February/March Business News Magazine

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P18 | Meet The Expert – Michael Gunner, Breeze Motor Group

P14 | Member of the Moment – Hampshire Fare FEB / MAR 2021

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By Ross McNally, Executive Chair of Hampshire Chamber of Commerce


he very welcome news of a trade deal recently announced between the UK and European Union provided much-needed clarity, ending so many years of uncertainty for business. As your Chamber of Commerce, and a voice for business, we have been providing, and continue to provide, vital information and services for all businesses with an interest in trading globally. The departure from the EU, customs union and single market has brought about a high degree of change. That businesses have not had much opportunity to adapt is without question but we will ensure you are kept informed. To this end we have partnered with Solent LEP to provide effective guidance and support across the region. This collaboration offers a variety of support services: Chamber of Solutions events, 121 Clinics, Training Courses, Spotlight Webinars and Market Webinars, all alongside the Chamber of Commerce’s customs and documentation services. Hampshire Chamber’s International Trade team combine over 100 years of experience and can support you with all your EU transition needs, both directly and through our network of specialists and trainers. Please go to page 24-25 for more information on this support and how you can access guidance.

Publisher Ross McNally E: ross.mcnally@hampshirechamber.co.uk T: 01329 242424 Production Editor Ben Applin E: magazine@hampshirechamber.co.uk T: 01329 242420 Advertising Sales Ben Applin E: ben.applin@hampshirechamber.co.uk T: 01329 242420 Members are invited to send in their editorial to: Fareham Office Wates House, Wallington Hill, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 7BJ E: magazine@hampshirechamber.co.uk T: 01329 242420  F: 01329 822090

Subscriptions facebook.com/HampshireChamber @hantschamber linkedin.com/company/ hampshire‑chamber‑of‑commerce To subscribe email our publisher E: rossmcnally@hampshirechamber.co.uk Designed by The Graphic Design House T: 023 9233 4971  E: studio@tgdh.co.uk www.tgdh.co.uk Printed by Bishops Printers T: 023 9233 4900  E: enquiries@bishops.co.uk www.bishops.co.uk The opinions expressed in the editorial content of Business News from Hampshire Chamber of Commerce are not necessarily those of the publishers or of Hampshire Chamber of Commerce, neither do they accept responsibility for the accuracy of such content or liability for any legal implications.



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Business Voice

Proactive management of commercial conflicts – the role of commercial mediation Managing commercial conflict Commercial disagreements and disputes serve as a distraction for business taking the focus of leaders and managers away from their core business. That said disagreements and conflicts are a fact of life. The pandemic has given us an opportunity to consider what sort of world we want for the future. Businesses are resetting what success looks like for the future. In the past, the sole pillar or measure of success was profit. Now there are three pillars people, planet and profit. With this in mind conflict management comes to the fore as businesses seek to negotiate their commercial arrangements against the backdrop of their purpose, revised or otherwise and these new pillars of success.

A changing landscape – corporate governance and reputation management Over the past 10 years there have been significant developments in commercial conflict management. These have not only been embraced by the courts but actively encouraged. How businesses deal with conflict will impact on how they are perceived in the market place, and their attractiveness for an investor, acquiror or commercial partner. Quite simply it is part of managing business risk. The world of social media can quickly identify those who deal with conflicts badly and those who will work collaboratively to achieve a solution.

Court litigation is not the only option There are a number of the different forums for dispute resolution as an alternative to the court process. An ever growing one is commercial mediation. HAMP SHIRE CHA M B ER OF C O M M ERC E

The court process is still a robust and tried and tested forum for determining disputes. However, the costs of litigation are not to be underestimated. They can be significant. For example, if you have a dispute where the value is more than £200,000 or for an unlimited sum, the fee simply to issue the claim form in the court is £10,000. That is the fee paid to the court service and does not include any lawyer’s fees in producing the document or for work prior to or following the issue of the claim form. What does mediation offer and why is it so relevant today? As a result of COVID-19 and Brexit there is an array of business issues which are coming to the fore that will need to be resolved. These might involve staff returning to the workplace and feeling anxious about doing so, flexibility of working arrangements in the long term, and the relationship between commercial landlords and tenants. There are also tensions in the supply chains as the speed at which money is changing hands is slowing down. Payment of invoices and bills is delayed. These all need delicate handling to preserve key relationships.


Business Voice

Mediation and its benefits Mediation has a number of benefits over other forums for resolving commercial conflicts by taking a collaborative approach. Here are the key ones: ¾ Control - first and foremost, the parties have control

over what settlement is agreed. No party is committed to a settlement unless and until it is formalised in a signed written agreement. ¾ Confidentiality - it is confidential and without prejudice to any dispute resolution activities which may be taking place in another forum such as the court. That ensures that parties can be open and honest, safe in the knowledge that what they say stays in the room. It provides a foundation to explore the options for solutions, the strengths and weaknesses of each party’s argument, the strengths and resolve of each party and their needs. Much can be missed in emails and legal communications. ¾ Binding only when signed - during mediation a number of settlement options may be offered. It is for the parties to consider which is best for them. Nothing is binding on either party until the terms of a written settlement agreement are agreed and signed.


¾ Flexibility of solutions - mediation affords the ability

to look forward rather than solely make judgments on the past. Courts can and do make judgments and decisions on what has happened e.g., who was at fault for the breakdown of a relationship, for the losses caused, harm done. Mediation enables the parties to propose and agree settlement terms which are much wider than those available to a judge or an arbitrator. It can provide outcomes which the court could not order. In our example it could include a variation of an existing commercial agreement or establishment of a new one. ¾ Speed and cost effectiveness - mediation is undoubtedly quicker and cheaper than other forums for settlement of a dispute. Even if a settlement is not reached then it frequently has the effect of the parties getting a better understanding of each other’s position and the merits of each side’s arguments. In so doing whilst a settlement may not be agreed at the mediation, it brings the parties closer. Often a settlement can be agreed in the following days or weeks. ¾ Statistics never lie - statistics in 2018 confirmed that mediations have a success rate of 89%, 74% achieving settlement on the day of mediation and 15% shortly after mediation. 0 1 32 9 2 42 42 0  |   HA M P S HIR E C H A M BER. CO. UK



Business Strategy Groups

Is your organisation a Sudoku puzzle or an Origami model? Over the last year I have discussed at length the importance of strategic business financial planning, contingency and continuity planning, impact analysis and risk assessment. During the COVID-19 pandemic we have all become familiar with words and phrases such as furlough, resilience, survival, pivoting, change management, organisational culture, sustainability, remote working, the new normal and so on. And we are only too aware of the job retention schemes and the various government grants. ¾ 2020 has been a watershed for many organisations.

But how have businesses and organisations responded HAMP SHIRE CHA M B ER OF C O M M ERC E

given the ongoing events? ¾ How are business owners and executives running their

organisations? ¾ Have their aims, objectives and strategy changed? ¾ How deep has the impact been on supply chains? ¾ Have organisations adapted? ¾ What is the operating model of larger organisations? ¾ Is flexibility part and parcel of the culture of organisations?


Business Strategy Groups

Or have businesses shown a reluctance to change their style and modus operandi? Leading on from this, if a business has changed, has this been the right decision and what has been learnt? If change has not been beneficial, business owners need to consider to what extent the business should go back to previous business models or retain the change. In other words, circumstances dictated such a rapid change and possibly a kneejerk reaction, that it is inevitable some organisations will have learnt that change was not appropriate. The benefit is that those organisations now have the choice to select which changes should be retained and which changes were unnecessary. Of course, some organisations may need to carry out a radical rethink. Nevertheless, businesses and organisations have an opportunity to review what they can do differently. To get the ball rolling, business owners and executives should look at the business operating model and the organisational structure of their company. Traditionally, organisational structures have been described as either functional, matrix, divisional or flat and define many aspects of an organisation (hierarchy, rules, jobs, roles, responsibilities, tasks, co-ordination of activities) with the aim being of being able to achieve an organisation’s goals. These structures are then adapted to suit an organisation’s needs. However, with the increase in the digital marketplace, decentralised, team-based organisational structures are replacing the old models. With this in mind, let us consider these operating models and organisational structures in a different way: does your business resemble a Sudoku puzzle or an Origami model? In other words, is the business being run as a mathematical equation or as an enterprise? Let me explain - the known and perceived characteristics of a Sudoku puzzle and an Origami model are as follows: Sudoku puzzle: Linear, straight lines, box to box; disciplined, structured, ordered; hint of inflexibility; a regimented style, formula driven. Origami model: Creative (design), imaginative, free flowing; inspirational; visual; celebrating simplicity and demonstrating flair. Are larger, complex organisations accurately represented by a Sudoku puzzle – a series of grids, columns, rows, and boxes? Do these features represent the different departments and divisions of such organisations? What happens in these boxes, rows, columns, and grids? Are there any interactions? How does information flow and how does communication take place? The Sudoku puzzle can only be completed successfully by following the rules…if you veer off course then the puzzle cannot be completed! So, with the Sudoku puzzle there is only one “right” solution – there is only one path to the outcome. This will be important for certain types of organisations (particularly where there are important regulatory frameworks) but not for all. Do business owners operate their businesses on the same basis - a tightly run ship? Is this a formula for success? Is the Borg Cube in Star Trek a giant Sudoku puzzle that has evolved (assimilated) to become a cube (or a business that has grown and evolved to become a multinational organisation) with the irresistible tag line “resistance is futile”?! When you look at Origami models, what is the roadmap being laid out? The detail is in the folds of the Origami models - the more folds you have the more complex the structure (of an organisation). The folds can go into different directions, create different shapes, change direction, and adapt. However, the relationship or link between each fold needs to be understood and whether the folds naturally lead to one another.


