Health & fitness decemer 2015

Page 1


DietDoc Boosts Weight Loss Success

to 98% with Telemedicine. 18

Cannabis Education 10

Fight A Migraine 16

Vintage Bikes 24




ooking to firm your stomach? If so, there are two things you need to be doing. The first is looking at your meal plan. If you are not eating right on a day-to-day basis, you cannot expect to get any leaner or firmer. You simply must lose body fat to do this and following a healthy meal plan is the best way to achieve this. In addition to eating right though, you do need to strengthen your core muscles, which will help to bring out definition and allow them to be better seen. So how can you do that? Let’s go over some at-home moves for you to consider... 1.The Stomach Vacuum The first exercise is very basic but something that will train your muscles to increase their endurance and help you stay stabilized much more effectively. To perform the stomach vacuum, you’ll simply need to lie flat down on the ground with your legs extended, arms by your side. From there, think of pressing the small of the back into the floor as hard as you can. You will feel your hip position shift slightly as you do this - indicating your spinal column is now adjusting as well. Once you’re here, hold this position for as long as possible. This is what will help you build up your core muscle endurance. As an added benefit, the stomach vacuum will train your muscles to stay tighter throughout your day, which can also help with keeping your posture in alignment and preventing lower back pain.

DAY SPA & MASSAGE DIRECTORY Spoil yourself. Get refreshed & relaxed at any of these great business locations! …SIZZLE… 507-726-3850 If You Want To Hear More Call 903-449-0780 BARTON JONES CMT 3560 J Street Studio, #3, Sacramento 916-456-5003 BODY DYNAMICS MASSAGE CINDY HALVERSON, CMT, ECS 8799 Auburn Folsom Road, Suite B Granite Bay (corner of Auburn Folsom & Fuller) 916-791-3212 office 916-206-4197 cell CASANDRA BROWN, WELLNESS CONSULTANT Detoxify • Re-Energize • Renew 916-761-3675 CELESTIAL TOUCH MASSAGE & BODY WORKS BOWEN THERAPY, THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Pattie Meier C. M.T. 2114 N Street, Sacramento 916-505-7786

THE COMFORT ZONE 426 Folsom Road, Roseville 916-773-AHHH (2444) FOUNTAIN OF HEALTH 2820 T Street Sacramento 916-456-4600 SALON 701 701 Howe Avenue, A-25 Sacramento SKIN CARE & MAKEUP BY MONICA COLOMY 7411 Winding Way, Suite F Fair Oaks 916-961-3894 THERAPEUTIC BODY CARE 2545 East Bidwell Street, Suite 155 Folsom 916-608-8830 MASSAGE BY BONNIE DAY SPA 5961 West Oaks Boulevard Rocklin (Sunset & West Oaks) 916-367-3668

2. The Lying Leg Raise Next up on the list of exercises to do is the lying leg raise. This one is great for hitting your lower abdominal muscles, so can firm the lower abdominal area really well.

If you start feeling yourself moving out of good form, stop immediately and only start when you can resume proper form. Work your way up to holding this for 60 seconds without stopping.

Get down, back down on the ground once again and, this time, lift your legs upward keeping your knees straight until they are at a 90 degree angle. Pause in this position and then slowly lower your legs down so they are almost touching the floor. Pause again and then lift them back up. Continue on until all reps are completed.

So keep these three excellent stomach firming exercises in mind. Do them three to four times per week and you will be seeing results in no time. Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.

3. The Plank Finally, the plank is the last exercise to consider. Get down into position so you are balancing on your forearms with your feet extended beneath you. Your body should form a straight tabletop like position here as you maintain control over the position.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets. The answer isn’t in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself. H&F





By Dr. Donna


t’s always fun to take a quiz on nutrition to see how much you can recall. Sometimes the jog in memory about the nutrition facts helps us remember to take our nutrients or pay better attention to our diet.

7. True. Keloid scars which are scars that don’t heal normally, may be due to an iodine deficiency. 8. False. Iodine has been used as a germicide and antiseptic for decades.

Here’s a quiz about facts on iodine you may not know:

9. False. Sea salt may have a little iodine in it, but not enough to be considered a good source of this nutrient.

True or False? There are states in the U.S. that lack iodine in the soil. True or False? 2. Iodine deficiency can make you stagger as if you were drunk. True or False? 3. Iodine is a major component of estrogen. True or False? 4. If you have a low iodine level, your intelligence will suffer. True or False? 5. Iodine deficiency causes cancer. True or False? 6. If you have an iodine deficiency, you hate wearing sweaters. True or False? 7. The way your body heals scars may be associated with your level of iodine in the body. True or False? 8. You can’t expect iodine to keep wounds free from bacteria. True or False? 9. A good source of iodine is sea salt. True or False? 10. As a general rule, meat eaters are low in iiodine. True or False? 11. Taking more iodine than the RDA of 150 mcg can kill you. True or False? 12. If there’s ever a nuclear attack on your city, you should take iodine. True or False? 13. An easy way to tell if you have enough iodine in the body is to put a few drops of Lugol’s iodine on your skin and see what happens. True or False? 14. A common ingredient found in water and toothpaste “eats up” your iodine in your body.

True or False? 15. Chlorine and perchlorate counteract the beneficial effects of iodine in your body. True or False? 16. There have been cases where breast cancer was reversed with high doses of iodine. 1. True. The “goiter belt” is located around the Great Lakes region and is exceptionally low in iodine. People in this region developed a goiter, an enlargement in their thyroid gland, which is a deficiency in iodine. When iodine was added to salt, the incidence of goiter and low levels of iodine fell drastically. However, soils everywhere in the U.S. have 50% less iodine in them than they did a few decades ago. 2. True. Iodine affects the substantia nigra of your brain – and in some cases can mimic Parkinson’s disease. 3. False. Iodine is a major part of thyroid hormones T3 and T4. 4. True. In studies comparing those with low vs. high iodine levels, those who had a high iodine level had a higher IQ of 13.5 points higher. Pregnant moms who have thyroid problems or iodine deficiency can end up having a baby with cretinism, which is associated with a low IQ. 5. True. Iodine deficiency causes cancers of the prostate, parotid duct, breast, vagina and endometrium. 6. False. Those who have iodine deficiency usually have cold hands and feet and hate the cold.



10. False. Only 9% of meat eaters are deficient in iodine compared to 80% of all vegans and 25% of all vegetarians. 11. True, although this is very rare. In reality, some health experts report the iodine RDA should be set at 12.5 mg, not 150 mcg daily. 12. True. Many people store potassium iodide tablets which they will take in the event of a nuclear attack. 13. True. If the iodine disappears within 18 hours, you are probably moderately deficient or severely deficient. If it stays on your skin for more than 18 hours, you are probably not deficient. A more accurate way to tell deficiency status is to do an iodine loading urine test. 14. True. Fluoride counteracts iodine’s beneficial effects in the body. 15. True. In fact, it’s unfortunate but organic lettuce grown in the U.S. near the Colorado River, affected with perchlorate toxicity means that this food could adversely affect your iodine levels and thyroid function. Another chemical that affects your iodine levels negatively, lowering them is bromine, found in Mountain Dew, Gatorade, vegetable oils, in flame retardants, and as an additive in breads. 16. True. One expert, Dr. David Brownstein, has reported three cases of breast cancer that were reversed with high doses of iodine. Get a urinary iodine test or plasma iodine test to accurately test your body’s iodine levels. The results could be life transforming. If your doctor won’t order it, order it yourself at H&F NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

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t the time of writing this article, 100 square miles of California is up in smoke. Thousands of people have been displaced from their homes and more are suffering from breathing air that contains smoke particles. If you’re living in northern California, you are most likely affected – and may not realize it. Smoke in the air is a killer of lung function. Statistics on deaths from home fires show that 8 times as many people die from smoke inhalation as those who died from actual burns. If you look at deaths from fires overall, twice as many deaths occur from smoke inhalation occur as death from burns. Toxin #1 From Fires: Soot You could be in peak physical condition – and still end up dying from smoke inhalation. Inside the smoke is particulate matter like soot. Any particle larger than 5 microns will end up lodging itself in the upper airways of the nose and mouth. Particulate matter smaller than 1 micron brings soot into the deepest parts of the lungs where it becomes toxic to the macrophages of the immune system. Your macrophages have a job to remove any foreign particles by engulfing them. But soot is often coated with heavy metals that directly damage the lung, cilia and surfaces of the lung via free radicals. The soot poisons the macrophages. Toxin #2 From Fires: Gases Fires not only generate soot but also create gases that are corrosive and extremely irritating. Trees burning release aldehydres and acrolein that make you cough, make your eyes water, and gag or choke. Acrolein destroys proteins in the deepest parts of the lungs. The longer you continue to breathe smoke, the more extensive the damage




civilization used herbs to heal every part of the body.

and inflammation to your nose and mouth will become. The deeper parts of your long will also do the same but once the cilia of the lungs are damaged, your body won’t be able to move out the soot or inflammation from the lungs. Tissues start to die and the lungs start to fill up with fluid, leading to death from respiratory failure. Toxin #3: Carbon Monoxide Fires also generate carbon monoxide. This interferes with your ability to transfer oxygen to the cells. If carbon monoxide doesn’t kill you, it will potentially leave you with cognitive dysfunction, memory loss, and vision problems. Obviously, people involved directly in fires – including firefighters – need instant medical attention. However, even low levels of smoke breathed in over time is dangerous to your lungs. You must do something on your own to start cleaning out your lungs after exposure to the dirty air blown in from nearby forest fires. Medically there is nothing you can do, but from a natural healing perspective, there’s a lot you can do.

What To Do To Regain Lung Function Here are three options: 1. Time for A Lung Cleanse As stated in the Bible and other historical texts, herbs were put on earth for your body to heal. Every ancient


Certain herbs are expectorants that break up congestion in the lungs. Other herbs have antioxidant properties that repair damage caused by heavy metals and free radicals or even irritation. Some herbs are anti-inflammatory while others soothe the airways. And of course, antibacterial and antimicrobial herbs will kill or inhibit microbes that are causing lung infections. Thus, these herbs end up becoming the nourishment your lungs need to regain total health. You may need every one of these types of herbs to help repair lungs after breathing in smoke at low levels for extended periods of time. A lung cleanse formula such as the Dr. Christopher Lung Cleanse contains a mixture of herbs that will start providing nourishment needed for your lungs. Generally, two capsules are taken three times daily six days a week for six weeks. 2. Do A Steam Inhalation With Peppermint, Eucalyptus or Oregano Oil Eucalyptus contains a constituent called cineole that forces you to cough up particulate matter while it simultaneously soothes irritated lung tissues and airways. It also contains antioxidants that can mitigate damage from free radicals. Oregano contains rosmarinic acid and carvacrol, two excellent decongestants that will also lower histamine levels. These two bring benefits to your respiratory tract. Peppermint contains menthol, which is known to relax smooth muscles in the body, including in the lungs. This ends up allowing you to breathe freely. You’ll notice a decongestant type of effect, too.

