Healing Springs Journal #84, Feb/Mar '16

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H sEpAr iLnIgNs G Issue #84, February—March, 2016

Shamanism, Energy, & Healing

Raising a Voice

v journal

Muscle Cramps Demystified

What About Reiki?

Cancer Options

Your Locally Owned and Independent Wellness Resource since 2002


Best Yoga Studio

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Healing Springs’ Symposium Humans are wired for community not computers, unplug for a day and heal your longing.

Plato’s Symposium

is unlike the other dialogs of Plato, in that Socrates does not question the others. Instead the various speakers take turns, offering what they know from his own perspective.

Morning HS Talks (Heart Sourced Talks)

The morning will be fashioned after a mix of Plato’s Symposium and Ted Talks.The selected speakers will talk from their heart to yours.

Afternoon Choose 2 Workshops

The morning’s speakers will offer an afternoon workshop. Subjects to be announced

Closing A Sound Healing

with Zelda Hotaling

May 21st • 10am-6pm Morning HSS Talks alone; $10 Whole Day $50 pre-register, $75 at door Coesa Holistic Wellness Center Saratoga Spa State Park

Call today to register; Katrina Clay; 518.332.6581 katrina@healingspringsjournal.com


“Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete.” —Plato, The Symposium

P uThebgreatest l i sgifthyou ecanroffer’sis a healthy, C owholeryoun e r Tears rolled down my cheeks as the trees I have visited most every day for the last 18 years were being torn down with heavy machinery. These trees have witnessed my tears, heard me sing, soothed my fears and given me a sense of belonging that the human world has not. They are my friends. I use the wood products these friends will be made in to; you are holding one in your hand now. So, who am I to be against their death? Mother Nature also gives the death sentence; it is the cycle of life. Additionally, I do not doubt that the remaining trees will benefit from the openness and sunshine. So, what exactly does make me so sad? With contemplation, I find it to be the lack of reverence for life and the community these trees live amongst. Trees have been proven to communicate and help each other grow through an underground network of fungi. Not having words or tears does not equal an absence of compassion or community. The first week of cutting, the birds were silent. Later, not so much, as they flickered around not knowing where to go. Same with the deer wandering down the side of the road, wondering where to take refuge. I haven’t heard a peep or seen the sight of the porcupines that move slowly among the tops of trees—what are they doing? And the Barred Owls I’ve run into regularly, how have they been affected? This forest is personal for me, as I know it intimately. Yet, the tears that roll down my cheeks are not just for these specific trees and animals, but equally for the condition of our culture. We live in an artificial and disposable society that believes itself to be real and important. Money for instance is a human construct, yet it has become equivalent to our life force. In America, we seem to groom kids for winning more so than good character. In this situation with the trees, the falsity is that we need to “manage” the forest for it to thrive. This is only potentially true, because of the damage humans have done over the last two hundred years interfering with the natural growth cycle of trees. No matter what, life will go on—for the forest, for the animals that call it home, for the men doing their job and for me. The real question is; will we have reverence for that life as it continues? Will we be mindful of the others, humans and non-humans, we share our home with? Will we recognize that the tree’s life does not depend on us. Instead, we depend on the trees, as they produce the oxygen that allows us breath. Thank the good lord they are willing to share. How are we reciprocating? Thich Nhat Hahn suggests; “We need to change our way of thinking and seeing things. We need to realize that the Earth is not just our environment. The Earth is not something outside of us. Breathing with mindfulness and contemplating your body, you realize that you are the Earth. You realize that your consciousness is also the consciousness of the Earth. Look around you–what you see is not your environment, it is you.” So, my question extends inward—will we have reverence for our own personal nature? Another favorite quote was spoken by Howard Thurman; “There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.” One of the great tragedies of our time is how hard it is to hear our genuine voice. The “strings” come from everywhere; the greater whole of culture, advertising, our families or that one person we most love. Their ‘sound’ is often loud, perhaps rational and appears real. Meanwhile, the true guide is quiet, humble and when heard sounds too much like ourselves to be taken seriously. To hear it takes silence and subtle listening, as well as a belief in our deep self. None of which are strengths of our busy, noisy, outward-focused society. Additionally, I sense that because our culture lacks a function of unconditional belonging, there is a fear that going inward to meet and know our own self, will further separate us from the world— from others. My senses also tell me that the opposite is actually true. To go inward and revere our own nature will ultimately show us our connection far deeper than blindly following society, someone else or an ideology. When we are true to our genuine voice, we have no desire to attach strings from either end—the controlling or the following. Such an appetite is the result of weakness and insecurity. It is worth noting that a poverty of strings does not mean pure solo flight, rather that we have self-responsibility within the whole. I’ve been hard on our society in this essay, which is no reflection on the beautiful people within it. Culture is a structure in which people live, not the people themselves. However, it is up to us as individuals to create change within it. We have reached a turning point. I feel it, my guess is you have too. While, we all may differ in what we want, it seems most of us sense a need for transformation. I personally and whole-heartedly want to see a world that is genuine, true, and reverent for what is wild and alive. I want to see love for our inner and outer environment and to know that we belong. I want mindfulness and questioning to bring us to what is real. Mostly, I want all to feel the connection that exists between the earth and all that live upon her; those with two legs, four legs, wings, and roots. To do all that starts with loving oneself. Not a love based on personal achievements, but for the divine fact that we have been given the extraordinary gift of life. Let us choose wisely how we use that gift.


Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016



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Advertising and story deadline for April-May ‘16 issue is March 6

C onte nts 10 Raising A Voice 12 What About Reiki 14 Muscle Cramps Demystified 19 Time For New Healthcare 22 Shamanism, Energy, & Energy 24 Cancer Options

features 6 Our Community 23 Ask The Practitioner 26 Your Astrological Forecast 28 Calendar 29 Directory The Healing Springs Journal is an independent publication committed to printing articles regarding the wellness of body, mind, spirit, and environment. It is a free publication supported by its advertisers. These advertisers must be judged on their individual merits, The Healing Springs Journal is not responsible for their claims, conditions, products, or services. Our articles reflect the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of our publisher. We do not claim to diagnose illness, but offer an open forum on complimentary & alternative therapies. Serious ailments should be checked out by a physician as well as by the healers you feel compelled to learn more about. We reserve the right to refuse advertising and are not liable for any errors within the ads themselves.

#84 February—March, 2016 I Healing Springs



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Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016


Community Assistance for Coesa, Inc. In 2015, a new not for profit, Coesa, Inc., was formed with the mission of locating a holistic wellness and retreat center in the Saratoga Spa State Park. 2015 was filled with firsts, including formation of a working board, first classes and programs, and our first fundraisers. The summer programming included shamanism, an evening with the Navajo, our yoga in the park series and a gong bath on the steps of Roosevelt II during a beautiful August afternoon. During the fall solstice, a guided twilight labyrinth evening was held jointly with the Saratoga Labyrinth Project. As the holiday season concludes, the board of Coesa are turning our attention to planning for 2016. We are energized and renewed as the days begin to get longer, but are mindful of the vastness of our vision and the many hands it will take to build Coesa in our community. Coesa is seeking help from the wellness community to do this. The Coesa Board has many tasks at hand as the new year begins. We are looking to the greater Coesa community to assist us in planning upcoming events, help with publicity and fundraising, and brainstorm ideas for programs and speakers. If you can spare a few hours, want to be a regular contributor, seek to head one of our subcommittees, or have the time to contribute as a board member, we are actively seeking contributors. If you have an interest in getting more involved, please email us at Coesa.Inc@gmail.com with your interest and availability.

Saratoga Integrative Medicine Education Network Upcoming Programs The Saratoga Integrative Medicine Education Network, or SIMEN, has three upcoming programs scheduled. The first program occurs on Sat., Feb. 6 at 7 pm and is co-sponsored by the organization Numinous. The name of the program is “The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform,” and takes place at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 405 Washington Ave. in Albany. The program is a presentation and book signing by Michael Wayne, in conjunction with the release of his new book, “The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform.” There will also be music by Roger Mock, the music director of Unity Church, with special guest Joy Adler, lead singer of the band Joy Adler and the Souls of Evolution.

Journey to Healing using The Emotion Code "The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique that helps us to identify and literally release trapped emotions— which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events.Trapped emotions can cause depression, anxiety, they can block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others.

And because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the physical tissues, and can cause acute pain and even cancer. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal- so physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much more manageable." If you feel you have trapped emotions from past hurts and traumas, I can help.

The first 30 respondents receive their first session free. Kweli Ya-Saleem journeytohealing.vpweb.com

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#84 February—March, 2016 I Healing Springs


The second program takes place on Sat. evening Feb. 20 at 7:30pm and is a book launch for Michael Wayne’s new book, “The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform,” and also a celebration for the coming Quantum Revolution. This event will take place at the Saratoga Arts Center, 320 Broadway in Saratoga Springs. At this event there will be music by the band Joy Adler and the Souls of Evolution, free food, beverages and wine, a talk by Michael Wayne, and other special things.

