The Healing Springs Journal / Feb-Mar '18

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Issue #96, February—March, 2018


HEALING SPRINGS JOURNAL Our Region’s Wellness Resource since 2002

Healing at the Center

Supplement Overload Real Hunger vs Cravings

L o c a l • I n d e p e n d e n t • Tr u s t e d

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Reclaim your ancient wisdom Workshops & private sessions bringing you to your real self

Assimilating the wisdom of animals, the power of music and the intelligence of nature, Katrina guides people to their innate wholeness by reclaiming their ancient soul and integrating it with the modern world. to sign up for email list • 518.332.6581

w w w. k a t r i n a c l ay. c o m Future Life Progression and The Art of Self Mastery March 11, 11-5 at Namaste Yoga, Saratoga Springs $125 ($95 if registered by Feb. 28) How do you move past your comfort zone to find your leading edge? What would your life look life if you gained more mastery of your emotions, relationships, work, creative expression, leadership capabilities, and potential to live a happy and fulfilling life? And if fear didn’t rule your life, what would? These questions and more will be explored in this experiential workshop with Katrina and Michael Wayne, an acupuncturist, author and media producer. Call or email Katrina to register

Calling Council

Explore the Modern Shamanic Journey to ‘Call Council’ with your mind, body, spirit, soul and guides in order to open communication inside yourself and create alignment.

This is a 6 week workshop taking place on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm, $125

STARTING APRIL in Saratoga Springs

Shamanic Reiki Sessions g n i & go n Individualized Modern Shamanic Journey O

Publisher’s Corner The greatest gift you can offer is a healthy, whole you. The other day, I was contemplating a polarity in our society. On one hand, we are a throw-away culture—tossing out packaging, things that no longer work or we have little use for. On the other hand, we want to “fix” ourselves and the people around us. This can be witnessed by the marketing strategies of any number of businesses, specifically cosmetics, fitness, and self-improvement. I wonder if there is a correlation. Does it feel as though we will be tossed out if not repaired or useful to others? If so, is that true? Over the last couple years I have had a few challenges. There have been times when I wanted to simply fix these situations. Simultaneously, there is this deep sense that it is a natural cycle and to wait. In nature there are periods of fallow before regeneration. Are humans any different? While our culture doesn’t endorse it, what if we allowed for these periods of rest and inaction, just as the earth examples for us? Wondering, I allowed for the quiet. There were times when my head screamed to make changes. I joined business groups and read countless books. Yet, they did not fulfill my hopes and I went back into the stillness. As it turns out, over this period I came more into myself. Would this have happened if I quickly “fixed” my outward appearance of “problems?” My guess is no. In our western culture that might not make sense. Wouldn’t we come “into” ourselves only after we’ve transcended our problems? From where I’m sitting now, not necessarily. Cliche as it sounds, sometimes what we call the problem is actually the gift—as the time spent within it gives expanded insight into life. Until we recognize this, the value of the experience will remain latent. Additionally, our society’s desire for comfort has few models for addressing the soul level growth that I’m most interested in. One example of this playing out is that I’ve been a Shamanic Reiki Master for over 10 years, yet I have only recently committed two afternoons to giving sessions. One may say that earlier I was afraid to put myself out there, or fear commitment, or have insecurity issues. Regardless of all those potentials, my belief is that it simply took me this long to fully integrate the innate abilities of my soul with the personality of Katrina. Taking in new knowledge, is quite a bit like eating food. Remember the story of Adam and Eve? The following is not scientific, so excuse my rudimentary explanation. First we consume food; this is the most conscious part of the process. Next comes digestion, as the food goes down to the stomach to be mixed with the digestive enzymes, gastric juices etc to break down further. Then it gets absorbed to be used by the body as energy. Lastly, the food is eliminated. So, how does that look as a metaphor for learning? We consciously take in the information. We digest it and it goes throughout the body to be processed. Next it is assimilated by the cells to be used as energy—also called thoughts and beliefs. Lastly, its eliminated through the actions we take. Our behaviors are based on this cellular knowledge, for it is what runs the subconscious. Additionally, we don’t dictate the amount of time this process takes, no matter how quickly the intellect can understand the ideas. At the risk of going too far out there, the process can take lifetimes depending on the depth and nature of the subject. At times we use information prematurely; when it is in our heads only. This is when we take on a new belief, yet our outward experience remains the same because our subconcious hasn’t caught up to the mind’s new understanding and hence our actions are still based on old beliefs. Or, it’s recognizable in others when you hear what someone is saying, maybe even agree with it, yet somehow you can tell they are simply repeating someone else’s words. On the flip side, you know when someone fully grasps what he or she is articulating because you might describe them as “speaking with heart.” Which means the “digestive” process has taken place and the person is communicating from their body. Years ago, I did a shamanic journey and met a wise monk. We conversed for quite awhile and I knew it was an important conversation. I returned to waking reality and remembered the meeting but nothing about what we talked. Disappointed, I went back to this man in another “journey.” He told me it didn’t matter if my mind remembered our conversation, the cells of my body did. Only after years, have I come to realize the enormity of that. There are times the human personality uses spiritual information to feel special, to prove its worthiness. It takes great humility to accept true knowledge without hubris. Apparently, I wasn’t ready to hear that information in my head and ego. It was, however, time for my cells to understand that level of knowledge. So, in this instance the monk by-passed the eating phase of the digestion process. My body still assimilated and perhaps eliminated it by bringing the knowledge into class scenarios and healing sessions. I can’t be sure, since I still don’t intellectually remember what we discussed. To close, I ask a few questions for you to contemplate over time; Do you lose out on soul growth by searching for ways to fix your discomfort with situations you consider problems? Are you more comfortable repeating what others have said, than accepting your body’s need to express it’s knowledge, which includes your own feelings, emotions and desires? Do you allow the full process of digesting information before proclaiming it? Whatever your answers, continue asking the questions and remain open to your truth. photo by Deborah Neary


Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18

Contents articles



Get On Your Feet


Avoiding Supplement Overload by Christopher Reilly



Healing at the Center by Kate Kellman


by Deb Dittner


Fixer Upper


Revealed vs Evidence Based

by Mary Beth McCue

Information by Wendy Ball

22 24

Essential Oils to Support Change by Dr. Sarah LoBisco Real Hunger vs Cravings by Pankaj Vij

features 6 Our Community 26 Your Astrological Forecast by Arlene DeAngelus

28 30

Directory Calendar

Find us on Facebook

Katrina Clay

Design & Production BeanTree Designs



Phone (518) 332.6581

Advertising and story deadline for Feb/Mar issue is Jan. 10

The Healing Springs Journal is an independent publication committed to printing articles regarding the wellness of body, mind, spirit, and environment. It is a free publication supported by its advertisers. These advertisers must be judged on their individual merits, The Healing Springs Journal is not responsible for their claims, conditions, products, or services. Our articles reflect the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of our publisher. We do not claim to diagnose illness, but offer an open forum on complimentary & alternative therapies. Serious ailments should be checked out by a physician as well as by the healers you feel compelled to learn more about. We reserve the right to refuse advertising and are not liable for any errors within the ads themselves.


Dr. Michael Wayne

Acupuncture • Chinese Medicine • Integrative Medicine • Acupuncture • Chinese Herbal Medicine • Quantum Thinking

• Nutrition • Lifestyle Counseling

Saratoga Springs & Clifton Park 518-210-1557


Community ReiKiki Moves to Saratoga Springs

Saratoga Integrative Medicine Education Network Upcoming Programs: March 11: Future Life Progression and the Art of

Self-Mastery: An All-Day Workshop with Katrina Clay and Michael Wayne at Namaste Yoga, 2 Franklin Square, Saratoga Springs March 22: The Power of Truth to Create New Life: A Free library program with presenter Teresa King, Saratoga Springs Public Library April TBD: A special film showing of the movie "American Visionary: The Story of Barbara Marx Hubbard” with panel discussion after Oct. 5-7: A special weekend workshop with author Mark Nepo, in collaboration with Yoga Mandali and Northshire Books

ReiKiki has made the move to Saratoga Springs from Boulder, Colorado! My name is KelseyAnne Ogrodnick and I am a Reiki Practitioner who works on animals and their owners! I call my practice ReiKiki. This is an at home service for animals and now you the owner, which is based on my Reiki and energy healing certifications, compassion and connection with animals, rescue experience with fearful dogs, the use of positive reinforcement and my favorite of all..LOVE. Animal ReiKiki. The intention of ReiKiki is to give the animal a sense of peace and to heal. In some cases, the purpose is not always curing an issue rather than to make sure that animal is feeling comfortable in their own skin. ReiKiki offers healing, relaxation, and stress reduction for animals. Sessions are held in a quiet environment where the animal resides to keep them as comfortable as possible. A stress free environment with their favorite treat is key for a positive experience. Every animal is different, therefore every session is different. Depending on the need of the animal, Reiki will be given hands-on, from a distance, or a combination of both. If appropriate, relaxation music is played. Human ReiKiki. Enjoy a peaceful ReiKiki session in a quiet space in your own home. I provide the table, music and relaxation! Whether you are needing to just relax, have a specific injury, or are looking to work through an emotional issue or blockage, ReiKiki can support you on your healing journey. You do not need to be a pet owner to book a session, all humans welcome! ReiKiki is a proud retailer of CW™ Hemp Oil for both human and animal use. CW™ Hemp Oil has extensive calming and health benefits. Learn more and check out package deals that you and your pet can share at! Call (248) 470-7737 or email;

Bach Flower Education (BIEP) comes to Saratoga Springs, March 24-25, 2018 We are very happy to announce “Level One” weekend workshop March 24-25 with local Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, Nini Gridley, MS Ed., BFRP, in Saratoga Spa State Park. These thirty-eight individual remedies and the best selling


Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18

Magic Moon The

your local source for all things metaphysical

15-17 Phila Street, Saratoga Springs, NY (518) 583-2488

over 23 Years in Business

Offering an expanded collection of crystal specimens, books, tarot cards, incense, sage, herbs, oils, books, Wiccan supplies and meditation CDs!


for updates

We also offer unique, fair-trade clothing, jewelry, tapestries, wind chimes, statuary and more!

