:9 Yahweh God caused to grow every tree on earth pleasing to the eye and good for food. Also, in the middle of the garden stood the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.


2:9 HVHI ELOHIM (formed *) of the earth every tree pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

* Here vayatzmaj commonly translates “caused to grow”, however this word contains the root yatz, which links the word with Yetzirah the world of formation, so I think better to use the word formed instead the phrase “caused to grow”.

From verses 2:10 to 2:14 there is no difference between the two translations, so there is no need to rewrite both versions.

2:10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it divided and became four rivers.


2:11 The name of one was Pishon: that is it which surrounds all the land of Javiláh, where there is gold;


2:12 and the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.


2:13 And the name of the second river is Gihon: that is it which surrounds all the land of Kush.


2:14 And the name of the third river is Jidékel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.


2:15 Then Yahweh God taking Adam, put it in the garden of Eden to till it and to protect


2:15 So, took HVHI ELOHIM Adam, and put him in the garden of Eden to till it (and to protect it-preserving-observing, **).

** The word Shameráh not only means protect, also means preserving and observing

2:16 Yahweh God commanded Adam, saying, Of all the trees that are in the garden certainly eat,


2:16 And HVHI ELOHIM commanded Adam, saying: Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat;

2:17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it, for in the day you eat from it you will experience death.


2:17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die.

2:18 Then Yahweh God said: It is not good for Adam to be alone will make him a helper fit for him.


2:18 And HVHI ELOHIM said: It is not good that Adam should be alone, will make a helper suitable for Adam.

2:19 Then Yahweh God formed from the ground all the beasts of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call, and as Adam called every living creature, so was his name.


2:19 HVHI ELOHIM formed out of the earth all (animal-living-being ***) of the field, and every bird of the air, and brought them unto Adam

to see what he would name them; and all that Adam called the (animal-beings-living-soul ^), that is its name.

Jayat *** means not only animal but also living being. So instead of using the word beast, which as we saw in Genesis 1 is totally inadequate, because if it were, it would have used the word behemah, instead of jayat. In spite of this, rather than beasts of the field, we must replacing the translation of this word by animal-living of the field.

^ Similarly jayah nefesh does not mean living animals, but animalbeings-living-soul, as I had mentioned earlier in Genesis 1.

2:20 Adam put names to all the cattle, the birds of the air, and all cattle in the Earth, but not found a helper fit for him.


2:20 And Adam put names to all beast, and to the birds of the havens and all (living animal^^) from the field, but for Adam there was not found a help meet for him.

^ ^ Again, instead of translating jayat like cattle must put living animal.

2:21 Yahweh God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, then took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its place.


2:21 HVHI ELOHIM made deep sleep to fall on Adam, and while he slept took one of his (sides ^^^), and closed up the flesh in its place.

^^^ Perhaps the most attached to the Hebrew word kaj, is not rib, but side. It is interesting to note that the translation with the word side appears in the Hebrew-Spanish Bible to which I referred earlier. Similarly Kaj is used as a side in the Sepher HaZohar comments, or Book of Splendor.

2:22 And Yahweh God made a woman from the rib he had taken from Adam, and brought her to Adam.


2:22 And from (the side ^ ^ ^) that HVHI Gods (singular) took from the man, (formed +) a woman, and brought her unto the man.

+ Hatzela, share ietziláh root, so it evokes the world of forming. By this assumption it is more appropriate to use the word formed, than the word made.

2:23 Then Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. Because it was taken from the man, she shall be called woman. VAYÓMER HÁADAM ZZOT HAPÁÄM ËTZEM MEÄTZAMÁI UBASÁR MIBESARÍ LEZZÓT IKARÉ ISHÁH KI MEÍSH LÚKAJAH-ZZOT

2:23 And Adan said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called ishah (woman) because of man (ish) was taken.

Now that they are not united, in place of Adam, I have the name Adan, for the woman is no longer in it.

2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.


2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.


2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his (female), and were not ashamed. Veishto means female, not wife.

As we did in Genesis 1, I will list a number of words that will prove to be of great importance for our study.

IHVH ELOHÍM ………………………………..….HVHI ELOHIM ÄSÓT………………………………………………………….made VAYITZÉR…………………………………….………and formed IATZÁR………………………………………………….….formed LEÄBEDÁH………………………………………………………till ULESHAMERÁH…………………….protect, preserve, observe SHEMÓ………………………………………….………..….name KÁJ…………………………………………….…………….…side ISHÁH…………………………………………………….…woman ÍSH……………………………………………..………….……man ARUMÍM……………………………………..………….…..naked

It is clear from these words that the first Adam are very different from these second Adam. Here the participant power is HVHI Elohim. And the verbs that are involved are, name, form and make, which remembers the three worlds Atziluth, Yetzirah, and Asiah.

These beings are not created out of nothing, but formed from something (dust or clay) as is characteristic of Ietziráh Olam. Also do not come face to face, but they were form join by the side. In this case, HVHI Elohim give them a breath of life, something that never happened with the first Adam. These beings are not blessed, neither receive the task of multiply, be fruitful and fill.

Nor are given the mandate to conquer the land or dominion over creation, but to save, preserve, and care of what was formed. And till the land.

At no time HVHI Elohim highlights the outcome of their work has been good, as did Elohim in Genesis 1.

Let's look at this more in detail beginning with Genesis 2:4.

When you read this verse, we realize that not only the comma separates two sentences, it marks the division between two creations. By using the word Eleh at the beginning and include the word behibareรกm before the coma associated with the act of creating, gives us to understand that this phrase refers to the work of Elohim and his creation from nothing at Beriah level. Also here mentioned first heavens and then earth.

But after the comma, things change, now referred to HVHI Elohim work within the context of the world of action or material world, which is concluded because in the sentence appears the word asot which means make and is associated with the word Aasiyah.

While the first creation was made in six days or periods of time, the second was made into one, it says beiom which means day, not days.

As if this were not enough, now the order of the heavens and the earth is reversed, ie first mentioned made the earth and then heavens.

This shows that something happened between the two creations, which broke the initial harmony allowing see creation as good and that made it possible for the male and female from Adamic Race were created face to face.

So the purpose of the second creation is to restore the lost harmony, making the impulse to move to the upper world and balance both come from the bottom

Is from below that starts moving and from there everything is perfected, restoring the original harmony.

Thus, the desire down causes that all in highness be completed. And while this balance is not restored will continue as part of that day, because until then the heavens will be completed. But thanks to be used in verse the word made we know that at some moment of this day will restore harmony.

In this regard I quote apothem 29 from Thomas Gospel: Yeshua says: If flesh has become for the spiritual, is a marvel, but if spirit for carnal, it would be a wonderful wonder...

Clearly tells us that the material world was created by the spiritual, but mentions that the movement to achieve the initial equilibrium in the worlds, comes from the material world.

In short, this important verse shows us that there were two creations, one led by Elohim and the other by HVHI Elohim, one came out of nothing and the other was shaped from existing material world, and that the reason for its formation is to restore the original harmony between worlds.

Genesis 2:5 provides the same order as in Genesis 1:11, where the land produces green grass and trees with fruit, only now appears a new word “sadeh� which means field and not only that, this not only speaks of grass but flora and vegetation.

Genesis 1:11 mentions always land as a place to grow these green herbs, but in Genesis 2:5 to use the word field, suggests a limited region is not as widespread as the earth itself. It seems as if the field referred to some kind of controlled ecosystem, to then could extend the flora and vegetation developed there to the rest of the earth.

The verse ends by saying that there was no Adam to till the ground.

This phrase can be interpreted two ways, or there was really no one of the first Adam, or something had happened on earth

and even though at least some of them were still in it, for some reason could not till it, which was essential, because apparently had to regenerate it and was necessary to develop new vegetation.

It is important to note that unlike Genesis one, not mention neither sea nor fresh water creatures, so surely still exist when the second Adam came.

And although neither speaks of bird nor creatures of the earth, its keeps reference to them in verses after the formation of the second Adam. So it is likely that by this time the vast majority of such creatures do not exist.

This suggests to us that something serious happened in the period of the first Adam, and whatever it was, do not know if it was natural or caused directly or indirectly by them, but we know that it affected the surface of the earth and its atmosphere more serious than the seas and waters.

As a result of this cataclysm its civilization and its cities were destroyed or uninhabitable, some stayed to try to restart their civilization and others, 多why not?, maybe leave the planet managed to save themselves, in spite that surely the period of time who developed their civilization was perhaps of millions of years, besides were beings that were created with skills and capabilities far superior to that currently owns the actual man.

I think the book of Job is really important, is believed to be the oldest book in the Bible and thought it was written in the days of the patriarch Abraham, but not necessarily narrated what happened there then.

I think that whoever wrote it, shape a story that was told by word of mouth for generations, which was preserved basically intact, though with certain adaptations which gives the idea that happens to the second Adam instead of first, but did not alter the core of the narrative.

For the content of this book, I dare to suggest that it is a real event that took place during the period of the first Adam, and which was adapted into the second ones time, however, clearly states that there was a cataclysm associated with water, but before the Flood. This may seeing in chapter 38 verses 8 to 11, which reads: "ÂżWho shut up the sea with doors, when it poured getting out of her womb, when I set clouds as its clothing, and for its belt darkness, and up for it my decreed, I set bars and doors, and said, hitherto shall you come, and no farther, and here shall stop your proud waves?".

Job´s book recounts events that occurred at the time of the first Adam, partly adapted to the customs at the time of the second Adam mixed, but with events that took place during the time of the first Adam that weren´t mixed. Now the narrative of Genesis 2 goes on to describe how appeared the second Adam.

The second Adam was not created out of nothing as the first but were formed from something that already exists, in particular, the verse tells us that dust or clay was used.

Unlike the first Adam that being created from nothing appeared not only in a material body but also as jayah nefesh, ie soul- living beings; the second Adam had to infuse them life, which came directly from HVHI Elohim, was only then that these Adam became living souls.

In this way both Adam might be similar but with their differences, sharing the same image, that of Adam Kadmon.

If we observe carefully this situation we see that the way in which both Adam came into existence is a logical consequence of the world that each of them was linked. While in Beriah the creating process not only come from nothing, but there is a strong connection with the spiritual world, where there is still no duality or polarity, in Yetzirah, there is, exist so an intrinsic separation between spirit and matter. So being nefesh jayah was not something innate in them, as in the first Adam, because of this, they were first shaped and then infused life.

This creation is not made in the image and likeness of HVHI Elohim, as in the previous case with Elohim.

