Healing Springs Dec. '15/Jan. '16

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15 Jan. 16


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Best Yoga Studio

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CONTACT US: Publisher Katrina Clay

Design & Production BeanTree Designs

E-Mail katrina@healingspringsjournal.com

Website www.healingspringsjournal.com www.issuu.com/healingspringsjournal

Phone (518) 332.6581

Mailing Address P.O. Box 167 Middle Grove, NY 12850

Ad & story deadline for Feb/March ‘16 issue is January 8 Healing Springs Mission: With knowledge comes choice. Our mission at The Healing Springs Journal is to address the whole person by providing articles and stories that allow the reader to make empowered lifestyle decisions in relation to the wellness of their mind, body, spirit, and environment.

Publisher’s Corner

The greatest gift you can offer the world is a healthy, whole you While preparing a workshop, I was spending more time with nature. This included learning ‘Bird Language.’ It turns out that bird’s movements and alarm calls indicate the location of foxes, owls, hawks, even our own whereabouts. While contemplating this ‘language,’ I went for a run. As my feet found a rhythm, my attention was on the warnings given by blue jays, sparrows and even chipmunks. Suddenly, tears filled my eyes as I felt the awareness and hence connection the animals exhibited. There was nothing extraordinary about this moment, except that my perception was open to all that surrounded me, rather than only on the path ahead. Having an older brother, being the youngest and only girl in our neighborhood, and always having a ‘bff’ dog, I grew up well protected (as well as teased mercilessly.) From this, I have a strong sense that the world is on my side, even when I have been judged and or disillusioned. Regardless, that did little to prepare me for understanding the natural world’s desire to connect, warn and dare I say love. Not our romantic movie kind of love, more similar to family love; always available, yet sometimes perceptions need to shift to experience the affection. It was not only the birds that provoked this feeling, but equally the trees blowing their hello and the tall weeds waving in greeting. Along with providing protection and love, humans have broken my heart. Animals and the natural world have only hurt me with their death. As mentioned, over my lifetime people have watched over me. I have received praise for my creations, as well as for that which is simply my nature. Simultaneously, others have underestimated me and put me down. Having equal praise and put downs, love and teasing, great situations and trying circumstances, has taught me to not take any of it personally. At the core of me is a soul and spirit that exists beyond accomplishment, circumstance, applause, humiliation, even time and space. While, I take care of my body and run a business, the physical world is not my primary life interface. Or so I thought. Back to bird language, I see that it is all about the physical, as animals warn others of potential physical harm. And yet, it touches me deep in my soul. It is with that I realize my adoration, absolute unconditional love, for nature is because it contains all—light/dark, physical/spiritual, life/death—without seeming to make any of it better or worse than the next. We belong to this earth simply by being alive, not for our common behavior or like-minds. If you read this column regularly, you’ve heard me say this before. Yet, with each experience it gets deeper and more simple. As humans created complex culture, it seems they lost sight of the effortless connection that is real life. Because we’ve become hooked on this complexity, simple feels mundane and we go searching for grander. I’ve given the analogy that humans are like teenagers. For one, we like shiny and new. Even more, we are certain we know best and argue with whatever tells us otherwise, even that which has given us breath and a home. Life is self-organizing. Let’s awaken to our part in that organization. Try this; imagine yourself as a flashlight. Turn the light on, and feel your awareness going back and forth between you and someone you love through that light. Now shift the image to yourself as a lantern that shines in all directions. Continue knowing the light to be your awareness. Instead of it being focused, it exchanges with all. That includes trees, birds, critters; every single thing that surrounds you. We are what we experience, not what experiences us. With our society’s focus on externals, we often believe the opposite. Yet, we live life through our own awareness. How we interpret incoming information is based on the foundation of our perception—love, trust, hate, and so on... I don’t subphoto by scribe to the assumption we have absolute control over Deborah Neary our whole lives, yet we do have choice and the ability to open, close, and alter our awareness. May we remember our integral part in the whole and live accordingly.

‘The Healing Springs Journal’ is an independent publication committed to printing articles regarding the wellness of body, mind, spirit, and environment. It is a free publication supported by its advertisers. These advertisers must be judged on their individual merits, ‘The Healing Springs Journal’ is not responsible for their claims, conditions, products, or services. Our articles reflect the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of our publisher. We do not claim to diagnose illness, but offer an open forum on complimentary & alternative therapies. Serious ailments should be checked out by a physician as well as by the healers you feel compelled to learn more about. We reserve the right to refuse advertising and are not liable for any errors within the ads themselves.


Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16


Magic Moon

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We also offer unique, fair-trade clothing, jewelry, tapestries, wind chimes, statuary and more!

Psychic Readings on Saturdays!

Life is confusing, so come in and get some clarity with a Tarot and Numerology reading from Joan Scannell. Rates are $20 for 15 minutes and $40 for a half hour. Visit: www.joanscannell.com for more information about Joan. Readings are also available in the store on Friday and Sunday with other readers. *call store to schedule

Bring in this ad and receive 1 0 % o f f full-price merchandise.


Community Bodywork Professionals Adds Feldenkrais Movement Therapy Bodywork Professionals of Saratoga Springs and Latham has added a new bodywork service to help clients of all ages and abilities to relieve pain and restore their optimal patterns of movement. Bodywork’s Evan VanDyk has become a Guild-Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, making her the second Feldenkrais Practitioner in Capital Region, following four years of monthly trips to New York City to study movement therapy with students from as far away as Peru and Hong Kong. She is now ready to help individuals reduce pain and discover improved coordination and grace by re-training their body’s movements.

“The Feldenkrais Method is not easy to explain; it’s much better to experience it,” notes VanDyk, who has been the manager of Bodywork Professionals for the past five years. “Over the years, through our life experiences and injuries, we make certain actions a habit. For example, we may carry one shoulder higher than the other because we carry a heavy purse, or we may always stand with our weight over one leg because we once sprained the other ankle. This can eventually cause pain, restrict motion, and impede balance. As a Feldenkrais practitioner, I observe the patient’s movements and then help to retrain the body, to help it return to an optimal functional state.” Brought to the U.S. in the 1970s by Moshe Feldenkrais—a scientist, physicist and engineer who had studied movement, psychology, and many integrated subjects to cure himself of leg pain after a severe injury—the Feldenkrais Method is now widely recognized for its ability to address both minor aches and pains, as well as serious muscular-skeletal and neurological problems, chronic tension, and the developmental problems of children. The treatment sessions are performed with the client dressed in comfortable clothing, either lying on a table or seated in a chair. “My work is geared toward learning and rediscovering each individual’s potential for coordination, balance, flexibility, grace, and overall quality, ease, and efficiency of movement,” says VanDyk. A graduate of Saratoga Springs High School, VanDyk earned a degree in massage therapy from Morrisville State College before pursuing her Feldenkrais training. con’t on page 6 #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16 I Healing Springs 5

Bodywork Professionals, owned by Nick Pavoldi, has provided licensed massage therapy and bodywork services to clients in the Capital Region through its Latham location since 2005. Its Saratoga Springs location at 11 Spring Street opened earlier this year, adjacent to Congress Park. Feldenkrais therapy and a variety of other massage and bodywork services are available at both locations. For more information, see www.bodyworkprofessionals.com.

Wellness Retreat With a Local Price America’s first wellness spa, Roosevelt Baths & Spa, and the Gideon Putnam Hotel have teamed up to offer a retreat where nature inspires us to be the best version of ourselves. You will be immersed in programs, workshops, and meals that are specifically designed to rejuvenate mind, body and spirit. Located in the lush Saratoga Spa State Park, you will find yourself surrounded by a feeling of serenity and calm that promises to lift you up. It encourages you, and it brings you to a better place than when you arrived. It is a place that was designed for making people feel better. Our desire is to bring to you the gift of greater health and well-being.

Healing Springs Journal

Cate LaBarre Individual & Group Coaching Retreats and Workshops Discover how your beliefs define your journey to clear the path to your heart s desire.

Rates: $149 for two-day local resident package (all is included except hotel room). $249 per night based on double occupancy (tax and service charges not included). $204 per night based on single occupancy (tax and service charges not included). $149 for two-day local resident package (overnight accommodations, tax and service charges not included). All meals include vegetarian and meat options. Wine, beer, spirits available throughout program for additional fee. Additional spa treatment times available throughout weekend at additional fees. Wellness Consultations with all experts available throughout program for additional fee.


More at: www.gideonputnam.com/roosevelt-baths-and-spa


Dr. Selma Nemer & Gabrielle Nemer Co-authored an Adventure

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Co-author of The Energy of Healing Available from author or amazon.com 6

You will spend an entire weekend immersed in physical and spiritual wellness programs and events. The package includes: • Two night accommodations at The Gideon Putnam (there is a local price without accommodations.) • One Mineral Bath each day • Breakfast each morning • Two Lunches (includes one cooking demonstration) • One Dinner • Activities and Workshops (see itinerary online) • Gift Journal

Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16

Clinical psychologist and owner/director of One Roof, Dr. Selma Nemer, and her granddaughter Gabrielle, a middle school student, are thrilled to share with you an exciting fantasy-mystery tale, Guardians of the Treasure, available now from Amazon or locally at Northshire Books. Guardians is primarily a book for youths & teens, but may be enjoyed by all!

As dark forces are trying to take over the world, best friends Chrystal and Stephine stumble upon a mystery in a small historic town, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. They inadvertently discover a treasure, woven into their ancestry, and must learn to unlock its secrets, to be used against these dark forces before it’s too late. Dr. Nemer is also author of The Beheaded Goddess: Daughters of Narcissistic Fathers, available from Amazon.

Winter Solstice Celebration / Open House / Wellness Fair with The Sacred Dream Circles hosted by Zelda Hotaling: Starting the event the Sacred Dream Circles will be on display for viewing and/or meditations from 4-8pm on December 16th-18th. At Saint Paul's Methodist Church, Carney Road, Castleton, NY On December 18th from 4- 8pm there will be a Wellness fair with various Professionals, including Yoga Nidra with Kathleen Fisk from 6-6:30pm FREE!

Stay Well Try Bach Flowers! www.NiniGridley.com fullspectrumhealing@gmail.com / 518-573-0571

The main event is on Saturday, December 19th. 1-3pm and 6:308:30pm: A SYMBOLIC FISH will be created with 17 SACRED DREAM CIRCLES with three new ones which will hold the IMAGE of the fish. This will represent all walks of life, religions, races to come in balance with the harmony of each other. This is a spiritual gathering with no specific religious affiliation. Everyone is welcome and the purpose is for all to pray for peace, harmony, and balance. There is a Native American influence. Children are welcome under their parents guidance. Suggested Donation $20 Children and students free. For more information go to: zeldahotaling.com. Or pinetree444@msn.com, fb Zelda Hotaling

Opening in December

This project is presented at a church - can not sell tickets, it is a first come, first served, so be sure to get a seat.

