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Issue #87, August—September, 2016

HEALING SPRINGS JOURNAL Our Region’s Wellness Resource since 2002

Meditation in the Mountains Yoga Teacher Training What is Energy Diagnostics Local


Tr u s t e d

Reclaim your ancient wisdom Wor kshops & priv ate sessions bringing you to your real self

Assimilating the wisdom of animals, the power of music and the intelligence of nature, Katrina guides people to their innate wholeness by reclaiming their ancient soul and integrating it with the modern world.

Join the community, connect with your ancient self katrina@healingspringsjournal.com o r v i s i t www.healingspringsjournal.com/katrina-clay-founder to sign up for email list. Questions; 518.332.6581

Up c o m i n g Eve n t s Full Moon Drum Journey, Katrina will lead a guided journey. 6:30-8pm. $20 suggested, pay what you have. Call or email for location. 518-332-6581. katrina@healingspringsjournal.com Thur., Aug. 18 and Fri. Sept. 16 Reclaim Your Wild Soul with Katrina Clay at Soul Space 11 N.Pearl St Albany, NY www.InspireSoulSpace.com contact: info@InspireSoulSpace.com Sat., Sept. 24 Nature Awareness through Photography, seeing all life through the lens of a camera increases your awareness. Explore the woods, get connected and be close to real life. 1-5. Oct. 1 Reclaiming Your Ancient Self, this is a new 6 month program. We will meet in person once a month and stay in contact online in between. Oct— Mar. Details are being confirmed.

Reclaim Your Nature in COSTA RICA Daily drum journeys, nature abundance, horses and free time. If you love animals, nature, music and exploring your inner world this is a not-to-be-missed adventure. www.learningjourneys.com/costa-rica-reclaim-yournature-healing-retreat-katrina-clay

Publisher’s Corner The greatest gift you can offer is a healthy, whole you On Monday, June 20th, I was gathered around a fire in celebration of the Full Moon and Solstice. This was a rare event, as the two had not been on the same day in more than 70 years and reportedly won’t happen again until 2094. A once in a lifetime occasion worth celebrating in the grass with soulful people, wise trees, and joyful fireflies. Afterwards I went home in love with the world. That evening, actually Tuesday morning around 2 am, we had a lighting storm to scare the masses. Lightning would flash here and there, causing the whole sky to light up for extended time. I continued to marvel at the power of the earth and as it turns out, the crossing over of my dear Grandmother. In countless cultures and myths lightning was ascribed as heralding the Divine. To me it is also a representation of the power when heaven and earth unite, exactly what takes place when a person crosses. We called my grandmother, Nain, which is Grandmother in Welsh. She and I are much alike in that we spill on our clothes, say phrases incorrectly, love singing, dancing, traveling and are always writing. We are also opposite, in that she was an extrovert doer, and I an introvert thinker. As a kid I felt Nain misunderstood me. I wanted to remain hidden and quiet, she wanted me to look her in the eyes and speak up for what I stood. She requested I walk with books balanced on my head so as to improve my posture and movement in the world. Her teachings did help me feel more comfortable around others. Including orating in front of groups, a love of which she passed on that I probably wouldn’t have seen without her being adamant I speak up. Harrison, the Medicine Man from The Navajo Horse Healing Project that did a blessing on my horse last year, talked about a need for modern people to find the old traditions and ceremonies of their roots. He suggested if you have French blood, to learn the ways of those ancestors, if Welsh look into those traditions. Harrison is full blood Navajo, so this is straightforward for him and makes sense. Many of us, however, have mixed blood, as do our parents and grandparents. The melting pot has been a wonderful place to recognize our connection to all walks of people. However, it leaves traditions watered down and a lack of focus or connection to any specific lineage. One thing we especially lack is an initiation in to adulthood. I’ve always felt old in spirit and soul. Contrary to that feeling, I was the youngest child of my parents as well as the youngest in our neighborhood. This had me thinking of myself as younger in body than how I felt spiritually. Up until the moment of the lightning storm, I had all my parents, step-parents, in-laws and even a grandmother alive and well. It proved challenging to fully grasp my adulthood when in the company of my childhood authorities. Putting my dear grandmother to rest, I found a new sense of age that was not based on how I felt in soul or body, but a deep knowing that I belong to one of the elder generations. Undoubtedly, it wasn’t just Nain’s passing that brought this about, but equally the ceremony we held to honor the last of a generation. Reminding me how important rites of passage are. Would my life be different if I had had a ceremony for the sole purpose of marking passage into adulthood long before losing my Grandmother? At first, Harrison’s idea of seeking roots and traditions seemed at odds with my sense that we have reached a time of owning our inner wisdom. I now see that learning from ancestors and teachers creates an opening to that inner knowledge. Not everything they say or preach will feel like truth to us. Even so, we listen and take only the wisdom that is our own. I have witnessed the blind following of instructions and repeating words of a teacher, and in turn the person’s output lacks heart, soul or presence. That is what I’d prefer to steer clear of. So, how does one find their inner teacher? My experience is to listen to the body, mine actually “speaks” to me in words, ideas and metaphors. When something feels alive in my body, it is my own. We all have an individual way, even this we have to find for ourselves. One thing I am confident about, however, is that it won’t be just words in your head or following a prescribed technique—it will be felt somewhere in your body. Maybe your fingers tingle, toes flutter or heart swells. Unfortunately, we have been conditioned to honor what comes from our intellect, as well as other people, above what we know in our body. So listening to that knowledge and learning to trust it, may be a process. If you have yet to learn how your inner world speaks to you, consider creating a ceremony to assist in that opening, perhaps in the ways of the ancestors you feel most aligned with. Or find a guide to help you experience it. If you are attracted to reading The Healing Springs Journal, you are ready to claim your inner intelligence. Our family was lucky to have Nain around for so long—she passed 3 days prior to her 101st birthday. She lived her life well and didn’t waste time sitting on the sidelines. A well-lived life isn’t one of all cocktail parties, friendships and laughter (some of Nain’s favorite things.) It also includes loss, heartbreak, failure and questions. The joys, the doubts and the sadness are signs of a real life. While I may not take on the same traditions as Nain, the best way to honor her is to live fully the life she passed on to me. Trusting my knowledge, seeking success, accepting failure, knowing all is simply proof I am alive, not proof of my worth. May you do the same. In Peace,


Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016




9 Why I Travel by Anne Malone 10 Meditation in the Mountains by Sara van Rijsewijk 12 Yoga Teacher Training Program by Heather Dacus 14 Re-Visioning Success by Wendy Ball 16 What is Energy Diagnostics by Joy Adler 18 Is Lack of Sleep Affecting Your Relationships?

22 24 25

by Barbara Stevens Hypnosis & Pain Managment by George Guarino Clove Oil by Sarah LoBisco, ND Following Passion by Cara Anaam


6 Our Community 20 Ask The Practitioner by Jerome Pindell, Claudia Ascione 26 Your Astrological Forecast by Arlene DeAngelus 28 Calendar 29 Directory

CONTACT US: Publisher Katrina Clay

Design & Production BeanTree Designs

E-Mail katrina@healingspringsjournal.com

Website www.healingspringsjournal.com www.issuu.com/healingspringsjournal

Phone (518) 332.6581

Advertising and story deadline for Oct/Nov issue is Sept. 6

The Healing Springs Journal is an independent publication committed to printing articles regarding the wellness of body, mind, spirit, and environment. It is a free publication supported by its advertisers. These advertisers must be judged on their individual merits, The Healing Springs Journal is not responsible for their claims, conditions, products, or services. Our articles reflect the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of our publisher. We do not claim to diagnose illness, but offer an open forum on complimentary & alternative therapies. Serious ailments should be checked out by a physician as well as by the healers you feel compelled to learn more about. We reserve the right to refuse advertising and are not liable for any errors within the ads themselves.

#87 August—September, 2016 I Healing Springs



Community Nature Photography Workshop Saratoga PLAN will host a photography seminar with photographer Linda Eastman at the Orra Phelps Preserve in Wilton on Saturday, August 20th from 9:00am-12pm. “Do you want your pictures to stand out, to be set apart from others, to be more than just a snapshot? To do this you need to learn how your camera sees, and how to take advantage of that,” said Linda Eastman. “My goal with the Orra Phelps Preserve Photography Workshop is to teach participants how to best use their camera and develop the skills needed to take outstanding shots in nature.” Participants will learn how to capture the beauty of the natural world through photography. Everyone will receive personal advice and suggestions on their work. Participants should bring their camera, any lenses they wish to use, and a tripod if possi-

ble. It is recommended that participants know the basics of their camera already, i.e. focusing, using manual settings, how to change ISO, shutter speed, and F stops. Space is limited; RSVP to Saratoga PLAN by calling 518-587-5554. The event is free, but donations are greatly appreciated. Saratoga PLAN is a nonprofit land trust that works to preserve the rural character, natural habitats and scenic beauty of Saratoga County so that these irreplaceable assets are accessible to all and survive for future generations. For more information, visit www.saratogaplan.org or call 518-587-5554.

Coesa Presents Film Forks Over Knives & Panel Discussion Coesa is pleased to offer a screening of the documentary film Forks over Knives which explores the disease reversing benefits of eating a plant based diet. Following the showings of the film, a panel discussion and dialogue about mindful eating will take place. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, stated over 2000 years ago “let food be thy medicine”. In this film, doctors and medical researchers will show how chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity can be healed or prevented by avoiding or reducing processed foods, dairy, sugar and animal products. In contrast to American diets, the film highlights countries that eat a plant based diet and have low incidences of these diseases.


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Psychic Readings on Saturdays!

