Issue #92, August—September, 2017
HEALING SPRINGS JOURNAL Your Wellness Resour ce since 2002
6 Things to Be Aware of About Sunscreen
Grounding The Great American Eclipse
L o c a l • I n d e p e n d e n t • Tr u s t e d
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Reclaim your ancient wisdom Workshops & private sessions bringing you to your real self
Assimilating the wisdom of animals, the power of music and the intelligence of nature, Katrina guides people to their innate wholeness by reclaiming their ancient soul and integrating it with the modern world. to sign up for email list.
518.332.6581 • Facebook; Katrina Clay; A Tree’s Voice
w w w. k a t r i n a c l ay. c o m Soul Realignment Sessions
In these sessions I review the records of your soul to discover what it is at its origin, then look into blocks that may be impeding you from expressing your divinity and clear said restrictions. We will discuss on a recorded phone call the "ingredients" of your soul and what blocks I cleared. "Words like authentic and REAL get tossed around a lot in spiritual marketing these days, but please know I don’t use them lightly. There is a genuine-ness about Katrina which is a true comfort when navigating numinous work. As someone who has been on a spiritual path for quite awhile, I enjoyed the new layers uncovered in our recent Soul Realignment Session which I found to be both insightful and useful." — Suzanne Wiggington, Arizona
Shamanic Reiki Sessions Give your body the opportunity to speak with a Shamanic Reiki treatment. Our bodies hold emotions and hidden fears, with Katrina as a guide allow those to see and know the light.
Individualized Modern Shamanic Journey
This is done to access your inner wisdom. We already have our answers, a journey is a good way to learn what they are. We can also do a journey to the soul of your pet; alive or deceased. Give me a call or email to discuss further.
Publisher’s Corner The greatest gift you can offer is a healthy, whole you My favorite place to write is anywhere outside. So, now I am on the front porch wondering how to put into words the concept that is circulating through my system. To my left is a tree with red berries that my niece call ‘bird berries’ for good reason. Much to my chagrin, this particular bush is starting to push out the lilacs as it grows. Yet, once the berries are out, I cannot imagine taking the tree down, for chickadee, tufted titmouse, cedar waxwing and especially robins love it. This year, a robin built a nest right in the middle. What seemed like overnight the eggs became fledglings. Today, the babies are out of the nest on branches in their home tree. One grabbed a berry with her beak, staring at it while seemingly considering how to maneuver the food into her mouth without dropping it. Finally, she lifted her head, opened her beak and bam in it went. While this bird had no knowledge of me (that I know of), she showed me that when something seems potentially too big to take in, you will only figure it out by just going for it. While I believe that nature and wildlife are always “teaching” us, I do not think that is their primary purpose. That baby robin is living as a robin, doing what robins are hardwired to do—grow, eat, procreate, scatter seeds, sing and whatever else that I’m unaware of. Yet, because we are in the same place, at the same time, the baby showed me something I needed to see simply by doing her thing. This is either because of the natural synchronicity of life or because we all find our own meaning in what we see. Perhaps a combination of both. Some believe that we all mirror each other. I have written about it myself, mostly in relation to the animals in my life mirroing me. Eventually, it felt like a disservice to said animals by neglecting their free will and individuality. This isn’t the best example but for instance, that bird was not mirroring me, yet it did show a wise teaching needed in that moment. While we affect each other in every interaction, just as chemicals react when mixed, it may be that what we call mirroring is the sight of our own unclaimed traits—for the better and worse—in the other. You could say then, that it is our perception that appears as a reflection. This information is useful in deepening our understanding of ourselves, but it shouldn’t be confused as the actual other person or animal. What if instead of seeing others as mirrors, we choose to see them clearly for who they bring to the moment on our shared journey of life? How does that change the way you see the other, as well as their behavior? Again, we affect each other energetically. Yet, as I see it, we are both individuals AND an integral part of the “One.” Just as my heart, lungs and skin are completely separate entities with different functions, they make up one human being. When each organ is working properly in its own way, the whole unit thrives. To broaden it, the earth is the body and we are all working parts of that organism—individualized and integrations of the whole. Which means that all others are also individual and integrated. Can we see them clearly for that? It seems a human need to be understood. Yet, it’s important to remember that we don’t need to be the same to experience that. I spend more time with animals than people, my dog is snoring next to me now and my afternoons are spent with a horse named Tom. All this time allows me to practice being with and loving others that see life completely differently than me—literally and figuratively. We have the same basic needs of food, shelter, family and friends. Yet, beyond that, every guess I have of what they are thinking and feeling is interpreted through my human filter. I have no grasp what it is like to have smell as my primary sense like my dog does. Nor do I comprehend what it would be like to have almost 360-degree vision as a horse does. I can imagine both, yet again its going through my human filter of understanding. Regardless, I try to observe their behaviors objectively, so as to understand them as they truly are. It has been years of releasing the desire to couple with my animals by trying to be similar; either by asking them to follow my human priorities or by trying to emulate their species. I came to realize that because of the clarity it brings, we are more connected when each is true to their own nature. This has spread to my relationships with humans, in that I am more appreciative of people for being genuinely themselves, whether that is like me or not is irrelevent. This takes a lot of clearing and is always a photo by Deborah Neary work in progress. For me, clearing means staying neutral and free of expectation. Put another way in the words of Don Miguel Ruiz “Don’t take anything personally... Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. All people live in their own dream, in their own mind; they are in a completely different world from the one we live in. When we take something personally, we make the assumption that they know what is in our world, and we try to impose our world on their world.” Perhaps Pema Chodron’s words are also helpful; “The truth you believe and cling to, makes you unavailable to hear anything new.” That includes beliefs about other people, for good and bad. Stay true, my friends, get clear and stay true. Ultimately, that is all I’m saying.
articles 10
The Great American Eclipse by Betsy Peerless
13 What Are You Practicing Right Now
Find us on Facebook
by Wendy Ball
Enjoy the Benefits of the Sun by Sarah LoBisco, ND
Protecting Our Water by Evan Lawrence Grounding by Kate Kellman
18 20 24
BeanTree Designs
Website by Katrina Clay
features 6 Our Community 26 Your Astrological Forecast
Phone (518) 332.6581
by Arlene DeAngelus Calendar
Design & Production
Why do a Modern Shamanic
Katrina Clay
A Talk with Steve Taylor
28 30
Advertising and story deadline for Oct/Nov issue is Sept. 10
The Healing Springs Journal is an independent publication committed to printing articles regarding the wellness of body, mind, spirit, and environment. It is a free publication supported by its advertisers. These advertisers must be judged on their individual merits, The Healing Springs Journal is not responsible for their claims, conditions, products, or services. Our articles reflect the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of our publisher. We do not claim to diagnose illness, but offer an open forum on complimentary & alternative therapies. Serious ailments should be checked out by a physician as well as by the healers you feel compelled to learn more about. We reserve the right to refuse advertising and are not liable for any errors within the ads themselves.
Augustâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;September, 2017 I Healing Springs
Community Bach Flower Education (BIEP) comes to Saratoga Springs, September 23-24, 2017 You have seen them on the Health Food store shelves for decades: Bach Flower Remedies. The thirty-eight individual remedies and the best selling stress relieving blend Rescue Remedy are used in 66 countries, for over 80, years to balance emotional fluctuations, reduce stress and support optimal well being. Everyone can learn how to use this simple system of healing in a “Level One” weekend workshop September 23-24 with Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, Nini Gridley, MS Ed., BFRP, in Saratoga Spa State Park. Explore the philosophy, indications
and methods for using Bach Flower remedies in this informative, interactive and fun international training that leads to a certificate entitling students to use the remedies for themselves or their family members. This is the first of three levels of training required to become a practitioner qualified to work with clients. A portion of the $325 tuition goes to support Coesa a non-profit educational organization dedicated to renovating Roosevelt ll, renewing health and healing in Spa Park. Contact Nini Gridley for more information at 518-573-0571 or to register go to
A New Church In Oneonta Do the words of Wayne Dyer, David Hawkins, or Thich Nhat Hahn inspire you? Then this new church and spiritual center may interest you. Rev. Diana Friedell—popular Oneonta area medium for more than 15 years—had a dream to start a center for the spiritually-minded folks in central New York. Together with her sister, Rev. Sue Landon—former Director and Pastor of the Institute for Spiritual Development in Washington, D.C.—the church/center is now open. Sunday services are held the first and third Sundays of the month at 10 am. The Institute for Spiritual Development is a national organization, and Oneonta is the fourth church/center established. In early June, the Institute hosted nationally-known psychic and founder
Magic Moon
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Psychic Readings on Saturdays!
