A Complete Family Magazine on Health, Pharma & Ayurveda
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Contents Understanding adverse drug reaction (ADR)
Life – saving facts about Antioxides
Facial pigmentation over the face
Regular Cleaning of Teeth
Head massage
White discharge
Seeing is living
EYE and vision disorders
Air Travel
A medicinal plant in your own yard
Weight loss resolution for New Year?
Varicose Veins
How does Exercise help you?
Diatery fiber
Comprehensive health orientation for women
Family tips by Partha Bagchi
Health news
Wish you Happy New Year-2013
Hand wash
Diet tips for healthy heart
For articles and news contact : Ramesh Yalagachina - 9449751916, email: rameshyalagachina@gmail.com Design Chandrashekar Gajani
- Design Editor
Doctors, Hospitals can send their articles and Programs deatails with photographs to mediaicon@ymail.com or to the Address JANUARY-2013 AYURPHARMA
Dr BHANU PRAKASH, MD, DHM Professor, Dept of Dermatology Vydehi Hospital, VIMS & RC.
Whitefield Bangalore – 66 Ph: 080-28413381/2/3/4
Understanding adverse drug reaction (ADR) ¾¾
What is an adverse drug reaction? An ADR is an unwanted, unintended harmful reaction that occurs at doses normally used for treatment following the administration of a medication(s),that is suspected to be related to the use of such medication. The reaction may be a known side effect of the medicine or it may be a new previously unrecognized ADR. ¾¾ Why are drug reactions important? Key facts ªª Adverse drug reactions are among the leading causes of death in many countries. ªª The severity of harm caused by ADRs ranges widely -- from little or no effects, to more serious effects (e.g. organ damage to kidney, liver, blood cells etc), and rarely to even deaths. Drugs taken during pregnancy can cause injury to the foetus. ªª The majority of adverse drug reactions are preventable. ªª People in every part of the world are affected by ADRs. ªª In some countries ADR-related costs, such as hospitalization, surgery and lost productivity, exceed the cost of the medications. ªª No medicine is risk free. Anticipating who will suffer an ADE, when, and from what medication is difficult. Vigilant assessment of the risks and benefits of medicines promotes patient safety. ¾¾ What factors can cause adverse drug reaction? ªª Wrong diagnosis of the patient’s condition; thus using wrong and unnecessary medicines. ªª Prescription of the wrong drug or wrong dosage of the right drug.
An undetected medical, genetic or allergic condition that might have caused the reaction; ªª Self-medication by the patient with or without prescription by the doctor. ªª Not following the instructions as advised for taking the medication. ªª Reactions with other drugs (including traditional medicines, protein supplements etc). ªª Certain foods and beverages can interact with medications, making them less effective or causing side effects. ªª Use of a sub-standard medication and counterfeit medicines whose composition and ingredients do not meet the correct scientific requirements, and can be ineffective and often dangerous. ¾¾ When should you suspect an adverse drug reaction developing in you? Following prescription of any medication for any reasons if the patient develops any of the changes listed below, an adverse drug reaction should be suspected: ªª Skin Rash of any nature. ªª Change in respiratory rate, heart rate, hearing, or mental state. ªª Seizure. ªª Anaphylaxis. ªª Diarrhea. . ªª Fever. ... pa
A Complete Family Magazine on Ayurveda, Health & Pharma
Editor Speak
Volume-4 Issue-1 January 2013
Health tips to elders
Shri Krishna M
PUBLISHED BY MEDIA ICON No 2 & 3, Janani, 1st Floor, 7th Cross, Central Excise Layout, Sanjay Nagar Bangalore 94 Phone: 8197554373 E-mail: mediaicon@ymail.com
Medical Advisors Dr. Chalapathy Dr Somashekar Dr Dinesh Babu Dr M.G. Jvali Dr Muralidhar Dr Prabhakar G. Dr G. Mohan Dr Vittal Nayak Dr Sampath kumar Dr Geethanarayan Dr Dugraprasad Reddy Dr Sham Bhat Dr Seetharam prasad Dr Padmini prasad Dr venkatramana Hegde Dr K. Bhujanga Shetty Dr Keerthy patel Dr B. Ramesh Dr S.S. Hiremath Dr. Vasundhara Bhupathy
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Consulting Editors Keshav V. Ramu D V Kumar
Chief Reporter Ramesh Yalagachina This publication is a reference volume only. Do consult your doctors. While the editors do their utmost verify informations published, they do not accept responsibility for its absolute accuracy. Articles, Advertisements published in the book does not imply endorsement by the publisher.
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Evolve a life style that emphasis good nutrition, personal hygiene, adequate exercise, rest, moderation in eating habits and above all a positive mental attitude. Do not ignore unusual and suspicious symptoms relating to your health. Have regular health checkups even if you feel healthy. Ensure that you have a Family Doctor and avoid change of Doctors frequently. Avoid self medication and over the counter drugs. Maintain a file of all your medical records which can be accessed by your family members whenever required. Carry with you a card containing your name, address, phone numbers of contact persons and your Doctor along with particulars of your drug regime Do not stop your medicines all of a sudden without doctor’s advice. Cultivate good oral care to prevent infection. Do not be averse to artificial dentures. It improves food intake, digestion, clarity of speech and facial features. Keep yourself physically, mentally and socially active. Read and write in sufficient light There is no specific dietary rule for elders. Eat healthy food and avoid over eating. Consume a diet high in fibre, low in animal fat and salt. Have a good and nutritious breakfast, moderate lunch and light dinner. Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoid fatty and spicy foods. Ensure that you drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Ensure that you take a multivitamin tablet daily for better supply of Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, D and E. Do not indulge in vigorous exercises. For elders light exercise like walking is the best. Do not be reluctant to rest and relax. As far as possible avoid emotions such as depression, worry, fear, sorrow, envy, hate, resentment as they can adversely affect your health and cause visible physical disabilities. Remember that anxiety places more stress on the heart than any other stimulus.
- Editor www.bangalorehealthtv.com
2. Provide details of
Medicines should be discontinued immediately and the doctor should be consulted for further instructions.
What is the role of the patient in preventing adverse drug reactions? There are a few things patients can do to help prevent the chances of having an adverse drug reaction:
ªª Before consultation: 1. Avoid taking inappropriate drugs in the context
of all clinical condition. Many a times simple measures like rest, diet or life style changes may help alleviate the symptoms. Many illnesses (e.g. viral fevers etc) may settle down in a few days. Also avoid taking over the counter (OTC) medications often and for a long period of time.
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any history of allergies especially due to drugs in the past to your doctor. 3. Always develop the habit of consulting the same doctor (family doctor). This helps the doctor to understand the history of the patient when he is treating the patient and you can also consult him even in emergencies or in doubt. 4. Similarly always purchase the medicines from the same pharmacist as the pharmacist may also be aware of the medications you are consuming and might help you in avoiding the misuse of medications. ¾¾During consultation: 1. Submit a list of medications which you are already using to your doctor and discuss it with him, asking specifically about possible drug interactions. In addition to any prescription medications, be sure you include OTC medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, and medicinal creams or ointments. Make sure you have understood the medicines prescribed and all the instructions given by the doctor. Do not hesitate to ask the doctor again if you have not understood completely. Make sure your pharmacist gives you a correct medications prescribed by your doctor. Do not accept any substitutes without informing the doctor. Also try to read the information sheet given with the medicine. Reread it periodically to see if any new warnings are added and also whenever you add another new medication to double check for possible interactions. You can also collect some information about the drug through computers. 4. Before taking any new medication or supplement, ask your doctor or pharmacist about possible interactions. 5. Use right dose, route, and frequency and follow all the instructions as advised by your doctor. 6. Follow all the instructions given by your doctor as certain investigations and examinations needs to be done periodically in especially drugs which have to be taken for a prolonged period of time.
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After consultation: Consider any untoward incidents, any new symptoms (listed above) as probably due to a drug reaction and discontinue the medicines. 2. You should make a list of all the drugs (prescription, nonprescription, and illegal) and herbal and vitamin supplements you’ve taken over the last 4 weeks. Your doctor may ask you to stop taking any of the suspected drugs and prescribe something else. 3. Carry a card in future (yellow card) which gives the information regarding your drug profile.
Health tips
Life – saving facts about Antioxides For details/ consultations contact: Vydehi Hospital Whitefield Bangalore – 66 Ph: 080-28413381/2/3/4
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Broccoli is great source of cancer-fighters called isothiocyanates. It’s also rich in quercetin; which supports cancer prevention and healthy blood pressure. (You’ll also find quercetin in red onions, red grapes, tomatoes, capers and citrus fruit.) ªª Almonds, plant oils, wheat germ, safflower, corn and soybeans are loaded with vitamin E. Lycopene-rich tomatoes, papaya, watermelon, guava, apricots and pink grapefruit support prostate health for men. Some antioxidants target specific organs. For instance, lulein and zeaxanfhin (both found in green, leafy vegetables like spinach and kale) are important for healthy eyes; grape seed and skin extracts support circulation. Antioxidants from fruit extracts and other dietary sources can reduce skin damage caused by the sun and environmental pollutants. It works the same way plants produce carotcnoids to absorb harmful sun rays before they can damage leaves or other parts of the plant. In humans, dietary antioxidants may play a significant role in protecting new skin. Strawberries are the top-ranking antioxidant superstar. They’re high in vitamin C, and promote collagen formation - the key protein for healthy skin - as well as folate, which supports circulation and reduces risk of birth defects. Another all-star fruit is kiwi, which is loaded with antioxidants vitamin E and carotcnoids. It’s also high in fiber, potassium; magnesium, copper and phosphorous. The kidney beans are rich in B-vitamins
Antioxides are powerhouse nutrients protect against free radicals, the biological bullies linked to heart disease, cancer and aging. Loading up on a single antioxidant or a select few can cause an imbalance in your system and reduce the potency of other antioxidents
(including folate) and iron, and pack a couple grams of fiber per serving. ¾¾ 7 don’ts after a meal 1. Don’t eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal. 2. Don’t drink tea -Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest. 3. Don’t loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked. 4. Don’t bathe - Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount ot’blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system. 5. Don’t walk about-People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake. 6. Don’t sleep immediately-The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. This will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine. 7. Don’t smoke Experiment from experts proxes that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher), ¾¾ Habits affecting the Brain ªª No Breakfast: People who do not take breakfast are www.bangalorehealthtv.com
going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration. ªª Overeating: It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power. ªª Smoking: It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to tier disease. ªª High Sugar consumption: Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development. ªª Air Pollution: The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in the human body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, briimina about a decrease in brain efficiency. ªª Sleep Deprivation: Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells. Head covered while sleeping: Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.  Working your brain during illness: Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.  Lacking in stimulating thoughts: Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.  Non-Talkative: Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain. Walking, a good Exercise: Any exercise burns calories, stimulates blood circulation and helps lower cholesterol levels, among other benefits. If it is not possible to do some workout, or get some jogging or running done on a regular basis, walking is the next best thing.  Prevents type 2 diabetes: The Diabetes Prevention Program showed that walking 150 minutes per week and losing just 7% of your body weight (12-15 pounds) can reduce
your risk of diabetes by 58%. Good for brain:- Researchers found that women who walked the eqimalent of an easy pace at least 1.5 hours per week had significantly better cognitive function and less cognitive decline lhan women who \\ alked less than 40 minutes per week. Helps alleviate symptoms of depression: Walking for 30 minutes, three to five times per \\eck for 12 weeks reduced symptoms of depression as measured with a standard depression questionnaire by 47%. Improves fitness. Walking just three times a week for 30 minutes can significantly increase cardio-respiratory fitness. A study of sedentary women showed that short bouts of brisk walking (three 10minute walks per day) resulted in similar improvements in fitness and were at least as effective in decreasing body fatness as long bouts (one 30-minute walk per day). Improves physical function: Studies shows that walking improves fitness and physical function and prevents physical disability in older persons.
Facial pigmentation over the face For details/ consultations contact: Vydehi Hospital Whitefield Bangalore – 66 Ph: 080-28413381/2/3/4
Any external deposition or development of black or related pigmentation over the face. It can arise because of various factors like: ªª Genetic: when many members of the family are suffering from the disease, genetic factors are supported. ªª Hormonal changes or imbalances: factors like pregnancy, thyroid or ovarian disorders Overexposure of skin to sunlight: more common in people who are outdoor workers. These can also happen in people who indulge in as habitual tanners and people who expose to sunlight intermittently. ªª Illnesses: certain medical illness can lead to various types of pigmentation over the face. Allergic reactions to certain drugs. ªª Cosmetics: they include any type of cosmetics applied over the face. Sometimes cosmetics itself may not be the cause, but the ingredients like preservatives, perfumes, etc might be responsible. In addition to the cosmetics available commercially, home made preparations may also contribute to the pigmentation. Sometimes cosmetics not applied over the face directly, like nail polishes or hair dye might also cause the pigmentation. It should also be kept in mind that cosmetics may not induce this pigmentation immediately after usage, but may induce such changes after a prolonged usage – weeks, months and years. ªª Depending on the various types of disorders, pigmentation can be seen over the different areas of the face. Eg. Around the eyes, around the mouth, over the forehead, both cheeks, over the nose etc. Similar pigmentation may even extend to the neck. One might experience symptoms like itching,
burning sensation etc on these areas, particularly when they go out in sunlight. Your doctor might be able to diagnose clinically itself. However he may have to resort to investigations like skin biopsy etc to rule out other diseases if required. ªª These conditions can be very slow to respond to treatment, so patience is necessary. ªª Start gently, especially if you have sensitive skin. Harsh treatments can lead to postinflammatory pigmentation.
Generally a combination of the following measures is helpful
Dental care
Regular Cleaning of Teeth If you notice pigmentation over the face of any nature, consult your dermatologist. Avoid using medications on your own or by looking at advertisements or by listening to your friends or relatives advice. These measures might eventually prove to be counterproductive and may cause more damage to your problem.