Without the right relationships in the fold, you could end up with a crumpled piece of paper! Origami also requires a clear vision of the outcome that you are trying to achieve. Maybe it’s a swan, or a flower or another image, but you need to know that each fold is helping to achieve the final outcome and be clear on what that is at the beginning. There may be multiple ways to get there but you need to know where you are heading. It is written that traditionally, Origami models are a symbol of hope and healing during challenging times. Is this the kind of inspiration that businesses currently need? Both the Sudoku puzzle and the Origami models have been applied to intellectual and logical thinking, problem solving, organisational structures, design, manufacture (NASA), engineering, medicine (modelling DNA samples), robotics, factory automation and architecture (fitting big things into small spaces) to name but a few. Both the Sudoku puzzle and the Origami model have a place within an organisation – a Sudoku puzzle could be folded into an Origami model. Irrespective of the shape, an organisational structure is a pattern or network of relationships. The caveat is that it is critical to understand how the information flows in an organisation. A business must be transparent and there should be clarity in the business operations. This way the business will engender trust, build relationships and partnerships and gain customers. An organisation must not give an aura of mystery or be perceived as an enigma. Business owners can help themselves by reflecting on their own business’s organisational structure and processes. They need to re-evaluate the structure and analyse the impact on the finances, the resources, on people, on the supply chain and on customers. This review will enable them to re-imagine their business and assess the viability and credibility of the business, how robust it is and what the desired outcome is. Business owners must also assess the impression that people have of the business, its reputation, and the legacy that is being created. Thereafter, the business owners can identify and determine if and how their organisations align with the Sudoku puzzle, the Origami model or perhaps both. This will not only define the shape their business is in, but also the shape of their business. Sandeep Sesodia January 2021. 0 1 32 9 2 42 42 0  |   HA M P S HIR E C H A M BER. CO. UK

8 Member News Nexus Planning unveils its Masterplan for The South of Romsey Town Centre BUSINESS NEWS | FEBRUARY / MARCH 2021

Award-winning planning consultancy, Nexus Planning, unveils its finalised Masterplan for The South of Romsey Town Centre. Following a twoyear process, the Masterplan was approved by Test Valley Borough Council at a full Council meeting (2nd September 2020) and has now been published on the Council’s website. Zena Foale-Banks, Principal Planner at Nexus London, comments: “The Romsey Town Centre Masterplan is something we’re immensely proud of. After extensive public consultation over the past two years, the resulting Masterplan focuses on future resilience and really prioritises Romsey’s community and businesses. It puts health and wellbeing high on the agenda, with enhanced green, grey and blue infrastructure, improved connectivity, and high quality

and inclusive design – all whilst ensuring the proposals are attractive to the market and deliverable. We’re looking forward to seeing it realised.” Graham Smith, Head of Planning Policy & Economic Development at Test Valley Borough Council, comments: “Romsey Future is a partnership of community organisations who shared a vision of improving an area of the town for both residents and visitors. Romsey Future, supported by TVBC, appointed Nexus and Perkins + Wills to bring forward the Masterplan.

They were chosen because they had the technical expertise, a refreshing approach to joint working with partners and a clear understanding of how to deliver a resilient and achievable Masterplan. Their commitment to public participation and engagement has been one of the standout successes of the Masterplan. They played a crucial role in the Romsey Masterplan being chosen as one of three government pilot citizen assemblies and being shortlisted for the National Planning Awards.”

Claire Burden joins Smith & Williamson Business turnaround specialist Claire Burden has joined financial and professional services firm Smith & Williamson as a Partner in its national advisory consultancy business offering profit and operational enhancement and turnaround services. Claire spent ten years in industry, leading turnaround programmes and supporting high growth and working capital constrained businesses. She previously worked in audit and restructuring at Big Four firm KPMG. She has worked across a range of business sizes and sectors with specialisms in energy, renewables, professional services, manufacturing and technology. Based in the Southampton office, Claire will develop both Smith & Williamson LLP’s advisory and turnaround offering, supporting businesses that are experiencing under-performance or financial

pressure, primarily in businesses in the £100million to £500 million turnover bracket. “Many businesses are currently impacted by unforeseen external events, altering planned strategy, working capital and profitability,” says Greg Palfrey, Head of Advisory Consultancy at Smith & Williamson. “Claire has a breadth of board level and corporate finance experience and a commercial acumen for operational and strategic delivery. She has a deep understanding of the challenges businesses face and how to alleviate them. Claire will play a key role in the evolution of our national advisory offering.


“As the trusted adviser for privatelyowned, entrepreneurial businesses and high net worth individuals in the UK, we are in the process of widening the scope of our advisory services and investing in growth. We are promoting internally and appointing externally as part of this.”.


Member News


Extending winding up petitions again could unintentionally push many viable SME businesses into insolvency Commenting, Fraser Campbell, UK Head of Accounts & Business Advisory Services at Azets, the UK’s largest regional accountancy and business advisor to SMEs, said: “The unintentional consequence of the government’s decision to extend winding up petitions is it will likely push many more small and medium sized businesses into liquidation or to seek additional debt to cover short term cash requirements. The policy is well intentioned but in reality what will happen is some, usually larger, businesses will use it as a means of not having to pay invoices on time, which supports their cash position but stretches the cash position of their supply chain.

If you’re a larger supply business, able to push that pressure down onto others, then you’re probably fine. Most SMEs aren’t able to do that so just end up absorbing the pressure till they reach breaking point. With all the other pressures on SME business, including Brexit costs and other pandemic related costs, that breaking point is easily crossed, pushing perfectly viable businesses into trouble. The human cost of this is significant. Many SMEs are family business, built on long hours and a willingness to take a risk. They are the centre of many communities, as well as supporting regional city centres. They are responsible for one in every two people employed in this country and help thousands of young people every year to gain the skills they need to develop successful lives.”

Everywhere International SMEs project ends, but outcomes live on The Interreg Europe funded project, Everywhere International SMEs (EIS), has reached a successful conclusion. EIS commenced in March 2017 and builds on the knowledge that SMEs who internationalise are more robust in times of crises, create more jobs and are more innovative than comparable businesses who do not. The aim, set out by seven EIS partner regions from across Europe, has been to develop initiatives that improve SMEs’ abilities to export abroad. Even though the project is now coming to an end, the real impact has just started showing, as Peter Grant, Chief Executive, WSX Enterprise, explains. “The real value of such a project is to be measured on how

it progresses in the period following the project. Several Good Practices shared by partners have already been identified and are now available to business support organisations to learn from across the continent. For the regions participating in the project, actions are already being implemented and ultimately, will go on to help SMEs internationalise their business. The project partnership has also created a structured process - The GlobalEIS Tool - that has been at the very heart of SME internationalisation initiatives across the regions. These tangible results have already set out an impact trajectory that points far beyond the project period itself. We are very pleased and proud of our collective results.” Further information can be found at: https://www.wsxenterprise.co.uk/support/growth/ everywhere-international-smes-eis/

EBP south goes virtual for young people! EBP South (Inc. Basingstoke Consortium) has gone virtual to continue to support young people with career guidance and help them to develop employability skills. Their Careers Practitioners are continuing to provide essential support to young people with planning their next steps, something many young people are struggling with right now as their exams are cancelled. Students that don’t have access to one-to-one career

guidance can access EBP South’s ‘Student’ section on their website which has a range of career resources for everyone to use. EBP South is also continuing to work alongside businesses in Hampshire to offer virtual programmes that ensure young people are able to learn essential skills needed for the workplace. These include virtual work experience, employer engagement programmes and Your Futures programme. To find out how your businesses can support young people with their future careers and develop workplace skills visit www.ebpsouth.co.uk. 0 1 32 9 2 42 42 0  |   HA M P S HIR E C H A M BER. CO. UK



International Trade

INTERNATIONAL TRADE International Trade services: Export Readiness Export Finance Getting Goods to Market International Market Access International Sales & Marketing Get in touch for further information: Basingstoke 01256 338633 Fareham 01329 242420 www.hampshirechamber.co.uk/international-trade

Get your Customs Declarations through ChamberCustoms. Now available at Hampshire Chamber of Commerce. HAMP SHIRE CHA M B ER OF C O M M ERC E


International Trade



Training February 2021 1st Classification of Goods

Role of professional translation services in international trade

8th Import Procedures 24th Inward/Outward Processing

March 2021 2nd Preferential Rules

The government has released an official checklist for UK businesses to prepare for trading with the EU after Brexit. Amongst other things, it will be important to consider the following:

of Origin/Customs Procedures

10th Export Documentation 18th Customs Procedures

¾ key terms in existing contracts that are no longer relevant and may have legal

and Documentation

implications if not revised ¾ the validity of trademarks registered in the EU within the UK ¾ other legal documentation, including custom declarations and licenses. If your company is affected, you may need to put together/edit a large volume of legal and technical documents to ensure a smooth transition. If these are not in English, it is essential that you work with a professional language service provider that:

For further information please visit: www.hampshirechamber.co.uk/ training/

¾ provides assurance that the translation is correct and comprehensible, by using qualified

translators who are native speakers and have experience in that specific area of law ¾ offers quick turnaround without compromising on the quality so that cases



or contracts are not delayed in the process ¾ gives peace of mind that the translation is valid in the target country and for its intended purpose ¾ provides up-to-date information on changes to legal requirements ¾ takes the hassle out of legalising the translated text, whether in the form of notarisation, Apostille or certification.

February 2021

Irrespective of whether the country you are dealing with is in the EU or not, enlisting the help of a professional translation agency can not only help you overcome language barriers in essential legal matters but can also help to grow the reach of your business. Other content that you might need to have translated includes:

HR and technical documents Official documents such as equipment user manuals, training materials, HR documents, operating instructions for products and machinery, employee contracts and customer agreements need to be translated to ensure no crucial information is lost due to language challenges.

3rd Exporting Services: Overseas

Hampshire Chamber of Commerce in association with International Trade Matters and Solent LEP is organising a spotlight webinar on Wednesday 3rd February 2021.

March 2021 16th Chamber of Solutions – International

Employee training materials If you have non-English-speaking employees outside of the UK, translating employee training information is essential to keep all staff productive and safe.

Foreign supplier management

April 2021 15th Trading Opportunities with Germany

If you procure equipment or materials from foreign suppliers, language translation services can help you to communicate successfully and build trust with businesses that provide supplies essential for your operations.

Establishing an international presence If you want to promote your product or service internationally, you will need to translate your marketing materials into various languages. These include your website, social media posts, brochures, advertising copy and much more. It is important to ensure that the message is translated accurately, and communicates the essence and aesthetic of the brand effectively in the context of a foreign culture. Make sure your company is ready to do business after Brexit and beyond!

Hampshire Chamber of Commerce is pleased to partner with the German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce and is organising a market webinar on Thursday 15th April 2021. For further information or to book please contact Ben McDonald via email ben.mcdonald@ hampshirechamber.co.uk.

Article written by Surrey Translation Bureau

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Member News

Are you heading in the right direction? It’s been a rocky road this last 12 months & we’ve stumbled on a lot of questions. ¾ Have you had to diversify for sales opportunities? ¾ How did you unlock your business’s potential? ¾ Does your online presence reflect your current business? ¾ Did you discover the importance of e-commerce

during lockdown? COVID-19 just accelerated the inevitable digital behaviours of brands and consumers alike and they won’t reverse after the pandemic subsides. Don’t be in denial of your power with a fully functional website and active social media. Not only are they your company’s online shop, they make you easy to find. Spring load your digital marketing, your business’s trajectory is in your total control. It is paramount for businesses to show they are still robust amongst their competitors. Be flexible and resilient - this new way of conducting business is here to stay! ideas@incadesign.co.uk.

South East Cyber Resilience Centre on hand to support businesses in the region The South East Cyber Resilience Centre (SECRC) is an innovative partnership between the police, private sector, and academia designed to help businesses protect themselves against cybercrime. Businesses of all sizes across the region are facing an increase in cyber-attacks and so it is essential that all organisations take practical, proactive steps to better protect themselves from a costly attack. Working with the police forces of Thames Valley, Sussex, Surrey, and Hampshire, the SECRC provides access to the latest local as well as national information on emerging cyber threats, best practice for cyber resilience as well as new technology to provide businesses with timely advice to prepare and protect themselves, their staff and their clients from cyber criminals. To find out more about the SECRC, its services and memberships options, inclusive of a free core membership, visit www.secrc.co.uk/services or find us on Twitter and LinkedIn: @southeastcrc | crc-south-east.