Life is confusing, so come in and get some clarity with a Tarot and Numerology reading from Joan Scannell. Rates are $20 for 15 minutes and $40 for a half hour. Visit: for more information about Joan. Readings are also available in the store on Thursday—Sunday with other readers. *call store to schedule
Bring in this ad and receive 1 0 % o f f full-price merchandise. 6
Healing Springs I August—September, 2017
of the Institute Rev. James De Biasio at a grand opening celebration. Rev. De Biasio's message at the service detailed the purpose of having the organization be a church as opposed to a social gathering group. The presence of Divine energy that can be felt and used is a key purpose to the group's existence, as a way to honor and experience the presence of the Divine. The church is currently housed in the basement of a medical building on Dietz St. in Oneonta, a space made lovely by the efforts of the group with comfortable chairs and beautiful artwork on the walls. Treatment rooms and community use spaces are being set up, and the large central area is used as a sanctuary. “Future dreams,” says Director Rev. Diana Friedell, “include a large and lovely building of our own in a sanctuary space in the woods with meditation gardens, a labyrinth, and lots of community space for services, teaching, and healing.” Classes are also being held, and some that have been quite popular include EFT or Tapping, Money and the Law of Attraction, Hocus Pocus, Intuition for Life Guidance, and Advanced Psychic Development. There is a “Spirit Message Circle” every other month, and a Spirit Fair is planned. The Sunday service, however, is the heart of the Institute. Music, messages, healing, and prayer are combined into a beautiful, inspiring, and uplifting Sunday morning for all. The Institute website is This open, accepting, and encouraging community invites all who wish to explore the nature of their spirituality in an all-inclusive and joyful community of friends. Address: 41-45 Dietz St. Oneonta, NY, 13820. Phone: 607-386-0849.
New Owner Wanted
Find Balance with Bach Flowers! / 518-573-0571
A NEW CHURCH AND CENTER IN TOWN! INSTITUTE FOR SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT N E W! in Oneonta, a church and learning center for Spiritual growth! An all-inclusive Divinely-guided group who are interested in exploring and growing together. Healing and messages from spirit are a part of the Sunday service!
UPCOMING EVENTS: Church Services: 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month, 10 am Healing Circle: 4th Thursdays, 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm “Spirit Fest” Sat., August 26, readings are just $20 “Fundamentals of Meditation” Thurs, Aug 31 & Sept 7, 6-8 pm Please join us! WANTED: New owner to keep the lights on at an established, beloved & successful holistic wellness business in downtown Schenectady. Wonderful potential for growth includes a certified processing kitchen with community desire for grab-n-go healthy take home meals. Serious inquiries only please. Details available in person by appointment. Contact Lis at 518 357-8366.
Looking At The Total Solar Eclipse What makes the Eclipse of August 21st so important to you and the USA? It has been 99 years since the USA has experienced a Total Solar Eclipse that spans the nation from “sea to sea.” The Total Solar Eclipse of June 8, 1918 crossed the United States in reverse from Florida to Washington State. The Solar Eclipse of
The Institute for Spiritual Development The Lotus Center 41-45 Dietz St. Suite 1 Oneonta, NY 13820
607-386-0849 • August—September, 2017 I Healing Springs
$150 for Reiki I and II 9/9&10, 10/28 &29, 12/2&3, deposit pls email:
Still Point is an interfaith retreat center located just minutes from downtown Saratoga. We offer space for reflection and personal time as well as programs for healing and enriching one’s spirit, mind and body. Mailing address: 20 Still Point Road, Mechanicville, NY 12118 Telephone: 518-587-4967 email: web: Take 24 hours from your busy schedule. Enjoy the stillness and power of nature on our partially wooded land. Re-connect to your deep self.
Pray! Be silent! Be! “The quieter you become, the more you hear.”
this month crosses the USA from Oregon to South Carolina. It is the first Total Solar Eclipse to be visible only in the U.S. since the nation was founded in 1776. Astrologically, a Solar Eclipse has a remarkable way of indicating the trends that will affect one’s personal affairs. This influence lasts for a period of one year or more. Find out where these trends will occur in your life. We will also discuss how this Solar Eclipse might affect the USA and President Trump. Event is being held Sunday, August 20 by Arlene DeAngelus and Assisted by Kathi Rickard at “AMONG ANGELS” Metaphysical Center, Watkins Plazain Halfmoon, NY. (518) 357-8196 from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. For Astrologers and Non-Astrologers. The Fee for this Workshop is $50 and will be payable at Among Angels. Pre-Registration Information is required before August 12th in order to prepare your Personal Solar Eclipse Chart and Workshop Handout. Coffee, Tea, Water and Pastries will be available. If you plan to attend this workshop, please Call or Email Arlene at 518-371-8097 or with the following information; Name, Phone No., Birth Date, Accurate Birth Time, Birth Place.
YwO G A ith Jen Wednesdays ¥ 5-6:15pm @ Minerva Fire House (1495 Route 28N, Minerva)
Thursdays ¥ 6-7:15pm @ Dynamite Hill (Route 8 Chestertown)
Hatha yoga, open to everyone.
You choose what to pay, weekly or monthly. 25% of the total collected will be donated to a different cause each month.
Contact Jennifer Monroe for more information at 956-2818 or just drop in.
Healing Springs I August—September, 2017
"The Alchemy of Reiki" Nourish Your Spirit presents "The Alchemy of Reiki" classes over the course of several months. See ad for dates and pricing. Combining Reiki with other modalities allows you as a practitioner to compose your formula for success! You will receive the new book along with other materials that will be helpful on this new journey. Taught by several Reiki Masters with plenty of "hands on " experience for you. Meet like minded new friends and have fun in this exciting new take on Reiki. Deposit required as space is limited. Bring an open mind and your loving intention to be of service . Reiki can be used on everything! You will leave knowing a full treatment and be Certified at the second level. Thereafter it's up to you if you wish to proceed to Master status. We look forward to sharing our successful formula for Reiki with you! for more information.
Modern Women in Transition Get Opportunity to “Queen Up”
Healing Touch & Shamanic Guided Sessions & Classes in Schuylerville-Cambridge area
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Integrative Physical Therapy: all this & accepts most insurances! 518-373-0735
w w w. I n s p i r e d T h e r a p y. c o m
Ideal for women in transition, whose lives have taken unexpected turns, and who find themselves wondering “who am I now that the old rule book is irrelevant?” will benefit from this 6 week class beginning in September. This class is based on the Inner Queen system, created by Angela Kaufman as part of her journey of recovery after a life changing accident. Participants will learn a new system for working with the energy of the Higher Self both for intuitive development, personal growth and manifestation. This system teaches modern women the basics of creating personal alchemy by recognizing and working intimately with the power of the four core elements, personified as the four Queens from the Tarot. Unlike other empowerment programs, Inner Queen teaches women not only to visualize or verbalize from a place of inner strength, but actually teaches women to embody the energies of strengths they did not know they had. Also, by emphasizing trust in your Higher Self, women become empowered through the wisdom of their own guidance, rather than relying on the opinions or expectations of others. By participating in this class, women will gain the support and sisterhood of like minded women, while exploring the power of the four elements within. By recognizing and learning to work with these four energies, participants will learn to awaken intuition, tap creativity, gain confidence, and align for love and abundance.
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No experience is necessary. Several preliminary Inner Queen Workshops will also be held as introductions to this system, including a Discover Your Inner Queen workshop at Halfmoon Massage on Tuesday August 15th. The workshop is not required to attend the class. Class begins September 12th and runs through October 17th, 6-8pm at Halfmoon Massage 1407 Rt 9 Halfmoon NY. For details visit Cost is $250 per person, space is limited. To contact Angela directly August—September, 2017 I Healing Springs
“THE GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSE” SPOTLIGHT ON THE PATH OF TOTALITY AND WHAT’S IN STORE by Betsy Peerless or the Solar Eclipse of August 21st 2017 the world’s focus will be on USA as the path of totality sweeps across the entire continent of N. America. Even though it is a relatively short eclipse (2 min 40 secs) it’s estimated that perhaps 100 million people will be viewing it, which could make this one of the most observed eclipses of all time. The US is the only country that receives the umbra’s path- for eclipse member 22 of Saros series 145. All of these factors is what makes this solar eclipse so remarkable.
As the “Great American Eclipse” tracks across the country it will cast at least a partial shadow over almost the entire country- 95% of USA. Astrologically and energetically this holds great potential for transformation, for the land, the people, and its leadership. It literally divides the nation in half and this is of great interest and concern considering the current socio- political climate. The last total solar eclipse that touched the United States was 37 years ago on February 26, 1979. Its path went across only a few states in the northwest, while the last total solar eclipse to sweep across the entire mainland of the United States was on June 8, 1918. It’s path tracked from Washington to Florida. For tracking and fore-
casting purposes the April 8th, 2024 total solar eclipse must also be taken into account, as the intersection point of both paths of totality takes place in the heartland of America where August 21st peaks. Here at the Intuitive Matrix, co-authored by myself and Hillary Raimo, we track and record events on the ground as astronomical events and astrological energies culminate in the sky in order to observe and discern any correlations. In the 2 + years we have documented the lunar cycles, the eclipses and other planetary or star activity much has unfolded here on the ground, showing a great amount of fluidity and synchronicity with the synergy of heavenly bodies to this Earth along with the effects felt in the complex human psyche, the collective conscious and within the communities and authorities of our social structures. For this article I’ve chosen to highlight places in the path that have historically made a great impact on the nation of America, monuments, as well as geological features such as waterways and tectonic plates which are all susceptible to movementexpansion and contraction- and have the power to greatly alter our human activity as well as our livelihoods. All the locales listed below will be of great interest during August/September eclipse season and for the next 2 and 3/4 years; then America’s heartland once again in 2024.