For details/ consultations contact: Vydehi Hospital Whitefield Bangalore – 66 Ph: 080-28413381/2/3/4
A focus on toothbrush, Oral Hygiene, Toothpaste, Frequently of Brushing, Diet and Commen Dental Problems
Stop using cosmetics and also Avoid frequent change of cosmetics over your face. Discontinue hormonal contraception or other such drugs which might be worsening your problem. Year-round sun protection is a must. Use broadspectrum sun screen with a high sun protection factor (SPF – 15 or more) and apply it to the whole face every day at least 20 minutes before going out. Reapply after a few hours if you are going outdoors especially during the summer months. Wear a broad-brimmed hat or have an umbrella. Cover your skin with full clothes like full neck or full sleeve dresses as they are the best barriers for sunlight to fall on the skin. Use a mild cleanser, and if the skin is dry, a light moisturiser. This may not be suitable for those with acne. ¾¾ Cosmetic camouflage (make-up) is invaluable to disguise the pigment. The age old maxim: “An ounce of prevention is much more than a pound of cure” is always true in this condition A step wise approach or a combination of methods like topical cream and chemical peels might be used. It is better if you discuss this with your dermatologist as a particular method of treatment depends on various factors like safety, efficacy, your skin type, cost, duration and depth of pigmentation, etc. Lasers have also been used successfully Many of the treatments may cause allergic or irritant dermatitis. Read the instructions carefully given in the product manual. If you have any doubts do not hesitate to call your dermatologist.
The Ideal Toothbrush- There is a multitude of different shapes and sues of toothbrushes available. It is however; best to use a simply designed or slightly angulated tooth brush. A brush with a head approx 2.5 cm in length is ideal for use in an average adult. Nylon bristles are superior to natural bristles because they are more hygienic and are easier to maintain. Medium lerfured brushes are the best because they cause very little injury to these gums. Frequency of Replaceing the Brush: Generally, the bristles of the medium toothbrush splay in about 4-6 weeks. This is when the brush needs to be
replaced Frequency of BrushingTeeth: Ideally teeth should be brushed immediately after each meal .The brushing before going to bed is important because during sleep the flow of saliva is reduced and any food that is retained in the mouth during the night, causes the most damage. The Toothpaste: Toothpastes are supplementary to the brush-they aid in the cleaning and polishing of accessible Surfaces of the teeth. The main constituents of toothpastes are mild abrasives, soaps, detergents, colouring agents and flavouring agents. Additional substances such as ammonium salt, chlorophyll, flourides, and clove have been used with varying degrees of success. The value, of flouridated toothpastes in preventing caries is now definite.lf a commercial paste is not available, sort and bicarb of soda are very cheap and effective substitutes. It is however a bad practice to rub lime juice on the teeth as it can damage the teeth. Dental Floss: The toothbrush cannot adequately clean in between the teelh. Dental floss is the most efficient method to clean this area .Waxed and unwaxed floss is available .The floss is wrapped around two fingers and gently pulled backwards and forwards between the teeth, takking care to avoid damage to the gums.lt is best to learn this technique from your dentist. Dentist and Oral Hygiene:
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For good teeth, regular visit to the dentist is necessary. His role is to ensure the complete elimination of decay and stag nation. This is done by scaling, polishing and filling the teeth, and carrying out corrective techniques as and when necessary .This ensures that there is no region in the mouth where food can lodge and cause problems. Diet and teeth Flourides: Adequate intake of calcuim, phospharus, flouride and vitamins A, C, and D are essential. Teeth containing flouride are definitely more resistant to decay. Carbohydrates: intake of refined carbohydrates like flour, sugar, and other carbohydrates which
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have been treated in order to make them whiter, less fibrous and tastier become sticky quickly and cling to the teeth for long periods. They are easily broken down to acids by this bacteria in the mouth, these acids are primarily responsible for tooth decay. Other Foodstuff: Frequent consumption of acidic food stuffs like habitual drinking of carbonated drinks and excessive consumption of same fruit juices is associated with erosions of the teeth. It is also suggested that one should end meals with fibrous foods such as carrots and other salad as folirous foods might have a mild cleansing reaction as they remove food debris from the teeth. Cleansing reaction as they remove food debris from the teeth. Commen Dental Problems: Dental Caries (Tooth Decay): Tooth decay is the disease of the hard parts of the teeth, leading to disintegration. The only successful way to stop tooth decay is of cut down on the frequency of eating sugar. Adequate brushing alone will also not eliminate decay, but it does stop the plaque film from building up to a great thickness. Plaque: The film of bacteria known as plaque forms very quickly on the tooth surfaces .The areas of the teeth such as the pits and fissures in between the teeth where the brush cannot reach, are the places where plaque remains undisturbed despite frequent brushing Gum Inflammation: Gum Inflammation or Pyorrhoea is one of the commonest diseases in the world. The patient may sometimes notice bleeding of gums especially while brushing the teeth. Bad breath is most commonly caused by chronic inflammation of the gums. In this disease oral hygiene and interdental cleaning is the most important preventive measure
Ayur care Dr S S Hiremut Danventari Hospital , Rajaji nagar, Bangalore Ph:
080-2350 5777,
080- 2340 9450
Email : dhanvantari.ayurved@gmail.com, Web: www. dhanvantarihospital.com
It Offers great benefits for the hair and scalp, strengthen the hair, promote growth, help to slow the greying process, tends to ‘hold’ stress and tension. Ultimately it leads to greater range of physical and mental benefits.
Head massage I
ndian Head Massage was originally developed as a grooming technique by women who used it to strengthen and improve the fullness of the hair. This was achieved by stimulating the pressure points on the scalp. It was particularly popular with women of fashion who wanted to enhance their appearance. The technique, in many senses, became part of everyday life and was
practised on young and old alike. It became a tradition that was handed down through the generations. For such an ancient tradition, it may at first seem surprising that this form of therapy is enjoying such a resurgence of interest, but an examination of its benefits quickly reveals, why it is as relevant now as ever. It still offers great benefits for the hair and scalp, apart from strengthening the hair and promoting growth, it is also said to help slow the greying process. But over the years the therapy has been extended to include not just the head, but the face, neck, shoulders, back and arms. By focussing on the areas, which tend to ‘hold’ stress and tension this gentle form of massage can now offer a far greater range of physical and mental benefits. The head is the centre of the nervous system. The brain is the first organ to form in the process of foetal development. It is larger and heavier than any other organ. Head massage performed with oils during the first few months of life is excellent for the infant’s brain and eyesight development. In the later years, it performs several functions like relaxing the tense nerve, stimulating the hair follicles and bringing about a total relaxation. ¾¾ How is the Therapy Performed? It is usually performed with soothing oils to help maximise the benefits and to aid the reduction of stress. Most commonly used oils are: ªª Almond Oil: The beneficial properties of this oil include reducing aches, pains and stiffness, and generally promoting healthy hair. ªª Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is good for moisturising the skin and encouraging hair growth. It also balances the body. Believed to have cooling properties, coconut oil is best during the warm season. ªª Mustard Oil: Like almond oil, mustard oil is useful for relieving aches, pains and stiffness. It can be used to reduce swelling and is also good for purifying the blood by opening the pores. It is also said to bring in warmth to the skin, during the cold season. ªª Olive Oil: This oil has very similar properties to mustard oil, but without the pungent smell.
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ªª Sesame Oil: Sesame oil is probably the most commonly used oil. It can be used to relieve aches, pains and stiffness but is also said to benefit hair growth and reduce greying, while promoting a natural shine. In addition to the oils above, a blend of essential oils may also be applied to the scalp. The most popular of which are Lavender and Rosemary. Lavender is used for its calming and relaxing effect, while Rosemary, which also helps relieve aches and stress, gives an uplifting feeling and sense of being energized. ¾¾ Benefits of Head Massage ªª Benefits headaches, eye strain and sinus problems. Release of anxiety, tiredness and depression. Improves sleep. Improves alertness and concentration. It is calming, comforting and promotes a feeling of well-being. Improves skin and hair condition. Regular therapy sessions produce a cumulative effect. Good for stress & stress related conditions. Circulation problems disappear. Effective for aching & strained muscles. Increases the supply of fresh oxygen and glucose to the brain. Through massage, an electrochemical balance can be maintained which results in health and long-life. Retards hair loss, premature balding and greying by stimulating the circulation to the hair follicles, encouraging hair growth. Improves joint mobility. The Combination of Techniques Used Aids the circulatory, muscular and nervous systems. Stimulates arterial circulation, and increases venous and lymphatic flow. Reduces stress and can induce a feeling of euphoria. Frees knots of muscular tension and relaxes connective tissue. Stimulates the skin and underlying nerve endings. Aids in the elimination of accumulated toxins and waste products. What Head Massage Can Do for You? The head massage is a technique of manipulating soft tissues in the shoulders and scalp. The therapist uses a range of different massage pressures and rhythms to stimulate the head and neck area. A typical massage lasts about 20 minutes. The massage is essentially made up of three components; the neck, shoulders, and head. The neck and shoulder massage helps lymphatic drainage, eliminates muscle tension and stimulates circulation. This helps to disperse www.bangalorehealthtv.com
waste material from the body and distribute oxygen to all the tissues. ªª The head massage stimulates and improves scalp circulation, which improves the strength, texture and growth of hair. ªª The face massage soothes and rebalances your energy flow, making you feel calm and tranquil. ªª The head, more than any other part of your body, most fully represents, who you are. It is the centre of your nervous system, the seat of your intelligence and the repository of your identity. If your head feels good, you feel good. The skull is covered with a thin layer of muscle, which tightens when we’re tense, resulting in headaches and feelings of anxiety. By relaxing this muscle, a head massage can improve blood flow, alleviate anxiety and relax your whole body. Your scalp, face, neck and shoulders are all energy centres, where tension can accumulate. A combination of rhythmic strokes will soothe and rebalance the energy flow, creating feelings of ease and peace. ªª Practitioners massage the shoulders, neck, scalp and face with alternate firm and gentle movements, which relax the thin layer of muscle covering the head, improving blood flow, nourishing hair follicles and alleviating anxiety and stress. The physical benefits are obtained immediately with relaxation of the muscles and easing of tension. It will also relieve mental tiredness, promote clearer thinking, and give a higher level of alertness and concentration. ªª On a subtler level the higher chakras, or energy levels, are points of focus throughout the treatment, enabling stagnant energy to be released whilst balancing the chakras (energy levels) and helping the body to work in a more harmonious and peaceful way. ¾¾ Do it Yourself The following head massage will help decrease muscle tension and at the same time help to improve the condition of your hair. In just 10 minutes, you can be free of headaches and the rubbing action of the head will increase blood flow, thus nourishing hair follicles. ªª Before starting changing into loose, comfortable clothes find a quiet, warm, relaxing place to carry out the massage. ªª Sit up straight in a chair with your back resting on the back support. Placing both your feet flat on the floor, take a few deep breaths and visualize the warm sun on your face. Now concentrate on relaxing each muscle in your body individually, until you are completely relaxed. ªª If essential oils are available, the fragrance chosen will further help to relax your stiff muscles. If you have dry hair: olive, sesame, or cold-compressed sunflower oil should be used. While, greasy hair should be massaged with almond, or sesame oil. ªª To increase hair growth, sandalwood, or rosemary can be tried and a few drops of tea-tree oil can be used to treat dandruff. Warm some of the chosen essential oil in the palm of your hands
and gently rub it into the crown of your head. Using your palms and fingertips rub some more oil into your hair, going from the sides and back of your head up to the crown. ªª Then use your fingertips and thumbs to press on the scalp in a downward and forward manner creating heat through friction by using small, rhythmic movements over one spot. Make sure to work your way over the entire head, again coming up from the sides and back. This will loosen up the scalp muscles and bring a soothing and relaxed feeling. ªª Next, place the heels of your hands over your temples and, while keeping one hand still, move the other hand up and down vigorously on the same spot. This action is a terrific one to pep up the blood circulation in the scalp area. ªª Repeat this step using the other hand as well and, then do the same at the front and back of your head. ªª Run your fingertips through your hair at the sides of your head and at the same time close your fingers and gently pull. The tugging action should be gentle and not rough. Then, move your hands from side to side. ªª Now gently rub the areas in front and above of your ears, using a circular motion to remove any tension in the temple region. ªª Putting your hands on your temples with your fingers pointing upwards, then repeatedly squeeze for five seconds and release. Repeat this, while squeezing the area above your ears. ªª The muscles on either side of your neck at the bottom of your skull are massaged next, by quickly rubbing them up and down with your fingertips. Then, tilt your head back and rest it on your thumbs, for fifteen seconds. ªª Finally, squeeze and relax your neck muscles, gently pulling them in a circular motion and go down and across to the tips of your shoulders. Use the right hand for the right side of your neck and the left for the left side. This action will loosen up all stiff muscles in the shoulder and neck region. ªª It is important to remember to lightly pass your fingers through your hair to relax you head. ªª This type of massage can also be used in the office without oil, to improve concentration and work performance. Note: As with all massage therapies it is necessary to drink at least 8 glasses of water within the 24-hours following treatment in order to flush out toxins. It is also important to relax after the treatment, in order to maximize its effectiveness. Head massage should not be taken, if you have had a recent neck injury.
