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H sEpAr iLnIgNs G journal

Issue #76, October—November, 2014

Doula Qi Gong Menopause Chelation Terapy Our region’s original wellness publication dedicated to enhancing our power of choice in the New York tradition of wellness



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Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

Saratoga Springs Holistic Healing and Spiritual Arts Expo ...enhancing your mind, body and spirit Exhibitors may include these areas of expertise… Acupuncture * Aromatherapy * Astrology Aura Photography * Chinese Medicine Energy Medicine * Feng Shui * Healing Oils Health and Wellness Centers * Holistic Healing Homeopathy * Hypnosis * Intuitive Reading Jewelry * Life Coaching * Massage Therapy Naturopathy * Nutrition * Reiki * Tai Chi Vitamins * Yoga....and more!

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info@holisticspiritualexpo.com or go to www.holisticspiritualexpo.com

HsEpAr iLnIgNsG the community where HEALING SPRINGS to Life

Are you interested in the Healing Arts and creating relationships? ‘The Healing Springs Journal’ is looking for an ad sales rep. (position is part time) Also seeking Albany area delivery person.

Contact Katrina at katrina@healingspringsjournal.com, 518.332.6581


HEALING springs

Publisher’s Corner The greatest gift you can offer is a healthy, whole you


As I begin writing this essay, I am situated next to the Kaydeross Creek with my computer on my lap, watching my dog roam the water. It is a beautiful place to be and an inspiring environment for work. Today is my birthday. Although it is not a change in decade, this seems to be a pivotal age for me. I am full of thoughts and wonder how to organize them. When reading someone else’s words, I am amazed at how comprehensive they are, finding mine so scattered and inept. Yet, somehow when I stick with the multitude of ideas, they organize themselves through repeated rewriting. That can be a metaphor for life, can’t it? We come in with thoughts and ways of being, then over time rewrite the story of ourselves, hopefully making them more comprehensive.


Publisher Katrina Clay

Design & Production BeanTree Designs

E-Mail katrina@healingspringsjournal.com

Website www.healingspringsjournal.com www.issuu.com/healingspringsjournal

Phone (518) 583-3277

Mailing Address P.O. Box 167 Middle Grove, NY 12850

Advertising and story deadline for Dec ‘14/ Jan ‘15 issue is Nov. 6

This summer I had the opportunity to spend time with some young adults. Perhaps knowing this birthday was coming, I was truly taken by the differences between my youth and my not-so-youthful. When I was in my early 20s, I worked and spent a lot of time with friends in their 40s. While they were going through the uncertainty of middle age, I offered out sound counsel. They commended me on my maturity and I agreed because everything was so clear. At that time, it didn’t occur to me that I hadn’t actually experienced what I was professing. Accurate as my suggestions may have been, they were theory rather than true knowing. While today I am more at ease with my self, in youth I had more confidence in what I thought were the rules of life. It seems the adage “the more I know, the less I understand” is ever true. I was like that person who is new to the hobby you’ve been doing for years and enthusiastically tells you how to do things. Many of my current age friends agree that in our youth we were certain of our future abilities. We knew we would do better at parenting than our parents did, better at managing than our managers were doing, better at being a spouse than others had been. Seems we underestimated the effects of time. Along with the multiple joys of life, time brings loss, monotony and failure. As a response, we at times put up resistances and or create unconscious behaviors to avoid feeling hurt. Yet, these also get in the way of our purist potential. The defenses can be obvious, such as drug addictions—as well as subtle, like blaming others. None of this is to be used as an excuse not to put in our best effort, only an observation of why our greatest is at times less than it could be. Fulfilling our potential is still possible, of course, but all those barriers need to be worked through first. This can be especially challenging when they affect our interpretation of the world, making it impossible to see the forest for the trees. Reviewing those years, I also see most of my choices were made from the outside in. As a survival instinct, children have an innate need to please and fit in with their families. Before maturing out of this impulse, it gets transferred to those who surround us when we first move out of our childhood home. This isn’t inauthentic, but a natural growth process of trying on different roles. As we age and get to know our souls better, the commands of our individual spirit take precedence. This is a lifelong journey of trial and error. As many of you know, I have a retired racehorse named Tom’s Thunder. Tom’s brother, Thunder Rumble, won the Travers in 1992 and now resides at Old Friends of Cabin Creek, a Thoroughbred Retirement Facility in Saratoga County. I went there recently for a Navajo Horse Blessing Ceremony. It was amazing. First, and not surprisingly, the Navajo’s account of their way of interacting with the earth and life in general deeply touched my inner senses. In addition, Harrison, the elder, mentioned something that really hit me; he said that he didn’t travel the country blessing horses because it felt like a “calling.” Instead, he chooses to do it because it may counterbalance the damage he felt he’d done to the spiritual nature of horses while

The Healing Springs Journal is an independent publication committed to printing articles regarding the wellness of body, mind, spirit, and environment. It is a free publication supported by its advertisers. These advertisers must be judged on their individual merits, The Healing Springs Journal is not responsible for their claims, conditions, products, or services. Our articles reflect the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of our publisher. We do not claim to diagnose illness, but offer an open forum on complimentary & alternative therapies. Serious ailments should be checked out by a physician as well as by the healers you feel compelled to learn more about. We reserve the right to refuse advertising and are not liable for any errors within the ads themselves.


Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

travelling with the rodeo. Choice being the operative word. Going back again to my 20s (and perhaps as recently as last year or week) I believed I would find my calling, it would be obvious, euphoric, and lead to a fulfillment that banished all doubt of my worldly contribution. It now seems more accurate that we all have the responsibility to decide what to do with our lives. Even those who hear a calling get to choose to follow it or not. The foundation of that decision—heart, ego, mind, joy, fear, trust—may be more important than the actual choice itself. Additionally, it seems I assumed ‘a calling’ would be a specific career—most likely one with a lot of recognition— rather than something so mundane as a way of being, peacefulness for example. Yet, which one feels more noble? At the conclusion of the Navajo’s speech, they moved to the individual ceremonies, giving each horse an opportunity to heal and let go of past wounds. A common thread among the horses was to distract themselves with habitual behaviors, rather than experience the change within. Most of these horses had successful careers on the track. Good racehorses have every physical need met in order to perform well. What is often neglected, however, is experiencing life true to the nature of horses—outdoors in strong social groups, eating 20 of 24 hours on a variety of nutritionally-low plants while travelling as far as 20 miles a day finding them. While some horses, and people for that matter, are well adjusted to domestication, others habitually fill the empty time ordinarily satisfied by searching for food with hollow patterns of behavior. The horses reminded me that defenses are not always born to overt abuse, sometimes they stem simply from being removed from our nature—inner and outer. For a horse it may come out as cribbing or biting. In humans it may be workaholism, busyness, our phones or any multitude of obsessions. These correlate to the unconscious methods of coping mentioned earlier. Having grown accustomed to interacting through the habits, letting go of these defenses can feel threatening. Since horses and humans alike are hard wired to look for danger, we hold on to the patterns and sometimes don’t even realize they are there. We cannot heal what we are unwilling to feel. (That sentence is worth reading again.) While it lacks the sexiness of following our bliss, recognizing our automatic responses may be our greatest gift to the world. I’ve come to the end unsure if my thoughts have been clearly conveyed and having left out some of my favorite ideas— another life metaphor. Regardless, I will finish with additional conclusions I’ve come to with age; life is paradoxical and things are rarely how they appear. What seems big is often small, what seems unimportant may actually be our foundation. To be human includes having ego, spirit, body, personality, thoughts, emotions, and soul—all of which are ever changing. It's a juggling act to keep them together. More often they go different directions; one chasing love, another following fear. My prayer then, is that we each find and accept our photo by Deborah Neary individual authentic nature so deeply that our choices effortlessly align all inner facets to reflect our true essence and love in all that we do.

Contents articles 10 12 14 16 18 20 23 26 30 34

Introduction to Qi Gong by Mark Tolstrup On Rolf Structural Integration by Nick Pavoldi Expecting? A doula is a Definite by Cara DelFavero Lessons in Love from the Tarot by Angela Kaufman How To Chant by Alanna Kaivalya

Are Your Breasts Surviving or Thriving in Today’s Toxic World? by Patricia Bowden Luccardi Chelation Terapy by Dr. Andrew Garner Menopause: A Whole New World by Dr. Cheryl Wong Celiac Disease by Sarah LoBisco, ND Reconnecting with Your Mastery by Jill Mattson


6 Our Community 28 Ask The Practitioner 32 34 36

by Jerome Pindell, Gregg St. Clair, Claudia Ascione and Lynn Allison Your Astrological Forecast by Arlene DeAngelus Calendar Directory

Healing Springs Mission:

With knowledge comes choice. Our mission at The Healing Springs Journal is to address the whole person by providing articles and stories that allow the reader to make empowered lifestyle decisions in relation to the wellness of their mind, body, spirit, and environment. # 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs




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Community Acupuncture Studio of Glens Falls has New Owner The Acupuncture Studio of Glens Falls NY has a new owner; Brooke Hewitt, L.Ac. of Glens Falls. "As a native of South Glens Falls, I am excited to continue the Acupuncture Studio's mission:To allow a place where members of our community can find relief for pain and stress that is affordable, accessible and effective. The Studio has never been busier, and we plan to help even more people in the coming year!" Began by Kevin Campopiano, L.Ac., the Acupuncture Studio has been providing low cost, quality acupuncture to the Glens Falls, Lake George and Saratoga regions since 2006. The Acupuncture Studio is part of vibrant downtown Glens Falls, and its hours are Monday through Friday from 9 am – 8pm. The Acupuncture Studio is located at5 Warren St., Glens Falls, NY. Phone; 518-615-0505, www.TheAcupunctureStudio.com Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014 6

One Roof Holistic Health Center Celebrates 10TH Anniversary One Roof Holistic Health Center in downtown Saratoga Springs, offering a range of holistic health services for the body and mind, celebrates its 10th anniversary in September. A week-long celebration began with a ribbon cutting by the Chamber of Commerce on September 17th and continuedd with the Henry Street Harvest Festival on Sunday, September 21st in memory of Mana Behan (1931-2014), One Roof practitioner, friend, yogi, and healer. The Festival benefited Gateway House of Peace, a Charitable Hospice of Saratoga County. The depth and breadth of the services found at One Roof are unmatched in our community. Here specialists intuitively know and openly support clients working with other practitioners to discover new paths to wellness. Our services include acupuncture & Chinese medicine, chiropractic care, life coaching, massage, nutrition, psychotherapy, Reiki, and therapeutic yoga. We also encourage you to join us at One Big Roof, our sister site at 433 Broadway, home of the Saratoga Stress Reduction Program. This retreat center in the heart of Saratoga is a sanctuary for contemplative and restorative care, offering classes in mindfulness meditation, stress reduction, yoga & movement (ta chi & qigong), energy work, support groups, spiritual direction and more. Practitioners and programs may be found on our website: oneroofsaratoga.com.

New Design-Build Firm Integrates Health, Simplicity, Luxury and Technology

Dr. Richard Aulicino

The Capital District has gained a new design-build firm with the launch of Sensory Six, a company focused on creating commercial and residential living spaces that are in harmony with the senses. The company is the brainchild of Sandra Fox, former owner and technology executive with CHA, an Albany-based global engineering firm.

A holistic approach for an aesthetic result

Sensory Six (www.sensorysix.com) promotes a design style it has named 21st Century Zen™ that focuses on simplicity, luxury and health. The style merges the use of color, texture, lighting and art with technology, engineering and materials to create highly functional smart spaces that serve as both a haven and an inspiration. The company is collaborating with architects, suppliers, artists, designers and building contractors regionally, nationally and internationally, a network that Fox built during her 23-year tenure in the engineering industry and as a community activist. “Building a new space or renovating an older one always starts with a vision. We will bring together teams that understand both aesthetics and functionality and manage those projects in a way that provides an superior process and end result,” says Fox.

