HealthSpectra Magazine January 2020

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Time Of The Day Impacts

Memory Recalling Abilities WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM



HERGAMUT All about her..

Hergamut is all about providing valid information about women and works to spread happiness in women and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.



Editor Note We are delighted to bring you yet another edition of the HealthSpectra magazine to enrich your knowledge about your health and well being. In this edition, we peek into the correlations between the time of the day and its impacts on memory as a part of the cover story. Not just that, you can also swipe through and find the latest articles concerning your health and wellness and the impacts on your skin, hair and overall health. From the vital nutrition tips for women to the benefits of taking a cold shower, we have got you covered. While you are at it, don’t miss out on the important news on the latest researches and findings in the medical field along with some effective workout tips for this chilling winter months. We hope that this edition provides you with an indulgent read!

Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.




Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


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he lthspectra

06 HEALTH Why Is Skipping Breakfast Bad For Health?


10 BEAUTY 10 Usual Makeup Mistakes You Are Unaware Of Making


14 WOMEN HEALTH 10 Vital Nutrition Tips For Women Stay Powerful!


Sabja Seeds For Weight Loss - Will It Be Of Use?

22 COVER STORY Time Of The Day Impacts Memory Recalling Abilities




Eating on time is the key to diabetes treatment


10 Workout Tips In Winter


Blowing a Balloon can improve your health. Here’s why.








The Good In Drawing A Line Between Personal And Professional Life


The Ayurvedic Way Of Treating Cough



Fatty Meals Have Negative Impacts On The Gut, Here’s Why


4 Solvable Issues In A Relationship - Set Right Things!


Health Tips For Men Over 50!



A Guide On The Eagle Pose


Everything You Need To Know About A Planned Home Birth


10 Amazing Health Benefits Of A Cold Shower


Crohn’s Disease - Study It All!r



WHY IS SKIPPING BREAKFAST BAD FOR HEALTH? Grab a bite for your overall well-being! What’s that one aspect of your daily routine that you cannot afford missing out on? It is your breakfast! Do you eat your breakfast regularly? or are you up with too many excuses to religiously eating your breakfast every morning. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020


We all need that boosting fuel to kick start our day and none other than having your breakfast is that fuel. It gives your body necessary nutrients as well as helps you get on with your day fruitfully, will you agree? When you read through the ill-effects of not having your breakfast, you are surely going to eat your breakfast every day. Science says, breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day and if you don’t eat it like a king, you are sure to experience health concerns, what are those? Here you go!

It comes from the first meal you eat during the day. These blood sugar levels mix in the blood and improve the energy in your organs and cells. By chance if your body miserably fails to get its glucose, you are at a risk of experiencing tiredness, weakness and this exhaustion will cause frustration. Thus, don’t spoil your mood as your day begins.

No 2 - You Might Put On Weight Whether you are in a hurry or you don’t feel like eating breakfast early in the morning, don’t skip breakfast! It is not good to skip breakfast. Even if you plan on not eating, just grab a fruit or eat some dry fruits. Don’t begin your day empty stomach. The logic behind you putting on weight and getting obese is that skipping your breakfast will trigger hunger and you might resort to over-eating and to fulfill your cravings you might start to eat junk, this is neither good for your health nor does your body look nice as you go out of proportion.

No 3 - Hits On Your Metabolism No 1 - Brings Down Sugar Levels


Skipping your breakfast drastically affects your body’s metabolism. Are you aware of that?

It is quintessential to keep a check on the blood sugar levels in your body. By chance, if your body experiences a disturbance with the blood sugar levels, you could end up with a risk of Type-2 diabetes and heart diseases.

Not eating your necessary meals in the morning leads to starvation and while this happens, your body starts to store calories and uses them when you are starving. Further, this affects the calorieburning muscle and the rate of metabolism decreases in your body.

Where does this blood sugar come from?

Therefore, don’t skip your breakfast and WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020

stick to this habit so that your metabolism is not impacted.

No 6 - Stress Attacks You

No 4 - Slows Down Brain Functioning

When the glucose levels fluctuate due to starving with no breakfast in the morning it causes frustration and can make you stressed.

Whenever you starve in the morning and do the opposite of what you are supposed to do, it hits on the way your brain functions.

Since you are already going through enough stress every day, is it worth adding on to your stress by starving?

How? Whenever you get into the starvation mode, your brain utilizes the metabolized glucose, this is not a good sign as it impacts the cognitive functions as well as weakens ones memory.

You lose the ability to think right and handle your emotions if you don’t get the necessary nutrition in the morning. Thus, a bad mood automatically becomes stressful.

This effect on the brain can decrease a person’s productivity in carrying out his/ her day to day activities and tasks.

Don’t add on to your stress, eat your breakfast on time, have enough protein and fiber in your meal so that you are mentally as well as physically healthy throughout.

No 5 - Hair Starts To Weaken And Fall It is scary to lose hair for skipping breakfast, unbelievable right? But, yes this happens! If you take care of the keratin in your hair, you won’t lose hair. In order to monitor the keratin levels, it is important for you to eat enough protein while having your breakfast and stop skipping your breakfast meal. What happens is, when you miss breakfast, besides the keratin in your hair getting impacted, rest of the nourishment that needs to happen stops and your hair follicles get weaker. Thus, start eating breakfast to avoid hair fall problems.


No 7 - May Cause Type II Diabetes When you don’t eat breakfast in the morning your mind and body is at stake. You are at risk of being a victim to Type II diabetes as one hormone that can control your blood sugar levels gets imbalanced. Having said, while you are starving, your blood sugar levels go out of control and this leads to the excess fat being produced that triggers type II Diabetes. The reason this happens is that your insulin levels are not in check.

No 8 - May Cause Heart Diseases Skipping breakfast may cause problems in your heart. If you don’t want to be a victim, start to eat your breakfast regularly. 8

When you starve, there are chances for your arteries to get blocked as the heart doesn’t get enough blood to pump well. Besides, your heart muscles tend to weaken, the rate of heartbeat slows down. Thus, there is a potential risk of suffering from heart disease if you regularly continue to skip your breakfast. Take care of your cardiovascular health by eating well and on time.

No 9 - It Will Trigger Migraine Have you ever noticed, whenever you miss your meals and starve for long it causes headaches? The same logic applies to skip when you skin your breakfast. It is true that it causes a headache. Why does hunger cause migraines? By starving your blood sugar levels come down and you experience tension in your muscles. So, to compensate for low blood sugar levels, your body releases certain hormones that end up making you go through a bad headache.

care of her health by not just exercising or living a healthy lifestyle, but, eating necessary nutrients regularly is the most important of all. Skipping breakfast is depriving the body of those necessary nutrients.

Final Word To summarize everything about the harmful effects of skipping breakfast, it is your physical as well as mental well-being that is targeted at the end of the day. Neither do you feel mentally alert nor are you safe from physical health problems in the future Therefore, it is always good to care for your body and eat a minimal meal for breakfast even if you are not hungry or in a hurry instead of facing bad consequences of putting your health in stake.

No 10 - Disturbs Menstrual Cycle A woman feels the healthiest when her menstrual cycle is not targeted and if you are one of those women who skips her breakfast then you immediately need to stop yourself as it can do bad to you. It causes problems such as premenstrual pain, anorexia and severe periods cramps. A woman should be alert and take good 9



10 Usual

Makeup Mistakes You Are Unaware Of Making WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020


You will never know the real beauty of being a makeup queen until and unless you don’t make a thousand makeup mistakes. Getting messy in makeup mistakes is fun and disappointing when you have to hurry up and be there for a party on time. You learn how to stroke a lipstick within your lips only when you would have gone off track a million times. Shaking and leaving gaps while applying an eyeliner would have taught you the art of applying an eyeliner neatly. Will you agree?

to wash your face not more than two times a day and do a thorough check of what kind of cleanser or toner you are using on your skin.

No 2 - Laziness To Moisturize Skin Before Applying Makeup

Listed below are few of those common makeup mistakes every girl makes before she becomes perfect in applying makeup, you will certainly find a few of those makeup mistakes you make. Enjoy reading through!

No 1 - The Greed For Fresh-Looking Skin

The excitement to apply makeup is unstoppable. But being unstoppable can cost spoiling your skin. The biggest mistake most women unknowingly make is that of applying makeup on dry skin. When you apply makeup on dry skin, you will look old and all drained out, the purpose of applying makeup will be lost and instead of looking charming, you will start to look awful.

To make the skin look sparkling fresh, a good face wash is more than sufficient, what’s your take on that? But being greedy and wanting to make it shine in darkness is an unrealistic expectation and a lot of times you would have made this mistake of over-washing your face. You shouldn’t do that as it dries up all the natural oils on your skin. You are supposed


The best solution is to always stick to a moisturizer right before you apply makeup, this will be like a layer of protection on your skin and at the same time, it won’t make you look old.

No 3 - Missing To Watch Out For Lighting WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020


Would you ever know how does a pink lipstick or glitter eyeshadow look on your skin under a white light whereas the place you are going to will be surrounded by yellow lights? No! Right? Most of us commit this big mistake of doing makeup in the wrong light and it turns out to look funny on the skin. Why do you want to take such a risk? The only way to save yourself from this mistake is to apply makeup in natural lights.

No 4 - Applying And Not Blending Makeup

No 5 - Incorrectly Applying A Concealer Prioritizing between makeup is a real-task. At the start you might be wondering if you should apply the concealer first or later, women end up making that mistake of applying concealer before a foundation. As per the rule, you must first apply the foundation to set things right and only then should you use a concealer. Take a look at a few rules (i) Never apply too much of concealer on your dark circles. (ii) You got to choose a concealer based on your skin tone.

No 6 - Messing The Base Makeup How many of us understand the importance of blending makeup? Most of us don’t even know what it is and end up making a mistake of not mixing the makeup correctly on the skin. Applying makeup is simply using an eyeshadow or lipstick that you feel like, blending makeup is checking if the eyeshadow and lipstick matches your skin tone and looks nice or compliments or contrasts well with each other or not. Since you know the difference, will you start to blend your makeup instead of just applying it?


You cannot hop skip and choose a foundation for your skin, the most common mistake most women make is that of picking a foundation that doesn’t suit their skin tone. Apart from this, the inquisitiveness to conceal blemishes makes women apply thick and excess foundation, which in reality is one of the biggest blunders to commit. It is bad to over apply a foundation powder or cream on the skin it ends up making the skin look cakey.

