HealthSpectra Magazine October 2019

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Time Pressure

People Tell Us What We Want To Hear WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM



HERGAMUT All about her..

Hergamut is all about providing valid information about women and works to spread happiness in women and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.



Editor Note We are delighted to be back with yet another edition of the HealthSpectra magazine highlighting the importance of time pressure in the cover story. We have also covered some important insights about mental health and shared some details about the significance of mushrooms and prostate cancer. In addition to that, we have also share some information regarding the best vegetables to eat for weight loss and the herbs that prevent cancer induction. You can get better understanding about the ways to maintain a healthy relationship and some latest researchers in the field of health. We hope you like reading through the articles as much as we loved writing it. Make sure to share some of your valuable reviews and comments for us to work on.

Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Somapika, Soumya, Lopa, Ramya, Neha


Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


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October 2019 06


VO L 1 | ISSUE 10

HEALTH Addressing your mental health is important


Turmeric Powder For Good Skin


12 WOMEN HEALTH 6 Sure Ways To Keep The Uterus Healthy


6 Vegetables For Weight Loss - Stay Healthy!


Time Pressure - People Tell Us What We Want To Hear


New non-invasive procedures for Type-2 Diabetes


Lose Weight Without Exercising. 5 Psychological Knacks!



12 Useful Benefits of Pomegranate A Health Booster!



Tips To Bounce Over Guilt. Stop Sulking! 4

52 44 ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE Important herbs in Ayurveda that can reduce risks of cancer


Petting Dogs And Cats Can Reduce Stress, Study Suggests


10 Bonus Points To Keep Your Relationship Healthy


Eating mushrooms can lower the risks of prostate cancer

58 HEALTHY RECIPIE Soy Bread Toast And Mint Chutney


Halasana Learn The Benefits, Steps, And Contradictions


Having a partner may reduce pain, new study unveils


5 Drawback About Eating A Heavy And Late Dinner


68 5

New test diagnoses Lyme Disease within 15 minutes



Addressing your mental health is important One of the primary reasons why people struggle through with mental health is because of the lack of potent awareness surrounding it. With so many impactful changes that we are experiencing time and time, it is necessary that one takes care of them mental health just as much as their physical health. The lack of the same is what primarily ends up making it harder for us to manage things around. The stigma around mental health is one of the primary reasons people fail to address the problems that they are struggling through


on a daily basis. It is actually very important to ensure that one focuses on the subdued behavior and address that your mental health needs

tending to. If you don’t acknowledge that you need help, there is absolutely nothing that 6

can set things straight for you. If not for more, just focus on getting better for yourself. Many people do have the misconception that they need to get better for others. This is where you need to draw the line. Your mental health is your own priority. Getting better should always be for yourself and for no one else.

can be done to reverse the long term impacts. It is thus very important that the first step that you need to take is to address that you need help all along. The moment you do so, the rest of the problems will more likely fall into place. When you know that you need help, it does become a lot easier for you to handle the shortcomings and seek the professional help that 7

The moment you realize that, breaking through the stigma does become a lot easier. The lack of awareness around mental health and seeking help is one of the primary reasons why people do fail to understand what they are feeling is wrong and how they can change that for the good. You need professional help, get it.

Don’t enclose your mind thinking that seeing a therapist is signs of “being crazy”. That is not the case, for the most part. If you need help, you need to get it before it starts affecting the people around you. Focusing on your own mental health shouldn’t

come off as a secondary priority because that can in turn affect your own physical health as well, without you knowing and understanding. This is the primary reason why majority of the people struggling with mental health issues tend to face difficulty in opening up about their struggles. If you are constantly facing issues with your own thoughts and demons, there is nothing wrong in talking it out with someone you trust, if not for a therapist. This can actually solve more than half of the problems. Acknowledgement is the very first step to getting better. Once you start your process of recovery, focus on spreading awareness surrounding the need for awareness so it’s a lot easier for you to handle the circumstances and be a pillar of hope for someone else in the same position as you.



Turmeric Powder For

Good Skin Do Good To Your Hair And Skin! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019

Most of us love to have clear and glowing skin, it boosts our confidence and gives immense happiness. If you use turmeric on your skin, you need not take the pain to go to a salon and get a facial done.


Turmeric is considered pure and auspicious. Besides being advantageous to the skin and hair, it is one of the sources that drive out negative energy.

Properties Of Turmeric Powder You will be pleased to know about the essential properties in turmeric, take a look Oleratic Anti-cancerous Anti-hepatotoxic Spasmolytic Cytotoxic Anti-diabetic Anti-viral Anti-bacterial Anti-rheumatic Anti-microbial Hypocholestremic Anti-inflammatory Antioxidant Therefore, turmeric powder is a skin healer as well as one of the best method of beauty treatment. 9

Is It Effective? Well - Having looked at its properties, there is no doubt about how effective it is. Further, quickly look through how is it effective By applying turmeric powder to your wounds, you are improving its healing effects It helps in keeping your skin away from damage and doesn’t let it tear. It keeps eczema and psoriasis away from your skin Your skin gets flawless and any scars on your skin disappear within no time If you have dark circles then turmeric powder helps with healing it faster It enhances the glow on your skin Turmeric is commonly used in India for years now. However, in the western countries, it is still picking up with regards to looking at it as a method of treatment

Good In Using Turmeric Powder 1



BEAUTY Turmeric powder is known to lighten your skin because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The two of these powerful agents work as a team to make turmeric effective on your skin.


Whenever you think you need to pamper your skin and add a little shine to it, you should simply apply turmeric powder on your skin, you will see the way it changes the color of your skin.

Being consistent with using turmeric powder helps with taking the good care of your skin and instantly heals psoriasis.


1. Take half a bowl turmeric powder

1. You will need to take 1/2 a cup of milk and 4-5 tsp turmeric powder.

2. To this, add two cups of water

2. Give the mixture a good stir. 3. Take a brush, dip it in this mixture and start to apply it on your skin, avoid applying it around your eyes. 4. Leave this paste for about 20 minutes, pull out a piece of cotton, dip it in rose water and clean the dried turmeric powder from your skin. 5. Wash your face with Luke warm water.

2 IT HEALS PSORIASIS Your skin tends to crack and bleed when it is affected by Psoriasis. That said, this disease targets the skin cells and ends up causing WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019

Turmeric powder works as an effective medicine and a few of its compounds and enzymes help with getting rid of the dull and patchy skin.


3. Give this mixture a stir and heat it up for a few minutes

As you know that acne goes away because of the antiinflammatory properties. However, all thanks to the anti-bacterial properties as well. Interestingly, studies have found a way to treat acne by combining lauric acid and turmeric powder. This is applicable when it is not the hormones but the bacteria that has caused the acne on your skin. HOW TO USE IT ON YOUR SKIN? Take a look at the ingredients and choose one of the best ingredients to mix with turmeric powder and use it on your skin

4. Let this paste cool down for a while


5. Take a brush, dip it into this paste and apply it on the affected area

Apple cider vinegar

6. Leave it overnight

Aloe Vera

7. Wash it with lukewarm water in the morning

Any essential Oil



Hormones aren’t in your control, they act weird on your skin and you have to let it be. But wait! You have turmeric powder to help you on that, as it works on fading scars on your skin.


1. Mix one of them in turmeric and if needed add some water to make it the right consistency that can be applied on your skin. 2. Take a brush, dip it in this paste and apply it all over your skin, keep it away from the eye area. 3. Leave this paste for about 30 minutes, take a piece of 10

cotton, dip it in a few drops of rose water and start to remove the dried turmeric powder. 4. Wash your face with lukewarm water and then apply a moisturizer. FROM UV 4 PROTECTION RAYS Turmeric powder acts as a barrier and has the capacity to repair and save your skin from UV rays and to a maximum extent prevents aging. WHAT DO UV RAYS DO TO YOUR SKIN? UV rays are good for your skin until they can provide the Vitamin D you need. Contrarily, too much of it causes hyperpigmentation, sunburns, spots, and wrinkles. UV rays can never be your skin’s ally. To further study about this, there was a study conducted to test signs of aging on rat’s skin. The result was positive and it is true that sun rays cause early aging. HOW DOES TURMERIC DEAL WITH THIS? The presence of antiinflammatory and antioxidants shields your skin from all the harsh pollutants and external factors, apart from adding radiance to your skin, it helps it become 11

smooth by improving the skin’s elasticity. There is an enzyme named elastase, this does nothing good for your skin and only ends up damaging it. Turmeric acts as a support system and improves the quality of your skin by boosting its elasticity. HOW TO USE IT ON YOUR SKIN? 1. Take 1/2 a piece Aloe Vera and scrap out its gel. 2. Mix 2 tsp turmeric powder in the aloe Vera gel. Give it a thorough stir. 3. Take a brush, dip it in this gel and apply it on your face. Avoid applying it around the eye areas. 4. Leave it for about 20 minutes and wash your face with Luke warm water.