Life is confusing, so come in and get some clarity with a Tarot and Numerology reading from Joan Scannell. Rates are $20 for 15 minutes and $40 for a half hour. Visit: www.joanscannell.com for more information about Joan. Readings are also available in the store on Thursday—Sunday with other readers. *call store to schedule

Bring in this ad and receive 1 0 % o f f full-price merchandise. 6

Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016

Following the 90-minute movie, a panel will present personal experiences and provide information on how food can be used as medicine, and be instrumental in the reversal of major illness. The panel will encourage participants to think critically about what is ingested and how food can impact your health. Join Coesa on Thursday October 6, 2015 at 5:30 pm at the Administration Building at the Saratoga Spa Park in Saratoga Springs, New York to view the movie and participate in the panel discussion about how to eat to enhance your life. A suggested donation of $15 is greatly appreciated to help defray costs of hosting the film. Coesa is a 501(C)(3) organization that collaborates with the local holistic wellness community to co-create innovative experiences in the original therapeutic setting of the Spa State Park. For more information visit us on Facebook at Coesainthepark or at www.coesainthepark.com.

Intuitive Painting At SoulSpace Intuitive painting workshops will be held at SoulSpace, 120 Ray Road, Greenwich, NY, on Saturdays August 20 and September 10, 2016, from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM, in an airy, open-sided barn, led by Carol Bollinger Green. At each one-day workshop for adults, first-time painters and artists, alike, are invited to have fun with vibrant color on paper. Using simple supplies...tempera paint and brushes, sponges, even gloves...painting can be playful, meditative, insightful. Explore making marks, without observing a subject or having anything in mind. Will there be a grand gesture of red, a decisive black line, maybe faint spots of green? By releasing judgments and comparisons, discover the freedom of seeing what unfolds. We'll begin by learning about process painting, becoming familiar with the materials, breathing and stretching, starting just where we are. Sensing the moment, what color arises, what movement, shape, placement? Checking back to sense how this feels, what color surfaces now? As with dreams, images may come, go, and change without reason. Individual attention, throughout the day, facilitates each person's connection with unique inner guidance, and the delight of spontaneous creative expression. Sharing the experience with a small group supports staying present and opening to possibilities. Visit www.soulspaceretreat.com to view the setting. Please call Carol at 518-692-7124 for information, and to register. Cost of $65 for adults, and $55 for returning painters includes materials. Bring a lunch and dress in layers, wearing comfortable shoes for a hay floor. You're welcome to come early, to walk the nature paths and enjoy the quiet surroundings at SoulSpace.

HALLOWEEN CAPER WEEKEND: Exploring the Four Directions Come and join a group of kindred change-makers for an enchanted Halloween Caper Weekend. We will explore the biggest questions of our times through serious play. This magical mystery will unfold in the context of a mystery theatre script.



Still Point is an interfaith retreat center located just minutes from downtown Saratoga. We offer space for reflection and personal time as well as programs for healing and enriching one’s spirit, mind and body. Mailing address: 20 Still Point Road, Mechanicville, NY 12118 Telephone: 518-587-4967 email: stillpt423@aol.com web: www.stillpointretreatcenter.com Take 24 hours from your busy schedule. Enjoy the stillness and power of nature on our partially wooded land. Re-connect to your deep self.

Pray! Be silent! Be! “The quieter you become, the more you hear.”

YwO G A ith Jen Tuesdays ¥ 9-10:15am @ Adirondack Community Outreach Center

(2718 Rte 28, North Creek

starting in July)

Wednesdays ¥ 6-7:15pm @ Minerva Fire House (1495 Route 28N, Minerva)

Thursdays ¥ 6-7:15pm @ Dynamite Hill (Route 8 Chestertown)

Hatha yoga, open to everyone.

You choose what to pay, weekly or monthly. 25% of the total collected will be donated to a different cause each month.

Contact Jennifer Monroe for more information at 956-2818 or just drop in.

Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network learn more at: www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com


Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016

This is the 22nd year the KCC community of kindred seekers attuned to spirit and conscious change will be offering another series of small group learning experience. These experiences are more self-directed than a typical workshop. We will collectively create our own rituals grounded in ancient wisdom traditions. Through deep inquiry, group movement, mask making, music, poetry and other creative actions we will investigate and celebrate this unique and soul-filled time of year. At the Saturday night bonfire, participant teams will share what they have discovered and created, each focusing on one of the four sacred directions. You will leave the weekend refreshed, having had a uniquely playful and spirit-rich connection with kindred seekers. Expect new insights and renewed awareness about your self, deepen your presence and clarify your future. We look forward to you joining us for this unique experience come and connect with kindred spirits! Contact: joelle@joellelydon.com for registration details. October 28-30, 2016 $250 Full weekend program, Friday and Saturday night lodging, Friday dinner, Saturday 3 meals, Sunday brunch, $150 Friday night lodging, Friday dinner, Saturday 3 meals, $75 Saturday program and 3 meals, no lodging, Meals are family style vegetarian. Attuned to Spirit is an open community of passionate people attuned to Spirit. We uplift and support each other to act for enlightened change in ourselves and in the world. Through connection, exploration and deep conversation, we learn from each other and gain insights that lead each of us to embody inspired action, resulting in sustainable and caring relationships with each other, our families, our organizations, our communities and our planet. KCC is not-for-profit organization, please consider adding a donation when you register. For more information: www.facebook.com/groups/KCCSocial/attunedtospirit.com

Saratoga Stress Reduction Program One Roof Saratoga is pleased to announce the September 2016 start of a new session of the Saratoga Stress Reduction Program, an eight-week stress reduction course taught by Selma Nemer, PhD, Caroline Russell Smith, LCSW, and Pierre Zimmerman, MS, in which students learn mindfulness meditation as a practice for growth and healing. Participants discover a deeper sense of peace in the midst of a fast-paced world. Students may choose classes on Tuesday evenings OR Saturday mornings for our Fall Session, beginning September 20th & 24th. Classes are held at One Big Roof, Center for Mindful Practices, 538 Maple Avenue (Route 9). Class size is limited, and we accept health insurance. One Roof has been offering this program since 2005, with over 2000 graduates. Benefits include improved breathing and sleep, reduced anxiety, better pain management, increased physical flexibility, changes in negative thought patterns, greater awareness of eating, improved immune system, and a sense of inner calm. Contact: One Roof Saratoga, Dr. Selma Nemer, 518-581-3180, Extension 307 for registration or visit www.saratogastressreduction.com

Why I travel by Ann Malone ife for me has been slow dawdles or a hundred yard dash; each taking me to the next destination, event, project, or experience. Though my life seems filled, it really is like mud in a hole. It doesn’t matter how hard or easy I work the hole, it still fills up. Why am I here; to fill a hole? There is a repetition to my days in which I care for mom, care for my son Luke, clean house, do laundry and go to work. Is this all there is a series of endless chores and obligations. Recently, I took a NIA exercise class and I got to experience walking on my bare feet….with purpose and intention. Not so much as to get somewhere or do something, it was more like feeling my feet for the first time. Feeling the heel of my foot, then the base, then the ball and finally the toes. Who knew toes were so important! All this in relation to my shin, thigh, and hip, feeling the movement of these limbs so succinctly – I never felt so grounded! Usually I stomp around going from here to there and everyone, striding as if the devil himself was chasing me!


Today, I am hanging out at the Charlotte International Airport in North Carolina waiting for my next flight into Fayetteville, NC. I have had a pretty long layover so I am trying out my new feet. I am walking with slow, mindful, purposeful steps. That feels pretty good! I love the feeling of walking, never have I had such an experience! I meditate as I do this, step, then breathe, step, then breathe, heal, ball, toes, heal, ball, toes. I appreciate the fact that I can walk. The measured stride. I like the sound of that. It means to me a purposeful way of going, determined, but not hurried. Firm then unrushed. But I digress, back to why I travel? I travel to expand the beliefs of who I am; to experience different places and different peoples. It’s the reason I like to walk, this measured walk; the deliberate movement of hands and limbs, head and eyes that drink in the sights and sounds of my surroundings. Whether it be a large city or a mountain. I am the consummate tourist whether it be in my home town or in another state. I see everything and take it in. There are so many beautiful sites in my hometown of Albany, NY. There are times though when my soul longs to see further than what my eyes behold. Maybe it already sees further and is asking me to come along for a joyous expansive ride. Expand…experience…expand some more. Not unlike our own galaxy which is in the forever state of expansion. The universe never seems rushed or hurried. It takes its measured step in millions of years and I take mine in hundreds of feet or even miles. I like traveling. I feel connected to the world I experience. I am here not to plod or rush about but to expand, experience and expand some more. A divine gift from God because God is always expanding and he is pulling me along slowly, deliciously, easily through this amazing journey that is life.

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w w w. I n s p i r e d T h e r a p y. c o m Anne Malone is a veteran parent of two indigo children who finds satisfaction working at the Center for Natural Wellness School of Massage Therapy. Anne has an intense interest in all that a spiritual and is a self proclaimed closet author. #87 August—September, 2016 I Healing Springs


Meditation in The Mountains World Renowned Meditation Teacher – davidji - Hosts Retreat at Minnowbrook Conference Center in the ADKs setting for his upcoming retreat. The Adirondacks. Davidji grew up in Queens New York but was immersed in the natural beauty of the Adirondack Park at the young age of 3, thanks to his grandparents. For almost a decade of his childhood he spent much of his time playing in the water at Paradox Lake, learning many of the ways one can bask in nature, practicing archery and even firing off a rifle for the first time – all inside the great blue line! by Sarah van Rijsewijk here are many emotions that are triggered when one steps inside the blue line threshold of the Adirondack park. You see those brown and orange road signs, the sunlight dancing on the bright green leaves of maple trees, feel the warm rock underneath you as you take in the view from the peak of your morning hike, the carpet of orange pine needles under your feet as you connect with nature.