Tai Chi Center THE

Tai Chi – Qi Gong – Meditation

Swimming Dragon Qi Gong Thursdays at 7:30pm March 24 & 31 Cost $38

36 Phila St. Saratoga Springs, NY • (518)583-9315 www.the-taichi-center.com

Still Point is an interfaith retreat center located just minutes from downtown Saratoga. We offer space for reflection and personal time as well as programs for healing and enriching one’s spirit, mind and body. Mailing address: 20 Still Point Road, Mechanicville, NY 12118 Telephone: 518-587-4967 email: stillpt423@aol.com web: www.stillpointretreatcenter.com Take 24 hours from your busy schedule. Enjoy the stillness and power of nature on our partially wooded land. Re-connect to your deep self.

Pray! Be silent! Be! “The quieter you become, the more you hear.”

The third program occurs on Tuesday, March 29 at 6:30 pm, and is a SIMEN free library event, taking place at the Saratoga Springs Public Library, 49 Henry St. in Saratoga Springs. The name of the program is entitled“Place Matters: How Our Environment Shapes Us,” and is a presentation by Madis Senner, a former global money manager turned seeker whose third book, “Vortices and Spirals, Unlocking the Mystery of Our Dynamic Relationship with Mother Earth,” explains our intimate connection to Mother Earth and the environment and how we are shaped by them. For more information on any of the programs, call 210-1557.

Craniosacral Training for everyone, at a unique school right in Saratoga Saratoga Springs, NY, is the home of so many surprising and unexpected gems, including the National Museum of Dance, the National Car Museum, and one of the best rowing teams in the country! Less surprising, perhaps, since this area has historically been known for “health, history and horses,” is the presence of an incredible number of dedicated and gifted bodywork practitioners. But did you know that the only school of craniosacral therapy in upstate NY is located here? Turtle Back Craniosacral Therapy & Education, PLLC, has been an official entity for over five years, but Margery Chessare, owner and director, has been teaching craniosacral therapy in and around Saratoga Springs since 1999. Students range from beginner-level, including clients curious to better understand the modality, to advanced practitioners from all over the US and Canada. Margery teaches foundational courses with the assistance of teachers whose backgrounds are as diverse as those of the students—occupational and physical therapists, midwives, nurses, psychotherapists and massage therapists, among others. Guest instructors, some of whom teach internationally, have been delighted to visit Saratoga Springs to teach advanced courses for Turtle Back. Recent topics have included craniosacral anatomy, pediatrics, the cardiovascular system, and craniosacral therapy for infants. All classes provide continuing education credits for NYS licensed massage therapists as well as NCBTMB-certified MTs.

Healing Springs Journal 8

Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016

This spring, Turtle Back Craniosacral Education is proud to offer two courses open to all who are interested:

Biodynamic Basics is an experiential, two-part, four-day introduction to the joyful yet profound hands-on practice of Biodynamic craniosacral therapy. This workshop, taking place March 18-19 and April 15-16, will be taught by Margery Chessare, along with Molly Deutschbein, staff instructor from Rochester, NY.

Winter Blues? Try Bach Flowers!

In June, internationally renowned craniosacral teacher and author Michael Shea, PhD, will return to Saratoga to begin a unique and vitally important three-part series, Biodynamic Practice with Moms and Babies: • Heart Rate Variability in Prenatal Development and Infancy, June 6-9

www.NiniGridley.com fullspectrumhealing@gmail.com / 518-573-0571

• Birth and Transition Physiology, September 8-11 • Infant-Mother Attachment and Bonding, December 1-4 Dr. Shea’s course is aimed at professionals who work with pregnancy, birth and infants, though non-professionals are also welcome. After all, every one of us began in the womb. Our shared history has much to teach us about our own development and healing potential, and craniosacral therapy can be a wonderful adjunct to healthcare at all stages of life. Further information about Turtle Back Craniosacral Therapy & Education, including individual sessions, course details and informative links, can be found at CraniosacralEducation.com.

Dr. LoBisco’s New Book BreakFree Medicine Dr. LoBisco’s new book BreakFree Medicine, is set for release in February. Her book focuses on empowering patients and doctors with a new perspective and provides a holistic and integrative action-based approach to remedy the dreary health statistics of our nation. BreakFree Medicine offers a broader definition of health, one that focuses on true vitality beyond the absence of disease. Her recent blogs about living naturally in our complex world and on the applications of essential oils can be found at www.dr-lobisco.com and at www.saratoga.com/living-well.

Healing Springs’ Symposium Humans are wired for community not computers, unplug for a day and heal your longing May 21st, 10am-6pm. Morning: HS Talks (Heart Sourced Talks) fashioned after a mix of Plato’s Symposium and Ted Talks. The selected speakers will talk from their heart to yours. Afternoon: Workshops. Subjects to be announced Closing A Sound Healing with Zelda Hotaling. Morning HSS Talks only $10, Whole Day $50 pre-register, $75 at door, Saratoga Spa State Park. www.healingspringsjournal.com/symposium.. Call Katrina Clay to register; 518.332.6581 or email; katrina@healingspringsjournal.com.

Send Press Releases to Katrina@healingspringsjournal.com

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Raising a Voice

by Diana Domingo, M.A., Center for Song and The Sonica Project The Voice is Powerful: Builder. Inventor. Artist. Creator of Worlds. Protector. Spirit Weaver. Singer!


e are alive and our very existence by the virtue of the breath, gives us a voice. We are built for the Voice to express through us - through our ideas, art, songs - and by learning to connect with our voice, and using our voice to heal ourselves, we heal humanity!

The Voice is one of our first, longest and most vital relationships. The other our breath – the invisible life-giving elixir that supports and directs the voice – the two inextricably bound to one another and our bodies, clinging and weaving together as a DNA spiral, the double-helix, a spider to its web. It is one with us. We are one with it. Because of this, and for this, the voice and breath are our greatest companions and a sacred agreement, with vast power and potential, is formed from inception. Everything in our existence is influenced and essentially depends on this alliance. The earth hums, there is a resonance among planets, nature calls and even in silence, our bodies speak to us.

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Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016

We carry a song within us and how we choose to orchestrate it manifests our world! The voice signature is as unique to each individual as their fingerprint – no two voices being completely identical is this lifetime! So deeply rooted to who we are and our expression in this world, the voice also has the potential for being deeply wounded. For many, aspects of it have been shut down or silenced, often in early childhood. Whether someone was told their artistic expression was not good enough, their ideas were insignificant, they “should not” or “could not” speak up, or that they didn’t sing well, many people of all ages – every age imaginable - still carry these early memories, stopping them from expressing their voice in many areas of their life. They stop singing! Stop Making Art! Don’t say what is really important to them! They take these vocal patterns with them, transplanting them in every relationship. Many regrets surface for people around not expressing or honoring their voice. This is because, our very breath gives us the birthright to be here, and use our voices, and it will not be satisfied until it finds its highest expression. Like two seemingly opposite concepts being encapsulated in the Greek word “Pharmakon”, meaning both the “Cure” and the “Wound; or the concept of the Ouroboros, symbolizing the sense of something constantly re-creating itself, or the eternal return, the healing is in the wound. The Voice often requires healing and is itself the Healer. Learning to exercise and use the Voice is the only way to heal it! Whether it is learning to speak up for yourself, listening to your body and intuition more or beginning to sing, there are no steps too small to begin developing a stronger, more harmonious relationship with this beautiful instrument so that it can reveal who you truly are. It takes a village to raise a voice… I would even go as far to say that we are raising voices, not children! We are giving birth to

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Thursdays • 6-7:15pm @ Dynamite Hill (Route 8 Chestertown)

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You choose what to pay, weekly or monthly. 25% of the total collected will be donated to a different cause each month.

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for updates

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Psychic Readings on Saturdays!

Life is confusing, so come in and get some clarity with a Tarot and Numerology reading from Joan Scannell. Rates are $20 for 15 minutes and $40 for a half hour. Visit: www.joanscannell.com for more information about Joan. Readings are also available in the store on Friday and Sunday with other readers. *call store to schedule

Bring in this ad and receive 1 0 % o f f full-price merchandise. our voices here, and as we learn to fine-tune this instrument, purify its message, raise its vibration, we begin to resonate and harmonize more deeply with the world around us. By learning to use, trust and support our voice and breath, we recreate our stories and transform our lives. With this attention and effort, our voice is able to heal and give birth to us anew, again and again! 5 ways to strengthen and free the power of your voice: Develop awareness around the Relationship of the Breath and Voice and Its Relationship to you and the World around You! It is a deep bond and there is no separation. The breath is our voice! In the words of the Dalai Lama, “As you Breath in, cherish yourself and As you breath out, cherish all beings!” And.. As you take in breath, cherish yourself and others and As you use your Voice, cherish your breath and all voices…


Write a “List of Accomplishments” for your voice! Record all of the times you have overcome a difficult situation by speaking up for yourself or remained silent when you needed to; used your voice for good to create change; wrote a letter or article; created art or music; achieved your goals; provided warmth to a family member or your child; or sang to or with a loved one! This can be an extremely powerful exercise and help you to see all that your voice has done to positively impact your world.