White discharge
Dr B Ramesh Dr. RAMESH HOSPITAL # 6/63, 59th Cross, 4th Block, Rajajinagar Entrance, Opposite to MEI Polytechnic, Bangalore - 560 010 Ph: 080 - 23151873 Mob: 9844291777
here is lot of secretions in our body from mucous membranes & glands, which have their own function, depending upon the place like sebum secretions in the face, and saliva in the mouth. These secretions protect our body by forming a slimy lining over the skin or mucous membrane to keep moist & flexible. If this secretion becomes very low we feel dryness & cracked skin which paves way for infection. Like wise vaginal glands produce secretions which keep the vagina moist, flexible and prevent infection. At ovulation time the nature of the secretions get altered to allow fertilization. White discharges are cloudy secretions from vagina. Leucorrhoea is a medical term for excess secretions of vagina were they suffer from discomfort & pain. ¾¾ Types ªª Physiological leucorrhoea occurs commonly in teenage girls due to hormonal imbalance during puberty, ovulation, before periods, early days of pregnancy and during sexual excitement. In new born female babies it occurs due to estrogen hormone in blood of the baby which had entered through her mother’s placenta before delivery. Pathological leucorrhoea occuring ªª due to disease or malfunction of the female genital tract. The nature of discharge varies from slimy to thick bloody. ¾¾ Causes ªª Infection:could be from fungus, from parasites or from bacteria ªª Injury: - to
the vagina or cervix All females of or womb during reproduction age child birth, abortion, or excessive sexual groups (menarche indulgence cause to menopause) erosions & infection are prone to with discharge. leucorrhoea Poor hygienic at sometime conditions and lack or the other. of cleanliness Pathological Diabetes and anaemia: - can leucorrhoea provoke infections due occurs more to weekend immunity. commonly in Spread aaikpeople with poor Infection from hygiene as they Adjacent Urinary are prone to Tract(UTI):oralimentarytract venereal diseases, (worms) PID. Irriation of iucd (intra uterine contraceptive device) Symptoms:Lower abdominal pain Painful sexual act Back ache and pain in the leg, thigh, calf muscles Intense itching with Odem of vagina Soreness and burning in the genital tract Burning urination and frequent urge to pass very little urine Irritability and lack of concentration in work. •Digestive disturbances like constipation or diarrhea or vomiting General tiredness due to loss of vital fluids as discharges Diagnosis Diagnosed as physiological or pathological by vaginal smear, for presence of bacteria or virus or fungus. ....page 21
Gynecologic problems
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Super Speciality Hospital for Laproscopic Surgeries
Infertility and IVF
#6/63, 59th Cross, 4th Block, Rajajinagar Entrance(Opp.) to MEI Polytechnic, Bangalore-560 010 Phone : (H) 2315 1873, Telefax : 2311 6750, Mob : 99000 31842 Email : endoram2004@yahoo.co.in/ dr.rameshb@yahoo.com/ www.laparoscopicsurgeries.com
uu Eye care tt
Seeing is living
Dr. K. Bhujang Shetty
Managing director, Narayana Nethralaya 121/C, West of cord road, Rajajinagar R Block, Bangalore 10 Ph: 080- 23373311/66121300
Our eyes are our most important sensory organ. Our eyes are our most important sensory organ. The human brain obtains over 80% of its information via the sense of sight; our eyes are our windows to the world. Seeing is recognizing. Seeing is experiencing. Seeing is independence and freedom. Seeing is living. Well over half the world’s population relies on glasses or contact lenses to see well. But many find that being dependent upon optical appliances interferes with their professional lives and leisure time. Simply being able to see. Without glasses or contact lenses. Completely free of any optical appliances. This is now possible in increasing numbers of cases thanks to ongoing developments in medicine and technology. Refractive visual correction techniques have been scientifically recognized and clinically tested over the last few decades. They have come to represent an important alternative to traditional correction methods such as glasses and contact lenses. ¾¾ Types of vision defect The physical/optical principles behind the human eye are similar to those in a camera. The cornea and lens assume the role of the camera lens. They bundle the paralle incidental light rays and determine the focal distance. In an eye with normal vision, the light rays are focused so that the focal point is on the retina itself. The result is a sharply focused image. This is then transmitted via the optic nerve to the brain. Nearsightedness is the most common vision defect worldwide. Almost half the global population is - to varying degrees - affected by it. In nearsighted people, the eye is too long in relation to its refractive power. Light rays are refracted by the cornea and the lens in such a way that the focal point lies in front of the retina. By the time the rays hit the retina itself, they are already drifting apart. The result is a retinal image which is out of focus. Distant objects appear blurred. Depending on the degree of vision defect, near objects are in sharp focus. In farsighted people, the eye is too short in relation to the refractive power. Light rays are refracted by the cornea and the
lens in such a way that the focal point is behind the retina. A blurred image is then created on the retina because the rays are not yet focused when they hit it. Up to a certain age this lack of refractive power can be compensated by changing the shape of the lens (accommodation). Depending on the extent of the farsightedness, objects which are close, and even distant ones in some cases, are no longer in sharp focus. In people with astigmatism, the curvature of the cornea is uneven. The resulting refraction causes multiple focai points to be created. Objects both near and far appear skewed or distorted. Astigmatism can occur independently or be accompanied by farsightedness or nearsightedness. ªª Normal vision (emmetropia): Light rays are refracted by the cornea and the lens in such a way that the focal point is directly on the retina. Objects both near and far appear in sharp focus. ªª Nearsightedness (myopia): Light rays are refracted by the cornea and the Sens in such a way that the focal point is in front of the retina. Distant objects appear out of focus. Depending on the degree of myopia, near objects appear in sharp focus. ªª Farsightedness (hyperopia): Light rays are refracted by the cornea and the lens in such a way that the focal point is behind the retina. Depending on the extent of the farsightedness, objects which are close, and even distant ones in some cases, appear out of focus. ªª Astigmatism: The irregular curvature of the cornea causes the light rays to be refracted into multiple focal points and not just one. Depending on the extent of the astigmatism, objects both near and far appear skewed and distorted.
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30 50 (AGE YEARS)
Therapy options in stem cells for
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the following diseases
¾¾ S CTER provides banked allogenic epithelial stem cells on biocompatible membranes for rapid cover of wounds ¾¾ It also offer training to biotech students.
ªª Highly skilled and experienced team of doctors and scientists.
ªª Already transferred technologies to ªª ªª ªª
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ªª ªª
biology tests done in ‘In House Facility’ and not dependent on vagaries of outsourcing problems. SCTER is the only company that offers hopes for 1” and 2nd degree burns for rapid and scarless healing. SCTER is the only company that offers ‘Epidermal-Melanin Unit Culture1 for stable vitiligo.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Admin Office: STEM CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING # 16 “PADMAVATI ARCADE” 1st Floor, RESEARCH (P) LTD., Laboratory & Research Center: 601,11-A, BHAT BIO-TECH CAMPUS, 4th Cross, Veerasandra Industnal Area, Electronics City Bengaluru-560100. Kamataka, India, Ph.: 080-33194035 / 33194000 Fax: 080-43514001 E-mail: info@stemzen.com
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Web : www.nisarganaturecureyoga.org
uu Eye care tt For details contact
Dr Hareesh K V Abhishek Nethradhama HIG2024, 3rd B cross, ‘B’ Sector, ICICI bank road, near SBI,Yelahanka New town Bangalore -64 Ph: 08040933219/7795715203
Eye forms the window to the world through vision and is a mode of expression. Technically, the eye is a sense organ which processes light stimulus to visual perception
EYE and vision disorders ¾¾
Optical Gateway to Good Vision Normally, the light rays entering the eye are focused on the retina by the cornea and the lens, creating a sharp image that is transmitted to the brain. Ciliary muscles adjust the lens shape to focus image properly. This process of adjustment is called as accommodation. ¾¾ Vision Disorder Refractive Error: The inability of the eye to focus the light rays accurately on the retina is called Refractive Error. ¾¾ Symptoms of Refractive Error ªª Blurred vision (distant / near / both) ªª Headache ªª Visual fatigue ªª Frowning while reading Cataract: Cataract is opacification or
OUR BRANCHES Mosque Complex, Opp. Rajkamal Theatre, Fort Road, Doddaballapura-561 203 Phone : 0819- 321161, Mob: 7795805848 1st Floor, Opp. Bus Stand, Railway Station Road, Arsikere, Hassan Dist.-573 103, Phone : 08474 - 234030
FACILITIES AVAILABLE Cataract Services Cornea Services Diabetic Eye care Services Paediatric Services
Glaucoma Services Orbit, Oculoplasty & Neurophthalmology Community Services Facial Asthetics
# HIG 2024, 3rd ‘B’ Sector, ICICI Bank Road, Near SBI, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru-64, Ph: 080 - 40933219 / 7795715203
E-mail : abhisheknethradhama@yahoo.in
bright and dim light
Retinal Detachment A retinal detachment is a separation of the retina from its normal attachments to its underlying tissue within the eye, similar to wallpaper becoming lose from a wall.
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clouding of human natural lens in the eye that affects vision. ¾¾ Symptoms of Cataract ªª Frequent change of prescription for eye glasses ªª Blurred vision ªª Decreased contrast sensitivity ªª Glare ªª Defective night time vision Squint: Squint (Strabismus), is a visual disorder where both eyes are not straight and point in different directions. Squint can occur early in childhood or later in adulthood as complications of other disease. ¾¾ Symptoms of Squint ªª Eyes that do not look in same direction at the same time ªª Eyes that do not move together ªª Squinting or closing of one eye in bright light ªª Tilting or turning the head to look at an object ªª Bumping into things (lack of depth perception) ªª Double vision mainly in adults ¾¾ Child may also complaint about ªª Blurred Vision ªª Tired eyes ªª Sensitivity to light
Symptoms of Retinal Detachment Blurred vision Flashes New Floaters (Spots floating in visual field) ªª Shadow or curtain over vision ªª Feeling of heaviness in the eye Glaucoma: Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases characterized by raise in Intra Ocular Pressure leading to visual field loss due to optic nerve damage. ¾¾ Symptoms of Glaucoma ªª Loss of field of vision ªª Coloured haloes around light ªª Frequent changes of presbyopic glasses ªª Mild head ache / eye ache Dry Eye Syndrome: Dry Eye Syndrome is a break down of the tear film as a result of ªª Not enough tears produced by tear gland (Lacrimal gland) ªª Poor composition of tear. ¾¾ Symptoms of Dry Eye ªª General irritation / burning sensation ªª Foreign body sensation ªª Itching/Redness ªª Excess tear ªª Eye pain or soreness ªª Fluctuating vision ªª Mucous discharge ªª Contact lens discomfort
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) Diabetic retinopathy is caused by changes in the blood vessels of the retina, which may swell and leak fluid, or result in growth of abnormal new blood vessels on the surface of the retina. Over a period of time, diabetic retinopathy can get worse and cause vision loss usually affecting both eyes. ¾¾ Symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy ªª Blurred vision ªª Poor night vision ªª Flashes and Floaters {Spots floating in visual field) ªª Sudden vision loss ªª Difficulty in adjusting to
Life style
Air Travel
Most people don’t have any problems when they fly, but it’s possible to make airplane travel safer and more comfortable. Here are some tips:
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Carry enough of all of your medicines in your carry-on luggage. Ask your doctorwhether you should change your dosages if your eating and sleeping times will change at your destination. Carry enough medicine to last your whole trip. Take extra medicine with you in case your return trip is delayed. If you have diabetes or epilepsy, carry a notification and identification card. Have the name and phone number of your doctor with you in case of an emergency. Remember to carry along the names and dosages of all of your medicines. The air in airplanes is dry, so drink nonalcoholic, decaffeinated beverages and water to avoid becoming dehydrated What can one do about jet lag? Get plenty of sleep before you leave. Don’t drink alcohol. Eat well-balanced meals. Use sleep medicines for only in emergency Get used to a new time zone by going along with the local meal and bedtime schedules. Melatonin may help with jet log, but no one knows how long it can be used safely. Tell your Doctor if you plan to take melatonin or any other herbal or alternative medicine
White discharge
Cervical biopsy to rule out cancer of cervix. Culture & sensitivity test to identify bacteria Routine blood test Urine test Avoid:Stress and strain since it affect the hormonal level and may increase secretions
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What about pain in ears If yours ears hurt when you fly, try taking a decongestant medicine before you get on the plane. You can also swallow often and chew gum during the flight. Babies can suck on bottles or a pacifiers during the flight. ¾¾ What else should one do? ªª Even healthy people can get blood clots in their legs after long flights. Try to walk every now and then during your flight [unless the crew tells you not to). It also helps to drink water, stretch your calf muscles while you’re sitting and wear support stockings. If your doctor wants you to take oxygen when you travel, remember to tell the airline about this well in advance of your flight. The airline will probably provide oxygen for you for a fee. Federal air regulations don’t allow you to carry your own oxygen unit on a plane. You’ll have to make arrangements ahead of time for oxygen at your destination and also for layovers between flights. You can also arrange for special meals or a wheelchair ahead of time if needed. ªª It’s dangerous to fly-immediately after scuba diving. You’ll need to wait 12 to 24 hours after diving. Ask your doctor or diving authorities for guidelines on flying after scuba-diving.
Sharing towels and underwear Synthetic or nylon underwear causes dampness of genital organs. Always wear cotton underwear to avoid moisture Sexual intercourse during heavy discharges Sexual intercourse without condoms while under treatment Take:Hygienic measures to keep
genitals clean and wash underwear daily and make them sun dry. Nutritious diet, food rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, magnesium and zinc to improve general health. Plenty of water and juices to avoid urinary tract infection and its spread to vagina and cervix.
uu A medicinal plant in your own yard tt Dr.Vasundhara Bhupathi
No 222, 2nd E cross, 3rd Block 3rd Stage Basaweswara nagar Bangaluru - 79 Mob: 9480334750
t is stimulant, carminative, relieves Kapha and obstruction from liver and spleen. It is used in bronchitis and congestion.
Scientific name Piper longum. L. Common name
Long pepper
Pippali, Magadhi, Teekshna tandula, Vaidehi kana, Krishnaa
Pimpli, Peepal, Peepari
Hippali, Pippali
Pippallu, Pippali katte
Pipili, Tippali
Pimpali, Pippli
Long pepper is the unripe spike of Piper longum. It is a slender aromatic perennial creeper. The spikes of this plant contain piperine and piplartine alkaloids. The roots and fruits are used in the treatment of palsy, gout and lumbago. The fruit and root both have a bitter and hot sharp taste. In Ayurveda the root is used as a carminative/ tonic to the liver, stomachic, emmenagogue, and abortifacient, aphrodisiac. Whereas the fruit is said to possess haematinic, diuretic, digestive, general tonic properties besides being useful in inflammation of the liver, pains in the joints, lumbago, snakebite, scorpion sting and night-blindness. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Resin, Starch, Gum, Piperine, Piplaritin- All are alkaloids. ¾¾ MEDICINAL USES ªª One spoon of powder mixed with honey is very good for cough, cold and throat pain, ªª Pippali, pippali root, black pepper and ginger -taken in equal quantities, made into powder.This mixed with honey taken thrice daily cures all the throat problems. One spoon of the same powder if taken with hot water controls dyspepsia, flatulence, and abdominal pain.