Healing Springs Journal
Call Katrina 518.332.6581 or email
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Healing Springs I August—September, 2017
“Solitude does not necessarily mean living apart from others; rather, it means never living apart from one's self. —Parker Palmer
Summary of the eclipse spotlight: Juan de Fuca Plate, Pacific N American coastline: seismic activity watchOregon State: wildfire watch Casper WY: historical leadership in energy industry – timeline of exploitation of Earth’s natural resources Teton National Park & Teton Fault WY: oil and gas development and the National Park service 9b rule. Seismic activity watch Missouri River: flood watch and connection to DAPL and Standing Rock Protest Kansas city MO: timeline of military activity, Civil War and independence Independence & Adam-ondi-Ahman MO: LDS church sacred sites and the prophesy of ‘the second coming’. St. Louis & Gateway Arch, MO: accessible monument dedicated to the American people and the timeline of USA’s westward expansion Mississippi River: flood watch. Connection to DAPL and Standing Rock protest. Cahokia Mounds IL: timeline of an advanced ancient civilization Carbondale, IL: epicenter of the eclipse, historic regional hub of
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transportation, agriculture and education, and timeline to Civil War Shawnee National Forest and the ‘Trail of Tears’ IL: a timeline of expulsion, suffering and death for the Cherokee nation. Government claimed ownership over profitable territories New Madrid Fault: seismic activity watch. This is the intersection point for total solar eclipses 2017 and 2024. Will “X” mark the spot? Georgia Guidestones GA: controversial monument declaring 10 guidelines for ‘The Age of Reason.” A timeline of a New World Order Summerville & Charleston SC: seismic activity watch Fort Sumter, Charleston SC: timeline to the commencement of America’s Civil War My intention for this article was not to create a doomsday prophecy – I wish it to simply act as a record to refer back to in the next couple of years, as the effects of this eclipse unfold and peak. It may however prepare us for what could be in store as certain themes come to light through the tracking of the umbras passage physically, astronomically and astrologically. Most notable is the line created by the path of totality which divides the country and nation in 2 halves and how this echoes the division of America during The Civil War with the Northern and Southern Territories governed by the Union and the Confederates. Earth catastrophes could happen at any time, yet when they coincide with eclipses they are especially devastating. Flooding, wildfires, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can have the most devastating, far reaching effects, not only carrying a death toll but August—September, 2017 I Healing Springs
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Unwind... let healing begin.
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also affecting the safety of our natural and urbanized environments- our agriculture, economy, and the resources that make our human civilization possible. It is important to explore all possibilities within any correlations made with the above and the below without eliciting so much fear that it generates a panic. The very best that anyone can do to prepare for this Earth changing event is to meditate, pray and generate positive energy for the planet and for the collective as well as all of Earth residents. We can do this individually or in groups. Our ancestors I’m certain worked towards this end, assisting in a spiritual capacity for creating a softening affect for any incoming blows, while allowing the transformational energies to go to work energetically. So I invite you all to participate in this eclipse to whatever capacity moves you. Our ancestors gathered, made processions, danced, prayed, and performed rituals during powerful celestial alignments such as this. From your location during this solar eclipse visualize the umbra’s passage over the thousands of miles of land mass and the millions of inhabitants. Use your spiritual awareness and psychic tools to raise the energetic vibration for Earth and all her residents. Past timelines connected to wars concerning territory and human rights, an ancient civilization, migration routes especially Oregon trail; the exploitation of Earth’s natural resources, expansion of a new civilization, as well as devastation in seismic zonesall these past timelines could be activated by the energetic spotlight of this eclipse. I say this as an energy worker, not just as an astrologer and as an intuitive who has experience with healing past timelines out on the land. The Nodes of the Moon in astrology are interpreted as karmic signatures and so the perfect eclipse alignment activates karmic past and future through the polarity of its axis. Celestial alignments above translates to energetic activity here on Earth and in any polarity there is magnetic attraction… There is no advantage then to running and hiding in fear, or in dread of the unknown. What will be will be, and to that end we will adapt and thrive again if per chance any adversity must come to pass in this upcoming eclipse season and onward. Since this solar eclipse is positioned close to the North Node rather than the malefic South, and taking into account other planetary aspects of this eclipse, mundane astrologers would interpret that if anything unfavorable comes to pass for America and its leadership then it should wield beneficial karmic effects in the long run. Betsy Peerless creates a dynamic and multifaceted life as an artist, healer, intuitive, teacher and astrologer. Website: Betsy is available for personal Astrology readings.
Healing Springs Journal 12
Healing Springs I August—September, 2017
Wendy Ball M.Ed. Shamanic Healing, Hakomi Coaching, Mentoring
NATURAL FOODS Fruits • Nuts • Grains Gluten Free • Vitamins • Herbs Health & Beauty Products Frozen & Refrigerated Foods
What Are You
4 E. Washington St. Glens Falls, NY 518-798-4047
ness. It is the absolutely best way to become aware of what we are unconsciously practicing. Here are a couple of ways you can support yourself to become mindful of what you are practicing in the moment:
Practicing 1
Resolve to notice when you are in the grips of a destructive habit or behavior and ask yourself: “What am I practicing right now?” Follow that with asking “What do I want to be practicing right now?”
Right Now? 2
Download an app like, e.g. “Mindfulness Bell” that will activate a random chime. When the chime goes off ask yourself: “What am I practicing right now?” Follow that with asking “What do I want to be practicing right now?”
by Wendy Ball ou may have heard this question before. It’s a question used to prompt mindfulness - a kind of zen stick. And it works. It really helps stimulate awareness of mental and behavioral habits.
We are used to thinking of practice as in: developing a spiritual practice, developing a health practice, developing skill in a chosen area. “Practice practice practice,” our parents, teachers and coaches told us. “Practice makes perfect.” But it may be new to realize that in every moment we are practicing something. When we put off doing something we need to do because we are anxious about it we are practicing avoidance. Our brain learns that avoiding makes anxiety go away in the moment and the more we do it the better we get at it. There are many ways we learn to avoid anxiety. We practice emotional eating to avoid anxiety. We practice keeping ourselves busy to avoid anxiety. We practice shopping, or surfing the net, or indulging in any number of distractions in order to avoid anxiety. Now, let's go back to conscious practice. It is a wonderful thing that increasing numbers of people are now practicing mindful-
Most of us like to think of practice as associated with all things good, e.g. I practice healthy eating, I practice my instrument an hour a day, I practice positive thinking. It may be a bit of a jolt to consider that from the brain’s point of view it is all about practice. Everything counts, every thought, every impulse we respond to, every action. By the same token, every instance of conscious choice to do something different, or something aligned with positive intent is significant. It literally physically grows new grey matter, new neural connections. One repetition after another it grows new positive habits. This is how change happens - practice. Mind what you practice. Wendy Ball, M.Ed., offers shamanic energy healing, Hakomi, coaching and mentoring. She works face/face at her Albany office and by phone or Skype. Check out her website: Email her for more information at or phone her: 518-813-8524.
“Most of us like to think of practice as associated with all things good, e.g. I practice healthy eating, I practice my instrument an hour a day, I practice positive thinking. It may be a bit of a jolt to consider that from the brain’s point of view it is all about practice. Everything counts, every thought, every impulse we respond to, every action....” August—September, 2017 I Healing Springs
Enjoy the Benefits of the Sun… Without Slathering on Harmful Chemicals: 6 Things to Be Aware of About Sunscreen by Sarah LoBisco, ND (Recompiled by author and originally posted at
esides a break from the snow, ice, and rainstorms, New Yorkers have many reasons to smile about the summer sun. Beyond the benefits we receive by exposing our skin to some extra Vitamin D, *just by greeting Mr. Sun, we can expect a positive effect in many areas of our health. These include improvements in: our mood, skin appearance, circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle), melatonin production, support for our immune system, and more! Furthermore, whether we decide to take a stroll, or move our bodies more vigorously under the warm embrace of sunshine, we may gain an additional boost to our emotions, a happier perspective, and more enjoyment from our motion. Although many are excited about the benefits of being in the sun, there is also awareness that “too much of a good thing” could be damaging to the skin and cellular health. In fact, wellness oriented individuals are hesitant to slather on sunscreen with questionable “safe” chemicals of protection, yet don’t want to say no to the ocean waves! No one should have to choose between poisoning their body with chemicals and/or a sunburn?! Therefore, it’s important to be educated about your choices. Below are some things to be aware of when choosing a safe sunscreen.
for UVA protection (Wang 2017). The remaining five didn’t provide enough UVA shielding to be sold in Europe. SPF and Vitamin D Blockage The higher the SPF you go with, the more health-promoting vitamin D you block, according to Medical News Today. The Sun May Protect AGAINST Skin Cancer Death New research shows some sun exposure can actually decrease the risk of dying from melanoma, even if one gets skin cancer. In fact, hermits tend to have more risk of death than sun-exposed outdoor travelers. So, the dose is the poison. A little sun exposure on naked skin is good! The Chemicals in Most Sunscreen are Harmful to Us Common sunscreen contains chemicals that are linked to hormone disruption, allergies, inhalant irritation, and more negative impacts on health. The higher SPFs contain more “blocking agents,” so ask yourself if it makes sense to slather on poisons at higher dosages to get “more protection (see above)?” These Same Chemicals are Harmful to the Earth These toxic chemicals in sunscreen are hurting the earth and the sea as well. I prefer to enjoy the outdoors knowing that I’m not causing more harm to its beauty!