Psychic Readings on Saturdays!

Life is confusing, so come in and get some clarity with a Tarot and Numerology reading from Joan Scannell. Rates are $20 for 15 minutes and $40 for a half hour. Visit: for more information about Joan. Readings are also available in the store on Thursday—Sunday with other readers. *call store to schedule

Bring in this ad and receive 1 0 % o f f full-price merchandise. stress relieving blend Rescue Remedy, used in 66 countries worldwide, balance emotional fluctuations, reduce stress and support optimal well being. Everyone can learn how to use this simple system of healing in a weekend. Explore the philosophy, indications and methods for using Bach Flower Remedies in this informative, interactive and fun international training that leads to a certificate entitling students to use the remedies for themselves or their family members. This is the first of three levels of training required to become a practitioner qualified to work with clients. A portion of the $325 tuition goes to support Coesa a non-profit educational organization dedicated to renovating Roosevelt ll, renewing health and healing in Spa Park. Contact Nini Gridley for more information at 518-573-0571 or to register go to

Future Life Progression and the Art of Self Mastery How do you move past your comfort zone to find your leading edge? What would your life look life if you gained more mastery of your emotions, relationships, work, creative expression, leadership capabilities, and potential to life a happy and fulfill-

ing life? And if fear didn’t rule your life, what would? These questions and many more will be explored and answered in an experiential workshop, “Future Life Progression and the Art of Self-Mastery” taking place on Sunday, March 11 from 11am - 5pm by Katrina Clay, publisher of the Healing Springs Journal, and Michael Wayne, acupuncturist, author and media producer, at Namaste Yoga Center, 2 Franklin Square, in Saratoga Springs. Bringing ancient wisdom forward to the modern world, and bringing future wisdom back to your present world, this workshop will be a journey that will explore your future life in order to make it your present life. Cost for the workshop is $125, with an early pricing discount of $95 if you register by Feb. 28. For more information or to register, call 518-210-1557. Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18 7

Saratoga Integrative Medicine Education Network Upcoming Program The Saratoga Integrative Medicine Education Network, or SIMEN, has an upcom-ing program scheduled for Thursday, March 22 at 6:30 pm at the Saratoga Springs Public Library, 49 Henry St., in the Community Room. The program is free and open to the pub-lic. No registration is required. The name of the program is “The Power of Truth to Create New Life.” Honoring our Truth is vital to our happiness and our mental and physical health. If we do not listen to our own Truth, we run the risk of being swayed and of heading in a direction we never wanted to go in. We need to hold our own reins by questioning things that don't feel right and be willing to rock the boat and risk upsetting others. There is great power in Truth. Truth also contains fire, which is a guiding force.

Interiors by Rene Enhancing Personal Spaces Rene Nielson Interior Decorator Feng Shui Consultant Residential ~ Commercial

Interior Decorating Color consulting, furnishings, window treatments and accessories.

Feng Shui ~~~

Creating an environment that promotes feelings of safety and comfort encourages expansion & growth.


Unwind... let healing begin.

Lynn Allison, DC 268-9542

Craniosacral Therapy, Chiropractic Saratoga & Schenectady, NY


Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18

Join presenter Teresa King as she shares her stories of Truth, courage and the creative fires that have formed decades of her life. Through stories, reflection and a fun exercise, participants will discover new things about creating life. Please bring a journal, pen and an open heart. Teresa King has been facilitating workshops and women's groups for 21 years. She empowers women and helps them strengthen their voice by helping them go inward, to gain a greater understanding of themselves, to be able to find their own an-swers. Teresa is known for creating safe space, for the power of her stories, and for the depth of the questions she asks. She has been teaching yoga for 23 years, honoring Grandmothers for 5 years, and is the creator of Transforming Women's Lives through the Power of Truth and Commitment. She offers this Program twice a year. Her website is: For more information call 518-210-1557.

Remote Medical Qigong Therapy Sessions Special Kate Kellman, MMQ, is now offering Remote Medical Qigong Therapy Sessions at a discounted price for the month of (February- or whichever month you choose) 2018, only! Receive $10 off the regular price ($75) for a Remote Session and pay only $65 for both an initial session and follow-ups throughout the month of (February/Month). For more information on Remote Sessions, please visit her website at

Chingachgook’s Winter Wonderland Keep the winter blues at bay and stop by one of Camp Chingachgook’s Winter Wonderland days for a FREE day of frosty winter fun! Lunch, programming and tours are all available. Activities

include snow tubing, snow shoeing, hikes, crafts, s’mores by the campfire, hot coco and Gaga ball! Programming starts at 10:00am and goes until 4:00pm on Saturday, February 17th & 24th. Please call 518-656-9462 to RSVP!

Feng Shui / Design Consultations Connect to your intuitive senses. Creating beautiful spaces in your home or office will enhance all areas your life. Open your world to new beginnings! I have returned to my hometown of Saratoga Springs from Venice, Fl. and my world has expanded…and I’m ready for new beginnings…are you?! Feng Shui and/or design consultations available. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, and of course, follow your intuition! Rene Nielson, or 518-409-1835

Introduction to Gnosis We are offering a series of free public talks. The public talks offer a sample of what is covered in the on-going classes. Our classes include lecture and practice. Examples of material covered in classes include spiritual psychology to gain inner knowledge and tools to awaken our consciousness to free ourselves (ex. Plato’s allegory of the cave) and transcend life’s afflicting circumstances to reach higher levels of being. Gnostic anthropology acknowledges that the world’s mystical/religious traditions contain a golden thread of similarity and the same essential message/teaching (the pearl). The science of meditation and chakra mantralization for centering and awakening our natural but dormant faculties to receive knowledge directly from our Inner Being, etc. All of the tools and knowledge offered in the classes have the aim to reconnect with our own Inner Being (True Self) in which infinite sacred peace and light is found and all of the knowledge of the universe has always been present. We are a not-for-profit and non-sectarian educational organization. Saturdays 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25 10 am11am. Discover the pearl of gnosis within you–short meditation included. Free - All are Welcome. Capital Region Gnosis Center. Saratoga Springs Library. Contact us if interested. 518-390-5014 or 518-742-6198.

Let us know what you have going on. Send your press release to: Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18


Get on Your Feet by Deb Dittner Get on your feet Get up and make it happen Get on your feet Stand up and take some action — Gloria Estefan


love these words (and rhythm) from the song by Gloria Estefan!!! Only you can make it happen to physically move…to be active…to play…to exercise. Get on your feet and dance. Sure…there are some days when it’s bitter cold out and you don’t want to get out from under the warm covers. I get it. But I also know how much better I do feel once I have taken action by going to my favorite gym for an hour class of cardio, HIIT, strengthening, yoga…you name it. For me…this is an important part of my health and wellness and it can (and should) be for you too. By taking those first steps, you can look toward your next class with more energy, motivation, and confidence. So why do you need to get off the couch, stand up and move? Your overall health counts on it. Living a sedentary lifestyle

Still Point is an interfaith retreat center located just minutes from downtown Saratoga. We offer space for reflection and personal time as well as programs for healing and enriching one’s spirit, mind and body. Mailing address: 20 Still Point Road, Mechanicville, NY 12118 Telephone: 518-587-4967 email: web: Take 24 hours from your busy schedule. Enjoy the stillness and power of nature on our partially wooded land. Re-connect to your deep self.

Pray! Be silent! Be! “The quieter you become, the more you hear.”


Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18

ages you more quickly, decreases mobility, and increases your risk for many health conditions. You can prevent so many health problems through consistent daily action. Need help in getting off the couch? Here are some tips to help motivate you on your journey. • Think of this time as self-care or ”me time”. You need to look at exercise as an important lifestyle change necessary in taking care of you in the best way possible. • Set an achievable goal and be realistic. A fitness assessment can help determine your goals after examining the results. Speak with your health care provider or physical therapist to point you in the direction of a good assessment tool, and follow through with the results and necessary changes. • Set specific milestones along the way towards your goal. By taking steps in increments makes the task more manageable and motivational. • Lifestyle changes are necessary along with exercise. When attending birthday parties, holiday meals, or family night out, don’t deprive yourself but do take responsibility for your actions. Being held accountable by a friend or family member will help you to attain your goals. • Create a doable plan/workout schedule. If you go to a gym, set your schedule weekly or monthly and make sure it’s in your planner. If you work out at home, set a specific time of day and stick to it. • Patience is a virtue so they say. And this is an excellent time to be patient with yourself and your goals. Nothing happens overnight and it does take work especially if you’re starting out from scratch and getting the move on. It takes approximately 3 months to develop a habit so take one day at a time and don’t give up. • You need a cheerleader. Whether it be a family member or

YwO G A ith Jen Wednesdays ¥ 5-6:15pm @ Minerva Fire House (1495 Route 28N, Minerva)

Thursdays ¥ 6-7:15pm @ Dynamite Hill (Route 8 Chestertown)

Hatha yoga, open to everyone.