Work on Developing a Loving Relationship with Your Inner Voice! Observe how you speak to yourself! Is there harshness? Are you diminishing? If so, simply begin softening your language and tone; develop a gentler voice inwardly; give yourself a kind nickname or name of endearment like we do others;


and sing to yourself sometimes. In doing this, you will develop more compassion for yourself and this will be reflected in how you choose to use your outer voice and express yourself in the world! Work on Developing a Loving Relationship with your Outer Voice! Do you like your voice? How do you think you sound? Do you try to cover up your voice or mask it? Do you allow yourself to sing? No matter how it sounds, or whether you like it, know that your voice has acted as a comfort to another, made someone laugh or has given someone the exact answer they needed to solve a problem. Most of all remember…there is someone out there, most likely many, who love your voice and couldn’t imagine their life without it!


Allow your Voice to Heal You! Develop a list of five areas where you could begin using Your Voice in New Ways! Don’t wait to be confident! Be playful, explore and experiment! It doesn’t matter how your expression comes out. If given support and the room to explore, your voice will improve. Fall in Love with your Voice,! Be grateful for it! Awaken to your Voice like a newborn baby! Explore sound. Have fun with tones. Sing out! Allow yourself a bit of wonderment at the magic of the Voice. It is truly created out of thin air and is the shaper of worlds!


Diana Domingo, M.A., is a Voice Journeyer. Writer. Soul Tuner. Chanter. Vocalist. Songwriter. Philosopher. Poet. Sound and Song Weaver, and all around nice Gal!!! On an ongoing basis, she orchestrates the voice sessions, workshops, and events at Center for Song…Her new venture “The Sonica Project” is coming soon… #84 February—March, 2016 I Healing Springs 11

Namaste Yoga Center Donation Yoga • We offer experienced yoga instruction 7 days per week • Workshops: Ayurveda, Meditation classes Pranayama, Beginners Yoga Namaste has expanded and we are leasing space for medium & small size classes, private yoga instruction with a special space for therapists. Please call for rates and dates.

2 Franklin Square Saratoga Springs (518) 222-7470 12

Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016

What About

Reiki? by Bob Weissberg, MD eiki, a spiritual path of healing, was developed and taught in 1920’s Japan by Master Mikao Usui. It has its roots in the earliest life of our species, as well as the spiritual paths of Daoism, Buddhism, and Shinto. Reiki is radically simple, accessible to all, and has infinite depth. As originally taught by Usui, Reiki is a practical method for spiritual development, including but not limited to specific healing practices. Over time, in the hands of a variety of teachers, Reiki has been adapted to different cultures and social systems.


The word “Reiki” is often translated as Universal Life Force. The meaning, derived from the many layers of understanding that may be extracted from the Japanese characters, is much broader and deeper. “Ki” is ultimately the super-intelligent living Energy at the root of all of life. Combining it with the syllable “Rei” links this Energy to the ultimate Source of the Universe, the root of roots, the ultimate organizing principle of all existence, a gift available to all of life at all times. Each of us has a healing system, automatically activated whenever there is a need for repair of damage, or rebalancing when there appears to be disharmony or disturbance. Well known physician and writer/teacher Dr. Andrew Weil goes into some detail about this in his book “Spontaneous Healing.” It is common for many who experience injury or other sources of pain to place hands on the area that hurts, or have someone else do so. This act directs awareness and the intention or need for healing to the painful area or situation. Everyone has the potential for conscious activation of their Healing System, but it can lie dormant or forgotten. Training in Reiki practice is a process of reactivation, reminding, re-tuning of this ability that we all have. In fact, part of the training process is called “attunement”. Once this is done, the student has the ability to facilitate themselves and others in connecting to and resonating with an always available Source of healing. Treatment with Reiki often feels very relaxing and centering, sometimes activating. Relief from pain and illness is sometimes experienced directly, sometimes after a series of events is triggered and supported. Relief of suffering is often more evident symptom reduction. Reiki training, at least in my lineage, is divided into first and second degrees or levels, and Master level, which allows for teaching and passing on Reiki to others. Training includes the teaching of concepts of healing, core spiritual and ethical principles, Reiki history, specific methods of practice, and multiple attunements, sometimes called initiations.

Unwind... let healing begin.

Lynn Allison, DC 268-9542

Craniosacral Therapy, Chiropractic Saratoga & Schenectady, NY

Reiki is more and more to be found in hospitals, nursing homes, oncology and pain management practices, and of course in numerous offices and studios in many communities. St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany and St. Mary’s Hospital in Amsterdam NY offer Reiki to inpatients, as do many institutions in the Northeast. This includes cancer centers, such as Sloan-Kettering and DanaFarber. It is generally accepted that Reiki increases levels of comfort and feelings of wellbeing may speed healing and reduce the unpleasant side effects of medications. There is research evidence that Reiki can improve acute and chronic pain treatment. Pamela Miles, a Reiki Master for > 25 years, is dedicated to promoting Reiki in medical settings. She has had many publications in this area, including an in-depth review in the Fall 2007 issue of Advances in Mind-Body Medicine. You may wish to experience a Reiki session, whatever your current level of health or wellness. Reiki will adapt to what is needed. You may also wish to go further and obtain training in this simple yet powerful healing practice, for self-treatment or treatment of others. Consider contacting one of the practitioners and teachers in your area. We are ready to serve! Bob Weissberg was first trained in Reiki in 1999, and has been privileged to serve as a teaching Master since 2004. He has treated and taught people in the Capital Area of New York, in the Cambridge area of Massachusetts, and has also taught classes in Reiki to medical students at the Medical College of New Jersey, and to Resident physicians at Ellis Hospital. Bob Weissberg is also a medical doctor (MD), with his practice of medicine limited at this time to federally qualified clinics in the Capital Area. Bob Weissberg can be reached at rweissbe@nycap.rr.com or (518) 390-0299.

Experience the Health Benefits of Massage We offer something for everyone * Craniosacral * Positional Release * Reflexology * Reiki * Hot Stone * Thai * Chair * Home visits * Healing Touch Now offering Light Therapy- call to learn more 670 Franklin St. Schenectady, NY 518-374- 8654 www.healingpathmassage.com

Reclaim your ancient wisdom Workshops & private sessions bringing you to your real self.

Full Moon Drum Journeys; Feb. 22, Mar. 23, Apr. 22 February’s will be at The Tai Chi Center, 36 Phila St. Saratoga Springs, 6:30pm, $20 Come to one or come to all

Join the community, connect with your ancient self katrina@healingspringsjournal.com to receive event messages

Katrina Clay’s mission is to show that animals, nature and music are guides to living an authentic and symbolic life.

#84 February—March, 2016 I Healing Springs


Muscle Cramps Demystified

by Dr. Karyn Dornemann muscle cramp can bring a jogger to his knees or elicit the fear of drowning in a swimmer; however, athletes are not the only individuals to experience a muscle cramp or spasm. According to one estimate, approximately 95 percent of people will at some time in life experience the sudden, sharp pain associated with a muscle cramp.


A muscle spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle, part of a muscle, or several muscles that usually act together. If the spasm is forceful and sustained, it becomes a cramp. Most people describe a muscle cramp as a feeling of tightness in the muscle; it’s not unusual to feel a lump of hard muscle tissue underneath the skin in the vicinity of the cramp. During a spasm or cramp, it may be painful, or even difficult, to use the affected muscle or muscle group. Cramps and spasms can affect any muscle, even those affiliated with the body’s various organs; however, they are most common in the calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Cramps in the feet, hands, arms, and lower back occur frequently, as well.

Many possible causes

Common as they are and painful as they can be, a shroud of mystery surrounds the cause of muscle spasms and cramps. Some researchers believe that inadequate stretching and muscle fatigue lead to cramps. According to the University of Michigan, other possible factors include a low level of fitness, overexertion (especially in intense heat), stress, and depletion of electrolytes through excess sweating or dehydration. Certain diuretic medications can also cause cramping due to a loss of sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

Treatment of muscle spasms

Typically, muscle cramps require no treatment other than patience and stretching; medicines are not generally needed to treat an ordinary muscle cramp. Gentle and gradual stretching, along with massage, may ease the pain and hasten recovery. When a muscle spasm or cramp is the result of an injury, applying ice packs for the first two to three days may help alleviate the pain. Spasms that last a long time may be treated with moist heat for 20 minutes several times a day. If you tend to get muscle cramps during exercise, make sure you drink enough fluids, and, after your workout, consider a warm Epsom salt bath followed by stretching of the affected muscles. Generally speaking, water is sufficient for rehydration; however, some may find coconut water or juice beneficial as a means to restore their body’s electrolyte balance. If your muscle cramps are associated with a specific medical condition, keep in mind that you need to address the underlying 14 Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016

health problem for the cramps to subside.