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In arthritic pain.—one spoon of powder can be taken with honey. The sesame oil mixed with powder can be used for massage. This is aphrodisiac in nature. The powder with honey improves the blood, hence can betaken in anaemia. Equal quantity of Pippali, Amalaki, Turmeric and rocksalt if taken in one spoon with hot water or buttermilk improves digestion. If the powder is taken every day with honey it improves immunity in children. Hence is very good in overcoming general debility. This is the drug of choice in spleenic enlargement. The decoction prepared with three pippali is prepared at first. One process called “Vardhamana Pippali” is to be followed every day starting with three. Increase the number by three i.e. six on the second day. The total reaches thirty on the tenth day. From the eleventh day start decreasing the number by three. The whole process is completed in twenty days. This is known as Vardhamana pippali. ªª The pippali with honey or milk given from one month to one-year-old child improves immunity. ªª The root can be used as antahelminthic, contraceptive, antidote in insect bites and in nightblindness as medicine. It acts as medicine even in fever and leucoderma.
Weight loss resolution for New Year? We help you to focus on your goal in a natural and healthy way
Dr. Anitha Director Shathayu Ayurveda No.688, CBI Main Raod, HMT Layout, Ganganagar, Bangalore-32 ph: 080-64533311 mob: 9448075171
he eve of Christmas and New Year is all about the good times with loved ones and over indulgence in those high calorie foods, drinks and desserts. At the end of the party it is the time to make a newNew Year resolution to shed those extra kilos. Every January roughly one third of the people resolve to lose weight as New Year resolution. It is one of the most popular resolutions, but only small percentage of people actually achieves it.People often will just set a weight-loss goal, but they don’t have a good plan on how to get there. As everybody knows the Overweight and Obesity are the major risk factors for type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure, PCOD, Infertility and Arthritis. Many a times hidden factors like hormonal
imbalance, depression, stress and low metabolism are main reasons for increase in weight than mere excess eating and lack of activity. Shathayu Ayurveda will make sure you stick to your resolution and discover NEW YOU IN YOU. These simple 4 steps lead you to lose 6 kgs in just 25 days!! Step 1 Get support - Weight loss is a hard thing to do alone, but having a support system can make it easier to achieve that goal. Our panels of doctors help you to motivate and attain your weight loss in healthier way. Deep cleansing Detox, paste massage with slight diet modification and walking. Your body will lose weight faster after one undergoes detox. Detox removes fatsoluble toxins and improves metabolic rate .Our anti cellulite paste massage balances your hormones and gives shape to your body with remarkable fat loss. Step 2 Eat balance food -Healthy and permanent weight loss requires a long-term change in your approach towards nutrition. Following a crash diet might result in some rapid weight loss but as soon as you slightly increase your food intake, your body tends to gain back all the weight that you lost with crash dieting. For long lasting weight loss, eat smaller and wellbalancedmeals, because such a diet plan will be easier for you to follow and you will get your desired results at the same time Step 3 Develop an exercise program - Include a good physical activity in your daily routine. Exercise not only helps in burning extra calories but it also keeps your metabolism high. The key is to do some sort of vigorous physical activity on daily basis in order to stay fit and continue burning extra fat.. Aim for at least 40 minutes of exercise like walking or yoga fivedays a week. Step 4 Sleep Well –Sleep is essential for a person’s health and wellbeing, it is termed as one of the Life Supporting Pillar in Ayurveda. Sleep reduces stress, fatigue & regulates the hormones. Chronic sleep deprivation may cause weight gain by affecting the way our bodies process and store carbohydrates, and by altering levels of hormones that affect our appetite / metabolism. Just like every other task on your “To Do “ list , you need to make time and put effort for healthy you . Join with Shathayu for a sure shot way to reach your weight loss goal in 2013. www.bangalorehealthtv.com
Varicose Veins
Dr.Venkatraman Hegde BNYS MS Nisarga Hospital Five road circle, Sirsi, UK district - 581401 Ph: 08384-225414 E-mail: drvhegde@yahoo.com Mob: 9448729434
Dr. Loren P Saldanha dr.lorenpsaldanha@gmail.com
Veins are thin – walled vessels through which the impure blood is carried back to the heart
Veins are thin – walled vessels through which the impure blood is carried back to the heart. They usually have valves which regular the flow of blood towards the heart. Varicose veins are a condition in which veins become enlarged, dilated or thickened. Varicose veins can occur in any part of the body but generally appear on the legs. The veins of the legs are the largest in the body and they carry the blood from the lower extremities upwards towards the heart. The direction of circulation in these vessels is largely determined by gravity. Though there are no mechanical obstacles to blood – flow, it is usually the incompetence of the valve which leads to an increase in intravenous pressure. Varicose veins have an unsightly appearance and can be dangerous. A blood clot within a large, greatly dilated vein may breakaway and move toward the heart and lungs, causing serious complications. Varicose veins are about thrice as common as occurrence in women as in men. This disease is rare in rural undeveloped societies. Symptoms: The first sign of varicose veins is
a swelling along the course of the veins. This may be followed by muscular cramps and a feeling of tiredness in the legs behind the knees. In some cases, the normal flow of blood towards the heart may be reversed when the patient is in an upright position. This results in venous blood collecting in the lower part of the legs and the skin becomes purplish and pigmented, leading to what is known as varicose eczema or varicose ulcers. Both conditions cause severe pain. Causes: A varicose condition of the veins results from sluggish circulation due to various factors such as constipation, dietetic errors, lack of exercise and smoking. Standing for long periods and wearing tight clothing can also lead to sluggish circulation. Pregnancy may cause varicose veins due to increased pressure in the pelvis and abdomen, which slows down the flow of blood from the lower extremities to the heart. Women usually suffer from this condition in the early years of child – bearing. Obesity can also cause varicose veins. Treatment: For a proper treatment of varicose
veins, the patients should, in the beginning, be put on a juice fast for four or five days or on all – fruit diet for 7 to 10 days. A warm water enema should be administered daily during this period to cleanse the bowels and measures should be taken to avoid constipation. After the juice fast or all the fruits – diet ,the patient should adopt restricted diet plan. In this regimen, oranges or orange and lemon juice may be taken for breakfast. The midday meal may consist of a raw salad or any of the vegetables in the season with olive oil and lemon juice dressing. Steamed vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, carrots, turnips, cauliflower and raisins, figs or dates may be taken in the evening. No bread or potatoes or other starchy food should be included in this diet, or otherwise the whole effect of the diet will be lost. After the restricted diet, the patient may gradually embark upon a well – balanced diet with emphasis on grains, seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits. About 75 per cent of the diet should consist of raw vegetables and fruits. All condiments , alcoholic drinks, coffee, strong tea, white flour products, white sugar, and white sugar products should be strictly avoided. A short fast or the all – fruit diet for two or three days may be undertaken every month, depending on the progress. Raw vegetables juices, especially carrot juice in combination with spinach juice, have proved highly beneficial in the treatment of varicose veins. The formula proportion considered helpful in this combination are carrot 300 ml and spinach 200 ml to prepare 500 ml of juice. Certain nutrients, especially vitamin E and C have also been found effective in the treatment of this disease. The patient should take vitamin C in a therapeutic dose up to 3,000 mg and Vitamin E in therapeutic doses from 600 to 1200 I.U. daily. This will relieve him of pain and leg cramps associated with varicose veins. The alternate hot and cold hip bath is very valuable and should be taken daily. The affected parts should be sprayed with cold water or cold packs should be applied to them. A mud pack may be applied at night and allowed to remain until morning. A hot Epsom - salt bath is also very valuable and should be taken twice a week. Precautionary Measures :The following precautionary measures will help prevent varicose veins and ease symptoms if the disease has already developed : ªª When on a long plane or train trip get up and walk around every half an hour. If on a long trip by car, stop once in a while and get out to stretch your legs. When you are reading or watching television, elevate your feet and rest your legs on a chair or stool. ªª Mobility helps general circulation. Walking is beneficial as the movements of leg muscles help push the blood upwards. Swimming or walking in deep water does much the same thing. The great pressure of the water against legs helps move the blood up the veins and
protects against stagnation. Sleeping with feet raised slightly above the level of the heart helps the blood flow away from ankles. In case of serious troubles with varicose veins, the bed should be raised by placing blocks of six inches height under the posts at the foot. This is, however, not advisable for person with heart trouble. ªª If confined to bed, movement of feet and legs should be encouraged to help keep circulation moving youthfully. ªª Round garters should never be worn. They cut off the venous circulation, thus raising pressure in the veins and increasing the risk of varicosity ªª Elastic girdles should not be worn continuously , especially when seated for a long time, such as at a desk, or during a plane, train or auto trip. The girdles bunch up and hamper the return flow of blood. ªª Pregnant woman should wear elastic stockings and lie down occasionally during the day. Getting up soon after delivery is also helpful in blood circulation. ªª These easy – to – follow flex – exercises are beneficial as they ease the cause of varicose veins and thereby relieve the resultant symptoms. Sun bathing and deep breathing exercises are also helpful. Certain inverted yoga postures such as viparitakarni, sarvangasana, and shirshasana are beneficial in the treatment of varicose veins as they drain the blood from the legs and reduce pressure on the veins. They help to relax the muscles and allow the blood freely in and out of the lower extremities. Padmasana, gomukhasana, vajrasana and shalabhasana are also beneficial.
Physical Activity in Diabetes Mellitus
How does Exercise help you? ªª Exercise is important for maintaining your overall health as well as controlling your diabetes. The best exercise is an activity you enjoy and which uses large amounts of energy over a period of time. An exercise period each day is ideal.
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Exercise is an important factor in maintaining your overall health, as well as controlling diabetes. Exercise is any physical activity that uses large amount of energy over a period of time. Exercise preserves and increases your muscle tone and strength, provides exercise for your heart and blood vessels and increases your lung efficiency. For the person with diabetes, exercise has additional benefits. The sensitivity of your body cells to the action of insulin increases when you participate in a regular exercise program. Fat plumpy cells are resistant to the action of insulin and hence demands greater quantities of insulin to keep the blood sugar under control. This increased sensitivity makes it possible for the cells of your body to use glucose more easily. Exercise can also lower the levels of fat, such as cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. A regular exercise program can be a valuable addition to a weight reduction programme for people who are over weight.
Exercise also has immense psychological benefits - they help to cope better with stress and work out frustrations. ªª There is no single exercise program which is right for every person with diabetes. Each person should develop a program based on his or her own lifestyle, interests and physical abilities. ªª Before planning your exercise program ensure that your diabetes is adequately controlled. Consult with your physician before starting a new exercise program. ªª The best exercise for a person with diabetes is an activity, which uses large amounts of energy over period of time, such as brisk walking, running, jogging, bi-cycling, tennis, cross country skiing, and skipping. These activities help maintain good blood glucose control. ªª Most people will follow an exercise program with more enthusiasm, if they participate in an activity they enjoy. Choose activities which you enjoy. ªª An exercise period each day is ideal. The best time to exercise is 2 hours after a meal. ªª One can start the exercise programme with 10-20 minute duration, which can be gradually increased to at least 60 minutes per day. ¾¾ Good exercise programmes have four characteristics ªª The type of activity ªª The intensity ªª The duration of each session ªª The frequency of the sessions. ¾¾ Consider each of these in planning exercise program.
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No exercise should be performed if your blood glucose levels are out of control; especially if urine ketones are present and blood glucose levels are over 300mg/dl. Under these circumstances exercises will only send the blood glucose level soaring or worsen the ketosis. Because, exercise lowers the blood glucose levels; it needs compensatory adjustments in the two other major factors controlling blood glucose levels - food and insulin. For any exercise after 2 hours of a meal, a snack is necessary. For a short period of intense exercise, a fast acting carbohydrate like a fruit or milk is good. For a longer period of less intense exercise, both slow acting carbohydrate and a protein rich
food is important, Eg., sandwich plus a glass of milk Usually it takes about three weeks for the body to adapt itself to any exercise programme. During this period, one can anticipate fluctuations in the blood glucose levels and the insulin requirement. Adjust to suit your individual needs. The site of insulin injection is very important before exercising. Arm or abdominal injection site is appropriate if the exercises involve leg muscles as in running, jogging or cycling. For exercises involving the arm muscles, thigh, buttock or abdomen would be an ideal injection site. Rowing canoeing, swimming (certain strokes like breaststroke or butterfly stroke) are some activities that involve the use of arm muscles. ¾¾ Support from Health Care team ªª Try to impress upon you the numerous health benefits of exercise. ªª Help you develop a personal physical activity program to suit your medical conditions, medications, and diet and life style patterns. ªª Periodically monitor and motivate towards your ideal physical fitness. www.bangalorehealthtv.com
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Diet ªª
Banana is an easily digestible energy giving food which has been gifted to man by nature. Banana is useful for those who wish to increase their body weight. It is a highly effective tonic which is not very expensive. Banana is a cooling agent. It is sweet and nutritious. Constipation can be cured by eating one or two ripe plantains after meals. It is also useful for muscle development and growth of essential ingredients of the body. Cooking banana should be used when it is green. The pulp of cooking banana can be cooked with milk and taken to remedy piles, stomach ulcers, burning and pain in the anus after evacuation. Food prepared with ‘Nendra’ variety of banana can cure stomach ulcers. Take two large sized ‘Nendra1 banana. Peel the skin and fibres. Cut the pulp into small pieces. Cook and mash them well. Add two tea spoons each of dry ginger powder, cumin seeds powder and ghee. Mix with it jaggery to taste and cook again and cool it. You can cure stomach ulcers if you take this food regularly. You can eradicate stomach parasites by eating raw banana along with the skin. Burning in the eyes and soles can be brought down by taking the banana pulp mashed with butter milk. It is beneficial to give banana with butter milk to patients suffering from typhoid, dysentery and piles. You can feed banana to children also. Mash the banana pulp with milk and honey and feed it to them to ensure their good growth. Pregnant women should eat banana regularly to increase blood supply and ensure easy delivery. Eat banana with sugar and honey to bring down chest pain. You can improve digestion and increase body weight by taking one banana with a cup of milk two hours after the evening meal. This is also good for virility. Patients suffering from ulcers in the stomach and intestines derive benefit from eating banana. Mash a banana in a large cup of tender coconut water. Add to it one table spoon of either honey or glucose and mix well. Filter it through fine cloth. This liquid food can be given to patients suffering from TB, Jaundice, Typhoid and Small pox, thrice a day. Anaemia can be cured by eating banana and orange for considerable length of time {Asthama patients
Banana is the best of fruits. There are many varieties of banana which have different sizes, tastes and flavour. But they are all good from health point of view. 28
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should not eat banana without consulting their doctor). Mash banana pulp well, apply it on boils and bandage them. The boils will open up quickly, puss and impure blood will drain out and the wound will heal fast. Drink a decoction of banana peels mixed with sugar, to quench thirst, cure dysentery and clear urine block. Mash banana pulp with cow’s milk. Add a tea spoon of the juice of banana flowers. Take this medication twice a day for a period of two months to reduce body weight. However, you should not eat sweets and fried eatables during this period. This is a very good treatment for fat people. Mash twenty two grams of banana pulp with eleven grams of tamarind. Take it to cure constipation. Even if you have not been able to evacuate for two or three days, you will be able to do so within a short time after taking the above mixture. Cook two raw bananas in hot ash. Peel the skin and give the pulp to a patient suffering from dysentery with discharge of blood. The pulp should not be eaten along with salt or sugar. The disease can be brought under control with this medication.
