H&fm july aug 2014 online

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Are You Looking to Gain Muscle & Lose Fat?


Medical Treatment of the Future: Here Today in Sacramento


When I Ride Alone, I Prefer to be with Someone Else

Overweight Athlete to

Boston Marathoner




e have all been there. We think we are eating one serving of that premium ice cream (meaning full-fat and oh-SO-delicious) lurking in our freezers, when in reality we are actually eating three.

First of all, is a portion the same as a serving? Yes, most of the time. Are the serving sizes of foods realistic? No! Does serving size have anything to do with reaching your fitness goals? YES. Were you thinking there would be a quiz today? Portion control is critical to prevent overeating, which we all know can lead to weight gain and can move us further from our fitness goals. A portion is generally thought of as a serving and there is confusion as to what serving actually looks like. You could carry a set of measuring cups, measuring spoons, and a food scale around in your workout shorts, but that would definitely cause you social and physical discomfort. So what is the answer? The first item on the agenda is to familiarize yourself with what a wserving of the food you are eating actually looks like. The most accurate way is to figure out the best unit to do the measuring. In other words, is the cup unit the best way to determine one serving for that All-bran cereal you eat each morning? Or should you use that completely mystifying “ounce” amount listed on that pesky Nutrition Facts Panel? The best unit is one that makes the most sense for the food item and one that you can visualize easily. For example, cups work better for grains, chopped fruits, and cut-up vegetables. Ounces work well for low-fat cheeses, lean meats, and nuts. Tablespoons, teaspoons and relative size are also considered units. This brings us to a pop quiz. Does it make more sense to use an “ounce” or a “tablespoon” to measure out one serving of all-natural peanut butter? The correct answer will be posted in the next article. The serving size saga is not complete! Yes, serving size is important; but also is the number of these servings that you “should” consume each day. The number of servings an individual needs per day will depend on their caloric requirements. Caloric requirements depend on many factors: size/weight, gender, activity level, and stage of life. Stage of life refers to the age of the 2 CELEBRATING




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individual and whether the person is pregnant or lactating. The list is by no means complete, but for the sake of brevity, I will stop there. To make your life easier, I have devised two charts; one will give you common objects (including your own body parts!) to estimate measurement units. The second will link the 6 food groups to what is considered one serving for commonly-eaten foods. Finally, the last column will indicate the number of these servings that can be consumed to maintain a 2200 calorie per day intake. This level of calorie intake was chosen because it represents a “moderate” level of intake and is right in the middle between the values for sedentary older females and very active young-ish males. Calorie requirements for weight loss and weight gain will vary depending on your particular fitness goals. H&F



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ison refers to an animal that looks like an ox and it is usually called a buffalo. There are booming herds of buffalo that are native to the North American grasslands. Yellow Stone National Park hosts a booming group of the wild buffalo. They can grow to 6 feet in height and weigh between 1500 and 2500 pounds. Most buffalo have brown coats but in some rare cases buffalo will be born with a white hide. The Native Americans believe white buffalo to be revered. Bison farming has become more celebrated because its meat has a lot benefits and can be used in many recipes.

Bison is becoming a more accepted form of protein especially among those who choose to eat healthy. Bison meat offers a lot of health benefits. Bison are not typically brought up in the same types of feedlots as domesticated cattle and this is one of the main reasons why a lot consider bison meat to be a health conscious than other red meats. Most ranchers allow their buffalo to run freely and embrace a healthy herbivore diet. Feeding only on hay and grass makes the buffalo meat healthier in contrast to the unhealthy

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feedlot diets most cattle are raised on. Most of the red meat that is available in the market today is a product of cattle that was brought up on feedlots and contains hormones, drugs, and chemicals. Bison meat contains little fat compared to other types of red meat. This makes it healthier than beef and pork. With bison meat, you get about 2.42 grams of fat in every 100 grams of meat. Bison meat also has more protein per gram that beef, making it a more effective and healthier protein reserve. Bison also has conjugated linoleic acid, which is a healthy fat because it aids in the fight against cancer. This fat is also effective in decreasing cholesterol levels in the blood, and reducing insulin resistance, while enhancing immunity. It can also be used to benefit metabolism and increase the growth of muscle. This makes the meat an excellent decision if you are attempting to lose weight and gain muscle mass.

Bison meat is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are mandatory for good health. These fatty acids are useful in prohibiting cardiovascular diseases and help the body to function properly. Buffalo meat is also high in iron, which is demanded by the red blood cells to help transport oxygen in the body. Lack of adequate iron in the diet can cause anemia. Eating bison also supplies you with many vitamins including Vitamin B12 which helps to metabolize folate in the body. Bison also is a good source of vitamin B3 and B6. To get the benefits of this type of red meat, it is better to cook the meat slowly using low heat. This will also retain its flavor and tenderness. You can improve any of your beef recipes in both flavor and nutrition by simply substituting in bison meat. Learn why Roasting Meat is the healthiest cooking method and how broiling meat can save you time at roastrecipeshq.tumblr.com H&F




PUBLISHER Gary G. Burns publisher@healthfitness.us EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dr. Donna Schwontkowski drdonna@fastermac.net EDITORIAL Erin Weisz, Editorial Assistant Melba Phillips, Editorial Assistant STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Susan Svensson shespiesphoto@yahoo.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Melanie Weir, Megan White Grandmaster Clint Robinson ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Bob Adams: (916) 428-3787 healthandfitnessads@gmail.com The opinions and views of Health & Fitness Magazine belong solely to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of this publication. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement. All items in Health & Fitness Magazine are protected under copyright to ensure the protection of its contributors. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned without SASE. Letters are welcomed. Health & Fitness Magazine reserves the right to edit all letters for grammar, spelling, length, libelous content, and other $#&%^!

Subscriptions for Health & Fitness Magazine can be obtained by sending a check for $20 to the address below.

P.O. Box 19311 Sacramento, CA 95819 Phone: 916-233-8825 www.healthfitness.us


HEALTH-WELLNESS & NUTRITION Portion Size & Fitness — Is There A Connection?


The Benefits of Eating Bison Meat


Letting Go of Gluten


Two Super Star Summer Fruits & Their Amazing Health Benefits


Wild Game Meats — How Do They Taste?


What Are Cannabinoids?


Should I Be Walking Barefoot Inside the Home?


Patience, Persistence, and Positivity


When in Doubt…Doubt!


Medical Treatment of the Future — Right Here in Sacramento


The Art of Self Pleasuring



Dr. Lance Casazza’s Journey From Overweight Athlete to Boston Marathoner!


Wild Game Meats— How Do They Taste?


When in Doubt… Doubt!

The Grounded: Health-Transforming Documentary of the Year 31 Bubble Tea Recipe — Make Bubble Tea in 5 Easy Steps




Fueling During A Run: Don’t Run Out Of Gas!


Why Would Anyone Run 26.2 Miles Barefoot?


Disrupting the Training Environment with the ActivMotion Bar


Are You Looking to Gain Muscle & Lose Fat?


Health-Transforming Documentary of the Year

Picking Your Battles!



When I Ride Alone, I Prefer To Be With Someone Else






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Don’t Miss This Wildlife Center When You’re in Alaska



28-30 35

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By Melanie Weir


ife involves letting go of things that are not in our best interest. For some of us, gluten is not in our best interest. It’s not that gluten is bad for everyone, but for some of us gluten slowly degenerates our bodies and prevents us from achieving optimum well being. For individuals with Celiac disease, the body slowly attacks itself; when gluten is ingested. With repeated ingestion the body will eventually kill itself. So just stop eating it. That’s what our doctors tell us. ‘Stop eating gluten and you will get better,” we are told and then we are thrown out into the world with a list of what we can eat and what we can’t eat. Letting go of gluten is similar to leaving a toxic relationship. It tastes so delicious, but treats us so poorly. Corinne from ‘Girl with Moxie’ sums it up so well when she states “gluten is a selfish bastard”. In her words, “I think of gluten as a bad boyfriend… the guy promises he’ll treat me right, but after I let him spend the night… (I) wake up the next morning, all

alone, feeling as if a fleet of moving vans ran over me, then shifted into Reverse and ran over me again.” ‘Girl with Moxie’ - www. girlwithmoxie.com/2012/07/2012declaration-of-independence/ In psychology there are 5 stages of grief. We visit each stage when we give up gluten.


The hardest part of letting go of gluten is remembering what gluten does and its effect. I can name several individuals that once stated they really had no symptoms, ‘I was just anemic, I just have migraine headaches, I just get moody, I just get skin rashes, I just get diareah and constipation.’ The list goes on, but the follow up is… but it goes away eventually. This can be considered denial. Denial allows us to survive loss while we are in shock and denial, but denial eventually fades into anger


Eventually anger comes. 12 years of being gluten free and five years of watching individuals newly

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diagnosed with gluten allergies and celiac disease leaves room for thousands of examples. Examples include ‘I hate gluten’ or ‘Why me?’ Sometimes anger is directed toward the self, food, friends, family members or doctors, but always anger is felt. It is a part of the grieving process. Once anger is felt, it dissipates. As Emily Dickenson writes “anger as soon as fed is dead. Tis starving makes it fat.”


‘If I just eat a little, it can’t hurt me right?’ ‘How do I know if gluten is the problem? I need to try to eat it again to see if it really is the problem.’ ‘What if I only eat gluten once a week, or one day a week or on the weekends?’ ‘What if there is something I can do to be able to eat gluten?’ In bargaining, we remain in the past, as we attempt to negotiate our way out of the hurt. This stage can last weeks, months or years. Depression When bargaining doesn’t work and still we are plagued with symptoms, we are dumped back into the empty feelings of loss. While in the midst of depression stage, grief’s intense sadness feels like it will last forever. As a stage, it is not mental illness, merely a process of grieving and yes, eventually it will fade.


Don’t confuse the stage of 6 CELEBRATING




acceptance with being ‘all right’. This stage involves accepting the reality that gluten free is a way of life and that living gluten free is necessary for optimum well being. It involves understanding that we must learn to live with our new way of life. The Circle of Grief It’s important to know that the stages of grief are not in order and that there is no specific pattern of grieving. The circle of grief is complex and involves many twists and turns. Be compassionate with yourself. Who said becoming gluten free was easy? Eventually, acceptance of the need for a gluten free diet is realized and the next part of the journey begins. We being to live again and are once again able to feel joy in our hearts. We cannot change what has been lost, but we can change our future. We can choose to continue to grow & evolve. H&F Melanie Weir owns Gluten Free Specialty Grocery in Midtown Sacramento which celebrated its 6th birthday on July 16th of this year. After 6 years of experience in the grocery industry, Melanie is stepping out of her comfort zone and developing a new model, a Midtown Collective Café & Grocery. Funding has begun on the new project and an online Indie Go Go Campaign is set to launch forward in September of 2014. For more information on the project, go to: www. gfspecialty.wordpress.com or connect with Melanie online at: www.facebook. com/melaniegfs.


But did you know these same fruits can offer a whole host of amazing health benefits including fight Alzheimer’s disease, improving eyesight and fighting joint pain due to gout and arthritis. Yep, it’s true. Blueberries can help to improve memory and eyesight, while tart cherries can help to relieve joint pain in gout and arthritis. Here is a brief overview of how and why these superstar fruits work so well.

Wild Blueberries Blueberries are a rich source of antioxidants and help to fight free radicals in the body. Free radicals are

anti-inflammatory, anthocyanins are also natural COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors. Thus, cherries can help to reduce joint pain cause by gout and arthritis.

unstable molecules lacking an oxygen molecule. These unhealthy molecules attempt to steal an oxygen molecule from healthy cells. When free radicals are successful, this can be the first step towards the development of disease. Since blueberries are a high source of antioxidants they are able to fight disease caused by free radicals. Research indicates blueberries are a natural source of antioxidants, and

Tart Cherries

However, since fresh blueberries and tart cherries are only available during the summer months, another alternative is dried fruit, cherry juice concentrate, blueberry juice concentrate and tart cherry and wild blueberry capsules. An excellent source of the fruit-based products including dried fruit, juice concentrates and super fruit supplements is Traverse Bay Farms. The company offers a complete line of super fruit products. So the next time you are enjoying some blueberries and cherries, remember not only do they taste great but they are also helping to fight disease and keep you healthier.

