The Healing Springs Journal #107 Spring '20

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Issue #107, Spring, 2020

HEALING S p r i n g s Journal Our Region’s Wellness Resource since 2002

Depressed Teenagers Yoga for Osteoporosis

Skin Care for Spring Sleep Improvement Cardiovascular Health L o c a l • I n d e p e n d e n t • Tr u s t e d



Yoga & Kirtan Retreat A T R A N S F O R M AT I O N A L I M M E R S I O N I N L E S V O S, G R E E C E W I T H A D A M B A U E R, K E L I L A L I TA & K A R E N S CO R E AUGUST 1-9, 2020 Travel to new and inspiring places allows us to see the world through new eyes; and immersion in transformational practices supports us in examining our conditioned tendencies, inviting us to embody new ways of being. Join us on this unique transformational journey to the heart of Western culture, where we will bathe in beauty, have lovely accommodations and enjoy delicious food, while exploring the nature of Reality through daily practice of meditation, chanting and satsang, and I Ching. The serenity of Lesvos is the ideal setting to immerse ourselves in these practices while also allowing time to enjoy beautiful beaches, go snorkeling or on a sunset sail, explore medieval castles, soak in natural hot springs, stroll through scenic harbor towns, or savor local delicacies in a seaside cafe. We will stay at a lovely retreat center called, Milelja, providing a calm, intimate atmosphere, sweeping views of the sea, and several acres of property to explore!

P L U S A B O N U S W E E K I N AT H E N S ! Extend your retreat experience by joining us for a week discovering the myth & magic of Ancient Greece! JULY 2 6 – AUGUST 1 will take us to Athens, Plaka, Nafplio, and the Argolic Gulf.


Contents articles



Skin Care for Spring


Sleep Improvement by Barbara Stevens



Depressed Teenagers by Elliot Robertson


16 19

by Deb Dittner

Yoga for Osteporosis by Sarah Avery The Waldorf School

Find us on Facebook

Katrina Clay

Design & Production BeanTree Designs


Your Internal Ecosystem by by Wendy Ball


Cardiovascular Health by Dr. Sarah LoBisco


This is My Thing

Website by Laura McKowen


features 6 Our Community 26 Your Astrological Forecast 28 30


by Arlene DeAngelus

(518) 332.6581

Advertising and story


deadline for Summer


issue is May 10

The Healing Springs Journal is an independent publication committed to printing articles regarding the wellness of body, mind, spirit, and environment. It is a free publication supported by its advertisers. These advertisers must be judged on their individual merits, The Healing Springs Journal is not responsible for their claims, conditions, products, or services. Our articles reflect the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of our publisher. We do not claim to diagnose illness, but offer an open forum on complimentary & alternative therapies. Serious ailments should be checked out by a physician as well as by the healers you feel compelled to learn more about. We reserve the right to refuse advertising and are not liable for any errors within the ads themselves.

Publisher’s Corner The greatest gift you can offer is a healthy, whole you. In my 20’s I went to a workshop that gave me the gift of the rubber band theory. It is a simple analogy that says on one side of a rubber band are your desires or the way you’d like life to be. On the other end is the reality of how things actually are. The further apart the two are, the more tension that exists. In order to dispel the tension, we need to bring the two sides closer together. Sometimes that means being more accepting of what is and reorganizing your desires to align with that. An example may be desiring a safari in Africa and yet the reality is your bank account doesn’t have enough money. Change the dream to visit a wild animal sanctuary in the US and know that Africa is in the future. Or an opposite example might be that you are desiring to become a painter and yet have no idea how to even hold a paint brush. A solution may be to take a painting class. This simple analogy can go deep if you allow it to. Trouble is many of us get almost addicted to the feeling of being in limbo, of not taking action. There was a time in my life when I had a deep conflict that has since been resolved. The horse-loving gene came to me from both sides—my maternal grandfather and my paternal grandmother. You are either born with it or not. I said that to a friend who likes horses and he thought it implied that people can’t learn to love horses. While I saw his point, if you need to learn to love horses, you weren’t born with the gene. I grew up skiing and enjoy making turns on nice snow. I even lived in the ski town Vail Colorado for almost 10 years. Still, skiing is not in my blood. I don’t wistfully look at snow and think about being on it. When I see a horse, no matter where, my heart swells and I want to say hello. A friend told me about her husband’s resentment towards her horse. She said to him “What do you think, I chose this hobby—spending tons of money to worry nonstop about the health and happiness of a thousand-pound prey animal?” It’s just not something we choose. One time when asked what I wanted to be when I grow up, my answer was “a Jockey.” The response of laughter made me feel clumsy and stupid for having had such a thought. I never said it, or even wished it, again. As a kid I read all horse books I could. Anything written by Walter Farley specifically, but any book with a horse on it I was perusing. My grandparents gave me many gifts. The one I remember loving the most was a book called “Happy Horsemanship.” Later it was horseback riding lessons. At that time, I felt sorry for myself that I could not have lessons every week, all year round. Instead I’d receive a book of 10 lessons for my birthday and maybe 10 again for Christmas. I also got to go to horse camp for two summers, and my regular day camp had horses as an occasional activity. When I was in college, I was grateful to take riding lessons to fulfill my gym requirement. However, all this horse activity left me… what? Thankful and disappointed—thankful for any horse time, disappointed it wasn’t more. After graduating college, there was a / 10-year spell of no horses for me. It was on my 30th birthday that I remembered the rubber band theory. I had not outgrown the desire to be around horses and it was time to choose to close the gap between my desire and the reality. At the time, 30 felt old and gave me a sense I’d better get moving towards something. So, I bought a riding lesson at the barn I passed every day on my way to work. Interestingly, doing the things we love most often brings out deep-seated insecurities. It seems that the more we want to be something, the more we can see we aren’t all that. Or so it was for me and horses. I rode my first adult lesson in my childhood hunt cap. It was green velvet when most kids had black. (That was my mom’s doing. She liked the way it looked, I wanted to fit in more.) So, right off the bat I felt ridiculous. But kept going. I rode at that barn for years and became close friends with many other horse people there. One woman later told me that I looked like a real rider when I came in with my green cap and confidence. Proving to me, we should rarely believe the way we feel. Now, 20 years later I have a horse named Tom that knows me as his own. There is no longer tension. At times a new desire creeps in, like wishing Tom were younger and we could go off on adventures. When this happens, I look at situations that may alleviate the conflict between desire and reality, which usually leads to the realization I prefer things just as they are. In what areas of your life is there tension due to a desire being out of alignment with your reality? What step might you take to bridge the gap? Remember the bigger the want, the more insecurities it may bring up. The feeling of not being good enough is universal, so there is no need buy in to it or believe it’s exclusively yours. Just say, “Wow, this must be really important to me” and go about your plan. While doing this may not immediately bring world peace, you will reconcile inner conflict and that extends out to fill the world with joy.


Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

BECOME a Healing Springs MEMBER Dear Readers and Friends, Since 2002, we have had the privilege of publishing The Healing Springs Journal to inform countless people of local and alternative choices they have in relation to the wellness of their mind, body, spirit and environment. The Healing Springs Journal has always been a free publication and we are committed to keeping it free.

Right now, we need your help. In order to continue publishing The Healing Springs Journal as a free publication, I am asking you to become a subscribing member. Your contribution will enable us to continue to provide current and relevant local wellness news and information. With membership, you receive the current digital issue via email. Subscriber - $25 (receive online subscription) Angel - $50 (receive online subscription) Guardian Angel - $75 (receive online subscription) Heavenly Being - $100 (receive online subscription + Reiki Session) Divine Presence - $200 (receive online subscription + 2 Reiki Sessions) Demi-God - $500 (online subscription + Reiki Session + Soul Realignment session) –––––––––

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Healing Springs Mission: With knowledge comes choice. Our mission at The Healing Springs Journal is to address the whole person by providing articles and stories that allow the reader to make empowered lifestyle decisions in relation to the wellness of their mind, body, spirit, and environment. Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20



Community Registration Open for Healing Steps Registration is now open for Healing Steps. This group combines walk/run based therapy with a therapeutic group focusing on mindfulness, self-esteem and healthy coping skills and is for girls in 7th-10th grades. Each week participants will spend 1 hour in a therapeutic group and the second hour will be spent training for a 5k race to be completed at the end of the 8-week program. Most insurance plans are accepted. Healing Steps will begin on Wednesday, April 8th from 5:30-7:30 pm at Greater Life Health, 2023 Route 9 in Round Lake. To register or for more information contact Kelly Daugherty at, 518-538-3872 or visit website

Activites Supporting The Waldorf School’s New Tuition Model The Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs is proud to introduce Within Reach - a bold new tuition model that eliminates tuition barriers, guaranteeing inclusion, accessibility and transparency. The Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs values diversity as a centerpiece for building a healthy community. Within Reach renews this commitment by adapting tuition to every unique financial situation. For an instant estimate, visit Farm Jam! A musical fundraiser to open doors to a Waldorf Education. May 30 from 6:00pm-11:00pm at Pitney Meadows Community Farm. Music performances by The Refrigerators, Sean Rowe, Annie & the Hedonists, The Rodeo Barons, & The North & South Dakota’s. Food & Drinks served by local restaurants, wineries, and breweries, Tickets will be on sale soon! For more information regarding sponsorship, performing at our Farm Jam, or event details contact Anxiety and Depression: An Evening Presentation with Jaimen McMillan in conjunction with Parent University. March 31 at 7:00pm at Maple Ave. Middle School—Large Group Room, 2nd floor. An exciting evening workshop from a dynamic presenter. A look at support for anxiety and depression based on movement and space. OPEN MORNINGS Experience a morning Main Lesson.


Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

Meet for Q & A. Tour our buildings. Lower School on March 31 from 8:30am-10:00am at 62 York Avenue High School and April 1 from 8:30am-10:00am at 122 Regent Street RSVP: | 518.587.2224 Forest Kindergarten 10th Anniversary Celebration May 2 from 10:00am-1:00pm at 45 Kaydeross Avenue West. Walk on the trails, see old friends and faculty, gather together and eat some nourishing foods—the FK way! Rain or shine—of course! Waldorf Summer Camp More Details soon…ages 3-12 Late June to early August—8, 1-week sessions.

Saratoga PLAN conserves 129 acres Saratoga PLAN and landowner David Bowman finalized a conservation easement on 129 acres of fertile farmland comprising Malta Ridge Orchard and Gardens in the Town of Malta. “Saratoga PLAN is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist Mr. Bowman in realizing his goals of protecting this farmland,” said Michael Horn, Conservation Director for Saratoga PLAN, adding “the property’s high quality, well-draining soils are ideal for farming, and will now forever be available for agricultural use.” Bowman explained that after farming a piece of property for over 40 years, the last thing he’d want is to see someone divvy up the land and build houses on it. “The biggest thing, especially in our area, is that there is so much development pressure,” said property owner David Bowman. “I hate to see houses planted on the land, I’d rather see it stay a farm.” The farm has most recently been used to grow crops, small fruit and vegetables and to raise pork and poultry. It was formerly an orchard and nursery with a farm store, growing a wide variety fruits and vegetables from peaches and plums to blueberries and raspberries, in addition to pork, chicken, beef and turkey. This farmland conservation project enjoyed wide community support. Funding for this project came from NYS Department of Ag and Markets’ Hudson Valley Agriculture Enhancement Program, a Saratoga County Farmland Protection Grant, a grant from the Town of Malta and a generous donation from Bowman. Saratoga PLAN is a nonprofit land trust that preserves the rural character, natural habitats and scenic beauty of Saratoga County so that these irreplaceable assets are accessible to all and survive for future generations. PLAN has helped conserve over 7,000 acres of land. PLAN helps landowners conserve farmland, woodlands and natural habitats, and connects people to nature through an extensive trail network, including 10 public nature preserves open for hiking, biking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and kayaking. Saratoga PLAN helps communities create plans that balance growth with conservation to sustain the Saratoga Region as a great place to live, work, visit, play and farm. PLAN facilitates community-based conservation by partnering with municipalities to help them accomplish their community’s conservation goals. For more information call 518-587-554 or visit

Animal Assisted Therapy Comes to the Capital District Changing Reins Psychotherapy has opened its (barn!) doors to help those looking for an alternative approach to mental health care. Changing Reins provides individual and group therapy for people with a variety of mental health, substance abuse, and other cooccurring disorders. They offer a person-centered approach with a specialization in equine-assisted therapy. Work with a licensed mental health practitioner and horses in a farm setting to help reach your therapeutic goals. For those unsure if they want to work with horses but still want to try animal assisted therapy, Changing Reins also offers you the opportunity to work with a therapy dog in a relaxed office space or in an outdoor setting. The services offered can be especially beneficial for working through past trauma. For those who have tried traditional talk therapy and found it uncomfortable to be in a traditional office setting, animal-assisted therapy can be a game changer. Changing Reins tailors therapy to support the needs of each individual. They receive all the benefits of animal-assisted therapy in a setting that best suits their needs. Changing Reins is owned and operated by Saratoga Springs native, Jasmin Raidoo, LCSW. Jasmin is a licensed psychotherapist with additional certification in animal-assisted therapy. Jasmin graduated with her master’s degree from Columbia University and has worked in both inpatient and outpatient mental health and substance abuse settings. Jasmin is additionally certified in trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy and

trauma-focused equine-assisted therapy. Jasmin is a long time horse professional and animal lover. She is dedicated to combining her knowledge of animals and mental health to help others. To make an appointment and see if animal-assisted therapy is right for you, go online to or call 518-813-6456.

16th Annual Holistic & Psychic Fair Holistic & Psychic Fair on April 25, 26, 2020 at the Quality Inn, Oneonta NY. Join us, once again, and celebrate health, wealth, family, and mother earth as the planet is quickening its shift into a new era. Many people are beginning to ask about alternative and complementary ways of healing, ways to find inner peace and life direction, ways to tap into intuition, and ways to live in harmony with mother nature. The SHIFT NY Holistic & Psychic Fair introduces you to top Holistic Practitioners, Psychics, Vendors, and Spiritual Teachers from the Northeast who have tried and true answers to many of your questions. All healers and psychics are screened for authenticity. A big draw is our FREE workshops. We also offer some of the most interesting vendors of spiritual, holistic, & metaphysical items and crafts. Many are handmade items that make wonderful gift ideas. We had 500 guests attend past year’s fairs! For more information visit; Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20


Girlfriends Getaway in Bolton Landing A weekend you deserve. May 8-10, 2020 at The Sagamore Resort on Lake George. Join us for an empowering and fun weekend of motivational talks, fitness and wellness classes, welcome reception, entertainment, fashion show, and luncheon. Create your own agenda by choosing from 15 presentations geared towards women on Saturday. Check our lodging page for the Group Rate at The Sagamore Resort and other great local options. Town-wide shopping and dining specials all weekend. Admission is $125 to attend all the activities listed above. Keynote Speaker, Angela Beddoe - President and CEO of Beddoe Publishing and is publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Herlife Magazine-New York; the premier lifestyle magazine in the Capital Region with a mission of keeping women connected. Relax the body, Renew the Mind, Refresh the Spirit. Check our schedule for the line up of highly motivating workshops and classes at

Wellness Walk at Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park

Healing Springs Journal !

Four Seasons Natural Foods !

Store Cafe Bakery Juice Bar !

Downtown Saratoga !


On March 23rd at 11:00am Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park will be holding a Wellness Walk led by Linda Hovious, fitness instructor at the Saratoga Springs YMCA. This is a great opportunity to enjoy a winter walk on the trails at Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park! The Wellness Walk is geared towards gentle exercise and the enjoyment of nature and will be accessible for participants at basic fitness levels. The walk will depart from the Camp Saratoga North Trailhead kiosk. Registration is appreciated as the program could be cancelled if there is bad weather. If needed, snowshoes will be available for rental 30 minutes before the program; free for members, $3 for non-members. If there is no snow, the program will take place without snowshoes. The Wellness Walks are a bimonthly activity with the next walk scheduled for April 6th at the Old Gick Farm trailhead located on route 50. For more information or to register for the program, please call the Preserve & Park office at 518-450-0321 or via email at For up-to-date trail conditions or program information, please visit the Preserve & Park’s website at The Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park is a non-profit organization that conserves ecological systems and natural settings while providing opportunities for environmental education and outdoor recreation.

We want to hear from you. Send your press releases to; Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20


Skin Care for Spring by Deb Dittner s you prepare for the warmer temperatures of spring and the sun shining down upon your face, you must also prepare for skin care challenges. With temperature change and the increased sunlight, skin conditions such as rosacea, acne, and eczema can flare due to an increase in oil production and sweat.


And then you also have seasonal allergies which can occur when plants begin to grow causing allergens and the release of pollen into the air. This can trigger a histamine reaction showing itself as rosacea, rashes, and generalized irritation. During winter months when hibernation occurs for animals, our oil production decreases, hair and nail growth decreases only to be awakened come spring.


Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

So how do you make variations in your skin care routine to help alleviate these problems? A variety of small and simple changes in your diet and skin care procedures will help. One of the most important strategies is proper hydration. Pure filtered water helps to hydrate from the inside out. Changing your moisturizer from the heavy winter types to a lighter, calming moisturizer will hydrate the skin and provide a layer of protection from irritants and pollution. Spring time also brings an increase in much needed sun exposure. Protection in the form of sunscreen is important but must be chosen wisely void of chemicals that can cause irritation and other damage. Mineral Sunscreen Lotion


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over 25 Years in Business Offering an expanded collection of crystal specimens, books, tarot cards, incense, sage, herbs, oils, Wiccan supplies and meditation CDs!

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for updates

We also offer unique, fair-trade clothing, jewelry, tapestries, wind chimes, statuary and more!

Psychic Readings on Saturdays! Life is confusing, so come in and get some clarity with a Tarot and Numerology reading from Joan Scannell. Rates are $20 for 15 minutes and $40 for a half hour. Visit: for more information about Joan. Readings are also available in the store on Thursday—Sunday with other readers. *call store to schedule

Bring in this ad and receive 10% off full-price merchandise. by Young Living comes in 10 and 50 SPF and is free of harmful chemicals. Badger Sunscreen is another good brand. When choosing a sunscreen, look for non-irritating and hypoallergenic.

and gallbladder. And don’t forget lycopene-rich watermelon both hydrating and skin protective. Now that you’ve taken care of your skin…let’s enjoy spring!!!

To decrease the effects of sun damage, consider using a Vitamin C-rich facial mask approximately once per week. Vitamin C provides a protective anti-oxidant barrier, assist in sunscreen protection, and decrease sun-induced damage. Another product to repair and soothe skin irritation is using a Manuka honey mask. This will calm and restore the skin while providing antibacterial properties. A yogurt mask is another great treat for the skin allowing for healing to occur. Allow these masks to sit on the skin for approximately 15 minutes then rinse with warm water. In spring you also begin opening the windows to let in the fresh, crisp air along with pollens and other irritants which can cause puffiness, redness, and dry patches. An air purifier helps to rid the home of pollens and accumulating dust, and is especially useful in the bedroom. A variety of houseplants can also provide a natural purification of indoor air quality. Some plants I love to incorporate are snake plants (also known as mother-in-law tongue), peace lily, English ivy, and the broadleaf lady palm to name a few. And of course, you need to eat whole nutrient dense foods including greens (kale, collards, mustard greens and dandelion greens) slightly steamed as these will aid in detoxifying the liver again nourishing from the inside out. These seasonal transition foods help to detoxify and cleanse allowing support of the liver

Deb Dittner, a Family Nurse Practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher, and Holistic Nutrition Counselor has been a longtime advocate and provider of integrative and holistic practices. She has experience in family health, sports medicine, holistic nutrition, pediatrics, women’s health, college health, and holistic counseling. Deb was the nutrition consultant for several players on AHL hockey teams. Her work with them lead to her book, “Body Balance Empowering Performance”, in which she explains nutrition in the simplest way using common sense so you can choose your foods wisely. She incorporates genetic testing with the team to personalize nutrition aimed at improved performance. These test results encourage you to eat according to your genes for life. Deb emphasizes a holistic approach towards creating optimal health through integration with medical protocols. She will personalize your daily nutrition while exploring the necessary tools needed to create a lifetime of balance. Food changes everything. Imagine what your life would be like if you had clear thinking, energy, and excitement every day. For more information, you can go to or call 518-596-8565. Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20


Dr. Michael Wayne • Integrative Medicine • Acupuncture • Nutrition • Chinese Medicine • Lifestyle Counseling • Quantum Thinking

Stress reduction for


improvement by Barbara Stevens


t’s been a long day and an even longer week. Commitments swirl around you, worry fills your thoughts, and as exhausted as you feel, you just cannot get to sleep. Stress often impacts sleep quality and duration. When stress and lack of sleep are paired together, the results can have a severe impact on physical and mental health.

Saratoga Springs & Clifton Park

518-210-1557 12

Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

The newest research shows that lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain, poor performance on exams and in the workplace; relationship problems, inability of the body to heal, delayed reaction time that is equivalent to legal intoxication. Studies have also linked lack of adequate sleep to mental health complications. Every cell of the body benefits from good quality sleep. The brain is able to work through the stress of the day, memory and recall improve, there is an increase in the ability to concentrate, and decision making improves. We feel energized instead of wired, eager instead of anxious, resourceful instead of discouraged. When we reach the deepest levels of sleep, our cells regenerate, anti-aging and growth hormones are emitted that increase the body’s ability to repair injuries and heal. We all occasionally have trouble falling or staying asleep, but if poor sleep quality is allowed to go on for too long (actually for as short as 6 months), it can cause dire effects, physically and emotionally. What if you could awaken feeling refreshed, with natural energy to take you through your day? What would change if you were able to do this on a daily basis? There are skills that you can learn to achieve this state of well-being.

Better sleep has been found to be crucial for

Weight Reduction, Memory and Recall, Overall Physical and Mental Wellbeing Stress is a critical factor in the quality of sleep.

Basic sleep hygiene includes:

Call Barbara Stevens, 518-755-5053

• Managing stress on a daily basis, • Allowing for wind down time before bed, • Creating a bedtime routine, • Keeping to a regular schedule for retiring and rising, • Remove work and entertainment from the bedroom, • Use the bedroom for sleep and intimacy. There is also growing evidence that stress management, and relaxation techniques, are very effective in improving sleep quality and returning the body to its natural rhythm. When this rhythm is disrupted, like what occurs with jetlag and shift work, this natural tempo can be thrown off balance. We become unable to drop into the deep restorative sleep and we constantly feel tired. Barbara has recently completed a certification in Sleep Behavior. During the month of March, she is offering a special stress evaluation for sleep improvement for $45. (Please, mention Healing Springs Journal to receive this special.) The evaluation will allow you to see how stress is affecting you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Then with relaxation techniques you will experience the deep relaxation needed for quality sleep. You’ll leave with some ideas that you can implement immediately. Barbara Stevens has conducted workshops, seminars, and private sessions for over 20 years as a certified Stress Management Consultant and Hypnotist through International Association of Counselors and Therapists. Stress Techniques, 518-755-5053

“We all occasionally have trouble falling or staying asleep, but if poor sleep quality is allowed to go on for too long (actually for as short as 6 months), it can cause dire effects, physically and emotionally.”

Sue Coughtry,


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Reclaim your Ancient Wisdom Workshops & private sessions bringing you to your real self.

Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey;

July 16, Aug 15, Sept 14 • email for locations as it changes 6:30pm-8 • $20 suggested, pay what you have

Join the community, connect with your ancient self

Katrina Clay’s mission is to show that animals, nature and music are guides to living an authentic and symbolic life.


Depressed Teenagers by Elliott Robertson I’m concerned about the teenagers in today’s world.


n November of 2018, just over a year ago, The Washington Post reported on the skyrocketing rates of depression in American youth: • A new report on the state of mental health in the United States says that in recent years, there have been ‘alarming’ increases in major depression in youth. • According to Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, “the rise was most rapid among those ages 12 -17, increasing from 8.7 percent in 2005 to 12.7 percent in 2015.”