These second Adรกm therefore, have no conscious understanding of multidimensional nature although they do. Nor know the difference between good and evil, as in the case of the first Adam.

It is interesting that in some translations the word used is the word clay instead of powdered, and I notice this because the clay is a moldable material in water, but in fire is rigid. Also in Sefer HaZohar or Book of Splendor, it is said that in our world there are 4 types of fire, one black, one yellow, one red and one white that covers all. In my previous book, entitled "A Sight to Infinity (Origins I)", I show that black fire equivalent to space time, the yellow to boson particles which are related to the force fields, and red to fermions, which are elementary particles such as quarks, electrons and neutrinos.

On the other hand also showed how the waters are always associated with the notion of consciousness.

If we combine these ideas with the nature of the second Adam, we see that this Adam could shape its body through their consciousness and what results from that process was presented as a material body. This is only possible if its body behave as a kind of holographic projection.

Then we are told that HVHI Elohim planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there place the second Adam.

Again, as in Genesis 2:5 speaks us of a place on earth called Eden located to the east, a place that does not cover all the land, that is, only a limited region he calls orchard.

Therefore, this garden represents a controlled environment, where HVHI Elohim placed the second Adam, who had formed in another part of the earth, for it clearly says that moved there.

But surely there is vegetation and flora, HVHI Elohim, landform trees pleasing to the eye and good for eat.

This time not having seed as mentioned in Genesis 1 which also makes no reference to his appearance, in contrast to Genesis 2, where if stresses that were pleasing to the eye. No doubt the appearance of the trees did not play any important role during the period of the first Adam, but not in the case of the seconds as the story teach us later.

If they had no seed, was because this trees did not reproduce, bearing fruit forever, which further indicates that not age.

Also noteworthy the fact that was formed from the earth as the second Adam, suggesting that these new Adam, not only had, through conscious observation, the ability to change the appearance of their bodies, but also the landscape in the garden in Eden.

But verse also refers to two trees in particular, one that called the tree of life, one to which designates it as the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Within the garden the tree of life represents and has the essence of The Eternal (HVHI), while the tree of knowledge represents and has the essence of Elohim.

Just as we have seen that some verbs within the narrative of Genesis refer to different worlds, there are words that have a deeper meaning, beyond the everyday language. I mean the word Daat, which in this verse is translated as knowledge and in fact is, that is its meaning.

But why not use another word like as understanding, discovery learning?, Perhaps because behind the word Daat, there is an interesting meaning it represents one of the 11 Divine Emanations or Sefirot, with which our Universe was created.

Let's talk about Daat, it is said to operate on two levels, one hidden and one that serves to connect the intellect as a whole with the realm of emotion.

A connection of intellect and emotion is called feeling. Then Daat, as revealed dimension is responsible for the feelings or attitudes of the soul.

Surely the second Adam were intelligent and possessed a single emotion, love. So, all its feelings only came from this emotion.

Once ready the controlled environment where the latter Adam would placed, they were moved in order to till, guard, preserve and observe the garden.

It is interesting that these Adam be given the indication to observe. Currently quantum physics says that in all observation process conscience is involved, and it is through the process of observation that reality is constructed. This is consistent with previously proposed, these beings just observing could change the physical appearance of both, themselves and the trees around them in the garden.

At forbid eating only tree of knowledge of good and evil, it is obvious that they could eat from all the others, including the tree of life, so that these beings did not age, the only changes that were in his world were those their own consciences performed by transforming the appearance of their surroundings.

In our world everything changes, has a life cycle, on his did not, everything just was, so they are endowed with this ability, because if it were not so, life would have been an extremely monotonous, bland and boring .

Now I wonder, what was the importance of placing a tree in the garden with the sole purpose of prohibiting eating of its fruit? Would not it have been easier not to place if not wanted them ate?

And not only that, also tell us that all were pleasing to the eye, but this should have been more.

But, it was indeed a big problem these Adam knew the good and evil? After all, the first Adam was made in the image and likeness of Elohim, therefore must possess such knowledge.

And when this happened, ELOHIM said it was good.

It seems that the revealed aspect of Daat, ie the knowledge of good and evil, it was not the real reason why that tree was included and the eating of the fruit allow entry of death into their world.

What then of the hidden part of Daat? Do will find there the real reason to expose new Adam to death?

Recall that only heaven can be improved if the movement to do so starts down. Perhaps the first Adam also became somehow fallen beings. But as we said before, it is very possible that were not mortals. So to restore harmony between heaven and earth was necessary that death entered

the world, and by his fallen nature, were likely to suffer death as the second Adam.

In Genesis 1 the word death is never mentioned.

But that death touched also the first Adam, the transgression would be similar to the one they did, ie there was something more than the mere knowledge of good and evil.

However, as for the second Adam, is not yet the precise moment for you to be revealed. Hopefully a few verses to know what it was.

Well, so here we have the second Adam tilling the garden with regard to flora and vegetation. With the ability to make every moment his world and even their own bodies through conscious observation of it. Eating the fruit of every tree, except one. In a place where nothing grew old, nor suffered causal changes, ie, changes that were not sequenced or suffering caused by the preceding state. The changes were of form and simply changing transforming their instantly looks. In this sense more than a world where time behaved as we know, was a "quantum" place.

Then HVHI Elohim says "have a helper suitable for Adam" and goes on to say "formed of the earth ...," if we look, unlike what happened in Genesis 1, soul- living-beings from field are brought into existence the same way Adam was, from

Yetzirah because both were formed, besides not only this, but also share the same "something" that emerged, namely "dust or clay".

Recall that in Genesis 1 first Adam come from Beriah, the world of creation out of nothing, and the soul- living-beings who walk on the earth, of Asiah, the world of action or material world. Because of this enormous difference, it is fitting that the first Adam has said that they rule over them, they were obviously superior and different. However, in the case of the second Adam, the word help appears, so that both should work as a team, work together supporting each other, for this they came from the same world, the world of formation.

Again this supports my thesis that it was two different Adam.

In Genesis 2:19 says HVHI Elohim formed every living of the field and every bird of the heavens. Again the generation of this beings does not extend to all land, but only within the controlled environment of the garden, where, of course were field.

Then in 2:20 appears behemah other creature or beast, which had already been made in Genesis 1, but was not formed by what can be seen in both verses of Genesis 2. This indicates that some creatures of Genesis 1 survived and could participate in the controlled environment was called orchard.

Now the entrusted receiving the second Adam is to name all these creatures, both formed in Genesis 2 (soul-living-beings of field and birds) as the aggregate Genesis 1 (beasts).

Before continuing, let's talk something about the name, and for that I will transcribe apothem 47 of the Gospel of Truth, The name is not just talk, or is it only terminology, but is transcendent. He only named him, he just looked him, he alone has the power to give him a name. Whoever what does not exist has no name, for what names are given to nothingness? ...

And we continue to quote the Gospel of Truth, now with apothem 24,

When He decides he manifests whomever he wishes, forming and naming him. And when giving him a name, he causes him to be ...

In Genesis 1 to the first Adam are not given the ability to name, indicating that creation was not flexible like this, they had great skills but his conscience was not involved in the construction of reality as in the case of the second Adam. The first Adam subjugated a preset world, which, if they wanted to transform would have to do at Asiah level, ie at the level of physical or material world, in other words, only modifying the genetic (DNA) and developing technology could achieve it, and this was done in all the earth. In contrast, the second Adam, involved in the construction and appearance of their world through conscious observation, albeit restricted and local levels.

Every time the second Adam named, caused to be what was formed.

Why not asks to seconds Adam to name flora, plants and trees?, 'Because they were just living-beings and not soulliving-beings.

So the second Adam built his world whenever observed, by this action the appearance of the trees changed, and each time observation accompanied by the name, the form of the soul-living-beings not only were modified as in the first case, but were also caused to be.

No doubt that place called orchard was something wonderful, extraordinary, for it was totally malleable, changing every moment as was observed and named by the consciousness of Adam.

This is possible because the soul- living-beings came from the same level or world, the formation one or Yetzirah. So these Adam have the ability to determine the shape of their "reality".

But the Genesis tells that despite all the creatures they now shared with Adam the garden, had not yet been found helpmeet.

But what is that help meet?, What does it mean?, Well, to answer these questions, remember the entrusted made to Adam; had to till, keep, preserve and observe the garden. The helper must participate in four activities. But it was not. So these creatures were not able to meet at least one of the tasks, so let's find out which ones were.

I do not think that there were problems with the first three, ie till, keep and preserve, but do not think they could make the final: observe, for they saw their environment, the more they could not observe with the skill required to modify.

It is in this sense that there was no help or ideal cooperation, as there was no one else who was able to share observe to transform.

The following verses tell the way it could be achieved the mentioned helpmeet.

It is important to quote that in the original Hebrew version and that serves as basis for the statements contained in the Book of Splendor Sefer HaZohar, the word Kaj is understood not as rib, but as side, as I mentioned above.

Based on the comments made in the Book of Splendor about Torah, write the following:

The second Adam were created side by side, (together on one side) why not face to face, as happened with the first Adam?, For the simple reason that the heavens and the earth were no longer in perfect harmony as in the first creation.

Like other creatures of the garden, she was formed. This implies that she was at the same level as the others and therefore be part of the "team" in which all cooperate in harmony.

Why the Scripture don´t said that she also was infused with breath of life? Well because it was not necessary, since the blow was influenced them both when they were still together.

After removing the side, which I did not have a physical form similar to that of man, HVHI Elohim formed it, or rather He trans-formed to give an appearance similar to that of men

This being so formed is designated as isha-woman, as it was taken out of man-ish.

Note that I do not refer to them as Adam, that being that contained them both in one body, but as man and wife, that because at this point, they are not self, but were separated. And since the woman had emerged from the man, this helpmate, without doubt could meet the four tasks, as well as till, keep and preserve, also was able to observe.

It is important to note at this point that although now both are separated and therefore "face to face", they are not given the mandate to be fruitful and multiply nor told to fill the earth.

This suggests that by the time HVHI Elohim not want to have offspring.

The chapter ends by saying that they were naked and were not ashamed.

Interestingly, unlike Genesis 1, here explicitly mentions a feature of their bodies, but to say that they were not ashamed, highlights the fact that they had no feelings associated with emotion fear, because shame is an emotional behavior or feeling associated with fear. And they only manifest intellect and emotion love.

Both Adam, the ones created in Genesis 1, as those formed in Genesis 2, communicated, either with ELOHIM, or with HVHI Elohim. However, in Genesis does not specify how was that kind of communication.