5 INVIGORATES COLLAGEN Collagen plays a vital role in making your skin good, right from keeping it youthful to making it soft. Although turmeric might not be the only contributor to improve collagen in your skin, it is certainly one of the factors that help produce new skin cells faster.

skin are kept alive. HOW TO USE IT ON YOUR SKIN? 1. Take 1 tsp gelatin powder and 2 tsp turmeric powder, to this, add a little water and stir this mixture. 2. Take a brush, dip it in this paste and apply it on your face. Avoid applying it around your eyes. 3. Let this mixture stay on your skin for about 20 minutes and then wash it with Luke warm water. In conclusion, turmeric powder is an effective remedy with regards to improving your skin and healing it from problems. Turmeric powder can be mixed with rose water, gelatin powder, apple cider vinegar, and other essential oils to be even more effective on your skin. One can take the good from turmeric powder even by adding a spoon of it in milk. It relieves cold, cough and keeps energizes your body. You can use turmeric powder as a toner or face mask. Either way, it is going to benefit you.

Thus, use turmeric powder to see to it that the elasticity and youthfulness in your WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019

6 Sure Ways To Keep The Uterus Healthy You are sure to feel happy from the inside if your uterus is doing well! Be super-nice to your uterus!

Women are fortunate to be blessed with a uterus as it can help one know the true identity of motherhood. At the same time, with pleasure comes pain and here it is, bloating, periods cramps, constipation, blood in the urine and the list will go on if you don’t pamper and care for your uterus.



Take a look at effective ways that will keep your uterus healthy! Master the tips and stay healthy! No 1 - Consume Effective Vitamins

Leafy vegetables aren’t bad, you will just relish the taste of kale, swiss, chard and spinach leaves. What’s merrier is the fact that it is healthy and if you can replace leafy vegetables to red meat nothing like it.

You need to include essential nutrients such as yogurt, cereals, milk, fishes and citrus fruits in your diet. Make sure to take your daily Vitamin of not less than 600UI’s a day.


Taking enough vitamins can stop fibroid cells from expanding too much in your uterus. When these fibroids expand, it causes severe pain in the uterus. It has been studied that women who take enough vitamins are less prone to get fibroids when compared to those who don’t take Vitamins.

An observation made by a study says women who added more of leafy vegetables to their diet are at a lower probability to have fibroids or uterine cancer when compared to the ones who depended on red meat. It is essential for women to eat at least 1 and 1/2 cups of leafy vegetables every day.

No 2 - Leafy Vegetables Are Healthy

No 3 - Stay Conscious About Your Weight

It is okay if you don’t want to go that extra mile to work on your weight. However, if the question or risk arises on your uterus, then you need to pull up your socks. You must do your best and not let your BMI go beyond 25 if you want to bring down the risk of an unhealthy and complicated uterus. It has been studies that 34 percent of the risk of having uterine cancer comes down if you keep yourself engaged with a physical activity. You should understand that being overweight comes with a set of the following problems l Fat tissues excessively increases estrogen l High estrogen can lead



to cancerous tumors and fibroids l High estrogen can lead to insulin which is not good

No 4 - Big No No To Sexual Intimacy With Multiple Partners

If you want to avoid vaginal infections and pelvic inflammations, you should avoid having sex with too many people. These problems are bad and unhealthy for your uterus. Pelvic inflammations carries bacteria from your vagina and then to your Fallopian tube leaving your uterus to deal with the circumstances.

No 5 - Make Omega-3 fatty Acid A Part of Your Diet


By eating food rich in omega-3 fatty acids you are reducing the possibility of having pain in the uterus. Have you heard of the hormone prostaglandin? This hormone takes care of the process of contraction in your uterus and this is a necessary process otherwise you can suffer blood clots in your uterus. If the Prostaglandin is not secreted, it will not trigger a smooth contraction in the uterus and this can make your uterus become hard and increase pain during periods. Thus, omega-3 fatty acids monitors the hormone and improves its functioning. You can eat fish and include flax-seed oil in your diet. All in all, these were 5 tips to keep your uterus healthy. It all comes down to leading a good lifestyle and consuming all the noteworthy nutrients.


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Putting on weight to stay healthy creates a good transformation in your body. On the other hand, being overweight is unhealthy and at the same time, it isn’t something you would appreciate much or feel great about. Managing weight is important to avoid health complications in the future. That said, there are certain vegetables that will help you lose weight drastically.


If you are not too fond of vegetables, start liking them because they are brilliant for the body. Apart from helping you lose weight, they fill up several other nutrients in your body. You should be motivated to eat vegetables as they pump up the nutritional level in your body and at the same time helps with making you feel energized.



Read through this article to glance through a list of vegetables that are best suited for losing weight Top Vegetables That Can Help You Lose Weight See It All!


NUTRIENTS AND BENEFITS Take a look at the benefits of each nutrient 1) Potassium - Keeps a track on the electrical activity of the heart and muscles.

WHY FOR WEIGHT LOSS? 1. Cauliflower is an effective weigh loss vegetable because of the presence of phytochemicals. 2. These phytochemicals are filled with effective compounds that are present in fruits too. 3. They help with improving metabolism in the body, keeps the body away from several diseases and work on reducing any sort of bloating in the body. 4. Oxidative stress in the body leads to obesity, if your body gets enough phytochemicals through fruits and vegetables, it can


help the body fight through this situation.

2) Folate - Your body needs folate to develop the DNA cells. 3) Vitamins - Filling your body with enough vitamins helps with healing wounds and repairing damaged cells. 4) Pantothenic Acid Pantothenic acid compiles nutrients and converts them into energy.

No 2 MUSHROOMS WHY FOR WEIGHT LOSS? 1. It keeps the body’s blood sugar levels in control. 2. It is a boosting food that improves the metabolism in your body.


3. As mushroom helps in keeping the glucose levels in control, it is one of the strong points to keep away from obesity.

WHY FOR WEIGHT LOSS? 1. It has a low caloric value. 2. It is a great vegetable and takes care of your skin, hair, and bones. 3. Spinach is rich in water and fiber, this is what makes it one of the super-food for weight loss.

3.Iron - It improves the hemoglobin levels in your body. 4.Calcium - Calcium helps with energizing your bones and muscles.


NUTRIENTS AND BENEFITS 4. Mushroom has the ability to fight against cancer. Nutrients and Benefits Take a look at the benefit of each nutrient


1) Vitamins - It improves your body’s immunity. 2) Selenium - It keeps the body away from inflammation.

Take a look at the benefit of each nutrient

3) Copper - It is a healthy nutrient that improves red blood cells in your body.

1)Carbs - Carbs contain enough fiber, this helps with repairing the skin cells.

4) Potassium - It takes care of bone density.

2.Plant compounds - These compounds improve eye health, heart health and keep the body away from inflammation.


You should not think twice about considering pumpkin as an apt vegetable for weight loss, for it is filled with fiber and has fewer calories. You will see quick results with regards to losing weight. This vegetable helps in keeping your stomach full for long. This, in turn, helps to keep your body away from



unnecessary cravings.

from your kidney.

The presence of antioxidants and minerals helps with increasing the chances of weight loss.