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One prominent component of the new firm is its ability to source unique artistic signature lighting, which the company will sell separately or as part of its design services. “We are bringing lighting to this area that simply has not been seen before,” says Fox. “We believe that lighting is one of the most important components of creating extraordinary spaces, and we want our clients to have access to the most beautiful and innovative lighting available.” Sensory Six will also focus on creating spaces that promote health and wellness because people spend over 90% of their time indoors. The firm will design and build healthy spaces through organic furnishings and materials; use of natural light; bringing nature into the home; and incorporating the latest technology in water, air and light therapy, sound abatement and bacteria prevention. Fox says there is strong demand in the category of health and wellness, as people today are more focused on longevity and improved quality of life. Spas have been interested in this area for a long time, and Fox sees the potential to extend health and wellness concepts to other hospitality businesses, residences, and offices. Sensory Six is following the trend of providing residential and commercial clients with turn-key solutions through the increasingly popular design-build model. The intent of design-build firms is to create a better client experience by providing the ability to handle an entire project from initial design to final construction. Additionally, Sensory Six will serve clients who need only specific services in new builds or renovation. As she leads the new company as president, Fox will continue her extensive activities in the community. She currently serves on the boards of the CNSE Children’s Museum of Science and Technology, Center for Women in Government and Civil Society,

Stress Relief? Try Bach Flowers! www.NiniGridley.com fullspectrumhealing@gmail.com / 518-573-0571 # 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs


Still Point is an interfaith retreat center located just minutes from downtown Saratoga. We offer space for reflection and personal time as well as programs for healing and enriching one’s spirit, mind and body. Mailing address: 20 Still Point Road, Mechanicville, NY 12118 Telephone: 518-587-4967 email: stillpt423@aol.com web: www.stillpointretreatcenter.com Take 24 hours from your busy schedule. Enjoy the stillness and power of nature on our partially wooded land. Re-connect to your deep self.

Pray! Be silent! Be!

and Girls Inc. She is a former board member of the Capital Repertory Theater and co-chair of the American Cancer Society’s Gala of Hope.

Events and Activities are planned at The Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park Fire Tower Hours at Camp Saratoga, Saturdays & Sundays from 10:00-3:00 pm. Climb an authentic fire tower and view a replica fire observer’s cabin without having to climb a mountain! Get a treetop view of Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park. The schedule is subject to weather conditions and availability of Volunteer Fire Tower Interpreters. To confirm that it is open, contact Larry Gordon (Town of Wilton Fire Tower Coordinator) at (518) 4690918. Please use parking lot #3 on Scout Road. Dates: October 11-12, October 25-26 Pre-K Discovery Day at Camp Saratoga. Third Monday Every Month at 10:30 am. This monthly program is for our youngest explorers (ages 3-6 years old) where we use children’s love of nature to teach simple concepts. Adults are expected to attend. This is an outdoor program so please come dressed for the weather. Preregistration is required. Dates: October 20, November 17, and December 15

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Quantum Pulse Machine Donna Bird, LCSW-R, CCH Donna's Self Help CDs available in stores and online at www.donnabird.com Webstore and Donna’s Saratoga Office (518) 584-0698 Some Insurances, Visa, Master Card, Discover

Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network learn more at: www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com


Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

Nature Scavenger Hunt and Leaf Mobiles, Monday, October 13 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. We will be partnering with the Saratoga Springs Public Library for this fun program! The program includes a walk from the Library to Congress Park for a nature scavenger hunt. With the items found, we will return to the library to assemble a nature mobile. Preregistration is required through the library. Please contact Laura Clark at (518) 584-7860, opt. 3. Halloween Nature Craft at Camp Saratoga. Saturday, October 25 at 1:00 pm and Monday, October 27 at 4:00 pm. Are bats and owls really that spooky? Join us to learn about “spooky” animals and create some nature-inspired Halloween decorations to hang up around your home! Come show us your creative side at the pavilion by Delegan Pond. Preregistration is suggested. Preregistration is appreciated for all programs at least one business day in advance of the actual event. Preregistration in not required for drop-in events like the Fire Tower hours. For more information, please call the Preserve & Park office at 518-4500321 or via email at info@wiltonpreserve.org. For up-to-date trail conditions or program information, please visit the Preserve & Park’s website at www.wiltonpreserve.org The Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park is a non-profit organization that conserves ecological systems and natural settings while providing opportunities for environmental education and outdoor recreation.

Saratoga Integrative Medicine Education Network Upcoming Programs The Saratoga Integrative Medicine Education Network, or SIMEN, has two up-coming programs scheduled. Both will occur at the Saratoga Springs Public Library, 49 Henry St., in the Community Room, and are free and open to the public. The first program occurs on Monday, Oct. 6 at 6:30 pm and is enti-

tled, “Things We Don’t Talk About: Women’s Stories From the Red Tent.” This program is a showing of the ground-breaking documentary, “Things We Don’t Talk About: Women’s Stories From the Red Tent,” and afterwards a panel discussion will occur with women from Red Tent Saratoga Springs and also from BirthNet.

Albany-Sar atoga Spiritual Adv entures Offering tools and support for

A Red Tent is a gathering space where women gather to rest, renew, and often share deep and powerful stories about their lives. The Red Tent movement is changing the way that women interact and support each other by providing a place that honors and celebrates women, and by enabling open conversations about the things that women don’t want to talk about in other venues. “Things We Don’t Talk About” weaves together heal-ing narratives from inside the Red Tent to shine a spotlight on this vital, emergent women’s tradition.

Discovering What You Are Hungry For begins 10/16 Forgiveness is Freeing Workshop 11/20 Pine Hollow Arboretum, Slingerlands, Preregister (518)-466-6846

your spiritual journey

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The second program occurs on Thursday, Nov. 13 and is entitled, “Coherence Consciousness: What is It and Why Do I Want It? There is a sweet spot in your nervous system known as coherence where all good things happen! When we are in a coherent state, we perceive the world clearly and per-form optimally without being pestered with anxiety. We become increasingly more resourceful as we effortlessly allow “out of the box” solutions to emerge. We have greater energy and our relationships improve due to better listening and communication. In this program, learn how you can access free reliable tools & consistently jour-ney to this “sweet spot” within yourself. Also, learn how your efforts to “vote with your heart” to see the changes you want to see in the world will be measured and documented through the Global Coherence Project and the Albany Peace Project. The presenter, Bethany Gonyea, MS, is the Director of the nonprofit organization NUMINOUS, and the sponsor of the Albany Peace Project, a 10 year research project designed to determine if an organized group of trained meditators creating a "coherent state" in their bodies and then focusing peaceful intention outwardly can measurably re-duce local violence. This year, the Albany Peace Project is collaborating with the Insti-tute of Heartmath. For more information on either program, call 210-1557.

Local Shop Owner Retiring and Having Storewide Sale After 25 wonderful years, I’ve decided to retire and close the shop. Beginning October 1st, nearly everything in the store will be 50% off.. Fixtures will also be fore sale. Living Recovery sells 12 Step books & gifts, jewelry, crystals, candles, oils, incense, sage, chimes, meditation tools, music, greeting cards, and tarot cards.. Thank you for all your support and patronage. It’s been a joy every day! Living Recovery is located at 1105 New Loudon Rd. Cohoes, NY. The shop is open Mon-Fri 11-6:30 Sat 11-4. Phone; 518-785-5258

Send press releases to; katrina@healingspringsjournal.com

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# 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs


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learn more at: www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com


meditation. The translation of the words gi and gong is a little difficult because we do not an exact equivalent in English. Qi, refers to the energy that animates our life. Gong, means practice or practice with the intent of mastery. So, Qi Gong is a system of practices that work to master the energy of our life.

Qi Gong

This idea of Qi as our life’s energy is not something that shows up in western culture the way it is seen in oriental society. However, the idea is quite natural and fairly simple. If you eat well, get some exercise and a good nights sleep, you wake up refreshed and full of energy – your Qi is strong. If, on the other hand you don’t eat well or exercise and don’t get enough sleep you wake up groggy and tired – your Qi is weak.


by Mark Tolstrup ai Chi and Qi Gong share a history that goes back well over 1800 years. The exact origin of many of these practices can be difficult to pinpoint but there is clear documentation of many specific qi gong practices from the earliest days of written history in China.


Qi Gong (pronounced chee gong) is a system of mind/body practices. Some practices involve movement, some use only focused

The Qi is also greatly affected by the mind. For example maybe you are tired after a long hard day. You feel like you can barely make it to your bed. Suddenly you get some great news. You won the lottery! All of a sudden you are jumping up and down and cannot sleep. You are full of energy. On the other hand sometimes things are going really well then some bad news comes unexpectedly and deflates all your energy. The concept of Qi takes into account both the physical and the non physical.

“This idea of Qi as our life’s energy is not something that shows up in western culture the way it is seen in oriental society. However, the idea is quite natural and fairly simple. If you eat well, get some exercise and a good nights sleep, you wake up refreshed and full of energy–your Qi is strong. If, on the other hand you don’t eat well or exercise and don’t get enough sleep you wake up groggy and tired–your Qi is weak.” 10

Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

Cate LaBarre Individual & Group Coaching Classes by Teleconference Discover how your beliefs define your journey to clear the path to your heart s desire. Creative solutions. Practical life skills.

Mention this ad to receive a free 30 min phone consultation http://TheFordInstitute.com/CateLaBarre 518-882-9880 message * 607-287-0658 cell catelabarre@gmail.com Cate helped me shift my disempowering stories to positive beliefs, while keeping me focused on what I most wanted to manifest in my future.With compassion and strength, she guided me on the path to my vision of living a fully aligned and empowered life. Gregory Zelonka, Co-founder and Executive Director of EckhartTolleTV

There are three main braches of Qi Gong: medical Qi Gong, Martial Arts Qi Gong and spiritual Qi gong. Medical Qi Gong can be for the benefit of general health or used for specific problems such as high blood pressure etc.. Martial Qi Gong has many practices to build strength, stamina and self defense ability. And spiritual Qi Gong comes from the traditions of Taoism, Buddhism or Confucianism. Many Qi Gong practices have benefits for all three categories. All Qi Gong practices are involve the focus of the mind, and awareness of breath and the physical body. Without a clear focused mind there can be no Qi Gong. You cannot just turn up the music and mindlessly go through the moves. The mind must be focused on the practice and on maintaining correct postural alignments. Qi Gong practices can use big movements with great exertion or small gentle movements or no movement at all. Some practices use specific breathing patterns. Some use relaxed natural breath. In any case the postural alignment and precise movements, focus of the mind and relaxed breath are all important in any Qi Gong practice.

Try this:

Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart. Just relax and breath softly for a few minutes. Try to relax a fully as possible. Try to release all stress and tension. Try to


Tai Chi Center

Tai Chi — Qi Gong — Meditation

Swimming Dragon Qi Gong Tuesdays at 7:30pm 2 weeks $32 October 14 & 21 This one movement practice opens all the joints in the spine.

The Six Healing Sounds Tuesdays at 7:30pm 3 weeks $48 October 28 — November 11 A meditative five element Qi Gong that uses breathing and sound to cleanse and strengthen the internal organs. 36 Phila St. Saratoga Springs, NY ¥ (518)583-9315 www.the-taichi-center.com

relax your shoulders while keeping you spine straight as if you are suspended from above. Try to relax your feet so the toes are not griping the ground. Relax your abdomen. Try to just stay mentally present. Don’t let your mind wander. Focus on relaxing and breathing deeply. After standing quietly for a few minutes raise your arms to the side and overhead slowly as you inhale. Exhale and lower your hands down you center line. Repeat this several times. Try to be aware of your breath, your posture, your surroundings. As you inhale and raise your arms embrace the universe. As you exhale lower you arm and relax in to the earth. What a joy it is to be alive. What great fortune to be right here. Right now. Mark Tolstrup is a dedicated practitioner of the internal martial arts with over 20 years of teaching experience. Mr Tolstrup is a fourth degree black belt in Kempo Karate, has studied Tai Chi, meditation, Qi Gong and Chinese internal martial arts with many masters including T. K. Shih, William C.C. Chen, Jou Tsung Hwa, Mantak Chia, B. P. Chan, B. K. Frantzis, Frank Allen and many others. # 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs



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Healing Springs Journal

On Rolf Structural Integration by Nick Pavoldi olfing or Structural integration is a soft tissue approach to re-establishing natural alignment. Dr. Ida Rolf was the innovator of this process and held that when a body is aligned in gravity it works properly. Integration of the body in a gravity field reveals the fluid and natural movement and offers an ease of being.


Rolf Structural Integration boils down to a pretty simple premise, our bodies are organized around a central vertical axis or the line. Through my studies in human dissection I can tell you I’ve never seen a line but it is a very real thing. The line is a meditation and a reference point. A place that you can explore when standing or sitting, and offers a guide to alignment. For every action there is a re-action. A body at rest in gravity feels weightless, supported by the very thing that pulls it down. It’s something of a paradox, but a puzzle worth solving. From a practitioner standpoint, I have a goal of making a less complicated body. A front and back, side to side and up and down all working together. This integrated body feels fluid, capable and in a way fearless.