Recall that the first Adam were immortal, and the latter too, only his immortality had to be "fed" by the tree of life. In this sense we can say that both Adam were eternal, except that for the second Adam, this was only true as long as they were in the garden.

In the apothem 15 of the Gospel of Truth found a clue how was this communication.

This is the knowledge of the living book, whereby the end the Father has manifested the eternal, as the alphabet of the revelation of himself. These letters are not vowels or consonants, so that anyone could read them and think of emptiness. But are the true alphabet, according to which those who know, are expressed. Each letter is a perfect thought, each letter is like a complete book written in the alphabet of the unity by the Father, who writes the eternal, that they might know the Father

If we look carefully this verse immediately noticed that it mentioned a holographic language in which each letter contains a large amount of information. Something like a holistic language. The holographic mind was a feature that both Adam shared. .

GENESIS 3 The Serpent Again I will use the same methodology as used in the two preceding chapters. So I start by putting the translation adheres more to each verse.

3: 1 Now the serpent was the most cunning of all living creatures of the field which Yahweh God had made. Then the serpent said to the woman: So God told you not to eat from any tree in the garden?


3: 1 Now the serpent was more crafty than all the animals of field which the HVHI ELOHIM had made; And he said unto the woman, Did ELOHIM have you said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

3: 2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of all the trees that are in the garden,


3: 2 And the woman said unto the serpent, Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat;

3: 3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God said, "You shall not eat from it or come near him, lest you die."


3: 3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden ELOHIM said, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.

3: 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, really you will not die.


3: 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, You shall not surely die;

3: 5 What happens is that God knows that when you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you shall be as gods, acquaintance good and evil.


3: 5 For ELOHIM) knows that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as ELOHIM (knowing *) good and evil.

* It is more appropriate to use the word knowing than acquaintance that it corresponds to the translation of the word deei, which comes from da'at, knowledge.

3: 6 And seeing the woman that the tree was good for food and desirable to the eye, and was desirable for gaining knowledge tree, took of its fruit and ate, and gave to her husband with her, and he ate.


3: 6 And the woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining (knowledge **); she took of its fruit and ate, and gave also unto her husband; with her and he ate.

** Here the word translated as knowledge is lehaskil, which not only means to know, also acquaintance and do. Besides the translation adheres more implies a change in punctuation. To see what changes were made, write the phrase as it appears in most Bibles, "she took of its fruit and ate; and gave also unto her husband with her, and he ate. " 3: 7 And it happened that the eyes of both were opened and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons.


3: 7 Then their eyes were opened, and (*** realized) that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

*** The proper translation for vayed is no "they knew", but "realized". 3: 8 When they heard the voice of Yahweh God walking in the garden as the day declines. Adan and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Yahweh God among the trees of the garden ..


3: 8 And they heard the voice of the HVHI ELOHIM walking in the garden in the cool of the day; and Adan and his woman hid themselves from the presence of the HVHI ELOHIM among the trees of the garden.

3: 9 Called So Yahweh God to Adan, saying, Adan, where are you all?


3: 9 But the HVHI ELOHIM called unto Adan, and said unto him, Where are you?

3:10 And he said, I heard Your voice in the garden and as I realized I was naked, I hid.


3:10 And he answered, I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.

3:11 Yahweh said to him: Who made you that you were naked? Did you eat from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat? VAYÓMER MI HIGUÍD LEJÁ KI ËIRÓM ÁTAH HAMÍN-HAËTZ ASHÉR TZIVITÍJA LEBILTÍ AJÁL-MIMÉNU AJÁLTA

3:11 And he said, Who told you that you was naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat?

3:12 And Adan replied, the woman you gave me offered me of the tree and I ate.


3:12 And Adan said, the woman whom you gave me as mate she gave me of the tree, and I ate.

3:13 Then Yahweh God said to the woman, What is this you have done? And the woman said, the serpent beguiled me and I ate.


3:13 Then HVHI ELOHIM said to the woman, What is this you have done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me and I ate.

3:14 Then Yahweh God said to the serpent: Because you have done, you will be more bloody than any animal and more than every beast of the field; upon thy belly shall thou go, and all the days of your life shall eat dust.


3:14 The HVHI ELOHIM said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all beasts, and above every living creatures of the field; upon thy belly shall thou go, and dust shall thou eat all the days of your life.

3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed. He will tread your head, and you shall bruise his heel.


3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel.

3:16 Then he said to the woman, greatly increase your pain and your conception and your children will bear with pains; you will surrender to your husband and he will rule over you.


3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply your pain on your pregnancies; in pain you shall bring forth children; and you desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.

3:17 Then he said to Adan, since you attended to the voice of your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you not to eat, the Earth will be cursed because of you; afflictions shall thou eat of it all the days of your life.


3:17 And unto Adan he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you not eat; cursed is the ground because of you; in pain shall thou eat of it all the days of your life.

3:18 It will produce thorns and thistles and eat grass field


3:18 Thorns and thistles will produced you, and you shall eat the green of the field.

3:19 You shall eat bread by the sweat of your brow, until you return to the earth from which you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return


3:19 By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you shall return.

3:20 Adan took the name of his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all living.


3:20 Adan named his wife Javah (Eve), because she was the mother of all living.

3:20 Y llamó Adán el nombre de su mujer, Javáh (Eva), por cuanto ella era madre de todos los vivientes.

3:21 Then Yahweh God made garments of pelt for Adan and his wife and clothed them.


3:21 The HVHI ELOHIM made for Adan and his woman garments of pelt, and clothed them.

3:22 Yahweh God said, Behold, Adan has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. Not going to happen now put forth his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.


3:22 And the HVHI ELOHIM said, Behold, Adan is become as one of us, knowing good and evil; now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever.

3:23 Then Yahweh God expelled him from the garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken.


3:23 The HVHI ELOHIM took him out of the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

3:24 Yahweh God expelled him and place a cherubim to haunt the east of the garden of Eden, with a sharp sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.


3:24 So he drove out Adan, and at the east of the garden of Eden place a cherubim and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

We begin our analysis with HANAJÁSH, The Serpent. What do we know about this creature? it was astute, speaking and surely walked upright. But despite these characteristics, it was regarded as a field-living being, so not belong to the Adamic Race.

In verse three important words appears, field, HVHI Elohim and made.

This somehow links us with the creation of Genesis 1 and the formation of Genesis 2, where none of them ever mentioned the word Hanajásh Serpent, so we sense that this creature was not created out of nothing by Elohim in genesis 1, nor was formed as a living creature of field by HVHI Elohim in genesis 2.

So where did it come from? Recall that in Genesis 1 mentions a type of reptile upright and then something happens and becomes creeping species, ie it creeps on the earth. If these beings reached a kind of development and built a civilization scriptures do not say, only reveal that this species before man appeared, stopped walking and turned upright crawling. Nor is it clear whether this happened to all species or only some of them.

If we carefully analyze the verse 1:26 the phrase "every reptile that creeps on the earth" comes after the word "dominion". This indicates to us, or that the first species of reptiles upright had become a crawling species as a whole, or only a portion had been such a transformation on witch group alone was given power unto Adam to master them.

For this reason, the following, unlike the above that has been fully informed in Scripture itself, according to the translation more true to the original Hebrew version, shall fall into the realm of speculation, but supported in some archaeological discoveries that do not make sense if seen from orthodox paradigms, "scientistic" and conservatives.

Well, let's start the speculation.

Suppose indeed erect species of reptiles achievement develop a civilization, then some sort of great cataclysm occurred, was caused naturally or accidentally. A

consequence of such a serious event, some of them left of our planet, others stayed and some of them suffered terrible mutations, completely losing its original essence, so it was allowed the first Adam to dominate them.

Due to problems with erect reptiles became necessary to create a different breed with sufficient capacity to rule over the earth, replacing the first civilizing, ie erect reptiles.

When the first Adam are created, one of two things happens, or subjugated every creature and were no upright reptiles, or there was still a remnant, and with them shared the land, since it was not given to master.

Even at this point, if there were still upright reptiles, they shared the land in harmony along with Adam and other creatures in which were terrestrial herbivorous dinosaurs including, marine dinosaurs, dragons and of course reptiles crawling and still mutating; all were vegetarians.

And we know it was a world in harmony, because Elohim ended his work by saying that all he had done was pretty good.

Over time, these first Adam, made from its inception as a dominant race, were given the task to transform their world, how? as manipulating the DNA of other creatures. Which ones? obviously ones authorized them to dominate. With

regard to the transformation of their environment, were developing various technologies.

Of these "games" could emerge carnivorous dinosaurs, hybrids of different species and even new species.

Consequence of this genetic combination that violated what was established by Elohim concerning maintaining separate genres species, was that death came into the world, however, because of its eternal nature, only affection to creatures and not them.

Then came another upheaval, perhaps natural, or perhaps led to clear land for almost all of the creatures that were the result of genetic manipulation by the first Adam, about 65 million years ago.

To avoid being damaged by the disaster, these first Adam left the earth, and if there was still upright reptiles, surely did it too.

I guess time after, the first Adam returned and rebuilt the vegetation, the flora and fauna of the land, only this time, they could no longer reproduce the original harmony in this world, creatures ate others and not just fruits, plants and green grass.

This new world was dominated by mammals, but probably lived with one other dinosaur species above the cataclysm, that survived.

After, these first Adam, once restored life on the planet, they returned to go, allowing different species to adapt, to be developed or disappeared.

Where were the first Adam each time were absent? or, if applicable, where do the erect reptiles were? is difficult to say, but it is strange that Job38 explicitly mentioned three constellations and star, the Pleiades, Orion, Ursa Major and Aldebaran, which is the brightest star in the constellation Taurus.

Then they returned again, approximately 450,000 years ago and began to perform mining work to extract gold, however, long conducted themselves work, as there was no suitable assistance available.

In Sumerian clay tablets belonging to the Library of Ashurbanipal are given the name Annunaki, however I am convinced that these beings were none other than the first Adam.

Recall that the first Adam, had a physical body with a human appearance, were winged and some very tall, features

perfectly match the prints found in what was the ancient Sumerian.

Then they did something even more serious than they had done when they began to transform their world by altering the DNA of each species, creating further hybrids of different species, but only with DNA of the creatures which were allowed to dominate; now combined their own DNA with that of other species.

And emerge the first hybrid Adam-animal. Remember that some of these first Adam were winged and some are also very high. So it is not surprising that hybrids have human body, wings and head of an animal. Or animals with human head in every conceivable order aberrations. Very similar to the creature depicted in stone reliefs of ancient Sumerian and other ancient cultures.