The Meaning of SPF—It’s a Bit Deceptive SPF stands for “Sun Protection Factor.” There are two types of ultraviolet electromagnetic radiation that are addressed with SPF. Initially, SPF was a measurement based on how much the product blocked short wave UVB. Now, “broad spectrum” sunscreen can indicate there is long wave UVA protection as well. But, it’s not well regulated.
Nanoparticles are Bad News According to Dr. Mercola, whose article I cross-referenced: Spray-on sunscreens13 pose an additional hazard by releasing toxic particles into the air. The FDA has previously expressed concern that inhaling these products may be risky, especially to children, and has warned parents to avoid spray-on sunscreens.14,15
According to Medical News Today, the whole concept of SPF is theoretical! No matter what the SPF, you still have to apply it every 2 hours! The EWG states in their article “What’s Wrong with High SPF” the following: A sunscreen lotion’s SPF rating has little to do with the product’s ability to shield the skin from UVA rays. As a result of the FDA’s restrictions on ingredients and concentrations, U.S. sunscreens offer far less protection against UVA than UVB rays, and this is worst for those products with the highest SPF values. Because UVA and UVB protection do not harmonize, high-SPF products suppress sunburn much more effectively than other types of sun damage. Five leading sunscreen scientists recently tested 20 U.S. sunscreens for UVA and UVB protection, and found that only two of the seven sunscreens with SPF values of 50+ and greater would pass the European test 14 Healing Springs I August—September, 2017
The two agents of greatest concern are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, as these are the two most often used in spray-on sunscreen products. These two minerals are the safest topical sunscreen agents around, but inhaling them is a whole different story. Most studies to date have shown that zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are safe and unlikely to penetrate your skin when applied topically, as long as they are not nanosized. But when these minerals are inhaled, they have been shown to irritate lung tissues and potentially lead to serious health problems,16 and the finer the particles, the worse their effects appear to be. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified titanium dioxide as a "possible carcinogen" when inhaled in high doses.17
Support In A Storm
Marie Marhan Dropkin, Certified Divorce Coach (518) 423-2525
What’s a Health-Nut Sun-Lover to Do? Let’s face it, there are days you will be at the beach and it is wise to take precautions from an overdose of rays, as the fact is, you can still fry! The good news is that you can find a safe sunscreen online either by cross-referencing the ingredients on the EWG SkinDeep Database here or looking at their scorecard. The ingredients score within the lowest concern for safety issues, from a 12 out of 10 are best. My Top Pick I have recently been introduced to a new mineral-infused sunscreen that is non-toxic and contains my beloved essential oils! Oils keep our cells and body healthy. It has an SPF of 10%, which means 90% protection of UVB and minimizing harmful chemicals that contribute to skin damage and toxic effects on the body. It also contains essential oils! Another ingredient I like in this sunscreen is buriti, which has some wonderful skin enhancing benefits and is used in organic skincare lines. To get more information or to purchase the sunscreen I use and recommend to my clients, please visit my website at the full article link below. Refences on the following topics are within links of these URLs: For the full article with links to references, please visit: Dr. Sarah LoBisco, ND, is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM). She is licensed naturopathic doctor, a certified functional medicine practitioner, and holds a Bachelor of Psychology from State University of New York at Geneseo. Dr. LoBisco incorporates her training in holistic medical practices and conventional medicine through writing, researching, wellness consultations regarding supplements, nutraceuticals, essential oils and medical foods. Her new book on how to be an empowered patient and rebalance and reclaim your health, BreakFree Medicine, is available now through all online bookstores.
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PROTECTING OUR WATER YOUR CLEANING PRODUCTS MATTER by Evan Lawrence ome people believe that everyone should use non-toxic, green cleaners. Others say that’s not important, that the impact of cleaning products is so tiny that we may as well ignore it. Can the cleaners we use in our homes really make a difference?
S Spirit Connection Lab Tue 8/8 with Angela Kaufman 6-8 pm $35
Yoga For Runners Sat 8/12 with Erica Nirsberger 1:30-3 pm $35
Heal Your Hips Sun 8/13 with Martina Zobel 4:30-6:30 pm $35
The Way of the Breath Tue 8/22 with Bridgette Shea 6-7:30 pm $35
Transcend & Resolve Stress 9/16-17 with Kelly Myszkowski 12-4pm
Mindful Mats Yoga for Kids with Carol Rose starting in Sept.
Let’s take a look at water. It may be hard to believe after all the rain we had in the first half of 2017, but world wide, fresh, drinkable water is in short supply. Most of the earth’s water is in the oceans, glaciers and ice caps, the atmosphere, and underground. Only 0.3 percent is fresh water in a location and form where it could be available to people. We use 70 percent of that for irrigation and another 22 percent for industry. Water in the right place and of good enough quality for drinking, cooking, and washing comes to only 0.08 percent. People can’t use polluted water. Municipal waste water treatment removes pathogens and some chemicals, but by no means all. In rural areas, where people depend on wells and septic tanks, anything we dump down our drains or pour on the ground winds up in someone else’s well. Until World War II, most cleaners were made from natural products like plant oils and animal fats, borax, vinegar, and caustic soda. In the wake of World War II, oil became cheap and plentiful. Chemists developed petroleum-based detergents that were more effective at cleaning, especially if they were combined with other chemicals like phosphates, nitrates, and borates. Manufacturers added synthetic colors and synthetic fragrances and made the products convenient to use. They gave them catchy names like Mr. Clean, Ajax, Bold, and Cheer, and put lots of ads on the new medium of television. Housewives loved these new, modern detergents. They did a real-
Healing Springs I August—September, 2017
ly good job! But people started to notice that their lakes and rivers were getting sudsy and murky. Algae were proliferating, and when the algae died, so did everything else in the water. Scientists suspected that the algae were fed by the phosphates in laundry detergents. In 1971, university scientists and state conservation officials in upstate New York focused on one dying lake, Conesus Lake near Rochester. They wanted to see if limiting the amount of phosphates coming from households around the lake could stop the algae blooms and allow the lake to recover. The challenge was that in order for the experiment to be valid, every household had to switch to the same phosphate-free detergent, and almost no manufacturer at the time was making such a thing. Bill Firth, a Shaklee distributor in the area, knew that Shaklee had a phosphate-free laundry detergent in development. Shaklee agreed to provide a 12-pound box of Basic L to all 512 households around the lake.
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607.433.2089 “It didn’t take long to see what (the scientists) were looking for,” Firth recalled in a video. The lake was returning to life. It was the first study to show that phosphates in cleaning products could cause algae blooms, and that keeping phosphates out of the water could prevent them.
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Today all 50 states have complete or partial bans on phosphates in laundry detergents. Seventeen states ban phosphates in dishwasher detergent. Our choices add up. Your one bottle or box of cleaner may seem insignificant, but multiply it by millions and yes, it does matter. Evan Lawrence helps make a healthier world as an independent distributor of Shaklee healthy living products, a free-lance writer specializing in sustainability topics, and a professional gardener. He is always happy to talk about how non-toxic cleaners can help protect our water. Contact him at (518) 677-5662,, or through his website,
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Marie Marhan Dropkin, Certified Divorce Coach (518) 423-2525 August—September, 2017 I Healing Springs
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by Kate Kellman, MMQ hat is “grounding” and why is it so important? If you’ve ever participated in Martial Arts or Tai Chi, you already know how crucial it is to keep your center of gravity. Whenever a competitor becomes unbalanced, they are vulnerable and easily defeated by their opponent. Moving through the Tai Chi form, it is quite easy to topple forward or backward during a kick sequence if you don’t focus your weight on the appropriate foot. In Chinese Medicine, grounding is also essential, but in a much different context.
One of the basic tools I teach in my private practice in Medical Qigong to both patients and students is grounding. I refer to it as a tool because learning to stay calm and centered will help you through any life situation, enhancing health and well-being. Too often, in our society, we are riddled with anxiety and fears. When we practice being grounded before crisis strikes, stressful situations become simple challenges we flow through with ease and grace. In Taoism, the challenge for any Master is to stay calm while the mountain crumbles around him or her. Everyone knows someone who can keep their cool no matter what transpires around them. These are the heroes when disaster strikes, the people who lead others out of burning buildings or to safety during earthquakes and floods.