Tart cherries are known as nature’s top anti-inflammatory fruit. The reason is the tart cherry is an excellent source of anthocyanins. In addition to being a natural

Download a free copy of the tart cherry report at www.traversebayfarms.com. Barb Cushman is an avid writer on the natural health benefits of food and fruit. H&F

phytochemicals. These phytochemicals have been shown to prevent and fight disease including Alzheimer’s and poor eyesight.



his month, you’ll have the opportunity to find out how you can be part of making a world record (see Cover Story, pg. 19). You’ll find out how walking barefoot can change your health and your life – within a few weeks or less. If you decide to run barefoot, it’s a good idea to know the rules before your delicate feet hit the pavement. See the article on page 11 and 12, and read the review of the movie, The Grounded, pg.31. One health professional you absolutely have to know about is Dr. Gary Rinzler, M.D., who has a solution for those with

pain, anxiety, insomnia and depression. His unique method of treatment is the wave of the future – and is painless. If you hve a loved one in need of addiction treatment, his method will also work for that. See pgs. 22-24. Have a great summer! Let us know what you are doing that is fun and makes you fit and healthy! Happy reading! Dr. Donna, Editor


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et’s face it, eating fresh fruit is an excellent way to enjoy the summer months. Picking fresh cherries from the tree or wild blueberries from the bush are an experience that can last an entire lifetime. Nothing is more relaxing or memorable than picking (and snacking) fresh cherries while watching the kids run and playing in the orchard. Best of all, these fruits not only make great snacks but also great recipes.




ild game meats are becoming increasingly popular on dinner tables and restaurant menus, not only due to their lower fat and cholesterol content, but also because they are easy to cook. More and more people are trying such wild game meats like buffalo, ostrich, alligator, and even rattlesnake, which are all available via online specialty sources. However, the big question most consumers have is this: how do wild game meats taste? As developers of one of the top online websites about wild game meats, we’ve tried just about every type imaginable, in various recipes. While you won’t hear

us utter, “It tastes just like chicken”, we’ll give you our own personal taste descriptions for six popular wild game meats.

can easily be substituted in recipes. Alligator meat has been a staple of Florida menus for years, with good reason. Alligator meat tastes great! It’s usually served as tenders or nuggets, but is also available to consumers as steaks. With a taste similar to veal, alligator meat is a white meat with roughly the same consistency

burgers to lean ground sirloin burgers. Best cooked under low heat to medium rare, ostrich burgers are also very low in cholesterol. Rattlesnake is often found on Southwestern menus as you might expect. In fact, rattlesnake chili is quite popular although rattlesnake can be prepared several ways. Rattlesnake

Buffalo (bison) meat is much like beef with a few notable exceptions. Considerably leaner than beef, it contains 30% less fat. Buffalo burgers and buffalo steaks benefit from cooking at lower heat levels, and tend to be a denser texture vs. beef. What that means is a serving of buffalo meat will tend to fill you up faster than a regular burger. Buffalo meat is just a bit sweeter than beef as well. It can be cooked exactly the same way as beef, and


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as chicken breast but denser in flavor and somewhat more chewy, but not tough.

is slightly chewy, similar to chicken breast and the same type of white meat.

Elk are a part of the deer family, and elk roasts, burgers, and steaks are now available. Elk, like most wild game meats, is extremely low fat. Elk meat is dark, usually a deep amber color, and offers a pleasant somewhat sweet taste. Some say it tastes similar to venison.

These meats that are sold to consumers have been raised under specific state regulated conditions and are intended for individual consumers. In addition to their savory taste and healthy qualities, wild game meats are easy to prepare and increasingly available via online shipment.

Pheasant: Most have heard of pheasant under glass, but pheasant meat can be prepared in the same manner as any poultry. Pheasant is very mild, similar in taste to a cornish hen. The meat is pink-white and very lean. Ostrich is a very lean meat with low fat content. We likened our ostrich

Wild game meats like buffalo meat, elk meat, alligator meat, and rattlesnake meat are increasing in popularity due to their savory taste and low fat content. H&F For free wild game meat recipes and more information, be sure to visit www. squidoo.com/wildgamemeats.

FUELING DURING A RUN: DON’T RUN OUT OF GAS! By Heather West a cooler with me that has a sports drink, water, a banana, and chocolate almond milk in it, all for post-run consumption.

Before you start running: Eat a breakfast that consists mostly of carbs. You can add a little protein, like a spoonful of almond butter. But it should not be a protein heavy breakfast.

Heather West has been running for the last four years. She currently writes for Active.com and has completed 3 Marathons, 9 1/2 marathons, and 1 triathlon (so far). Check out her article in each issue of Health and Fitness for upcoming events, motivation, and tips on how to get active.

Make sure you leave enough time to use the bathroom before you leave ­— you do not want to have to use the bathroom 5 minutes into your run!

References for more info: www.runnersworld.com/nutrition-runners/how-eat-during-long-runs www.active.com/running/articles/fueling-for-peak-marathon-performance www.runnersworldcom/nutrition-runners/what-do-i-eat-my-race Natural fueling options: www.nomeatathlete.com/running-fuel/ UPCOMING RACES! August 23 - Race for the Arts (5K) September 7 - Buffalo Stampede (10 Mile run/walk, kids run) October 5 – Urban Cow Half Marathon (Also has a 5K option, and a half marathon relay) – Start training now! H&F

H a i r ∙ S k i n ∙ n at u r a l n a i l S

Drink at least 10 oz water beforehand. Before my longest runs (18-26 miles), I would drink cold Yerba Mate tea brewed in 8 oz coconut water. This gave me a great boost of energy and stamina. During the run: Go to Fleet Feet and look at the wall of nutrition products. It is important to ask the staff there to tell you about each one. They all do very similar things — provide you with the calories and carbs you need during the run. There are jelly beans, gels (my favorite), waffles, sports bars, and chews. You need one serving of the fuel for every 45 minutes of running. You can set an alarm on your watch to tell you when to eat. Don’t forget to take these with water too! Besides consuming calories, you need two other things — water and electrolytes. You can carry two bottles with you, one with water and one with an electrolyte drink (Nuun, Poweraide, Cytomax, etc). Or you can buy the electrolyte in a pill form, which is my preferred method. After the run: You finished your race… now what? Okay so I admit I always get the free post-race beer many races provide at the finish! But after that I’m all business. Drink a lot of water and consume a high protein meal within 30-60 minutes. Many people drink chocolate milk because of the carbs and protein. It helps in your recovery and it will make you feel better in a few hours. I like to bring

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2O14 9



o you have picked out your goal race (Urban Cow Half Marathon coming up in October!), you went to Fleet Feet in Midtown to get fitted for shoes, and you have your brand new non-cotton running outfit to run in. What else is missing? FUEL! Fueling before, during, and after your run is just as important as what shoes you wear. If you don’t eat the proper foods, you will “run out of gas” at mile 9 of your first half-marathon, and have to slog through the last four miles. It will feel like 400 miles. Nutrition during a run is a debated topic since so many people have different sensitivities to the many fueling options out there. Some people have GI issues so they chose to go a more natural route when picking their fuel. But one thing they all have in common is they eat and drink during the run.


Cannabinoids are found in nature; made by mammalian animal’s bodies (edocannabinoids) and plants (phytocannabinoids). They are also made in laboratories (synthetic cannabinoids). Each strain of cannabis contains a different ratio of phytocannabinoids, thus providing relief for a diversity of symptoms.

By Kimberly Cargile


hen most people hear THC, they think of marijuana and tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is a cannabinoid and one of about 85 known cannabinoids, the active molecules in cannabis (marijuana) that cause physiological effects in the body.

These cannabinoids are like keys that fit into receptor sites throughout the human body called CB1 and CB2 receptors. A variety of illnesses and disorders can be treated with cannabis CB1 and CB2 receptors are found in many parts of the body. Here’s the difference: CB1 receptors — brain, CNS, spleen, lungs, liver, kidneys, endocrine gland and the reproductive, GI and urinary tracts. CB2 receptors — immune system and in hematopoietic cells

Knowledgeable, & Friendly Staff Products are lab tested for cannabinoid levels and contaminants like molds, mildews and pesticides. Complementary Services: Yoga, Reiki, Massage Therapy, Sound Therapy, Acupressure, Meditation, Qi Gong, Intuitive Body Work. Patients are saying: "I've been SUPER sick for the past year, and I drove around town looking for the most welcoming dispensary to try the high CBD tincture. This place is so much more than a dispensary...not only did the knowledgeable and caring staff direct me to the right stuff, I discovered that they offer a number of alternative healing classes that contribute to overall wellness. What a find! My doctors had pretty much written me off as having a chronic condition that seriously interfered with my quality of life...and here I am, all healed, using a NATURAL cure:) I couldn't be happier" FOR MORE REVIEWS AND OUR MENU, VISIT WWW.WEEDMAPS.COM

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When a cannabinoid attaches to a receptor on a cell membrane, it activates multiple intracellular signal pathways. Activation of CB1 receptors provides neuroprotection after brain injury and treats pain, depression, anxiety and nausea. CB2 selective agonists are effective in the treatment of pain, inflammatory diseases, osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. Certain tumors, especially gliomas, express CB2 receptors and can be treated with cannabis. In the City of Sacramento, a medical cannabis patient can find a variety of strains of cannabis with different cannabinoid percentages at a dispensary like A Therapeutic Alternative that provides laboratory testing. The cannabinoid profiles will most likely contain Tetrahydrocannabinols (THCA &THC), Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabinol (CBN), Cannabigerol (CBG), Cannabichromene (CBC), and Tetrahydrocannabivarins (THCV & THCVA). The most popular cannabinoid, THC, just so happens to also be the only psychoactive cannabinoid. THC in its natural form right off the plant is called THCA and is not psychoactive until it is decarboxylated (heating it above 250 degrees F). THC-A and THC both affect the body in a variety of ways. According to cbdscience.com, “THCA has been shown to modulate the autonomic nervous system, the auto immune system, and microcirculation. It is known to relieve pain due to inflammation and to have anti-convulsant, anti-spasmodic, and antioxidant properties. It is reported to be immune supportive and be anti-proliferative (anticancer)…” THC is a pain reliever and mood elevator. It reduces nausea and stimulates the appetite. THC and CBD are found in the highest concentrations in cannabis and are therefore the most studied cannabinoids. CBD counteracts the

psychoactive effects of THC. It is most commonly used to reduce nerve inflammation, nerve pain, muscle spasms, seizures and anxiety. THC is converted to CBN which has sedative effects and is used as a sleep aid. It is also has antibacterial properties and has been used to treat extreme Staph infections such as MRSA, according to a 2008 study conducted in Italy. CBG has been used to treat glaucoma and irritable bowel syndrome. Dr. Bonni Goldstein, Medical Director of Canna-Centers, states from her research on CBG, “When GABA [uptake] is inhibited, you actually have muscle relaxation and you have anti-anxiety effects, so it appears to promote similar effects that CBD has. It also appears to have anti-depressant and some modest anti-fungal properties.” CBC works with the other cannabinoids in to produce synergistic effects. It has been shown to stimulate bone growth and inhibit cancer proliferation. The anti-cancer effects may stem from its synergistic relationship with anandamide (endocannabinoid). THCVA becomes THCV by the same process of decarboxylation that THCA becomes THC. THCV is starting to be studied in the fight against obesity because it curbs the appetite. Just the opposite of THC, THCV is an antagonist on the CB1 and CB2 receptors. It has also been shown to reduce the number of seizures suffered by those with epilepsy. Cannabis is more than just a weed. It has been used for thousands of years as a medicine and we now know why. H&F For additional information about this article contact: Kimberly Cargile, A Therapeutic Alternative, atafrontdesk@ gmail.com

By Hayley Paterson lower leg muscles and also improve your proprioception, awareness and balance. I put this theory to test whilst traveling through rural Africa for 6 weeks: I wore a pair of tired flip-flops (almost barefoot) for the whole 6 weeks and did a tremendous amount of walking on predominantly natural surfaces and suffered no foot or lower leg pain or fatigue. If I did the same thing at home in Australia, with our expanse of man-made surfaces, I’m certain I would have very tired achy


his is a question I get asked everyday day in my Podiatry clinic, and unfortunately the answer is a tricky one.