But such creatures did not meet expectations, ie, they did not act as slaves designed to meet mining tasks. In short, none of the hybrids turned out to be a suitable helpmate.

So they looked for an animal that was more like the Adamic race and found a number of hominids, so about 200,000 years ago, they combined their own DNA with them and did a sort of being closer look at the first Adam, we call them "animal-like men." New archaeological evidence, place this event in southern Africa.

Incredibly it's on 127 apothem Gospel of Philip, we find a very clear reference to this event. I transcribe a few sentences from this verse,

... So is with the disciple of the Father, if he is wise, he is perceptive about discipleship. The bodily forms will not deceive him, but then he will see the disposition of the soul of each to speak them. In the world there are many animals made in human form, he usually recognize these...

It is interesting to see the way in which it refers to these creatures as done. As set forth above it means that they are the result from DNA manipulation, because only the physical or material aspect intervened in its "workmanship".

Then in 142 apothem same Gospel of Philip, we find another reference to this event, Every plant has not sown my heavenly Father will be uprooted ... a phrase that also appears exactly the same in the Gospel of Matthew 15:13.

The great importance of this phrase is that it is pronounced by the same YESHUA (Jesus).

It is interestingly take into account that the phrase begins with the word "all" and not with the word "the", this means that there are several.

Perhaps at that time returned erect reptiles upon knowing the great success that Adam had to combine his DNA with the hominid "animals".

Seeing this and in order to improve their species, because ultimately, they too were animals like the hominids, proposed Adam to do the same between the two species, ie combine their DNA . Only there was a problem, because they could not do it in the way they had done with other creatures, as the method itself of making such mixtures carried within the essence of domination, and ELOHIM not allowed dominion over the upright reptiles. So the only way was through a sexual mating.

And so it was, from that pairing a new creature emerged, which was called SERPENT.

Remember a phrase that I included in an earlier chapter, "as long as the Adamic species being image and likeness will reflect the union between heaven and earth." It is obvious that this union was broken at the time that these beings were sexually joined with the reptiles. Their SERPENT children represent the rupture of harmony between heaven and earth.

Surely the physical appearance of these beings went from being similar to Adam, but with some subtle difference, until half-reptile creatures, half man and perhaps reptiles with subtle differences. Of course males and females were bred.

Among its features are: upright walking, have an almost Adamic look, almost reptilian or reptilian Adamic course, be clever, have spoken, and not only that, but by the close relationship with Adam, know and understand the language which were used by ELOHIM to communicated with Adam, which was the same with which HVHI ELOHIM did it with his Adam, so they had no problem communicating with ishawoman in the garden.

Gathering, really were many transgressions actually committed this first Adam. They modified the DNA of the animal species, made hybrids between these species. They combined their own DNA with animals and finally performed a sexual mating between different species, but perhaps not too much, because only can mate successfully species genetically close.

These first Adam had accomplished two things, bringing death into the world and break the harmony between heaven and earth.

In the world before the appearance of second Adam was flora, vegetation and fauna, both designed by the first Adam who were the remnants that survived the 65 million years ago cataclysm, Adam itself, hybrid Adam-Animal, the animal-like man (Homo Sapiens and some contemporary like Neanderthals), probably erect reptiles and the new race of Serpents.

These groups developed on different levels their own civilizations on earth, the Anunnaki (first Adam) for about 450.000 years, animal-like man, from about 200,000 years ago, time these that may be very similar to the case of Serpent race. It is conceivable that both the Adamic race, and the Serpent race developed very advanced civilizations, both in knowledge and technology (perhaps mostly unknown to us). It is likely that both civilizations have practically disappeared as settlements during the last ice age, between 12,000 and 10,500 BC, but not as a culture.

As a result of the transgressions committed by the first Adam HVHI ELOHIM intervenes and decides to form a new Adamic race, in order to restore the original harmony between heaven and earth, so prepares a place where the environment is controlled and works there with the second Adam.

The goal is to set the stage for these Adam "repeat" what happened to the first Adam, but in a controlled environment and under this likelihood, to transpose both spiritual and physical death to the first Adam, as a result of their transgressions.

Now we will see, the dark side of Daat-knowledge, as we announced in the previous chapter.

The intention, beyond the knowledge of good and evil, as the second Adam since its formation carried the death dormant, was that were repeated the biggest transgression made by

the first Adam, procreation between two different species, one animal and the other conveyor the Adam Kadmon as an ideal man, since it was this that had caused the rupture of harmony between heaven and earth.

So Genesis 2 shows us how the stage was set, or "trap", making these second Adam walked a parallel path similar, but not the same, than the first Adam, because they were created under balance, equality and harmony, however was not the case when the latter were formed.

While the first ones transformed their world playing with genetics, the second ones did so through conscious observation; while those made their own helpmate, in the garden was HVHI Elohim who formed the helpmeet.

Before appeared the second Adam, as I mentioned earlier, most likely both the first Adam and erect reptiles with them new race the Serpents, had colonies in Earth, and develop civilizations while still extracting minerals from it.

And most of them live de Earth again, ie the three races, first Adam, Erect Reptiles and Serpents, before the cataclysm occurred between 12,000 and 10,500 BC

But not all leave, at least some of the first Adam remain accompanied by hybrid Adam-animal and members of the new race Serpent, although it is hard to know whether some

of the upright reptiles also stay. Of course there were animal-like man who also survived.

It is most likely that with regard to the second Adam, that is, what is narrated in Genesis 2, occurred after the ice age (12,000 to 10,500 BC) came to an end.

Exposed the context in which the subsequent events described in Genesis 3 will be developed, which was defined by a mixture of speculation, myth, interpretation, apocryphal gospels, canonical Gospels and archaeological evidence, we have the right framework to interpret from a clear and more attached perspective to what actually happened.

After this not so little interlude, we continue the analysis of Genesis 3.

As I mentioned, the Serpent was not a proper creature of the garden, but eventually saw that were beasts that they weren’t ether, and yet visited the garden. So like the beasts, the Serpent was also allowed to interact with the second Adam within that controlled environment.

This was necessary to achieve the goal of mix the two races, so he was allowed entry, remember that the scene was staged and actors nominated since the decision to form the second Adam was taken in order to restore the lost balance in heaven because of the first Adam, and thereby restore the

harmony between heaven and earth, and the acquisition of death in the first Adam by transposition with the second ones.

Throughout the conversation between the Serpent and the woman, that is from Genesis 3: 1 to Genesis 3: 5 SERPENT refers to Gods (singular) using only the word Elohim and not HVHI ELOHIM, as might be expected, since it was in the garden, but he did not know and had no reference to Him, but only ELOHIM. This shows that their existence is tied in some way to Elohim, which confirms the above, it was engendered by the first Adam we will call Sons of Elohim.

Another important thing worth noting is that in Genesis 3: 3 the woman refers to Gods (singular), as Elohim, not as HVHI ELOHIM, which would have been expected since it was formed by Him and was the one she knew. But it was not, suggesting that at this time of the conversation, a lot of empathy have emerged between them, Hanajรกsh and isha (Serpent and woman).

Also worth noting the alteration by woman about the original indication given by HVHI ELOHIM regarding the prohibition of eating from the tree, which he designated as the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

This alteration was to add the phrase "neither shall you touch it," to the original ban, this seemingly innocent change, is what led she could be fooled.

Let's go back through imagination to that moment, we see the Serpent convincing the woman would not die if she ate, however, and despite already had empathy between them, she was certainly suspicious of access, but the clever Serpent use aggregate sentence "neither shall you touch" to convince her, because without a doubt, touch the tree and said, “look, it was like I said, nothing happened�, and this gave rise, surely, still touching the tree, told her what is written in genesis 3: 5

For the great importance of this verse I will write again to analyze it in depth, 3: 5 But Elohim knows that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil.

Let us begin by noting that verse again confirms that these Adam were different from the previous, remember that those were made in the image and likeness of Elohim and therefore knew good and evil, since that knowledge is part of the essence of ELOHIM as manifested later in genesis 3:22. So what sense would have to prohibit knowing something is already known?; however this ban is only justified if it is two different Adam, as I have been arguing throughout this work.

What was that attracted woman from the offering of the snake?, because if you look at the verse, two offers are really getting, one is to be like Elohim, and the other, to know good and evil.

However both were unknown by her, in spite that she was never in the presence of ELOHIM, only in the presence of HVHI ELOHIM, also she had no parameter or paradigm to help her understand what was evil.

Recall also that for this moment the empathy between them had increased since the link included trust.

The Serpent had to wake in her great curiosity, both physically and intellectually, also she realized it was a different creature, she could not name it and therefore was not likely to change its shape as she did with all the other creatures that lived with her.

Note the parallels between what happens with the first Adam and erect reptiles. Could not be trans-formed by means of genetic manipulation of the DNA, the mutation should be intercourse.

The Serpent had to be the most beautiful creature she had ever seen in the garden, and was the only creature who understood their language besides Adan and HVHI Elohim.

Somehow verse 28:17 from the book of Ezekiel seems to give some notion concerning the appearance and wisdom of this Serpent,

28:17 Your heart was lifted up because of you beauty, you corrupted your wisdom by reason of your brightness: I cast you to the ground ...

For woman this meeting must have been something extraordinary, although she had a life plain of harmony in the garden, perhaps eventually became monotonous or tedious, and this meeting represented something new, exciting and unusual.

The decision she was about to take, I think it was more motivated to please the Serpent, than to pretending to look like ELOHIM or know about good and evil. 3: 6 And the woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining knowledge; she took of its fruit and ate, and gave also unto her husband, with her and he ate.


The first sentence confirms that she saw the Serpent touched the tree and nothing was happening, so she said that saw it was good to eat, which inferred thinking that if it was good to touch, why would not it be good for eat?

The key to confirm what I have just proposed regarding that she was more interested in pleasing the Serpent than to be like ELOHIM and learn about good and evil, emerge in the

word "knowledge" used both in Genesis 3: 5 as in Genesis 3: 6. In our language does not seem to matter because apparent to be the same word, but in Hebrew comes from two different words, and although both can be translated as knowledge, does not imply the same in both cases, let see why: in Genesis 3: 5 is used deei for knowledge, which comes from the word daat; whereas in Genesis 3:6 the word for knowledge is lehaskil, which means not only meet, but also to know and do, this represent a different type of knowledge associated with the word deei.

In Genesis 3: 5 Serpent says her that eating will be like Elohim, which means that his intellect will join their emotions, giving rise to feelings, what does not tell her was the risk involved, because these feelings will be no longer governed just for the emotion love, but now also by the fear emotion.

