Health And Fitness june / July 2015

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Cheerleading & Catastrophic Injuries 13

Cycling Safety 27




henever I speak to people on the therapeutic nature of humor, I encourage them to become laughologists and in so doing commit themselves to a process I call mining the moment. When you mine the moment, you examine each human experience for the humor it contains and laugh heartily when it is discovered. Most of us experience funny things happening to us, or those around us, every day. When we do, we might chuckle and continue doing what we were doing. Mining the moment asks us to stay with the chuckle and fan its embers into genuine laughter. Then drain every last drop of humor and laughter from the experience. Why is it so important to look for humor in everything we experience? Because humor and laughter are much more than mere amusement, they are very good for our health and well-being. When we laugh, great things happen. The oxygen in our blood increases giving us renewed energy. Our stress levels go down and we begin to relax. Did you know that it is impossible to worry when we laugh? The immune system is stimulated by laughter and endorphins are released within the body giving us a strong sense of well-being. Laughter also reduces our blood pressure. In social relationships laughter has concrete and specific benefits. It has been called social glue because it bonds us to one another. In any family or organization bonding is vital to the successful functioning of the group. The group that laughs together lasts together. Laughter is also referred to as social lubricant because, just as the oil in a car engine reduces friction thus allowing the car to run smoothly and efficiently, so does laughter reduce inevitable friction in social relationships. People who laugh together tend to be happier, more productive, more flexible and open to change. The value of humor in the workplace is a good example. It reduces stress among employees, significantly reduces absenteeism, and boosts morale, productivity and increases job satisfaction. I remember speaking to a blue collar worker in a large Toronto company just before I was to speak on Humor in the Workplace. I asked him if he liked his job. His response surprised me. He said,” No, I hate it, but I love coming to work.” When I asked him how he could hate his job but love coming to work he replied, “The people I work with are fantastic and we have a lot of laughs. The message is clear. No matter whether you’re in a family, among friends or at work laughter offers a huge benefits. All it takes is a commitment to mining





DAY SPA & MASSAGE DIRECTORY Spoil yourself. Get refreshed & relaxed at any of these great business locations! …SIZZLE… 507-726-3850 If You Want To Hear More Call 903-449-0780 BARTON JONES CMT 3560 J Street Studio, #3, Sacramento 916-456-5003 BODY DYNAMICS MASSAGE CINDY HALVERSON, CMT, ECS 8799 Auburn Folsom Road, Suite B Granite Bay (corner of Auburn Folsom & Fuller) 916-791-3212 office 916-206-4197 cell CASANDRA BROWN, WELLNESS CONSULTANT Detoxify • Re-Energize • Renew 916-761-3675 CELESTIAL TOUCH MASSAGE & BODY WORKS BOWEN THERAPY, THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Pattie Meier C. M.T. 2114 N Street, Sacramento 916-505-7786

THE COMFORT ZONE 426 Folsom Road, Roseville 916-773-AHHH (2444) FOUNTAIN OF HEALTH 2820 T Street Sacramento 916-456-4600 SALON 701 701 Howe Avenue, A-25 Sacramento SKIN CARE & MAKEUP BY MONICA COLOMY 7411 Winding Way, Suite F Fair Oaks 916-961-3894 THERAPEUTIC BODY CARE 2545 East Bidwell Street, Suite 155 Folsom 916-608-8830 MASSAGE BY BONNIE DAY SPA 5961 West Oaks Boulevard Rocklin (Sunset & West Oaks) 916-367-3668

the moments of the day for the humor they contain and giving ourselves permission to laugh long and hard when we find it. Then sit back and watch great things begin to happen. I would like to leave you with these two quotes. Any leader without a sense of humor is like a grass cutter at a cemetery. They have a lot of people under them paying absolutely NO attention. Life is too serious to be taken seriously. Let the laughter begin. This article is a excerpt from Mike’s Special Report, “ How to Be Funny and Entertaining” Check it out here Mike is a Canadian speaker who speaks and writes on Humor in the Workplace and Humor and Wellness. Check out his speaker’s website H&F

By Dr. Donna


e all go through bad times at some time in our life – and sometimes end up in a hospital. It’s difficult to watch a family member or friend suffer in a hospital from injuries or disease.

massage. You know how it goes – they have to have that elusive control group. The lucky patients received a 60-minute full body massage, most likely using simple Swedish massage long, flowing strokes, stretching and some squeezing strokes. They may also have pushed on a few trigger points.

And when it happens to one of your loved ones, you’re thinking one primary thought: what can I do to help?

The nurse scientists were there monitoring the patients before the massage, an hour later, 2 hours, 3 hours and 4 hours later.

The idea of offering a neck or shoulder massage – even though you aren’t trained in massage – may cross your mind.

Did it work?

It crossed the minds of researchers in Iran at a nursing school and they


The Iranian nurses rationalized that stress, anxiety and pain can easily influence the nervous system in a negative way – and contribute to unstable vital signs and deterioration in the level of consciousness.

You bet it did! With each set of measurements taken up to 4 hours later, there was a significant difference in the blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate in the patients who received massage. There’s even a score called the Glasgow Coma Scale Score that measures consciousness level – and this one improved, too!


Makes sense to me so far. How about you? I see patients who have incredible amounts of neck or back pain in my massage practice and the pain suppresses their natural bubbly personality. Then after a massage, they’re smiling, present in the moment, standing up straighter, and moving a lot easier.

Massage works!


I think next time the nurses should use trained massage therapists and would see even greater results!

The study was done at the ICU Department of a hospital with 45 patients; each had a family member who agreed to offer the massage. There were unfortunately 45 other patients from ICU with their family member who did not receive or give a

Source: Vahedian-Azimi, A., et al. Effect of Massage Therapy on Vital Signs and GCS Scores of ICU Patients: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Trauma Mon 2014 Aug; 19(3): e17031. Epub 2014 Aug 1. H&F

SQUEEZING STROKES. thought it was such a good idea they decided to run a research study on the topic. Now you might not know it but Mayo Clinic has already thought ahead – and perhaps they don’t want you to be the one who massages your family member. They set up a study of their own with a department in the hospital for massages!



Hey, what this study tells us is that unless you’re already dead, you can still benefit from a great massage. Now who do you know that needs one today?


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ou are a runner. You put on your favorite running shoes, pound the pavement, and breeze past people. Music, gel packs, hydration belt, and keys – you have all the essentials. But did you remember to eat your carbs to power up your running workout? Yes, carbohydrates have gotten a considerable amount of criticism over the years for causing weight gain, yet they can be beneficial for a long distance runner. Beginning a regimen of “carb-loading” isn’t just about eating large amounts of carbohydrates to run longer distances more efficiently. It’s about knowing when and what to eat. Here are my tips on carbs.

Carbs Fuel Your Run! High carbohydrates, particularly glucose, keep your body performing during a marathon. Glucose is converted into vital energy, which helps fuel moving muscles – the faster and more you run, the more glucose you use up! Here are some key things to think about glucose: • Glucose is required for you to optimally burn fat during your 4 CELEBRATING



run. During long runs, fat is the other critical nutrient that turns to fuel. However, your body will only utilize fat once the glucose is depleted. Your intensity begins to slow because its takes your body longer to convert fat. • Glucose levels are monitored through your brain constantly, so the brain detects when the glucose level drops in the blood causing needless muscle fatigue. Having enough glucose in your system can keep you from hitting the dreaded “wall.” • You have a limitless ability to store fat but not glucose. Your body stores glucose in the liver and in your muscles as glycogen. Also your body can just store enough glycogen for around 90 minutes of strenuous exercise, which explains why experienced runners believe in “carb-loading” before a marathon or half marathon.

Carb Loading The Right Way When consuming carbohydrate meals prior to a race, you want your muscles and liver to store the


maximum amount of glycogen to prevent poorly fueled muscles. This is only necessary if you’re doing endurance race events. You will notice some weight gain. Carbs cling to the water in the body so as you store more glycogen, your body will hold more water. This is good because it indicates that you have fueled up properly and it helps keep you from becoming dehydrated during your run. You should lose the 2 to 3 pounds within a day or two. However, if you’re carb-loading every day, you will notice unwanted tightness in your running shorts. To get the most out of carb-loading: • Increase your carbs 1 to 3 days prior to a long run. Most runners load up at dinner the night before a big race event. Instead, you may want to eat most of your carbs for breakfast or lunch the day before the event. This earlier meal allows more time for the food to move through your system. • It’s recommended that runners need to eat 4-10 grams of carbs for every pound of body weight (for a 150-lb runner, that’s 600 grams, or 2,400 calories, of carbs each day). Endurance or ultra-marathon runners consume up to 10 grams for every pound of body weight. Reduce the fats and increase the carbs to 85 to 95 percent of the meals prior to the race. • 3 to 4 hours before running, go for the easy to digest high-carbohydrates, low-fat meal. For example, a bagel and peanut butter, cereal, an energy bar, pancakes, oatmeal, or a smoothie.

• Avoid anything you aren’t used to eating before longer runs. Limit high-fat foods like butter, creamy sauces, cheese, ice cream, and reduce your protein intake. Both nutrients will take longer to digest and fill you up faster.

Carbs are Essential Before, During, And After a Run Taking in carbs during a run slows down the rate at which you utilize your stored glycogen and helps keep you going longer, which is why there are sports drinks and gels at stations at long race events. Furthermore, when you eat carbs and protein postrun, you set your body up to ideally restock glycogen stores for the next workout and help rebuild muscles. A couple of things to remember when fueling your body: • 30 minutes before running, have a simple carb snack like a bagel, a banana, dried fruit, applesauce, or sports beans. • During intense training, try to drink 8 ounces of a sports drink or consume 1 to 2 sports gels with water each 45 to 60 minutes. • Within 30 to 60 minutes after your workout, have a snack or food that includes carbohydrates and protein. Some great choices: chocolate milk, a banana, or beer with a serving of almonds. Carb-loading is critically important to your fueling plan. By properly fueling yourself before, during, and after a run, you can smile at the many miles. What carbs do you like? Share your ideas in the comments below. Harvey Leon is a running enthusiast, his website is which provides running information and other goodies. H&F




COVER STORY No Matter How Fast Paced Your Life Is…You’re Always Ready With On The Go Towels!

PUBLISHER Gary G. Burns EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dr. Donna Schwontkowski EDITORIAL Erin Weisz, Editorial Assistant Melba Phillips, Editorial Assistant STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Susan Svensson CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Melanie Weir, Megan White Grandmaster Clint Robinson ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Bob Adams: (916) 428-3787 The opinions and views of Health & Fitness Magazine belong solely to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of this publication. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement. All items in Health & Fitness Magazine are protected under copyright to ensure the protection of its contributors. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned without SASE. Letters are welcomed. Health & Fitness Magazine reserves the right to edit all letters for grammar, spelling, length, libelous content, and other $#&%^!

