HealthSpectra Magazine May 2019

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MAY 2019



In Men A Folk Talk! Yes Or No? DID YOU KNOW ABOUT





HERGAMUT All about her..

Hergamut is all about providing valid information about women and works to spread happiness in women and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.




Editor Note We are elated to bring you yet another edition of the HealthSpectra magazine with some of the amazing articles that will help shape up your life and give it a healthy twist. We have ventured and elaborated the reasons behind the mood swings that men often deal with that are not emphasised on as our main piece in the cover story. In the relaying part of the edition, our focus has delved into some fitness tips for women and even shared some benefits that a peaceful night’s sleep can bring your health. We have also shared some amazing insights into the habits that can help rejuvenate your immune system as well. Learn more about the healthy nutrition and about the essence that love and romance can bring in. We have tried to showcase our versatility through this edition much like the previous ones too. If you read it, we do hope that you love it as much as we loved writing it as well.

Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Somapika, Soumya, Lopa, Ramya, Neha


Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


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The information hereby is given to educate you about the subject. Get in touch with your physician in case you want to make use of 3any of the article contents. Please note that no liabilities can be charged on the author, magazine, site operator and site owners.


Contents 06

06 HEALTH Habits That Rejuvenate Your Immune System

10 BEAUTY Here’s how rose water can enhance your overall beauty

14 WOMEN HEALTH Eating These Foods Can Help Alleviate The Symptoms With Menstruation




Did You Know About These Weight Loss Myths?

18 COVER STORY Mood Swings In Men A Folk Talk!

22 DIABETES New drug to reduce risks of kidney disease for diabetics


Fitness tips for women for a healthier life

30 NUTRITION & DIET Wonderful Effects Of Having Sabja Seeds



Why Is It Important To Believe In Yourself And How To Do It? Know The Power!



Aromatherapy For Depression!




VO L 1 | I S S UE 5


MAY 2019


This is where your pain originates from Know what science suggests


Is It All To Be In A Relationship Be Happy In A Relationship?


Men Health Issues That Are Too Common To Pass Up On



Butter Milk Soup With Dill And Peas


Discover Your New Self With Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)



Ways To Protect Your Family From Toxic Molds


Quality Sleep Is Capable Of Cleaning Toxins Off Your Brain




Could mRNA be a potent treatment for lung diseases?







Our real shield and bodyguard is our immune system. Our immune system wins the war of protecting our body from all harmful germs and antigens that we are surrounded by and how does the immune system do so? The immune system has sources of keeping those uninvited germs away from our body with the help of white blood cells and proteins that act as an assistant to the immune system and helps it fight for the body. It is essential that our body has a good immune system and in any case, if it is not good it can leave you suffering some or the other health concern and at times it can prove life taking as well. Each one has a different immune system, for some people it works well while for some it does not. However, to an extent, it is in our hand to make it work well. Here are some of the useful ways to rejuvenate your immune system.

WAY NO 1 LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR HEALTH You must be wondering as to where is this coming from and it is true that laughter gives a person the energy to fight against a bad state of mind. Apart from this, as the white blood cells play an essential role in taking care of the immune system by increasing on the production of antibodies it keeps all the bacteria and virus at a one arm’s distance.


THE BODY? HEALTHY FATS ARE GOOD! One must eat healthy fats, for example, foods such as Omega-3 fatty acids rather than eating unhealthy fats. Eating unhealthy fats can increase your risk of getting problems with your heart because there would be an increase in the cholesterol levels in your body. When people choose to eat healthy fats, there is a release of a hormonelike substance known as Prostaglandins. Prostaglandins make the immune system better through the white blood cells to help the body fight against certain microbes that are responsible to keep the immune system strong. For instance, choosing a Keto Diet.

WAY NO 3 CUT DOWN ON CONSUMING SUGAR If you want to boost your immunity it is important that you cut down on your sugar



example, fruits.

intake because sugar drastically affects the white blood cells and if the white blood cells are affected it is tough for your immunity to build. You need not eat sugar with foods that are naturally sweet. For

Way No 4 - Exercising Is Always A Saviour Exercising is one of the best-recommended solutions to all the physical as well as mental problems that we encounter. Having said, exercising even helps in adding to your immunity because it shoots up the production of white blood cells which is a primary factor in fighting well with all the unwanted germs in your body. It is also believed that people who regularly exercise are less likely to fall ill.

WAY NO 5 - RECOVER BY SLEEPING WELL Why do we sleep? The reason we sleep is to recover and take rest after a tiring day’s work. If you disturb your body by not giving it enough sleep you are indirectly causing harm to your body. In terms of immunity,


there is a main white blood cell called macrophage which is responsible to keep the body away from severe germs and infections. Your macrophages are directly affected when you do not sleep and this will disturb your immune system. Thus, get sufficient sleep if you want your immunity to be boosted and rejuvenated all the time.

WAY NO 6 - STAY HYGIENIC We often miss out on staying hygienic when we are in a rush or cannot wait to eat. Isn’t it? How many times in a day do you wash your hands and then sit to eat? Do you do it before all your meals? If you do it then well and good and if you do not do it, its time you start doing it. In order to avoid unnecessary complication with your existing immune system get used to washing your hands before and after you eat and be sure of cleaning meat before you begin cooking.


If you are used to consuming too much alcohol and smoking often it is time to get it down because it has a direct impact on your health by bringing down the effectiveness of your immune system.

To quickly summarize it, emphasis on eating healthy fruits and vegetables, get adequate sleep and rest, keep yourself clean, do not unnecessarily burden your body with food that is going to pull down your immunity and last but not the least give time to exercising so that your blood cells work and function well.

The chemicals that are present in the cigarette has adverse effects on your lungs and hits on the respiratory system. The cells that work on making your immune system better weaken because of cigarettes and alcohol. Therefore, do not over consume it, keep it minimum.

WAY NO 8 - THE MAGIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DO TO THE BODY It is quintessential that you eat adequate fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin B6, Iron, Folate and Probiotics. Vitamin is one of the powerful sources of boosting your immunity and Vitamin B6 governs the chemical reactions in the body. Every nutrient plays a vital role in boosting immunity in your body. In conclusion, to boost immunity you do not have to go beyond what you normally do to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is just that you have to re-focus on all your habits in terms of how you live and what you eat.


Rejuvenate your immune system and do good to your body!



Here’s how

rose water

can enhance your overall




Removes acne and pimples With the drastic measures that chemicals in the beauty products are bringing in, it is not surprising that more and more people are looking out to get natural ways to enhance their beauty. Rose water has been a predominant product that has always stood out from the rest. The usage of rose water has always been very useful since ancient times. If you are wondering how the rose water helps boost the skin quality, we got you!


Rose water for face helps curb the appearance of acne and pimples. The amazing properties of this natural astringent help to remove the excess accumulated oil off the face and clean the pores so as to avoid the recurrence of acne and pimples. Yet one of the pronounced benefits of rose water is that it helps balance out the pH of the face so as to cure the signs and symptoms of acne and pimples.

Wards of aging process If you have been an avid patron of rose water for face, you would know that the anti-inflammatory and the rejuvenating properties of the rose water helps fight the signs of ageing, especially fine lines, and wrinkles. It helps soothe the irritated skin and helps maintain the elasticity of the skin which is one of the primary factors that arrests ageing.

Promotes skin whitening Studies have shown that the combination of rose water and honey effectively aids in gradual whitening of the skin by getting rid of the discoloration and blemishes. The combination of rose w a t e r and honey not just rejuvenates and hydrates the skin but helps moisturize it as well. Honey is known for its lightening properties which comes in handy in this. This is how to use rose water for fairness. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019


Boosts skin hydration In such a hectic life schedule and the polluted environment, it becomes hard to take care of the skin. The primary problem that many people often face with their skin is the lack of hydration. One of the most important rose water benefits for the face is that it helps in restoring the lost hydration and moisture which helps in bettering the quality of the face. The rose water and glycerin combination work best for this.

Prevents dark circles The benefits of rose water also extend to the removal of dark circles and puffiness from around the eyes. The combination of rose water and lemon works the best for this because of the WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019

amazing skin lightening properties of lemon.

Gets rid of wounds, scars and sunburns Rose water is very beneficial for the healing of any sort of wounds, scars and even sunburns. The rose water benefits the situation primarily because of its rich anti-microbial properties. One of the best combinations for scars and wounds is the rose water and aloe vera. Adding in aloe vera to that further helps ensure to heal the condition even further.