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Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

We want to be known. Patterns, emotions, and injury can be held in tissue. Imprinted by trauma or repetition these things tell the story of our lives. 15 years ago if I had read that, I may have thought those words were overreaching, but my experiences are that Rolf Structural Integration brings together the physical body with this feeling body. Integration not just in space, but within ourselves. The process is classically done in 10 sessions. The first 7 focusing on the structural phase and the final three being integrative sessions. The work itself is a hands on, soft tissue approach and clients can expect to participate in a way that is different from a massage. A practitioner may call for movement or conduct parts of the session seated or standing. Bodies are for living and often times a rolfing session will be moved off the table.

My first experience with this work was that if felt like the “smartest massage” I ever had. Sometimes clients seek this work when they have pain or discomfort in their body, and occasionally report about the process being painful. I think pain is a misnomer as it implies causing harm or injury. That is never the goal or purpose of this work, as I always want the experience to be a pleasurable one. However, the session can be dramatic. Uncomfortable places may lurk undetected in the body until I hold a mirror to them. I sometimes hear that clients had no idea an area would be so sore. It’s often because of the bodies compensating mechanism. Acute pain or discomfort in an area may not be the culprit, just the loudest victim. My first experience with this work was that if felt like the “smartest massage” I ever had. I knew right then that that’s what I wanted to do and have spent the last 15 years practicing. Like any art, Rolf Structural Integration will take a lifetime of study and dedication to be a capable practitioner. There are many wonderful forms of bodywork out there, and I feel privileged to bring this special kind to our community. Nick Pavoldi, LMT, A.SiP is an Advanced Rolf Structural Integration Practitioner with 18 years massage and bodywork experience. He is the principle practitioner and proprietor of Bodywork Professionals with offices in Latham and Saratoga Springs, NY. He can be reached at 518.389.2200, www.BodyworkProfessionals.com, or Info@BodyworkProfessionals.com

Spiritally vy v Singles a S Dinner, Concert & Conversations November 15 at 6:30 PM Pre-registration required by 11/7 Details at:


“What you can plan is too small for you to live. What you can live wholeheartedly will make plans enough for the vitality hidden in your sleep.” – David Whyte # 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs



A doula is a definite do! by Cara Del Favero erhaps you’ve just seen the positive sign on your test. Maybe you’ve started looking into birthing options and have heard in passing about doulas. Maybe you’re so up to date on your childbirth research that you could teach me what doulas are! No matter where you are in your journey, be assured that hiring a doula is definitely a wise choice for you, your family and your new bundle of joy!

time you say “go” to the hours after your baby is snuggled on your chest. Joining you as soon as you call, even prior to leaving for the hospital, doulas provide an entire toolbox of emotional as well as physical support to help you work through each contraction with complete confidence. Upon arrival in Labor and Delivery, your doula is a knowledgeable liaison between your family and the hospital staff to help your birthing plan take shape. After birth, doulas help you advocate for decisions regarding care of your newborn as well as information and one on one assistance with breastfeeding or bottle feeding (if breastfeeding is not going to be an option.)


So…what is a doula, exactly? A doula, contrary to common belief, is not a replacement for your labor and delivery doctor or your midwife. Doulas are actually the perfect complement to your care providers, providing your family with informative prenatal visits, access to lending libraries and basically being your walking birth encyclopedia when you need to make pregnancy or birth decisions. During your labor, your doula will be the one childbirth professional that is there with you from the

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Doulas have been shown in numerous medical studies to drastically reduce the rates of childbirth interventions and greatly increase breastfeeding rates! In fact, a Cochrane report noted that emergency c-sections were reduced by 40.9% and requests for epidurals reduced by

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Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

“Doulas have been shown in numerous medical studies to drastically reduce the rates of childbirth interventions and greatly increase breastfeeding rates!” 28%. Surveys have reported a nearly 100% satisfaction rate with the services doulas provide! That said, doulas support all birth decisions– whether it’s the choice to birth at home, the hospital, use medical pain relief, get induced or have a cesarean section. Your birthing coach is there to make sure that you have access to real, accurate evidence about the benefits and risks of all these choices so that you can make a truely informed decision that you can feel great about. So, why not just have your best friend be your doula? Why can’t your partner do what a doula does? Your friends, family and partner (if you have one) are all wonderful sources of positive support for your pregnancy. However, they are extremely biased, which is a good thing! They love and care for you and may react differently when you are in labor, while a doula can bring an objective point of view. Your doula is also a highly trained professional that has been specifically taught how to assist families through all sorts of birth situations and it’s their job to stay up to date on the best information available. A doula can be a godsend for your partner, too! Your partner or spouse may actually benefit just as much or more by having a doula available to coach them on ways to give the best support and to make sure they can recall all of the things they learned in childbirth class.

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Pregnancy is an amazing time in your family’s life. Spend it doing your research, learning about local birth options and making sure that your birthing team is on board with all your wishes for you and your baby. Consider a doula, no matter where or how you’re going to bring your baby earthside! Please contact author for references & resources. Cara Del Favero of Albany Doula and Placenta Encapsulation is a Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula and Certified Hypnobabies Hypnodoula, serving the Capital Region and surrounding areas with birth coaching and postpartum services. She provides assistance for planned home and hospital births and also has a cesarean doula birth package available. Cara is also a CLC for extended breastfeeding support, as well as an OSHA Certified Placenta Encapsulator, creating easy to swallow placenta pills (yes, really!) that may greatly reduce the risk of the baby blues and may increase milk supply. She also provides natural childbirth classes in the comfort of a family’s home and teaches hands-on student doula training sessions. You can learn more about doulas and schedule your free doula consult by going online and visiting albanydoula.net or calling (518) 542-5475. Albany Doula Http://albanydoula.net

Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network learn more at: www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com # 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs


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“What you can plan is too small for you to live. What you can live wholeheartedly will make plans enough for the vitality hidden in your sleep.” – David Whyte 16

Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

Lessons in Love from the Tarot:

Modern, Independent Women Find Powerful Solutions in Intuition by Angela Kaufman n my practice, the most popular psychic readings pertain to affairs of the heart. No two Tarot readings are the same, and the lessons in love waiting in a Tarot reading can be surprising. The Tarot can be a tool for divine guidance, yet it does not relieve an individual from responsibility for their free will. A Tarot reading may suggest a promising start in a relationship, but it is the choice of the individuals to maintain and nurture this relationship, or not.


A Lesson from the Lovers The Lovers card teaches us that true love is about maintaining the balance between individual and couple. This takes ongoing care and mindfulness even in the best scenarios. Modern women have been taught to compete in a man’s world by working harder just to keep up. We have broken through barriers in many ways, but when it comes to relationships and family, many women have traded traditional roles of caretaking and nurturing, for a liberated role of managing, leading, succeeding….and caretaking and nurturing. We haven’t walked out of the home for the workplace, we have taken on dual careers of nurturer and earner. Numerous Tarot readings I have done exploring relationships have elicited common patterns that undermine relationships as well as the attitudes, beliefs and fears that accompany them. A common habit of women, is the tendency to nurture others while not nurturing herself. Women take on their share of the relationship, and more, which can alter the energy of both the relationship, and the individuals comprising it. Therefore the lesson of the Lovers’ Card becomes distorted, and instead of honoring individuality and uniting in love, fear becomes the cement that holds the relationship together….for a while.

A Lesson on the Look of Love So much has changed over the centuries, and we ladies inhabit a very different world from our grandmothers, mothers, or even our older sisters! Average life expectancy has doubled, the definition of romantic partnership has become more eclectic, and individuals have flexibility and opportunities for expression of their desires. Social Media has made it easier to meet people, but harder to connect. Still we have clung tightly to the concept of romantic partnerships as a limited opportunity, a going out of business sale that no one wants to miss. It is for this reason that I refer to myself as a “21st Century Relationship Psychic”. Long gone are the days when women consulting a psychic had limiting questions

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Ladies, are you successful in life but unlucky in love?\ Angela Kaufman of Moonlight Tarot LLC is your 21st Century Relationship Psychic. Readings by phone/in person. New Relationship Coaching, Workshops & Corporate Team building packages also available. moonlighttarotllc.com. trionfi78@gmail.com. (513) 622-9178. in mind such as “will I even get married?” Women today have many choices to find love and romance is expressed in many different types of relationships from committed partnerships, marriages and blended families of all kinds. My services focus on bringing harmony and healing to women navigating the complex world of love and relationships without the self limiting stereotype of what a relationship “should” look like. Through years of Tarot reading and my career as a Social Worker, I have learned not to judge anyone else’s relationship. I have worked with women who have found true love after the loss of a spouse. If you are asking yourself if a certain relationship is “right” forever, or feeling as if you have failed because a relationship didn’t last, forgiveness and acceptance can be powerful healing tools that can lead you to recognize that forever is not the barometer on the quality of a relationship.

There Can Be Only One? I do not conduct Tarot readings from the perspective of there being “the One”. If we focus on “the One”, by default we have dismissed the value of any relationship that is not held to the quality or lifespan of that “One”. On the way to cultivating a deeply satisfying and committed relationship we often experience relationships that fall short, but are nevertheless important to our growth and development. To make a very un-romantic comparison, a successful career is as much about the internships and less-than-stellar jobs on the way to the “dream job”. If we leave high school and wait around for the dream job, chances are it will elude us, or we will be unprepared to excel when the time comes. So, when asked if Prince or Princess Charming is “the One” I will explain that the purpose of the Tarot reading can be to explore the potential of this connection, but that I will not use

the Tarot to invoke limitations on free will and choice when so much depends on what happens within the relationship. An example of free will in action comes from a reading conducted for a woman who had only one concern. She wanted to know if her love interest would want to marry her. It seemed that this person would pursue a marriage with her, but it appeared that fear, control and codependency were pervasive in this relationship. I communicated these impressions to the client. I expected to see some reaction to this news that ran, in my opinion, contrary to what she had asked me. Yet as I met her gaze I was surprised to see a dreamy grin as if she had just been informed of winning the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes! I affirmed her right to choice and free will, but cautioned her again that there felt like an oppressive and controlling quality to this relationship and that it seemed she would have the structure of marriage but disappointment in the level of emotional commitment she expected. This was of no consequence to her, as she wanted to marry this man. I had to remind myself that it is not my role to judge, and that the information was for her to act on.

Tarot for Clarity

A good place to start is to explore initial compatibility and how each partner complements each other. From there it can be helpful to delve into obstacles the individuals may be prone to. Finally the overall goal is to receive guidance from Spirit on how to work with individual strengths to foster the connection while navigating life’s challenges. This approach can be used individually or with both partners present. A Tarot reading can help women explore what their strengths are, what energetic blockages may exist from past experiences, and how to maximize the positive to radiate the energy of attraction and raise the vibration # 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs


to that which is compatible with the type of person they are seeking. Free will is a factor here as well. I strive to use Tarot readings to help people get beyond the process of just “meeting someone”. After all, that is what dating websites are for. I have found that usually what prohibits success in romantic relationships are persistent negative energy patterns that manifest in repeating self sabotaging behavior. This can take the form of habitual attraction to partners who are unavailable emotionally, codependency, or relationships in which the individual consistently establishes themselves in a rescuing role, which repeatedly undermines the balance of give and take in a relationship. An intuitive outside perspective can also help shed light on how personal boundaries may be effecting relationships. Knowledge is power, and Tarot readings can help access knowledge on a spirit level.

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Truth?

There are no “bad” readings, but a Tarot reading may relay information the client does not want to hear. This being stated, I often find that even difficult news in a Tarot reading is seldom a shock to the client. I was invited to provide readings for a gathering, and prior to the event the hostess asked me if there was any way to make sure her friend did not get a “bad” reading as she was recently going through some personal challenges. I explained that my approach is to help clients navigate toward solutions, and there would probably be little I would tell her in terms of painful news that was not already on the surface. Sure enough her reading validated the crisis she was already experiencing while giving her insight into the hopeful resolution that would await her soon. She found this experience healing and cleansing on a number of levels and was grateful for the experience. As mentioned above in terms of free will, a reading will not dictate what you do, only you are the one to determine your choices and personal path. It can, however, highlight potential opportunities the client has not yet considered. I am sometimes asked what needs to happen to make a significant other change. More useful exploration consists of asking what the client can do to thrive rather than focusing on changing other people. Crisis can bring opportunities for change and transcendence and can be approached as such through a reading. If you are open to guidance for your own growth and development, or curious about the best ways to nurture a relationship, if doubts from the past or continued patterns of sabotage follow you from relationship to relationship, visit http://moonlighttarotllc.com/free-report/ and sign up for my free audio program, 3 Biggest Reasons Independent Professional Women are NOT Finding the Love They Want. Shannon DeCelle photography


Angela Kaufman of Moonlight Tarot LLC is also excited to announce a new one of a kind, Psychic Relationship Coaching Program designed specifically for independent single, professional women who are ready to let go of the past and awaken love in the future. Contact me at Trionfi78@gmail.com or visit my website www.moonlighttarotllc.com.

Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

Chant: How to

Some Practical Instructions An Excerpt from Sacred Sound by Alanna Kaivalya mantra, as it relates to the yogic and Vedic traditions of India, is a Sanskrit phrase that encapsulates some higher idea or ideal within the cadence, vibration, and essence of its sound. A mantra can be as simple as a single sound — such as chanting the well-known sound om — or as complicated as chanting a poem that tells a grand story or gives instruction. Whatever mantra is chanted, no matter how long or short, the purpose is the same: it is meant to act like a skeleton key to help you bypass the mundane matters and mental chatter of the day-to-day mind in order to reach a transcendent state of awareness and self-realization that is, quite frankly, indescribable. Every yogic practice provides the means for us to do this — such as äsana (postures), meditation, and präëäyäma (breath work) — but mantra practice and näda yoga are uniquely simple and universal. If you can form a thought, you can do a mantra practice. The simple act of thinking a mantra is a start to a genuine practice. The silent repetition of the sound om while driving, for example, can be a starting point.


There are no hard and fast rules for chanting. It can be done silently or aloud, in a group or on one’s own. The act of speaking the mantra (even silently) allows the mantra to do its job. However, you can strengthen and improve your practice by also focusing on the meaning of the mantra and pronouncing the Sanskrit correctly. Even so, without any intention and with halting pronunciation, you will still derive a benefit from a mantra practice, just as for someone trying to get into shape, any exercise is good exercise. Whether you are new to chanting or not, here are some general tips for chanting and for developing or improving your mantra practice: To start, practice one chant consistently for as little as five minutes a day. It could be a vocalized repetition of the sound of om in the shower, or quietly repeating the Gäyatré Mantra upon waking. Get into the habit of speaking Sanskrit regularly. Get used to the patterns and sounds, and soon the chants will come more easily and naturally. Match saying the mantra with the regular, steady rhythm of your breath. This will help the mantra to regulate your autonomic functions and put your breath, body, and mind into better alignment. If you practice this regularly, you may find that the mantra appears in your head throughout the day as a touchstone of steadiness and stillness. That’s great — it means the mantra is working! Choose a chant that resonates with you, and incorporate it within a meditation practice. If you don’t already have a meditation practice, starting one is actually very simple. Find a

quiet, comfortable place, sit up nice and tall, and close your eyes. Then either silently or quietly chant the mantra. Say the mantra over and over until there is a natural flow. While you chant, let the mantra fall into rhythm with the pattern of your breath. If you are saying the mantra out loud, focus on the vowels, as this is the source of the most powerful resonance. If it helps, place one hand over your heart to feel the vibrations inside your chest. While there is no wrong way to chant a mantra, it is nice to adopt a style or mode that is either “common” or “traditional.” The style of Vedic chanting has only three tones: the one you speak at, one tone above, and one tone below. This makes it easy for everyone — no matter what your voice sounds like — to try and chant. A good example is the Asato Mä chant, which you can find online in my website’s mantra library (http://alannak.com/musicians-mantras/mantralibrary). It is a prime example of this style of Vedic chanting. Some modern-day teachers and kirtan singers make the mantras sound fancy and more sing-songy, but they don’t need to be. Start simple. Find a rhythm and a tone that works for you and keep at it. Whether chanted in a traditional or modern setting, on your own or in yoga class, with or without music, silently or aloud, mantra will move you. It will touch the deepest parts of yourself that few other spiritual disciplines can reach. Start with a mantra practice that feels comfortable and expand your horizons from there.

EDEN ENERGY MEDICINE 101 & 102 Join me for a joyful, gentle introduction to the world of Energy Medicine. Learn simple tools for restoring your health and vitality. Learn Energy Balancing with Marion Bergan Irwin, L. Ac., EEM-CLP (Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner)

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Alanna Kaivalya is the author of Sacred Sound. She is the yoga world’s expert on Hindu mythology and mysticism. Her podcasts have been heard by more than one million people worldwide, and her Kaivalya Yoga Method melds mythology, philosophy, and yoga. Visit her online

at http://www.alannak.com. Article adapted from the book Sacred Sound © 2014 by Alanna Kaivalya. Printed with permission of New World Library, Novato, CA. www.newworldlibrary.com.

Namaste Yoga Saratoga is the only community based donation yoga studio serving Saratoga Springs New York. We believe yoga should be available to everyone. We are asking that you donate what you can (a suggested donation of $10-$15 per class) and all are welcome. Namaste holds donation Yoga classes 7 mornings a week and evening classes are Mon - Fri. Workshops and special events are not included.

2 Franklin Square, across from Spot Coffee Class descriptions and daily schedule. namasteyogasaratoga.com or (518)222-7470 Namaste Yoga Events • October and November • Lama Lhanang Rinpoche returns to Saratoga, 10/24 • Chod 7-9pm, 10/27 • Overtone Chanting 7:30pm, 10/31 • Chod 7-9pm Donation • Angela Kaufman, join 21st Century Relationship Psychic to learn how to align yourself and receive the love you want. 10/28 intro rate $20 • Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, 11/4 Chod 7-9pm Donation • Julia Kulakova, Performer/ChoreographerSpinal Flexibility and Abdominal Fitness Expert 2 day Femme Vitale Therapeutic Dance Workshop Sunday 11/9 2-4pm and Tuesday 11/11 7-9pm class. Both days $95, 1 day $55 • Restorative Acupuncture, 11/14 6:30-8:30 $95 • Crystal Workshop, 11/18 Join Talyah Alpern for an informative workshop exploring the world of crystals. 7-8:30 pm $20

Namaste Yoga is offering our space for rent by the hour. Please call Susan Cuda for details (518) 222 7470

# 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs


Are your Breasts Surviving or Thriving in Today’s Toxic World?

s se w! s cla no 4 g 1 20 r min fo

by Patricia Bowden-Luccardi LMT, CNMT, CTT ctober is the month that the focuses on Breast Cancer Awareness. Let’s focus instead on Breast Health Awareness and ways to prevent cancer at a cellular level and minimize our exposure to environmental toxins.


When it comes to breast cancer the greatest concern is exposure to a group of toxins called endocrine disruptors. These are chemical and byproducts that mimic the effects of estrogen in the body or cause estrogen to act in a way that isn’t normal. Using these products in combination with hundreds of others chemicals that we regularly come in contact with on a daily basis many increase the risk of several cancers. The average adult is exposed to 126 chemicals every day just in their personal care products alone. If you want to be healthy, being educated on the latest in toxins is a must! You need to know that your exposures comes from chemicals in household products, personal care, food, plastics, air, water, polyester bras and health care exposures like ionizing radiation.

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Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

“Thermography identifies the levels of these environmental contaminants known as xeno- estrogens and Bisphenol-A that attach to the receptor sites of breasts and mimics our natural estrogens.” cans that were lined with plastic. The cans were also found to be leaching hormone disrupting chemicals in 50% of the cans tested. The levels of contamination were twenty-seven times more than the amount a Stanford team reported was enough to make breast cancer cells proliferate. Reportedly, 85% of the food cans in the United States are lined with plastic. Both of these findings were published in Environmental Health Perspectives. These studies support claims that plastics are simply not good for us – prior to 1940, breast cancer was relatively rare; today it affects 1 in 11 women. Now let’s talk about bras. Polyester fabric is soft, smooth, supple – yet still a plastic. It contributes to our body burden in

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“Very Accurate and Insightful!” # 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs


ways that we are just beginning to understand. Polyester is highly flammable. It is often treated with a flame retardant, increasing the toxic load. So if you think that you’ve lived this long being exposed to these chemicals and haven’t had a problem, remember that the human body can only withstand so much toxic load – and that the endocrine disrupting chemicals which don’t seem to bother you may be affecting you years down the road. A healthy lifestyle and minimizing your exposure to toxins can help protect your breasts and lower your risk. Early-detection methods experts say are key. Did you know that thermography is the earliest and most effective way of detecting early breast cancer without radiation?. Thermography identifies the levels of these environmental contaminants known as xeno- estrogens and Bisphenol-A that attach to the receptor sites of breasts and mimics our natural estrogens. This is an alarming and increasing common pattern seen in thermographic screenings. These estrogens affect breast tissue with distinct heat patterns that can be seen on thermal imaging. The textbook appearance is one of “leopard spots” or hypervascularization. You need to know the health of your breast and only thermography can provide you with a visual image and assesses the severity of this syndrome. It can be used as a preventative adjunctive screening for identifying signs of abnormal pathology years before a mammogram. It is safe, environmentally green, radiation -free and safe for pregnant or nursing mothers, young dense breasts, fibrocystic breasts and implants. Get to know the chemicals that have been linked to breast cancer and take action to reduce your risk. Become an informed consumer. Look around your environment. Read product labels and don’t purchase a product that could harm you or your family. Work with a holistic healthcare practitioner to detoxify your body burden. Evaluate and monitor your breast health on a cellular level with a thermographic screening. Living in a sea of toxins is not to be ignored. Practice radical self- care. Patricia Bowden-Luccardi LMT, CNMT. CTT is a thermographic technician and member of Breast Thermography International. She offers breast and full body imaging at Delmar Wellness, located at 323 Delaware Ave in Delmar, NY 12054. Contact her at 518 929-7579 or visit www.btiscan.com.

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What is Chelation Therapy?


o chelate something literally means "to grab" or "to bind." Chelation therapy has come to mean taking EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)—and injecting it into the bloodstream to remove heavy metals from the body. When EDTA is injected into the body, it "binds" heavy metals such as lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium, arsenic, and aluminum. These Metal-EDTA complexes are removed from the body through the kidneys. There is no processing required of these metal complexes by the kidneys. EDTA has a preference for different metal ions and based on the concentration in the body and the affinity coefficient, it will remove these toxic metals from the body in a systematic manner. Chelation Therapy is usually given in a series of treatments with a urine test for the heavy metals before and after treatment.

What are Heavy Metals? Heavy metals are everywhere- they are in our air, in our food, and in our water. We are all exposed to them. I believe that there is a genetic defect in some individuals that causes them to hold on to these metals more than others; as we are all exposed to these same metals, but not everyone accumulates them to the same degree. This is obviously not true if you have some sort of unique exposure like one of my patients. She grew up in a home as a child with parents who were painters. In those days, her parents would mix their own paint from powdered pigments that they had lying

around the house in open piles. In those days there was lead in the pigments. Fortunately, not many of us have this sort of exposure but we all are constantly exposed to them in one degree or another. They took lead out of our gasoline in the 70’s…where did all that lead go; it was exhausted out of our vehicles along our highways. In the majority of our country the farmers’ fields are along the highways, so the lead is in the earth and in our food chain. It doesn’t get washed down the storm sewers. Back in the 1950’s, workers in the lead battery manufacturing industry in Detroit developed lead poisoning from absorption of the lead through their skin . This was before OSHA and the protection of workers became the appropriate norm. A drug had to be developed to save their lives. EDTA was developed as an FDA approved drug to treat this lead toxicity. Some of the workers who had angina found that their angina got better when their elevated lead levels were treated. Thus a grass roots effort to treat angina was born. It is very easy to test for the presence of heavy metals. First the patient is given five days of oral EDTA, then on the sixth day they are brought to the office and an IV dose of 30 mg per kilogram is administered. The patient collects their urine for the next 12 hours and then it is sent to a laboratory for testing for 20 different metals. Speaking of oral EDTA, it is never enough by itself to remove heavy metals from a patient who has a significant burden of met# 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs 23


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Since 1984 Lee Masterson, DC Tim Talmage, DC Ronald Benner, Jr., DC Alicia Berg, DC

katrina@healingspringsjournal.com www.healingspringsjournal.com or call 518.583.3277 to place your ad als. It’s only about 10% absorbed into the bloodstream. IV EDTA is required to remove these heavy metals from the human body. We do however, recommend using oral EDTA while doing the IV EDTA to make sure that we are keeping a continuous blood level and therefore continuously pulling at least a little bit of metals out, rather than continuing to be a sponge and soak up these metals from our constant day-to-day exposure. Having EDTA in our intestinal tract also helps block the absorption of metals into our body from our foodstuff. Heavy metals affect many different systems in our bodies. Their presence can cause dysfunction of the immune system, basic normal energy production/metabolism, and cause other medical problems that we have developed to be harder to treat due to their presence. Removal of these metals is imperative to restoring good health.