You choose what to pay, weekly or monthly. 25% of the total collected will be donated to a different cause each month.

Contact Jennifer Monroe for more information at 956-2818 or just drop in.

SPA Wellness Resources Authentic, Complementary & Integrative Practices & Programs

Space Sharing:

Office and Workshop Space available for rent on a daily, weekly, monthly basis to build or expand your wellness business. With volunteer, donation and business building options available.

…And More! Available early Spring (targeting March 2018) and is located within Saratoga Springs with ample on-site parking. Please contact for updated information, rates and availability. dear friend to support your efforts, it is necessary in achieving your goals. Ideally, encourage a family member or friend to join in your efforts and train with you. Working out with others gives you that added push. And it’s always more fun! A group setting will also decrease stress levels, and increase improvements in your mental, physical and emotional quality of life. • If a gym membership is too costly, there is low cost fitness. This consists of videos, apps, and wearables. • For seniors, exercise is anti-aging. Exercise will help lubricate joints, increase mobility, and decrease overall inflammation. • Stay focused on the goal. Surround yourself with fitness by reading fitness blogs, and magazines. Keep company with like-minded fitness friends who are supportive. • Create a vision board. Cut out picture(s) of a special outfit you’d like to see yourself in or a location to where you want to travel. • Have fun!! Exercise should not be pure drudgery. If you enjoy dancing, take salsa lessons. If you enjoy team sports,

join a basketball, ice hockey, or soccer team. There are many age groups to choose from. Once you begin to look and feel better, have more energy, and begin to see changes in your body, you will know you are gaining improved health for a better tomorrow. So…without further ado…Get on your feet!!! Deb Dittner, a Family Nurse Practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher, and Holistic Nutrition Counselor has been a longtime advocate and provider of integrative and holistic practices. She has experience in family health, sports medicine, holistic nutrition, pediatrics, women’s health, college health, and holistic counseling. Deb was the nutrition consultant for several players on the then Adirondack Phantoms, professional AHL hockey team. This work lead to the publishing of her book, ‘Body Balance Empowering Performance’, in which she explains nutrition in the simplest way using common sense. Deb received her BS in Nursing from Western Connecticut State University, her certificate as a Primary Care Nurse Practitioner from Albany Medical College, and Reiki Master Teacher certificates from the Reiki Room of Saratoga Springs, NY. She is a graduate of The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in NYC, which combines the knowledge of traditional philosophies with modern concepts of different dietary theories. For more information, you can go to or call 518-596-8565. Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18


JEROME MICHAEL PINDELL Homeopathy Hypnosis Jin Shin Jyutsu

518 374-5492

Avoiding Supplement OVERLOAD quality supplements aren’t cheap, and as more and more are combined together, the risk of interactions between supplements grows.

Roots and Branches There are supplements for dry skin, headache, runny nose, toe fungus and more. The number one reason why some of us are on way too many supplements is the tendency to chase symptoms. Feeling better is important! To get there, focus on what is causing those symptoms.

by Christopher Reilly, L.Ac., MSA, CCHM itamins and herbs and homeopathics, oh my! There are many high quality, reputable and effective supplements on the market these days. With so many great products to choose from and health concerns to address, is there such a thing as too many? Well… yeah.


Too Much of a Good Thing We often bemoan the long lists of drugs that some of our elderly or chronically ill loved ones are taking. Integrative and Natural Medicine is meant to reduce the need for medications by addressing the person as a whole, and concentrating on the roots of disease. So why are there now also long lists of supplements our loved ones are taking? A list of supplements will usually have fewer side-effects and risks than a list of medications, but there are still costs and dangers involved. High


Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18

Imagine a band that is too tight around your wrist. It causes swelling, pain, redness and numbness of your hand. You could take four supplements for pain, swelling, redness and numbness… or you could take one supplement (or in this case a pair of scissors) that just takes off the band. That is the holistic approach. To help keep your supplement list focused and effective, ask yourself this question: “Do these supplements help resolve the reason that I have symptoms, or do they merely address the symptoms themselves?” Then, keep track of your symptoms and progress to make sure the supplements are worth the cost and effort.

Add It Up Simple addition is the second most common cause of supplement overload. The need for supplements, unlike true love, doesn’t last forever! It could be that the supplement you began a year or two ago is no longer necessary for you. Supplements should support your body to perform well only until it is capable of doing that on its own with a healthy diet, good sleep, regular exercise, and conscious contentment.

Follow this rule of thumb: For every supplement you add, try to remove one that is no longer necessary, or that serves the same function of the supplement that you would like to add.


Find a Trained and Ethical Guide Achieving the right balance of supplements for someone with illness is a very complex and demanding art. Find a competent practitioner to guide you. I recommend a Naturopathic doctor with a four-year medical degree, or a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner with three or more years of full-time, graduate-level training in Herbal Medicine. Consumer alert: Be cautious in situations where clinics sell you the products themselves. I knew a physician who was very critical of doctors that received benefits from drug companies for prescribing their drugs. The same physician designed his integrative medicine practice to pay his employees extra money for every supplement that their patients buy. Unethical business practices such as these create a financial motivation to prescribe that has nothing to do with taking good care of patients. Ask your practitioner if they make money from supplement sales to you. A good practitioner will welcome the question and be honest with you. Some compensation for ordering and keeping an inventory is normal. However, if you see high price mark-ups and long lists of supplements, you probably have encountered a skilled salesperson rather than a healer.

A Few More Rules of Thumb Below are more general guidelines to help you enjoy the powerful benefits of supplements while avoiding supplement overload: • If you aren’t hungry after taking all those pills, it’s probably too much. • If you are taking more than 15-20 herbs in total (a single product may contain one or a collection of herbs), it’s probably too much, and your system could be on overload. • If you are taking separate supplements that overlap with some of the same vitamins or herbs, it’s probably too much. Find someone who can create a custom formula just for you, or who will take the time to find products that are a better fit for you, rather than layering products overtop of products. • If your nutrition comes more from pills than from whole food, it’s probably too much. • Research, research, research! Be an educated consumer, and look up every herb and supplement recommended to you to see if you think it’s a good fit. Be empowered! • Communicate all that you are taking to every healthcare provider you have. They need to know so that they can do their job effectively and safely. Christopher Reilly, L.Ac., MSA, CCHM has four years of full-time, graduate-level training in Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, and sixteen years of professional continuing education since then. He has been serving the Capital Region for fifteen years and can be found at

• Fruits • Nuts • Grains • • Gluten Free • Vitamins • Herbs • • Health & Beauty Products • • Frozen & Refrigerated Foods • 4 E. Washington St. Glens Falls, NY 518-798-4047

INSTITUTE FOR SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT N E W! in Oneonta, a church and learning center for Spiritual growth! An all-inclusive Divinely-guided group who are interested in exploring and growing together. Healing and messages from spirit are a part of the Sunday service!

Ongoing EVENTS: Church Services: 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month, 10 am Healing Circle: 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 pm Intuitive Development Circle, 2nd Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm Develop Your Healing Skills through our Healing Certification Program!

Rev. Diana Friedell, Director; Rev. Sue Landon, Pastor SHIFT NY & ISD Spirit Fest 10am-4pm Sat. Feb. 10th Institute for Spiritual Development Tried & True Psychic Readings, Free Inspirational Workshops, Metaphysical Shopping, Buffet Lunch More Info: See Website for Details!

Please join us!

The Institute for Spiritual Development The Lotus Center 41-45 Dietz St. Suite 1 Oneonta, NY 13820

(607) 267-4963 •

Healing Springs Journal Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18


Healing at the Center Q Kim

“Can you give me a personal story about someone you helped with Life Coaching?”

by Kate Kellman, MMQ ecently, I spent time with two fantastic ladies in the healing community. Helene Verdile and Kim Perone are co-owners of the Center for Clarity, Compassion and Contentment (Center4C) in Burnt Hills. Helene and Kim are Life Coaches, offering an array of fitness and wellness services through other Practitioners, as well, like classes in Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong, Crystal Bowl and Breathwork Meditations, Reiki, Vision Board Events, and PiYo. One-on-ones in Life & Spiritual Coaching, Reiki Energy Healing, Medical Qigong, and Psychosomatic Journey are also available, along with children’s workshops like the “Kindness Rocks” Open House and other events, seminars, and retreats.


Kim Perrone spent over 20 years in Communications and Business before deciding to become a Life Coach. It was after her 10-year-old son, Jack, passed and her sister, Kristen, five years later that Kim was at a crossroads in her life. She realized that over the course of a decade, she developed an expertise in resilience – nearly losing her marriage, being reorganized from a job she loved, raising her surviving son, and participating in her late sister’s son’s life, resigning from her job and writing a book. Surrender, acceptance, and learning to connect with her truest self helped her through it all. In 2012, when she met Helene Verdile through mutual friends, and later in 2014 when they began a spiritual book club, the two women formed a lasting bond. With a background in psychology and as a former teen counselor, Helene was also looking for change. Brainstorming on ways to bring their new insights and spirituality to Main Street, they realized the core was in Life Coaching, so they became certified, formed a business plan, and the Center4C was born in September of 2015. I met these great ladies by chance while attending a Sound Bath Meditation. They offered me a space to expand my own Medical Qigong services and offer classes in Dao Yin Qigong. Recently, I decided to interview them. Here’s what they told me.


Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18

“One of my clients was a very stressed business owner. Through coaching, she learned how to connect with herself, reduce her stress and realize she’s not her ‘doing.’ I’ve found that many talented, determined people won’t give up, whether that is a business, relationship or project. If you’re running into brick wall after brick wall, it might be evidence of re-direction. To realize you’re not giving up on yourself because you are not the job, relationship or project itself is empowering. When you connect with your truest self instead of unwittingly operating from your ego self, your real life, meaning, and purpose appear. It’s all about knowing yourself and ignoring the “should-have-dones” that society demands of us. Lao Tsu said, ‘life is always unfolding.’ When we have so many regrets and judge ourselves, we create resistance. Allowing and accepting our perceived ‘failures’ will often lead us in another direction and, odds are, it will be a beautiful direction. I always tell people, ‘Every life is a beautiful landscape.’ You can create anything you want, but accept the landscape of your life. Appreciate the challenges as well as the blessings.”

Q Helene

“Helene, can you give me a personal story about someone you helped with Life Coaching?”

“Sure. One client I helped had extreme anxiety. He was very empathic. You wouldn’t know it to look at him. He was a big, burly, ‘Biker’ type on the outside but a real teddy bear on the inside. Through Life Coaching, he discovered the reason he wasn’t always nice to people was to keep them away because his extreme empathy was so overwhelming. He couldn’t be around his addictive son which put a real strain on their relationship. He wanted to change but was afraid this work would make him a “Dali Llama” type, which he also didn’t want. Once he learned selfprotection through setting boundaries, he understood he could be kind and allow people into his space without hurting himself. He started praying and meditating which brought him so much joy. His relationships improved and his anxiety disappeared. He wanted to be loved so badly but was full of fear because life was overwhelming to him. This is what an empath goes through. I showed him how this was a wonderful gift but how he needed to protect himself. It was an amazing transition.”

Q Kim

“Kim, what do you feel is your true strength as a Life Coach?”

“My life story. It has given me great clarity. Everything has led me to this career, this passion. Through my challenges, I’ve learned resilience, acceptance, reinvention, and discovered my spirituality. We chose the name of the

Barbara Allen

Intuitive/Psychic Consultations Clear and Accurate Guidance Sees Strengths, Gifts and New Applications Individual and Group Readings In Person, Phone, Facebook Video Chat and Skype Sessions

518-587-2593 Center with great care. I truly believe that when clarity, compassion and contentment are present, an inspired life is possible.” “Helene, what do you feel is your true strength as a Life Coach?”

Q Helene

“My empathy. Being able to help highly sensitive individuals to discover their strength. I grew up in a family with addiction and have many women clients in recovery. I tell them I’m the child of an alcoholic and can empathize. This is not a choice. My strength is being able to see things from a different perspective – what is the upside of the downside?”

Support In A Storm

Marie Marhan Dropkin, Certified Divorce Coach (518) 423-2525

Q Helene

“What do you feel is the strength of your Center?”

Treating a person as a whole is an understated art. That’s why it’s so great to have so many Practitioners here at the Center that we can refer out to for treatment, to treat the whole person. Not everyone responds the same. Tai Chi was entertaining to me, at first, then it really calmed me down. Many people see the Center as a safe place where they can evolve their spiritual side and expand to things they wouldn’t normally try. The medical piece is huge. Having a Medical Qigong Therapist on board is great because so many people have exhausted Western Medicine ideals and want other options. I didn’t even understand the medical piece until I started working with you, Kate. At first, it was just relaxing, then I started to experience the medical benefits like general relief from pain, stress, and anxiety. Most people don’t take care of themselves. We are put on this Earth to love ourselves but also to love the world. It’s a symbiotic relationship. Every breath, every step can be taken with unconditional love for ourselves and Earth. It helps us make better choices. We realize everything in life has purpose.” Kate Kellman, MMQ, is a certified Master of Medical Qigong, studying to obtain her Doctorate (DMQ) under Dr. Ted J. Cibik, DMQ, Chinese Physician (Zhong Yi), ND and Taoist Priest. She also studies Taoism with Dr. Cibik in the Immortal Mind Program. Kate has a private practice in Saratoga Springs and Burnt Hills and teaches classes locally in several locations around the Capital District. For more information, please call (518) 7757798 or visit her website at

Alternative Healing Energy work and beyond for overall spiritual and physical well-being.

Relieve: • stress • physical pain • trauma • energy blocks Ann Koronowski 518-937-2751 Energy work and beyond for overall spiritual and physical well-being. Relieve stress, physical pain, emotional trauma, and energy blocks, which are all linked. Using the power of energy, along with spiritual connections and guidance, past-life investigations, and Shamanic healing methods, learn that we all have the power to heal ourselves. Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18


Fixer Upper:

Peeling back the layers to restore and renew our true self. by Mary Beth McCue RDN CDN. Credentialed Clinical Functional Nutritionist. eeking health and vitality continues to be a common quest in our culture. The “path to ourselves”; uncovering emotional “truths”, living in spiritual guidance, and enhancing our physicality is an eternal process. There is no arrival on this journey. Fortunately, we have influence on this path by our choices, especially from the relationships we create. Being more mindful and aware of thoughts, feelings, and choices, we become more “true” to ourselves. We reach for spiritual guidance to go beyond our current truth (mostly influenced by our culture), to new unknown places that ARE our “truth”. We become open to change our approach to life and improve selfcare, as we peel back the layers to be more of whom we are; and learn to serve as we are meant to be. We accept our desire to avoid stagnation and become more in flow with leading ourselves. It’s like “our own ongoing experiential outward bound program”. We live more simple, we prepare and build faith for unknowns, we seek support and work together. We are led to a more authentic and abundant life that sets us free.

S Namaste Yoga Center Workshops & Yoga Classes to Enhance Your Spiritual Journey

Recently Oprah spoke to this on the world stage of the Golden Globes: “What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.” She also addressed the Saratoga community at the 2017 Skidmore Commencement,: “I want to talk about my dream for you. Being able to make the right choice based on the truth that is you—that is the dream and hope that I have for you today.”

Miracles in Motion. We are made to be Renewed. 2 Franklin Square • Saratoga Springs

(518) 222-7470 EVENTS Mindful Mats Kid’s Yoga! 4 Tuesdays starting 2/13 4:45-5:45 pm $80 Restorative Yoga Sunday with Martina Zobel 2/25 2:30-5 pm $50 Healing Through the Macrocosm Tuesday 2/27 6:30-8 pm $35

Our body continually provides the opportunity to expand, grow, and flourish. It is truly a “miracle in motion” which does not “age” as much as it has an innate desire and capacity to change, evolve and renew. The message of aging in our culture is incomplete and somewhat contrary to our true potentials. Our bodies are not a stagnant mass, but more a harmony of (mostly) microscopic organisms and a flow of energy that renews every second. The more we embrace this and befriend the body, the more it provides support back to us. “Together” this alternating support back and forth with our bodies creates a more sustainable and peaceful life.

Intuitive Private 30 min Readings with Angela Kaufman

Sunday 3/18 noon - 4 pm $60 16

Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18

The health of our body is influenced by our thoughts, choices and behaviors (lifestyle)— which are grounded and influenced from our spirit. Our current body is not the body we had one

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique PAST LIFE REGRESSION SESSIONS

Unlock the past to thrive in the present QHHT is a spectacular journey into your higher consciousness. Pioneered by Delores Cannon, this hypnotic method facilitates a trance state through visualization accessing your higher self, where you will discover that all healing and answers lie within. Our higher self gives access to past lives and other memories releasing old timelines and blocks to more soul-infused living. People come for sessions for so many reasons. Some want to heal physical problems and others want to understand more about their soul mission. The soul has so much guidance that the conscious mind can’t access. The healing and transformation that occurs is spontaneous and life changing.

Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limits except those of our own mind and beliefs. CONTACT DIANE SAUNDERS AT THESHIFT.ROCKS OR CALL TODAY FOR A SESSION 518.567.7315 Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18


Bringing ancient wisdom forward to the modern world, and future wisdom back to your present world, this workshop will be a journey that will explore your future life in order to make it your present. An experiential workshop, taking place on Sunday, March 11, 11am-5pm Sunday, March 11 from 11am - 5pm Springs Namaste Yoga, 2 Franklin Square, Saratoga by Katrina Clay, publisher of the Healing An experiential workshop with; Springs Journal, and Michael Wayne, Katrina Clay, publisher of The Healing Springs Journal acupuncturist, author and media producer, Michael Wayne, acupuncturist, author & media producer. at Namaste Yoga Center, 2 Franklin Square, in Saratoga Springs. $125, or $95 if you register by Feb. 28. For information or to register; 518-210-1557