In herbal healing, one of the ways to improve the lungs is to inhale steam infused with essential oils in it. The easiest way is to get a two-quart pot, fill with distilled water and add a few drops of each of the essential oils of the three mentioned herbs. Bring to the point of boiling. Carefully set the pot of hot water on a towel on a table or desk where it cannot be overturned. Then with a bath towel, form a tent over your head, surrounding the pot and breathe in the aromas. You’ll notice a clearing of congestion within seconds. Obviously, if you already have lung issues, you should consult with a Master Herbalist first. These instructions are for healthy individuals who simply have been exposed to low levels of smoke over time. 3. Clean The Air in Your Home Certainly HEPA filters help clean the air of your home, but you can go beyond this when there has been smoke from fires off in the distant affecting you. You can use the herb chaparral as an incredibly excellent air cleaner. Simply get a very large soup pot, fill with water and add 2 tablespoons dried chaparral herb. Turn the burner on high and let the aroma of the chaparral do its work, cleansing the air. This will clean the dirtiest and smokiest rooms in very little time. It’s great to do this daily until there is no more particulate matter in the air from the fires. Value your lungs for life. Do what you can to cleanse them when circumstances dictate great needs. Dr. Donna is a Master Herbalist and teaches classes on how to safely use herbs. For info on upcoming classes, call her at 916-649-8323 or email her at DrDonna@ Source: toxicology-of-smoke-inhalation.html H&F




COVER STORY Diet Doc Boosts Weight Loss Success to 98% with Telemedicine


HEALTH-WELLNESS & NUTRITION PUBLISHER Gary G. Burns EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dr. Donna Schwontkowski EDITORIAL Erin Weisz, Editorial Assistant Melba Phillips, Editorial Assistant STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Susan Svensson CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Melanie Weir, Megan White Grandmaster Clint Robinson ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Bob Adams: (916) 428-3787 The opinions and views of Health & Fitness Magazine belong solely to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of this publication. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement. All items in Health & Fitness Magazine are protected under copyright to ensure the protection of its contributors. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned without SASE. Letters are welcomed. Health & Fitness Magazine reserves the right to edit all letters for grammar, spelling, length, libelous content, and other $#&%^!

Subscriptions for Health & Fitness Magazine can be obtained by sending a check for $20 to the address below.

P.O. Box 19311 Sacramento, CA 95819 Phone: 916-233-8825

Facts About Iodine You May Not Know


Keeping Your Lungs Healthy While Forest Fires Burn


How to Use Tea Tree Oil to Treat Acne


You Can Treat Most Infections Yourself with Natural Healing


ICE Therapy: Individualized Cannabis Education


Why Use Witch Hazel for Acne?


3 Reasons to get on the Pumpkin Bandwagon & 2 Ways How


Why Isn’t Your Child Reading At Grade Level YET?


How Poor Posture Can Cause Headaches


10 Creative Ways to Fight a Migraine


Turmeric: Healthy, Yummy and Easy!


Magnesium and Cancer - How Magnesium Cures Cancer


The Buzz on EMFs (Electromagnetic Frequency)


Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding Workouts


Why Use Witch Hazel for Acne?


The Effect of Chiropractic on the Brain


Do You Know How to Use Essential Oils?


SPORTS & FITNESS Exercises & Workouts - At Home Moves For A Firmer Stomach Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding Workouts

2 6-7


Stress & Anxiety Treatment Through Pet Therapy

How To Buy A Sports Bra


Sutterville Bicycle Company-Making Vintage Bikes Look & Ride Like New!


Vintage Schwinn Bicycles: Still A Good Investment


Words To Live By…



Lighting You & Your Bike Up Like A Christmas Tree



The Motorized Bicycles: How to Get One


EDITOR’S NOTES ����������������������� 7 VIEWPOINT INSPIRED ������������� 17

PETS Loss of Pet Dog - 5 Tips on Working Through Denial and Shock of a Pet’s Death


Stress & Anxiety Treatment Through Pet Therapy


SPORTS SCHEDULES ���������� 29-31 FARMERS’ MARKET ������������������ 35 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

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year, has been criticized by many as a major conflict of interest, since the same office is responsible for decisions on the regulation of dietary supplements.

ixty-seven-year-old Arnold Schwarzenegger (christened Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger), is highly known for his multifaceted life: an Austrian-born American actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger is also a model, philanthropist, producer, investor, director, activist, businessman, politician, and yes, He is also a former professional bodybuilder.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Workouts When he began his weight training at the age of 15, Arnold has been, and still is, considered one of the most important figures in the history of bodybuilding, and his legacy is commemorated in what is called the Arnold Classic annual bodybuilding competition. He has then progressed, with the help and guidance of his good friend Joe Weider and his team of dedicated body builders to create the Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout Routines which consisted of a very strict regimen of workouts targeting various parts of his body, some of which includes: • Seated barbell presses – 30-45 repetitions • Barbell curls – 30-45 repetitions • One-legged calf raises – 30-45 repetitions • T-bar rows, squats – 30-45 repetitions • Seated pulley rows – 30-45 repetitions • Barbell French presses – 30-45 repetitions

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Early Life and Multi-faceted Career Born in Thal, Austria, Arnold Schwarzenegger was born on the 30th of July 1947 to parents Gustav and Aurelia Schwarzenegger. Growing up in a Roman Catholic family, he was accustomed to attending mass every Sunday and was not spared from the rod whenever he or his older brother Meinhard did something bad or disobeyed their parents. Gustav has a very fond preference for his older brother, who was described as “strong and blatant”. Gustav was the local police chief. His preference contributed to the unfounded suspicion that Arnold was not his biological son. However, he was very close with his mother and even maintained contact until her death in 1998. In 1965, he has also served in the Austrian Army, fulfilling the mandatory one year of service required from all 18-year-old Austrian males. He went AWOL in basic training so he could join (and eventually win) the Junior Mr. Europe contest. He spent a week in military prison after. He won the amateur Mr. Universe title in 1967, the professional title the year thereafter. He won his first Mr. Olympia title in 1970 at the age of 23, making him the youngest person to 6 CELEBRATING



hold the title up to the present day. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Bodybuilding Workouts Picking up his first barbell in 1960, Arnold Schwarzenegger was playing various sports with the heavy influence of his father. Choosing bodybuilding over soccer as a career at the age of 14, he officially began his weight training at the age of 15. Winning the very much coveted Mr. Universe title at a tender age of 20 years, he has also won the Mr. Olympia title for an astonishing seven times! Remaining a prominent


name in the world of bodybuilding, he has also authored numerous books and articles on the sport, and has even sparked controversy in his political career as governor of the 38th State of California when, shortly after his election, he was appointed as executive director of two magazines in publication, Muscle & Fitness, and Flex. The two magazines, agreeing to donate $250,000 per annum to the governor’s various physical fitness initiatives, and included a contract that gave him at least $1 Million a

This routine targets body parts like the chest, arms, and legs. In a very strict regimen, 30 repetitions are considered as the warming up phase. However, it is not recommended to do all of these exercises in the manner that they presented here. It would be best to ask for information from your personal trainer, so he or she can guide you to modify these routine to better suit your health condition and achieve your goal. In addition to this very rigorous program designed to build muscles, here


are also some helpful eating tips: • Eat 5 - 6 smaller meals a day • Eat foods rich in carbohydrates for 30 minutes after workout • Rest for at least 3 days in a week, and make sure to sleep for more than 8 hours in a day • Do not eat more than 3 eggs in a day, and if possible, substitute beef and pork with chicken and fish • It is recommended to eat 30-50 grams of protein with each meal every 3 hours or take supplements like protein shakes to get the required amount of protein • It is advisable to take between 60-100 grams of carbohydrates per day. • People who are bodybuilders do not need to avoid unsaturated

bodybuilding should see their doctor first to avoid potential injuries. This is to avoid any unpleasant side effects like an injury. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Supplements Arnold Schwarzenegger has admitted to the use of performance-enhancing drugs known as anabolic steroids while they were still legal, writing from 1977 that they were helpful in the maintenance of muscle size in preparation for a contest while being on a strict diet. Because of this, he has been the target of some controversy. In 1999, Arnold sued Dr. Willi Heepe, a

ARNOLD HAS BEEN, AND STILL IS, CONSIDERED ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT FIGURES IN THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING. fats because they are helpful in increasing hormone levels. However, they are advised to avoid sugar, as they contain empty calories. As a general rule, people who begin

German doctor after the doctor publicly predicted Arnold’s early death due to his use of steroids and heart problems. He collected $10,000 against the doctor in a German court for making such claims without

having examined Arnold personally. The same year, he also sued and settled with a U.S. tabloid, The Globe, who made similar predictions about his health. To date, a line of dietary supplements

called the Arnold Schwarzenegger Supplements series, created by the American pharmaceutical company MusclePharm, is one of the most widely trusted by athletes and bodybuilders alike. H&F

EDITOR’S NOTES It’s the holiday season and it’s a great time to be exceptionally thankful for everything we have. When you are singing, you can’t help but be happy – and hopefully thankful! I found something that I thought you would find very inspirational for this time of the year called The Phillips Breathless Choir. This was a project where someone had the initial idea to offer help and support to those who lost the ability to sing. For example, some of them had COPD, cystic fibrosis, lung tumors, lung removal, and other types of health issues. Within the course of a week, they were all singing, thanks to the training of a voice trainer and choral director from the UK. Here are some videos for you to watch and get inspired: Meet the singers: Every breath you take performance:

Phillips Breathless Choir: The transformation: Breathing, singing and health:

Keep singing all through the holidays! And stay healthy! Do something that will make you a little healthier this month! Happy Holidays!

Dr. Donna and the Staff at Health & Fitness Magazine NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

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cne is a skin condition that can affect men and women at many different stages in life, ranging from those troublesome teenage years when excess sebum can wreak havoc on the skin, to the 30s and 40s where those that have never suffered from it before can suddenly develop the ailment.

The product can be diluted by simply mixing it with warm water; try mixing tea tree oil with an equal part of warm water before applying to a freshly-cleaned face. Apply the mixture only to the areas of skin that are suffering from acne, so as to avoid causing irritation on other parts of the face.

Although there are many artificial products that are designed to help clear up acne, one long-established and very effective natural choice is tea tree oil. Although toxic when consumed, used in low concentrations as a topical product it can successfully treat a variety of medical and skin complaints.

To apply, use a cotton swab soaked in the mixture and administer directly to your acne. If you prefer, you can create an astringent for you face by adding a few drops of tea tree oil to a cup of warm water, which then can be applied to the whole face before moisturizing. Due to the potentially irritant qualities of the oil, avoid using any treatment more than once a day.


Tea tree oil can also be blended with other oils and products to create a face lotion or moisturizer. For an entirely natural approach, use recipes provided by reputable natural skin and beauty product retailers to make your own face cream, and then add a couple of drops of tea tree oil for its antimicrobial properties. Why Tea Tree Oil Works This product is often used to treat acne due to the terpinen-4-ol that it contains, a constituent known for its anti-microbial properties. When applied to acne, it can effectively kill off the bacteria that cause it, leading to a great reduction in the swelling and redness that come along with the condition. How to Use Tea Tree For Acne With that in mind, it is important to note that tea tree oil can be very strong, causing skin irritation, blisters and itching. For this reason, it is strongly recommended to dilute the product before treating acne, so as to see results without further damaging the skin. 8 CELEBRATING



Do a Patch Test First You could also add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular shop-bought lotion of choice in order to create a product that is tailored to treating your acne. In all cases, do a patch test on a sensitive area of skin - such as the inside of your arm - before applying to your face; dab a little tea tree lotion on your skin and then leave for a few hours to see if any redness or irritation develops. If you are sensitive to this oil and have skin irritation during your patch test, there are other natural alternatives available to help ameliorate the appearance of acne. One of these is argan oil, which has been shown in studies to effectively improve the condition.


Argan oil is a very gentle alternative, which is highly unlikely to cause any irritation to the skin; to use it, apply it as a night-time moisturiser by massaging a few drops into a clean and damp face before sleeping. The product promotes skin healing and can greatly reduce the redness and irritation of acne over time.