Tips for Prevention

As with any health condition, it is always best to prevent muscle cramps or spasms—especially if you tend to develop them. Consider altering your diet and lifestyle by incorporating the following suggestions: • Take steps to improve your diet. Eliminate sugar and caffeine from the diet, and increase consumption of fiber and protein. In addition, remember to eat plenty of calcium- and magnesium- rich foods, such as green leafy vegetables, yogurt, legumes, whole grains, tofu, and Brazil nuts. High-potassium foods, including bananas, avocados, Lima beans, and fish, may also be helpful. • Before and after you exercise, stretch muscle groups that tend to cramp. • Incorporate strengthening exercises into your fitness routine. • Avoid dehydration. To prevent dehydration, consume plenty of fluids and foods high in water such as fruits and vegetables. • Avoid excess sodium and soda (high in phosphoric acid), as they can leach calcium. • Avoid chocolate, caffeine, and alcohol, which can interfere with magnesium absorption. • Improve your posture. For example, you may have mid-back spasms after sitting at a computer desk for too long in an awkward position. Vitamin E has been said to help minimize cramp occurrence. Although scientific studies documenting this effect are lacking, anecdotal reports are common and fairly enthusiastic. Since vitamin E is thought to have other beneficial health effects and is not toxic in usual doses, taking 400 units of vitamin E daily could be considered. Discuss with your doctor of chiropractic if your cramps are severe, happen frequently, respond poorly to simple treatments, or are not related to obvious causes like strenuous exercise. These could indicate a possible problem with circulation, nerves, metabolism, hormones, medications, and/or nutrition. Dr. Karyn Dornemann practices chiropractic with Dr. Tim Talmage, Dr. Lee Masterson and Dr. Robert Irwin at the Delmar Chiropractic Office, 204 Delaware Avenue, Delmar NY. The office is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM. For more information please call (518) 439-7644. Dr. Dornemann also has a Masters degree in Applied Clinical Nutrition and is a Certified Nutrition Specialist professional. She provides nutritional counseling in addition to chiropractic health services. Your questions and comments are encouraged – send email to delmarchiropractic@verizon.net.

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#84 February—March, 2016 I Healing Springs


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We’re Building A Spirited Community 16

Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016

The Studio Greenfield’s Performing & Visual Arts Center

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Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com #84 February—March, 2016 I Healing Springs



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Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016

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Time for a New Viewpoint &

Healthcare T Approach to

by Sarah A LoBisco, ND his is a turbulent and dreary time for American healthcare outcomes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):1

• As of 2012, about half of all adults—117 million people—had one or more chronic health conditions. One of four adults had two or more chronic health conditions. • Seven of the top 10 causes of death in 2010 were chronic diseases. Two of these chronic diseases—heart disease and cancer—together accounted for nearly 48% of all deaths.1 Furthermore, the CDC also reports that more than a third of adult Americans are obese and more than one third of our youth is also overweight or obese. This is especially troublesome because obesity has been linked to many systemic diseases, including heart disease and diabetes.2 Furthermore, in the past 30 years, “Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents…” In addition: “The percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5% to nearly 21% over the same period.” Although there is some evidence of obesity leveling off in the youth, a 2014 study in JAMA reported, “Analyses of trends in obesity prevalence among middle and high school students have shown mixed results.” In this article, the authors discussed how time trends impact reporting: “For example, analyses of childhood obesity trends between 1976-1980 and 2011-2012 show an increase in childhood obesity, whereas trends between 2003-2004 and 2011-2012 do not.” As a result, nearly 60% (the highest ever) of the population is taking medications to treat various chronic diseases and the prescription pad is coming out more frequently for younger Americans to treat their “adult diagnoses.”5 Still, regardless of more people being “given the standard of care medication,” our nation continues to be pathetically ill. Many healthcare providers were disheartened to read the June 2014 Press Release by the Commonwealth Fund stating that America once again scored last in regards to health outcomes when compared to eleven other nations. For those unfamiliar, the release states: “Despite having the most expensive health care system, the United States ranks last overall among 11 industrialized coun-


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tries on measures of health system quality, efficiency, access to care, equity, and healthy lives, according to a new Commonwealth Fund report. The other countries included in the study were Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand Norway, Sweden Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. While there is room for improvement in every country, the U.S. stands out for having the highest costs and lowest performance—the U.S. spent $8,508 per person on health care in 2011, compared with $3,406 in the United Kingdom, which ranked first overall.7” This makes one think…although Obamacare may have afforded more people with access to modern healthcare, did it provide more admittance to the right solution? This may be why, in 2007, 38% of Americans were seeking complementary or alternative healthcare, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). Most of this unconventional care was paid for out of the patients’ own pocketbooks.8 Shouldn’t people be provided a solution that improves outcomes and one that they can participate in? According to the CDC 1 • In 2011, more than half (52%) of adults aged 18 years or older did not meet recommendations for aerobic exercise or physical activity. In addition, 76% did not meet recommendations for muscle-strengthening physical activity. • About half of US adults (47%) have at least one of the following major risk factors for heart disease or stroke: uncontrolled high blood pressure, uncontrolled high LDL cholesterol, or are current smokers.8 Ninety percent of Americans consume too much sodium, increasing their risk of high blood pressure.1 Interestingly, these neglected healthy lifestyle factors play a big role in contributing to the very same chronic diseases that many are ineffectively addressing solely with a pill. It isn’t that medication isn’t needed at times, it just appears to not be the full solution.

Since 1984 Tim Talmage, DC Lee Masterson, DC Bob Irwin, DC

439-7644 20

Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016

In fact, a recent study that followed 3,201 participants for 12 years showed that adults who scored well on the American Heart Association's (AHA) Life's Simple 7 checklist were less likely to develop heart failure than others with poorer scores.9 This AHA checklist was developed to educate the public on lifestyle habits that can improve heart health and reduce heart attack, stroke, and now, heart failure. It includes managing blood pressure, controlling blood sugar, managing cholesterol, reducing blood sugar, staying active, eating healthy, managing a healthy weight, and not smoking.10 All of these factors can be improved with lifestyle changes that cost much less and have less side-effects than longterm copayments and procedures.7, 11-12 Another large study on lifestyle was done with an Australian cohort of middle-aged and older adults and was published in the PLOs One Journal in December 2015. The researchers used questionnaires to create an index which included these seven factors: smoking, high alcohol intake, poor diet, physical inactivity, prolonged sitting, and unhealthy (short/long) sleep. There was a strong relationship between the lifestyle risk index score and allcause mortality. Combinations involving physical inactivity, prolonged sitting, and/or long sleep duration and combinations involving smoking and high alcohol intake had the strongest asso-

“...in order to fully heal, it is important to understand the problem in detail and address it from the root cause, not just suppress the downstream effects.” ciations with all-cause mortality.13 Finally, there’s the power of exercise, which has many health benefits including modulating mortality risk.14-15 So, now that we are fully into 2016, my wish is for American medicine to stop doing the same darn thing thinking we will get better results. It’s borderline insanity! The statistics speak for themselves. Diet and lifestyle factors work. Only treating with a medication to control symptoms doesn’t seem to be as effective. This is because, in order to fully heal, it is important to understand the problem in detail and address it from the root cause, not just suppress the downstream effects. In functional and naturopathic medicine, if a drug is used to support someone’s health, it is used in conjunction with a whole, comprehensive approach. Our first measure is first ensuring lifestyle factors are addressed. Following this, specific and individualized treatment modalities that are best for the patient or client are implemented. In this way, biology is set up to optimize biochemistry. This means the drug, nutrient, supplement, essential oil, or any other tool is used to support a pathway in one’s body that is not optimally functioning. Once the deficiency or issue is addressed, it is possible that the body may not need that intervention any longer. If genetics or time has necessitated the need for continued use of drugs or supplements, they are used at the lowest possible dose, and side effects can be minimized by accounting for nutrient-drug interactions. In this way, the best of conventional and integrative medicine is at play.

RESTORATIVE PHYSICAL THERAPY Patricia Tschannen, MPT 518.573.3502 110 Spring Street, Suite 103, Saratoga Springs , NY


Sue Coughtry,


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I don’t believe our current approach to medicine is “wrong;” it’s just overdone and only one tool in a vast toolkit is at play. I believe Americans are tired of the “easy way out” with just covering symptoms and are ready to change their lives to achieve a happier, healthier one in which they thrive, not just survive. Will you join me, practitioners and patients, in this new viewpoint and approach to healthcare? Together, we can create a truly healthier America. Sarah Lobisco, ND, is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM). She is licensed in Vermont as a naturopathic doctor and holds a Bachelor of Psychology from State University of New York at Geneseo. Dr. LoBisco speaks professionally on integrative medical topics, has several journal publications, and is a candidate for postdoctoral certification in functional medicine. Dr. LoBisco currently incorporates her training in holistic medical practices and conventional medicine through writing, researching, private practice, and through her independent contracting work for companies regarding supplements, nutraceuticals, essential oils, and medical foods. She has a private wellness phone consultation practice where she works with clients nationally and has recently joined A Peaceful Place in Clifton Park, NY where she also provides wellness support. Dr. LoBisco also does individualized consulting for choosing the best essential oils for

the individual. Dr. LoBisco enjoys continuing to educate and empower her readers through her blogs and social media. Dr. LoBisco’s new book BreakFree Medicine, is set for release in February. Her book provides a holistic and integrative actionbased approach to remedy the dreary health statistics of our nation. #84 February—March, 2016 I Healing Springs 21

Wendy Ball LMHC P s y c h o t h e r a p y, C o u n s e l i n g , Shamanic Energy Healing Certified in EMDR & Hakomi therapies Depression, anxiety and trauma-based problem behaviors, pre-verbal trauma, relationship issues, life transition issues