Take a look at the benefit of each nutrient

1. The presence of capsaicin makes chilies an effective vegetable in terms of losing extra calories.

1. Manganese - It is important for the functioning of the brain and nerves. 2. Riboflavin - It enables your body to use better oxygen and convert all the nutrients to energy. 3.Magnesium - This nutrient benefits your body by

2. Red chilies are considered good with improving the metabolism and if the metabolism increases it means you found an easy path to lose weight quickly.

NUTRIENTS AND BENEFITS Take a look at the benefit of each nutrient 1. Copper - It helps with strengthening your bones and pumps up neuron health.

improving rhythm.



4.Phosphorous - It is a filtering out nutrient, helps with removing the waste


4. Lutein - This nutrient invigorates eye-health.

No 6 CARROTS WHY FOR WEIGHT LOSS? 1) The reason carrots are effective in helping you lose weight is because they have fewer calories. 2) The presence of betacarotene in carrots makes it a fiber-rich food. This is one of the sources of Vitamin-A.

2. Vitamins - It improves your body’s immunity.

3) Retinoids are formed after Vitamin-A is converted. Vitamin A is known to reduce belly fat and brings down the chances of obesity.

3. Ferulic acid - Saves your body from being affected by chronic diseases.

NUTRIENTS AND BENEFITS Take a look at the benefit of


each nutrient 1. Fiber - Enables better digestion. 2. Potassium - Protects the body from osteoporosis and several other strokes. 3. Antioxidants - Shield all the skin cells from any form of damage. 4. Zinc - This nutrient helps a baby grow well in the womb. Al in all, eat all of these vegetables like salads, in the main-course or drink their soup. Either ways, the main idea is that it should reach your body and help you lose all the unwanted fats that can ruin the shape of your body and put you through several diseases. Don’t wait for the right time, start to eat vegetables as quick as you can. They are quite effective and not as bad as you think, start eating them and you should be all slim and trim.




Time Pressure People Tell Us What We Want To Hear -

When people are asked things and questions under pressure, they are more likely going to answer something that’s predominantly socially acceptable and desirable than what they think is the actual truth or the honest answer for that. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019


In a conducted study by the researchers from the Association of Psychological Science, they found that when the people are asked something on impulse and out of the blue with projected pressure, they


are more likely going to end up answering something to please the other person rather than being honest. The findings of the study raise salient questions against the prospects of the

time honoured experimental techniques as mentioned by John Protzko, a University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) cognitive scientist who is also the co-lead author of the study.


COVER STORY Protzko said that the method of nothing thinking and answering on the spot is one of the long staple when it comes to the psychological sciences. But, among them all, the one thing that it is definitely doing is making people lie about things and say desirable things to please the person opposite them. What the results mean is the fact that the researchers do have to revisit the interpretation of a number of already existing findings under the “answer quickly� technique. According to the researchers, they believe that we have a divided mind which comprises of three distinct parts, the intuitive one, the animalistic one and the rational one. The rational part of the mind is more subjected to the constraining lower order mind as well. When we ask someone a question on the spot and on a random, they are more


likely going to end up gaining access to the lower order mind. A group of researchers including Protzko, Zedelius and their UCSB colleague Jonathan Schooler wanted to test this out and they did so with the 10 simple yes or no questions. The respondents in the study were asked to take less than 11 seconds for each of the questions. Following the completion of the test, the researchers found that the fast answering group was more likely to give some of the standard socially desirable answers in comparison to the slow answer givers. The next step through with this study was to find whether or not the respondents are more likely to give socially desirable results because them find them to be genuine virtuous or is it because of the time pressure. The researchers did have

another set group answer some of the questions under varying time restrictions instead of strict and standard one. Following that, the participants were also subjected to answering some of the social judgement task which have been specifically designed to assess the morally good and the bad behaviour of the individuals and their true self. The ones that scored a lesser value on the good true self bias scale was less likely to give socially desirable answers when subjected to time pressure. On the contrary, the ones who scored high on the good true self bias scale were more likely to give socially desirable answers instead. In simple words, time pressure doesn’t bring out the actual answers and replies around from the people. It is thus important that people take time to first give time to sort things out and then find better ways to assess the replies included.





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| OCTOBER 2019


New non-invasive procedures for

Type-2 Diabetes

Diabetes is one of those hereditary diseases that does end up affecting one’s overall well being. With the increased successions of the risks of the diseases, researchers are working on better and improved treatment options for better recovery. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019


A new study conducted by the researchers from the King’s College, London has found a newly tested out medical device, Sleeveballoon which has beneficial impacts like that in the bariatric surgery, helping in managing one’s body weight, fatty liver and even the condition of management of diabetes. The Sleeveballoon is a new non-invasive procedure which includes a balloon that’s combined to a sleeve that covers through the initial parts of the small intestine. The device is inserted into the stomach as well as the bowel with the help of a minimally invasive procedure performed under general anesthesia. For this specific study, the researchers compared the impacts of the sleeveballoon along with the traditional bariatric surgery on 30 rodents who were kept on a high fat diet. The same was also compared to that of the sham operated rats, it was found that the new device did end up reducing the food intake in the rodents by 60% which further resulted in reducing the overall fat mass by 57%. The striking part was the fact


that this ended up affecting the blood glucose levels too, making the same drop by 65%.

Professor Geltrude Mingrone from King’s College London, who is the lead author of the study said that the gastric bypass surgery is one of the most effective forms of treatment for obesity as well as the type-2 diabetes. But, the problem is that only around 1% of those patients undergo the much needed surgery and often do opt for the less invasive procedures to be done on them. The researchers also did find that the metabolic effects of the Sleeveballoon device are a lot similar to those of the gastric bypass surgery

but have been found to have a lot of more benefits in comparison to the traditional procedure. In both the conditions, the insulin sensitivity as well as the heart functions improved. The one downside with the gastric surgery is the fact that the same ends up causing rapid rise in the blood glucose levels which can later lead to hypoglycemia. The sleeveballoon on the other hand helps in slowing down the process of digestion, thus maintaining a steady impact on the blood glucose levels in the body. This further helps manage the appetite and hunger and even ensuring that the person is satiated for a longer time period. The only catch with this is that the device needs to be removed within six to twelve months of its installation. The teams of researchers are finding better ways to test this device out to witness how well it implements on with the other available options. It also helps reduce weight which is yet another one of the best ways to manage Type-2 diabetes.



Lose Weight Without Exercising 5 Psychological Knacks!

You Don’t Need A Treadmill! You Need Tricks To Lose Weight! “ WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019


Shedding off excess pounds without cycling and crunching’ - Well, don’t you think this is like a dream come true? You should start believing that this dream will turn real if you follow certain tips, yes, you heard it loud and right, there are ways to lose weight without having to move your body much.

Grab this opportunity and be smart with following weight loss tips without exercise. Take a look!

No 1 - Your Solution Is In The Mess

Well, this is going to be interesting and it has a psychological meaning to it. As per the rules you are supposed to focus on food in order to exactly estimate you are eating, right?

When you are following the rule, you will never understand the need to keep a control of what you are eating and when you mess the whole place with too much food then it strikes to you that you need to control excessive eating. Thus, the reverse psycology works !

No 2 - Have A Thin And Fat Friend

What if you were told to break that monotony of watching what you are eating? This truly works! 29



Psychologically if you look at it, motivation comes from people and especially the one’s you spend most of your time with. Unintentionally or intentionally, you are motivated by people you are with. That being said, if you are healthy, doesn’t mean that you need to hang out with the healthy one’s only, when you look at your skinny friends, it could light you up to lose weight, even a study says the same. In the end, it is not alone looking at a skinnier person that will help you lose, but, if your friends are there to pump you up, nothing like it.

No 3 Chewing Signals The Brain

Did you know that how you choose accordingly passes


on a message to your brain. That being said, when you chew slowly your brain gets a signal of how much you are eating and will accordingly indicate to you about when to stop. By chewing slowly the chances of you getting obese is the least.

No 4 Lighting Impacts Your Diet

Well, several psychological tricks come to use when you don’t want to choose exercising as an option to lose weight. Having said that, avoid eating where there is less light, while your focus has to be on the food you eat to control weight, say goodbye to all the dim lights in your dining area.