Tea tree oil is a highly-effective natural ingredient for treating acne if used with caution. To ensure best results, dilute the product with water or mix it with a lotion and use once daily to kill off acnecausing bacteria. Aromantic is a leading supplier of a wide range of natural and organic ingredients for making hair, skin and beauty care products. Based in the United Kingdom, Aromantic is the choice of thousands of satisfied customers around the world looking for alternatives to commercial and industrial cosmetics. The company is proud to offer an enormous range of over 700 ingredients that can be used by any home crafter, salon owner or therapist, or anyone who simply wishes to have more control over the products that they put on their hair and skin. Also offering various tools and ample instructions for creating natural and organic cosmetics, Aromantic provides everything its customers need to get started in making wholesome beauty products at home. For more information, visit the online store at: H&F

By Dr. Donna Everyone Has Many Infections During Their Life Your child and your dog gets an ear infection. Your mother picks up a nail infection at the spa. Your dad ends up with athlete’s foot fungus on his feet after showering at the gym. Your friend gets a sexually transmitted infectious disease and her boyfriend who eats a lot of sushi, has a parasite infection in his gut. Your teenage brother has acne and gingivitis. And your aunt has diarrhea and gets colds and flu every year that put her in the hospital from the complications. Infections are a part of life, and the sooner you can learn how to eliminate them, the more you can improve the quality of your life. Some infections have high fevers with them; others don’t. Some infections can spread throughout the entire body; others stay pretty localized. Some infections are even tied to diseases of the internal organs. For example, in periodontal disease, the gums are inflamed and the infection can spread to the heart and blood vessels where it can cause hardening of the arteries. Sexually transmitted diseases can end up causing infertility. An infection can also lead to a bone infection, one of the most painful types of conditions. What Natural Healing Herbs or Foods Work Against Infections? Bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites are what cause infections. Most people go running off to their primary care doctor for an answer to their infections but there is another way to eliminate infections – with natural healing. Many foods are scientifically documented to have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitical actions in the body. The bark, leaves, seeds, and roots of many plants do, too. Here’s a short list of some of the plants with documented antimicrobial action: • Echinacea – This herb has known action against Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, H1N1 virus, and others. • Garlic – This food contains allicin, which works against a wide variety of Gram negative and

Gram positive bacteria, Candida albicans, and some major human intestinal protozoan parasites such as Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia. The antimicrobial action results from the chemical reaction the thiol groups that work against many different microbes. • Onions – This food contains quercetin, which offers antibacterial effects, antibacterial effects against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus, two bacteria that cause cavities; and against Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia, which cause gingivitis. • Cat’s claw – This herb has antiviral properties as well as anti-inflammatory properties. It’s a Science to Know What to Do To Fight Infection There are many different substances that can be used either by themselves or in combination with others to eliminate infections. Different herbs and foods work specifically against different types of microbes. All it takes is a little knowledge and training to gain this important wisdom of our times. Now is an excellent time to enroll in the upcoming training, How to Beat Any Infection. With much talk everywhere of impending disasters, it’s evident that relying on hospitals and doctor’s offices is good for modern day society but never when there is chaos. In times of disasters, hospitals are closed, medicines will be unavailable and your knowledge to survive in any situation will be like gold. During these times, infections will kill many – but not you and your family because you will be equipped about what to do. Your knowledge also

becomes a bartering tool to stay alive. The upcoming series of four classes of handson training for How to Beat Any Infection will be held in Sacramento. You will leave with confidence and practical info about how to handle infections. Over a dozen different types of infections will be covered. Learn how to eliminate blood poisoning overnight, how to stop gingivitis once and for all, why a urinary tract infection can kill you and how to eliminate it without medicine, and hundreds of other important life-saving facts.



How to Beat Any Infection is taught by Dr. Donna Schwontkowski, retired chiropractor, M.S. and B.S. Nutrition and Master Herbalist who has taught hundreds of people how to use herbs and nutrition safely over the years. She has also taught classes at a local survival camp. K. Yergler, one of Dr. Donna’s students reported on her success using the wisdom from the classes – “My horse developed Pigeon Fever, and the vet said I had to use antibiotics. Instead, I used the principles Dr. Donna taught me and we created an herbal formula. After three days, he was prancing around, incredibly happy. All the abscesses were gone in six days. I’ve also used these principles to make my own toothpaste for the whole family. Our teeth have improved greatly and we’ll never go back to regular toothpaste again.” Call today at 916-649-8323 to find out the details of this upcoming class in the Sacramento area. Seating is limited. Get the knowledge and start making a difference in the health of yourself and your family. H&F


2O15 9


ICE THERAPY: INDIVIDUALIZED CANNABIS EDUCATION specific therapy plan. Every Monday from 10am to 12pm, Dr. Mollie Fry is available to meet with patients at no cost, to set up a specific plan to meet their requirements.

By Kimberly Cargile


Therapeutic Alternative is filling the education void for medical cannabis patients with Individualized Cannabis Education provided by Mollie Fry M.D. This is very exciting news for medical cannabis patients in need of a

Providing relief from long list of symptoms caused by numerous illnesses and disorders, medical cannabis is emerging as a very popular natural medicine. Patients are receiving recommendations from their doctors to try medical cannabis to treat their symptoms; however, they are rarely given specific directions on its use. With the wide variety of strains and administration techniques on the market, the idea of using cannabis as a medicine can become quiet overwhelming for new patients.





3015 H Street • 916.822.4717 Sacramento, CA • 9am–9pm everyday VETERAN, SENIOR, ACTIVIST, A.D.A. PATIENT DISCOUNTS




*Doctor’s recommendation & CA I.D. required


Dr. Fry will meet with patients to go over their specific illnesses and disorders in detail, taking a full medical history. She will educate patients on cannabis and its varying therapeutic uses. With thousands of strains of cannabis each with different cannabinoid profiles, a patient is sure to find something that meets his or her individual needs. In the past it has been somewhat of a lengthy process for patients to discover the best medicine for them. New patients are faced with choices between: capsules, tinctures, patches, topical lotions and sprays, concentrates to vaporize, a long list of edibles and many strains of dried herbs. Having sound medical education from a compassionate doctor is just what patients are looking for.


Dosage is a major component of using cannabis as a BY NUMEROUS ILLNESSES AND medicine. The appropriate dosage is dependent on DISORDERS, MEDICAL CANNABIS a list of variables specific to the patient’s own biochemistry. Dr. Fry IS EMERGING AS A VERY POPULAR will work with patients to determine where to start. A starting dosage NATURAL MEDICINE. is typically 5 to 10 milligrams. This will go up or With thousands of patients being down depending on: the patient’s helped by medical cannabis just in severity of symptoms, their endothe Sacramento Valley, Individucannabinoid levels, the saturation alized Cannabis Education is sure of their endocannabinoid receptors to benefit the lives of many. Dr. Fry (tolerance), their metabolism and states, “I envision an intimate relathe administration technique. If a tionship between doctor and patient patient chooses to ingest cannabis, focused on exploring how this alterdosage will also be dependent native therapy can help improve the upon; the patient’s digestion, liver patient’s life and health.” H&F enzyme levels and their weight.

By Jovia D’Souza


here are many remedies for acne and witch hazel is one of the best herbs you can use for effective acne results. The plant has been in use for years as treatment for a variety of skin conditions and acne is one of them. You can use it as a toner or a mask to treat acne safely, naturally and effectively. But why is witch hazel such a good remedy for the condition?

Witch Hazel Lowers Inflammation and Swelling Witch hazel tightens skin pores, thus reducing swelling through the tannins that it has. The procynanidins and flavonoids present in the herb on the other hand work in dealing with inflammation improving the look of acne and hastening the healing process. Witch Hazel is an Anti-irritant Witch hazel has numbing effects that manage to lower skin irritation when the herb is applied to the affected areas. It also works excellently in inhibiting acne aggravation and lumps that result from acne cysts and nodules. Witch Hazel is a Skin Disinfectant The herb also has antiseptic properties which help in reducing bacteria on the skin, greatly preventing inflammation and the formation of pimples. By getting rid of bacteria on the skin, witch hazel hastens healing and leaves the skin healthy and clean for that flawless look in the end.

Witch Hazel is an Astringent Witch hazel is rich in tannins with potent antioxidant and astringent properties that cleanse the skin and reduce the size of skin pores. This herb is very gentle to the skin and does not dry the skin as some acne products do making it very good in cleansing and toning infected skin or skin prone to the condition. The astringent properties of the herb penetrate deeply into the capillaries to feed follicle cells, triggering constriction ensuring that blood rich in nutrients and oxygen reaches the cells.

instantly without having to go through digestions and absorption process that can delay effects. The direct application is not only easy, but boosts faster healing than oral administration. Witch Hazel Helps Balance pH Most acne products lead to inflammation and soreness and dryness because of pH imbalances, but this herb is natural and suited for all kinds of skin. It does not in any way interfere with pH levels and balance and for this reason causes no irritation. You can use it without worrying about any adverse effects.



Using witch hazel for acne is one of the best steps you can take towards a flawless skin. If you don’t have the herb, choose products that have it as an ingredient. Check out today. H&F

Witch Hazel Reduces Sebum Production When sebum is produced in excess, acne develops. By keeping the skin dry, witch hazel reduces the production significantly and hence reduces the bacteria that lead to the condition. It also helps get rid of dead cells from the skin, keeping the chances of acne at bay and at the same time treating the condition effectively. Witch Hazel is Easy to Use Witch hazel can be applied topically to the skin with the help of cotton balls and this means that it starts working on the problem NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

2O15 11


PUMPKIN OATMEAL 1 Cup Oatmeal 8oz almond Milk



ver smelled warm pumpkin on a cold winter day, surrounded by family or friends during the holiday season? If so, you probably understand why the second the leaves turn orange, pumpkin starts appearing everywhere. Your nose is keen to being attracted to foods that are rich in nutrients, which makes pumpkin an easy sell to your taste buds. Pumpkin deserves all the acclaim; it’s packed with just what you need for winter. 1) Keep your Immune System Strong - Pumpkin is rich in Vitamin A, C, and E, plus the minerals copper, calcium, and Potassium. Fight flu season with pumpkin season! 2) Stay Hydrated all Winter Long With twice the amount of the




1/2 Cup pumpkin Puree 2 Tbsp Cranberries 2 Tbsp Crushed Walnuts 1 Tbsp Cinnamon Heat Pumpkin and Almond Milk - Add Oatmeal -Cook until desired consistency is reached - Add Remaining Ingredients ENJOY

hydrating electrolyte potassium as a banana, (in 1 Cup of Pumpkin) pumpkin can help keep you hydrated during those winter cold days. 3) Beauty Aid - The fiber in pumpkin seeds helps manage weight, and the antioxidants and vitamins help prevent wrinkles. Now pumpkin FLAVOR doesn’t have any of the benefits of real pumpkin, and you need to eat at least 1/2 a cup of real pumpkin to reap the rewards. That’s right, you can’t count on that pumpkin spice latte to provide these benefits. How to Cook Your Own Pumpkin Preheat Oven to 350 - Wash and Cut in 1/2 - Remove insides (save seeds for roasting) - Rub with your favorite oil - Place pumpkin halves cut side down in a roasting pan with 1 Cup of Water - Bake on 350 for 60-90 min or until flesh is soft enough to cut out. Team No Waste - Shared Abundance


Farm is Collecting Unwanted / Inedible Pumpkins for Compost, contact them at Now that you know the Power of the PUMPKIN - hop on the bandwagon and enjoy the ride! H&F

By Dr. Donna


ummer is over and the new school year is fully in swing. The problems many children are facing are that they still aren’t reading up to their grade level, not reading fast enough so they can remember what a sentence was about, and not even recognizing words they should know. Let’s take the example of Jacob. He reads at a first grade level but is in 5th grade. His reading skills prevented him from keeping up with homework, and he has consistently been receiving failing grades. His teacher reports he isn’t trying hard enough and has even labeled him as lazy. Jacob’s parents encourage him to spend more time doing homework, and he complies with little results. How A Child Does Reading is How A Child Does Life Jacob is in a psychological and intellectual trap that is affecting him and his entire future. Our entire society is based on reading, and by not reading, he can’t and won’t get ahead. Everything he does at a first grade reading level will show him he is not smart like other children. How many of these incidents do you think he can take before a deep neural pathway is created in his brain to tell him he won’t amount to anything, he is less than other children his age, and he is incapable of doing smart things? The answer is not that many, according to researchers who have linked prison sentences with lack of reading skills. When a child can’t read, the natural thing to do is to find something that can be done well. No one wants to feel that whatever they do is wrong or done poorly. Once a child finds something he can do well, he will do it over and over again. It’s no wonder that children who cannot read well end up saying yes to drugs and get involved in the wrong

crowds. Yet, there is a way to give your child success in reading to make him proud of his accomplishment. If you have a child who can’t read well, your child’s teacher at school will do everything possible to help – but it’s often not good enough. This is evident by looking at the number of children nationwide who are reading below grade level. You can do everything in your power to try to make your child read, but the bottom line is that you don’t have the years of experience in creating a method that works. Reading an article on the internet about a method won’t cut it in the end. You need a lot more. Read 5 Books in A Week Method Proven Successful The Read 5 Books in a Week Method was designed to bypass years of low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, reading disorders, and inefficient ways children are taught to read. Based on solid neurological principles, the method goes right to the core of why children aren’t reading well and addresses it.

and were not intimidated by books that were 400 pages long. Several of the students showed such vast improvement in all schoolwork that their parents moved them to a better school. Reading changes lives. There’s no reason for your child to continue reading at a low level of reading. Get your child on the fast track to reading right now and start erasing the

For more information, check out www. or call 916649-8323. H&F

HANK DEAN Certified Personal Trainer SPORTS SPECIFIC TRAINING Tailored to enhance YOUR skills to YOUR SPORTS SPECIFIC NEEDS!