I was a depressed teen once. I disliked high school. I didn’t fit in. I was never diagnosed or on medications. It wasn't major. I’ll never forget the day my mother said she had something she wanted to talk about with me. We sat down in the living room and she told me she was concerned about me. She told me depression was nothing to be ashamed about, that it was very common. She offered to arrange for me to see a psychologist. “Just let me know if you’d like to,” she said. “It could be helpful. Many people see psychologists-there’s no need to be ashamed about seeing one.” That brief communication turned my spirits around. Just a little, but enough to start the journey upwards. It was the caring underneath my mother's words that spoke to me, of course. I never gave much thought to seeing a psychologist. Still, I'll be forever grateful for being seen and cared for. For a moment, my heart was receiving oxygen. I'm always interested in people’s life stories. I wonder what gold can be gleaned from those who came before us. What can we learn about ourselves from the autobiographies of those who preceded us? I consider St. Theresa’s life. She lost her mother when she was four years old; a few years later her older sister, who had acted


Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

as her second mother, entered a Carmelite convent in Lisieux, where she would be cloistered and forbidden to return. I wonder how St. Theresa came to lead a life of deep contentment and great fulfillment. I consider the short life of Anne Frank. She lived out her days with a bright, positive focus, even when she and her family were hiding from the Nazis. This saint and this child were able to journey through times of great personal challenge without succumbing to depression. I wonder if they were able to navigate the difficulties because they were living in their hearts, rather than being led by the chatter of the judgmental mind? Anne Frank’s journal entries testify to her abiding in her heart. Her belief in the goodness of humans-a belief rooted in the heart and not in “the monkey mind” did not wither when she was being chased by the Nazis. St. Theresa wrote in her autobiography of being devastated by her mother's passing and devastated once again when her older sister left her when she was nine. She shed tears; she didn't fall into self-pity, bitterness or depression. She knew from a young age that life was larger than the circumstances that came her way. As a spiritual coach, I have come to believe that more than anything else, “the monkey mind” accounts for the increasing number of people who are depressed. When we spend our days swimming in the soup of judgments coming from the chattering mind, we are more likely to see the world as a place to be feared. We are also more likely to see ourselves as powerless to make things better. We get stuck in the misery of seeing the world through this lens — not only due to habituation, but also because the mind doesn't like to be confused or to admit that it might be wrong. If someone suggests that other possibilities might be available - say, the

Greater Life Health Get Relief from Autoimmune Symptoms, IBS/Digestive Issues, Stress, Unwanted Weight, Habits and More? Kevin Daugherty, The Holistic Health Hypnotist Can Help YOU! Call 518-879-1078 NOW to find out how to Achieve your Best Life Ever. possibility of seeing oneself through the eyes of love, or the possibility of choosing different responses to the world - the mind is apt to snuff out the idea like a candle snuffer puts an end to the candle’s flame. “No, that is simply not true,” the mind will say. “I already know the world is unsupportive and difficult and I have evidence.” Or, if someone suggests that you’re not socially inept, to use another example, the mind will say, “You made a blunder at the party a few months ago-you are an idiot.” Huge 20% Veteran Discount Conveniently located 3/4 of a mile off I-87 in Round Lake !

I wonder if the depressed teenagers of today are trapped in their “monkey mind” and need to find a pathway from the mind into the heart. Would Sally benefit from imagining herself as a magnificent light-filled being with a heart that has been designed to love the world? Would she get a moment of respite from the quicksand of her “monkey mind” and the harsh judgments it stirs up by tapping into her imagination?

Four Seasons Natural Foods !

What if she were to start each day for a few weeks playing with these images and sensing her nobility? Would her nobility and grandeur become less hidden, or at least more visible and palpable to herself? Would she begin to befriend her true self? Would these moments of oxygenating the heart help her pivot from the direction of misery to something closer to the direction of heaven? Years ago, my mother said, “I know things can get better.” She offered to find psychologist for me in a time before visualizations became popular. Perhaps you'll want to share your caring spirit with a depressed teenager in your life, be it your child, grandchild, or someone else. Offer the help of a psychologist, if you choose to. Or suggest the following practice to your dear one: Morning practice: Take two or three minutes upon waking up to imagine yourself standing by the shoreline (or anywhere in nature) radiating light and inner beauty and standing tall in your true essence. Try this for three or four weeks to see if the effects are cumulative or deepening over time. Let your dear one know everyone’s different. What works for some people might not work as well for someone else. Still, new approaches might be worth a try.

Store Cafe Bakery Juice Bar !

Downtown Saratoga !

Elliott Robertson is the author of “Say Yes to Life: Seven Keys to Living Life Full Out from Within.” A love and joy coach, he holds an MA in psychology and is a workshop leader. For a complementary guided visualization, please visit; Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20


Medical Therapeutic Yoga for Osteoporosis by Dr. Sarah Avery, DPT, PYT, RYT-200


steoporosis affects 55 percent of the population age 50 and older in the United States. Osteoporosis is most prevalent in post-menopausal women due to hormonal changes from reduced estrogen and progesterone production. There are also a number of factors that may also contribute to osteoporosis including certain medications, lifestyle habits (ie. diet, exercise, and sleep), and other diseases. Over time bones become porous and fragile due to an imbalance in activity of osteoclasts (cells that absorb bone) and osteoblasts (cells that form bone). Osteoclast activity is higher and causes an increased rate of resorption of bone leading to porous bones. The most common sites include the low back, hips, and the long bones of the legs. When bones become porous and fragile there is a higher risk for fractures in these areas. There is considerable research outlining the correlation between spinal compression fractures and osteoporosis. Compression fractures affect approximately 25 percent of all postmenopausal women in the United States. The prevalence of this condition steadily increases with advancing age, reaching 40 percent in women 80 years of age. Posture, and strength of the postural muscles are important to improve when considering the risk of compression fractures. As we age, these muscles tend to get weaker and the upper spine starts to curve forward, called thoracic kyphosis. When this happens, the loads through the vertebrae are n longer equal, causing most of the weight to be put through only one side of the bone. When this amount of load cannot be equally dispersed and the bone is not strong anymore, the bones will break. These compression fractures can be painful, debilitating, and decrease quality of life. Another important factor to consider for those with osteoporosis is balance and stability because falls may have the most consequential outcomes for a person with osteoporosis. Falls among the elderly, especially for those with osteoporosis, are associated with high morbidity and mortality and can involve


Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

high-cost medical intervention. In fact, falls are responsible for 90% of the growing increase in hip fractures. One out of three adults aged 65 and older fall each year. Like strength training, balance improves with practice. Challenging the balance system consistently in a safe environment improves that system, and makes you feel more confident in overcoming slips, trips, and falls that lead to fractures. Yoga is one of the key exercises that improves both posture and balance when done consistently (4-6 months). The results of yoga include improved posture, improved balance, better coordination, greater range of motion, improved strength, and better gait. Improving posture deals directly with spinal compression fractures, while all of these well known benefits of yoga reduce the risk of falling, which is the main cause of fractures in women with osteoporosis. Yoga also helps to reduce anxiety that may be associated with the fear of falling. A long term balance training program for women with osteoporosis can improve the quality of life of the individual. Dr. Katie Mars explains in a previous article that strength training leads to increased bone mineral density. You can read more about this in Katie’s article at In addition to strength training, medical therapeutic yoga is equally as important in addressing posture deficits that can lead to compression fractures, and improves balance so the incidence of fractures due to falls decreases. This is why FysioFit PT has created a unique and well rounded program that uses functional lifts and medical therapeutic yoga together in a small group setting led by physical therapists. Our program can be used in conjunction with your medical treatment for your best results. There are different phases of the osteoporosis program. Phase 1 classes are a “foundations” series in which you will learn the lifts and yoga poses in great detail. Classes are held twice per week for six weeks with no more than four people in the class. Classes are led by two instructors who supply all the equipment you will need. Each class is an hour long and begins

WineWine & Wellness Sept 21-26, 2020 & Wellness Sept 21-26, 2020 We invite you to ditch the routines and join us this fall in southern France on a journey to stretch your mind, body and spirit. We’ll take our pilates and our positive vibes to the beautiful and sunny French countryside. You’ll have a chance to immerse yourself in your well-being while enjoying the best treats of southwestern France: Charm of a centuries old farm-hamlet, long dinners “al fresco” and the famous French “joie de vivre”, farmers’ markets in medieval villages, local vineyards and wine tastings, splendid nature and tranquil ambiance, inspiring classes and intimate environment, champagne brunch in the sunshine, sunflower fields and more…

Regular price: $1650 Included: • Morning Pilates and evening stretching • Accommodation (5 nights/6 days) • All meals made with the freshest ingredients, snacks, drinks • Property with vast outdoors, pool, sauna, various sports/games equipment, hiking • Transportation in the region (wine-tasting, farmers’ market, brocante, Bordeaux, Atlantic Ocean or Mediterranean Sea). • One bundled airport transfer from and to Toulouse-Blagnac Airport • Good mood, happy company, recharged mind & body & soul!


Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20


Your Next Best Friend Leo here and I'm a handsome Boxer boy that is a shy in new situations. Cheese is my favorite so if you want to become friends, bring some string cheese. Check Website for updated list of available animal Bartley wants nothing more than to lay around your shoulders and neck, that's how close he likes to be to you!! He would make a great addition to any home that is looking for a snuggle bug cat.

About Our Shelter The Mohawk & Hudson River Humane Society (MHRHS) of Menands, New York has been saving the lives of abused and unwanted animals since 1887. MHRHS is a non-profit organization that receives no ongoing funding from federal, state or local governments or any other animal welfare organization. We rely on your generous donations to support our vital services for the animals.

