Modern Farmer 09/23/23 JJC

Page 1

The e new w generation

New w law w gives s boost t to o ag education, , students............2


Derecho o carried d a silver r lining g sliver for r farmers.......................................4

Higher r costs, , unchanging g revenues challenges s for r farmers...................6

Supplement t to o the e Journal-Courier | September r 2023 3 | $1

Modern Farmer

Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023

New law gives boost to ag education, students. 2

Derecho carried a silver lining sliver for farmers. 4

Precision agricul ture promotes efficien cy. ............................... 5

Higher costs, unchanging revenues challenges for farmers 6

How the future of agriculture is being mapped now. .............. 7 Green farming is growing. ..................... 8

What consumers can do to support farmers. ...................... 9

How labor shortages are affecting agriculture. 12

The basics of regen erative agriculture. 13

Nature lovers warn of declines among bees, pollinators. 14

Food prices expected to rise through 2024. 15

Group says fixing ‘bacon ban’ could have unintended consequences. 18

New law gives boost to ag education, students

Missing a day of school doesn’t always mean a student is missing out on a day of learning.

New legislation signed in August by Gov. J.B. Pritzker puts that in writing, allowing students who aren’t in class because they’re participating in a work-based learning event such as a 4-H or FFA program to count that participation toward school attendance.

“The way I view it, 4-H and FFA are designed for career development in agriculture,” Illinois FFA President Thaddeus

Bergschneider said. “Those excused absences are giving those kids (an) opportunity.”

Bergschneider graduated from Franklin High School in the spring, before the legislation took effect, and never had a problem if he needed to miss class for an FFA event, he said.

“There was no issue,” he said. “But there had to be strong communication between me, my teacher, the principal. My teacher and the principal knew I was capable” of missing a class without falling behind.

That doesn’t mean the legislation isn’t needed.

“It can be an issue in other places,” he said.

“Sometimes it can be difficult to get out” of class.

It also can affect other aspects of a student’s school experience, particularly in schools where behavior — including attendance — determines one’s ability to participate in extracurricular activities such as homecoming and prom, Bergschneider said.

Strong support for agriculture-based learning carries over to other schools in the region, including Winchester and Jacksonville high schools.

“The administration is extremely supportive of

Alexis Carroll/Provided Winchester High School FFA members Jaylyn Dolen (left) and Kylie Clayton meet state FFA Thaddeus Bergschneider while attending the Farm Progress Show in Decatur.

us taking time out of school” for FFA activities, Winchester High School

FFA adviser Alexis Carroll said, noting she also takes responsibility for knowing when a student would benefit from such an activity.

“Some of them are competitions,” she said. “If a student is slacking or falling behind (in school), I would not allow the student to go.”

But many FFA activities aren’t competitions but learning opportunities.

“A lot of students, (agriculture) is their family’s livelihood,” Carroll said. “Allowing them to miss school for those activities, to build those lifeskills, is irreplaceable. Having it written as a law signed by the governor shows how important it is.”

Carroll and Mark Dyer, Jacksonville High School’s

FFA adviser, each took a group of students to the Farm Progress Show in Decatur in late August. While it wasn’t an official

FFA career or leadership development event, it gave the students a chance to explore the future of agriculture — a future that

might include them.

“The ones who live on the farm and actually farm, I like sitting back and just watching their

faces,” Dyer said. “They’re like kids in a candy store. They’re in their element. There are so many people there. You can walk up and talk to them and get guidance. It’s just a great tool. Everyone should go and take advantage of it.”

FFA forestry and livestock judging events are coming up soon, though some events happen after school or on weekends.

“I know it’s taking a lot out of those kids to miss those classes, and I’m trying my best to teach my kids to communicate with their teachers,” Carroll said.

The legislation also isn’t a free pass for students not to stay caught up with their schoolwork.

“It’s important for them to go and get those experiences but, if you’re not caught up in school, I can’t take you,” Carroll said.

Leadership training also is on the calendar, Dyer said.

“I think if (people) went to one of these and just saw the team bonding,” they’d understand the value of missing an occasional class, Dyer said. “It gets them ready to go down the path they do. It may be agriculture, it may not.”

Many 4-H programs also happen on weekends and don’t really cause a conflict with schooling, though many 4-H members also belong to FFA, said April Littig, 4-H youth development educator for University of Illinois Extension in Morgan, Calhoun, Cass, Greene and Scott counties.