In Genesis 3: 6 woman not using any word derived from daat to define knowledge, but using one that comes from a different root, in this case lehaskil makes clear that she did not understand what it meant to be like Elohim nor understood what was evil, for how could understand, if she doesn´t know it?

But if the knowledge to which she refers, as she understood it from his perspective was not being as ELOHIM? which was?

To answer this question we must carefully read the second part of verse supported by two other, then mention.

3: 6 and she took of its fruit and ate, and gave also unto her husband (leisha) with her and ate.

3:12 woman whom you gave to be with me (imad) ....

3: 16 And you desire shall be for your husband (ishej).

In Genesis 3:6 Who spoken is the woman at Genesis 3:12 is Adan and in Genesis 3:16 HVHI.

Displaying the three verses together, it seems that Adan sees the woman as his mate, the woman when uses the word husband does not refer to Adan and finally when HVHI intervenes imposes Adan as her husband.

Verse 3:15 also seems to corroborate this, because at the beginning of it reads, "I will put enmity between you (the Serpent) and the woman." This phrase would not have been necessary if the Serpent and the woman had not had a relationship and needed them keeping away.

So what happened that day in the garden was the woman ate the fruit, she met the Serpent, ie had sex, she gave him the fruit, perhaps to ensure that would not die from eating, because she believed that the whole situation revolved around eating the fruit, and that the sexual approach was

something additional, and for not be part of the ban, apparently would not have any consequences. Done this went with Adan and gave him the fruit and ate.

I think she did so to cover what happened with the Serpent, since with Adan emphasizes the act of eating the fruit, and the fact, that she was supposedly certified, concerning about that they would not die, because she ate and apparently nothing further happened, besides without Adan know, she had such certainty because she asked to do the same to the Serpent and nothing happened.

Only after Adan had eaten their eyes were opened and noticed that they were naked. Note that even though the woman ate first she did not realized she were naked, in the proper moment of action, until after she reached out to the Serpent and Adan had eaten.

Recall that the warning made by HVHI ELOHIM, was made to Adam, not to Adan and said "the day you eat of it you shall surely die" thus occurred before the woman was separated from the man, that is why the course could not take effect but until they had both eaten.

It strikes me that in the previous sentence, HVHI ELOHIM not say "the day that you eat from; a consequence of this you will surely die�. It seems then, that otherwise might well happen, where the act of eating would be the tangible evidence that something else had happened.

However, the scripture does not say that they died, said they realized they were naked. The fact that were opened the eyes of both was palpable evidence that they had acquired knowledge; daat, in his role as linking intellect with emotion had begun to work, and now besides love, fear was present, and began to experience something new, "feelings related to fear."

Both the warning and the offense have two aspects, one visible and one hidden. Thus the perceptible group is made by the fruit and nudity and the hidden element, sex and death.

Recall that these second Adam were not really eternal beings like the first, the only thing that kept them without degenerative changes that would lead to death, was the tree of life, from which them continually eating because they had it on hand. But death was always latent in them since their formation.

For this reason they did not die physically the moment they ate, because physical death was already latent in them, but it depended on them to eat from the tree of life, which knew HVHI ELOHIM would stop after the occurrence of the violation, because they would be expelled from the garden.

This death was latent in them, because the first Adam earlier allowed the entrance of death into the world, but not in themselves. However everything else was dying, that is,

everything else suffered degenerative changes, therefore, that the second Adam were formed from something pre-existing, implied that in “that something” was included death because it was part of the material world.

What is really meant to recreate what happened with the first Adam was that they were made susceptible to die. The first “symptom” that evidences death was awaken on them, was fear.

During the narration of transgression in which has an active part the Serpent, the Name mentioned is ELOHIM, this happened because this Name is, in some way, linked to the Serpent, since it is an offspring of the Sons of Elohim.

But from verse 3: 8, again reappears Name HVHI ELOHIM, and so continued until the end of the chapter. From this verse the active intervention of the Serpent is over and Adam and his wife again resume communication with the being that formed them.

Before continuing with Genesis 3:11 remember that the Name Elohim is formed from the words ELEH- these and MI-who in that order.

Genesis 2: 4 begins by saying "These are the generations ..." or in Hebrew ELEH Toldoth, while Genesis 3:11 says, "Who taught you ...?" Or in Hebrew, MI higuĂ­d

In the chapter entitled ELOHIM saw that until both names were joined the power of this Name produced finished forms.

In Genesis 2:4, ELEH represents the first creation and the imbalance brought out between heaven and earth. Then MI appears just closing the block ranging from Genesis 2:5 to Genesis 3:11 in which it is described how were formed the new Adam and the manner in which the offense needed was consummated and evidenced through knowledge of their nakedness.

The grouping of verses 2:4 to 3:11 by joining ELEH and MI to form the word Elohim, suggests that it was the actions described in this block which began the process of perfection required in the heavens, beginning in land, to restore, ultimately lost harmony between them. Again the power of the Name Elohim is evoked to produce finished shapes needed to restore balance in the heavens and thus the lost harmony between heaven and earth.

According to the own words of HVHI Elohim eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, bring a unique result, the coming of death in the world.

But it goes beyond the warning and curse not only Adan and his woman, but also the Serpent, although the warning had only been to the first two, the curse was apparently following the same prohibition, however, this was already agreed the consequence, and this was just one, death.

Then surely occurred something that involved not just Adan and his woman, but also the Serpent. One thing that merited curse them three in additional way to the advised consequence. As we said, this “something” else was the sexual closeness between the Serpent and the woman. Since this was the hidden purpose, the three curses were not a fluke or improvised, like the true transgression, were hidden behind the knowable part of the warning.

Since Elohim had not created the Serpent, and the transgression was committed in the garden, the indicated to curse them was not ELOHIM, but HVHI ELOHIM, despite He also didn´t formed.

The curse suffered by the Serpent was a dramatic transformation in his physical appearance, was condemned to crawl on the ground, as happened with their parents reptiles following a terrible mutation million years ago.

But that does not ends, the curse also extends to his seed.

HVHI ELOHIM first adds enmity between Serpent and the woman, as we said, this was necessary because should not carry that kind of relationship. Then add enmity between his seed, ie the son of the Serpent and his descendants, and among the children of men, the seed of the woman.

Because of the Creature product of adulterous relationship between the woman and the Serpent, HVHI Elohim curses women multiplying pains during pregnancy and when giving birth. And also forced to undergo both sexually and emotionally to her husband Adan, where the word "husband" now refers to Adan, not like before, when she referred to her husband as the Serpent.

If we see both curses under the view of adultery and pregnancy, are quite logical and consistent with the type of transgression.

Finally He pronounced the course against Adan, we see that the order in which they were cursed, corresponding to the degree of responsibility they had in what happened.

While the first two pronunciations were to curse the woman and the Serpent because of the hidden side of warning, sex. Adan was cursed by side revealed, ie the disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit.

If being as Elohim, knowing good and evil have been paramount in the warning, ie what matches with revealed aspect of the course. the list of the three cursed would have been Adan. But it was not.

But keep things in perspective and think that by being in third place and not the core of the issue is not important, however represented something critical to the second Adam.

They had lost the ability to transform their world, now its environment will be hostile, not friendly. If they wanted to change it would have to do with the sweat of his face, and they could not do it alone with the desire of his heart by conscious observation of their surroundings. His holographic ability to communicate with HVHI ELOHIM was lost, instead they were given a different language where expression and comprehension were not holographic type but much more limited, because the ideas and thoughts no longer could be transmitted as a whole.

Since then they could only transform their world at Asiah level, ie through material transformation with material objects, as did the first Adam.

It was in this sense that the second Adam became fallen beings because they no longer had the skills own to the world of Yetzirah (formation) and were restricted to the Asiah (action) world or material world.

The fact that land is now acting in a hostile manner is a direct consequence of the loss of communication at Yetzirah (formation) level. This kind of communication was shared between everything formed in the garden, but now they could not recognize each other as peers, they were no team helping each others, the conscious notion of entanglement between them was lost, and began to act as independent individuals with little or almost no trace of a collective consciousness.

This broke onto communication with their partners in the garden, and lost of the capability to form their world through the conscious observation, was consequence for eating the forgiven fruit, also, the second Adam acquired fear.

Ultimately this fear did, not only lose the holographic communication between them and their environment, but also with HVHI ELOHIM.

When Satan rebelled and was defeated, he was stripped of his beauty, ie his appearance changed. The curse was imposed on the Serpent, also included a change in physical appearance. Consequently, following the same line, I think that the bodies of Adan and his woman also suffered some transformation. Let see what says Genesis 3:20 says 3:20 And Adan named his woman Havah (Eve), because she was the mother of all living.

This change in name is now given that the woman was already adulteress, and also carries in her womb the seed of the Serpent, given that clearly the verse says was, not saying it will be, so it makes sense that until now, he can give her the title of mother. That’s why she could not be called like this before, as she had not conceived of anyone.

When HVHI ELOHIM separates woman from Adam, do not tell them to multiply, because it was necessary that first intercourse take place to reproduce the transgression of the first Adam.

After the transgression, woman more than a companion for Adan, would be someone who had to submit to him as her husband and only conceive of him.

Somehow this situation represents a kind of stereotype (second Adam) where the domain of Adam is restored by restoring sexual union exclusively between members of the same Adamic race. As it was commanded to the first Adam.

That is why it is Adan who renamed Eve (mother of all living). Somehow, maybe this was the last act of Adan with which named caused to be. She was pregnant from the Serpent, but until she acquired her name, might actually be a mother.

Finally, to ensure that everything was fulfilled as it was designed, HVHI ELOHIM expels Adan and Eve from the garden so they can´t eat from the tree of life and not be like the first Adam, thus beginning degenerative process in their bodies, which means the path to physical death. On the other hand spiritual death had already happened. With death also entered the diseases and pain.

Now, by affinity, the first Adam were, like the seconds, subject to death, but not equally, that is, not through a degenerative process, only by accident or homicide.

During this process called fall, maybe not everything was lost, although it is certainly true that the body of the second Adam suffered severe changes, including death by degeneration, disease and pain. Were atrophies the skills of conscience to build alternate realities, language and holographic memory they possessed were lost, and all paranormal abilities they used were delegated to oblivion.

The good news is that it sleeping. In addition to the also acquired the ability to conscious awareness of simultaneously.

did not disappear, they are just knowledge of good and evil, they awaken his consciousness to the various dimensions or worlds

When they were formed had latent in them death, after the fall, this death by degenerative processes were activated, but also acquired latently a multidimensional consciousness, which like all their other abilities they had in the garden, remained in a state of oblivion but no disappeared.