Healing Springs I August—September, 2017
A Vital Tool for Our Times
So, how do we stay grounded? There are several methods available. The first one is very simple. Go outside in your bare feet and walk on the Earth. Put your feet in water or swim. Sit outside in the sunshine and read a book with your feet (preferably shoeless) flat on the grass. Lean your back against a tree as you sit on the ground. Whenever we connect to the Earth’s energy, we are grounding. This is not some hokey, new age fad either – it’s science. The Earth’s electro-magnetic field vibrates at a frequency of 7.83 Hertz, often referred to as the Schumann resonances. The alpha brain waves of the body are approximately 812 Hertz, representing an awake but relaxed person. When we are calm and centered, we are in sync with the Earth’s heartbeat. That’s why it feels so good to be outside in nature – hiking, swimming, walking barefoot, digging our toes into the sand on a sunny beach. Mankind was grounded for most of our history, but we lost our connection to nature with the advent of rubber-soled shoes and our lifestyle change of dwelling inside buildings for most of the day. Another way to ground is through deep breathing and by placing our hands on our lower dan tien which is right below the belly button. When we focus our breath downward, we “settle down,” or “calm down,” allowing our minds to relax and rooting to our center of gravity. In Chinese Medicine, the lower dan tien is the
“ When we practice being grounded before crisis strikes, stressful situations become simple challenges we flow through with ease and grace.”
place of power. It is the engine that drives our human vehicles. So, anytime you feel stressed, breathe deeply and push your breath into your belly. Root your feet on the floor, even if you’re in the middle of a chaotic situation or a harried Board Meeting. By placing our feet firmly (and flatly) on the surface below us, we allow our energy to root to the Earth, even if we have layers of flooring beneath our feet. If we sit cross-legged or lean on one foot or walk on our tip-toes, we are not grounded. These are just some tools everyone can use to be more balanced in their day-to-day lives. They are simple methods but very effective if practiced on a regular basis. It is all about focus and intention. When we become aware of our bodies – our breath, our stance, calming our minds and finding our center – then we begin the path back to a healthier, more stable existence. The more time we spend in nature, the more harmonized we become to the Earth and its natural healing effects. Many studies have been done on the benefits of grounding. Bird song has been shown to synchronize and balance the electro-magnetic field, so leave the earbuds at home when taking a walk. Fall asleep listening to the rain or the chirping of crickets. You will feel more relaxed and good health will be a natural by-product of staying grounded. Life can be experienced with serenity and joy, making it well worth the effort. Kate Kellman is a certified Medical Qigong Therapist (MQT), studying to obtain her DMQ (Doctorate of Medical Qigong) with Dr. Ted J. Cibik, a Daoist Priest, DMQ, Chinese Physician (Zhong Yi), and Naturopathic Doctor (N.D). Dr. Cibik is a senior student of Dr. Jeffrey C. Yuen, a Daoist Master from the 88th generation of the Jade Purity Sect and the Complete Reality Dragon Gate School. Kate has a private practice in Medical Qigong Therapy at The Garden in Saratoga and teaches classes in Daoist Five Qigong Set at the Red Dragon Karate School in Ballston Spa and at The Garden. Please check the Calendar for details or her website at: Kate can be contacted by calling or texting (518) 775-7798 or via email:
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Healing Springs I August—September, 2017
A Talk with Steve Taylor author of
The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening
teve Taylor’s latest book is The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening. His previous books include The Calm Center, Out of the Darkness, and Waking from Sleep. A senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University and one of Mind, Body, Spirit magazine’s “100 Most Spiritually Influential People,” he lives in Manchester, England. His website is
What does it mean to be enlightened or spiritually awakened? I don’t think there’s anything particularly esoteric about the state, and I don’t associate it with religions. I think of it as a shift into a more expansive, higher-functioning state of being – a state in which we experience a strong sense of connection with the world around us and other beings, a sense of inner quietness and spaciousness, and a heightened awareness of our surroundings. The state isn’t without its challenges, particularly in its early stages (when there may be some confusion and psychological disturbance) but in general it brings an enhanced sense of ease and wellbeing. It’s quite common for people to shift into this state after intense psychological turmoil. In my book Out of the Darkness, I describe many examples of this. It is also not uncommon for people to move towards this state slowly and gradually, over many years of spiritual practice (such as meditation) or through following specific spiritual paths, such as the eightfold path of Buddhism or a monastic lifestyle.
What are the three different types of wakefulness? First of all, there is natural wakefulness. For a small minority of people, wakefulness is simply their natural, normal state. They were always in a state of wakefulness, without undergoing a sudden transformation and without following spiritual practices and paths. These people often become creative artists, like poets and painters. Secondly, there is gradual wakefulness. This happens to people who follow spiritual practices or paths, or it might just happen as
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Since 1984 Tim Talmage, DC Lee Masterson, DC Bob Irwin, DC Michael Ashline, DC
439-7644 a result of their lifestyle, or events that happen to them. Wakefulness occurs gradually over years and decades. They gradually move into a more expansive and intense state of being. Finally, there is sudden wakefulness. As I just mentioned, some people undergo a sudden and dramatic shift into wakefulness. Most frequently, this happens in the midst of intense psychological turmoil e.g. a diagnosis of cancer, bereavement, addiction etc. The turmoil breaks down a person’s normal sense of identity, and this enables a new sense of identity to emerge inside them. They shift a more expansive, higher-functioning state of being - in other words, into the wakeful state.
How can we tell the difference between fraudulent spiritual teachers and the genuinely awakened? It’s a question of finding out whether they possess all of the characteristics of wakefulness. Some of the characteristics of the state are well known - a sense of well-being, a transcendence of separation, a quiet mind, heightened awareness. But there are some less well known characteristics - e.g. awakened people don’t have a sense of group identity, or feel the need to acquire possessions or wealth or power. They don’t feel the need to be admired, or feel hurt by criticism. They live very morally, without exploiting anyone. So if a so-called spiritual teacher doesn’t display these characteristics then you should question whether they are genuinely awakened. Typical signs of a fraudulent teacher include living an accumulative lifestyle, needing followers around them to make them feel important, behaving immorally, not living altruistical-
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ly or showing compassion, being wounded by slights, cultivating a sense of group identity amongst their followers, and showing signs of prejudice or enmity towards other groups. If your teacher shows any of these characteristics then you can be sure that they are not awakened.
How do different theories of consciousness explain (or try to debunk) mystical (or awakening) experiences? Some psychologists and neuroscientists think that awakening experiences can be explained in terms of brain activity - that is, they are caused by abnormal types of activity in different parts of the brain, producing more intense perception, a lack of subject-object boundaries etc. In other words, they are a kind of hallucination. I think this is highly dubious. For a start, the assumption that the brain is the source of our conscious experience is dubious. Some scientists assume that the brain gives rise to consciousness, just because they can’t think of any way of explaining it, but despite decades of intensive research, no one has the slightest idea how this might occur. In philosophy, this is called the ‘hard problem’ of how the soggy gray mass of the brain could give rise to the amazing richness and variety of our conscious experience. In fact, it’s just as to reverse this suggest that, if there are any particular brain states associated with awakening experiences, these states could be produced by the experiences themselves, rather than the other way around. As a psychologist I’ve never been particular interested in studying the brain, and working how it which parts of it are active or inactive in different states. To me, that’s like studying a map of August—September, 2017 I Healing Springs
a place rather than exploring it as a reality. Wakeful states exist in themselves, as experiences, and can’t be reduced to - or explained away in terms of - neurological activity.
Is it possible to awaken through psychedelics?
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Healing Springs I August—September, 2017
Psychedelics can definitely generate temporary awakening experiences, but it’s very unlikely that they will bring about a shift into permanent wakefulness. The reason for this is that psychedelics work by dissolving away our normal sense of self, and putting its psychological mechanisms out of action. This can cause temporary awakening experiences, but permanent wakefulness can only occur if there is a new sense of self to replace the normal one. It’s not enough to dissolve the sense of self - a new self has to replace it. In fact, the danger of the regular use of psychedelics is that the structures of the normal mind permanently dissolve away, without anything to replace them, and so there’s just a psychological vacuum, or a state of psychosis. And unfortunately there have been many cases of this. In fact, you could say that this is really the only permanent psychological change which the regular use of psychedelics can bring: not awakening, but psychosis. Having said that, I think psychedelics can have a positive effect, if they are used carefully. Although they rarely bring about permanent transformation, they can sometimes cause a shift in values and perspectives, make people see the world in a different way and re-evaluate their lives. They can provide a glimpse into a more intense reality that makes them realise that their normal view of life is limited. This sometimes creates an interest in spiritual practices and traditions, as a way of trying to recapture this vision of the world in a more integrated way. Look at Ram Dass! He’s the best example of this - a Harvard psychologist who took LSD, re-evaluated his life, became a spiritual seeker, and eventually one of the most inspired spiritual teachers of our time.
