Healing Springs Journal 100th issue Oct/Nov 20018

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Issue #100, October—November, 2018


HEALING SPRINGS JOURNAL Our Region’s Wellness Resource since 2002

Digestion and You Hormonal Harmony The Life You Were Meant to Live

L o c a l • I n d e p e n d e n t • Tr u s t e d


Best Yoga Studio

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Contents articles



Digestion and You by Deborah Dittner

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Learning From the Swords by Sarah van Rijsewijz



Inspiration, Integrity & the Fine Art of Letting Go by Christopher Reilly




Hormonal Harmony by Dr. Sarah LoBisco


by Jan Reeder


The Life You Were Meant to Live by Dan Millman Our Mother, Earth by Wendy Ball


Design & Production BeanTree Designs

by Arlene DeAngelus

Directory Calendar

E-Mail katrina@healingspringsjournal.com

Website www.healingspringsjournal.com


6 Our Community 26 Your Astrological Forecast 28 30

Katrina Clay

How to Eat Mindfully and Healthfully Through the Holidays by Rachel Kurtz



(518) 332.6581

Advertising and story deadline for next issue is November 10

The Healing Springs Journal is an independent publication committed to printing articles regarding the wellness of body, mind, spirit, and environment. It is a free publication supported by its advertisers. These advertisers must be judged on their individual merits, The Healing Springs Journal is not responsible for their claims, conditions, products, or services. Our articles reflect the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of our publisher. We do not claim to diagnose illness, but offer an open forum on complimentary & alternative therapies. Serious ailments should be checked out by a physician as well as by the healers you feel compelled to learn more about. We reserve the right to refuse advertising and are not liable for any errors within the ads themselves.

Publisher’s Corner The greatest gift you can offer is a healthy, whole you. Welcome to the 100th issue of The Healing Springs Journal. In a time of pop-ups and algorithms, I am pleased to still be serving you information in print. Thank you for being an integral part of the HSJ community and please remember in turn to thank the people who make it possible for you to read…the advertisers. Parker Palmer said; “Community does not necessarily mean living face-to-face with others; rather, it means never losing the awareness that we are connected to each other. It is not about the presence of other people—it is about being fully open to the reality of relationship, whether or not we are alone.” This is how I see the community of Healing Springs, as we are connected by the pages even when not next to each other in person. Still, if you’d like to be together, every 3rd Tuesday we meet informally for lunch at Four Seasons Café on Phila St. in Saratoga Springs at 1:00 for lunch. Please join us, all are welcome. Additionally, you have the choice to become a member of The Healing Springs Community by monetarily supporting it with a monthly or one-time-only subscription; visit www.healingspringsjournal.com. Last night, I led a meditation amongst horses at the Heading For Home Racehorse Retraining Center. We had 2 retired racehorses. Rock DJ is standardbred who was a regular at the Saratoga Harness track for 8+ years, where he had the majority of his 29 lifetime wins and earnings of almost $290k. The other, Romans Paradise, last ran on the flat track in late 2017 and won $105,256 over his 5 year career. Contrary to some opinions, most racehorses are treated quite well. That said, they lead very regimented lives. Because of this, sometimes freedom can be the most challenging adjustment after retirement; not unlike a lot of Americans. So, the experience was new for horse and human alike. I suggested everyone (self included) drop their awareness down from their heads into their heart. Then the two horses were led in and walked around in their halters. After which, their leads came off and they were free to mingle. There is a trend of teaming horses with humans to help the human to feel empowered. Often these scenarios involve a human asking the horse to do specific tasks. How they request the movement from the horse is indicative of how they respond in life. This was not what we were looking for with Rock and Roman. Instead, I was asking for everyone to tap into the sense of what it feels like to share space with others while all having freedom. Humans were free to walk up to horses or stay where they stood—the only requirement was to stay fully aware of their safety. The horses were free to walk up to humans or explore the large arena. As said earlier, it was a new experience for the horses to be around people without being handled or told what to do. It didn’t really take long for them to realize this truth and they went around exploring everything. At first we humans were talking and pointing out the horse’s behaviors. Then after 10 minutes or so, I suggested we be silent. There is immense power in silence that modern humans rarely experience, always filling their head with noise—including constant mental chatter. Last night we were actually silent in the quiet—being so, changed the energy within the arena even though we were doing the same things we were previously. Both horses approached each attendee in time, sniffing and lightly touching the person. When leading meditations, I drum a steady rhythm along with the guided words. As I began to to do this, Rock and Roman came over to check out the drum. They put their noses all over the head and tried biting the beater. It seemed like a possibility that drumming wasn’t going to be part of the night. However, they eventually wandered off to investigate other things. During the meditation, the horses remained free, so humans had their eyes open. That made it challenging to go into an immersive meditation. Even so, there was another moment when the energy shifted again and dropped even deeper. From my position as an observer, I felt the horses respond to the humans—or was it the other way around? Doesn’t matter, what I know is that the energy within the arena became one of true peace. The horses lowered their heads in this aura. Shortly after that moment, the horses walked to my bag and opened the flap which made it fall. This was enough to distract the relaxation and I brought the meditation to an end. To close, I played my Native American flute. Towards the end of the song, I looked over and Rock and Roman were off to the side yet staring at me with interest. As I walked over, Roman moved off a step and I began playing directly in front of Rock. He stared at me while his energy shifted. He seemed no longer aware of what was going on outside of himself and was only focused on inside his body. At least that is what it felt like from my perspective. Eventually, I stopped playing because my face was getting tired. However, I think Rock would have basked in the flute’s vibration for another half an hour or longer. Regardless, all things come to an end and we did so before anyone lost interest. Hopefully, the next time we can start up right where we ended. Why repeat this story for you? First, because it was extraordinary and perhaps you can feel that. Second, because it exemplifies my belief that animal relationships benefit people. Perhaps the wise Eckhart Tolle says it best “Just watching an animal closely can take you out of your mind and bring you into the present moment, which is where the animal lives all the time—surrendered to life.” Humans have excellent cognitive abilities. Yet, it seems we’ve lost some of our common sense. By that, I mean the ability to sense all that goes on around us. That includes the feelings of humans and animals, as well as what is happening within group dynamics. Are we smart enough to know that these latent skills are needed again rather than something to continue to suppress? Perhaps after centuries of gathering information, it is time for us to believe in and trust our animal instincts.


Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18

BECOME a Healing Springs MEMBER Dear Readers and Friends, Since 2002, we have had the privilege of publishing The Healing Springs Journal to inform countless people of local and alternative choices they have in relation to the wellness of their mind, body, spirit and environment. The Healing Springs Journal has always been a free publication and we are committed to keeping it free.

Right now, we need your help. In order to continue publishing The Healing Springs Journal as a free publication, I am asking you to become a subscribing member. Your contribution will enable us to continue to provide current and relevant local wellness news and information. With membership, you receive the current digital issue via email. Subscriber - $25 (receive gift ebook) Angel - $50 (receive gift ebook) Guardian Angel - $75 (receive gift ebook) Heavenly Being - $100 (receive ebook + Reiki Session) Divine Presence - $200 (receive gift ebook + 2 Reiki Sessions) Demi-God - $500 (receive gift ebook + Reiki Session + Soul Realignment session) –––––––––

VISIT www.healingspringsjournal.com — BECOME A MEMBER PAGE OR email katrina@healingspringsjournal.com if you would rather use a check

Healing Springs Mission: With knowledge comes choice. Our mission at The Healing Springs Journal is to address the whole person by providing articles and stories that allow the reader to make empowered lifestyle decisions in relation to the wellness of their mind, body, spirit, and environment. Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18


Where Do You Find Relief? @ ReliefShared.com Beauty & Wellness The Whole-Person Wellness Place Sharing workspace with authentic, complementary, & integrative Wellness, Movement and Creative Arts Practitioners. Space available daily, weekly, monthly to build or expand Wellness in Saratoga Springs. Relief Shared is a community resource offering alternative practices for emotional, mental, physical and social assistance.

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Community Future Life Progression and the Art of Self Mastery How do you move past your comfort zone to find your leading edge? What would your life look life if you gained more mastery of your emotions, relationships, work, creative expression, leadership capabilities, and potential to life a happy and fulfilling life? And if fear didn’t rule your life, what would? These questions and many more will be explored and answered in an experiential workshop, “Future Life Progression and the Art of Self-Mastery” taking place on Sunday, October 21 from 11am - 5pm by Katrina Clay, publisher of the Healing Springs Journal, and Michael Wayne, acupuncturist, author and media producer, at One Big Roof, Center for Mindful Practices, 539 Maple Ave, Saratoga Springs. Bringing ancient wisdom forward to the modern world, and bringing future wisdom back to your present world, this workshop will be a journey that will explore your future life in order to make it your present life. Cost for the workshop is $125. Discount of $95 if registered by October 16th. For more information or to register, call Michael Wayne at 518-210-1557, mwayne2@mac.com.