National Institute of Health commissions a study on Chelation Therapy

439-7644 any moderate benefits or risks associated with the therapy. The researchers concluded that TACT provides evidence that a regimen of 40 infusions of disodium EDTA modestly reduced the risk of some cardiovascular events in adults who have previously had a heart attack. This treatment effect lasted during the 5-year follow-up period and in patients that were on evidencebased medicines (or medicines known to be effective in patients with a history of heart attacks). Overall, those receiving Chelation had an 18 percent reduced risk of subsequent cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, hospitalization for angina, or coronary revascularization or death from any cause. A cardiovascular event occurred in 222 (26 percent) of the Chelation group and 261 (30 percent) of the placebo group. Two subgroups of participants had a greater reduction in risk for cardiovascular events. Those with diabetes had a 39 percent reduction in risk and those who had experienced a specific type of heart attack, called an anterior myocardial infarction, had a 37 percent reduction in risk. There were no greater risks associated with the group who received Chelation vs. the placebo group. Several of my patients have gone 16 or more years without a cardiovascular event after Chelation Therapy. I believe that a long term study would show that the benefit of Chelation Therapy vs. conventional therapy would continue to show reduction in risk. Based on population studies, I believe that Chelation Therapy would reach a point where the benefit dramatically overshadows conventional therapy in long term follow-up.

The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT) was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on March 27, 2013. TACT is the first large-scale multicenter study designed to determine the efficacy of Chelation therapy using EDTA for individuals who suffered prior heart attacks. The National Institutes of Health’s National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) co-sponsored the TACT trial. This study is EDTA is approved for removing lead for heavy metal toxicity. more than 20 times larger than any previous study of Chelation Treating heart disease with EDTA Chelation therapy is legal, but therapy. It was designed to be large enough to detect if there are it is considered an “off-label” use of the drug. 24 Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

Is it FDA approved?

“Heavy metals affect many different systems in our bodies. Their presence can cause dysfunction of the immune system, basic normal energy production/ metabolism, and cause other medical problems that we have developed to be harder to treat due to their presence. Removal of these metals is imperative to restoring good health.”


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How is Chelation therapy administered?

The Natural Improvement Center 357 Bay Rd. Ste #1 Queensbury, NY 12804 518-745-7473

It is administered as an IV infusion into your vein. This is done in a medical office and takes a short amount of time for each treatment.

How many treatments are needed? A minimum of 30 treatments is recommended, followed by a monthly maintenance dose. The total number of treatments is determined by the results of your heavy metal urine testing.

Is it safe? Serious side-effects are rare, especially when the treatment is performed by providers that are properly trained. As with any IV administration, it is possible to have discomfort at the injection site or to develop an infection. Also, any drug can cause an allergic reaction, but this is rare and medical offices are prepared to deal with these emergencies. You cannot have Chelation therapy if you have had tuberculosis as it can potentially reactivate TB. If you have kidney disease, your dose of Chelation will be adjusted appropriately.

Is Chelation therapy covered by insurance? Because it is considered an alternative treatment, Chelation therapy is not covered by insurance except with some cases of heavy metal poisoning proven by elevated blood levels and certain symptoms. For more information you can visit: gordonresearch.com, nhlbi.nih.gov, or nccam.nih.gov. In my next article I will discuss the role of Nanobacteria in atherosclerosis. Dr Garner is board certified in Family Medicine since 1990 and board certified in Chelation therapy since 2001. He believes that there are valuable treatment modalities in both traditional medicine and alternative medicine and he practices in Glens Falls, NY.

Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture Holistic veterinary health, dental and end-of-life care for all domestic species. Kristina Dallas, DVM ¥ Saratoga Springs (518) 727-2940 drkris@veterinar yancientar ts.com www.veterinar yancientar ts.com # 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs


Your Next Menopause Best Friend A Whole New World My name is Feta and I am a 3 month old, female kitten. Please come visit me, I’d like to show you my cuteness.

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Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

by Dr. Cheryl Wong hen your monthly visit from your dearest friend stops for a year, you’ve hit so-called “menopause.” Yet, for many women, it doesn’t happen all at once. Typically, women go through a 5 to 7 year transition known as perimenopause, a trying time that may be filled with fiery explosives, sleepless nights, and unexplained tears. For women who are going through this, it can be strange and uncomfortable. Yet, every woman throughout antiquity who lives past the age of 51 goes through this transition. Still, it makes you wonder, “Are my symptoms normal?” “What is going on in my body?” “What can I do to feel like myself again?”


Changes during Menopausal Transition Physiologically, women are born with a finite number of ovarian follicles (the structure that contains the mature egg). As we hit mid-forties, the follicular pool becomes even more limited. By menopause, there are no more follicles left. During a woman’s menstruating lifespan, the follicle releases the mature egg at ovulation. This is a critical event that instigates a sequence of hormonal secretion, which dictates what you experience during a menstrual cycle, and causes the whole thing to happen again. Follicles secrete the majority of estrogen in a premenopausal woman. When follicles become scarce, and ovulation does not occur at its usual time, the release of certain hormones that respond to estrogen levels such as follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and leuteinizing hormone (LH) become altered. Furthermore, estrogen drops markedly. Estrogen plays many health roles besides its role in reproduction. It’s important for maintaining bone density, cardiovascular health, and cognitive and mental health. But more obvious clues that estrogen levels are dropping are hot flashes, insomnia, mood changes, headaches, abdominal bloating, vaginal irritation and pain during sex.

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518-332-6581, katrina@healingspringsjoural.com How is it treated? Because many of these symptoms start due to being in a hypoestrogenic state, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be remarkably effective in mitigating uncomfortable sensations during this time. In the past, conventional treatment for perimenopausal and postmenopausal women was mainly focused on HRT. However, after the Women’s Health Initiative trial, the approach to how HRT is prescribed has significantly changed. The results of that study were increased risk for thromboembolic events such as deep vein thrombosis and stroke, breast cancer, and an increased risk of cardiovascular events. Thus, HRT is now prescribed using the lowest effective dose in the shortest required duration. Other conventional approaches have emerged after this trial, including the use of antidepressants and selective estrogen-receptor modulators (SERMs). For women who aren’t recommended HRT due to their higher potential health risks such as those who are breast cancer survivors or have cardiovascular disease, alternative options exist to help ease symptoms. A recent review of 58 trials showed Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, and moxibustion were effective in reducing hot flashes and pain, and improving sleep and mood symptoms. Though research is limited, Western herbs such as black cohosh and chasteberry, have been studied for the use of easing menopausal symptoms. Other supplements that have been studied are flax oil, evening primrose oil, borage oil, and vitamin E. Ways to View Menopause The way society views menopause can actually impact how severely we experience symptoms. In Western cultures, there is generally a mixture of “positive” and “negative” attitudes towards menopause. Often, women understand this time as “the

You choose what to pay, weekly or monthly. 25% of the total collected will be donated to a different cause each month.

Contact Jennifer Monroe for more information at 956-2818 or just drop in. end of youth” or a burden that must end as quickly as possible. Positive attitudes in these cultures focus on freedom from contraception, feminine hygiene products, and monthly discomfort. Interestingly, this experience can take on different meanings in other cultures. In some Islamic and most African societies, women no longer have to abide by strict gender roles. Some Native American societies view postmenopausal women as “women of wisdom” in their communities. Aboriginal Canadian women view this time as increased social freedom. Studies of Caucasian and African-American women in the US show that some women view this time as a time for “new possibilities” and less responsibility. Comparison studies of different cultures have shown that “positive” attitudes towards menopause are associated with less severe symptoms. In this respect, perhaps the real takeaway question to ask yourself through this experience is, “How will my world be?” Please contact author for references used in article. Cheryl Wong, ND, LAc graduated from the prestigious Bastyr University in Seattle Washington. She is licensed in Vermont as a Naturopathic Doctor and she is a licensed acupuncturist in New York. Her specialties are Naturopathic medicine, acupuncture and Chinese medicine. She is an advocate for integrative medicine and therapeutic nutrition. She writes a nutrition/food blog at www.thenaturopathictable.com. Dr. Wong currently has a private practice located in downtown Saratoga Springs, New York and Essex, New York. Appointments available at www.cherylwongnd.com. # 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs



Ask the ractitioner


Depression has been prominently featured lately, even resulting in suicide. Can any of you offer hope in addressing this issue?

Homeopathy; Claudia Ascione If one has recurring and deep depressions, one should always consult with mental health professionals. There are many nuances and shades of depressive orientations. Each person has a unique experience of suffering . From a unified perspective, all that arises from deep within us has a purpose for our growth. Depressive episodes invite us to go within, to examine more deeply our feelings . Even sadness and despair , common experiences of a depressed outlook , if allowed, accepted and understood can result in having more depth and ultimately, more capacity for joy in life. "Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ( Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet) View the depressive feelings compassionately and serenely without judgment and self-identification. This will create a lightness and will allow for their gradual movement and release. There are many self techniques that encourage this detachment such as giving voice to the fullness of the feelings by writing and speaking. Drawing with color to give energy and life to the feelings can be equally helpful. Choose whatever manner of expression comes most naturally. The key is to express the feelings so fully that the sadness, anxiety and despair are brought into the light of conscious awareness where they can lessen their hold. If left hidden, they continue to grow and the depressive grasp persists. In a depressed cycle, it is often difficult to seek assistance because there is a tendency to stop action, to withdraw into the self and to lose perspective. This is the perfect time to seek assistance from compassionate practitioners of supportive healing modalities that appreciate and address the unique picture of an individual's depressed state. Homeopathy is one such supportive modality. Remedies are chosen to closely reflect the many aspects of the person (physical/men28 Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

tal/emotional/spiritual). The resonance of the remedy with the person can encourage the release of deeply held patterns. Pursue those approaches that are honoring and not opposing the depressive cycle. Then the natural movement out of the cycle will be enhanced. Claudia Ascione, MA.MS. CH. is a practitioner in the healing arts of homeopathy , spiritual counsel, hypnosis, regression and Jin Shin Jyutsu. She uses a deeply intuitive and spiritual approach to bring awareness and clarity to healing concerns. She offers private sessions in Niskayuna, Manhattan and Ardsley, NY. For more information or to schedule a session, please call (518) 372-7023.

Homeopathy; Jerome Pindell Depression is both a clinical expression as well as a descriptor that has come into everyday language and covers a very broad spectrum of feelings and experiences. Everyone has experienced what we could describe as depression. For the most part you would be correct when applying any lay understanding of the term. As far as saying that homeopathy, hypnosis, or jin shin jyutsu, or for that matter any alternative methodology, could help with generic forms of depression, my experience supports the usefulness of these alternatives. When I work with people who claim that they are suffering from depression, my first question is to ask whether they are seeing a counselor and whether they are on any medications. In cases where they answer affirmatively, I feel as though I am an adjunct to their primary, and encourage them to maintain contact. I will work with them, give them any insights that I may have, and ask that they share with their primary what is resonant to their evolving outlook. Where they are not on medications, or are not working with anyone, I listen. I use every faculty that is at my disposal to help them. That could take the form of spiritual counsel and inquiry to the physical complications and relationships that are part of what they are experiencing. Today's world operates at a frenetic pace and it is unusual for people to sit quietly, tell their story, and feel as though they are being heard and seen in the unique space that they inhabit. Most alternative practitioners offer some variation of this. Time and experience has deepened the ability to recognize connections and root causes. And yet there have been many times where I have felt the need to make referrals to licensed counselors. I love what I do, and what I offer, but I am a pragmatist. I am always saddened when I hear of a suicide or hear someone say that the world would better off without them. There is no argument for that. Their life, whether from a chemical imbalance or a series of emotionally traumatic events can tip anyone's scales. How they are handled is a very individual path. For some it is medication, for some talk therapy, for some it is outside the mainstream of conventional thinking. A fair minded alternative practitioner will hold the space for all of these and do their work in support of the client using what they have to offer.