Subscriptions for Health & Fitness Magazine can be obtained by sending a check for $20 to the address below.

P.O. Box 19311 Sacramento, CA 95819 Phone: 916-233-8825


HEALTH-WELLNESS & NUTRITION Laughter Therapy: Mining the Moment


Can I Give A Friendly Massage to a Family Member in a Hospital?


Gerson Therapy, The Best Alternate Solution for Life-Threatening Diseases


Common & Ancient Roots: Cannabis and Yoga


What Would You Vote: Massage Therapist or a Robot?


Need Help for Gout? Think Outside the Box


Veggies For The Fun of It: 10 Tips for a Successful Urban Garden Program for Kids


Rose Tea — A Sophisticated Yet Simple Rose Flavor


Why It Pays To Be a Rules Mom


The Alternative Cellular Energy (ACE) Pathway


Can Anticipatory Grief Help You?


How To Make Blackened Steak Salad


Crunchy Chicken & Fresh Pear Salad With Dried Cranberries


SPORTS & FITNESS Carb-Loading: 3 Reasons Why Runners Need to Eat Carbohydrates 4 How to Treat Elbow Tendonitis From Rock Climbing



How to Treat Elbow Tendonitis


Cheerleading & Catastrophic Injuries


How Wet Should My Dog’s Nose Be?

Cheerleading Sports the Highest Rate of Catastrophic Injuries…But There is a Solution


Running Jokes to Make You Laugh


Yulanda’s Answer to Hitting Her Weight Plateau



Stability, Continuity and Longevity!



When It Comes To Cycling…Safety Is No Accident


EDITOR’S NOTES ����������������������� 7 VIEWPOINT INSPIRED ������������� 17

PETS Tick Diseases In Your Pet – How To Spot Them


How Wet Should My Dog’s Nose Be?


SPORTS SCHEDULES ���������� 29-31 FARMERS’ MARKET ������������������ 35 JUNE/JULY

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even years ago, I started a buying club for people like me that have food allergies or celiac. I never imagined what happened from there. Suddenly, hundreds of people began to contact me and support what quickly became Gluten Free Specialty Grocery. Since then, the Sacramento community and the grocery industry have all dynamically shifted and changed. There are gluten free menus at restaurants, gluten free products in local grocery stores, pharmacies, coffee shops and even options at food truck events and music festivals. If you live in Sacramento, you might think that this is everywhere, but I would venture to say that Sacramento has one of the largest allergen aware and gluten free communities in the United States, starting in Midtown and stretching outwards. With many options everywhere, a gluten free store isn’t as necessary as it was 7 years ago. Which is why, the Gluten Free Store is ready to shift and pivot. Years ago, GFS brought in fresh and new products from all over the world. GFS also focused on promoting and selling dedicated gluten free bakery, fresh baked products from all over California and the United States.

Over the past 4 years, the industry has changed. GF and allergen safe products are now available in local supermarkets and drug stores. Additionally, local companies are baking and cooking gluten free options and some companies, like Pushkin’s Bakery, even have a dedicated bakery. Many gluten free grocers throughout the west coast have closed their doors to move on to new projects, but we have a different idea, we are ‘flailing forward’ into a new business model instead. Gluten Free Specialty has never been a profitable business. It started with 10am to 5:30pm a few thousand dol(Open Until 7pm lars and it’s original, Wednesday & Thursday) agreed upon, investment was never paid in. It had to deal with many losses





including spoilage, short dated products (especially during grocery recessions), and theft. What has held the store together for 7 years has been the refusal to fail and an amazing community of people that love local food and local businesses. In an attempt to switch to local food production, we launched a successful campaign to start a beta project called Roots Creative Kitchen. From February to April of 2015, we raised over $10,000 to get our kitchen going. one-sixith of the funds needed to complete the initial project in full (a kitchen and café at Gluten Free Specialty at 26th & J Street). WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? The Gluten Free Specialty Grocery Store will transform into a collectively owned model where food producers have an opportunity to get involved in the grocery model development and maintenance. It will also be opened up for local owner membership. Roots Creative Kitchen will be an accelerator, incubator and networking model that will focus on local food production and local art. The first ‘Roots Kitchen’ project to launch will be in Sacramento and will be owned and operated by a group of local entrepreneurs and food artists that have yet to be announced. If all goes well, the project will begin in the Fall of 2015 & will be fully launched by the Summer of 2016. To make this happen, we will be contracting with local businesses and we will continue to take donations toward the project. We have made it to $10,000, but we still have $50,000 to raise before the project can be implemented in full. Project donations continue to be accepted in store or online at: H&F

By Luke Harper


he story of the Gerson Therapy began back in 1938 when Max Gerson emigrated from Germany to the U.S. to begin his study and practice of medicine in New York. In Germany, he used to suffer from severe and crippling migraines; he tried many of the medicines available at that time, but none worked, which led him to suspect that the root of his problem lay in his diet. He tried out many vegetarian diets, and following a medical regime, it finally cured his problem once and for all. STRONG BELIEFS In Germany, he conducted clinical trials to see if his method or therapy worked on patients who had severe migraines as well as a patient who suffered from a form of tuberculosis of the skin. In most of these cases, the treatment worked and he started prescribing this therapy to others suffering from similar medical conditions. The most famous patient of Dr. Gerson was the wife of Dr. Albert Schweitzer who was thrilled by his wife’s cure that he spread the message to other influential U.S. people. There were many problems and bad publicity because of the lack of documented clinical trials and lack of scientific evidence about the therapy, he and his daughter remained staunch supporters and continued the practice till his death in 1959.

immune system. Research by The Gerson Institute found that the organic nutrients caused a rapid elevation of alkalinity of the body, which is not a suitable environment for cancer cells. Besides this the proteindigesting pancreatic enzymes secreted helps to retard the growth of cancer cells, because they cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.

ORGANIC NUTRIENTS His daughter, Charlotte Gerson, continues to champion the Gerson Therapy worldwide and founded the Gerson Institute along with Norman Fritz in San Diego. Their therapies referred to as immuno nutrition, which added on to Dr. Gerson’s theory of cleansing the human body with fresh, organic, natural products and juices of fruits and vegetables, energizes and boosts the



ALTERNATE THERAPY Though there is no guarantee about the success of the Gerson Therapy in each and every case, modern scientific research has shown that the special organic and nutrient-rich alkaline diet does increase the pH level of blood, which in turn helps to curtail many disease processes by awakening and boosting the body’s immune system, resulting in aggressive attacks on many of the organisms that cause life-threatening diseases. Charlotte Gerson’s personal crusade against many of the doubters of her father’s belief is still ongoing with more and more converts to the program by patients who have had no success with modern medical treatments. Luke Harper is writing this article on behalf of a publishing company providing information and instructional material on the Gerson Therapy, an all natural cure for cancer ( and chronic disease that really works. H&F



race yourself for another hot summer! This issue we have the perfect solution for you when you’re exercising, traveling or just out in the heat. Check out the cover story for On The Go Towels, a brand new innovative solution created by a local resident.

July 4th is right around the corner — remember that dogs and cats are scared silly by the fireworks. It’s the time of the year when the local pounds will have the most strays — the pets run for their life because they feel the need to escape to a safe place. Some people give their dogs herbal capsules or essential oils to keep them calm and then take extra precautions to make sure that the dog is safe inside the house. Others use loud music to cover up the fireworks. You might also take the family and the dog and escape to a remote location for the day. Whatever you do, don’t neglect this one little task. A dog or cat that’s missing is heartbreaking. Stay safe, get healthier, learn something new and have fun!

Dr. Donna, Editor


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n the U.S. alone, around 9 million recreational athletes take part in rock climbing every year. As more and more people are attracted to the sport, safety and injury treatment and prevention have become increasingly popular topics. The truth is, regardless of skill level, most climbers will experience an injury at one point or another. The bodily areas most vulnerable to injury are elbows, hands, and wrists. Unnatural straining for grip and the relentless expenditure of the pulling

elbow tendonitis from rock climbing? While the intensity and duration of treatment varies depending on the severity of the injury, the following Climber’s Elbow Protocol is a complete guide to helping you treat your elbow tendonitis quickly and effectively. It involves a combination of weighted eccentric training, stretching, and other strategies for reducing inflammation. At the end, a few promising alternatives are reviewed regarding professional treatment options for elbow tendonitis.

GENERALLY KNOWN AS TENNIS ELBOW AND GOLFER’S ELBOW, LATERAL AND MEDIAL EPICONDYLITIS MIGHT BE FOUND MORE APPROPRIATELY NICKNAMED AS CLIMBER’S ELBOW. muscles leads to extreme stress and overuse, causing trauma to the tendons. Tendons, the fibrous tissue that connects the bone with muscle, then become inflamed. If continuous trauma is sustained, it may result in tendonitis or tendinosis, most commonly radiating from the epicondyle region in the elbow. The consequence is movement restriction, often accompanied by vexing elbow pain and, depending on the severity, an inability to perform tasks as simple as pouring a pot of coffee. Sound familiar? Generally known as Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow, lateral and medial epicondylitis might be found more appropriately nicknamed as Climber’s Elbow.

How to Treat Climber’s Elbow So what’s the best treatment for 8 CELEBRATING



The Climber’s Elbow Protocol 1. Refrain from climbing, sport-specific exercise, and limit anything that causes pain. Rest: No one wants to hear it, but rest is essential for reducing inflammation and allowing the injured area to heal. Continue to bend your arm to perform basic movements, but avoid activity that causes pain or aggravates the area. Ice: At early onset of pain or swelling, icing periodically may help. However, after the initial period avoid icing if possible because some inflammation is natural and is a necessary part of the healing process. Over-icing may actually inhibit repair. For the same reason, try to avoid taking


NSAIDs like Ibuprofen unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Some research indicates that NSAIDs may even weaken tendons and delay recovery. 2. Begin stretching, perform massage, and self-administering Active Release Techniques Stretching: Once the pain has subsided and you are comfortable to stretch, there are several basic

mobility exercises that you should perform 2-3 times daily. The following finger, hand, and forearm stretches have been proven to be extremely effective as treatment for elbow tendonitis. Forearm pronation – Emptyhanded, simply extend the injured arm in front of you in a palm-up (supinated) position and turn it inward so that the palm is facing downward (pronated) or even slightly outward.