With the Mountains as a backdrop, the pines and Blue Mountain Lake envelope center stage and a Meditation retreat begins. September 1st 2016 through the 4th, internationally recognized Meditation Teacher and Bestselling Author davidji, will be hosting the second annual Secrets to Personal Transformation event - a four-day retreat in the heart of the Adirondacks at The Minnowbrook Conference Center in Blue Mountain Lake. I had the privilege of speaking with davidji while composing this article and was easily able to relate to a common interest and the

Even though davidji has been living on the sunny California coast for the past 13 years, there is a part of him that will always feel at home in the Adirondacks. So with that, it was no coincidence that he was approached by Andrea Willis of Syracuse University (where he spent many happy years during his college days) in 2015 to give a talk at the Hendricks Chapel on campus. He happily agreed to speak and soon after they created the Secrets of Personal Transformation event at the Minnowbrook Conference Center. “Going to the Adirondacks is like coming home. You get that feeling, the smells of camp... there’s a part of me that will always feel at peace there and in Syracuse.” he states. Davidji acquired his name in 2003 when Deepak Chopra & his partner & co-founder Dr. David Simon invited him to become the COO & Lead Educator of the Chopra Center. Within a few weeks, there was an apparent conflict with having multiple “David’s” at the center. To ease the confusion, they gifted him the name Davidji. Deepak said

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Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016

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518-755-8843 that Ji was a term of endearment in Hindi and it meant “beloved.” The name was even more fitting since Davidji's mother named him David from the biblical meaning “beloved”. He changed his name to davidji with a lower case ‘d’ claiming that he is not THE beloved, just “beloved squared”! The first time I ever heard the voice of davidji, I knew that my troubles with finding the right Guided Meditation teacher were finally over. To this day, he has a world wide following of people who are transforming the world by transforming themselves, using the art of meditation. Last year was the pilot run for the event and the turnout was incredible. The retreat brought in folks from all walks of life and from all corners of the country - even reaching up into British Columbia in Canada. Attendees ranged in age from 22 years old to 70 years old. People came who were looking to meet other like minded souls, people who were at a crossroads and were looking for guidance, and those who just wanted to bask in the beautiful nature of the Adirondacks, meditate and connect with mother earth. For four days, attendees will rise before the sun and sit in meditation. They will connect with the earth, starting in darkness and using the sun as their timer they begin the day. They will have constant access to davidji, his tools, tips and wisdom. The group is small in size, less than 50 people gather together. They will meet other incredible people and form lasting relationships. Many of last years attendees reported that the retreat was “life changing.” “People come and you can tell that they are sad or stressed and searching for answers. It’s a wonderful thing to watch as the light bulbs continue to go off in their head and within a few short days they move from confused to clarity” davidji states. “There is a sense of innocence when this group of people come together. They are willing to talk about themselves and their lives.” Davidji teaches from a place of non dogmatic openness. He serves as a spiritual “guardrail” almost, helping those who are drawn to him form structure in their meditation and spiritual

fullspectrumhealing@gmail.com / 518-573-0571 practices. He emphasizes that there are so many things that could serve as spiritual experiences - “sitting on the porch in an Adirondack chair, playing volleyball, or just watching the stars. You never know what will resonate with someone.” If you are at a place where you are seeking spiritual direction, hoping to meet other wonderful people, or get deep into the woods and bask in nature, then this retreat has come at the perfect time. Reservations are available through August and can be made by going to www.davidji.com/events. If the retreat isn’t what you are looking for, Davidji will be doing another keynote speech at The Hendricks Cathedral on August 29 2016 on the Syracuse University campus with a book signing to follow. If you have been looking to amp up your meditation practice, check out some of Davidji's guided meditations, available on www.davidji.com/meditation/. He has authored 2 incredible books, the Amazon #1 Bestseller, Destressifying: The RealWorld Guide to Personal Empowerment, Lasting Fulfillment, and Peace of Mind; and Secrets of Meditation: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace & Personal Transformation, winner of the Nautilus Book Award. Sarah van Rijsewijk is a Certified Life Coach and the owner of Natural Peace Life Coaching, a practice in the southern Adirondacks offering 1 on 1 Coaching, Reiki, Tarot Guidance and many other services. Sarah grew up in Schenectady NY and relocated to the Adirondacks because she loves the mountain atmosphere. Sarah has a husband and 2 little girls, as well as 3 Alaskan Malamutes and a huge flock of Chickens! She began her Coaching practice because she is naturally intuitive and loves working with people to help them gain clarity and live their best life potential. For more information visit www.naturalpeacecoaching.com or call 518.928.8682 #87 August—September, 2016 I Healing Springs


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Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016

Teacher Training Program S h o u l d Yo u D o I t ?

by Heather Dacus, DO, MPH leven years ago I made the decision to become a yoga teacher when the studio I practiced at for the previous three years offered a 200 hour Teacher Training program. My desire was to learn more about yoga and, as we yogis often say, to “deepen my practice”, never having the intention of actually teaching a class. My training program was an intensive 3-week immersion, with a daily schedule of 12 hours each day. I certainly deepened my practice during that time (an understatement), and, despite my original intention to not be an actual teacher, I began subbing yoga classes and soon started teaching classes of my own. I have been teaching regularly now for the past 11 years and absolutely love it!


Back when I did my training there were limited options but today they are incredibly common. Cities all over the country have yoga studios and instructors eager to share what they know with willing, interested students. That being said, there are many factors to consider when choosing the training that best suits you. It is a big investment of your time and money so it’s important to ask yourself what’s intriguing you and then to take the time to do your research on the various programs available. The first thing to consider should be your motivation. What is about yoga that you love and why does the idea of taking a training appeal to you? Is the desire for personal growth, to deepen your own practice or do you see yourself teaching someday? Are you looking for a career change? If making money is a consideration I offer caution as teaching yoga is most often not a lucrative endeavor, most of us who teach feel that it is a service and an honor to share this ancient healing practice but we maintain other employment or have other resources to pay the bills! A second thing to consider is the scheduling and time frame of the training. Find a training that will coincide with your own schedule based on work, school or family commitments. Some trainings are consecutive multi-week intensives and some are spread out over several months or even a year. You should be able to find a training that meets your needs. This is important because the full 200 hours are required to attain certification.

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The next, and probably one of the most important considerations, is the quality of the training. The questions you should be asking include, how many years has this studio been offering a Teacher Training Program? Is the studio in a good location and a comfortable space as I will be spending a lot of time there? What are the qualifications of the instructor? How long have they themselves been teaching? How long have they been instructing teacher trainees? Who was their teacher/teachers and in what lineage? Are the teachers who have been trained previously by this instructor good teachers and are they happy with the training program having completed it? What is the style of yoga and is that the style I will want to teach? What are the components of the training (the philosophy, anatomy, alignment, sequencing, sanskrit, reading material etc.)? How large is the group? Will I get enough personal attention? Is the studio a registered Yoga School with Yoga Alliance and is the teacher registered? Will I be respected as a teacher based on the training I’ve received because it has a solid reputation? Is there a payment plan or am I responsible for the entire cost up front? You'll probably come up with many other questions as well! I highly encourage you to do your research in making this decision. Visit the studio, take classes, talk to the owner and other teachers. If your heart is set on making this personal investment you will do so with confidence. There’s certainly more room for more good people who want to help spread the joys of yoga and I sincerely hope you love teaching as much as I do! Dr. Heather Dacus, DO, MPH came to the upstate New York area as a U.S. Navy medical officer and now heads the Bureau of Cancer Prevention and Control at the NYS Department of Health. She is a certified yoga instructor and teaches at Yoga Mandali in Saratoga Springs, New York.

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www.naturalimprovementcenter.com #87 August—September, 2016 I Healing Springs




by Wendy Ball e are living in times when success seems elusive, even impossible to achieve for most of us. Careers are difficult to establish. Financial security and savings are difficult for most to achieve. Family life and relationships are complicated. Physical and emotional health are issue laden for many of us.


So, if success is associated with triumph or prosperity as it generally is in our culture then to many of us are left to struggle with feeling some degree of failure in our lives. But what if you were to turn your requirement for the experience of success on its head and focus on the smallest rather that the biggest. And what if you were to replace the notion of success held in our culture with one that works within your unique and individual circumstances. And what if you were to give yourself permission to focus on what is working rather than what is not working? What might success look like then? Success would be the smallest thing you do toward a particular goal. Imagine that you allow yourself to experience pleasure and pride with each step you take. Then each and every effort might build energy and confidence that could be used toward the next. Success would be each time you show up for a challenge that is uniquely yours. We’re talking about an experience here, not an objective reality. It's the experience of success that gives us pleasure, confidence, self esteem; that buoys us up and gives us the energy to carry on in contrast to the feeling of failure that diminishes and drains us. The objective reality is about comparison. One person has more money than another person, and is therefore more successful. Some would even judge them to be superior. Many of us dread failure. Sometimes we avoid the kind of action that would lead us to success because we are so afraid of failing. What if we could eliminate the demoralizing experience of failure. What if there was only the pleasure and confidence gained in accumulating instances of accomplishment that we call success and the experience of learning that comes from what we call failure? A friend of mine shared once how he stopped smoking. He had joined a behavioral science experiment in which he agreed to self-

inflict a shock each time he smoked. After a bit he declared: “bad enough I’m smoking but now I’m zapping myself besides, and it hurts!” Instead of accepting “failure” by dropping out of the experiment he decided to design his own alternative program where he would congratulate himself each time he decided not to buy a package of cigarettes, or each time he took a cigarette out and then decided not to smoke it, or even each time he lit up a cigarette and smoked a certain amount and then decided to put it out. In his method of quitting there was no failure, only success. One success added to another and eventually he stopped smoking, permanently. In one of my favorite tarot decks where each card represents a major life lesson based on stories from different spiritual traditions there is a card called Comparison. The story is about a proud Samurai who goes to see a Zen Master. This Samurai is famous, and yet when he comes in front of the master he suddenly feels inferior. He asks the master why is this? The master invites him to look out the window where there is a tall tree and a small one beside it. The master comments that the two trees have been there for many years and he has never heard the small tree say it felt inferior next to the big one. The Samurai realized, of course, trees can’t compare. And then, in this story, there is a beautiful sentence: “When you don't compare, all inferiority, all superiority, disappear. Then you are - you are simply there. A small bush or a big high tree - it doesn’t matter, you are yourself. A grass leaf is needed as much as the biggest star. The sound of the cuckoo is needed as much as any Buddha - the world will be less rich if the cuckoo disappears.” Leo Babauta talks about success in the context of habit change. He has found that thinking big has not been helpful to him. He has found a way to change his life that he can enjoy each step of the way and feel increasingly good about himself, that is focused on what he does and not on what he doesn't do. He has boiled his method of successful change down to 4 steps:

1. Start very small 2. Do only one change at a time. 3. Be present and enjoy the activity (don't focus on results). 4. Be grateful for every step you take. May each one of us re-claim the ability to experience success in each moment that we show up for ourselves and each other in our unique lives. References:

Rajneesh Neo Tarot www.zenhabits.net




Wendy Ball has a private counseling and shamanic energy healing practice in Albany NY. You can get more information about her work by calling 518-813-8524 or visiting www.wendyballlcounseling.com.

“It's the experience of success that gives us pleasure, confidence, self esteem; that buoys us up and gives us the energy to carry on in contrast to the feeling of failure that diminishes and drains us.” 14

Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016

#87 August—September, 2016 I Healing Springs


What is Energy Diagnostics? • Class is ideal for Reiki practitioners, pastoral counselors & for those with or without previous study of the human energy system. • Right for those that have mastered physical modalities and long for a deeper study of the mechanics of energy healing. • Develop tools for self-healing & regulation of your own system. • Learn how to assess, repair, revitalize and re center your client’s energy field. • High vibrational attunements, meditations & music for healing.

The most comprehensive healing training in the area. Learn to clear stagnant energy & blocks to assist with optimal health, fulfillment & creativity. Experientials to heighten & develop your intuitive awareness of energy, as well as demonstrate techniques & support you in practice healings. This class provides great information to help you better understand the emotional, spiritual and mental connection to pain, stress & dis-ease within the body. Learn ways to open to your greatest health & happiness. We foster a safe, vibrant community of caring, like-minded professionals. This is a private class.

To register please email Joy at: goldenvoice@prodigy.net 16

Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016

by Joy Adler B.H.S.P. nergy Diagnostics is about creating and holding space for peoples’ self healing, because all healing is self healing. So we’re really holding the matrix of possibility. I look at myself as kind of a mechanic, an energy mechanic. So it’s like assessing and diagnosing what’s going on in the energy field or the chakra system, how it impacts their body and our alignment with life, with our destiny. We then utilize a variety of advanced methods to assist ourselves and client's to come back into our intended alignment. We tap into several systems to achieve that by using what we know about the physiology as well as the human energy field to track and diagnose, then offer healing skills to bring about a healthier balance. Utilizing skills such as Soul Retrieval, Music and movement, Shamanic Journeys, attunements, meditation, inner child work, immune system support energy through advanced healing methods, we create the optimal environment for our participants to open beyond their own set limitations and Ancestral healing through each chakra.


I teach the skills that I learned across time from great teachers that I’ve had the honor to study with, as well as from my guides during sessions. I write about it in my workbook 'Energy Diagnostics', and we teach from that throughout the course. So I am simply incorporating the many lessons that proved beneficial to me, and what has worked from my own experience. Clearly so much of what I now integrate and teach is ancientness. And that’s why we call it Energy Diagnostics, Advanced Holistic Healing Techniques for Balance in our Busy, Modern World. I believe, we have stories for each one of the chakras, and I've developed different methods-keys to unlock the doors of the chakras for optimal health, happiness and the fulfillment of our destiny. My team and I always begin class with live music and soundscapes to help people to really get the higher energetic, their highest potential as Spirits in form through meditation and music for healing. These methods assist others really expand their muscles and capacity to stay in these higher frequencies, and in these meditative states, for longer periods of time which opens us to divine ecstasy! This offers our participants the opportunity to really integrate the transmissions for healing and to make the shifts in their energy system, by releasing old patterns that no longer serve them. As they open yet again, from where they had been closed, they’re transmitting it for their beloveds, for their clients. I always say that as we heal, our families heal to the degree that they are open to that. Then they really move forward, go to that next level, upgrade, remove any obstacles that are in the way to their path; and therefore, their

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“Energy Diagnostics is about creating and holding space for peoples’ self healing, because all healing is self healing. So we’re really holding the matrix of possibility.” greatest fulfillment. So they feel freer to offer their unique message that they have for humankind. I personally find that it so rewarding to watch people fly and love what they’re doing and share it with the world!



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My hope, my prayer is that as this healing energy folds out across the world that it may unite humanity, helps to heal the earth and helps toward world peace. This is just what has worked for me, my personal system that I’ve developed over 23 years. For those that may be interested in joining us this Fall, contact me at goldenvoice@prodigy.net Check out the classes page of my website too. www.joyadler.com Joy Adler, B.H.S.P. Is a graduate, former faculty member and director of the Creative Arts Dept. at The Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and current Workshop Leader for their 4-year program. She is the head of the Wellness & Emotional Growth Curriculum at CNWSMT and the program mentor, as well as their Student, Faculty and Administrative Advisor. Joy is the author and founder of Energy Diagnostics program and accompanying workbook, and has a private practice in Albany as well as

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#87 August—September, 2016 I Healing Springs


Is Lack of Sleep Affecting Your Relationships? by Barbara Stevens id you know that there is a link between insomnia and weight gain?


For many of us sleep is just wasted time that we could use to complete our endless “To Do” list. The newest research on this subject is telling us that we have been misled, sleep is in fact as important as food and air for our continued health and well-being. When you sleep there is more going on in your body and brain then just “down time”, there is massive mental and physical repair, some of which is tied to a specific time. It has been found that the Adrenal Glands repair between the hours of 10:00 PM and 1:00 AM, this is of particular concern to me as a Stress Management Consultant because these little walnut size glands, that sit on top of our kidneys, are responsible for the Fight or Flight response, better known (and felt) as STRESS. Getting to sleep before midnight can make a MAJOR difference in your energy levels during the day. There were times when I was working on a project in the evening, and around 10:00 PM I would get what I used to think of as “My second wind”. I now know that this is really an adrenaline dump. Those little glands that in our ancestor’s time would have been in rest mode, have been called into action and were now releasing energy to keep me awake and alert. If this happens too often the glands become depleted, creating “Adrenal Fatigue”. Take this short quiz, and if you answer Yes to these questions you may be experiencing Adrenal Fatigue. • Do you wake up extremely tired and ‘foggy’? • Are you experiencing decreased tolerance (quick to anger), decreased clarity of thought, poor memory? • Have physical complaints (aches, pains, headaches, lingering colds) increased? • Does sex seem like more trouble than it's worth? • Has there been an increase in sugar and salty food cravings? What to do? Here’s some ideas to get your best night’s sleep:

Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network



Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016

Get Off the Electronics One Hour Before Bedtime. Research is showing that the blue/white light emitted from these devices is depleting the melatonin we need to get us to sleep. Use

Dr. Richard Aulicino

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For Ever Green Building 1849 Rte 9, Lake George 518-668-9888 www.holisticsmiles.org the bedroom for sleeping, get thecomputer/laptop/ cellphone/TV out of that room.

Make Bedtime a Routine. Too often we push ourselves and then try to make up for the lack of sleep on our days off. This does not work! Keep a set time to go to bed, preferably before 11:00 PM. Create a routine that slows down the thinking by doing some relaxing stretches and deep breathing. We can’t go 100 miles an hour and then drift into sleep.

Manage Stress on a Daily Basis. Often when we get into bed we begin to rehash the events of the day and worry about what’s coming up. When you begin to get eight hours of restful, restorative sleep, you will see improvements in all areas of your life. This new sense of well-being will put a smile back on your face and you will become MORE (not less) productive! Call Barbara Stevens, Stress Techniques, 518-755-5053, for more information on Sleep and other services. For over 20 years, Barbara Stevens has presented Stress Management sessions to State Agencies, national health care organizations, and educational facilities throughout New York State. She has a private practice in Colonie, N.Y. working with clients in Hypnosis, Stress Management, Insomnia, Smoke Cessation, Test Apprehension, Weight Control, Pain Management, Motivation and Performance, and Past Life Exploration. #87 August—September, 2016 I Healing Springs


JEROME MICHAEL PINDELL Homeopathy Hypnosis Jin Shin Jyutsu

518 374-5492 www.jeromepindell.com


Ask the ractitioner


How can you tell whether chronic headaches are from sinuses, allergies, infection? Are there different effective approaches to healing this condition?