Already claiming R&D tax credits? This is an annual cashback opportunity that many innovative businesses will be aware of. Even if you have made a claim in the past, there is every chance it can be improved on. This is an additional cash flow benefit that may be especially useful to businesses during the pandemic. You may be eligible for around 200% more than was claimed. How? HAMP SHIRE CHA M B ER OF C O M M ERC E

Rob Sowden of consultancy Business Cash Enabler advises: “Some businesses have received small amounts via a DIY claim or a claim compiled by their accountant, however, there is almost always additional cash benefit available, based on a detailed technical appraisal of the innovation activities. Receiving something back from HMRC is deemed as ‘success’, often without realising they left a pile of cash on the table. To arrange a free eligibility check email Rob.Sowden@ businesscashenabler.co.uk or call 07732 627085. Further info available at www.businesscashenabler.co.uk.


Member News


HB Tech celebrate their new office location 2020 was a challenging year, but it provided HB Tech the perfect opportunity to reconsider their office requirements. After deciding that a location which better suited its client and employee base would be more beneficial, HB Tech found an office premises in an exciting new business park. Asked what drew them to Sleepy Hollow Business Park, John Clough said, ‘The offices are set in a fantastic location and having the opportunity to bespoke all the internal spec was great to match our technical requirements. Fitted with electric car chargers, bike racks and showering facilities, it encourages a more sustainable approach to office working,

matching eco needs and employee health and fitness.’ Asked how they celebrated the opening, John Clough said, ‘Unfortunately due to restrictions we were not able to hold an official

opening party, but we look forward to celebrating properly when we can.’ HB Tech provide IT services to over 70 businesses across Hampshire and beyond. www.hbtech.co.uk.

Kickstart a local graduate career with the University of Winchester The University of Winchester is expanding its business and charity engagement work so the local economy, our students, and your company can flourish. Have you considered mentoring a final year student? Or injecting some extra energy into your team by hiring a graduate? Or encouraging a student to volunteer with your charity? Would you consider taking on a placement student to develop that project which has been on your mind since this time last year? Our Careers and Opportunity Hub would like to invite you and other local organisations to engage with our students and graduates. Please email jobs@winchester.ac.uk if you would like to advertise a parttime, or graduate vacancy for free on our Jobs board and if you are interested in participating in our mentoring scheme or career events. You can email volunteering@winchester.ac.uk

to advertise any volunteering opportunities, or to learn about our volunteering placements. If you are curious about what a student could add to your organisation, please email placements@winchester.ac.uk. Our placement team will be able to talk you through the range of different placements we offer, ranging in

length from fifteen days to year long placements. Still wondering how a student or graduate can help you and your organisation? Get in touch with us and support a local, emerging, professional take the first step in their graduate career.

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Member of the Moment

Moment We love Hampshire Fare and everything it stands for! The choice of good quality, locally produced food and drink has never been better, so ‘Stay Loyal, Stay Local’ to help these businesses thrive.”

Hampshire Fare Win Business & Community Award 2021 began with Hampshire Fare winning the Business & Community Award in the South Coast Business Awards. This Award recognised Hampshire Fare’s initiatives during lockdown in promoting members’ efforts to keep communities fed and safe, in particular Hampshire Fare’s ongoing ‘Stay Loyal, Stay Local’ campaign. However, Hampshire Fare has been championing local for 30 years. The food group was established in 1991 by a group of farmers to spread the message about local, seasonal and sustainable. Today Hampshire Fare works with some 400 members, not only farmers, but makers, producers, suppliers, independent retailers and hospitality businesses. The aim is to raise awareness of the quality of local and its value to the local economy, as well as promoting Hampshire as a food-lovers’ destination. To this end, Hampshire Fare organises the month-long Hampshire Food Festival, publishes the annual Local Produce Guide, helps facilitate working relationships between members, as well as promoting members via digital, social and traditional media. HAMP SHIRE CHA M B ER OF C O M M ERC E

Tracy Nash, Commercial Manager, comments: “It’s rewarding to hear what some of our partners think about working with us.” Dave Gosling, Partner, Menzies LLP, says: “ Hampshire Fare are passionate about helping businesses; they get to know their members, understand their aims and aspirations and assist them on their journey.” Mike Watson, Partner, Trethowans: “We’ve found Hampshire Fare to be a great fit for Trethowans due to our sector specialisms in farming, hospitality and the food and drink industry.” Charles Ramseyer, Director, SOCAL: “We love Hampshire Fare and everything it stands for! The choice of good quality, locally produced food and drink has never been better, so ‘Stay Loyal, Stay Local’ to help these businesses thrive.” Matt Elliott​, Retail Buying & Services Manager, Southern Co-op: “Hampshire Fare enables us to connect with fledging and established businesses right here on our doorstep.” Tel: 02380 733830 Email: info@hampshirefare.co.uk



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Member News

Meachers Global Logistics and toob come together to form a world-leading connection Southampton’s digital revolution takes another major step forward following an exciting partnership between new full-fibre broadband provider toob and transport and warehousing giant Meachers Global Logistics. Homes, communities and small businesses across Southampton have been the first to benefit from hyper-speed full-fibre broadband connectivity following the launch of the toob network in the city earlier this year. Its network delivers download speeds 14 times faster and upload speeds 64 times faster than the UK average. Toob, which recently became the first sponsor of the City of Southampton City of Culture bid, is investing £50m into the city’s digital infrastructure to provide c. 100,000 homes and businesses in Southampton with access to world-class connectivity and has plans in place to expand its network within the region to one million homes. Meachers Global Logistics has signed a five-year agreement with toob to act as its National Distribution Centre across the south of England. To meet the needs of the toob business, Meachers has extended its warehouse, logistics and transport facilities over an additional half an acre at Solent Gateway in Marchwood.

Gary Whittle, Commercial Director at Meachers, welcomed the deal with toob. He said: “Meachers is delighted to provide the infrastructure and logistics support for toob as it expands its exciting fullfibre broadband network in Southampton and across the south. We are proud to be able to offer the infrastructure and services required to help make it a real success. “We have increased our warehousing capacity by 20 per cent since the start COVID-19 and we are confident that we can meet all global business needs, of whatever size.”

Selwood pumps can be fuelled by Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil in UK rental first Selwood has become the first UK rental company to offer pumps that can be fuelled by vegetable oil in an industryleading move that will significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions. The company has completed extensive testing of HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) in its fleet of market-leading pumps. All Selwood pumps which have a Stage 3B engine – including the Eco range of units – S160Eco, D150Eco and HP35Eco – can now be run on the HVO fuel as an alternative to diesel. Selwood has also committed to ensuring that new pumps manufactured at its headquarters in Chandler’s Ford, Hampshire, for use in the UK and around the world, are HVO-compatible, subject to individual engine manufacturers’ guidelines. HVO is a second-generation, clean-burning fossil-free biofuel which is made from renewable, sustainable raw materials and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90%. It also significantly reduces nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions. The fuel is completely interchangeable with diesel, without the need to clean out the pump’s fuel tanks or make adaptations, and with no negative effect on pump performance. Lawrence Bradbury, Director of Engineering at Selwood, said: “At Selwood we are committed to reducing the HAMP SHIRE CHA M B ER OF C O M M ERC E

environmental impact of our products and operations wherever possible. “HVO is completely interchangeable with diesel in compatible engines, and can be used with no negative impact on performance. We are very pleased to be able to let customers know that HVO can be used safely as part of our ongoing commitment to sustainability.” Selwood is the UK’s number one pump rental and solutions company, working from a network of branches around the UK. The company also supplies pumps globally and is a leading regional plant hire business. For more information see  www.selwood.co.uk.


Member News

Solent University launches Solent Business School It’s been very exciting to join Solent University as we recently launched our new Solent Business School to meet growing demand for the real-world skills people need to succeed in every walk of life. Business underpins everything we do and today there has never been a greater need for a business education to help us solve some of society’s biggest social and economic challenges, created in part by COVID-19. It is imperative we take this opportunity to ‘build back better’. Whether students have a passion for marketing, digital technology, maritime, entrepreneurship, law, business or international management, Solent Business School can provide a gateway to something bigger and better. As an engine of change, growth and innovation, we take students on a transformational journey to equip them to be future ready. Our business partners tell us that our students also transform the way they do business and work with their own clients. Recognised by the Small Business Charter, Solent Business School is currently working across the county, south west and central south with small business leaders to provide insight and innovation support at this incredibly challenging time. Solent Business School is at the heart of the University in our iconic Spark Building, but it isn’t about a physical building; we are an integrated part of Solent University Southampton, the city of Southampton, the Hampshire region and the wider world. We very much look forward to continuing our mutual knowledge exchange with, for and about business. Both business people and organisations are encouraged to get in touch: https://www.solent.ac.uk/faculties-and-schools/ solent-business-school.


Onsite COVID-19 testing centre opens at Eastleigh College Eastleigh College, which provides apprenticeships and professional training to organisations across the region, is offering rapid-turnaround lateral flow tests for learners and staff to help in the fight against COVID-19. The tests can produce quick results to identify those who are asymptomatic and, it is hoped, will result in faster detection of cases of learners and staff without symptoms, thereby achieving more effective prevention of infection. The six-bay centre has been built to the high clinical standards required by the published government guidance, and can accommodate 300 tests a day. It is currently available on a weekly basis to staff and those learning or taking exams/assessments onsite, and will be open to others as they return to the college campus as directed by the government. Eastleigh College’s Tracey McAdam, who heads up the Support and Response Team, said: “Anyone who may be infectious but unaware can be alerted and self-isolate, and those who are not can be reassured. We’re working with the NHS, and can turn results around in as little as 20 minutes.” Chief Executive and Principal, Paul Cox, added: “We continue to do everything we can to support learners and staff through the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m extremely proud of the college team who, after planning the testing centre in the Christmas break, swiftly created the testing centre in under two working weeks.” Further information can be found on the college’s website.

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ince opening in autumn 2018, the Breeze Van Centre at Dunsbury Park, Havant has gone from strength to strength, increasing both its range of services and its team.