In 2010, an entire 4th grade class was taught the Read 5 Books in a Week Method. They read eight books that week. Even children who had reading and learning disabilities were reading faster, with greater comprehension, and read at grade level. The method helped them overcome all their issues. In 2012, a fifth grade class at a Sacramento CA school was presented the method. The same thing happened, and children reading at a second grade level read at an advanced fifth grade level by the end of the school year. They continued reading five books a week

damage that poor reading skills does to his personality and soul. Get the program today. Like many other children, your child could be enjoying reading within a week and his entire life – and yours will be greatly transformed.



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2O15 13


HOW TO BUY A SPORTS BRA By Gillian Laurence


hether or not you are a regular workout fanatic, a casual exerciser or just a woman that enjoys comfort, a good quality sports bra is one piece of clothing you should never be without. Once you try the comfort of a sports bra, you will want to wear it for more than just working out. Deciding on a Sports Bra When purchasing a sports bra, there are several things to keep in mind. While they may seem obvious, it is important to consider each factor before determining what type of sports bra will suit you the best. The following are points to consider: • Correct size • Color • Fabric blend • Moisture wicking vs. regular fabric Once you have determined what options suit you best, the only thing left to do is to head on out to the gym and get ready to work out in comfort. Size If you find that your sports bra is not comfortable, it may be that you don’t have the correct size. When shopping for a sports bra, start with the size that you wear in a traditional bra. Put it on and move around. Don’t just move your arms or jog on the spot, really put it to the test. Jump up and down, bend over and jump up, generally really move about. If you feel like your breasts are not supported, or if they seem to change locations in the bra as you are moving you have a bra that is too large. Try going down a size and repeating the test. A sports bra that squeezes your chest too tightly will be uncomfortable to work out in and is definitely too small. Try several different brands as well, as each brand will have a slightly different fit. The key is that the Nike




sports bra small may not fit the same as the Under Armour sports bra so it is important to actually try the different brands on. Color Once you have found the correct size, the next major hurdle is color. Sports bras come in a wide variety of solid, patterned, mesh, contrasting or muted colors. Really the sky is the limit when choosing a color. It is important to consider if you will be wearing the bra on its own or simply under other t-shirts. Remember that lighter colors and whites will eventually stain from sweat and deodorant, no matter how quickly you wash them after a workout. Fabric Blend Most sports bras will have a blend of polyester and spandex as the base. Nike offers a sports bra with an 88% polyester and 12% spandex for the body. This combination is known as “Dri-Fit Fabric”, which wicks away moisture to provide a cool and dry effect during workouts. Under Armour sports bras offer a HeatGear fabric that is designed to move moisture away from your body. HeatGear is a unique product that is designed to keep the athlete cool even in hot and humid workout conditions. Avoid sports bras that have high cotton content. Not only will they provide little support but also they will trap the moisture close to your body leading to chaffing and that uncomfortable sticky feeling during your workout. In addition to the blend of fabric in the bra itself, check the texture and softness of the straps and the closure. Make sure that they don’t dig into you when you move or bend. The whole purpose of a sports bra is to be lightweight and comfortable, not to feel like you are wearing a


chest protector to your workout. Moisture Wicking Bras If you have always worked out with a conventional or traditional sports bra you don’t know what you have been missing. A moisture or sweat wicking bra is the answer to a cool and temperature regulated workout. The fabric blend used by both Nike and Under Armour works to actually pull the moisture away from your skin. Not only does this help increase evaporation and allows the body to keep cool but it prevents chaffing and rubbing as the moisture is not allowed to build up between the fabric of the bra and your sensitive skin. Moisture wicking bras have no cotton in the fabric blend, and therefore don’t hold any moisture. The smooth and sleek fabric of both the Nike sports bra and the Under Armour sports bra is designed to provide maximum support and maximum moisture movement.

After working out in a conventional sports bra, you will notice red lines and indentation where the fabric literally rubbed or cut into your skin. This happens because the bra needs to be tight to provide support. Moisture wicking bras have the support built right into the fabric, and don’t rely on that band at the bottom to hold them tightly in place. If you sweat at all during your workout, it is well worth the additional expense to invest in a moisture wicking bra like the Nike Dri-Fit fabric or the Under Armour HeatGear lines of sports bras. Once you try these lightweight, highquality and excellent support sports bras you will be hooked forever. Gillian Laurence is a freelance writer and workout enthusiast providing information about performance apparel at Visit the site to learn more about moisture wicking socks and underwear! H&F

By Arturo E. Hopkins


eadaches can be caused by a variety of reasons, but most people are unaware that they are often due to problems in the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal system is the mix of muscles, bones, joints, and ligaments that provide support for the body. Poor posture can cause problems in the skeleton and muscles, resulting in headaches. But just how can poor posture cause headaches and what can you do about it? Posture refers to the way you hold your body when you are walking, sitting, lying, or standing. Proper posture is in place when the head sits over the shoulders, and the muscles are able to work efficiently. Bad posture makes the muscles work overtime to keep the body in balance. The awkward positioning of the body causes muscle fatigue or muscle tightness, and it can also reduce the efficiency of some organs. What is Poor Posture? Poor posture is any position you hold while sitting, lying, walking, or standing, which results in the tightening or shortening of the muscles. Slouching forward is considered poor posture, as it imposes extra wear and tear on the spine and nervous system. Forward head posture or (FHP) puts the body out of balance, and inflicts undue stress on the neck and back. With FHP, the head is positioned forward of the body and therefore sits in front of the shoulders. FHP increases the load that the discs have to bear, and often leads to the premature degeneration of the spine. For every inch the head moves forward, studies show that the muscles of the neck are forced to bear an additional ten pounds of weight.

Common Causes of Poor Posture Most of us can’t imagine life without cellphones or computers. But do you know that performing everyday tasks such as talking on the phone or working at the computer, can also lead to poor posture? Talking on the phone, especially for extended periods can result in the contraction of the muscles of the neck. In addition, while you are typing away at your keyboard you are likely to be hit by more than eyestrain. If the monitor is not at a comfortable height, which means it may be too far below eye level, it often causes you to slouch forward, leading to muscle tension that can trigger a headache.

If the head is forward of the shoulders, the cervical spine is extended more than normal. In order to accommodate this position, the muscles located at the back of the head, which connect to the base of the skull to neck, tend to shorten and become strained. The shortened position of the muscles and associated tension can give rise to pounding headaches. How Can You Get Rid of Your Tension Headache? If you want to get rid of that pesky headache caused by your poor posture, then you need to change your position. This may involve getting

help from a chiropractor, and making the necessary adjustments to your posture, so that your body is in proper alignment. Posture Pump You can also get help from Posture Pump products. Posture Pump retails a range of products that are designed to restore the natural spinal posture. The products alleviate neck and back pain by decompressing and hydrating the discs in the neck and back, and lubricating the spinal discs and joints.



Poor posture can contribute to headaches and also long term health issues. So if you are having unexplained headaches, your poor posture may be the cause. Visit to find out more. H&F

The structures of the neck can also face unnecessary pressure because of the way we stand or walk. How Poor Posture Causes Headaches If there is any tension in the muscles of the upper back, shoulders, or neck, it can trigger a headache. When the nerves of the neck become irritated or inflamed owing to poor posture, you are at risk for getting a headache. Headaches are often caused by muscle tension and tightness in the muscles of the neck and back. The tension is actually a consequence of poor posture. It occurs because the muscles try to adapt to the restrictions placed upon them, by the abnormal position of the head and neck. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

2O15 15




ou just ran out of your prescription abortive medicine. Now another migraine attack hits before you can get a refill. Whether you run out every month or just forgot to pick up your refills, sooner or later it happens to everyone. Getting hit with a migraine attack without your best treatment option is a scary moment. Here are 10 creative ways to fight that next prescription-free migraine.

4. Massage: If you have a willing partner, ask them to vigorously massage your head, face, neck, and shoulders. Try not to be concerned about messing up your hair because long hair will get tangled. Have your volunteer use an unscented massage oil so as not to irritate your

you can wrap an ice bag in a long scarf and tie it around your head with the bag(s) positioned right on the painful areas. In a pinch, a bag of frozen peas works nicely, too. It is best to have several available because they do warm up long before a migraine attack will end.

1. Layering OTCs: Please discuss this one with your doctor before trying it at home. However, my doctor and I have found that if used early in the attack, a layer of several OTCs can fight off a migraine attack. Combining Excedrin or Aleve with Benadryl and Dramamine can at least lessen the severity and duration of the attack. On rare occasions it might just abort it. 2. Magnesium baths: Did you know that the pores in your skin will absorb nutrients? While you may not be able to get to the infusion center or emergency room for an IV bag of magnesium, you can do the next best thing. Fill your bathtub with hot water (just don’t burn yourself!) and dissolve in a full bag of Epsom Salts. They are 100% pure Magnesium Sulfate, the same mineral used in that little IV bag. Ease yourself into the tub and let your pores soak it all up. 3. Hot shower: This is especially helpful if you have adjustable jet settings on your showerhead. Standing under a hot shower so that the pulsating water hits your head right where it hurts can at least give you a break from the pain while you are in the shower. If done for long enough, it can sometimes cut the intensity down by several points. In the prodrome phase, a hot shower may actually knock out any residual pain and invigorate you. 16 CELEBRATING



skin. Almond or Apricot Oil are good choices. This massage may need to continue for as long as an hour, so prepare your volunteer for a marathon or enlist more than one person and make it a relay race. 5. Muscle rub: Whatever you have on hand is good. Fight migraine by massaging this ointment into the areas of greatest pain to get temporary relief from the pain. Good ones to try: Icy Hot, BenGay, Theragesic, BioFreeze, or Tiger Balm are all good ideas. 6. Ice bags: Make your own using a quart-sized freezer bag, and 50/50 water and alcohol. Or you can purchase many different kinds at almost any pharmacy. Just make sure they will stay flexible when frozen. Ones that have Velcro straps are nice to use. If you don’t have any,


7. Hot packs: Sometimes heat feels better than ice. Using a heating pad is okay, but then you have to worry about the cord. Even better are microwavable bags filled with rice, corn, flaxseed, or clay. Bed Buddy makes a long wrap with braided cord handles on either end. You can heat it up, then wrap it around your head with the handles intertwined to keep it in place. With strapless bags, you can use the same scarf tip suggested above for ice packs. 8. Vibration: If you have one, you can use a TENS unit on the back of the neck to ease pain that has settled at the base of your head. However, never use a TENS unit on your face or head. If you need TENSlike therapy on your face or head, your doctor can prescribe a Cefaly unit, recently FDA-approved to treat

migraine. If all else fails, you can use a battery-operated massager usually found at “bed & bath” stores or a clean personal vibrator. 9. Water: It’s easy to get dehydrated, which is a common migraine trigger. If you suspect dehydration, fight back by drinking lots of water. If you have been vomiting, you may need Gatorade or some other electrolyte beverage. Rehydration is also possible by soaking in a bath. 10. Sleep: Sleep is nature’s migraine abortive. Many people report that by taking a good nap they can wake up migraine attack free. There are no side effects, it won’t give you Medication Overuse Headaches, and it’s free. Sometimes to fight a migraine, you must do nothing at all. You don’t have to wait until you’re out of medicine to start using these tips. You can use any of them at any phase of a migraine attack. You might even discover that you use fewer prescription abortives the more often you use these options. That’s the beauty of these 10 creative ways to fight migraine. If you regularly experience 4 or more migraine attacks each month, it’s time to see your doctor about starting a preventive. Not sure if your migraine attacks are that serious? Take the Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) to find out and then discuss the results with your doctor. Tammy Rome is a migraine and headache disorder patient advocate and health blogger. She holds a Master’s degree in Professional Counseling, is a Certified Reiki Master and herbalist. She shares her extensive knowledge and personal experiences through blogging and patient education. Discover more about living with migraine by visiting www. H&F

of hours? Are there any sibling(s) you don’t see because everyone is so busy?