“We do benefit from allowing (excused absences),” Littig said. “It will improve their way of understanding agriculture.

Law continues on A16

Mark Dyer/Provided Jacksonville High School FFA students visit a Springfield tent during the Farm Progress Show in Decatur.

Derecho carried a silver lining sliver for farmers

Shortly after a derecho roared across Illinois on June 29, Marty Marr stood in a cornfield where 200 acres of his corn had been flattened by the violent storm.

All around Marr, his corn laid parallel to the ground. However, after inspecting more of his land, Marr breathed a little easier.

“We were very fortunate to have escaped widespread damage,” said Marr, who farms east of Jacksonville near the border of Morgan and Sangamon counties with his wife Sheila, sons Martin Jr. and Evan, and brother David.

“A few fields had some damage besides the 200 acres east of New Berlin, but nothing widespread. It happens occasionally and incidents like this

show the importance of having crop insurance,” Marr said. “Now we just go out, do our best and move on. We have a lot to be grateful for.”

With worries about a struggling export market, lower grain prices and trying to push a bill through Congress to encourage ethanol production, it would seem the last thing farmers needed was a damaging storm.

The National Weather Service reported wind gusts of 70 to 110 mph tore through fields as the derecho made its way through west-central Illinois. With the wind came hail and a handful of tornadoes.

Marr said a tornado that hovered over New Berlin moved east and sat down in his field, which is two miles east of the village, leveling corn that was on the cusp of pollination.

While the 200 acres of flattened corn represented the nadir, the news brought by the clouds of the derecho carried a silver lining. With the damaged buildings, and downed trees and power lines came much-needed rain that enabled the corn crop to pollinate successfully.

“Lots of grain bins and buildings were damaged, which is not good, but the good from the rains outweighed the bad of the winds from the derecho,” Marr said.

The damage to a large majority of the crop was nominal, according to Chris Brown, a field agronomist for Burrus Seeds, which has operations in Arenzville and Jacksonville.

“The timing of it in late June when we were very

dry across Illinois – and Jacksonville was in that portion – was fortunate,” Brown said.

The shift in the weather that occurred with the derecho started a period of rain where central Illinois received more rain in July than the three previous months, Brown said.

“Corn is vulnerable as it reaches pollination. So that system that brought the rain was much needed. It recharged the soil,” Brown said. “June 29 was a turning point for the Illinois corn and soybean crop. It was really drought-stressed and the rain it brought helped bring about a successful pollination.”

The derecho caused some lodging, which is when corn is blown over. Brown said the more time between lodging and pollination, the better for the corn. Some fields experienced green snap, which is when a stalk breaks. There is no recovery from that, and the plant will die.

Generally, green snap occurs much less often than lodging, Brown said. After a derecho, you can find corn has 1% to 5% green snap, while the rest is mostly lodging.

“The corn in the 200acre area had about 30% to 40% green snap. All we can do is take it to harvest and see how it affected the yield,” Marr said.

“The corn was close to pollination, so the ear size should be good. That will determine how much we can get out of that field,” Marr said.

“Early planted corn was first to pollinate, and the derecho would

Dave Dawson/Journal-Courier
Marty Marr, who farms in Morgan and Sangamon counties, is just starting to harvest his corn near the county line. Marr had 200 acres of corn two miles east of New Berlin that took a direct hit from a tornado spawned by the June 29 derecho. Marr is hopeful he will get some yield from that land but is grateful for crop insurance.
Derecho continues on

Precision agriculture promotes efficiency, maximizes utility

Over 30 years ago, Dean Werries had to keep his hands on the steering wheel while he harvested in his combine.

Now, thanks to advancements in the field of precision agriculture, he doesn’t have to.

“I think I’ve been told that similar technology is used to guide missiles,” he said, “and we’re using that on the farm to guide tractors through the field.”

“Precision agriculture” refers to a farming strategy that combines modern technology with a mature understanding of agriculture in order to maximize the yield for a given farm. The term encompasses a wide range of techniques, from monitoring the yield of specific sections of a field to remote data collec-

tion to using satellite-guided farming equipment and drones for maintaining and harvesting crops. For Werries, one of the farmers on Werries Farms in Chapin, precision agriculture allowed him to be more specific with his farming implements. All seeds and fertilizers used on the farm were prescribed in certain amounts for certain patches of acreage, he said, and every trip through a field made with farming equipment was made using guidance software.