No 7 - Making Eyebrows Look 12


Wrong Eyeliner

Women having scanty eyebrows miss on going sober while shading the eyebrow pencil and end up making a mistake of darkening the eyebrows more than required, this way the eyebrows undoubtedly look unreal. To not fall into this trap of looking funny, one must stick to applying light strokes of the eyebrow pencil. This way the eyebrows would look thick as well as won’t look odd on your face.

No 8 - Getting Tacky On The Eyelids

Just to keep up with the trend most women forget that a black eyeliner looks best on every skin tone, be it fair or dark. When a liquid eyeliner is applied on the waterline, it might look horrifying and many of us do this mistake. It is always good to apply a kohl pencil on the base waterline and then apply eyeliner. Using a blue, shimmery or green eyeliner if you have dark skin looks bad and if you have been doing this mistake, you should immediately work on it and always stick to black eyeliner.

Applying glittery and shimmery eye shadows is an art and it should be used for the right occasion. One should not overdo the eyelids with excess shimmer. Going overboard with shimmer and shiny eye shadows can make you look too dressy, this is not a good sign for beautiful makeup. What best you can do is to choose an eyeshadow that is just a shade darker than your skin tone.

No 9 - Picking The 13

No 10 - Brushing Too Much Mascara On The Eyelashes When you try to be all fashionable and start to over apply the mascara on your eyelashes, it ends up looking horrible. Therefore, it is important to stay sober and apply the mascara only once on the eyelashes. Additionally, it is sensible to choose a mascara shade that is darker than the color of your eyebrows. To put it all together, makeup should always be applied in a moderate quantity. Overdoing it can look bad on the face. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020

10 Vital Nutrition Tips For Women Stay Powerful!



Health and well-being is in our hands, we can either make it better by sticking to the right diet or we end up falling ill or develop weakness due to incorrect habits. The choice is for us to make, especially in the case of women, nutrition and diet is even more sensitive and should be looked at. Given the running about and multiple roles a woman plays at home and at work, she needs to give her body the right amount of nutrition that it is craving for. It is good if you are a woman who follows a healthy lifestyle. Besides exercising and eating healthy food, it is important for a woman to get her vitamins and calcium If you care about your health and want to quickly check on whether you are doing it right for your body or not, you will need to read through a few of these important nutrition tips. Take a look!

No 1 - Never Miss Out On Eating Breakfast

Breakfast is the first meal of the day and it is a king among all the other meals. If you don’t eat your breakfast on time, you 15


WOMEN HEALTH can develop several health concerns like acidity and your sugar levels dropdown. It is so obvious that a good breakfast is fuel for your body. You might have 100 tasks to complete and above all, there are higher chances of missing your meal. At any cost, don’t risk your health. WHAT TO EAT? 1. You can have eggs to get your protein

it will do good for your skin as well. You must drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. This will give you all the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs and at the same time you remain fresh and your day goes productively.

No 3 - Fill Your Body With Calcium

2. Try oatmeal to get fiber 3. If you don’t have time to eat then drink a big glass of milk and have a few nuts along with the milk 4. You can make a protein shake for yourself

No 2 - Stay Hydrated Internally

Calcium and a woman are made for each other and a woman without calcium is the most incomplete. That being said, you need calcium to keep your bones strong and good. Additionally, a woman needs more calcium in her body given the fact that she goes through several hormonal and physical changes such as teenage, pregnancy and menopause.

You need water to hydrate yourself internally and keep yourself clean externally. Having said, at any cost, don’t miss out on drinking sufficient water every day. Why is it good? It is good as it detoxifies your body, keeps your system cool and improves your appetite. Most importantly,


The menstrual cycle as well brings in several changes in a woman’s body. Thus, a woman should have enough calcium in her body to be able to fight against changes. An adult woman needs at least 1000mg calcium every day and a woman above 50 needs 1200mg. Besides calcium, it is equally important to eat foods rich in magnesium as it helps calcium absorb enough blood into your bones. 16

TIPS TO FOLLOW 1. You should eat as many brazil nuts and almonds 2. Eat Tofu or paneer often as one of your meals 3. It is a good practice to include all dairy products in your diet 4. Fish is a great calcium food, you must try and eat it twice a week

Some of the best Vitamin foods are sunlight, milk, eggs, cucumber, seeds, broccoli, and all leafy vegetables.

No 5 - Improve Iron Content In Your Body

5. If you don’t like non-veg then you can always eat leafy and green vegetables 6. Avoid having too much caffeine, alcohol, and soft drinks 7. Eat more of cereals and fruit juices for breakfast If you have calcium deficiency in the body it can lead to osteoporosis, weakened nerves, stress anxiety and tiredness.

No 4 - Boost Your Body With Vitamins

You need oxygen to carry hemoglobin into your blood. Several women experience an Iron deficiency, to improve blood in the body, it is important for every woman to consume enough iron. This nutrient is a must in every woman’s body. An individual having insufficient Iron can end up feeling lazy and depressed. If you have not been taking enough iron, its time for you to start improving the iron content in your body. The basic amount of iron a woman needs is 18 mg per day and if it is a teenager then she will need 15 mg per day. TIPS TO IMPROVE IRON IN YOUR BODY

Vitamins are responsible for taking care of the activities in your body. Right from protecting your body from inflammation to improving the strength in your body, you need vitamins. 17

1. Start eating foods like sunflower seeds, whole grains, beans, spinach, dates, apricots, dried fruits, brown rice, and whole wheat. 2. Eat plenty of meat.


WOMEN HEALTH 3. Avoid drinking too much caffeine and alcohol. 4. Eat foods rich in Vitamin-C and Vitamin-A.

No 6 - Keep Away From Eating Unhealthy Fats

HERE IS WHY IT IS GOOD FOR WOMEN WHO ARE PREGNANT! 1.This nutrient saves the neurological birth defects



2. It eliminates the risk of heart diseases and certain types of cancer

Unhealthy fats can end up making you put on weight and affect your body. Avoid eating too much beef, pork and too much of junk food. If you end up eating unhealthy fats, you are at risk of getting affected by several diseases. Having said, you must eat foods like omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that will boost the health of your hair, skin and nervous system.

No 7 - Focus On Consuming Enough Folate

3. During menopause it is a lack of estrogen that causes all the trouble. Thus, folate improves estrogen levels and comes to a woman’s rescue during menopause An adult and teenage woman need about 400 mcg folic acid per day and a pregnant woman needs about 600 mcg folic acid every day. Some of the foods rich in folate are spinach, lettuce, broccoli, meat, and sprouts. Eat one of these on a regular basis to boost the folic acid or folate in your body.

No 8 - Avoid Eating Too Much Salt

If you are pregnant or soon to be, you need sufficient folate in your body. This is one form of VitaminB9 and for the most part, women don’t get enough of this in their diet. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020


In general, the lesser you eat salt, the better it is for your body. Excess salt increases the blood pressure and this leads to heart diseases, kidney problems, and issues with your liver. Overconsuming salt is not good for women because it increases the risk of osteoporosis due to excess calcium.

No 10 - Keep A Check On Your Calories

It is safe and healthy for all women to eat the right amount of salt, not eating it at all is never the solution as your blood pressure can drastically reduce, this is not good for health either.

No 9 - Take Enough Protein

You should always keep a check on the number of calories you are consuming and track down the number of calories you are burning as well. It is not healthy to start dieting if you think you have put on too many calories. In the bargain, you might end up not eating the necessary nutrients that your body needs.

A woman needs enough protein in her body to build bone density and stay safe from the risk of osteoporosis. Generally, this protein nutrient is useful for women as they age. Protein is one of the essential nutrients that take care of the cells in our body, improves the health of your hair, strengthens the bones and connective tissues. Additionally, the body needs protein to build the immune system and muscle strength. The foods rich in protein are egg, almond, chicken, cheese, milk, broccoli and cheese. 19

You need fewer calories when compared to men as women have more fat than muscles in the body. Every woman should strike the right balance between eating right and exercising enough to stay healthy. FINAL WORD If you want to stay healthy and fit, give your body enough protein, Vitamins, folate, calcium, and iron. These are powerboosting nutrients. Additionally, every woman should be conscious about her health. Healthy ways to be on point is by staying mentally calm, eating nutritious food, staying hydrated and exercising regularly. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020


To trim down and give your body a new shape you need a source that can boost you up to lose weight, agree? One of those interesting sources to lose weight is by partially chewing and slightly gulping down sabja seeds. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020


Sabja seeds are even known as basil seeds. They are rich in fiber, plant compounds, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. You should try this as a remedy for weight loss given the fact that it has other benefits such as protects your liver, soothes your nerves, improves respiration and helps you fight against cold and flu.

another form of boosting the metabolism in your body.

How To Use Sabja Seeds?

2. After you see it boil, you will put off the flame and dip the green tea bags or leaves in this boiled water.

Take a look at the different ways of consuming sabja seeds!

3. If you have added leaves, you will need to strain the leaves, add honey, add sabja seeds. Stir this mixture well and sip it down.

No 1 - Plain Soaked Sabja Seeds You will love the taste of sabja seeds. They are soft and yummy. You must soak about 2 cups sabja seeds in warm water and allow it to stay soaked for 20 minutes. You can eat it plain. It will do good for your body in the summer. You can eat it every alternate day.

No 2 - Sabja Seeds And Green Tea You can have sabja seeds while sipping on refreshing warm green tea. Green tea is 21

How to make it? 1. You will need to boil water for a few minutes. In the meantime, take 1 tbsp sabja seeds and soak it in a cup for twenty minutes.

No 3 - Lemon Juice And Sabja Seeds Having some chilled lemon juice with sabja seeds is perfect for the summer. It will freshen you up and at the same time help you lose weight.

How to make it? 1. Take 1/2 a lemon, squeeze it in a big glass of water. 2. To this add 2 tbsp honey or sugar and stir it well. Put 2-3 mint leaves in this and you will get to taste the flavor of mint leaves.

3. Put this lemon juice in the refrigerator for ten minutes and before you sip it, add 2 tbsp sabja seeds.

Who Should Avoid It? Pregnant women and children should avoid consuming sabja seeds. It is not good for children because they might end up swallowing the seeds and end up choking themselves. Pregnant women should stay away from it as it brings down the estrogen levels in one’s body.

Conclusion : Sabja seeds are healthy as long as you don’t have them in winter as it cools your body down and you may catch a cold if you overeat it in the wrong season. The best time to have it is during the summer and you shall reap its benefit of losing weight. What’s important is that you eat it with a drink that is exclusively meant for weight loss. Are you ready to lose weight with sabja seeds?