I don’t remember if you’re a Parent (sorry), but if you are, I hope you can help my husband and I maybe with some insight. Parenting is just getting to us! Our two children are really good kids. We don’t have big problems with them except that they simply refuse to participate in so much of what my husband and I enjoy! We can’t get them to go to the Giants games with us anymore, which was our family’s favorite summer “thing” since I don’t know when! We try to give them their space. My daughter enjoys grocery shopping with me, and when we go get our nails done. But that’s about it!

We’re role models for our children. It’s true that they want to do things their way, and they don’t want to “be Mom or Dad”. Yet our jobs are to role model and stay steadfast to what we believe in! The goal is not to raise perfect adults but to plant seeds – positive, insightful, nurturing points that just maybe one day sink in, empowering your then-Adult children to make their best decisions. The way our society is headed, if our children DO one day seek to do something besides glue their faces to screens, I wonder what will be available to them. The serenity of a nature hike… The calming stroll on a golf course... The nurturing silence in a spiritual church service… Will these be around for our kids and grandkids to get back to 20+ years from now?


Mitch, I swear it’s these technology toys! Kids want to do almost nothing but! Both kids quit their martial arts, said it “got boring”. Their grades are good. We’re just worried that all they do is go to school and live on their smartphones and computers! This is depressing me, and my husband’s really just given up. Got any ideas?? Sincerely, Confused Mom and Dad Elk Grove, CA ————— Hey Mom and Dad…

Yep, I’m a Dad… I’ve griped, struggled, pleaded, and I wonder how I contributed to the issue. SO many Parents aren’t going to like this statement: Many of us contributed to this phenomenon! Of course, no one saw this period of kids being sucked into screens coming. But I think some of us are at least a bit culpable. It seems most every Adult these days is busy… Busy…Busy… I say: We’re SO Busy That We’re Missing Our Lives In the drive to compete, get ahead, and have more, I’ve seen generations of parents who struggled to find time for the kids. Long hours at the office followed by fast-food dinners, emails, and bed. Many of our children grew up


Dear Mitch,

accommodating our busy schedules – Accepting that Mom and/or Dad couldn’t find time for them because they were so busy. To varying degrees, we may have inadvertently been conduits for some of the phenomenon that created this generation of tech-absorbed U.S. citizens with minor regard for relationships! You and your husband sound like you’re perhaps similar to me. I was THE parent taking my son and his pals to the beach, snowboarding, or even up to the school to hit some baseballs. Well, that was before the kids got old enough to find technology to be more engrossing and immediately gratifying than most anything else! Sure, there are a LOT of Adults who don’t have time for things THEY love! When is the last time you read a book (if you’re a reader)? How many of you don’t seem to find the time anymore for a loved hobby or interest? Has it been a while since you were on a golf course? What about taking the hours to sit at a ballgame? And it seems that relationships are sacrificed, or even dispatched altogether, first and foremost! My saying is that we are so busy we’re missing our Life! When is the last time you sat with a loved one or friend and just talked for a couple

Not only role model a mentally- and physicallyactive lifestyle, but please consider actively fighting to retain those activities and options in our world. Stand up for protecting our natural resources (for MANY reasons) so national parks and preserves will be there. Protect our churches, synagogues and mosques. Use our libraries! There’s TREMENDOUS healing, learning and growth that is only achieved in quiet, reflective activity. Our technology-based entertainment offers NO quiet reflection. We have to each look at ourselves, BE the person we want to be and live with, and proactively STAND for retaining the BEST of our magnificent world! Namaste’ — Mitch H&F

Mitch Darnell, MS, OSM, CRC Twitter: @InspiredMD Certified Relationship Coach 916/247.1655 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

2O15 17


DietDoc Boosts Weight Loss Success to 98% with Telemedicine


eight loss is different now. Forget all the appointments where you have to check-in face-to-face at a weight loss center every week and weigh in.

“Weight loss has now entered into the age of telemedicine,” Julie Wright, CEO of Diet Doc and, one of the nation’s only medically-run weight loss programs that utilizes a technological approach to weight loss. “Over the years, we’ve found that people are far too busy to drive to a physical location to be seen for weight loss, and weight loss is the worst modality for in-person care. Once we switched to working a model of weight loss that could be accessed from the convenience of one’s home or office, our success rate shot up to 98%.” Diet Doc had 22 physical locations nationwide for about six years prior to using the telemedicine approach to weight loss. Their success rate, calculated by an independent third party researcher, was about 66% with physical locations (old way).

Weight Loss Success Leaves Traces of Evidence Diet Doc attributes their success – which can become your success – to several different factors.

By Dr. Donna, Editor

1. TOTALLY INDIVIDUALIZED DIETS “We don’t just use one diet. One diet never fits everyone. Instead, our medical doctors will assess each new client and determine what type of diet is going to be the best diet for them. Typically, it will have components of diets that work, such as; Mediterranean diet, Paleo Diet, ketogenic diet, or a simple 1250 calorie diet… or a number of other diets,” Julie said.

“My wife and I were going to Hawaii and we really didn’t want to go there fat, so both of us got on the Diet Doc program. After 8 weeks, I lost 32 lbs. She lost 22 lbs. Now after losing the weight, I went back to the gym, and I feel great. I have gained back some weight, but my pants size went from a 39 waist at 212lbs 5’7”, 23% body fat, to a very svelt 185 and 13.5% body fat and 32/33 waist. I found that it was much easier getting back into shape once the weight was gone. MIKE BEFORE WEIGHT: 265 / AFTER WEIGHT: 210 18 CELEBRATING




2. WHOLE TEAM APPROACH Their plans vary from 850 to 1250 calories per day, and you can have same-day medical doctor consultations as well as support from dietitians on your diet program – all for a reasonable cost. The medical doctors used by Diet Doc are not ordinary medical doctors specializing in family medicine. Instead, they specialize in weight loss, bioidentical hormones or anti-aging. In fact, Diet Doc doctors have over 100 collective years of providing this type of care and are true experts in these fields. Diet Doc does not use nurse practitioners in the place of doctors. 3. MEDICATIONS AVAILABLE You may even decide that doing a diet on your own without some type of pharmaceutical support is out of the question. Or you might want a medication that is a fat blocker, carb blocker or something to curb your appetite, or need bio-identical hormones and a prescription for anti-aging as well to get your ultimate diet success up to 98%. At Diet Doc, the FDA-approved Sermorelin (safe alternative to hGH, human Growth Hormone), is available, too. However, all medications are not prescribed until you have a chance to converse with your Diet Doc medical doctor. “At the Diet Doc, we can cater to your medical AND nutritional needs both at the same time,” Julie said. 4. GENETIC MARKER FOR OBESITY TESTING In the field of nutrition, the state-of-the-art technology is now genetic testing. Genetic testing is something that even has made an appearance on The Big Loser Television Show. The fact is that if you’re in a position where you have hit a weight plateau even though you are still following your healthy diet guidelines, it could be that there are genetic factors influencing your weight. “If you have the genetic marker for obesity – which is seen in about 60% of those who are obese, then there is high percentage those individuals will become obese. The reason is the brain and abdomen do not register fullness as others do. This means there’s a disassociation between your brain and your gut.


“When I turned 30, I got sick and was put on antibiotics and steroids, which started a downward tumble. I started to gain weight…and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I couldn’t lose weight no matter what I did. Over the years I continued to gain weight and try many different diets with very little success. I started on Diet Doc, reached a low of 148 lbs and stabilized at 155, which I’ve maintained for 6 months.” JAN WARNER BEFORE WEIGHT: 252 / AFTER WEIGHT: 148

The weight loss genetic test will also show if people are not assimilating certain foods and supplements. Once Diet Doc doctors and weight loss counselors know that there’s a genetic marker for obesity, their approach to your dieting changes,” Julie informed us. However, each individual is vastly different from the others so there’s not a generalized approach taken for the genetic marker influence on your weight loss. Only your doctor can intervene if you have the obesity gene – but what you can count on is getting more individualized attention for your weight loss program. 5. EXERCISE PROGRAMS THAT FIT YOUR LIFESTYLE Exercise varies widely depending on ability or disability, schedule and current fitness level. All these are taken into consideration at the Diet Doc. 6. THREE CLINICAL TELEMEDICINE APPOINTMENTS Your program starts with three clinical appointments. These may use secure video software or phone as a way of establishing a doctor / patient relationship. At the first appointment, you’re given a doctor-written workbook that details the foods you will eat or not eat, and the medications you will take along with a doctor-designed customized diet based on each person’s age, gender, lifestyle and preference. You’ll also have about three hours of training on diet from nutritionists and weight loss coaches with convenient weekly follow-ups for four months. But don’t think that after you reach your quota, you’re turned away. Not so with Diet Doc’s telemedicine diet program where you have free access to their medical teams during the entire time while you are losing or maintaining weight. Success is Not in The Dozens – It’s In the Thousands! At Diet Doc, their client base has reached over 75,000 people who successfully lost weight with their program. The Diet Doc program took eight doctors one and a half years to perfect – and plan based on scientific studies found in worldwide medical journals. H&F Why wait any longer to get in shape and get the weight off? Technology has arrived – just make use of it with the Diet Doc. Give them a call today at 1-888-934 445. For more information about Diet Doc, be sure to visit their website:

“I started to struggle with weight later on in life. A co-worker told me about Diet Doc and the various diet plans they offer. I went on one that is a hormone injection, deciding to use Diet Doc because I felt that the protocol would fit my lifestyle the best. The results were life changing. I feel more energetic and confident in my daily life. I lost 100 pounds in 4 months. I was not hungry like I thought I would be. I actually enjoyed all the foods I ate. While on this plan I was able to change some of my bad eating habits…giving up soda, refined sugar, and processed foods! I have been “off” the hormone injections for four months and haven’t gained any weight. This diet works because it teaches you how to eat right and about portion control. I have recommended this diet to friend and family and I will keep recommending them because this diet works!” BOBBIE BEFORE WEIGHT: 220 / AFTER WEIGHT: 140

“I tried other exercise and low carb regimens but they just didn’t work. Diet Doc changed my life. With Diet Doc, I always felt supported. Help or advice was always just a phone call away. The company provides service nationwide. I felt that they were always there when I needed them. Today I’m very comfortable in my body and now I can work to maintain my weight through a low carb diet and exercise.” JANELLE BEFORE WEIGHT: 210 / AFTER WEIGHT:155 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