Flexor stretch – Extend the injured arm straight out, in front of your body, with the hand in a palm-up (supinated) position. With the other hand, pull each individual finger back, one at a time. Then pull all of the fingers back (so that they’re pointing toward the ground). You can also try interlacing the fingers of both hands, then extending the arms and facing the hands palms out. Extensor stretch – This is basically the opposite of the flexor stretch. Extend the injured arm straight out, in front of your body, but this time with the hand in a palmdown (pronated) position. With the other hand, grab just above the wrist and gently pull down so that the hand of the injured arm is facing the body. Massage – Sports massage is an easy way to break up the soft tissue in the arm and increase blood flow. For medial epicondylitis (pain is inside the elbow) – Extend the injured arm palm up. With the other hand, use your thumb to massage the epicondyle area in a circular motion. Begin at the elbow joint and continue to massage down the forearm muscle toward the wrist. For lateral epicondylitis (pain is on the outside of the elbow) – Extend the injured arm palm down. Massage using the opposite hand’s thumb, starting on the outside of the elbow about two inches above the joint. Work your way down, massaging in a circular motion, towards the wrist. ART – Different from basic massage, self-administered (ART) Active Release Techniques are used to loosen the muscles in the forearm that have been tightened due to trauma and contribute to inflammation. In addition to stretching the muscles, ART breaks up scar tissue that adds to muscle constriction.

IT’S IMPORTANT THAT YOU REMEMBER TO EQUALIZE YOUR TRAINING OF PUSHING AND 3. Begin weighted eccentric training. Wrist Curls & Reverse Wrist Curls: The wrist curl is the single most useful exercise for epicondylitis from rock climbing. Starting with an extremely lightweight, perform wrist curls every other day using a dumbbell or a barbell. While seated, place your forearm across your thigh (or a bench) while holding the dumbbell in palm up (supinated) position. Slowly, roll the weight down to your fingertips and then curl it back up. For reverse wrist curls, place the forearm across the thigh (or bench) in a pronated position. Use the opposite hand to help lift the weight. Focus on the eccentric movement by slowly lowering the weight using only the injured arm. Weighted Forearm Pronation: This is exactly like the forearm pronation stretch mentioned above, except now you’re holding an object with weight loaded at one end (a hammer, tennis racket, mallet). Begin with arm extended and palm up (supinated), while holding the far end of the handle,

PULLING EXERCISES, AS MUSCLE IMBALANCES ARE OFTEN ONE OF THE CAUSES OF EPICONDYLITIS IN THE FIRST PLACE. and execute pronation by turning inward. Go as far as you can without causing pain, then return to a supinated position. Aim for 20-30 reps and perform three times a week. After following the Climber’s Elbow Protocol to the point of rehabilitation, you may want to implement some sport-specific training to help you ease back into climbing. This could involve assisted pull-ups, mobility drills, and even yoga. It’s important that you remember to equalize your training of pushing and pulling exercises, as muscle imbalances are often one of the causes of epicondylitis in the first place. In the rare instance that the protocol is unsuccessful, you may want

to consider alternative treatment options. Some options include professionally administered ART or sports massage, acupuncture for tendonitis, or cortisone injections. You can even consult your doctor about Platelet Rich Plasma injections (PRP or Prolotherapy), which while still considered experimental, has been proven to be an extremely effective methods for those willing to give it a try. Whichever path you choose, remember the suggestions in this protocol. With adequate rest and rehab you’ll be climbing your favorite route again in no time. Support your own recovery… Buy Elbow Revive today and get back to doing what you love! Enter Discount code: “elbowup” for 5% OFF and Free Shipping! Only at H&F JUNE/JULY

2O15 9



CANNABIS AND YOGA As people look for alternatives on their paths of healing they often find themselves researching things like yoga, meditation, massage and yes, medical cannabis. Yoga and cannabis share a long history of use as medicine and can actually be used together to relieve a variety of symptoms.

By Kimberly Cargile


oga and cannabis are both natural medicines that average American patients are starting to look into. With the use of the internet people are able to study natural medicines that have been practiced for thousands of years.

The use of cannabis and yoga are both documented in ancient texts of India. Recognized use of cannabis predates its use in western medicine by thousands of years in the Hindu sacred text Atharvaveda. In this text cannabis is called sacred grass and is listed as one of the five sacred plants of India. Teachings of the practice of yoga also go back thousands of years. The classical yoga guidebook used by today’s western practitioners is





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the Yoga Sutras. This ancient script composed by Patanjali about 2000 years ago provides our current students with a thorough education of the eight limbs of yoga. The Yoga Sutras 4.1 are thought to be speaking of a connection of cannabis and yoga in the statement, “The subtler attainments come with birth or are attained through herbs, mantra, austerities or concentration.” To this day, pharmaceutical students in India are taught of the properties and proper dispensing methods of cannabis as medicine just as doctors are taught of the medical uses of yoga. Medical cannabis and yoga have a synergistic effect when it comes to healing. They each provide their own pharmacological effects on the body individually; however, when used together, they provide a patient with an enhanced healing experience. When a patient is suffering from pain, anxiety or depression, the last thing that they are usually looking to do is group exercise. Using cannabis prior to practicing yoga provides relief of pain, inflammation and anxiety as well as mood elevation. This can help a patients practicing yoga to connect with their breath, their bodies and their spirits. A calm of body, mind and spirit also makes the meditation piece of yoga much easier to attain. Restorative Yoga, as practiced by our patients at A Therapeutic Alternative, is focused on: building physical strength, flexibility and balance, as well as reducing pain, stress and negative energy from

the body, mind and spirit. I have been a yoga practitioner for fifteen years now, with about eight of those dedicated to teaching medical cannabis patients. In that time I have personally seen miracles happen with these patients. One patient came to my class seven years ago walking with a cane. My heart leapt as I asked myself if I could help him. Year by year he has become stronger and more flexible. Today, he no longer needs any help getting around and joyfully practices at our weekly yoga class. Other patients have been comforted by cannabis and yoga in his their final days. These classes in which patients have access to both beneficial natural medicines have provided many patients a great deal of therapy over the years. For more information about this article contact Kimberly Cargile at A Therapeutic Alternative: atafrontdesk@ H&F




ust when you finally get used to the idea that some people think a robot should do all the housework and take care of even more intimate needs, another use for robots shows up.

The researchers found 33 women and 8 men who said yes to Robby Robot and allowed it to give their jaw and side of the head the massage. The patients met with Robby Robot five times every two weeks with each session lasting 16 minutes.

It’s to give you a massage! Can you believe it? The treatment went on for 9-1/2 weeks. I don’t know about you but if you’re like me, I’m thinking, “How could anyone benefit from that?

33 WOMEN AND 8 MEN SAID YES TO ROBBY ROBOT AND ALLOWED IT TO GIVE THEIR JAW AND SIDE OF THE HEAD THE MASSAGE What type of caring hands could a robot possibly have?” My mind keeps churning on this one. Did they make the robot with hands that simulate a massage therapist in any way? How can a Robby Robot give a massage and know how much pressure to apply? Well, Japanese robots have truly created a robot for massage – and they have already completed a fullblown clinical trial on how effective the robot was for real humans who had myofascial pain in their temporomandibular joint(TMJ). The TMJ is the joint in your mouth that allows you to open and close it. When there’s a dysfunction in this joint, then you can’t open your mouth wide – and may have neck pain, jaw pain and headaches.

Bet you’re dying to find out what happened and whether it was safe or not. Well, Robby Robot did the job well and apparently the patients loved him enough to keep coming back! The researchers commented that Robby Robot offered safe massage treatment and was effective in 70.3% of the patients. Robby Robot clones could be the next Christmas present for your loved one come December! So what do you think? Would you allow a robot to massage you – or do you think no matter how highly advanced Robby is, he still can’t match the therapeutic benefits you get right now? Source: Ariji, Y., et al. Potential clinical application of masseter and temporal muscle massage treatment using an oral rehabilitation robot in temporomandibular disorder patients with myofascial pain. Cranio 2014 Nov 11: 2151090314Y0 000000030. Epub ahead of print. H&F JUNE/JULY

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Bert is no stranger to the pain of gout. For 13 years he suffered with the condition “before I got on the right track to figure out what was going on.” Traditionally, the medication allopurinol is prescribed and someone is told to stop eating meat and high purine foods, but this is now antiquated information. “Diet is important BUT what is more important is the holistic view of gout,” he stated. “Two primary factors are oxygen and water levels in the body... When blood oxygen saturation decreases, the blood can become acidic with many different substances, including uric acid. Often this can happen in the middle of the night, such as in those who have sleep apnea; these same people are more susceptible to develop gout – and it usually strikes in the middle of the night.”


out is one of the most painful conditions someone can suffer from. It’s more common in men than women and affects 6.1 million men in America, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Black men are almost twice as susceptible as Caucasians to develop the disorder. In this arthritic disease, high levels of uric acid form crystals that lodge in the joints or the kidney and can form stones. Those with gout have an increased risk of death from heart disease and all other causes.


The most characteristic symptom of gout is excruciating and relentless pain and redness in the big toe that prevents the person from even wearing a sock; however the crystals can accumulate in any joint of the body. A flare-up can last weeks.

see a Broadway play and ended up staying in the hotel the whole time. It took 2 weeks for the pain to subside.”

Bert Middleton, a certified nutritionist from Denver, Colorado known as “The Gout Killer” explains, “I’ve had gout clients who are afraid to travel anywhere because they may be ‘stuck’ there for a few weeks until the pain of gout subsides. One client went to New York with his family to

“Gout creates a lot of fear in anyone who has it. With every ache or pain in your foot, you’re wondering if gout is sneaking up on you and whether or not you have to change your whole life schedule. It’s hard to believe that anything could be so painful without an obvious trauma,” he said.





“Four out of five people are chronically dehydrated in this country and this directly affects the health of the kidneys,” Bert said. “Uric acid is a very important antioxidant produced by our body – it protects the lining of our blood vessels and much more. The kidneys are in charge of knowing on a moment by moment basis how much uric acid to keep and how much to let go. It’s similar to how our body maintains blood sugar balance or the pH of our blood.” In 2011, Bert wrote and released his ebook on how to eliminate gout and then in 2012, he created a whole 7-day video program for those who need someone to hold their hand during a gout attack and step by step, make the changes that matter most. The program addresses oxygen, water intake, foods, stress management, environmental toxins, exercise and sleep. So far, about 3000 people have benefitted from his work. Since initiating these changes himself, Bert has returned to life 100% and enjoys skiing in the Rockies. “What I want people to know is that living with gout is optional. You don’t have to be a helpless victim of gout or a victim of your genes. Your genes load the gun but what’s in your environment (controllable by you) is what pulls the trigger,” he states with confidence. For more information, see Help is right here. H&F

By Dr. Donna, Editor


heerleading isn’t just standing on the sidelines and waving pom poms anymore. Instead, it’s a highly active and competitive activity that involves tumbling, leaping, tossing, jumping, building human pyramids, and a lot of other fancy gymnastic tricks. Imagine the demands on the 14-year-old body for all these activities.