Are children naturally awake? Yes! Certainly young children. Some spiritual traditions associate childhood with wakefulness, and see spiritual development as a matter of recovering qualities of our childhood state. The Dao De Ching advises us to ‘Return to the state of the infant.’ One of Jesus’ most famous sayings is ‘unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.’ Children definitely have many of the characteristics of the wakefulness state - more intense perception, well-being, a strong sense of connection to the world around them, heightened energy, a lack of the need for group identity, of the need to accumulate, and so on. However, there are some significant differences between childhood wakefulness and the kind of wakefulness we attain as adults. For example, children don’t possess characteristics intense compassion, or inner quietness and stability. So children are naturally awake, but they're not awake in quite the same way as adults. It’s a kind of immature wakefulness, which isn’t as wideranging as mature wakefulness.
What are the signs that the human race is undergoing a collective awakening? I would say that there are five signs. The first four relate to individual experiences of wakefulness. First of all, wakefulness seems to be natural for a small minority of people. There are some people who aren’t awake due to a sudden transformation, or to decades of regular spiritual practice wakefulness is simply their normal, natural state. The second sign is that temporary awakening experiences are very common, and seem to getting more common. As I showed in my previous book, Waking from Sleep, it’s very common for people to have temporary glimpses of the wakeful state, often when they’re inactive and relaxed, and their minds become quiet and calm. For a few moments, our normal ‘sleep’ state slips away and the wakeful state emerges, like the sun from behind a wall of clouds.
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The third sign is that more and more people are feeling a strong impulse to awaken. More and more people seem to sense instinctively that something is wrong with their normal state of being. They’re aware that they’re asleep, and they want to wake up. This suggests that our sleep state is losing its hold over us. The fourth sign is that awakening occurs so spontaneously and easily in response to psychological turmoil. As I’ve said before, it’s not uncommon for people who go through intense stress and turmoil to undergo a sudden shift into the wakeful state. Their previous identity dissolves away, and a new self emerges, like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. In my research, I’ve always been amazed at how common this phenomenon is, and I think that it’s becoming more common. Finally, there are cultural signs that this shift is underway. These have been growing for the last three hundred years or so. Since the 18th century, in many parts of the world, there has been a growing sense of empathy, compassion and fairness. There has been an increasing recognition of the rights of different groups, including animals. There has been a reconnection to nature, to the human body, and an openness to sex, And particularly over recent decades, there has been a massive (and still growing) upsurge in interest in spiritual philosophies and the spread of spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, and other techniques of self-development. Everywhere there are signs of a movement beyond both ego-isolation and egocentrism, a growing sense of connection and empathy. Even if this process is a gradual and fitful one — and even if it may appear to be still in its early stages — we appear to be in the process of waking up.
Still Point is an interfaith retreat center located just minutes from downtown Saratoga. We offer space for reflection and personal time as well as programs for healing and enriching one’s spirit, mind and body. Mailing address: 20 Still Point Road, Mechanicville, NY 12118 Telephone: 518-587-4967 email: web: Take 24 hours from your busy schedule. Enjoy the stillness and power of nature on our partially wooded land. Re-connect to your deep self.
Pray! Be silent! Be! “The quieter you become, the more you hear.” August—September, 2017 I Healing Springs
Why do a Modern Shamanic Journey by Katrina Clay ince 2003, I have been leading people on their own modern shamanic journeys. I call them modern because in other times only shamans journeyed and they usually did it only for others. Today, as humans evolve, we are being asked more and more to take responsibility for our own spiritual growth and experience. In this evolution, some of us are also being asked to become our own shamans rather than abdicating that responsibility to anyone else. Hence, now we have the opportunity to visit the surrounding spirits for guidance.
Shamanic Reiki.
The facilitator, perhaps me, drums a steady beat while leading a guided meditation. Sometimes there is just the drum and you go on your own meditation with some thought or intention, such as meeting a guide or totem animal. The beat of the drum allows your conscious mind to concentrate on something, which allows the subconscious to speak through images.
There is another way to experience healing. A Shamanic Reiki session is a time to recieve the healing energies of Reiki while allowing your body to speak. In today’s modern age, we tend towards regard the body as a sort of inanimate object. We know it needs care and maintenance, but it doesn’t have much to say. In reality, it carries and holds wisdom. It knows what’s really happening for you, probably better than your thinking mind does. With Shamanic Reiki, we allow it to speak in order to gain clarity. For instance, you may have a shoulder issue, we would travel into the place that most calls to you (may be the shoulder, may be a different area) and name whatever is there hanging out. Something in a shoulder might be feelings of carrying too large a load, being overwhelmed or some emotion that is stuck in the shoulder. Once this has been named and acknowledged, it often has served its purpose and is able to move out and with it the symptoms. Clearing our bodies, is one of the most effective ways of clearing our minds.
Benefits of a Journey.
What is a Pet Journey?
Most feel a deep peace afterwards. Additionally, journeys give you the opportunity to ask your soul, or spirit guides, for guidance in your everyday life. This gives you a new understanding and perspective on your life.
Have you wanted to deepen your relationship and understanding of your pet? I have begun a new project of creating individualized pet journeys (perhaps they will have a more elegant name in the future.) The benefits are the same as above, but we journey to dialog with your pet, preferably with s/he nearby Jill and Miley although it can be done anywhere as your connection is beyond physical presence. I travel to your home or barn so that
What happens during a Journey?
The modern shamanic journey is valuable for all people that are interested and willing to get to know their own self at a deeper level. Sometimes this happens by dialoguing with your soul, which is a facet of ourselves that we often silence regardless of its innate intelligence. Other ways are by giving voice to the guides that surround you. They share guidance always, yet they are unable to make you choose to follow that “advice.” The modern shamanic journey is one way to quiet yourself enough to hear what they want you to hear.
Reclaim your ancient wisdom Workshops & private sessions bringing you to your real self.
Full Moon Drum Journey; Aug. 7, Sept. 6, Oct. 5 email for locations as it changes, but usually in Saratoga Springs, 6:30pm-8 $20 suggested, pay what you have
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Healing Springs I August—September, 2017
Katrina Clay’s mission is to show that animals, nature and music are guides to living an authentic and symbolic life.
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You have the power to create anything you desire, through your own brain. Quickly learn "practical" ways to steer your thoughts and feelings to the life you dream of.
Jarin Kenyon is a Certified Life Mastery Coach, Manifestation Teacher, and Human Design Expert. He has a bachelors degree in Kinesiology. He uses Fast Track ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical tools to help people discover Your Dreams their life's purpose and achieve their dreams. He offers private coaching, Sat., September 30th Saratoga Spa State Park online courses, classes, and workshops educating on the Science of the Mind, Manifestation, and Human Design.
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the animal is able to remain relaxed and comfortable. We do the guided meditation with the drum. This gives you the opportunity to shift perspective for a deeper understanding of and bond with your pet. One client said this about her experience; “ “I Love Katrina and I enjoy doing any work with her! I always leave feeling grounded. Journeying with Katrina always helps me to see things differently in life and help in my journey through life. In working with my dog Miley in this way was very helpful. It gave me a much better understand of Miley's needs. Miley is an anxious dog and needs a grounding force to help her maneuver through her life. So when we go for walks I center myself and help her to feel safe. In doing the journeying with Katrina and Miley I realized Miley was not sure this was her forever home so myself and my family have worked hard to let her know she is here to stay! Thank you Katrina for a great experience and helping me to understand Miley on a much deeper level!”
Full Moons. Every full moon, I facilitate a modern shamanic journey. The location and attendance is always shifting. What remains true is the genuine experience of soul-level peace. In August the event will be held outside at the Saratoga Spa State Park, where we are surrounded by the wisdom of the trees. Keep in touch to find out where future Full Moons will be held. It is a great way to start your inner journey. August—September, 2017 I Healing Springs
Katrina with Fiona Neary. Photo credit; Deborah Neary
Katrina Clay has been leading modern shamanic journeys since 2004 when she received her certification as a Shapeshifting Practitioner. She is also a Shamanic Reiki Master, Soul Realignment practitioner and workshop facilitator. Katrina offers in person private sessions of individualized shamanic journeys, shamanic reiki, pet journeys, and Soul Realignment over the phone. Additionally, she has a variety of workshops scheduled, including monthly full moon journeys. She can be reached at 518-332-6581 or, Visit her website to sign up for a free self-guided course called “Reclaim Your Ancient.”
Astrological FORECAST August & September 2017
Using Standard Time locate your Rising Sign or Ascendant. If your birth time is Daylight Savings Time, subtract one hour. Your actual Rising Sign or Ascendant may differ depending on certain time of birth and dates; however, not to confuse the nonastrologer use the sign indicated for your Forecast. This placement is similar to the transiting planet’s location in your Natal Chart, except for exact degrees, and will correctly indicate your Forecast. For example, if you are a Gemini born at 6:38 P.M., your Ascendant is Capricorn. IT SHOULD BE NOTED: In August, the Full Moon is on the 7th at 15:25 Aquarius and Mercury turns Retrograde on the 12th at 11:38 Virgo. The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st at 28:53 Leo is the first Solar Eclipse in 99 years to span the USA from “sea to sea.” It crosses the USA from Oregon to South Carolina. In September, the Full Moon is on the 6th at 13:53 Pisces. Mercury goes Direct on the 5th at 28:25 Leo and Pluto also on the 28th at 16:51 Capricorn. Uranus and Neptune remain retrograde all month.