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urmeric is a plant native to India and part of the ginger family. Most of the population knows it as the orange/yellow spice in curry. In addition to curry, it is frequently used in mustards, butters, and cheeses. It has a slightly bitter taste but complements many dishes. The root of the plant is used for its medicinal qualities. Anti-Inflammatory Properties In Chinese and Indian systems of medicine, turmeric has been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory. In addition to the oil, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory, it is believed that curcumin, the pigment that gives turmeric its color, is the primary pharmacological agent. In studies, curcumin has shown to be comparable to hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone as well as overthe-counter drugs like Motrin and Ibuprofen However, curcumin has NO toxicity to it. All the medicines do. Curcumin has also been shown to reduce the signs of colitis in mice. This is important for those suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD). The mice that received curcumin lost more weight than the control animals and when checked for signs of colitis, they were significantly reduced. But what is also very cool about this study? The improvement was done at a low dose, the amount you would easily put in foods. Although curcumin has shown to be safe a very large doses, it is being shown that you don’t have to have that much to enjoy the benefits.

dangerous. Also, not having enough antioxidants in your body to counter the free radicals can also be dangerous. So, the moral is to make sure you get antioxidants! Turmeric is a way you can do that! The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are why curcumin has shown to be effective for arthritis, cancer prevention, inhibiting cancer cell growth, reducing childhood leukemia risk, improving liver function, protecting cardiovascular health, lowering cholesterol, and protecting against Alzheimer’s. Omega-3 Interaction A recent study indicates that Turmeric may help your body turn Omega-3s into useful DHA and EPA (these help brain function). The body is inefficient at turning plant based Omega-3s into EPA and DHA. Yet these are what the body needs. The study showed, in animals, that when turmeric was added to their diet, the body created 50% more DHA. That’s fantastic! Just adding turmeric in the diet can improve your body’s ability to improve brain function.

There has been research showing that taking turmeric extracts can reduce the pain of osteoarthritis and in one study worked just as well as ibuprofen.

What Conditions Does It Help? Although the western scientific evidence is still working on researching turmeric, the spice has been used in multiple cultures around the world for medical purposes. Turmeric has been used to treat, prevent, or aid in symptoms in regards to arthritis, heartburn, stomach pain, diarrhea, intestinal gas, stomach bloating, loss of appetite, jaundice, liver problems, gallbladder disorders, flatulence, menstrual difficulties, bloody urine, hemorrhage, toothaches, bruises, colic, cancer, bacterial infections, and viral infections.

Antioxidant Properties Many things cause free radical production, and having too many can be

Many of these conditions just need a small dose (enough to flavor your food) of turmeric in order to start





getting positive results. However, other conditions may need more. Always consult with your physician or your alternative medicine practitioner before taking turmeric in large doses. Is Curcumin Safe? Turmeric is always safe when taken in amounts found commonly in food. It is usually always safe in medicinal amounts as well, however it is not safe for women during pregnancy when it is at such high doses. As is always the case, if you have any medical conditions, you will want to seek the advice of medical personnel or your alternative health practitioner before utilizing in medicinal amounts. You should always let your doctor know you are taking turmeric. Especially if having surgery. It is possible that it thins your blood. Eating and Cooking Cooking with turmeric is easier than you think. Here are some easy ways to incorporate it into your diet. • Add it to your scrambled eggs or egg salad. • Add to sautéed apples. • Add to frittatas. • Add to steamed vegetables like cauliflower, green beans, and onions. • Make tea with turmeric, milk, and honey. • Add to a mayonnaise dip. • Toss it with roasted vegetables. • Add it to rice. • Add to recipes that have lentils. • Sprinkle into sautéed vegetables. This works very well with Kale. • Add to salad dressings. • Use on chicken. • Use on fish.

• Add to casseroles. • Add to macaroni salad. • Add to potato salad. • You can also use it like salt or pepper and just sprinkle it on dishes. Turmeric is a great spice and it gives great health benefits. In addition, it is so easy to add to your diet. Take a small step in improving your health, and add Turmeric to your food. H&F Laura is an author, writer, consultant, photographer, homeschool mom, Mary Kay consultant and Army wife. Her passions in writing are in food/health, Christian persecution and children’s curriculum. Connect with her on Facebook at Whether it is Crohn’s, IBS, diabetes, heart issues, obesity, or allergies, Laura has had to find ways to make food taste good while being healthy and maintaining strict dietary rules. Through that, she has had to find ways to do all of that on a budget! Laura has learned so much on this food journey and she aspires to help you eat healthy while keeping taste elevated and cost down.



By Randolph Meresmaa


agnesium has an incredible healing effect on a wide range of diseases as well as in its ability to rejuvenate the aging body. Magnesium is essential for many enzyme reactions, especially in regard to cellular energy production, for the health of the nervous system and brain and also for healthy bones and teeth. In fact, many regions with low magnesium levels have shown an increased cancer rate. The cancer rate in Egypt was only about 10% of the rate in America and Europe, and cancer in Egypt was practically non-existent in the rural areas. An extremely high magnesium intake of 2.5 to 3g in the diet was found to most likely be the reason why there was such a big difference. Antiseptic Action Of Magnesium French surgeon, Prof. Pierre Delbet MD was the first prominent researcher to investigate and promote the antibiotic effects of magnesium. He was looking for a solution to cleanse wounds of soldiers in 1915, because he found that traditionally used antiseptics encouraged infections instead of preventing them and actually damaged tissues. Magnesium chloride solution was by far the best solution for this problem in all of his tests. Dr. Neveu, another French doctor, cured many diphtheria patients with magnesium chloride within 2 days. Dr. Neveu published 15 cases of poliomyelitis that were cured in a few days, if the treatment was started immediately. He also found magnesium chloride effective with bronchitis, asthma, emphysema and pneumonia. Immune System Stimulant Action of Magnesium Prof. Delbet also found magnesium to be a powerful immune-stimulant, after he performed experiments with the internal application of magnesium chloride. He found out that white blood

cells destroyed up to three times more microbes than before, after the intake of magnesium chloride. Magnesium chloride was also found to be beneficial in a wide range of diseases by Prof. Delbet. He found an excellent preventative effect on cancer and cured precancerous conditions such as hyperkeratosis, leukoplasia and chronic mastitis. He was surprised by many of these patients experiencing bursts of energy and euphoria. Epidemiology and Scientific Studies Reveal The Truth Geographic regions with magnesiumrich soil have less cancer than those with low magnesium levels, according to epidemiological studies. Indian scientists demonstrated how the incidences of tumors of the breast in rats, could be reduced to 46-57% by single applications of magnesium chloride, Vitamin C, Vitamin A or selenium. Tumor incidences were further reduced to between 25.9-31.8%, when a combination of two of these nutrients were used. And finally tumor incidence was reduced to only 12%, when all four nutrients were given. This shows clearly that one good way to beat cancer is by treating the cause of cancer. If the body is provided with the essential nutrients it needs, then cancer can be overcome! The thinking that getting rid of the symptom, which is the tumor, is going to make everything okay is silly! H&F For more information, check out this book: Cancer-Free, 4th Edition -- Your Guide To Gentle, Non-Toxic Healing, which tells you how to work with the medical system anywhere in the world to save the life of those you care about from cancer. You can find info on it at: naturalcancertreatmentsthatwork.





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lectromagnetic pollution (EMF) may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced in this century, all the more dangerous because it is invisible and insensible.” Andrew Weil, M.D. Remember how the tobacco industry used to have Joe Cool and all that clever marketing convincing people there was no harm in smoking? It was a culturally acceptable thing to do. Then one day the leak was out and, whoops! It is actually pretty bad for you so bad that they have to print it on every box now and they were prohibited to market it as they have done in the past. The reality is smoking is not something you want to do to achieve optimal health. Someday our children will say, “Remember how they used to say cell phones weren’t harmful to our health?” We are a wired in society. We are surrounded and actually bombarded by electrical current 24/7. You have current in your house from your computer, your hair dryer, your TV, your coffee maker, electrical cords, your WiFi, radio signals. Entire communities are going wireless so it is a neverending physical attack on your body. Ever wonder why real estate under a power line is so inexpensive? Ever jog under a power line and HEAR the buzz? Well, your body can feel that too. You can search and see a picture of an experiment where the electrical current from the lines lit fluorescent bulbs. People are dealing with health issues today more than ever that can be greatly diminished, if not eliminated by following a few suggestions that I will mention later. Headaches are a major culprit. Think of things people do with their computers and cell phones. How many people sit or drive with their cell phone between their legs? Do you think that doesn’t affect fertility long-term? There are major studies linking leukemia to people using their computers for long periods of time on their knees/bodies. Ever talk on your phone or work away on your computer until that heat radiates your face or your legs? Yeah, that’s really not good for you. Radiation can cause abnormalities in the




proto-oncogenes and oncogenes. When these become abnormal, the growth of abnormal cells, or masses develop. I have seen some pretty manly men with their cell phones resting on their crotch and I let them know they may be doing themselves a disservice in the manly department if they continue that much longer. Just do some research. Push your phone further from you, especially when you are trying to rest at night. I like presenting ideas to urge you to OPEN your eyes and filter some concepts through a brain cell or at least become aware of it. I have done so much research that it’s REALLY hard for me to keep my mouth shut when I see mothers hand their phones/iPads/any electronic device to a child to pacify them for a few minutes. Once I learned about the harmful effects of EMFs, particularly on young children, I feel it’s more dangerous than letting your sight or hearing impaired child play in the street. Brains are a pretty important item that you want to keep intact - you will need your brain for a LONG time hopefully. The hard facts are that an infant’s brain absorbs more radiation than even a 5-year old or 10-year old brain. My generation’s children are the first generation to grow up with such high EMF exposure (particularly from cell phone/iPads... wireless devices) that just weren’t around before. Yes, we’ve always had radiation but not like the kids of today do. There are a lot of “links” with autism and vaccination but there are also strong connections with autism and “dirty electricity”. Those rates have ONLY gone up as EMFs have increased in our environment. Everything has a tipping point.




So WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT IT? Be aware, be informed, and do your homework please. There are foods that are particularly helpful with protecting your body from the damaging effect of EMFs. Vit A, E and B12, Kelp, Iodine, and Hawthorn Berry capsules are some supplements that help. When it comes to your diet, healthy fats are helpful as well as seaweed, red meat and organic

…WIRELESS DEVICES) THAT JUST WEREN’T AROUND BEFORE. dairy fats. Each protect the nervous system, repair damaged tissues or assist the thyroid. That’s just to name a few suggestions. Other things you can do is ground yourself on a regular basis. If you have ever done electrical work, you know the concept of grounding yourself. Still think this is crazy? Buy an electromagnetic field meter for fun and see for yourself. If you have a hybrid car... never mind, but I would sell it quick.

There are plenty of items you can purchase to neutralize the EMFs ranging from inexpensive to a little more pricey neutralizers you can put on your phone that can create a 5-foot radius and protect you available through Earth Calm. You can do things to protect your entire house and even buy products that work to help you ground yourself.

Take one night. Turn off your wireless router, power off your phones, turn off your computers and SEE how much more peaceful your rest is. That should convince you enough. It’s made such a difference for us, especially as my husband’s body has to be completely set to a healing state. We’ve gotten to the point where it’s like shutting the garage door... “Did you turn off the router?” Or, you can do nothing at all... the choice is yours.


Just check things out for yourself and see. Think about your child’s school, is it wireless? Is your town wireless? Most restaurants are adding WiFi. Do you use your cell phone as an alarm next to your head all night as you sleep? How much radiated (microwaved) food do you eat? Does your child use or HAVE a cellular device – which MOST kids do now. I crack up hearing my friends telling me their 6-year old is getting a cell phone for Christmas. I know it’s just a sign of the times and there’s a lot of safety reasons why kids get them but be cognizant of the fact that there are repercussions to heir usage.