Drum Journeys

photo by Deborah Neary

Katrina Clay, Publisher of The Healing Springs Journal, wlll host a drum journey on the first 4 full moons of 2016. The evenings will contain two journeys; one guided, one free. Come to one or come to all. The dates are Jan. 24, Feb. 22, Mar. 23, Apr. 22. Join her mailing list by emailing; katrina@healingspringsjournal.com and be informed of the location for each journey. They will be held in Saratoga. January’s is scheduled at Namaste Yoga, 2 Franklin Square at 6:30pm.

Feeling like your energy is going in many different directions? Starting in February, Katrina will hold a 6 week workshop called Calling Council. In this popular workshop, you will journey to your soul, spirit, ego, body, guides and then call council amongst them all. The result will be more alignment within yourself. Find inner alignment by emailing katrina@healingspringsjournal.com.




Tai Chi Center

Tai Chi — Qi Gong — Meditation

6 Week Introduction to Tai Chi Wednesdays at 6:30pm beginning January 20. Saturdays at 12:00pm beginning January 23. Cost $98 36 Phila St. Saratoga Springs, NY ¥ (518)583-9315 www.the-taichi-center.com

QiGong Helps Me Claim My Life

by Cara Anaam n the heat of late August, I shared with readers of Healing Springs a sometimes lighthearted account of the gifts the study of Tai Chi has brought to the eighth decade of my life. As the temperature drops and I’m loading the pellet stove regularly, I find myself appreciating a complementary set of practices Mark Tostrup of The Tai Chi Center has introduced me to over the past year.


Qi Gong is an ancient set of physical and meditation exercises that grew out of the practice of the martial arts and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). I have found that beginning the process of integrating them into my life and consciousness has deepened my commitment to Tai Chi and to life in general. I do not have to fight neighboring warlords in service to my Emperor. My struggles today are with depression, anxiety, internalized ageism and arthritis. Qi Gong is giving me tools I use to cope with these challenges in the context of the rigors of an upstate New York winter. I’d like to share with you a few of the principles and practices that are proving helpful.

Eight Pieces of Brocade The-TaiChi-center.com describes this practice as follows: This 900 year old Qi Gong set consists of eight movements that when practiced together form a very complete treatment of the fundamental aspects of health from a traditional Qi Gong perspective. These movements involve standing and moving postures and stretches. I should say that, at the outset last winter, I was not at all sure that learning a set of physical exercises was possible for me. Even as a kid I was the one who was always the “steady ender” at jump rope, because I couldn’t get the hang of jumping in a coordinated manner. At softball I was predictably the last one chosen and, if I had to play, was always directed to right field since we had few if any lefties on opposing teams. So starting to Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16 8

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Saratoga Springs & Clifton Park 518-210-1557 www.drmichaelwayne.com mwayne2@mac.com learn a set of Chinese physical exercises with my 75-year-old body/mind was daunting, even scary. Can’t explain exactly why it felt like the right thing to do. Maybe I was just tired of feeling like such a klutz; I know I was scared of feeling a prisoner in my home during the coming ice and snow, and sensed this could help me feel stronger and steadier in my own body. After 3 classes I felt invigorated. Mark is a good teacher, clear about directions, giving suggestions and corrections based on the physical capabilities and experience of each student. By the end of the first class, even I felt confident that I could learn, a real breakthrough. Over the 2014-2015 winter, I tried to do this set of exercises at least 3 times a week since, while I often couldn’t get outside for my usual walks, the practice kept me feeling mentally and physically alive and alert. I was still cautious but not paralyzed with fear of the icy driveway, steps or roads. I chose to exercise in front of large windows looking out on the backyard shrubs, the birdfeeder, and the compost pile visited every morning by 3 ravens, so felt a part of life outdoors. The set took me about 45-50 minutes to do each time and fit into my schedule well since this was how long it took a loaf of bread to bake or a load of wash to dry. This fall, I took the class again to begin the process of refining my practice of various postures and actions. What each stretch did in my own body became more evident to me, and the descriptive quotes from the Chinese classics accompanying each exercise gained a personal meaning for me. I feel prepared to live strong and well this coming winter.

Five Elements and Six Healing Sounds I was looking forward to this set of classes since it introduced the connection of Qi Gong to TCM combining physical exercises with a meditative component - and we did it sitting down, a position in which I felt my awkwardness would be less conspicuous. In the introductory set of classes, there was a lot to learn but thank heavens no tests. I soon was able to relax and take in what I could at any one time. This proved to be a useful strategy since Mark reintroduced the basics in a number of different contexts in later classes. My old brain has remembered much more than I would have predicted possible. The first concept introduced in the class felt very natural to me as an avid gardener and close observer of the natural world. We learned that each of the five elemental processes in Taoist thought

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is expressed most strongly in a particular season of the natural year, and is associated with an organ of the body, a color and a sound. For example, wood, whose color is green, is the element of spring and expresses the process of birth, new life, rising energy. Wood is associated with the liver and not just any liver. We practiced finding and relating to our own livers and used a particular sound to help visualize exhaling any stuck energy. In spring, we practiced exercises and meditations to strengthen the health of our livers. And continued through the year with heart, spleen, lung and kidneys, each in its own season. Just as my garden focus changed throughout the year, now so did the felt sense of my body and energy.

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The second concept is that the health of each element/ process/organ is affected by that of all the others. I must admit that sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the complexity of the Chinese medical understanding but am also excited, because I intuit that this system could help me in a way that seems both foreign and natural to me. For close to a decade, I have been receiving regular acupuncture treatments and experience real benefits both physically and emotionally. My present practitioner remarked that acupuncture and Qi Gong work in harmony, so the healing process is accelerated. Great!

My Conclusions for Now: The practice of Chi Gong has become unexpectedly important to me. The physical insights and exercises enable me to live with more vigor, flexibility and joie de vivre than I had ever hoped to feel at this point in my life. And the meditative aspects, which need another article to introduce, have helped me live, for the most part, more firmly planted in the present. The therapist who has helped me recover myself from the grip of early trauma remarked a short time ago that she can hardly believe the changes in me over the year I’ve been studying Qi Gong. I smile as I realize that in the company of Mark and the wonderful people with whom I’ve shared the classes, I’ve found a way to claim my right to life. I revel in the promise of how much more there is to learn in the coming years. Over the past 25 years, Mark Tolstrup, founder and director of The Tai Chi Center in Saratoga Springs, NY, has shared his extensive knowledge of the internal martial arts such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong with many students. He offers classes for adults at diverse levels of proficiency. While creating an open, relaxed environment, Mark pays close attention to the details of each student’s form and progress. For information, contact him at mark@the-taichi-center.com, or (518)260-1287. More information on Cara Anaam may be found at https://www.linkedin.com/pub/cara-m-anaam/12/33b/379 .

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Healing Springs Journal #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16 I Healing Springs


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by Deborah Kozlowski ong ago in college for my studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine one of my MD teachers told us something I’ll never forget. She said she would be addressing mainly the women in our class, but the men pricked up their ears, too. She told us that in our leisure we should read up on breast cancer and make decisions for ourselves in case we ever needed to face that. She explained that if we received a cancer diagnosis we would be in shock and denial; and that while we were still in shock and denial the pressures by the doctors and the pressures of our own fear would not give us time to study our options. She told us that we would need to be strong in our resolve to make our decisions consciously and to give ourselves time to think. There is time to think. She said, “If you get a cancer diagnosis they [the medical system] will move you along a conveyor belt of medical procedures and out the other side so fast your head will spin. And you will be operated on and sick from chemo or radiation before you even have time to take a breath, much less make decisions for what you want your treatment to be like.”


What tests would you want done? What tests didn’t sound worth the knowledge gained from them? What treatments sounded out of date or not worth the side effects? What treatment options were your friends and acquaintances happy with? Who would other cancer patients refer you to? What alternative and complementary treatments sounded right to you? Would you be comfortable using a blend of Western and complementary treatments? Who could help you do that? I thought that was a splendid idea, and I eventually did some reading. One of my favorites was The Breast Book by Dr. Susan Love. But that was 15 years ago. And it did not make me ready when I heard my own diagnosis. No one can explain to you how you will feel if you are told you have cancer. You hope you will be told with compassion, maybe with a partner there, given time to compose your mind before you must make decisions. That is not how it happened for me. I was put on the conveyor belt. The doctor who read the mammogram and ultrasound made an appointment for me with her favorite surgeon. I wasn’t given time to ask for referrals from friends or from my family doctor. I went to the surgeon who set me up for a biopsy with her favorite clinic. I asked for a second opinion reading the biopsy results and was given that. One can imagine how very much I wanted the second reading to show that the first reading had been a mistake. I went back to the doctor who explained to me about my upcoming mastectomy and that I could choose a TRAM flap surgery. I was told that I was not a candidate for a lumpectomy. At first the TRAM flap surgery sounded pretty good to me. The doctor explained that I would not need anything artificial in my body to rebuild my breast. She said that she could take a muscle from my


Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16

“...if you go through this cancer journey, in fact as you go through any journey in this life…. Listen to you inner voice. Follow that inner guide because it will only bring you the highest and best outcomes possible.” abdomen with the fat that was attached to it and guide it under my skin up to the chest and make a new breast out of my own fat. That sounded good, because I would have no danger of rejection of my own tissues. I asked her though, couldn’t she just move the fat up there, because if she moved the muscle I was afraid my core would be de-stabilized. I was told that type of surgery wasn’t possible. The surgeon failed to tell me that the TRAM flap could leave me prone to hernias and that a newer type of surgery like what I was asking for was available. Luckily, about now my sister, who is a physician’s assistant and has worked at Roswell Cancer Center reminded me to slow down. She said, you have no doubt had this cancer for years, and you do have time to research and think about your options. I knew she was right, but the pressure to make fast decisions about cancer is enormous. In the meanwhile I started taking some anti-cancer Chinese herbs, since the cancer had been disturbed by the biopsy. Then I began to do online research of various cancer centers. This felt useless to me. All I could see was what their public relations people wanted me to see. All I could compare was the expertise of their web designers. Since my brain was whirling I was having trouble focusing on the task. Again, I got lucky. A plastic surgeon I know told me about a relatively new surgery. It only became available at Albany Med recently. It is called a DIEP flap. It was exactly what I had asked the first surgeon about. The doctor to perform it must be a plastic surgeon. Only the fat is taken from the lower abdomen to build the breast. The muscles are left undisturbed. The fat is removed evenly across the lower abdomen, even though all of it may not be needed. Extra skin is removed. When the incision is closed, the effect is the same as a tummy tuck. And I will not need to have something artificial in my breasts. I had the mastectomy and seven months of chemo. The DIEP flap

could have been done at that time, except that I had more cancer than the tests had shown, so the surgeons didn’t finish the DIEP flap until I could decide if I wanted radiation. So, I had the chemo first and will go back to Portland for the DIEP flap in January. I am so excited to have the final surgery. No one warned me that the expander would hurt so bad or so long. Even now, nine months later, I can’t lift or push with that arm or the pectoral muscle that holds the expander cramps and hurts. This has kept me from working. The brain fog from the chemo kept me out of work, too. I didn’t feel smart enough to diagnose my patients. I could barely balance a check book. It is two months after the chemo and the brain fog is 90% gone. Most of the chemo symptoms are gone. My energy is returning. My immune system is still lagging, so I am using every herbal trick I know to keep well. Now I feel well enough to do all the cancer research I wish I felt well enough to do before. You may be wondering why an acupuncturist isn’t talking about herbs and acupuncture and alternative cancer treatments. That’s the topic for another article. The most important reason I am writing is to let everyone know about a wonderful new surgical procedure (DIEP flap) so they have the best outcome possible. And if you go through this cancer journey, in fact as you go through any journey in this life…. Listen to you inner voice. Follow that inner guide because it will only bring you the highest and best outcomes possible. Deborah Kozlowski has been a licensed acupuncturist for 15 years. She also does Chinese herbology and NAET for allergies. She studied in Santa Fe, NM and Beijing, China. Her practice is A New Leaf Traditional Chinese Medicine at 188 Lake Ave. Saratoga Springs. She shares space with Alycia Askew of Fly Again Acupuncture. They can be reached at 587-7665. #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16 I Healing Springs 11

Visceral Manipulation Patricia Tschannen, MPT isceral Manipulation is a gentle, precise manual therapy technique of releasing restrictions located inside the abdominal or thoracic cavities of our bodies. Internal restrictions can occur as a result of scar tissue from past surgeries, tension and strain due to long held poor posture, or our organs physiological reactions to traumas such as car accidents or falls.