And rightfully so. The number of cheerleading injuries has risen rapidly, and statistics show us that up to 70% of catastrophic injuries of all high school sports are from cheerleading. The types of injuries that usually occur encompass head injuries, including concussions, and injuries to the neck, trunk, knees, hips, sprains and strains, as well as low back injuries. Some of these injuries – like an ACL injury in football – can end up following someone throughout their entire lifetime. Whenever Hank sees a 14-year-old girl at a game or practice with a knee

Can she do 15 perfect Vee-ups (these are a special type of situp)? Can she run 3 minutes in place without being exhausted? “The reality is that if these basic skills can’t be performed, your daughter is at high risk for injury,” he said. “Base cheerleaders that can’t squat or shoulder press over their head 50% of their body weight should NOT be lifting people. Yet that’s what cheerleaders have to do now. Cheerleading isn’t for anyone who isn’t fit – and not for someone who is getting fit in the process of becoming a cheerleader.”

What Every Cheerleader Needs to Be Injury Free

“If you’re a parent and your daughter is a cheerleader or wants to be one, there are skills your child can learn to stay safe out there on the gymnasium floor,” said Hank Dean, Certified Personal Trainer and Gymnastics Coach who has helped hundreds of cheerleaders stay injuryfree for more than 10 years. Hank is passionate about preventing injuries at all costs, and he never wants to hear parents tell him that their daughter was taken off the floor via a stretcher and is in the ER.

Shocking Statistics on Cheerleader Injuries

Can your daughter do 10 frog jumps 10 times in a row?

According to Hank, gymnastics is at the core of skills needed for cheerleading, and every cheerleader needs

strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness. With any one of these parts of the puzzle, the girl will pull a hamstring, quad, hurt her hip, neck or lower back. And then she’s out of the game for a good six to eight weeks. “There is a simple solution and it’s training. Sports-specific training for cheerleading. In order to be a happy and positive cheerleader who is successful, the basic motor skills have to be 100% correct,” he said.



Hank’s mission in life is to keep cheerleaders safe with sports-specific cheerleading programs of personal training. It’s what he’s best at. For more information or to ask Hank for a consultation to keep your daughter free from the catastrophic injuries of the sport, email him at hank.dean27@ or give him a call at 916835-7433 /732-927-6682. He’s based in Carmichael. H&F

HANK DEAN Certified Personal Trainer SPORTS SPECIFIC TRAINING Tailored to enhance YOUR skills to YOUR SPORTS SPECIFIC NEEDS!

brace or elbow brace, he cringes, feeling the pain and knowing he could have helped prevent it.

Whether its cheerleading, basketball, gymnastics, football, or dance, HANK DEAN has a program to help you REACH YOUR PLATEAU!

How Do You Know Your Girl is Fit Enough For Cheerleading? “Now I have five questions that parents must answer yes before they send their daughter off to summer cheerleading camp or sign her up for the team at school,” he says confidently.

Those questions are: Can your daughter do a perfect push-up 15 times in a row? Can she do one to two semipushups from a headstand position?

• • • • •


20 Minute Diagnostic Evaluation!

Improve Overall Fitness Reach & Maintain Healthy Weight Unique Overall Training Learn New Skills & Techniques Enhance Your Mind, Body & Spirit Nutritional Wellbeing & More!


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children’s gardening program can open a child’s eyes to a world within the outdoor class space that is filled with flowers and make the experience an event they will long remember. When working with an urban gardening program for elementary school age kids, it is important to understand what will make a successful vegetable gardening program for children. A child’s gardening goals differ from those of adult. Middle school and high school gardening programs differ than those for younger children in methods and presented curricula. Kids’ primary objective in gardening is discovery and experimentation. They don’t measure success by the quantity or quality of a harvest; it is the reward in experiencing the process. Kids use all five senses to explore and discover the garden

and planned as a fun learning activity surrounded by a world of discoveries. Whether you work with one child or a dozen of them, you’ll find the following tips helpful to customize your gardening program. Adults aspirations in vegetable gardening are four-fold: a sustainable source of fresh produce, economics, and health/ nutrition. These goals can be incorporated into a curriculum for a balanced children’s gardening program. When presenting gardening curriculum it works best when presented as “teaching moments.” Define the goals for forming this young gardeners club. What do you hope to accomplish? Will the garden be a place for quiet

START THE GARDEN FROM SEEDS. CHILDREN LEARN MORE BY SEEING THE GROWING PROCESS AS IT BEGINS. setting. Vegetable gardening for children will not only stimulates their senses but also builds a lifelong connection with nature, healthier choices and caring for our environment. Children are curious about the wonders of nature; they like to learn by doing, and will love to play in a garden space designed with them in mind. A kid-friendly gardening program should be presented 14 CELEBRATING



meditation, teaching science, creating a farmers market or a venue for healthy eating? The answer helps you decide the type of garden environment to create, such as native plant, heirloom, organic, herbal or exhibition. Rely on the experts. Borrow gardening rules, tips and techniques from successful community


gardening program in your area. The most successful community type gardens are supported by an involved group of people. This is the time to pull together a group of like-minded teachers, and helpers from your circle of influence. Local Master Gardeners, Farm Bureaus, botanic and organic garden organizations and nurseries can provide guidance and support.

Give the kids their own garden space for possession. This will give the children a sense of ‘ownership’ of a familiar space and encourages a commitment and responsibility to the gardening project. Whether you use raised beds, repurposed containers or a traditional ground plot, be sure to give children their own separate garden space and encourage them to get their hands dirty.

Set young gardeners up for success with the best soil and light conditions available. This is part of the planning strategy. In urban settings it is common to find predicaments such as poor soil conditions; pollutants, and gardening in awkwardly shaped areas surrounded by asphalt or cement. Remember most vegetable gardens require at least 6-8 hours of sunlight each day. It is also helpful to have easy access to water. Don’t be discouraged if your garden site has too many obstacles; this is a sign to consider container gardening. Start the garden from seeds. Children learn more by seeing the growing process as it begins. Let them notice the root system and make their own observations on plant development and life cycles. The care given to sprouting seeds and nurturing the young seedling is a valuable part of the gardening experience. Also seeds will develop into healthier plants if started indoors in a warm room. Once the true leaves have sprouted they can be transplanted into the garden bed according growing season. You may need to help out behind the scenes and cheat a little. They don’t have to know every small issue you’ve corrected. Regularly patrol for pests, but do not use pesticides. Children should not be exposed to toxins. Change a few plants that were severely damaged due to mishandling. The kids must feel a sense of ownership in the plot.

Use alloted time wisely. Have a set start and ending time for the sessions. Change the activity to keep kids excited about gardening. Garden time for children should be in the cool of the day. Include garden themed activities, games and craft time in your program. Keep in mind kids may not be ready at all times for all chores in the garden. All children may not enjoy all garden tasks; some are afraid of bugs. The incorporation of garden themed activities will give your children a needed variety. This will insure children will look forward to the future sessions and positively impact behavior. Gardening tools and gear are a necessity. When you supply children with tools, you acknowledge the importance of the work they’re doing. There are many kitchen objects that can be repurposed for gardening use. Hard plastic kitchen utensils make excellent garden tools; they can be used like a shovel or spade; drinking water bottles may be used as watering containers.

RUNNING JOKES By Mark McCullum What happened when the clam went for a run? He pulled a muscle. What should you never try to run off? The edge of a cliff. How did the prisoner know when to stop running? He hit the wall.


Make the garden appealing to the senses. Colorful blooms add to the visual; aromatic crops that appeal to the nose and edible produce eaten off the vine stimulates taste. Choose a variety of vegetable plants and include a few edible flowers for color and herbs for fragrance. Different shapes and textures fascinate children. Plant easy-to-grow vegetables such as cucumbers, collard greens, zucchini, leaf lettuce, beans, peas, summer squash, bell peppers and Swiss chard.

Why are the runner’s feet always wet? From running in Brooks. What’s the runner’s lucky number? Asics. What do you call it when a runner waves at you? Runners’ high. Why did the runner start drinking milk from a bowl? To try and do more laps. Why did the chef give up running? He was always straining something. How did the hairdresser win the ultra marathon? His use of gels. What’s the biggest obstacle for barefoot runners? They have no sole. If a “B” starts running for fun, where should he go? “B”side the C. H&F Mark McCallum is a writer and runner based in Southern China. Using years of running experience McCallum writes motivational and practical running advice best summed up in “Run Your Destiny.”

Engage them through the entire process, from seed to table. Gardening gives children a chance to learn an important life skill, one overlooked in standard school curriculums. Gardening is also a great way to teach environmental awareness by exploring the workings of nature. Plant life cycles and seed germination are easily taught in the outdoor classroom. So are math, creative writing, reading, social studies, nutrition, observation and the fine arts. Besides planting and nurturing their garden beds, be sure they are an active part the harvesting and preparation of their vegetables for the table, no matter how modest the crop yield. A children’s vegetable garden will open their minds to a ‘world class’ learning experience about plants and flowers. H&F


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ealthy eating means different things to different people. It can range from low fat to complex carbohydrates and high fiber. A great rule of thumb is to eat a wide variety of UNPROCESSED foods. Adding raw fruits and vegetables to your diet is a great place to start. Cut down your commercial red meat intake, add a little chicken into your diet, as well as fish. Research the types of foods that you want to incorporate into your diet; it only takes a few moments with the internet literally at your fingertips. Your health is worth the time. Healthy Eating Is A Choice Everyone has the choice whether to eat healthy or not. If you desire a longer and better quality of life choosing include HEALTHY EATING HABITS into your lifestyle is a smart choice. Eating more raw foods gives your body the proper nutrients that it needs to fight off disease. Healthy eating may not fight off everything but what a great place to begin. If you have to eat out, just take the time to choose carefully off the menu, these days restaurants offer more healthy choices, even for those of you who are gluten intolerant. You can even try writing down what you eat in any given day and then compare how you feel. Example: If you eat fast food for lunch (hamburger and fries) one day and on another day you have a healthy grilled chicken salad, note the difference in how you feel when you go back to work or your regular routine. Healthy eating is a great start but add a little exercise in with that and before you know it you will be feeling lighter, have more energy; that sluggish feeling that many people deal with after eating not so healthy will disappear.