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“Osteoporosis is most prevalent in postmenopausal women due to hormonal changes from reduced estrogen and progesterone production... Over time bones become porous and fragile due to an imbalance in activity of osteoclasts (cells that absorb bone) and osteoblasts (cells that form bone).” with a movement prep to warm up the muscles and joints you will use for the lifts done that day. Weighted vests are used during the movement prep to safely and effectively load the bones of the spine and the hips. The last half hour of the sessions finishes with a guided yoga session that uses researched foundational poses that have been shown to improve bone mineral density, posture, and balance. The expert instructors have a working knowledge of what poses are unsafe when considering osteoporosis and will guide you through sequences that not only are safe, but show you how to move better through everyday activities. Small class sizes ensure that you are getting the attention you need during yoga to know that you are doing the poses correctly. Additional poses are added to the sequences that round out the lifts that were done that day. No experience is necessary, this is what the foundations class is all about! The foundations classes were a huge success this winter, and many of the participants will be continuing with Phase 2 of the program. One participant stated “I was so scared to move. I thought that if I lift anything heavy, or move the wrong way I would break. This program has helped me realize I can lift heavy things, and taught me how to move safely. It is so empowering, and I no longer feel like my life is over!”. Phase 2 is geared toward building confidence in participants so they can do some of the lifts and yoga on their own, while still providing guidance throughout the program. We have seen great improvement in confidence, strength, posture, and balance in Phase 1. Our well-rounded research based program focuses on your goals while considering your individual medical history. For more information call us at 518-3066894 or email us at Contact author for references used in article. Sarah Avery is partnered with other physical therapists to help you learn what exercises are the most effective for your individual needs. If you are interested in how to create a weightlifting and yoga program to improve your bone health, please contact us through FysioFit at 518-3061225 or Goodemote PT at 518-3066894. You can also speak with your doctor about getting a bone mineral density test and taking supplements, and a dietician about a healthy diet so that we can improve your bone health from all angles.


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T hof eSaratoga Wa l d o r f S c h o o l Springs Offers New Tuition Model


he Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs is proud to introduce Within Reach - a bold new tuition model that eliminates tuition barriers guaranteeing inclusion, accessibility and transparency. For over 100 years, Waldorf Schools have valued diversity as a centerpiece for building healthy communities. Within Reach renews this commitment by adapting tuition to every unique financial situation. Brand new in 2020, the sliding scale tuition model combines an unbiased algorithm with each family’s unique financial situation to determine an equitable and realistic cost of education. Beneath the model is a firm belief that finances shouldn’t prevent any child from receiving a Waldorf education. Transparency and accessibility to this program are achieved through implementation of an online tuition estimator and a third-party online application administered by the reputable application organization— FACTS. In addition, thanks to the continued generosity of sponsors, current families and the Board of Directors of the school, prospective students that qualify both academically and financially may be eligible for additional tuition scholarships to aid in their ability to attend the school. Also based on a sliding scale, the school’s financial officer will work with each family in conjunction with funding available for the initiative. These scholarships

will ensure that class vibrancy, diversity and social inclusion are alive and thriving at WSSS. WSSS Mission Statement: The Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs values the healthy development of the whole individual in mind, body, and spirit. Through a focus on academics, music, art, and movement, our bountiful curriculum—based on established and evolving Waldorf principles—inspires creative thought, discourse, human connections, and experiential learning. We graduate global citizens who have initiative, social responsibility, and enthusiasm for life. As a holistic education, the goal is to help to develop healthy, productive, well-adjusted adults prepared for our ever-changing world, each in their own unique fashion, but all with balance and strength in their thoughts, feelings and actions. Of the approximately 140 Waldorf Schools in the US, Saratoga Springs is fortunate to have a Waldorf School—and one of only 40 in the country that continues from pre-k through High School. Started in 1919, the Waldorf movement is celebrating its 100th anniversary. To begin a conversation if WSSS is right for you and your family, please contact Elisabeth Garofalo at or 518-587-2224 or visit

“As a holistic education, the goal is to help to develop healthy, productive, welladjusted adults prepared for our ever-changing world, each in their own unique fashion, but all with balance and strength in their thoughts, feelings and actions.” Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20


Your Internal

Ecosystem by Wendy Ball find the word “ecosystem” to be quite evocative. When we’re speaking of different environments on our planet we want them to be healthy; we want to foster and protect rich diversity. We want to be able to visit wild places and enjoy their beauty, to re-set, to heal and regain balance in our lives.


Our urban spaces and the communities we live in are ecosystems of a different kind. We are challenged to maintain them, or change them so they can be safe human friendly places to live. The same applies to our living spaces. De-cluttering, cleaning, taking care of broken things, can do wonders for ones sense of peace and order. And then there’s what I’d call ones internal ecosystem, ones inner environment. It is where your inner family of parts live, with respect and caring, or not. Every bit of effort I have made

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Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

over the years to heal has helped to create safety and the ability to relax and enjoy within myself. Whatever time I have spent developing interests and creative pursuits has built an inner environment which nourishes, inspires, and brings me pleasure. The boundaries I set regarding people, influences and types of stimulation are important gate-keepers, keeping my internal environment a good place to be, a place where I can connect with my deepest self and make wise decisions that are anchored in awareness of what I value, of what is important to me. It is the first quarter of 2020 and likely you have noticed that this is turning out to be an extraordinary year full of change and challenge, and for most, stress and insecurity. Politically and economically we seem to be on the brink, of what exactly it is hard to say. It’s a recipe for fear-based reactive thinking and behavior. It is hard to know who to trust to give us reliable information. There’s a new virus afoot. How concerned should we be? The


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powers that be seem more interested in maintaining control (they call it stability) and minimizing impact on markets than impact on humans. We read about preventive measures such as social distancing and self quarantining. We wonder just how unsafe our public social, service and work spaces may become. What can a person do to mitigate such crazy-making circumstances? How does one re-gain balance? Personally, my inner life, my internal ecosystem is what saves the day. I can trust it. I can feel safe there. I can rest there. I find sanctuary there. If my movements within the external ecosystems we inhabit become restricted for some period of time my inner ecosystem is waiting for me like a well stocked pantry, full of creative outlets and the tools to enjoy them, well worn paths of connection to friends and family, full of memories, full of practices that support inner travel, balance and peace. In the shamanic world this place might be called your sacred garden. In the akashic world this place might be called your akashic room. It might be a place of inner vision or simply the sense of yourself that you create over time from doing things that make meaning for you. I hope my words inspire you to create and protect your inner ecosystem so that no matter what it is there for you when you need it and that you go there often. Your inner ecosystem is as real as the outer one and may save your sanity in the months and years to come. Wendy Ball, M.Ed is a mentor, coach and shamanic healer with over 30 years of experience helping people to heal and connect more deeply to themselves. For more information you can phone her at (518) 813-8524 or email

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Lynn Allison, DC 268-9542 Craniosacral Therapy, Chiropractic Ballston Spa, NY

Ancient Arts

Veterinary Acupuncture Holistic veterinary health, dental and end-of-life care for all domestic species. Kristina Dallas, DVM • Saratoga Springs (518) 727-2940 drkris@veterinar yancientar www.veterinar yancientar Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20


Cate LaBarre Life Coach & Workshop Leader Certified Daring Way FacilitatorTM (Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown) 518-882-6202 & mobile 607-287-0658

A Naturopathic Doctor’s Approach to



& Using Essential Oils for the Heart and Romance by Sarah LoBisco, ND Article is adapted from

Why a Holistic, Naturopathic Medicine Approach to Heart Health is Needed


eart disease has remained the number one killer in the United States for quite some time. Our healthcare system has been attempting to “fix” these mortality statistics by using drugs to suppress cholesterol numbers and through diet, exercise, quitting smoking, and getting proper rest. These wellness components are important. In fact a clinical study has shown that naturopathic doctors who provide lifestyle interventions for supporting cardiovascular health get better results than usual care. Furthermore, it is cost effective. Yet, I believe that naturopathic medical doctors’ “secret sauce” for triumphing in circulatory support is in their ability to build quality, therapeutic relationships. This is because the most important predictor of cardiovascular death is not healthy diet, exercise, or weight. The number one determinant of cardiovascular death is isolation and perceived loneliness. This is why I advocate for promoting positive, people connections over prescribing restrictive, elimination diets.