Michael Gunner joined Breeze Motor Group as Commercial Vehicles Brand Director in early 2019. Having worked in the Commercial Vehicle sector since 2004, Michael had a clear vision for the Breeze Van Centre group and the rapid growth of the Portsmouth Van Centre. Michael explained: “With state-of-the-art facilities and a prime location we really had no excuses for the Portsmouth centre to not become a great success alongside our existing centres in Southampton and Poole.” Having opened as a service centre and Approved Used retailer, Michael soon introduced van rental through the Volkswagen Rent-a-Car scheme, and the rental fleet continues to grow to meet local demand. In 2020, straight out of lockdown 1.0, the team were able to add new vans to their portfolio and can now offer demonstrator vehicles on site. Michael has also been busy developing the site teams and made a key appointment in Matt Robertshaw, Head of Sales for the Group, who joined in February 2020. “Matt is bringing a fresh energy to the sales teams, ensuring the separate locations perform well as a cohesive team albeit with some friendly competition thrown in. This has been particularly important during the lockdown periods to keep morale up and energy high.” HAMP SHIRE CHA M B ER OF C O M M ERC E

We understand the pressures on businesses to keep their vans on the road and will continue to support them during tier changes or lockdowns... Michael added: “The positivity and camaraderie of our teams throughout this difficult year has been fantastic, really pulling together to support the business and our customers. We understand the pressures on businesses to keep their vans on the road and will continue to support them during tier changes or lockdowns – whether that’s undertaking work at a company’s premises using our mobile service clinic or with a late-night appointment at our service centres.” Businesses looking to review their fleet solutions or keen to find out more about how Breeze Volkswagen Van Centres could support them, can contact Michael on: Phone: 01202 713020 Email: Michael.gunner@breezemotorgroup.co.uk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelgunner-36676446/.


Meet the Expert


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Member News

Port of Southampton to open new cruise terminal for 2021 season Associated British Ports is to open a new next-generation-ready and open access cruise terminal for the 2021 cruise season in Southampton. The fifth dedicated cruise terminal at the port will benefit from roof-mounted solar power and will also have shore power connectivity installed. This further commitment to sustainable operations at the port will enable cruise ships, with the right onboard technology, to ‘plug in’ while they are alongside. This investment of more than £55 million into the long-term future of cruise will strengthen the Port of Southampton’s position as Europe’s leading cruise turnaround port and the UK’s number one departure port. In strategic partnership with MSC Cruises and Norwegian

Cruise Line Holdings Ltd, the Port of Southampton’s newest terminal will support a developing industry welcoming the next generation of ships in terms of size, capacity and technology. The project has received support from the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) through the government’s Getting Building Fund with an £8 million grant. Alastair Welch, Director of ABP Southampton, said: “We’re very pleased to announce this major advance in our cruise infrastructure at the port, delivering further access to Southampton for the industry, whilst supporting our commitment to accelerate improvements in local air quality. “This investment is a huge vote of confidence in the future of cruise in Southampton and we’re excited to be at the forefront of a growing industry.”

Raffle raises almost £1,000 for the Hampshire countryside A raffle organised by volunteers at CPRE Hampshire, the countryside charity, has raised almost £1,000 to help the local countryside to thrive. Robert Jamieson from the charity’s South Downs & Central District Group and co-organiser of the quiz nights usually held in Itchen Abbas and East Meon, says: ‘We sadly had to cancel our two quiz nights this year due to coronavirus restrictions, however, not to be outdone we came up with the idea of holding a raffle in its place. ‘The prize was a case of six Hampshire sparkling wines and the draw took place in November by our Chair, Dee Haas. As it was a raffle, we asked for a donation to enter. We’re delighted to say that we sold 70 tickets and the raffle raised almost £1,000 to support our work helping the Hampshire countryside to thrive.’ The winning ticket belonged to CPRE Hampshire members Hugh and Sue Sandars of Micheldever. The countryside charity depends entirely on public support and is currently running an appeal. There has been a surge HAMP SHIRE CHA M B ER OF C O M M ERC E

of appreciation for the countryside and local green spaces during lockdown but with no events, this cannot be converted into much needed funds to support its work. Please go to www.cprehampshire.org.uk/get-involved/appeal-2020 to find out more about how you can help to protect the Hampshire countryside now and for generations to come.


Member News


From left, Russell Mogridge of Vail Williams, Amigo Wraps owner Alan González, Oliver Sherriff of CBRE, Mark Hooper, Planning and Development Director at Kingsbridge Estates, and Alex Gauntlett of Vail Williams. Amigo Wraps signed a 10-year lease at an annual rent of £32,700 – equivalent to £12.57 a sq ft

It’s a (Christmas) wrap as first business lands at new Concorde Park It’s a wrap Car wrapping specialist Amigo Wraps is the first company to move into one of 10 units at brand-new Concorde Park,

Segensworth, Fareham, just off junction 9 of the M27 in south Hampshire. Developed and owned by Kingsbridge Estates, units range from 3,000 sq ft to 40,000 sq ft. Property consultancy

Vail Williams manages the 91,000 sq ft development, which is specifically aimed at manufacturing, light assembly and storage and distribution. Joint agents of the scheme are Vail Williams and CBRE.

Vissensa steps up during a historically challenging year, and receives 9 awards Local IT services company Vissensa was recognised for nine different industryleading awards in 2020, for their continued commitment to technology and innovation. When the first lockdown was announced Vissensa immediately began offering free IT advice and guidance, and throughout the year continued to provide links, articles, and tools that helped multiple businesses adjust to ‘the New Norm’. Vissensa also launched a free Microsoft 365 Training Portal and their own online IT shop, both of which have been

warmly received by their customers. Keen to support the local community, Vissensa Talks was launched on YouTube – showcasing small businesses and discussing their views on technology and the changing world. Vissensa believe that 2020 served as a beacon of human endeavor,

resilience and ingenuity - showing what can be achieved when we all pull together. If you need any IT advice and guidance, Vissensa are happy to help: 02382 357800 sales@vissensa.com.

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Your Chamber Benefits for COVID-19 With the ongoing effects of COVID-19 putting pressure on businesses. It is crucial to the survival of these businesses is access to finance solutions that will protect their current and future financial health. The Chamber Finance Finder platform simplifies and speeds up the funding process, matching member businesses with the right funding solutions across loans, equity and grants. Hampshire Chamber members will also have access to several exclusive benefits, including: ¾ 7

days a week Chamber Finance Finder hotline on +44 20 3966 7585 from 8am to 6pm

¾ Free

¾ Templates

and tools to aid your application

¾ Finance

financial health check

updates and alerts

¾ Access

to a finance newsroom

Westfield Health offers a health plan exclusively available to BCC accredited and affiliated Chamber member organisations. ¾ Corporate

paid plan

¾ Immediate

all benefits

¾ Premiums

do not increase with age

¾ Pre-existing

cover on

¾ Optional

medical conditions covered (except Personal Accident)

modules, voluntary upgrades and partner cover available

Members have unlimited access to FOUR essential business services that are designed to support and protect your business. ChamberHR, ChamberLegal, ChamberH&S, ChamberTax ¾ Advice

Line – one number giving unlimited access to experienced advisors offering practical advice on HR, employment law, health & safety, legal issues plus tax and VAT matters

¾ Website

– access to over 800 free template documents covering HR, employment law, health and safety and legal matters. The website also includes an HR and H&S Health Check

Contact membership@hampshirechamber.co.uk for more information on any of these services. HAMP SHIRE CHA M B ER OF C O M M ERC E




Make the most of your day with affordable and convenient travel Andover to Basingstoke via Whitchurch & Overton


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EU Exit Support

Hampshire Chamber of Commerce and partners offer support to businesses across Hampshire and the Solent region for post transition support Hampshire Chamber and partners are here to address the many needs of businesses as we move from the end the transition period and formally exit the EU trading framework. The UK left the EU’s Single Market and Customs Union at end of last year. Despite a deal between the UK and European Union bringing some clarity following years of uncertainty, there has been a large degree of change with little time to fully prepare. Sharing insights and information is vital to ensure successful post-Brexit trading arrangements. Working alongside a range of partners providing complementary services, this programme will help to provide contextual up-to-date clarity on the known and emerging picture around customs procedures and documentation, duties, VAT, rules of origin, labelling, and dispute resolutions. This programme is also about providing and sharing awareness of the needs and impacts of market and trading changes,


especially critical for businesses in Solent and Hampshire because of our strengths in trading internationally, with our world-class ports. The programme will help businesses transition from uncertainty towards a greater agency in seizing the global challenges and opportunities, by sourcing solutions and effectively reviewing business strategies.


EU Exit Support


Our Chamber of Solutions events bring together a panel of specialists who interact with an audience of businesses, across plenary and breakout sessions, sharing knowledge and experiences in a community of international trade practice. Attendees have opportunities to ask questions of the panel for a deeper understanding of topics, opportunities, and issues. We are also communicating with EU country Chambers of Commerce to provide specialist market webinars offering guidance to companies.

Upcoming events and webinars ¾ Exporting Services: Overseas

– Wednesday 3rd February 2021 ¾ Transitioning Through the EU Exit and Growing

International Trade – Follow up – Tuesday 16th March 2021 ¾ Trading Opportunities with Germany

– Thursday 15th April 2021 Please keep an eye on our Hampshire Chamber of Commerce Eventbrite page for more upcoming events and webinars. hampshirechamber.co.uk/international-trade/ international-trade-webinars/


Training Hampshire Chamber organises a variety of training courses to develop skills and update attendees with the new procedures and other changes that affect trading between the UK, Europe and Rest of World. ¾ Import Procedures

– Monday 8th February - 9:30am - 12:30pm ¾ Inward/Outward Processing:

– Wednesday 24th February - 9:30am - 12:30pm ¾ Export Documentation:

– Wednesday 10th March - 9:30 am - 12:30 pm We work with a variety of trainers and are continually updating our offering of available topics. Please follow our website for future updates. hampshirechamber.co.uk/training/

Translation Queries We have a range of members in Hampshire Chamber who offer translation services.

Support for any queries Our International Trade team have over 100 years of combined experience and are happy to assist with any trade queries and services. We also have a collective of experts and trainers that we can refer businesses to for support or consultancy where we are unable to help. All webinars will be recorded and put onto the Hampshire Chamber YouTube channel under the “International Trade Support” playlist.

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Member News

In times of darkness The Renaissance Choir defeat the lockdown odds by bringing festive joy and light through music and song to the Rowans Hospice Charity’s Christmas Message With their reputation for a sublime sound and a challenging repertoire, The Renaissance Choir has tirelessly supported the Rowans Hospice Charity over the years with performances at Portsmouth Cathedral. As well as spreading festive joy in December 2019, singing alongside the Cathedral Choir for the Charity’s annual Christmas Concert by Candlelight, they raised over £3,500 for Rowans Hospice. Sadly, with the ongoing effects of COVID-19, rising transmission rates and much tighter Tier 2 restrictions, Christmas was very different this year to what we have all been used to. Helping to spread some festive joy, the Charity is delighted that The Renaissance Choir was able to record some festive treats

to add to their Christmas message. Rowans Hospice Charity is encouraging the local community to show their support and appreciation of

The Renaissance Choir’s performance by donating to the Charity’s COVID-19 Appeal: www.rowanshospice.co.uk/appeal.