year ago, nor even a day ago. The “Newly created and generated cells materials” we give them to outer epidermis layer of skin Some of these materiare influenced by the ‘raw materials’ rebuild. replaces itself approximately als come from nutrients, we give them to rebuild. Some of every 35 days. The liver renews thoughts, spiritual practices, approximately every six weeks, these materials come from nutrients, and daily self-care rituals. The and may regenerate itself comthoughts, spiritual practices, and daily phenotype of our DNA, which pletely even if as little as 25% of it is the “expression” of our remains. Your stomach lining self-care rituals. The phenotype of our gene, can be “interpreted” clinreplaces itself every several days, DNA, which is the ‘expression’ of our ically through our current state and the stomach cells that help gene, can be “interpreted” clinically of health. This (expression) digest food are replaced within may potentially include any of through our current state of health.” the many common conditions minutes. Our entire skeletal structures are regenerated every 3 people are experiencing such months. The brain replaces itself as fatigue, depression, anxiety, every two months. Blood levels of many nutrients regenerate cancer, gastrointestinal imbalances, cardiovascular decline, every 3 months or less. It is stated in studies that the entire ADD and more. The phenotype can be seen in how we make human body is replaced every 5-7 years. decision, how we live. Science and research has proven these “conditions of imbalance” are merely the areas on the DNA The recycling of the body occurs uniquely in each of us, and links that are (at that particular time) weakest for that individual does not translate to “gaining a renewed healthy body” at these experiencing the symptom. Everyone has vulnerable areas on intervals. Yet it potentially can and in many cases does in vary- their DNA link. These areas have potential to change. The sciing degrees. Our new states of health are determined by us. ence has also proven that approximately 80 % or more of these Peeling back and renewing the physical body is based on what conditions can be influenced—and changed—by our life-styles we “feed” it. Food and nutrition have a very quick direct and and how we are peeling back the layers. We all have a unique major impact on how healthy your body is and will continue to capacity to resolve and restore these conditions; these “layers.” be. There is overwhelming scientific evidence going back many This is a conscious deep “vertical” practice, verses a “superfidecades to prove this. Yet, the additional factors of life-style cial horizontal fix” which in many ways is taught to us in our such as quality of sleep, stress management, spiritual practice, culture. relationships (that can ultimately support you in health and life), love and everything else that make up our unique layers are sig- So as our choices change—the “raw materials of our regrowth” nificant. Nothing is in a vacuum, everything is connected and changes. If we give the body better fuel in the areas such as feeleffects everything else in life. ings, thoughts, emotions, actions, nutrition we simply experiNewly created and generated cells are influenced by the “raw ence positive change. If we have less toxin exposures, exercise


Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18

“If we have less toxin exposures, exercise more, improve sleep, develop daily spiritual influence and practice, then this positively influences genetic expression, which essentially is expressed in our health, how we feel and how we move forward in life. Many times these shifts can be experienced in 2 weeks or less.”

Dr. Richard Aulicino

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more, improve sleep, develop daily spiritual influence and practice, then this positively influences genetic expression, which essentially is expressed in our health, how we feel and how we move forward in life. Many times these shifts can be experienced in 2 weeks or less. Microscopic studies have shown that we can see physical cell changes from meal to meal towards health or disease. At any age, we have potential for change to recover from any chronic health conditions, which also includes the recovery of debilitating brain disorders. These changes are commonly seen even with the more “elderly.” Are there limits? I say no, until you can prove otherwise. Going within and sifting through the layers of who we are and who we are not can be the foundation to living authentically, less bruised, and more enlightened and “preserved”. In Part II we look at “The Process of Living Vertical’, and “Daily Rituals” to support the natural process of peeling back the layers. Mary Beth is a Dietitian in Integrative and Functional Medicine, Cert. Clinical Functional Nutritionist, and is trained in energy medicine. She see’s clients at the ECS Psychological Services Therapy Farm in Saratoga Springs, NY, where she accepts cash and insurance covered clients. For over 25 years, she has centered her work on the whole person, assisting clients to discover their unique health revealed in layers of mixed messaging and incorrect advice. She loves to see clients gain in their health beyond what they ever fully understood as possible, while living a realistic life that is expansive rather than restrictive. For decades she has witness the healing power of the work she offers. She has and continues to work and train with cutting edge practitioners in Mind-Body-Medicine and modern nutritional science.

Better sleep has been found to be crucial for: Weight Reduction, Memory and Recall, Overall Physical and Mental Wellbeing Stress is a critical factor in the quality of sleep.

Call; Barbara Stevens, 518-755-5053 Certified Stress Management Consultant

Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18


Cate LaBarre

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(Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown)

Certified Master Integrative Coach Professional Co-author of “The Energy of Healing” 607-287-0658 cell & text * 518-882-9880 Cate helped me find my way back to my authentic self, offering empowering tools I will use for my lifetime. Coaching with Cate is one of the best investments I’ve made! —Manisha Thador, CFA, Founder & CEO MoneyZen Wealth Magnagement

Healing Springs Mission: With knowledge comes choice. Our mission at The Healing Springs Journal is to address the whole person by providing articles and stories that allow the reader to make empowered lifestyle decisions in relation to the wellness of their mind, body, spirit, and environment.

Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture

Holistic veterinary health, dental and end-of-life care for all domestic species.

Kristina Dallas, DVM • Saratoga Springs (518) 727-2940 drkris@veterinar yancientar www.veterinar yancientar 20

Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18

Revealed vs Evidence Based

Information what to trust?

by Wendy Ball few months ago I ran across a body of revealed information called The New Message. Part of it is a program of spiritual development called Steps to Knowledge, that I find myself very moved by. Part of The New Message, however, claims to inform us about the existence of life beyond Earth, of contact, visitors, and of the implications of this contact. The norm in our culture as I perceive it is that many people adhere to a religion or practice some form of spirituality and that is to be tolerated, even respected, but that UFO sightings and experiences of contact with ET’s or any discussion of an alien presence on Earth is not to be taken seriously. I believe the official line is that there is insufficient evidence to support claims of the existence of non-human craft or beings.


This leads me to reflect on the types of information we trust and do not trust, and why, and how we are influenced to engage or not engage with different perspectives, even different realities. As a shamanic healer I work with what is revealed to me. The information I receive concerning my clients, doesn’t come from any verifiable source, except that most often my clients corroborate this information or resonate strongly with it. It hasn’t been easy to come to trust that but I have learned over years to do so and how to do so. I don’t fight with my rational mind. I leave it at the door when I go to my sacred journey space. And then I come back to my rational mind and it helps support my clients to reflect on what the information means to them and how it can help bring them forward in their lives. Both have their purpose. I don’t channel. At least I don’t think I do. Do I receive info or impressions or messages from other presences? Sometimes I think I do. But there’s a responsibility from my point of view to do what I can to keep the connection clean and free of preconception and to work with the information simply as it presents. The information is symbolic. It could have a variety of meanings. My mind can’t sort it logically. I have to connect with it through my heart and support my clients to connect to what is coming through with their hearts so they can “feel” the truth of it for themselves or not. But I’m conflicted when it comes to a larger body of revelation. I have been reading channeled books since the mid 80’s. I never talked much about the contents with others. I would read and

Wendy Ball M.Ed. Shamanic Healing, Hakomi Coaching, Mentoring

518-813-8524 absorb the feel of what I was reading. I’d sort of let the material wash over me and then let it go. I found much of it inspiring. Much of it gave me hope that the human race is evolving. I was trained at university to be a critical thinker and I figured if I was going to take that tack with channeled material it would be all over before I started so when I was reading channeled material I would lay critical thinking aside and tune in with my heart, just as I would do when reading spiritual texts which themselves contain material which is revealed or channeled This last year I’ve grappled with the idea, or the fact, that humans live in a mental environment which is subject to huge amounts of manipulation. For example, I’m coming to terms with what I’m learning about what the sugar industry, just like the tobacco industry, has done to silence anyone seriously questioning whether sugar is safe to consume. And here we are not dealing with “revealed” information, at least ostensibly. We are, rather, dealing with claims by the sugar industry that there is insufficient evidence to claim that consumption of sugar causes health issues. At the same time saturated fat became demonized as dangerous to health, based on “evidence” which is now being questioned. We are taught to trust only information or claims that are based in evidence, and yet what we get is often manipulated to support one agenda or another, power, control, profit. At least revelation doesn’t try to claim it’s veracity based on evidence. But most of us would say it is on even shakier ground. One has to check inside for how it resonates, or simply accept what someone we perceive as having authority has said. I used to read channeled material like science fiction. I loved it. But now I’m entertaining the possibility that a lot of New Age channeled material has been fabricated to influence people to be passive and not really engage in their reality. Recently I heard someone use the term “hope porn.” I think a lot of channeled material I absorbed over the last 25 years or so could be called “hope porn:” you are special, you are loved, you are going to ascend to a new reality, there is already a New Earth waiting for you. Who do the messages serve? The message that we create our reality, can encourage self responsibility but it can as easily support a blame the victim stance. That certainly let’s people with self-serving agendas off the hook. Who is responsible? That’s another whole discussion.