Helps in skin toning Rose water is an amazing toner because of the presence of its slight astringent properties. The amazing pH balancing 12

property of rose water helps in not just getting rid of excess oil but also cleans and clears the clogged pores. For the skin toning benefits of rose water, it is best used just on its own.

Relieves eczema and psoriasis Rose water is not just a natural astringent but an amazing skin healer as well. This is the primary reason why the benefits of rose water are pronounced for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. The rose water helps heal the redness, scaling, and dryness of the skin and cures the signs and symptoms that come along with eczema and psoriasis.

Prevents skin blemishes 13

Blemishes and dark spots are often a very persistent problem. If you have been fretting with what to use for blemishes, don’t worry, the rose water and lemon or even the rose water and honey combination works amazingly to get rid of the marks and fine lines and everything related to blemishes.

Gets rid of blackheads The rose water benefits for the removal of blackheads can be done in two distinct ways, either by direct exfoliation or by cleaning of the clogged pores by arresting the excess amount o f oil secretion. If you want better results, try mixing the rose water with cucumber juice to better detoxify the skin and get rid of the excess oil.



Eating These Foods Can Help Alleviate The Symptoms With MENSTRUATION WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019


Menstruation brings random cravings, brutal cramps, wavering mood swings and stress of being a woman. We don’t know what and when to eat, our love for our own body fades, we dislike every aspect of being what we are and it’s just for those few days. In order to help you get through the process, there are technically a number of ways in which you can fight through the pain and the discomfort that comes along.

Leafy Green Vegetables

Vegetables are rich in fiber and iron. A woman loses 30-80ml of blood and 20-25ml of iron along with it, during every menstrual cycle. It is extremely important to replenish these with green leafy vegetables. Do not binge on them as they may cause additional bloating. Some of the best sources include spinach, celery, kale, Brussels sprouts, etc.


Fruits are rich antioxidants and help in replenishing minerals and vitamins back to our body. Since they are rich in fluids they help in increasing circulation thus removing the toxins off our system. Calcium and proteins are needed the most, so increases banana intake and add more citrus to heal the damage and loss incurred by periodic outflow.


For severe menstrual migraines and headaches in addition to spasms in muscles add cashews and peanuts to your daily munching routine. These help in curing 15

most of the inflammations and relieving pain. In addition add more walnut, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, fenugreek seeds and some more nuts like almond pecan pistachio to purify the blood by taking more proteins to the diet.


Water is a universal solvent, it is definitely needed for everyday functions of our body. Drinking more water during periods will alleviate water related stiffness. Our body retains water during menstruation as it needs for functioning of our system. If more water is added in the system it will increase circulation and reduce inflammations and swelling.


Though caffeine is a big no otherwise, but during periods this is a helpful partner for most women. As warm beverages are helpful in relaxing the body and calming our mind. Add ginger for digestion and the prevention of bloating; add peppermint for soothing and relaxation. Green tea also helps in improving functions of endocrine glands and must be taken for its great benefits.

Dark Chocolate

Only raw or organic cocoa powder has the nutrients which are mentioned here. The milk chocolate is not having any benefit rather it will add more spasms and fat to your body. Raw cocoa is high in antioxidants and a good source of iron. It also satiates our random cravings. Also cocoa is a natural mood elevator as it increases serotonin in the brain. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019


Did You Know About These

Weight Loss Myths? Myths are a part and parcel of every aspect of life, isn’t it? Nothing we known or believe is a 100% true. There is always an underlying layer of drag to it which is the same with weight loss as well. Many often think that complete removal of carbohydrate from the diet will induce faster rate of weight loss, is it the complete truth though? Probably not. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019




Quantity only matters when it comes to calories

Weight loss is linear

So, let us take an example. Even though a big bowl of salad or a tiny sliver of cake might have similar quantities of calories, they won’t have the same effect on the body. This is often the reason why many tend to eat less but eat unhealthy, because they think they are cutting down on the calories at the end of the day. Different types of foods undergo different metabolic pathways which are why even if they have similar amount of calories, their fate in the fate might not be the same.


Obesity is not just about the choices The thought that people can lose weight only if they make the choices is a complete hoax. Obesity and consistent weight gain can be caused by a number of reasons. It doesn’t always necessarily depend on one’s lifestyle and dietary habits. There are instances where diseases prevent the healthy weight loss process even when the person is consistently investing their time in gyms doing exercise and eating a healthy diet. 17

The people who think weight loss is linear are in denial. Weight loss is never linear. You can never expect your body to have a steep downfall in terms of losing weight because that is not perpetually impossible. There will be days when you will lose weight because of your diet plan and there will be days when you will gain weight. There is not to worry about if the latter happens because recurrence is part of the process.


Carbohydrates make you fat This is a myth too because the low carbohydrate meals actually help with weight loss. As long as you are eating a balanced diet of carbs and protein on the side, there shouldn’t be a problem. If you are consistently eating just carb, then that’s a problem but if the diet plan prioritizes and includes a portion of each kind of nutrition, even the consumption of carbohydrate won’t make you gain excess weight.




Even Men Have Unpredictable Reactions Know All About It!



Whether it is in men or women, what do you think provokes a person to experience mood swings? Is it always got to do with hormones or is it deeper? Having said, the reason for one’s mood swings cannot be focusing on hormones always. It has to do with habits, health condition of a person, quality of life, the impact of experiences and maybe the personality of a person that causes mood swings. The ever existing mood swings of women are known but would you’d be surprised if you are told of the same story about men going through mood swings. Yes! It is true that even men go through mood swings and it is not just said for the sake of it but this is the truth as they are also human after all.




Here are signs that show why men go through swings with their mood.

Sign No 1 - ‘How Can A Man Cry’ - The Real Folk Talk! It is all about how the society talks and makes stereotypical beliefs and we obligate ourselves to believe in those beliefs. A man is easily judged if he is emotional, at times he cannot be emotional even if he wants to be with the fear of being looked at like an alien. On the other hand, what happens, in reality, is that men do not get to outburst or find a means to let go of their painful emotions

that they do not cry out and that becomes a disease within them. Now, this pent-up emotions at times come out in the most bizarre and intolerable form termed as mood swings. Having said, just because of random myths that people think mean are not meant to cry and it indicates a sign of weakness, worsens things for men.

Sign No 2 - Uncontrollable Situations Finding it a challenge to deal with uneasy and stressful situations can be considered as one of the valid reasons as to why a man is going through mood swings unlike terming WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019

men as weak if they cry. When a man fails to relive his stress due to stress at work or stress about the future or 20

past, it all the more becomes a reason for botheration. When he does not adapt to the right form of getting over stress he ends up messing with understanding his emotions of pain, sadness, anger, and happiness and that finally leaves him outbursting his mood swings.

Investing about 45 minutes would also help beat the problem of uncontrollable mood swings. This helps in keeping a man’s testosterone’s in check as well which is good in order to keep a man’s mind and reactions in control

How Can Men Recuperate Mood Swings

Men have more sexual urges and having sex can help men keep their emotions and mood in control, this again depends on form person to person. However, this is one of the solutions

Having talked about the signs of mood swings, there are ways for men to get over mood swings too and it is not out of the world remedies but it is just as normal as how it is a remedy in case of women but with a slight difference that women experience more mood swings because of a lot of biological changes in her body. Sometimes you have no control of your mood swings and it is okay if you have let it out twice in a hundred possibilities you had. However, when you can take control of your mood swings, then why not? Yes, men can do it and here are some ways of taking care of the mind and body and breaking through destructive mood swings. Sound sleep for at least 7 hours would help, men should get good sleep if they want to keep their mood swings in control


Usually, mood swings in men do not recur often unless they feel pushed beyond their limits. Every man has a different way of expressing mood swings, few men suppress it all and it affects their health while few men scream it out. In conclusion, we should all understand that whether it is a man or a woman. Mood swings are a part of human nature, we should all help one another overcome mood swings and stop terming men as ‘weak’ if they want to vent out. In the end, we all have to understand that even they are human.

