The 46th Hwa Chong Students’ Council
INVESTITURE 24th May 2019
Guest of Honour
Presidents’ Address
Programme Outline
Standing Committees
Songs and Pledge
The 45th Students’ Council
The 46th Students’ Council
DR LIANG WERN FOOK Language Director Xue Er You Language Centre Dr Liang Wern Fook is a writer, singer-composer and educator in Chinese literature and the Chinese language. As one of the pioneer figures in xinyao, a genre of Mandarin songs that is unique to Singapore, Dr Liang’s name is synonymous with the xinyao movement. He has over 200 songs and two Mandarin musicals to his name. For his contributions to the local music scene, Dr Liang was awarded the Cultural Medallion for Music in 2010. Formerly the President of the 8th Hwa Chong Students’ Council, Dr Liang was an active student leader who contributed much to campus life. One of the songs Dr Liang composed during his time as a college student, 《唱一首华初的歌》 (Chang Yi Shou Hua Chu De Ge), is still used as the closing song for the Chinese Society’s annual drama production, ‘An Evening of Drama’. Upon graduation from college, he pursued Chinese Studies at the National University of Singapore, and topped his cohort in 1988, receiving the gold medal awards from both the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Chinese Studies Department for his academic achievements. Dr Liang continued to further his studies, first attaining a Master of Arts from NUS (1992), and then a Ph.D. in Chinese studies from the Nanyang Technological University (1999). In his literature writing career, Dr Liang has written over 15 publications and won the National Arts Council’s Young Artist Award for Literature in 1992. Dr Liang is now the Language Director of Xue Er You Language Centre. He also does adjunct teaching as an associate professor at NTU’s Chinese Studies Department. Dr Liang continues to pen a few songs a year, which he offers to singers whom he feels are best able to convey the nuances and emotions of his works. Notably, Dr Liang composed an original 4-minute song 《钟声依旧》 (Zhong Sheng Yi Jiu) in celebration of Hwa Chong’s Centennial. Source:
PRESIDENTS’ ADDRESS A very warm welcome to the 46th Hwa Chong Students’ Council Investiture! A year ago, the 45th batch of Hwa Chong student councillors, planted the seeds of evergreen trees into Hwa Chong. These seeds have borne fruit during their council term as they have demonstrated resilience, steadfastness, and grounding in their guiding principles. During their term, they have braved wind and rain with mettle and grit, and fulfilled their responsibilities to the best of their abilities. They have created a space filled with love and hope in Hwa Chong. Their remarkable spirit inspired many to step up and serve the school. The 46th is sincerely grateful for all the time and effort that the 45th have put into supporting and mentoring us. As they pass the baton to us, we promise to uphold their legacy and strive to go beyond it. Today, we witness the investiture of the 46th batch of Hwa Chong student councillors. The theme for this year’s investiture is “Soar”. This is encapsulated by the phoenix in our investiture logo. The phoenix’s feathers are ablaze as it rises. This serves as a reminder for the Council, of the importance of the student body in our mission — we must not only be fueled by and reflect the passions of the students, but also fervently strive to keep the Hwa Chong spirit burning strong. We aspire towards connecting with different generations of Hwa Chong students, while leaving a legacy reflective of our generation. By working in tandem with the student body, we aim to create a warm environment for everyone. As we work towards creating a home-like space together, we hope to understand the hopes and concerns of the student body, and work towards addressing them. Every member of the Hwa Chong family should and will feel a sense of belonging and pride. The tagline for our theme, “Rise together, soar as one!”, reflects our desire to forge deep connections with the students and the school. The 46th promises to serve the school with pride and honour, enabling the student population to soar, together as one Hwa Chong!
SOAR “Rise together, soar as one!” Like birds soaring through the skies, “Soar” represents our vision as the 46th Hwa Chong Students’ Council – to push ourselves beyond our boundaries and for all Hwa Chong students to collectively maximise our potential, to soar as one and discover the uncharted together. This year, our investiture logo features a phoenix. The phoenix is set ablaze and as its wings unfold, it defies gravity and rises from the ashes. This draws parallel to the Council’s hopes for all Hwa Chong students; to continuously seek to realise our full potential, learn from our setbacks and defy the odds set against us with courage and tenacity, rising again and again like the fiery bird. Set on an upwards trajectory, the phoenix also reflects the Council’s desire to break our boundaries and contribute to the best of our abilities through preserving traditions while injecting innovation and enthusiasm. By doing so, we strive to stay connected with different generations of Hwa Chong students, while leaving a legacy reflective of our generation. The wings of the phoenix are made up of many feathers, and each feather represents the passion in every Hwa Chong student’s heart to burn bright and let our Hwa Chong spirit ignite. As the phoenix spreads its wings, it brings warmth and light to those around it, representing our hope to improve the welfare of the school population, for everyone to feel at home in Hwa Chong as we work to do our best to improve the students’ lives. The 46th Students’ Council hopes to be with the student body on this flight. The upcoming Council term marks the start of a new century for Hwa Chong. Together, we will build shared memories to kindle the Hwa Chong spirit, find a sense of belonging and the gratitude to give back to our school. With our collective effort, we shall bring our school to greater heights and let Hwa Chong Soar!