Homeopathy; Jerome Pindell Sometimes the answer to questions are not based in clear cut causes such as those that you have suggested. Besides those possible scenarios, chronic headaches can be related to blood pressure, stress (whether emotional or job related), hormonal, and occasionally even deeper and more difficult to detect issues, such as endocrine related or even tissue abnormality, and sometimes covert disease manifestations. Even as a practitioner of alternative health practices, I value highly the importance of accurate diagnosis. Sometimes, often in fact, my experience has led me to proper conclusions as to the cause of many presentations that are troubling my clients. How is that accomplished? Questions, lots of them and experience. If lines of inquiry lead to dead ends, then I continue to another potential cause. A good practitioner does not make assumptions. They are inquisitive. Sometimes it is air borne allergy, or food sensitivity. Questions about the time of year, most recent occurrence, what the weath-


Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016

er was that day, what was their work or home environment like, when did the headaches start, what means of intervention have you tried and were any of them successful, are all answers that are needed. Have they ever been seen by a physician and given a diagnosis? Are they on any medications now? Side effects of meds can often be attributable to chronic headaches. Then there are questions about where the pain begins, whether it moves, what is the nature of the pain, eg. throbbing, piercing, dull, hammering, etc? Does anything help or make them worse? When do they start: morning, mid-day, evening, weekends, etc? If there is nasal discharge, the quality and color of that discharge is important. These are the kind of explorations that a homeopath will undertake. I might also explore the possibility of using Jin Shin Jyutsu to change the energetic pathways in the body, if that appears to be the cause. Absent finding a clear indication and depending on the severity of the condition, I may refer them to a physician for blood work, or other lines of inquiry. You have so much information within yourself that will give direction to a good practitioner, but you need to be able to allow for the time necessary to discover and correct the disharmony that has led to these chronic headaches. If you are willing to do that, then you can find a path to releasing the need for them. And sometimes the cause is beyond my skill, but well within the perspectives and abilities of one of my colleagues with whom I share this column. Go to the one that your inner voice directs you toward. They will help you beyond words. Jerome M Pindell uses Homeopathy, Hypnosis, Jin Shin Jyutsu and spiritual counseling to assist his clients. He is a poet, whose newest book, This Thirst, is now available, along with his previous collection, Training Tracks, poems by implosion through Amazon, or contacting him directly. He has offices in

Clifton Park, Niskayuna, and NYC. He can be reached at 518-3745492 or through his website, www.jeromepindell.com.

Homeopathy; Claudia Ascione It's often very difficult to figure out the origins of headaches. Many of the symptoms of the various types of headaches are identical and often indistinguishable. So to create more clarity, it's useful to keep a log of the many details that accompany the pain. These details should include physical, mental, emotional and environmental triggers. Dietary and seasonal triggers should also be listed. Describe the sensation of the pain and its location. Are there visual changes or distortions? Is there any marked sensitivity to light and sound? How often do these headaches occur? How long does the pain last? Does anything improve the pain or make it worse? Intense throbbing pain with visual distortions or nausea, headaches that recur many times every month are classified as migraines. Tension headaches, also can have very similar characteristics. In headaches of sinus origins, the questions would include a description of the quality and color of the mucus. Yellow or green would indicate infection as would the presence of a low grade fever. Are the nasal passages blocked or does the mucus flow freely? Sinus headache pain is usually felt in the cheekbones, forehead or bridge of the nose. There can be a feeling of fullness in the ears and nose. As with all chronic pain, it is an invitation to reflect deeply on what are the causes. Bring your detailed log of triggers and then work with a practitioner that can help clarify the maze of symptoms to distill and uncover prime causes.

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I recall working with someone who was an artistic director of an advertising agency who had long standing chronic headaches. He, like so many, had taken headache medications of various sorts and while he had some relief, often he had a recurrence of the pain after stopping the medication, so it was a vicious cycle. He was interested in exploring homeopathy. After our interview which brought forth mental, emotional, physical and soul aspects, I suggested the homeopathic remedy, Ignatia. This remedy is useful in resolving issues of profound grief and sorrow. People who do well with this remedy are often overly perfectionistic. The next time I saw him he said that he kept the remedy bottle on a spiritual altar because it resolved the headache pain cycle. It felt like a miracle to him. I was struck by the elegance of this healing effect from one appropriately selected homeopathic remedy. Claudia Ascione MA, MS, CH is a holistic practitioner of the healing arts of homeopathy, hypnosis and the energy healing artJin Shin Jyutsu. Combining an eclectic, intuitive and deeply spiritual orientation to healing issues and concerns, she has offices in Niskayuna, Ardsley and Manhattan. Call (518) 372-7023 for more information.

Healing Springs Journal #87 August—September, 2016 I Healing Springs


Your Next Hypnosis Best Friend & Pain Hey guys, it's Deacan! If you are looking for an active dog who sniffs everything and loves butt scratches, then I'm your guy! Once I warm up to you I will show you how great I am.

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Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016

Management by George Guarino, CH,CI ow would you like to manage your chronic pain or help others to do it? If you could learn emergency pain control would you use it? Could pain be a choice to be managed?


The more we learn about the signals sent throughout our bodies the more we can understand that we are more in control of what we allow ourselves to feel than we once thought. Feeling pain is real, yet who wants to feel pain? Could feeling only a slight discomfort or only a minor pressure instead of a debilitating pain be a choice. Does chronic pain have to be a lifelong sentence? Pain is created when a signal is sent from the affected area to the brain and the brain sends a signal back to the affected area to have a feeling we call pain. Pain is created in the brain, yet it is felt at the affected area. Yes, pain is important. It tells us that something has to be attended to, but once that message has been received and acted upon it can begin to cause emotional pain and diminish the quality of our lives. What if we could turn off, or at least turn down that circuit once we’ve gotten the message to attend to the affected area? Would that be OK? Hypnosis is a powerful tool that has been proven to do just that. In deep hypnosis, the Esdaile State, anesthesia is so complete that there is no physical feeling what so ever. Extensive operations with no chemical anesthesia at all have been documented. Our minds are so powerful that when they are trained properly we can cause ourselves to reform old beliefs, like the idea that we are stuck feeling a chronic pain, into new possibilities. It is a matter of progressive hypnotic training. We are always testing but once we feel the benefits of the new training, the abilities we begin to attain become our new reality. There was a time when you couldn’t ride a bike, but once you did it, you are now unable to forget how. It’s now part of your neurology, even without practice. If you were to hop on a bike you would innately know just how to balance and ride the bike. We learn that thoroughly. That doesn’t mean that everyone will always want to ride bikes, or that you won’t fall from time to time, but from that moment when you felt yourself in balance, moving forward, you had a new truth inside you. Hypnotic techniques for pain management use the power of our

changes your neurology. You now know you have a new skill and it’s up to you to practice and refine it either by yourself or with the help of your hypnotist. Make it your own and perhaps teach it to others. Hypnosis in not relaxation but it can feel extremely relaxing. This, in and of itself, has been proven to take pressure off stressed and pained areas of the body allowing the body to heal itself more easily and thoroughly than when the body is in a hyper state of distress. When you maintain this relaxation in a state of hypnosis and practice it over a period of time, profound results have been reported above and beyond the immediate benefit of pain relief.

imaginations to cause a hand, for instance, to go numb and analgesic, like being asleep. This provides a tool that can be transferred around the body to areas crying for relief. You can actually transfer the numb sensation from place to place in the body. Another technique is to create an internal dimmer switch or knob that allows the pain to be reduced, dimmed, and lowered to a point of only minor discomfort. Once you have success with these techniques in hypnosis it’s like learning to ride a bike. It

Hypnosis and hypnotic techniques are skills that can be taught, learned and used for a life time. Allow your mind to be open to the possibilities. George Guarino,CH,CI practitioner and trainer with offices in Clifton Park, Delmar and Albany. George offers a 2 day training, Learn to Hypnotize People in Just 2 Days, (Sept. 17-18) 518-256-6549, www.HypnosisWorksWell.com .

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www.healingspringsjournal.com #87 August—September, 2016 I Healing Springs


Clove Essential Oil by Sarah LoBisco ssential oils are one of my favorite health habits. I have been using them in my practice and personal life for over fifteen years now. These aromatic secondary metabolites are produced by the plant in order to modulate its immune defense system and to stimulate various helpful pathways. In humans, essential oils favorably impact our biochemistry, physiology, and psychology due to the fact that these plant compounds are so compatible with our own biology. Essential oils are absorbed easily into our system through skin application, inhalation, or ingestion and excreted quickly, mostly through the kidneys.


Essential oils are a truly holistic and mind-body medicine tool with a vast array of applications. For example, with one bottle of essential oil, I could be affecting my client’s physiology by supporting their immune system and inhibiting unwanted microbial growth, modulating hormonal pathways and inflammatory signaling to affect their physiology, and calming their minds through the olfactory response of smelling. In fact, the impact of aroma on stress alone has an infinite amount of positive benefits! How can one bottle do so much? It is due to the fact that an essential oil contains hundreds of different constituents all balancing different aspects of the body all at once!! In this article, I’m going to focus on the many uses of one of my favorite oils, clove essential oil. If you are new to using essential oils, please read my blogs on my homepage at dr-lobisco.com for how to safely use essential oils and to determine their quality before implementing. Always discuss any changes that may affect your health regime with your integrative and holistic healthcare providers.

Clove Essential Oil There are three essential oils clove species, specifically clove bud oil, clove stem oil, and clove leaf oil. All have different properties and compositions. It is believed clove bud oil may be the highest quality; therefore, it is the most expensive. It contains high amounts of eugenol (80-90%) and eugenol acetate (15%) and beta caryophyllene (5-12%). Of course, its constituents and compounds will vary based on genetic factors, climate, soil, distillation, and farming techniques of the plant. A Little More on the Biochemistry of Clove Essential Oil; Clove contains the constituent, eugenol, a type of phenylpropanoid. Plants form these compounds as defense against stresses such as infections, wounding, UV irradiation, exposure to ozone, pollutants, and herbivores. Phenylpropanoids have been shown to have many different and health-promoting effects. I’ve previously discussed the


Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016

power of these secondary metabolites which are parent molecules to many varieties of plant polyphenols. Due to the fact that polyphenols are not as well-absorbed through diet or supplement, application with essential oils may be a way to more potently receive their benefits when used in conjunction with a supplement.