Has it ever happened that you are close to remembering an event or incident and it somehow slips out of your mind? or you just don’t seem to remember no matter how hard you try. Do you go through this struggle of recalling things? Don’t be afraid! It is bound to happen to all of us.



was found that a mice remembers everything it forgets at a particular time during the day. In addition to this, a mouse is more likely to forget when it wakes up. A professor named Satoshi Kida from the University of Tokyo says “We may have identified the first gene in mice specific to memory retrieval”.

Understanding Forgetfulness Researchers say, not learning or mastering a particular concept or event is what makes you forget.


Having said, researchers have attempted to identify if certain time periods during the entire day can help you recall everything you want or not. Know it all!

For example, we forget to turn off the lights, we don’t remember the lyrics of a song and not remembering the name of a person we just heard of. Besides, there are little things that we forget and it is natural for people to go through this.

According to Science Daily, Professor’s from the University of Tokyo had conducted an experiment on the genes of a mice and it

It is not a deliberate action, but, the inability of the mind to process information fed into it. In addition to this, the mind fails to store that

information as well. Further, having researched about recollecting memories, it gets tough for researchers to come to a conclusion or effectively analyze the problem because new memories are made and differentiating between not being aware and failing to remember is quite a task.

Research To be able to come up with a solution, there was a memory test conducted to identify if a person forgets because he is unable to learn or incapable to learn. To carry on with the experiment, adult male and female mice were taken for a memory test or learn and recall, that lasted for a few minutes. First step was the “learning” phase where the mice were allowed to play and get to know about an object. The second step was the “recall” phase where researchers noticed if the mice played with the same object and touched it or not. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020


To understand if different times during the day can help us recollect better, the researches conducted this experiment at regular intervals during the day. This test could give effective results only because of a factor that was included and it is that of a protein that shows the reaction of other genes, in other words, it is even known as BMLA1. This BMLA1 was put into the mice and it is at a different level when the mice wake up and go to sleep, because of this fluctuation it was easy to identify.

Observation They did the same experiments with healthy mice and mice without BMAL1, a protein that regulates the expression of many other genes. BMAL1 normally fluctuates between low levels just before waking up and high levels before going to sleep. 1st - The mice were WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020

trained and tested before they woke up and after they went to sleep, they failed to recognize the object. 2nd - The mice were trained and tested before they normally wake up and another test was conducted 24 hours after that and they failed to recognize the object. 3rd - Now, the mice without BMLA1 were put through the same test and its ability to recollect was even worse. This case of forgetfulness was applicable even when the mice had to recognize another mouse and objects too. Having made 3-4 observations, it was the time of the day that mattered when it came to recollecting things. One, the BMAL1 levels before they wake up is generally low and because of which a mouse cannot recall what it learns and knows. So, one of the researchers believes that learning and memory information is dependent on the body’s internal or circadian (i.e. the clock

responsible for sleepwake cycles). Further, the researcher quoted “Now we have evidence that the circadian clocks are regulating memory recall”.

Analysis BMAL1’s reaction in the hippocampus section of the brain was tested. Further, researchers even explored how dopamine receptors worked in the brain. The researchers want to see if there is a potential in BMAL1 to treat memory diseases in the brain. Namely, dementia 24

and Alzheimer’s. A researcher named Kida quoted “If we can identify ways to boost memory retrieval through this BMAL1 pathway, then we can think about applications to human diseases of memory deficit, like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.” It is yet to be decided if recalling a memory is possible during a particular time of the day or not, but, the research is ongoing and there could be a possibility or link between memory and the circadian clock.


Tips To Boost Memory

attention to everything happening around you, it gets easier to remember things.

Read through the tips listed below and make the most of them to keep your memory in place. Here you go!

No 3 - Get your brain used to exercises that can keep your mind occupied. This way your memory will always be in place.

No 1 - Avoid eating too much sugar if you want your memory to be in place. Consuming too much sugar can cause inflammation in your brain and this leads to memory loss. No 2 - Get habituated to practice mindfulness. When you start to focus on just yourself and pay

No 4 - Give yourself the right diet packed with essential nutrients. No 5 - Avoid drinking too much alcohol as it can be destructive for your mental health. No 6 - Ensure to exercise regularly so that your mind is fresh. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020


Eating on time





A new study conducted by the researchers from the American Friends of Tel Aviv University found that consuming a starch rich diet early in the morning for breakfast along with a small dinner at night can actually help in managing the symptoms of diabetes, thus further helping replace the deadly insulin injections and other diabetes medications that people do opt for on a daily basis.

When it comes to effective diabetes treatment, it is important that one focuses on working on their overall diet and the timing of the food that they are consuming because those two factors are the one making all the salient difference. Given that people suffering from severe cases of diabetes do have to take insulin injections as well, the same can actually be avoided when it comes to proper on time food consumption throughout the day.


People suffering from Type2 diabetes often inject themselves with insulin which is responsible for the overall regulation of the blood glucose levels and the glycemic index of the body. Once the cycle starts, there is no stop to it and the same does have impacts in negatively influencing one’s body functions, and even contribute to weight loss.

Prof. Daniela Jakubowicz of TAU’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine and Wolfson Medical Center’s Diabetes Unit explained stating that the traditional diabetes diet advises people to eat around 6 meals in a day instead of eating 3 big meals in the day.


DIABETES This specific research helps highlight the fact that shifting the starch rich foods early around in the morning and day and the rest throughout the rest of the day does magic for the regulating the condition of diabetes. The researchers also believe that this form of treatment can also further help in reducing or even stopping the overall consumption of the insulin medication once and for all. This is also expected to reduce or even stop the medications that one could be taking. The main thing with this is the fact that it is expected to help improve the overall glucose regulation in the body. As per the findings from the new research, it is believed that our biological clock has been programmed in a way that helps promote the eating during the morning and fasting during the evening and night. But, the issue around this is the fact that the traditional diabetic diet that is suggested to follow consists of several small meals throughout the day.

before going to sleep to avoid causing drops in the sugar levels during the night. But, the problem with this is the fact that the “6M diet” hasn’t actually proven beneficial for effective sugar control which is one of the reason why people with diabetes are still relying on the medications to get them by. The insulin injections impose risks of weight gain as well which again has adverse impacts on the blood glucose levels. In order to find a better and more effective mode of treatment, the researchers focused on 29 new participants with Type-2 diabetes. They implemented the new “3M diet” on them which has been aligned well with our biological clock. The 3M-diet comprises of a balanced meal including a healthy bout of bread, fruits and even sweets in the early hours of the day. Follow that up with a substantial lunch followed by a small but healthy dinner. Make sure that the food that you are gradually eating into the day doesn’t contain a lot of starch.

Prof Jakubowicz suggested saying that it is a necessity to indulge in three full meals and three snacks throughout When the researchers looked the day for healthy well at the results, they found that the individuals who followed being, especially even


the traditional 6M diet didn’t lose any weight and also didn’t showcase any signs of improvement in the overall glucose levels in the body. But, the researchers found that the group which followed the 3M diet showed drastic weight loss and an improvement in the sugar levels too. Further shedding some light onto the same, Prof. Jakubowicz stated saying that the 3M diet has significant impacts in improving the signs of the insulin utilization and the glucose levels in the body. The same is expected to also cut down a lot on the other associated complications that people tend to complain about. The upregulation of the biological clock gene expression in the 3M diet does have amazing impacts in helping improve the overall insulin secretion and even help in enhancing the sugar delivery into the muscles, thus further improving the overall credibility even further. This helps in creating a balanced daytime and nocturnal glucose metabolism which is key when it comes to diabetes treatment. Currently, the researchers are focused on finding the role the proteins play behind the same









10 Workout Tips In



Ever experienced a sudden muscle pull despite not straining your body? This happens to every individual who is into fitness and if you wonder how it just happens then it is due to a fluctuation in your body’s temperature. Talking of exercising, it is quintessential to get the body heat in control. That said, an individual needs to be alert and safe while exercising during winters. To maintain body heat internally, what you eat matters and on the other hand, to maintain body heat externally, what you do and what you wear matters. You have to work on your body in such a way that the external temperature and your body’s temperature have to remain balanced. Adopt some of these safe tips to workout in the winter season. Take a look!

What happens to the body in winter? When the weather is too cold outside, it is tough for the body to preserve heat. It has been studied that about 50% of your body heat is lost during winter. This happens because the blood flow is restricted and doesn’t easily flow through all your organs. Now does it make sense as to why your hands and legs get numb in the winter season? Body stores more fats during winter, there is an alteration in the protein-coding of white blood cells, your immunity slightly falls down and you are more likely to have a headache or catch a cold during the winter season. Why Is It Important To Workout During Winter? Since you know your body stores more fats during winter. You need to vigorously workout and enable your body to produce heat. To maintain body heat, you will need to stay warm as well.



FITNESS On the other hand, you won’t find it difficult to burn down fats during the summer season because your body heat and external heat will fasten the fat burning process.

Tips For Working Out During Winter It so happens that you are drowsy during winter and you might just not want to step out of your blanket. To overcome this problem, you will have to beat laziness and start exercising. Exercising definitely helps your body stay warm and active. Here are a few useful tips to exercise effectively and beat the chilled winters, take a look!

No 1 Keep Your Extremities Warm It is important to keep the extremities warm during winter because those areas are affected the most. Having said, there is less blood flow in areas like your nose, ears, toes, fingers, hands, and


feet. To stay warm here is what you need to follow! Tip 1 - Keep your ears covered with cotton or warm or a knitted cap. Tip 2 - Wear warm socks to keep your feet covered. Tip 3 - You should wear gloves on your palms and cover your body with a thick jacket.

No 2 - Wear Synthetic Clothing Never wear cotton clothes when you are going to work out. Always stick to nylon, polyester and any form of synthetic clothing. This is because cotton stores the moisture in your body, whereas, nylon and synthetic fibers will end up drying the wetness on your body. Why is it important? If your body is wet for a long time you might feel cold and not be able to focus on your workout. Besides, it affects your body temperature and fails to sustain the heat in your body and it instead makes you feel cold. So the purpose of regulating or improving body heat is lost with the wrong clothing.

When the weather is cold and your body temperature has dropped down, you can get a muscle pull or fall sick as well.

No 3 - Stick To Bright Color Clothing If you are going jogging or cycling outdoors in the winter season, you should wear bright-colored t-shirts. The purpose of sticking to bright colors is more for your safety and safety of the others around you. In the winter season due to Fogg and snow, it is tough to see what is in front and if you wear a black color t-shirt, there are chances for you going unnoticed. This is definitely an important tip to stay safe while exercising in the open.