Do not allow mood swings to take a toll on you. Just stay happy, peaceful and healthy! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019


New drug to reduce risks of

kidney disease for diabetics



The connection between kidney disease and diabetes is quite common and is often an alleged marker for the deteriorating condition of a diabetes patient. If you have been struggling around with your health, chances are that there could be a number of factors influencing your renal health, especially if your struggles with diabetes are ongoing. A new study conducted by the researchers from the Stanford Medicine has found and developed a drug which has been found to reduce the risks of kidney disease by a third in the people suffering from the type-2 diabetes. This is possibly the very first time that something of this caliber has been developed and done to boast the overall well being of an individual, someone who is suffering from type-2 diabetes. Kidney failure is often times the worst of the conditions, impacting one’s health for the worse. The same is still under the ongoing tests to ensure the maximum of its benefits altogether. Kenneth Mahaffey, MD, professor of medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine who is also the


co-principal investigator of the trial did suggest stating that this is the very first time that the researchers have a therapy for the patients suffering from the type-2 diabetes as well as chronic kidney disease that can in turn lead to kidney failure in the long run. Mahaffey further claimed that the patients now have a potent and promising option to help conceal and protect them from one of the fatal consequences a Type-2 diabetic could face in their lifetime. This specific trial did comprise of around 4,401 participants from across 34 countries. The drug, which has been named as canagliflozin, is an improved version of a nearly two decades old therapy which is currently the only version of treatment which has been approved for the kidney diseases altogether. In the conducted clinical trial, the drug was also found to have amazing impacts in reducing the risks associated with some of the major cardiovascular diseases and events. Canagliflozin is the drug which has been found to have potent impacts on promoting

better excretion of the glucose out of the kidneys in Type-2 Diabetes patients. The drug has been deemed safe and approved by the Food and Drug Administration to help lower the blood glucose in the patients suffering from Type-2 Diabetes. The drug has already been approved to be administered to the Type-2 diabetes patients to regulate their blood glucose levels in the body.

What does the trial result suggest? Vlado Perkovic, MBBS, PhD, executive director of The George Institute for Global Health Australia, who is also the lead author of the study did state saying that the patients suffering from type2 diabetes are often at a very high risk of developing kidney diseases, heart attack or even stroke or death. The findings of this research are believed to help patients swerve those risks away with just once a day pill. In people who participated in



the trial were administered with the best of the care that was available for the kidney disease under some of the current guidelines – often termed as the renninAngiotensin-Aldosterone system blockade. In the conducted study, half the participants were provided with canagliflozin while the rest of the half was administered with a placebo. The researchers observed that the participants who took canagliflozin were 30% less likely to end up developing kidney failure or even the cardiovascular disease. The rate of deaths due of risks of kidney failure was reduced by 34% while the cardiac issues were reduced by 31% altogether.


Sought after treatment Yet another one of the factors that does stand out of the rest is the fact that people suffering from Type-2 diabetes have been vehemently waiting for a similar treatment to reduce the risks associated with the proper kidney functioning. The main reason why diabetics are often at a heightened risk of developing kidney failure is mainly because of the fact that the high blood glucose tends to harm the blood vessels supplying the kidney. Apart from that, the high blood glucose levels in the body has been found to have adverse impacts in heightening the blood pressure, thus further

affecting one’s health. For the last 20 years, the doctors and the specialists have been blindly relying on the RAAS blockade to prevent any kind of deterioration of the kidney function in the diabetic patients. This treatment method is effective enough but the only issue with the same is the fact that it ends up lowering the blood pressure and even causes risks in causing renal failure in the long term. This current finding is believed to be a breakthrough in several years when it does come down to regulating the risks associated with kidney disease and possible failure too. The drug does impose little to no side effects, thus making it a potent remedy to take a peek into. 24

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Fitness tips

for women for a healthier life WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019


Pull-ups are a must

Fitness is not a man thing or a woman thing. Either man or women has to be fit. Fitness makes you energetic and feel strong. You are no doubt working hard doing a workout. Keep in mind to do a workout at least for half an hour daily to see the fruitful results. Women’s fitness tips are important to attain better results. Tame your fitness with these amazing tips for a healthier life as well. 27

Pull ups strengthen the abs, biceps, middle back, and shoulders. They are effective exercise for upper part of the body. You can do plank pulls. Lie with your chest under a weight bar, set at the height of the knee on a squatting rack. Grab the bar on an overhand grip. Keeping to your body in one line, bend your elbows. Now pull the chest toward the bar, lower back to start, repeat this.

Slow down on the refined carbs


FITNESS Refined carbs can inflict a lot of negative impacts on one’s body. Not only do they enhance the risks of obesity, they also inflict risks of insulin resistance as well. Stop eating breads, cookies, chocolates, white rice or anything with sugar. When you swallow a refined carb, it makes the sugar levels to rise. This produces excess insulin. The hormone insulin can be responsible for fat stores in the blood.

Consume more protein

Consume 5 meals a day A balanced diet that includes protein, carbs and fat is necessary. This protects you from high levels of insulin formation. The benefit of high quality protein is it contains amino acids, that can help muscle recover after workouts. Some sources of protein are chicken, turkey and low-fat greek yogurt.

Instead of overeating with 3 meals a day, it is always best to eat less but eat more meals in a day. Consuming 5 meals is ideal in such cases. Eat three meals and two snacks per day. Eat a snack between breakfast and lunch and one more between lunch and dinner. Like this you will have a uniform supply of energy. Less food more times cannot be a burden on your digestive system rather than eating three big meals.


Limit drinking unhealthy beverages


Stop drinking juices like sodas that contain unnecessary sugar and calories. The diet sodas may increase insulin levels due to the sugar content in them. Drink healthy drinks like green tea or other herbal teas. If you are thirsty drink enough water but do not touch drinks like coffee or any sugared drinks.

Consume something nutritious post workout

Focus on building muscle Exercise is a good thing that makes all your hard work forgettable. And when you work hard, you will also get the desired results. Do not forget to focus on your muscle when you exercise. You should be able to do some workouts on your muscle too. Remember mor

Burn more calories

Your post workout meal acts like a recovery meal after your workout. Most of the women skip post workout meal becausethey think it adds calories they just burned. Getting 20 – 30 gm of carbs, 10- 15 gm of protein within 30 minutes of exercise will help you to refuel your nobody. It also promotes muscle recovery.


Sweet chili peppers may not be a winter food but eat them even in winter in burritos, stir fries, soups, salads, etc. This way you may burn more calories during a run during winter outdoors. These veggies contain capsaicins that are similar to capsicum found in hot peppers. Eating these chili peppers can increase the amount of fat cells in the body that burn more energy. It can also increase the metabolism



Wonderful Effects Of Having Sabja Seeds Sabja seeds are also known as basil seeds and you would love the softballs of sabja seeds to settle well and glide into your mouth. Have you ever thought of how those little balls can do good to your health? Surprisingly if you look at its appearance you may find it tough to believe that it keeps the body extremely cool. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019


you would not be able to chew them well otherwise.

8 Health Benefits Of Sabja Seeds Aids Better Digestion The presence of fiber in sabja seeds makes you stay full for longer and not just that, the presence of laxatives makes the bowel movement in your body better and this, in turn, keeps the digestive tract good and if the digestive tract is good, your digestion is always going to be superb.

The best time to have sabja seeds is in the summer season and sabja seeds are put in smoothies, milkshakes, soups, salads, curds, pudding and can also be an ingredient to add into infused water that you drink to get rid of all the toxins in your body. Sabja seeds have a mild taste. It gives a feel-good factor when it is in the mouth. The best way to have sabja seeds is by soaking it in water for a few hours because 31



Aids Weight Loss Consuming sabja seeds is like taking in low calories as it is rich in nutrients such as protein, fiber, vitamin and omega 3 fatty acids. This helps in making your appetite better and you would not have the place in your stomach to munch on junk and when you do not munch on junk, you would never put on extra weight.

Heals Cold And Cough Just like how sabja seeds have antiinflammatory properties, they also have antispasmodic properties that have the ability to heal all ailments such as cold, cough and all asthma-related issues that you are struggling through. It has worked its magic for years now. To derive better benefits, whenever you have a cold or cough, take a spoon of basil seeds and drop it into a glass of warm water. Drink this water to feel better in your throat.

Treats Inflammation Problems As basil has a great aroma and there lie the anti-inflammatory properties, it is proved by certain studies that it has the ability to safeguard the body against any kind of swelling and pain, especially if you have any arthritis swelling then having these seeds will definitely help. Even Ayurveda


and Chinese medicines emphasis on the fact that basil seeds are healthy.