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Back to revelation: Our spiritual texts are mostly revealed information are they not? Revealed information has always had its place for humans, in religion and spirituality. But it tends to evolve into dogma and then we fight over it. And who knows how much of the traditional revealed information that is the basis of our religions has been tampered with to serve someone’s agenda. Now I’m once again exploring a body of revealed information that I find very compelling. The receiver seems like an authentic and humble though highly skillful man. There is no money or power that I can see at stake. It certainly cannot be classified as “hope porn”. Most of it is a very sobering call to address climate change and misuse of planetary resources, and a call to educate ourselves, learn discernment and discretion in the face of alien intervention. I think most of it can be supported if one chooses to delve into scientific reporting about what is happening to our climate and environment, and into a huge body of testimony about UFOs and related phenomena and years of investigation by people interested in these topics. All this reporting and investigation has been successfully relegated to “fringe” status by the “authorities.”. So I don’t know whether evidence based information has any more power than revealed information currently when it comes to the questions of whether there is intelligent life in the universe, whether we have been contacted, whether we are being visited, and whose agenda it is serving. No matter what, it will be questioned and dismissed by those whose agenda it serves to keep these questions fringe. No matter what, we are left to decide whether to opt out and adopt a passive attitude to what is happening on our planet or what to trust as valid information worthy of guiding our engagement. Contact author for references:used Wendy Ball, M.Ed., practices shamanic energy healing, the hakomi method, life transition coaching and spiritual mentoring. She works with clients in person and by phone. For more information see her website at Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18


Essential Oils to Support Change by Sarah LoBisco, ND

What Makes for Lasting Change?


s we welcome in 2018, many are contemplating the events of 2017 and what to improve in their life for the new year. It is now well known that resolutions based solely on guilt from the years’ “regressions” are not helpful for making long-lasting change. Rather, what determines success has many interacting factors and can be complex. A 2010 research synthesis by Health Maintenance Consortium (HMC) reviewed several areas that have been studied to determine what created lasting healthful changes. Specifically, the researchers sought to understand the “effective strategies for achieving sustainable health promotion and disease prevention.” The interacting factors that the researchers concluded were important were the following: • context (personal characteristics, political context, culture, and societal/environmental) • current behavior (health behavior, risk behaviors, stress management, screening practices, and coping strategies) • settings (clinical, community, worksite, and healthcare) • mechanisms of change (knowledge, self-efficacy, behavioral skill building, and social reinforcement) Although there were limitations in the trials’ designs and interventions, it was clear that methods based solely on external rewards and/or fear had poor results. One article on healthy behavior change demonstrated the promise of a more inclusive approach through a “behavior change pathway.” This pathway incorporated the individual’s goals and motivations, building their skills, and problem solving how to overcome obstacles that would deter their success. The health practitioner’s role was to offer support throughout the transformational steps. The author summarized this interactive approach of matching the desires of the individual with the support by a professional as follows: “These stages include engaging with patients to help build rapport, focusing patients on the changes they want to make while offering advice and support, evok-

ing the tools and desires they possess within them to effect change, and planning to implement the goals and next steps patients identified through the encounter.1 ...”

Digging Deeper into the Reasons for Making Changes As scientists continue to research how to “make people change” and individuals unknowingly seek futile external approaches to “motivate” them, it may be wise to step back to evaluate the reasons why one wishes to break or make new behavioral patterns. There’s a difference between exercising to decrease weight for vanity sake vs. moving the body in enjoyable ways to keep up with the grandkids and to live long enough to witness the birth of their children. The latter would provide a greater probability of a long-term effect. Similarly, a goal for eating foods that nourish the body to live a more vital life will provide more motivation than getting down to an unhealthy weight in order to be accepted by a disordered societal ideal.

A Gentler Approach to Change For these reasons, I propose being gentle with yourself and looking inward into what you hope to see manifest this new year. Accept that there is a process of change to reach your goals. Celebrating this fact, with all its twists and turns, verses beating yourself up for minor detours, could be the key to keeping on the road of your intentions to achieve a better future. Essential oils can be used as a tool along this path of shifting habits that no longer serve your best interests. I have previously written about the science of how essential oils can help to change emotions that may be blocking one from moving forward. I also wrote a series on how essential oils can help support someone in changing unwanted behaviors by balancing their biochemistry, psychology, and physiology. Some favorite oils that may help with establishing what one wishes to experience in the New Year can be found in this blog:

Reclaim your ancient wisdom Workshops orkshops & private private sessions bringing you you to your your real real self.

Full Moon Drum Journey; Mar. 1, Mar. 31

email for locations as it changes, but usually in Saratoga Springs, 6:30pm-8 $20 suggested, pay what you have

Join the community, connect with your ancient self to receive event messages 22

Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18

Katrina Clay’s mission is to show that animals, nature and music are guides to living an authentic and symbolic life. Examples include Clarity™, Envision™, Build Your Dreams™, Motivation™, Highest Potential™, and Magnify Your Purpose™. Here is a brief excerpt: Clarity™ has an aroma that invites a sense of clarity and alertness, making it a wonderful choice to diffuse when writing your resolutions.

How to use it: • Diffuse in the morning during sacred time or meditation, using this time and the grounding aroma to open up your sense of intuition and allow your day’s plans to become shaped by your dreams for the future. • Use Clarity’s relaxing aroma in a massage or reflexology treatment. Add 10–15 drops to V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex for use during the session. • Apply to your temples, wrists, or neck when you’re seeking an aroma that inspires a sense of clarity and perceptiveness throughout the day. May this year be a year where you release blocks to your most fulfilling life and move forward in your life enjoying the walk along the path to change!

More Essential Oils Information

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You can learn more about the Young Living essential oil brand I use and/or order to be part of my team on my website ( You can also sign-up to become a BreakFree Medicine oiler on the Young Living website using my number (516126) and get started on a healthier, happier, oiler, 2018! For all references, please see original article online at: Disclaimer: This information is applicable ONLY for therapeutic quality essential oils. This information DOES NOT apply to essential oils that have not been tested for purity and standardized constituents. Studies are not based solely on a specific brand of an essential oil, unless stated. Please read the full study for more information. This material is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any illness. You should check with your doctor regarding implementing any new strategies into your wellness regime. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Dr. Sarah LoBisco, ND, is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM). She is licensed naturopathic doctor, a certified functional medicine practitioner, and holds a Bachelor of Psychology from State University of New York at Geneseo. Dr. LoBisco incorporates her training in holistic medical practices and conventional medicine through writing, researching,

Sue Coughtry,


Specializing in Pain and Stress Relief CranioSacral Therapy Low Level Light Therapy for Pain Relief Clinical Medical Massage Delmar, NY • 518-755-8843 email: wellness consultations regarding supplements, nutraceuticals, essential oils and medical foods. Her new book on how to be an empowered patient and rebalance and reclaim your health, BreakFree Medicine, is available now through all online bookstores. Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18


Functional Nutrition seeks the underlying cause of ill health for each unique individual.

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by Pankaj Vij, MD, FACP As the modern Western lifestyle spreads around the globe, so too does metabolic syndrome — a cluster of symptoms that increases the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other conditions. The good news: metabolic syndrome can be tamed by a sensible program of exercise, natural foods, stress management, and quality sleep. In his new book Turbo Metabolism, Dr. Vij distills a mass of medical research into a simple, effective program for vibrant health. Avoiding fads and gimmicks, he provides practical advice, case studies of ordinary people, and brief sections that debunk common medical myths. We hope you’ll enjoy this short excerpt from the book.


ne of the best urological surgeons in the country once told me, “I don’t do anything special, I just cut and stitch all day — the magic of healing is in the body itself.”

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518-434-8128 24

Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18

In fact, it takes a lot of effort to overwhelm the healing system of the body. Still, we’ve found the perfect recipe for disaster in our modern disease-promoting lifestyle of caloric excess, which originated with toxic substances mislabeled as food and has been coupled with unmanaged stress and a lack of physical activity and sleep. When you put the right fuel in your body, health and healing happen almost automatically. You are “designed” to move naturally. You do not need to do anything drastic. My program simply asks you to eat, move, and live in the unique way that you are designed to do. Everything else will take care of itself because the wisdom of healing is within. The reason you need to get started right now is that the sooner you follow the right path, the easier it will be to heal. The further you go the wrong way, the greater the effort required to correct course. Eating for health — rather than eating for entertainment — should be a conscious commitment. Taking responsibility and affirming our control and autonomy, which is what we do when we consciously decide to nurture and nourish ourselves, are as applicable here as in other aspects of our life. When we have been addicted to an unhealthy lifestyle, it takes time and effort to break the addiction. In fact, it can take up to

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(518) 891-1489 forty-five days to take an idea from cognition (understanding) to emotional buy-in and finally to actual behavior change. The goal is to live in sync with our natural rhythms in an effortless way. This can happen as we move to convert our surroundings and routine so that healthy habits become our default. Think about a child learning to tie his or her shoelaces: The process goes from not knowing how to do it, to learning the steps, to practicing the steps, to finally being able to do it reflexively, without even thinking about it. And here is the good news: The rewards — of more energy, vitality, and zest for life — are almost immediate. Although a complete transformation takes months, within a week or two, the taste buds start to adjust and the body starts to respond in such a way that you will not want to regress to previous unhealthy habits. The compliments you will get from friends, family, and coworkers will be a bonus.

The Difference between Real Hunger and Craving Your goal should be to maintain satiety or satisfaction, to start thinking about food as a source of energy and wisdom from nature. However, to understand satiety, you must first understand hunger. What does hunger mean to you? Craving sugar, chocolate, cheese, or meat is less likely real hunger and more likely an addiction reaction, arising from the effect of these substances on the reward center of the brain. The same sensations of craving — jitteriness, headaches, fatigue, irritability — are present in drug withdrawal. True hunger is a mouth or throat sensation similar to thirst. We often mistake thirst, boredom,

nutritional deficiency, or a low blood sugar for hunger.