Healthy Eating Information There is an abundance of information for healthy eating, nutrition and recipes. So many recipes in fact that you would never have to eat the same thing twice. Once you start eating healthier, you will find that your cravings for not so healthy choices will begin to disappear. Take the time to look through the cookbooks available on-line or at your favorite bookstore, find one that you know will work for your lifestyle. You may be surprised at how easy it is to eat healthy. Receive FREE delicious recipes and cooking tips from a Certified Chef by clicking the link below. form/78/479830278.htm H&F


CHICKEN CURRY AND WILD RICE SALAD 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2 cups wild rice 4 carrots, diced 3 stalks of celery, diced

¼ to ½ cup currants ¼ cup raw sliced almonds ¼ cup raw sunflower seeds 4 green onions, chopped

DRESSING: ½ - 1 cup light mayonnaise 3 tablespoons light soy sauce 1 teaspoons curry powder

1 teaspoon turmeric 1 teaspoon lemon or lime juice Salt and Pepper to taste

DIRECTIONS: 1. Poach chicken, cut into chunks and allow to cool. Prepare rice as directed on package. 2. Mix all ingredients together and add dressing. 3. Refrigerate and allow to chill. When preparing this recipe you can adjust the spices to your palette. You can add other fresh vegetable such as broccoli, cauliflower, or whatever vegetable you desire.

understandings of Life. SO no one — and I MEAN NO ONE — can truly judge your parenting! Thus, I ask you to check within. Sit somewhere VERY quietly and ask for guidance. Then shut down your mind, STOP thinking and allow whatever comes to you.

Thinking about being in graduate school really frightens me not because I don’t think that I can do it, but because I don’t think I will be able to give school or my family the attention that they deserve. I have never regretted having my son, but being in college while raising him has made me feel like a terrible mother. Lately he has been very vocal when he gets upset or frustrated. I feel that he may be going through this lashing/acting out stage because he does not feel as if we are present as much as he needs us to be.


I know we are good parents and are doing what’s best for our family’s future, but feel as if he will grow up with resentment towards us for not being as mentally and emotionally present as he wished we could be. What can we do to be better for our son? Sincerely, Desperate Parents in Davis, CA ————— Hey Parents… The endless volume of books, courses, and blogs on Parenting proves there is NO “Right Way to Parent”! – My Quote And so, the conscious, caring parents endlessly flog themselves, expecting superhuman effort and phenomenal skills, as not to let our children and everyone else “down”! The better question: “Which Life Dividends should be prioritized right now?” Many Parents believe they’re “supposed” to do and be amazing!! You know, provide for life’s basic

needs, give children MUCH more attention than children of past generations ever needed, teach values and morals in a society that celebrates immorality and vulgarity, attend all extracurricular activities (versus let kids freely play unsupervised), help with nightly homework, etc. Psychologists generally describe “healthy parenting” quite differently! We tend to emphasize boundaries, priorities, role-modeling and self- and other-care…FLEXIBILITY! NOT, be “Everything Mom” or “Got It All Covered Dad”! HONESTLY “Do Your Best”. WHY? Because THERE IS NO OTHER CRITERIA FOR “GOOD PARENTING”! You’d be stunned to find out what “really happened” if you asked your parents about many of your childhood memories! Children are humans, and as such, they make their subjective interpretations of their experiences! And so are your parents, siblings, friends… everyone!! They draw their own conclusions about everything in life, based on their own limited experiences and


Dear Mitch, I’m a married college student and we have a beautiful 3-year-old son. I will be applying for graduate school next year. College has been very hard on all of us. Both my husband and I are in school and are parttime workers. We do our very best to juggle it all and accommodate our schedules to revolve around our son. When we aren’t at school, we are working; when we aren’t working, we are at home cooking, cleaning doing homework and trying to be good parents. I’m not sure how we’ve made it work, but we’ve come far.

You see, going to school, not going to school, working or not working, making dinner or not all are choices, and you have the power to make what YOU feel are the best choices! Clearly, making dinner so everyone eats is easier to identify as a better choice than starving. But about going to school… focused on your son: By attending school, you’re sending messages about the value of education, sacrifice and commitment for what education offers. These are GOOD messages for your son!!

Meanwhile, your son MAY be sending you messages that being more available for him at this time is a higher priority, and that perhaps you might consider SOMETHING different in Life! I can tell you: Your son will only be THIS age ONCE. It’s VERY healthy to balance parenting and other goals and needs. It’s NOT healthy to focus 100% of your energy on being present to your child(ren). But if you or your husband DID postpone school for a year or two, would you two then use your time to retain a healthy balance, giving your son more attention while caring for you and your husband’s other needs? You’re NOT a terrible Mother because you’re in college. I believe you’d be a poor Mother if you weren’t concerned about what’s best for your son.

Mitch Darnell, MS, OSM, CRC Twitter: @InspiredMD Certified Relationship Coach 916/247.1655 JUNE/JULY

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No Matter How Fast Paced Your Life Is… You’re Always Ready with


On The Go Towels!

he hottest days of the summer are yet to come – days where walking to your car is enough to pour out sweat beads. During these days, you can’t give up exercising just because it’s over 100 degrees. And with a drought, you have to think twice about taking that extra shower. How will you stay cool and refreshed? The answer could be a brand new product created right here in Sacramento called On The Go Towels; Cleansing and Sports Towels.

Have You Ever Been In This Situation? Imagine if you’re traveling to see a client. By the time you reach the destination hours later, you don’t feel fresh enough to go to your appointment. So you go to the store and buy a small box of wipes. You find that they’re small and dainty and it takes 10 or more to clean up. When you get to the bottom of the box, they’re all dried out in the package and don’t have any moisture in them, or sometimes they leave your skin sticky or maybe they leave your hands and skin dried out. Or imagine you’re out there living your life and are getting ready for a date. Your schedule presses you to the very last minute and there’s no time or no place to shower. You know you must go through with this date no matter what. You might have purchased some Baby Wipes to help freshen you, but these are meant for the small area of a baby’s behind, not a man or woman-sized face, chest, or back. You do the best you can, but frankly the options aren’t good enough... until now! 18 CELEBRATING




Now you can literally stay cool and refreshed, no matter how intense your workout is or how hot the outside temperature gets. That answer is On The Go Towels. These towels are big enough so you don’t have to use up an entire box of them. Sized 10 x 12 inches, local cyclist Max Mack finds them large enough to use on his face, neck, arms, back and chest and then clean his bicycle when he’s done. He washes the towels with the laundry and then uses them afterwards as a rag to dust or do routine cleaning. There’s nothing like multi-tasking with a product.

What Natural Ingredients are Included in the Towels? The towels contain plenty of herbs that are soothing and helpful to the skin: • Pyrus malus fruit extract – Apple contains a phenolic compound called phloretin that prevents inflammatory compounds like IL-6 and prostaglandin E2 to be released in the skin after exposure to UV-B rays, thus protecting the skin cells. • Aloe barbadensis leaf extract – Aloe vera is known for its effects on stimulating collagen and hyaluronic production in skin via its sterols.


Or if you’re out all day at an outdoor event on a hot day, pull out the On The Go Sports Towels. You might even pass a few around to your friends who have been sweating all day long as well. The cooling ingredients will instantly make you feel clean and refreshed.

Max Mack

• Chamomilla recutita flower extract – Chamomile has proven effects against inflammation in the skin. • Cucumis sativus fruit extract – Cucumber has a cleansing action and removes accumulated pockets of old waste materials and toxins. It nourishes the skin, soothes skin irritations, and reduces swelling. Sunburnt skin is relieved by cucumber. • Panax ginseng root extract – Korean red ginseng has been shown to prevent dermatitis in some studies at Korean universities. It also promotes hair growth. • Camellia sinensis extract leaf extract – Green tea has antibacterial effects on the skin and prevents infections in wounds while it improves wound healing. • Camellia sinensis (white tea) extract – White tea has greater anti-wrinkle properties than green tea. It’s antibacterial as well. • Hamamelis virginiana bark/leaf/twig extract (witch hazel) – Witch hazel contains polyphenol antioxidants that protect the skin from sunburn and photoaging. Great for Travelers and Outdoor Events You could be traveling on an airplane for several hours and feel like you absolutely need a shower before you see that special someone who is picking you up at the airport. On The Go Cleansing Towels may be your best bet. They fit inside a purse or pocket, don’t alert Airport Security, and you don’t need water to activate them. Slip away to the rest room with On The Go Towels and you’ll be fine.

Runners love them. Wrestlers do, too. Powerwalkers and dog walkers find a need for them, and just about everyone in business situations say they are indispensable to keeping social and business relationships on the go. Law enforcement on patrol and firemen that have been on the scene of a fire love them, too. How to Select Your On the Go Towels Here’s a guide to the four different types: Cleansing Towels Shower Refresh – Use when you want to remove sweat, grime, and dirt. A must for camping, traveling, marathons, outdoor events, and sports. Cleansing Towels Citrus Refresh – Removes sweat, grime, and dirt plus gives you an extra edge with the tingling, fresh feeling from the scent of citrus. Sports Towels Revive – Exceptionally pleasant smell to revive you while you wipe away sweat at the gym or after sports. Cools you down. Great for business executives, too. Sports Towels Unscented – Great for when you want to be incognito when it comes to scent, but don’t have time to shower after sporting activity. Cools you down as well. So whether you are an executive, heading out on a date, a cyclist finishing a ride or a fireman ending your shift, there is now no reason for you to feel hot, sweaty, sticky or dirty. With On The Go Towels, you can always feel clean, cool and refreshed! For more information about On The Go Towels, visit their website at Or give them a call at 888.578.3115. H&F JUNE/JULY

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lended and specialty teas have grown exponentially in popularity, and their popularity is expected to grow even further in the next few years. Every flavor combination you can imagine is out there - you’ll even find a coffee flavored tea if you can believe it!

to create just the right taste. This is a skill that takes years of practice to master. In most cases, flavorings add sweetness, and knowing just how much sweetness to add means understanding fully the complexity of the tea base as well as the end result you want to achieve in flavor.

But just because every combination is out there doesn’t mean you should try every tea. Many people don’t realize how complex tea making really is or how widely the quality and taste of tea can vary. If you haven’t tried flavored teas, you should definitely give them a taste, but you should be wise in your choices to avoid wasting money on tea that you ultimately will not enjoy.

Always Consider Tea Quality

Quality is everything when it comes to making flavored teas. Many tea companies will use lower grade teas for their flavored teas. Then, they’ll add more flavoring to them, to cover up the inferiority of the tea they used as the base. This creates an overly sweet, yet dull tasting blend. When you use a high quality tea base, you can add just enough flavoring to bring out the best in the tea; you have nothing to cover up.

Some of the best combinations are some of the simplest ones. Rose tea, for example,


heavy hitters in the tea business. Yet, even when competing with much larger tea companies, some quality products were able to take awards in many categories.