Visceral Manipulation, or VM, was developed by the French osteopath, Jean-Pierre Barral, out of his clinical experience with thousands of patients. Barrel’s premise is that a healthy organ has motion. The viscera, i.e. liver, stomach, kidneys, etc, move freely with respect to each other because they are enveloped in serous membranes that can slide and glide in relationship to each other. Each organ has two forms of movement: motility and mobility. Motility is the motion inherent to each organ. Mobility is the ability of an organ to move in relationship to it’s environment, as well as it’s ability to move in and of itself to carry out it’s functional activities, i.e. the lungs expanding and relaxing in response to the intake of oxygen and release of CO2, or the stomach being able to expand with the intake of food. When a restriction occurs, the organ in question is no longer able to move freely in its cavity or slide in relationship to adjacent organs, but instead becomes fixed to another structure. The body is forced to compensate for this, which can sometimes lead to a structural prob-

Still Point is an interfaith retreat center located just minutes from downtown Saratoga. We offer space for reflection and personal time as well as programs for healing and enriching one’s spirit, mind and body. Mailing address: 20 Still Point Road, Mechanicville, NY 12118 Telephone: 518-587-4967 email: stillpt423@aol.com web: www.stillpointretreatcenter.com Take 24 hours from your busy schedule. Enjoy the stillness and power of nature on our partially wooded land. Re-connect to your deep self.

Pray! Be silent! Be! “The quieter you become, the more you hear.”


Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16

lem in the musculoskeletal system which can result in pain and/or limitation in movement. For example, a gentleman came to see me last winter with chest pain. He had been to see his doctor, who had cleared him of any disorders with his heart or lungs. Previous to his chest pain, he had had the flu with severe coughing and sneezing that lasted for a couple of weeks. Upon assessing this patient, utilizing both physical therapy and VM evaluation techniques, I localized restrictions in the soft tissue just under the sternum and anterior ribs, as well as in the layer of parietal pleura between the lungs and the ribcage. With treatment, these restrictions were freed up and after 3-4 sessions, this man’s chest pain was resolved. Another example is a woman who had a Cesarian section several years before she came to see me. She had been having pain in her low back and tailbone and in spite of other various treatments, hadn’t been able to find a resolution to her problem. Through VM evaluation and treatment, it was found that scar tissue has adhered to several of the ligaments in her pelvis, ligaments that connected some of the pelvic organs to the sacrum. By gently releasing these ligaments, the inside pull on the sacrum was relieved and, after several sessions, which also included joint mobilizations to realign her pelvis and exercises to stabilize the area, she was free of pain. Not every case is so easily resolved. When I see someone in my office, I utilize everything I know: I assess motion, strength, sen-

Since 1984 Tim Talmage, DC Lee Masterson, DC Karyn Dornemann Bob Irwin


sitivity to touch, as well as perform special orthopedic tests to screen for physical dysfunctions. Visceral Manipulation is now part of every evaluation I do, as it has proven to be invaluable in releasing those restrictions that are sometimes not so obvious but are creating limitations from the inside structures of the body. Patricia Tschannen, MPT, a massage therapist since 1993, received her master’s in physical therapy from Russell Sage College in 1999. Pat specializes in manual therapy in her private physical therapy practice in Saratoga Springs, NY. She seamlessly blends Visceral Manipulation, Myofascial Release, Yoga and Craniosacral Therapy into her individual patient treatments. Pat is also an instructor of therapeutic yoga and offers weekly group classes. She continues to take coursework in every modality she practices and considers herself to be a lifelong learner.

Astrological Gift List

by Arlene DeAngelus re you at a loss for a special gift? Here are some ideas based on one’s zodiac sign:


ARIES: Active people. A ticket to a sporting event, a book on hiking trails, games for rainy days, historical books or a gift card for para-sailing. TAURUS: Comfort people. Gourmet goodies, wallets, anything with initials or name, security items for valuables, a fluffy comforter or a gift card for special dinner. GEMINI: Communicating people. Books, tickets to lectures, a cell-phone, internet gadgets, conversation pieces, travel tickets or travel guides. CANCER: Care-giving people. Indoor and outdoor flowers and plants, garden items, photo albums, antiques, classic glassware, unique kitchenware or gifts for the home. LEO: Power people. Gold trinkets and jewelry, theater tickets, luxury gifts, nobility memorabilia, a trip to a movie set or gift certificate to a hair salon. VIRGO: Organizing people. Kitchen wares and gadgets, placemats and coasters, pillboxes, natural or organic foods, a charity gift in their name or a book on gardening. LIBRA: Peace-loving people. Artwork in expensive frames, concert tickets, cookware, beauty and spa gift certificates, high-end wine, a silk scarf or an elegant dinner. SCORPIO: Intuitive people. Tickets to a mystery dinner, John Edwards tickets, a bottle of fine wine, Dali Tarot cards, luggage, books on unsolved crimes or lost treasures. SAGITTARIUS: Outdoor people. Bird feeders, yard decorations, a gym membership, binoculars, sports tickets or equipment, travel tickets or related gifts. CAPRICORN: Disciplined people. A favorite photo set in a frame, a family tree, monogrammed odds and ends, a laptop, antique jewelry or anything old. AQUARIUS: Perfect people. Travel tickets, sun glasses, camera equipment, a water purifier, an astrological clock, a unique piece of artwork, a horoscope or any new-age gift. PISCES: Spiritual people. A watch with day and date, a money clip, aquariums, a picnic basket and dishes, a trip to the lake or ocean or a donation to their favorite charity.

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Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network learn more at: www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16 I Healing Springs


Preparing for

Change in the New Year by Debbie Philp he next time you are watching television or listening to the radio, count how many advertisements there are for gyms, diets and other “fix me” services encouraging you to make whatever they offer your resolution for the New Year. If you are anything like me, you have tried a few of these in the past and, most likely, quit before the spring thaw. We are in good company. According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute (www.statisticbrain.com), 67% of people with gym memberships never use them. As a holistic coach and behavioral change specialist, I have been digging into why we jump at the chance to change, then seemly give up, even as we continue to invest our hard-earned dollars into the means to do so.


What I have discovered in my research and in working with clients is an across-the-board inability, when getting ready to start a diet or exercise plan, to answer the question, “Why?” Alternately, the answer given is, “Because I should do this,” or “Someone else thinks I should.” So I ask again, “Why?” and often get down to the fact that my client is actually undertaking something under duress or societal pressure, with no ownership of the decision. Under those conditions, I would quit, too. Don’t get me wrong. I would be happy if you joined a gym, started taking yoga classes, or changed the way you eat to reduce your sugar intake. If you want me to really jump for joy, though, find your “why.” Better yet, find a bunch of “whys,” and then consider the “hows.” Before you sign that gym contract or buy that new diet book, ask yourself some questions. What signals are you receiving from society, from your family and friends, from your doctor or from your own body, that are telling you it is time to think about making a change? Which signals do you need to receive to start thinking about it? Take some time to consider this, because until you get the right signals, you will most likely receive them with denial or resentment. If the signals are not the right ones, be willing to admit that you are not yet motivated to change and wait. What could be the positive results of making this change? Make a list of all the potential positive outcomes. What would be the physical benefits? The mental benefits? The emotional benefits? Keep it about you, and how you will feel, rather than trying to guess how someone else will feel about it. Imagine the “you” after you have made this change. What do you like about the new “you?” These are your “whys,” and this list will be your motivation when the going gets tough. 14 Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16

What are the obstacles you see to making this change? This is where we run into trouble with those new gym memberships. If you jump in without considering all the other possible constraints on your time and money, you will not know how to juggle them when they come up. Trust me, something will come up, so make a list of the obstacles, then brainstorm some ways you can deal with each one. For example, if you want to go to the gym three evenings per week, but you realize that you are often asked to stay late at work, how likely are you to say “no” to your boss so you can fit in your workout? If the answer is, “not at all,” you’ll have to find another time to go, or decide that the gym is not your best workout solution and consider other options. What has worked for you in the past? I love to learn and try new things, but sometimes I get caught up trying to adhere to someone else’s approach and forget my own past successes. Think about times when you have been successful, even if they seem very different from what you are attempting now. What skills and strategies helped you succeed? How might you apply those same skills and strategies to this new undertaking? Who do you need to be part of your support system for making this change? Having people to cheer you on and people to hold you accountable is critical to successfully making a change. It is also important that your partner or family is on board when you start rearranging your commitments to make space for something new. If you do not have a built-in support structure, consider joining a team or a group with similar goals, or hire a coach who can guide you through the change process. What are the small steps you need to take to initiate this change? By now you have a good idea of the things you will need to do to prepare for this change. Write out the small, measurable steps you need to take, with the dates you will complete each. Do you need to have a conversation with your supervisor about your work hours? When will you do that? Will you need a pair of running shoes? When will you purchase them? Take care of as many of the potential obstacles as you can before you start, and you will be less likely to get knocked off track early on. You may be disappointed that you missed the excitement of showing up at the gym on New Year’s Day and jumping on a spin bike, but you will be more likely to stick with it when you arrive on April Fool’s Day, list of positive outcomes in hand, for an appointment with your new personal trainer. Slow down, take time to prepare, and by next New Year’s Day you will be a gym regular, getting your money’s worth out of your membership. Debbie Philp sees the pursuit of wellness as a sacred journey. She founded the True North Yoga studio in Schroon Lake, where she teaches yoga classes and offers Shamanic Reiki sessions, holistic wellness coaching, aromatherapy and yoga teacher training. Debbie is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, an ERYT-500 experienced yoga teacher, a clinical aromatherapist, Shamanic and Usui Reiki Master and an ACE-certified personal trainer with Mind-Body and Behavioral Change specializations. Wellness coaching is also available by telephone and Skype. Find out more about True North Yoga at www.TrueNorthYogaOnline.com and visit Debbie's website and blog at www.DebbiePhilp.com.