Have you ever been truly hungry? A good gauge of whether a meal is truly nourishing is the degree to which it keeps you satiated. A meal that is biochemically suited to your needs should keep you satisfied for three to five hours. Shedding ugly belly fat can be the key to reversing diabetes, improving heart health and memory, increasing energy and vitality, improving erectile dysfunction, preventing cancer, and getting rid of sleep apnea and fatty liver disease, in addition to injecting you with more energy and zest for life. When your body is given the right fuel, you gain energy and vitality, and there is no need for it to be hoarded as fat in places where it can cause harm. Every time you eat or drink, you are either nourishing your body or feeding disease. You have two choices: You can either “try” — that is, make excuses and then fail — or you can succeed no matter what obstacles come your way. Pankaj Vij, MD, FACP, is the author of Turbo Metabolism. As a doctor of internal medicine, he has helped thousands of patients lose weight, manage chronic health conditions, and improve their physical fitness. Visit him online at Excerpted from the book Turbo Metabolism. Copyright ©2018 by Pankaj Vij, MD. Printed with permission from New World Library — Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18 25

Astrological your

FORECAST February & March, 2018

fect your skills for your career area or the equivalent. The Partial Solar Eclipse on the 15th and over the next year will affect your status and career advancement. You may receive overdue recognition for a job or project that was well-done and successful. MARCH: Developing friendships, group projects and contributions to humanity are favored for this month. After the Full Moon on the 1st, you want to spend time and enjoy your loved ones. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th and you feel that harmony is lacking in your relationship. On the 22nd, Mercury turns retrograde allowing you to go off by yourself to think or study.


Using Standard Time locate your Rising Sign or Ascendant. If your birth time is Daylight Savings Time, subtract one hour. Your actual Rising Sign or Ascendant may differ depending on certain time of birth and dates; however, not to confuse the nonastrologer use the sign indicated for your Forecast. This placement is similar to the transiting planet’s location in your Natal Chart, except for exact degrees, and will correctly indicate your Forecast. For example, if you are a Gemini born at 6:38 P.M., your Ascendant is Capricorn. IT SHOULD BE NOTED: In February, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurred on January 31st and the next Full Moon is on March 1st. Therefore, there is no Full Moon in February. In addition, there are no planets turning Retrograde or Direct, but there is a Partial Solar Eclipse on the 15th at 27:08 Aquarius. In March, the Full Moon is on the 1st at 11:23 Virgo. Jupiter turns Retrograde on the 8th at 23:13 Scorpio and Mercury goes Retrograde on the 22nd at 16:54 Aries. The second Full Moon of the Month is on the 31st at 10:45 Libra.

ARIES ASCENDANT FEBRUARY: Forming new friendships, group projects and achieving goals are the highlights for this month. This can be a busy time as you become involved with humanitarian activities. The Partial Solar Eclipse on the 15th and over the next year will affect your self-enhancement through love in terms of friendship and human concerns. You may change your long-term goals. MARCH: Finding oneself, hidden talents and spiritual rebirth are important for this month. After the Full Moon on the 1st, you will seek efficiency in both your health and your work. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th asking that you rethink the signing of business contracts. On the 22nd, Mercury goes retrograde and you want to express your point of view to others with objectivity.

TAURUS ASCENDANT FEBRUARY: Setting top priorities, one’s public image and the career world are important for this month. You work to per26 Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18

FEBRUARY: Prophetic dreams, finding the truth and successful mental pursuits are examined for this month. You have a renewed interest in spirituality, foreign cultures and philosophies. The Partial Solar Eclipse on the 15th and over the next year makes you question both your religious and spiritual beliefs as you search to develop your personal philosophies and ethical guidelines. MARCH: One’s social status, public image and the career world are the focus for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 1st, there may be subtle changes in your domestic or personal areas. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th and you want to improve your work skills. On the 22nd, Mercury goes retrograde asking that you examine your ideals to see if they serve you.

CANCER ASCENDANT FEBRUARY: A mystic’s path, breaking old habits and another’s assets are explored for this month. You enjoy sharing your interest in spirituality and new-age teachings with others. The Partial Solar Eclipse on the 15th and over the next year will act on your physical and inner planes to stimulate your financial interests that you share with a marriage partner or business associate. MARCH: Prophetic dreams, philosophy on life and spiritual teachings are important for this month. After the Full Moon on the 1st, you take a renewed interest in your neighborhood’s activities. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th and you may want to become involved in a creative project. On the 22nd, Mercury turns retrograde and you also rethink taking a formal class.

LEO ASCENDANT FEBRUARY: Developing partnerships, learning to compromise and giving and taking are the focus for this month. You find yourself helping others as you consider their needs. The Partial Solar Eclipse on the 15th and over the next year will give you a need for both one-to-one interaction and also the public in general. You also want to strengthen your existing relationships. MARCH: Changing of values, spiritual appreciation and a partner’s assets are explored for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 1st, you examine your personal income and financial dealings. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th and you work to improve your family relationships. On the 22nd, Mercury goes retrograde and your interest turns to philosophies, the law and religion.



FEBRUARY: Forming new habits, learning efficiency and improvement of self are favored for this month. You are interested in improving both your health and work skills. The Partial Solar Eclipse on the 15th and over the next year also involves a healthy body and efficiency in your work. You become interested in being of service to others and your employment conditions. MARCH: Forming relationships, a cooperative approach and legal contracts are the highlights of this month. After the Full Moon on the 1st, you want to express yourself in a different way. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th and you take a renewed interest in a workshop or formal class. On the 22nd, Mercury turns retrograde and you begin to negotiate matters on shared resources.

FEBRUARY: Expanding resources, material rewards and attitude toward money are examined for this month. You seek stability and persistence in your life as you want material success. The Partial Solar Eclipse on the 15th and over the next year you will assess your financial and material assets. You also examine your spending and saving habits to see if you can make changes. MARCH: Daily mental activities, all communications and educational opportunities are highlighted for this month. After the Full Moon on the 1st, you have an interest in intellectual studies. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th you may reconsider helping society in some way. On the 22nd, Mercury turns retrograde and you examine your personal life to see if it fulfills your needs.

LIBRA ASCENDANT FEBRUARY: Creative expression, the joys of life and innate affections are important for this month. You enjoy helping your loved ones or children with their hobbies or projects. The Partial Solar Eclipse on the 15th and over the next year make you want to express yourself creatively and affectionately. It is important that your love relationships have a balance of give and take. MARCH: Maintaining a diet, solving problems and improvement of self are the focus for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 1st, you seek further knowledge on psychic and spiritual teachings. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th and you will examine your spending habits. On the 22nd, Mercury goes retrograde and you discuss any difficulties in your relationships.


AQUARIUS ASCENDANT FEBRUARY: One’s self-image, inspiring others and developing one’s personality are important for this month. You are enthusiastic and may have a desire for leadership. The Partial Solar Eclipse on the 15th and over the next year you want to express yourself and create a new self-image. If you are unsatisfied with yourself, now is the time to make changes. MARCH: Valued resources, changing values and search for self are favored for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 1st, you examine your jointly held monies and properties. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th you may want to make some changes in your career or the equivalent. On the 22nd, Mercury goes retrograde and you become friends with new people in your area.


FEBRUARY: Domestic interests, identifying with the past and searching for oneself are explored for this month. This is a time to be with your family and to enjoy your home. The Partial Solar Eclipse on the 15th and over the next year you strive to make your home life what you want. You may make a physical improvement in your home or resolve existing family problems MARCH: Enjoying life, expressing oneself and creative talents are important for this month. After the Full Moon on the 1st, there are changes in your group activities, goals and friendships. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th telling that this is a good time to watch your diet. On the 22nd, Mercury turns retrograde and can be a time for both mental efficiency as well as physical.

FEBRUARY: Finding reality, the subconscious self and spiritual rebirth are the highlights for this month. This is a time when you prefer to work behind the scenes and to assist others. The Partial Solar Eclipse on the 15th and over the next year you are more aware of your physical and spiritual natures. This is a time to get to know your inner self. A retreat is inviting at this time. MARCH: Image projection, self-expression and developing one’s personality are important for this month. After the Full Moon on the 1st, this can be the time to compromise with others. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th and your attention will turn to new studies or travel. On the 22nd, Mercury turns retrograde and you may have to define your values or beliefs to another.


Arlene is an Author, Astrologer and Para-Consultant and has studied and worked with astrology for more than forty years. She has also been a professional astrologer since 1980. Arlene has a Certificate of Merit from Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson (CA 1982) and a Certificate of Proficiency from the Mayo School of Astrology (London 1985). In addition, she holds certifications from the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (19822018) as both a Medium and Spiritual Healer (Lily Dale, NY). Arlene can be reached at Astrological Concepts, Telephone (518) 371-8097 or Visit My Web Site at: Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18 27

FEBRUARY: Pursuing education, ability to communicate and routine activities are favored for this month. You want to share your plans and ideas with your friends. The Partial Solar Eclipse on the 15th and over the next year brings a time of intellectual pursuits and studies. You may think about neglected education and decide to take a workshop or begin a formal class. MARCH: Domestic interests, parental influence and feeling secure are important for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 1st, there are changes in your dealings with others and aim in life. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th and can be a time of healing on a spiritual level. On the 22nd, Mercury goes retrograde as you express your thoughts to yourself and to others.