No 5 - Get Away From The Mess In Your Kitchen

You will get to see all of those love handles and accumulated fats if you continue eating in your kitchen that is anything but a mess. To be assured, it has even been studied that a person is probable to eat more than required if he/she eats in a messy kitchen, so the best option is to always be organized with regards to cleanliness in your kitchen. Now you got a gist of how to lose weight without exercising, would you like to try them, see how it works! Manage These Knacks To Manage Your Weight!


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Benefits of Pomegranate 12 Useful A Health Booster! What’s the first thought that comes to your mind when you think of pomegranates? Possibly you think of the little red seeds to be juicy and tasty.



It must be quite a hydrating source of fruit that must be satisfying your taste buds if you like sweetness floating in your mouth. Additionally, pomegranate is a nutritious fruit. It is good for your hair, skin, and body directly or indirectly. You should know about all the good it does to your body. Take a look!

Essential Nutrients In Pomegranate It is nice to have a count of the nutrients present in pomegranate so that you know the number of nutrients you are consuming. Take a look! It has about 12% potassium It is filled with about 16% folate It is the king of Vitamins. Comprises of 30 percent Vitamin C and 36 percent Vitamin K Potassium is about 12% It has a minimum protein of about 3 percent All in all, it is the best Vitamin fruit. Pomegranate is known to be a good superfood too. Perks Of Consuming Pomegranate - You Will Love It! Read through the health benefits of pomegranate and make up your mind to add pomegranate to your diet at least two times a week. Glance through its mentioned below benefits




1 - Shield To Your Skin

effective in fighting against cancer cells.

WHAT DOES IT DO? While it is still being studied that eating pomegranate can reduce the risk of colon, prostate and breast cancer.

It is a shield to your skin because it comprises of antioxidants. Antioxidants have polyphenols that rake good care of your skin.

It is relatable that pomegranate can help with getting rid of breast cancer because the phytochemicals present in this fruit reduces the chances for breast cancer.

Helps in weight loss

Helps in improving your eyesight

Fights Against Cancer Cells A pack of all the nutrients in pomegranate makes it


It is a source of strength that helps with improving the way cells and tissues work in the body. It boosts collagen that is vital for good skin health It takes care of your bones and teeth

All in all, you should eat pomegranates because it caters to several body needs.

Antioxidants save your skin from skin damage

Keeps your body away from oxidative stress


Improves your immunity


Boosts heart health and metabolism

Pomegranates fill your body with Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient to bring an improvement in your skin, hair, and body.

Additionally, this fruit consists of an enzyme named aromatase that helps with increasing estrogen levels in the body.

Benefits Your Body With Vitamin C

Boosts Your Memory The reason pomegranates help with boosting your memory is because of the presence of polyphenols. There have been several studies on how is pomegranate effective for memory.

WHAT DOES IT DO? There was research performed on pomegranate


Reduces the Risk Of Arthritis

to ascertain if it helps with improving memory and it was found that this juice is helpful to keep away Alzheimer’s and helps with improving listening skills.

Pomegranates are known to reduce the risk of arthritis because of the presence of flavonols. This flavonol helps in controlling any kind of inflammation in the cartilages.

WHAT DOES IT DO? Pomegranate juice helps with keeping all your arteries and veins in a good condition.

Makes The Digestive System Work Well WHAT DOES IT DO? Here is how pomegranate takes care of Arthritis problems

The reason pomegranate juice aids digestion is because of the presence of antioxidants and antiinflammatory properties.

WHAT DOES IT DO? These properties work on the immune system and aid better digestion.

It decreases all the chances of having arthritis because it has fewer fats and sodium. It is packed with nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

Thus, when there are no issues with the arteries, the blood flow is smooth and this way you would never experience any blockages in the heart.

Makes Your Hair Beautiful

Its anti-inflammatory properties help with fighting against inflammation in the bones.

Keeps Your Heart Healthy The


juice is good for heart health is that it helps with better blood circulation and saves you from heart diseases.


Pomegranate is known to make your hair beautiful



NUTRITION & DIET because of the presence of nutrients like folate and vitamins. Folic acid is known to strengthen your hair follicles and vitamin E helps get your hair rid of all the oxidative stress.

WHAT DOES IT DO? This is what pomegranate juice does for your hair. Take a look! Improves scalp health Eliminates frizzy hair and aims at making your hair smooth

There are three reasons as to why pomegranate juice would help with treating diabetes It has effective compounds It contains anti-diabetic properties

It keeps your teeth away from bacterial infection

Helps Lose Weight

It is filled with polyphenols

WHAT DOES IT DO? The natural sugars present in pomegranate is healthy for the body and it does no harm.

Strengthens Teeth

It has the ability to make all the gray hair black It is a natural conditioner and moisturizer to your hair

As you are aware that pomegranate is filled with fiber. Fiber helps with keeping your stomach full and away from unnecessary cravings. Therefore, pomegranate is a great fruit that aids weight loss.


It helps getting rid of entangled hair

Treats Diabetes

It improves gum and teeth health

The reason pomegranate has positive effects on your teeth is that it is filled with anti-microbial properties.

WHAT DOES IT DO? Here is how pomegranate contributes to your teeth

Pomegranates help you burn the excess fats in your body and it keeps you away from the risk of getting obese. Thus, it is one of the best fruit that helps with managing weight.

Good For Women Health This fruit is proved amazing



in taking care of a woman’s health. Take a look at its effective properties


Take a look at how this juice helps women The presence of folic acid in this fruit helps with shielding a woman’s placenta. This fruit has antimicrobial properties that help with keeping women away from any kind of infection in the urinary tract.

Pomegranate juice is good for women during pregnancy and when she has periods.


This fruit is useful even after pregnancy when a woman is breast-feeding. It helps to keep the blood

pure and a baby can benefits from the essential nutrients in the mother’s body. In a nutshell, you should add pomegranates to your diet and enjoy its nutritional benefits that do great to your body, skin, and hair. More or less if you make an observation, pomegranate juice solves half of your problems such as maintaining body weight, saving you from several diseases or improving either your skin or hair.



Tips To Bounce Over

Guilt. Stop Sulking!



None of us live in complete perfection and lead a life without committing sins. Isn’t it? So why feel terrible?

Conserve your energy and be easy with yourself! It is a simple mantra to understand, the more we make mistakes the more we are learning. That said, it doesn’t mean that we get encouraged to repeat those mistakes time and again and end up in the same pitfall. Have you been there feeling extremely guilty about your actions? Most of us go through that feeling at least once in a lifetime and it is terrible unless you learn how to cope up.

What Does Guilt Do? Do you realize that the guilt you carry in your


heart has a positive and negative impact on you. Reason being, it teaches you as well as disturbs your mind at the same time. The good about guilt is that you see a reflection of your mistakes and get to acknowledge them. The bad about feeling guilty is that you end up beating yourself more than you deserve. Now you understand how it works.

Why does one feel guilty? For the most part, we feel guilty when we end up performing actions that end up hurting our conscience, the people who


LIVE LIVEHAPPY HAPPY mean the world to us and the ones who are innocent. That said, a lot of times we end up feeling guilty for not standing up to our own word or decisions that we make for ourselves. For instance, you would have planned to wake up early and use your time productively but it turns out that you don’t wake up and your idea just remains that way. Likewise, little guilty feelings can consume our minds too much and we need to figure out and work around it rather than feeling terrible. Take a look at some tips to relieve you from the burden of guilt

Tip 1 - Don’t Prolong Feeling Bad

Tip 2 - Ask For Forgiveness

When you make a mistake and acknowledge within yourself, just go ahead and ask for forgiveness. It will make you feel better. That said, don’t let your ego take over in this situation, confess your mistake and stay calm to be ready for the consequence. You must explain as to why you performed the action but don’t get hurt if you are not forgiven immediately because the pain on the receiving end must not be easy either.

Tip 3 - Deal With Your Emotions One At A Time There is no exception or buttering to the mistakes you commit but you need to put an end to stop feeling bad. Yes, you might have said hurtful things to your parents or broke a rule in your life. But how long would you hold on to that painful emotion and stay stuck? At some point, you will need to breakthrough. Isn’t it?