No 4 - Shield Your Skin Just as heat makes your skin dry, even cold does the same. In winter, the chilled winds are dry and it destroys the moisture on your skin. Thus, you have to take good care of your skin so that it doesn’t distract you while working out. Always protect your skin and lips with a layer of 32

moisturizer. Before you step out of home, apply a good moisturizer that has an SPF and apply a lip balm that will help in moisturizing your lips. Besides, you should drink enough water and hydrate your body internally as well.

No 5 - Take Safety Measures At The Place Be safe at the place you are going to work out. Along with the right clothing you have to know what kind of shoes to wear as well. Say suppose, there is ice in the place where you are going to run, you will need to wear the right shoes. If you are choosing to jog and cycle then you have to be safe. Choose a flat and sandy path for running and likewise choose a place that has a flat surface for cycling. Be careful and don’t end up hurting yourself while exercising.

No 6 - Don’t Skip Warming Up This is the most significant aspect of a workout, especially during the winter. 33

One must never forget or skip warming up. This is the first step towards allowing the body to produce heat. Apart from this, your muscles need this heat to stretch effectively and save your body from getting injured. It is necessary that you warm up at the end of your workout as well.

No 7 - Practice Ef fective Breathing In winter, it is extremely tough to inhale and exhale effectively. Basically, breathing in summer is quite different from how you breathe in winter. Have you ever experienced pain in your nostrils while trying to inhale and exhale during winter? It is common and happens to everyone who exercises outdoors. The reason inhalation and exhalation become a task are that it gets difficult for air to pass through the nostrils and its obviously the weather that is to be blamed. However, you should still try exhaling and inhaling before your work out.

No 8 - Check On The Wind’s Direction

You must exercise or run in such a way that the direction of the wind is behind your back. This will help you keep away from cold wind and it will get easier for you to take care of your body heat. Therefore, if you run then you can pay attention to this aspect.

No 9 - Get Enough Motivation If you are finding it tough to exercise in the chilled weather you can gather all the motivation you need. You will need to join a group of people who exercise every day. This will help you leave aside your laziness and go along with the group. Exercising every winter morning will no more be a task for you.

No 10 - Sleep Well At Nights Getting sufficient and peaceful sleep every night will help you stay alert and effectively exercise the next day. Waking up early in the morning during winter is not easy. If you don’t sleep well, your body will not be active to exercise the next day. Therefore, get quality sleep and stretch your body well the next day. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020


Health Benefits Of Eating

Papaya And Its Seeds Papaya is not a fruit everyone appreciates or is fond of. While there are a few people who enjoy eating the fruit. Besides, its taste, you will be delighted to know that the fruit and its seeds are healthy.



You should know that it has rich anti-inflammatory properties, papain that aids digestion, fiber, vitamins, minerals salts, and proteolytic enzymes. You should know that it has rich anti-inflammatory properties, papain that aids digestion, fiber, vitamins, minerals salts, and proteolytic enzymes. Don’t miss out on eating papaya and avoid letting go of its seeds as they are highly nutritious. The best time to eat papaya is either with breakfast or as a snack between your lunch and dinner. This fruit helps you stay full for longer. Besides, you should avoid eating too much of the fruit because the presence of latex can cause irritation in your stomach. We have a compilation of some of the noteworthy health benefits of papaya and its seeds. Look through them and enjoy its benefits on your body Health Benefits Of Eating Papaya And Its Seeds


Benefit No 1 -

TREATS LIVER PROBLEMS Papaya seeds have all the nutrients that help in healing cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis is the formation of scars on your liver that further causes lung diseases. What to do with the seeds? You need to crush about 10 dried papaya seeds, grind them with other juices and drink it as a shake or smoothie. This will help in the smooth functioning of the liver.

Benefits No 2 -

SAVES THE INTESTINE FROM WORMS Worms and amoeba parasites infect your intestines and when this happens the protein that is responsible for making your gastrointestinal tract ends up having parasites. Therefore, properties such as carpaine and proteolytic enzymes help your body get rid of the parasites. Drinking papaya juice with its seeds is sure to kill all the worms in your intestinal tract.



Benefit No 3 -

Benefit No 5 -




Bacteria such as E.collie, salmonella, and staph can infect your digestive tract and this ends up causing food poisoning. Therefore, boosting anti-bacterial properties in papaya seeds ensures protecting your digestive tract.

Benefit No 4 -



The presence of isothiocyanate and rich antiinflammatory properties makes your body capable enough to fight against cancer. Be it lung, colon, breast or prostate cancer, papaya and its seeds are strong enough to fight against the cancer cells.

Benefit No 8 -


GOOD FOR YOUR HEART Eating Papaya seeds is good for the heart and it keeps it away from several diseases and bad cholesterol. How does this happen? The nutrient lycopene and Vitamin C in this fruit is known for improving the condition of your heart.



Additionally, papaya seeds are known to reduce sperm count and sperm mobility in men.

Benefit No 6 -

Benefit No 7 -

It has been studied that eating raw papaya is good for healing all the ulcers in your stomach. That being said, the presence of papain enables the protein to digest faster in your stomach and when this digestion happens, the ulcers get treated.

a safe side, one can consult a doctor before adapting to this method of treatment.

Women can have papaya seeds if they are not ready to conceive at the moment, this is one form of a natural contraceptive and it is said to be taken within 90 days. Eating green papaya and or a papaya plant is good for women. However, to be on

Usually an individual goes through inflammation in the body due to a wrong lifestyle or an existing health complication. Therefore, eating papaya will help your body fight against the inflammation. The presence of high carotenoids in papaya will help your body fight against inflammation.

Benefit No 9 -

PLUS POINT FOR YOUR SKIN Most of us love and wish to have good skin, is it not? Fresh and youthful-looking


skin makes us feel good. If you are in thoughts of boosting the quality of your skin, you should eat papayas.

Benefit No 11 -


No 1 - Women who are pregnant should avoid eating papaya.

The properties in papaya will help your skin fight against free radicals and these free radicals are better away from your skin because they cause sagging and wrinkles. Additionally, the presence of vitamins and lycopene in papaya saves your skin from sun damage and wrinkles.

Benefit No 10 -


It is necessary to have good gut health as it enables smooth functioning of your brain and heart, this in turn boosts your immune system and helps you stay in a good mood. The enzymes in papaya are known to improve gut health, thus, you should eat this fruit to keep your gut healthy at all times.

Benefit No 12 KEEPS YOU FIT

Having papaya juice heals menstrual cramps and pain. Additionally, if a woman is not getting her periods, eating a papaya leads to contraction in the uterus and the presence of carotene invigorates estrogen that helps a woman get her periods. In some cases, a woman can get her periods early because of eating too much papaya.


precautions before you start to use papaya seeds in your diet

rising that eating papaya can keep you fit? This fruit is known to help you manage your weight better. Its ability to balance the glucose levels in your body and the fact that it is a fibrous fruit helps you stay fit. WHAT TO BE CAREFUL ABOUT? Take a look at few of these

No 2 - Papaya’s properties effectively kills all the worms in the intestine and this is too powerful for kids to take, hence, kids shouldn’t be given papaya to get themselves treated from an infection. No 3 - If you have plans to have a kid, it is better for both, the man and woman to avoid eating papaya as it reduces sperm count for men and works as a natural contraceptive for women. No 4 - Eating too much papaya can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle. No 5 - If you are having a latex allergy, then papaya is not the right fruit for you, it will end up causing swelling on your lips, throat, face and causes pain in your abdomen. No 6 - The progesterone levels decrease by eating papaya, how would this matter? It will matter for women who want to conceive as progesterone takes car e of the uterus and is responsible to develop the fetus. Therefore, this fruit should be avoided if you are preparing yourself to get pregnant. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020





All of our lives are circling around two independent worlds that we step on, the balancing is never an easy play. Few of us fail at it, while a few of us manage to scrape through it. What are those two independent worlds in one? WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020


One is our personal life and the other world is our professional life. Do you think you give the two a fair treatment? Irrespective of whether you balance your personal and professional life or not, it is mandatory for all of us to be successful or at least attempt to succeed at making it happen. The common things that both of these worlds require from you are time, attention and dedication. However, you cannot give everything to your professional and personal life at the same time. There comes a point where you need to divide your time and separate the two.


On the personal and professional front, there are advantages of balancing your professional and personal life. Let’s look at them one at a time. Here you go!

No 1 - Saves Relationship’s From Being Targeted It is good to solve your personal as well as professional issues at its place, that implies, keeping work problems at work and keeping personal problems at home. Say suppose you failed to reach your target this month and you are upset about it, here, you cannot carry your baggage back home and target a family member to be a source to take your outburst. Similarly, if you have had a fight with a family member, you cannot show

your mood swings to your colleague who wants to talk about a work-related issue, right? Therefore, the need to keep both the world’s separate is to avoid getting into conflicts or arguments with the people you are associated to in your personal and professional life.

No 2 - Makes You A Balanced Person It is never easy to perfectly balance your personal and professional life. The fact that you struggle doing it teaches you how to balance your thoughts, how to not look affected and how to handle yourself emotionally. It gives you a platform to practice.

No 3 - You Are Less Likely To Be Judged In your professional life, there is nothing wrong with being real, however, it is better not to showcase too much of what happens in your personal life. Reason being, you could be judged at work and you don’t need that in a place where you work.

No 4 - Good For Peace




If you want mental peace, you should not drag your work home. It has two disadvantages, you will not be able to spend enough time with your family and the other disadvantage is you won’t get enough rest at home. When you get enough break, your productivity at work improves.

No 5 - Good For Employees And Employers As work gets stressful after a certain point, it is necessary to go home and relax. This improves an employee’s concentration at work and the rate of absenteeism comes down. When they show up with full attention, they are likely to perform well. This is good for the company as well as the employee and employer relationship as well. Additionally, it is necessary for the employers as well so that they can focus on aspects such as effectiveness in reacting to market changes and they end up doing better with regards to hiring the right talent.




are supposed to be focusing on just work

Follow these tips!

No 3 - If you want to have

No 1 - Strictly avoid using

your personal messages and emails when you are at work. Doing this will fetch you better results at work, you end up being more productive. Take calls that are important only. No 2 - Cut down on the amount of time you spend on media at work. It is not a good practice to post personal views on your wall when you are at work. Disconnect from your personal life when you

a personal discussion with your colleagues, wait for your break hours, you can speak it all at ease without letting your productive time go in vain.