Shamanism, 518-813-8524 • wendy.ball@yahoo.com www.wendyballcounseling.com

Energy & Healing

by Wendy Ball “Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you are.” —Rachel Naomi Remen (in Bill Moyers' Healing and the Mind)


ealing is about making things whole. Whereas curing is about doing things to make things better at the physical level i.e. making physical symptoms go away, healing addresses issues at the level of energy or spirit. Indigenous cultures always had an understanding of energy and an intimate relationship with themselves, others and all existence at the level of energy. Shamanism was the spirituality of indigenous cultures and in shamanism healing and spirituality are inseparable. Energy, is invisible, refers to power, life force. If our energy is corrupted or drained we lose the ability to thrive on all levels. Things happen first at the level of energy and then appear as issues in our bodies. Most of us are used to focusing on things at the physical level. We understand that bad food or physical injury or infection have a negative impact on our energy. We understand that stress and lack of sleep impact our energy level. We are growing in our awareness of the negative impact of environmental toxins including electromagnetic radiation. We are also growing in our awareness of the impact of emotional trauma and negative thought and behavior patterns. What is new to many of us is that there is a layer of energy around our physical bodies, called our biofield or luminous ener-

Dr. Richard Aulicino

Holistic—Aesthetic Dentistry A holistic approach for an aesthetic result Membership: ADA, DSSNY, ISSSEEM, PPNF, AHD, GACD

For Ever Green Building 1849 Rte 9, Lake George 518-668-9888 www.lookingoodnewsmile.com gy field that holds the imprint of all things hurtful or traumatic. The beliefs we form as a result of negative experiences and the decisions we make about how to protect ourselves take up residence in our energy fields. Negative thoughts whether they come from us or from others create interference and drain our energy. This understanding is not in fact new. Indigenous healers were skilled at extracting negative interference. They understood these may be inherited and carried from one generation to another. They were in touch with a broad spectrum of forces that act on humans, everything from earthbound spirits, to elemental energies to interdimensional entities. Informed by this tradition, modern shamanic healers are uniquely equipped to track and deal with many things that interfere with and drain energy. This understanding can inspire us to do housecleaning and to ask ourselves what we choose to keep or to allow in our psychic space, and what we choose to let go of. Many of us have poor boundaries when it comes to attitudes, beliefs, influences that come from others, including ancestors. We can learn to discern what feels nourishing and empowering from what feels draining and to change our internal agreements and contracts. A fearful belief that it is dangerous to speak one's truth inherited by an ancestor who experienced persecution may not be the way you choose to live your life now that you become consciously aware of it. A willingness to release what no longer serves us is fundamental to healing. However, what we have agreed to, opened ourselves to, and perhaps carried over lifetimes may not be easy to identify let alone let go of on our own. Enlisting the help of a trained and dedicated healer may be the best gift you ever give yourself as you endeavor to let go of “everything that isn’t you,” and come in to your own light. Wendy Ball is a therapist and shamanic energy healer with a practice in Albany, NY. She is a graduate of the Four Winds Healing the Light Body School. For more information go to www.wendyballcounseling.com or phone her at 518-813-8524.

“A willingness to release what no longer serves us is fundamental to healing. However, what we have agreed to, opened ourselves to, and perhaps carried over lifetimes may not be easy to identify let alone let go of on our own. Enlisting the help of a trained and dedicated healer may be the best gift you ever give yourself as you endeavor to let go of “everything that isn’t you,” and come in to your own light.” 22

Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016

Ask the Q ractitioner


Homeopathy; Jerome Pindell

ÏI have been struggling with the loss of my sexual abilities for a time now. It may be age, but I am not ready to let it recede. Can any of the alternative tools that you offer help, rather than resorting to things like hormonal replacements or stimulants like Viagra?

The question of sexual difficulty doesn't come up very much in my practice, though it is something that homeopathy and hypnosis does address. Homeopathy would look to such factors as age, relevance to the entire health and well being of the individual, whether male or female, and its impact on the life and well being. It also takes into account how much energy, time and discomfort or lack of sensation occurs with sexual activity. It is most often an area where our attitudes and beliefs collide with emotional anchors that are rarely touched in less intimate exchanges. While sexuality has been given a great deal of importance in the lives of Americans, it is only one aspect of the entire set of opportunities for growth. An over emphasis on any one area of human consciousness, leads to an array of deeper disturbances. But I digress. If it is a functional or emotional burden that is causing disturbances in totality of your life, then yes, homeopathy or any of the other modalities that are offerings in my work, would benefit you. The work of any healer is to listen to the client, to hear the story, and unravel the burden of what is at the root of their suffering and to offer assistance in their journey. It will never serve you or anyone to follow the dictates of attitudes or beliefs that are out of order with evolution of your soul, or the age of your body. If you seek healthy expressions proportionate to the whole of who you are, then alternative approaches can be of help. Jerome M Pindell uses Homeopathy, Hypnosis, Jin Shin Jyutsu and spiritual counseling to assist his clients. He is a poet whose first book: Training Tracks, poems by implosion, is available through Amazon. He has offices in Clifton Park, Niskayuna, and NYC. He can be reached @ 518-374-5492 or his web site jp@jeromepindell.com

Acupuncture; Gregg St Clair

Ssexual function will decline as we age. Having a sex drive as we get older is considered a sign of health in Oriental Medicine and should be nurtured. Over 30 million men in America experience erectile dysfunction regularly and most suffer from it occasionally. When men start to have erectile problems it is a red flag as there might be many reasons which can be physical or energetic. The first thing we always want to do is rule out physical problems. There can be a problem with the prostate, a tumor present, or something worse like testicular cancer. Erectile dysfunction is often an early indicator of serious diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hormonal imbalances or heart disease. If you are having erectile dysfunction it should be a priority to see a doctor to rule out other health problems. If there are no physical problems present there could be energetic reasons for erectile dysfunction. Sex is energy; without the energetic connection with your partner there might be no erection and therefore no sex. I actually see this quite a bit in clinic. Men coming in for treatment will say their libido is low. I will then inquire about their relationship with their partner. Often there are problems such as anger or resentment that energetically undermine desire (or in the case of the female to have arousal). Perhaps you have been together a long time and in a dull routine so sex is not exciting anymore. Maybe the kids are teenagers now and for the past decade have been so involved with domestic life you are not connecting anymore. As the psychologist Dr. Schnark says: Once we are married we are a family, and who wants to have sex with a family member? A plethora of life situations can drain sexual energy, take away excitement, and affect the erection.

JEROME MICHAEL PINDELL Homeopathy Hypnosis Jin Shin Jyutsu

518 374-5492 www.jeromepindell.com Viagra, the little blue pill that thinks it can, was touted as a miracle drug for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. The down side of Viagra is that it has broken up many marriages as men started having affairs. Viagra can work but is not a panacea for a happy sex life. In addition, it is a medication that can have serious side effects. One of my goals in clinic is to assist people reducing drug medications with natural medicine, so when someone comes in with erectile problems and on Viagra (as with every other issue) I try to offer natural options. Men coming to me for erectile dysfunction are hoping a few acupuncture treatments will revive their libidos. As always with Oriental Medicine, we want to look at the underlying roots. There are natural herbs and acupuncture treatments to enhance the libido. If there are physical problems- they need to be addressed. If there are energeticthey need to be addressed as well. The majority of men that come in can improve performance naturally. What’s more, if done properly can maintain virility and restore the vibrancy of youth.

Gregg St.Clair, L.Ac., www.stclairfamilyacupuncture.com, 518-383-1230. #84 February—March, 2016 I Healing Springs 23

Cancer Options by Deborah Kozlowski o, what does an acupuncturist with a life-long interest in natural cures do when it is she who gets a breast cancer diagnosis? I was about to find out.


I got my news and experienced all the shock, denial, anger, grief, guilt, self-condemnation that most go through. My first impulse was to not tell anyone. I didn’t want to burden anyone. It felt private. I was strong and didn’t need anyone’s help. But mostly, I was afraid if I said it out loud, I was admitting that it was true. And more than anything on Earth, I didn’t want this to be true. I have learned that this intention to not tell anyone is very common. I didn’t want a biopsy. I was afraid it would cause metastasis, because the needle would break through the encapsulation the body made around the tumors to wall them in, and as the needle is withdrawn cancer cells will be pulled out into healthy tissue. But, the pressure from the surgeons is enormous. So I had it, but I immediately began taking a Chinese herbal formula to kill cancer cells. I took that formula right up to my mastectomy, when they asked me to stop all medications. I also began to seriously improve my liver function. A healthy liver is one of the body’s main defenses against cancer. When a cancer is still only a few cells in size, before it has lodged anywhere to grow, if it passes with the blood through a healthy liver, the liver can kill it. No matter how you kill cancer cells, the liver is the organ that cleans up the dead metabolic waste. If you go to an expensive “experimental” cancer treatment center, one of the first things they will do is help you improve your liver health. I stopped even my occasional wine. I began taking milk thistle and other liver cleansing herbs. I did a liver flush, which causes the liver and gall bladder to expel stored cholesterol and bile in the form of little stones. I improved upon an already very good diet. And I did coffee enemas several times a week. The owner of my old acupuncture school had been a cancer specialist in China. He continued to work with cancer patients in the US, until his retirement. He taught us many herbal formulas to use and talked about proper diet and herbs. But he warned us, if there is a tumor that may be removed, always have the patient remove it. He often saved the lives of people who came to him with stage 4 cancer, whose doctors could do nothing more for them. He used needles to balance the individual, and he used herbs to balance them and to kill the tumors. But at the end of the cancer class, he reiterated strongly, first get the tumor removed. So, I did. For my particular cancer situation that meant I had a mastectomy. The decisions made during cancer treatment are customized


Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016

to each person’s specific situation. This is true in my Eastern practice and in Western medicine. My inner voice told me to have chemo. I am a believer in following inner guidance. I did not use herbs to kill the cancer during the chemo, because I wanted to be sure what symptoms were from the chemo, and I did not want to further burden my body when it was already going through so much. Breast cancer is treated pretty aggressively with chemo. I had four sessions of a cocktail of three drugs and then four sessions of a cocktail of another drug. It took me six months to get through it all. People seldom talk about their symptoms with chemo. We are aware that they are sickened by it, and need help from anyone who can give it, but we seldom hear what exactly is wrong. Different cancers have different chemos. And the side effects will vary depending on what chemo is used. All I can talk about with first-hand knowledge is breast cancer drugs. Although I wouldn’t feel well for nine to 11 days after each chemo session, each set of symptoms only lasted for a few days. Among the things I experienced were nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, stomach sores, pressure in the esophagus, scalp pain, hair loss, fingernail pain (I didn’t lose mine, but some do), bone and muscle pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, weakness, a burning red face, sinus pain, lowered red and white blood cell counts, a weakened immune system, thrush, diarrhea, itching in the private parts, rashy and flaking skin, dry skin, and trigeminal nerve pain. Oh, and lots of brain fog. I felt like I lost 20 IQ points. It’s so common, it is called chemo brain. The doctor had only a few suggestions to help me get through these symptoms. This is where Chinese medicine shined. I tried many remedies that I thought would work, and it took me several sessions of chemo before I found the remedies that really worked. When the oncologist changed my chemo to the second type, I had to start all over finding remedies for a completely different set of symptoms. I have kept a diary of the issues and the solutions to them to share with others. I took a Chinese herbal formula the entire six months of chemo to help keep my RBC and WBC counts as good as possible. The formula also helped with energy and general immunity. People who saw me during chemo were amazed with my energy and vitality. That doesn’t mean I didn’t spend days on the couch. Chemo is tough. I also used colloidal silver and saline in my neti pot and bovine colostrum and anything else I could think of to keep from getting colds. People who started chemo with me were hospitalized for infections or because the chemo was so harmful to them. I never even got a cold the whole time. And I never came close to needing to be hospitalized.

“I used every energy modality I had access to: Reiki, prayer, Tibetan healing bowls, meditation, massage, cranio-sacral, crystal therapy, energy workers, yoga, Epsom salt soaks, and Donna Eden energy medicine.” I have Chinese herbal formulas to help people with radiation, but I won’t be needing to do that. I used every energy modality I had access to: reiki, prayer, Tibetan healing bowls, meditation, massage, cranio-sacral, crystal therapy, energy workers, yoga, Epsom salt soaks, and Donna Eden energy medicine. If I could feel well enough to do some Donna Eden “energycizes” on myself, I could feel better in a half hour. I didn’t always feel well enough to do them, or smart enough to think of doing them. One neat thing I did for myself was having a Donna Eden energy practitioner come right to chemo with me. She worked on me before the IV was set up and during the IV. I saw her a couple times in her office as well. I believe this was helpful. Now I’m in a holding pattern. My chemo is over, but the DIEP flap reconstruction won’t be until January. I am using this time to rebuild my health from the chemo. I am using supplements, cleanses, probiotics, herbs, and a nearly vegetarian diet high in fruits and veggies. Sugar went out the window when I got my diagnosis. I kept being told that sugar feeds cancer. I was hoping that was some kind of metaphor and that I should just cut back. Then I found out that the radioactive dye used in my PET/CT scan was in a sugar syrup, because the cancer sucks up the sugar and it pulls the dye along with it. Darn. So, I had to say good-bye to one of my last vices. Once my brain fog cleared I could read and go online and do all the cancer research I couldn’t do before. There are literally several

dozen viable protocols to aid in curing cancer. I chose several modalities that seemed affordable, available, and practical to me. I am getting an IV Myer’s cocktail (which has vitamin C, B vits., and minerals). I am doing a home version of the laetrile protocol, since the IV laetrile is not available in the US. And I sit in an electromagnetic field of frequencies shown to harm cancer cells, but leave healthy ones alone. I have done some oxygenation/ozone therapy. I’ve got an invite to use a friend’s infrared sauna, and I think I’ll accept. I may find myself led to use yet more modalities as I continue my research. I am tuned in to my inner guidance as I make all these choices. No one else’s anti-cancer efforts would look just like mine, because your inner voice will give you your best options. I hope you never need to face a period of cancer in your life, but statistically you will have a family member, friend, or yourself in this boat. I wish you blessings and hope that having read this article helps you get through it. One last thought. This may not be easy to understand without having experienced a traumatic event in your own life. If you have survived a trauma, you may understand what I said to a friend, “Cancer is the miracle I didn’t know I needed. Deborah Kozlowski has been a licensed acupuncturist for 15 years. She also does Chinese herbology and NAET for allergies. She studied in Santa Fe, NM and Beijing, China. Her practice is A New Leaf Traditional Chinese Medicine at 188 Lake Ave. Saratoga Springs. She shares space with Alycia Askew of Fly Again Acupuncture. They can be reached at 587-7665. #84 February—March, 2016 I Healing Springs 25

Astrological your

MARCH: Group associations, valuable contributions and sharing with friends are important for this month. The Full Moon on the 23rd gives you a renewed interest in your health care and diet. Saturn goes retrograde on the 25th giving you more responsibility with business affairs and joint finances. This is not a good time to begin new business ventures or take on additional debt.



February & March, 2016

Using Standard Time locate your Rising Sign or Ascendant. If your birth time is Daylight Savings Time, subtract one hour. Your actual Rising Sign or Ascendant may differ depending on certain time of birth and dates; however, not to confuse the nonastrologer use the sign indicated for your Forecast. This placement is similar to the transiting planet’s location in your Natal Chart, except for exact degrees, and will correctly indicate your Forecast. For example, if you are a Gemini born at 6:38 P.M., your Ascendant is Capricorn. IT SHOULD BE NOTED: In February, Jupiter remains Retrograde all month in Virgo. The Full Moon occurs on 22nd at 03:24 Virgo. In March, a Central Total Eclipse at 18:57 Pisces occurs on the 8th and a Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon occurs on the 23rd at 03:10 Libra. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 25th at 16:24 Sagittarius and Jupiter remains Retrograde all month.

FEBRUARY: Exploring the mystical, mental pursuits and universal understanding are pursued for this month. You may attend a workshop or a formal class to gain new knowledge. As Jupiter remains retrograde, you have a renewed interest in family and home affairs. The Full Moon on the 22nd brings you a time when you can resolve existing matters or problems satisfactorily. MARCH: Social status, the career world and assuming responsibility are favored for his month. After the Full Moon on the 23rd, you enjoy the fun and friendship of your loved ones and children. Saturn turns retrograde on the 25th suggesting that you pay more attention to your close partnerships and to see them as they really are. All relationships may require strengthening now.

CANCER ASCENDANT FEBRUARY: Accepting changes, shared resources and solving problems are favored to this month. This is the time to pay off old debts and commitments to everyone’s satisfaction. Jupiter remains retrograde making you more tolerant and open-minded on new topics and ideas. After the Full Moon on the 22nd, you look forward to planning a long weekend trip or vacation. MARCH: Acquiring knowledge, philosophy on life and mental aspirations are explored for this month. The Full Moon on the 23rd brings a desire to make subtle changes in your home décor. Saturn goes retrograde on the 25th and it becomes a time of duty before pleasure. Poor habits and stress can make it necessary for you to watch your health and diet more carefully.

LEO ASCENDANT ARIES ASCENDANT FEBRUARY: Achieving goals, bonds of friendship and working together are the focus for this month. You will assess your recent achievements and make any necessary changes in your directions. As Jupiter retrogrades, you find ways to improve your work skills or the equivalent. The Full Moon on the 22nd indicates that you will better your health through diet and exercise habits. MARCH: Subconscious mind, universal teachings and serving the needy are pursued for this month. After the Full Moon on the 23rd, you begin to compromise in your one-to-one relationships. Saturn turns retrograde on the 25th and it may be necessary for you to clarify your philosophy on life. You reconsider beginning a course of study regarding questions you now have.

FEBRUARY: Forming relationships, legal agreements and being with others are the focus for this month. This is a time when you can learn about yourself through your partnerships with others. As Jupiter retrogrades, you are more interested in your financial security and saving. The Full Moon on the 22nd is a good time to examine your spending and saving habits. MARCH: Other’s assets, accepting changes and mediumistic abilities are the favored for this month. After the Full Moon on the 23rd, you become involved with neighborhood events or gatherings. Saturn turns retrograde on the 25th and you take life more to heart than just having fun. Romantic relationships are more serious and an old love may come back into your life.