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The juice of banana flowers mixed with curds is a good remedy for dysentery. The same medication can be given to adolescent girls to stop excess menstrual flow after their first menstruation. ªª Banana flowers have the quality of destroying harmful germs. Hence they can be used in the preparation of food items to cure mucus discharge with stools in a natural way. ªª Scanty flow of urine can be remedied by drinking the juice of banana flowers mixed with a cup of cucumber juice. ªª Constipation among babies can be cured by giving them banana pulp mashed with milk and sugar. ªª Patients suffering from mental disturbance due to nervous weakness as well as epileptics should be given banana stem juice mixed with tender coconut water. The same drink can also be given with good results, to patients suffering from dysentery and piles. Banana stem can be used to prepare tasty dishes. It can destroy harmful germs which might have lodged themselves in the intestines. However, it should be used sparingly in food. A dish of banana stem is also helpful to cure diarrhoea with discharge of blood. Crush or grind banana stem and squeeze the juice. Add a little sugar and drink it to quench thirst, Banana stem juice is a good detoxicating agent. It can be used to counter the effect of intoxicating drugs. Crush the thick white covering of the banana stem and squeeze the juice. Mix forty grams of this juice with ten grams of melted butter taken out of cow’s milk. Give this drink to the patient suffering from blocked urination. He will be able to pass urine within a short time. ªªBurn banana leaf to ashes. Mix two grams of this ash with one gram of honey and take it to stop hiccups. ªª Very young banana shoots can be cut to small pieces and added to a salad of greengram. Banana leaves are rich in protein and hence they are useful.
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Balance it right
before boiling.
ªª Mix one part of
Partha Bagchi
Director Stammering cure center House # 145, 23rd cross, 12th main, Jayanagar 3rd Block East, Bangalore 11 Near to Jaya Nagar swimming pool Mob: 98860600037
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vinegar in thrice the quantity of lukewarm water and clean coffee stains on a carpet by dipping a clean cloth in the above solution.Again clean the carpet with a cloth dipped in clean water and blot with a clean dry cloth. ªª Apply a few drops of Eucalyptus oil on the area of the carpet or clothes stained with grease.oil or chewing gum.Later wash the cloth or the part of the carpet with soap water. ªª Rubbing a little diluted disinfectant helps clean ball-pen stains ªª Want a pet but not pet hairs? Take a pair of old stockings and roll them inside out in the shape of a ball each.Rub this on the sofa and carpet to get rid of those irritating shed hair. ªª Drop in a tennis ball while washing those dirty
Bone china crockeries can be sparkled with a dash of baking powder. Burnt vessel should be filled with a layer of soda bicarb and water for a night for the particles to come off easily. Burnt aluminium vessels can be made to shine by scrubbing with sandpaper. Prevent plastic containers from getting stained. smear a little oil on the inside before storing anything coloured inside. Citrus fruit peels can be utilized better by grinding them into a powder and adding the powder into your detergent powder for a better smell and cleaning. Rub stained utensils with salt and wash after sometime to get rid of tea or coffee stains. De-odourise vessels by cleaning them with a little salt and then washing with cold water. Clean oil-cans using soap nut and curd and later with water. Hard water stains can be easily eliminated by adding a little idli/dosa batter along with enough water to fill the vessel to the brim. Soak burnt pans in cold water overnight and then scrub them in the morning. 1. Glass bottles can be cleaned easily and will not crack if a drop of glycerine is added to the water
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curtains to knock out all the dust in the washing machine.Hang them when almost dry to save on ironing. Put all the soft toys in a cotton pillow case and tie up the end with a rubber band.Put this in the washing machine and get them back clean but undamaged. Wiping the floor with little rock salt dissolved in a bucket of water keeps flies at bay. Remove hot iron stains by rubbing the wetted white portion of the bread on the stain. Zaris and expensive saris with lots of embellishments can be prevented from turning black by keeping a small bag of ajwain in your cupboard or wardrobe. Washed curtains and bedsheets are better manageable when ironed damp. De-odourise woollens by soaking them in a solution of one tablespoon borax powder in a litre of water for 15-20 minutes. Never wring, drip, rub, scrub, and twist woollens as this will cause loss of shape and shrinkage. To dry woollens spread it flat on a dry bath towel that will absorb all excess water and help in drying without hampering the shape or size. While washing woollens must always be kept under water and taken out only when done to keep its elasticity intact. Apply a few drops of lemon onto the knife while cutting bananas to avoid darkening. Reheat gaajar ka halwa with a cup of milk (proportionately) to prevent it from sticking to the pan. Coconuts pieces help soften the meat. Make whiter and crispier chips/wafers by adding some alum crystals and salt to the water and soak the cut wafers. Add a carrot in tomato soup to reduce the sourness, sharpen the colour and add to the nutrient content. Drop a small candy or a toffee before filling in the ice cream in the cone to avoid leakages. To prevent the layer forming on any thick liquid preparation while cooling or setting.spr inkle some sugar grains on the surface of the dish. Add salt while cooking corns after boiling them lest the kernels will harden.
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Add vinegar and sugar to cauliflower while cooking so as to prevent the odour.discolouration and breakage. For whiter and softer dahi wadas, add maida to the urad dal batter. Thicken gravies using bread pieces. Dip the garnishing nuts in milk before garnishing on top of biscuits and cakes to prevent their falling off while baking. While making any milk based dessert with high possibility of the milk getting curdled, add a few spoons of corn flour or rice powder to the milk while thickening and then add the fruits. Add a tablespoon of salt and sugar while cooking tomatoes for faster cooking. Add a sachet of Eno to the batter of dhokia or dosa/idli to make them softer especially during winter when the batter ferments faster. To prevent curd from turning sour.add a piece of coconut in it. To prevent the icing on cakes from breaking. add a teaspoon of condensed milk into it while preparing the icing. Make softer dhoklas by adding malai to the batter. Cut the rose stems under water to prevent bubbles blocking the uptake of water and resulting in driedjimp flowers. Don’t waste Vitamin B-complex capsules.instead pour the contents of the capsule into the water in the vase for fresher flowers. Rub candle wax on the postal address on parcels and letters to prevent the address from getting washed off in rain water. Peel off bandage painlessly and without much fuss by applying vodka on the edges as the vodka dissolves the adhesive used. If the drawer of a cupboard gets jammed, rub candle wax around the edges for smooth running of the drawers. Put balloons in hot water for few minutes for easy inflation. To prevent shoe bites, gently rub moistened soap cake to the insides of the prone areas in the shoe. Repeat this three times at an interval of four hours. Home-made insecticide can be easily made by spraying 2 tablespoons of liquid soap in a litre of
water onto the plants. Use lampshades over power savers for dramatic lighting effects within budget. ªª Potatoes should be stored in an airy basket with a few apples for longer freshness and shelf-life. Tightly covered potatoes tend to become soggy and start sprouting. ªª Brush the cut surface of papayas with lemon juice and keep it in the fridge to prevent mould formation. ªª Keep coconut pieces in either salt solution or sugar solution to prevent fungus formation.While using wash properly with water? ªª Store all food items in air-tight containers and wipe them clean from outside. ªª Add a pinch of salt to coriander powder to keep it free from insects. ªª Bitter gourds stay fresh for longer when cut into half horizontally and refrigerated. ªª Extra cut potatoes can be stored in cold water with a spoon of vinegar. ªª Asafoetida (hing) wards away insects in pulses. ªª A few cloves or peppercorns in the sugar or any sweets container ward off ants. ªª Coffee powder does not lump and remain fresh for longer time when kept in the fridge in an airtight container. ªª Chilli powder can be stored and used for longer if a little asafoetida(hing) is kept in the container. ªª A few pieces of potato when kept in the fridge with bread prevent the bread from spoiling. ªª Spray the water in which onions have been soaked on flower pots for insecticide. ªª Flip the mattress every month and reverse it to even out the depression caused by continuous use of the same areas. ªª Sparkle tiles overnight by rubbing them with bleaching powder and water and then rinsing in the morning. ªª Always start dusting from top to bottom so those things that have been already dusted need not be done again. ªª While washing or cleaning walls take the bottom route upwards as it is easy to clean the drips from washed walls. ªª A dry cotton towel sprayed with the cleaning formulation does better than paper towels or newspapers in cleaning glass surfaces. ªª While washing windows .wiping horizontally on the inside and vertically on the outside helps us know which direction the marks are. ªª While cleaning go from edges to the centre to avoid the dust from spreading again. ªª Run the mixer with a piece of bread to extract more of the minced food stuck to blades of the mixer. ªª Boil salt water and immerse the peas into it for 4-5 minutes and then again immerse them in cold water and dry.Refrigerate after storing them in air tight packets. ªª Refrigerating milk products may cause them to curdle. ªª Refrigerating boiled eggs may cause the white portion to be watery. ªª Refrigerating mayonnaise may cause it to separate. www.bangalorehealthtv.com 32
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Refrigerating cooked potatoes may cause them to acquire a darkened texture. Refrigerating fresh greens and carrots, celery may cause them to become limp. Tomatoes can be freezed only if to be cooked in any form, else it may collapse when thawed. Salty foods.on refrigerating may be unevenly frozen and also attract moisture. Foods rich in pepper or pepper corns turn bitter on refrigerating. Foods rich in garlic and cloves become more intense in their tastes. Dry roast salt on a pan before storing for freeflowing salt. Dry roast rawa till luke warm.Cool and then store in airtight containers to prevent worms from infesting and spoiling it. Keep lemons fresh for many days by keeping them in a wide mouthed glass bottle (not in the fridge). Put some grains of rice in the salt shaker for freeflowing salt throughout the year. To keep nuts fresh .wrap them in foils and place them in air-tight containers in the refrigerator (for 3-4 months) or in the freezer (for a year or so). Gold-plated and silver ornaments can be prevented from tarnishing by applying 1-2 coats of any colourless nail polish on them. Clean pearl jewellery using a cotton wool soaked in spirit. Clean gemmed gold jewellery by immersing it in 1/i cup of gin or vodka for 30 minutes and then wipe off and buff. To clean stubborn grime on gemmed jewellery wrap it in a clean cloth and expose it to the steam from the spout of the kettle with the help of a pair of tongs. Sparkle slightly dull jewellery by sprinkling a little turmeric powder and rubbing to a high shine. To clean fine works or intricate pieces of gold jewellery.soak them for 15-20 minutes in a solution of powdered alum in warm water before cleaning them using soap water. For cleaning jewelleries containing only pure gold, a warm dilute solution of vinegar in water is very effective. Dip diamond/gold ornaments in a warm dilute solution of any mild dishwashing detergent in water and clean them using a baby tooth brush. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. Squirt some tooth paste onto the diamond ornaments and leave on for 10 minutes.Clean with a soft baby tooth brush and rinse properly till clean. Never dry the diamond ornaments in air as they leave behind a layer on evaporating that dulls their shine.lnstead blow dry on a low setting. Rub a piece of chalk on the diamonds and clean off with a soft dry cloth for sparkling radiant diamonds. Store silver ornaments in a box with a piece of camphor to prevent its blackening. Clean bead and stone jewellery using baking soda with a soft toothbrush and then rub off with a clean soft cloth.