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Sharing what life has taught you

by Evan Lawrence everal years ago I read an interview with Dr. Andrew Weil, who had just published his book “Healthy Aging.” He recommended writing down the lessons we’ve learned from life as a gift to the next generation.


The idea intrigued me. What lessons had I learned from life? What did I know from my own experience to be true—not inspirational quotes from others, but things I had found out the hard way? I got a blank book and started paying attention to those moments when I identified a bedrock belief. It was a challenge. So much of what we think comes up automatically, unexamined, absorbed from others. Once I’d identified a belief as mine, tested by my own experience, I had to keep it in mind until I had a chance to write it down. And as any Buddhist will tell you, thoughts are fleeting! I captured my first belief, “If you have to choose between working with someone who is dumb but sane or someone who is brilliant but crazy, choose dumb and sane,” in 2007. Thirty pages and eight years later, I’m still at it. Some are short: “Better to start small than not at all.” “No one can embarrass you without your consent.” “If you want to know how important something is to you, try walking away from it for a while.” Others are philosophical or theological treatises that go on for a page or more.

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Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16

Some have the rueful ring of experience: “Never assume that other people are aware of the hazard that’s obvious to you. They may not see it, or they may know even less about what they’re doing than you do.” I nearly lost a foot on that one. “People do two things well: they form groups to further their interests, and they tear those groups apart.” I’ve watched and participated in too many board meetings. “No matter how boring, tedious, or distasteful the job, the day always ends.” Sometimes not soon enough, but eventually it will. “Always check your tool bag before you leave the job...” or you'll be driving back to retrieve that tool you left behind. There’s a certain amount of grousing: “People who don’t have to work for a living often have a hard time comprehending the time constraints of those who do.” “People hear not just what they want to hear, but what they are ready to hear. You can tell them all you like, but if they aren’t ready, it won’t register, and later they’ll swear

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you never said a word.” “The more you need the money, the harder it is to get people who owe you to pay up.” Others are light-hearted: “Dogs stay on the floor and look up at you. Cats jump up on something and go eyeball to eyeball with you.” “God loves improv.” “Everything is better when the sun comes out.” Then there are the beliefs that keep me going: “You can put up with almost anything for a little while if you treat it as an adventure that you never have to go on again.” “Every time you choose to do something you love, you create the world you want to live in.” What do I do with these nuggets? I’ve taking to writing them into birthday cards. No one’s thanked me for my insight yet, but no one’s called to tell me how off-base I am either. I hope, if nothing else, I’ve started the recipient thinking. Just as eating wholesome food and wise supplementation are the foundations of a healthy diet, being aware of your own beliefs and knowing you have something of value to offer, help to foster a healthy mind and spirit. “Everyone knows something no one

else does. We can all learn from each other.” Evan Lawrence makes a healthier world as an independent distributor of Shaklee healthy living products, a free-lance writer specializing in sustainability topics, and as a gardener. He can be reached at (518) 677-5662, email; healthyevan@verizon.net or go online to website; http://healthyevan.myshaklee.com. #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16 I Healing Springs 17


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As we mature, we grow out of many of our infantile reflexes. Though other reflexes remain to protect us from injury or deal with things that require immediate reaction (coughing, blinking, sneezing, ducking, eye dilation, pulling away from a hot stimulus) we also begin learning how to protect, defend and nourish their bodies. So while our body’s amazing reflex arc pulls our hand from a hot stove even before we feel the pain, we learn that pain is associated with the hot stove. Our mother may yell at us and we learn to associate this fear, shame, etc. too with the touching of the hot stove. We form a memory of the stimulus and the emotions associated with it and we can consciously decide to be more careful when around a hot stove.


H sEpAr iLnIgNs G Issue #34, October—November, 2007

by Evan VanDyk, A.A.S., LMT, GCFP ven as we develop in the womb, our incredible body is establishing systems for survival. When we enter the world, we are tested for our survival reflexes: the Moro Reflex, or the spreading of the arms and then pulling in of the arms, usually followed by a cry in response to the sudden lack of support or feeling of falling? the Startle Response, or pulling in of the arms, in response to a loud noise? the instinct to grasp for a finger, root for a breast, and suck. These reflexes, all rapid, unlearned, involuntary responses, each have an evolutionary function in our survival, whether it be in protecting ourselves, defending ourselves, or nourishing ourselves. Our nervous system supplies the basis for this. But it is not only through reflexes that our nervous system functions to preserve our body's wellbeing.

Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16

Though some of these lessons are taught directly, often we are not aware of the associations our brain makes, thus unaware of our learning. So this is true for all learning. We learn to walk, talk, communicate and express ourselves, and although as adults it may feel like these have become automatic because we are familiar with the action, they are still in our voluntary control.

Essentially we can function better if we learn to do so. This new learning is addressed in the Feldenkrais Method®, which uses movement as mode of communication with your nervous system. Explore your potential to change your habituated patterns in a one-on-one. When we react explosively to a stimuli, or exhibit defensive behavior in an interaction, this is based on learning. We use the associations our brains have made in the past to preserve ourselves in future ‘harmful’ situations. Our brains use what they have learned, the connections that have been made, the memories and associated emotions to react quickly. It could be dangerous not to. It could take longer to reason and decision-make in the heat of the moment, because timing is of the utmost importance in survival, our nervous system reacts without it. However, in this process we sometimes fear more than evidence warrants and sometimes less than the evidence warns. Sometimes our reactions are too big or too small. Our past learning and associations may not necessarily be the most appropriate basis for a current situation. For example, an individual’s brain scan responds similarly to a picture of an unpleasant situation, even without risk of danger, as it does to an actual unpleasant situation.

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Our nervous system prepares us for ‘fight or flight’ before we can think. According to the work of neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux of New York University, and others, the very architecture of the brain ensures that we “first feel and think second” sending information on incoming stimuli to the amygdala and the sympathetic nervous system before going to a part which can process and reason. This safety mechanism and our perception of danger are not the only influence on our nervous system to forgo conscious decision-making and instinctive behavior though. Sometimes it is simply the fact that we have more important things pay attention to in the moment than our already learned actions. For example if we are walking and carrying a baby, often we pay attention more to the more important action, carrying the baby, and allow our body to act as we have subconsciously taught it to in our walking. As a function of survival, we have to allow things to fall to our subconscious at times. Our nervous system is built to survive, defend and protect, but functions on the information it has received and the associations it has made. So the most amazing part of all or this is that we can always learn more. We can always make new associations in our brain which can govern our actions when they become subconscious in times of stress. Essentially we can function better and we can learn to do so. This new learning is addressed in the Feldenkrais Method®, which uses movement as mode of communication with your nervous system. Explore your potential to change your habituated patterns in a one-on-one Functional Integration® session with Evan at Bodywork Professionals in Latham or Saratoga or discover your patterns in a class format in an Awareness Through Movement® Class with Evan at RAW Fitness in Saratoga Springs. For more information ask for Evan VanDyk at (518)5575514 or email bodyworkprofessionals@gmail.com Source: The New York Times Sunday Review “Inside the Mind of Worry” Sept. 28, 2012

Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network learn more at: www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16 I Healing Springs


Drum Journeys with Katrina Clay

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starting in January)

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Thursdays ¥ 6-7:15pm @ Dynamite Hill (Route 8 Chestertown)

Hatha yoga, open to everyone.

You choose what to pay, weekly or monthly. 25% of the total collected will be donated to a different cause each month.

Contact Jennifer Monroe for more information at 956-2818 or just drop in.


Lighten Your by Wendy Ball inimalism, simplicity, decluttering: these are all words used to describe activities and values that many people are adopting these days in response to lives that are over stuffed with things, work, obligations and debt, and, as a result, stress. These words are about creating space by having less, and having more time by doing less. These words are about choosing what you want to have in your life on all levels.


One could say that minimalism is about returning to a materially simpler life. Since the end of the 2nd World War and the birth of marketing we have been trained to consume. We are used to navigating our way through endless choices of brand, style, color, options, quality... Having stuff has become an indicator of success. Many of us deal with our unease by shopping. Being middle class seems to have become synonymous with having stuff. Is there a way to do life differently without "going back to the land." People are experimenting with downsizing their lives in all kinds of ways. The easiest way to begin is simply to declutter. 20 Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16

Allow the drum to take you deep into your self.

518-332-6581, Join her mailing list by emailing katrina@healingspringsjoural.com As Marie Kondo says in her book: “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” when we declutter we come back into active relationship with our stuff. She would have us hold every thing we own, category by category, in our hands, and let our bodies tell us if that thing sparks joy. Sounds a bit nutty? It’s a great way to quickly get in touch with all your reasons for keeping stuff around. This t-shirt, or that book, may not spark joy but our thrifty self says: it might be useful some day, or it is good for doing yard work in, or it cost a lot of money...and on and on. Meanwhile, stuff gathers dust, and gets lost because it has no place or is stuffed in the back of something or high up in some corner of our closet. Try creating one space, one room, or a part of one room in which every single thing has been consciously chosen by you to be there because you love and value it and appreciate it's function in your life. Then you will understand what is the life changing magic that Marie Kondo is talking about. Those of us who are growing older know that it becomes more difficult to see things, more difficult to keep track of things. Decluttering becomes a way of practicing making decisions about what is important to us. Decluttering helps us make and keep our environment and our affairs manageable so that we can relax, worry less, enjoy having what we really love around us. Turning around a habit of acquiring and saving is not easy. It can feel like trying to stop a very large heavy wheel that is rolling by force of inertia in one direction and get it going in the opposite direction, that of letting go. Yes, releasing is not an experience most of us are as comfortable with as acquiring. And yet it is as important for our health, and for balance in our lives. We inhale and exhale. We take in nutrients and release what our bodies cannot use. As we move along in our lives our needs and tastes change. To

have current and vibrant spaces we need to release what is no longer needed. This applies not just to things but to our activities and commitments, to every way in which we use our time and energy. Julie Morgenstern, author of Time Management From the Inside Out says: “A day has so many hours or minutes, just as a closet has so many feet or inches. The trick is knowing what fits. “ However, what fits is not just about feet or inches, it is about what feels good, what creates beauty, what you value the most. I love to hear people who have decluttered and simplified their lives talk about having more money, more energy, more time, more space, and perhaps most important, more peace of mind. Sounds good doesn't it? Conact the author for references se in this article. Wendy Ball LMHC has a private practice in Albany NY where she offers EMDR and Hakomi therapy, Shamanic Energy Healing, and Life Transition Coaching. For more information you may contact her at 518-813-8524, or email her at wendy.ball@yahoo.com

“To have current and vibrant spaces we need to release what is no longer needed. This applies not just to things but to our activities and commitments, to every way in which we use our time and energy.”


