10 reasons why I would pay double or even triple to get a silver coin from Numis rather than getting it from Ebay or any other place!
Most people understand you want to buy things the cheapest you can buy them but wait! That is ordinarily true but not in the Network marketing world. You buy your Silver bullion for e.g. £40 I buy My MS70 for £109 you tell me Mr Phil are you mad? You are paying £69 more than I am! But am I really? Let’s look closer! Answer 1: Your silver bullion is not graded and isn’t a collectable asset (Mine is graded and collectable) so we are not comparing like for like here. The Volkswagen and the Porsche look alike but they are not the same car or of the same value. Answer 2: You buy yours with only your buying power; I buy mine with the buying power of the collective, called leverage! I’d gladly pay £69 extra for this leverage and here’s why.
The same reason why it makes sense for me to collect numismatic coins is the same reason that it makes sense to others; others that want to make extra income, protect their wealth, invest in lasting assets and so on. My question is this how many bullion can you buy singularly? At £40 a pop? 10,20, 50 a 100? There is a limit to how much you can buy, because it’s based on how much you can afford. I buy, but that’s not all I get commission from helping others buy, and can use that commission to buy more and more. There will be no limit to how many I can buy as it is not limited to my pocket, yours is. Answer 3: The more I do this the more my network is enriched, my support base is enriched, and more opportunities open up. The more I fulfil the principle “I get what I want when I first help enough people get what they want”. The more I create a legacy of Motive, History & Example. The more I have friends and contacts around the world. You buy your bullion and you are limited to how many you can help, I can help infinity.
Answer 4: I will be getting some of my coins free, when I help 3 people in any given month! So I get my coin for £0, again beats whatever price you are buying your bullion. Answer 5: For £69 extra I get to qualify for bonuses, from unlimited legs and unlimited generations, every month, in lay man terms I am set to be making thousands every month, I am willing to put down £69 monthly if I’m going to be getting thousands in return for doing that. Answer 6: You could tell me you could have your own bullions too graded! Yes you can, to grade one coin that isn’t guaranteed to come back graded MS70 would cost over a £100, again I beat you because that takes you into the £140 price range minimum and the chances of your coin coming back MS70 is almost nil (Giving room for a miracle!) You’ve just wasted your money! Answer 7: You can only sell the silver content in your Bullion; I can sell not only the silver content but the collectable value, and or the rarity value!
Answer 8: Myself, my team, and my customers will have a collectable market that grows as we all build, a market that grows organically and as it grows organically; drives up the price of my collectables, your Bullions have no access to that market so you are restricted to Pawn shops and Ebay exclusively. Answer 9: For £69 extra I am set for ongoing residual income, that comes whether I work or not, all expenses paid holidays, I get to sack my boss, walk away from my JOB, get this residual income month in month out and I don’t even need to be in the country! All you have is your Bullion, no residual income. Answer 10: Did I say that £69 covers shipping and taxes also? Oh sorry my bad! Now you know I think £69 extra or whatever the extra is, is and will continue to be a bargain as we go forward! Don’t you?
Answer 11, I did say 10 reasons, I know but here’s more: My collectables are not classed as income, so they are sheltered from tax as collectables; your bullion isn’t sheltered from taxes because it is not a collectable. Answer 12: With Numis I buy through the exclusive “Silver of the month club” which means I am buying rare silver coins (The rare of the rare – limited editions) which gives my coins the greater opportunity to demand greater prices whenever I want to sell. Again you are restricted only to the going rate of the silver content of your coins.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of answers but I believe it will begin to explain why I would by my coins from Numis and not just any old Bullion coin. Mr Phil (Author, Motivational Speaker & Numisatic Collector)