ARIES ASCENDANT AUGUST: Developing talents, speculative ventures and enjoying life are the focus for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 12th and you seek ways to improve both your body’s health and work skills. The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st will affect your creative hobbies or talents, children and romantic interests. You enjoy spending time with your loved ones or children. SEPTEMBER: Thoughts on work, learning efficiency and selfimprovement are important for this month. Mercury turns Direct on the 5th and communications are clearer and you are able to express yourself easier. The Full Moon on the 6th rules your spiritual and psychic attunement and can be a time for you to go back over old mistakes, put them in the past and to move forward.
TAURUS ASCENDANT AUGUST: Family ties, home-front activity and discovering oneself are important for this month. Mercury goes retrograde on the 12th causing you to examine how you communicate with others. 26 Healing Springs I August—September, 2017
The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st will affect your family and personal matters as well as your home environment. You may decide on remodeling your home or possibly move. SEPTEMBER: Expressing oneself, speculative ventures and affairs of the heart are favored for this month. Mercury goes Direct on the 5th and you can now examine your personal and domestic life. The Full Moon on the 6th rules your hopes and wishes as you examine your recent achievements and then set new goals and directions in areas where you feel it is necessary.
GEMINI ASCENDANT AUGUST: Daily activities, neighborhood events and all communications are favored for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 12th and can be a time for you to examine you home and personal life. The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st will affect your siblings, interchanging ideas and personal correspondences. You may also rethink a formal class or workshop. SEPTEMBER: Identifying with the past, family life and discovering oneself are the highlights for this month. Mercury turns Direct on the 5th and through your group discussions you meet new people. The Full Moon on the 6th rules your career, or the equivalent, and social status as your direction in life begins to change. You may also receive recognition for a well-done project.
CANCER ASCENDANT AUGUST: Sense of values, earning money and increasing assets are explored for this month. Mercury goes retrograde on the 12th and you may reconsider involvement in intellectual projects or new studies. The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st will affect your finances, possessions and financial dealings. Read all contracts or agreements carefully before signing them. SEPTEMBER: Educational opportunities, all communication and routine activities are enjoyed for this month. Mercury goes Direct on the 5th and your attention turns to whatever you value in life. The Full Moon on the 6th rules knowledge and interest in intellectual studies such as the law, philosophy and spirituality. You may decide to begin a new study or formal classes.
LEO ASCENDANT AUGUST: Discovering oneself, approach to life and one’s personal potential are examined for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 12th and you review your spending habits to see if changes can be made. The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st will affect you personally as you make changes in your appearance, purchase new clothes or even revise your personal habits. SEPTEMBER: Valued resources, financial situations and increasing assets are the focus for this month. Mercury turns Direct on the 5th and you are able to examine yourself with detachment and objectivity. The Full Moon on the 6th rules abstract teachings and properties or monies that you share with another. This can be a good time to satisfactorily settle old debts and commitments.
VIRGO ASCENDANT AUGUST: Hidden abilities, spiritual resources and helping the needy are the highlights for this month. Mercury goes retrograde
on the 12th and you want to express yourself to others, but remember to use sensitivity. The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st gives you the desire to meditate and to understand yourself on a spiritual basis. You may decide to attend a retreat. SEPTEMBER: One’s approach to life, personal potential and inspiring others are important for this month. Mercury goes Direct on the 5th and you want to spend some time alone to meditate and think about recent events. The Full Moon on the 6th rules one-toone business and personal partnerships. There can be positive changes in these relationships through agreeing to compromise.
LIBRA ASCENDANT AUGUST: Sharing with friends, humanitarian contributions and achieving goals are the focus for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 12th making this a good time for you to meditate or attend a retreat. The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st will affect your social responsibilities, group activities and your hopes and wishes as you work to promote your community’s projects. SEPTEMBER: The subconscious self, spiritual resources and seeking solitude are explored for this month. Mercury turns Direct on the 5th and this is a time to evaluate your recent achievements and set new goals. The Full Moon on the 6th rules your efficiency in both your physical condition and work abilities. This is the time to learn a new work skill or begin a health program.
SCORPIO ASCENDANT AUGUST: Recognized achievements, one’s career area and public image are favored for this month. Mercury goes retrograde on the 12th and you will examine your recent accomplishments and set new goals. The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st will affect achieving a career goal, or the equivalent. You may receive possible recognition and honors for a job or project well-done SEPTEMBER: A student of life, achieving one’s goals and philanthropic aid are the focus for this month. Mercury goes Direct on the 5th and you reconsider a work related formal class or workshop. The Full Moon on the 6th rules romance and taking time to enjoy yourself through your creative talents or hobbies. You spend time with loved ones and an old love may return.
SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANT AUGUST: Prophetic dreams, searching for knowledge and one’s purpose of life are explored for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 12th and you may undertake new studies for your career, or the equivalent. The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st will give you a desire to travel and experience foreign cultures as you take a renewed interest in spiritual and intellectual studies. SEPTEMBER: Personal power, establishing a career and one’s social status are examined for this month. Mercury turns Direct on the 5th and you want to see a larger picture of life and what you should be doing. The Full Moon on the 6th rules family and personal matters and is a time when existing problems can usually be satisfactorily resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.
ing problems are examined for this month. Mercury goes retrograde on the 12th and you explore such topics as foreign cultures, philosophy and spirituality. The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st will place an emphasis on your joint financial dealings and assets, as well as tax matters, insurances, debts and collections. SEPTEMBER: Self-realization, philosophy on life and gaining knowledge are the highlights for this month. Mercury goes Direct on the 5th allowing you to negotiate matters dealing with shared properties and assets. The Full Moon on the 6th rules all communications, everyday environment and your habits. This can be a time for mental pursuits as you decide to attend a workshop.
AQUARIUS ASCENDANT AUGUST: Forming partnerships, legal contracts and giving and taking are important for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 12th you examine your shared assets and can satisfy an old debt or commitment. The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st will affect both your personal and business relationships and in negotiations there is the need to compromise with others. SEPTEMBER: Changing values, breaking old habits and shared resources are examined for this month. Mercury turns Direct on the 5th and you are able to explain issues that are important to you. The Full Moon on the 6th rules your finances and how you can increase them. It is also the time when you review your spending and saving habits to see where you can make changes.
PISCES ASCENDANT AUGUST: Improving one’s diet, learning efficiency and acquiring work skills are important for this month. Mercury goes retrograde on the 12th you may want to explain or clarify possible problems in a relationship. The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st places an emphasis on both your health habits as well employment matters and the services you perform for others. SEPTEMBER: Forming relationships, a cooperative approach and legal contracts are the focus for this month. Mercury goes Direct on the 5th and it is a time when you can acknowledge your faults without self-criticism. The Full Moon on the 6th rules your appearance and self-expression and can be a time when you want to create a new self-image beginning with a new hairstyle. Arlene is an Author, Astrologer and Para-Consultant and has studied and worked with astrology for more than forty years. She has also been a professional astrologer since 1980. Arlene has a Certificate of Merit from Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson (CA 1982) and a Certificate of Proficiency from the Mayo School of Astrology (London 1985). In addition, she holds certifications from the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (1982-2018) as both a Medium and Spiritual Healer (Lily Dale, NY). Arlene can be reached at Astrological Concepts, Telephone (518) 371-8097 or Visit My Web Site at:
AUGUST: Another’s assets, mediumistic tendencies and solvAugust—September, 2017 I Healing Springs
ACUPUNCTURE Michael Wayne, Saratoga Springs & Clifton Park, 518-210-1557 ANIMAL CARE Jill Stewart, Equine Sports Massage Therapist and Canine Massage Therapist, Certified Aromatherapist 518-339-4348,, Susan Hamlin, The Saratoga Animal Whisperer Animal Communication, 518-245-8010, Kristina Dallas, DVM. Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture. Saratoga Springs, NY. 727-2940. Holistic care for pets. House calls. AROMATHERAPY Jill Stewart, Cert. aromatherapist, full line of human and animal aromatherapy products, single essential oils and custom blends Gift baskets and party favors available 518-339-4348,, ASTROLOGY Arlene DeAngelus, 518-371-8097,, BACH FLOWER REMEDIES Nini Gridley, MS Ed, BFRP, Consultations by appointment, in person or over the phone. 518-573-0571 or,, Diana Gribben, LMT, BFRP, at Healing Path Massage, 518-421-0645, CAREER COUNSELING Penny Loretto, 518-798-6057,,
CENTERS Nature's Gate Retreat Center, Cossayuna, day, weekend and week long retreats hands on healing work and intuitive consultations Virginia Lynn Anderson, director,, 518-692-9313 Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center,, 518-587-4967 Sanctuary For Evolutionary Vision (SEV), New Lebanon & Albany,, CHELATION THERAPY Dr Andrew Garner, Glens Falls, 518798-9401,, CHIROPRACTORS Delmar Chiropractic, Delmar, 518-439-7644
Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, Sue Coughtry, LMT,, 518-755-8843
Cathy Saladis LMT, Albany, 518-229-0741, DENTISTS Dr. Richard Aulicino, Lake George, 518668-9888, Dr. David B. Presser, Clifton Park, 518371-5113 DIVORCE COACH Marie Marhan Dropkin, Certified Divorce Coach,, 518-423-2525, ENERGY MEDICINE Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, 518-506-6303,, EXPERIENCE EMBODYOGA® Anna Witt, One Big Roof, 518.256.9628 FLOWER ESSENCE PRACTITIONER Essence of Life ~ Flower and Energy Essences, Virginia Lynn Anderson,, 518-692-9313
Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542,
HEALING TOUCH Sue Van Hook, MA, HTCP, 518-788-7388
COACHES Cate LaBarre, Personal and group coaching by phone and teleconference. Workshops in Saratoga Region. 518-882-9880,,
HEALTH AND WELLNESS PRODUCTS Evan Lawrence, Shaklee Independent Distributor. Healthy weight, nutrition, beauty, and home. Cambridge, (518) 6775662,,
COUNSELING Avis Burnett, Clifton Park, 518-371-0579
HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE Jerome Pindell, Clifton Park, 518-3745492,
CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Margery Chessare, LMT, BCST, Sessions and classes in the Saratoga area, 518-893-0421,
Claudia Ascione, MA, MS, CH, Niskayuna, Manhattan and Ardsley, NY. 518 372-7023.
Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075,, Healing Springs I August—September, 2017
HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS Private Label Aromatherapy: Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, All Purpose Cleaner, Household Cleaner, Essential Oil
Deodorizing Sprays, Essential Oil Blends for Laundry and Dryer, Hand Soaps and more. Custom products also available. Jill Stewart 518-339-4348,, HYPNOTISM George Guarino CH, offices in Delmar and Clifton Park, 518-256-6549, Barbra Stevens, 518-755-5053 INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, 518-506-6303,, INTUITIVE/PSYCHIC CONSULTANT: Barbara Allen, BA, PTC. 518-587-2583; LIGHT THERAPY Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518374-8654, Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar,, 518-755-8843
NATURAL FOOD STORES Four Seasons Natural Foods Store & Cafe, Saratoga, 518-584-4670, Pure-N-Simple, GlensFalls, 518-798-4047 NATUROPATHY Sarah A. LoBisco, ND, Phone consults scheduled at or by appointment at A Peaceful Place in Clifton Park, Joanne Halloran, ND, Saratoga Healing Arts, 518-369-7080,
PAST LIFE REGRESSION SESSION Diane Saunders, 518-567-7315,
TAI CHI The Tai Chi Center, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-9315,
PHYSICAL THERAPY Integrative Physical Therapy, 518-3730735,
The Lemon Tree Yoga and Healing Arts Studio, Glens Falls, 518-301-3291, 301-3293,,,
Patricia Tschannen, MPT Saratoga Springs,, 518.573.3502, Offering manual therapies including visceral manipulation, myofascial release, and yoga therapeutics.
MASSAGE THERAPY Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518374-8654,
REIKI Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075,,
MEDICAL QIGONG THERAPY Kate Kellman, MQT, Saratoga Springs, 518-775-7798,, MELT METHOD® Carrie Whitelaw, LMT Saratoga Springs 518-222-9036
Revibe, Schuylerville, 518-507-6473,, ROLF STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION Nick Pavoldi, 518.389.2200, SPACE FOR RENT The Studio, Greenfield’s Performing & Visual Arts Center, Greenfield Center NY, 518-8936062,
LMT, Delmar,
Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, 518-755-8843,,
Among Angels, Clifton Park, 518-357-8196,,
ORGANIZATIONS Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network (SIPN),
PSYCHOTHERAPY Wendy Ball LMHC, certified in EMDR and Hakomi therapies, specialize in trauma related disorders, couples counseling and life transition coaching. Albany office. 518813-8524.
LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE Sue Coughtry,, 518-755-8843
RETAIL Magic Moon, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-2488
Asian Arts Tai Chi Center, Albany, 518-489-1458,, TAROT Joan Scannell,
TREE SERVICE Foothills Tree Service, Practicing sustainable tree managment, 518-893-2620, WELLNESS CENTERS A Peaceful Place, Clifton Park, 518-371-2225, Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518374-8654,
Joyce Willson RN, RMT, The Art of Reiki, Troy, 518-271-7802,
YOGA Yoga Mandali, Saratoga, 518-584-0807,, Saratoga’s longest continually running studio serving our community for over 10 years
Suzanne Golub, RMT, Saratoga Springs 518-301-0407,,
The Lemon Tree Yoga & Healing Arts Studio, Glens Falls, 518-301-3291,
Yoga with Jen, Warrensburg & Minerva, REFLEXOLOGY 518-956-2818 Cathy Saladis LMT, Clifton Park and Albany,, Namaste Yoga, Saratoga Springs, 518-229-0741, 518-222-7470 August—September, 2017 I Healing Springs 29
Ongoing Tune In To Wellness Today TV Show, with LisaMarie Tersigni. Meet local wellness providers and learn the benefits of natural wellness modalities, services and products available. View 24/7 at SACC.TV Mondays and Wednesdays Gentle Kripalu Yoga Classes - 4:005:30 PM. First class free! Join Nini Gridley for a compassionate blend of warm-ups, sequenced asanas, shavasana, pranayama, and meditation designed to pacify the “Vata” energy through a well rounded yoga practice that is relaxing yet energizing for all levels of practitioners. Beginners are welcome. It’s gentle for every body. Thursdays Ecstatic Dance every Thursday night at Move Fitness. 24 Colvin Ave, Albany. 7:459:30pm $15. $7 Kids. FB page: Albany Ecstatic Dance Revolution
AUGUST Monday, August 7 Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey, with Katrina Clay at Namaste Yoga, 2 Franklin Square, Saratoga Springs. The full moon is always a good time to open our awareness of the fullness of life. Join in a soulful community to journey into our
own fullness. Contact Katrina at or 518332-6581. This is ongoing and takes place every full moon in different locations. Please email Katrina at above address to be included in ongoing emails.
SEPTEMBER Friday, September 1 Darshan with Sai Maa, Experience you divine presence through an intimate moment with a spiritual master. Everyone is welcome—all ages, all faiths. Arrive between 5pm and 7pm, Hindu Cultural Center, 450 Albany-Shaker Rd. Albany. Register at There is no cost to attend. Wednesday, September 6 Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey, with Katrina Clay at Namaste Yoga, 2
“When we don’t listen to our intuition, we abandon our souls. And we abandon our souls because we are afraid if we don’t, others will abandon us.” —Terry Tempest Williams 30
Healing Springs I August—September, 2017
Franklin Square, Saratoga Springs. The full moon is always a good time to open our awareness of the fullness of life. Join in a soulful community to journey into our own fullness. Contact Katrina at or 518332-6581. This is ongoing and takes place every full moon in different locations. Please email Katrina at above address to be included in ongoing emails. Saturday, September 9 Intuitive Painting Workshop, At The Barn at Bassett House, 338 River RD, Greenwich, NY, 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM, led by Carol Bollinger Green. Come have fun with vibrant tempera color on paper, in this one-day creative expression exploration. Discover your own unique imagery. Share the process with a small group. No experience needed. Opensided painting studio, overlooking the river. $65 for adults, $55 if returning, includes materials. Please bring lunch. Visit to view setting. Call 518-692-7124 for registration and information. September 12-October 17 Discover Your Inner Queen Class with Angela Kaufman. Ideal for modern women facing life transitions and wondering “what next?” Learn to walk the Mystical Path to Empowerment, tap into your true source of power, intuition, creativity, confidence and more. Harness the energies of the four core powers within. Learn to align with your core source of power to create the life you desire. for details. Class runs 9/12-10/17 at Halfmoon Massage 1407 Rt 9 Halfmoon NY. $250 per person.
Have events you’d like included in the calendar? Contact Katrina at
to have your events listed. .50/word Free events are free to list
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique PAST LIFE REGRESSION SESSIONS
Unlock the past to thrive in the present QHHT is a spectacular journey into your higher consciousness. Pioneered by Delores Cannon, this hypnotic method facilitates a trance state through visualization accessing your higher self, where you will discover that all healing and answers lie within. Our higher self gives access to past lives and other memories releasing old timelines and blocks to more soul-infused living. People come for sessions for so many reasons. Some want to heal physical problems and others want to understand more about their soul mission. The soul has so much guidance that the conscious mind canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t access. The healing and transformation that occurs is spontaneous and life changing.
Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limits except those of our own mind and beliefs. CONTACT DIANE SAUNDERS AT THESHIFT.ROCKS OR CALL TODAY FOR A SESSION 518.567.7315