翱翔 i
【共同进步,展翅高飞】 第46届学生理事会就职仪式的主题“翱翔”,充分体现了我 们的愿景 —— 挑战自我,超越自我,协助同学激发潜能, 共同进步,犹如鸟儿般展翅高飞,翱翔天宇。 就职仪式以凤凰为标志,凤凰浴火重生,象征学生理事会 将秉承自强不息的校训、发扬百折不挠的精神,与学生群 体一起成长,让学校的前景更美好。凤凰也代表学生理事 会将继往开来,与时并进,开拓创新,精益求精。 凤凰的双翼是由无数的羽毛组成,羽毛寓意华中儿女的满 腔热情和爱校情怀。当凤凰振翼时,会给周围带来温暖,这 象征学生理事们将竭尽所能打造温馨校园,为同学带来多 姿多彩的校园生活体验。 第46届学生理事会在接下来的任期里,将尽心尽力地服务 全体师生,让我们一起翱翔云霄、腾飞万里!
PROGRAMME OUTLINE Programme Students and Guests to be seated Arrival of the Guest-of-Honour, Dr Liang Wern Fook Address by Outgoing President and Vice-President of the 45th Students’ Council, Mr Teo Ming Chong, Ryan and Miss Quah Hui Ting, Lynette Speech by the Guest-of-Honour Presentation of Certificates to 45th Students’ Council and Model Councillor of the Year Award Presentation of Token of Appreciation to Guest-of-Honour Video Montage and Performances by the 45th Students’ Council Grand Entrance by the 46th Students’ Council Introduction of 46th Students’ Council Standing Committees and Presentation of Badges Baton Passing Ceremony Address by the Incoming President and Vice-President of the 46th Students Council, Master Yeo Choon Wee, Miss Liu Jiahui Students’ Council Song and Pledge 46th Students’ Council Performance End of Ceremony
STANDING COMMITTEES WELFARE COMMITTEE A closely-knit team, the 46th Welfare Committee (WelCo)’s primary objective is to serve the school with sincerity and dedication. Adopting an objective stand, the 46th WelCo serves as a bridge of communication between the school administration and student population by listening to students, voicing their desires to the school, and then explaining the school’s stand and rationale. Through this link, the Welfare Committee hopes to establish common ground, achieving transparency between all three parties. In essence, the committee strives to create a more conducive environment, to make the Hwa Chong experience more comfortable and memorable for the Hwa Chong family. Because in WelCo, “Your Welfare is our Affair”.
PUBLICATIONS AND PUBLICITY COMMITTEE The Publications and Publicity Committee (PubCo) strives to be the medium to facilitate communication and transparency between the student body and the Students’ Council. The committee manages various platforms that stretch the creative and innovative boundaries of each committee member. These are inclusive of HCUnite, the council notice board, the council’s Instagram page and Hwa Chong’s own in-house publication and MOCH (Hwa Chong’s Own Magazine). In this way, the 46th PubCo supports the council and its initiatives, hence reinforcing the council’s primary goal – to serve the student body.
STANDING COMMITTEES SOCIAL AND RELATIONS COMMITTEE The 46th Social and Relations Committee (SnR) seeks to connect and build strong bonds between the Council and the Student Body, as well as between each and every member of Hwa Chong by uniting and promoting cohesiveness amongst the four faculties (Apollo, Ares, Artemis and Athena). The faculties may work independently to promote individual faculty pride but they function interdependently, striving towards a common goal of 4 faculties, 1 Hwa Chong (4Facs1Hwach). The 46th SnR hopes to inculcate a strong sense of belonging amongst the student body, to the school community, with its vibrancy and dedication. Together, making a bold statement of our pride for the school that we love.
CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE The Co-Curricular Activities Committee (ECACO) exists to inculcate a sense of belonging and construct an undeniable Hwa Chong identity. By fervently supporting our Co-Curricular Activities groups, promoting Hwa Chong tradition through song, dance and cheer, SODACHE, and being some of the most energetic Hwa Chongians, the 46th ECACO will never fail to ďŹ ll our school-wide events with boundless Hwa Chong spirit. The 46th ECACO hopes that the Hwa Chong spirit will continue to burn in the hearts of the students and promise to do their very best to serve both the school and students.
SONGS AND PLEDGE SCHOOL SONG As part of our glorious land, sharing her spreading fame, Hwa Chong will firmly stand, always to maintain her name. Multi-racial we study together, for knowledge we wish to attain. Many races we shall gather, each day to achieve its aim. We shall strive with verve, for health in body and mind. We'll learn to lead and yet to serve in character ruggedly fine. May Hwa Chong shine forever, her name big and strong, One and all, let's stand by her, that she may live on and on.
COUNCIL PLEDGE We, the Students’ Council, do firmly pledge to carry out our responsibilities to the best of our ability, for the interest of the school and the welfare of the students.
Chinese Lyrics
English Translation
可爱的黄城我温暖的家 我们共同创造理想的天地 不管遇到多少狂风巨浪 都要挺起胸膛前进
My lovely school, A home filled with warmth Where we build our dreams and aspirations Regardless of the tough times we may face We will brace ourselves and push on
发挥着奋斗不休的精神 勇敢地去接受挑战 团结在一起我们行同一致 为学院学生谋福利
With perseverance and fighting spirit We will bravely take up the challenge To unite together and work as one For the interest of the school and the welfare of the students
SONGS AND PLEDGE INVESTITURE SONG 《 “织” 心 相 “缝” 》 我们的心 从不曾彷徨 手牵手 一起追寻梦想 为未来 为了爱 为了我们的华初 真心诚意付出 这片用汗水灌溉出的黄城土 萍水相逢一起交织的彩色图 我和你 肩并肩 勇敢地向前 永远义无反顾 肩负着四十五年辉煌 心连心让新旅程起 航 为未来 为了爱 为了我们的华初 真心诚意付出 这片用汗水灌溉出的黄城土 萍水相逢一起交织的的彩色图 我和你 肩并肩 勇敢地向前 永远义无反顾 这片用汗水灌溉出的黄城土 萍水相逢一起交织的彩色图 到最后 再回顾 旅程留下的足迹 谢谢你陪我编织最美的回忆
45 STUDENTS’ COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Non-Standing Executive Committee Teo Ming Chong, Ryan Quah Hui Ting, Lynette Li Anqi Chen Meng Yee Yeo Meng Han
President Vice-President General Secretary General Secretary General Treasurer
Standing Committee Chairpersons Goh Yu En Justin Rong HengYang Lee Wynne Yu Lim Huile
Co-Curricular Activities Committee Publications and Publicity Committee Social and Relations Committee Welfare Committee
STANDING COMMITTEES Publications and Publicity Committee (PubCo) Committee Chairperson Secretary-Treasurer Art Director Art Director Art Director Social Media Director Social Media Director Web Director Web Director Multimedia Director Multimedia Director Multimedia Director Editorial Director Editorial Director MOCH Coordinator MOCH Coordinator
Justin Rong HengYang Alexis Sudrajat Ariel Lim Wenmin Megan Chua Yih Wen Ng Shi Qing, Elizabeth Natalie Tammy Lee Wenxi Thiam Jingting Lim Ding Han Loh Jian Rong Ler Rynn Ren Guanpeng Tan Jie Hao Poon Li Yi Sheryl Randall Ho Yi Kit Sophie Chua Yih Shien Tanya Ragupathi
Co-Curricular Activities Committee (ECACO) Committee Chairperson Secretary-Treasurer Song I/C Song I/C Dance I/C Dance I/C Cheer I/C Cheer I/C CCA Public Relations Officer CCA Public Relations Officer
Goh Yu En Bowen Low Ling Yin Tan Er Faye, Sammi Koh Nya Kee, Joanne Michael Wang Si Zhe John Chiang Lee Xin Ying, Rachel Ellione Chow Kar Wei Sarah Goh Shuxin
Social and Relations Committee (SnR) Committee Chairperson Secretary-Treasurer Apollo Faculty Head Apollo Deputy Faculty Head Ares Faculty Head Ares Deputy Faculty Head Artemis Faculty Head Artemis Deputy Faculty Head Athena Faculty Head Athena Deputy Faculty Head