Ask the ractitioner


I am waking up in the middle of the night and unable to fall back asleep for hours. The lack of sleep is beginning to take a toll on my life and I do not want to take sleep aids. Can you help?

Chiropractor; Lynn Allison How frustrating to not be able to sleep through the night. It seems like such a basic thing yet often stresses us out. The news has reported lack of 6-7 hours of sleep is not good for our brains, our weight or our digestion. Your insomnia is sleep maintenance, different from not being able to fall asleep. Our brain prepares for sleep as the light dims in the evening. The lower light triggers the pineal gland to shift from serotonin production into melatonin production. It works as the sun’s strength and angle lessens in the fall, encouraging us to sleep longer preparing for hibernation. Don’t you wish we could just hunker down for the winter and rest? We sleep in cycles. Before artificial lights, it was normal to sleep for 4-5 hours, waken and do something (many babies were the result of this) and fall into a second sleep. Now we stay awake longer into the night so are concerned when we do not sleep

Wendy Ball LMHC Psychotherapy, Counseling, Shamanic Ener gy Healing Certified in EMDR & Hakomi therapies Depression, anxiety and trauma-based problem behaviors, pre-verbal trauma, relationship issues, life transition issues

518-813-8524 • wendy.ball@yahoo.com www.wendyballcounseling.com straight through. The question is what drags you out of dreamtime? Heartburn, aches and pains, light or noise? What keeps you awake? Ruminating of the day to come, worrying or just not tired? After 15-20 minutes of not falling back asleep, stop fighting it, get out of bed and do quiet activities until you get sleepy again. A light snack (especially one high in an amino acid tryptophan like warm milk, cocoa or turkey) reading a book, a bath or shower, meditation or yoga may return your brain to sleep mode. Yoga Journal suggests these poses Forward bend soothes the mind, Cat/ Cow pose to stretch the spine, Puppy pose, a cross between child pose and downward dog calms the mind and the Corpse pose. Do not watch TV or use the computer . Establishing a bedtime routine tells your body you are headed to sleepand to start turning off. When you awake in the night, repeating this routine will remind your brain to sleep again. Your bedroom should be for sleeping or sex. You want to remove all electronics with display lights or cover up the display lights since light stimulates the pineal gland especially in the blue spectrum. Relocate any entertainment separate from the sleep area. Phones should be away from the bed. E readers also can trigger the same response, so read an old fashioned book. People who exercise moderately every day for 30 minutes sleep better. Go for a walk, leaving the day’s worries on the path. Get a white noise machine or fan to block outside sounds. Find yourself running over things to do? Keep a pad by the bed, write them down and let go knowing you will remember them in the morning. Don’t forget the wisdom of counting your blessings rather than worry. Lavender calms the mind so put sachets in your pillowcases and crush them when you wake, meditate or do the corpse pose. It may be enough to start retraining your brain that returning to #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16 I Healing Springs 21

sleep is desired. Melatonin supplements and valerian root are two potential sleep aids concerns about use them too much are arising. Lynn Allison, DC uses a combination of Craniosacral therapy, nutrition consultation, kinesiology and chiropractic in her 20 year practice in the Capital Region. She has a website www.knotdr.info and can be contacted at knotdr@juno.com or 518-268-9542.

Homeopathy; Claudia Ascione Sleep disturbances are prevalent and a product of an over stimulated culture. It would be helpful to view sleep with an attitude of reverence and make preparations for it just as you prepare for your waking life. During sleep, our waking, conscious self recedes, our body rests and the deeper, magnificent, unconscious self takes charge and carries us into dream’s landscapes Ancient cultures understood the importance of sleep, not only as a physical and mental time of restoration, but as a time when we touch the Infinite, when the vast portal to Spirit opens and we visit other realms. In ancient Egypt there were "sleep temples", sacred places that people visited to receive healings, took dream journeys and received profound guidance for their lives. The Dali Lama has said that “sleep is the best meditation.” We need to regain some of this sacred connection to the sleep state. While the causes of disturbed sleep are unique to each individual, there are steps that you can take to encourage a healthy, restorative, sleep time. Getting to bed before 11PM can optimize beneficial sleep time. Ensure that the room is dark enough and if not, consider wearing an eye mask. Avoid all stimulants for at least 2 hours before retiring. Cultivate a mood of tranquility by taking a warm bath with lavender or rose essences and sipping herbal teas. Read inspiring words. Disconnect from the computer screens within this time frame. When you awaken during the night, stay in bed, and take stock of what’s causing your wakefulness. If worries and fears come to mind, replace them with serene thoughts. Gratitude dispels negative feelings and enhances relaxation as does prayer or listening to guided meditation. Keep calming aids, like these near the bedside. Many homeopathic remedies and flower essences can also help calm mental and emotional surges that inhibit relaxation. “A well spent day brings happy sleep” said Leonardo Da Vinci, so cultivate the goodness of life to have restorative rest. Claudia Ascione, MA.MS. CH. is a practitioner of the healing arts of homeopathy, spiritual counsel, hypnosis, regression and Jin Shin Jyutsu. Integrating a deeply intuitive and spiritual approach to bring awareness and clarity to healing concerns, she offers private sessions in Niskayuna, Manhattan and Ardsley, NY. For more information or to schedule a session, please call (518) 372-7023.

Acupuncture; Gregg St Clair The US Department of Health states that approximately 64 million Americans regularly suffered from insomnia each year. Insomnia is defined as “difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep.” It is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Sleep deprivation is used as torture, so it’s no wonder people suffering can be desperate for relief. Acupuncture has a long tradition of treating insomnia successfully, especially from those suffering from anxiety, chronic pain or the elderly. Some reports suggest that certain acupuncture procedures have a nearly 90% success rate for the treatment of insom-


Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16

nia. It is something I treat regularly, usually as a side effect of another disease, with very good results. Acupuncture increases the amount of certain substances in the brain, such as serotonin, which promote relaxation and sleep, and endorphins which calm anxiety, reduce pain and give one a sense of well being. Our lifestyle and healthy sleep habits are essential for treating insomnia. The following strategies may help treat the condition: • Maintain a consistent sleeping and waking time. • Establish the bedroom as a place for sleep and sexual activity only, not for reading, watching television, or working. • Avoid naps, especially in the evening. • Take a hot bath about 2 hours before bedtime. • Keep the bedroom cool, well ventilated, quiet, and dark. • Avoid looking at the clock—this promotes anxiety and obsession about time. • Avoid fluids just before bedtime. • Avoid exercising just before bedtime.• Avoid television just before bedtime. • Avoid caffeine in the later hours of the day. • Eat a carbohydrate snack, such as cereal or crackers, just before bedtime. • Move to another room with dim lighting if sleep does not occur after spending 15 to 20 minutes in bed. • Check side effects of medications that might produce sleep disturbances. Gregg St.Clair, L.Ac., www.stclairfamilyacupuncture.com, 518-383-1230.

Homeopathy; Jerome Pindell So interesting that you should ask this question as it is SAD time for many of us in the Northeast, in addition to the fact that a number of clients have come to me seeking help for this issue. To begin, there are many ways to regard ‘insomnia’. Is it difficulty falling asleep, waking in the middle of the night, or disturbed sleep, where you waken frequently and have difficulty falling back into sleep? Other questions are what do you do when you awaken? Do you lie quietly, or get up and move, eat, turn on lights? Do you lie in bed with thoughts churning about? Is the time of night that you awaken regular, or irregular? Is your room very dark, or is there light coming in? Recent studies have shown that electro-magnetic frequencies can play a role in sleep disturbances. So, if you have a sensitivity to such things, even the orientation of your bed in relation to east/west, north/south, or moon phases need to be considered. Finally, do you suffer from undiagnosed sleep apnea? Even minor apnea can interfere with deep sleep cycles, where the true rejuvenation of the spirit occurs. There are so many reasons for sleep disturbances that it is difficult to advise any one course of action. As a practitioner of homeopathy, hypnosis, and Jin Shin Jyutsu, all of which I would use in cases of insomnia, I would suggest working in areas that assist you to come close to pinpointing the cause of the imbalance. The taking of drugs, whether herbal or conventional, can exacerbate the disharmony. Not that some herbal remedies would be contraindicated in all cases, but the circadian rhythms of the body are very temperamental and habits can be formed very easily before we recognize their existence. Be gentle with any approach that you take, because sleep is a sacred time and harmony can be restored when you accept the inter-relationship between body, mind, emotions and spirit. Jerome M Pindell uses Homeopathy, Hypnosis, Jin Shin Jyutsu, and spiritual counseling to assist his clients. He is a poet, whose book, Training Tracks, poems by implosion, is available through Amazon. He has offices in Clifton Park, Niskayuna, and NYC. He can reached @ 518-374-5492 or through his web sight www.jeromepindell.com.

Ready TO Hibernate? by Kelly Myszkowski eeling the stress and pressure of the upcoming holidays mounting? Worrying about what your plans might entail, how those days might play out, family dynamics, shopping, sales, menus, weather, decorations, etc.? Are you so caught up in all of that that you haven’t stopped to appreciate the natural rhythms associated with this time of the year? If you are simply pushing to “keep up”, or “get it done on time”, you are probably in crisis or react mode. Those are not healthy modes to live in the majority of the time. They take their toll on your health and well-being, and age you quickly.