Diatery fiber Dietary fibre plays an important role in the maintenance of health and prevention of diseases as it is rich diet may help prevent obesity, colon cancer, heart disease, gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis and diabetic conditions.
ibre forms the skeletal system of plants. Without it no plant or tree would be able to stand upright. Dietary fibre, the roughage consists of those parts of the plant foods that cannot be digested by enzymes or other digestive secretions in the alimentary canal. Dietary fibre plays an important role in the maintenance of health and prevention of diseases. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that an artificial depletion of fibre as in case of refined cereals and sugar has over the last 100 years contributed to several degenerative diseases. Recent studies in this area indicate that sufficient intake of fibre – rich diet may help prevent obesity, colon cancer, heart disease, gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis and diabetic conditions. Studies have also established that dietary fibre is a collection of elements with a variety of functions rather than a single substance with single function as was assumed earlier. This new insight into the true nature of fibre
Dr jitesh Department of Naturopathy, Nisarga hospital, Five Road Circle, Sirsi, UK Ph: 08384-225414 Mob : 9448778153 Dr. Loren P Saldanha dr.lorenpsaldanha@gmail.com has given the lie to old beliefs that bran is synonymous with fibre, that all fibre is fibrous or stringy and that all fibre tastes the same. ¾¾ Physiological effects: ªª Fibre in the diet promotes more frequent bowel movements and softer stools having increased weight. The softness of stools is largely due to the presence of emulsified gas which is produced by the bacterial action on the fibre. ªª A high fibre intake results in greater efficiency in the peristaltic movement of the colon. This helps in relieving the constipation which is the main cause of several acute and chronic diseases. ªª Recent studies suggest that increasing the dietary fibre intake may be beneficial for patients with irritated bowel syndrome who have diarrhoea and rapid colonic transit, as well as to those who have constipation and slow transit. The high fibre diet, like bran, thus regulates the condition inside the colon so as to avoid both extremes – constipation and diarrhoea. ªª Investigations have shown that several potential carcinogens are produced in the faeces. Their production is related to the acidity of the gut content. The greater the acidity in the bowel content, the less is the production of these carcinogens. The breaking down of the fibre by bacteria www.bangalorehealthtv.com
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renders the faeces more acidic. This reduces the amount of possible carcinogenic substances. Fibre also reduces the possibility of formation of harmful toxins in the large intestine by reducing the intestinal transit time of the food contents. Dietary fibre increases the bacteria in the large intestines which require nitrogen for their growth. This in turn reduces the chances of cancerous changes in cells by reducing the amount of ammonia in the large bowel. Fibre reduces the absorption of cholesterol in the diet. It also slows down the rate of absorption of sugars from the food in the digestive system. Certain types of fibre increase the viscosity of the food content. This increased viscosity indirectly reduces the need for insulin secreted by the pancreas. Thus a fibre – rich diet can help in diabetes mellitus Sources of Fibre: The most significant food sources of fibre are unprocessed wheat bran, whole cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, rye, millets ; legumes such as potato, carrots, beet , turnip and sweet potato ; fruits like mango and guava and leafy vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce and celery. The percentage of fibre content per 100 gms of some foods are : bran 10.5-13.5, whole grain cereals 1.0-2.0, nuts 2.0-5.0, legumes 1.5-1.7, vegetables 0.5-1.5, fresh fruits 0.5-1.5, and dried fruits 1.0-3.0. The foods which are completely devoid of fibre are meat, fish , eggs, milk, cheese, fats and sugars. Bran, the outer coverings of grains, is one of the richest sources of dietary fibre. And
it contains several types of fibre including cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin. ªª Wheat and corn bran are highly beneficial in relieving constipation. ªª Experiments show that oat bran can reduce cholesterol levels substantially. ªª Corn bran is considered more versatile. It relieves constipation and also lowers LDL cholesterol, which is one of the more harmful kinds. Besides being rich in fibre, bran has a real food value being rich in time, iron and vitamins and containing a considerable amount of protein. ªª Grain roughages, such as rich bran and wheat bran, are an essential part of a healthy diet, and a preventive against diseases like piles, constipation, bowel cancer, varicose veins and even coronary thrombosis. ªª Legumes have high fibre content. Much of this fibre is water – soluble, which makes legumes likely agents for lowering cholesterol. ªª Soya beans, besides this, can also help control glucose levels. The types of fibre contained in vegetables and fruits contribute greatly towards good health. The vegetables with the biggest fibre ratings include sweet corn, carrots, potatoes, parsnips and peas. And among the high ranking fruits are raspberries, pears, strawberries and guavas. Types of Fibres: There are six classes of fibre. They are cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin, gums, mucilage and lignin. They differ in physical properties and chemical interactions in the gut, though all except lignin are poly – saccharides. The facts known so far about these forms of fibre as a result of various studies are discussed below.
Cellulose: It is the most prevalent fibre. It is fibrous and softens the stool. It abounds in fruits, vegetables, bran, whole – meal bread and beans. It is also present in nuts and seeds. It increases the bulk of intestinal waste and eases it quickly through the colon. Investigations indicate that these actions may dilute and flush cancer – causing toxins out of the intestinal tract. They also suggest that cellulose may help level out glucose in the blood and curb weight gain. Hemicelluloses : It is usually present wherever cellulose is and shares some of its traits. Like cellulose, it helps relieve constipation, waters down carcinogens in the bowel and aids in weight reduction. Both cellulose and hemicelluloses undergo some bacterial breakdown in the large intestine and this produces gas. Pectin : This form of fibre is highly beneficial in reducing serum cholesterol levels. It, however, does not have influence on the stool and does nothing to prevent constipation. Research being conducted to ascertain if pectin can help eliminate bile acids through the intestinal tract thereby preventing gallstones and colon cancer. It is found in apples, grapes, berries, citrus fruits, guava, raw papaya and bran. Gums and Mucilage : They are the sticky fibres found in dried beans, oat bran and oatmeal. Investigations have shown that they are useful in the dietary control of diabetes and cholesterol. Lignin : The main function of lignin is to escort bile acid and cholesterol out of the intestines. There is some evidence that it may prevent the formation of gallstones. It
is contained in cereals, bran, whole meal flour, raspberries, strawberries, cabbage, spinach, parsley and tomatoes. The best way to increase fibre content in the diet is to increase the constipation of wholemeal bread, brown rice, peas beans, lentils, root vegetables and sugar – containing fruits, such as dates, apples, pears and bananas. The intake of sugar, refined cereals, meat, eggs and dairy products should be reduced. Candies, pastries, cakes which are rich in both sugar and fat, should be taken sparingly. White processed bread should be completely eliminated from the diet. ¾¾ Requirement: There are divergent views as to the requirement of dietary fibre for good health. There is no recommended daily dietary allowance for it and hardly any data about optimum amounts. Some Africans known for lower incidence of degenerative diseases take about 150 grams of fibre a day. In Europe and North America, where there is a high incidence of such diseases, people take 25 grams or less a day. Dr. John H. Cummings, a noted fibre expert in England, considers that a fibre intake of 30 grams (about one ounce ) per day is sufficient for good health. Excessive consumption of fibre, especially bran, should however, be avoided. Due to its content of crude fibre, bran is relatively harsh and it may irritate the delicate functioning of the digestive system, especially in the sick and the weak. Excessive use of fibre may also result in loss of valuable minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium from the body through excretion due to quick passage of food from the intestine. www.bangalorehealthtv.com
Women health
Naturopathy and Yoga is such a unique gift of our ancient therapy system as well as way of life, which has stood test of time & it, has perennial flow of benefits. It was well tested, adopted & observed in the past and it is once again time refresh it adopt for better living.
PROF. DR. B.T.CHIDANANDA MURTHY, Director, National Academy of Naturopathy & Yoga (NANY) #797, Tenth Main, Fourth Block, Jayanagar, BENGALURU - 560 011, Mob: 08867742080, Telefax : 26487232 (Res.) Email: btcmurthy@gmail.com ªª
Comprehensive health orientation for women 36
Women have the responsibility of taking care the overall health and not just the external beautification and suffer silently with her internal health related issues. If they are fit from inside, the beauty is spontaneous shown on their face. So, the physical, mental /psychological, social, physiological and spiritual health needs should be sufficed to have a comprehensive health. The physical health is not only the external figure i.e. 32, 28, 36 but a lot more. Some women are born lucky with this figure & some need to workout to achieve it, but it all depends on the internal hygiene and health to maintain it with the good heath for long time. To understand, this factor they need to know their body functions, the physiological changes from time to time. From menarche to menopause there are lot of biological changes in her body and its effect on mind & health in totality needs to be looked carefully. If proper care is not taken, health can convert to ill health & it is not in day that sickness crops up, instead it takes days to build up, like small spark convents into a blaze. Diseases like dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, backaches, tensional headaches, migraine,
depression, pre/post menopausal syndrome osteo- arthritis, osteoporosis etc are quite common to most of the women from age around 16-60 year i.e. menarche to menopause. Medicines in the form of chemicals are not the answer. Medicines suppresses the condition or the warning signal by the body and mind and the dis- easiness turns into disease or disorder and becomes chronic and has lots of side-effects which gives rise to iatrogenic diseases. Instead if we think wholistically & holistically, Naturopathy & Yoga can prevent & cure disease and promote health in right perspective. It is such a potent tool to tackle the present different aspects of health scenario of women. Diet & Nutrition therapy makes one to understand the needs of the female body from menarche to menopause, where medicines have no role to play. Once right type of nutrition is supplemented at right time, the disorders mostly related to nutritional imbalances does not occur at all, if at all one gets, they have to first resort to natural nutritional supplements through proper dieting. But, dieting is often mistaken for that dieting where one starves irrationally for slimming. Diet, is natural food supplement according to needs of one’s body & mind. Hence, from menarche to menopause there is mainly need for iron, calcium, vitamins plus right type proteins which are plant sources, because only organic origin plant sources are easily assimilated and absorbed by the body. Minerals, vitamins, enzymes from fresh seasonal fruits, vegetables, sprout etc. Apart, from just the concept of eating it is very essential to see that there is proper internal hygiene – like proper appetite or right type of hunger, digestion & elimination. To enhance this function, it is very essential to see that the co-ordinating organs like liver, gallbladder, pancreas function better. For this function obviously adequate fresh water & right nutrition is essential. It is also important to avoid artificial, coloured, flavoured items, cocoa etc., which are harmful for the proper functioning of these organs. Young girls in the name of dieting eat non-
nutritional food items like cakes, pastries, maida products, frieds, soft drinks, unnatural beverages, where non of these eatables give the body neither vitamins or minerals nor proper proteins, carbohydrates, fat which are essential to prevent the diseases, the concept of taste with the non-nutritional food items can be changed with right mental attitude and make them aware regarding importance of nutrition for health hundreds of recipes prepared naturally are very tasty & healthy, lacunae is in searching for such those type of foods or preparing such items at home. Females have this art of making things tasty at same time caring for nutrition helps & solve the problem of non-palatable items in the name of diet & nutrition and offcourse these days many books on recipes are available but consumers have to judge them and buy. They have to see whether the needs of different age wise nutritional supplements are available according to recipes prepared. This knowledge, we women are bound to have rather than depending up the doctors, nutritionists or therapists, especially the younger generation, who fancy for outside fast foods, it is ridiculous they are the fast killers or make you fast sufferers. Woman needs extra
We offer Panchakarma Speciality Treatment for : Gastro-Intestinal Track Disorder Bone and Joint Related Disorders Allergy, Asthama & Respiratory Disorders Exclusive treatment for Piles, Fistula & Fissure, Neurological Disorders, Immunological No Relapse, No Hospitalization, Permanent Disorders, Infertility & other Sexual Remedy for Anorectum by Ksharasuta Dysfuctions, Skin Diseases etc. #1033, 4th `M’ Block, Dr. Rajkumar Road, Near Star Bazar, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-10
Ph: 080-2350 5777 Fax : 080-2340 9450 Email : dhanvantari.ayurved@gmail.com, Web: www. dhanvantarihospital.com Branch : #2537/11, 2nd Main, 1st Cross, Maruthi Nagar, Nagarabhavi Road, Bengaluru-72, Ph : 080 - 2339 0202
calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium etc., as they tend to lose them drastically due to menstruation and childbirth. Naturally supplementing them through diet like calcium has rich sources in milk & milk products young girls can have milk provided they can easily absorb them. It is wholesome diet; it should be taken alone for better absorption or along with sweet fruits like chikko, banana, apple, and mango not along with meals best to take milk & fruit in breakfast. Then in the whole day, they can take it in other best-known form that is buttermilk or curds, which has all the calcium of the milk plus the useful lactobacilli (useful) bacteria for better absorption. The next best source is green vegetable, sprouts – til (sesame), wheat, moong, alpha alpha, channa, soya milk etc. Iron has its best sources in green leafy vegetables, fruits. It is from now, as a young girl, one has to take care of their menstrual cycle and its related conditions. They have to take proper nutrition from the beginning and if there is excessive depletion of all these nutrition at elderly age or during menopause it is not going to help much because body does not have the capacity to absorb. The synthetic vitamins & minerals also do not get absorbed. So, right diet is equals to right type of health & beauty and not the external fake beverages which claim lot of calcium and other minerals or beauty soaps, creams and shampoos. One should not get misled by all these advertisements in TV & Magazines, it is only 10- 20% what they claim. Hydrotherapy in variety of application internally
& externally helps in health and beauty of women. It is quite evident from vast literature available that water is best for skin & also for proper digestion, absorption assimilation of nutrients. So, drinking 2-2 ½ litres of water is very essential. It helps to ward off indigestion, acidity, constipation etc & in turn problems related to this like pimples, acne, dandruff, dry skin, dysmenorrhoea, PMS, migraine can be solved. By preventing or taking care of all these acute diseases in the initial stages of women-hood by natural means without any medicines or by suppressing them, one can prevent most of the chronic degenerative diseases and also disorders mainly caused due to mal-absorptions such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, pre menstrual syndrome, hypertension etc. Hipbath is a panacea for almost all the disorders of women. There are other hundred types of external application of water, depending upon the conditions, which can be taken with the help of a Naturopath. On and off bowel cleaning by enema or colon hydrotherapy once in a year help to detoxify which prevents diseases and disorders. Massages help to prevent the slagging of skin and keep the skin glowing and relaxed. It also helps to remove the blocked energy and toxins of our joints, hence preventing arthritic conditions. Massage also helps in reducing weight & to prevent migraine, headaches, varicose veins which are common to women around 35-45 age group. Other treatment modality likeacupressure, acupuncture, exercise therapy helps to keep the body in tune with nature and prevent the diseases. Hence, one should take solace in the natural therapies for all the problems and increase the demand of these therapies. Unfortunately our own therapies are called alternative and set aside and we embrace allopathic medicines, which has side effects and is not cost-effective. Yoga is an integral part of naturopathy, which blends very well with the drugless therapy. We know the role of mind in bringing happiness as well as sadness. If our mental conditions are not proper it bears bad effect on body. Yoga brings at physical level dexterity, flexibility and at physiological level all our glandular functions are enhanced and prevents any hormonal imbalances. At mental level it helps us to relax internally at the core and keeps us active, alert at physically and mentally.