When you are guilty there would be a turmoil in your heart and negative emotions oozing out. That being said, its already a tough phase so don’t rush into dealing with things. One by one sort out your issues.

Therefore, don’t stop yourself from feeling bad but don’t prolong how you feel.

It is necessary you know how to keep a balance so that you don’t make it worse for yourself any further.



Tip 4 - Don’t Judge Yourself

Love can heal pain, even if you find it an insane idea at the moment you must just do it to get back to normal.

Tip 6 - Have An Outlet To The Struggle It is common for most of us to think bad about ourselves when we do something wrong. However, it would not be right to judge and bad mouth your own-self. You know deep down you are not as bad as you think. You should know yourself the best, making a couple of mistakes doesn’t give you a right to think ill of yourself. Beat yourself up only for the fault not for everything you do.

Tip 5 - Show Some Love To Yourself

While you might not be in a mood to be compassionate and loving with yourself, you got to do it to feel better. Go for a movie, sit at the beach or lake, go for a vacation or maybe push yourself out and have a cup of coffee. You deserve this kind of self-love after going through too much. 41

When you are going through too much on your plate it is best to just let it out. You either write it down in a diary or talk to your friend about everything you feel. It is necessary to do this so that you don’t feel suppressed and suffocated with bottled up painful emotions. While you are penning down or sharing it with a friend, be sure to say it all out. Don’t hide anything that you feel.

Tip 7 - Cultivate Positive Thoughts

You need to start thinking positive even if you have had your bit of roller coaster. Feeling negative about yourself and holding on to the guilt will do no good to you. Snap away from bad thoughts.


LIVE HAPPY Here are some affirmations to make for yourself when you are guilty l I need to heal myself by forgetting what happened

Tip 9 - Assess Why You Feel Guilty

l I will forgive myself to be a better version of myself l I will not repeat the same mistakes ever l I will stop beating myself up and ask for forgiveness to the wrong I did Try the affirmations tip, this works and you should start to feel better.

Tip 8 - Be Kind To Forgive Yourself

You need to have a big heart to forgive someone. That said, do you think you have the heart to forgive yourself? If not, then you need to know that forgiving yourself is the only push to get over guilt. Think about what’s holding you from forgiving yourself? You cannot take forever to forgive yourself, isn’t it? So don’t do that mistake. It is good if you get released from your guilt and learn to be kind by forgetting and forgiving your mistakes. We all deserve chances and we must ensure not to repeat the same mistakes all over again.


Assessing the reasons as to why you feel guilty is helpful in terms of knowing how much to punish yourself and let go. Getting this clarity is good for you to improve and work on yourself. Understand the reason for being guilty, how to overcome it and what is going to be the impact. Get your assessment right and know what to do next. While you are assessing what is bothering you even try to go back and understand what made you do it and why couldn’t you think of a better solution. Getting this real picture should help.

Tip 10 - Take Steps To Rectify Your Mistake

Maybe your guilt would go away when you take steps to correct yourself and have a clarity of what to do next. How would you correct yourself? You have your answer and that is by not repeating the same mistake all over again and know


what to avoid so that you don’t end up being guilty the next time. It is as simple as you can make it, guilt is a strong emotion that can easily ruin your peace. Thus, it is always better to keep it out of your life.

Tip 11 - Make Your Way To Avoid Guilt

It is always better if you are careful from your end before you end up making a mistake and feel bad about it. That said, take a look at workable tips to avoid feeling guilty

1. Understand the fact that you are not an epitome of doing everything right so the less you make big commitments the better for you. Otherwise, you will end up blaming yourself for turning down commitments. 2. It is good if you want to be perfect. However, don’t set too many targets and rules for yourself because it can end up making you feel sick about yourself if you don’t accomplish them. 3. Stay away from people who make you feel low about yourself. Well - you should take care of this otherwise you might start to lose faith in yourself and this can lead to you blaming yourself


for too many things. 4. Never ever expect too much in life. It is good to be positive, however, getting used to wanting more can lead to disappointment and you will feel stupid and guilty for yourself. 5. Don’t be hasty and make decisions when you are the most vulnerable. It could end up backfiring on you and you will be left with no other option other than feeling sorry for yourself. 6. Don’t deliberately trouble yourself for something that you haven’t done. That said, just to hurt yourself don’t find an excuse to be guilty. 7. Think twice before you make a decision in life. Be aware of the consequences, you might want to live in the moment but at times you need to take your steps back and save yourself from feeling guilty. In the end, it is all about how you deal with your emotions, living in guilt is of no use, you have to help yourself and overcome the pain of your mistake in such a way that you don’t repeat it the next time.

Live a happy and guilt-free life! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019






When it comes to the herbs and the prospect of Ayurveda, the sky is the limit. The importance of Ayurveda has scoped ways for people to understand. But, the one thing that many people have time and time debated about is the impacts of Ayurvedic herbs on the prevention of cancer. It is often hard to deduce whether or not the same is a possibility but science behind the holistic approach of Ayurveda suggests that there are some available herbs which can help with the prevention of the risks of can

AMLA OR INDIAN GOOSEBERRY The usage of amla in the prevention of cancer goes way back in time. It is considered as the Ayurvedic superfood because of the wholesome nutrients it contains. It is loaded with Vitamin C, quercetin, flavonoids, gallic acids, pectin and tannins which impose amazing and effective antioxidative effect on the body. In addition to that, it has also been found that Amla does help with the boosting of your immune system. Several lab trials with amla have found that it helps in perishing the growth of the cancer cells as well.

GARLIC The impacts of garlic on cancer prevention are all because of the active compound present in it, Allicin. In addition to that, garlic is also loaded with sulphur, arginine as well as selenium. Several ongoing studies have proven the impacts on garlic 45



on the prevention of cancer for the best. The main reason why garlic is believed to have positive impacts is because of the presence of the antibacterial properties which prevent the activation of the cancer agents which can further end up causing impacts on the body. Eating a clove of garlic every day can help prevent the cancer risks effectively.

TURMERIC The impacts of turmeric are possibly one of the most impactful when it comes round to the anti-cancer properties. The combination of the antioxidative, analgesic along with the effective antiinflammatory properties present in it has been found to help prevent the risks of cancer that many struggle with. It has free radical scavenging properties which do come in handy to prevent unnecessary free radical damage in the body. The active compound, Curcumin, further helps enhance your body functions as well.

ASHWAGANDHA Ashwagandha is yet another popular Ayurvedic herb which has beneficial impacts on one’s overall health. The main impact it has on one’s body is the fact that it helps combat stress. The lesser the levels of the cortisol in the body, the better the body responds to the treatment options available which is a necessity to keep you in the best shape possible. Stress is one of the primary biomarkers for the condition of cancer, which is why this herb has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping prevent that for good.



HOLY BASIL Also known as Tulsi, Holy Basil is yet another one of the potent remedies that can help prevent and combat the risks associated with the condition of cancer. It helps combat the level of free radicals in the body, helps boost the overall levels of antioxidants and thus keeps the risks of cancer at bay. In addition to that, holy basil has also been found to have beneficial impacts in terms of the healing powers which further help in boosting one’s overall health. They are loaded with phytochemicals which has been found to help in boosting the overall impacts that cancer has on one’s health.

GINGER Last but not the least on the list of the Ayurvedic herbs which has beneficial impacts in helping with the condition of the cancer prevention is ginger. The combination of the healing, antiseptic as well as the associated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties have been found to have improve the condition of the cancer prevention for the better. In addition to that, it has also been found to have amazing impacts in managing the signs of the ovarian cancer which is yet another reason why it is touted as such an amazing remedy for the condition of the cancer prevention.