For additional information and blogs, see H&F



study performed in 2011 by eight Ph.D.s and one chiropractor studied the impact of one adjustment in the TONE of the nerve system. The tone of the nerve system refers to the STABILITY of system under stress.

transmission of nerve impulses throughout the body. Of course, since the nerve system controls and regulates all function, healing and development in the body, as subluxation is very detrimental to the health of the individual.

They used a PET scanner – a powerful neuro imaging technique to measure neuronal activity in the brain. Literally they measured the METABOLIC ACTIVITY OF THE BRAIN and the changes post-adjustment. (Cerebral metabolic changes in men after chiropractic adjustment, Alt Ther Health med 2011 Nov-Dec; 17(6):12-17)

This PET scan study evaluated some of the systemic changes that happened once the subluxation was corrected with an adjustment. What they found was that the SYMPATHETIC (STRESS) tone of the nerve system was inhibited, salivary amylase was decreased, regional improvement in brain metabolism, and muscle tone and pain intensity decreased.

The results were astonishing! First of all, in order for someone to receive a chiropractic adjustment, they must first have a subluxation. A subluxation is a misalignment in the spine that interferes with the normal

Here’s why this is important: It proves, again, that a subluxation creates abnormal proprioception into the brain (specifically the hypothalamus) leading to increased sympathetic tone.

That means that when you are subluxated, it is as if your body and brain is MASSIVELY and CHRONICALLY in a state of STRESS. Not OK!

Adjustment = decreased stress in the body = health

Why is that so bad?

There is a particular part of the spinal cord known as LAMINA 7, and it links the spinal cord directly to the HYPOTHALAMUS - the main co-ordinator of all hormones in the body. In fact, the spine has the ONLY direct link to the hypothalamus (and thus hormones) in the entire body!

Well, increased sympathetic (STRESS) tone always increases stress hormones - which have been linked, through research, to all kinds of disease such as cancer, glaucoma, bi-polar disorder, type I and II diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease, osteoarthritis, excessive body weight, hypertension, asthma, and immune system disorders. (Autonomic and Autocoid Pharmacology, 2009) Are you starting to see how big of a deal the chiropractic adjustment is? Subluxation = chronic stress = massive release of stress hormones = disease

How is that possible?

An adjustment will affect this entire system, bringing the body as a whole back to a state of ease. You can contact Dr. French through his website, his blog, of follow him on Facebook DrRyan French or on Twitter @DrRyanFrench. H&F


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welve years ago, Jeff Dzurinko was working as a clerk who was then promoted to assistant manager at a Sacramento bike shop. The last 7 years you might have met him at Performance Bike Shop before he went off to the California Firefighter Academy to study. However, after school, with cuts in the EMT budgets in California, he was unable to get a job. He went back to his first love – bikes and everything about them. Since the age of 3, he was on a bike and by the age of 11, Jeff was taking bikes apart in his back yard for neighbors with malfunctioning bikes. Premiere Sacramento Bike Shop Right in Your Back Yard And that brings us up to the present where Jeff opened up his own bike store in South Sacramento called Sutterville Bicycle Company. You can find him most easily on the internet on his Facebook page called Sutterville Bicycle Company. But if you go into his shop, located at 2365 Sutterville Bypass, #C in Sacramento, you’ll find old restored bikes, bike relics from the past like

a 100-year-old tricycle, Vintage cruisers, good riding bikes of all kinds as well as a very old picture of Einstein on a bike. Now Jeff’s goal is to provide one of the best repair bike shops in Sacramento as well as the best quality used bikes for sale. “You never forget how to ride a bicycle,” Jeff told us. “Even if you have a 10-year-old bike in your garage, the chances are that you can make it serviceable for about $60. That’s what we do at our shop.” Since new bikes cost anywhere from $300 to $400 up to $3000 on the average, it makes a lot of sense to renovate an old bike if your budget is a little strapped. Jeff takes your old used bikes – or any used bikes he purchases – and gets them to the point where you can say, “My bike is in tip top shape.” You could even work with Jeff and have him update your bike and/or customize it to your body. “There’s been a lot of updated seat technology so the old seat on your bike could easily fit you a lot better,” he said. “The comfort seats are cush seats with pressure relief cutouts and gel that literally give you the ride of your life. Even the round seats are lighter weight these days and streamlined.” But it’s not just seat technology that you can update your bike with. Why not use some of the latest tire technology? “Bike tires go from about $15 to $80 per tire. We carry just about every tube size. Even some of the harder to find tubes are here. Helmets too





have improved. They have a more precise fit, are lightweight, have larger ventilation holes, and are made of high-tech materials.” Sutterville Bike Shop is Your Bike Servicing Repair Headquarters According to Jeff, it’s important to get a correct fitting for the frame size of your bike. If you go into the bike shop, he’ll help you with this. He might even help you learn how to change a flat if you bring your bike in. When it comes to bike repairs and quality used bikes, think Sutterville Bike Shop. The type of repairs you can have done include: • 60 Pro Tune Up • Training wheels • Check the derailleur alignment • Adjust all shifting • Check every nut and bolt on the bike • Clean and lube • Adjusting the bearings Sutterville Bike Shop is open from 11 to 7 pm Tuesday through Saturday and from 12 to 6 pm on Sunday. Give them a call at 916-737-7537 for all your bike needs and give Melvin, (Jeff ’s small mascot dog), a pet form us at Health & Fitness Magazine. H&F




he vintage Schwinn bicycles are known to be among the highest reputed collectible items by the vintage bicycle lovers. These bicycles dominated the American bicycles market for more than a century. The durability and the sense of style backed with innovation is what is making Schwinn bicycles in high demand even today. Schwinn has made its footing so strong that whenever you are going to buy a new bicycle, Schwinn is one of the first brands you think of buying. Let us look at the evolutionary process of the Schwinn bicycles that took them from the heavy metallic classic era of the past — to the trendy and agile bicycles of today. Vintage Schwinn Bicycles Time Line The time line of Schwinn bicycle production starts from the inception of Schwinn Bicycle Company in Chicago back in 1895 by Ignaz Schwinn. Since then the company has seen many ups and downs, until it gained its position as a market leader. Since its inception, Schwinn saw immense competition, as more than 30 bicycle makers were working in the Chicago area only. Ironically, the economic depression of 1920’s only helped Schwinn to receive a huge boost, as there was a trend among many to change their habits and to move to cheaper modes of transportation. The Schwinn’s replica of a motorcycle in the shape of a youth bicycle by the name of AeroCycle (1933) made an immense hit in the market. People jumped

to pick up this attractive looking bicycle, and the product gained so much popularity that many bicycle makers produced “me-too” copies of the AeroCycle. During the 1930’s, Schwinn had made a strong footing and extensive branding in their exclusive outlets. Schwinn made bicycles for men, women, youth and kids. Their feminine bicycles remained very attractive in the women category. Moreover, the vintage Schwinn tandem bicycles got immense popularity as family cruisers, back in 1950’s. During that time, one in four bicycles that were sold in the U.S. were made by Schwinn. The later productions of BMX and mountain bikes made a strong entry in the youth of the nation, and gave a new dimension of mountain sports. Schwinn Bicycles Hall of Fame Schwinn got many jewels in their treasure chest in the shape of vintage bicycle and vintage Schwinn tandem bicycles. Let us look at some of the famous models: Schwinn Phantom - The vintage Schwinn Phantom is a most crazed bicycle of its era back in 1950. It is one of the most valued vintage

Schwinn bicycle to date. Schwinn Paramount – This Vintage Schwinn bicycle changed the paradigm of the racing arena back in 1940’s, and took part in many racing championships for many decades to go. As they are quite hard to find on the vintage bicycles market, their price is quite high, and they can be purchased well above $1000. Schwinn Jaguar – Another classic bicycle from Schwinn is the Jaguar. These vintage bicycles were manufactured back in 1930. Even today, these bikes are viewed as a youth icon. Schwinn Stingray - The Stingrays are modern bicycles in the

Schwann vintage club. These were the classic shape of the wheelie bike we see today. They made a great impact on youth and kids, and many baby boomers remember riding those stingrays in their youth. You are invited to visit my website about Classic Vintage Bicycles at Only recently, after starting my first website about Bicycles and Bicycling, I’ve started to learn about these great vintage and old bicycles. My first move was to bid on a beautiful Elgin bicycle from eBay. Take a look at my website: If you have any questions or suggestions, you are welcome to email me at bike. H&F


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f you walked into almost any traditional martial arts school you would find a list of words that embody the values training imparts to students. They are usually painted on the wall, and for some schools repeated prior to a training class. Robinson’s Taekwondo also builds on these ‘keywords’ in our pursuit of Black Belt excellence. While the skills and techniques are built on learning, will grow in practice and are tested in competition, the words on the wall remain the same. They are core values that become real when you strap on the white belt and begin to grow into them. While working out creates a ‘muscle memory’, almost every martial arts instructor talks about, the core values

that are the foundation of training are established on day one. The words remain the same throughout life, while the student changes to value them! To quote a former Chairman of ITT, Harold S. Geneen, “It is an immutable law in business that words are words, explanations are explanations, promises are promises-but only performance is reality.” This is the attitude of a martial arts student, whether a Grandmaster or white belt, the proof is in performance of these keywords or values in our daily lives. This is why Black Belts often refer to their training as a ‘journey’ and not a ‘destination’. As Author James Michener said, which I shared recently on my Facebook page, “The master in the art of living makes little


distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him, he’s always doing both.” This is the same with martial arts, as it becomes important in your life – you are always a Black Belt at work, at play or at rest! While some people might doubt it, almost everyone has the ability to live the words, benefit from them, and lead by example in living them-respect, courage, perseverance, integrity, commitment and service! Martial arts training is the key to opening the door inside each





student but it’s hard work, like that in another Author Ray Bradbury’s words, “ I know you’ve heard it a thousand times before. But it’s true hard work pays off. If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice! If you don’t love something, then don’t do it.” To help our students we offer one of the widest range of class choices to fit their schedules, including what I believe is truly ‘quality time’ with the family. Learn more about the most taught martial art in the world by visiting us at one of our 17 regional locations. Learn more at or call 1-888-249-7853. . Visit my Facebook page and ‘Like’ Grandmaster Clint Robinson to learn more. H&F

By John Buchanan


t’s a harangue, I know. But I just can’t help myself. It is an important safety issue to me as both a vehicle driver and bicycle rider and given the chance to yak about it, I will. Yikes, a literary bore given license to vent, but for the love of God, the point I wish to emphasize is to please buy some form of lighting if you are cycling at night. The vulnerability of a rider without lights on an unlit narrow road, while sharing that tiny space with speeding vehicles, is a tragedy waiting to occur. It is, in my opinion, a negligent act to venture out before dawn and after dusk without a means to illuminate oneself and thereby alert those they share the road with of their presence. The shame of it is that the expense in adequate lighting is negligible compared to the cost of a serious accident.

spot, budget wise, for a well built, useable FRONT and REAR rechargeable light that provides ample VISION both for the rider and the drivers they share the road with, will be under a $100.00. An example is a combo set putting out 400 lumens through the front light with multiple beam options as well as a powerful rechargeable rear light pulsing out 2 watts of power. It is indeed a set to be seen by. There is much to choose from and I am confidant one will find the best light set that suits their budget.

BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, THE POINT I WISH TO EMPHASIZE IS TO PLEASE BUY SOME FORM OF LIGHTING IF YOU ARE CYCLING AT NIGHT. What do I consider adequate lighting? Lighting oneself up akin to a Christmas tree sometimes seems hardly enough but can there too much light to protect oneself with? I don’t believe so but it will be the wallet in the end that dictates what we light our way with. In a typical retail setting, a light set as required by law here in Sacramento will set one back less than $20.00 for a front only battery operated light. These lights provide little real illumination but do provide a pinprick of light that has the potential to be seen. To provide a greater sense of security and presence I recommend coupling this light with at the minimum, a similar priced rear flashing light. Curiously enough, a battery operated rear light is not required equipment for the cyclist but I believe it to be a “must have” at every budget level. Most of the lights in this price group measure light output in watts and will provide about a single watt of output. That’s a pretty meager amount. Lights that are measured in lumens, for me, reflect

lights that I can actually use as a tool to see by. They will also, with little doubt, be rechargeable. The difference between a light that provides vision and one that merely provides enough to be seen can be the difference that saves ones life.



So if Santa some how spaced that great light set that you had your eyes on, that you had highlighted on the wish list and hinted about all summer long to anyone that might have an in with the big guy, my sympathies. But please don’t let the disappointment keep you from outfitting your rig with the best lighting options your budget will allow. That and a helmet will be the best safety gear you can protect yourself with. Besides, when has being enlightened ever been a bad thing? H&F Happy Holidays, Happy and Trails!

There are any number of manufacturers that provide quality lighting at every budget level but you will most likely have to hunt up your local bike shop to best view much of the lighting options that are available. I find the sweet NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

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bicycle with a motor is commonly referred to as a motorized bicycle. This type of bicycle is used to assist the rider when peddling. The motors are electrically run and can be small to assist the rider to propel the bicycle on tough terrain. Larger electric motors propel bicycles for longer distances. The electric power on these bicycles is supplied by rechargeable batteries. Bicycle with motors for sale are available in very few countries like Germany and China, and you can find them here in the U.S. now. Why Not Build Your Own Motorized Bicycle? Building a motorized bicycle is a project you can do on your own in a few simple steps. 1. First, find a bicycle that is in good condition. This is because the motor will add an extra load onto the bicycle. The bicycle should also have a carrier. This is where the batteries will be tied. 2. The second thing you need is a battery pack and batteries. A bicycle with a motor requires batteries with 24 or 36 volts. The battery pack should have a charger to charge the batteries whenever they are low. 3. When buying a motor for the bicycle, it is essential to be strict about buying the required motor. The motor should have a bicycle chain sprocket. Most bicycle motors come without a sprocket. This type of motor requires a lot of modification to fit the sprocket and may breakdown after a short period of time. The sprocket size on the electric motor should also match the one on your bicycle.


4. Another piece of equipment needed for a motorized bicycle is a throttle. Look for a 1/aluminum steel plate and a single speed bicycle chain.

7. The motor is fixed on the bicycle triangle frame. Align it with the sprocket to power the bicycle. The controller is mounted to the bicycle frame from which it runs the electrical system.

5. After collecting all the equipment needed, connect them to the bicycle. Connect the throttle to the controller. The motor is also connected to the controller. Using wires connect the batteries to the controller.

8. Test the motor again before fastening the structure. If it runs, it means everything is fine. If not, carefully double-check the connection to ensure it is correct.

6. After connecting all the parts, turn the throttle to check if the motor is spinning. If it works, the motor is ready to be fixed on the bicycle.




9. The throttle is attached to the handlebar and the battery pack is tied to the carrier. 10. Test the bicycle again to find out whether you can pedal and use the motor without any problem.


These bicycles are currently very costly and it would save you a lot of money if you build one for yourself. You can ask your local mechanic to assist you with connecting the motor. The motor bicycle is still classified as a bicycle hence a rider should adhere to rules and safety measures that are stated for bicycle users. You should also be careful when riding by keeping the safety of other commuters in mind. For more articles on the topic, visit To know more about bicycles with a motor for sale, visit motor-for-bicycle-for-sale. H&F



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ost people find that after having a dog join their life and household, they will develop a very strong and extraordinary bond with their pet. A dog loves you simply because you love them, will not judge you, does not hold it against you when reprimanded, and can become a remarkable companion. Because of this strong relationship, after experiencing the loss of a pet dog, the grief and anguish is heartfelt. An initial reaction to the death of a dog or other pet you have grown close to is usually denial and/or shock.

1) Write a story or poem about your pet. 2) M ake a photo album with pictures of your pet. 3) Plant flowers in your pet’s memory. 4) T ake a photo of your pet to an artist to create a likeness for you - stained glass, painting, needlework, sculpture). 5) P ut your pet’s identification tag on your key chain. Grieving a pet loss is a process that usually takes from a few months to a year. By working through the initial

DENIAL AND SHOCK ARE NORMAL AND HEALTHY RESPONSES TO FINDING OUT A PET HAS DIED, PARTICULARLY IF THE DEATH WAS SUDDEN. Denial and shock are normal and healthy responses to finding out a pet has died, particularly if the death was sudden. You can also have these feelings even before a pet dies. You may have difficulty accepting that your pet has a severe illness or been seriously hurt. Feeling numb, bewildered, and overwhelmed all serve as a cushion after something so unexpected has occurred. Realizing that you are feeling grief, and then dealing with it will help restore you and allow you to move on with your life. The grieving process can take a long time to get through, but, will gradually lessen its’ grip. If you can express the grief you feel after the loss of your pet dog or other animal you have grown to love and cherish, the times it takes to heal will be shortened. It will help to talk to someone you feel close to, however, the following five tips also involve taking some kind of action:

feelings of shock and denial, you will be on the road to working through all the feelings that are involved in a loss, and gradually come to accepting the death. H&F Deborah A. is an animal lover with a special interest in helping others cope after the loss of a pet. Are you trying to move past the grief of your pet’s death? Go to to get more tips and relief in coping with your pet loss. Editor’s Note: Goldie, my little Pomeranian who has appeared in Health & Fitness Magazine in the past 6 years, passed away on Sept. 6th. She had a brief battle with breast cancer and appeared to be pulling through it, as natural healing methods were able to shrink the tennis ball-sized tumor by 65% in one week. We’ll miss her greatly; she brought love and smiling everywhere she went. Rest quietly, Goldie!








better. And seeing their sick relatives smile again through animal interaction has lessened the burden that they are carrying.

et therapy is now becoming a popular field in medicine. This kind of therapy helps people recover from various types of health problems. It is also popularly known as the animal assisted therapy. In pet therapy, a structured interaction between a person and an animal is made. The interaction also involves the handlers. The handlers are usually the pet owners themselves or volunteers. Animal assisted therapy has the goal to help people recover from various health conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, stroke, mental illnesses and many more. What Types of Animals Are Used? The foundation of pet therapy is the pre-existing human-animal bond. This natural type of relationship can help a human cope with his physical, mental, emotional and social stressors. Dogs and cats are the most common animals used. However, other kinds of animals can also be used as long as they pass the screening. The screening involves physical examination of the animal to confirm if it is immunized and free of diseases. The animal also undergoes an obedience course to make sure that it will not cause any harm to the patient. The handler is also oriented and instructed about proper patient interaction. What is the Therapy Like? The therapy begins by letting the animal and its handler visit a particular patient. In every meeting, predetermined goals are set. For example, if the therapy involves a meeting between an abused child who suddenly stops talking and interacting with other people and a pet dog, the healthcare provider will set a goal for the meeting. The goal that he could set is to improve the child’s interest to his surroundings by showing cues like looking at the dog, touching it or smiling at it. If these goals are met, another set of goals will be set for the next meeting until the child recovers from his traumatic experience. Animal assisted therapy is also used to help lessen anxiety among children. Children who will undergo an operation or any invasive procedure can use this therapy to help them relax. The relaxation can be attributed to the process called

Studies regarding animal assisted therapy have shown that interaction with animals can significantly reduce anxiety, fatigue, pain and depression among people. Pet therapy is continuously improving throughout time. Nowadays, it is not only used in medical settings. Animal assisted therapy is now being conducted in communities and universities to further spread the benefits that it can give to people. “contact comfort”. In this process, the relationship between the human and the animal that forms through touch can help to induce relaxation of the mind and the body. In the health care setting, interaction of patients with animals can facilitate communication. This is very important for people who are depressed and those who came from very traumatic experiences. Interaction with the animals encourages the patient to talk, show emotions and to bring himself back to the reality of life. Animal assisted therapy does not just help the patients. It also has positive effects to the family members as well. The family members are also prone to a lot of stress. There are family members who have reported that watching pet therapy have also helped them to feel

Are you looking for more information regarding Pet therapy? Visit www.petstoreamerica. com/ today! H&F

Busy pet owners will love the way our daycare will enhance the relationship with their dogs. Each day is packed with exercise and activities creating happy and healthy pets…and it can alleviate many pet behavior issues, too!

Located in beautiful East Sacramento 910 5 7th Street between H Street & J Street Phone: 916*739*6303 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

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ssential oils are natural distilled extracts from all the parts of a plant, including root, stem, leaves, flowers, bark and seeds. The essential oils are used for aromatherapy, added to massage oils, for personal hygiene, and for medicinal and therapeutic purposes. Essential oils are very potent and only one to two drops are enough for a dose for children. You can even dilute these two drops with a teaspoon of coconut oil for very young children. Adults can take two to four drops of the essential oil as a dosage. In many cases, one application of the essential oils may be enough; in other cases, you can simply repeat the dosage every few hours during the day until the health situation clears up.

is the quality of the oils. When using the essential oils, the oils have to be therapeutic grade oils. They can’t be essential oils used for potpourri or to scent candles and hygienic products. Because you are taking them internally, you won’t want any toxins of any kind in them, or any chemical fragments and they must be totally pure. This is why you have to buy therapeutic grade oils – and they must not say on the bottle – “Not for internal use.” With this in mind, take a look at some of the uses of essential oils: Acne – Lavender, Melaleuca, and Lemongrass Apply a drop of one or more ofthese essential oils to the affected area once daily.

The big thing you can make a mistake on

Alertness - Ylang Ylang, Peppermint, and Lemon Sniff a whiff from the bottle of one or more of these essential oils or diffuse them into the air with an aromatherapy diffuser. Angina – Wild Orange, Ginger Apply a few drops of one or both of these essential oils over the heart several times during the day. Burns – Lavender, Melaleuca, Germanium Apply a few drops of one or more of these essential oils to the burn every hour. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Marjoram, Wintergreen, Lemongrass Apply a few drops of one or more of these essential oils to the painful areas several times daily. Cavities – Clove, Melaleuca Apply a few drops of one or both of these essential oils to the soles of the feet daily. Colitis – Peppermint, Helichrysum Apply a few drops to the lower part of the abdomen and massage into the skin a few times daily. Cough – Eucalyptus, Peppermint Apply a few drops to the neck and chest area and massage into the skin a few times daily or add the drops to the diffuser and breathe it in the air a few times daily. Dental Discomfort – Clove, Birch, Wintergreen Add a drop on gums and around teeth a few times daily. Earache – Basil, Melaleuca, Lavender Add a few drops to a cotton ball and place cotton ball in ear overnight. Exhaustion – Peppermint, Lavender, Ylang Ylang Apply a few drops of one or more of these oils directly to the back or the soles of your feet or diffuse them into the air of





the room you are in. Fever - Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Lavender Apply several drops of one or more of the essential oils to the forehead, temples and back of neck or diffuse into the air as needed. Jet Lag – Bergamot, Lemon, Rosemary Apply a few drops to the bottoms of the feet at night. In the morning, apply Peppermint essential oils to the bottoms of the feet. Muscle Stiffness – Lemongrass Apply a few drops topically to the muscles that are stiff as needed. Muscle Strains – Lemongrass, Cypress Apply a few drops of either or both of the essential oils to the affected muscle and massage into the muscle two or three times daily. Scarring – Frankincense, Helichrysum, Lavender Add a drop or two of any of these oils to the scar once daily until it is healed. Sinus Headache – Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca Diffuse a few drops into the air of any or more than one of these and inhale them. Source: Essential Oil Usage Guide A-Z. For more info on where to get high quality essential oils, call 916-649-8323. H&F



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