ACUPUNCTURE Michael Wayne, Saratoga Springs & Clifton Park, 518-210-1557 ANIMAL CARE Jill Stewart, Equine Sports Massage Therapist and Canine Massage Therapist, Certified Aromatherapist 518-339-4348,, Susan Hamlin, The Saratoga Animal Whisperer Animal Communication, 518-245-8010, Kristina Dallas, DVM. Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture. Saratoga Springs, NY. 727-2940. Holistic care for pets. House calls. AROMATHERAPY Jill Stewart, Cert. aromatherapist, full line of human and animal aromatherapy products, single essential oils and custom blends Gift baskets and party favors available 518-339-4348,, ASTROLOGY Arlene DeAngelus, 518-371-8097,, BACH FLOWER REMEDIES Nini Gridley, MS Ed, BFRP, Consultations by appointment, in person or over the phone. Next Level One BIEP Training Spring in 2018, 518-573-0571 Diana Gribben, LMT, BFRP, at Healing Path Massage, 518-421-0645,

CENTERS Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center,, 518-587-4967 Sanctuary For Evolutionary Vision (SEV), New Lebanon & Albany,, CHELATION THERAPY Dr Andrew Garner, Glens Falls, 518798-9401,, CHIROPRACTORS Delmar Chiropractic, Delmar, 518-439-7644 Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542,

Cathy Saladis LMT, Albany, 518-229-0741, DENTISTS Dr. Richard Aulicino, Lake George, 518668-9888, Dr. David B. Presser, Clifton Park, 518371-5113 DIVORCE COACH Marie Marhan Dropkin, Certified Divorce Coach,, 518-423-2525, ENERGY MEDICINE Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, 518-506-6303,, Ann Koronowski, 518-937-2751 HEALTH AND WELLNESS PRODUCTS Evan Lawrence, Shaklee Independent Distributor. Healthy weight, nutrition, beauty, and home. Cambridge, (518) 6775662,,

COACHES Cate LaBarre, Personal and group coaching by phone and teleconference. Workshops in Saratoga Region. 518-882-9880,,

HOME INSPECTIONS Zielinski Home Inspections, 518-424-9909,,

Natural Peace Living - Sarah van Rijsewijk. 518-928-8682.

Claudia Ascione, MA, MS, CH, Niskayuna, Manhattan and Ardsley, NY. 518 372-7023.

COUNSELING Avis Burnett, Clifton Park, 518-371-0579 CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Margery Chessare, LMT, BCST, Sessions and classes in the Saratoga area, 518-893-0421, Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075,, Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542,

CAREER COUNSELING Penny Loretto, 518-798-6057,, Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar,, 518-755-8843 Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18 28

HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE Jerome Pindell, Clifton Park, 518-3745492,

HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS Private Label Aromatherapy: Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, All Purpose Cleaner, Household Cleaner, Essential Oil Deodorizing Sprays, Essential Oil Blends for Laundry and Dryer, Hand Soaps and more. Custom products also available. Jill Stewart 518-339-4348,, HYPNOTISM Barbra Stevens, 518-755-5053 George Guarino, CH, Clifton Park, Delmar, Albany, 518-256-6549

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, 518-506-6303,, INTUITIVE/PSYCHIC CONSULTANT: Barbara Allen, BA, PTC. 518-5872583; LIGHT THERAPY Dr. Lynn Allison, Saratoga Springs, 518-268-9542, Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar,, 518-755-8843 LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar,, 518-755-8843 MASSAGE THERAPY Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, 518-755-8843,, MEDICAL QIGONG THERAPY Kate Kellman, MMQ, Saratoga Springs & Burnt Hills. 518-775-7798. MELT METHOD® Carrie Whitelaw, LMT Saratoga Springs 518-222-9036 NATURAL FOOD STORES Four Seasons Natural Foods Store & Cafe, Saratoga, 518-584-4670, Pure-N-Simple, GlensFalls, 518-798-4047 NATUROPATHY Sarah A. LoBisco, ND, Phone consults scheduled at or by appointment at A Peaceful Place in Clifton Park,

Joanne Halloran, ND, Saratoga Healing Arts, 518-369-7080, NUTRITION Lisa O’Brien, Saratga Springs, 518-3069257, Saratoga Nutrition, Mary Beth McCue, Saratoga Springs, 518-257-6530, ORGANIZATIONS Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network (SIPN), PAST LIFE REGRESSION SESSION Diane Saunders, 518-567-7315,

ROLF STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION Nick Pavoldi, 518.389.2200, SPACE FOR RENT Spa Wellness Resources, Saratoga, TAI CHI The Tai Chi Center, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-9315, Asian Arts Tai Chi Center, Albany, 518-489-1458,, TAROT Joan Scannell,


PHYSICAL THERAPY Integrative Physical Therapy, 518-3730735,

Sarah van Rijsewijk. 518-928-8682.

PSYCHOTHERAPY Wendy Ball LMHC, certified in EMDR and Hakomi therapies, specialize in trauma related disorders, couples counseling and life transition coaching. Albany. 518-8138524.

TREE SERVICE Foothills Tree Service, Practicing sustainable tree managment, 518-893-2620,

Peter Lacy, LCSW-R, CASAC, Buddhist-based psychotherapy, Ballston Spa, 518-309-4103 REIKI Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075,, Joyce Willson RN, RMT, The Art of Reiki, Troy, 518-271-7802, Suzanne Golub, RMT, Saratoga Springs 518-301-0407,, REFLEXOLOGY Cathy Saladis LMT, Clifton Park and Albany,, 518-229-0741

WELLNESS CENTERS A Peaceful Place, Clifton Park, 518-371-2225, Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, YOGA Yoga Mandali, Saratoga, 518-584-0807,, Saratoga’s longest continually running studio serving our community for over 10 years The Lemon Tree Yoga & Healing Arts Studio, Glens Falls, 518-301-3291, Yoga with Jen, Warrensburg & Minerva, 518-956-2818 Namaste Yoga, Saratoga, 518-222-7470


Anna Witt, Set yourself in motion. Steer your life with purpose.Join the moveRETAIL ment. Magic Moon, Saratoga Springs, Embodyoga with Anna Witt, 518-256-9628, at One Big Roof 518-583-2488 Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18 27


ONGOING Tune In To Wellness Today TV Show, with LisaMarie Tersigni. Meet local wellness providers and learn the benefits of natural wellness modalities, services and products available. View 24/7 at SACC.TV Mondays and Wednesdays Gentle Kripalu Yoga Classes - 4:005:30 PM. First class free! Join Nini Gridley for a compassionate blend of warm-ups, sequenced asanas, shavasana, pranayama, and meditation designed to pacify the “Vata” energy through a well rounded yoga practice that is relaxing yet energizing for all levels of practitioners. Beginners are welcome. It’s gentle for every body. 3rd Tuesdays Healing Circle: 5:30-6:30 pm The Institute for Spiritual Development The Lotus Center, Oneonta, NY, (607) 2674963, 2nd Tuesdays Intuitive Development Circle, 2nd Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm, The Institute for Spiritual Development The Lotus Center, Oneonta, NY, (607) 267-4963, Thursdays Ecstatic Dance every Thursday night at Move Fitness. 24 Colvin Ave, Albany. 7:459:30pm $15. $7 Kids. FB page: Albany Ecstatic Dance Revolution

1st and 3rd Sunday Church Services: every month, 10 am, The Institute for Spiritual Development The Lotus Center, Oneonta, NY, 607-267-4963,

FEBRUARY Saturday, February 10 SpiritFest, SHIFT NY & ISD Spirit Fest, 10am-4pm Institute for Spiritual Developme. Tried & True Psychic Readings, Free Inspirational Workshops, Metaphysical Shopping, Buffet Lunch More Info: Thursday, February 15 New Moon today at 4:06 PM, EST The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Contact Nini Gridley for details on the New Moon Meditation, 518 573-0571

MARCH Thursday, March 1 Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey, with Katrina Clay 6:30, Location TBD,. The full moon is a good time to open our awareness of the fullness of life. Join in a soulful community to journey into our own fullness. Katrina; or 518-332-6581. This is ongoing and takes place every full moon in different locations. Please email Katrina at above to be receive ongoing emails. $20 suggested, pay what you have.

Saturdays Introduction to Gnosis – Saturdasy 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25, 10 am-11am. Public talks. Discover the pearl of gnosis within you–short meditation included. Free - All are Welcome. Capital Region Gnosis Center. Location Sunday, March 11 to be determined. Contact us if interest- Future Life Progression and the Art of ed. 518-390-5014 or 518-742-6198, Self Mastery, 11am - 5pm an experiential, workshop, by Katrina Clay, publisher of the Healing Springs Journal, and Michael Healing Springs I #96 I Feb/Mar ‘18 30

Wayne, acupuncturist, author and media producer, at Namaste Yoga Center, 2 Franklin Square, in Saratoga Springs. Bringing ancient wisdom forward to the modern world, and bringing future wisdom back to your present world, this workshop will be a journey that will explore your future life in order to make it your present life. Cost for the workshop is $125, with an early pricing discount of $95 if you register by Feb. 28. For more information or to register, call 518-210-1557. Saturday, March 17 New Moon today at 9:14 AM, EDT The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Call Nini Gridley for details on this month’s very special New Moon Meditation - 518 573-0571. Thursday, March 22 The Power of Truth to Create New Life—a program that delves into the honoring of our own Truth, in order to not be swayed by others or to go in a direction we never wanted to go in. With Teresa King. 6:30 pm, Saratoga Springs Public Library, Free. Sponsored by Saratoga Integrative Medicine Education Network, or SIMEN. 518-210-1557. Sunday, March 31 Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey, with Katrina Clay 6:30, Namaste Yoga,. The full moon is always a good time to open our awareness of the fullness of life. Join in a soulful community to journey into our own fullness. Katrina; or 518-332-6581. This is ongoing and takes place every full moon in different locations. Please email Katrina at above to be receive ongoing emails. $20 suggested, pay what you have.

SAVE THE DATE May 11-13 Girlfriends Getawary in Bolton Landing, a fun and empowering women’s weekend at The Sagamore Resort on Lake George. Create your own agenda from over 15 wellness and fitness classes. Special priced accommodations and spa treatments at the Sagamore Resort. For tickets contact the Bolton Landing Chamber of Commerce, 518-644-3831,

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