Family tips by Partha Bagchi Partha Bagchi Director, Stammering cure center House # 145, 23rd cross, 12th main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, East, Bangalore 11 Near to Jaya Nagar swimming pool Mob: 98860600037
Cooking tips ªª Adding a few methi seeds to the ªª ªª ªª ªª
butter while preparing homemade ghee ensures longer shelflife. Mix a little cornflour in cold water and add to the gravy to avoid coconut milk from splitting. Darken chickpeas by adding pomegranate rind while boiling and then remove it later. For soft dosas, add some boiled rice while grinding the dosa batter. In cases of excess salt in curries, add a bit of roasted rice powder. Dress care tips
ªª If
ªª ªª
a garment gets burnt while ironing, rub the juice of a freshly cut onion and then rinse with cold water. The burnt mark will disappear. If a wire-hanger bends, use it to hold strappy dresses and tops by bending the edges upwards. To maintain the distance between hangers, tie knots on the rope every 3 inches. Home tips
ªª Office and school/college ªª ªª ªª ªª
numbers Relative’s number in the city All relatives’ numbers Friends’ numbers Numbers of friends and acquaintances living close-by Close friends’ numbers Neighbours’ numbers Colleagues’ numbers Family Doctor’s number Other Doctor’s numbers Electrician’s number Plumber’s number Cable operator’s number Departmental store’s home
ªª ªª ªª
ªª ªª ªª
delivery number Home delivery numbers of all the near-by good(safe) restaurants and hotels. Number of the nearest police station PRACTICAL AND ECONOMICAL KITCHEN TIPS Never store hot food in the fridge as heat can alter the temperature in the fridge.Also quick temperature changes will lead to moisture collection which drips back into the cooked food. Empty egg shells on window sills and chalks lines on sides of kitchen counters stop lizards from entering into kitchen. Smear tooth paste on cotton and stick it near lights to ward away lizards. Store dry food in a ziplock bag and gravy items in air tight containers for fresh. JEWELLERY CARE TIPS
ªª Clean gold jewellery with a baby ªª ªª
tooth brush using warm soapy water. Sparkle slightly dull jewellery by sprinkling a little turmeric powder and rubbing to a high shine. To clean fine works or intricate pieces of gold jewellery, soak them for 15-20 minutes in a solution of powdered alum in warm water before cleaning them using soap water. For cleaning jewelleries containing only pure gold, a warm dilute solution of vinegar in water is very effective.
Health news Health insurance
Edelweiss Tokio Life sets shop in Bangalore, offers need based life insurance solutions
delweiss Tokio Life Insurance Company Limited, the new age private life insurance company recently inaugurated its branch at Bangalore, 2nd branch in Karnataka and 38th branch in the country. The company aims to provide life insurance solutions which are based on a deep understanding of the customer’s
financial needs and is focused on gaining customer trust by ensuring that insurance solutions are not sold unless customer needs are fully understood. Mr. Jun Hemmi, Executive Director, Edelweiss Tokio Life and Mr. Yash Mohan Prasad, Chief Agency Officer inaugurated Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance’s new branch which is located at 318,1st Floor, 9th Main, 5th Block, Diagonally Opposite to LG Showroom, Jayanagar in Bangalore. Commenting on the company’s expansion in the state, Mr. Jun Hemmi, Executive Director, Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance said, “We are extremely glad to expand our presence in the south with the inauguration of our branch in Bangalore. We expect the region to be a growth driver for Edelweiss Tokio Life in the country and aim to meet the insurance needs of 100,000 lives in Karnataka by 2015, At Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance, in line with our organizational philosophy to understand the evolving need of the customer, we consistently endeavor to provide life insurance solutions which will cater to a customer’s financial needs.” By 2015, the company plans to recruit a team of 3,000 Personal Finance Advisors (PFAs) in the south. These advisers will be trained through a rigorous training module to offer need based life insurance solutions to customers.
Health news
International Conference on Yoga, Ayurveda & Spirituality to foster World Peace Yoga gurus, Ayurveda experts & spiritual leaders to attend day-long event in Bangalore on January 06, 2013
n an effort to promote ‘World Peace’ and inculcate Yoga and Ayurveda practices among the youths, Yoga gurus, Ayurveda experts and spiritual leaders have joined hands to organize the first-ever International Conference on Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality (ICYAS) in Bangalore on January 6, Sunday, 2013. Swami Vivekananda Yoga Research & Holistic Health Trust, Bangalore, and Sri Ramanujam Mission Trust, Chennai, are the guiding forces behind ICYAS, which aims to create awareness about Yoga, Ayurveda and spirituality through such forums among all sections of society, including youths. “Yoga has received widespread acceptance in the western world because of its immense benefits. World leaders, celebrities and well-known personalities have endorsed Yoga for transforming their healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, people in India are yet to discover Yoga and Ayurveda and derive benefit out of them. Our aim is to ensure that people inculcate Yoga and Ayurveda, as a way of living,” says Yogi Devaraj, Organizing Secretary, ICYAS, 2013. Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality embodies the body, mind and soul. A healthy and balanced practice of Yoga and Ayurveda leads to a heightened
feeling, resulting in search of spirituality. “There is an amazing transformation in an individual when there is an effective combination of Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality. This leads to inner peace of an individual, contributing to world peace at a macro level. Our long term aim is to contribute to world peace,” added Krishna Guruji, Chairman, International Healers’ Mission Trust & Core Committee Member, ICYAS’13. The day-long ICYAS, scheduled to be held at Jnana Deepika Bhargavi Education Centre, Judicial Layout, North Bangalore, has been divided into three sessions - Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality. It will conclude with a mass prayer for World Peace in the evening. In addition to these, there will be demonstration of Yoga, free health check-up camps through Ayurveda and sale of books. “All over the world, the emphasis is now on holistic healing. Yoga and Ayurveda amalgamated with spirituality is the perfect medicine for various disorders. We only hope that conferences such as ICYAS become the basis and platforms for holistic healing in the future. Expert practitioners of Ayurveda will emphasize the need for indigenous medicine systems and promote the same,” pointed out Manjunathswamy, Core Committee Member, ICYAS’13. Some of the important dignitaries attending the sessions include Prof. SARPV Chaturvedi Swamiji, Ramanujam Mission Trust; His Holiness Shrimad Jagadguru Shankaracharya & Vidyabhinava Shankara Bharati Swamiji, Avichinna Pa ram para Kudali Sringeri Mutt and His Holiness Nanjavadoota Swamiji Peetadipathi, Spatikapuri Mahasamsthana Mutt, Pattanayakahalli. International delegates from more than 30 countries, including Indonesia, Chile, Peru, Germany, Lithuania, USA and Columbia, will present scientific papers on latest innovation in Ayurveda and the effects of Yoga on the human body. As a prelude to the ICYAS, more than 800 pre-conference sessions on Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality have been held across the world.
For more information, please contact: No. 2, Sidharuda Nilaya, 8 Main, 13 A Cross, Judicial Layout, GKVK Post, Bengaluru-560 065 M: +91 9945000882, +91 8884929474, +91 8884929475, +91 9449166245 Yogi Devaraj Organizing Secretary, ICYAS, 2013 M:9449166245 www.bangalorehealthtv.com
Health news
Odonil Room Freshener Enters Gel Market Signs Cine Star Samantha as New Brand Ambassador
Health Focus
Let Hairline bring out a whole new in you Get instant makeover
Odonil, the leading home and air freshening brand from the House of Dabur, recently announced the launch of Odonil Good Living range of refreshing air freshening company also signed South Indian cine star Samantha Ruth Prabhu as the new face of Odonil “The new Odonil Gel will be available in four natural fragrances - Soothing Jasmine, Enamoring Lavender, Charming Citrus and Mystic Rose. With this launch, brand Odonil is establishing itself as the complete air refreshing expert, offering a variety of air care solutions for every space in your homes”, says Dabur India Ltd Category Brand Head-Home Care Mr. Am it Garg. “In view of the changing lifestyles of consumers and to meet the modern day need for convenience, Dabur has now introduced the new Odonil Gel. This new introduction from Odonil is meant for the living spaces in the home, such as drawing & living room, and is also equally convenient for use in cars as a natural air freshener. This attractive pack can be placed on a table or shelf, or conveniently hang on the wall” Announcing the signing of Samantha as the new brand ambassador, Mr. Garg said: “Odonil is today a leading brand in the air freshener market and is the most preferred choice for the modern Indian woman to not just make her living place smell good but also feels good.
he chance to let down your hair and literally throw all your mundane worries to the wind to usher in the New Year. And what you must also love about partying is the opportunity to look great. While a few of us have the luxury of being able to deck up for the New Year eve party, for many, work and family obligations give us just enough time to apply some lipstick, dab on some perfume, put on a pair of pumps and rush out the door. But what if we were to tell you that you can go about all your responsibilities and yet be the center of attraction this New Year party? Interesting right – here at Hairline, we get you party-ready in a week’s time and this is not just something superficial we are talking about. Take a look at what we can do to transform you this party season. Instant Hair Lengthening with Hair Extensions: Give yourself a whole new look with hair extensions. Depending on your choice, these can be real or synthetic lengths of hair that are placed on your scalp in such
a way as to blend naturally with your existing hair. They are available in varying shades of color to add to the glamour you exude. You also get great volume as well as length and can style this hair any way you please. Highlighted Hair Extensions: We all love our hair and would want to do the least to it chemically, yet want the best look out of it. That is why highlighted hair extensions are a blessing in disguise. These are available in varied colors ranging from blondes, browns, copper, red to purple which can be instantly merged with existing hair to give you a fabulous make over. You also save your hair from the harshness of chemical bleaching and coloring. No more thin hair: Thinning hair is the bane of many now, what with the lifestyles and pollution we live with. What comes to the rescue is shaped hairstyling like fringes or bangs. They can be created in such a way that they completely cover the forehead. You even have the freedom to style it on your own, leaving it ragged or ruffled, spiked up with gel, swept to one side or the other or left longer over the eyes. Along with adding volume to your hair, it also works on highlighting the best features of your face with an alteration to the frontal hairline. Come alive with an Instant Facial Glow/Skin Polishing: This is a combination of facial massage, microdermabrasion (MDA) and application of Vitamin C serum.The massage stimulatesacupressure points, relaxing the muscles and increasingblood circulation. The MDA process gets rid of the superficial dead layer of the skin and this is followed with an application of Vitamin C serum which is a rich antioxidant and works on skin healing. At the end of the 45 minutes for this process you will see an instant glow on your face.
Bring out the brightness in your skin: We do this with a lactic acid peel which is mild and works on getting rid of the superficial layer of dead skin. This instantly lightens up the pigmented or tanned area, reduces open pores and results in a younger healthy looking, glowing skin in as less as 15 minutes. Painless hair reduction treatments: At Hairlines we use Laser Hair Reduction systems under the guidance of certified doctors. This is a painless alternative to traditional hair removal methods like threading, waxing,epilating and electrolysis. With laser hair removal you are permanently rid of unwanted body hair on the face arms legs, back and even the bikini line etc with the effects being long term. Get rid of that holiday tan: So you want to get rid of all those signs of a great holiday gone by and want your skin tone to come back to its original form? Well our tanning removal treatments can help. We use Glycolic and TCA PEELS which help in restoring the natural colour of your skin on the face, neck, back and arms. Get rid of those love handles: Sure they mean more of you to love, but if you want to get into that party dress you will be interested in our Instant Inch Loss program. With Transion, an advanced European device fat cells are converted into energy and a 20 minute session on this device is as good as three hours of vigorous exercise. Soon after the first session you will also find that you have lost around 3-4 cmsas well. Tone your body with Isogei: This is a European technology based machine called Isogei that works on muscle toning and firming. A 20-minutesession with Isogeiwill bring down your double chin, firm up your facial muscles and revisethose wrinkles and fine lines. It is the perfect surgical alternative to facelifts, breast lifts and even buttock lifts. The results are instantly visible. Just for the men: The men are not left out either this party season. Hair toupees are an instant solution for those who may be concerned about their receding hairline. At Hairline, you can get an instant makeover by getting a customized toupee for you ready in a short while. The toupee will match your hair color exactly making it look like your own hair. Ms. Bani Anand, MD, Hairline international says, “all the treatments at Hairline are FDA approved and are conducted under the supervision of certified doctors. We have the most advanced technology coupled with the latest equipment to carry out the procedures”. Just stop by Hairline and step out this party season with a whole new personal
For details contact : Jayanagar : #199, 16th Main Raod, 4th T Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560 041, Ph: 080- 40914767, 68 RT Nagar : #93, 1st Floor, 3rd Main Road, R.T. Nagar, Bangalore-560 032, Ph: 080-23551177, 88 Indira Nagar : #308, 6th Main, Defence Colony, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore-560 038, Ph: 08025299002, 03 Mobile : +91 98459 85338, 96204 26564 JANUARY-2013 AYURPHARMA
Health Focus
Morarka Organic Foods eyes bigger share in the Organic Market
he Organic Sector in India is rejoicing the industry touching 1000 crore Rs domestic turnover barrier after years of sustained efforts by agriculturists and scientists who have been focussing on developing Organic Farming. Jaipur based Morarka Organic Foods Limited which has emerged as one of the biggest players in the Organic sector is expecting to get a bigger slice of the market which has shown positive growth “We have been at the forefront of building the domestic Organic consumption in the last seven years, by strategic penetration of the market in the country and
the effort finally seems to be paying off not just for us but also for the industry as a whole. The fact that the domestic market has crossed Rs 1000 crores this year reaffirms our faith that we are in the right direction” said Mukesh Gupta Director Operations, Morarka Organic Foods Limited Morarka Organic foods has pioneered the development and research in bringing to the Indian market a complete range of Organic groceries and also ready to eat products which the consumers can pick straight from the shelves and serve on their dining tables. The ready to eat range of Organic products of Morarka Organic Foods now has some new variety of chutneys and dishes which the Indian consumer has accepted and acknowledged as being one of the best in the segment. Mukesh Gupta says “Our efforts are continuously on to build awareness about Organic and the best way is to convince the customer that Organic Food is not just healthier but also tastier. And the acceptance of our ready to eat range is clear evidence that food can be made
tastier without adding artificial flavouring and colours “ ¾¾ About Morarka Organic Foods Limited Morarka Organic Foods Limited is the owner of “Down to Earth”brand Organic products which undergo the strictest quality standard checks and are certified by the most stringent certification agencies in the world. Down To Earth is certified by One Cert Asia Agri. Certification Pvt. Ltd. (a subsidiary of One Cert Inc. USA) as per NOP (USDA), NPOP (Government of India) and EU Standards for Organic Certification. “Down To Earth” is the first ‘truly organic’ store chain where each product that is stocked and sold is 100 percent certified organic, as per the standards applicable in USA and Europe. All Morarka organic products are available at the Down to Earth store in Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, and Ahmedabad and at Jaipur. Now Morarka Organic Food products are now also available in Bangalore at all leading stores. The Down To Earth brand has become the most respectable name among the organic consumers in India.