No 4

- Give your 100% effort at work irrespective of having a bad day. It is necessary for you to get a hold of your emotions and state of mind while you are at work, there might be times you will find it a hurdle to strike the right balance,


yet you have to keep trying.

No 5 - All of us tend to get

distracted while working, reasons for being distracted usually vary from person to person. Whenever you need a break, take a quick breather and get back to work.


No 1

- To clearly keep your work away from your personal life, you need to tune your mind that you are at home and all your time needs to be devoted to your family and your personal space. Don’t drag your work at home unless it is important.

No 2

- Learn to prioritize your time correctly, you will have to start following a strict schedule. Keep equal time for work and family. In the designated time, either stick to working or relax.

No 3 - If you are not sure

of being able to complete a task, don’t take the burden or commit beyond your capacity for home. Commit only how much you can go back home and complete.


No 4

- Keep some alone time for yourself as well. When you are alone, spend time doing what you love or meditate. This break is necessary to be able to perform your personal and professional commitments correctly.

No 5

- When you are at home, strictly keep away from technology that is workrelated. Being physically present and mentally absent at home will not serve the purpose of striking the necessary balance.

No 6 - Leave from work on time, plan your work in such a way that your target is achieved within the deadline. Avoid staying at work for longer hours.

OTHER TIPS Here are common tips that will help you manage yourself personally and professionally. Take a look!

No 1

- Stay physically fit! Only when you invest time in improving your physical and mental health, it is easier to feel healthy and strong.

No 2

physically present wherever you are at that moment. If you are at home, then just stay there mentally as well.

No 3

- Follow discipline, if you don’t respect time, it will be difficult to do justice to undivided attention in your personal as well as professional life.

No 4 - Maintain relationships with your colleagues outside your workspace as well. Even keeping that personal bond is good.

No 5 - If someone reporting to you wants to call you, then set aside time and ask them to call at that time only. Keep the option open for receiving calls at any time only if it is an urgent request.

No 6 - It is nice to discuss

your problems and learnings with your partner or another family member. However, let it not go off-limits that you forget that the opposite person might have their points of discussion as well.


7 - Don’t let work thoughts distract you while you are addressing an important concern or discussion at home.

- Be mentally and



The Ayurvedic Way Of Treating



When a viral infection has impacted you and there is no phlegm or mucus formed, it means you have developed dry cough.


Dry cough is certainly painful and exhausting. It causes too much irritation because you don’t get an opportunity to sense exactly what is wrong with your throat.

pollution in the air, it can cause allergy and this will cause severe dry cough.

Just as we know how beneficial Ayurveda is with treating major health problems, this form of medicine is good with creating a simple cough as well.

No 4 - You can get affected with dry cough if the digestive acids in your body are irritated and they start to irritate your throat. The medical term to this condition is known as acid reflux.

No 12 - Major irritation in the throat

Signs You Have Dry Cough

Medicines are always there to treat cold and cough, however, nothing like going natural and getting yourself treated of a health concern.

So, stay eased out and be happy that dry cough is not going to steal away your peace in sleep or at work, you will just need to adapt to ayurvedic remedies and get yourself healed. Read this informative article and get to know what causes dry cough and how ayurvedic medicines can help. Give it a look!

Causes Of Dry Cough Listed below are the causes for dry cough, read them all and stay aware. No 1 - Various allergies in and around you can cause dry cough. Having said, you can catch an allergy from pollen grains, leaves, trees or through the fur of animals. No 2 - If there is major


No 3 - A viral infection in the air can cause dry cough.

Look at the below-listed signs of dry cough and give yourself an ayurvedic treatment. No 1 - A different sound while breathing No 2 - Wheezing No 3 - Reduced breath No 4 - Non-stop coughing

No 9 - Sore throat No 10 - Discomfort in the throat No 11 - No Phlegm

No 13 - Excess pollution

Ayurvedic Way Of Treating Cough

If this alternative medicine doesn’t work, then it is okay to go for medicines. So, are you game to know the best ayurvedic medicines to make sore throat disappear? Here you go! No 1 - Eat A Mixture Of Lemon And Honey

No 5 - Weakness No 6 - Swallowing gets difficult No 7 - Heart starts to burn No 8 - Severe chest pain Ayurveda recognizes honey


ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE to be one of the solutions in treating a throat. This remedy great way of making throat and respiratory feel better.

best sore is a your tract

Ground ginger and pepper powder are therapeutically effective on the throat. It works amazing as it has medicinal and antiinflammatory properties.

What this combination does is, it rids you of the burden of mucus in your throat so that you can stay at ease.

It is quick with relieving you from all the pain and discomfort in your throat. All you need to do is to be consistent and over the time watch over the miracles it does for your throat.

WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO? l In a bowl add two tsp honey and 2 tsp lemon juice l Stir this mixture well and gulp it down your throat You should try doing this every night until you have a cough. Besides, you can even have it to let your body enjoy the other benefits of lemon and honey. Honey and lemon juice combined together has anti-microbial and antiinflammatory properties that will help you fight the viral infection.

WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO? l First take 1/2 a spoon pepper and ginger, put it on your tongue. You need to know that it will taste spicy on your tongue l You can add a pinch of little sugar to reduce its effect on the tongue l Later, you can gulp down 1 spoon honey No 3 - Chew Garlic

Besides cough, it has the ability to treat pneumonia and respiratory concerns. Once you begin to chew garlic, all your cough will instantly get cured and you will find your throat getting clear. In addition to this, it boosts your immunity, brings down the blood pressure, reduces cholesterol and improves athletic performance. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO? Take about 5-6 cloves garlic, blend it and drink its juice or just chew it in your mouth for a while. If you don’t want to take it directly, you can prepare warm soup for your throat and add several cloves garlic in it so that the flavor reaches until your throat. No 4 - Honey and Grape Juice

No 2 - Taste Dry Ginger and Pepper

Garlic has effective properties to completely heal all your dry cough.


As you are already aware of how the properties of honey effectively solve all throat problems by clearing all the


congestion in your throat. Mixing honey with grape juice is an effective means of improving the condition of dry cough. How? Grape juice has properties known as mucolytic expectorant, this reduces your cough to a great extent. In other words, it eases bronchial secretions and this enables all the mucus to get cleared. Even if you don’t want to drink grape juice for its cough-relieving properties, you can have it otherwise to benefit from its other health benefits. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO? Blend about 8-10 grapes and mix it in two tsp honey Have a spoon of this mixture every day You will see a relief in your throat with two of these impactful home remedies. No 5 - Black Seed Oil

Black Seed oil is even known as kalonji oil. This oil has anti-microbial and medicinal properties that are known to clear your throat. When this oil is mixed with honey it solves problems like pneumonia, tonsils, tuberculosis and airborne diseases. Mixing this oil with honey can immediately relieve you from a bad cough. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO? You will just need to mix honey and black seed oil well. Ensure to have this mixture about 2-3 times a day.

Other tips to get relief from a bad cough

No 3 - You can drink water that has ani seeds soaked in it for many hours. No 4 - You can drink a cup of warm tea by adding a pinch of cinnamon powder in it. No 5 - Make tea that has ingredients such as basil leaves, honey and ginger in it. No 6 - Basil leaves have medicinal properties that effectively work on a sore throat and chewing a few of these leaves two or three times a day can help. No 7 - Good rest, staying in a clean room and staying away from spicy and oily foods is important to get instant relief from cough.

Here are a few tips that the ayurvedic treatment recommends to treat a bad cough. Take a look! No 1 - Drinking a hot glass of milk mixed with honey and turmeric can do good to your throat. No 2 - If you eat a mixture of honey and turmeric powder thrice a day, you will get to experience instant relief in your throat.




Fatty Meals Have

Negative Impacts On The Gut, Here’s Why


Eating a fatty meal might be the tastiest option to opt for but might not necessarily be the healthiest one, especially for the kind of impacts it has on the gut communication with the body. Owing to the fact that there are so many possible downsides to this, it is very important that one finds better alternatives to such meals and replace them with the healthier ones for better impacts on your gut. 46

A new study conducted by the researchers from the Duke University has found that the fatty meals do have direct impacts on the gut’s communication with the body. The alarming finding with this was the fact that generally when the gut tends to communicate the signals with the body, after a heavy fatty meal, tend to completely shut down. The study was conducted on the zebrafish wherein the enteroendocrine cells in the body produce around 15 different hormones to send signals to the rest of the body. The findings are also believed to indicate towards the possible impacts on the insulin resistance in the body that later leads to Type 2 diabetes. While examining the fish cells to find what kind of interaction the same has with the brain, the researchers found that consumption of a fatty meal does tend to completely shut down the communication for a good few hours. The cells in the gut that the researchers predominantly focused on were the enteroendocrine cells that 47

occur very sparsely across the lining of the gut but play a major role when it comes down to the signaling the overall alimentary canal with the necessary signals all throughout. Apart from releasing hormones, the researchers also found that they do have direct impacts on the nervous system and the brain function. These cells are responsible for the production of around 15 different hormones that help in sending signals to the rest of the body from the gut movement along with the feeling of fullness, digestion, absorption of the necessary nutrients as well the overall prospects of the insulin sensitivity and energy production. John Rawls, an associate professor of molecular genetics and microbiology in the Duke School of Medicine stated saying that the gut communication with the rest of the body does fall short following the consumption of a high fatty meal. The researchers are still trying to figure out whether the same is a good or a bad thing. The enteroendocrine cells are predominantly important to

help round with the prospects of digestion and satiety. Since they stop functioning for a few hours following the consumption of a high fat meal that could be one of the possible reasons behind the overeating, in general. Rawls further clarified saying that this finding is part of the prospect is actually quite underappreciated but does have important impacts. They believe that this happens everytime one consumes a high fat meal, the same could even have direct impacts on the insulin signaling in the body that could further end up contributing to the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Rawls said that the silencing and whether or not the same has any kind of positive impacts on the overall functioning of the fish is something that one further needs to talk about. The researchers are still trying to figure out the long term impacts of the same stating that the maladaptive feeding could have further impacts on the body, making it tough to keep going but they need to conduct even more in-depth analysis to get a better and clearer picture into this. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020


Impacts Of Blue Light Might Not Be That Bad After All

While people have had negative thoughts about the impacts of blue light over and over again, new studies suggest that the same might not necessarily be the case after all. It is quite important that one focus on taking their time out to understand the level of disruption that is possibly caused because of the intensity and the duration that you are exposing yourself to. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020

A new study conducted by the researchers from the University of Manchester has found that the blue light, contrary to popular belief, is not that disruptive for our sleeping patterns as we might have thought it to be. The study further highlights stating that using more cool tone lights during the evening and warmer ones in the evening can be the key to the difference everyone needs. The twilight around us is dimmer 48

and bluer than the normal daylight and that is exactly what our body clock uses to further determine the proper timings of the sleep throughout the day. The researchers do have some important insights surrounding the issue stating that the impacts of the current technologies which tend to change out the color scheme of the phone light can send mixed signals to the body, thus causing it to become more confused with the sleeping patterns rather than the direct exposure to the blue light. The main reason why these changes are causing disruption is because of the fact that the small changes caused and produced during that time frame tend to resemble the brightness caused during the day time. For the study, the researchers focused on carrying it out on the mice and made use of specially designed lighting that allowed the researchers to make adjustment to the colour of the lighting without imposing any kind of changes to the brightness. Upon observing the situation, the researchers concluded 49

finding that the blue light imposed weaker impacts on the body clock of the mice in comparison to what the yellow light did. These findings are expected to have important impacts on the implications of the design of the lighting along with the visual display that can further help impose better and healthier sleeping patterns in an individual.

the worse.