HSJ Has New Website The Healing Springs Journal’s website has been redesigned and can be found at www.healingspringsjournal.com. There is a home page, about page, membership page, videos page and contact page.


Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18


Magic Moon

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Psychic Readings on Saturdays!

Life is confusing, so come in and get some clarity with a Tarot and Numerology reading from Joan Scannell. Rates are $20 for 15 minutes and $40 for a half hour. Visit: www.joanscannell.com for more information about Joan. Readings are also available in the store on Thursday—Sunday with other readers. *call store to schedule

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Stay in touch by signing up to receive a digital HSJ issue by email. Additionally, you will receive emails when we have new Healing Springs Live videos postied.

of Universal Life Energy and how it can be directed to improve their journey. She is hosting a Reiki I & II class October 13 & 14, $150 includes new book and materials. Follow Linda on Facebook and Twitter.

Local Author Releases New Book; “the Alchemy of Reiki” Saratoga Springs author and Reiki Master Teacher Linda McCann has release her new book “the Alchemy of Reiki” opening the door to energy work on Amazon/Kindle. The book take you through Reiki I and II and includes mention of many other modalities. “The Alchemy of Reiki is intended, in part, to be a workbook for students taking the author’s classes. It is also valuable for all who would like to know more about energy work. “The Alchemy of Reiki” shares a remarkable perspective on many facets of using energy. Signed copies can be obtained for $12.95 via website; www.alchemyofreiki.com. Upon the death of her husband, this path opened Linda up. After searching for a new life-focus, Linda was directed to embrace energy work, which fulfilled her desire to help others. In her teachings she enables the student to grow in their understanding

Autumn Discovery Walk and Nature Thanksgiving Craft at Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park is encouraging people to get out and enjoy the beautiful fall weather by hosting two programs both on Saturday, October 13th and Saturday, October 17th. On both Saturdays at 11:00am there will be an Autumn Discovery Walk taking place on the trails at Camp Saratoga. On the nature walk participants will learn about the transformative autumn months and how plants and animals adapt and prepare for the winter season. The walk covers about a mile of gently rolling terrain and will not take place if there is rain. We will meet at the kiosk in Parking Lot #1 on Scout Road. Walk participants will have to option to stay for a second program, an Autumn Leaves Nature Craft taking place at 12:30 pm at Camp Saratoga. We will be collecting leaves and creating beautiful fall leaf print wall-hangings to decorate your home this autumn! People can sign up for one or for both programs! Registration is required. For more information, please call the Preserve & Park office at 518-450-0321 or via email at Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18


Four Seasons Natural Foods

info@wiltonpreserve.org. For up-to-date trail conditions or program information, please visit the Preserve & Park’s website at www.wiltonpreserve.org The Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park is a non-profit organization that conserves ecological systems and natural settings while providing opportunities for environmental education and outdoor recreation.

ROOTED in PEACE Film Showing

Downtown Saratoga

ROOTED in PEACE challenges viewers to examine their values as Americans and human beings. Today we are at war within ourselves, with our environment, and with the world. Director and award-winning filmmaker Greg Reitman invites viewers on a film journey to take notice of the world we live in, proactively seek ways to find personal and ecological peace, and stop the cycle of violence. ROOTED in PEACE is a globally trans-formative, socially-conscious, environmentally-based film. Reitman's journey of self-analysis resonates with audiences seeking inner peace in a world full of people dominated by war, affected by global warming or haunted by inner conflict. The film follows Greg as he speaks to thought leaders around the world having conversations around sustainable development, discussing the challenges of our never-ending wars, and facing the realities of uncertainty placed on the world's institutions by our current political climate. Reitman's introspective and socially relevant documentary was most recently screened at the United Nations. From the US to Costa Rica to India, award-winning filmmaker and environmental activist Greg Reitman traveled to visit such luminaries and activists as Deepak Chopra, music legends Donovan, Mike Love and Pete Seeger, film director David Lynch, Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire, Ted Turner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and many others. Their common ideas and examples make ROOTED in PEACE one of the most unexpectedly inspirational viewing experiences of our time. Film will be shown Saturday, November 17th at Saratoga Arts Center. Sponsored by SIMEN and The Healing Springs Journal. Tickets: $20, $25 at door and includes Film, light Food, and Bodywork. To buy advance tickets call 518-210-1557 Doors Open: 6pm. Film: 7pm Panel Discussion to follow.


Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18

Saturday, November 17 • Saratoga Arts Center • Sponsored by SIMEN and The Healing Springs Journal Doors Open: 6pm, Film: 7pm Panel Discussion to follow Tickets: $20 / $25 at door; includes Film, Light Food, Bodywork To buy advance tickets call 518-210-1557 Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18 9

Digestion & You by Deborah Dittne n determining your overall health and wellbeing, you need to take a close look at your digestive system. Around 80% of your immune system is located in your gut. So if your digestive woes are not addressed, the manifestation of chronic health conditions can occur. When your body becomes unbalanced from a variety of possibilities, look at digestion.


Today’s foods, water, soils and more are tainted by a variety of chemicals which compromise the health of your gut. When your digestive system is “off”, you may experience a variety of digestive conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, reflux, heartburn, bloating, or gas. Bringing your gut back into balance naturally takes patience and important steps. Eat real foods: This may sound silly but many eat the Standard American Diet (SAD) which consists of non-food like items. These fake foods, processed and fast foods, are typically high in refined salt, sugar and oils that your body doesn’t recognize and is unable to properly digest. Real food is acknowledged by your body and can then be broken down into the nutrients necessary to maintain a balanced gut. These whole nutrient dense foods are made in nature. Aim for 80% of your daily intake to be real food.

Functional Nutrition seeks the underlying cause of ill health for each unique individual.

Eat fermented foods: There are many fermented and cultured foods available to add to your daily nutrition. Fermented foods provide your gut with a variety of healthy microorganisms, good bacteria that will begin to regenerate your gut flora naturally. Eating a small amount of these foods daily will aid in changing the gut environment and healing can occur. Try to incorporate foods such as sauerkraut, fermented vegetables, kimchi, kefir, or kombucha. Reset you gut with a detox: A detox or cleanse will help to reset your digestive system. There are many types of detox programs out there and I recommend one that you will be able to follow. I run a 5-day detox program every season (winter, spring, summer and fall) consisting of whole nutrient dense foods with the elimination of dairy and gluten, processed sugars and caffeine. Doing a short detox allows the body to release excess toxins that have been absorbed from processed foods, heavy metals such as mercury and aluminum, environmental toxins and emotional triggers. Symptoms of excess toxicity may be fatigue, food allergies, breathing difficulties such as asthma and allergy, skin conditions such as eczema, and digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating, and reflux. Decrease chronic stress: I know…you’re thinking easier said than done. I hear you but you need to start somewhere and you need to find what works for you. Begin with a routine: be

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Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18

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Unwind... let healing begin.

Lynn Allison, DC 268-9542 Craniosacral Therapy, Chiropractic Ballston Spa & Schenectady, NY in bed by 10 pm each night, no electronics for a minimum of one hour before sleep, read, write in a journal, take note what you are grateful for, have a cup of calming, soothing tea, take an Epsom salt bath with essential oils such as lavender, eat regularly throughout the day, maintain good hydration, move consistently through dance, yoga, HIIT, walking or kickboxing, play music, and take time daily just for you. Chronic stress interferes with you digestive system and you may need to supplement with magnesium, zinc, and Vitamins B and D which I encourage you to discuss with your health care provider. Decrease intestinal inflammation: Digestive disorders require nutrients to repair, restore and regenerate the intestinal lining. Some foods you may want to incorporate into your daily nutrition are cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli), beets, beans, spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables, clean lean protein, and herbs/spices such as parsley and turmeric. Probiotics can be supplemented as well in therapeutic doses of 3-20 billion live culture. Listen to your body: You are a unique individual and only you know your body best. What works for one person may not work for another. Forget the four letter word “diet” and incorporate whole nutrient dense foods into your daily regimen. Listen to your body so that you know what it needs and wants. Possibly as you begin this journey you may need some additional advice as a guide towards improved health and wellness. Consult with someone (a health coach, wellness educator or health professional) who will look at the “whole picture” searching for the root cause of your symptoms. Deborah Dittner, FNPC,RMT,CHHC,AADP is Nurse Practitioner, Certified Integrative Health Coach and Wellness Educator. Her mission is to transform as many lives as possible through whole nutrient dense foods and lifestyle changes. For more information, please check out my website http://www.debdittner.com to learn how or call her at 518-596-8565

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Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18

by Sarah van Rijsewijk any times when I start a Tarot reading for a person, they will come in with a predetermined nervousness… hoping that no “bad cards” show up in their reading. Most are afraid of the Death card, the Devil, the Tower. All three are actually very empowering cards in their own ways, and highly misunderstood.