GENESIS 4:1,2/14-16 The seed of the Serpent 4: 1 When Adan knew Eve and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from Yahweh.


4: 1 And Adan knew his wife Havah (Eve), which she conceived and gave birth to Kain, and he said, By the HVHI will I have acquired a man.

4: 2 And again she gave birth to his brother Abel, and Abel became a shepherd and Cain was devoted to farming.


4: 2 And again she gave birth to his brother Hébel. And Hébel was shepherd, and Kain was a tiller of the ground.

During this chapter, only appears the word HVHI no longer adds the word ELOHIM. Nor is mentioned ELOHIM alone.

To recap, in Genesis 1, the creative power is Elohim in Genesis 2 HVHI Elohim in Genesis 3 mentions both, HVHI Elohim and Elohim, but now, in Genesis 4, the protagonist is HVHI only.

In Genesis 1, we had the first Adam, in Genesis 2 the second Adam, in Genesis 3 the second Adam interacting with a "product" of the first Adam, the Serpent; Now in Genesis 4, we have the seed of Adan, sharing the land with the seed of the Serpent, which only intervenes HVHI. Something similar to what happened millions of years ago when the first Adam shared the earth with erect reptiles, without exercising dominion over them, just cohabiting. And acted ELOHIM alone.

In other words we now have a world where the children of men cohabiting with children of the Serpent under the tutelage of HVHI. Parallel to as it was millions of years ago when the first Adam cohabited with reptiles upright under the tutelage of ELOHIM.

Let's look more deeply both verses. There is only one sexual approach, but two births. Another important aspect is that in Kain´s case says Eve, by HVHI will I have acquired man, but when she gives birth to HÊbel, makes no comment.

This shows that she knew Kain was not son of Adan, so he said that by HVHI will she acquired him. Since he was a child

of a parent of another species, and therefore could only give birth under the will of HVHI.

It is also interesting that she use the word acquire instead of have. In spite that just something that does not belong entirely is acquired. Instead she really had Hebel, because he was fully human, not like Kain.

Why now HVHI don´t blesses them and command to multiply and fill the earth as did ELOHIM with the first Adam?, because this seed comes from an adulterous affair and prohibited, giving rise not one, but two seeds, one pure and the other not. So this multiplication begins cursed and not under blessing.

Again in the Gospel of Philip at the apothem 46 we find that Adan is not the father of Kain.

First came the adultery, then murder. And Kain was begotten in adultery, for he was the son of the Serpent. So he became a murderer like his other father, and kill his brother. For each mating has occurred between dissimilar is adultery.

In the days of Kain, were not only Adan, Eve, HĂŠbel and his brothers and sisters on earth, there were some of the first Adam who had survived the cataclysm of 12,000 or 10,500 BC, with hybrids Adam-animal, Serpents, maybe erect reptiles, and animal-like man (descendants of Homo

sapiens and perhaps even some Neanderthal), as races with intelligence and capability of speak on the planet.

After the murder, happens what is narrated in the following verses: 4:14 Behold, today I've sent off the face of the earth; I hide from your presence, and I will be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.


4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out from the earth this day, perhaps can I hide from your presence? I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall be that every one that find me shall kill me.

4:15 But Yahweh said: It will not be that way; for whoever kills Cain, will suffer sevenfold retribution. So Yahweh put a mark on Cain so that whoever finds him will not give him death.


4:15 HVHI said to him, Surely whoever murders Kain, shall be avenged sevenfold. Then HVHI set a mark upon Kain, in order to any finding him should not kill him.

4:16 out of the presence of Yahweh, Cain established in the land of Nod, east of Eden.


4:16 went forth, Kain from the presence of the HVHI, and dwelt in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

According to some, only inhabited all the land at the time, Adan, Eve, Kain and his sisters, I wonder, why then was so distressed Kain by the possibility of being killed, after all they were women he could master, and he must be physically strong because tilled the ground. Also how far could have reached the other children of Adan and Eve, remember that nothing is mentioned about the built of a city, this indicating that they were few, and not lived far from the vicinity of the orchard areas, therefore was sufficient to withdraw a bit to be sure, unless he knew he could find not only her sisters and even, why not, some brothers, but to other people as I mentioned above. And they certainly did represent a real danger to him.

Why HVHI protect a murderer part human, part Serpent?

Perhaps the answer is in Genesis 3:15 when He says to the Serpent

3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; she shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.

If Kain was killed before would have sons there wouldn´t seed of the Serpent, and the messianic prophecy could not be performed. For it was precisely this seed which crucified the Messiah and was the crucifixion of Jesus (YESHUA) the medium through which Satan was defeated.

The Scriptures make no reference to the type of signal put HVHI on Kain, but could probably be something that alluded to his seed, ie the Serpent.

Thus, guaranteeing his life, the fulfilled of messianic promise recorded in Genesis 3:15 will be assured.

The narrative continues telling, 4:17 Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch; and he built a city, and called the name of the city Enoch, as the name of his son.


4:17 Kain met his woman, and she conceived and bore Janoj; and built a city, and called the name of the city the name of his son, Janoj.

Although on the land back then where animal-like man [descendants of Homo sapiens and perhaps Neanderthal], wife of Kain was not of this sort, but of the seed of Adan, as the verse relates to her as ishto.

The descendants of the Serpent were, Kain, Janoj, Irad, Mejuaél, Metushaél, Lamech, including the father, Lamech is the seventh of this seed. It is said that Lamech was who killed Kain accidentally, which can be glimpsed in verse 4:23 4:23 Then said Lamech to his wives, Adah and Zillah: Pay attention to my voice, wives of Lamech, hear my words; because I killed a man for injuries I caused him, and a young man with my strokes;


4:23 Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; Women of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: That'll kill a man because of my hurt, and a young man trough my strike.

The man who is referred is Kain, while the young is said to be Tubal Kain.

As we shall see in the next chapter, whenever the name of a descendant of Adan, as part of his seed is mentioned, it is specified the years lived, however in the case of the seed of the Serpent, this does not happen. It only tells us that there were two deaths but not due to degeneration or natural, but by accident and homicide.

In other words, the first progeny of the Serpent did not die, unless it was by accident or homicide, as they were not sons of Adan, this died by age victims of a natural degenerative process, since its eternity or immortality depended on the consumption of the fruit of the tree of life, to which they had access while they lived in the Garden of Eden.

That is why the early descendants of Adan lived many years, the substance provided by the named fruit prevented the degenerative process known as natural death, and was still present in each, although in lesser concentration as they advanced generations. This was something that was genetically transmitted.

GENESIS 5:1-3/21-24 The generations of Adam 5: 1 The generations of Adam. In the day that God created Adam, in the likeness of God He created him.


5: 1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. The day that Elohim created man, in the likeness of Elohim did him.

5: 2 Male and female he created them, and God blessed them, and called them by name Adam in the day that they were created.


5: 2 Male and female he created them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day they were created.

5: 3 Having Adam lived one hundred thirty years, begat a son in his own likeness, after his image and named Set.


5: 3 And Adan lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Shet.

The chapter begins with the phrase, "This is the book of the generations of Adam ..."

That implies that were at least two generations, otherwise the word would not be plural.

From this perspective we can see how proceeds to describe the first generation in the remainder of verse 1 and on verse 2.

In the first two verses, appears the words ELOHIM, BEROScreated, ASAH-made, ZZAJAR-male, UNEKEBAH-female, BERAAM-created, VAIBAREJ-blessed, SHEMAM-named, ADAM-Adam, HIBAREAM-were created.

As seen in Genesis 1 this words are clearly the same that identify first Adam.

Note that when referring to this generation, only emphasizes the moment of its creation and that have been blessed, don´t made any mention of the names of each of their firstborn.

However, the third verse begins by naming Adan and his offspring Shet, emphasizing that this child is generated in his image and likeness.

Let's look at this in more detail, the messianic promise is given to the second Adam, because it is through them that is expected to recover the balance of heaven and thus the harmony between earth and heaven. Recall that this imbalance was caused by the first Adam.

It is therefore important only to keep track of the seed of the second Adam, because of this seed will come the Messiah or redeemer. Therefore it makes no sense to specifically mention every firstborn descendant of the first Adam, because is not of this seed where YESHUA be born.

Is important notice a couple of things about the third verse, the first is that no mention Kain as the first descendant of Adan and the second, emphasizes that Seth was begotten in the image and likeness of Adan.

This again corroborates that effectively Kain was not part of the seed of Adan, first is not regarded as the firstborn, this is revealed since is not mentioned in their offspring, but also emphasized that unlike Kain, Seth was begotten in the image and likeness of Adan.

Consider now the seed of Adan, with his first son Shet. Scripture says that Adan lived 930 years and died. Shet 912 years and died, Enosh 905 years and died, Keinan 910 years and died, Mahalalel 895 years and died, Iered 962 years and died; Before proceeding, we note that each name is accompanied by age and a clear reference to the fact that he died, which, as a comment in the previous chapter, does not occur about the seed of the Serpent.

The seventh in the offspring of Adan is Janoj, let see what Genesis says about this man, 5:21 Having lived Enoch sixty five years, begot Methuselah


5:21 Having lived Enoch sixty five years, begot Methuselah

5:22 Enoch walked with God after he begot Methuselah, three hundred years, and begot sons and daughters.


5:22 Janoj walked with Elohim after he begot Metushelaj, three hundred years, and begot sons and daughters.

5:23 And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty five years. VAIHÍ KOL-IEMÉI JANÓJ JAMÉSH VESHISHÍM SHANÁH USHELÓSH MÉOT SHANÁH

5:23 And all the days of Janoj were three hundred sixty five years.

5:24 having pleased God, Enoch was not more, because God snatched him.


5:24 So walked Janoj with Elohim, and he was no more, because Elohim took him.

These verses make clear reference about the seventh descendant of Adan, as he did not die, but was carried by ELOHIM.

Is important to notice that, while the seventh descendent in the seed of the Serpent, Lamech, reasserts himself as a murderer, the seventh in the seed of Adan walked with Elohim.

Why it is said that Janoj walked with ELOHM and not with HVHI ELOHIM?

In principle one could think that he should go with HVHI ELOHIM since he was responsible for the formation of these Adam. However, recall that in the aftermath of the Adamic seed developed in the shadow of HVHI ELOHIM, natural or degenerative death is present, and if Janoj did not die, he just left, then it should be consistency, and therefore the only one that could participate in this was ELOHIM, because the beings that He created do not experience degenerative death, which was what Janoj was free.