Our body clock is designed and programmed in a way that it makes use of special light sensitive proteins in the eyes that help measure the brightness. This protein is known as melanopsin which is predominantly better in detecting the shorter wavelength lights rather than the longer ones.

Dr Brown further said that they do argue over the fact that the same isn’t the best approach to explaining this because of the fact that the changes in the colour could very well oppose any of the benefits that were later obtained from the reduction in the brightness signals that were detected by melanopsin.

This is the predominant reason why people thought that the blue light could actually impose negative impacts on the brain and the eye function in the long stretch of events.

This is the reason why the researchers suggest and promote the use of the dim and the cooler lights in comparison to the brighter ones during the night time for better and improve benefits. Prior research have already proven for a fact that alignment of our body clocks with our social and work schedule further has amazing benefits in helping round with achieving better results with the body clock and the sleeping patterns.

But, the researchers wanted to go out of their way and find better modes of results which is why they predominantly focused on the retinal core cells and the new study conducted found that the blue colour signals tend to have direct impacts on the overall body clock, and that too for

Dr Tim Brown, from The University of Manchester stated saying, “We show the common view that blue light has the strongest effect on the clock is misguided; in fact, the blue colours that are associated with twilight have a weaker effect than white or yellow light of equivalent brightness..�



4 Solvable Issues In A Relationship - Set Right Things! The fact that people poles apart coming together to build their house of love is the most fragile and sweetest thought. It is sweet as love spread and it is fragile because two different minds are prone to have problems sailing together at first.


Amidst all ups and downs, the two of you can stay united or break apart depending on how much you want to be with each other and the nature of the problem in your relationship. Love is the basis of a relationship. Factors such as, trust, the sense of understanding between a couple, the care and the essence of friendship is what makes your relationship forward. Talking of problems in a relationship, do you think every problem is solvable? Well, there are problems that you can get a hold of and sort it out, while a few problems cannot be solved no matter what you do. So, look at what can be solved and what cannot be solved when you are in a relationship 50

Solvable Problems In A Relationship NO 1 - DISTRACTIONS CAN BE SWEPT ASIDE Most of us are preoccupied with thoughts in our personal life and worries in our professional life. Think about


how much quality time can you give to a person around you? Barely much, will you agree? So, this problem of keeping aside distractions is solvable only if you wish to. If you think you don’t get enough time with your partner or even when you find it, if it goes having mundane discussions, it is time for you to overlook the

distraction and start spending quality time. As per a doctor’s study, partners have a face to face conversation with each other just 35 minutes in an entire week. Even that little time flies away talking about household chores, finances or other issues.


troubled with your partner, but, the stress that’s eating you up unknowingly is an enemy in your relationship. Has it happened that you yell at your partner for no fault of theirs?

The only way to work this out is to sit and have a productive discussion with each other. Keep aside media or other work aside when the two of you are spending time together. You don’t even have to take hours, but, even 15 minutes of quality time will work well for the two of you.

NO 2 - PERSONAL STRESS CAN BE MANAGED Escaping from stress cannot be a way out, we all go through it day in and out. Managing stress is a tough challenge to deal with. How we manage our way out is all that matters. Most of the time, you might not want to get frustrated or


So when you know it all, why not learn to get control over stress? It is impossible for you not to get work stress home, you just need to let your partner know about what’s happening with you and don’t take it to heart if your partner yells at you, understand the stress part. Someday, you might be the one screaming at your partner. Partners should practice letting out stress in a healthy way by adopting to exercising or meditation instead of yelling at each other.

NO 3 - KEEP MONEY MATTERS TRANSPARENT Money might not seem to be a big deal, but, it ends up ruining relationships. Having said, there are many couples who fight and have major problems over money. If financial issues have started to bother your relationship, its time you take things in control.

The only way out to keep away from financial problems in your relationship is to have an open discussion about what money means to the two of you and how you’ll like to spend and invest it. Keep things clear and avoid putting your personal financial burden on your partner. At the same time, discuss on what aspects do the two of you want to give each other freedom.

NO 4 - SHARE RESPONSIBILITY When responsibility is shared, it keeps the peace in your relationship. On the contrary, when two people fail to share it, it can burden and frustrate the person who is bearing it all the time. This problem of imbalance in the way responsibility is shared between the couple can be brought to control when you talk to your partner and get to know what he/she thinks you will know if you need to share the burden with your partner. Couples must share their responsibility to keep up with peace and happiness in the relationship.





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Health Tips For

Men Over 50!



If you have been a healthy and fit man since you were half your age then well and good. If you have had an unhealthy lifestyle and expect to be all fit and trim at 50, it can be slightly challenging but not impossible. If you are thinking about your health and want to live by the policy of ‘young and fit from heart and body’ you will have to get geared to start following some easy and strict health tips at 50.

Aim to be young at heart and strive for a healthy body

Don’t bother much, you can still be energetic and play with your grandchild or go for a trek if you wish to. Stay determined and get a hold of your cravings and habits, get your body to work if you want to be fit at 50. Read through and follow some of these interesting health tips!

Nutrition Tips The first aspect that decides if your healthy or not is based on your nutrition intake. Are you sure you are eating nutritious and the right food? Are you sure you are keeping away from the wrong food? Do you know of the foods that you must eat in abundance? Read through some of the below-mentioned points to know it all

POINT NO 1 - AVOID EATING TOO MUCH SALT Eating too much salt at that age increases the risk of getting your blood pressure affected, given your age, you are all the more at a risk.





banana, broccoli, peas, and cucumbers.

Too much salt leads to high blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you are prone to get heart diseases.


There was a study conducted on how many people die cause of high blood pressure due to consuming too much salt and it was concluded that a little more than half of the population in the US die because of eating processed foods that contain too much salt in it.

It is not going to be a trouble to start getting used to just healthy food, you just need to train your mind and you can probably be creative and eat healthy food in a creative way.

We all have cravings and our cravings aren’t every aware of our age. Since you know you are aging, it is necessary that you take your health seriously and keep the situation in control.


What to do You will need to add less salt in your food. Don’t completely stop eating salt as you need to have a minimum level of blood pressure. Increase your intake on potassium foods such as WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020

interest you, take it as a source of motivation and to stay healthy you will need to eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains, reduce your intake of meat as unhealthy food can put you at risk of suffering from a disease.

Eating junk is not a good idea as it affects the metabolism in your body, even if you think you are just 25, for real your body doesn’t know that and you cannot afford to keep dumping food into your stomach.

For instance, if you hate eating just veggies, you can perhaps make a bread toast and stuff the veggies in. This will give your taste buds some satisfaction.


What to do? Although




You need to have strong bones 56

so that old age doesn’t get miserable. Just as in the case of women their bones get weak, it is the same for the men as well. Bones need to be strong so that you can carry on with your daily activities effectively.

with respect to every action of yours. Talking of nutrition, focus on how you can fill your body with some more nutrients besides what you eat in your meals.

somewhere or what healthier can you do to rock at that age. You will end up finding little things, take a look!



The problem with your bones in old age is the risk of being a victim of osteoporosis. So, to stay safe you need to work harder on making your bones strong.

Water intake has got nothing to do with age, but as you are used to the fact of being careful with your body, you should not neglect the amount of water you drink in a day.

What to do? Eat foods rich in calcium and focus on getting some source of probiotics in your diet. You can rely on supplements as you age as well as be prompt in eating foods such as milk, eggs, and soya. There was an experiment done on male mice to test the bone density and it was found that probiotics is one means to save you from being a victim to osteoporosis.

POINT NO 5 - BE VIGILANT When you grow old you will need to learn how to be alert 57

For instance, if you want to step out to have snacks because you are hungry, then think of all the healthy foods you can eat at that point in time. For example, you can eat nuts, have fruit or probably sip on some warm soup. Therefore, this way it is just you who can be vigilant and take that extra mile to be proactive in sticking by healthy food.

Healthy Habits The next important step to being healthy at 50 is to further look into your habits and see if you are going wrong

Why? One important aspect that a man as to take care of is that of prostate health. Prostate health can be taken care of with enough water. But, if a man gets tempted to depend on soda drinks it can be problematic because there is a risk of suffering from prostate cancer and overweight issues.



What to do? So, if you truly care, whenever you feel thirsty and are tempted to have a soft drink you need to shift your focus to water only. If water is not enough then try flavored carbonated drinks or go for fruit juices.


Smoking is clearly not good for your health, if you have been doing it a lot so far, its never too late to stop it as nicotine can do nothing significant for your body.

Why? As nicotine is worse than a terrorist, it can take away your


life by putting you at risk of suffering from heart diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, and breathing problems.

What to do? Instead of inhaling smoke and spoiling your health, why not inhale fresh hair by going out in the open. Your body will get a great supply of oxygen and when you are around greenery, you tend to feel relaxed.


Rest is a must for your body to be able to feel alive the next day, not to make you feel even elder, but you need to sleep well when you are aging.

Why? At this juncture in life, sleeping for long is no more a part of your dictionary given the fact that you are catching up with your age. If you don’t get enough sleep you are going to get obese and may be suffering from emotional and mental stress.

What to do? You need to strictly focus on sleeping for 7-9 hours every day. Just as you are eating right, it is necessary that you give enough rest to your body as well.