Heals Depression It has been proved that sabja seeds help in relieving you of all the stress, tension, anxiety, and depression from your mind. It keeps your mind calm and balanced. It is amazing that not just physically but mentally also it is magical.

Omega 3 and 6 Fatty Acid Provider Your body needs a bit of all nutrient and one of them is omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, if you do not get this then you could have ailments such as dementia, arthritis and heart diseases. When you eat basil seeds, you are giving your body linoleic and oleic acid and they are good for the body and whether or not your body is getting omega 3 and 6 fatty acids otherwise, sabja seeds will provide it to your body.

Provides Nourishment To The Hair And Skin Besides just consuming sabja seeds you can also apply it on your skin and hair


because it has the ability to treat all the damaged and affected skin and hair. To add to this further, sabja seeds also helps in bettering the formation of collagen in the body. If you want to take the help of sabja seeds to bring in betterment in your skin and hair all you have to do is to crush it and put it in castor oil, slightly heat it up and apply it on your skin and hair.


Improves The Sugar And Cholesterol Levels Your body needs a bit of all nutrient and one of them is omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, if you do not get this then you could have ailments such as dementia, arthritis and heart diseases.



Why Is It Important To


KNOW THE POWER! On the grounds of belief, we are all surviving today! If we did not believe that the sun would rise the next day, we would never be able to sleep in that fear of being doubtful about the next day, if we did not believe our parents and family are the ones we can lean on in pain and gain we would always feel alone in this world. The world is surviving on belief and if you have no clue of what belief is then you should ask this question to yourself.



It is an irony that we easily believe in nature and other people while we fail to realize that we forget someone really important whom we first need to believe in. Sit back and ask yourself if you believe in that one person you need to believe in and that is in your ‘own self’. Here are the reasons as to why you should know it is essential to believe in yourself.

If you are in love with someone and you have expressed your feelings to that person and you want the person to understand that what you feel is real, how would you be able to convince someone? It is only when you know how to believe in yourself. Isn’t it?



Yes, it is the basic thing you should start doing if you haven’t yet. First, believe in yourself and if you do not believe in yourself how will you convince someone else to believe in you. 35

It is good to do first things first and the first thing you could do is to believe in ‘You’

Confidence is not a feeling that just comes right from the

tree like falling fruits, for one to become confident it takes time and it does not happen overnight. Confidence is built over time when you learn to believe in yourself. Therefore, if you want to learn how to be sure and confident. Give it time and learn to believe that you can achieve what you are striving for, at least believe that you can take the risk. When that belief comes, nothing can stop you from being confident and gaining confidence is a great feeling.

YOU LEARN TO BE BOLD Once you gain confidence, you get inner strength to be able WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019

LIVE HAPPY to tackle any situation. Even if it is not in your favor, you have the courage to even lose over it. One must remember that only believing in yourself can transform your state of mind to be able to think that way. You do not lose anything when you believe in yourself, believing might seem like a sign of being over-confident to few. However, if you look at the power in believing yourself, at every step it makes you bold and strong.

MAXIMUM CHANCES OF BEING A WINNER Half the solutions to your problems of defeat are solved when you win over your negative mind by believing in your own self and your capabilities. You might not win in a way that you have imagined. You will even accomplish your desires, but you may fail at it at times. Given the fact, that you fail your attitude would be like that of a winner as you would have learned from that situation that you are never a loser, it is just in the mind. It is important that you start taking baby steps where you could gather the courage to


believe in yourself.

YOU ARE INDEPENDENT IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS Where there is a firm belief, there is no room for doubt and the need to feel insecure. Being confident and being fearless becomes one’s way of living life and when you get to know how to live a

life that way, you become independent not just in your thoughts but your actions also speak it all.

YOU RELY ON JUST YOURSELF for taking your own decisions, you are never influenced by a secondary factor influencing your decision and feeling this way is truly empowering and independent.



ACCEPT THE ROLLER COASTER RIDE If you have for the first time come in terms with the fact about believing in yourself then it might not be easy initially as you will still have doubts about whether or not to believe yourself before stepping into something. It is natural for the mind to whirl around negative thoughts, but this is how you will learn to slowly start believing in yourself. It won’t happen overnight, it will take efforts and someday you will develop that attitude of believing in yourself. Do not give up easily, go through this roller coaster for now.

MAKE UP YOUR MIND It is important that you make up your mind on what are you going to start believing in. For instance, step out of your comfort zone and try something you haven’t. It is not essential that you try it out-rightly. Take your time to be successful in achieving the task but do not give up on the


fact that you have to work on the targets that you set for yourself. Make up your mind that you will believe that you can perform certain tasks.

GLANCE THROUGH YOUR STRENGTHS Just like how we lost faith in people, it so happens that we lose faith in ourselves too possibly because of a failure or depression. It is prone to happen at some point to all. That’s when one needs to get back that belief in one’s self though that’s the time one loses that belief all the more. Now, it is essential that you take the support of your own strengths in order to believe in yourself. Look back at all those times you have been good and achieved beyond your imagination, it will give you a hope to believe in yourself.

BELIEVE IT TO BE A PART AND PARCEL OF THE JOURNEY If you fail to even believe in yourself. Do not stop trying!

Hope lies in trying and it is a part of the play in life. You cannot be stuck up and stay where you are. Having said, no matter what! Do not stop believing in the one and only you. If something has not gone the way you wanted it to go, just move on from there and let it die in the past, do not carry it forward in your present and let it become a reason for you to stop believing that you are still worth better and you still have a scope of doing well in life. Embrace every huddle as a part of learning and do not stop believing in yourself. It is all in the game, believe this and you will see how you get to strengthen the faith in yourself. In conclusion, yes it is important to believe in yourself, not for anyone but just for your own self because only that belief is a big ray of hope and try believing in yourself until you can, do not turn back. Here on, walk towards living a life where you believe you can achieve all that you want. Achieving or not is secondary. But belief is all that matters.

“Your reality is a reflection of your strongest belief” WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019


Aromatherapy For

Depression! Did you know that if aromatherapy is done along with the medication taken for depression that has benefits in getting over depression? Although they are not the only means to cure depression. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019


Prithvi(Earth) looks after the eye muscles


supervises the blood vessels in and around the eyes

What Is Aroma Therapy? Aroma Therapy is a process of making oils from seeds, leaves, flowers, and roots of a plant. Every aspect of a plant has medicinal properties that have a soothing effect to make a person feel better mentally and physically. 39

As per certain studies, aromatherapy does have an effective factor of healing a person from psychological concerns as well. Having said, smelling lavender oil helps in getting better sleep. This is linked to depression, when a person is depressed he/she tends to find difficulty in sleeping and Aroma Therapy has that magic of helping a person fall asleep. Essential oils not just help in healing you from depression but it can help in changing your mood and adds on to a better quality of life.

Oils That Aid In Making A Person Feel Better In Depression Take a look at the list of oils that have been said to be good ones, although it is not proved that a particular form of oil is the only best one to help heal depression. The oils are rosemary, jasmine, sage, rose otto, yuzu, bergamot, sage, and Roman chamomile geranium. It has been proved that getting a body massage with these oils is much better than inhaling these oils.

How Can Aroma Therapy Aid In Curing Depression? WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE The science behind how essential oils help in making one feel better is because of the communication that happens between the smell receptors and brain about keeping your state of mind in the right control. Aromatherapy in terms of depression is more a healer than a prescribed cure for treating depression. When the brain(limbic system) gets the message, it checks on the sensory stimuli

and looks into emotions such as pleasure, pain, memory, etc. Once looked upon, the emotional response gets created leaving us either happy, sad or depressed. It is said, emotions and hormonal balance in our body react to basic smells. Scents reflect on our memory and emotions and because of these connections, aromatherapy has its benefits in helping the mind fight depression.

Essential Oils That Work In Healing Depression Bergamot Oil

Lavender Oil

As per a study that was done in the year 2011 in Thailand, the anxiety reaction in rats came down after inhalation of bergamot oil. It is an effective antidepressant and can bring energy, freshness, joy and make your blood circulation better. About two or three drops of Bergamot oil can be rubbed against the fingers and palm, after which you can breathe and inhale the fragrance. The best thing to do is to apply this oil on your feet and stomach as well.