A quality company is OF EXACTLY HOW TO BLEND THE TWO usually successful by following the three principles mentioned above: good tea, good flavors, is one of the oldest flavored teas available. Roses expert blending. impart a wonderful bouquet to tea, but also give it a very subtle and sophisticated floral taste that is Good tea means buying the highest quality loose wonderful on its own or with many types of food. leaf teas. These teas are larger leafed and of the But not all floral teas are created equal. highest grade. They are purchased from the finest tea growers in the world. 3 Components of A Good Rose Tea A really good rose tea requires three things: really Good flavoring means knowing the right ingredigood tea, really good rose flavoring and the knowlents to use to impart the flavor to the tea. Many edge of exactly how to blend the two. If any of tea producers will use artificial flavorings to flavor these three details is neglected, the tea will be their teas, but this gives the tea a very unnatural inferior. taste that you’ll spot as soon as it hits your tongue. The best companies choose natural ingredients A limited number of companies however have to flavor their teas, and it makes such a difference developed a reputation for creating only the best when you taste it. Some suppliers for example teas, whether flavored, blended or single teas. even have real rose petals in it. Their teas have even won awards at the World Tea Expo, being recognized for their superior flavor The third aspect of making great flavored tea is and quality. Such awards are impressive because the World Tea Expo competitions attract some very knowing how to balance the tea and the flavorings 20 CELEBRATING




Sometimes people will complain about the price of high quality loose teas, because they know that they can find lower priced teas elsewhere. But, it’s important to understand that when it comes to tea, you get what you pay for. Lower quality tea will give you far less flavor than a high quality loose tea. In addition, when you purchase high quality loose teas, they can be used for multiple infusions. You can make two, sometimes three, cups of tea from the same leaves. So, when you compare the cost of the tea per cup, you’ll find that the best loose tea is actually less expensive than lower quality teas, and you get better taste! Give a Quality Rose Tea a Try. Blending tea with rose has been around for many years, but few companies have created this blend successfully. The tea base is light, yet very flavorful. The rose petals give the tea a wonderful scent, and also impart a light floral taste to the tea. It’s a rich and wonderful flavor that goes well with food, but is intoxicating on it’s own, too. Jon M. Stout is Chairman of the Golden Moon Tea Company. Golden Moon Tea recently placed first and second in the best tea competition at the prestigious World Tea Expo in Atlanta Georgia. For more information about tea, wu-longtea, go to www.goldenmoontea. com/wu-long tea; for info on black tea, go to www. H&F


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t’s hard being a rules mom – always reminding your kids (and husband) to get off their bikes and walk at crosswalks, to keep their elbows off the dinner table and to say thank you after a compliment. The repetition kills you and the reward seems so far off. You grow weary of harping at them and feel like giving up. Even friends make you seem like a tyrant sometimes. You really need my son’s booster seat? It’s just a five-minute drive. Yes, you say, he’s only seven and it’s the law. And I’m driving. Sometimes it feels like you are the only one following the rules.

You weren’t always so boring, but something happened to you. The jaywalking, no-helmetwearing girl of your youth became a mom. Instinct told you that a set of rules had to be drafted, or chaos was sure to ensue. So when is the right time to start enforcing rules? Begin as soon as your child can understand basic language and start with very simple guidelines for behavior. Your actions will also teach them what is acceptable in certain situations. For teens, specific rules and boundaries will give them a sense of security and let them know where they fit in to the bigger picture. Limits help to ground adolescents at a time in their lives when so much is in upheaval. You can raise capable and confident children if you define family rules and values early and follow through on them. Children need to know what is expected of them and that a code of conduct is in place for their family. Rules protect your children from harm and keep them healthy, but don’t be overly rigid with them. Rules are in place for a reason, but they will also be broken at times. Turn these occasions into learning opportunities for your child by explaining the 22 CELEBRATING



RULES PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN FROM HARM AND KEEP THEM HEALTHY, BUT DON’T BE OVERLY RIGID WITH THEM. RULES ARE IN PLACE FOR A REASON, BUT THEY WILL ALSO BE BROKEN AT TIMES. consequences of their actions and demonstrating how they could have changed the outcome. Stay strong and don’t give in to outside influences. Children will always compare themselves to their friends and wonder why their family does things differently. They will also try to make you bend the rules to suit their needs. Simply explain that your family’s rules and values are unique and in place for a reason. They must be respected and followed by all family members. It really does pay to be a rules mom. Because of your hard work and determination, you will slowly notice your children following the rules without having to be reminded. You’ll fill with pride as you watch them say please and thank you on a


regular basis, come home on schedule, pick-up their things around the house and much more. And believe it or not, one day they will thank you for the structure and clear guidelines and you will have your ultimate reward. More Time Moms designs tools to make your busy life easier, so you can spend more time with your family. All of our bestselling titles, including the original and #1 bestselling Family Organizer and the Family Meals cookbook are designed by moms to help you manage your family schedule and are available online at For more great parenting tips and tricks, check out our blog at and join the Family Meals Challenge for free recipes, dinnertime tips and games. H&F

by Dr. Donna, Editor


ulanda Davis was doing her best at losing weight. Her rude awakening that she was overweight occurred one day as she was reading a book in bed. She found it difficult to get out of bed, was breathing hard and then noticed she could barely tie her shoes.

novice class, 2nd place in B class (this matches up contestants for height and shape), and 4th place in the master’s category, which is for people over the age of 35 years old. “My trainer called me daily. When I won the two medals and a trophy, they told me it was unheard of for a first timer to do this. I felt so good when my trainer said she was proud of me. In January, I realized that I liked how I looked when I was naked. I never knew the body could transform to look this good… Weight training gives you a different

She thought to herself, “Oh my God! I have to make a change, and it must involve changing how I eat.” Day of Reckoning Causes Massive Change And she did. She altered her diet and started working out at the gym on weights and cardio. Her weight had reached a peak of 214 pounds but two years later, she was exceptionally happy with the continual decline to 167 pounds. But 167 pounds wasn’t good enough for Yulanda. She had worked so hard to get to this point, but there had to be a way to make more progress and get the last 40 pounds off. One hundred twenty seven pounds was a good weight for her at 5’3” tall, she believed. Cry for More Help Becomes a Reality “About that time, one of my friends who was a female bodybuilder, Cinderella Richardson, approached me and asked me if I was ready for her to train me. I replied that I got to this point but definitely needed some help. She arranged my diet and work out plan, and I decided at that time I wanted to compete in bodybuilding. I wanted to look good in my 40s and 50s,” she said. From that day on, Yulanda religiously followed Cinderella Richardson’s guidelines. She drank her protein shakes. She ate a high protein diet, sometimes earting more than 30 eggs a week. She had plenty of vegetables and ate no high sugar fruits. Coconut oil was her primary fat although she did eat almonds every other day. She gave up coffee, drank green tea and a gallon of water daily, and rarely cheated. At the gym, Yulanda first does a warm-up set with low weights, then 3 sets of heavy weights. She will work with several different machines to work a



body part. She talked to no one so she could keep her focus and keep moving. She listened to Gospel music that had a fast beat the whole time.


She Had to Make Lifestyle/ Friend Changes YOU CAN’T FIX AT HOME – BETTER. “I had to change some of the ways I interacted with friends, too. Some of my friends would come over and then shape. A size 2 with cellulite is a lot different than a size 2 without cellulite!” tell me, ‘You’re too small!’ Cinderella Richardson explained to me that they were making comments Encouragement to All like this because they didn’t have the discipline to Yulanda advises others that they can do it on their do it and didn’t want someone to outdo them. She own or they can hire a personal trainer and nutritold me they may look nice but when they open tionist to create a plan for you, but you must stay their mouth, you can identify who they really are. on the plan. “When you feel like you’re ready to Tell them to move on, get them out of your head and move on. I never thought about this before but give up, don’t! Realize there’s nothing you can eat at the restaurant you can’t fix at home – better. realized she was right. I did lose some friends but Don’t eat out with friends; do other things with my life is a lot better now…” she said. them. Why do you have to eat with them?” Yulanda’s Harvest Comes In Changing what she looked like started with a She spent two hours daily in the gym and did transformed mind and desire. “I realized I have to one hour cardio before bed, six days a week from want it. I have to be a leader and lead myself, not October 2014 on. follow…” It paid off. A few months later, she entered the Yulanda is preparing now for the IDBB Competition to NGA Georgia All Natural Bodybuilding Show be called a figure pro – in August. H&F and took 1st place in overall posing, 2nd place in JUNE/JULY

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are consistent with the widely touted benefits of positive thinking and mindful meditation.

tudies on the body’s defense mechanism against stealth adapted viruses have provided important insight into a fundamental mechanism whereby the body acquires energy for cellular functions. The mechanism is referred to as the third or alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway. Photosynthesis is regarded as the first cellular energy pathway of Nature and food metabolism as the second.

The energy utilized by the ACE pathway is derived from an environmental force termed KELEA (kinetic energy limiting electrostatic attraction). It is likely to correspond to what Nikola Tesla described as a radiant or as an impulse force. The fundamental role of the kinetic energy may be to prevent the fusion and annihilation of opposing electrical charges. KELEA can act on fluids and other materials, leading to a loosening of hydrogen bonding. KELEA activated water shows an increase in molecular kinetic activity measurable as an increased volatility. Moreover, the separated electrical charges in sufficiently activated water can directly absorb KELEA from the environment leading to further activation of the water and that of nearby or added water. Although initially identified as a non-immunological defense against stealth adapted viruses, the ACE pathway has far wider significance in biology. Principally, the ACE pathway is an adjunct to the cellular energy derived from oxidative phosphorylation of food. The typical average daily consumption of food yields approximately 2,000 Calories. For a 75 Kilogram individual to maintain a body temperature 20oC above the environment requires 1,500 Calories a day. (The body returns to room temperature within 24 hours 24 CELEBRATING



The body can produce KELEA attracting materials outside of the brain. They are termed “ACE pigments” and can develop as a result of infections with stealth adapted and other viruses. ACE pigments are electrostatic, occasionally magnetic and can fluoresce, especially in the presence of certain dyes, including neutral red dye. Testing for ACE pigments in dried perspiration, saliva and urine can provide a means of assessing the ACE pathway. Their presence can, therefore, be used as an indication for insufficient cellular energy.

of death). This would leave insufficient energy from food metabolism for the various cellular functions of the brain, heart, muscles and other organs. In other words, humans and presumably other living creatures are dependent of an additional, nonfood source of cellular energy. Various materials can absorb KELEA and transfer it to nearby water. A striking feature of many of these materials is their dipolar or multipolar electrical property. It is presumed that the separated electrical charges are attracting KELEA, which may then be released from certain of these compounds, possibly in an oscillatory manner. This consideration led to the intriguing possibility that the fluctuating electrical activity in the brain and in muscles may serve as an antenna for bringing KELEA into the body. Support for this hypothesis was obtained by demonstrating a water-activating effect by participants in a laughing yoga class.