For automated harvesting in particular, Werries said it made his life much less stressful, as guided equipment moved faster than manually-driven vehicles.

“I spend 85% of my time looking backwards to make sure the planter is doing what it’s supposed to

do instead of looking where I’m going because I don’t have to steer,” he said.

Precision agriculture techniques also helped farmers be “as efficient as possible and as responsible as possible” with their land, Werries said. Equipment guided with satellites made it easier for them to do strip till farming, while prescription use of implements helped them to not waste expensive resources on areas where crops will not grow very well, he said.

“Most farmers are really trying to take care of the land,” Werries said, “and they’re using the technology to not put on too much fertilizer and ... not put too much where you can’t grow anything.”

Werries said that the farm has been using precision agriculture techniques since before it adopted its first yield monitor in 1995,

and it was not the only one. Use of precision agriculture has been growing across farms in all 50 states.

A report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that 27% of farms in the country — including 51% of Illinois farms — utilized precision agriculture techniques as of this year. The same report found that usage of precision farming in every state either remained the same or increased between 2021 and 2023.

However, the majority of farms in the U.S. have not begun to use these techniques, with a study from the USDA finding that small farms in particular were not likely to take advantage of them. Reports from several different universities have found that farmers were particularly hesitant about the high cost to adopt these technologies

and the complexities of implementing computer systems into their farm.

For Werries, though, the benefits of were well worth the price of admission.

“We’ve spent a lot of money on the technology,” Werries said, “but I truly believe we’ve saved thousands on appropriately applying products.”

Werries said he could not begin to imagine what kind of new technology would be cresting the hori-

zon of precision agriculture. He said he had heard things about new fleets of automated tractors and sensors that only spray weeds they see. Whatever new thing ended up coming out, though, he believed that precision agriculture was the future of farming.

“I think we’re doing a better job,” Werries said, “and a lot of it is because of the technology and the precision ag.”

Ben Singson/Journal-Courier Dean Werries of Werries Farms in Chapin looks out from the window of his combine. Precision agriculture techniques have advanced to the point where farming equipment can be guided hands-free using satellite technology.

Higher costs, unchanging revenues challenges for farmers

There are certain certainties that farmers can count on. They know they’ll be in the field — at

some point. They know they’ll be placing seed, chemicals and then moving on to harvest — eventually depending on the weather and how the crop grows.

What farmers don’t

know is what the cost of doing business will be. Or what they’ll get for their hard work, even if they have estimates.

The Department of Agriculture has estimated the cost-of-production to be

around $888.23 per planted acre for corn production for 2023. That is expected to decrease slightly to $856.43 for 2024. The cost for soybeans production per planted acre are estimated at $621.47 for 2023, decreasing to $612.47 in 2024.

These costs include the purchase of seed, fertilizers and chemicals, machinery repair and fuels, labor, taxes and other costs.

Though those cost are predicted to be slightly down, west-central farmers are looking at higher costs after several years of supply issues that caused higher than expected costs for things like anhydrous ammonia and other operation costs on their farms.

Jacksonville farmer John Potter said the industry has been very capital intensive as farmers are having to watch their budgets closely and find ways to cut costs as much as possible while also producing the best crop possible.

“Pretty much everything involved has risen in the past few years — fuel costs, machinery, land, repairs, labor, real estate tax-

es,” Potter said. “It all seems to go up. The good news is that fertilizer prices are down this fall.”

From April to June 2022, anhydrous ammonia cost more than $1,600 per ton. That has decreased to about $1,116 per ton in June of this year, but many other chemicals have increased.

Those increases have cause a bit of a strain on farmers as they balanced the high prices.

“Chemicals go up every year,” Potter said. “The USDA estimated the average farm income will be down by about 20%.”

Estimated cost per planted acre for corn was $910.53 in 2022, $738.71 in 2021 and $678.28 in 2020, according to the United State Department of Agriculture.

Soybeans had an average production cost of $620.89 in 2022, $531.67 in 2021, and $491.82 in 2020.

Jacksonville farmer Dale Hadden said supply issues have caused many of the cost increases, but he is hoping as those issue are resolved cost will decrease or balance out.

“Herbicide and seed

costs are up 2% to 5% going into 2024,” Hadden said. While the inputs have increased, crop prices have been fluctuating as well. Because of the increase in global producers, Potter said there is more competition for corn and soybeans in other parts of the world.

“South America is a huge supplier of soybeans and they are now getting more into corn,” Potter said.