So while the seventh descendant of the Serpent reaffirms the supremacy of death in this world, the seventh descendant of Adan shows that the second Adam can get rid of it.

What happened to Janoj, makes us think about what it really means eternal life.

In my third book, titled "The Man of a Thousand and One Voices", I show that the correct translation for the Hebrew expression that has been used as "eternal life" is "the lives of the Eternal."

Again the Hebrew allows us to see how a seemingly innocent change completely changes the meaning of the phrase.

Now if Janoj walked with Elohim means he would enjoy the lives of the Eternal, he could enjoy a multidimensional

consciousness that would allow him to live simultaneously in different worlds.

And his body instead of having degenerative effects from physical death, just might be modified and coupled to each world or 'life', that he decided to experiment.

I think this was the eternal life to which HVHI ELOHIM was referring when stop Adan and Eve from eating the fruit.

If eternal life were the absence of death in one body and thus in the same world, universe, dwelling or dimensional level, thru the advance of time, the body would become a prison.

So, the true eternity, consist on live consciously different words in appropriate bodies to experiment each of them.

Conquer death brings an awakening of consciousness, and the confinement of fear to oblivion.

Let us follow with Adan's descendants, since the sons of Janoj, ie from the eighth offspring.

MatushĂŠlah, 969 years and died, Lamech 767 years and died, and Noah, from whom the Scriptures tells us that when he was 500 years old, begat three sons, Shem, Jam and Iafet.

GENESIS 6:1-4 Nephilim and The Sons of Elohim 6: 1 Now having begun to multiply the children of men on the surface of the Earth, daughters were born to them.


6: 1 When men began to multiply on the face of the earth, daughters were born,

6: 2 And the sons of God saw the daughters of men were fair; and they took them wives of all of them.


6: 2 The Sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men were fair; and they took wives choosing between them all.

6: 3 Then Yahweh said, my breath shall not abide with man forever, because he is flesh; his days shall be one hundred twenty years.


6: 3 And HVHI said: My spirit shall not with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; but his days shall be one hundred twenty years.

6: 4 In those days there were giants on Earth and also after that the sons of God gathered the daughters of men, and they had given birth to children, who are the powerful renowned since antiquity.


6: 4 There were fallen (Nephilim) on the earth in those days (before *) and after the Sons of ELOHIM gathered the daughters of men, and they bare children. These were the brave heroes and powerful who since antiquity were men of The Name **.

* Several translations doesn´t includes the word “before”, just says

“and also after”. ** Normally translated as famous or just name, but the literal translation is The Name.

Notice that in the world of Genesis 6 there were cities, and therefore a certain level of civilization. They made music, worked bronze and iron, cattle, and surely also farmed, this

only regards the Adamic seed of the second Adam and the descendants of the Serpent. However that world was not only inhabited by them, were also some survivors of the first Adam we know were tall, the Adam-Animal hybrids; also the animal-like man (descendants of Homo sapiens and Neanderthals), the Serpents and maybe some upright reptiles.

Surely with the passage of time, from the 12,000 or 10,500 B.C they also developed some level of civilization, but likely in remote places where there were not settlements of the Adamic seed, and also from the seed of the Serpent. However, it is highly likely that there was some level of interaction between some of them.

Whether these other races are not explicitly mentioned in Scripture at this point in the story, does not mean they have not been there, the reason, as we saw in the case of the generation of the first Adam, to not be described in detail, it is because they don’t represent the seed from which will arise the Messiah or Savior. However, further we shall see how the interaction itself is mentioned, though veiled, with some of these races.

Maybe without all the analysis done previously in this book, the term SONS OF ELOHIM, would have been intriguing, but we now know that they are the first Adam. But will this group belonged to those who stayed, or are they who left in the

12,000 or 10,500 ac and now returning as they had previously done repeatedly?

I think it is the latter, that is, of those who left, because as I have proposed, somehow there was some interaction between those who were left of the first Adam and the other inhabitants of the world, including, of course, the call daughters of men.

But, Who were the daughters of men?, according to the Hebrew text were the descendants of Adan. So, now the first Adam trying to create a new species to be joined by sexual approach to the daughters of the second Adam?

Let's review a bit about the history of genetic manipulation by these first Adam.

At first they manipulated the DNA modifying species, then created new species by mixing different DNA. But that was not enough, they created hybrids of their own species with animal species, including hominids. After sexual contact and not by mere genetic manipulation with erect reptiles, gave birth to the Serpent race. Now are intended to do something similar with the seed of the second Adam?

It is also clear that they were not interested in cleave unto the daughters of the Serpent or with Kain seed.

If indeed, as we have assumed, it refers to a group belong to the first Adam who left, obviously they did not know the seed of the second Adam, this new race took them to have aroused great curiosity. They knew they were not a race that had been created by Elohim, but neither had been done by them.

Though unlike previous occasions, that his goal was to create new creatures, this time, the only reason seems to be lust, ie, the desire to possess these women because of their beauty.

Since they did not intend to make a new species, the approaches were not to procreate, that just happened.

Genesis tells us that the beings that came out of those relationships were heroes, mighty and powerful. Surely such kind of relationship occurred not only in times before the flood, but most likely giving continued throughout human history.

Finally to mention that they were men of The Name (HaShem), besides being seen as heroes, in their time, the people also referred them as semi-gods.

Just remember the gods of Olympus (in my opinion a group belonging to the first Adam), who had sexual encounters with daughters of men and fathered semi gods like Achilles and Alexander the Great.

And as this example there are plenty in the different mythologies of cultures worldwide.

Having identified those of the first Adam who left and returned after the end of the last ice age as the Sons of Elohim, lets continue with this part of Genesis, to clarify who were the NEPHILIM.

Before I tell you who they are, I am going to lead you down a path by which we can decipher it together.

The word Nephilim comes from nephal, which means fall, fall over, throw up.

Whenever is spoken on Bible of someone, or some group, is added a reference to their ancestry. The only case where this does not happen is precisely with the Nephilim. This suggests that apparently descended from anyone. In Numbers 13:33, the spies of Israel, give the report regarding the promised land, and say there are giants who are the sons of Anak, similar to the Nephilim in stature.

Only in Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33 the word Nephilim is mentioned in the Bible, and none of them is accompanied by an ancestry.

When the Israelite spies arrive at the promised land sees the gebare, they were the giants sons of Anak, as we seen here, there is a clear mention of his descent, but also mention that they are strong and giants as the Nephilim.

The giants of the post-Flood times are different from the Nephilim. However, these Israeli spies were aware of the existence of those beings on past times and knew they were strong and giants.

What we know so far of these mysterious Nephilim?

First that they were part of the world since ancient times, because says that existed before the Sons of Elohim cleave unto the daughters of men. We also know that not descended from anyone and they were strong and giants. That may be assigned the nickname fallen, but in a sense, which further suggests that they were warlike.

Combining all these features it is clear that perfectly describes the first Adam, and more specifically to the survivors of the cataclysm of 12,000 to 10,500 BC whom never left Earth. Let see on detail this assertion: of course came from ancient times that’s why it says that existed before the Sons of Elohim cleave unto the daughters of men. The first Adam don´t have genealogy, because not descended from anyone, this asseveration is true under the fact that they were created. We know that the first Adam had great stature. Of course they were fallen beings in spite that they have provoked the

imbalance between the heavens and the earth. As were commanded to submit and rule over all the earth, they were warlike beings.

This proves that certanly there were other species on earth apart from the seeds of the second Adam and the Serpent.

GENESIS 6:5-7 The World before the Flood

6: 5 Displaying Yahweh that the wickedness of men had multiplied on the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was everyday to evil,


6: 5 HVHI saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6: 6 Yahweh was sorry for having made man on the earth, and felt sad at heart.


6: 6 And HVHI repented for made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

6: 7 And Yahweh said, blot out from the face of the earth the men whom I have created; from man to cattle, creeping beings and birds of the sky, because has weighed me have made them.


6: 7 And HVHI said: I will wipe from the face of the earth the men whom I have created from man to the beast, and to reptile, and birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made.

Recall that the events of those times correspond to HVHI that’s why He alone is mentioned in these verses without reference to Elohim.

We know that linked to the job creation of the first Adam appear the words create and made. However, in the case of the second Adam, the linked words are formed and made.

When HVHI mentions that regrets having made man on the earth, to make use of that word suggest two things, one that by man we must understand both the first and the second Adam, because as we saw it is the word that binds them. And the other is that they both left subjecting by the material world, forgetting his divine origin and thus mandates of ELOHIM and HVHI ELOHIM. In those times evil had permeated the world, practiced idolatry, served idols, the first Adam taught sorcery to the seed of Adan, as to Kain's seed, and even to animal-like men

(descendants of Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals). They were homicidal, depraved, immoral, wives were exchanged, practiced homo-sexuality and sexual acts between men and animals. In those days there was a great mix of seeds and may even begin mixing between the seed of Adan and animal-like man.

Watching this, HVHI decided, according to the narrative in Genesis 6:7, wipe men he had created, ie the first Adam, the vestiges of ancient dinosaurs (beasts) that still roamed the land. The reptiles that walked upright not left the ground with others of his kind, and every fowl. No mention would remove the sea creatures. Therefore we sense that the cataclysm will involve water.

By saying that will remove the first Adam from the face of the earth, reference to what was saying above, undoubtedly refers to the Nephilim.

HVHI know the origin of evil on earth is due to the Nephilim, and the reptiles that walk upright, since they caused the other creatures were corrupted. Although these beings perish from the earth, they will not in our universe, remember that many of them left before the cataclysm of 12,000 or 10,500 years BC.

I refer specifically to the Annunaki (first Adam, and their hybrids Adam-animal), to reptiles walk upright, and the

Serpent race, which probably had, at the time of the Flood, technology inherited from their parents to leave earth.

As in times before the Flood, and most likely after, there was a great mix of species on earth, particularly animal-like men, were mixed with the seeds of Kain and Adan, as both seeds they did each other.

The ancient gods, ie, the Anunnaki, the Reptilians and the Serpents continued to visit the land and intervening in different cultures and civilizations that were developing. But without establishing civilizations on the planet.

According to the nature of each of these races, it was the manner in which they were involved in many of the post-Flood civilizations.

Considering this, surely the fallen races of the first Adam, the Erect Reptiles and Serpents, by his inability to build realities using conscience, brought technology to the world, making sure that our sleep skills that will make us multidimensional beings and capable to build alternate realities, defeating death, disease and pain, remained like that.