For me though, I get nervous when I see Swords. The Swords suit is geared at what we do with our thinking. Whether we think in empowered, positive ways… or whether we judge and degrade and criticize. When I see a sword card, or a reading full of them, I know there is a lot of thinking going on… and a lot of time up in the head. That doesn’t always bode well. Over the past few weeks one specific Sword card has been demanding my attention - The Three of Swords. This card when boiled down is about pain, stress, heartache, loss, betrayal. Any or all of the above mentioned. And since no one really enjoys looking at painful situations, this card is one that I “fear” - if you will - when I see it in a reading. It’s not easy to convey to someone that there may be some pain going on that they have to deal with. It’s certainly not easy to tell it to yourself. Earlier this week I sat down with a new Tarot deck that had appeared in my life perfectly. I did a quick spread just to acquaint myself with the cards. I flipped them over, and sure enough, there in my possible future outcome was the lovely Three of Swords. The card is not one to be sugar coated. In the popular Rider Waite Tarot deck the card shows a bright red heart pierced with three swords. In one of the decks I use, The Dreaming Way Tarot, the illustration shows a person with three swords in their chest. In my other deck of choice, The Shadowscapes Tarot, we see a white swan with the same three swords piercing her. There’s no getting around this card. It is all about pain. So when I saw that card in my own reading, I began to wonder what kind of painful situation I would need to confront. The next morning I brought my daughter in to school, where I also work part time as a Teacher Aide. I began my normal morning routine, but noticed an uncomfortable cramp in my left hip. I

Available Now on Amazon Learn More at: AlchemyofReiki.com chalked it up to my pants maybe being the wrong size, or some indigestion from breakfast. I don’t get sick I told myself. After 10 minutes I was in the ladies room trying to figure out what was going on. Then I was in the nurses’ office asking her for advice. She asked where the pain was and suggested that maybe something was going on with my left ovary. She suggested I go to urgent care - urgently. The second I walked out of the building I let my guard down and burst into tears reflecting the level of pain I was in. My mother drove me to the Emergency Room where it was determined that I had ruptured a cyst on my left ovary. I was prescribed some heavy pain killers and advised that in a few days time it would pass. Never have I felt such physical pain. I spent the next two days wrapped in blankets, a heating pad on my painful side and slowly moving toward recovery. I also spent a lot of time wondering what my body was trying to communicate to me. Personally, I believe that the body is capable of manifesting what the mind is creating. At the core of all physical manifestation is a belief and the thinking that makes it so. So what was going on in my head that caused this pain, this burst, this rupture in the bodily center where creativity is born? Several forced days laying low, healing, caused me to readdress what I had been telling myself. A cyst was created, and ruptured. The Three of Swords. Pain. When we experience pain, we try as hard as possible to numb it, to give the shot of morphine (which I could not handle in the E.R.) to make it go away as fast as possible. But we seldom look at it and ask it what it has to offer us. Pain is a teacher. Pain is what is created when we are putting pain into our mind, into our hearts, into our lives. Life will only give us what we give to it. I had been feeding my mind all of these painful images, messages, delivering beliefs that I’m not good enough. I judge myself so harshly. Then I take it and pass it out to those around me. But no one is absorbing it to the degree that I was myself.

On Tuesday it was made blatantly obvious that enough was enough. My body sent me back a message that would demand my attention. You continue to input these painful, creation stifling messages - you are going to have to feel what you are doing, it told me. And so the pain is feedback. The pain is the prompt for healing. Last month I gave a Tarot reading to a friend and again, the Three of Swords came up. She made a comment about the swan in the card, pierced by those sharp swords. “I just can’t look at that poor bird” she said to me. Instinctively, I went to turn the card over so we didn’t have to see the illustration… not even realizing what I was implying. No one wants to look at pain.She stopped me. “It’s okay” she said. “You just finished telling me that we have to look at the pain to learn from it.” Whether our pain is emotional distress, or crippling pain in our abdomen, it’s a message. It cannot be numbed with morphine because in time… the morphine wears off. The pain only returns. It is feedback from our body, our mind, our spirit trying to tell us that we have to be gentle. We have to change our input. We have to remind ourselves how amazing we are, how lucky we are to live these lives that we have. We have to celebrate our strengths, enjoy the people around us, be accepting of others and especially our self. Most importantly, we have to be grateful for the pain, and know that if we are brave enough to look at it… the piece that comes next is healing. And TRUE healing is always a welcome relief. Sarah van Rijsewijk is a Certified Life Coach and the owner of Natural Peace Life Coaching, a practice offering 1-on-1 Coaching, Reiki, Tarot Guidance and many other services. Sarah began her Coaching practice because she is naturally intuitive and loves working with people to help them gain clarity and live their best life potential. For more information visit www.naturalpeacecoaching.com or call 518.928.8682. Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18


Inspiration, Integrity and the Fine Art of Letting Go: the Metal Movement of the Chinese Five “Elements”

by Christopher R. Reilly n traditional Japanese sword work, life and death were decided by centimeters and fractions of a second. The positioning of the sword, the posture of the mind and alignment of the body were trained for hours on end, diligently refined moment by moment, and year after year. The movement from one posture to another and forms of cutting were likewise practiced and examined until any excess movement or hesitation were stripped away to find, in that inspiration born of necessity and honest training, only the most precise and effective techniques that could be known and grasped. This was not for show or merely for art, this was first and foremost for the survival of self, family and community—the very most important of things.


This is a poignant example of the metal movement (often called the metal element) within the traditional Chinese theory of the Five Movements. It is the refinement and clarification of what is most vital and important; the preservation of that which matters most, and the cutting away of that which does not serve or hinders the free movement of life. It involves the strength and the act of letting go, as well as the openness and perception to receive.

Lessons of the Seasons The season of the year associated with the metal movement is the fall. The plant forms that have grown, spread and flourished through spring (associated with the wood movement) and summer (fire) are now cut down to attain their most essential elements—a separation of the grain from the husk. The grain is protected and stored to preserve life through the stillness of winter (water), and the shafts and husks are let go so that they can return to the soil and transform (earth). At the same time, in the plant kingdom, leaves are released to blanket and merge with the soil as trees move their focus and resources into their depths to likewise preserve the essentials of life through the cold winter.

Lessons of the Spirit In our psyche, metal movement is the penetration of insight into the depths of who we are; the clarification and preservation of what we value most in our lives and ourselves; and the letting go of items and actions that are not in tune with our highest ideals and needs. This continually clears the way and makes room for new inspiration that keeps with the pace and rhythms of life, pre-

Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network has a new website Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network was founded in 2001 as an informal, not-for-profit group of health and healing arts professionals. Saratoga Springs, a city long known for its healing waters, has outstanding practitioners. The new website allows you to search for them by specialty, condition or name.

www.SaratogaIntegrativePractioners.com 14

Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18

venting a sort of freezing and isolation within a prison of the past, or a sense of being lost in a sea of excess thoughts and concerns. The metal movement also involves the courage and the integrity to live in this way- according to our highest values, regardless of what temptations or short cuts may come across our paths. It holds the understanding that courage is not a lack of fear, it is choosing according to the way of our highest ideals even though we are afraid or tempted by things like vanity and social validation. It is the choice of compassion in an age of anger and blame, and the strength of independence required to walk lonesome paths where few choose to go.

Lessons of the Body

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In our bodies, the metal movement is associated with our lungs and large intestine. It is both the breath of fresh inspiration, and the exhalation of that which would become a poison to our lives were it to accumulate. Without exhalation, there is no room for inhalation, and vice versa. The large intestine works to absorb water and eliminate solid waste. In addition to preventing uncomfortable back-ups, this elimination also allows that which doesn’t serve us to return to the cycles of nature to transform and become the fertilizer of new life. Our letting go is not an act of judgement and destruction, but an act of release and renewal. As the saying goes, one being’s waste is another’s treasure... any gardener could tell you!