Yes, we humans are supposed to be barefoot. But barefoot on natural surfaces such as grass, sand and dirt. It’s when we introduce the unforgiving man-made surfaces that we get into trouble. Our bodies are not designed to walk barefoot all day on hard surfaces such as timber, tiles, concrete, bitumen, etc. – and let’s face it; in our modern world this is pretty much what we walk on all day long.

before going to work and one hour in evening after work). Problems will often occur, and occur quite quickly, when someone is on holidays for a few weeks and spends more time barefoot at home, or when women go on maternity leave, or when people retire. Even a person with the most ‘mechanically correct’ foot posture is likely to develop symptoms from spending long periods of barefoot on hard surfaces. The symptoms may not necessarily show up in your feet either, quite often leg fatigue, sore knees and sore lower back are often signs or poor shock absorption.

Most people without any foot pain should be able to cope with small amounts of walking barefoot at home on hard man-made surfaces (for example half hour in the morning

Having said this, spending some barefoot time outside on natural surfaces, or ‘earthing’, poses many health benefits. Barefoot will help to strengthen your toes, foot and

feet and legs at the end of my trip. There is also research that suggests ‘earthing’ improves things like energy levels, sleep patterns, blood pressure, stress levels and more. So my suggestion as a Podiatrist who deals with foot pain all day long: limit your barefoot time on hard, man-made surfaces (instead wear cushioned footwear that does not restrict your toes) but make an effort to increase your barefoot time on natural, ‘earthy’ surfaces. H&F


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Olympic marathon barefoot as a planned strategy. It turns out that when he got to the Games, the running shoes that were available for him did not fit right and weren’t to his liking, so he decided to run barefoot like he did back in his home country during training. However, runners decades later are now choosing to run “barefoot” because it feels so natural, helps them achieve new personal records and is so much fun.

By Ed Mayhew


ost folks wonder why anyone would willingly run 26.2 miles, never mind doing it BAREFOOT! That’s exactly what Ethiopia’s Abebe Bikila did at the 1960 Olympics in Rome when he won the Gold Medal in the marathon. Americans viewing this and hearing about it at the time were thoroughly amazed and left it at that. A half century later a growing number of runners are leaving their high-tech running shoes at home to run barefoot — well, not completely barefoot, in most cases they run with minimal foot coverings that protect

the foot from sharp pointy things while allowing the foot to function naturally. Here are some reasons why some runners have taken to running sans traditional running shoes: Studies have shown that wearing shoes takes more energy and that on average one can run 3% faster running barefoot than with 12-ounce shoes, for example. One study showed that barefoot runners use 4% less oxygen.

In January a Harvard scientist published an article that concluded that running without shoes can be less impactful. Further studies are needed to determine if this would lead to fewer injuries. Landing on the forefront of the foot (barefoot running style), instead of the heel, is the natural way humans are meant to run.

Not valid other discount; useable for single massage sessions or hair care service, excluding couple massages, series, packages. No cash value.

Running barefoot is FUN! Here’s what a friend, a woman runner in her mid-fifties, had to say about the subject. “I have been doing a lot of barefoot running lately...actually not completely barefoot but in my Vibram Five Fingers. I recently did the Maui Oceanfront Marathon in them and I am loving the barefoot feeling... plus my times have improved when running barefoot. It is so much faster and I have heard this from other runners who are using the shoes.” Abebe Bikila did not run that





If you are thinking of running barefoot, do your research, because you can stress the Achilles and calf muscles if you do too much too soon or don’t adjust your running technique adequately. One method of running that allows one to run barefoot more safely and with more ease is Chi Running. Curious as to whether this barefooting is for you, but don’t want to lay out the bucks for shoes and a style of running you might not like or use? Why not put a couple pairs of socks on and run around your grassy backyard and see what all the fuss is about? Who knows — you just might be the next person to sing the praises of running “barefoot.” H&F And now I’d like to invite you to claim your FREE Fitter After 50 newsletter when you visit www.FitterForLife. com. From Ed Mayhew: the author of Fitter After 50 and other books, CDs, Videos and articles on how you can make falling apart as you age merely an option — not a mandate! www.YouCangrowYounger.com


The ActivMotion Bar is an innovative new fitness tool designed to meet the functional training needs of everyone, regardless of age or fitness level. This is not your average fitness bar. ActivMotion Bars are hollow, and inside the various weighted bars are round steel weights that glide smoothly, gently and quietly within. This creates a unique core-centered mind-muscle benefit that users feel and hear as they train. ActivMotion Bars are the ideal functional training tool given their broad range of use and innovative, dynamic functionality. During balance exercises, the multisensory feedback provided by the bars helps clients continuously connect their mind with their muscles to correct movement imbalances as they feel and hear the unstable weights in the bar shift and constantly adjust. During more challenging core and strength exercises, the ActivMotion Bars are purposely tipped and tilted as the user bends and twists. Momentum generated by the bar’s internal weights helps activate the core and challenges multiplanar strength during these movements.

Although relatively new to the fitness market, ActivMotion Bars are quickly emerging as a go-to fitness tool for all types of trainers and facilities. Large facilities such as Life Time Fitness Athletic Clubs have integrated ActivMotion Bars into their one-on-one and small group training offerings. Pilates studios across the country are using ActivMotion Bars in Mat and Reformer sessions and classes due to the additional mind-body benefits and core activation abilities the bars provide. And golf fitness trainers are using the ActivMotion Bars to help their clients improve their rotary Range of Motion and strengthen their golf-specific core muscles with ActivMotion Bar Golf Fitness programming. Learn more at www.activmotionbar.com

Features: • Available in 6, 8, 10, 15 and 18 pound options.

the total weight and is distinguished with thick, durable rubber colored end caps.

• Durability tested and made of American steel.

Innovative manufacturing and patent-pending internal rolling steel weights provide ActivMotion Bars a one-of-a-kind “feel” that is more mobile than sand, and more controllable than water, making for the perfect functional training environment.

• T extured grey industrial grade powder coating gives the ActivMotion Bars a unique grey color, creates comfortable grip — and makes them very resistant to abrasions. White center of balance grip lines let users know exactly where to grip the bar in order to maintain symmetry.

Non-intimidating ActivMotion Bars are more versatile and user-friendly than unwieldy water and sand-filled pipes and bags, and they store easily.

Each ActivMotion Bar is marked with

Manufactured in Michigan. H&F

www.activmotionbar.com JULY/AUGUST

2O14 13



ctivMotion Bar has put an innovative spin on the ageold fitness bar, and people are loving it.

The training system designed for use with ActivMotion Bars is called Disruptive Training™. This system was created by some of the nation’s top fitness professionals, and it progresses people through an array of phases that use the ActivMotion Bar in balance, core and strength movements. Disruptive Training with the ActivMotion Bar teaches the body how to activate underactive stability and core muscles, integrate those muscles into everyday movement, and react to an ever-changing environment. Disruptive Training CEC workshops can be attended at fitness conventions all across the country, including IDEA World this August. The Disruptive Training System is also available on DVD, and a copy is given to all trainers and facilities with every bar purchase.


irst of all: You kind of can’t. Not at the same time at least.

It’s almost physiologically impossible. That’s like saying I want to get a bigger car with better gas mileage. The typical way you lose fat is by cutting calories and increasing high intensity exercise. In order to gain muscle you increase calories, along with the load of weight you’re moving on a regular basis.


By “Mad Dog Megan” Fitness Trainer

When you lose fat that may make the muscle underneath more visible which makes you feel like you’ve gained muscle.



Expires 9/30/14





The problem with Eat Less and Move More:

up hungry with a bad attitude, and he’ll end up with arthritis.

Would you put less gas in the tank then try to drive further? If you eat too few calories, and move more, chances are your body will forfeit some of your lean muscle mass. The answer is to eat the right amount of high quality food, work out based on your goals, and what’s realistic for your lifestyle long term.

Changing your natural composition is a big commitment and often times not the healthiest choice. Balance is always the only way to truly achieve long term success. First decide what’s realistic for your healthy lifestyle, then accept the body that lifestyle gives you. Not the other way around.

We all have natural body types. Based on our genetics, interests, and life style growing up (probably along with what hormones and toxins we were/are exposed to). You’ve probably noticed if you gain weight easily, find cardio exercises easier, or gain strength quickly. Often times instead of working with our bodies we try to work against them. For example the full figured woman’s who tries to eat 1000 calories while running on the treadmill every day, or the lean gentleman who is pounding protein shakes, and trying to squat a small car. Unless they’re willing to turn fitness into a part time job she’ll end

No matter what your goals are — body composition changes take calories and nutrients. Check out the article by Dr. M (Phd in Food and Nutrition) about portion size and calorie intake in this issue! Check out the Train Hard Or Go Home web page for a video of the sample workout on the next page. H&F *All workouts should start with a 5-10 min medium paced warm up, then move into 5-10 min of active stretching (Stretches in motion). All workouts should end with a 5-10 min medium paced cool down, then end with 5-10 of static stretching (Holding stretches for 30+ seconds)

“Does this make me look fat?”


“What’s the point?”

Work Out Program to Get Lean: 3 Day Program


Day 1 - 3 0 min Interval Cardio 3min Run / 1 min Walk + 30 min Strength Training, Chest, Tricep, Quadriceps, Calf Day 2 - 30 min Stretching / “Yin Yoga”+ 30 min Hill Training Day 3 - 3 0 min Interval Cardio 3min Run / 1 min Walk + 30 min Strength Training 
Back, Biceps, Hamstring, Shoulder

Chest, Tricep, Quadriceps, Calf Set 1 Push Ups Dips Jump Squat Up Calf Raise

15reps/ 3 Sets

Set 2 Chest Fly Bent Tricep Extension Single Leg Sit / Stand Single Leg Calf

Set 3
Tricep Over Head Tricep Extension Single Leg Step Band Abduction/Adduction

60 sec Bonus Core Circuit: Fore Arm Plank - Superman - Double Crunch

Back, Biceps, Hamstring, Shoulder: 15reps/ 3 Sets Set 1 Bent Over Row Bicep Curl Lunge to S. Press 60 Sec Plank

Set 2 Upright Row Hammer Curl to Shoulder Press Barbell Dead Lift 60 Sec Superman

Set 3 Cable Row Chin Up (Assisted) Bench Glute Bridge Leg Lifts


Work-Out Program to Gain Size: 3 Day Program Day 1 - 1 5 min Interval Cardio 2 min Run / 1 min Walk + 45 min Upper Body Work Out Day 2 – 45min Stretching or “Yin Yoga” + 1 Mile Run Day 3 - 45 min Lower Body Work Out Upper: 8 reps/3 Sets Set 1 Set 2 Push Up Bench Press Overhead Triceps Extension Tricep Dips Extension Shoulder Press Front Raise Bicep Curl Hammer Curl

Set 3 Burpee
 Single Arm Tri. Lateral Raise Chin Up (Assisted)

60 sec Bonus Core Circuit: Fore Arm Plank - Superman - Double Crunch Lower: 8 reps/3 Sets Set 1 Lunge Weighted Squat Calf Raise Full Sit Up

Set 2 Dead Lift Jump Squat Single Leg Calf Raise Oblique Crunches

Set 3 Bench Glute Bridge Single Leg Step Up Band Abduction/Adduction Leg Lift

Bonus Core Circuit: 60sec Palm Plank - Side Plank Lift - V-Up


Weekly counseling sessions with a psychologist

Daily strength, cardio, and yoga sessions

Balanced nutrition program with weekly nutrition and cooking classes


(916) 508-6144

Dr. Marla McMahon, Psy.D.

Dr. Tamar Wishnatzky, Ph.D.


2O14 15




es Brown’s three P’s for success: Patience, persistence, and positivity. I once heard Mr. Brown speak about these words in a speech he was giving and they stuck with me. Maybe they stuck with me from the sharp delivery, or maybe from the simplicity of the formulation of these words. Whatever the reason it was they stuck. These three words are only the tip of the iceberg for achieving a great life. They come with deep meaning and can serve our lives in a major way but only if we put By Chaun Williams them into practice daily. In regards to our desires in life these three words may be all that we need when trying to attain what we desire. Looking at things from such a simple perspective is needed more often than not.

healthy mind there can be no external success. Cultivate a mind of patience, persistence, and positivity and only then will you see great things manifest in your life.

Simplification of what we use to motivate us is extremely beneficial. When things are convoluted life can become complicated. So simplify and act out the meaning of these words daily. Success begins in the mind. Without a

Patience is a hard thing to come by in a world where we want things instantly. Since the beginning of time the greatest things anyone ever received came with the challenge of the receiver to be patient. Great things come to those who wait which is why patience is a virtue. A virtue is defined as “a positive trait or quality deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good oral being.”

We specialize in: Inferno Hot Pilates® Kettle Combat® TRX® Zumba® Bikini Butt® and more!!