Jerome M Pindell uses Homeopathy, Hypnosis, Jin Shin Jyutsu and spiritual counseling to assist his clients. He is a poet whose first book: Training Tracks, poems by implosion, is available through Amazon. He has offices in Clifton Park, Niskayuna, and NYC. He can be reached by phone at 518-374-5492, jp@jeromepindell.com or his web site ww.jeromepindell.com

Chiropractor; Lynn Allison Depression has many causes and as many degrees. A study in Spain examined the efficacy of one hour craniosacral treatments 2 times a week for 25 weeks on anxiety, depression and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia. At 6 months after a 25-week treatment period, patients in the intervention group showed a significant improvement in their levels of state anxiety, trait anxiety, pain, quality of life and Pittsburgh sleep quality index.

Unwind... let healing begin.

Lynn Allison, DC 268-9542 Craniosacral Therapy, Chiropractic Saratoga & Schenectady, NY

The stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system by craniosacral treatments turns off the fight or flight system that is chronically over stimulated often, restoring a sense of peace and wellness. Lynn Allison, DC uses a combination of Craniosacral therapy, nutrition consultation, kinesiology and chiropractic in her 20 year practice in the Capital Region. She has a website www.knotdr.info and can be contacted at knotdr@juno.com or 518-268-9542.

Acupuncture; Gregg St Clair We’ve had this question about depression before but because of the death of Robin Williams it is a now a hot current topic. Time magazine even focused a whole issue on Robin Williams and the subject. Depression is ubiquitous and unfortunately those that suffer try to hide it. Bottom line is that depression is a modern epidemic that not only kills but can rot away the joy and quality of one’s life. In Oriental Philosophy we say Joy and Sorrow are twin sisters. The ancient Greeks developed the masks that characterize comedy and tragedy in theatre to represent this concept. This means that as long as we are alive, on all of us a little rain must fall (to quote Robert Plant). The mask Robin Williams tried to focus on was comedy, keeping his dark side under wraps, but in the end it was tragedy that won out. I believe we were all shocked to hear of his suicide and it just goes to show; fame, fortune and family are oft times not enough. Since we all experience occasional sadness or melancholia, the problems start when we become stuck. I like to tell patients; we’re all bipolar. Sometimes we are happy and sometimes we are sad, the key is how far we swing between mania and depression and our ability to navigate between the two. So what do we do about it; Drugs, alcohol, or 30 years of transpersonal psychotherapy? We all need to find coping mechanisms and there are many tools such as exercise, meditation, therapy and even pharmaceuticals as options.

Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network

www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com It’s your job to find the tools that work for you and stick with them. I believe there are natural options to most all western medical approaches. I offer herbs as an alternative to medication and acupuncture as a way to elevate the chemical imbalances of anxiety and depression. We know endorphins are released from the brain during an acupuncture treatment; these natural feel good chemicals go to receptor sites and actually block the stress chemicals that cause so much havoc. Once we’ve had some space we need to look at the underlying causes of depression and ask ourselves if we are willing to do the work of transformation. Yes it is hard work, but not as hard as living with the disease. Gregg St.Clair, L.Ac., www.stclairfamilyacupuncture.com, 518-383-1230.

Please send your questions to; katrina@healingspringsjournal.com # 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs



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Celiac Disease:

Gluten-Free But NOT Symptom Free by Sarah A LoBisco, ND eliac disease is an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine in which the body’s immune system attacks its own digestive tissue lining causing inflammation and damage to it. This reaction occurs as a result of consuming gluten, a certain kind of protein found in specific grains. Gluten is mostly found in wheat, rye, barley, and triticale. Those who carry a genetic marker (HLA haplotypes DR3-DQ2 or DR4DQ8) are at greater risk for developing celiac disease; however, just because one has the gene, doesn’t mean it will manifest into celiac disease.


There must be three factors present for celiac disease to occur, according to the groundbreaking work of Dr. Alessio Fasano, Director at the Center for Celiac Research at Massachusetts General Hospital. These factors are: 1 The presence of the genetic markers for celiac disease 2 The presence of gluten in the diet 3 Intestinal permeability or “leaky gut” Intestinal permeability results from sustained damage to the gastrointestinal lining. In the case of celiac disease, the damage is caused by gluten consumption. This damage results in the breakdown of certain cells within the intestine which decreases its ability to filter out and protect the body from unwanted bacteria and toxins. It also results in malabsorption and digestive issues. The treatment for celiac disease is to remove the trigger, gluten. However, many don’t consider helping to heal the lining of the small intestine from the damage. As a result, many celiac suffers are “gluten-free but not symptom-free,” as an unhealed intestine can also result in long-term nutrient deficiencies and cross-reactions to other foods from malabsorption. 30 Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

How to Heal a “Leaky Gut” and Restore Balance to the Gastrointestinal Tract There are many studies associating other autoimmune disorders to intestinal permeability, although the trigger differs from celiac disease. This is because our gastrointestinal tract has a huge role in immune health. It also functions to optimize absorption, digestion, assimilation, detoxification, and hormonal balance. Therefore, anyone can benefit from a healthy gut protocol. This can be achieved by the "Four R process" which I go into detail below.

The Gut-Healing-Four-Step Remediation Plan Remove ALL the triggers. In celiac disease, the obvious trigger is gluten. However, the result of chronic malabsorption and intestinal permeability from celiac disease can lead to microbiota imbalances and overgrowth in the gut of fungus, bugs, and parasites which can result in continued intestinal damage. Besides infectious triggers, emotional and environmental stressors can also damage and down regulate the gut's ability to heal. Functional testing of digestive health can help determine if there is a chronic overgrowth or unwanted microbes. Furthermore, it can provide sensitivity testing for natural and pharmaceutical methods that would help to eradicate the unwanted critters.


Replace enzymes and nutrients lost to malabsorption. Supporting the digestive process by taking pancreatic enzymes and/or betaine hydrochloride with meals can assist with digestion, assimilation, and promote the ability to absorb nutrients for healing.


Due to the fact that many foods and grains can cross-react with gluten, enzymes taken on an empty belly can also prevent re-infestation of microbes and immune stimulation from undigested and improperly broken down proteins from trigger foods eaten previously. Replacing nutrient deficiencies is also important. For example, one common vitamin lacking for most celiac disease sufferers is vitamin B12. B12 is absorbed in the small intestine and deficiencies can cause neurological issues including numbness, tingling, and mood disorders. (You can find out how to test for B12 defi-

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www.healingspringsjournal.com or call 518.583.3277 to place your ad ciency here: http://dr-lobisco.com/thetaste-of-health/.) Re-inoculating with healthy bacterial species found in the gut to favorably modulate the immune response. I recommend probiotic strains that are specific for my clients' needs, as everyone has a different genetic microbiome blueprint. However, a healthy diet high in fiber and veggies is the most important factor to maintain and to feed the bugs that build a home in our gut.


Repairing and rejuvenating the gastrointestinal lining with herbals and nutrients. I like to use demulcent, smoothing herbals such as aloe vera, deglycyrrhized licorice, and marshmallow along with nutrients such as zinc-carnosine and glutamine. Again, I consider protocols specific for the individual's needs.


Caveats to Consider: Celiac testing only tests for one family of wheat gliadin. Many who have an immune reaction to one protein in gluten could have a reaction to similar protein structures of gluten found in other foods.


You may want to consider a cross-reaction panel from Cyrex with a practitioner that is familiar with this testing to find out if other foods are causing intestinal damage in your body. Dr. Perlmutter (The

"Grain Brain" doc) includes a list here: http://www.drperlmutter.com/eat/foods-thatcross-react-with-gluten/ A naturopathic doctor of functional medicine practitioner can help you with testing or guidance to assist you with this process and finding the right supplement support for you. If after all the above is taken into consideration and one is still having issues, additional support for hormones or endocrine disorders may be needed.


Please contact author for references used. Sarah LoBisco, ND is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM). She is licensed in Vermont as a Naturopathic Doctor and holds a BA in psychology. Dr. LoBisco is a professional speaker on integrative medical topics, has several journal publications, and is a candidate for post-doctoral certification in Functional Medicine. Dr. LoBisco currently has a private integrative medical consulting practice located in Ballston Spa, New York where she incorporates her training in holistic medical practices with conventional medicine. Her book, BreakFree Medicine: A Systematic & Integrative Guide to Balancing the Body, will be released in the early fall. # 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs



Astrological FORECAST

October & November, 2012

Using Standard Time locate your Rising Sign or Ascendant. If your birth time is Daylight Savings Time, subtract one hour. Your actual Rising Sign or Ascendant may differ depending on certain time of birth and dates; however, not to confuse the nonastrologer use the sign indicated for your Forecast. This placement is similar to the transiting planet’s location in your Natal Chart, except for exact degrees, and will correctly indicate your Forecast. For example, if you are a Gemini born at 6:38 P.M., your Ascendant is Capricorn. by Arlene D’Angelus IT SHOULD BE NOTED: In October, Mercury turns retrograde on the 4th at 02:17 Scorpio and remains retrograde through the 25th. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse occur on the 8th at 15:07 Aries. The Partial Solar Eclipse occurs on the 23rd at 00:25 Scorpio. Uranus and Neptune remain retrograde all month. In November, the Full Moon occurs on the 6th at 14:26 Taurus. Neptune turns direct on the 16th in Pisces and Uranus remains retrograde in Aries.

ARIES ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Partnerships, social orientation, giving and taking are the focus for this month. This can also be the time to settle a legal agreement. Mercury turns retrograde on the 4th and you can take the time to re-negotiate agreements dealing with shared resources. After the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 23rd, you gain new insights and understanding into your relationships. NOVEMBER: Mysticism, other’s assets and abstract teachings are explored for this month. You are able to negotiate and settle agreements or contracts with others. The Full Moon on the 6th finds you examining your finances and personal assets. Neptune turns direct on the 16th and you are able to spend some quiet time to examine yourself to see what you have accomplished.


the 4th, you find it difficult to clarify important issues in relationships. The New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 23rd brings a need to form meaningful partnerships, both business and personal. NOVEMBER: Professional help, forming new relationships and learning to compromise are important for this month. You seek harmony in all partnerships, business and personal. After the Full Moon on the 6th, put your needs first, but have consideration for others, too. Following Neptune turning direct on the 16th, you meet friends who share the same feelings and interests as you.

GEMINI ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Creative expression, enjoying oneself and loved ones are important for this month. You seek ways to have fun and relax with others. Mercury going retrograde on the 4th, brings a desire to improve your work skills or your health habits. Following the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 23rd, you may pursue additional training at work to increase your skills. NOVEMBER: Body-care maintenance, improving work skills and serving others are favored for this month. You now strive for efficiency in both work and physical areas. Following the Full Moon on the 6th, you have the ability to correct past mistakes and move forward. After Neptune turns direct on the 16th, you gain renewed interest in your career, or the equivalent.

CANCER ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Personal interests, home environment and family life are favored for this month. You take an active part in family gatherings and events. Mercury going retrograde on the 4th asks that you use care when trying to express yourself to others. The New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 23rd introduces you to new activities related to having fun and your creativity. NOVEMBER: Creative expression, speculation, loved ones and children are the enjoyment for this month. You become involved with others working on your hobbies or natural talents. The Full Moon on the 6th gives you the opportunity to set new goals and long-term directions. Following Neptune turning direct on the 16th, you gain a spiritual and universal understanding of life.

LEO ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Routine activities, educational opportunities and one’s neighborhood are explored for this month. Workshops and formal classes are inviting. After Mercury turns retrograde on the 4th, you examine your personal life and its needs. After the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 23rd, you discover ways to make you and your family feel more secure. NOVEMBER: Inner guidance, family life and personal matters are examined for this month. This can be the time to settle any family problems satisfactorily and with everyone’s agreement. Following the Full Moon on the 6th, you devote more time to your career, or the equivalent. After Neptune goes direct on the 16th, your interest turns to the paranormal and occult sciences.

OCTOBER: Serving others, solving problems and work satis- VIRGO ASCENDANT faction are favored for this month. You take a renewed interest OCTOBER: Personal finances, acquired assets and one’s earnin your health care and diet. After Mercury goes retrograde on ing ability are favored for this month. You will work to increase 32 Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

your resources. Following Mercury going retrograde on the 4th, you meet new people and reconsider intellectual studies. After the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 23rd, you become involved in your neighborhood and community projects. NOVEMBER: Communicating, routine activities and educational opportunities are the focus for this month. You are eager to learn and may attend a workshop or formal classes. The Full Moon on the 6th renews your interest in possible studies and gaining new knowledge. Neptune turns direct on the 16th and your communications in partnerships become clearer and concise.

opportunity may be offered. Following Mercury going retrograde on the 4th, you rethink your goals and how well they have served you.After the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 23rd, you decide you want to help make the world a better place. NOVEMBER: Group consciousness, achieving goals and universal harmony are explored for this month. You discover a humanitarian cause that you want to share with friends. Following the Full Moon on the 6th, you take more time to enjoy yourself with your hobbies and loved ones. Neptune goes direct on the 16th increasing your interest in spiritual and metaphysical subjects and truths.