VIRGO ASCENDANT TAURUS ASCENDANT FEBRUARY: Setting priorities, shouldering responsibility and the career world are important for this month. You may receive recognition for a job or project that was well-done. While Jupiter is retrograde, you rethink your new creative or romantic possibilities. After the Full Moon on the 22nd, you add more fun in your life as you become involved with loved ones and hobbies.


Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016

FEBRUARY: Physical well-being, undertaking work and learning efficiency are important for this month. You may perfect your work skills and begin a diet or exercise program if you want to be happy both with work your health. While Jupiter is retrograde, you seek ways to expand your self-awareness. The Full Moon on the 22nd allows you to look at yourself and critique your self-image.

MARCH: Forming partnerships, legal agreements and being with others are favored for this month. The Full Moon on the 23rd asks that you examine your spending and saving habits. Saturn goes retrograde on the 25th and your responsibilities with your family may be more demanding. This is a time to give your family and home all of the attention that they need and require.


FEBRUARY: Creative hobbies, speculative ventures and the joys of life are favored for this month. You enjoy being involved and helping your loved ones with their projects. As Jupiter remains retrograde, you become more interested in new-age beliefs and studies. After the Full Moon on the 22nd, you seek spiritual attunement and quiet time. Retreats become inviting. MARCH: Serving others, learning new skills and healthy habits are pursued for this month. After the Full Moon on the 23rd, you spend time learning about yourself and your self-image. Saturn turns retrograde on the 25th and you have the ability to concentrate and catch up on any paperwork that has been put aside. This is also a good time for beginning a formal study or class.


FEBRUARY: Home environment, base of security and personal matters get the attention for this month. You examine your life as a whole to see where you can make personal changes. While Jupiter is retrograde, you look at your achievements and set new goals or long-term directions. The Full Moon on the 22nd brings you new friendships and groups with the same interests as you. MARCH: Expressing oneself, speculative ventures and affairs of the heart are analyzed for this month. The Full Moon on the 23rd allows you to correct past mistakes and begin to move forward. Saturn goes retrograde on the 25th and it is the time to be realistic in financial matters and to stick to a strict budget. Currently, you are more inclined to put money away than to spend.


FEBRUARY: Daily activities, everyday environment and educational opportunities are the focus for this month. This is a time when you may decide to attend a workshop or formal class. As Jupiter retrogrades, you seek opportunities for advancement in your career or equivalent. After the Full Moon on the 22nd, there may be an important meeting about your career. MARCH: Domestic interests, searching for self and home-based activity are highlighted for this month. After the Full Moon on the 23rd, you examine your hopes and wishes and set new goals. Saturn turns retrograde on the 25th and you will be less carefree and more serious. This can be the time to examine yourself, but you will need to recognize your strengths as well as weaknesses.


FEBRUARY: Sense of values, use of assets and financial security are examined for this month. You may be able to settle an old debt or commitment with everyone’s satisfaction. Jupiter remains retrograde and you consider such topics as foreign cultures and travels. The Full Moon on the 22nd rules your higher mind and an interest in new studies or mental pursuits. MARCH: Mental activities, educational opportunities and everyday affairs are the focus for this month. The Full Moon on the

23rd may be a time when you receive public honors or recognition. Saturn goes retrograde on the 25th and brings an interest in the intuitive and psychic. This is also the time to take a spiritual workshop or class. Developing your spiritual life is important.

AQUARIUS ASCENDANT FEBRUARY: One’s potential, personal matters and discovering oneself are favored for this month. You also examine your selfimage and how you project yourself to others and friends. As Jupiter remains retrograde, this can be a time of healing and positive changes. After the Full Moon on the 22nd, you are able to balance your comfort needs and levels with those of others. MARCH: Material rewards, changing values and financial gain are analyzed for this month. After the Full Moon on the 23rd, you take a renewed interest in spiritual and intellectual studies. Saturn turns retrograde on the 25th and brings changes in your friendships and groups to which you belong. You now seek friendships who have the same interests and goals as you,

PISCES ASCENDANT FEBRUARY: Spiritual understanding, universal laws and karmic events are explored for this month. You are able to look back over the past and put things in perspective to move forward. While Jupiter retrogrades, you want to meet new people and expand your social involvements. The Full Moon on the 22nd gives you the opportunity to compromise in an important partnership. MARCH: Approach to life, astrologically you and discovering oneself are favored for this month. The Full Moon on the 23rd can be a time to analyze any shared assets and properties. Saturn goes retrograde on the 25th and indicates more responsibilities in your career or the equivalent. However, this can also be the time when you are recognized for your work and achievements. Arlene is an Author, Astrologer and Para-Consultant and has studied and worked with astrology for more than forty years. She has also been a professional astrologer since 1980. Arlene has a Certificate of Merit from Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson (CA 1982) and a Certificate of Proficiency from the Mayo School of Astrology (London 1985). In addition, she holds certifications from the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (1982-2017) as both a Medium and Spiritual Healer (Lily Dale, NY). Arlene can be reached at Astrological Concepts, Telephone (518) 371-8097 or Visit My Web Site at: http://www.yourstarsite.com #84 February—March, 2016 I Healing Springs


CALENDAR Tune In To Wellness Today TV Show, with LisaMarie Tersigni. Meet local wellness providers and learn the benefits of natural wellness modalities, services and products available. View 24/7 at SACC.TV Mondays and Wednesdays Gentle Kripalu Yoga Classes - 4:005:30 PM. First class free! Join Nini Gridley for a compassionate blend of warm-ups, sequenced asanas, shavasana, pranayama, and meditation designed to pacify the “Vata” energy through a well rounded yoga practice that is relaxing yet energizing for all levels of practitioners. Beginners are welcome. It’s gentle for every body. www.yogamandali.com 4th Wednesdays Living on a Plant Based Diet Monthly Gathering Basically if your into vegetables and fruit as your predominate calorie source come and hang out! We meet the 4th Wednesday of the Month 6:30-7:30 pm at Four Seasons Cafe on Phila Street- Hosted by Heather Stewart, owner of Pre K in the Park a high fruit and vegetable Pre School. www.plantbaseddietgathering.blogspot.com

Ave., Albany. Sponsored by Saratoga Integrative Medicine Education Network and Numinous. 518-210-1557. Monday, February 8 New Moon today at 9:40 AM, EST. The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Call Nini Gridley for details on this month’s very special New Moon Meditation - 518 573-0571. Saturday, February 20 Book Launch and Celebration of the coming Quantum Revolution — a happening and an event, featuring music by Joy Adler and the Souls of Evolution, with free food, beverages and wine, and more! 7:30 pm, Saratoga Arts Center, 320 Broadway in Saratoga Springs. Monday, February 22 Full Moon Journey, Katrina Clay wlll host a drum journey on the night of each 4 subsequent full moons. The evenings will contain two journeys, one guided one free. Come to one or come to all. The dates are Feb 22, Mar 23, Apr 22. Please join mailing list by emaiing katrina@healingspringsjournel.com, to be informed of the location of each journey. They will be in Saratoga.



Saturday, Feb. 6 The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform – apresentation and book signing with Michael Wayne, author of the new book, “The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform. 7 pm, Unitarian Universalist Church, 405 Washington

Tuesday, March 8 New Moon today at 8:55 PM, EST. The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Contact Nini Gridley for details on the New Moon Meditation 518 573-0571.


DIRECTORY ACUPUNCTURE Michael Wayne, Saratoga Springs & Clifton Park, 518-210-1557 The Acupuncture Studio, Glens Falls, 518-615-0505

ANIMAL CARE Jill Stewart, Equine Sports Massage Therapist and Canine Massage Therapist, Certified Aromatherapist 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com www.Privatelabel-aromatherapy.com

Ageless Acupuncture, Bridgette Kinder, Saratoga Springs, 518-538-6568, Susan Hamlin, The Saratoga Animal www.agelessinsaratoga.com Whisperer Animal Communication, 28 Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016

Tuesday, March 29 Place Matters: How Our Environment Shapes Us, apresentation by Madis Senner, a former global money manager turned seeker, and author of Vortices and Spirals, Unlocking the Mystery of Our Dynamic Relationship with Mother Earth. 6:30 pm, Saratoga Springs Public Library, Free. Sponsored by Saratoga Integrative Medicine Education Network, or SIMEN. 518-210-1557.