Did you know that synchronizing with those natural rhythms, and taking time to fully appreciate their significance, can help: • reduce stress, • keep you feeling balanced, • keep you healthier, and • lead to a higher quality of life? Engaging in some form of religious practice or spiritual tradition related to your observed holidays, and making New Year’s Resolutions as year-end approaches is a start. But, even then, are you truly present to the deeper significance of it all? Or are you really just pushing thru it to keep up, and get it done? Are you succumbing to the external pressures and traditions around you? As we move into winter months, our bodies naturally are preparing for our own version of “hibernation”. We sowed our seeds of intention in Spring, nurtured and brought them to fruition in Summer, reaped our harvest in gratitude in Fall. Now, moving thru the “HOLYdays” and Winter is a time to rest and rejuvenate. It is a sacred time to be quiet, still, and go within. It is especially conducive to deep self inquiry, and enVisioning our lives, bringing forth from the womb of stillness our own Essence through connecting with Higher consciousness, the Divine Light within. Birthing and bringing our YOU-nique beautiful Gifts to the world contributing to the greater whole. It is a time for us to connect with something deeper, bigger than we are, to KNOW and connect with who we Truly are, what we Truly want, and what we Truly are meant to BE and DO. Time to enVision our next steps, and resolve to take those in the coming year. We each are as YOU-nique as the snowflakes that are destined to appear, and contribute to the beauty of ALL in our own ways. Synchronizing with our innate drives to be still, and go within allows the bigger picture to become clearer, allows us to better know ourselves and how we can each best make our own YOU-

nique contribution to the world, letting our Inner Light shine. With that clarity and deep knowing, we can make better decisions fueled with inspiration, passion, and commitment. We can feel more at ease, happier, more fulfilled, and be healthier going forward in our inspired actions. We JEROME MICHAEL PINDELL are more likely to folHomeopathy low thru with our “resHypnosis olutions” if they come Jin Shin Jyutsu from this clarity and inspiration, LOVE, than if they come from 518 374-5492 purely from our Ego www.jeromepindell.com self, intellect, or someone else’s idea of who/what/how we should be. Then, we feel and experience more success, and gain momentum to continue to shine. That doesn’t mean life won’t challenge us. We humans are very capable of fears and doubts. I find the stress, fear, and doubts have a different quality when I am living aligned with my TRUTH, from a place of deep connection. They are much less likely to stop me when my motivation is driven from a higher place. Often, the challenges remind me of what’s important, and that it is all worth it in the end. No regrets. How about you? How will you approach this holy season? I invite you to take time to savor the moment, go within, and resolve to connect to and live your TRUTH. The world is waiting for you. It needs you to let your Inner Light shine and contribute your YOU-nique Gifts to the beauty that is. Kelly Myszkowski is a gifted life transformation coach, bodyworker, healer, teacher, speaker, writer, work in progress, and closet comedienne. She specializes in helping mid-life women who are dissatisfied with their lives, create their “Best Life Yet” NOW for an amazing second half. She guides them in learning to relax deeply, listen to their bodies, release the patterns that no longer serve them, and create new patterns that do, while learning to envision, create and live the fulfilling life their heart knows they were born to live. As your healing journey concierge and Best Life Yet Coach at Inner Light Transformational Coaching & Craniosacral Therapy, she offers a variety of programs including craniosacral therapy in person and/or transformational coaching privately by phone, as well as working with groups in workshop settings. She also loves inspiring audiences as a guest speaker. www.letyourinnerlightshine.com www.facebook.com/InnerLightWithKelly.

“As we move into winter months, our bodies naturally are preparing for our own version of “hibernation.” #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16 I Healing Springs


Sniffing Out Stress for the Holidays by Sarah Lobisco, ND s a naturopathic and functional medicine doctor, I’m almost obsessive about choosing the right supplements, nutrients, diet, and/or lifestyle modifications for the individual. Therefore, my wellness plans are tailored to each person’s specific needs. Similar to the Eastern approaches of viewing everyone holistically, my training in these two integrative methods utilizes the best treatments in conventional and natural methods based on one’s genetics, health history, environmental exposures, lifestyle, and current state of health. So, if you want to get me on a soap box, tell me that one thing will help everyone, when I know it won’t. For example, cutting carbohydrates too low or implementing the ever-popular intermittent fasting trend may, for some women, cause hormonal dysfunctions and/or weight gain!


With that in mind, the majority of people I work with—close to 95%—essential oils are an amazing support for wellness. However, for those who have over-responsive nervous systems, multiple chemical sensitivity, or brain trauma, certain essential oils may be too stimulating. That being said, with the holidays, aromatherapy is one of the most associated means in natural health to calm the body and mind. We are also in a season of sniffles, and essential oils are immune-modulating. Therefore, it is a good time to review with my Healing Springs readers why you may want to become a human essential oil diffusor. The Strange-Smelling Essential Oil Mammalian Creatures Essential oil enthusiasts may appear as mysterious creatures to outsiders. After 14 years, the curious side glances that occur as I walk by strangers who catch a whiff of my radiating mist of essential oils has become commonplace. However, passersby may not realize that these essential oils aroma clouds may be producing positive health effects on their unsuspecting sniffers. Reason 1:

Vapor Shields in a Buggy World

Just as we emit our own microbiome cloud similar to Pig Pen from Charlie Brown, many essential oil lovers also produce their own “buggy vapor shield” of sweet-smelling flowers and plants. Quality essential oils have been shown to help our immune response while not harming our good belly bugs. Essential oils are plant secondary metabolites (such as polyphenols, phenylproponoids, terpenoids, etc.). This makes them important for plants’ survival and supports their immune defense. These same compounds have shown to exhibit similar benefits for humans as well. Furthermore, it’s common knowledge of many esteemed integrative practitioners that certain essential oils prevent biofilm formation and trump other pathways that make microbes stay around too long in our bodies 24 Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16

Even more exciting, the polyphenols in essential oils may actually serve to feed or modulate the decline in beneficial microbes in our bellies. In contrast, other microbe-eating methods may wipe out or harm our one trillion + tiny friends residing in our inner tubes. Beyond the pretty smell of essential oil vapor, many are surprised to learn of essential oils’ in vitro (cell culture studies) support for preventing cellular growth issues. This makes the alternative of perfumes that may be loaded with xenoestrogens and endocrine-disruptors linked to a variety of diseases just plain toxic. Reason Two: Stress Relieving Scents

Various constituents such as phytoestrogens and other compounds in essential oils can enter our bloodstream though inhalation and topical actions. Studies have shown these applications may have an effect on modulating stress and hormonal imbalances using specific measurements. For example, one study classified 22 menopausal women in their 50’s into normal and depressive tendency groups using the Korean version of Beck Depression Inventory-I (KBDI-I), KBDI-II, and Korean version of Self-rating Depression Scale. The researchers examined changes in neurotransmitter concentrations, cortisol, and thyroid stimulating hormone in relationship to inhalation of the oil and the versions of depression inventory. The researchers found that inhalation of clary sage decreased cortisol and increased 5hydroxytrptamine (the monoamine, serotonin). Finally, in a study with 22 volunteers, lavender and rosemary essential oils were shown to reduce cortisol and increase the body’s antioxidant protection. Reason Three: Healthy Blood Flow

A 2008 study demonstrated how the relaxation effect of lavender inhalation improved coronary flow velocity in healthy young men. The abstract reads: PURPOSE: It has been reported that mental stress is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular events and impairs coronary circulation. Lavender aromatherapy, one of the most popular complementary treatments, is recognized as a beneficial mental relaxation therapy. However, no study has examined the effect of this therapy on coronary circulation. We aimed to assess the effect of lavender aromatherapy on coronary circulation by measuring coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) with noninvasive transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (TTDE). MATERIAL AND METHODS: We enrolled 30 young healthy men

Reclaim your ancient wisdom Workshops & private sessions bringing you to your real self.

Full Moon Drum Journeys; Jan. 24, Feb. 22, Mar. 23, Apr. 22 January’s will be at Namaste Yoga, 2 Franklin Square 6:30pm, $20 Come to one or come to all

Join the community, connect with your ancient self katrina@healingspringsjournal.com to receive event messages (mean age 34+/-4.7 years, range 24-40 years). Coronary flow velocities in the left anterior descending coronary artery were recorded by TTDE at rest and during hyperemia induced with an intravenous infusion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). CFVR was calculated as the ratio of hyperemic to basal mean diastolic flow velocity. CFVR was assessed at baseline and immediately after lavender aromatherapy (four drops of essential oil diluted with 20 ml of hot water and inhaled for 30 min). Simultaneously, serum cortisol was measured as a marker of stress hormones. To exclude the relaxation effects of rest, the same measurements were repeated in the same volunteers without aromatherapy as a control study. RESULTS: CFVR measurements were obtained in all volunteers (100%). Blood pressure and heart rate responses to ATP infusion were not affected by lavender aromatherapy. Serum cortisol significantly decreased after lavender aromatherapy (8.4+/-3.6 to 6.3+/-3.3, p<0.05), but remained unchanged in controls (9.1+/3.5 to 8.1+/-3.9, p=ns). In addition, CFVR significantly increased after lavender aromatherapy (3.8+/-0.87 to 4.7+/-0.90, p<0.001), but not in controls (3.9+/-0.8 to 3.9+/-0.8, p=ns). CONCLUSIONS: Lavender aromatherapy reduced serum cortisol and improved CFVR in healthy men. These findings suggest that lavender aromatherapy has relaxation effects and may have beneficial acute effects on coronary circulation. Furthermore, in a randomized, controlled trial with 83 hypertensive and pre-hypertensive subjects, the researchers reported, “In conclusion, the inhalation of an essential oil had immediate and continuous effects on the home SBP, daytime BP, and the stress reduction. Essential oils may have relaxation effects for controlling hypertension.” Reason Four: Human Interactions

The sense of smell is an amazing thing, intricately linked to emotion and social interaction. Smell, therefore, could both positively and negatively impact social cues from the emitter, as well as effecting pheromones. (Most reports have been on the positive side of pheromones in an unscientific survey I ran for this blog with a simple yes or no from various clients and family members.) Summary & Conclusion Essential oils can be a means to calming, stress-relief, immune support, heart health, and pleasant social interactions for this hol-

Katrina Clay’s mission is to show that animals, nature and music are guides to living an authentic and symbolic life.

iday season. Although that may sound a little snake-oily, you read the science above. However, make sure you’re choosing the best oils and support for you based on your individualized needs. I’m excited to announce I’ll be releasing my new book, BreakFree Medicine, the start of the year. More information is below. Have a peace-filled, healthy, and happy holiday season! Sarah Lobisco, ND, is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM). She is licensed in Vermont as a naturopathic doctor and holds a Bachelor of Psychology from State University of New York at Geneseo. Dr. LoBisco speaks professionally on integrative medical topics, has several journal publications, and is a candidate for postdoctoral certification in functional medicine. Dr. LoBisco currently incorporates her training in holistic medical practices and conventional medicine through writing, researching, private practice, and through her independent contracting work for companies regarding supplements, nutraceuticals, essential oils, and medical foods. She has a private wellness phone consultation practice where she works with clients nationally. Dr. LoBisco also does individualized consulting for choosing the best essential oils for the individual. Dr. LoBisco also enjoys continuing to educate and empower her readers through her blogs and social media. Dr. LoBisco’s upcoming book BreakFree Medicine, will be released early next year. Her book focuses on empowering patients and doctors with a new perspective and approach to remedy the dreary health statistics of our nation. BreakFree Medicine offers a broader definition of health, one that focuses on true vitality and the patient’s goals. Her recent blogs about living naturally in our complex world and on the applications of essential oils can be found at www.drlobisco.com and at www.saratoga.com/living-well. Please contact Dr. LoBisco for references used in this article. Disclaimer: This information is applicable ONLY for therapeutic quality essential oils. This information DOES NOT apply to essential oils that have not been tested for purity or standardization. There is no quality control in the United States, and oils labeled as “100% pure” may only contain 5% of the actual oil. The rest of the bottle may be fillers and sometimes toxic ingredients that can irritate the skin and body. This material is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any illness. You should check with your doctor regarding implementing any new strategies into your wellness regime. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

#83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16 I Healing Springs



JANUARY: Exploring the mystical, mental aspirations and foreign cultures are of interest for the New Year. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th through the 25th, you may reconsider your aims in life or your career. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th giving you a renewed interest in creative talents or hobbies. The Full Moon on the 23rd helps to resolve any family matters.