But not them all pretended that, most likely there was a remnant of the first Adam who did not acquire a fallen nature, by not to participate in the aberrations that made the others. And, though they are beings of a highly developed

technology, if they have visited us, they have done in order to teach us how to awake our dimensional consciousness. For not being able to construct alternate realities, they can´t help us regain that ability, just the one I mentioned.

If they can´t help us regain conscious observation resulting in the formation of alternate realities, then who? Basically it's something we will have to rediscover ourselves.

That we recover both types of skills does not ensure that we do not become discordant beings regarding the harmony that seeks to recover between heaven and earth, and there is precisely that the Messiah plays an important role.

He will show through the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecy of Genesis 3:15, the way back home, since he represents the cornerstone where all this knowledge must be anchored to the second Adam can restore they forgotten nature (building realities) and be aware of their other acquired essence (multidimensional consciousness), defeating death as did Janoj, in order to participate consciously in the Lives of HVHI.

GENESIS 6:8,9/17-20 Passengers on the ARK that were Omitted 6: 8 But Noah found mercy in the eyes of Yahweh.


6: 8 But Noaj (Noah) found grace in the eyes of HVHI.

6:9 Éstas son las generaciones de Noé, varón justo e íntegro en sus generaciones. Y Noé fue agradable a Dios.


6: 9 These are the generations of Noaj (Noah): Noaj (Noah) was a just man and perfect in his generations. And Noaj (Noah) walked with Elohim.

Comparing the term used in verse 6:9, which was translated as the word "walked", we see that is the same as was used in verse 5:22 when talking about Janoj.

Scripture says that both walked with Elohim.

It is interesting to note, that although HVHI is in charge of events, not mentioned they walked with HIM but with Elohim.

However, if seen from the same perspective saw the issue of Janoj, the participation of ELOHIM suggest that the event Noaj is about to star, is directly associated with the ELOHIM creation, and only indirectly with the creation of HVHI ELOHIM.

Furthermore, it is clear that like Janoj, Noaj was taken by ELOHIM, but he was returned, unlike Janoj that never more was seen. So the propose in Scriptures to mention that Noaj take part on this event is not to show that it can be overcome death, but something different, to know what is this, let's continue with the narrative in Genesis. 6:17 Behold, I will bring a flood upon the earth to destroy all flesh under heaven in which is the breath of life, and all that is on earth will perish.


6:17 And, behold, I bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life from under heaven; everything that is in the earth shall die.

6:18 But I will establish my covenant with you; and you shall come into the ark, you and your sons with you, your wife and your sons' wives.


6:18 But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark-you, your sons, your wife, and your sons' wives with you.

6:19 all that lives, of all flesh, you shall bring two of every one into the ark with you to survive; males and females.


6:19 And of every living thing, of all flesh, two of every sort shall bring into the ark, in order to have life with you; male and female will be.

6:20 Of birds after their kind, cattle according to its kind, and every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every one comes to you to survive.


6:20 Of birds after their kind, and of beasts after their kind, of every reptile of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto you, for they have life.

I rewrote the verse 6:7, to compare 6:20.


6: 7 And HVHI said: I will wipe from the face of the earth the men whom I have created from man to the beast, and to reptile, and birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made.

Clearly we see that in 6:7 HVHI expresses its intention to wipe off from the face of the earth, created men (Nephilim), beasts (dinosaurs) reptiles (upright) and the birds.

But in 6:20 apparently changes his mind and decides to keep two of every kind of bird, beast and reptile.

Leaving aside the possibility of saving the Nephilim only.

Let forming therefore the passenger list of the Ark. We have a pair of each species of birds, dinosaurs inhabited the earth at that time, and reptiles that walked upright. In verse 6:19 says “and all that lives, of all flesh”. It is clear that the species described in the previous paragraph were different to the group referred to in this verse, because

otherwise there would be no need to mention them apart, they finally are also flesh and also have life.

In the group represented in verse 6:19 is clear that includes all field animals, and probably also animal-like man, for that were considered by Adam, as field animals.

We can now add to the list of passengers, field animals and animal-like man.

The last passengers are Noaj, his wife, and their three sons with their wives. We know that Noah and his three sons are of the seed of Adan, but we know nothing about the wives. Remember Kain was protected by HVHI to prevent the seed of the Serpent was eradicated, and thereby ensure the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecy in Genesis 3:15.

Based on this, it is likely that some of the wives of the sons of Janoj were from the seed of the Serpent, as the Serpent's seed should survive the Flood.

By now we know which species, genera and seeds are on the Ark, who then were left outside and were eradicated as entire species on earth? Just the Nephilim or first Adam, who were still on it.

Recall that the first Adam who left the land were not eradicated since the flood only affected the species in it at the time of the cataclysm. The same happened with erect reptiles and Serpents that have lived the earth long ago.

This is consistent with what is saying in Scriptures about the giants were seeing on Josue and Caleb times, they were not Nephilim, they were alike, but they were sons of Anak.

As one of the wives of the sons of Noaj could have come from the seed of the Serpent, another similarly could be a descendant of the Sons of Elohim, which were also quite high, and after the flood, having sons very height, same as those Israel spies concerned when they went to see the promised land.

It is clear that despite the depravity reached in those days, it was not possible to cause the flood, while none of the seed of Adan had died, because otherwise, the removal of the Nephilim, would not be able to meet since the transposition of the figure of death could not be, as not to leave their dormant state and took place in the world.

Remains to be defined, which may have happened during the time when Noaj walked with Elohim.

As I said before, the case wasn´t related to conquer death, as Noaj back and died at 950 years old. Nor was it to be

instructed in the knowledge of good and evil, as this was acquired by the second Adam and transmitted to their offspring. So what else could provide ELOHIM to Noaj? ‌The multidimensional consciousness

When he back from be with ELOHIM, Noaj perceived the world differently, so when he build the Ark, it was structured multidimensionally, since otherwise it is absurd that they fit so many animals. But no one else had that ability, so everyone else could only see the dimensional component of the Ark corresponding to this world. They never saw it in its true splendor, and even now, if we found it we would see it in his restricted manifestation due to this dimension. Unless we had the same consciousness of Noaj we would see it as it really is.

In a multidimensional Ark under cataclysmic Flood, with a heterogeneous group of occupants, ends the era of the Nephilim or first Adam as a civilization established on earth hereinafter more than establish a civilization itself, as we mentioned before, will seek to intervene in earlier civilizations developed by the survivors of the flood, so will Serpents and Reptiles erect. Since the days following the flood until the arrival of the savior YESHUA, the seed of the Serpent will try to adulterate and remove the seed of Adan to prevent the fulfillment Genesis 3:15, meanwhile Adam's seed will always seek to preserve a remnant of the seed of the Serpent for the same reason.

EPILOGUE There are two ways to tell the history, decrypting or inventing.

As we have seen throughout each chapter in Genesis is contained a lot of information, though veiled, until we run the curtain of language.

For centuries it was there, and for centuries many were not able to decipher it, others decided to ignore it and many more were not even questioned about the actual content beyond the obvious.

Many of the great mysteries that defy archeology and anthropology, cease to be in the light of a profound interpretation of the Hebrew text in Genesis.

Over time, we may still finding more archaeological evidence antique civilizations millions of years, as well as other thousands of years. Which to date there are not enough traces, is because they were disappearing during time.

Imagine for a moment that one of our cities is ravaged by a Tzunami that fully covers, what remains could be found after a few million years?, surely nothing.

Another problem is that we look under restrictive paradigms, ie, looking for what we assume must find, and perhaps why we have not seen is what we shall see. For if the first Adam, like erect reptiles developed civilizations with a high degree of technological development, most likely, the technology was different and unimaginable to us.

From this perspective, perhaps on some rock we may find evidence of fossilized technology, but how it could be know? if we don´t know what type of materials used, or how looks the machines they could be built.

Perhaps the proofs that we seek have been front of us all the time within the DNA that has been erroneously designated as "junk", but by searching under different paradigms to theirs, never have seen them.

I think something similar happens with the research made in this book, in which I could find answers, because not looked under a restrictive paradigm, but from the widest.

We now know that the so called extraterrestrial visitors in ancient times, were created on this planet, who developed very advanced civilizations that existed millions of years ago, and cohabited with dinosaurs; eventually left the earth because of a huge cataclysm, but periodically they were coming back.

To first Adam that leaves the earth for back time after, the ancient people call them Anunakis; Erect Reptiles on his many visits were called Reptilians. The sons of the mix of this two races were known as Serpents.

And there are archaeological evidence to support that the three races continues visiting Earth, once they stopped having fixed settlements on earth.

It is likely that some of the first Adam, have gone to the Pleiades and Orion. While the Reptilians and Serpents to Alpha Draconis.

These are the so called gods of antiquity.

They chased the same, sacrifices and adoration, instead offered safety, welfare, wealth, power.

The intention behind these visits was to create religions which only purpose was truncate, delete, or alter, the seed of Adan, because from them it would come the Messiah and with him the final defeat of all these races perverted and malign.

When YESHUA told with the Pharisees in the Gospel of John He call them a brood of vipers, He knew exactly what he meant, because they were the seed of the Serpent, or seed of Kain (murderers), which crucified him, giving fulfill to the

prophecy in Genesis 3:15. Finally the seed of the Serpent had bitten the heel to the seed of the woman, but the seed of the woman - YESHUA, on the cross, had stepped on his head.

When YESHUA Messiah returns, he will have completed the day HVHI Elohim made earth and heaven.

The marvelous wonder to which referred YESHUA, will have been accomplished and with it, the balance will be restored in the heavens and the harmony between heavens and earth.

There will be no more death, no more sickness, no more pain, the conscience will be free to enjoy in peace the Lives of HVHI, in the house of many mansions of the Father.

Through the pages of this book stepper runs away the veil of time where shyly forgotten legacy of lost civilizations emerges as dim silhouette wrapped in myths and legends.

Encrypted messages of earlier ancient times to what we now call civilization, emerge as baffling as revealing.

It is in this framework that begins the adventure about solving our origin as a race and our purpose as beings this road full of mysteries, myths and legends, is as fascinating as it is intriguing. The surprising revelations in the Bible Genesis make this book a deep, surprising, interesting and surely controversial document, which certainly catch in its pages the reader, because each step is a new and disconcerting truth revealed.

The book speaks of 7 races have been established on earth throughout its existence. These are the Erect Reptiles, the First Adam, the Serpent Race, the Second Adam, the seed of the serpent, the seed of Adan, and animal-like man.

It seems that the author describes an ideal story for a science fiction movie, but the extraordinary thing is that if so, the script would have been written in the time of Moses and has since been called Genesis Bible

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