Hadden said exports for corn and soybeans have also decreased, specifically in the Chinese market.

“The demand for exported product isn’t very good right now,” Hadden said. “That is a direct impact on crop prices.”

These lower prices are impacting a farmer’s overall bottom line, bringing is less revenue.

As farmers balance the increased cost, both Potter and Hadden agree that it comes down to planning.

“I am already starting at marketing grain to cover costs,” Hadden said.

Potter said his operation is focusing on finding ways to complete tasks without hiring extra services, such

Jacksonville farmer John Potter said the cost of production has been steadily increasing for farmers.
Costs continues on A16
Photos by Samantha McDaniel-Ogletree/Journal-Courier Potter also sales seeds that can help provide a source of revenue for the farm.

How the future of agriculture is being mapped now


The demand for food is directly related to population growth. By 2050, food needs are expected to double, according to a study published in the journal Agricultural Economics.

That puts increasing pressure on the agricultural sector to meet growing demand. However, many experts think the industry will fall short.

In addition to increased food demand, consumer habits, technology, and policies continue to force the agricultural industry to evolve. Indeed, the agricultural sector may look very different in the future.

Bigger digital footprint

Social media has transformed many industries, and it can do the same for agriculture. Farming supply chains can communicate with one another by getting feedback from customers in real time through social media. However, agricultural operations will have to devote teams to manage social media presence, especially since misinformation is so widespread on social media.

Apart from social media, local farmers may increase their efforts to utilize mobile apps and direct-to-consumer purchasing options. The global pandemic helped businesses reimagine takeout and curbside shopping.

Local farms may want to market to the homeshopping community, providing ways to deliver produce, fresh meat and poultry and other items direct to customers’

Regenerative agriculture

The future may feature a significant shift in the way farms source their ingredients. Regeneration International says that regenerative agriculture can be the future. This describes farming and grazing practices that may help reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity.

Some insist that farmers who utilize regenerative agriculture produce food that is more sustainable and healthy. This is something eco- and health-conscious consumers can stand behind.

Tech advancement

There’s a good chance that technology will continue to play important and growing roles in farming operations. New agricultural technologies can collect data on soil and plant health and produce results in real time. Precision farming technology can be developed to deliver integrated solutions no matter the size of the operation.

Shift in what’s grown

Farmers may give more thought to sustainable products. Crops like hemp and cannabis are being utilized in new and innovative ways, and they’re only the start as consumers have expanded their views on plantbased foods and products.

While there’s no way to see into the future, individuals can anticipate changes that could be in store for the agricultural sector in the decades ahead.

Star Tribune via Getty Images Farmer Craig Breuer programs a GPS control unit on a Case STX 325 tractor before planting corn.

Green farming is growing, and growing

Farmers have been pressured to increase production to meet the demand of a growing population. This may require employing more efficient measures to ensure maximum output. Unfortunately, efficiency doesn’t always mesh with sustainability, so commercial operations have had to make some modifications to find a balance between serving the public and protecting the planet.

Green farming utilizes different technology and practices in order to decrease detrimental impact on the environment.

According to the farming resource NuFarming, agricultural operations have a significant impact on climate change. Simply adopting some new practices can lessen that impact.

Solar power

Growing plants are not

the only thing on a farm that can benefit from the

sun. Farmers can convert a portion or all of their power needs to solar.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are benefits when solar companies and farmers work together. Solar developers reduce installation costs and upfront risk by placing solar modules on previously tilled agricultural land.

Vegetation under modules also can contribute to lower soil temperatures and increased solar performance. Agricultural land managers can reduce energy costs and diversify their revenue streams with solar. Plus, they can market products to sustainabilityminded customers.

Solar is not the only renewable energy option. Farmers can incorporate wind and hydroelectric power as well.

Crop rotation

This farming technique has been used for thousands of years and involves growing different crops in different seasons over a period of time. Farmers reduce the chances for pests and diseases becoming problems in the soil because frequent crop changes prevent invaders from gaining a foothold. Farmers use fewer fertilizers and pesticides as a result.

Hydroponic strategies

Farmers can improve productivity while also reducing environmental impact with these two growing methods. NuEnergy says that hydroponic systems grow plants in mineral solutions or in materials like perlite or gravel.

Aquaponics involves raising aquatic animals in addition to growing crops. The waste from the fish and other marine life is used to offer nutrients to the plants by growing them in this nutrient-rich water. Both methods remove the need for soil.

Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation methods deliver water to the roots of plants through a series of pipes or tubes. Because water is not being sprayed into the air through sprinklers and other methods, less is lost to evaporation, and less water overall may be needed to provide for crops.


Plastic seems like it may not have a purpose on the farm, but recycled plastic, which is used in plastic mulch, can help produce plentiful crops with less water. Plastic mulches raise soil temperatures and insulate against evaporation so plants can grow faster and mature sooner.

Invasive weeds also may be less likely to take root in plastic mulch or when crops are grown on black plastic.

Natural pesticides

Farmers can introduce plants that pests tend not to like to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides. For example, interspersing crops with natural bug repellants, such as basil, lavender and lemongrass, may keep insects at bay.

Alliums, chrysanthemums, marigolds, and other flowers planted nearby also may deter bugs.

VW Pics/Universal Images Group Farmhands transplanting seedlings into plastic covered rows of farm field.

What consumers can do to support farmers

Farming has never been a vocation for those looking for easy work. Farmers typically work long hours, braving the elements regardless of how unpleasant the weather may be.

All that hard work ensures those who live in rural, urban and suburban communities have constant, readily available access to healthy foods. Such devotion merits support, and thankfully there are many things consumers can do to show their appreciation for local farmers.

Buy fresh foods at your local farmers market

Farmers markets are many foodies’ favorite places, but they aren’t exclusive to people with a passion for food. Everyone needs to eat, so why not eat foods grown locally, which are generally more

fresh and appetizing than imported fruits and vegetables sold at chain grocery stores? Even those who don’t typically eat fresh fruit and vegetables can find something delectable at a local farmers market, where anything from homemade tomato sauces to locally raised fresh beef and pork might be on sale.

Order directly from local farms

Some farmers have embraced the e-commerce revolution and begun selling the foods they grow to consumers via their own websites. Research local farms and determine if it’s possible to buy directly from them. Farms may offer delivery or pick-up, and consumers can enjoy fresh foods even more knowing that they helped farmers earn higher profits by buying directly from them.

Check labels before buying in local grocery stores

Packaging labels will indicate where fruits and vegetables came from. When possible, choose

items produced by local farmers. This may include fruits, vegetables, meat, pork, or even desserts like pies.

Locally produced foods often

taste more fresh than items sent from overseas or distant farms, and consumers will feel better knowing they helped to support local farmers.

Spread the word

Get the word out after a satisfying experience with local farms and farmers. Whether it’s buying food from farms or taking advantage of family days that let kids enjoy a day on the farm, sharing positive experiences via social media or word-of-mouth can be a great way to inspire your neighbors to support local farmers as well. Consumers can do much to support hardworking local farmers.

In addition to feeling good about supporting their rural neighbors, consumers also might feel good when they sit down and enjoy a meal featuring locally grown, fresh foods.

Peathegee Inc/Getty Images
Even those who don't typically eat fresh fruit and vegetables can find something delectable at a local farmers market.

How labor shortages are affecting agriculture

The agricultural workforce is shrinking, and has been for some time. The American Farm Bureau Federation estimates there are roughly 2.4 million farm jobs that need to be filled annually, but there has been a drastic decline in workers each year.

There are a number of reasons for the shortages. The farm bureau says more than 73% of farm workers are immigrants from South America and Mexico. While the United States’ H2-A visa program, which allows employers who meet specific requirements to bring foreign laborers in for temporary work, has in-

creased the number of accepted applications for immigrants to 250,000, this number is still just a drop in the bucket in terms of labor needs.

Another factor is a career in agriculture isn’t always easy or lucrative.

According to the U.S Department of Agriculture, for every dollar spent on food, a farmer receives only 7.6 cents.

Declining interest in the field has also affected the number of farm workers. As more farm operators reach retirement age, fewer young farmers are replacing them due to volatile pricing, high real estate and land costs, steep initial machinery investment costs, and other factors.

The physical demand of the industry also takes its toll. So what does this mean for the agricultural industry?

Many with knowledge of the industry indicate sweeping changes are warranted.

Ellen Poeschi, project

director for the National Association of Agricultural Educators Teach Ag campaign, has said that a lack of agricultural education is contributing to the problem. Increasing availability of ag education courses across the country could build in-

terest in the industry.

Connecting students to internships or mentors may help, too.

Another option is to rally for greater economic opportunities in agriculture.