Trethowans recruits experienced insurance specialist An insurance specialist with over 30 years’ experience has joined a leading Southampton law firm. Ferhat Choudri joined Trethowans as a partner on 1 December to provide expert advice to insurers, brokers, businesses and individuals on all aspects of insurance. These include road traffic accidents, catastrophic injury claims, employer’s liability and public liability cases. Ferhat advises clients in relation to domestic claims and those arising outside the UK including France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Mexico and the US among other countries. The team acts on behalf of major UK and European clients with expertise ranging from small claims up to multi-million-pound cases. Kelvin commented, “Ferhat has an

outstanding reputation in the insurance market and his work on international claims pays great complement to our current European service.


“We were instantly impressed by his knowledge, professionalism and approachability. We have no doubt that he will be a great asset to the team.”


Member News


Get happy, healthy and boost your CV by becoming a Communiteer in 2021 A SOUTHAMPTON charity is urging anyone who made New Year’s Resolutions to get happier, healthier and give their career a boost to get in touch. Communicare says taking time to assist others as part of its Communiteer programme can help individuals live longer, stay fit and enable them to cope better with illness. Manager, Annie Clewlow explained: “It’s well-known those who give their time freely to help others do a power of good for the charities they assist, but increasingly people are realising helping can bring many benefits to themselves too. Our band of Communiteers are vital and we would not be able to manage without them. Volunteering is also a great way to gain practical experience and make you more attractive to prospective employers. “Through just an hour a week, you’ll feel happier and healthier, while making a meaningful difference to society too.” www.communicareinsouthampton.org.uk.

BNI Hook High Flyers at Halloween

Positives in a pandemic BNI Hampshire really thrived last year. We were delighted by how well the meetings transferred online; the region has welcomed over 100 new members – in fact, we saw 86% growth compared to 2019. Many members said their weekly meeting was like a lifeline or a beacon of light during lockdown, giving them something to look forward to, seeing their business buddies, and that sense of belonging and support that everyone gives one other. We all saw how charities suffered during the pandemic; as Executive Director of BNI Hampshire, I personally sponsored each of the charities in our chapters, both as new or renewing members. Additionally, I introduced a special offer of one totally FREE member space per chapter to an entrepreneur who had started their business in the last 12 months. The 14 chapters also have a LOT of fun … business doesn’t have to be boring!

Ridge win the Digital Innovation Award Ridge win the Digital Innovation Award sponsored by Winchester City Council Winchester based property and construction consultant, Ridge, has developed an innovative process using Building Information Modeling (BIM) to check the compliance of fire-stopping detailing. The process significantly reduces risk for the designers, contractors, and building owners/operators in a post Grenfell environment. To maintain the designated fire rating of walls and floors, any openings designed for distributing building services through these elements must be fitted with an approved fire-stopping product. This is referenced in Part B of the Building Regulations. Through combining digital engineering expertise with detailed knowledge of industry leading laboratory test data from fire-stopping manufacturer Rockwool, Ridge is able to guide project teams through designing compliant openings, services arrangements. Development of checking software allows the team to quickly analyse BIM models to identify instances of any noncompliance, then report these for the design team to act upon. 0 1 32 9 2 42 42 0  |   HA M P S HIR E C H A M BER. CO. UK



Member News

College librarian recognised in New Year’s Honours Richard Ashman, Learning Resources Co-ordinator at City College Southampton, is to receive a British Empire Medal (BEM) for Services to Further Education in the 2021 New Year Honours. Richard’s award recognises his exceptional support and dedication to improving reading opportunities and levels of literacy for those who need it most. His innovative approaches have helped break down barriers to reading and have given students, of all ages, the confidence and pleasure in reading. About receiving his award Richard said, “I was stunned and delighted to hear that I was to receive an award on The Queen’s New Year’s Honours List. I firmly believe that reading on a regular basis makes a huge difference to your life and have dedicated my career to encouraging people to improve their lives and life opportunities by reading as widely as possible. It is hugely gratifying that my love of books and reading has had such an impact in both the College and wider community and that I have been nominated for this accolade.” Sarah Stannard, Principal at City College, said: “Many, many congratulations to Richard. This award is a wonderful recognition of the great work he does both with our College students and for the wider community.”

Richard Ashman in the City College Learning Centre

Talent recognised through raft of promotions at Southampton law firm Law firm Womble Bond Dickinson (WBD) has confirmed a number of senior promotions across its UK offices, including two new legal directors and three associates in the firm’s Southampton office. Carly Holt and Stephen Baker have both been promoted to the role of legal director. Carly works in the corporate team and advises clients on corporate finance transactions. Stephen is part of the developers and investors team acting on behalf of a broad range of clients on real estate requirements. The new associates include Elisha Langridge, in the dispute resolution team and Naomi Spencer and Elizabeth Cooke-Smith, in the real estate team. The good news in Southampton is part of a wider raft of promotions across WBD’s offices in the UK with 31 promotions which include seven partners, four legal directors and 20 associates. Jonathan Blair, UK managing partner at WBD, commented: “Congratulations to all of our new partners, legal directors and associates, who have all made fantastic contributions to our business. Their hard work, commitment to the firm and first rate legal expertise deserves to be recognised and celebrated.”


“The career development opportunities of our people continues to be a high priority and these promotions signify an important investment in the future of our firm.”


Member News


Centre for entrepreneurs celebrates 10th anniversary 10TH ANNIVERSARY: The team at Ocean Village Innovation Centre, Southampton. From left, centre support assistants Hannah Fray and Caroline O’Neill with centre manager Stephen Deller and assistant centre manager Jess Williams. More than 200 companies and organisations have been supported by a business incubator in Southampton as it celebrates a 10th anniversary. Hampshire Chamber member Ocean Village Innovation Centre (OVIC) provides flexible workspace, virtual office services, meeting rooms and in-house business support. Opposite the world-renowned National Oceanography Centre, the 30,000 sq ft building’s new commercial use was launched in 2010. On behalf of the private owners of the premises, Oxford Innovation has been running five-storey OVIC ever since, creating

revenue streams through licence agreements on a range of serviced offices and services. At the same time scores of startsups and early-stage firms, as well as medium-sized enterprises, have benefitted from OVIC’s support.

Stephen Deller, Centre Manager, said: “More than 200 businesses and organisations have utilised OVIC at one point or another and, by doing so, grown the city region’s knowledge industry.”

STEM from Home: Remotely inspiring the next digital workforce CGI is dedicated to inspiring the next generation of the STEM workforce. Our global STEM@CGI program aims to provide experiences that inspire students with the drive to learn for a bright future in the digital workforce. As a result of COVID-19, our STEM camp programme went virtual with the introduction of our STEM from Home. A variety of STEM-based activity packs have engaged parents and children with a range of fun and educational activities to try at home. Activities span all of STEM, including coding, space, engineering and robotics, helping to encourage children to develop technical, practical and physical skills. Activity packs can be accessed via the CGI Website: https:// www.cgi.com/uk/en-gb/corporate-social-responsibility/ stem-from-home 0 1 32 9 2 42 42 0  |   HA M P S HIR E C H A M BER. CO. UK





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Member News


CooperVision supports small and medium sized businesses in the Solent region with skills training Global contact lens manufacturer, CooperVision, is supporting small and medium sized businesses in the Solent region by pledging £117,000 of its apprenticeship levy funds to the Transfer to Transform programme. These funds cover the costs of apprenticeship training for smaller firms, and the company’s pledge will fund eight apprenticeships, with a mix of new positions and existing employee training. The apprenticeship levy is paid by large employers who pay 0.5% of their total annual pay bill into the scheme. This funding then directly supports apprenticeship training for both new and existing employees in that organisation. Any unspent levy funds can be used to support apprenticeship training for other smaller employers – thereby benefiting the wider business ecosystem in any given area. The T ​ ransfer to

Transform programme, run by the Solent Apprenticeship Hub, connects organisations across the region to allow larger companies to support the training needs of smaller businesses. CooperVision is the first company in the programme to fulfil its pledge. Jeff Hummel, Senior HR Director at CooperVision, commented: “We’re extremely proud to be able to play a part in supporting other organisations

in the region and help enable them develop their apprenticeship training programmes. As a large employer, not only in Hampshire but around the world, CooperVision is passionate about creating bright futures and the opportunity to use the Transfer to Transform scheme to support others is something we didn’t hesitate to be a part of.” Jodi Fair, Manager at the Solent Apprenticeship Hub, added: “We are proud to ​receive the backing of an internationally renowned employer such as CooperVision, who have a base located within the Solent region; this brings a weight to the initiative that was needed to receive the support of more levy paying employers.”

BDO invests in trainees in the Central South Accountancy and business advisory firm BDO welcomed 14 new trainees in November with a further 16 roles available to start later in 2021. The new joiners, both graduates and apprentices, took part in virtual inductions while BDO’s workforce continue to work remotely as a result of COVID-19. Applications are now open for trainee roles starting in 2021, with the majority of trainees able to undertake a Level-7 apprenticeship programme, a qualification equivalent to a master’s degree. During the summer, BDO hosted its first ever ‘virtual internship’ week, where 26 students in their penultimate year of university gained valuable insight into what a career at BDO might entail. Malcolm Thixton, Partner and Head of BDO LLP in the Central South, said: “2020 was a year like no other. Through a combination of the latest technology and a unified approach by our 200

strong local team, we have been able to support our clients and communities during the global pandemic from our homes. This flexibility and focus will allow our new trainees to still fully immerse themselves into their first few months with BDO, while the majority of our colleagues continue to work remotely. “Our Rethinking the Economy analysis shows that investing in talent is hugely important to businesses in the current climate. It’s important for us to look ahead and invest in the best and brightest people who will become our advisers of the future.”

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Member News

Bluestar - services are still running We are still running our services to get those who need it to where you need to be. We have special measures we introduced months ago which are designed to ensure that public transport is still one of the safest places to be. Every bus is cleaned regularly with anti-viral wipes, and there are on-board hand sanitisers for our customers to use. We ask those travelling with us to continue wearing face coverings, unless they are exempt. Not only do we have special safety measures in place, but we are also committed to helping improve the quality of air we breathe in Southampton, and we have been working on this in a number of ways over recent years - from investing in a new fleet of greener vehicles and installing solar panels on our vehicles to trialling the world’s first air filtering bus, which has recently won a UK Fleet Champions Award in the category of ‘Sustainable Journeys’,

which singles out organisations who have done the most to reduce risk and fuel emissions. For more information visit bluestarbus.co.uk.

Give it Up for Chestnut Tree House Whether cutting out cakes, giving up gaming, or saying goodbye to your evening tipple, can you Give it Up for Chestnut Tree House for Lent? Perhaps your coffee consumption is a long-running joke in the office, or you are kicking the habit of a lifetime? Your task is simple: choose what you are going to give up (it’s totally up to you) and donate what you’ve saved over the 40 days to your local children’s hospice, where every penny you donate will make a huge difference. ¾ £5 could pay for a personalised activity and craft pack fo a child shielding at home. ¾ £25 helps struggling families get the support they need through phone calls with our wonderful Care Team. ¾ £80 could pay for a family to spend a day together at Chestnut Tree House, taking part in a range of fun activities and making special memories. ¾ £285 can pay for an hour of all Chestnut Tree House’s care. That’s an hour of dips in the pool, walks in the woods, playing Xbox, baking cakes and making magical memories.