Lessons of the Ages The season of fall, the lung, the large intestine, and the meditative and insightful practice of the master swordsman are not definitions of the metal movement, they are examples of it. It is by our experience of these things that we can learn of the metal movement, and then take that lesson into new and unexpected areas to find clarity and insight. Where do you see the movement of inspiration, of preserving what is most vital, and of letting go in the cause of freedom and renewal? The ancient and timeless ideas contained within the Five Movements are not to serve as rules to follow, but as offerings of insight to enrich the miraculous, wonderous and enormous event that is the living of a life. Enjoy!!! Christopher R. Reilly, L.Ac., MSA, CCHM os am Acupuncturist and Herbalist. Find him online at www.silvermoon-acupuncture.com He is also Co-Founder, CoOwner, Manager, Integrative Herbals, LLC, www.integrativeherbals.com

Healing Springs Journal Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18


Wellness by Jan Raeder here are many expressions associated with quality of life. Wellness, wellbeing, eudemonia, vigor, wholeness, and flourishing; these are all terms that suggest personal satisfaction and health; whatever word is employed, wellness or wellbeing is both subjective and conceptual. The term wellness brings up concepts related to the physical aspects of the health, one’s nutritional regime, exercise choices, and the like. The word wellbeing is associated more closely with spiritual and psychological aspects of wellness. Adopting a lifestyle that incorporates the principles related to holistic health requires integrating these many different aspects of one’s life, i.e. nutrition, physical activity, stress management, and spirituality. Academics bring together the various aspects of wellbeing rendering a systematic understanding of wellness. UCDavis and Western Kentucky University breakdown wellness into “8 Dimensions”. The dimensions are as follows: emotional, occupational, environmental, physical, intellectual, social, financial, and spiritual. Since wellness is both holistic and an “active process”, balancing multiple, intersecting dimensions is essential to living an optimally healthy lifestyle. Additionally, those who endeavor to live well strive to advance themselves in each dimension.

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Ongoing EVENTS: Church Services: 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month, 10 am Healing Circle: 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 pm Intuitive Development Circle, 2nd Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm see Healing Springs Journal’s calendar for morw

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Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network learn more at: www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18

Wellness matters. Everything we do, every emotion we feel relates to our wellbeing. Moreover, our wellbeing directly shapes our actions and our emotions. Wellness is an endless cycle of action and reaction and our ability to balance its dimensions is fundamental to living a higher quality of life. Hence, gaining an understanding of wellbeing and how to optimize emotional, spiritual, and physical wellness is not only significant for the individual, its impact can be widespread. Statistics related to Americans’ health and our health care system paint a bleak picture of the state of our nation’s wellbeing. Many of us are aware of soaring obesity rates, the excessive use of antidepressant medication, the decreased productivity in the workplace due to health-related issues leading to substantial economic impact on businesses, and participation in physical activities are at an all-time low. Now, more than ever, it is important for individuals to be proactive regarding their own wellbeing. Since wellness in an active and ongoing pursuit, some may find working with a wellness professional beneficial. Behavioral and lifestyle changes can be challenging, but with guidance, support, and evidence-based techniques the goal of healthy living can be reached! I believe creating new spaces for individuals to examine the dimensions of wellness from both evidence-based perspectives and anecdotal viewpoints will allow for a shift in the paradigms which have become a part of both our state of wellbeing and current healthcare system reality.

“I believe creating new spaces for individuals to examine the dimensions of wellness from both evidence-based perspectives and anecdotal viewpoints will allow for a shift in the paradigms which have become a part of both our state of wellbeing and current healthcare system reality.”

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Jan Raeder, M.A., is a Wellness Specialist with 20+ years of experience in fitness instruction and curriculum development. A highly qualified and talented professional in the wellness industry with years of experience in the wellness classroom and managing a fitness institute. As a senior fitness instructor, she has developed an innovative wellness curriculum designed to be adaptable to people of all ages, abilities, and skill levels. For inquiries on wellness class offerings through Your Peace of Wellbeing, please connect with Jan by emailing her at info@yourpeaceofwelbeing.com

Hormonal Harmony by Sarah A LoBisco, ND any women are struggling with hormonal harmony. Although synthetic hormones can help with symptoms, they do not come without risk and associated side effects. For this reason, many are seeking for alternatives to conventional approaches.


When considering using natural methods to address any issue, there are some important points to keep in mind. In this article, I will discuss five key points to remember when using natural medicine, and my specialty of essential oils, for supporting hormonal balance.

Essential Oils are Multi-Faceted. Due to their simultaneous impact on our psychology, physiology, and biochemistry, essential oils have multi-factorial actions that address many of the triggers and contributors to hormonal and body imbalances. These are based on their following properties: • Essential oils have synergy, meaning their effects are more than the sum of their isolated parts. Essential oils’ many con-

stituents can travel to where they will have the most impact and effect all body systems at once with one drop. • Most oils act as antioxidants which can protect our bodies from chemical stressors. These toxins in our environment are now being linked to many hormonal disorders such as thyroid problems and infertility, as well other brain and body diseases. By protecting our bodies from harm, essential oils can be used proactively. • Essential oils aromatic properties allow for a direct link to the emotional center within our brain via olfaction. This influences our mood as their biochemical constituents affect our overall physiology, stress response, and the functioning and signaling in our brain. This is important because beyond physical strain, negative emotions and chronic stress can cause havoc on reproductive health. (see sources below or on my website) By balancing our emotional and physical health at the same time, essential oils can alleviate hormonal and physical chaos in Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18


a holistic way. You can read more and/watch more about this on www.dr-lobisco.com.

as one (important) tool to help rebalance our emotions, brain, and body as we incorporate a holistic approach.

The Importance of Essential Oil Quality.

It may seem that I’ve touted essential oils as the number one cure-all for everything. Indeed, they are part of the protocol for 99% of my clients; however, in most instances one sniff of an essential oil won’t be the solution by itself. In fact, I’ve seen many purchase a lot of essential oils to find their “answer” only to have them sitting on a shelf and not know what to do with them.

The last thing you want to do when balancing hormones is to use essential oils, or any other product, that is spiked with synthetic compounds. Many of these unregulated substances have questionable safety and have potential to act as endocrine disruptors.

Put Safety First! Keeping the proper use and dosage in mind for any therapeutic modality is important. Please review the resources for essential oils safety in order to achieve the best outcomes found online by emailing me asking for a link to an extensive article. Email can be found at www.dr-lobisco.com.

There is No One Cure-All: Healing is Comprehensive. Too often, people are covering their problems by natural or synthetic means to manipulate their biochemistry without addressing the underlying dysfunctions. Symptom suppression is necessary for some time but will not ultimately lead to true healing. I discussed this in my two-part series published on Natural Path relating to getting to the root cause of mental disorders on an individual basis. In the same way, we need to use essential oils 18 Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18

In my practice, essential oils are part of a comprehensive plan that also includes herbals, nutraceuticals, and supplements. I base all my recommendations and suggestions on each person’s biochemical individuality. When generalizations and basic wellness guides with essential oils and nutrition have only gotten people so far, I dig deep into what the triggers, mediators, contributors, and origins are to my clients’ issues.

Stop the Cycle of Unknowingly Contributing to the Problem There is research that essential oils can assist our bodies with detoxification, yet at the same time people continue to do things that are contributing to their issues and re-toxing them. For example, many are cleaning their homes and filling their bath-

“If you are confused where to start with supporting your overall health, consider... purchasing some safe personal care products... You’ll be ahead of the eight ball by doing this in general and if you do need to get additional support from a practitioner. I always discuss this concept with my clients in the first or second visit.” rooms with products laced with endocrine-disrupting and harmful chemicals. If you are confused where to start with supporting your overall health, consider first removing the things associated with body hormonal disharmony and purchasing some safe personal care products which can be found at the Skin Deep Database on the Environmental Working Group Website or on my website. You’ll be ahead of the eight ball by doing this in general and if you do need to get additional support from a practitioner. I always discuss this concept with my clients in the first or second visit.

YwO G A ith Jen Wednesdays ¥ 6-7:15pm in North Creek (Adirondack Community Outreach Center)

Thursdays ¥ 6-7:15pm in Chestertown (Dynamite Hill, Route 8)

Hatha yoga, open to everyone.

You choose what to pay, weekly or monthly. 25% of the total collected will be donated to a different cause each month.

Contact Jennifer Monroe for more information at 956-2818 or just drop in.