Let’s take a look at each of these words to get a better understanding of what they mean. PATIENCE. “Patience is a virtue”, is a common statement often thrown around but what does that statement really mean? How do we define patience? We can reference the dictionary or we can simply determine what it means by with our own personal definitions....or we can do both. Let’s do both. I think of patience as calmly waiting for something, or someone over the course of a not so pleasurable span of time. Key word: calmly. Patience in Webster’s Dictionary is defined as “the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset, or to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties. Synonyms for the word Patience are endurance, staying power, stamina, and perseverance. Patience is ultimately a test of your will to stay calm as you wait for what you desire to happen.

PERSISTENCE. The ability to do a thing daily over the course of a long period of time, time that may require action over the course of weeks, months, and even years. When thinking about persistence the main things to look at are action and time frame. The time frame may very depending on size of the goal or desire but action is a fundamental aspect of persistence. Without action persistence is a dead word. It means nothing without action. To act on something is to move. To act is to put your body in motion to do the thing that needs to be done. Act on your desires daily and you will be one step closer to success. POSITIVITY is key. Positivity of mind keeps your words positive and keeps your actions positive. First of all no one likes a negative person. Negativity is like cancer. It destroys all of its surroundings. As long as you have a strong positive mind the negativity that you may encounter from negative people will never affect to the extent where you become negative too. You better your chances of remaining positive if you flock with positive people, read positive things, and also do things that affect your life and the life of others positively. This will help you stay on the up (plus) side of things. An apple seed produces only apples and so it is with seeds of positivity. Positive begets positive. Stay positive. Les Brown’s Three P’s can have an exponential impact on our lives if we simply act out these words daily. Of course life hits us with tough times but the best thing to do is to not let those hard times take away our joy. Try your best to make the best of every situation even if it isn’t ideal. There’s always something to be grateful for. Always. So first cultivate a successful mind garden by planting these Three P’s into it and watch your life bloom. H&F





I always treat my girlfriends with kindness and respect, and as soon as we’re going good, BAM! Rumors start circulating, which eventually turn out to be true. Am I just being used by these women, Mitch? I’m feeling pretty insecure about relationships now, after all of the cheating and deceit. It’s gotten so bad that I pretty much turn down every woman that shows some interest in dating. I keep shutting down my online dating profile, then put it up, then shut it down.


Cheaters & Liars Guy, El Dorado Hills, California ~~~ Hey Guy, When things happen in 3’s, this is Spirit/Source/ God calling us to be aware and learn a Lesson. So, while you are feeling insecure and gun-shy isn’t ultimately good, taking a look at yourself and your patterns is the healthy step toward learning and growing! First, don’t let cliché’ stories get in your way. If anyone tells you stories along the lines of, “That’s the way people are today”, or “All women are cheaters”, DON’T believe them! When we need to learn a lesson, we energetically find the “Teachers” (which these Cheaters are for you in this Lesson) no matter how rare they may be. So, if you had to find the proverbial “needle in a haystack” to learn a lesson, you’d find it. Our culture thrives on innuendo, urban legends, and seemingly “legitimate” rumours. They may provide amusement, and perhaps an awareness of a possible phenomenon, but are NOT legitimate guidelines for learning. So, trash empirical statements about “all people”, or “all women”. You just happened to need to attract 3 cheating women for your lesson, nothing more. So the point that these 3 women are Teachers for your Lesson helps to tweak the “I’m being used” story. Whether or not you are “used” depends on what you do with the experience. While a woman can leave your relationship having attempted to

use you, if you learn and grow from the experience, you got WAY more out of it than she did! Never spend ANY time thinking about what an Ex “is thinking”. You really never know exactly what she’s thinking, what her fears and beliefs are, and what you mean to her. If she chooses wisely, she sees you as a Teacher… For HER Lessons! So, you have the power, Brother. Don’t let “used” enter your vocabulary, or your mind. We are ALL Students of Life, so being a Student learning from your Lessons is the REAL and HEALTHY Viewpoint. Socially… Who do you consider yourself in this world? “A Good Guy”? “A Winner”? “Loser”? Your stories about who you are dramatically affect what and who you attract: • This is why Positive Affirmations can be so powerful. Remember: • What you think, you create. What you speak.. you manifest. • Whatever your stories/beliefs are about yourself are what you’re telling everyone! While others frequently judge us based on our “covers” (our masks,, every person looks to us for expressions and actions which define and mold their beliefs about who we “are”. So look at your stories/beliefs about yourself.. And see if there’s room for upgrades/changes which honor the “Best You”! Psychologically… What are your beliefs about: • Relationships • Women

And how do you define “Women”, my Friend? • As “different” as Men and Women may be, reality is we have much more in common! • A closed, or rigid belief system and/or description of something or someone (like “Women”) seeks confirming evidence and accommodates contradictory stimuli.

• I f you believe Women are loving, dynamic, exciting, intelligent beings.. That’s what you will draw more of! Why is it you MAY not draw ONLY those “types” of Women? Because you and I… All of us… Have bigger Lessons to learn. THAT sobering thought aside… • Look to positive Women as Role Models! They’re all over the place, Sir! DON’T look for “PERFECT Women” – An utterly ridiculous concept for both genders)! Watch… connect with… talk with Women who demonstrate characteristics you want. NOT just women to date! See? It’s all WAY less personal than it feels! It’s all Lessons, and… All of Life is Empty and Meaningless… Namaste’ — Mitch H&F

Mitch Darnell, MS, OSM, CRC Twitter: @InspiredMD Certified Relationship Coach 916/247.1655 www.ForeverInspired.net JULY/AUGUST

2O14 17


What adjectives would you use to define “Relationships”? • If you’d use “rough”, “challenging”, or “unfair” These are the types of relationships you’ll attract. • If you want “loyal”, “loving”, and “accepting”, then start to convince yourself that THAT is “what relationships are”.

Dear Mitch, I’ve been having a really tough time in relationships. My last three relationships all ended up the same way, with my girlfriend cheating on me. The last gf cheated with a guy who’d been my Friend for over ten years!


Dr. Lance Casazza’s Journey from Overweight Athlete to Boston Marathoner

By Dr. Donna, Editor


ollow the progress of Sacramento’s very own Lance Casazza, D.C., in his attempts to overcome all obstacles and make a difference in the lives of Boston marathon victims. Saturday, September 13th is the time for the good people of Sacramento to unite! A fund-raiser to help keep Dr. Lance Casazza’s dream of running in the Boston Marathon alive will be held at the Beach Hut Deli located at 2406 J Street, Sacramento, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.! You can participate in this extraordinary occasion as Dr. Casazza attempts to set the world record of chiropractic adjustments in a 12-hour period! Be a part of this record-setting event that will help benefit not only the Boston Marathon Victims but also the Stroke Awareness Foundation. This is truly one community event you will simply not want to miss! DR. LANCE CASSAZA’S FUTURE AS A BOSTON MARATHONER There comes a time in the life of every human when one has to look at the long list of obstacles in front of oneself and muster every bit of energy and internal strength of character to overcome them, sustain that mindset and attain the impossible. For Dr. Cassaza that time is now!




Dr. Casazza is not without his list of obstacles, which at times seem more than insurmountable. Inspired by the 2013 terrorist act on Boston marathoners, he set his goal to run the Boston Marathon, something that only 0.001% of runners ever actually do. The Boston Marathon is by invitation only, and even though Dr. Cassaza has run three marathons in the past with his best time of 4:53:37, he must achieve a time of 3:15:00 in order to qualify for the April 20, 2015 Boston Marathon. That means a lot of training in the next several months. Of course as one trains, that little thing called life continues to go on. In 2013, Dr. Casazza was diagnosed with skin cancer on his nose. He had that removed. His diet was the standard American diet and he had packed on the pounds, tipping the scale at 260 pounds, the highest in his life. “I went vegan for 30 days and lost a lot of weight, but I still have more to go...” he said. Then he was faced with the greatest setback he could imagine; his father suffered two fractures of the vertebrae in his neck, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. That was a serious mental adjustment for both men, and unfortunately, his


himself with a team of 10 experts to help propel his efforts forward against all odds. father passed away soon thereafter. Many of us would have understandably thrown in the towel right then and there, but Dr. Casazza used his father’s passing as inspiration, and fuel to stoke his fire! EXPERTS ON HIS TEAM Of course, taking on such a huge endeavor as transforming yourself from a Clydesdale to a racehorse in such a short period of time, is not something anyone would want to do alone. So Dr. Casazza surrounded

Here’s a list of those experts: • Justin Dossetti, filmmaker creating a documentary of what’s occurring • Jen Mathe and Josh Mathe of One10 Performance & Nutrition, coach and nutrition expert • Scott Estrada of RiseSUP and Lorraine Gates of TryUMPH Fitness, coaches and nutritionists • Dr. Sidney Bean, D.C., chiropractor • Dr. Charles Ward, motivational coach • Kara Zunie, massage therapist • Theo Schiff, computer expert • Thomas Dodson, social media expert





He doesn’t believe it makes sense to get surgery and end up with 5 weeks down time. So the show must go on!








up pad dl nd ta s

Now with his team of experts assembled and in place, Dr. Casazza, was certain they would help him overcome any foreseeable obstacles in his way. That’s what he thought until his recent doctor’s appointment.



Casazza wants to work together with the good people of the Sacramento community to set a first time world record for the most chiropractic adjustments in a 12-hour period of time. Have you ever been part of a world record? If not, now is your chance. Dr. Casazza’s chiropractic office has been established in Sacramento since 2002, and he’s offering his services during this one-day special event at the Beach Hut Deli located at 2406 J Street in Sacramento on September 13th from 7am and 7pm. The donation of $60 will allow you to be a patient in this record setting event, which offers an adjustment, sandwich and drink! The chiropractic adjustment may be a full hands-on treatment or via the use of the Activator for those who don’t like to hear any crackles, snaps or pops. Dr. Casazza will be offering a no charge exam and x-rays prior to the event in his office, with no catch or obligation after the day of the event. Come be a part of this historic event and help support Dr. Casazza’s journey to not only qualify for the Boston Marathon, but to also carry a $10,000 check across the finish line for the victims of the 2013 Boston Marathon tragedy! H&F For more information, call 916-834-3699.


“The doctor said I have a major hip problem. When I run, the steps I take directly impact my hip socket. After the first 2 hours, I can feel the pain and it won’t let up. Since a marathon takes at least 3 hours, for the entire last hour of the marathon, I’ll have a lot of DR. SIDNEY BEAN, D.C. pain and discomfort. I was advised not to run at all but I have to. I’m gonna do it if I have to crawl,” he said with determination.




e live in a world of constant distraction. Try as we might, there is simply no avoiding all the beeps, bells, and boings of modern technology; the on-screen explosions and eardrum blasting sound effects of mass entertainment; the sirens and honking horns of everyday urban life. There is no escaping it. Every restaurant seems to have multiple TVs hanging from the wall, just in case conversation with our dining companion is flagging. We are suffering from sensory overload—too much distraction and not enough time to think—not enough time to be.

trying to avoid nowadays. The poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge once complimented his friend William Wordsworth for his ability to “do one thing at a time.” Wordsworth clearly would not have thrived in today’s corporate climate, where “multitasking” is the prized attribute and buzzword du jour. Fortunately all is not lost. More and more people are beginning to realize the dire implications of a life spent staring at a glowing screen, and are beginning to resist the societal and commercial pressures obliterating our coherence of mind.