Lee Wynne Yu Lok Kok Bin Gavin Goh Jun Chong Aw Wei Shan Yan Weidong Ng Jing Ying Tan Wanting Megan Jerome Chan Yung Kang Teo Zhi Hao Ang Kai En
Welfare Committee (WelCo) Committee Chairperson Secretary-Treasurer School Services I/C School Services I/C School Services I/C Welfare Services I/C Welfare Services I/C Sales Executive Sales Executive
Lim Huile Thomas Tam Jia Jun Faith Tham Kah Mun Foo Chuan Guan Matthew Ryan Teo Lee Gene Ee Per Yu Heng, Erwin Shi Steven Sophie Ng Bei En
46 STUDENTS’ COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Non-Standing Executive Committee President Vice-President General Secretary General Secretary General Treasurer
Yeo Choon Wee Liu Jiahui Chua Kay Siong Lee Jit Shen Chia Heang Theng
Standing Committee Chairpersons Co-Curricular Activities Committee Publications and Publicity Committee Social and Relations Committee Welfare Committee
Chua Yi Ren, Constance Marcus Tjew Kai Feng Pang Ren Jie, Adriale Lim Siew Ngan, Faith
STANDING COMMITTEES Publications and Publicity Committee (PubCo) Committee Chairperson Secretary-Treasurer Art Director Art Director Art Director Social Media Director Social Media Director Social Media Director MOCH Coordinator MOCH Coordinator MOCH Coordinator Web Director Web Director
Marcus Tjew Kai Feng Chua Wen Xin Kyrene Lu Kia Cheng Narelle Hor Yan Yee Neo Yi Teng Darren Sung Jun De Raelee Toh Hsuan Hui Tay Yu Loong Derek Lee Zonglin, Tristan Ong Zong Jun Teo An Rae Alethea Ong Linhui Yong Guan Jie
Co-Curricular Activities Committee (ECACO) Committee Chairperson Secretary-Treasurer Song I/C Song I/C Dance I/C Dance I/C Cheer I/C Cheer I/C CCA Public Relations Officer CCA Public Relations Officer
Chua Yi Ren, Constance Lynn Cheng Chu Yi Lim Yu Han Ng JingXuan, Laura Chow Zhi Yu, Jogina Tan Jing En Lim Chantel Yan Jing Kang Goh Zhao Xian Keith Isaac Law
Social and Relations Committee (SnR) Committee Chairperson Secretary-Treasurer Apollo Faculty Head Apollo Deputy Faculty Head Ares Faculty Head Ares Deputy Faculty Head Artemis Faculty Head Artemis Deputy Faculty Head Athena Faculty Head Athena Deputy Faculty Head Project Coordinator Project Coordinator
Pang Ren Jie, Adriale Netanya Seah Pei Rou Dillen Tan Xi Jie Chua Yi Dao Tan Wee Yu Tan Theng Yang Ian Agabus Eng Jia Jun Elaine Chung Bryan Tan Wen Qiang Loo Yi Xuan Guo Siyan Wong Jia Qi
Welfare Committee (WelCo) Committee Chairperson Secretary-Treasurer Sales Executive Sales Executive School Services I/C School Services I/C Welfare Services I/C Welfare Services I/C
Lim Siew Ngan, Faith Zhang Zelin Dylan Wong Kang Han Li Aiyu Hmuu Myat Moe Tek Kai Zhen Ng Wei En Yew Li Yan, Karin
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The 46th Students’ Council would like to thank the following people for making the Investiture possible: Our Guest of Honour, Dr. Liang Wern Fook Our Principal, Mr Pang Choon How Our Deputy Principal/Studies and Executive Director, Mr Chan Kwok Leong Our Deputy Principal/Student Development, Dr Lim Hong Seng Melvyn Our Director/Student Development, Mr Lee Kai Sim Our Teacher Advisors, Mr Sim Weiheng, Ms Charlene Teh Kai Ling, Ms Mo Xixi, Ms Nicole Law, Mr Joshua Teo, Mr Li Jiexun Our Senior Consultant/Corporate Services Dr Tan Mei Ling, Tek Kai Zhen and Narelle Hor Yan Yee for helping out in translation Our Parents, for their support and understanding All representatives from the various educational institutions Hwa Chong Studio Ardent Our Emcees, Peralta Kole Benedict Valido and Nasreen Khalid
And everyone who has helped us on our journey here!