Conclusion Essential oils are a key support tool for many of the women and men in my practice who have struggled for years with their health because of their ability to affect these five key areas. In my final article on rose geranium, I’ll review the specific studies on its impacts on levels of hormones as you keep these points in mind. This article adapted from the original version posted on dr-lobisco.com with full references and sources available at: http://dr-lobisco.com/five-key-pointsfor-balancing-hormones-and-other-body-systems-with-essential-oils-and-integrative-medicine/

Sarah LoBisco, ND, IFCMP, is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM). She is licensed in Vermont as a naturopathic doctor and has received her certification in functional medicine through the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM), which is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). She holds a Bachelor of Psychology from State University of New York at Geneseo and is also certified in Applied Kinesiology. Dr. LoBisco currently incorporates her training in holistic and conventional medicine through writing, researching, and through her independent consulting work with individuals and for companies regarding supplements, nutraceuticals, essential oils, and medical foods. Dr. LoBisco speaks professionally on integrative medical topics and has several journal publications. “Dr. Sarah” also enjoys continuing to educate and empower her readers and clients through her blogs and social media. Her main blog can be found at dr-lobisco.com. To learn more on my naturopathic and functional medicine consultations and scheduling an appointment please visit; www.dr-lobisco.com

Since 1984 Tim Talmage, DC Lee Masterson, DC Bob Irwin, DC Michael Ashline, DC


Healing Springs Journal Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18


Reclaim your HOW TO EAT Ancient Wisdom Mindfully Workshops & private sessions

katrina@healingspringsjournal.com www.katrinaclay.com 518.332.6581

S hamanic Reiki Soul Realignment Power Animal Retrievals & Individual Modern Shamanic Journeys

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& Healthfully

through the Holidays by Rachel Kurtz

Dreading Holiday Waistline Expansion?


ood news: A 2000 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that contrary to a common belief that people gain five or more pounds during the holidays, Americans only gained an average of one pound during six weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year, though those who were overweight or obese gained more. Bad news: The seemingly insignificant pounds accumulate, and after 20 years, that’s 20 extra pounds. Worse, the health effects are significant. Every pound and inch of waistline you gain after your early 20’s increases your risk of chronic diseases. Yes, twenties. Fortunately, with mindfulness and strategic planning you can stop or even reverse this unwanted holiday gift.

How to Eat Mindfully at the Table of Mindless Gluttony

1 2

Spoil your dinner. Have a healthy snack beforehand so you are less hungry when you face the feast.

Stay true to your values. Some believe Thanksgiving and other holiday meals are supposed to be feasts (or feats) of gluttony. You might mindfully opt out of that American tradition. Mind the planet and your health and say no to heaping portions, seconds, thirds…

Coming to a Computer near you. Find out more; katrina@healingspringsjournal.com 20

Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18


Practice sincere gratitude. Remember what you are truly grateful for in this moment and season. Friends and family? Allow gratitude to fill you up. Overeating stuffs your belly, but can leave you feeling empty inside.


Choose foods mindfully. Don’t feel obligated to try every single dish and dessert. Pause to breathe before you scoop something on your plate. You have a right to choose what you put into your body.


Slow down. Enjoy the food you’ve chosen at a leisurely pace. Chew. Maybe put your fork down to talk. Eating more slowly allows your body’s “I’m full” response to begin to catch up.


Quit the clean plate club. You’re not a kid; nobody’s going to make you sit at the table until your plate is clean, or deny you dessert, or through some strange logic, allow you to feed hungry kids in Africa by overstuffing yourself. Stop before you’re full.


Say “No Thanks” to Unhealthy Leftovers. If the festivities are at your house, send leftovers home with guests. If you are a guest, leave the leftovers and resume your normal diet.

Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture

Healthier Choices at a Holiday Feast?


Drink Water. Fill up and quench your thirst with healthpromoting water. Soda and fruit juice provide empty sugar calories which only increase hunger. If you drink alcohol, use moderation.

Holistic veterinary health, dental and end-of-life care for all domestic species.


Choose Minimally Prepared, Non-Starchy Veggies. Steamed or raw green vegetables or a green salad are particularly healthy, as they are filled with nutrients and fiber. Green beans overcooked into a casserole, on the other hand, gloppy with canned soup and canned friend onions, not so much. Starchy potatoes and corn, which provide few nutrients and can raise blood sugar, don’t count as eating your vegetables, either.


Choose your Protein. If there is no main protein dish you want to eat, find filling protein in beans or whole grains or bring a dish with a healthy protein of your choice such as tofu.

4 5

Bring Your Own. Bring a dish, such as fresh vegetables, that everyone can feel good about

Eat Healthy Fats. Humans need fats to be healthy, particularly unsaturated fats (primarily from plants) and Omega-3’s, found in abundance in fish and flax seeds. Choose foods such as nuts, seeds, fish, and avocado, which lower risk of cardiovascular disease and fill you up.


Stay away from processed carbs and sugar. Whole grain dishes are fine for many people. White flour (as in biscuits), desserts and those weird holiday dishes made with marshmallows or gelatin are unhealthy for almost everyone, even when called “salad.” These carbohydrates turn to sugar in your bloodstream and then often get stored as fat. If you can’t resist dessert, pick a favorite and have a small quantity.


Don’t Take a Holiday from your Healthy Habits. Keep up your exercise routine, get enough sleep, and reduce your stress. All these habits help with maintaining health, well-being and a healthy weight.

Kristina Dallas, DVM ¥ Saratoga Springs (518) 727-2940 drkris@veterinar yancientar ts.com www.veterinar yancientar ts.com


Use Support. A health coach can help you design a diet that fits your individual needs, support you through the process, and hold you accountable to your goals. Studies show that a health coach can make the difference in reaching weight and health targets. Rachel Kurtz is a health coach in Saratoga Springs who specializes in customizing diet and lifestyle changes to promote optimal well-being. She lends support and keeps clients accountable to reach their individual goals. She has helped clients lose weight, lower blood sugar, follow creative dreams, become more productive, navigate life transitions, deal with chronic illness, and institute many healthy habits. See her website at rachelkurtzhealthcoach.com and call for a free initial consultation at 518-350-4434. Join Rachel for a free talk, vegetarian bites, and Q & A on eating healthfully and mindfully. Light hors d’ oeuvres will be served and participants will receive a 10% discount on a healthy vegetarian dinner. Event takes place at Four Seasons Natural Foods Café at 33 Phila Street in Saratoga Springs, NY on Wednesday, November 14. Contact Rachel at info@rachelkurtzhealthcoach.com to sign up or for more information. Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18 21

The Life You Were Born to Live From the introduction of Revised 25th Anniversary Edition by Dan Millman by Dan Millman or centuries, observers of human nature have sought common denominators to better understand the forces that shape human personality and destiny. Numerous tools of insight from both psychological and mystical traditions have emerged at different times and in different cultures. All of these methods and maps of consciousness represent our attempts to demonstrate that our universe and our individual psyche aren’t random or chaotic, but have a certain structure and order.

especially clear, specific, and applicable to everyday life.


Despite many decades devoted to exploring the human psyche, insight traditions, and metaphysical models of reality, I remain an empiricist at heart. The scientific method — using controlled experiments to test theories — helped pull humanity out of the dark ages of superstition. I apply critical thinking and skepticism to magical thinking and untested notions. Still, the mind is like a parachute; it works best when open.

The Life-Purpose System provides a clear, objective method for understanding any individual’s life path and purpose — providing that individual has a known and accurate date of birth and was born after 1750, when the modern calendar was widely adopted. This system’s ultimate source is veiled in mystery, but its origins most likely date back to the Pythagorean school of ancient Greece. Like other holistic thinkers, Pythagoras embraced many facets of human consciousness in the same way modern physicists now enter realms once relegated to mystics, philosophers, and theologians. He spoke of cycles, patterns, and waves that existed long before the dawn of humanity, and of how our life paths reflect great and eternal laws, whose origins and purpose remain hidden within the mystery and mechanics of existence. In exploring the fundamentals of form and frequency, he discovered relationships between mind and matter where before no such order had appeared to exist, and he pointed to hidden numerical patterns that served as keys for unlocking secrets of the psyche. Although the Life-Purpose System resembles some other numerology systems — in the sense that it works with numbers to derive meaningful information — you may find the material in this book

I hadn’t even considered the existence of a higher calling or life path until 1984, when I met a man — the warrior-priest I mentioned in the Acknowledgments — who became my mentor, colleague, and friend. He had read my first book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, and we shared our experiences and compared perspectives, while he offered his own unique guidance. Not long after our initial encounter, this warrior-priest offered me an hour-long life-purpose reading. He revealed in-depth information that clarified my past, present, and potential future, including details that rang true and proved amazingly accurate. It was as if his words removed a veil that had previously obscured my vision, and revealed to me the life I was born to live. I was astonished that he could have such insight into my life but had no idea how he gained access to such information. I was well versed in the cold read techniques used by so-called psychics. But the warrior-priest claimed no psychic abilities, stating only that he’d been trained to know “where to look” for such information. At an advanced training, this mentor gave a series of lectures on this mysterious system— an objective method of adding up the digits of anyone’s date of birth, and then deriving meanings that provided insight into that individual’s life. I was initially disappointed by this revelation, the way we sometimes are when a magician shows how a wondrous illusion is accomplished with

Reclaim your ancient wisdom Workshops orkshops & private private sessions bringing you you to your your real real self.

Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey;

Oct. 24, Nov. 23, Dec. 22, email for locations as it changes 6:30pm-8 • $20 suggested, pay what you have

Join the community, connect with your ancient self katrina@healingspringsjournal.com to receive event messages 22

Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18

Katrina Clay’s mission is to show that animals, nature and music are guides to living an authentic and symbolic life.

www.healingspringsjournal.com the community where healing springs to life “Community does not necessarily mean living face-to-face with others; rather, it means never losing the awareness that we are connected to each other. It is not about the presence of other people—it is about being fully open to the reality of relationship, whether or not we are alone.” —Parker J. Palmer

mirrors or sleight of hand. Besides, using people’s birth dates seemed like numerology, an occult art that had never attracted me. It made no sense that adding the digits of someone’s date of birth could yield accurate information about central qualities of that person’s life. The warrior-priest explained that such methods had been passed down in various cultures over the centuries, but that they differed in their focus and degree of accuracy. He added, “Once you learn more about this approach, you can determine for yourself the validity of the method.” He then spent several evenings presenting basic information that pinpointed key issues for each life path, highlighting innate drives, challenges, and gifts, which for most people remain unseen or obscure. I took careful notes of these lectures, outlining in about twenty typewritten pages the fundamental elements of the system. As soon as I returned home, I offered free life-purpose readings to family and friends, using the basic information from my notes. Within a few weeks I had internalized the information and no longer needed my notes. Eventually, after working with many hundreds of people and providing recorded readings (which I called Spiritual Law Alignments), my insight deepened and expanded. Eight years later, I trained a small number of therapists, health professionals, and life coaches in the fundamentals of what I came to call the Life-Purpose System, and eventually I went on to write the original edition of The Life You Were Born to Live.

Perhaps the validity of the Life-Purpose System stems from the holographic nature of the universe, in which each part mirrors and contains the whole, and in which the individual psyche fits within a larger pattern of order. By distilling complex variables into essential patterns, this system reveals the hidden forces behind our personality, furnishing a clear lens from which to view the bigger picture of our life. Trying to explain it in logical terms is like attempting to derive the square root of a sonnet. I can only feel a sense of awe and wonder at laws yet undiscovered. (continued) Dan Millman, former worldchampion gymnast, coach, martial arts teacher, and college professor, is the author of seventeen books published in twenty-nine languages and shared across generations to millions of readers. His internationally bestselling book Way of the Peaceful Warrior was adapted to film in 2006. Dan speaks worldwide to people from all walks of life. He lives in New York City. www.PeacefulWarrior.com. From the book, The Life You Were Born to Live — Revised 25th Anniversary Edition. Copyright © 1993, 2018 by Dan Millman. Reprinted with permission from New World Library. NewWorldLibrary.com Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18


Your Next Best Friend My name is Fred and I am a 7 month old, purebred Bassett Hound. Please give me a forever home and I will be your Best Friend.

Howdy, my name is Julius. I am 6 years and 1 month old. I am spayed and housetrained. Please come visit me. I would like to go home.

About Our Shelter The Mohawk & Hudson River Humane Society (MHRHS) of Menands, New York has been saving the lives of abused and unwanted animals since 1887. MHRHS is a non-profit organization that receives no ongoing funding from federal, state or local governments or any other animal welfare organization. We rely on your generous donations to support our vital services for the animals.

518-434-8128 www.mohawkhumanesociety.org 24

Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18

Our Mother,


by Wendy Ball n the Mystical Shaman Oracle guidebook it is said of Pachamama (Mother Earth/ Gaia) that thanks to her “...our timeless soul can experience life in a biological body. The joy and pain we taste during our brief time on Earth are invitations to discover the boundless love of Pachamama.” I found much to meditate on in this message.


Being embodied is something many of us to to ignore or struggle with, at very least try to manage and control. Being embodied is scary because it involves not only health and strength, but illness, imperfection, frailty and age. The message offers that all the states and conditions of being embodied, both pleasurable and painful, are a gift, a vehicle for soul evolution and as such deserving of acceptance, gratitude, and honoring. Imagine how it might be to accept aging as a gift of embodiment rather than as a curse. Aging brings with it a heightened appreciation of the gift of life through awareness of our mortality. It can bring a tender appreciation of our bodies and how hard they have worked all our lives as vehicles for our being here. Aging invites us to shift our focus from doing to being, from accomplishing to sharing and being available to others. Aging challenges us to develop deep soul qualities, of surrender, forgiveness and unconditional love. As elders we may ripen into wisdom carriers if we have met the challenges of our lives to this point with courage and truthfulness. The oracle’s message is that our mother, Earth, gifts us with the fundamental fact of our physical being as a part of Nature. Whereas part of our cultural legacy has been to struggle with Nature and try to conquer Nature, the oracle suggests that the very facets of Nature that we try to disassociate ourselves from are part of the gift. In Nature all changes, all is impermanent, all cycles from one stage to another. Each state or stage has its own beauty, its own essence. This sounds crazy except through the eyes of the heart. Mind likes to compare: sound vs frail, young vs old, healthy vs ill, pleasure vs pain. Heart is more inclusive and unconditional, more accepting, more embracing. When I open sacred space, having honored the four directions of south west north and east, I then touch the earth: “Earth mother, you in whom we live and breathe and have our being, thank you for holding all of life upon your great belly.” Sometimes I take a moment to contemplate the vast variety of realities to be found on

Wendy Ball M.Ed. Shamanic Healing, Hakomi Coaching, Mentoring

518-813-8524 wendy.ball@yahoo.com www.wendyballshamaniclight.com

the planet. It’s amazing isn’t it? In that moment I am able to appreciate how it is that planet Earth make all of the diversity of life possible. And then there is father Sun. allowing life to sprout from the dark, feminine Earth (see the oracle). So here’s a practice: Between Earth and Sun we stand. Breathe and feel deeply into your connection with mother Earth and draw the energy you access up through your feet and into your heart. Then breathe and feel deeply into your connection with father Sun and draw the energy you access down through your head and into your heart. Feel these energies co-mingle and nourish each other. Feel them empower your heart/soul essence. Feel yourself become available to every aspect of your earthly human embodied experience. Feel into how you experience deep acceptance of every facet of the gift your mother Earth has given you of your embodied self, your embodied life. Reference: Mystical Shaman Oracle Cards, created by Alberto Villoldo, Colette Baron- Reid and Marcela Lobos, published by Hay House, 2018.

Wendy Ball, M.Ed., offers shamanic energy healing and mentoring. She currently works with clients on the phone and skype. Wendy received certification in luminous healing and energy medicine with The Four Winds Society in 2013. She brings over 30 years experience in therapy and spiritual mentoring to her practice. She is happy to talk about her work and answer question, free of charge. Contact her at 518-813-8524, or though her website: wendyballshamaniclight.com

Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture Holistic veterinary health, dental and end-of-life care for all domestic species. Kristina Dallas, DVM ¥ Saratoga Springs (518) 727-2940 drkris@veterinar yancientar ts.com www.veterinar yancientar ts.com Healing Springs Mission: With knowledge comes choice. Our mission at The Healing Springs Journal is to address the whole person by providing articles and stories that allow the reader to make empowered lifestyle decisions in relation to the wellness of their mind, body, spirit, and environment. Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18



Astrological FORECAST

October & November, 2018

OCTOBER: Thoughts on work, necessities of life and attention to health are important for this month. Pluto is direct as of the 1st and you may change your understanding and philosophy on life. The Full Moon on the 24th rules your appearance and self-expression. You want attention but do so with respect for others and do not step on another’s toes or play poor me. NOVEMBER: The other person, position of compromise and formation of a relationship are examined for this month. Mercury goes retrograde on the 16th and suggest care when signing agreements pertaining to shared money or assets. After the Full Moon on the 24th, you review your spending and saving habits and will make any necessary changes or begin a new savings account.

GEMINI ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Creative expression, speculative ventures and the joys of life are the highlights for this month. Pluto is direct as of the 1st and you watch your shared assets, money and other properties. The Full Moon on the 24th rules spiritual and psychic attunement. This is a time when you can gain in spirituality and Using Standard Time locate your Rising Sign or Ascendant. correct past mistakes, then close doors and move forward. If your birth time is Daylight Savings Time, subtract one hour. Your NOVEMBER: Solving problems, function on a job and attenactual Rising Sign or Ascendant may differ depending on certain tion to health are important for this month. Mercury turns rettime of birth and dates; however, not to confuse the non- rograde on the 16th and you may want to discuss any problems astrologer use the sign indicated for your Forecast. This placement in your relationships but do so clearly. Following the Full is similar to the transiting planet’s location in your Natal Chart, Moon on the 24th, you now want changes in your appearance except for exact degrees, and will correctly indicate your Forecast. and you will get a new hairstyle or go shopping for a new For example, if you are a Gemini born at 6:38 P.M., your wardrobe. Ascendant is Capricorn.