Lavender oil helps to reduce depression such as postpartum depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. There was a study that proved lavender oil to have no ill effects. In treating postpartum depression lavender oil has made a significant contribution because it brought down the level of depression for all the women who spread this oil across their home.



Lavender oil is the best to eradicate all the bad mood swings and is good to keep your mind calm and happy. The best way to apply lavender oil is behind your ear lobes.

Roman Chamomile Oil

impact on you. Using this oil can drastically add to your confidence levels, keep your emotions such as anger, low self-esteem, and jealousy in control. The best way to use this oil is by either spreading it in your home or massaging it to the skin.

Tips On Applying The Essential Oils

This is a powerful essential oil that is goal specific to release stress and help your body relax. This oil is used in making candles. As per one of the research conducted, smelling chamomile vapors with chamomile oil is wonderful to heal anxiety and depression.

Ylang Ylang Oil

Essential Oils can be applied to these parts of the body, stomach, neck, tummy, and bottom of the feet. It is not necessary that you have to spread the oil on your entire body. However, you can either spread it all across the body or on just a few parts of the body. You can also mix up one or two essential oils for a better effect on your mental health.

Key Points To Remember Always check on whether or not your skin is resistant to the oil by doing a skin patch test In case you are on medication and are having heart-related problems, always take a piece of advice from your doctor before going ahead.

Ylang Ylang Oil rids you off depression and all emotions that can have a negative 41

Research on the oil before you pick on any. One needs to seek a doctor’s approval in case a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019





Pain is that inevitable part of our life that we try and avert at all costs. While prior studies have blamed the c-fibres for being responsible for the facilitation of the pain signals up to the brain, new study has pinpointed the effective group of neurons responsible behind the pain induction. A new study conducted by the researchers from the Harvard Medical School has identified a set of neurons that are deemed responsible for the sustained pain as well as the varying pain coping behaviours. This study is believed to elucidate better approach to the pain therapies and the process involved behind the same. On common terms, we have witnessed examples of the burning where we snap away our hands away from a hot object almost instantaneously. Withdrawal of the hand and the infliction of the injury are two completely different neural signaling pathways. Even though their molecular origins are different, the same has consistently provoked the minds of the scientists. In the new conducted study which was published on Nature on December 10, 2018, it helps highlight the neural signaling pathways that are responsible for inflicting the deep sustained pain in an individual. The results from the study have also helped shed some light 43

on the mechanisms behind the reflexive withdrawal and the pain coping mechanisms following an injury. While prior researches have helped outline the mechanism of inflicted pain and the brain circuitry involved behind the same, the new study helps highlight the involved process that goes on outside the brain. The senior author of the study Qiufu Ma, professor of neurobiology in the Blavatnik Institute at Harvard Medical School and a researcher at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute clearly highlighted the rising problem that the opiod crisis has paved way through. The lack of proper opiod approaches is what has created an alarming need for the instant development of the varying pain treatments. He further stated saying that according to their study, these treatments will rely more on the mechanism of the sustained pain rather than the reflexive pain. According to Ma, it is believed that the approaches taken by the researchers in the prior studies could very well be futile and headed in the wrong direction and hence the lack of conclusive results. This new study approaches the present of the two distinct set of peripheral neurons that could very well be the major contributing factor to the pain induction.

One set of these peripheral neurons are located outside the brain and the other one outside of the spinal cord. There is one set of neurons which is only responsible for relaying the signals to and from the superficial layers of the skin. This specific neurons are mainly there to inflict the reflexive withdrawal to prevent pain or injury as a first line of defense. Apart from this, there is yet another set of neuron which is dispersed around the entire body and is responsible for the sustained pain following the injury. This is also believed to be responsible for the induction of the pain coping behaviour. Even after sourcing these set of neurons, the authors of the study were still in a daze about the pathway responsible for inflicting the pain. This was when Ma and the colleagues deduced yet another active player in the equation. The team worked to focus on the clustered set of neurons eliciting from the dorsal horn of the spinal cord – Tac1. These neurons are responsible for conducting signals from the brain to the rest of the body. Even though there has been very superficial knowledge about the functions of Tac1, the researchers were intrigued to find the possible connection of the same with the pain induction. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019

During the study, the researchers assessed the pain response in the mice which has their Tac1 function intact and the other group which had chemically disabled Tac1 neurons. As for the observations, they found that the mice with the disabled Tac1 neurons had normal withdrawal responses and didn’t inflict any notable differences when the inflicted pain was from pricking and heat exposure. They also found that the mice didn’t engage in any kind of pain coping mechanisms which is predominantly important. This specific act was correlated with the kind of lack of sensation induced in humans who suffer from


strokes and tumours in the pain processing centre of the brain. On the other hand, the mice who had their Tac1 functions intact did indulge in vigorous pain coping mechanisms by licking their paws vigorously when the hot mustard oil made contact with their skin. This was done for a prolonged time by the mice to effectively assuage the pain. These observations were clear enough to point out that the Tac1 did play a very crucial role when it came to the pain coping mechanisms following a sustained pain or injury. It was also clarified that there is no significant role of the Tac1 in the induction of the

reflexive withdrawals. Ma further elucidated stating that they believe the Tac1 neurons act as the relaying station that helps disperse the pain signals from the tissues via the Trpv1 fibers up to the brain. If these are combined together, it is believed that there are two distinct lines of defense against the pain induction which are controlled by two different neural signaling pathways. While the primary reflexive response is the body’s first line of defense, the next stage of pain coping mechanism helps in keeping the impacts to a bare minimum.


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| MAY 2019


Stimulating your brain can cure

Depression, study suggests

Depression and the lack of awareness concerning mental health have imposed an impending stigma that not many people have been able to overcome. While therapy and prescription drugs are definitely an option, researchers have been working to source more of a substantial treatment for the condition. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019


A new study suggests that the stimulation of a specific part of the brain is believed to help patients struggling with depression feel good. The electrical stimulation on the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) has been associated with an acute improvement in one’s mood. These results were based around the brain activity noted in the subjects who participated in the study.


The impacts of the electrical stimulation didn’t inflict any kind of noticeable changes in the patients who didn’t showcase any form of mood symptoms. Rather, they were predominant in the people who did have influencing mood disruptions. This differential evidence did confirm that the same was only effective in the mood related neural circuitry. Vikram Rao, the lead author of the study from the University of California stated that the stimulation of the OFC resulted in the induction of brain activities in the brain regions which were similar to the patterns one experiences when patients naturally tend to experience positive mood states. This resulted in the researchers concluding that OFC is actually the primary centre associated with the treatment of the mood disorders. The entire study was led by Rao along with Kristen Sellers who conducted the entire study in the lab of Dr Edward Chang in which they studied around 25 patients suffering from epilepsy. The patients were made to sit with electrodes places in the brain to note the origin of their seizures. Majority of these patients, as a side effect of their epilepsy, did suffer from depression as well. This was the basis of the study. With the granted permission from each one of the patients, the researchers administered small electrical impulses to the area of the brain associated with the handling of our moods. Following collecting all the records, the researchers simply paid close attention to every single change in the neural and behavioral outputs from the patients.



There have been prior studies focusing on the deep brain stimulation (DBS) for the various mood disorders but the studies did have their fair share of limitations. The success of these stimulations was quite specific on the area of stimulation which did have to be quite specific. The other targets in the brain related to one’s boost in the mood haven’t always produced successful results.

During the study, the researchers used the places electrodes to stimulate the OFC all the while they were noting down the verbal mood reports along with the questionnaire scores. Following the evaluation of the data, it was found that the unilateral stimulation of the lateral OFC was responsible for acute, dose-dependent mood-state improvement in subjects with moderateto-severe baseline depression.

In this new study, the researchers had their sole focus on the stimulation of the OFC. The OFC is believed to be the hub for every kind of mood related circuitry. But, the downside is the fact that this region is one of the least understood parts of the brain.

Upon observing the brain activity, the researchers found that the changes in the neural activity following the stimulation mimicked that of the times when people are naturally in a good mood. Not only does this relay the fact that the bad moods are predominantly dependant on the brain circuitry, it also paved way for evidence that the stimulation of the target brain parts can actually help in immediately improving one’s overall mood.

The lead co-author of the study, Kristen Seller stated that even though the OFC is more of a superficial target, the kind of interconnections that it has is definitely what attracts majority of the attention to this part of the brain. It is associated with emotional processing which was what paved way for more study. This was the primary reason why it paved ways for it being a target for the therapeutic stimulation.