Petting Dogs And Cats Can Reduce Stress, Study Suggests Stress has become an integral part of our life, infiltrating our minds all through. It goes without saying that the condition is bound to have negative impacts on your health and if that is something you have been struggling with, it is best suggested to ensure that you keep petting dogs WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019

and cats because study suggests it can help with stress reduction. A new study conducted by the researchers from the Washington State University suggests that a mere 10 minute interaction with the dogs and cats resulted in an abrupt reduction in

the levels of cortisol in the body of the students who participated in the study. The regulation of the levels of the stress hormone because of interaction with the animals was found as an effective mechanism to handle the stress in individuals. The



do 48

been found to help alleviate the strain on their minds effectively. The scientists who worked on this study further suggested saying that this specific study was not just successful in helping manage the signs of the stress in the students but did get under their skin to help them experience the psychological benefits associated with the condition even more so. Patricia Pendry, an associate professor in WSU’s Department of Human Development suggested saying that even just a 10 minute interaction with the dogs and cats can help in maintaining the signs and symptoms related to stress and even helps in the regulation of the secretion of the cortisol into the bloodstream, thus further helping with this condition even more so. suffer from a lot of stress, from their coursework and classes and semesters to handling the part time job that they are tied to on the side. This does impose a haywire in their mind at times, ending up causing issues with their overall health and causing spikes in the levels of cortisol in the 49

body. There are several universities around which has started a new program titled “Pet your stress away� wherein the students get to come and pet dogs and cats and have a little play time with them to keep their stress levels in the body in control. This has

The findings of the study was evaluated by Pendry along with a WSU graduate student, Jaymie Vandagriff and it was published on AERA Open which is a popular open access journal that is published by the American Educational Research Association.


NEWS This is the very first study which delves into the findings and correlations associated with the levels of cortisol in the students in a real life intervention rather than the lab setting which has been conducted prior.

any kind of phones, reading materials or the other accessory stimuli altogether. But, the only thing that kept them going was the fact that they were told they would be able to indulge in animal interaction pretty soon.

This particular study did involved 249 college students who were then divided around into four different groups. The first group of the four did receive hands on interaction in small groups with the cats as well as the dogs consistently for 10 minutes. They have full reign of not just petting them but playing around and spending time with them without any obstruction.

To check the stress levels and such, the salivary cortisol levels were collected from each of the individual participants, that too starting from the morning when they woke up. The researchers that brought together all the data that they accumulated altogether.

In order to compare the effects of the study, the second group of students was made to observe the first group play around with the dogs and cats while they waited for their turn. The third group was shown a presentation of the animals involved in this study while the last group was waitlisted completely. The group which was advised to wait for their turn had to wait for 10 minutes without


Once done, the students who directly interacted with the pets did show a lot lesser level of cortisol in their saliva. These when compared with the prior and existing levels of the high cortisol in some of them did signify that they did get rid of the problem for good.

And the best part of this was the fact that the same did have beneficial impacts in reducing the stress which was an added bonus altogether. Pendry and her team are now working on finding better ways to find the impacts of stress reduction with the four week long animal assisted stress prevention program. Whether or not the same is going to prove beneficial for them or not is a matter of question which is why it is necessary that you do keep an eye out on the same.

Concluding everything, Pendry said that it isn’t news that that the students do enjoy interacting with the animals all throughout and the same has been associated with imbibing better positive emotions in them. The main objective behind this study was to find whether or not this exposure had any kind of association with the reduction of stress in them in a subjective way. 50








10 Bonus Points To Keep Your RELATIONSHIP Healthy

It is the most special feeling to be in a relationship, isn’t it? No second thoughts on how amazing it is to feel the tickles in your heart and stomach about having a partner who is there for you and with whom you can be your true self. What do you think?



That said, do you believe in the fact that to nurture a relationship it is a must to keep the “spark” & “commitment” for the longevity and health of your relationship. Are you on the same page about agreeing to the fact that the love-effort is a twoway street? Additionally, think about how little things are essential to ignite your bond. All in all, it all comes down to trust, love, care, and respect that fuels and keeps your relationship pure and healthy. This article reminds you of every bonus point that counts in making your relationship last long. Take a look at all the points and see if you need to alter your behavior on any aspect of the relationship.

NO 1 BE TRUE TO YOURSELF Being true to yourself is what matters the most. That said, you must be sure of how you feel about your partner. Ask yourself questions whether or not you are happy with your partner, are you still in love with him or her and whether you care for your partner the same way. It is necessary to check on yourself and frequently know of where you stand in the relationship.

NO 2 BE FRIENDS FIRST Friendship is the most freeing and happy bond. Reason being, when you are friends with someone, the two of you never make wrong judgments about each other. Above all, you can open your heart to your friend the best. Bring that same friendship in your relationship as well, if you want that bonus point to be true, happy and comfortable with your partner you need to work on how the two of you can be the best of friends first.




Now ask yourself if you are your partner’s good friend?

NO 3 LET THE RESPECT LAST It so happens that most of us in a relationship forget the respect aspect. Now respect just doesn’t mean speaking sweet words and not using foul language. It means much more and has a deeper meaning. Try and introspect if the two of you have long-lasting respect for each other from the impressing day and until now. Example of respecting each other is not bad-mouthing, agreeing to disagreements, respecting each other’s priorities, watching out for one another and many more gestures. Build enough respect that even if love fades away, the two of you have respect for each other.

NO 4 CONFESSION IS A MUST We are all human beings and we are prone to make mistakes. At times we intentionally don’t mean to wrong our partner but we intentionally end up hurting them, have you been there


ever? Think about it! There is always a risk in a confession, you either lose your partner forever or you will be forgiven but taunted forever. That being said, it is always for the best of the two of you to confess every small and big mistake so that you know for yourself that you are not doing wrong to your partner or yourself.

NO 5 THE SOONER YOU ACCEPT THE BETTER How long will you fight with your partner about his/ her flaws or for that matter on things that you dislike about your partner? Think about how much peace and happiness it is stealing from the two of you. If you love your partner and want to go a long way just stop expecting them to be the one you want them to be and make peace with the fact that they will not change as it is a part of them. Smile about it and let it go peacefully. Acceptance is the most sensible gesture and shows your level of maturity in the relationship. Although it is easier said than done, you

need to accept your partner just the way he or she is.



This is where most of us fail in the relationship, we either fall in love with ourselves too much or forget the love we have for our partner that in the toughest of times we tend to give up instead of fighting it together. You know the true colors of a person only when you see how they behave with you in their worst time, isn’t it? If you can sail through with your partner at this point in life you are being the world’s best partner. That said, you could be the one going through the bad patch in your life and how good would it make you feel to have your partner supporting you. Don’t give up when it is hard, hang in there with your partner and fight till the end. All one needs is a shoulder to lean on and a hand to hold.

NO 7 BE UPFRONT IN A GOOD WAY Transparency builds the relationship and over time


more because we end up craving for what we want no matter how much we try and disagree that we don’t expect. That said, it is necessary to understand and listen to what your partner expects from you and even you must let your partner know about what you feel. This discussion is necessary so that the two of you know where to set the bar. you will realize it. For now, you might not quite like the person being upfront, it works for the relationship in the long run. If you want to see your relationship genuinely healthy you need to discuss problems and let your partner know about everything you feel. Sharing details is your choice. However, you got to be vocal about things that have to be told to your partner and this way your partner will trust you even better.

NO 8 DISCUSS YOUR EXPECTATIONS Every human has a desire to expect from people they love, expectations can never be quantified as less or 55

Another good thing about discussions is that you get to talk about your disappointments and you know where to draw the line between your expectations and what your partner feels.

NO 9 BE A PART OF YOUR PARTNER’S WORLD You might ponder about what is it to be a part of your partner’s world when you already are. Right? That being said, being a part of your partner’s world is dong things like hearing him/her out, participating or accompanying your partner in activities that he/she loves the most and genuinely being a part of the important decisions your partner makes.

While this might seem to be a minor aspect it portrays that you have care and respect for everything that is important to your partner. This is truly a bonus point and your partner would be extremely happy about spending moments of his life with you.

NO 10 ALWAYS EXPRESS SLOVE The whole point about being in love is to show it to each other. Will you agree to that? It is never too early or late to show him or her what you feel. Having said, it is healthy and necessary to express how you feel for your partner. There are different ways of expressing love. Mental, physical and emotional. Express all shades of love to your partner, it would make him/her feel loved and cared for and that’s exactly what the two of you need from each other. All in all, among all aspects in a relationship it is necessary for the two of you to be honest and understanding with each other. If you both can manage with this it simply says that you are in a healthy relationship.