They say technology and social media are bringing us together, when in reality they’re tearing us apart. We sit down at the dinner table and ignore our fleshand-blood companions in favor of our pseudo-friends on Facebook and Twitter. And it’s not just in America— it’s happening everywhere. A friend of mine recently went home to Kenya for Christmas and encountered the same disheartening trend. After Christmas dinner she noticed a distinct silence in the house. Upon investigating, she discovered all her little nieces and nephews (whom she hadn’t seen in over a year) dispersed in isolation staring at various computer screens and smart phones, posting ephemeral messages to pseudofriends and ignoring their real friends and immediate family. Furious, she called a family meeting, demanding everyone lay down their respective gizmo and gadget and rejoin the world of the living. Our attention spans have been obliterated. We no longer have the capacity to sit and think, much less read a novel. Reading a novel requires a stillness and self-possession we’ve long ago relinquished. Sure we have access to endless information and facts galore, but where shall wisdom be found? Wisdom doesn’t come from the press of a button; it comes from long contemplation, reading, and the kind of journey into the abyss of self we spend all our waking hours 20 CELEBRATING




Perhaps the most promising antidote to the constant, debilitating distraction is the growing popularity of the Mindfulness Movement, which incorporates meditation and other means for achieving peace of mind and respite from the deleterious effects of modern life. Now more and more people are espousing the benefits of meditation, including Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, Pentagon chiefs, scientists, Fortune 500 titans, and harried parents everywhere. Some people automatically recoil at the word “meditation.” But meditation need not have anything to do with eastern religion, New Age spiritualism, philosophy, or any self-help hocus pocus. Many of today’s practitioners are keen to stress a more secular, scientific approach to meditation. As writer Kate Pickert recommends; “Think of your attention as a muscle. As with any muscle, it makes sense to exercise it (in this case, with meditation), and like any muscle, it will strengthen from that exercise.” In other words, one need not chant, or light incense, or sit around a drum circle to meditate properly. All one really needs is a comfortable chair or mat and a few spare minutes of quiet to empty one’s mind of distraction and focus on the breath and the eternal presence of the moment. There is a growing body of scientific evidence to support the claims of meditation enthusiasts. Science is showing that meditation is effective in combating stress and anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, drug and alcohol addiction, and even PTSD. According to Pickert, scientists are discovering that “meditation and rigorous mindfulness training can lower cortisol levels and blood pressure, increase immune response and possibly even affect gene expression.” Many mediation enthusiasts are working to introduce the practice to schools and health care system. In a world of constant distraction, stress and anxiety, meditation provides the perfect antidote. And unlike anxiety medication or vacation to Hawaii, it’s free! H&F

S I X T E E N T H for the



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2O14 21


By Gary S. Rinzler, MD-MPH, FABPMR


heck your knowledge on these four myths.

Myth 1: Natural drugs are always superior to pharmaceutical.

Pro: The unpurified, naturally occurring form is usually less concentrated, and often contains a variety of substances, many as yet unidentified, that exert their own actions in concert with the primary ingredient, so it may appear less foreign to the body, and may be less toxic. Con: Some drugs are life saving and can’t be found in nature in strong enough forms to save a life, especially antibiotics and anti-infection drugs. Drugs for AID and cancer and powerful antibiotics to stop

life-threatening infections are examples. Controversy: Where the millions of various practitioners disagree usually falls into one of the chronic afflictions, and the science here is foggy, but slowly becoming clear. Afflictions like depression, insomnia, chronic pain, endocrine imbalance, headaches, digestive symptoms, and many slowly evolving and slow but potentially disabling afflictions; these are the battleground for the nature vs. evidence-based medicine specialists of many types. Culture plays a big role here, especially where mood disorders and mental illness are concerned. Both sides of the marijuana argument are usually part


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Myth 2: Diet and herbal supplement or vitamin deficiencies are usually behind chronic illnesses of all kinds. Truth: It appears that there are many political and commercial forces with their fingers in this pie. I believe, based on my personal interest in these areas, that there are medium roads that are healthy, above or below which, health and wellness are suboptimal. It is safe to supplement any diet, especially extreme diets, such as macrobiotic, all raw, pure vegan, or the “I’ll eat whatever I want” approach, that a simple multivitamin that contains a few hundred percent of everything including minerals and trace elements in addition to the “ABCDEK” varieties, is a good idea and can only help maintain a well functioning body.

of this discussion, and here the science is limited by the difficulty with measuring one’s response, since it’s so subjective. With pain, anxiety, and fatigue, who can know but you how these feel? Cautions: In these areas, other than serious infections, cancer, etc., you must become your own expert, and you must work with healthcare practitioners who remain open minded to your needs and preferences. Ultimately, your health or wellness is YOUR responsibility, so learn as much as you can. That said, beware claims in magazines and late night infomercials where terms like “It’s well accepted that”, or “Studies have shown that”, or “In Europe, this treatment has proven successful in 100% of the cases.” Beware also about any solution that seems too good to be true. Many vitamins can be harmful if taken long enough at doses high enough if you don’t know what you’re doing. Work with an herbalist, with a Naturopath, or even some of the MD/DO/DC folks that have sought training in these areas, not usually part of the basic education.

That said, recent research suggests that the current daily minimums and average American diet result in lower levels of Vitamins A, D, the Bs, and potentially minerals such as iron, Mn, Mg, Ca, phosphorous, and others. The problem here is that with so many fingers in the pie, not a lot of money is devoted to research that will prove what we not only need, but what is the optimal level of what we need, and what happens if we get too much or too little. Answer: If this rings true for you, beyond a simple high potency multivitamin and mineral supplement, I would work with someone trained in measuring and treating these many chemicals, someone with legitimate training in their field, someone that scientifically understands the studies, mostly foreign done, and has no secondary gain selling you all sorts of herbs and life extenders. Thanks to the Internet, you must become the most well informed person about your body that exists.

Myth 3: All Stress is Bad Answer: Our mind and body are wonderfully dynamic machines that respond to the right stresses by becoming stronger, adapting, and redistributing resources. Do not be afraid of stress. Understand where it comes from and how it affects you. That said, like too much of an herb or vitamin can be harmful, rather than the right amount beneficial, so it goes with stress ­– too much is harmful. If your reaction to stress begins to disrupt your ability to enjoy life, balance your diet and exercise,

sleep restfully, well, then, you’ve probably found too much stress. More than any other factor, uncontrolled excessive stress can overpower all of the regulation systems in your body, lower your resistance to disease and cancers, and disable your built-in balance mechanisms. If that much stress becomes the dominating feature of your existence, something has to change, since without relief, your body will pull rank and make you ill enough to remove the stress, or at least bring it down. A job, a car,

a house, a lover, they all fall away when one is too ill to function, and it doesn’t matter if it’s emotional or physical, both are equally important. Change becomes critical. So no stress leads to systems that slip out of balance, and too much stress does the same thing from the opposite side. Exercise and diet are equally important, but no matter how well you eat, without exercise, system failure is premature. Myth 4: All that is Ballyhoo, how could acupuncture do anything, why would herbs cure my medical illness, and how can I exercise when I feel like crap and can’t sleep anyway. Mistake: Drugs are most often only band aids, surgeries often unnecessary, infomercials (even with Chuck Norris) will not cure a life out of balance. Herbs can be powerful and deadly, just as they can heal, same as drugs. Find that expert, read, and relax.
 As an MD, albeit one that has chosen to be vegetarian for 44 years, I preach well but practice poorly. Yet, I know the wrong herbs can kill you, acupuncture can be more powerful than drugs, exercise can be overdone and harmful, or never done and harmful. We are fantastically complex in our cellular ability to adapt to a variety

of internal and external stresses. Become your own doctor by learning from true information sources and ignore magical or panacea cures. Never give up. Find the right professionals that will accept your way, not force theirs. Learn to use the Web to become an expert. Find your health practitioner and use the tools given. Make psychic relaxation or meditation as important as getting to work on time. Understand inability to sleep is a marker for something wrong. Do not waste money on willynilly following any fad, spend half that money finding a highly trained expert to guide you. Ask questions, accept what works, and take control of your body and mind. The answers come, I promise. Disclaimer: Experience and individual responses can vary greatly for any given drug or herb experience, from cure to fatal reaction. As a physician, I am a scientist and choose to guide my decisions based on scientific evidence, but personal experience from my patients along with my own observations deeply color my decisions, in most cases. There is rarely a 100% correct or wrong way to go. Medicine remains an art, not always easily quantified, not always evidence based, and sometimes downright mysterious. H&F


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Axiom: If you exercise and actively relax on a daily basis, your diet will be less important than if you are hypercareful about what you eat, but do not adequately exercise and practice some form of mindful relaxation. Said in other ways: Exercise trumps diet in most diseases. Clearly both are important, both are needed to support a healthy mind, and a healthy immune system.


By Dr. Donna/Editor


or Gary S. Rinzler, M.D., M.P.H., thinking outside the box has always been the norm. He treats patients in his clinic located at 3701 J Street, Suite 207 in Sacramento for chronic pain, insomnia, depression, anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, mild closed head injuries, headaches, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome; all the types of conditions that are the most difficult to treat.

“What I don’t do, which is a major swing of the pendulum, is find that optimal cocktail of drugs that controls pain (emotional or physical) just enough to function but not so much that a person is too sleepy, unable to feel their emotions, and maybe even physically impaired, which I’ve come to believe the trend towards stronger chronic opiates therapy over the past 10 years tries to do. I’ve attended every seminar, spoken directly with the investigators, tried many of these on all sorts of patients in the past 15 years as the vogue evolved, and I am now convinced, to a high degree of certainty, that the patient in chronic distress, pain, insomnia, depression, cognitive impairment due to repetitive blunt force head injuries, are at great risk for addiction or self-medication in whatever form is available,” Dr. Rinzler said. He works with patients who somehow have failed every treatment so far tried. And he gets results with most of these complex patients. What’s one of his secrets? It’s the Fisher Wallace CES (Cranio-Electronic Stimulator), a technologically advanced microcurrent device that stimulates your own body’s powerful healing chemical messengers in the brain. In fact, it’s the only microcurrent device approved for direct application of the patented microcurrent directly to the brain.

Effective and Proven Electronic Healing Device This electronic medical device is an FDAapproved Class 2 technological device, no larger than a cell phone that connects to electrodes worn by wearing it on the head with the electrodes held in place by a tennis headband-like elastic. Some people don’t even feel the current, yet studies have shown that it still has a beneficial effect at 24 CELEBRATING



functions, endorphins (your built in painkiller), GABA (which works on the “relaxation” receptors) and countless others, some beyond our capability to measure them, as they are formed and broken down too rapidly to “catch” their levels. The Limbic System is the “Grand Central Station” in the brain. Almost all the information coming in from the body, going out to the body, along with mood, hunger, energy levels, hormone regulation, sex drive, pain and pleasure processing, and even affects memory, concentration, and in one way or another, many other functions in other parts of the brain.

these “Can’t even feel it” settings. Some patients don’t mind the sensation and quickly graduate to maximal settings where the response is faster and more apparent. The microcurrent is delivered for 20 minutes at which point the stimulator turns off automatically. The FW CES is safe and scientifically proven to work. More than 70 published studies from Harvard, Columbia, and other universities and medical centers have repeatedly demonstrated its effectiveness – and Dr. Rinzler has been involved helping develop the device since 1996. The device has succeeded where all other treatments, even surgery, have failed.” Moreover, in many thousands of treatments, never once has an injury event occurred, and those followed for 10-20 years of continuous use show no side effects.

How It Works Many theories exist among different laboratories, but what the device appears to do is “synchronize” the limbic system with the rest of the brain’s many regions. In some studies, by analyzing the spinal fluid, increases in critical neurotransmitters increase predictably, in some cases by 200-400%, and in earlier animal models, sometimes even higher. Many of these studies were single before and after changes, but we now understand that the effect of daily use is cumulative, and may take 3 to 6 weeks to exert the beneficial increase of these critical neurotransmitters, including serotonin which affects your mood, dopamine which controls many attention span, mood, and memory


Why would that help? “What happens in the brain in many conditions is similar to an orchestra where all the musicians are on a different page of the music, tuned to a different key. When the Fisher Wallace CES device is used, it’s similar to bringing in the conductor who taps on the conductor’s easel until all the musicians are synchronized once again, working together…” Dr. Rinzler stated, “Now they are all reading the same music and playing it in the same key. The difference can be profound, now you can hear and enjoy “Swan Lake” instead of a random screeching of different parts competing. The FW CES operates on 2 AA batteries, only 3 volts, and the current reaching the brain is so tiny it measures in microamps, nothing like Electroshock therapy from the past, which used thousands of times more energy to purposely induce seizures. “What’s amazing is that this tiny current is specifically designed just to awaken those brain cells that won’t release their chemicals, the message induces that release,” he said. The device is covered by many insurance plans and has a 60-day money back guarantee on it with a lifelong guarantee on parts (except batteries). Even if your insurance won’t reimburse you, Dr. Rinzler’s office will help you with the paperwork to file an appeal until you receive payment. H&F If you or a loved one have any of the above-mentioned health conditions and are looking for an out-of-thebox solution, this may be exactly what you are looking for. Give them a call at 916-443-CURE and find out more at his website at www.mynewcure.com


The Love Grotto with Grace Arielle Reflections on Love, Intimacy & Sexuality


s there more room for more pleasure in your life, sexually or otherwise? Perhaps it is time to awaken the self-pleasure master artisan within you and cultivate the pleasure you desire. When we make our self-pleasuring an art, we will self-pleasure like artists... Many believe the term self-pleasure refers to masturbation exclusively. In the broader context of life, it refers to our ability to create experiences of pleasure for the self.