Astrological December ‘15/January ‘16

Using Standard Time locate your Rising Sign or Ascendant. If your birth time is Daylight Savings Time, subtract one hour. Your actual Rising Sign or Ascendant may differ depending on certain time of birth and dates; however, not to confuse the nonastrologer use the sign indicated for your Forecast. This placement is similar to the transiting planet’s location in your Natal Chart, except for exact degrees, and will correctly indicate your Forecast. For example, if you are a Gemini born at 6:38 P.M., your Ascendant is Capricorn. IT SHOULD BE NOTED: In December, the Sun enters Capricorn for the Winter Solstice on the 21st. Uranus turns Direct on the 25th at 16:34 Aries and all of the other planets are Direct for the month. The Full Moon occurs on December 25th at 03:20 Cancer. In January, Mercury goes Retrograde on the 5th at 01:01 Aquarius through the 25th. Jupiter also turns Retrograde on the 8th at 23:14 Virgo. The Full Moon occurs on the 23rd at 03:29 Leo.

DECEMBER: Forming partnerships, cooperating with others and legal contracts are the highlights for this month. Uranus turns direct and the Full Moon both occur on the 25th adding to this Holiday Season. Uranus going direct can bring new friends into your circle who help you to set new goals. The Full Moon not only rules your finances and security, but how you prepare for them. JANUARY: Mediumistic abilities, solving problems and sharing resources are the focus for the New Year. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th through the 25th, it brings you a desire for new knowledge or mental pursuits. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th and you take a renewed interest in your home. The Full Moon on the 23rd gives you time to catch-up on paperwork and calls.

CANCER ASCENDANT DECEMBER: Maintaining well-being, solving problems and acquiring efficiency are important for this month. Uranus turns direct and the Full Moon both occur on the 25th adding to this Holiday Season. Uranus can bring new career opportunities or even recognition for a job well-done. The Full Moon wants you to show everyone who you really are and you like the attention. JANUARY: Forming partnerships, legal contracts and public relations are important for the New Year. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th through the 25th, you take the time to examine your joint assets. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th and brings invitations from your friends and neighbors. The Full Moon on the 23rd rules your finances as you analyze your spending and saving.

LEO ASCENDANT ARIES ASCENDANT DECEMBER: Prophetic dreams, universal mysteries and mental pursuits are the focus for this month. Uranus turns direct and the Full Moon both occur on the 25th adding to this Holiday Season. Uranus turning direct will bring you new ideas and personal perceptions. The Full Moon indicates seasonal family gatherings and events as well as satisfactorily resolving any existing problems. JANUARY: Setting priorities, obtaining respect and assuming responsibility are important for the New Year. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th through the 25th, it is a time to rethink your goals and directions in life. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th and you seek new ways to improve your work or services. The Full Moon on the 23rd involves fun with loved ones and creative talents.

DECEMBER: Being in love, expressing oneself and mastering skills are favored for this month. Uranus turns direct and the Full Moon both occur on the 25th adding to this Holiday Season. Uranus gives you the desire to gain knowledge as you reach out for new horizons. The Full Moon allows you to learn about yourself on a spiritual level as you correct any past mistakes. JANUARY: Serving others, learning efficiency and forming new habits are explored for the New Year. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th through the 25th, discuss important issues in relationships carefully. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th and suggests that you do not overspend. The Full Moon on the 23rd finds you seeking changes in your appearance and expression.

VIRGO ASCENDANT TAURUS ASCENDANT DECEMBER: Other’s assets, changing old habits and new-age teachings are favored for this month. Uranus turns direct and the Full Moon both occur on the 25th adding to this Holiday Season. After Uranus turns direct, you are able to clear up old problems. The Full Moon brings subtle changes in your everyday life and neighborhood. You take a renewed interest in studies. 26 Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16

DECEMBER: Home-front activity, domestic interests and family gatherings are important for this month. Uranus turns direct and the Full Moon both occur on the 25th adding to this Holiday Season. Uranus will now allow the return of stability in your relationships and joint finances. The Full Moon asks you to evaluate your recent achievements and then reset your long-term directions. JANUARY: Joys of life, relieving stress and expressing oneself

are the highlights for the New Year. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th through the 25th, you take a renewed interest in your health. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th and can offer you new opportunities if you believe in yourself. The Full Moon on the 23rd creates an interest in spiritual and psychic teachings.

LIBRA ASCENDANT DECEMBER: Everyday environment, routine activities and all communications are the focus for this month. Uranus turns direct and the Full Moon both occur on the 25th adding to this Holiday Season. Uranus affects your partnerships, both business and personal, and you can learn from it. The Full Moon can bring you an opportunity or recognition in your career area, or equivalent. JANUARY: Feeling secure, family ties and domestic matters are analyzed for the New Year. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th through the 25th, use sensitivity when communicating with others. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th drawing you to volunteer and spiritual work. The Full Moon on the 23rd rules your hopes and wishes and you may reset your long-term directions.

SCORPIO ASCENDANT DECEMBER: Valued resources, material rewards and one’s earning power are highlighted for this month. Uranus turns direct and the Full Moon both occur on the 25th adding to this Holiday Season. Uranus brings a new attitude to your work as you deal with mental and physical efficiency. The Full Moon gives you an interest in such topics as the law, philosophies and spirituality. JANUARY:Mental activities, educational opportunities and one’s neighbor-hood are important for the New Year. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th through the 25th, you take time to examine your personal life. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th and you rethink your hopes for the future. The Full Moon on the 23rd can bring you recognition through your career, or equivalent.

jection are important for the New Year. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th through the 25th, review agreements or contracts carefully before signing. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th drawing you to mental pursuits and even formal classes. The Full Moon on the 23rd can be the time to analyze your shared assets.

AQUARIUS ASCENDANT DECEMBER: Developing friendships, reaching one’s goals and group participation are favored for this month. Uranus turns direct and the Full Moon both occur on the 25th adding to this Holiday Season. Uranus helps you to develop new friends and interests as your attitudes in life change. The Full Moon renews your interest in your body’s care through diet and exercise. JANUARY: Finding oneself,. spiritual rebirth and house of karma are researched for the New Year. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th through the 25th, you are able to analyze yourself with objectivity. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th allowing you to heal and free yourself from old patterns. The Full Moon on the 23rd suggests learning to better understand others.

PISCES ASCENDANT SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANT DECEMBER: Personal potential, discovering the self and one’s appearance are analyzed for this month. Uranus turns direct and the Full Moon both occur on the 25th adding to this Holiday Season. Uranus makes you want to put more fun in your life through loved ones, hobbies and creativity. The Full Moon indicates subtle changes in shared assets and your ability to settle old debts. JANUARY: Gaining financially, use of assets and gaining freedom are analyzed for the New Year. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th through the 25th, you will reconsider a workshop or new study. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th and gives you the chance to reconsider changes in your career, or equivalent. The Full Moon on the 23rd gives an interest in studies and traveling.

CAPRICORN ASCENDANT DECEMBER: Spiritual rebirth, universal laws and assisting the needy are important for this month. Uranus turns direct and the Full Moon both occur on the 25th adding to this Holiday Season. Uranus allows you to become more flexible in your personal and domestic world. The Full Moon can bring changes in your relationships through understanding others and compromising. JANUARY: Approach to life, personal matters and image pro-

DECEMBER: Personal power, one’s social status and the career world are important for this month. Uranus turns direct and the Full Moon both occur on the 25th adding to this Holiday Season. Uranus allows a flexibility with financial opportunities as your values begin to change. The Full Moon brings fun with your loved ones and children as they seek your help with their projects. JANUARY: Setting new goals, humanitarian causes and developing friendships are favored for the New Year. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th through the 25th, you may enjoy a group meditation or a retreat. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th as you seek harmony and compatibility in all of your relationships. The Full Moon on the 23rd rules your work and physical efficiency. Arlene is an Author, Astrologer and Para-Consultant and has studied and worked with astrology for more than forty years. She has also been a professional astrologer since 1980. Arlene has a Certificate of Merit from Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson (CA 1982) and a Certificate of Proficiency from the Mayo School of Astrology (London 1985). In addition, she holds certifications from the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (1982-2016) as both a Medium and Spiritual Healer (Lily Dale, NY). Arlene can be reached at Astrological Concepts, Telephone (518) 371-8097 or Visit My Web Site at: http://www.yourstarsite.com #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16 I Healing Springs 27

CALENDAR ONGOING Tune In To Wellness Today TV Show, with LisaMarie Tersigni. Meet local wellness providers and learn the benefits of natural wellness modalities, services and products available. View 24/7 at SACC.TV Mondays and Wednesdays Gentle Kripalu Yoga Classes - 4:005:30 PM, First class free! Join Nini Gridley for a compassionate blend of warm-ups, sequenced asanas, shavasana, pranayama, and meditation designed to pacify the “Vata” energy through a well rounded yoga practice that is relaxing yet energizing for all levels of practitioners. Beginners are welcome. It’s gentle for every body. www.yogamandali.com 4th Wednesdays Living on a Plant Based Diet Monthly Gathering Basically if your into vegetables and fruit as your predominate calorie source come and hang out! We meet the 4th Wednesday of the Month 6:30-7:30 pm at Four Seasons Cafe on Phila Street- Hosted by Heather Stewart, owner of Pre K in the Park a high fruit and vegetable Pre School. www.plantbaseddietgathering.blogspot.com

DECEMBER Saturday, December, 5 Glide Through the Holidays with More Ease. FREE Workshop with Suzanne Lynch, Held at Namaste Yoga, 2 Franklin Square, Saratoga Springs, 1-3pm Online Pre-registration Required, Limited to15 Students. SaratogaSpringsYoga.com,

(518) 588-5542. All levels strengthening yoga — Blissful restorative poses. Friday, December 11 New Moon today at 5:29 AM, EST. The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Call Nini Gridley for details on this month’s very special New Moon Meditation - 518 573-0571. Sunday, December 13 Reiki 1st Degree Class - 8:30 AM - 6 PM. Reiki is a spiritual/energy healing practice originated in Japan in the 1920's. It promotes and supports healing and well-being at all levels. This authentic training includes 4 traditional initiations, methods for working on oneself and on others, with participants fully qualified to practice, and eligible for 2nd Degree training. $150. Bob Weissberg Community Massage & Holistic Therapies, 270 River Street Suite 201, Troy, NY. Register: 518-390-0299, rweissbe@nycap.rr.com. December 16-18 WINTER SOLSTICE CELEBRATION / WELLNESS FAIR WITH THE SACRED DREAM CIRCLES hosted by Zelda Hotaling at Saint Paul's Methodist Church, Carney Road, Castleton, NY. Main Event is preceded by Open House December 16 at the Church from 4-8pm. Sacred Dream Circles will be on display for viewing and/or meditations from 48pm FREE. Wellness Professionals will be available to share information and wares. Yoga Nidra with Kathleen Fisk December 18th from 6-6:30. There will be two Celebrations on December 19. 1-3pm and 6:30-8:30pm. Children are welcome

DIRECTORY ACUPUNCTURE Michael Wayne, Saratoga Springs & Clifton Park, 518-210-1557 The Acupuncture Studio, Glens Falls, 518-615-0505

ANIMAL CARE Jill Stewart, Equine Sports Massage Therapist and Canine Massage Therapist, Certified Aromatherapist 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com www.Privatelabel-aromatherapy.com

Ageless Acupuncture, Bridgette Kinder, Saratoga Springs, 518-538-6568, www.agelessinsaratoga.com Susan Hamlin, The Saratoga Animal 28 Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16

under their parents guidance. Suggested Donation $20 Children and students free. More Info: zeldahotaling.com.