CANCER ASCENDANT by Arlene DeAngelus These interpretations are to be read using your Rising Sign or Ascendant as shown in the ABOVE graphic. IT SHOULD BE NOTED: In October, the Full Moon occurs on the 24th at 01:13 Taurus. Pluto is direct as of the 1st and Uranus and Neptune remain retrograde all month. In November, DST on the 4th. Venus goes direct and Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th. The Full Moon occurs on the 23rd at 00:52 Gemini. Neptune turns direct on the 24th.

ARIES ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Professional help, forming relationships and a position of compromise are examined for this month. Pluto is direct as of the 1st and you begin to rethink your aims in life and long-term goals. The Full Moon on the 24th rules your finances and can indicate changes in your personal income or financial dealings. Read all contracts carefully before signing. NOVEMBER: Spiritual appreciation, changing values and other’s assets are considered for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th giving you a desire for new knowledge and you consider a new study. Following the Full Moon on the 24th, all forms of communication are indicated. This is the time to catch up on old correspondence and returning phone calls.


Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18

OCTOBER: Home-front activity, domestic interests and feeling secure are considered for this month. Pluto is direct as of the 1st and you will gain understanding through your encounters with others. The Full Moon on the 24th rules your hopes and wishes. You may examine your recent achievements and set new goals and long-term directions. You also meet new friends. NOVEMBER: Creative talents, pleasures in life and expressing the self are highlighted for this month. Mercury goes retrograde on the 16th and you will take a new interest in your health and diet. After the Full Moon on the 24th, you examine your spiritual beliefs. This is also the time to correct past mistakes, put them in perspective, close the doors and begin to move on.

LEO ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Learning to understand, routine activities and educational opportunities are explored for this month. Pluto is direct as of the 1st and you will correct your habits to improve your health. The Full Moon on the 24th rules your career, or the equivalent, and your aims in life. You may receive long overdue recognition for a project or job that was well-done. NOVEMBER: Domestic interests, home environment and feeling secure are examined for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th and you want to express your thoughts but avoid being insensitive to others. Following the Full Moon on the 24th, you look back at your recent accomplishments and set new goals and long-term directions. You also meet new friends.


OCTOBER: Expanding resources, inner feelings and material rewards are reviewed for this month. Pluto is direct as of the 1st and you want to creatively express your self to others and enjoy loved ones. The Full Moon on the 24th rules knowledge and mental pursuits. You take a renewed interest in the law, philosophy and spirituality. You may decide to attend a formal class. NOVEMBER: Educational opportunities, everyday environment and outpouring of ideas are explored for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th and you examine your personal and family life to see what changes are needed. After the Full Moon on the 24th, you have meetings with important people and may even change your future career directions or the equivalent.

OCTOBER: Setting priorities, social status and establishing a career are important for this month. Pluto is direct as of the 1st and you feel like changing your outward appearance to your inner feelings. The Full Moon on the 24th rules romance and loved ones. You look for ways to enjoy life and become involved with your loved one’s creative projects or hobbies. NOVEMBER: Group associations, creative projects and sharing with friends are the highlights for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th and you become more interested in your spiritual beliefs. After the Full Moon on the 24th, you seek efficiency in both your health and your work. You may take a course to improve your work skills and begin a new health program.



OCTOBER: Discovering oneself, personal potential and one’s appearance are important for this month. Pluto is direct as of the 1st and this can be the time to resolve issues from the past and move on. The Full Moon on the 24th rules marital and partnership funds. There may be changes in jointly held monies or properties and this is also a good time to pay off old debts. NOVEMBER: Changing values, material rewards and financial gains are investigated for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th and feeling a little bored, you reconsider a workshop or a formal class. Following the Full Moon on the 24th, you become interested in such subjects as the law, philosophy and spirituality and may decide to attend a workshop.

OCTOBER: Prophetic dreams, philosophy on life and expanding your mind are examined for this month. Pluto is direct as of the 1st and it can be a time to free yourself from hidden feelings which influence you. The Full Moon on the 24th rules your home and family life. This can be a time when existing problems or conditions are often resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. NOVEMBER: Setting priorities, recognized achievement and public image are important for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th and you seek new goals and long-term directions in your life. Following the Full Moon on the 24th, you will want to spend time with your loved ones and children. If you have any creative talents, you will spend more time enjoying them.

SCORPIO ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Spiritual interest, hidden emotions and universal laws are investigated for this month. Pluto is direct as of the 1st and you are now questioning things that you have taken for granted. The Full Moon on the 24th rules relationships and possible changes in relationships. Through compromising you gain a better and deeper understanding of these relationships. NOVEMBER: One’s potential, approach to life and discovering oneself are studied for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th and all contracts and financial agreements should be read carefully before signing them. After the Full Moon on the 24th, there may be changes in jointly held money or assets and it is also a good time to pay of old debts and commitments.

SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Career earnings, group projects and sharing with friends are explored for this month. Pluto is direct as of the 1st and you will examine your possessions and financial security. The Full Moon on the 24th rules your work and health. You now want efficiency and may learn a new skill to improve your work and a new diet or exercise program for your health. NOVEMBER: Seeking solitude, grasping reality and spiritual rebirth are important for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th and your mind is very active and you want to express yourself to others. Following the Full Moon on the 24th, there can be subtle changes in your relationships through compromising and improving your understanding of your partners.


PISCES ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Accepted changes, breaking old habits and abstract teachings are of interest for this month. Pluto is direct as of the 1st and you will meet new friends and join new groups for personal change. The Full Moon on the 24th rules your everyday habits and communications. Friends and neighbors may ask you for you help with a community project or program. NOVEMBER: Self-realization, universal mysteries and mental pursuits are studied for this month. Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th and you may decide to take a workshop for your career or the equivalent. After the Full Moon on the 24th, there are changes in your neighborhood or you decide to help with a community event or project. You may also take up a new study. Arlene is an Author, Astrologer and Para-Consultant and has studied and worked with astrology for more than forty years. She has also been a professional astrologer since 1980. Arlene has a Certificate of Merit from Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson (CA 1982) and a Certificate of Proficiency from the Mayo School of Astrology (London 1985). In addition, she holds certifications from the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (1982-2019) as both a Medium and Spiritual Healer (Lily Dale, NY). Arlene can be reached at Astrological Concepts, Telephone (518) 3718097 or Visit My Web Site at: http://www.yourstarsite.com Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18



ACUPUNCTURE Michael Wayne, Saratoga Springs & Clifton Park, 518-210-1557 Deborah Kozlowski, A New Leaf, Saratoga Springs, 518-587-7665

CENTERS Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center, www.stillpointretreatcenter.com, 518-587-4967 Sanctuary For Evolutionary Vision (SEV), New Lebanon & Albany, theshift.rocks, info@theshift.rocks

Cathy Saladis LMT, Albany, 518-229-0741, www.headtotoe123.com ENERGY MEDICINE Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, 518-506-6303, atobin.pih@gmail.com, www.partnersinhealing.info HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE Jerome Pindell, Clifton Park, 518-3745492, www.jeromepindell.com Claudia Ascione, MA, MS, CH, Niskayuna, Manhattan and Ardsley, NY. 518 372-7023.

ANIMAL CARE Jill Stewart, Equine Sports Massage Therapist and Canine Massage Therapist, Certified Aromatherapist 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.Privatelabel-aromatherapy.com

CHELATION THERAPY Dr Andrew Garner, Glens Falls, 518798-9401, drandrewgarner@gmail.com, www.adirondackmedicalresearch.com

Susan Hamlin, The Saratoga Animal Whisperer Animal Communication, 518-245-8010, www.animal-whisper.com

CHIROPRACTORS Delmar Chiropractic, Delmar, 518-439-7644

HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS Private Label Aromatherapy: Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, All Purpose Cleaner, Household Cleaner, Essential Oil Deodorizing Sprays, Essential Oil Blends for Laundry and Dryer, Hand Soaps and more. Custom products also available. Jill Stewart 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.PrivateLabel-Aromatherapy.com

Kristina Dallas, DVM. Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture. Saratoga Springs, NY. 727-2940. Holistic care for pets.