Loosely defined, pleasure is a feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction, or activity that brings enjoyment in this case, created by the self. We might add that self-pleasuring is an act of self-love. Pleasure is experienced by the mind, heart, and body and seems inexplicably tied to the human senses. Below are a few self-reflection inquiries. How do you define pleasure? What do you find pleasurable in your world?

A Women 24 writer suggests, “Sexually pleasuring yourself is one of the most powerful experiences you can give yourself. To explore your body with a loving touch; to give yourself permission, time and space to feel pleasure; and to know that you are worth giving and receiving pleasure are some of the most powerful steps to becoming sexually empowered.” Studies have shown babies in utero are known to touch themselves; it is simply natural. Have you ever wondered why sea otters look so happy? They have mastered art of self-pleasuring…It was at the Monterey Bay Aquarium that a sea otter illuminated the naturalness of self-pleasuring and joyful personal fulfillment. I came upon a tank with sea otters in it. They were swimming and frolicking about the tank some two dozen people had joined in front of the tank. I poised my camera and readied to take a picture of the otters. In the moment it took for the shutter to click, a sea otter rolled onto its back, brought its penis out into its hands and into its mouth. The sea otter joyfully and skillfully masturbated. This Sea otter teaches us the inherent naturalness of joyful selfpleasuring and personal fulfillment. If sexual self-pleasuring is so natural why is there so much secrecy and shame around it? Childhood,

the self-pleasure artist within and begin to cultivate a life that is filled with the things, people and experiences, including sexual that bring you pleasure; life, relationships, intimacy and sexuality with others all take on new shades of color, new possibility.

societal and some religious conditioning point to masturbation as an act of wrongdoing rather than the act of self-pleasuring that it is. The fearful beliefs of the past still operate in gentler and more covert ways today. At the turn of the century, some parents horrified by the thought of any ‘peculiar’ goings-on in their children’s bedrooms, made the children wear steel wool gloves at night to prevent any acts of self-love. Moreover, it was thought that masturbation could result in insanity, impotence, epilepsy and “puny offspring.” While steel wool gloves are no longer used, many children are deterred from knowing the pleasure and joy of their bodies. Give yourself permission to awaken


What sensations/textures bring you pleasure? What Sounds? Sights? Scents? Thoughts? Activities bring you pleasure? What are your personal beliefs about self-pleasuring sexually? What brings you pleasure in relationship? How do you feel about being the provider of your own pleasure?

How is the self-pleasure artisan awakened? Simply choose to create moments of pleasure for yourself. You deserve it! H&F Grace Arielle of Embodied Awakenings is a somatic therapist, workshop facilitator and author lovingly devoted to supporting individuals in connecting more deeply to self-love, empowerment and the nature of the authentic self. She can be reached at 916-541-8232.

Healing & Wholenss~

Mind, Body, Spirit & Home

A gentle invitation to get connected and Embody You! Transformational Bodywork Heart Centered Counseling



Deep Peace Energy Activation Home Harmony Transformation

Healing Into Wholeness — Specializing in Healthy Sexuality Classes/Playshops/Retreats/Telephone Sessions

To schedule your appointment contact Grace Arielle 916.541.8232 2200 L Street, Sacramento gracearielle333@gmail.com www.gracearielle.com


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PICKING YOUR BATTLES! By Grandmaster Clint Robinson, Taekwondo Black Belt, 9th Dan


xercising is more than a physical activity. As martial artists, we also train for the mental struggles that come from learning, practice and achievement. This mental ‘edge’ is one of the primary reasons most Black Belts don’t get into street fights. They know they can prevail and choose not to respond to aggression until it becomes a matter of self-defense. This is where confidence comes from — in knowing when and where to utilize your skill. This is also true in life as we must pick and choose what ‘battlefields’ to compete on in school or business just as in sports. Competition is the bedrock of the American way.

This is why Robinson’s Taekwondo students are stepping into the sparring circles in competitions around the world, and we are vastly proud of them. George El Chemali brought home a Gold from his competition in Montreal at the Canadian Open, and followed up with a real battle on European mats. His reward for choosing to step up in the German Open competition was the Silver Medal. We have hundreds of students competing in tournaments like the Annual Sacramento Invitational Championships at Memorial Auditorium, the inter-school competition of the Goodwill Games and our Annual Grand National UWTA Championships in October at the Silver Legacy Reno Events Center. By focusing on organized competition, playing by the rules and being good sports we know our students learn more than just martial arts. As I said in welcoming our visitors to the ‘Sac Invite’ earlier this year, to quote myself if you will: “The outcome is never certain, as time and circumstances may differ in every contest. What is really important is creating the will to win not the trophy that you





may or may not take home this day. From any perspective the real benefit of pursuing martial arts is gaining confidence, courage, perseverance, respect and individual development of a willingness to undertake the battle. Competition is a mirror of life.” So, martial artists don’t need to prove themselves to anyone, as they have knowledge from experience in training, competition and triumph in stepping up at the right time in the right place. While not a competition we entered, it’s always a great honor to be recognized in our competitive world for excellence. We are proud of the staff, students and families at our Lodi school, where new leadership, great energy and pride on our accomplishments helped us earn the Lodi-Sentinel’s Reader’s Choice Award for Best Martial Arts school in their community. Well done! What do they know in Lodi you don’t? Learn more about the most taught martial art in the world by visiting us at one of our 17 regional locations. Find one and get to know us at www.robinsonstkd.com or call 1-888-249-7853. If you are willing to give it a try, commit to 5 free one-to-one orientation lessons with a Black Belt instructor I will give them to you free. Just you, your commitment to give it a shot and the spirit to try your best, we can begin improving life, health and success for you and your family. Visit my Facebook page and ‘Like’ Grandmaster Clint Robinson to learn more. H&F


streets would be closed to all motor vehicle traffic and open to everyone else. Cyclists, joggers, walkers, etc. Currently San Francisco, San Diego, Redding and others host some version of a Cyclovia annually. And with SABAs help, Sacramento will

There are some great rides worth investigating as August approaches. SABA will host the Lunar Lunacy Fun Ride August 9th beginning at 8 p.m. Featuring music and food trucks, the ride itself will not start until 10 p.m. when the mood should be cycling inclined, I highly recommend investigating some of the great cycling /organization clubs, which our city hosts. First on my must visit list is Sacramentoís finest and most dedicated cycling advocacy group; The Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates. SABA tirelessly cheerleads for our cycling community. Proud sponsors of the Sacramento Bike Fest and are instrumental in expanding the regions cycling trails and pathways. They are currently in the process of attempting to include Sacramento into the “Cyclovia” community. Huh? Cyclovia; the concept of open street events. These were pioneered in San Francisco in the 1960s. Selected

just about right for an evening tour. Woohoo! The Bike Hikerís calendar is chock full of fun stuff to do. August 2nd features the Mount Tam Double as well as the Marin Century. Spectacular and challenging. I like the TGIF Ride on the 8th. It just sounds great. As does the End of Summer Ice Cream Ride which is significantly held on the 31st. Wow! August is a cornucopia of cycling goodness. Where to begin? How to end? Well the fun must start somewhere. It does have to be sought after though. Nothing of worth is found without looking. This article can’t include all of the clubs and organizations Sacramento has to offer. There just is not enough space for my long-winded narratives. But a little Googling goes a long way. So for the soloist out there I encourage you to join some like minded sorts and engage. I started off yakking about my perchance for the solo ride, but in doing so, I have not only narrowed my riding horizons, I lose sight of the pleasure and the camaraderie that a group ride provides. I have found that my best and most memorable solo rides are when I am with someone else. Happy trails. Happy trails. H&F

be included in that short list. SABA can be visited at SacBike.org. The Sacramento Bike Hikers were born of a moonlit ride that went from Florin Road to Elk Grove during the summer of 1968. That ride has evolved to become Sacramentoís longest continuously run cycling club. Host and sponsor of the Party Pardee, the Bike Hikers also provide year round rides tailored to the recreational cyclist of all abilities. Their rides are varied and always interesting. They can be visited at BikeHikers.com. The Sacramento Wheelman are no slouches. Many of their group rides are from 15-60 miles or more, but JULY/AUGUST

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enjoy cycling alone, at least that ís what I tell myself. I get to maintain my own pace, be master of my own destination, and savor the solitude for quiet reflection. Yup, thatís what I tell myself. My own little mantra. But for the more socially

can be segmented to suit the rider. Having now sponsored 39 years of the great Sierra Century, the Wheelman have long established themselves as prominent cyclists and advocates for the joys and benefits of cycling. Their ride calendar includes some of the most beautiful areas in Northern California, as well as gems of rides here in the valley. Their site can be perused at SacWheelman.org.

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7:05● 7:05● 12:35 7:05●1:05 7:05● 1:10● 6:05● 4:10● 10:35● 11:10● 5:05 ■7:05● 5:05● 5:05● 7:05 7:05● 1:10● 7:05 ■ 7:05● 7:05● 1:05● 22 TOR 23MAY 24 1:05 21 1:10● 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 5:10● 11:10 4:35● 4:10● 1:05● 10:10● 10:10 7:10● 6:05● 6:10● 17 18 20 19 21 NYMAUGUST 20 21 LAA 22 25LAA 23 2326 CLE TB 17 20 TB TB TOR AUGUST 15 18 16 19 05● 7:05● 6:05● 27 28 15 29 TEX 30 1:10● 7:05● 11 12 13 14 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 ATL NYM 22 HOU TEX TEX TEX CLE CLE 22 23 24 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 HOU TEX TEX WSH CWS CWS CWS CLE CLE ATL NYM NYM LAA LAA 20 21 22 23 24 25 BAL HOU HOU HOU TEX TEX 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 MIN 10 KC 11 KC 12 KC 13 KC 14 ATL 15 ATL 16 10 8 9


4:05● 10:05● 12:35● 05●29 25 7:05●30 266:05●31 27


:35 7:05● 10:07● 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 10 4:07● 10:07● 29





BOS SEA 2 185WSH SEA 3 196 1 4 WSH BOS BOS 10:05● 4:10● NYM 14 174:05● 15 10:05● 16 CATL ATL ATL 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 7:05● 6:05● 10:35● 7:05● 7:05● 4:10● 10:35● 25 4:35● 264:10● 27 10:35● 7:05● TOR DET23 DET 22 18 24 20 B1:10 TOR TOR CLE TB 10 15 11CLE 16 19 17 13 12CLE WSH CWS CWS 8 24 WSH 9 25 WSH LAA HOU HOU 10:07● 1:05● 7:05● 21 4:07● 22 10:07● 23 26 10 LAA LAA 10:05● 4:10● 4:05● 10:05● 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 6:05● 7:05● 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 29 25LAA 30 26LAA 31 27 7:05● 6:05● TOR DET23 DET 24 20 18 TOR 19TOR BET CLE22 TB 15 31 16 17 CLE CLE LAA 28 7:05● 29 7:05● 30 AA LAA LAA :35 10:07● 1:05● 7:05● 10 4:07● 10:07● 10:05● 4:10●