The role of the brain as an antenna for KELEA is presumably subject to both positive and negative influences. The latter are likely to include emotional stress. For certain individuals the use of cell phones or simply being under the influence of excessive electromagnetism may negatively affect the proposed antenna function of their brain. Several lines of evidence are consistent with certain generalizations regarding beneficial aspects of the brain’s electrical activity. These include I) a preference for alpha wave and even more so for gamma brain waves, rather than beta brain waves. ii) Brain waves of high amplitude, which are indicative of a greater membrane potential with less risk of unwarranted depolarization. iii) A lower overall level of activity, allowing the brain to more easily restrict its attention to enable clarity of thought, optimism and self-esteem. iv) greater emphasis on parasympathetic versus sympathetic stimulation. These generalizations

As reasoned elsewhere, effective homeopathy is likely a misnomer for the administration of KELEA activated water. The water is activated by herbal tinctures, which are presumably acting as KELEA absorbing and transmitting compounds. The compounds are largely removed by the progressive dilutions of homeopathic formulations. Mineral-rich materials useful for activating water include humic/fulvic acids, zeolites, volcanic rocks, shungite (a product from Russia), mica and anhydrous magnesium oxide. The activating material can be removed once the water is activated, by various means including distilling the water or using a zero residue filtration. Indeed, some dipolar compounds can function without direct contact with the water and merely need to be place close by the water to be activated. Broadly based health benefits have been attributed to several food products. A prime example is the leaves of the Moringa oleifera tree. Although usually explained by its rich source of nutrients, the major mode of action of Moringa oleifera leaves is

Evolving clinical data support the value of consuming activated water in various medical conditions. Formal rigorously controlled studies in patients with many clinical illnesses are now warranted. These illnesses are broadly categorized as follows: 1. Inadequate oxygen delivery as in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

2. Impaired blood supply as in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. 3. Inefficiency of cellular metabolism as, for example in diabetes. 4. Increased energy demands as in infections and in wound healing. 5. Deficiency in higher level brain functions that are not fully supported by food derived metabolic energy. An interesting possibility in this last category is that consuming activated water may increase the brain’s ability to act as its own antenna for KELEA, in a positive feedback mechanism. Increasingly, psychiatric patients are being identified as being refractory to any reasoned talk therapy or

available psychothropic medications. Possibly they may become more responsive to these modes of therapy if they consume KELEA activated water or enerceutical™ foods. An understanding of the ACE pathway can also challenge the presumed mode of action of various alternative therapies. For example, while EDTA based chelation therapy is generally assumed to work by deleting toxic metals, it may simply be supplying activated water. Electroacupuncture bears similarity with the use of electrical stimulation to activate water in the laboratory setting. Mind body medicine and meditation, which mainly serve to limit distracting thought processes, may

actually be a means of enhancing the KELEA antenna function of the brain. These and related topics are discussed in the book: Stealth Adapted Viruses; Alternative Cellular Energy (ACE) & KELEA Activated Water.” It is imperative that a series of welldesigned, rigorous controlled clinical studies be undertaken to assess the role of various therapies in enhancing the ACE pathway. Undoubtedly, the most straightforward of these trials will be to compare outcomes in those consuming KELEA activated compared to regular water. Individuals interested in participating in such trials should contact the author at H&F


likely that of water activation. The term enerceutical™ was introduced to describe foods able to supply cellular energy beyond their calorie or micronutrient content. Research by the author has also placed Ashitaba plants, cocoa powder and chaga mushroom extract into the wateractivating grouping of enerceuticals™.



ou may be experiencing anticipatory grief and not even know it. This form of grief is a feeling of loss before a death or dreaded event occurs. If your child is born with a heart defect, you may feel it. If you are caring for a failing loved one, you may feel it. If your pet has cancer, you may feel it. Sooner or later, everyone goes through this sad, emotional, and unpleasant experience. No matter who you are, or where you go, anticipatory grief follows you. Worse, its symptoms can chip away at you, and each one is powerful. Add the symptoms together and life may come to a screeching halt. Here are the symptoms: • Your feelings jump around from present, to past, to future. • Every day is a day of uncompleted loss. • The time factor takes a toll on you. • S uspense & fear are part of daily life. • Anticipatory grief can become complex. • Even if you know you are experiencing anticipatory grief, it is still a shock.

• No endpoint is in sight. • You feel sorrow and hope simultaneously. There are no ordinary days when you are experiencing anticipatory grief. Each day is a challenge and you wonder if you will survive this time. This is hard enough, and post-death grief is ahead of you. Are there any bright spots in this scenario? Thankfully, the answer is yes. You get to rehearse feelings. This rehearsal may help you with postdeath grief. It also gives you the opportunity to identify your feelings, the first step in coping with them. Rehearsing feelings may help you to contain them. For example, identifying deep sadness may prompt you to get evaluated for depression. You determine which feelings are the hardest. When my husband’s aorta dissected in 2013, I had such anticipatory grief I started planning his memorial service. I also realized that stress was the hardest part of anticipatory grief. Although I never

became angry, anger may be an issue for you. Family members may feel closer to each other. As my father-in-law’s life came to a close, family members shared wonderful stories about his life, and planned for his death. Dad didn’t want a public memorial service and we honored his request. After he died, we had a family dinner in his honor. We ate Dad’s favorite foods and watched movies of a younger Dad. This type of grief may lead to reorganization. You may realize that some aspects of your life need attention. My husband and I realized the inheritance laws in Minnesota had changed since we made our wills. We contacted our lawyer and he updated our wills and even came to my husband’s hospital room, so he could sign the document. You may become a more empathetic person. This happened to me and may happen to you. As painful as anticipatory grief is, you may derive

some benefits from it, and become more appreciative of life. Harriet Hodgson has been a freelancer for 37 years and is the author of 34 books. Her latest releases are Happy Again! Your New and Meaningful Life After Loss, Help! I’m Raising My Grandkids, and Seed Time: Growing from Life’s Disappointments, Losses, and Sorrows. Visit her website and learn more about this busy author and grandmother. H&F JUNE/JULY

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orking out mind and body keeps us healthy! Taekwondo offers a great system of healthy fitness for anyone with benefits far beyond the physical. While we focus on fitness and self-defense training at Robinson’s I found that the ‘journey to black belt and beyond’ provides something often lacking in our throwaway world. Stability!

Like stability, the fact we have been in business for forty years in 2015 has given our students and families a source of continuity. That has been reflected by the students who have become instructors, whose families are now also making that ‘journey’ by training to become black belts with the certainty of their own experience that began as kids stepping out on the mat for the very first time.

Since opening my doors for the first time on Broadway in 1975 we have trained thousands of students, grown with our region and given individuals and families something they can count on day-in, day-out. Robinson’s Taekwondo is going to be there for them.

As a family and a business, Robinson’s knows how important it is to have stability and continuity for our students, as our extended family. Now forty years since opening, continuity has extended the Robinson’s TKD training to schools coast to coast, and to far-flung cities like Montevideo, Uruguay. Students


come to class, learn, practice and test to become leaders in their own communities. This continuity in training now stretches from Sacramento to places around the world as students train, earn black belts and often become instructors in their city. This process has been underway, day-in, day out now for forty years. Stability and continuity in TKD brings longevity! Aspects of this are reflected in classes from Tiny Tigers to our Silver Tiger program. The Silver Tiger’s are active 50+ students and graduated their first black belts just two years ago. I created this non-contact TKD form for older students five years ago because continuity in training brings great benefits in living a long life. Better





stability comes from strength, flexibility and balance — keeping martial artists healthier as they get older, reducing time and costs for medical care. Another new style offering healthy fitness and self-defense skill is Poomsae, also a non-contact, technical form that becomes artistry in motion. At some point sparring isn’t necessary, but keeping or learning TKD skills still important, so this artistic form that started in Korea has been a big hit with both young and older students at Robinson’s. Finally, longevity in business is also important as generation after generation comes back to seek black belt excellence in training day-in, day-out since 1975. H&F

By John Buchanan


y first taste of freedom just happened to coincide with my first bicycle crash. I was about five years old when my dad decided it was time to shake the training wheels. He hauled out my brothers hand me down Schwinn Pixie that I had been tooling around on and proceeded to roll me down the sidewalk with his hand firmly holding the rear of my seat. When I looked behind me for reassurance I was stunned to see that my dad was no longer hanging on and indeed I was riding my bike under my own power. I was simply elated and for just one moment I was king of the road! That’s when I hit the parked car. Ouch! To this day I still don’t know where that car came from. So what is the point of this prelude, one might wonder? Well, I love my dad. Don’t get me wrong, but in hind sight his teaching technique left a lot to be desired. Hopefully the following tips may help prevent a similar debacle from happening to someone else’s child. First, please invest in a helmet. For one, it is California State law; all children under the age of eighteen must be wearing a helmet while cycling. The goal of this article ideally is to help your child avoid crashes, which a helmet cannot do, but what it can do is prevent a serious head injury. Although the greatest number of cycling related head injuries occur amongst boys ten to fourteen years of age, everyone should consider investing in a helmet. Your life may literally depend on it, and this should be emphasized to riders of all ages. Second, the bicycle itself should be assessed. Is it the proper size for the child in question and has it been properly fitted? If one is uncertain as to what constitutes proper size and fit, one can always seek assistance from their local bike shop, or reference numerous sources from the internet. It is during this assessment one should consider the brakes. I am daily struck with bewilderment at the number of children whose bicycles arrive at our shop with either no braking system at all, or those with brakes so poorly adjusted as to be rendered useless. Please allow your child the luxury of functional brakes. The thought of them entering a traffic environment without usable brakes should frighten every parent. It is now with the helmet and a functioning bicycle, that we can begin the process of teaching

the young rider the fundamentals of riding. It would be ideal if one could find an area that is wide open with which the child’s first trip out will be met with few, if any obstacles. It is here that an emphasis on pedaling and steering can be placed, and their sense of balance can be honed. Be aware, that most cycling accidents occur with stationary objects, pedestrians and other cyclists, and not necessarily with automobiles. Helping your child be aware of his/her surroundings will minimize many potential accidents. Once a parent feels comfortable that their child has mastered the above techniques, and are ready to venture on their own, they should also know the rules of the road. Can a cyclist ride through a cross walk? Can that same cyclist ride on the sidewalk? No to both, incidentally. Have they grasped the importance of looking both ways before even attempting to cross the street? These are hugely important fundamentals that most adults themselves are not aware of. For the sake of your child and yourself as parents, knowing these basic

rules can mean the difference between coming home from an invigorating day of cycling or yet another tragic story to be read in the newspaper the following day. I recognize this article is short on detail and long on hope. I encourage all those who wish to introduce their child to the joys of cycling, to gather as much information as possible, from as many sources as they can. As I mentioned, your local bike shops will gladly assist in this pursuit. In our Natomas community we have available to us the North Natomas Transportation Management Association, as well as the South Natomas Transportation Management Association, who offer frequent free clinics on cycling safety and maintenance. Anyone can avail themselves of these services. For most children, learning how to ride a bicycle will be their first exposure to the wide world about them. The goal should be that their first adventure is a painless one.