Actions of Clove Essential Oil Microbe inhibition—Several studies have shown how clove essential can rid of unwanted critters. An in vitro study demonstrated clove’s action against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A review in Food Control (2011) highlighted the properties of essential oils as a means to prevent pathogenic microbes in our food supply. Another article discussed the use of clove and cinnamon oils for prevention of mold and fungus in different atmospheric conditions. Other in vitro articles have also shown bacterial and mold inhibition with clove. Oral Care—One article was a review of 52 studies on the use of essential oils for its microbe-prevention properties in dentistry discussed all the benefits of clove. The authors highlighted the concern with antibiotic resistance and summarized the effect and mode of action of clove as a potential natural solution.. Antioxidant power—Another study reports on the antioxidant power of clove among 26 spices and another study further supported clove’s antioxidant effect of clove in vitro. Soothing discomfort—One study reported on the beneficial effects of application of clove oil in canines and humans as compared to a topical analgesia. Immune balancing—According to another study which focused on various properties of eugenol, clove was found to have antiproliferative effects in vitro against certain tumor lines. (A thorough review of various phenylpropanoids in essential oils against tumor cells can be found online (please visit the author’s essential oils database at dr-lobisco.com.) Finally, one rodent study showed that eugenol may also prevent histamine responses. Outdoor Comfort—Legally, no essential oils can claim to be bug repellents. One article abstract reported the following: “The mosquito repellent activity of 38 essential oils from plants at three concentrations was screened against the mosquito Aedes aegypti under laboratory conditions using human subjects. On a volunteer’s forearm, 0.1 mL of oil was applied per 30 cm2 of exposed skin. When the tested oils were applied at a 10% or 50% concentration, none of them prevented mosquito bites for as long as 2 h, but the undiluted oils of Cymbopogon nardus (citronella), Pogostemon cablin (patchuli), Syzygium aromaticum (clove) and Zanthoxylum limonella (Thai name: makaen) were the most effective and provided 2 h of complete repellency. From these initial results, three concentrations (10%, 50% and undiluted) of citronella, patchouli, clove and makaen were selected for repellency tests against Culex quinquefasciatus and Anopheles dirus. As expected, the undiluted oil showed the highest protection in each case. Clove oil gave the longest duration of 100% repellency (2-4 h) against all three species of mosquitos.” (Phytother Res. 2005 Apr;19(4):303-9.)

Summary Remember, essential oils have many actions due to their physiological, biochemical, and psychological effects. So, if you’re thinking clove may be too good to be true in all its actions, make sure to visit my essential oil database. There, I also provide information on how to join my oil team. Dr. Sarah LoBisco, ND, is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM). She is licensed naturopathic doctor, a certified functional medicine practitioner and holds a Bachelor of Psychology from State University of New York at Geneseo. Dr. LoBisco incorporates her training in holistic medical practices and conventional medicine through writing, researching, wellness consultations regarding supplements, nutraceuticals, essential oils and medical foods. Her new book on how to be an empowered patient and rebalance and reclaim your health, BreakFree Medicine, is available now through all online bookstores. Please contact Dr. LoBisco for references used.

Healing Springs Journal

Following a Passion by Cara Anaam ince I didn’t begin to study Tai Chi until I had passed my 67th birthday without ever trying to become really proficient at any kind of physical exercise, I started classes unburdened by any expectations of perfection. Still in recovery from a stroke 18 months before, I just wanted to regain my balance and prove to myself that my damaged brain was capable of learning something new. My expectations were no more complicated or exact than that, and looking back I think in some ways that was an advantage. Being perfect at Tai Chi was not my goal. In the beginning I was hooked when I realized that my ability to walk across a room without stumbling much, speak so I could be understood, and find the correct word while writing were all improving.


The weeks between those first classes, I didn’t consciously practice. After all, I couldn’t remember reliably what we had been doing in class. I just kept trying to walk, speak and write with more proficiency. As time went by, I acknowledged feeling optimistic and alive during and after class. I desperately wanted those feelings to continue throughout the week and haltingly began to try and replicate at home what we had done in class. This felt awkward, not only because I had no real understanding of what we were doing, but also because I don’t remember seriously

practicing anything before in my life. (Results of this predisposition can be seen today if you watch me try to parallel park on the left side of Phila Street.) I had not, therefore, developed the skills I needed for this endeavor. I didn’t have any natural athletic abilities to fall back on either, so all I could do was repeat what I thought I’d seen Mark do in class. And, as he pointed out, what we “saw” usually was not what he was actually doing. It was daunting and scary to realize on some level that, if I wanted the benefits I sensed Tai Chi could deliver, I would have to deeply commit to probing its levels of complexity with my body and spirit as well as my mind. Though I did quit once, I really missed the classes and came back, taking the beginner classes again and again. I told myself that was because they were during the morning when I could safely drive from Fonda to Saratoga and back, but really I understood in a rather inchoate way that there was something beneath the surface of those early classes that I had only glimpsed but that intrigued me. And I needed to accept the implications of that insight before moving on. That attraction had to become something akin to a passion that would motivate my continuation. Since spring of 2013, I’ve been in the Short Form Refinement class and I’ve learned to practice Tai Chi in ways that actually help me get a tiny bit better week by week. At the start of the refining process, an observer would have been hard-pressed to spot any improvement. Movements were robotic, with no observable connection to the flow of Chi in my body, much less the universe. But I could feel something new in myself. My mind was intrigued by the Chinese notion that Chi animated my whole being. I tried to practice breathing, energizing and releasing, but would become panicked at any hint of energy flow in my body and freeze in place, especially if in class, in public. I questioned continued on bottom of page 28 #87 August—September, 2016 I Healing Springs



Astrological FORECAST August & September, 2016

TAURUS ASCENDANT AUGUST: Home-front activity, self-discovery and feeling secure are important for this month. Saturn going Direct on the 13th lifts some responsibility from your shared assets and joint finances. Following the Full Moon on the 18th, there can be changes in your dealings with important people. You are able to express your thoughts to others, but think first after the 30th. SEPTEMBER: The Solar Eclipse on the 1st rules having fun, creativity, romance and loved ones as you discover your inner child. After the Full Moon on the 16th, you analyze your friendships and set a new goal. Mercury goes Direct on the 22nd and gives you the time for enjoyment and fun. As Pluto goes direct on the 26th, you may question your spiritual and philosophical beliefs.


Using Standard Time locate your Rising Sign or Ascendant. If your birth time is Daylight Savings Time, subtract one hour. Your actual Rising Sign or Ascendant may differ depending on certain time of birth and dates; however, not to confuse the nonastrologer use the sign indicated for your Forecast. This placement is similar to the transiting planet’s location in your Natal Chart, except for exact degrees, and will correctly indicate your Forecast. For example, if you are a Gemini born at 6:38 P.M., your Ascendant is Capricorn.

AUGUST: Daily activities, educational opportunities and community events are the focus for this month. After Saturn turns Direct on the 13th your attention turns to your close relationships and you begin to see them as they are. After the Full Moon on the 18th, you become more interested in intellectual studies. You examine your personal and domestic life at the end of the month. SEPTEMBER: The Solar Eclipse on the 1st rules your home and personal life as you become involved in family gatherings and events. The Full Moon on the 16th gives you inspiration to set new career aims. Mercury turns Direct on the 22nd allowing you to spend time on your personal life. As Pluto goes direct on the 26th, shared properties, monies or others assets may be affected.

CANCER ASCENDANT IT SHOULD BE NOTED: In August, Saturn turns Direct at 09:47 Sagittarius on the 13th and Mercury turns Retrograde at 29:05 Virgo on the 30th. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto remain Retrograde all month. The Full Moon occurs on the 18th at 25:53 Aquarius. In September, there is a Central Annular Solar Eclipse at 09:20 Virgo on the 1st. Mercury turns Direct at 14:50 Virgo on the 22nd and Pluto turns Direct at 14:55 Capricorn on the 26th. Uranus and Neptune remain Retrograde all month. The Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon occurs on the 16th at 24:12 Pisces.

AUGUST: Expanding resources, financial situations and sense of values are explored for this month. Saturn turns Direct on the 13th and can be a time of duty before pleasure, but avoid overworking and take care of your health. Following the Full Moon on the 18th, there can be subtle changes in jointly held assets. After the 30th, you rethink taking a class or workshop. SEPTEMBER: The Solar Eclipse on the 1st rules all types of communication, siblings and becoming involved in neighborhood or community projects. After the Full Moon on the 16th, you reconsider a formal class. Mercury goes Direct on the 22nd and you are interested in new friends. As Pluto goes direct on the 26th, you gain a deeper knowledge of yourself through your relationships.