So, if you’d like to Give it Up for Chestnut Tree House and help support local families, join our community of supporters today, sign up and start fundraising at: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/ GiveitupforChestnutTreeHouse For further information, please contact Tracey Shaw directly or email fundraising@chestnut-tree-house.org.uk.

Let the customers do the talking New member VideoandTV.co.uk has come up with a novel way of getting your message out there using social media in a way that customers will trust. Fully aware that video is a massively important part of your online presence, but most people hate going in front of a camera, they now offer “Telephone Testimonials”. HAMP SHIRE CHA M B ER OF C O M M ERC E

Using broadcast quality audio recording equipment, and photographs that illustrate your product or service, they will call your customer and chat to them about the product of service that you provide, and overlay those pictures onto the call so that viewers get to hear a genuine customer review and see the results of your work. It’s the ultimate COVID safe experience, and enables you to get a testimonial that’s much more credible than a written one, and far less terrifying than having a camera crew arrive at your home.


Member News


Southern Co-op customers show exceptional kindness at Christmas The regional, independent co-operative is thanking its customers and colleagues for their generosity this Christmas which saw £18,000+ of funding and products donated to around 180 local charities and good causes via its funeral, retail and coffee branches. Southern Co-op ran a number of community initiatives over the festive period with a focus on supporting those affected by the pandemic. Holly Bramble, Community and Campaign Co-ordinator, said: “Despite it being a tough year, people still found time to give a little back at the end of 2020 which is incredible.” One of the festive initiatives was raising money for NHS Charities Together by donating £1 from the sale of every festive bouquet and 50p from the sale of colour changing reusable cups. A total of £13,390 was raised thanks to Southern

Co-op’s retail and coffee customers. As part of the reverse Advent calendars activity, people were asked to donate a different product for each day of Advent. As a result, more than 1.3 tonnes of tinned and packet goods, toiletries and treats have been donated to local food banks.

Other Southern Co-op community initiatives included its Feed a Family Fund which saw £1,411 raised for food banks, and the Neighbourly Community Fund which saw 16 organisations apply for micro grants in December following a £40,000 donation into the fund in 2020 from Southern Co-op.

Hampshire Fare in the vanguard Despite the difficult circumstances, 2021 sees Hampshire Fare rolling out a trio of positives. First, this year is the county food group’s 30th anniversary. This significant milestone provides an opportunity for Hampshire Fare to celebrate everything that’s great about the region’s local produce. Second, Hampshire Fare are currently finalising a new guide showcasing the Loddon and Test regions of Hampshire. Aimed at both visitors and residents, this guide takes a new approach to discovering these lesser-known areas by linking the landscape with food and drink production, and places to buy, eat and stay. Finally, this guide is the last phase of

Hampshire Fare’s Loddon & Test LEADER project. LEADER funding has enabled Hampshire Fare to take to the road in the group’s new liveried van, spreading

the word about local and visiting many members who are all part of Hampshire Fare’s journey, whether they joined recently or were founding members.

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Hampshire Chamber Events and Training

Training Hampshire Chamber of Commerce are at the forefront for our membership and their training requirements. We only use our membership to offer training programmes to our network. As a business support organisation, we are always looking for ways to add value to our members and give them the training that they require. With the recent withdrawal of the UK from the EU, there are now laws and regulations which have meant a huge change for those companies who trade with the EU. Through Hampshire Chamber, we offer a variety of International Trade training from Understanding Export, to Agents and Distributors and the latest Incoterms Rules. All of which are currently being delivered interactively and virtually. Marketing is a key aspect for all businesses. To be able to reach a wider audience and boost your network is essential to a company’s growth. We host a variety of different marketing training courses, from Social Selling for Linkedin to How to Make Money Whilst you Sleep. Developing your business can be a hard skill to master. Through International Business Coach and Author, Steve Jones you can achieve this through Hampshire Chamber. We have partnered with Steve to continue with our Business Development Workshop programme of six courses. These half day sessions will cover topics such as Effective Positioning and Marketing, High Growth Teams and Planning to Win, post COVID-19. If there is a topic we are not covering and you feel this would benefit our members, please do get in touch via our website or train@hampshirechamber.co.uk. Please be aware that we are updating our website with new training courses and we recommend that you visit our website at: https://www.hampshirechamber.co.uk/training/ for more information. ¾ Business

¾ Business

¾ Import

¾ Export

¾ Business

¾ How

Development Workshop 1 – Strategy: Plan to Win – Post COVID-19 – Friday 5th February Procedures (Virtual) – Monday 8th February Development Workshop 2 – Effective Positioning, Sales and Marketing – Post COVID-19 – Wednesday 10th February

¾ Putting

your Customers First (Virtual) – Tuesday 23rd February

¾ Inward/Outward

Processing (Virtual) – Wednesday 24th February

¾ Business

Development Workshop 3 – Leadership – Post COVID-19 – Friday 16th February

¾ Preferential

Rules of Origin/Customs Procedures (Virtual) – Tuesday 2nd March


Development Workshop 4 – Managing Performance and Change – Post COVID-19 – Wednesday 3rd March Documentation (Virtual) – Wednesday 10th March to Make Money Whilst You Sleep – Tuesday 16th March

¾ Customs

Procedures and Documentation (Virtual) – Thursday 18th March

¾ Business

Development Workshop 5 – Achieving More for Less – Post COVID-19 – Friday 19th March

¾ Business

Development Workshop 6 – Building High Growth Teams – Post COVID-19 – Wednesday 24th March


Hampshire Chamber Events and Training


Events Business is well underway in 2021. Following the latest government lockdown, many businesses will face uncertain roads ahead. There has truly never been a better time to boost your profile and establish new connections. With Hampshire Chamber of Commerce, we offer a wealth of networking opportunities, informational events and webinars, exhibition shows, breakfasts, lunches and brunches. We continue through February and March with offering many virtual events to reach the whole county and beyond. Our Chamber of Solutions series of events, hosted by our CEO Ross McNally, alongside Mission Performance’s Managing Director Rob Lewis have been the “go-to” place for business advice and support since March 2020. These panel discussions continue throughout the year where we will be discussing Innovation in a Net-Zero Economy, People at the Heart of Business Success and Cyber Security alongside a diverse and ever-changing panel of industry experts. We will also be hosting our monthly, informal and intriguing Virtual Pure Networking events. These events are a unique blend of speed networking and challenges, aimed at giving you the best possible opportunity to build new connections and expand your network. If you are looking for ways of increasing your business profile, sponsoring a Chamber event can be an excellent way to promote your organisation. Sponsorship options to suit all budgets are available from the event team. Please visit our website or contact events.south@hampshirechamber.co.uk. ¾ The

¾ Chamber

¾ Virtual

¾ Trading

¾ Getting

¾ Light

Winning Mindset of a Business Owner – Wednesday 10th February Pure Networking – Thursday 11th February Back to Business: Restructure debt; restore businesses; save jobs – Tuesday 16th February

¾ New

Forest Chamber of Solutions – People at the heart of business success – Tuesday 2nd March

of Solutions – International – Tuesday 16 March Opportunities with Germany – Thursday 15 April Bulb Moment… From Design to Market – Tuesday 20th April

¾ Meet

the Chamber & Business Exhibition – Portsmouth – Monday 26th April

We are following government guidelines with any live events that we have planned. Please be aware that these events may be changed or cancelled based on guidelines that are set out at that time.

Join us N W!

E: membership@hampshirechamber.co.uk T: 01329 242420 or 01256 338633

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Events Spotlight

Hampshire Care Awards 2020: the big night in - YouTube Utilities4Less would like to send a huge message of congratulations to all of the finalists and winners of the Hampshire Care Association Care Awards 2020. Although virtual, the tone and emotion shone through. Well done @Debbie Carpenter. U4L have been patrons of HCA for the past three years and were a sponsor of last year’s event and hope to be involved again in next year’s with perhaps a new category surrounding sustainability. At the virtual show the sponsors spoke with pride to be supporting the care industry throughout Hampshire and there were a number of surprise celebrity appearances, including @Lesley Joseph, aka Dorian Green. Boycie sent his best before heading down to the Nag’s Head with Marlene, and @Bucks Fizz star @Cheryl Baker and BBC’s Mike Bushell all sent messages of congratulations to all of the winners, finalists and everyone working in the healthcare sector. But the night was about the hardworking and committed staff that work tirelessly everyday looking after those that are most in need. We at U4L were particularly pleased to see that amongst the winners were some of our clients and we hope that by next year that list will have grown massively, meaning there will be more care and nursing homes leading a leaner, greener and cleaner existence.

The list of winners of 2020 Care Awards: Care Home

Shedfield Lodge Residential Care Home

Nursing Home

@Hollybank Rest Home

Home Care

Crown Home Care


Tracey Elvy Allen

@Care Together

Frontline Leader

@Ana Lazar

@Brendoncare Park Road

Ancillary Support

@Lorna Didymus

Home Of Comfort


@Luke Bale



@Faye Bardell

Caring Hands


@Roza Stokajov

Crown Home Care


@Sharon Jermy


Excel in Dementia

Naomi Cornelius-Reid

@Sutton Manor

Innovation & Best Practice

@John Caslake


Blue Rose Award

@Mathew Richardson

@Hampshire NHS CCG

There were not one but two Dinenage’s in attendance for the event; Caroline, MP for Gosport and Minister of State for Digital and Culture, sent a heartfelt and supportive message to all of the winners and care professionals throughout the county, and her newsreader father Fred capably hosted the evening – I don’t know HOW he does it. The virtual event was organised by Debbie Carpenter, Events Coordinator for Hampshire Care Association, who said, “It was a different awards ceremony this year. Due to COVID-19 we were unable to host a live event,


but the association wanted to celebrate the wonderful work that all of our members do so it was important that we did so. I am glad it all came together in the end. All being well we will come back bigger and better 2021 with a celebratory all singing, all dancing production.” Debbie Carpenter of HCA and Martin Bell from U4L have been working closely to bring the efficiency message to the association’s members and both have been working on a project they hope to launch early next year for the benefit of the members and the environment.