13HOU 14 ATL 15 BALATL 16 7 10 8 11WSH 9 12WSH HOU HOU TEX TEX KC TEX TEX TEX TEX HOU HOU HOU HOU HOU HOU HOU HOU TEX TEX 13 14 LAA 15 KC 19 MIN KC10 KC18 SEA SEA LAA SEA LAA LAA LAA HOU HOU 20 LAA 22 16 2317 20 22 AUGUST 23 24 HOU 25 HOU 26 4:10● 1:1021 21HOU 4:07● 10:07● NYM LAA LAA BAL HOU HOU TEX TEX 11:10● 5:05 5:05● 5:05● 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 12:35 5:05● 5:05● 10:35● 7:05● 12:35● 7:05● 6:05● 1 5:10● 2 3 1:05 7:05■ 7:05 12:35 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 12:35 5:05● 5:05● 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 12:35● 5:10● 4:10● 12:35 4:05● 10:05● 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 5:10● 11:10 4:35● 4:10● 10:35● 7:05● 12:35● 7:05● 6:05● 1 2 BOS BOS 4:35● 7:05 1:05 KC 1:05●7:05 ■5:10● 5:10● 5:10● 5:05● 11:105:05● 4:10● 1:10● 7:05● 7:05● 7:05● 1:05● 12:35 7:05● 6:05● KC 1 KC KC 2 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 12:35 27 HOU 28 HOU 27 29 HOU 30 31 28 TEX 29 30MAY 31 12:35● 7:05● 6:05● 1 10:35● 29 31 27 29 TEX 30 24 262 HOU 25 27 26 28 28 LAA 29 DET DET2128 22 LAA KC LAA KC24 HOU20 TEX HOU TEX TEX TEX HOU HOU 27 HOU 242420 4:10● 21 17 23 19 6:35● HOU HOU LAA30 28 LAA 30 25 29 1:05● 22 TEX 23 25 21 30 18LAA 22 TEX 23 26 6:35● 1:05● HOU HOU TEX TEX TEX TEX TEX TEX HOU HOU HOULAAHOU HOU LAA TB TB 28 15HOU TOR TOR HOU HOU HOU LAA LAA ATL NYM 23 18CLE 21 LAA 22 LAA 27 29 NYM 30 14 17 16 19 1731 20HOU TEX HOU CWS CLE ATL NYM LAA LAA 4:05● 5:10● 5:10● 4 SEA 5 SEA 6HOU 7 NYM 9 1:05● 10 27 5:05 29SEA7:05● 30 81 6:35● 33 TB 55 TB11:10 66 MIN 77 MIN 88 MIN 99 BOS WSH WSH 4:05● 5:10●44 TB 5:10● 11:10 11:10● ■ 287:05 5:05● 5:05● KC 2 4:10● 3 5:10● HOU LAA LAA LAA 7:05● 12:35 7:05● 1:05 7:05 12:35 BOS BOS 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 12:35● 5:10● 5:10● KC TB TB TB MIN MIN MIN 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 7:05● 7:05● 4:10● 1:10 5:10● 4:07● 10:35● 7:05● 12:35● 1:05● 7:05● 5:10● 6:05● 5:10● 5:10● 7:05● 7:05● 6:05● 6:05● 4:05● 5:10● 11:10 10:07● 3 7:05● 5 MAY 6 12:35● 9 KC TB28 4 7:05● TB TB 10:05● MIN 7 7:05● MIN 8 6:05● MIN 7:05● 10:35● 7:05● 6:05● 10:35● 12:35 12:35 4:05● 1:05● 4:10● 10:35● 29 TEX 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● HOU27 TEX TEX TEX7:05● TEX 306:05● 5:10● 7:05● HOU TEX 31 28 24 29 31 27 11 7:05● 12 25 15 7:05● 16 28 LAA 26 14 7:05● 29 30 1:05● 7:05●13 3012:35 6:05● 31 17

7:05● 7:05●

12:35 12:35

7:05● 7:05●

WSH CWS CWS CLE31 LAA 10 DET LAA LAA HOU HOU LAA 26LAA 29MIN LAA 30 11 21 24 225:05● 24 27 4DET 5 25 6 23CWS 7 HOU 8 CLE 9 28 10 10 KC 11 KC 12 KC 13 KC 14 BOS SEA SEA MINLAA KC KC 12 KC 13 KC 14 LAA HOU HOU HOU LAA LAA TB TBSEA TOR TOR 1 WSH 2 WSH 3 11:10● 5:05 ■ 5:05● BOS BOS LAA 10 7:05● 11 KC 12 KC 13 KC 14 4:05● 15 10:05● 16 MIN KC ATL ATL 1:05● 7:05● 12:35 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 5:10● 11:10 12:35● MAY AUGUST 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 5:10● 11:10 10:35● 7:05● 7:05● 12:35 7:05● 6:05● 7:05● 12:35 7:05● 7:05● 12:35● 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 5:10●22 4:10● 7:05● 7:05● 6:05● AUGUST 10:35● 4:10● 4:07● 10:07● 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 7:05● 7:05● 6:05● 181:10 19 5:10● 20 TB 21 5:10● 23 TOR 24 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 11:1015 TOR 4:35● 4:10● 17 18 19 20 21 CLE TBAUGUST 11 CWS 12 CWS 13 CWS 14 TB 16 CLE 17 ATL 17 18 NYM 19 NYM 21 WSH CLE ATL NYM NYM 20 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BOS SEA 19 304:10● SEA 20 1:10 WSH 222 10:07● WSH 233 31 17 SEA 29 18 4:10● 28 31 31 121 BOS 10:05● 4:07● ATL NYM NYM LAA LAA BOS 10:35● 7:05● 12:35● DETLAA DET LAA LAA LAA 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 7:05● 7:05●MAY 12:35 4:05● 6:05● 10:05● 10:35● 7:05● 12:35● 10:35● 12:35 7:05● 25 DET 26 DET 27 DET 28 29 LAA 30 10:35● 10:35● 7:05●20 12:35● 6:05●31 123 2 24 HOU 25 25 HOU 26 26 HOU 27 27 LAA 28 28 TOR LAA 12:35● KC7:05● KC 1812:35 19 TB 21 DET 22 4:10● 24 LAA 24 CLE TB TB TOR TOR 12:35● LAA HOU HOU HOU LAA 7:05● 7:05● 7:05● 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 WSH 24 HOU CWS 25 HOU CWS 26 HOU CWS 27 LAA 28 CLE CLE 29 7:05● 30 LAA LAA LAA 10:07● 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 12:35 7:05● 4 SEA 5 SEA4:10● 6 SEA 7 10 1:05● BOS 10:05● WSH WSH 4:10● 1:10 8 6:35● 4:07●9 1:05● 10:07● 1:05● 3 5:10● 5:10● 4 5:10● 5:10● 5 5:10● 5:10● 67:05● 7:05●

JUNE 1 BOS 3 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 12:35 4:05●2 BOS 10:05● 31 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 5:10● 7:05● 7:05● 6:05●31 MAY 3 TB 4 26 5 27 6 28MIN 729 7:05● 830 6:05● 9 LAA SEPTEMBER 25 DET KC TB DET TBDET MIN MIN 10:35● 7:05● TOR LAA LAA 18 19 2012:35 21 DET 22 4:10● 23 10:35● 24 CLE 7:05● TB TB TB TOR TOR LAA 31



31 LAA 31 LAA 1:05● 1:05●


7:05● 7:05●


15 15


22 22

4:35● 4:35●

7:05● KC 7:05● KC

6:05● 6:05●


16 16


23 23

4:10● 4:10●

6:05● 11 KC 6:05● KC


29 LAA 30 LAA 30 29 LAA6:35● LAA 1:05●



7:05● 6:05● MIN 77 MIN 88 MIN MIN 6:05● MIN 7:05● MIN


7:05● 7:05● 12:35 12:35 7:05● 7:05● 7:05● 6:05● 7:05● 7:05● 7:05● 6:05● 12:35● 11 7:05● 12 7:05● 13 12:35 14 7:05● 15 7:05● 16 CLE 17 1:05● 6:05● 10:07● 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 12:35 7:05● 7:05● 12:35● WSH CWS CWS CWS CLE 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4 5 6 7 10:05● 4:10● 4:10● 1:10 4:07● 10:07● MIN KC KC KC KC ATL ATL 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 KC 2 11 KC 123 KC 13 4KC 14 ATL BOS 12:35● SEA SEA BAL WSH NYY NYY11 SEA BAL MIN ATL 6616 1 WSH 11 SEA 2 SEA 3 4 HOU 55 15HOU BOS 152 10:05● BOS 163 SEA SEA SEA SEA HOU HOU 10 7:05● 12 27KC 13 28KC 1429 4:05● MIN KC KC ATL ATL 1:05● 7:05● 12:35 25 26 30 31 1:05● 4:35● TOR DET 7:05● DET6 7:05● LAA LAA 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 5:10● 5:10● 5:10● 5:10● 11:10 11:10 4:35● 4:10● 4:10● 3 7:05● 4 DET 5DET 3:15 10:35● 12:35 6:05● SEA 2 4:05 SEA HOU HOU 1:05● SEA 1 4:05● ■ 10:05● 4:05● ▲22 4:10● 10:35● 7:05● 12:35 7:05● 1:05● 18 5:10● 19 5:10● 20 TB 21 TB 23 TOR 24 1:05● 1:05● 5:10● 11:10 4:35● 4:10● 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 17 18 12:35 19 NYM 20 20 21 LAA 22 221:05● 23 CLE TB TOR 10:07● 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 12:35 7:05● 7:05● 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 21 ATL NYM LAA WSH 11 CWS7:05● CLE CLE ATL NYM NYM LAA LAA 23 4 CWS 5 SEA 6 CWS 71:05● BOS SEA WSH 229 10:07● WSH7 10 JUNE 13 14218 4:07● 8 1:05● 9 LAA 10 12:35 7:05● SEPTEMBER 174 SEA 18 12 19 4:10● 20 23 BAL LAA LAA NYY NYY 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 SEPTEMBER 10:05● 4:10● 1:10 ATL NYM NYM LAA LAA 1 2 3 5 6 7 HOU CWS CWS CWS CWS SEA SEA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10:35● 7:05● 12:35● 7:05● 6:05● YY BAL LAA BAL NYY NYY NYY 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● 7:05● 12:35 2BAL 4:05●HOU 10:05● 7:05● 12:35● SEA SEA SEA HOU 1BAL 4 HOU CWS510:35● CWS6 CWS CWS SEA 7:05●SEA6:05● SEPTEMBER 10:35● 7:05● 12:35 7:05● 6:05● SEA SEA SEA1329 3LAA HOU HOU 25 26 11 27 DET 28 30 LAA 31 7 7:05● 8 CWS 9 7:05● 10 DET 12 21 10:35● 7:05● 12:35● 7:05●23 6:05●24 24 25 5:10● 26 HOU 27 LAA7:10● 28 LAA 29 29 30 10:35● 7:05● 7:05● 7:05● TOR DET DET HOU CWS CWS CWS SEA SEA 4 5 6 18 19 20 22 LAA HOU HOU LAA 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 11:10 6:10● 30 HOU HOU 0:05● 3:15 ▲ LAA NYY BAL 16 BAL 17 CLE TB NYY TB NYY143:15 TB TOR TOR LAA1:05● HOU 11 5:10● HOU22 SEA HOU LAA447:10● LAA LAA 11 CWS 12 CWS 13 7:05● 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 11:10 6:10● 1:05● 4:05● 4:05● 4:05 ■ 10:05● 4:05● ▲2815 CLE 1:05● 12:35 7:05● SEA SEA HOU 33 55 HOU 66 WSH CWS CLE SEA SEA SEA HOU HOU 1:05● 7:05● 12:35 7:05● 1:05● 24 25 26 27 29 30 JUNE LAA HOU HOU LAA LAA LAA 10:07● 7:05● 7:05● 12:35 1 4:05● 2HOU 5 7:05● 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 5:10● 7:05● 6:05● 21 4 7:05● 18 1:05● 204:05 1:05● 5:10● 5:10● 5:10● 11:10 7:10● SEA 19 SEA SEA6:10● HOUSEA HOU 1:05● ■31:10 10:05● 4:05● 3:15 10:05● 4:10● 4:10● 4:07● 10:07● 1:05● 5:10● 5:10●17 5:10● 7:05● 7:05● 6:05● 19 20 14▲6 15 TEX 16 TEX 1712:35 187:05● 1:05● 7:05● 7:05● NYY TEX13 169NYY TEX TEX BOS BOS 14 17 12 158NYY 7:05● 1:05● 1:05● 7:05● 12:35 7:05● 1:05● TEX PHI PHI 1:05● 7:05● 12:35 10:05● 10 LAA 11 7:05● 12 13 99NYY 14 10 18 19 1:05● 20 7BOS 8NYY 104:05● 11 14 12 15 13 16 BAL LAA LAA SEA TEX TEX TEX PHI PHI 5 6 7 HOU CWS CWS CWS 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All times listed are Pacific. * Times subject to change due to flexible scheduling.







t Health & Fitness Magazine, we’re looking for a film with a great story line and is inspirational, one that takes us into another person’s world that is vastly different than our own, and one that will mark our life in a way that we would be forever changed and look back on the moment and say, “That’s when I realized…” The Grounded fulfills every criteria we could have. Here’s the story line: Steve Kroschel, an Alaskan wildlife photographer, hears an interview on the Howard Straus health radio show, the Power of Natural Healing with Clint Ober who discusses the “greatest health secret ever discovered”. The secret is called grounding or earthing: Touch the body to the earth and inflammation disappears and healing starts.