LIBRA ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Personal potential, self-image and one’s character are analyzed for this month. This is your time to shine, so put your best foot forward. Mercury turns retrograde on the 4th and you decide to make a purchase of something special. After the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 23rd, you search for security as you assess your personal possessions and financial assets. NOVEMBER: Valued assets, material rewards and earning power are important for this month. This can be a time for a promotion in your work or new financial opportunities. Following the Full Moon on the 6th, you explore mediumship and other abstract or spiritual subjects. After Neptune turns direct on the 16th, you form new ideas about health, diet and exercise regimens.

SCORPIO ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Subconscious mind, hidden emotions and spirituality are explored for this month. Finding solitude and retreats are inviting. After Mercury turns retrograde on the 4th, you examine yourself with objectivity and will express yourself to others. Following the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 23rd, it is a time of personal growth, development and self-recognition. NOVEMBER: One’s personality, astrologically you and character are emphasized for this month. You want to show the world who you really are and what you can do. After the Full Moon on the 6th, you gain a new understanding of yourself through your interchanges with others. Following Neptune going direct on the 16th, any creative talents are activated and you are inspired.

SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Friendships, group projects and setting goals are the highlights for this month. You examine your achievements and set new directions. Mercury turns retrograde on the 4th and you take some quiet time to gather your thoughts. A retreat becomes inviting. The New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 23rd brings a deeper understanding of spiritual teachings and universal laws. NOVEMBER: Seeking solitude, investigating karma and spirituality are the focus for this month. You want to know your inner self, close some old doors and reach out for new horizons. After the Full Moon on the 6th, you work to improve the services that you provide for others. Following Neptune turning direct on the 16th, you work hard to make your home what you truly want.

CAPRICORN ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Social status, recognized achievements and career, or the equivalent, are the focus for this month. A unexpected

AQUARIUS ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Prophetic dreams, universal mysteries and mental pursuits are explored for this month. You may begin a new study or formal classes. After Mercury goes retrograde on the 4th, you reconsider new studies to further your career or the equivalent. Following the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 23rd, you become more aware of your life’s wishes and ambitions. NOVEMBER: Setting goals, recognition and one’s career, or the equivalent, are favored for this month. This can be a time of reaching a goal or praise for a job or project well-done. The Full Moon on the 6th home life and family can be put in perspective and problems are resolved. After Neptune turns direct on the 16th, it is suggested that you communicate and read contracts carefully.

PISCES ASCENDANT OCTOBER: Other’s assets, self-regeneration and abstract teachings are favored for this month. You question reincarnation and mediumship. Following Mercury turning retrograde on the 4th, you rethink your perspective on life and reach out for new horizons. After the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 23rd, studies will show you how your beliefs have supported your life. NOVEMBER: Prophetic dreams, life’s philosophy and mental pursuits are the focus for this month. You are interested in education and take a renewed interest in foreign cultures and religions. After the Full Moon on the 6th, you are able to catch up on paperwork and phone calls. Following Neptune turning direct on the 16th, you are able to separate facts and gain self-knowledge. Arlene is an Author, Astrologer and Para-Consultant and has studied and worked with astrology for more than forty years. She has also been a professional astrologer since 1980. Arlene has a Certificate of Merit from Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson (CA 1982) and a Certificate of Proficiency from the Mayo School of Astrology (London 1985). In addition, she holds certifications from the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (1982-2015) as both a Medium and Spiritual Healer (Lily Dale, NY). Arlene can be reached at Astrological Concepts, telephone (518) 371-8097 or Visit My Web Site at: http://www.yourstarsite.com # 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs


Reconnecting with your Mastery Using Subtle Sound Energy

by Jill Mattson ur voice changed many times throughout our lives - reflecting physical, mental and emotional metamorphoses. Our voice at two years old was different than the voice we possessed when we were ages 17, 40 or 80. Our voice is also much different when we are depressed, in love or after we land that big contract at work.


When in a meditative or calm state - imagine a time in the past. How did your voice sound then? Say your name aloud, while still pretending that you are in the past. For example, “I am Jill”, and I vividly imagine being at a picnic when I was eight years old. I listen, feel and grasp the emotions in my words. I can rekindle within myself the energy of that free spirited little girl – with all of her enthusiasm and excitement…before life’s trials set in. Now select another memory, recreate the situation in your imagination. Say your name. How does it feel? Does it sound differently than the earlier voice? There are many advantageous applications of this simple process. Here are some examples: • What was the best moment of your life? What did your voice sound like? If you recreate the voice, then you recreate the energy of that moment. If you continue to express this energy in your voice today, you continue to experience the uplifting energy. • When have you felt the closest to God? What did your voice sound like then? Recreate that voice and you’ll go to that space - feeling the same, close divine connection! • When you remember a scene from childhood and completely submerse yourself into the memory, you can speak and hear

your child’s voice. If you go back early enough you will hear innocence and purity in your voice. You can bring back some of those beautiful qualities by speaking as you did then. • Recall a painful time, when your voice was full of negative emotions. While you are imagining you are back reliving this event, you can talk in an uplifting and positive voice. This changes your memory and its associated feelings, recreating a more positive memory. This can also facilitate an emotional release of the stored negative energy associated with this situation. Our various voices contain the energy that we experienced at different times in our lives. Listen to the sounds of your voice during power spiritual moments, times of great success and experiences of happiness. Recreate these sounds to gather and maintain the “successful” energy. Jill Mattson has spent the past 20 years researching Vibratory Sound Energy for healing and a wide array of other remarkable uses (available in 3 books). She specializes in Sound Secrets of Ancient Civilizations. Mattson composes and produces her own CD's employing numerous Sound Healing techniques & energies + her original musical score. www.JillsWingsOfLight.com & www.MusicForBeauty.com Free SoundHealing Mp3s Paint your Soul CD, harmonize with nature, Fibonacci and Solfeggio tones - enhance consciousness.Star Dust, heavenly music - sounds of stars - converted into twinkling tones! Harmonize with the heavens. Healing Flower Symphonies literal sounds of flowers embedded in delightful music! Clear negative emotions - build positive feelings! Receive at: website; www.jillswingsoflight.com

Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network

www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com 34

Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014


ONGOING Tune In To Wellness Today TV Show, with LisaMarie Tersigni. Meet local wellness providers and learn the benefits of natural wellness modalities, services and products available. View 24/7 at SACC.TV Tuesdays beginning November 4 Calm Down and Shed Weight Balance Your Body and Mind Using Hypnosis and Mindfulness. One Big Roof, 4 Tuesdays beginning November 4th. $195 Taught by Beth Sabo Novik Mondays and Wednesdays Gentle Kripalu Yoga Classes - 4:005:30pm First class free! Join Nini Gridley for a compassionate blend of warm-ups, sequenced asanas, shavasana, pranayama, and meditation designed to pacify the “Vata” energy through a well rounded yoga practice that is relaxing yet energizing for all levels of practitioners. Beginners are welcome. It’s gentle for every body. www.yogamandali.com

OCTOBER Monday, October 6 Things We Don’t Talk About: Women’s Stories From the Red Tent – a showing of the ground-breaking documentary, “Things We Don’t Talk About: Women’s Stories From the Red Tent” and afterwards a panel discussion with members of Red Tent Saratoga Springs and BirthNet. 6:30 pm, Saratoga Springs Public Library, Free. Sponsored by Saratoga Integrative Medicine Education Network, or SIMEN. 518-210-1557. Monday, October 20 Donna Eden and David Feinstein, 6:309:30pm. Energies of Love; The energies of relationship can leave us happy or mis-

erable, content or frustrated. Learn how to create greater harmony, deeper love and supprotive energy in all your relationships. $30 Preregistered. Info & Registration; MarySise.com Thursday, October 23 New Moon today at 5:57 PM EDT. It is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Call Nini Gridley for details on the New Moon Meditation - 518 573-0571. Saturday, October 25 Ramananda John E. Welshons, The Yoga of Letting Go, Opening the heart and queiting the mind in challenging times. 9:30-am-12:30pm and Mindfulness Meditation, a rejueventating mini-retreat, 1:30-5. Register by Oct. 15 $35 ea. workshop. After $40 ea. workshop.Info & register; 418-786-6556, tinyurl.com/Welsons October 24-31 Lama Lhanang Rinpoche returns to Saratoga, 10/24 Chod 7-9pm, 10/27 Overtone Chanting 7:30pm, 10/31 Chod 7-9pm , (518) 222 7470, 11/4 Chod 7-9pm Donation. Namaste Yoga, 2 Franklin Square, Saratoga Springs, NYnamasteyogasaratoga.com or (518)222-7470 Tuesday, October 28 Relationship Psychic, Angela Kaufman, join 21st Century Relationship Psychic to learn how to align yourself and receive the love you want. intro rate $20. Namaste Yoga, 2 Franklin Square, Saratoga Springs, NYnamasteyogasaratoga.com or (518)222-7470 Sunday, November 2 Reiki I- Learn this gentle yet powerful method of bringing Body/Mind/Spirit into balance through the Usui system of natural healing known as Reiki. Reiki

Master/Teacher Linda L. Thompson has over 20 years of experience in this heart centered method of healing. The investment is $120. 10-5 Saratoga location 518-4661075 www.holistichealingartssaratoga.com November 9 & 11 Femme Vitale Therapeutic Dance Workshop, Julia Kulakova, Performer/ ChoreographerSpinal Flexibility and Abdominal Fitness Expert 2 day Sunday 11/9 2-4pm and Tuesday 11/11 7-9pm. Both days $95, 1 day $55. Namaste Yoga, 2 Franklin Square, Saratoga Springs, NYnamasteyogasaratoga.com or (518)222-7470 Thursday, November 13 Coherence Consciousness: What is It and Why Do I Want It? — a program that explores the sweet spot in our brain known as coherence, and also will discuss the Global Coherence Project and the Albany Peace Project. Bethany Gonyea. 6:30 pm, Saratoga Springs Public Library, Free. Sponsored by Saratoga Integrative Medicine Education Network, or SIMEN. 518-210-1557. Saturday, November 15 Spiritual Savvy Singles, Dinner, Concert & Conversations at 6:30 PM. Pre-registration required by 11/7. Details at www.NuminousOnline.com Tuesday, November 18 Crystal Workshop, Join Talyah Alpern for an informative workshop exploring the world of crystals. 7-8:30 pm $20. Namaste Yoga, 2 Franklin Square, Saratoga Springs, NYnamasteyogasaratoga.com or (518)222-7470 Saturday, November 22 New Moon today at 7:32 AM EDT. It is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Contact Nini Gridley for details on the New Moon Meditation - 518 573-0571.

Send your listings to: katrina@healingspringsjournal.com

Events free to the public, are free to list. All others are charged at .50/word.

# 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs



ACUPRESSURE Cathy Saladis LMT, Clifton Park and Albany, www.headtotoe123.com, 518-229-0741 ACUPUNCTURE Michael Wayne, Saratoga Springs & Clifton Park, 518-210-1557 The Acupuncture Studio, Glens Falls, 518-615-0505 Cheryl Wong, ND, LAc, Saratoga Springs, cheryl@cherylwongnd.com, www.cherylwongnd.com, 518-288-7083 Ageless Acupuncture, Bridgette Kinder, Saratoga Springs, 518-538-6568, www.agelessinsaratoga.com Acupuncture Nirvana, Glens Falls, 518-409-6993 or kat@acunirvana.com or www.acunirvana.com ANIMAL CARE Jill Stewart, Equine Sports Massage Therapist and Canine Massage Therapist, Certified Aromatherapist 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com www.Privatelabel-aromatherapy.com Susan Hamlin, The Saratoga Animal Whisperer Animal Communication, 518-245-8010, www.animal-whisper.com Kristina Dallas, DVM. Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture. Saratoga Springs, NY. 727-2940. Holistic care for pets. House calls. Jessica Corey, Salem,NY, 518-491-3339, Salemnuyou.com, jtiplady@wildblue.net. biofeedback for dogs can help with discovering the underlying causes of behavior issues, detect lyme, parasites, food sensitivities, stressed organs and chakras, sends corrective energy as well.