Events Sponsorship


Solent LEP sets out support available for local businesses The Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), the region’s leading business support organisation, has announced the wide range of support tools that they have put in place to help businesses get through the current economic challenges that they are facing. With the recent withdrawal from the European Union and the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic having ongoing impacts on businesses in the Solent, they have developed a range of specific programmes, funding streams, on-line events and toolkits, in addition to their usual business support services. In March 2020 when the first COVID-19 lockdown was announced, the LEP responded swiftly, ensuring that their Growth Hub team were on hand to support the sharp increase in numbers of enquiries from worried businesses. More recently they have set up a programme of one-to-one assistance, and other systems for businesses needing support through the Brexit transition. Raz Wright from Trenza Braid Bar who received funding through the LEP’s Pay-it-Forward Crowdfunding scheme said: “I have been extremely impressed and humbled by the support and kindness from a range of staff at Solent LEP. Taking the time to speak with me at length about my situation and giving me advice and guidance when needed was a huge

lifeline at a very dark time. Thank you, the support has been invaluable and helped to keep my business afloat in this terrible economic time.” Support measures for regional businesses are clearly set out on the Solent LEP website where a ‘Coronavirus Support Hub’ and a ‘Brexit Transition and Overseas Trade Hub’ can be found, alongside other more general business enquiries. The Hubs provide self-assessment tools designed for businesses to assess how prepared they are to face some of the current economic challenges, and provide tailored information on what actions they need to take, and how to access the required support. Brian Johnson, Chair of the Solent LEP, said: “This economic period like

no other is a hugely testing time for businesses in the region. It has been essential that the Solent LEP finds ever more innovative and accessible methods to support our small and medium-sized businesses. Over the last 12 months we have developed a match-funded crowdfunding programme, financial assistance for rural businesses based in the New Forest and the Isle of Wight, we have overseen government and EU grants, and established peer networking groups right across the region, plus many other programmes. “I really encourage businesses, however big or small to get in contact and to consider the range of tools and support that we have on offer.” The LEP’s latest initiative has been to establish a Brexit advice service for businesses to get critical one-to-one advice with a Brexit Transition Business Adviser. Through this service businesses receive up to five hours of support tailored to their specific business needs. To contact the Solent LEP: Complete the initial enquiry form found here: https://solentlep.org.uk/ contact-us-1/ Email enquiries@solentlep.org.uk Or call 023 9268 8924

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Member News

BCC Quarterly Economic Survey Q4 2020: Business conditions remain weak and show no signs of improvement for vast majority of firms The British Chambers of Commerce’s Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) – the UK’s largest independent survey of business sentiment and a leading indicator of UK GDP growth – found that business conditions remained weak in the fourth quarter as the second lockdown squeezed activity. The bellwether survey of 6,203 firms, who employ nearly a million people across the UK, revealed that there was no fundamental improvement in the key indicators in Q4 and they remain well below pre-crisis levels. 95% of respondents were SMEs.

Key findings: ¾ Following the sharpest decline in the history of the

QES in Q2 2020, all the key indicators in Q4 remained substantially worse than pre-pandemic levels ¾ 79% of hotels and catering firms reported a decrease in

domestic sales in Q4, worsening from 66% in Q3 ¾ Cash flow, a key indicator of business health, continued

to deteriorate for 43% of firms overall. For hotels and catering firms, 77% report a decrease. Responding to the findings, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce, Dr Adam Marshall, said: “Our findings demonstrate that businesses across the UK face a difficult and uncertain year ahead in 2021. The announcement of another major lockdown across all four nations of the UK will compound the gloom for many.”

Business conditions Overall, indicators remained weak in Q4, with only moderate improvement compared to Q3 and still well below the preCovid 19 trend. ¾ Nearly half of firms (43%) reported decreases in domestic sales, broadly unchanged from 46% in Q3


¾ 26% of firms reported an increase in domestic

sales. 30% reported no change ¾ 45% of firms reported a decrease in domestic orders,

while 33% report no change, and 22% report an increase ¾ 38% of firms reported decreases in export sales,

down slightly from 45% in Q3 but still substantially worse than pre-pandemic levels, where only around 20% of firms reported a decrease ¾ Nearly a quarter (22%) of firms reported increases

in export sales, up from 16% in Q3

Ongoing uncertainty Despite seeing some improvements in some indicators in the previous quarter, business conditions remain close to the historic lows of Q2. The survey fieldwork took place during the second lockdowns in England and Northern Ireland, and amid tougher restrictions in Scotland and Wales. Continued uncertainty around further lockdowns and restrictions, as well as the many unanswered questions on Brexit, have caused businesses considerable distress, with some saying they are worried about the long-term viability of their business. Suren Thiru, Head of Economics at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said: “These results indicate that economic activity was strikingly downbeat in the final quarter of 2020 as the re-introduction of tighter coronavirus restrictions weighed heavily on the key drivers of growth.”


Member News


Embedding social value within procurement Southampton City Council sets social value high on the agenda by going beyond the requirements of legislation and considering social value across all spend over £5,000. Our aim is to enhance the local economic, social and environmental benefit achieved via our spend and contracting arrangements with suppliers including delivering longlasting and sustainable positive impacts and outcomes for Southampton’s communities and businesses. This links to the Southampton Pound initiative which centres around the vision that the money made and generated in the city should support and bolster the local economy and bring social and environmental benefit.

The Southampton Pound initiative supports the Green City Charter.

What are our key objectives? Objective 1: Source more goods, services and works locally when Best Value can be demonstrated and in so far as legal requirements permit; Objective 2: Maximise the benefit to Southampton and its economy from the money generated and spent by the Council and other Southampton based organisations and their supply chains; Objective 3: Increase the Social Value related commitments within appropriate contracts and ensure they are delivered.

Helping the hauliers Current restrictions require that those entering France have proof of a negative COVID test, which initially caused a huge number of freight lorries to be held back at Portsmouth. Hampshire Search and Rescue (HANTSAR) was asked on Christmas Eve if any assistance could be provided, from the 26th up to the 31st. Within hours over 50 members agreed to help. Teams were allocated and tasked to cover the various sailings to France, working in shifts of up to 10 hours. Roles included assisting the drivers in completing registration cards, taking swabs and testing the swabs. By the end of the period they had covered all 17 sailings. Whilst providing this support HANTSAR’s prime role continued – to provide qualified teams to assist the police to search for vulnerable missing people 24/7.

During this deployment there was a Standby request and also an overnight Callout – coincidentally to Portsmouth (with a good outcome).

Law firm publishes white paper Paris Smith’s recent white paper, ‘The Workforce Of The Future’, explores the wide-ranging challenges faced by employers in the new, post-COVID, normal – and, in doing so, exposes the limitations of current employment law. The paper considers the leadership lessons that have been learnt and highlights those areas that leaders must focus on in the future. Alongside insight from a wide range of contributors,

it examines the law around areas such as employees’ mental health, Zoom fatigue, the right to disconnect and flexible working. It provides practical options to avoid redundancies and advises how best to manage remote workforces. The report also questions what this all means for the physical office and for town and city centres. Contributors include Carnival UK (P&O Cruises & Cunard), Draper Tools, KPMG, global farming and food group Barfoots, accountants Smith & Williamson, Marwell Wildlife, TW Metals, King Edward VI School and GO! Southampton. https://parissmith.co.uk/your-business/workforce-forfuture/. 0 1 32 9 2 42 42 0  |   HA M P S HIR E C H A M BER. CO. UK



Commercial Services

The help you need, when you need it most. 24/7 Counselling and Advice Line. Whatever the issue, support and advice is just a phone call away with this freephone service: • Confidential guidance for you and your family On anything from stress, bereavement or relationship advice to health and money worries

• Experienced team of professionals We have an experienced team of qualified counsellors, lawyers and medical advisors ready to help

Call day or night, 0800 092 0987, quoting your scheme reference number 71718. We’d like to reassure you that this number doesn’t identify you in any way. It just confirms your eligibility to use the service.

westfieldhealth.com The 24 Hour Counselling and Advice Line is provided on behalf of Westfield Health by Health Assured Ltd. The Medical Helpline provides general guidance only. It isn’t an emergency service and won’t provide diagnosis or prescribe treatments. Westfield Health is a trading name of Westfield Contributory Health Scheme Ltd and is registered in England & Wales company number 303523. We are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the PRA. Details of this registration can be found by accessing the Financial Services Register online at either the PRA or the FCA websites or by contacting the PRA on 020 7601 4878 or the FCA on 0800 111 6768. Our financial services registration number is 202609. Westfield Health is a registered trademark. WHV108D


Plus Six face to face counselling or CBT sessions Your cover also provides up to six face to face counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) sessions, when recommended by your telephone counsellor.


Member Offers


Members of Hampshire Chamber of Commerce offer discounts and deals to individuals and businesses. Business Development Procurement and Tendering

A Special Offer for All Hampshire Chamber Members

Paris Smith Community Hub

FullCycle Procurement

KTL Europe UK

Paris Smith

FullCycle Procurement specializes in procurement and tendering of services to the Public and private sectors, we can provide a bespoke service which is friendly and will work seamlessly integrated with your Business making the procurement and tendering as simple as possible. We offer tailored support to Hampshire Chamber members. Phone 07511 906003 or email Fullcycleprocurement@outlook.com to find out more.

KTL Europe (UK) Ltd is a service driven Freight Forwarding Solutions provider based in Hampshire. With the ever uncertainty of the pandemic we are continuing to work as normal, assisting you in all your freight service needs. We would like to offer all Hampshire Chamber of Commerce members Free Agency Fees on your first booking with us. Email myles@ktluk.com or phone 01489 884 151 to find out more.

Everyone working or on furlough leave has found the past months challenging both physically and mentally. It has been tough. The Paris Smith Community Hub is a free resource offering advice, tips and ideas tips for all to feel better in mind and body, and be more productive at work and home, supporting each other through the coronavirus pandemic. We would invite our fellow Chamber members to contribute to hub. Phone: 023 8048 2482 Email: info@parissmith.co.uk.

Business Language Training

FREE Bounce Back Plan (usually £299)

Free 14-day CRM and Email Marketing Trial Really Simple Systems

Tertulia Language Limited

Xebra Accounting

Really Simple Systems is the awardwinning, super-easy CRM to help you build long lasting relationships, save time, and make more sales. With an integrated email marketing tool, our CRM software provides a centralised hub for all your sales and marketing, increasing efficiency, productivity and team collaboration, even when working remotely. Contact Really Simple Systems at ask@reallysimplesystems.com or visit our website for a free 14 day trial.

Tertulia Language is a company dedicated to teaching Modern Foreign Languages that works with highly qualified native tutors with broad teaching experience. Our language courses can be scheduled for individuals or small groups of professionals and can take place at your office or online. Content is tailored to the job specific needs and professional goals of employees. Special offer for Hampshire Chamber members. Contact 023 9343 0017 or email info@tertulia.co.uk.

With COVID-19 providing many businesses with uncertain challenges, including a reporting decline in cashflow since reopening, we want to ensure that we are providing businesses with the right set up throughout 2021. Our FREE Bounce Back Plan allows businesses to create a unique action plan with a trusted accountant. Find out more and register by visiting www.xebraaccounting.co.uk/ hampshirechamberofcommerce or call on 023 8000 1313.

Are you a Chamber member who would you like to appear on these pages? To make an offer contact us on 01329 242420, or email tom.colbeck@hampshirechamber.co.uk. We will need your offer and a logo or image in a jpeg format. The offers on the website are changing on a regular basis. Please remember to check the website for terms and conditions for each offer. For full information on the offers and others like them please visit our website www.hampshirechamber.co.uk/chamber_discounts_offers. FREE offers as part of your membership.