Dr. Lynn Allison, Ballston Spa & Schenectady, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com

HYPNOTISM Barbra Stevens, 518-755-5053

AROMATHERAPY Jill Stewart, Cert. aromatherapist, full line of human and animal aromatherapy products, single essential oils and custom blends Gift baskets and party favors available 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.privatelabel-aromatherapy.com

COACHES Cate LaBarre, Personal and group coaching by phone and teleconference. Workshops in Saratoga Region. 518-882-9880, catelabarre@gmail.com http://CateLaBarreCoach.com, Natural Peace Living - Sarah van Rijsewijk. 518-928-8682. naturalpeaceliving.com

ASTROLOGY Arlene DeAngelus, 518-371-8097, ADeAngelus@aol.com, www.yourstarsite.com

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Margery Chessare, LMT, BCST, Sessions and classes in the Saratoga area, 518-893-0421, ChessareMargery@gmail.com

BACH FLOWER REMEDIES Nini Gridley, MS Ed, BFRP, Consultations by appointment, in person or over the phone. Next Level One BIEP Training September 2018, 518-573-0571 www.NiniGridley.com

Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075, Lthomps2@nycap.rr.com, www.holistichealingartssaratoga.com

Diana Gribben, LMT, BFRP, at Healing Path Massage, 518-421-0645, www.creatorheals.com


Dr. Lynn Allison, Schenectady, knotdr@juno.com

Ballston Spa & 518-268-9542,

Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843

Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18

George Guarino, CH, Clifton Park, Delmar, Albany, 518-256-6549

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, 518-506-6303, atobin.pih@gmail.com, www.partnersinhealing.info

INTUITIVE/PSYCHIC CONSULTANT: Barbara Allen, BA, PTC. 518-5872583; barbaraln@nycap.rr.com LIGHT THERAPY Dr. Lynn Allison, Ballston Spa & Schenectady, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843

LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843 MASSAGE THERAPY Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, 518-755-8843, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, MEDICAL QIGONG THERAPY Kate Kellman, DMQ, Saratoga Springs & Burnt Hills. 518-775-7798. www.deep-connections.com. deepconnections24@gmail.com. MELT METHOD® Carrie Whitelaw, LMT Saratoga Springs 518-222-9036 cwhitelaw42@gmail.com www.carriewhitelaw.com NATURAL FOOD STORES Four Seasons Natural Foods Store & Cafe, Saratoga, 518-584-4670, wwwFourSeasonsNaturalFoods.com Pure-N-Simple, GlensFalls, 518-798-4047 NATUROPATHY Sarah A. LoBisco, ND, Phone consults scheduled at www.dr-lobisco.com or by appointment at A Peaceful Place in Clifton Park, www.apeacefulplace.com Joanne Halloran, ND, Saratoga Healing Arts, 518-369-7080, www.doctorjoanne.com NUTRITION Lisa O’Brien, Saratga Springs, 518-3069257, lisaobrien.nutrition@gmail.com ORGANIZATIONS Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network (SIPN),

www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com PAST LIFE REGRESSION SESSION Diane Saunders, 518-567-7315, theshift.rocks PHYSICAL THERAPY Integrative Physical Therapy, 518-3730735, www.inspiredtherapy.com PSYCHOTHERAPY Wendy Ball LMHC, certified in EMDR and Hakomi therapies, specialize in trauma related disorders, couples counseling and life transition coaching. Albany. 518-8138524. www.wendyballcounseling.com REIKI Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075, Lthomps2@nycap.rr.com, www.holistichealingartssaratoga.com Joyce Willson RN, RMT, The Art of Reiki, Troy, 518-271-7802, www.theartofreiki.com Suzanne Golub, RMT, Saratoga Springs 518-301-0407, , shaantienergy@gmail.com, www.shaantienergyhealing.com Katrina Clay, Saratoga, 518-332-6581, katrina@katrinaclay.com REFLEXOLOGY Cathy Saladis LMT, Clifton Park and Albany, www.headtotoe123.com, 518-229-0741

SPACE FOR RENT Relief Shared, Saratoga, www.reliefshared.com TAI CHI The Tai Chi Center, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-9315, www.the-taichi-center.com Asian Arts Tai Chi Center, Albany, 518-489-1458, info@AsianArtsGrp.com, www.AsianArtsGrp.com TAROT Joan Scannell, www.joanscannell.com


Sarah van Rijsewijk. 518-928-8682. naturalpeaceliving.com TREE SERVICE Foothills Tree Service, Practicing sustainable tree managment, 518-893-2620, www.kawingcrow.com WELLNESS CENTERS Relief Shared, Saratoga, www.reliefshared.com Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com YOGA Yoga Mandali, Saratoga, 518-584-0807, www.yogamandali.com, Saratoga’s longest continually running studio serving our community for over 10 years Yoga with Jen, Warrensburg & Minerva, 518-956-2818

RETAIL Magic Moon, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-2488

Namaste Yoga, Saratoga namasteyogasaratoga.com, 518-222-7470

ROLF STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION Nick Pavoldi, 518.389.2200, BodyworkProfessionals@gmail.com

Anna Witt, Set yourself in motion. Steer your life with purpose.Join the movement. Embodyoga with Anna Witt, 518-256-9628, at One Big Roof


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ONGOING Tune In To Wellness Today TV Show, with LisaMarie Tersigni. Meet local wellness providers and learn the benefits of natural wellness modalities, services and products available. View 24/7 at SACC.TV Mondays and Wednesdays Gentle Kripalu Yoga Classes - 4:005:30PM. First class free! Join Nini Gridley for a compassionate blend of warm-ups, sequenced asanas, shavasana, pranayama, and meditation designed to pacify the “Vata” energy through a well rounded yoga practice that is relaxing yet energizing for all levels of practitioners. Beginners are welcome. It’s gentle for every body. www.yogamandali.com

The Lotus Center, Oneonta, NY, 607-267-4963, www.isdoneonta.org

OCTOBER Monday,October 8 New Moon today at 11:47 PM, EDT The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Contact Nini Gridley for details on the New Moon Meditation 518 573-0571

Mondays Yoga Nidra - 7:45-8:45pm, First class is free! Simply lie down and listen to receive amazing benefits from this ancient practice. www.yogamandali.com

Wednesday, October 24 Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey, with Katrina Clay 6:30, The full moon is a good time to open our awareness of the fullness of life. Join in a soulful community to journey into your own fullness. katrina@healingspringsjournal.com or 518-332-6581. This is ongoing and takes place every full moon in different locations. Please email Katrina at above to be receive ongoing emails. $20 suggested, pay what you have.

3rd Tuesdays Healing Circle: 5:30-6:30 pm The Institute for Spiritual Development The Lotus Center, Oneonta, NY, (607) 2674963, www.isdoneonta.org

October 26-28 Yoga Teacher Training with Ricky Tran, Namaste Yoga, 2 Franklin Square, Saratoga Springs. 518-222-7470, www.namasteyogasaratoga.com

2nd Tuesdays Intuitive Development Circle, 5:306:30pm, The Institute for Spiritual Development The Lotus Center, Oneonta, NY, (607)267-4963, www.isdoneonta.org

Sunday, October 28 Who Heals The Healer, We Do... Institute for Spiritual Development, Lotus Center, Please join us at The Institute of Spiritual Development (ISD) Lotus Center, for an afternoon Energy Share, on the last Sunday of each month from 1pm to 3pm. We provide the space and treatment tables, please bring your healing hands. All modalities are welcome. Please RSVP to Tim Keys (tk.bridgeoflight@gmail.com), Reiki Master Practitioner, Crystal Energy Healer and certified healer at ISD Oneonta

Thursdays Ecstatic Dance every Thursday night at Move Fitness. 24 Colvin Ave, Albany. 7:45-9:30pm $15. $7 Kids. FB page: Albany Ecstatic Dance Revolution

1st and 3rd Sunday Church Services: every month, 10 am, The Institute for Spiritual Development 30 Healing Springs I #100 I Oct/Nov ‘18

NOVEMBER Wednesday, November 7 New Moon today at 11:02 PM, EST. The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Call Nini Gridley for details on this month’s very special New Moon Meditation - 518 573-0571. Saturday, November 10 SHIFT NY & Spirit Fest; 9:30am-4:00, 41-45 Dietz St., Oneonta, NY downstairs. A Transcendent & Fun Fair for All! 10 tried and true psychic readers & energy healers - unique metaphysical gifts & crafts, Lunch, Meditation, Free Workshops & more at the new ISD Oneonta Lotus Center- Free Admission; book ahead with your favorite Psychic Reader or Healer to assure your spot! Private readings only $25; Info www.shiftnewyork.com. Saturday November 17 Special Movie Showing; Rooted in Peace; see ad on page 9 for details. “Activating Psychic Awareness” with Diana Friedell, Institute for Spiritual Development, Lotus Center Are you at a crossroads in your life and have important life path decisions to make? Get intuitive answers for yourself, your clients & your family; learn easy techniques to make a decision intuitively! This is a required class for the Intuitive Practitioner Program. Register for only this one or for all 5 of the first half of the program at a discounted rate. Tuition: $85 or $75 for ISD Members Friday, November 23 Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey, with Katrina Clay 6:30. Namaste Yoga, 2 Franklin Square, Saratoga Springs. The full moon is a good time to open to the fullness of life. Join in soulful community to journey into your own fullness. katrina@healingspringsjournal.com or 518332-6581. This is ongoing and takes place every full moon in different locations. Please email Katrina at above to be receive ongoing emails. $20 suggested, pay what you have.

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