EATING MUSHROOMS CAN LOWER THE RISKS OF PROSTATE CANCER Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancers that affect men around the world. While the condition is very tough to detect at times, its incidence can apparently be kept in check with the consumption of mushrooms. A new long term study conducted with over 36,000 Japanese men conducted by the researchers from the Tohoku University suggests that the consumption of mushroom helps reduce the risks of prostate cancer in them. The findings were later published in the online publication of International Journal of Cancer. The condition of prostate cancer happens when the cells in the prostate gland, which are responsible for the production of semen WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019

start diving and growing out of control. It is actually one of the most common forms for cancer that affect men. The usage mushroom in Asia is actually very predominant, be it for the general consumption of even for the medicinal purposes. Shu Zhang, an assistant professor of epidemiology in the Department of Health Informatics and Public Health at Tohoku University School of Public Health, Graduate School of Medicine in Japan, who is also the lead author of the study suggest saying that the test tube studies have found that mushroom is a potent treatment which can help prevent the risks of prostate cancer. The only problem with it was the fact that the relation between the usage of mushroom 56

physical activity and their drinking habits. With the long term approach with the treatment and the study, it was easier for the researchers to find that the long term consumption of the mushrooms turned out to be beneficial for the prevention of the risks of the prostate cancer. It was specifically quite evident in the men above the age of 50. The participants in the study who consumed mushroom on a daily basis were found to have a 8% lowered risk of developing prostate cancer. It was in comparison to the ones who ate mushroom once a week. In addition to that, the participants who consumed the mushrooms 3-4 times in a week experienced 17% prevention in comparison to the ones who consumed once a week.

and the prostate cancer haven’t been analysed before. This is the very first study which highlights the preventive properties that mushrooms have on the condition of prostate cancer. For the study, the researchers focused on two groups of men. There were a total of 36,499 men in the study in between the age of 40-79 years of age. The group of men were analysed between the time frame of 1990 to 1994 and the follow up for the study was later done from June 1, 1990 to December 31, 2014. All of the men involved in this study were asked to fill out a questionnaire related to the kind of lifestyle choices that they make, including the mushroom and other food consumption, smoking, the degree of 57

Mushrooms are actually an amazing source of vitamins, minerals as well as the much needed antioxidants. The presence of L-ergothioneine is what helps prevent the risks of development of prostate cancer in the men. It helps reduce the problems of oxidative stress and regulates the prospects of the cellular imbalance which is quite common when it comes to a poor lifestyle and eating habits. These end up causing chronic inflammation and other health issues which further enhance the risks of prostate cancer in men. Finding these possibilities, it could be a good enough to provide with further information on the prospects of better impacts on one’s health for the better. It is quite important that you focus on the kind of mushrooms you consume because that matters as well.



Soy Bread Toast And Mint Chutney How about getting a chance to eat a breakfast dish that is delicious and at the same time good for health, wouldn’t that make your morning? You wouldn’t feel like you are eating the same old dish and your taste buds are sure to feel good. Are you ready to learn how to make a meal maker bread toast with mint chutney to spice up the taste? Take a look at the recipe and relish it hot.

Meal Maker Bread Toast Recipe

1 tsp chili powder 2 tsp black pepper 1 tsp garam masala Salt as per your requirement 1 packet brown bread Mayonnaise or cheese spread

Serving: 2-4 people


What You Need

Keep all the ingredients ready at one place

1 cup soya granules(chunks or small pieces) 2 glasses of water 1 glass cold water 2 tsp oil 1-2 tsp cumin seeds 2 medium-sized onions(finely chopped) 4-5 garlic and 1/2 a ginger(blend it in prior) 2 capsicums(finely chopped) 1 cup peas(wash it well) 1 tsp turmeric powder

STEP 1 Pour 2 cups of water in a bowl and add the granules. Let this boil on a low flame.


STEP 2 Once this boils, transfer the soy into the sieving neat and pour cold water above it. STEP 3 Let the soy cool down for a while. 58

STEP 4 Take the same pan in which you boiled the soy. Put it on a low flame, let leftover water dry STEP 5 Add 2 tsp oil, cumin seeds, and the onion. Give this entire mixture a good stir until the onion mixture turns light pink. STEP 6 After a minute, add turmeric powder, chili powder, pepper, garam masala and salt as per your requirement. Give all of this a stir and let it cook for two minutes. STEP 77 To this soy, add the chopped capsicum and peas. Cook this entire mixture well. You can cover the pan with a lid for 2 minutes. Add a few drops of water if you want this mixture to cook well.

STEP 8 Let this mixture cool down for about ten minutes. 59

STEP 9 Remove two or four slices of bread based on how many rows your toaster has. STEP 10 Spread mayonnaise or cheese on all the pieces of bread. STEP 11 Place one slice at the bottom and place the soy stuffing on the bread. Do it gently in a way that soy doesn’t fall out. STEP 12 Place one bread slice above this stuffing and place it in the toaster. STEP 13 Let it toast as per how your toaster works. Avoid over toasting it, as the bread can burn STEP 14 Use a tong to remove the toast that is prepared. Repeat the same process and add slices of bread at one time based on the no of placements your toaster has. If it has two placements then you need to put four bread slices at a time. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019


Sieving net Butter knife

Mint Chutney Recipe Serving: 2-4 people

What You Need Salt as per your taste 1 tsp lemon juice 1 bunch of mint leaves

Tools Blender 1 small spatula

Method STEP 1 Wash the mint leaves and make sure to clean all the mud that is settled

STEP 2 Separate all the leaves from its stem STEP 3 Transfer mint leaves in a blender jar. To this, add 1 tsp lemon juice and salt as per your requirements. STEP 4 Add little water before you blend the leaves. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019

STEP 5 Make it a fine paste. In the end, taste to check if the salt you added it sufficient or not. Add some more salt if required.

The mint chutney and hot soy bread toast can be enjoyed for breakfast and as an evening snack too. Health Benefits Of Meal Maker And Mint Chutney

Here are points that justify that this is a healthy meal 1. Soy is high in protein, it has nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, vitamins and phosphorous. 2. It invigorated bone health and it lets 60

the blood in your body flow easily to tissues and muscles. This helps the body have enough oxygen. 3. Soy helps with keeping control of the body’s weight as well. 4. Soy is juicy and tasty, it helps with reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 5. The presence of phytochemicals in soy helps takes care of the bones of a woman after menopause when it gets difficult to handle hormonal changes due to low estrogen. This food enhances bone health. 6. It contains saturated fats. Saturated fats help with keeping your body away from several diseases. 7. It helps with boosting the fiber in your body, which is, in turn, good to keep you full and help you stay away from 61

necessary cravings. 8. This food saves your body from gastric issues and helps in lowering the cholesterol levels in our body. 9. Mint leaves are packed with essential and healthy antioxidants. 10. These antioxidants, help the body in several ways such as fights against inflammation, protects the damaged cells and boosts one’s immunity. 11. Mint chutney is yummy in taste and it helps in keeping control over the blood sugar level in your body. 12. It helps in treating several problems related to the skin.

Enjoy eating this healthy dish for breakfast!




Learn The Benefits, Steps, And Contradictions The Interesting Plow Pose To Strengthen Your Neck And Back! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019


Halasana is a continuation and variation of the salamba Sarvangasana. It is even known as the plow pose

Benefits Of Halasana

Every asana is suitable for some aspect of the body. Besides, it is good for the body in several other ways too. See how is halasana good for your body! No 1 - This asana is amazing with improving the process of digestion. No 2 - It helps with boosting the metabolism in your body, which means, you will be able to lose weight easily. No 3 - Halasana is useful with keeping your body’s blood sugar level in control.


No 4 - It is known to improve the posture of your back, it stretches your spine and neck. No 5 - It is energizing for the reproductive system and it helps in reducing problems for women during menopause. No 6 - Your shoulders tend to get firm and stronger. No 7 - It works as an excellent asana and improves the way your brain works.



No 8 - It helps with getting rid of any pain in the neck. No 9 - It helps with reducing thyroid levels. No 10 - This asana is equally good with improving your eyesight.