POINT NO 9 AVOID BEING CARELESS ON MEDICATION Yes, this can be the most saddening part of old age. You might just hate the very sight of taking medicines, however, in this situation, you cannot afford to miss out on any of your tablets. If you happen to miss taking medicines there are chances that it may affect your health.


What to do?


The only solution to this problem is that you must consult a doctor, take permission on whether you can stop a particular medicine or not before you have thoughts of quitting. You cannot imagine the risk of skipping a medicine, especially if your body has been used to it for a while now.

It is self-explanatory that at an age when you are growing old, you need to be sure if you are consistently healthy or not.


It is quite a lazy task to go visit the doctor, a few of you might be scared that they will come up with recommending a medicine or you might just not like being in a doctor’s clinic. However, for the sake of your health, it is best if you go see a doctor twice a year.


To know it all, you will have to go through rounds of check-ups. By hook or crook, it is good if you don’t find reasons to cancel your visit to the doctor, go ahead and get yourself checked to have your health figured out.


Additionally, there is no wrong with keeping your muscles working at this age just like someone in the midage would do. The only difference now will be that of the number of weights you will carry. Get to know from a professional who is trained in fitness and accordingly pick weights.

Even at 50, some workout is needed for the body to function well and moreover so that you feel healthy from the inside out. If you don’t want to go for a vigorous workout, you can stay sober by just taking 45 minutes to walk around your locality every day. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020


Vegeterian Quesadilla Looking for a healthy yet tasty filling dinner dish? You should try a vegetarian quesadilla. It is a whole wheat tortilla that is baked with healthy ingredients such as black beans and veggie mixed with a few other healthy ingredients and a little cheese. Is your mouth already watering to hear about tasty juicy vegetables and a nice healthy tortilla? Well, the fact that a little cheese is added will make your taste buds jump with joy, isn’t it?

Ingredients You will need the following Frozen corn, beans, broccoli, olives, edamame, and black beans

This is basically a Mexican dish and its main ingredient is the quesadilla that is stuffed with all the vegetables and cheese.

Ø Fresh bell pepper, avocado, onion, cauliflower, broccoli, and chopped tomatoes

The process of making the quesadilla will involve gathering ingredients, making the quesadillas, mixing all of them and then baking this dish.

Ø Cooked potatoes

Ø Sauteed mushrooms and zucchini Ø 3tbsp cheese Ø 1/2 a cup of vegetables Ø 8 Tortillas Ø Diced large pepper

Method Keep all the ingredients ready at one place


Ø Finely chopped cilantro Ø Red onion - 1/2 a cup minced Ø Cumin seeds - 2 tbsp 60

Ø Salt - as per your requirement Ø Salsa and yogurt(optional for serving)

Method To Prepare

and give it a gentle press. You will have to repeat the same procedure for the rest of the quesadilla’s as well. No 3 - Put all of this in an oven and let it heat for 20 minutes. Take it out from the oven, let it cool down for a few seconds and then gently cut it into the number of pieces you want.

No 1 - In the first step, you will need to mix and saute a few ingredients and then you will move on to using silicone sheets and parchment paper to bake it all in an oven.

Health Benefits

Take black beans, corn, pepper, cilantro, red onions, cumin, and salt. Stir this mixture well and bake it.

No 2 - Bones, cartilage, blood, skin, and muscles need protein to effectively perform their functions.

No 2 - Place one quesadilla at the bottom, spread cheese and then add the vegetable mixture. Now, fold the next part of the quesadilla 61

No 1 - It is a requisite to build and nurture tissues.

No 3 - Enables better bowel movement No 5 - Reduces the risk of diabetes and heart diseases No 5 - It detoxifies the body by removing all WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020 unwanted toxins through the colon


A Guide On The Eagle Pose



The term Garudasana is a Sanskrit word. Splitting the terms, garuda means “king of the birds,� this was the vehicle of Lord Vishnu and in English it means Eagle. Garuda is seen as the source of strength through the powerful rays of the sun.

You can either call this Garudasana or Eagle Pose. This pose requires utmost concentration, strength, and f lexibility. You need to stay focused to successfully complete this asana as it involves curling your hands and legs at the same time.


This asana is good to build immunity as well as does good to the chakras. In addition to this, you get an opportunity to stretch your hip, thigh, calf, ankle, shoulder and upper back. In the end, your body gets flexible and your concentration levels increase. To effectively perform garudasana it is necessary to practice Vrikshasana, Utakasana, Gomukhasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Prasarita Padottanasana and Supta Virasana in prior.

Benefits Of The Eagle Pose Read through the plus points of Garudasana!

Benefit No 1 - Boosts Immunity Garudasana effectively helps in boosting your immunity. How? When you do this asana, the blood in your body flows through well and this is one of the best signs for a strong immune system.

Benefit No 2 - Enhances The Chakras Chakras are important energy points in our body that have the power to make you feel mentally and physically good, this asana helps in enhancing the chakras. The chakra from the base of your spine to the root of your head is energized. This is good for improving concentration levels and helps you connect with your inner conscience.

Benefit No 3 - Brings About Balance The eagle pose is a perfect asana that helps you bring about a balance in yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and


YOGA spiritually. As this asana involves standing on one foot and focusing. It improves balance and flexibility in your body.

Benefit No 4 - Makes Shoulders And Wrists Stronger You need strength in the shoulders and wrists to be able to carry off weights and get on with your everyday activities effectively. Garudasana helps you build strength in your arms and shoulders by twirling your hands and staying focused in this posture for a few minutes.

Benefit No 5 - Strengthens Lower Body Three areas in your lower body get stronger and function well after you practice garudasana. Talking of which, the hamstrings, ankles, calves, and hips get better when you balance your body on one of your legs and stay focused. Additionally, balancing your body on one leg even teaches you how to balance yourself in different spheres of life. On a whole, this is a good stretching asana and it works excellent on your hands, legs and mental well-being.

Make a note of these points WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020

1. If you are a beginner to this asana then balancing your body on one foot is a challenge. To make this challenge simple you can begin by leaning on to a wall. 2. The leg that you fold over the other can be placed on the ground if balancing your body is a challenge. 3. Don’t forget to keep your knees slightly bent while practicing this asana. 4. Curling your hands can be difficult when you are new to this asana. You can wear a strap on your hands and then resort to curling. 5. Elbows and shoulders should be aligned while you practice this asana.

How to do this pose Follow these steps to do this asana! Step 1: Stand on a mat with your feet joined together. Look straight and focus. Step 2: Keep your legs and back straight. Bring your right leg up, bend your left leg that you are standing on and curl the right leg behind the left leg in a way that the your feet touched the calf muscle of your left leg. Step 3: Once you are done with curling your leg over the other, stretch both your hands forward, wrap your right hand over the left and try to touch the palms of both your hands.


Step 4: Look back at your position and ensure to have curled your hands and legs correctly. Make sure to lower your hips and waist. Look straight and pay attention to your body. Repeat the same procedure with your other leg as well. Stay in the posture for a minute or two.

Precautions Be careful about a few things while you practice this asana. Take a look! 1) Avoid practicing this asana if you have an injury or pain in your knees. 2) It is best for a pregnant woman to keep away from this asana. However, if she wants to practice it, she will need to consult a doctor and do it under the right guidance. 3) Avoid practicing this asana if your shoulders, wrists or elbows are injured. 4) It is better not to practice this asana if you suffer from low blood pressure problems or plantar fasciitis.

Conclusion Eagle pose will do you good mentally as well as physically. You will learn to pay attention which is good for your mind and physically you get benefited by stretching your body for a minute continuously. Right from flexibility to co-ordination everything will fall in place in your body. 65



Everything You Need To Know About A



Homebirth is an excellent idea and just like everything else, it comes with a list of benefits and flaws. Over a decade now, the rate of home birth has been increasing in the US and to see this happen in developed countries is quite surprising. According to a Journal of NCBI, the rate of planned birth rate has increased by 0.1% in Sweden and by 20% in the Netherlands. If you are planning a home birth then properly look into the risks involved and be sure of whether you can afford the risk or not.

Planned Home Birth It is the process of giving birth at home instead of a hospital or birthing center. It is important to take help from someone who has a good grip over knowledge and experience of labor and delivery.

you need to get a proper opinion from your doctor and only then proceed. The success of the delivery will even depend on the person who is doing a home birth. So, plan on having the bestqualified person for yourself.

your next plan in place and be prepared to be moved to a hospital.

Safe Measures To Take While Considering Home Birth

5. Before you decide on home birth, talk to your midwife and discuss whether you want the labor to happen in a tub and enquire about the essentials you will require.

1. Research and find the best obstetrician and midwife.

4. After the baby is born, you will need to look for a pediatrician who can monitor your baby’s health.

6. While talking to your health care provider about home birth, find out if they can make safe arrangements, in case you need to be shifted to a hospital.

2. Talk to different midwives and get to know about their thought process of giving birth. This will give you a better picture of how passionate is the midwife about giving birth.

Advantages Of A Home Birth

3. To be on a safe side, have





A certified nurse or a person who is qualified and has a license can go ahead. Initially, you will need to discuss with your doctor that you want to go for a planned home birth and the doctor will educate you about details such as labor and delivery. Although the infant death rate of home birth is low,



advantages of a home birth. Take a look! Opting for home birth will drastically reduce the expenses that you would have to incur in a hospital. The bond between the mother and baby is the best when it comes to home birth. When the baby gets to drink mother’s milk at an early stage, he/she is safe from the risk of health concerns. When it comes to home birth, the entire family is involved. This is a good step when it comes to improving the bond between all the other family members and the mother feels more secure as she is around people she loves.


The environment and setting around is comfortable for a woman to give birth at home. Choosing home birth makes cultural practices possible. The birthing process and picking up a particular position is totally your choice.

Disadvantages Of A Home Birth

The mother and child are not eligible for insurance on the costs that are spent on childbirth. There isn’t any assurance that everything will work as per the plan. At any given time, based on the emergency, you might be shifted to the hospital.

For a home birth, many things are required. The process is long and can make the house quite shabby.

Listed below are the disadvantages of a home birth. Take a look!