AUGUST: Creative expression, pleasures in life and loved ones are favored for this month. Saturn turning Direct on the 13th allows you to clarify your philosophy on life and opens the doors to new knowledge. After the Full Moon on the 18th, you examine your recent achievements and set long-term goals. You take a renewed interest in your health and diet at the end of the month. SEPTEMBER: The Solar Eclipse on the 1st rules your everyday work and health including its care and diet. The Full Moon on the 16th gives you the time to meditate or attend a retreat. Mercury turns Direct on the 22nd and is an excellent time for any mental work or studies. As Pluto goes direct on the 26th, you analyze your achievements and long-term career goals, or the equivalent. 26 Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016

AUGUST: Discovering oneself, developing personality and one’s appearance are highlights for this month. Saturn goes Direct on the 13th and you find it easier to express yourself to others as well as creatively. An old love may reappear. After the Full Moon on the 18th, you have a better understanding of relationships. At the end of the month, you review your spending and savings. SEPTEMBER: The Solar Eclipse on the 1st rules your assets and financial status and asks that you examine your spending and saving habits. The Full Moon on the 16th indicates subtle changes in shared resources and assets. Mercury turns Direct on the 22nd and your attention turns to what you value in life. As Pluto goes direct on the 26th, take care of your health and avoid being self-critical.



AUGUST: Seeking solitude, spiritual attunement and finding oneself are the focus for this month. Saturn turning Direct on the 13th lessens your family responsibilities and duties and allows you to reflect on the past and move forward. Following the Full Moon on the 18th, you take better of your health through diet and exercise. After the 30th, use care when voicing your opinion. SEPTEMBER: The Solar Eclipse on the 1st rules your personality, appearance and self-expression as you make minor changes in your image. The Full Moon on the 16th brings changes in relationships through understanding and compromise. Mercury goes Direct on the 22nd making your opinions important. As Pluto goes direct on the 26th, you may pursue a creative talent or hobby.

AUGUST: Accepting changes, the mystic’s path and breaking old habits are favored for this month. Saturn goes Direct on the 13th and can be an excellent time for development of your intuitive and psychic abilities. Following the Full Moon on the 18th, you make changes in your spending and saving habits. You explore spiritual teachings further at the end of the month. SEPTEMBER: The Solar Eclipse on the 1st rules philosophies, spiritual beliefs and higher education and can be the time to begin a formal class. After the Full Moon on the 16th you take an interest in neighborhood projects. Mercury goes Direct on the 22nd and you want to expand your horizons. As Pluto goes direct on the 26th, you gain new confidence in yourself and aims in life.



AUGUST: Career earnings, recent achievements and setting new goals are favored for this month. Saturn going Direct on the 13th enabling you to concentrate and is a good time to begin a formal course of study or attend a workshop. After the Full Moon on the 18th, you look for ways to have fun and enjoy your hobbies. You are involved in spiritual teachings at the end of the month. SEPTEMBER: The Solar Eclipse on the 1st rules your spiritual life and karma allowing you to look back and move forward. Retreats are inviting. After the Full Moon on the 16th you want both mental and physical efficiency. Mercury turns Direct on the 22nd and you seek solitude. As Pluto goes direct on the 26th, there can be subtle changes in your personal or domestic life.

AUGUST: Professional assistance, forming relationships and being with others is important for this month. Saturn turning Direct on the 13th brings changes in your friends and associations as you move away from the conservative. After the Full Moon on the 18th, you will examine how you present yourself to others. Use care in financial matters at the end of the month. SEPTEMBER: The Solar Eclipse on the 1st rules shared assets, joint ventures and realizing that you can learn about yourself through sharing with others. Following the Full Moon on the 16th you rethink your spending and begin a new budget. Mercury turns Direct on the 22nd making you look inward. As Pluto goes direct on the 26th, it is a good time for a self-study and your spiritual beliefs.

SCORPIO ASCENDANT AUGUST: Public attention, career demands and recognized achievement are the highlights for this month. Saturn turning Direct on the 13th offers you a time to be realistic in financial matters and to conserve instead of spending. Following the Full Moon on the 18th, you can resolve any existing problems and situations. After the 30th, set goals regarding your career or the equivalent. SEPTEMBER: The Solar Eclipse on the 1st rules your friendships, setting goals and group associations. The Full Moon on the 16th makes you feel like having some fun, but with your work it is difficult. After Mercury goes Direct on the 22nd, you are able to spend more time with your friends. As Pluto goes direct on the 26th, you question things you have taken for granted in the past.

SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANT AUGUST: Self-realization, seeking knowledge and philosophy on life are important for this month. After Saturn turns Direct on the 13th, avoid being critical of yourself through realizing your limitations and strengths. After the Full Moon on the 18th, you reconsider future studies. These studies may help you to advance in your career, or equivalent, at the end of the month. SEPTEMBER: The Solar Eclipse on the 1st rules your achievements and career, or the equivalent, and can bring recognition for a project well-done. The Full Moon on the 16th finds you involved with your home and family. After Mercury turns Direct on the 22nd you look for new opportunities in your career. As Pluto goes direct on the 26th, it is a time when you question your values.

PISCES ASCENDANT AUGUST: Solving problems, functioning on job and a healthy body are explored for this month. After Saturn goes Direct on the 13th, you may receive rewards in your career, or the equivalent, and it can be a time of success or achievement. Following the Full Moon on the 18th, you correct past mistakes and move on. Discuss your relationships carefully after the 30th. SEPTEMBER: The Solar Eclipse on the 1st rules partnerships, both personal and business, weighing how your needs are being met by each. The Full Moon on the 16th makes you more aware of your personal image and appearance. Mercury goes Direct on the 22nd and you can communicate clearly. As Pluto goes direct on the 26th, groups promoting societal reform hold your interest. Arlene is an Author, Astrologer and ParaConsultant and has studied and worked with astrology for more than forty years. She has also been a professional astrologer since 1980. Arlene has a Certificate of Merit from Ivy GoldsteinJacobson (CA 1982) and a Certificate of Proficiency from the Mayo School of Astrology (London 1985). In addition, she holds certifications from the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (1982-2017) as both a Medium and Spiritual Healer (Lily Dale, NY). Arlene can be reached at Astrological Concepts, Telephone (518) 371-8097 or Visit My Web Site at: http://www.yourstarsite.com. #87 August—September, 2016 I Healing Springs 27

CALENDAR ONGOING Tune In To Wellness Today TV Show, with LisaMarie Tersigni. Meet local wellness providers and learn the benefits of natural wellness modalities, services and products available. View 24/7 at SACC.TV Mondays and Wednesdays Gentle Kripalu Yoga Classes - 4:005:30 PM. First class free! Join Nini Gridley for a compassionate blend of warm-ups, sequenced asanas, shavasana, pranayama, and meditation designed to pacify the “Vata” energy through a well rounded yoga practice that is relaxing yet energizing for all levels of practitioners. Beginners are welcome. It’s gentle for every body. www.yogamandali.com 4th Wednesdays Living on a Plant Based Diet Monthly Gathering Basically if your into vegetables and fruit as your predominate calorie source come and hang out! We meet the 4th Wednesday of the Month 6:30-7:30 pm at Four Seasons Cafe on Phila Street- Hosted by Heather Stewart, owner of Pre K in the Park a high fruit and vegetable Pre School. www.plantbaseddietgathering.blogspot.com

AUGUST Saturday, August 20 Intuitive Painting Workshop, At SoulSpace, 120 Ray Road, Greenwich, NY, 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM, led by Carol Bollinger Green. Come have fun with

vibrant tempera color on paper, in this one-day creative expression exploration. Discover your own unique imagery. Share the process with a small group. No experience needed. Open-sided painting barn. Nature trails. $65 for adults, $55 if returning, includes materials. Please bring lunch. Visit www.soulspaceretreat.com to view setting. Call 518-6927124 for registration and information. Thursday, August 18 Full Moon Drum Journey, Katrina Clay will lead a guided journey. 6:30-8pm, Call or email for location. 518-332-6581. katrina@healingspringsjournal.com $20 suggestion, pay what you have

SEPTEMBER Thursday, September 1 New Moon today at 5:04 AM, EDT. The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Call Nini Gridley for details on this month’s very special New Moon Meditation - 518 573-0571. Saturday, September 10 Intuitive Painting Workshop, At SoulSpace, 120 Ray Road, Greenwich, NY, 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM, led by Carol Bollinger Green. Please see August 20 description. Friday, September 16 Full Moon Drum Journey, Katrina Clay will lead a guided journey. 6:30-8pm, Call

con’t from page 25 if I should just give up and acknowledge that with my mind and body learning Tai Chi was impossible. That sometimes seemed an attractive option, but seeing my original goals actually being met made it impossible for me to seriously consider it. I knew in my body and mind the changes even a very imperfect practice was bringing me. I could see them in how I gardened, related to my animals, handled panic and stress in my home life, took on work challenges. I might not be good at Tai Chi, but Tai Chi was good for me. One morning, I woke up knowing I needed not to give up Tai Chi classes but to add Qi Gong classes to my life. Not having more that a very vague idea of what this practice was, I got on the Tai Chi Center website and discovered there was a class starting that I could join. It was on a wintery night and I drove to Saratoga questioning my sanity. When I left that first class, I knew that


Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016

or email for location. 518-332-6581. katrina@healingspringsjournal.com $20 suggestion, pay what you have Saturday, September 17 The Awakened Heart School’s Intro Workshop, 518-432-0849, www.AwakenedHeartSchool.com September 17-18 Learn Hypnosis - Learn to Hypnotize People in Just 2 Days Have you ever thought about learning hypnosis? What if you could help your friends, family and clients improve themselves quickly to improve their lives and get rid of old patterns and useless habits? Certified Hypnotist George Guarino will teach you 5 sure fire hypnosis inductions you can use with anyone. Learn a skill that complements your current career or begin a stand alone profession. This two day class can be used toward NGH hypnosis certification. Limited to 10. Call 518-256-6549 Friday, September 30 New Moon today at 8:13 PM, EDT. The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Contact Nini Gridley for details on the New Moon Meditation, 518 573-0571.