Happy first time trails. Cheers! H&F


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HOW TO MAKE BLACKENED STEAK SALAD By Dan Lefevre Next, prepare the salad. Remove your chilled romaine lettuce from the refrigerator and tear it into bite-size pieces and place into a large bowl. Add the garlic croutons, Parmesan cheese, and sliced cherry tomatoes. Next, pour in the salad dressing and toss the salad until dressing is thoroughly mixed with the lettuce. Prepare four plates with an equal amount of salad. Slice the steaks into small pieces and layer the tops of the salads with equal amounts of steak, and enjoy! H&F

Blacked Steak Marinade 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil 3 teaspoons of Cajun style blackening seasoning 1 peeled garlic clove 4 tenderloin steaks (6-8 ounces each, trimmed of fat) Salad Dressing:


lmost anyone can make a great-tasting steak if they take the time to marinade it (of course, the better the meat, the better tasting the steak, even withou t marinade). For this recipe, we’re going to marinade the steaks for 2 hours in the refrigerator inside of a re-sealable plastic bag. Your first step is to crush the peeled garlic clove into a small bowl. Let the crushed garlic sit for at least 10 minutes. In another bowl, add the half-cup of extra virgin olive oil and 3 teaspoons of Cajun style blackening seasoning. Mix the oil and seasoning. Once the 10 minutes is complete for your crushed garlic, add in the oil/seasoning and mix together. Your steaks should be sliced into small strips and laid out on a plate. Smother the steaks in your Cajun blackening sauce. Flip them over and smother the backside. Then place the steak strips into a re-sealable plastic bag and pour the remaining Cajun blackening sauce into the baggie. Seal the bag and place in refrigerator for approximately two hours. 28 CELEBRATING



When you’re ready to make your salad (and after 2 hours of marinating the steaks), you’ll want to place the steak strips into the broiler. They will cook fast, so keep an eye on them (anywhere from 4 to 5 minutes per side). Cook them to your preference. While the steaks are in the broiler, you’ll need to make the dressing. Once again, you’ll need to crush the garlic and let it sit before mixing it with the other ingredients. Crush the 4 peeled garlic cloves into a small bowl and let sit for at least 10 minutes. While you’re waiting on the garlic, combine the other dressing ingredients into a bowl and mix thoroughly (lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, Dijon mustard, Tabasco sauce, and olive oil).

4 peeled garlic cloves 3 tablespoons of lemon juice 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard 1/2 teaspoon of Tabasco sauce (or equivalent) 1 cup of extra virgin olive oil Salad: 2 heads of romaine lettuce (rinsed and chilled) 10 cherry tomatoes (rinsed and cut in half) 2 cups of garlic croutons

Check your steaks! If they’re cooked to your liking, remove them and place on a plate and set them aside.

1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese

Mix together the 4 cloves of crushed garlic and the salad dressing.

Please visit our website to learn about our fantastic salad


The listed ingredients are enough to serve four people. dressings:



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ith the first day of summer just over a month away, in some parts of the country tick season is well underway.

coughing, vomiting, and fever. What better reason do you need to stay on top of your pet’s flea and tick prevention this year? Ticks don’t limit themselves to dogs or cats either. Any pet that spends time outside should be treated regularly. Be sure to use treatment specific to your pet though. What works for dogs can be very dangerous for rabbits or ferrets!

Spring is an especially vulnerable time for pets as pet owners who let flea and tick prevention lapse over the winter may fail to pick it back up again in time to prevent those first few tick bites of the season. Aside from being an irritant to you and your pet, ticks carry all sorts of deadly diseases that are easily transmitted to you or your pet. Do you know what the diseases are and how to spot the symptoms in your pets? Common Tick Diseases and their Symptoms Lyme Disease - A particularly deadly tick disease that may be hard to spot in pets until well after they have been infected. The main symptom is a general malaise in your pet. Fatigue, loss of appetite, and lameness in one or more legs are all earmarks of this very serious sickness. If your pet is exhibiting these symptoms and you have any reason to believe they may have suffered a tick bite within the last few months, be sure to as your vet to test them.


Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever (RMSF) - This sickness is typically carried by what is commonly known as the “dog tick” and can result in pretty severe sickness for at least a couple weeks, sometimes resulting in death. Don’t let the name of this disease fool you either while it is more frequent in the Rocky Mountain states, it has been found 32 CELEBRATING



country-wide. Symptoms in pets for this tick disease include stiffness and/or difficulty walking due to neurological effects, blood in the urine or nose bleeds, swelling of the limbs, and lethargy. This sickness usually results in pet hospitalization and treatment. Anaplasmosis - This disease comes from the same ticks that transmit Lyme Disease. There are actually two different variations of anaplasmosis with similar symptoms. Symptoms


include lethargy, vomiting, nosebleeds, and high fever. If your pet tests positive for this tick disease, it can be treated with antibiotics and your pet should start improving in 2-4 days! Ehrlichiosis - This tick disease can vary in severity, affecting your pet’s quality of life for a few weeks, months, or even years. In very severe cases, pets may require blood transfusions. Symptoms include weight loss, pain in joints, depression,

Some tickborne illness can affect humans too so keeping your pet tick free ensures the health of the whole family! Remember, if your pet is acting out of the ordinary always be sure to have your vet consider these tick borne illnesses before the disease is allowed to progress into something very, very serious! H&F Colleen Sedgwick is the Owner of Pet Nanny, LLC. She is devoted to providing her customers with the highest quality, in-home professional pet care available by offering unsurpassed personal service to the pets and their parents. Colleen is dedicated to providing peace of mind to pet owners who struggle with the guilt of having to leave their precious pets at home when they travel or work long hours. See more at




e think that our dog’s nose should be wet or dry, depending mostly on what we hear from other people. Should a dog’s nose be warm, cool, wet, dry or none of these? Most of the moisture on the nose of your dog comes from that area being licked. The more he licks that area, the more moisture will be place

to plastic. Just the elimination of plastic water bowls and food dishes can do wonders for their noses. Using stainless steel utensils would be a much better choice for eating and drinking. Another problem for dogs is that they can actually get sunburned on their noses, so if your dog spends lots of time outdoors, pay attention to the

BE SURE THAT YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH WATER FOR YOUR DOG TO DRINK, DEHYDRATION CAN ALSO BE A MAIN CAUSE FOR A CRACKED NOSE upon it. Actually, a normal nose of your dog won’t be too wet, or too dry. When it gets colder outside, dogs like to lay closer to the heating vents in a house, and that can tend to dry a dog’s nose out a bit. If your dog fell asleep while laying near a heating vent, his nose will have a tendency to be dry when he wakes up, but should return to normal within ten minutes or so. If he sleeps too long in that position, the nose could actually dry out and become cracked. Keep an eye on your dog’s nose, and if it does start to crack of it seems too dry, you can place a dab of coconut oil on it. Of course, he will immediately lick it off, but coconut oil is a natural moisturizer for the skin, and he will of course keep his nose wet by licking it. A very big problem that lots of dogs have is interacting with plastic. If you stop and think about it, lots of dogs drinking bowls are made from plastic, and many dogs are allergic

condition of his nose. You could use a sunblock for his nose, and be sure that it is non-toxic, because you know that he is going to lick it. Be sure that you always have enough water for your dog to drink, because dehydration can also be a main cause for a cracked nose. Be certain that the water is always fresh and that he has a clean supply. Also a dry nose that is persistent for a period of days may be an indication of disease, and anything that lasts a while should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian. H&F Wayne Booth is owner of Canine Behavior Specialists, in Nashville, TN where he helps people train their dogs and solve behavior problems. Wayne has been teaching people how to become Professional Dog Trainers since 1990 and he is the Training Director of the Canine Behavior Specialists Network,

Busy pet owners will love the way our daycare will enhance the relationship with their dogs. Each day is packed with exercise and activities creating happy and healthy pets…and it can alleviate many pet behavior issues, too!

Located in beautiful East Sacramento 910 5 7th Street between H Street & J Street Phone: 916*739*6303 JUNE/JULY

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hen my grandchildren return to college, I will return to cooking for two. It isn’t easy. I often misjudge the serving size and usually have leftover food. This week it was leftover chicken. Originally, I baked the chicken in the oven with a breadcrumb and Parmesan cheese topping. What could I do with the remaining two chicken breasts?

I decided to make chicken salad. The crumb topping was easy to remove and I cut up the chicken. But white chicken needs color, so I added green celery, red onion, dried cranberries,

and green, unpeeled pears. Thanks to the onion, the salad had some “zing.” Thanks to the pears and dried cranberries, the salad had some sweetness. Though I love mayonnaise, I wanted thinner dressing for the salad. When I peered into the refrigerator, I found some slaw dressing and it proved to be just right. You may make this salad with turkey instead of chicken. If you don’t have any chicken on hand, cooked chicken strips are available in the refrigerated section of the grocery store. Dried apricots or peaches, cut into thin strips, may be substituted for the cranberries. Add some crackers or bread sticks and you have a satisfying lunch. With warm bread and dessert, this crunchy salad becomes dinner. Ingredients 2 cups cooked chicken (grilled, roasted or poached), cut into halfinch cubes 1 large rib of celery, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons diced red onion





2 fresh pears, unpeeled and sliced 1/3 cup dried cranberries Salt and pepper to taste (Omit if you’re watching your salt intake.) 1 bag washed baby spinach (or torn butter lettuce) 16-ounce bottle slaw dressing 12-ounce package chow mein noodles Combine the chicken, celery, red onion, pears, and cranberries in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Pile some baby spinach on each plate. Spoon chicken salad in the middle of each plate. Drizzle with slaw dressing and garnish generously with chow mein noodles. Makes four servings. H&F Harriet Hodgson has been an independent journalist for 35+ years and is the author of 31 published books. Her recent work focuses on grief recovery and she is the author of six resources. Look for her latest books, “Happy Again! Your New and Meaningful Life After Loss” and “Help! I’m Raising My Grandkids.” Visit her website and learn more about this busy author. Find out more at



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