Following the extraction of all these evidences, the researchers are still adamant on the need for more in-depth research on the deep brain stimulation. According to them, it does need more evidence on its possible associated side effects or such. Dr Rao suggests that his end goal is to ensure that he can work to provide a definite treatment for the people suffering from depression.








Is It All To Be In A Relationship


Be Happy In A Relationship?

When he says ‘I Love You’ and she says ‘I Love You Too’ the sky seems all the bluer and the flowers seem to look cheerful and blooming, that’s the magic about being in love. Love is every lasting, but the two parties in love have to keep it sailing well. Chances of sinking and parting ways are always there. However, it all comes down to how the lovers sailing in that ship keep it going.



Relationships are just like the pearls stringing on a thread, a blow can either break it or make it stronger. If you have found each other and for a fact that the two of you make each other feel great and special then the two of you should make an effort to grow old in this relationship by not just ‘staying’ in the relationship but by being ‘happy’ in that relationship.

Love, respect, care and be there for each other so much that the two of you fall in love with each other every single day and know how to fight a 100 times and find one reason to stay together. To help couples get better ideas, here are ways to understand how you can be happy in a relationship and not just be there in a relationship.

Forget The Bitter Moments To Make Sweeter One’s When two like-minded or unlike-minded people are closed together, chances are that they will survive it well and there can be situations wherein they would fight to the core. Moments of difference in opinion and clashes will be a part of the journey. When you are in a relationship, always remember that everything is not going to be perfect, the two of you have to keep in mind that both of you will not be able to get along each and every-time, if you want to be together you must learn to leave behind what happened yesterday by confronting each other and step into a new day with the same love.

Make Transparency The Bible Of Your Relationship It is said that sometimes it is not necessary to say everything to each other because it can form a crack in the relationship. But would you be able to answer to your conscience if you do that? and isn’t it disrespecting the relationship? Keep this in mind. It is okay to hide from your partner when you know that the person at any cost cannot take


it. In rare cases, it is okay to hide. As making love is not the only element in a relationship, in order to build faith and make it strong the two of you must be like mirrors to each other in terms of letting each other know about the worst to the best things happening in your life. When transparency becomes the base of your relationship, no trust issues can ever cause disappointment in your love life.



Do Not Miss On The Little Things It is true that the little things in a relationship can leave behind a happy imprint in your mind and heart. Having said, even if you are old in the relationship it is never too late to do the little things that can keep the flame in your relationship glowing forever. There are several sweet and romantic ways of expressing love to each other, start with giving a big smile and a hug to each other every day, give each other little surprises like leave behind small love notes for each other, play an outdoor or indoor game together, cook each other’s favorite dish, surprise each other by wearing colors that your partner likes, etc. Every day the two of you will be happy in the relationship with all the little things. To collect all thoughts on how to be happy in a relationship and conclude it all, it is essential that the two of you do not take each other for granted just because you know that the two of you are anyways there for each other. That’s not how a relationship should be taken ahead. Do not just be in a relationship but see to it that your efforts for each other make a happy relationship.



Stay Out Of Each Others Personal Space

Love Each Other From The Inside Out

We all have a life of our own besides the circle of relationships we maintain. Even though you have the best of friends and you are extremely close to all your family members, still there is a person in you who wants to be to herself or himself, that’s nothing but the need for personal space.

Yes, you would love each other for the internal and external beauty you both have. No doubt! But if you want to be happy with each other you have to go deeper and love each other despite the flaws.

It is difficult when you are too close to someone to understand when to give each other that personal space, but it is necessary that you both know where to draw the line in terms of giving each other personal space. When you respect each other’s personal space and trust each other blindly you just won’t realize how the magical happiness between the two of you would just grow in time.

If you truly want to be happy in a relationship, you have to accept each other’s flaws with just one thought in mind that you are not perfect either. It is essential to have a motivating factor in life and that can come from appreciating each other for the good you’ll do. Appreciation and acceptance must be there in a relationship to keep each other happy.

To fall in love is easy and to fall out of love can also be easy if a couple is not happy in the relationship. Keep your man and woman with you forever by giving them all the love and importance they deserve!




Men Health Issues That Are Too Common To Pass Up On



SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES Not many people realize this but the phase of 20s is often one of the riskiest times for

on the history as well as the kind of lifestyle one is leading, men are often at a heightened risk of a number of cancers. Younger men have been reported to have heightened risks of skin cancer. This is one of those factors that is not often assessed and seen around during majority of the wellness examinations. In later stages of life, risks of prostate and colon cancer are heightened as well.

to be the number one reason behind the deteriorating condition even more so. It is important for men to have a regular screening for their cholesterol levels from time to time to ensure that you don’t suffer from any downsides all the more.


CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE If the statistics of the American Heart Association are to be considered, they believe that men to contract sexually transmitted infections or diseases. The same is often at a heightened pace if they have multiple sexual partners. The human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the most common one of the all and do have the capability of ending up causing issues with their health, even leading cancers. One of the best ways to protect yourself from this is by opting for preventive measures using condoms.

CANCER The risks of cancer are very profound in men, irrespective of contrary beliefs. Depending


at least 1 in 3 men suffer from some form of cardiovascular disease. This is thus often considered as the most common men health issue. Lack of healthy eating habits and lifestyle has been devoted

Erectile dysfunction in men is more common than you think. Majority of the scientists believe that the condition is mainly prevalent when the patient suffers from two chronic diseases at once. Diseases like diabetes and hypertension together can often end up being the reason behind the same all the more. It is completely futile to try to self treat the problem because that is not accessible. Talking to a professional can provide


MEN HEALTH with a better perspective and outlook on the same.

DIABETES Owing to the fact that men tend to leave their homes and start their career in their

often even underdiagnosed in some of the young men. People suffering from this condition have a rough and hard time in concentrating and staying focused through the process. Disorganization, forgetfulness as well as trouble managing the emotions are often regarded as some of the symptoms. It is important to see necessary help to fight through it without any further negative issues.


constant rise. Psychologists believe that men are often the most underdiagnosed population, especially when it comes down to anxiety and depression.

COPD AND RESPIRATORY DISEASES Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders and just respiratory diseases in general

Mental health issues, especially depression, aren’t technically bound to one 20s, the sudden change and crossover in their lifestyle as well as diet has been found to be the contributing factor to the induction of diabetes in men. Obese men are at a heightened risk of developing diabetes because the weight gain has been correlated with the insulin resistance and such which does end up making the situation worse.

ADHD Also known as Attentiondeficit hyperactive disorder, ADHD is a lot common in men that what you would think of it as. It is very common and


gender type. If the statistics are to be considered, over 6 million people in the United States itself suffer and struggle with depression. Owing to the fact that men are often discourages to talk about such issues, the rate of growth of this is on a

are quite common in men. Owing to the fact that men are more subjected to smoking and tobacco products more than what women would, the same does end up affecting the life expectancy of such individuals too. This increases and heightens the risks associated with lung diseases as well.













Health Tips






Butter Milk Soup With Dill And Peas Introduction to the recipe of a healthy soup : Soups are the best when you do not want to have a heavy meal and at the same time, you want to be healthy by eating something nutritious and light. Green soups denote good health, isn’t that a common psychology we all have? Right? Buttermilk soup with dill and peas blooms your system by keeping it cool and provides effective nutrients to WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019

your body. Dill is amazing as it helps your body fight against unwanted infections and it is a healthy source of fiber, folate, calcium, iron, manganese, and iron. Talking of peas, it cures all the indigestion problems and keeps a check on the blood sugar levels in your body. Apart from this, it has rich nutrients and antioxidants. All in all, this soup is high in fiber, low in carbohydrates and fats. Wow! Sounds healthy and seems scrumptious. Here is how you make this soup! 58

The Ingredients You Will Need 1/2 a cup chicken broth 2 cups peeled peas Spinach - 1 cup Dill - 1 Tbsp Salt - 1/4th Tsp Pepper - 1/8th Tsp Buttermilk - 1/2 a cup Butter - 1 Tsp 1 piece of broccoli

Steps To Make This Soup STEP 1

Advantages of Drinking This Soup All the accumulated heat and toxins in your body would get flushed out because of the buttermilk Peas and Dill are green vegetables that will add up to the nutrients in your body Drinking soup is easier because it seems light. On the other hand, it helps in keeping 59you full for longer.