SAVE THE DATE Saturday, October 1 The Awakened Heart School’s 11th Annual Foundations Course. 518-4320849, www.AwakenedHeartSchool.com Tuesday, October 4 Energy Diagnostics for Healers, 8 weeks Developed and taught by Joy Adler, Center for Natural Wellness in Albany. $600

whatever this was it would help me connect my mind, body and spirit in ways I had not been able to ever do in my adult life. And I somehow intuited that what I would learn in Qi Gong class would enable me to connect with Tai Chi in a much deeper way. This has proven to be the case. Part of the value for me comes from the fact that my mind is engaged by the age old Chinese paradigm that considers mind, body and spirit as all connected and influencing one another, the whole person and ultimately the universes and atoms. I am consistently making connections, with many at this stage of my understanding not nuanced enough to be completely valid. I’m learning a lot from an entirely new cultural perspective and, even at my fairly advanced age, it is changing my personal perspective, enabling me to act and think in new ways. I’m learning concepts con’t on page 30

DIRECTORY ACUPUNCTURE Michael Wayne, Saratoga Springs & Clifton Park, 518-210-1557

CHIROPRACTORS Delmar Chiropractic, Delmar, 518-439-7644

ANIMAL CARE Jill Stewart, Equine Sports Massage Therapist and Canine Massage Therapist, Certified Aromatherapist 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.Privatelabel-aromatherapy.com

Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com

Susan Hamlin, The Saratoga Animal Whisperer Animal Communication, 518-245-8010, www.animal-whisper.com Kristina Dallas, DVM. Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture. Saratoga Springs, NY. 727-2940. Holistic care for pets. House calls. AROMATHERAPY Jill Stewart, Cert. aromatherapist, full line of human and animal aromatherapy products, single essential oils and custom blends Gift baskets and party favors available 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.privatelabel-aromatherapy.com ART THERAPY Camille Grec, MA, Saratoga, (518) 8528540, cukarandera@gmail.com, www.camillegrec.com ASTROLOGY Arlene DeAngelus, 518-371-8097, ADeAngelus@aol.com, www.yourstarsite.com BACH FLOWER REMEDIES Nini Gridley, MS Ed, BFRP, Consultations by appointment, in person or over the phone. 518-573-0571 or fullspectrumhealing@gmail.com, www.ninigridley.com, CAREER COUNSELING Penny Loretto, 518-798-6057, career@careerchoic.com, www.careerchoic.com CENTERS Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center, www.stillpointretreatcenter.com, 518-587-4967

COACHES Cate LaBarre, Personal and group coaching by phone and teleconference. Workshops in Saratoga Region. http://TheFordInstitute.com/CateLaBarre 518-882-9880, http://CateLaBarreCoach.com, catelabarre@gmail.com COUNSELING Avis Burnett, Clifton Park, 518-3710579

HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE Jerome Pindell, Clifton Park, 518-3745492, www.jeromepindell.com Claudia Ascione, MA, MS, CH, Niskayuna, Manhattan and Ardsley, NY. 518 372-7023. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS Private Label Aromatherapy: Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, All Purpose Cleaner, Household Cleaner, Essential Oil Deodorizing Sprays, Essential Oil Blends for Laundry and Dryer, Hand Soaps and more. Custom products also available. Jill Stewart 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.PrivateLabel-Aromatherapy.com HYPNOTISM George Guarino CH, offices in Delmar and Clifton Park, 518-256-6549, www.HypnosisWorksWell.com george@HypnosisWorksWell.com Barbra Stevens, 518-755-5053

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Margery Chessare, LMT, BCST, Sessions and classes in the Saratoga area, 518-893-0421, ChessareMargery@gmail.com

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, 518506-6303, atobin.pih@gmail.com, www.partnersinhealing.info

Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075, Lthomps2@nycap.rr.com, www.holistichealingartssaratoga.com

INTUITIVE/PSYCHIC CONSULTANT: Barbara Allen, BA, PTC. 518-587-2583; barbaraln@nycap.rr.com

Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com Sue Coughtry, LMT, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843


Cathy Saladis LMT, Albany & Clifton Park, 518-229-0741, www.headtotoe123.com DENTISTS Dr. Richard Aulicino, Lake George, 518668-9888, www.lookingoodnewsmile.com Dr. David B. Presser, Clifton Park, 518371-5113

LIGHT THERAPY Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518268-9542, knotdr@juno.com Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE Sue Coughtry, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843

LMT, Delmar,

MASSAGE THERAPY Beth Sabo Novik, Saratoga Springs, 5www.bethsabonovik.com 518-583-8831 bsnovik@gmail.com

HEALTH AND WELLNESS PRODUCTS Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518Evan Lawrence, Shaklee Independent 374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com Distributor. Healthy weight, nutrition, beauty, and home. Cambridge, (518) 677- Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, 5662, healthyevan@verizon.net, 518-755-8843, http://healthyevan.myshaklee.com. www.suecoughtryLMT.com, #87 August—September, 2016 I Healing Springs 29

MEDITATION The Mystic Satprem IKIERA Divine Holistic Healing Arts, Clifton Park, 518 788-7062, www.satpremji.com, www.ikierahealing.com NATURAL FOOD STORES Four Seasons Natural Foods Store & Cafe, Saratoga, 518-584-4670, wwwFourSeasonsNaturalFoods.com Pure-N-Simple, GlensFalls, 518-798-4047 NATUROPATHY Sarah A. LoBisco, ND, Phone consults scheduled at www.dr-lobisco.com or by appointment at A Peaceful Place in Clifton Park, www.apeacefulplace.com Joanne Halloran, ND, Saratoga Healing Arts, 518-369-7080, www.doctorjoanne.com NUTRITION The Natural Improvement Center, Queensbury, 518-745-7473 ORGANIZATIONS Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network (SIPN), www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com PHYSICAL THERAPY Integrative Physical Therapy, 518-3730735, www.inspiredtherapy.com Restorative Physical Therapy, visceral manipulation, myofascial release, 518-573-3502, Saratoga Springs, www.restorativephysicaltherapy.com PSYCHOTHERAPY Wendy Ball LMHC, certified in EMDR and Hakomi therapies, specialize in trauma related disorders, couples counseling and life transition coaching. Albany office. 518813-8524. www.wendyballcounseling.com

REIKI Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075, Lthomps2@nycap.rr.com, www.holistichealingartssaratoga.com Joyce Willson RN, RMT, The Art of Reiki, Troy, 518-271-7802, www.theartofreiki.com

TAROT Joan Scannell, www.joanscannell.com


Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843

TRAVEL Learning Journeys, Call or click for a free brochure at 888.884.8259, Info@LearningJourneys.com, or www.LearningJourney.com/Wellness

REFLEXOLOGY Cathy Saladis LMT, Clifton Park and Albany, www.headtotoe123.com, 518-229-0741

TREE SERVICE Foothills Tree Service, Practicing sustainable tree managment, 518-893-2620, www.kawingcrow.com

RETAIL Magic Moon, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-2488

WELLNESS CENTERS A Peaceful Place, Clifton Park, 518-371-2225, www.peacefulplace.com

Among Angels, Clifton Park, 518-357-8196, www.amongangels.com, info@amongangels.com

Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com

Revibe, Schuylerville, 518-507-6473, more@revibeyourself.com, www.revibeyourself.com

YOGA Yoga Mandali, Saratoga, 518-584-0807, www.yogamandali.com, Saratoga’s longest continually running studio serving our community for over 10 years

ROLF STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION Nick Pavoldi, 518.389.2200, BodyworkProfessionals@gmail.com SPACE FOR RENT The Studio, Greenfield’s Performing & Visual Arts Center, Greenfield Center NY, 518-8936062, www.thestudioingreenfield.org TAI CHI The Tai Chi Center, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-9315, www.the-taichi-center.com The Lemon Tree Yoga and Healing Arts Studio, Glens Falls, 518-301-3291, 301-3293, www.lemontreeyoga.com, lemontreeyoga@yahoo.com, Asian Arts Tai Chi Center, Albany,

con’t from page 27 and vocabulary that shed light on my Tai Chi practice and that are leading me to deeper understanding of how to move energy in my body in a controlled and effective way. I am much clearer about how to make choices that resonate with my real needs. In class, we’ve been reminded that, unless through practice we’re getting better at Tai Chi, then we will necessarily be getting worse. Actually, I know myself to have so far to go, I can realistically have the expectation of getting a little better with every practice and every class for any foreseeable future. I find it exhilarating and life-affirming to know the possibilities for growth are endless even as my


518-489-1458, info@AsianArtsGrp.com, www.AsianArtsGrp.com

Healing Springs I #87 August—September, 2016

The Lemon Tree Yoga & Healing Arts Studio, Glens Falls, 518-301-3291, www.lemontreeyoga.com Yoga with Jen, Warrensburg & Minerva, 518-956-2818 Namaste Yoga, Saratoga Springs, namasteyogasaratoga.com, 518-222-7470

Send directory listing to: katrina@healingspringsjournal.com Each listing is $15, including name, town, phone, website, email. Additional words are charged at .50/word.

physical body is challenged. Change is a condition of life and I hope to change for quite a while longer. It has become my passion. Cara Anaam is a writer, teacher, Reiki Master, and Flower Essence practitioner from Fonda, NY. She shares her home with two black labs and 2 cats, and their yard with birds, rabbits, groundhogs, squirrels, fish, frogs, snakes, bees, spiders and many, many plants. More information may be found at https://www.linkedin.com/pub/cara-m-anaam/12/33b/379 She studies with Mark Tolstrup (mark@the-taichi-center.com) at The Tai Chi Center, 36 Phila Street, Saratoga Springs, NY (Thetaichi-center.com). All opinions expressed are her very own.

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