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Commercial Services

Be Safe With Us

Did you know that Chamber members have unlimited access to a range of essential business support services?


ChamberHealth & Safety



These services give you unlimited access to no less than five business advice lines and a website which features over 750 free downloadable template documents.

Believe it or not all these services are included in your membership fee* – you will have nothing extra to pay! These services offer members real protection and peace of mind. To ensure that you can have access to these valuable services all you need to do is join.

Don’t delay… join today! * Not available to basic members






Photocopier and printer technology suppliers


The UK’s innovation Agency

Print and Design


Exhibitions & Exhibitors


Digital Printing Specialists


Luxury Hotel & Conference Centre


Marketing, Branding & Website Designers


Ship Owners, Passenger Ferry Services

PR, Marketing and Graphic Design

Event Management & Exhibitions

Hotel & Conference Centre

Independent financial Advisers, Corporate & Personal Benefits

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Welcome to our New Members

Welcome to our New Members

Avask Accounting and Business Consultants   Angelos Katsaris 1st Floor, Oceana House, 39-49 Commercial Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO15 1GA 023 8060 0120 www.avaskgroup.com AVASK Accounting & Business Consultants is a Hampshire-born and based e-commerce accounting, advisory and expansion firm. Founded in 2012, AVASK specialises in international taxation and expansion solutions for e-commerce sellers around the world, including accounting services, VAT registration and compliance, strategic growth advisory and planning, and direct and indirect representation services. In the years, it has affirmed itself as one of the world-leading accounting firms working alongside e-commerce entrepreneurs and online marketplaces, such as Amazon and eBay. Their fully dedicated and dynamic team of VAT experts, consultants and e-commerce accountants come from an exceptionally wide and varied background. This provides AVASK with a unique insight into the

tax and accounting requirements of online businesses, and more importantly, allows them to pragmatically provide innovative solutions that add value to each client’s specific situation. For companies considering global expansion, understanding the tax obligations in different regions can be incredibly complex and distracting. AVASK’s mission is to provide the very best advice and support in developing and expanding online businesses into new territories seamlessly, by reducing the administrative burden generated by international taxation and leaving business owners to focus on their core business. Today, the AVASK Team has supported over 10,000 international online businesses expand, launch and grow into global markets. Their offices span from the UK to Continental Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Australasia and North America.

Really Simple Systems   Helen Armour Unit 1B, Rookery Farm, Ramsdean, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1RU 01730 823300  /  www.reallysimplesystems.com Really Simple Systems is the award-winning, super-easy CRM that your team will love and use, helping you track and organise your sales and streamline your business. We’ve been around since 2006 and you’ll discover that we stand out through our customer service. As well as providing a myriad of self-service resources, we still believe in the human touch HAMP SHIRE CHA M B ER OF C O M M ERC E

and our customer support team is on hand to help you get the most from our software. Compliant with GDPR, our CRM includes an optional integrated marketing app, so all your data is held in one place, helping you prioritise leads and create efficiency.


Welcome to our New Members

Business Mix Limited

Eastleigh College

Vicky Young

Fullcycle Procurement Limited

Mary Wellman

Steven Thompson

Steward House, 14 Commercial Way, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6ET

Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO50 5FS

07764 757406 www.business-mix.com

023 8091 1000 www.eastleigh.ac.uk

Business Mix makes growing companies simpler. Providing practical business help and advice when and where growing companies need it, focusing on the operational running of small businesses without which, many won’t be able to deliver against their company roadmap.

As a leading vocational training provider we are collaborating with communities and employers to shape practical solutions for Hampshire businesses. We value the opportunity to work collaboratively with members of the Chamber so that our region can recover from COVID-19 and again thrive in the future.

CPRE Hampshire The Countryside Charity   Boyd McCleary Winchester, Hampshire 01962 841897 www.cprehampshire.org.uk We campaign to promote, enhance and protect the countryside for everyone’s benefit, wherever they live. We work with communities, businesses and government to find positive and lasting ways to help the countryside thrive today and for generations to come.

Diak Technical Export Limited   Michael Arkell Diak House, PO Box 45, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 0EQ 01794 518808 www.diak.com DIAK solves engineering problems and creates new product solutions in a variety of industries. The bulk of our work is in developing countries for international agencies and we have an unbroken record since 1979 in the application of engineering ingenuity, both afloat and ashore.


First Floor, Unit D, Loddon Business Centre, Roentgen Road, Basingstoke, RG24 8NG

Elmdene International Limited   Tracy McDermott

07511 906003 Fullcycle Procurement Ltd specializes in supporting SMEs in procurement and tendering allowing them to develop and have confidence to participate in tendering opportunities. We take pride in identifying relevant achievable tenders which fit the SME’s deliverables and abilities.

Shades of You   Sarah Bourne

3 Keel Close, Interchange Park, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QD

Bursledon, Southampton, Hampshire

023 9269 6638 www.elmdene.co.uk


Elmdene International Limited is a world class manufacturer of electronic products for the security, fire, access control, Intruder and CCTV industries. Established in 1963 with our manufacturing plant based in Portsmouth, our range continues to grow with the introduction of new products designed to meet the changing needs of the industry, customers and end users.

Eyes for Work Limited   Deborah Young

We are a People Development Consultancy offering Coaching, Facilitation and Training to empower and support you to develop core skills, build high performing teams, increase profitability and productivity whilst making the workplace an engaging and motivating place to be.

Time at the Bar (INFL8)   Paul Armstrong 5 Funtley Court, Funtley Hill, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 7UY 07894 757304 www.timeatthebar.co.uk

Farnham, Surrey 07817 755015 www.eyesforwork.co.uk Eyes for Work are the first UK company offering online Digital Eye Strain Risk Assessments. Reduce your company’s exposure to occupational personal injury claims, strengthen your Health & Safety compliance whilst enhancing employee wellbeing and productivity.

Join us N W!

07707 776897

Time at the Bar is a pub, bar, club application developed and available on all devices, however predominantly mobiles and tablets. The app will be available from both Android and IOS stores.

E: membership@hampshirechamber.co.uk T: 01329 242420 or 01256 338633

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Welcome to our New Members

Utilities 4 Less

Video and TV Limited

Martin Bell International House, Southampton, Hampshire, SO18 2RZ 07436 330903 www.u4luk.com Utilities4Less is a Hampshire based Energy Consultancy with a great reputation for providing a 360 solution for Green Energy & Environmental Utility Management. Standing out in the corporate energy market following the mantra Review, Renew, Reuse all electricity is 100% renewable energy.

Boat Transport Limited   Gille Houghton The Mainstay, Fairview Drive, Hythe, Southampton, Hampshire, SO45 5GX 023 8084 5500 www.boattransport.co.uk Sea, Road and Rail Transport.

Gera Solutions Limited

Alan Howard Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire 07710 611368 www.videoandtv.co.uk Put simply we make you look fantastic. From JP Morgan to Davina McCall to ASDA we’ve worked with start ups to Blue Chips and advise on concepts, scriptwriting, presentation and the whole video package, all at a reasonable price point.

Little Ankle Biters Hampshire   Katherine Antrobus Basingstoke, Hampshire 07557 732667 www.hants.ankle-biters.co.uk Digital & Online Marketing.

Mintspeed Limited

Anita Gera Highland House, Mayflower Close, Chandler’s Ford, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO53 4AR 07729 227839 www.gera.solutions Language Consultancy.

KAW Couriers   Karl Davis Southampton, Hampshire 07712 537084 www.kawcouriers.com Express Courier Service.

Steve Miller Hayling Island, Hampshire 023 9246 1345 www.mintspeed.co.uk Engineering & Weighing Solutions.

Sarah G Virtual Assistant   Sarah Garrett Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire 07768 796389 Virtual Assistant, Admin & PA Support, Freelance PA.

VIP IT   Liam Saunders Basepoint Business Centre, Caxton Close, East Portway Business Park, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3FG 01962 458457 www.vipit.com VIP IT are a Hampshire based ROIfocused digital marketing agency offering SEO, PPC, social media, email marketing and website design services since 2015. We are passionate about helping businesses grow online and providing exceptional customer service.

SERCO   Kieron Taylor Canna Enterprise Centre, Lysons Avenue, Ash Vale, Hampshire, GU12 5QF 07928 130016 www.sercowaste.com Commercial Waste Services.

Virtual Sense   Pavlina Kovarova Southampton, Hampshire 07388 835160 www.virtualsense.co.uk Virtual assistance business support to SMEs.

Whiteley365   Bernie Rainer-Guy Decibel House, 32 Thyme Avenue, Whiteley, Hampshire, PO15 7NA 01489 666383 www.whiteley365.com Microsoft 365 Specialists.



Digital Membership


t 01329 242420/01256 338482 w hampshirechamber.co.uk

Digital Membership

Enjoy the benefits of our Online Membership Package: Connect your business

Grow your Business

This membership package allows businesses to maximise promotional opportunities from the comfort of their own surroundings. The Chamber runs monthly virtual networking, giving the opportunity to engage with other like-minded businesses, gain new contacts and exchange offerings. Our comprehensive programme of online networking includes Speed Networking, Chamber of Solutions sessions and informative talks with inspirational speakers. These events are often supported and organised in conjunction with our neighbouring Chambers, delivering a united approach throughout the business community. A full list and booking information can be found at:

Our Business Development opportunities for Online Members include:

www.hampshirechamber.co.uk/events Our Online Membership Package gives you:

Use of the Hampshire Chamber Member logo for your literature and website

Fortnightly Chamber of Solutions Panellist Events Monthly Online Networking Opportunities Discounted Prices on Physical Events

Raise your Profile The Chamber has many marketing and media channels to help you raise your profile:

Hampshire Chamber’s Business News Magazine Our Online Membership Package gives you: Unlimited access to our eMagazine New Member listing and profile upon joining Post FREE Member to Member offers on our website

Inclusion in 2 FREE Chamber eNewsletters reaching over 1,100 businesses Social Media coverage and promotion across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Member-Member E-Shot Inclusions for just £99+VAT Exhibition stands at our Meet the Chamber events for £95+VAT

Keep up to speed with our eNewsletter and informative updates on the business community

Training - Upskill your workforce The Chamber offers a wide range of training courses ranging from sales and marketing, strategies to grow your business, credit control and export documentation workshops. Courses are available both in our training room and online. We can also arrange bespoke in-house training on request. For Online Members we offer: FREE Online Training Workshops, hosted by our experienced partners, offering a range of topics (Excluding paid training courses) Discounted fees for paid in-house and online training courses

Join now Our Online Package is available at £100+VAT for businesses that wish to utilise our online benefits. To find out more, email membership@hampshirechamber.co.uk, or alternatively phone us on 01329 242420/01256 338482.

Updated August 2020. New services are added from time to time. Please check our website for details. www.hampshirechamber.co.uk 0 1 32 9 2 42 42 0  |   HA M P S HIR E C H A M BER. CO. UK

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