Since 1984 Tim Talmage, DC Lee Masterson, DC Bob Irwin, DC Michael Ashline, DC

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Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

One way I help people move forward to create resilience and build courage in relationships is by using essential oils. This is because their molecular components simultaneously support physical, psychological, and biochemical healing. By balancing emotions, they aid in clearing blocks that prevent deep connections and living to one’s highest potential. In fact, a few years ago I listed exactly how essential oils can encourage and optimize relationships. This is through alleviating negative reactions to stress, promoting bonding, building trust, and balancing hormones. (You can read more of on my website.) Furthermore, essential oils also promote cardiovascular health directly through various mechanisms of action. They have multiple physiological and biological impacts as well as promote emotional and mental health. For example, juniper may relieve hypertension due to its antioxidant properties.

Below is a list of my favorite essential oils and their uses for cardiovascular and relationship health. If you use them, you may just feel the courage to love more freely.

Essential Oils That Promote Connection and Heart Health Ylang ylang is one of my favorite “perfume” oils. It is the perfect oil to open your heart and keep it at a healthy beat. Use it to calm your nervous system and infuse your surroundings with an enticing aroma. Patchouli oil will soothe and beautify your skin, calm your belly, and squelch inflammation in the body so you radiate happiness during the season of romance. Rose Geranium oil is beyond beautifying! This essential oil will enhance your mood and keep your hormones, heart, and health in peak shape to receive love. Cedarwood is a “wise oil” that sharpens the mind, yet also can relax your nervous system. I like to diffuse it to create an atmosphere of comfort and solace on chilly winter nights. It is a great scent to fill a room for cozy cuddles and sweet dreams! RLV Blend is a calming mix of essential oils that enhance emotional balance as you ride the exciting waves of relationships. It contains rue, lavender, and valerian. (Note, Rue can be photosensitive, so no sunbathing after application!) Rose oil is known for its intoxicating aroma as it fosters relaxation and acts as a potential aphrodisiac for romantic evenings.

With all those benefits, why not wrap up a bottle of rose oil to go with the flowers for your upcoming date night?

Safe ways to use these oils include: • Placing a drop or two on your wrists diluted in a carrier oil. Smell them straight from the bottle. • Diffuse them in your atomizer diffuser. References can be found at: Sarah LoBisco, ND, IFCMP, is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM). She is licensed in Vermont as a naturopathic doctor and has received her certification in functional medicine through the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM), which is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). She holds a Bachelor of Psychology from State University of New York at Geneseo and is also certified in Applied Kinesiology. Dr. LoBisco currently incorporates her training in holistic and conventional medicine through writing, researching, and through her independent consulting work with individuals and for companies regarding supplements, nutraceuticals, essential oils, and medical foods. Dr. LoBisco speaks professionally on integrative medical topics and has several journal publications. “Dr. Sarah” also enjoys continuing to educate and empower her readers and clients through her blogs and social media. Her main blog can be found at

Functional Nutrition seeks the underlying cause of ill health for each unique individual.

The body is designed to heal itself, when given the right tools. 550 Maple Ave Suite 202 Saratoga Springs, NY 518-306-9257 lisaobrien.nutrition@gmailcom Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20


This is My Thing An excerpt from “We Are the Luckiest” by Laura McKowen Before Laura McKowen got sober, she had a long, successful career in public relations in the Mad Men-esque drinking culture of the advertising industry, where “liquid lunches were frequent and drinking at your desk in the late afternoon was perfectly normal.” In the five years since she stopped drinking, she has become one of the foremost voices in the modern recovery movement. In her new memoir “We Are the Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Lif’e (New World Library, January 7, 2020), McKowen flips the script on how we talk about addiction and encourages readers not to ask, “Is this bad enough that I have to change?” but rather, “Is this good enough for me to stay the same?”

We hope you’ll enjoy this excerpt from the book.


knew drinking was going to be my thing long before the night of our mom’s sixtieth birthday party, even if I refused to let that knowing arrive fully into my consciousness. I knew it in college when one of my guy friends, while retelling a story from a crazy party we’d been at the night before, joked that I probably wouldn’t remember — because I was always too drunk to remember — and I felt like crawling into a hole and dying. I knew it in my twenties, living in Boston, when my girlfriends continually joked about whose turn it was to take care of me, before we went out to the bars. I knew it by the urgency I felt chugging champagne before my wedding, and I knew it later, after my husband and I learned I was pregnant. I drank the occasional glass here and there throughout my pregnancy — sometimes pushing the limit from one to one and a half glasses — but aside from the wine not feeling good physically, I realized how much I relied on it to soften my experience. It was so incomplete to me, so unsatisfying, to have only one glass. To have a limit. Often in those pregnant months, I’d be going about my day

Katrina Clay’s mission is to show that animals, nature and music are guides to living an authentic and symbolic life.

Reclaim your Ancient Wisdom Workshops & private sessions bringing you to your real self.

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Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

and suddenly be struck by an overwhelming urge to reach for wine. Something to take the edge off. And not being able to drink sent a surprising jolt of panic through me. Before my pregnancy, my drinking could at least be contextualized. I was having fun, going out after work, hanging out with the girls, Sunday Funday, “relaxing.” But now that I couldn’t have a drink anytime I wanted one, it was alarming how often I wanted one.

I don’t know what your thing is, but alcohol was mine. And here is the thing we must know about our things if we are ever going to survive them: We believe we can bury them, when the truth is, they’re burying us. They will always bury us, eventually. ***

It was the first time it had scratched at my consciousness that perhaps drinking had morphed elusively into something I not only liked but also needed. If not physically, then certainly emotionally. I’m not sure if you’ve ever needed something like this. Maybe you top off your drink when nobody’s looking, like I used to do. Maybe you’re like my friend Brent and you eat McDonald’s Big Macs and whole Domino’s cheese pizzas in your car on the way home from work, before dinner. Maybe you can’t leave a man who regularly beats the hell out of you, even though when he knocked you unconscious last week, you swore it was the last time. Maybe you’re the one who’s been slicing into your body with razor blades since you were sixteen, because the pain needs a place to go. Maybe — maybe your thing is less severe or more socially acceptable, like staying at the office past your kids’ bedtime most nights because work is the only place you feel in control, or maybe you wrestle with crippling perfectionism. Maybe it’s the red-hot hatred you feel toward every woman pushing a stroller since you discovered you couldn’t get pregnant last spring, or maybe you keep trying to untangle the knot of rage in your chest that just never leaves.

If you know your thing, that’s good news, although I know it doesn’t feel that way. It doesn’t mean it’s fair. It doesn’t mean letting go and moving through will be easy. It doesn’t mean you have any idea what the f@#k to do next — I certainly didn’t. It just means you’re no longer willing or able to fight to keep it in your life. Laura McKowen is the author of We Are the Luckiest. She is a former public relations executive who has become recognized as a fresh voice in the recovery movement. Beloved for her soulful and irreverent writing, she leads sold-out yoga-based retreats and other courses that teach people how to say yes to a bigger life. Visit her online at Printed with permission from New World Library; Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20



Astrological FORECAST April & May 2020

Using Standard Time locate your Rising Sign or Ascendant. If your birth time is Daylight Savings Time, subtract one hour. Your actual Rising Sign or Ascendant may differ depending on certain time of birth and dates; however, not to confuse the non-astrologer use the sign indicated for your Forecast. This placement is similar to the transiting planet’s location in your Natal Chart, except for exact degrees, and will correctly indicate your Forecast. For example, if you are a Gemini born at 6:38 P.M., your Ascendant is Capricorn. IT SHOULD BE NOTED: In April, the Full Moon occurs on the 7th at 18:44 Libra. On the 25th Pluto Turns Retrograde at 24:59 Capricorn. No other planets are Retrograde. In May, the Full Mon occurs at 17:20 Scorpio on the 7th. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th at 01:57 Aquarius, Venus goes Retrograde on the 13th at 21:50 Gemini and Jupiter turns Retrograde on the 14th at 27:14 Capricorn.

ARIES ASCENDANT APRIL: Self-development, who you are and personal potential are examined for this month. The Full Moon on the 7th and for the next two weeks will influence your one-to-one relationships and improve your understanding of others. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 25th and you evaluate your career achievements and then determine whether you are going in the correct direction. MAY: Financial situations, use of assets and attracting money are encouraging for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th it is the time to settle old debts and commitments. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and group activities may change. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th making you think about advancement or new opportunities in your career or the equivalent.

