Mid Autumn Festival Centennial homecoming Programme Booklet
Chairperson’s MESSaGE Dear Hwa Chongians and distinguished Guests: Welcome to Hwa Chong’s Centennial Mid Autumn Festival (MAF) Celebrations! The yearly MAF celebration has been a long-standing tradition in Hwa Chong, where many batches of Hwa Chong alumni return to celebrate our school’s rich history and culture on this special occasion with their friends, teachers and juniors. Our theme for this year’s MAF is ‘溯’. The word ‘溯’ has two elements, 水 and 月 that are in the word. 水 represents the celebration of HC100 as it is linked to our school value of 饮水思源. 月 represents the celebration of MAF and the reunion with our alumni. We feel strongly for this theme as our vision for this year’s MAF aligns with both meanings that the word ‘溯’ carries. We want to make this MAF a place where all Hwa Chongians can gather to reminisce and reflect on our past 100 years of history. At the same time, we are also ready to overcome impending obstacles to continue this legacy for the next 100 years. We hope you enjoy the exciting night of activities planned for you, from the dazzling decorations put up around the school, to the numerous fantastic performances in the concert and the breath-taking highlight of MAF the Grand Light Up. Have a great time here with us at MAF 2019!
溯 今年是华中百年华诞,我们希望借此机会,召集所有 师生,校友以及大众来宾一同庆祝这世纪以来华中儿女 为华中丰富的历史及文化作出的卓越贡献。除此之外,在 这月圆之夜,我们也希望能在此与最敬爱的家人们庆祝 我们在华中结下特别的緣分。 “溯”,字本意逆水而行,比喻回首往事、探寻渊源。我 们深信“溯”字与我们对今年中秋晚会的憧憬相合。我们 希望今年中秋晚会能作为让华中儿女饮水思源,在月下追 忆华中百年历史的平台。与此同时, 我们也做好准备,披 荆斩棘为华中的下一个百年努力,再续其辉煌。
Warmest regards, Wong Jia Qi Chairperson, Mid Autumn Festival 46th Hwa Chong Students’ Council
中 秋
Programme outline 1800
Commencement of Concert Chinese Orchestra RioHC Acapella MAD Chinese Concert Game I: Pop Quiz:你行不行? Nie Yi Performance Weyoung
Concert game II: Don’t forget the lyrics!
驴肉火烧 Wushu Council Performance Mid Autumn Festival BTS Video Montage 2000
Grand Light Up
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTs The 46th Hwa Chong Students’ Council would like to thank the following people, without whom MAF would not have been possible:
PRINCIPAL Mr. Pang Choon How DEPUTY PRINCIPALS Dr. Melvyn Lim & Mr. Chan Kwok Leong STAFF, ALUMNI & PARENTS SUPPORT GROUP for their kind presence and contributions ESTATE MANAGEMENT & THE SECURITY TEAM for the logistical assistance STUDIO ARDENT for their technical support, invaluable guidance and capturing the best moments of the festival ALL PERFORMERS, EMCEES & STALLHOLDERS for their hard work and contributions And last but not least, everyone who came to celebrate MAF with us and make the night memorable!