HDD Congress

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Positioning: how to position your club in a highly competitive fitness market?

friday 22 nd of november 2013 | NH Koningshof - veldhoven

It’s your choice

Studion, Les Mills, SL!M and LAPT are part of

presenters Stefanie Nohl

Stefanie Nohl (Dipl. BA) is the owner of Stefanie Nohl Consulting and completed her business degree at the University of Applied Sciences in Biberach an der Riss with the focus on marketing, controlling and project development. She worked 5 years as customer bank advisor, decided for the study of business degree and worked nearly 15 years in management. Since 2004, her work includes the coaching of executives, communications training and strategic advice to entrepreneurs. Additional qualifications such as the NLP Master Trainer Practioneer and Insights MDI round out the versatility of Stefanie Nohl.

christophe andanson

Christophe Andanson, former Olympic athlete in wrestling, has been working in the fitness industry for 32 years and opened his first fitness club in 1983. At the moment he is owner of 10 fitness clubs in France. For many years he has been CEO of Les Mills Euromed and he is managing 18 countries, including France. He is CEO of Planet Fitness as well: the leading company in equipment and training in France. For IHRSA he is French President and European board member. Do not miss the seminar of this worldwide fitness specialist!

michol dalcourt

Michol Dalcourt is an internationally recognized industry-leading expert in human movement and performance. He is the founder and director of the Institute of Motion, inventor of the fitness tool “ViPR” and co-founder of PTA Global. As an international lecturer and educator, Michol has authored numerous articles on human design and function, developed a series of performance videos and created an athletic model for high performance training (the RMA model).

jan middelkamp

Jan Middelkamp (1969) graduated from the Academy of Physical Education in Zwolle and earned his Master’s Degree in Sports, Exercise and Health at Utrecht University. Jan introduced Les Mills to the Benelux and Jan was COO of Fitness First The Netherlands. He was COO at HealthCity International as well. From 2009 until now he has been CEO of the HDD Group and launched LAPT Personal Training. Jan is a board member of the European Health and Fitness Association (EHFA) in Brussels and is working on a PhD study on exercise adherence in health clubs at the Radboud University. He published 10 books.

david burrow

David Burrow has been working in the fitness industry for over 25 years and has held various positions at several major fitness chains, from fitness instructor to his current position as manager. The last twelve years, he has occupied various positions in The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and other countries. He launched LAPT at Achmea Health Centers with 75 Personal Trainers. Do not miss this inspiring and interesting speaker!

program Auditorium - NH KONINGSHOF 10.00

10.15 - 11.00


hot trends in the global fitness industry

by christophe andanson

why positioning?

by stefanie nohl

11.15 - 13.00

options to reposition your club

by jan middelkamp

how should you implEment your positioning?

BY david burrow

13.00 - 14.00

LUNCH a comprehensive understanding of member retention in fitness clubs

by jan middelkamp

14.00 - 15.45

retention for the deconditioned market

by david burrow

new training for real results and member retention

by michol dalcourt

15.45 - 16.30


16.15 - 18.00

network drinks & bites


NH Koningshof Locht 117 5504 RM VELDHOVEN Target group: Price: Theme:

T: F. E:

+31 (0)40 253 74 75 +31 (0)40 254 55 15 nhkoningshof@nh-hotels.com

Club managers and club owners € € 49,95 (lunch included and VAT excluded) In the same weekend as the HDD Congress, the Les Mills Megaquarterly and LAPT Mega Convention take place. These amazing fitness events are very interesting for every fitness professional! Please, register for these events by sending an e-mail to Heidi van Krieken via heidi@hddgroup.com. “Choose or lose” – Positioning: how to position your club in a highly competitive fitness market?

Register now by filling in the enclosed registration form.*

*The first 25 registrations receive the book “member retention in fitnessclubs” worth € 47,50 for free!







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