TAURUS ASCENDANT APRIL: Universal laws, assisting the needy and seeking soli-


Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

tude are important for this month. During the two weeks after the Full Moon on the 7th the influence will center around your work and care of your health. Pluto goes Retrograde on the 25th and begins to examine your philosophy on life and spiritual beliefs. You also wonder what you should do with your life. MAY: Approach to life, discovering oneself and image projection are studied for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 7th there are subtle changes in your relationships. Saturn goes Retrograde on the 11th and there may be greater career demands. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 14th and you become interested in mind-expanding studies or foreign travel.

GEMINI ASCENDANT APRIL: Career earnings, group activities and hopes and wishes are reviewed for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th and for the following two weeks it will influence your loved ones and any creative hobbies. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 25th and you review your shared assets and monies to see if there should be changes. You also take a renewed interest in abstract teachings. MAY: Spiritual resources, hidden abilities and working for the needy are explored for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th you may look forward to a promotion or a new position. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and you rethink your philosophy on life. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th and can be a good time to examine your shared assets and possessions.

CANCER ASCENDANT APRIL: The career world, receiving recognition and setting priorities are considered for this month. The Full Moon on the 7th and for the next two weeks will influence your personal affairs and family matters. Pluto goes Retrograde on the 25th and you will gain self-knowledge through your relationships. As you begin to compromise you will also learn about yourself. MAY: Sharing with friends, working together and achieving a goal are enjoyed for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 7th you take a renewed interest in creative hobbies. Saturn goes Retrograde on the 11th and this is not a good time take on more debt. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 14th and you want to meet new people and expand your social involvements.

LEO ASCENDANT APRIL: Prophetic dreams, philosophy on life and mental pursuits are analyzed for this month. During the two weeks after the Full Moon on the 7th the influence will center around your neighborhood and all communications. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 25th and you take a renewed interest in both your work through new skills and your health through exercise and diet. MAY: The career world, recognized achievement and public image are considered for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th your family and home life will become more important. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and you will examine your relationships. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th and you look for ways to expand your knowledge and your work skills.

VIRGO ASCENDANT APRIL: Another’s assets, spiritual appreciation and shared

resources are reviewed for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th and for the following two weeks it will influence your personal income and financial affairs. Pluto goes Retrograde on the 25th and you want to express yourself in a new way. If you have a hidden talent or hobby you may decide to share it with others MAY: Universal mysteries, intuitive guidance and mental aspirations are explored for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 7th you want to catch-up on telephone calls and paperwork. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and it’s a time for work before pleasure. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 14th and you become involved with loved ones’ and helping with their creative hobbies.


CAPRICORN ASCENDANT APRIL: Home-front activity, domestic matters and home environment are explored for this month. The Full Moon on the 7th and during the next two weeks will influence your career, or the equivalent, and your future aims in life. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 25th and you want to change your inner feelings as well as your outward appearance through a hairstyle or wardrobe. MAY: Mental riches, creative expression and love relationships are enjoyed to this month. Following the Full Moon on the 7th you may decide to set new goals or long-term directions. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and you begin a new financial plan. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th and you want to expand your possibilities, but you may also literally expand.


APRIL: Learning to compromise, forming partnerships and legal contracts are examined for this month. The Full Moon on the 7th and for the next two weeks will influence your selfexpression and appearance. Pluto goes Retrograde on the 25th when family issues and personal matters need to be rethought and resolved. You may decide to change or remodel your home or apartment. MAY: Far-reaching changes, a partner’s assets and solving old problems are checked out for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th you examine your finances and pay off old bills. Saturn goes Retrograde on the 11th and an old love may come back into your life. Jupiter turms retrograde on the 14th and you make changes in your home to make it more comfortable for all.

APRIL: Daily mental activities, communicating with others and new studies are rethought for this month. During the two weeks after the Full Moon on the 7th your interest will turn to your spiritual beliefs and new studies. Pluto goes Retrograde on the 25th and it can be a good time to rethink your spiritual and metaphysical beliefs and to begin a new study to alter them. MAY: Identifying with past, one’s inner guidance and family life are studied for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th you may begin to make changes in your aims in life. Saturn goes Retrograde on the 11th and you become more serious and less carefree. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 14th and this can be a time of healing on an inner, spiritual or psychological level.



APRIL: Serving others, attention to health and learning efficiency are important for this month. During the two weeks after the Full Moon on the 7th the influence will include your spiritual and metaphysical understandings. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 25th and you question things that you believe. You may begin a new course of study as this is a good time for mental pursuits. MAY: Professional help, art of compromise and forming relationships are explored for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 7th you want to express yourself to others. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and you pay more attention to your home and family. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th and you become interested in a new course of study or a spiritual workshop.

APRIL: Expanding resources, financial situations and sense of values are examined for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th and for the following two weeks it will influence your shared monies and possessions. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 25th and you review your recent achievements and may change your goals or directions. You also become involved in new groups. MAY: One’s environment, routine activities and ability to communicate are reviewed for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 7th you take an interest in new studies. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and your interest in spirituality increases. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th and you expand your meetings of new friends through group and community activities.

SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANT APRIL: Creative talents, expressing oneself and joys of life are checked for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th and for the following two weeks it will influence your group associations and long-term goals. Pluto goes Retrograde on the 25th and you examine your assets and possessions as well as your savings and spending habits to see where you are able to make changes. MAY: Maintaining well-being, attraction to pets and social duties are important for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th you may want to begin a new spiritual study or workshop. Saturn goes Retrograde on the 11th and you begin a new course of study. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 14th and money matters are important to you and you want to increase your assets.

Arlene is an Author, Astrologer and Para-Consultant and has studied and worked with astrology for more than forty years. She has also been a professional astrologer since 1980. Arlene has a Certificate of Merit from Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson (CA 1982) and a Certificate of Proficiency from the Mayo School of Astrology (London 1985). In addition, she holds certifications from the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (1982-2021) as both a Medium and Spiritual Healer (Lily Dale, NY). Arlene can be reached at Astrological Concepts, (518) 371-8097, or Visit her at: Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20



ACUPUNCTURE Michael Wayne, Saratoga Springs & Clifton Park, 518-210-1557 Deborah Kozlowski, A New Leaf, Saratoga Springs, 518-587-7665 ANIMAL CARE Jill Stewart, Equine Sports Massage Therapist and Canine Massage Therapist, Certified Aromatherapist 518-339-4348,, Susan Hamlin, The Saratoga Animal Whisperer Animal Communication, 518-245-8010, Kristina Dallas, DVM. Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture. Saratoga Springs, NY. 727-2940. Holistic care for pets. AROMATHERAPY Jill Stewart, Cert. aromatherapist, full line of human and animal aromatherapy products, single essential oils and custom blends Gift baskets and party favors available 518-339-4348,, ASTROLOGY Arlene DeAngelus, 518-371-8097,, BACH FLOWER REMEDIES Nini Gridley, MS Ed, BFRP, Consultations by appointment, in person or over the phone. Next Level One BIEP Training September 2018, 518-573-0571 Diana Gribben, LMT, BFRP, at Healing Path Massage, 518-421-0645,


CENTERS Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center,, 518-587-4967 CHELATION THERAPY Dr Andrew Garner, Glens Falls, 518798-9401,, CHIROPRACTORS Delmar Chiropractic, Delmar, 518-439-7644 Dr. Lynn Allison, Ballston Spa, 518-268-9542, COACHES Cate LaBarre, Personal and group coaching by phone and teleconference. Workshops in Saratoga Region. 518-882-9880,, Natural Peace Living - Sarah van Rijsewijk. 518-928-8682. CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Margery Chessare, LMT, BCST, Sessions and classes in the Saratoga area, 518-232-2838, Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075,, Dr. Lynn Allison, Schenectady,

Ballston Spa & 518-268-9542,

Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar,, 518-755-8843

ENERGY HEALING CARDS Sue and Aaron Singleton. Beyond Sacred Geometry: 5th dimensional healHealing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

ing technology. Each unique BioMorphic Geometry design generates an energy field for a specific use, and changes DNA. 978-834-0341. ENERGY MEDICINE Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, 518-506-6303,, HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE Jerome Pindell, Clifton Park, 518-3745492, Claudia Ascione, MA, MS, CH, Niskayuna, Manhattan and Ardsley, NY. 518 372-7023. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS Private Label Aromatherapy: Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, All Purpose Cleaner, Household Cleaner, Essential Oil Deodorizing Sprays, Essential Oil Blends for Laundry and Dryer, Hand Soaps and more. Custom products also available. Jill Stewart 518-339-4348,,