SAVE THE DATE April 16-17 2016 Holistic and Spiritual Arts Fair in Oneonta, www.shiftnewyork.com. Over 22 Free Workshops from Renowned Spiritual Teachers over two days! “Messages from Beyond” Public Gallery w/Sharon Klingler, one of the world’s leading Psychic Mediums, Sat. after fair! May 6 - 8, GIRLFRIENDS GETAWAY in BOLTON LANDING Choose from over 15 uplifting and empowering talks, classes, and demos. Luncheon and Fashion Show. Reduced Spa Treatments and Room Rates at The Sagamore Resort. $100 Admission www.girlfriendsgetawaybolton.com Bolton Landing Chamber of Commerce 518.644.3831 May 21 Healing Springs’ Symposium, Humans are wired for community not computers, unplug and heal your longing. Morning 5 HS Talks (Heart Sourced Talks) The morning’s speakers will offer an afternoon workshop. Closing A Sound Healing with Zelda Hotaling. 10am-6pm. HSS Talks only $10, Whole Day $50 pre-register, $75 at door. Call today to register; Katrina Clay; 518.332.6581, katrina@healingspringsjournal.com

518-245-8010, www.animal-whisper.com Kristina Dallas, DVM. Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture. Saratoga Springs, NY. 727-2940. Holistic care for pets. House calls. River Street Pet Spa., Warrensburg pet grooming, spa packages, reiki. 518-9322772 www.theriverstreetpetspa.com AROMATHERAPY Jill Stewart, Cert. aromatherapist, full line of human and animal aromatherapy

products, single essential oils and custom blends Gift baskets and party favors available 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.privatelabel-aromatherapy.com ART THERAPY Camille Grec, MA, Saratoga, (518) 8528540, cukarandera@gmail.com, www.camillegrec.com ASTROLOGY Arlene DeAngelus, ADeAngelus@aol.com, www.yourstarsite.com

COUNSELING Avis Burnett, Clifton Park, 518-371-0579 Breakthrough Counseling Center, Saratoga, 518-683-2202, www.breakthroughcounselinginc.com CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Margery Chessare, LMT, BCST, Sessions and classes in the Saratoga area, 518-893-0421, ChessareMargery@gmail.com


Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075, Lthomps2@nycap.rr.com, www.holistichealingartssaratoga.com

BACH FLOWER REMEDIES Nini Gridley, MS Ed, BFRP, Consultations by appointment, in person or over the phone. 518-573-0571 or fullspectrumhealing@gmail.com, www.ninigridley.com,

Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com

CAREER COUNSELING Penny Loretto, 518-798-6057, career@careerchoic.com, www.careerchoic.com CENTERS Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center, www.stillpointretreatcenter.com, 518-587-4967 Kawing Crow Awareness Center, 518-893-2620, www.kawingcrow.com CHELATION THERAPY Dr Andrew Garner, Glens Falls, 5187989401, www.drandrewgarner.com, agarner@roadrunner.com CHIROPRACTORS Delmar Chiropractic, Delmar, 518-439-7644 Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com COACHES Cate LaBarre, Personal and group coaching by phone and teleconference. Workshops in Saratoga Region. http://TheFordInstitute.com/CateLaBarre 518-882-9880, http://CateLaBarreCoach.com catelabarre@gmail.com Angela Kaufman, moonlighttarotllc.com. trionfi78@gmail.com. (513) 622-9178.

Sue Coughtry, LMT, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843


Cathy Saladis LMT, Albany & Clifton Park, 518-229-0741, www.headtotoe123.com DENTISTS Dr. Richard Aulicino, Lake George 518-668-9888, www.lookingoodnewsmile.com

HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS Private Label Aromatherapy: Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, All Purpose Cleaner, Household Cleaner, Essential Oil Deodorizing Sprays, Essential Oil Blends for Laundry and Dryer, Hand Soaps and more. Custom products also available. Jill Stewart 518-339-4348 Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.PrivateLabel-Aromatherapy.com HYPNOTISM George Guarino CH, offices in Delmar and Clifton Park, 518-256-6549 www.HypnosisWorksWell.com, george@HypnosisWorksWell.com Barbra Stevens, 518-755-5053 INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, 518-506-6303, atobin.pih@gmail.com, www.partnersinhealing.info INTUITIVE/PSYCHIC CONSULTANT: Barbara Allen, BA, PTC. 518-587-2583; barbaraln@nycap.rr.com

Dr. David B. Presser, Clifton Park, 518-371-5113

LIGHT THERAPY Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com

ENERGY Jack Treiber, 518-225-4692 Energy4HH@Yahoo.com, www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com/treiber.php www. energyforhealthandhealing.com, energyforhealthandhealing.com

Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com

Nina Lockwood, Healing Touch and Integrative Energy Medicine, 518-7915120, nina.lockwood@gmail.com. HEALTH AND WELLNESS PRODUCTS Evan Lawrence, Shaklee Independent Distributor. Healthy weight, nutrition, beauty, and home. Cambridge, (518) 6775662, healthyevan@verizon.net, http://healthyevan.myshaklee.com. HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE Jerome Pindell, Clifton Park, 518-3745492, www.jeromepindell.com

LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE Sue Coughtry, LMT, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843


MASSAGE THERAPY Beth Sabo Novik, Saratoga Springs, 5www.bethsabonovik.com 518-583-8831 bsnovik@gmail.com Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com Sue Coughtry, LMT, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843


Claudia Ascione, MA, MS, CH, Niskayuna, Manhattan and Ardsley, NY. A Peaceful Place, Clifton Park, 518-371-2225, www.peacefulplace.com 518 372-7023. #84 February—March, 2016 I Healing Springs 29

MATRIX ENERGETICS Rowena Fay, Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center, www.stillpointretreatcenter.com, 518-587-4967 stillpt423@aol.com MEDIUM Kelly M. Ballard, Clifton Park, (518) 461-7959, kelly@reflectiveharmony.com, www.reflectiveharmony.com MEDITATION The Mystic Satprem IKIERA Divine Holistic Healing Arts, Clifton Park, 518 788-7062, www.satpremji.com, www.ikierahealing.com MUSIC THERAPY Dennis Dominick, 518-361-5343, Djd1948@roadrunner.com NATURAL FOOD STORES Four Seasons Natural Foods Store & Cafe, Saratoga, 518-584-4670, wwwFourSeasonsNaturalFoods.com Pure-N-Simple, GlensFalls, 518-798-4047 NATUROPATHY Joanne Halloran, ND, Saratoga Healing Arts, 518-369-7080, www.doctorjoanne.com NIA The Center for Nia & Yoga, Albany, 518-463-5145, www.nia-yoga NUTRITION The Natural Improvement Center, Queensbury, 518-745-7473 Kathryn Kos Primal Bliss Nutrition; www.primalblissnutrition.com or e-mail primalblissnutrition@gmail.com. ORGANIZATIONS Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network (SIPN), www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com PHYSICAL THERAPY Integrative Physical Therapy, 518-373-0735, www.inspiredtherapy.com

PSYCHIC INTUITIVE CONSULTANT Diana Friedell Phone or in Oneonta Office, 607.433.2089 PSYCHOTHERAPY Wendy Ball LMHC, certified in EMDR and Hakomi therapies, specialize in trauma related disorders, couples counseling and life transition coaching. Albany office. 518813-8524. www.wendyballcounseling.com REIKI Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075, Lthomps2@nycap.rr.com, www.holistichealingartssaratoga.com Joyce Willson RN, RMT, The Art of Reiki, Troy, 518-271-7802, www.theartofreiki.com Joan M Frederick Classes/Treatments 518-829-7400, ProvidenceReiki.com Penelope Jewell Reiki classes and sessions www.ReikiWorks.info, www.penelope.org 518-480-9118

Greenfield Center NY, www.thestudioingreenfield.org, 518-893-6062 TAI CHI The Tai Chi Center, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-9315, www.the-taichi-center.com The Lemon Tree Yoga and Healing Arts Studio, Glens Falls, www.lemontreeyoga.com, lemontreeyoga@yahoo.com, 518-301-3291, 301-3293 Asian Arts Tai Chi Center, Albany, 518-489-1458, info@AsianArtsGrp.com, www.AsianArtsGrp.com TAROT Joan Scannell, www.joanscannell.com


TRAVEL Learning Journeys, Call or click for a free brochure at 888.884.8259, Info@LearningJourneys.com, or www.LearningJourney.com/Wellness

Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843

TREE SERVICE Foothills Tree Service, Practicing sustainable tree managment, 518-893-2620, www.kawingcrow.com

REFLEXOLOGY Cathy Saladis LMT, Clifton Park and Albany, www.headtotoe123.com, 518-229-0741

WELLNESS CENTERS A Peaceful Place, Clifton Park, 518-371-2225, www.peacefulplace.com

RETAIL Magic Moon, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-2488 Among Angels, Clifton Park, 518-357-8196, www.amongangels.com, info@amongangels.com Revibe, Schuylerville, 518-507-6473, more@revibeyourself.com, www.revibeyourself.com ROLF STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION Nick Pavoldi, 518.389.2200, BodyworkProfessionals@gmail.com SPACE FOR RENT The Studio, Greenfield’s Performing & Visual Arts Center, 165 Wilton Road,

Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com YOGA Yoga Mandali, Saratoga, 518-584-0807, www.yogamandali.com, Saratoga’s longest continually running studio serving our community for over 10 years The Lemon Tree Yoga & Healing Arts Studio, Glens Falls, 518-301-3291, www.lemontreeyoga.com Yoga with Jen, Warrensburg & Minerva, 518-956-2818 Namaste Yoga, Saratoga Springs, namasteyogasaratoga.com or 518-222-7470 Sisters Rock, www.sisters-rock.com


"The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls."

~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton


Healing Springs I #84 February—March, 2016


only get one mind and one “ You body… if you don’t take care of

that mind and that body, they’ll be a wreck forty years later, just like a car would be...It’s what you do right now, today, that determines how your mind and body will operate ten, twenty, and thirty years from now.

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Sign up on our website, or call 518 588-5542

SaratogaSpringsYoga.com Saratoga Springs, NY | 518 588-5542

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