For further details contact Piyush Mehta G.M. (Corporate Communications) Morarka Organic Foods Pvt. Ltd. Jaipur (Rajasthan) GSM: +91 9829012501
Health news
Me N moms launches its first flagship store in Bangalore M
e n Moms- the fastest growing home grown retail chain for kids’ wear and accessories has further strengthened its foothold in the Karnataka market with the launch of its flagship store in Bangalore recently and it’s second in the state. Spread across 7000 sq ft. the store in JP Nagar is the biggest Me n Moms retail outlet in India so far and offers a dedicated range of kids’ wear and accessories under seven categories along with women’s maternity products for pre and post-natal care. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Naresh Khatar. Chairman and Managing Director, Me n Moms, said, “It is indeed a very proud day for us. With the launch of our biggest store so far, we have shown that Bangalore is an important city for us and we will be investing a lot of time and money in the market.” “We have received tremendous response at our Banashankari store in the last one month and this has only made our resolve to invest in this market stronger. We plan to open more exclusive stores and franchisees in the city. But before further expansion, we would like to focus on consumer connect
programmes and consumer reaction -because it is important to maintain quality and get important feedback from our customers,” he added. Me n Moms has seen tremendous growth due to their quality and innovative products that are available at reasonable price. Under the brand name Mee Mee, it offers dedicated categories of products for kids and mothers, under these names: Nursing, Feeding, Play Time, Bed Time, Bath Time, Dress Up Time, Baby Care, Furniture and Travel Gear. All Mee Mee products are designed with great care to ensure best quality and optimum safety for mothers and their babies. Mee Mee products are available at 80 counters in Bangalore. Me n Moms currently has 16 exclusive stores (five in Hyderabad, three in Mumbai, three in Pune, two in Bengaiuru, one in Lucknow, one in Noida, one
in Nasik) and one franchise store in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh in India. About Me n Moms: Me n Moms has been offering baby care and mother care products for the past 20 years to quality-conscious Indian consumers. Mr. Naresh Khatar, a first generation entrepreneur, is the founder of this company. Me n Moms, under the brand name Mee Mee, offers dedicated categories of products for kids and mothers, ranging from Nursing, Feeding, Play time, Bed time, Bath time, Dress up time, Baby care, Furniture and Travel Gear. The retail chain also offers several other top brands in the same category under one roof as well as tailor-made products for mothers during their pre natal and post natal phases. The company has17 retail stores and 11 wholesale offices catering to over 1200+ satisfied B2B customers across India. With a wide range of products and elaborate network of outlets, Me n Moms aims to make parenting a joyful experience by offering excellent products and services.
Address: Ground Floor, No. 607, Sarakki VI Phase Extension, 15th Cross, 100 ft Ring Road, J.P. Nagar, Opp Skoda Showroom Bangalore – 560078 Telephone No.: 080-26630453
he residents of Bangalore can now face the world confidently, Confidence comes with beauty and personality and science of cosmetic treatments enables acquisition of an enviable personality. Beams Hospital at Koramangala in Bangalore is pleased to bring NU Cosmetic Clinic of UK to introduce the latest and the best in the Reid of cosmetic treatments. At stroke of 12noon on 12.12.12, noted Kannada film actress Ragini Dwivedi inaugurated the first Nu Cosmetic Centre in India at Beams Hospital Koramangala. NU Cosmetic Clinics is a leading provider of cosmetic treatments in the UK. It has an outstanding reputation as the leading provider of cosmetic and aesthetic treatments in Europe. Nu Cosmetic Clinic fulfils all the technical and legal requirements of local authorities for carrying out its professional medical aesthetic treatments. All surgical procedures are performed by fully qualified plastic surgeons. Through this venture Beams Hospital will provide advanced cosmetic treatments and expertise to the people of Bangalore so that they look their very best and acquire the personality they desire. The venture is a strategic partnership between NU Cosmetic Clinic and Beams Hospitals and will build upon a history of strong innovation in aesthetic
and cosmetic surgical treatments from both companies. The partnership aims to fulRII the growing need for quality cosmic treatments at affordable prices in alignment changing lifestyles and aspirations of today’s India. Beams Hospitals is a chain of specialist centers for Laparoscopic surgery backed by expertise spanning over 19 years of delivering best-in-c1ass surgical care to patients. Beams, a pioneer and leading exponent of laparoscopic surgery in India, is known for its unparalleled expertise in the Reid of laparoscopy and best-in-c1ass patient care and provides surgical treatments in the fields of gynecology, general surgery, urology, ENT, bariatric surgery and orthopedics across its centers in Bengaluru, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Amritsar. Mr Girish Mehta, CEO Beams Hospitals, says that now with Nu around, people of Bengaluru can be rest assured of a confident self from head to toe with the expertise from UK so that they look their very best. Dr Udit Gupta, Clinical Director, Nu Cosmetic, UK says one of the first benefits to the Indian consumers will be access to best clinical care for any treatments undertaken which until now was seen as privy to celebrities and people of the affluent class. “At present, number of men and women from the upper middle class group are opting for cosmetic procedures to get gorgeous looks in order to grab rewarding jobs, improved career, best possible spouse and mainly get rid of any abnormality that they feel impacts their self-confidence and selfesteem in today’s environment”, added Dr. Gupta. “Nu Cosmetic specialises in Cosmetic Surgery, Liposuction, Hair Loss treatment, Skin Treatments, Laser treatments, Laser Hair removal, Vaser Liposuction both for Men &I Women”, says Mrs. Marie Jenkins (Sales Director, Nu Cosmetic, UK) says. Nu is also partnering with Beams to impart training in aesthetic &I cosmetic skills to improve clinical care and governance, she adds. Speaking at the occasion, Mr. Niraj Manglam, CEO, NU Cosmetic India said, “Quality clinical care is the need of the hour as more people are keen in the treatments. It makes individuals confident and gives them assurance that they are in safe hands whilst being empowered with correct information for the planned surgery. I am proud to offer our expertise gained in the European cosmetic industry thus Riling in a huge need gap, as in the last three years the industry has entered a high growth phase and shall continue to do so for the near future in India due to growing disposable income and changing lifestyle.”
For more information, please contact: Niraj Manglam Nu Cosmetic Clinic in India Toll Free No: 1800 200 1215 ph: 080 33216851 info@nucosmeticclinic.com http://www.beamshospitals.com http://www.nucosmeticclinic.com/
Hand wash ¾¾
The Dangers of not washing your hands Despite the proven health benefits of hand washing, many people don’t practice this habit as often as they should — even after using the toilet. Throughout the day you accumulate germs on your hands from a variety of sources, such as direct contact with people, contaminated surfaces, foods, and even animals’ and animal waste. If you don’t wash your hands frequently enough, you can infect yourself with these germs by touching your eyes, nose or mouth. And you can spread these germs to others by touching thorn or by touching surfaces that they also touch, such as doorknobs. Infectious diseases that are commonly spread through hand -to-hand contact; include the common cold, flu and several gastrointestinal disorders,- such as infectious diarrhea. While most people will get over a cold, the flu can be much more serious. Some people with the flu, particularly older adults and people with chronic medical problems, can develop pneumonia. Inadequate hand hygiene also contributes to food-related illnesses, such as salmonella and E.coli infection. Others experience the annoying signs and symptomsof nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. ¾¾ Proper hand washing techniques Good hand washing techniques include washing your hands with soap and water or using an alchol-based hand sanitizer. Antimicrobial wipes or towelettes are just as effective as soap and water in cleaning your hands but aren’t as good as alcohol-based sanitizers. Antibacterial soaps have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, these soaps are no more effective at killing germs than is regular soap. Using antibacterial soaps may lead to the development of bacteria that are resistant to the products’ antimicrobial agents making it even harder to kill these germs m the future. In general, regular soap is fine. The combination of scrubbing your hands with soap — antibacterial or not — and rinsing them with water loosens and removes bacteria from your hands, ¾¾ Proper hand washing with soap and water Follow these instructions for washing with soap and water; ªª Wet your hands with warm, running water and apply liquid soap or use clean bar soap. Lather well, ªª Rub your hands vigorously together for at least 15 to 20 seconds. ªª Scrub all surfaces, including the backs of your hands, wrists, between your fingers and under your finger nails ªª Rinse well. ªª Dry your hands with a clean or disposable towel. ªª Use a towel to turn off the faucet. ¾¾ When should you wash your hands?
Although it’s impossible to keep your bare hands germ-free, there are times when it’s critical to wash your hands to limit the transfer of bacteria, viruses and other microbes, ¾¾ Always wash your hands: ªª After using the toilet ªª After changing a diaper - wash the diaper-wearer’s hands, too ªª After touching animals or animal waste ªª Before and after preparing food, especially before and immediately after handling raw meat, poultry or fish ªª Before eating ªª After blowing your nose ªª After coughing or sneezing into your hands ªª Before and after treating wounds or cuts ªª Before and after touching a sick or injured person ªª After handling garbage ªª Before inserting or removing contact lenses ªª When using public restrooms, such as those in airports, train stations, bus stations and restaurants ¾¾ Kids need clean hands, too You can help your children avoid getting sick by insisting that they wash their hands properly and frequently. To get kids into the habit, teach by example. Wash your hands with your children and supervise their hand washing. Place handwashing reminders at children’s eye level, such as a chart by the bathroom sink for children to mark every time they wash their hands. Make sure the sink is low enough for children to use, or that it has a stool underneath so that children can reach it. Older children and adolescents also can use alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Younger children can use them, too — with an adult’s help. Just make sure the sanitizer has completely dried before your child touches anything. This will avoid ingestion of alcohol from hand-to-mouth contact. Store the container safely away after use. Hand washing is especially important for children who attend child care. Children younger than 3 years in child care are at greater risk of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases, which can easily spread to family members and others in the community, To protect your child’s health, be sure your child care provider promotes sound hygiene, including frequent hand washing or use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Ask whether the children are required to wash their hands several times a day — not just before meals. Note, too, whether diapering areas are cleaned after each use and whether eating and diapering areas are well separated. ¾¾ A Simple way to stay Healthy Hand washing doesn’t take much time or effort, but it offers great rewards in terms of preventing illness. Adopting this simple habit can play a major role in protecting your health. www.bangalorehealthtv.com
Dr Mahantesh R. Charantimath
Tathagat Heart Care centre, Panacea heart care centre 32/60, 2nd main Vyalikaval, Basaveshwar nagar Bangalore 03 Bangalore Ph 080-23462515 080-43307799 Mb 94484 62883
Diet tips for healthy heart ªª
ªª ªª ªª ªª ªª ªª
Eat foods rich in beta-carotenes: they can cut your risk of a stroke by 40% . Foods rich in beta-carotenes include carrots, cabbage, winter squash, sweet potatoes, dark leafy greens, apricots, and seaweed. Eat garlic: Study after study has confirmed garlic’s abilities to lower blood pressure, reduce phospholipids and cholesterol, strengthen heart action, increase immune response, reduce platelet clumping and clotting (thus reducing strokes) and stabilize blood sugar levels. Eat garlic raw or lightly cooked, several cloves a day. Eat foods rich in essential fatty acids: Fresh pressed oils of wheat germ or flax seed are especially nourishing. Drink lemon tea. It is so strengthening to the heart that there’s an old saying about it: “Those who drink lemon balm tea daily will live forever!” Make lemon balm vinegar to use on your salads. Avoid restrictive diets. Frequent dieting, fasting, binging and purging imbalance your electrolyte levels, causing weakening of the heart muscle and damage to the heart. Eat as much as you want of: whole grains, vegetables, beans, greens, fruits, fish, seeds, and yogurt. Go easy on: nuts, cheese, and milk. Eat raw vegetables: particularly broccoli and cauliflower because of their high fiber content. Eating simple carbohydrates doesn’t make us feel as full as eating fat, so if you are overzealous in avoiding fats you may overindulge in total calories. When snacking, stick with carbs that contain vitamins and fiber (e.g., apples) Consider healthy fat sources including walnuts and almonds. Choose fish over red meat. Include fish in your yearend celebration menus. Cold-water fish contain protective omega- 3s, which have been shown to reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death. Whatever meat you choose, have the gravy or sauce served on the side and limit table salt.
Color is everything. The more colorful the vegetable, the more heart-protective antioxidants contained within. Steaming is better than using the microwave for preserving nutrients. However, over boiling will remove many of these heart healthy elements. Cut down on salt. Too much salt can cause high blood pressure, which increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Avoid foods like crisps, salted nuts, canned and packet soups and sauces, baked beans and canned vegetables, pork pies, pizzas and ready meals. Many breakfast cereals and breads that appear healthy also contain high levels of salt, so keep your eye on these too. To help lower high blood pressure, watch your salt intake. It may be disguised in food labels as sodium alginate, sodium sulfite, sodium caseinate, disodium phosphate, sodium benzoate, sodium hydroxide, monosodium glutamate (MSG) and sodium citrate. Watch your diet, A healthy diet can help to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, and can also help increase the chances of survival after a heart attack. You should try to have a balanced diet, containing plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, oily fish, starchy foods such as whole grain bread, pasta and rice. Avoid foods like biscuits, cakes, pastries and dairy products that are high in saturated fats and sugar. ªª Eat right to control cholesterol. Eating foods high in saturated fat can lead to high cholesterol. To help keep your cholesterol levels down, eat foods low in saturated fat, such as lean chicken or turkey (roasted or baked, with skin removed), fruits and veggies, low-fat or fat-free dairy products and whole grains. ªª Take some water when you go out. It’ll keep you hydrated ªªOut of sight is out of mouth. Keep packages of unhealthy food hidden in the pantry. Put raw veggies and fruits in front in the refrigerator and healthy snacks in the front of the pantry, so that’s what you see first. If you keep grabbing healthy foods for a minimum of 21 times, it will soon become a habit.
Tel : 080-2348 4184 Mob : 990043 1263, 99866 75919, 77600 85624, 99011 39630
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