Steps To Do Halasana Take a look at the steps to effectively perform this asana No 1 - Roll a mat on the floor and lie down on your back No 2 - Slowly lift your legs up and then take it back in a way that your toes touch the ground. No 3 - Make sure to place your palms on the floor and avoid applying pressure on your neck. No 4 - See to it that your legs are close to each other and it is sloping downwards. No 5 - Keep your eyes stuck to your belly button and relax your back and shoulders.

Variation A variation to Halasana is Parsva Halasana. This asana involves following similar steps of halasana. However, the legs don’t touch the ground straight, your legs would go diagonally above your head.

Contradictions There are certain rules to be followed while



doing a yoga asana. It is not right to do an asana at the wrong time. That being said, be aware of the points mentioned below 1. Women should avoid this asana during periods. 2. Avoid practicing halasana if you have diarrhea. 3. Anyone with a minor neck injury should also avoid practicing this asana.

make sure to take enough leg support. 5. If you are unsure of this asana then it is always better to avoid taking any risk of trying it all on your own without instructions.

All in all, you have knowledge about an asana that can improve your digestion, strengthen your back, shoulders, spine and do good to your body on a whole.

4. If a person is suffering from a health concern such as diabetes or asthma, should




Having a partner

may reduce pain, new study unveils When it comes to home and family, many people tend to rely on the family that god has blessed them with, thinking that they don’t need a partner to get them along in life. A new study seems to counteract with that statement because they believe that single people tend to suffer more in comparison to the ones who aren’t.

A new study conducted by the researchers from the De Gruyter suggest that there are certain analgesic properties which comes with a partner and companionship even when it doesn’t include any kind of verbal or the physical support.



The study has been titled as “Dispositional empathy is associated with experimental pain reduction during provision of social support by romantic partners” and has been conducted by a group of researchers including Stefan Duschek, Angela Bair, Casandra I. Montoro, Lena Nassauer, and Pedro Montoya. To conduct the study, the authors assessed the pressure pain on 48 of the heterosexual couples. Each of the participant were first tested alone and then in the presence of their partner. The prospect of the dispositional empathy was then coined with the help of a questionnaire. In the presence of the partner, the participants were found to withstand a better pain threshold as well as tolerance along with lower sensory and affective pain ratings when given a constant pain stimuli. The researchers noticed that the partner empathy did play a crucial role when it came around to the pain tolerance and was inversely associated with the sensory pain experience.

The study has been conducted under the instructions under the University of Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology (UMIT, Hall, Austria) and the University of the Balearic Islands (Palma de Mallorca, Spain). 67

Professor Stefan Duschek of UMIT said that the talking and the touching have been found to reduce the pain but this specific study coins the fact that even the passive presence of one’s partner does have positive impacts on buffering through the pain, distress and the overall problems in general which is definitely an amazing breakthrough in findings.




Drawback About Eating A Heavy And Late Dinner



Just as eating healthy food is a good way of taking care of your health, it is equally necessary to be disciplined with how often and how much you eat. Agree?

While the importance of maintaining time discipline to eat might seem petty, however, your body ends up getting affected later on. That said, if it happens once in a while it is still okay. Never let this habit continue and ruin your health.




Talking of following timings with eating meals. Are you aware of a part of the crowd being used to eating dinner as early as after the sunset or right after the moon rise? Well - it is a healthy practice and it would be a happy affair if most of us could follow it. Nevertheless, no matter what, it is vital to have dinner in time to avoid health concerns. Take a look at the drawbacks of eating dinner late at night!

Spoils Quality Of Sleep When you are too lazy to eat early and choose to eat late in the night, don’t think you can get away with it and have a sound sleep. If the digestion pattern of your body is slow, it can cause issues like acidity and you might tend to feel nausea.

Disturbs Body Weigh t

The food we eat and the body’s metabolism has a direct connection. Having said, just like how discipline is vital to have an organized life, same goes with the body. The metabolism in your body tends to stoop down when you have no movement and stationed resting at one place. It is bad for health to eat late in the night because if the metabolism is affected, it cannot go about breaking down fats and giving your body essential nutrients the smooth way. Thus, this disturbance leads to gaining weight.

How do you expect to have a sound sleep being a witness to these problems? Your peace is gone for a toss. Disturbed sleep causes further complications such as low productivity at work, irritation and a drained out feeling the next day.

Weak Gut Health Are you aware of how important it is to have good gut health? The gut health creates the right cycle between your meals so that digestion gets easier and your body is capable of fighting against bacteria. When you eat heavy and late meals it is sure to hit back on your health.



Your gut has tuned the body to get a gap of at least 10-11 hours before a dinner and breakfast meal. When you eat late and wake up early and eat, it affects your gut.

Body Gets Disease Prone Having a meal late in the night turns out that you might be at risk of having type-2 diabetes and your cholesterol levels drastically increase. Besides, the chances of having a heart attack are the highest at night. You are in a safe zone if you eat a light meal and an earl meal, it keeps the glucose and insulin levels of the body in control. However, having salty and heavy meals late at night reverses your condition and the cholesterol levels tend to spike up.

Negatively Impacts Memory When you stay up late at night to eat a heavy meal, do you realize how it impacts your brain?


While you might not be aware, it is not good for your brain because your brain needs rest when you eat. Studies claim, eating a heavy meal and late at night affects your capacity to understand, think and remember information. Chances are that you will end up forgetting things. Why follow a habit that ends up deteriorating your health? Tips To Follow : Always ensure to eat your meals 3 hours before you go to bed so that your body is through the process of digestion. Avoid having snacks or caffeine before you sleep because those foods are not good for health. It is not necessary to eat stomach full in the night, eat less. In case you are hungry, don’t deprive yourself of food. However, your aim should be not to overeat. To wrap it up, always follow healthy habits and try your best to eat light and early meals in the night. However, if your schedule doesn’t agree with you following rules then you should just make sure you are living a good lifestyle, not leaving your stomach empty for long and maintaining the required gap between meals.

Have a light and early meal! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019


New test diagnoses Lyme Disease within 15 minutes

For those who aren’t aware, Lyme disease is a tick borne disease which is caused because of the infestation of the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. The condition can negatively affect one’s overall well being, making them constantly feel tired and fatigued and make them experience flu like symptoms through and through. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | OCTOBER 2019


Addressing the kind of increase in the rate of Lyme disease across the world, need for better diagnosis and treatment is a necessity more than anything else. Leading to this, a group of biomedical researchers have assessed a rapid microfluidic test which can effectively help diagnose the condition of Lyme disease in an individual in a matter of 15 minutes which is ground breaking. The current mode of diagnosis is done via the standard 2-tiered testing, otherwise known as the STT which runs through two distinct assays to detect the levels of antibodies for the bacterial infection happening in the body. Sam Sia, professor of biomedical engineering at Columbia Engineering, along with her team worked to develop a mode of testing that is faster and a lot more arranged in comparison to the STT.

Sia suggested saying that their lab is focusing on bringing out to the world that the diagnosis for the Lyme disease can be made via the microfluidic approach for better quantitative results. What this means is that the test can be directly used around in the doctor’s office without imposing much hassles. This can get rid of the problems of sending in the samples to the lab for testing which often takes hours, if not days. For better analysis of the procedure, the researchers did analyse a total of 142 samples including that of the people suffering from the early stages of the Lyme disease. To initiate, the researchers focused on screening some of the biomarkers associated with the Lyme disease that can be able to detect the infection caused. The top three biomarkers for this condition was then assessed with three of the biomarkers including enzyme immunoassay, mChip LD as well as the microfluidic procedure.

When these tests were compared to the standard form of assessment, the researchers found that the biomarkers were actually a lot more sensitive in comparison to the other Lyme disease tests. It is important and very effective if one gets their understanding for the diagnosis at an early stage rather than the later stages. The main impacts with this specific study were the fact that one can get through with the better and faster diagnosis of the Lyme disease without much of an obstruction through the process. It will also get a better judgement of the state of the condition which is further an added bonus because early diagnosis means better treatment options for faster recovery as well 73




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