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10 Amazing Health Benefits Of A

Cold Shower



If everyone has to be on the same page, there has to be something really amazing and good enough about cold showers, isn’t it? You will not be able to stop yourself from taking a cold shower once you read through its health benefits. There isn’t a compulsion that cold shower is the only way to stay healthy, if you are someone sensitive to chilled weather, then it is better you avoid taking a cold shower and work on recovering soon so that even you can enjoy its benefits. Here are all the lovely benefits of a refreshing cold water shower. Grab this opportunity to do good for your health

No 1 - Day Starts Fresh And Energetic


You might have never even imagined how energetic and fresh you will feel when you take a cold water shower in the morning. You should definitely get out of your comfort zone and try it once. Taking a little trouble of chilled water to stay alert is worth the effort if it can keep you active the entire day, will you agree? Additionally, it has been studied that the cold water shower accelerates your heart rate. Tip: Go for a cold water shower 30 minutes


HEALTHY LIVING after you wake up in the morning.

No 2 - You Lose Weight

If your immune system is strengthened, you feel stronger because your body continues to function well. Nothing can be inter-related without a study. That being said, the link between a strong immune system and a cold water shower is an improvement in your white blood cells. If the white blood cell count in your body is balanced well, you feel stronger and your body has a better ability to fight against health issues.

You must be trying to find the link in what can a cold water shower do that you can lose out a few pounds. This will seem like an interesting tip for people who are eager to lose weight. Yes, it is true that you can lose weight with a cold water shower because of a concept named brown fat. Brown fat is one aspect that helps in controlling your body’s temperature.

Therefore for the good sake of building and securing your immune system, it is necessary that you take a cold water shower.

No 4 - Pumps Up Your Skin

Therefore, when you have a bath with cold water there is a rise in brown fats and while these fats are focused on controlling the temperature in your body it indirectly helps you shed off a few fats and boosts metabolism.

No 3 - Strengthens Your Immune System

Yes, if you want healthy and glowing skin you must take a cold a water shower. If you love being on point with your beauty care then you should go for a cold water shower. If you look at the best suggestions for home remedies to improve your skin, you will be suggested to either use lukewarm water or cold water while washing your face, have you read it ever? The basic idea for that suggestion is to save



the natural oils and pH balance in your skin. Additionally, cold water enables smooth blood flow that improves the shine in your skin.

No 5 - Solves Fertility Concerns

The pH level on the skin gets affected if you take a shower with hot water, right? The same happens with your hair, taking a hair wash with hot water, drains out the natural oils from the scalp and affects the pH level of your hair. So, pouring cold water on your hair makes it healthy. The reason your hair stays good with a cold water shower is that the moisture in your scalp and hair remains unaffected and intact. This sufficient moisture is good with making your hair shinier and soft. Therefore, if you don’t just want the shine but want your roots and hair to remain healthy you should use cold water ad wash your hair.

Interestingly, having a cold shower helps in overcoming infertility problems. That being said, if you are experiencing infertility problems and know of someone suffering with the same, you can adapt to using cold water while taking a shower.

No 7 - Emotional Resilience Is Boosted

It has been studied and observed that one significant form of boosting sperm count is by taking a cold shower. It is not that it takes longer for this method to work on the body, the sperm count increases in a span of few months.

No 6 - Good For The Hair

A good cold water shower is known to make you feel active, relieves your body of all the oxidative stress and certain studies have found that it makes you feel emotionally stronger. The reason a cold water shower helps you feel emotionally stronger is because it teaches you how to control your nervous system and practicing this keeps all your stress levels in check.



No 8 - Improves Blood Circulation

our day to day activities. To see how well cold water works on the body an experiment was conducted wherein men people who jog and cycle were asked to take a cold water shower and for most of them it reduced the soreness in their muscles.

No 10 - Gets You Out Of Depression If you want the blood to smoothly flow through your body, you should take a cold water shower.

Coldwater showers are known to make you feel good and it helps you get over depression.

As you already know that a cold water shower is known to improve the way your heart beats, it further helps in improving the levels of blood circulation in your body. When the arteries feel the cold water, it indicates better blood flow and signals to improve the way your heart functions. Further, improved blood flow helps in improving the way your arteries function and this doesn’t cause a problem in the way blood flows through your body

No 9 - Keeps Your Muscles Strong It is amazing that a cold water shower is known to strengthen your muscles. You must try taking a cold water shower right after you exercise. This helps with keeping away from sore muscles. Muscle strength is needed to carry on with


Depression getting treated through cold water isn’t scientifically proved yet. However, the research is still going on. There is a clear link between a cold water shower and depression because the hormone serotonin stays balanced when you take a bath with cold water. When you look at the role of serotonin in depression, low levels serotonin ends up making a person depressed and when the serotonin is balanced, there is no chance of going through depression. It is useful to take a cold water shower and feel good mentally, physically and emotionally. Individuals having problems such as migraine or sinusitis should take a doctor’s permission and only then resort to having a cold water shower. 74

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A disease that causes inflammation and abdominal bleeding!


Crohn’s is an inflammatory bowel disease that targets your intestine and ends up causing intestinal inflammation and bleeding in the abdomen. Crohn is usually present as a patchy part in the small intestine. The inflammation begins below the mucosa and it leads to scars and holes called fistula.


the gastrointestinal tract, it causes danger to a few parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Crohn’s as such is not a major problem and it can be life-threatening and add up to complications only if there are fluctuations in the symptoms. For that matter, if the symptoms get really severe.

What Causes Crohn Disease? According to a study, this problem occurs to 1 in 200 Americans and is mostly seen in young adults who are suffering a disability for years together. The cure to this disease is not available yet given the fact that the research is still ongoing on factors such as who is most probable to develop it and ways to take care of the concern. Better research will have an answer to all the questions. A part of the gastrointestinal tract is at risk due to this inflammation. At times, it doesn’t cause inflammation in all parts of


Since the research on what causes Crohn is still going on, it is tough to clearly prove what is the reason for a person suffering from Crohn. Having said, it all has to do with either the genes, changes in the environment or a disturbance in the immune system that causes the Crohn Disease. As per Healthline, according to the Crohn and Colitis Foundation, accounting to about 20 percent of the crowd is suffering from this disease. What must be worsening the symptoms of Crohn’s disease, according to one of the study, it is due to smoking,

age, the involvement of the rectum and the amount of time this disease has been there are the reasons for its symptoms to get aggravated. Suffering from the Crohn Disease is ongoing, this further causes complications due to bacteria, parasites, fungus and virus causing infections in the intestine. This infection drastically hits on the immune system and worsens the condition. Whenever there is a yeast infection due to Crohn disease, along with the intestinal tract, even the lungs get affected. The only way a person can treat this problem is by taking medicines that can clear the fungal infection.

How to diagnose Crohn’s Disease Crohn’s disease is not diagnosed through a single test, there would be multiple ways to diagnose the problem and come to a conclusion. Here are some of the tests that are taken to complete the diagnosis.


DISEASE Take a look l Problems such as anemia and inflammation are looked at by taking blood tests. Therefore, the first step is the doctor taking a blood test. l Then he doctor detects if there is a stool in the GI tract by doing a stool test. l To thoroughly have a clear picture of the gastrointestinal tract, there will be an endoscopy done by the doctor to know exactly what’s the status l The doctor is likely to check if there is a large bowel and will ask you for a colonoscopy l The doctor needs to go beyond just a normal X-ray and has to do a CT and MRI scan in your tissues and organs l Finally, the doctor will have a close look at the intestinal tract tissue through the tissue during the biopsy, endoscopy, and colonoscopy

What Are The

Symptoms Of Crohn Disease? WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2020

The symptoms of this disease don’t come all of a sudden, it is a slow process. Although a few symptoms appear all of a sudden. Listed below are a few symptoms of Crohn’s disease, they are as follows : l The patient suffers from diarrhea l Abdominal cramps begin l In the stool blood is found l One can get fever l This health concern causes fatigue l A person loses out on appetite l The patient suffering loses weight l Even after a bowel movement, the patient feels that the bowels haven’t got empty l The patient wants to have a bowel movement every now and then At times, these symptoms are due to food poisoning and one should see a doctor if the symptoms continue to stay for long and so that one can get a confirmation as well. There are symptoms that could aggravate over a period of time, some of them

are as follows · a perianal fistula, which causes pain and drainage near your anus · ulcers that may occur anywhere from the mouth to the anus · inflammation of the joints and skin · shortness of breath or decreased ability to exercise due to anemia If a person wants to avoid complications, then he/she should get it checked and treated in prior

Natural Methods Of Treating Crohn’s Disease Although food is not the sole reason for Crohn disease, it is one of the factors that worsen the flares. After Crohn’s is diagnosed, the doctor will recommend the patient to consult a Registered dietician who further goes ahead and


suggests the patient on what to eat and not. These changes can reduce the symptoms of Crohn’s disease.

movement. But, if the same fiber doesn’t suit an individual’s body it can lead to gas problems.

Usually, the RD’s will expect you to have a record of everything you eat and write down how you feel after eating. This information will further be used for your treatment.

No 2 - Work On The Number Of Fats You Eat

The RD will read through all of it and set guidelines in a way that the nutrients in the food that you will start to eat will be helpful to your body and you will not have to face its bad side effects.


When an individual is suffering from Crohn’s disease, at times, it gets tough for the body to break down fats. If fats don’t break down there is a risk of suffering from diarrhea due to the fats being accumulated in the small intestine passing on to the colon.

However, every individual’s body works differently and a dietary change might not be useful to all patients suffering from Crohn’s disease, but, a few common dietary tips would be beneficial to the body. Having said, read through what kind of changes you can expect!

Additionally, you should know that bad fats can trouble the bowel movement. Membranes in the large intestine have arachidonic acid and because of the bad fats, this acid can cause inflammation. This inflammation makes a person suffer from ulcerative colitis.

No 1 - Keep A Check On How Much Fiber You Eat

No 3 - Reduce Dairy Consumption

The GI tract is likely to get affected if there is too much fiber in the body. Fiber will not work a way for all individuals suffering from Crohn disease.

When an individual is suffering from Crohn Disease the body cannot take in too much lactose. It loses its ability to tolerate lactose. Thus, it is better to keep away from it.

The very purpose of taking fiber is to improve bowel

If you fail to do so then the individual is at risk of

suffering from stomach upset, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. You should know that lactose intolerance is not the cause for Crohn, however, later on dairy products are likely to affect the existing infection.

No 4 - Hydrate Your Body It is good to be hydrated and drink loads of water to fight against dehydration. An individual suffering from this disease is at a chance of getting highly dehydrated because your body tends to take in more water from the digestive tract. Thus, to be on a safe side, staying hydrated will help.

No 5 - Consume Fish Oil A study concluded that giving your body enough omega-3 fatty acids can drastically reduce inflammation. That being said, one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids is fish oil. Therefore, eat salmon and mackerel if you want the symptoms of the disease to come down.











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