HYPNOTISM Barbra Stevens, 518-755-5053 George Guarino, CH, Clifton Park, Delmar, Albany, 518-256-6549 Joan Reid, Glens Falls, 518-744-0647,

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, 518-506-6303,, INTUITIVE/PSYCHIC CONSULTANT: Barbara Allen, BA, PTC, I/PC;; 518-409-5081 LIGHT THERAPY Dr. Lynn Allison, Ballston Spa & Schenectady, 518-268-9542, Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar,, 518-755-8843

LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE Sue Coughtry, LMT,, 518-755-8843

Joanne Halloran, ND, Saratoga Healing Arts, 518-369-7080, Delmar,

MASSAGE THERAPY Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, 518-755-8843,, MEDICAL INTUITIVE Sue Singleton, over 28 years, 8,500+ readings. Identifies and heals Root Cause, eliminates pain/illness to regain health. 978-834-0341. MEDICAL QIGONG THERAPY Kate Kellman, DMQ, Saratoga Springs & Burnt Hills. 518-775-7798. MELT METHOD® Carrie Whitelaw, LMT Saratoga Springs 518-222-9036 NATURAL FOOD STORES Four Seasons Natural Foods Store & Cafe, Saratoga, 518-584-4670, NATUROPATHY Sarah A. LoBisco, ND, Phone consults scheduled at or by appointment at A Peaceful Place in Clifton Park,

RETAIL Magic Moon, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-2488

NUTRITION Lisa O’Brien, Saratga Springs, 518-3069257, ORGANIZATIONS Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network (SIPN),

ROLF STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION Nick Pavoldi, 518.389.2200,

TAI CHI Asian Arts Tai Chi Center, Albany, 518-489-1458,,

PREGNANCY & CONCEPTION WELLNESS KindNest, Ballston Lake, PSYCHOTHERAPY Wendy Ball LMHC, certified in EMDR and Hakomi therapies, specialize in trauma related disorders, couples counseling and life transition coaching. Albany. 518-8138524. REIKI Joyce Willson RN, RMT, The Art of Reiki, Troy, 518-271-7802, Suzanne Golub, RMT, Saratoga Springs 518-301-0407,, Katrina Clay, Saratoga, 518-332-6581, Joan Reid, Glens Falls, 518-744-0647, REFLEXOLOGY Cathy Saladis LMT, Clifton Park and Albany,, 518-229-0741

TAROT Joan Scannell, 518-428-8655, Sarah van Rijsewijk. 518-928-8682.

WELLNESS CENTERS Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518374-8654,

YOGA Yoga with Jen, Warrensburg & Minerva, 518-956-2818 Namaste Yoga, Saratoga, 518-222-7470


Anna Witt, Set yourself in motion. Steer your life with purpose. Join the movement. Embodyoga with Anna Witt, 518-256-9628, at One Big Roof


many times do we lose an occasion for soul work by leaping ahead to final solutions without pausing to savor the undertones? We are a radically bottom-line society, eager to act and to end tension, and thus we lose opportunities to know ourselves for our motives and our secrets.” ― Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20



ONGOING Mondays and Wednesdays Gentle Kripalu Yoga Classes - 4:005:30PM. First class free! Join Nini Gridley for a compassionate blend of warm-ups, sequenced asanas, shavasana, pranayama, and meditation designed to pacify the “Vata” energy through a well rounded yoga practice that is relaxing yet energizing for all levels of practitioners. Beginners are welcome. It’s gentle for every body. 3rd Tuesdays Healing Circle: 5:30-6:30 pm The Institute for Spiritual Development The Lotus Center, Oneonta, NY, (607) 2674963, 2nd Tuesdays Intuitive Development Circle, 5:306:30pm, The Institute for Spiritual Development The Lotus Center, Oneonta, NY, (607)267-4963, 1st and 3rd Sunday Church Services: every month, 10 am, The Institute for Spiritual Development The Lotus Center, Oneonta, NY, 607-267-4963,

MARCH Month of March Stress Evaluation for Sleep Improvement -Barbara Stevens has recently completed a certification in Sleep Behavior and is offering a special stress evaluation for sleep improvement for $45. (mention Healing Springs Journal to receive special.) The evaluation will allow you to see how stress is affecting you physically, mentally, and emotionally. You’ll leave with some ideas that you can implement immediately. 518-755-5053


APRIL Tuesday, April 7 Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey, with Katrina Clay 6:30-8. 518-332-6581 or Email or call for location. Wednesday, April 22 New Moon today at 10:26 PM - EDT - The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Contact Nini Gridley for details on the New Moon Meditation 518 573-0571 April 25-26 16th Annual Holistic & Psychic Fair at the Quality Inn, Oneonta NY. Celebrate health, wealth, family, and mother earth as the planet is quickening its shift into a new era. Many people are beginning to ask about alternative and complementary ways of healing, ways to find inner peace and life direction, ways to tap into intuition, and ways to live in harmony with mother nature. The SHIFT NY Holistic & Psychic Fair introduces you to top Holistic Practitioners, Psychics, Vendors, and Spiritual Teachers from the Northeast who have tried and true answers to many of your questions. A big draw is our FREE workshops. We also offer some of the most interesting vendors of spiritual, holistic, & metaphysical items and crafts. Visit;


Thursday, May 7 Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey, with Katrina Clay 6:30-8. 518-332-6581 or Email or call for location. May 8-10 Girlfriends Getaway in Bolton Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

Landing, A weekend you deserve at The Sagamore Resort on Lake George. Join us for an empowering and fun weekend of motivational talks, fitness and wellness classes, welcome reception, entertainment, fashion show, and luncheon. Create your own agenda by choosing from 15 presentations. Admission is $125 to attend all the activities. Relax the body, Renew the Mind, Refresh the Spirit. Check our schedule at Friday, May 22 New Moon today at 1:39 PM - EDT; The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Call Nini Gridley for details on this month’s very special New Moon Meditation - 518 573-0571.

SAVE THE DATE Friday, June 5 Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey, with Katrina Clay 6:30-8. 518-332-6581 or Email or call for location. Sunday, June 21 New Moon 4:21 AM - EDT. The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Call Nini Gridley for details on this month’s special New Moon Meditation - 518 573-0571. August 1-9 Yoga & Kirtan Retreat-A Transformational Immersion in Lesvos, Greece with Adam Bauer, Keli Lalita & Karen Score. Join us on this unique journey to the heart of Western culture, where we will bathe in beauty, have lovely accommodations and enjoy delicious food, while exploring the nature of Reality through daily practice of meditation, chanting and satsang, and I Ching. Visit Sept 21-26 Wine & Wellness Retreat-Ditch the routines and join us in southern France on a journey to stretch your mind, body and spirit. We’ll take our pilates and our positive vibes to the beautiful and sunny French countryside. You’ll have a chance to immerse yourself in your well-being while enjoying the best treats of southwestern France.

Visit us

at the

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Sue & Aaron Singleton Medical Intuitives Master Healers & Teachers Visionary Inventors

Medical Intuitive IN-PERSON and REMOTE Group Healing with Sue & Aaron Singleton HEALING TOOL TECHNOLOGIES

** Upcoming Trainings & Group Healing Events** Apr. 25, 2020 - Decalcify Your Pineal Gland to Elevate Your Consciousness and Enhance Intuition, at the Saratoga Spa State Park Admin. Building from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, $85 You can join this Group Healing remotely, from anywhere! Apr. 25, 2020 - BioMorphic Geometry Healing with 5th-Dimensional Science, at the Saratoga Spa State Park Admin. Building from 1:30-4:30 PM, $85 June 3-7, 2020 - 60th Annual American Society of Dowsers National Convention at Plymouth State University., Plymouth, NH June 20, 2020 - Medical Intuitive Group Healing: Topics TBA! with Sue and Aaron Singleton in North Syracuse, NY from 6:45 - 8:30 PM - More details coming soon! Sept. 26, 2020 - Intuitive Development Training - Module 1 of 7 - find all the module dates on our web calendar - at The Way To Balance in Amesbury, MA from 9-6 PM, $185 per module; scholarships and payment plans available!

The I.D.E.A.L. Process Intuitive Development Training workshop series begins September 26! Visit our Web Calendar for registration and details! Learn more at and, or call (978) 834-0341

Gong Lab experiments in sound and vibration

The Gong Lab uses gongs, bowls and other instruments to create a sonic submersion in a resonate environment. Sound and vibration have the power to open the door to the exploration of inner space. You’ll leave feeling clear and revitalized in your mind and body.

Visit or upcoming events.

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