JANUARY Saturday, January 9 New Moon today at 8:31 PM, EST. The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Contact Nini Gridley for details on the New Moon Meditation 518 573-0571. Sunday, January 24 Go From Overwhelm to Ease in 2016, 1:00-3:30pm. FREE Workshop with Suzanne Lynch At Yoga Mandali, 454 Broadway, Saratoga Springs NY. Online Pre-registration Required, Limited to 25 Students. SaratogaSpringsYoga.com (518)588-5542. Synch up with the cycles of Nature and learn how to make 2016 one of your best yet! I’ll share practical steps to help you get more grounded, focused, and clear about your direction for the New Year. Strengthening, supportive all-levels yoga class. Deep Alignment Meditation with Creative Source Energy. Sunday, Jan.uary 24 Full Moon Journey, Katrina Clay wlll host a drum journey on the night of each 4 subsequent full moons. The evenings will contain two journeys, one guided one free. Come to one or come to all. The dates are Jan. 24, Feb 22, Mar 23, Apr 22. Please join my mailing list by emaiing katrina@healingspringsjournel.com, if you are not already on it, to be informed of the location of each journey. They will be in Saratoga.

SAVE THE DATE April 16-17 2016 Holistic and Spiritual Arts Fair in Oneonta, www.shiftnewyork.com

Whisperer Animal Communication, 518-245-8010, www.animal-whisper.com Kristina Dallas, DVM. Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture. Saratoga Springs, NY. 727-2940. Holistic care for pets. House calls. River Street Pet Spa., Warrensburg pet grooming, spa packages, reiki. 518-9322772 www.theriverstreetpetspa.com AROMATHERAPY Jill Stewart, Cert. aromatherapist, full

line of human and animal aromatherapy products, single essential oils and custom blends Gift baskets and party favors available 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.privatelabel-aromatherapy.com ART THERAPY Camille Grec, MA, Saratoga and Schenectady, (518) 852-8540, cukarandera@gmail.com, www.camillegrec.com ASTROLOGY Arlene DeAngelus, ADeAngelus@aol.com, www.yourstarsite.com


BACH FLOWER REMEDIES Nini Gridley, MS Ed, BFRP, Consultations by appointment, in person or over the phone. 518-573-0571 or fullspectrumhealing@gmail.com, www.ninigridley.com, CAREER COUNSELING Penny Loretto, 518-798-6057, career@careerchoic.com, www.careerchoic.com CENTERS Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center, www.stillpointretreatcenter.com, 518-587-4967 Kawing Crow Awareness Center, 518-893-2620, www.kawingcrow.com CHELATION THERAPY Dr Andrew Garner, Glens Falls, 5187989401, www.drandrewgarner.com, agarner@roadrunner.com CHIROPRACTORS Delmar Chiropractic, Delmar, 518-439-7644 Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com COACHES Cate LaBarre, Personal and group coaching by phone and teleconference. Workshops in Saratoga Region. http://TheFordInstitute.com/CateLaBarre 518-882-9880, http://CateLaBarreCoach.com catelabarre@gmail.com Angela Kaufman, moonlighttarotllc.com. trionfi78@gmail.com. (513) 622-9178.

COUNSELING Avis Burnett, Clifton Park, 518-371-0579 Breakthrough Counseling Center, Saratoga, 518-683-2202, www.breakthroughcounselinginc.com

HEALTH AND WELLNESS PRODUCTS Evan Lawrence, Shaklee Independent Distributor. Healthy weight, nutrition, beauty, and home. Cambridge, (518) 6775662, healthyevan@verizon.net, http://healthyevan.myshaklee.com.

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Margery Chessare, LMT, BCST, Sessions and classes in the Saratoga area, 518-893-0421, ChessareMargery@gmail.com

HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE Jerome Pindell, Clifton Park, 518-3745492, www.jeromepindell.com

Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075, Lthomps2@nycap.rr.com, www.holistichealingartssaratoga.com

Claudia Ascione, MA, MS, CH, Niskayuna, Manhattan and Ardsley, NY. 518 372-7023.

Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com

HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS Private Label Aromatherapy: Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, All Purpose Cleaner, Household Cleaner, Essential Oil Deodorizing Sprays, Essential Oil Blends for Laundry and Dryer, Hand Soaps and more. Custom products also available. Jill Stewart 518-339-4348 Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.PrivateLabel-Aromatherapy.com

Sue Coughtry, LMT, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843


Cathy Saladis LMT, Albany & Clifton Park, 518-229-0741, www.headtotoe123.com DENTISTS Dr. Richard Aulicino, Lake George 518-668-9888, www.lookingoodnewsmile.com Dr. David B. Presser, Clifton Park, 518-371-5113

HYPNOTISM George Guarino CH, offices in Delmar and Clifton Park, 518-256-6549 www.HypnosisWorksWell.com, george@HypnosisWorksWell.com Barbra Stevens, 518-755-5053

ENERGY Jack Treiber, 518-225-4692 Energy4HH@Yahoo.com, www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com/treiber.php www. energyforhealthandhealing.com, energyforhealthandhealing.com Nina Lockwood, Healing Touch and Integrative Energy Medicine, 518-7915120, nina.lockwood@gmail.com. Elizabeth Marsh, LMT, Reiki, Chakra Balancing at A Peaceful Place (518) 371-2225 EQUINE ASSISTED PSYCHOTHERAPY Adirondack Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, LCSW, Fort Edward, NY, www.AdirondackEAP.com, info@AdirondackEAP.com

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, 518-506-6303, atobin.pih@gmail.com, www.partnersinhealing.info INTUITIVE/PSYCHIC CONSULTANT: Barbara Allen, BA, PTC. 518-587-2583; barbaraln@nycap.rr.com LIGHT THERAPY Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE Sue Coughtry, LMT, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843


HEALING TOUCH Nina Lockwood, Certified Healing MASSAGE THERAPY Touch Practitioner/Instructor, 518-791- Elin Cary, LMT, Mechanicville, 5185120, nina.lockwood@gmail.com 281-2810, www.ElinCaryMassage.com #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16 I Healing Springs 29

MASSAGE THERAPY (CON’T) Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com Sue Coughtry, LMT, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843


A Peaceful Place, Clifton Park, 518-371-2225, www.peacefulplace.com MATRIX ENERGETICS Rowena Fay, Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center, www.stillpointretreatcenter.com, 518-587-4967 stillpt423@aol.com MEDIUM Kelly M. Ballard, Clifton Park, (518) 461-7959, kelly@reflectiveharmony.com, www.reflectiveharmony.com MEDITATION The Mystic Satprem IKIERA Divine Holistic Healing Arts, Clifton Park, 518 788-7062, www.satpremji.com, www.ikierahealing.com MUSIC THERAPY Dennis Dominick, 518-361-5343, Djd1948@roadrunner.com

www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com PHYSICAL THERAPY Integrative Physical Therapy, 518-373-0735, www.inspiredtherapy.com PSYCHIC INTUITIVE CONSULTANT Diana Friedell Phone or in Oneonta Office, 607.433.2089 PSYCHOTHERAPY Wendy Ball LMHC, certified in EMDR and Hakomi therapies, specialize in trauma related disorders, couples counseling and life transition coaching. Albany office. 518813-8524. www.wendyballcounseling.com REIKI Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075, Lthomps2@nycap.rr.com, www.holistichealingartssaratoga.com Joyce Willson RN, RMT, The Art of Reiki, Troy, 518-271-7802, www.theartofreiki.com Joan M Frederick Classes/Treatments 518-829-7400, ProvidenceReiki.com Penelope Jewell Reiki classes and sessions www.ReikiWorks.info, www.penelope.org 518-480-9118

MYOFASCIAL RELEASE Virginia Touhey at A Peaceful Place, (518) 371-2225

Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843

NATURAL FOOD STORES Four Seasons Natural Foods Store & Cafe, Saratoga, 518-584-4670, wwwFourSeasonsNaturalFoods.com

REFLEXOLOGY Cathy Saladis LMT, Clifton Park and Albany, www.headtotoe123.com, 518-229-0741

Pure-N-Simple, GlensFalls, 518-798-4047

RETAIL Magic Moon, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-2488

NATUROPATHY Joanne Halloran, ND, Saratoga Healing Arts, 518-369-7080, www.doctorjoanne.com NUTRITION The Natural Improvement Center, Queensbury, 518-745-7473 Kathryn Kos Primal Bliss Nutrition; www.primalblissnutrition.com or e-mail primalblissnutrition@gmail.com.

Among Angels, Clifton Park, 518-357-8196, www.amongangels.com, info@amongangels.com ROLF STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION Nick Pavoldi, 518.389.2200, BodyworkProfessionals@gmail.com

SPIRITUAL SCHOOL School of the Golden Rosycross, a gnostic spiritual school for our time. ORGANIZATIONS Lectorium Rosicrucianum Conference Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Center, 21 Bushnell Avenue, Chatham, Network (SIPN), 518.392-2799, 30 Healing Springs I #83 Dec. ‘15—Jan. ‘16

www.lectoriumrosicrucianum.org, chatham@goldenrosycross.org TAI CHI The Tai Chi Center, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-9315, www.the-taichi-center.com The Lemon Tree Yoga and Healing Arts Studio, Glens Falls, www.lemontreeyoga.com, lemontreeyoga@yahoo.com, 518-301-3291, 301-3293 Asian Arts Tai Chi Center, Albany, 518-489-1458, info@AsianArtsGrp.com, www.AsianArtsGrp.com TAROT Joan Scannell, www.joanscannell.com


TRAVEL Learning Journeys, Call or click for a free brochure at 888.884.8259, Info@LearningJourneys.com, or www.LearningJourney.com/Wellness TREE SERVICE Foothills Tree Service, Practicing sustainable tree managment, 518-893-2620, www.kawingcrow.com WELLNESS CENTERS A Peaceful Place, Clifton Park, 518-371-2225, www.peacefulplace.com Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com YOGA Yoga Mandali, Saratoga, 518-584-0807, www.yogamandali.com, Saratoga’s longest continually running studio serving our community for over 10 years The Lemon Tree Yoga & Healing Arts Studio, Glens Falls, 518-301-3291, www.lemontreeyoga.com Yoga with Jen, Warrensburg & Minerva, 518-956-2818 Namaste Yoga, Saratoga Springs, namasteyogasaratoga.com or 518-222-7470 Sisters Rock, www.sisters-rock.com



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