What Happened When They Watched The Grounding WB = walked barefoot GRD = Laid on ground CHR – sat in chair with feet on ground R.L., 60s – 20 minutes WB, greater range of motion in stiff knee K.L., 30s – GRD, chronic back and neck pain remarkably less M.P., 60s – CHR 2 sessions, 20% improvement in macular degeneration J.B., 50s – WB, previous burn healed fast with less pain M.S., 50s – didn’t watch the movie in its entirety, afraid it was New Age L.S., 50s – WB reduced trips to chiropractor S.B., 50s – WB in garden, felt more mentally stable C.L., teens – felt calmer after WB, less behavior outbursts J.L., 30s – less pain after WB R.W., 60s – WB resulted in less back pain and happier D.M., 50s – WB made weight loss easier

Kroschel puts the secret to the test after hours of shoveling snow plus normal chores at his wildlife center. He ‘grounds’ and the earth’s free electrons pass into ion channels in his body. Waking up a new man free from pain, he decides to try grounding again and again, with similar results. Even his assistant, Rocky Seward, stops snoring after one night of grounding. Kroschel begins to test plants in his own home; plants in water that are grounded last far longer than those that aren’t. Overcome with compassion for all the sick people in his hometown of Haines, Alaska, and equipped with knowledge and grounding kits, he begins handing them out to everyone he meets. The grounding concept goes viral, and residents stream to his home to obtain a kit in hopes of feeling better (not surprising since most people have at least one inflammatory disease these days, such as allergies, back pain, arthritis, diabetes, neurological disorders, skin rashes, heart disease and more).

that there’s no swearing, murder, or any other morally unacceptable behavior in the film that creates tension by rattling someone’s soul. Any unrest you feel from watching it results from paradigm shifts about health and healing and may drive you to take off your socks and shoes and go barefoot immediately! H&F You can watch The Grounded online at http://www. kroschelfilms.com, www.gersonmedia.com or www. hulu.com/watch/670531 Better watch it soon, as The Grounded 2 is coming out this fall! Be sure to let us know how this film changes you!

The movie is a tribute to the wonders of natural healing and a film every doctor and health professional should share with patients. In the film, Kroschel captures the life-transforming moments for Dave Olerud, paraplegic for 30 years – an absolute must-see, as grounding does for him what no medical treatment or pharmaceutical drug has ever done or ever will. This film is similar to the movie, Awakenings, but better because everyone who watches it will have a life-transformation of their own. Kroschel is an example of an emerging new breed of film producers that have a heart and use their talents for the good of society. Film critics missed the mark on the movie, The Grounded, by more than a mile. Perhaps they didn’t like the fact JULY/AUGUST

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By Jay Jacovitz


hat you do not know about dog cooling products puts your pet at risk for heat difficulties and discomfort. Pet products manufacturing and modern thermoregulating technology have joined to make available dog cooling jackets and cooling pet beds to aid in your dog’s safety and comfort. Dog cooling beds, jackets and other products represent technological advances in protection against heat exhaustion and heat stroke in dogs. Your dog has a fur coat. Summer days can be annoyingly uncomfortable for your canine, but thermoregulating technology in a cooling pet bed surface can have far reaching benefits to the health and well being of your canine. When dogs look for a cool surface area to lie on to cool their bodies they will usually find a spot on the tile, stone, or wood floor, surfaces that are hard on the canine’s bones and joints. However, those surfaces quickly trap heat and warm up, the refreshment is short-lived and the pressure on the bones and joints has a cumulative damaging effect. A cooling pet bed is a solution. Canines only perspire around their paws, not enough to cool the body down. They rid themselves of excess heat by panting. Air moves through the nasal passages, which picks up excess heat from the body; as it is expelled through the mouth, the extra heat leaves along with it. This is an efficient way to control body heat, but severely limited in areas of high humidity or in close quarters. Cooling pet bed technology is perfect for regulating dog discomfort from heat. Brachiocephalic (pug-nosed) dogs are more prone to heat discomfort and heat stroke because their nasal passages are smaller, making it more




difficult to circulate sufficient air for cooling. Overweight dogs are also more prone to heat stroke because extra layers of fat act as insulation, trapping heat in their bodies, restricting breathing. Age is a factor in a dog’s tendency to overheat and suffer heat stroke. Puppies may not have fully developed temperature- regulating systems, and older dogs’ organ systems may not function at peak levels. All reasons to take advantage of the wonderful cooling pet bed technology. Some dogs thrive around water and often make good companions on boats. However, a boat for a dog can become sweltering. To a dog or pet, boat surfaces, such as fiberglass, can get extremely hot in the sun. Dogs absorb heat through the pads on their feet so be sure to protect them. Heat stroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion are real dangers for dogs on boats, especially for overweight animals. Providing a shaded area on the boat for the dog is a safe and responsible thing to do, and if you provide your boating pal with a cooling pet bed it can make a world of difference to its comfort and safety. The advanced cooling pet bed does not work on electricity or batteries. The thermoregulating cooling pet bed creates a dry, room temperature cooling effect by passively removing heat from the dog’s body, which escapes into the surrounding air without electrical or mechanical devices. The cooling pet bed utilizes a combination of specialized foam, fluid and a shapeable outer membrane to create a unique and superior molding effect that conforms to pressure points. The cooling pet


bed contains a unique filling that becomes gel-like when activated with water. It is paw-puncture proof, easy to clean. Fleas hate the cool surface but dogs love it! Place the cooling pet bed on a solid cool surface out of direct sunlight, preferably in one of your dog’s favorite spots. Your pal will probably discover the cool bed on its own when it feels hot, and will keep coming back to experience the same refreshment. The canine cooling bed offers unparalleled body support because of the advanced fluid-based design, providing comfort for dogs with hip and joint ailments as well as skin problems from allergies to hot spots. The cooling pet bed is desirable for treatment and comfort of Cushing’s disease — symptoms of panting and restlessness are alleviated by the cooling effects. Similarly, it helps reduce the panting, pacing and restlessness typical of canine autoimmune hemolytic anemia. The cooling capability of the pet bed is therapeutic for post-surgery recovery, dysplasia, post-chemotherapy and other health conditions in which a soft, cooling effect is needed.

For the senior dog, this bed is very low profile, but incredibly supportive; easy for the animal to get on and off. The pet cooling bed (www. callofthedog.com/coolingpetbeds. php) is ongoing health therapy for the animal and is the most comfortable and innovative bed that you can give your dog especially during the summer season. This cooling pet bed is a powerful tool against the dangers of heat stroke. It carries the best warranty and it’s made in America! We have existed as a company since 1985, but it was a love of dogs, the dogs that have been a part of our life, and the passing of one dog in particular, Rusty, that inspired the creation of www.callofthedog.com and www. CalloftheDogShop.com — created to provide the things your dogs and pets need. Visit us for great information and quality dog supplies! Be sure to see our About Us page as well. The two sites are dedicated to the dogs we have loved so deeply, and who have given us so much love in return. Purebreds and mixed breeds, but mostly rescues in need of a home. We educated them, but each one has had something to teach us in exchange. H&F


And his training and natural ability shows. It’s not uncommon for Karen, the moose to come trotting up to him when she sees him sitting down to put her head in his lap. A wolverine named Banff teasingly bites Steve in the arse oftentimes in front of a group. At presentations, he uses special calls for each of the animals and they come running to him, eager to demonstrate their special bond. Interestingly, Cesar Milan is only good with dogs but Steve must be the best in the entire business, as he is a natural animal magnet for many wild species. None of the ones at the wildlife park are domesticated. H&F


f you’ve been considering a trip to Alaska before the glaciers melt away for good, there’s one place you absolutely must visit called Kroschel Wildlife Center. Located about 28 miles north of Haines, Alaska, and just a short ferry ride from Glacier Bay National Park, this wildlife center is a featured attraction for not only those creating their own Alaska vacation but also those on Princess and Holland America cruises to Alaska. “When you walk around here, it’s not a zoo. It’s like an Alaskan living Garden of Eden,” Steve Kroschel will tell you. You’ll confirm it’s true. The wildlife park is often the setting for Disney movies, the PBS series called Nature, and episodes of National Geographic Channel’s Michelle Oakley, Yukon Vet. The trip will be a defining moment in the lives of your children. And you’ll no doubt get the opportunity to take contest-winning types of closeup photos of Kitty, the Grizzly bear; Karen, the moose, reindeer, a lynx, porcupine, snowy owl, wolverine fox, and Isis, the wolf in their natural environments – shots you could never get at a zoo. The moose may even decide to give you a kiss – and you’ll talk about it for the rest of your life. You’ll meet Steve Kroschel, mastermind of the center and film producer of many films including his latest documentary released in August 2014 called The Grounded, Part 2. He has been interviewed on television with many wild animals by Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show and Katie Couric. He raised the animals, many of which were orphaned at birth and brought to Steve by various government agencies. He clearly stands out in the animal world. “The guys from Walt Disney taught me tricks on how to deal with the animals when I was younger. They sat me down and said, ‘Here’s how you train a grizzly.’” JULY/AUGUST

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By Hai D.T. Nguyen


ou might be asking yourself what the heck is bubble tea? First it’s a very fun drink and one of my favorite drinks. Bubble tea is also known as boba tea or pearl milk tea. It’s mainly made of tea, large pearls of tapioca, fruit flavoring, and milk. You use a large straw to drink it and suck up the chewy pearls as you’re drinking. You can use any sort of tea you can think of: green tea, black tea, jasmine tea and so on. How do you make it? Here are the ingredients: Large tapioca pearls, tea bags, bubble tea powder mix, water, and (optional) sugar/syrup. All the ingredients can most likely be found at your local Asian grocery store.

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Here are the steps for the bubble tea recipe. Note: 1 serving consists of 1 tablespoon of large tapioca pearls, 3/4 cup of tea base, and 3/4 cup of the dissolved bubble tea powder. 1. Tapioca pearls: Bring water to a boil in a pot and add the tapioca pearls (8 cups of water per 1 cup of pearls). Boil for 5 minutes while stirring. Turn off the heat and let them simmer covered for 15 minutes. Drain the water after that. 2. Tea base: Bring water to a boil in a pot and add the teabags (3/4 cup of water per 1 teabag). Boil for about 5 minutes. 3. Bubble tea powders: Bring water to a boil in a pot and add the powder (which usually consists of a mix of milk powder and a flavoring powder) in a package. Proceed as instructed on the package but it’s usually about 3/4 cup of water and 1 or 2 scoops of powder.

4. To a glass, add 1 full tablespoon of the cooked tapioca pearls, 3/4 cup of tea base, and the dissolved bubble tea powder. You may want to add 1 tablespoon of sugar or syrup if you like it sweet. 5. Mix everything together and refrigerate for about 1 hour. Enjoy! So that’s the bubble tea recipe in 5 easy steps. Try it! Hai Nguyen is the main author and owner of Easy Recipes Online www. easy-recipes-online.com/. His website has a large selection of recipes that come with step by step instructions and pictures for every step. Visit his site for an expanded version of the bubble tea recipe at www.easy-recipes-online.com/ bubble-tea-recipe.html with pictures included. H&F


2O14 35

Pain, Anxiety, Insomnia or Depression? WE HAVE THE ANSWER! W

e want to introduce you to a revolutionary device, 20 years in the making. The Fisher Wallace CES (Cranial-Electrostimulation), this simple yet advanced device, is finally FDA cleared and clinically proven by more that 60 published studies from Harvard, Columbia, and many other respected medical centers. It has become the treatment of choice among many leading specialists to effectively treat several challenging diagnoses. The Fisher Wallace CES naturally uses your own brain’s chemistry to promote healing. Dr. Rinzler has extensive experience treating his patients with this approach, having been involved since the initial design of the device almost 20 years ago. Since similar neurotransmitters in the brain are involved, ongoing research is finding this approach effective for related conditions such as: • Fibromyalgia & other fatigue related diagnoses. • Headaches (migraine and others). • Addiction & Withdrawal Symptoms. • PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The common ingredient is the loss of the naturally delicate balance of chemicals within the brain. The FW CES treatment encourages release of your brain’s own healing chemicals. Dr. Rinzler is so excited to introduce new patients to this amazing device that he is offering new patients who mention this ad, this incredible offer: The complete consultation for CES with him ($397 value) and your first treatment ($44 value) for a total of only $99 for both, and if you purchase a FW unit the visit will be totally FREE! This is over a $400 value and can be offered for a limited time only.

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