AROMATHERAPY Jill Stewart, Cert. aromatherapist, full line of human and animal aromatherapy products, single essential oils and custom blends Gift baskets and party favors available 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.privatelabel-aromatherapy.com Andrée Fucci, Clinical and Holistic Aromatherapist, classes, consultations, Raindrop Therapy, Reiki, Young Living aromatherapy products, 518.587.7680, essence2essence@yahoo.com ART THERAPY Ann Simpson-McDowell, licensed creative art therapist, Clifton Park, 518-9825376, www.havenofhopecounseling.com ASTROLOGY Arlene DeAngelus, ADeAngelus@aol.com, www.yourstarsite.com


BACH FLOWER REMEDIES Nini Gridley, MS Ed, BFRP, Consultations by appointment, in person or over the phone. 518-573-0571 or fullspectrumhealing@gmail.com, www.ninigridley.com, CAREER COUNSELING Penny Loretto, 518-798-6057, career@careerchoic.com, www.careerchoic.com CENTERS Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center, www.stillpointretreatcenter.com, 518-587-4967

Kawing Crow Awareness Center, Andrea Gray, Healing Touch for 518-893-2620, www.kawingcrow.com Animals® Practitioner, Lake George, 518.798.6193, wellnesshta@gmail.com, New Thought New York, classes and FB: Wellness Through Heart Centered workshops, 518-384-0942, www.newthoughtnewyork.org Healing Touch 36 Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

CHELATION THERAPY Dr Andrew Garner, Glens Falls, 5187989401, www.drandrewgarner.com, agarner@roadrunner.com CHIROPRACTORS Delmar Chiropractic, Delmar, 518-439-7644 Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com COACHES Donna Bird LCSW, CCH, Coaching and Counseling: Stuck? Coaching with counseling helps open up blockages to success, so you can reach your highest potential. Blending traditional and complimentary modalities can help you to become successful at whatever you strive for.www.donnabird.com 518-584-0698. Cate LaBarre, Personal and group coaching by phone and teleconference. Workshops in Saratoga Region. http://TheFordInstitute.com/CateLaBarre 518-882-9880, http://CateLaBarreCoach.com catelabarre@gmail.com Barbra Gilman, Energetic Coaching, Learn to change anything in your life that's not working, like deleting files from your computer…. with ease! Saratoga, Capital Region and Telephone BarbraGilman.com, AccessConsciousness.com, Barbra@BarbraGilman.com, 929-777-0873 COUNSELING Avis Burnett, Clifton Park, 518-371-0579 Breakthrough Counseling Center, Saratoga, 518-683-2202, www.breakthroughcounselinginc.com CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Margery Chessare, LMT, BCST, Sessions and classes in the Saratoga area, 518-893-0421, ChessareMargery@gmail.com Linda Thompson, 518-885-3707, www.holistichealingartssaratoga.com Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com Sue Coughtry, LMT, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, Delmar, 518-689-2244, www.stramcenter.com Wendy Wood Ordway, OTR,CST The

Body’s Rhythm-at the Garden. Saratoga Springs 518-588-4466, wendyordway@gmail.com Cathy Saladis LMT, Albany & Clifton Park, 518-229-0741, www.headtotoe123.com DANCE 5Rhythms, Albany, www.5rhythmsalbany.com DENTISTS Dr. Richard Aulicino, Lake George 518-668-9888, www.lookingoodnewsmile.com ENERGY Jack Treiber, 518-225-4692 Energy4HH@Yahoo.com, www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com/treiber.php www. energyforhealthandhealing.com, energyforhealthandhealing.com Nina Lockwood, Healing Touch and Integrative Energy Medicine, 518-7915120, nina.lockwood@gmail.com. Helene Brecker, Malta, 518-331-4859, heron@spa.net Terry Fluri, LMT & Elizabeth Marsh, LMT, Reiki, Chakra Balancing at A Peaceful Place (518) 371-2225 Kimberly Hayden, Saratoga, 518-8590842, khayden@nycap.rr.com Shari Parslow, Shamanic Services & Intuitive Massage, 518-879-9365, shariluminous@gmail.com, l uminiousenergymedicine.net Christina Elizabeth Manning, Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master, 518-496-0221, CEManning2005@yahoo.com, www.ChristinaElizabethManning. com, Albany, Troy, Clifton Park, Saratoga Barbra Gilman, BarbraGilman.com, AccessConsciousness.com, Barbra@BarbraGilman.com, 929-7770873, Saratoga/Capital Region EQUINE ASSISTED PSYCHOTHERAPY Adirondack Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, LCSW, Fort Edward, NY, www.AdirondackEAP.com, info@AdirondackEAP.com FENG SHUI Brenda Cary Jenks, Hudson Falls 518-321-5940, www.fengshuibcj.com

HEALING TOUCH Nina Lockwood, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner/Instructor, 518-7915120, nina.lockwood@gmail.com HEALTH AND WELLNESS PRODUCTS Evan Lawrence, Shaklee Independent Distributor. Healthy weight, nutrition, beauty, and home. Cambridge, (518) 6775662, healthyevan@verizon.net HOLISTIC PRIMARY CARE Jessica Davis, MD. Stillwater, NY. drjess@jessicadavismd.com, (518) 6646116. www.jessicadavismd.com, HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE Larry Malerba, DO, DHt, Guilderland, NY. 518-357-4210 Jerome Pindell, Clifton Park, 518-3745492, www.jeromepindell.com Claudia Ascione, MA, MS, CH, Niskayuna, Manhattan and Ardsley, NY. 518 372-7023. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS Private Label Aromatherapy: Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, All Purpose Cleaner, Household Cleaner, Essential Oil Deodorizing Sprays, Essential Oil Blends for Laundry and Dryer, Hand Soaps and more. Custom products also available. Jill Stewart 518-339-4348 Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.PrivateLabel-Aromatherapy.com HYPNOTISM Donna Bird LCSW, CCH, Specializing in the mind-body approach to wellness with hypnosis. Eliminate eating issues, addictions, stress, panic, depression, overeating and more. Produces and sells hypnosis CDs & MP3s at www.donnabird.com Saratoga office 518-584-0698.

LIGHT THERAPY Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE Sue Coughtry, LMT, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, Delmar, 518-689-2244, www.stramcenter.com. MASGUTOVA REFLEX INTEGRATION Patricia Blackburn, 518-488-2203, pblakk1@hotmail.com MASSAGE THERAPY Linda Thompson, 518-885-3707, www.holistichealingartssaratoga.com Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-689-2244, www.stramcenter.com A Peaceful Place, Clifton Park, 518-371-2225, www.peacefulplace.com Kimberly Hayden, Saratoga, 518-8590842, khayden@nycap.rr.com Sheila Cote, 518-369-1094, www.sheilacote.com, sheilacote@hotmail.com MATRIX ENERGETICS Rowena Fay, Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center, www.stillpointretreatcenter.com, 518-587-4967 stillpt423@aol.com

George Guarino CH, offices in Delmar and Clifton Park, 518-256-6549 www.HypnosisWorksWell.com, george@HypnosisWorksWell.com

MUSIC THERAPY Dennis Dominick, 518-361-5343, Djd1948@roadrunner.com

Barbra Stevens, 518-755-5053

MYOFASCIAL RELEASE Virginia Touhey at A Peaceful Place, (518) 371-2225

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE North Country Holistic Care Center, Glens Falls, 518-745-5889

NATURAL FOOD STORES Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, Four Seasons Natural Foods Store & Saratoga, 518-584-4670, 518-506-6303, atobin.pih@gmail.com, Cafe, wwwFourSeasonsNaturalFoods.com www.partnersinhealing.info # 76 October/November, 2014 I Healing Springs 37

Pure-N-Simple, GlensFalls, 518-798-4047 SenibiliTeas, Glens Falls, 518-824-1290 NATUROPATHY Sarah A. LoBisco, ND, Ballston Spa, 518-339-4788, nd@dr-lobisco.com, www.dr-lobisco.com

life transition coaching. Albany office. 518813-8524. www.wendyballcounseling.com RAINDROP THERAPY Sheila Cote, 518-369-1094, www.sheilacote.com, sheilacote@hotmail.com

Joanne Halloran, ND, Saratoga Healing Arts, 518-369-7080, www.doctorjoanne.com

REIKI Linda Thompson, 518-885-3707, www.holistichealingartssaratoga.com

Cheryl Wong, ND, LAc, Saratoga Springs, cheryl@cherylwongnd.com, www.cherylwongnd.com, 518-288-7083

Joyce Willson RN, RMT, The Art of Reiki, Troy, 518-271-7802, www.theartofreiki.com

NUTRITION The Natural Improvement Center, Queensbury, 518-745-7473

Joan M Frederick Classes/Treatments 518-829-7400, ProvidenceReiki.com

Kathryn Kos Primal Bliss Nutrition; www.primalblissnutrition.com or e-mail primalblissnutrition@gmail.com. ORGANIZATIONS Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network (SIPN), www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com PHARMACY Fallon Pharmacy, Latham, Saratoga, 518-220-2005, www.fallonpharmacy.com PHYSICAL THERAPY Integrative Physical Therapy, 518-373-0735, www.inspiredtherapy.com PSYCHIC INTUITIVE CONSULTANT Kimberly Hayden, Saratoga, 518-8590842, khayden@nycap.rr.com Diana Friedell Phone or in Oneonta Office, 607.433.2089 PSYCHOTHERAPY Donna Bird LCSW, CCH, Certified in EMDR, Hypnosis and Wave Work. Specializing in managing anxiety, depression, addictions, eating issues and trauma. Produces Hypnosis and Guided Imagery CDs & MP3s for health and wellness. Available at www.donnabird.com Saratoga office - 518-584-0698.

Penelope Jewell Reiki classes and sessions www.ReikiWorks.info, www.penelope.org 518-480-9118 Sue Coughtry, LMT, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, Delmar, 518-689-2244, wwwstramcenter.com Christina Elizabeth Manning, Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master, 518-496-0221, CEManning2005@yahoo.com, www.ChristinaElizabethManning. com, Albany, Troy, Clifton Park, Saratoga Maud Maynard, Greenwich, 518-7911000, maudmaynard@gmail.com, maudmaynardreiki.wordpress.com

RETAIL Living Recovery, 12 Step gifts, Latham, 518-785-5258 Magic Moon, Saratoga, 518-583-2488 ROLF STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION Nick Pavoldi, 518.389.2200, BodyworkProfessionals@gmail.com SPAS Roosevelt Baths & Spa, Saratoga Springs, RooseveltBathsAndSpa.com, 877-313-2709

SPACE FOR RENT Beekman Artists Studios, aamejo@gmail.com, www.beekmanstreetarts.com Wendy Ball LMHC, certified in EMDR SPIRITUAL SCHOOL and Hakomi therapies, specialize in trauma School of the Golden Rosycross, a gnosrelated disorders, couples counseling and tic spiritual school for our time. 38 Healing Springs I # 76 October/November, 2014

Lectorium Rosicrucianum Conference Center, 21 Bushnell Avenue, Chatham, 518.392-2799, www.lectoriumrosicrucianum.org, chatham@goldenrosycross.org TAI CHI The Tai Chi Center, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-9315, www.the-taichi-center.com The Lemon Tree Yoga and Healing Arts Studio, Glens Falls, www.lemontreeyoga.com, lemontreeyoga@yahoo.com, 518-301-3291, 301-3293 Asian Arts Tai Chi Center, Albany, 518-489-1458, info@AsianArtsGrp.com, www.AsianArtsGrp.com TAROT Joan Scannell, www.joanscannell.com


TREE SERVICE Foothills Tree Service, Practicing sustainable tree managment, 518-893-2620, www.kawingcrow.com VIBROACOUSTIC THERAPY Dennis Dominick, 518-361-5343, Djd194@roadrunner.com WELLNESS CENTERS A Peaceful Place, Clifton Park, 518-371-2225, www.peacefulplace.com Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com YOGA Yoga Mandali, Saratoga, 518-316-1308, www.yogasaratoga.com True North Yoga, Schroon Lake, 518-810-7871, www.TrueNorthYogaOnline.com The Lemon Tree Yoga & Healing Arts Studio, Glens Falls, 518-301-3291, www.lemontreeyoga.com Saratoga Springs Yoga, SaratogaSpringsYoga.com


Yoga with Jen, Warrensburg & Minerva, 518-956-2818 Namaste Yoga, Saratoga Springs, namasteyogasaratoga.com or 518-222-7470

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