Take a pan and add peas, spinach, and dill. Stir and saute these vegetables in butter, add salt and pepper while sauteing. Saute all of these for about 8 minutes, STEP 2 You have the vegetables sauteed, let them cool down so that you can go ahead and blend them well. Take a blender, add these vegetables with a little water and make it a paste. STEP 3 You have the paste ready as well. Now add buttermilk to this paste and stir it well.


| MAY 2019


Discover Your New Self With

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) An asana that helps in increasing your strength, flexibility, and balance



Meaning of Trikonasana Sanskrit Meaning 1. Utthita -’extended’ 2. Tri - ‘Three’ 3. Kona - ‘Angle’ 4. Asana - ‘Posture’ Trikonasana is also known as Uttiha Trikonasana. It is classified in two Baddha Trikonasana and Parivrtta Trikonasana. This asana has about 5 sequences while w performed and some of those variations are bound triangle pose, bound revolved triangle pose, revolved triangle pose and reclining triangle pose. This asana focuses on both the upper an lower body equally. Keeps the groin, shoulders, hips, lower back, thighs, knees, ankles, and chest strong. It is considered to be one of the best exercises for pregnant women as well.

Co-relation Of Trikonasana

Spiritual Understanding Of Trikonasana Just as Trikonasana is a three-angled asana, it can be related to a spiritual meaning which means the presence and power of the Almighty. Have you heard of the term Trimurti? As per Hinduism, it means the presence of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and each of these forms take care of the universe. Lord Brahma - The creator Lord Vishnu - The Preserver Lord Shiva - The destroyer The teen murtis are responsible to keep a balance in the universe. Likewise, trikonasana takes care of our body and keeps the mind and body stabilized and balanced. All in all, the manifestation of Trikonasana can be co-related to our health and well being. The number three has its immense power all around.

There is a co-relation of Trikonasana from the ancient times and it has been there in the scriptures as Egyptian pyramids and the significance of three is there in mythology and religion having the significance of power and divinity. In other words, this triangle pose represents stability, grace and a good posture of your body. This asana eases your mind, body, and spirit. In fact, every asana does.




Steps To Do Trikonasana Keep these points in mind before beginning :

left bringing your left hand down holding your leg and lift your right hand up pointing the sky. STEP 4 Exhaling bring our body up and keep your legs and hands stretched. Let your hands be perpendicular to your shoulder.

Before you begin this asana keep in mind to eat your food at least three hours before you begin and take maximum benefit of this asana by doing it as slow as you can

STEP 5 Start to inhale and slowly bend towards your right bringing your right hand down holding your right leg and lift your left hand up pointing the sky.

Ensure to do few other asanas before you go on for this asana to help you successfully complete Trikonasana. Few of those asanas are Vrikshasana, Konasana, and Katichakrasana

Note :

Under few circumstances such as having high or low blood pressure and those with pain in their back must avoid doing this asana. Although this asana is good for pregnant women, one must consult a doctor and do it under the guidance of a well-trained instructor The best time to perform this asana is early in the morning

You have to look up at your hands when you raise them high pointing at the sky Stay in this position for about a minute on both sides and do this asana as slow as you can by inhaling when you go down and exhaling as you come up Stretch on both the sides at least twice This asana will help you stretch well on either side. Starting from your head to toe you will be stretching

STEP 1 Look straight in the front and stretch your legs as much as the width of your shoulders. STEP 2 Stretch your right foot a little more and breathe in by raising both your hands until your shoulders STEP 3 Start to inhale and slowly bend towards your WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019


Pro’s Of This Asana

Aids Better Digestion

The movement of blood passing through your entire body gets better and remains good. The only reason this happens is that you are stretching yourself in the entire asana.

Trikonasana cures all your indigestion and this happens because the stretches of this asana improve and keeps a good balance in your intestines. By chance, if you have any bloating issues it all goes away when you do Trikonasana.

Boosts Strength

Mind Remains Stable

Stress Disappears

Kidneys Function Better

Functions Better Blood Flow

It is said that stretching improves flexibility and when your body gets flexible it is automatic for the strength in the hips, back, thighs, arms and legs to increase. Your overall body strength is taken care of in this asana

This asana is one of the best to help you bring down your stress levels. The cortisol hormone that is responsible for stress is not released much whereas the endorphins hormone that is responsible to make your mood better increases and all your stress just disappear.

No More Anxiety And Blood Pressure Issues

As trikonasana is all got to do with stretching it is suggested by a study that stretching makes your arteries flexible and that helps in keeping your blood pressure in control. It is a fact that exercising for at least 30 minutes a day brings down all our anxiety.

Cuts Down On Fats

As the asana focuses on stretching on your sides all the fat that is accumulated on your 63

thighs and waist just goes down drastically. Keep doing this asana at least 3-4 times a week to see the difference.

Stretching not only makes your body flexible and strong but it also releases hormones to keep your mind balanced and stable. That stability and peace of mind comes because the process of stretching involves focusing your mind on physical activity.

The kidneys in our body are responsible to take out all the wastes from the urine and ensure the smooth flow of blood in the body. Being used to exercising regularly helps the kidney do their task well. Having said, as per National Kidney Function by exercising one gets the benefit of a balance in the blood pressure, better sleep, the cholesterol is in check and the kidneys are less likely to get affected.

Do Trikonasana and reap its mental and physical benefits on your body! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019


Ways To Protect Your Family From



Harmful Molds In Our Homes And Impacting Our Families Health Usually, if a place lacks ventilation and there is too much-suffocating moisture and humidity it gives rise to toxic molds. We must prevent these molds in our home and do all that it takes to never allow it to get back in our homes to ruin our family members health. Molds are omnipresent in the atmosphere and they are commonly found in the dust at home and at the workplace. Earlier it was said that these toxic molds are

not life-threatening but after a while, it all changed and it leads to people having bad allergic reactions. This allergic reaction happens because there are mycotoxins present in them that cause fungal infection. In one of the reports prepared by United States Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, it was said that the mold spores are dangerous if they are too much in quantity and they can cause harmful diseases too.

It is always better to prevent and stay away from it Based on another study, a person who is already having health issues such as asthma, other allergies, and a weak immune system is sure to get affected after inhaling these toxic molds. It is even life taking if the exposure to these molds is for a longer period of time. They are not just harmful to human but they can affect animals as well.

Identify Molds At Home When you see that there is some kind of fungus in the form of minute particles seeped into the walls of your home it is time to work on the walls and have them removed immediately as you want to avoid respiratory issues and other allergies from hitting on your health.




There are different names to these toxic molds and let’s look at each of them one by one. 1 . CLADOSPORIUM MOLD Usually, you will find this toxic mold indoors when walls are getting painted, although it is not toxic and is not lifethreatening at the max it would affect you with allergy if you are sensitive. To be able to identify it, it is a black or green colored fungus.

2. ASPERGILLUS MOLD This mold is usually seen in cases when there is a leakage

at home or in one of the parts of your air conditioner. This triggers if there is too much humidity at home. It can have bad effects on kids, elders and those with low resistance power. You would certainly have allergic reactions with this mold.

3. ALTERNARIA MOLD Alternaria loves to be in the air and not in moist places. It commonly sticks to rugs and

carpets, this fungus is velvety and it should be treated to avoid respiratory concerns for the family members.

4. PENICILLIUM MOLD Penicillium is a known toxic mold that settles on spoilt food. If eaten, it can cause indigestion and lead to other food allergies. The only way to stay away from Penicillium is to just throw away the spoilt food.

Measures To Take To Remove ‘Toxic Molds’ Toxic molds can either be removed manually or someone can be hired to get them removed. You can go for the option that works WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019

best for you. If you manually go ahead to clean it then you will undoubtedly save money but it is not a doddle either because you are in turn

risking your health. Apart from just risking your health, at times the mold spores won’t be at your 66

reach they would be in the extreme ends of the wall and you would not be able to single-handedly clean it up with the mold chemicals and solutions, it is better to have a professional come and work on it before it becomes too

late and your family faces the risk of inhaling the bad mold spores. To be on a safe side, ensure to check on the spores on your walls as well as on the other furniture in your home.

Ensure to use a mask during this entire process. To get to the right person who can help remove the mold get in touch with the mold inspection department and get the walls and furniture cleaned.

Here is what you can do to keep away from the molds Inspect all the water pipes in your home and see to it that even if there is a damage in the pipe you take immediate steps o repair it. As soon as you see a green or black spot on the walls of your home, immediately call the mold inspection team. Get a dehumidifier installed if you think you need one for your home to keep away all the unwanted moisture. For sufficient ventilation all around your home, you have to get used to keeping your windows open once a day for a while and see to it that you have fans and air conditioner in your home so that there is proper air circulation all around your home. If the molds are not too much and they can be cleaned up yourself all you have to do is find mold cleaning products at a hardware store, use detergents that do not have ammonia in them such as borax, baking soda, tea tree oil, bleach, and hydrogen peroxide. These products would not cost a bomb from your pocket and if they are minor molds then why not do it yourself. Some places such as the base of your sink or the cutting boards that go unnoticed and you may not be used to cleaning them well that finally leads to mold spores. Ensure to keep these areas clean with vinegar or baking soda. Be aware of the clothes that you use to clean your dishes and the carpets at home, there could be molds in them as well. The best way to keep them clean is by using baking soda.

Therefore, do not take toxic molds as a joke and ignore them. Ensure to keep your home ventilated and not suffocated with unwanted dampness. As and when you notice there is fungus forming on your wall, furniture or clothes with immediate effect work on it and take good care of every member in the family by saving them from this problem. 67



Quality Sleep

Is Capable Of Cleaning Toxins Off Your Brain Sleep is crucial for our overall wellbeing. It goes without saying that lack of sleep of even people suffering from insomnia tend to have labored well being and an overall affected life. The quality of sleep you have does have impacts on your brain’s cleaning process, if you didn’t know it.



A new study conducted by the researchers from the University of Rochester Medical Centre showcased how one’s depth of sleep has the capability of efficiently cleaning away the harmful toxic proteins and waste out of the brain. Owing to the fact that sleep does come in spurts and a lot disrupted with age, the study also emphasized and extensively explained the links between the lack of sleep with aging, sleep deprivation and even the heightened risks of Alzheimer’s disease.

Maiken Nedergaard, M.D., D.M.Sc., co-director of the Center for Translational Neuromedicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) who is also the lead author of the study stated the sleep is a very important factor when it comes to the function of the waste removal from the brain and the conducted study successfully shows that the better the sleep, the better is the detoxification.

its impacts on the brain detoxification and waste removal was first established in 2012 by Nedergaard and her colleagues. In the study, the team of researchers found that the brain, which had its separate ecosystem, did have a system of plumbing which uses blood vessels and does pump cerebro spinal fluid through the brain to wash away the waste and toxins. They also subsequently found that the entire system was primarily active when we were asleep. In the recently conducted study, the researchers did conduct the experiments on the mice, administering them six different anesthesia regimens. While the mice were under anesthesia, the researchers analysed the brain electrical activity, cardiovascular activity as well as the cleansing flow of the CSF through the brain. On their further analyses, they found that it was the combination of the drugs, ketamine and xylazine which was found to replicate the slow and steady electrical activity in the brain along with the slower heart rate which is characteristic of the non-REM sleep. They also found that the impacts of this drug

He further added that this also does explain how sleep and sleep deprivation can have impacts on the early onset of the age related diseases like Alzheimer’s and Dementia. In this study, the researchers have successfully established the fact that it is the slow and steady cardiopulmonary activity during the non-REM sleep which has important impacts on the overall functioning of the glymphatic system which is responsible for removing waste from the brain. This study was explanatory of why some form of anesthesia does lead to some cognitive impairment in the brain. The presence of the glymphatic system and 69



combination did have the optimal benefits on the glymphatic system in the brain.

Lauren Hablitz, Ph.D., a postdoctoral associate in Nedergaard’s lab who is also the first author of the study stated that the synchronized waves during the neural activity in the brain during sleep especially that of the deep-slow wave sleep along with the firing patterns is what did end up coinciding with the CSF flow in the glymphatic system. Hablitz further stated saying that the chemicals which are involved in the firing of the neurons, the ions, to be more specific, conduct a process of osmosis which is what is responsible in pulling the fluid through the brain tissue altogether. The study, apart from the common grounds of finding the impacts of sleep on the brain cleansing on normal grounds, also did


emphasise on the same functions as we age. Given the fact that it becomes harder to achieve better quality of non-REM sleep as we age, it was possible that the same could be indicative of the heightened risks of Alzheimer’s and Dementia. It is believed that this study could provide with better perspective into understanding and coming up with better clinical approaches encircling the same, like that of sleep therapy for the population at risk. Apart from all of this, the researchers also did find negative impacts of the anesthesia on the brain activity and the glymphatic system activity in the mice. This problem was found to be more in the elderly patients who are subjected to such anesthesia for a surgery and such. Wrapping everything up, deep sleep is associated with potent brain functions and detoxification with the aid of the glymphatic system. The better the sleep, the better is the getting rid of the toxins and waste out of the brain.





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| MAY 2019


Could mRNA be a potent treatment for lung diseases? Lung diseases are diverse and have the potency to risk one’s life too. But, if you are here wondering one can mRNA even rectify the issues and help the affected person lead a healthy life, you are in for a ride.



A new study/invention by the engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created an inhalable form of mRNA which can easily be administered directly to the lungs of the patient to treat their lung conditions like that of cystic fibrosis. Daniel Anderson, an associate professor in MIT’s Department of Chemical Engineering and the senior author of the study stated that the ability to deliver mRNA via the inhalation process can easily help treat a number of problems and diseases associated with the lungs. In the conducted study, the researchers were able successfully produce a healthy amount of a specific bioluminescent protein in the lung cells of the mice. According to the researchers, if the same kind of success can be achieved with the normal therapeutic approaches, the same is expected to create a breakthrough in the treatments of the lung diseases. The lead author of the study, Asha Patel, who is also an assistant professor in the Imperial College, London was the one who initially proposed the idea to opt for an aerosol model for the treatment which did turn out to be fruitful.

Using inhalation process for the treatment The unique and the essential function of the messenger RNA is the fact that it helps stimulate the cells to produce target


proteins. This specific criteria has been used by a number of scientists to successful create genetic changes for an overall better approach to the treatment. Owing to the fact that the mRNA easily gets broken down in the body, it needs a carrier protein to take it to the site of action. In this study, the researchers wanted to produce an aerosol form of the mRNA which would allow the mRNA to be administered directly to the lungs. This ideology came from the aerosol spray and inhalers that are often used to treat the condition of hyperventilation and asthma. With that aside, the main approach and goal of the team of researchers was to find a way to stabilize the mRNA while it is administered to the lungs. In some prior studies, the usage of polyethylenimine (PIE) has been quite predominant while the delivering of DNA to



the lungs. The only side effect of this carrier is the fact that it doesn’t break down easily which can get accumulated on consistent administration and cause side effects. In order to overcome these shortcomings, the researchers opted for hyperbranched poly (beta amino esters) which is a positively charged polymer and are easily biodegradable. Following that, the team of researchers created spheres consisting of a mixture of not just the polymers but the mRNA molecules as well which were subjected to encoding luciferase which is a bioluminescent protein. The researchers then suspended these particles in droplets and administered the same to the mice via a nebulizer. Patel clarified stating that the inhalation process is possibly the easiest of them all when it does come to the administration of the medicine and the reaction of it in the lungs. Upon the dispersal of the particles in the lungs, they got instructed to finally produce the protein as per the mRNA instructs it to. Following 24 hours of the administration of the aerosol, the researchers found a steady presence of the bioluminescent protein in WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2019

the lungs of the mice which gradually fell down in the ratio once the mRNA started clearing out from the lungs. The researchers were able to maintain a steady level of the protein in the lungs with the administration of repeated doses of the aerosol.

Further analysis Even further and in-depth analysis of the lungs found that the produced protein was predominantly taken up by the five lobes of the lungs, mainly focusing along the line of the lung surfaces. These cells are often associated with that of cystic fibrosis which was what paved way for the researchers to believe that this form of treatment would be essentially beneficial for patients suffering from cystic fibrosis. Patel further stated saying that since the nanoparticles can be freezed, the same could actually be administered via the inhaler as well instead of aerosol which is believed to make this an even better process. She is working on a further analysis of the usage of the mRNA therapies in the treatment of the lung diseases in her lab at the Imperial College, London. The study has been partially funded by TranslateBio which is a company dedicated to producing mRNA therapeutics. 74



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