The ag industry in general needs to find ways to make the economic benefits more competitive to other industries, and improve the working conditions and job flexibility. Agricultural industries currently average only 60% of what other industries offer in salaries. Farm wages have been rising due to the H-2A program, which requires farm worker pay to be higher than the state/ federal minimum wage.

More change is needed, but this may have to come at the federal level or be sparked by efforts on the part of agricultural advocacy groups.

Additional strategies farm operators can employ to combat shortages are: scaling back farm operations; integrating ag technology to reduce labor burdens; pivoting to crops that require fewer laborers; leasing portions of land to have extra money; employing temporary guest workers; and moving operations abroad.

Worker shortages continue to be problematic for the agricultural industry. A greater focus on remedying the issue is needed on a grand scale.

Ariel Skelley/Getty Images The agricultural workforce is shrinking, and has been for some time.

The basics of regenerative agriculture


Climate change poses a threat to various industries, not the least of which is the agricultural sector. Agricultural industry insiders recognize that the changing climate has been forcing farmers and agricultural organizations to adapt and adjust for decades, and that need to be flexible won’t change in the years to come.

One of the changes many farmers may consider in coming years, if they haven’t already, is a pivot to regenerative agriculture practices. Regenerative agriculture could have a profound impact on the world over the next half century, so now may be a great time to gain an understanding of the practice.

What is regenerative agriculture?

Regenerative agriculture is a production system that focuses on reducing water usage and other inputs as part of a larger attempt to prevent land degradation and deforestation.

According to the organization Green America, regenerative agriculture is designed to harness the power of photosynthesis in plants to sequester carbon in the soil.

The ability to do that can improve soil health, crop yields, water resilience, and nutrient density.

Why should people be

GreenAmerica notes that regenerative agriculture draws down atmospheric carbon dioxide. That’s a significant benefit, as, which is a product of various departments within the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, reports that adding more carbon dioxide to the environment is causing global temperatures to rise.

In fact, observations from the NOAA Global

Monitoring Lab in 2021 revealed that carbon dioxide alone was responsible for about twothirds of the total heating influence of all humanproduced greenhouse

gases. GreenAmerica reports that, at scale, regenerative agriculture could help to reverse the climate crisis by drawing down atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Another reason to consider regenerative agriculture is its connection to topsoil. GreenAmerica reports that the world is on the cusp of running out of topsoil,

which is vital to growing food.

Regenerative agriculture rebuilds topsoil, which can lead to greater food security across the globe.

What are some practices?

Regenerative agriculture practices include the usage of cover crops, a reduction in tilling, crop rotation, and spreading compost. GreenAmerica notes that regenerative agriculture practitioners also avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and factory farming. As the climate crisis continues to challenge the agricultural sector, regenerative agriculture could help farmers and the larger industry successfully confront those issues.

Picture Alliance/Getty Images Dairy farmer Knud Grell checks a field by “feeling, smelling, tasting” whether his measures for ecological soil improvement have been successful.

Nature lovers warn of declines among native bees, pollinators

Barbara Williams zeros in on a patch of yellow wildflowers with her binoculars. She leans in slightly, her beetle earrings jangling, and proclaims “that’s definitive.”

Williams has spotted the rusty patched bumblebee. Perched on the petals of the cup plant, the bee is identifiable based on its black and white stripes and the tawny patch on its second abdominal segment.

“She is undoubtedly a she,” Williams remarks as the bee flies to a different flower. “The workers, the ones that do all the serious foraging, are females.”

The 70-year-old amateur naturalist is relieved to have finally located the elusive bee after 30 minutes of searching at the Carl & Myrna Nygren Wetland Preserve in Rockton. Williams, a Rockford resident, has noticed a “disturbing” trend during her weekly

trips to the preserve. The populations of some of her favorite insects — from bees to beetles to mosquitoes — appear to be in a “free fall,” she said.

Scientists say Williams’ observations have merit. While population sizes fluctuate year to year, research shows that there has been a dramatic decrease in the abundance of insects worldwide, specifically pollinators such as bees, flies, butterflies and beetles. Experts attribute some of the declines to habitat loss or pesticide use but warn that climate change poses new risks.

Paul CaraDonna, a conservation scientist at the Chicago Botanic Garden, said there’s quite a bit of evidence demonstrating long-term declines in insect populations. One study published in 2019 in the journal Biological Conservation revealed that 40% of the world’s insect species are facing extinction within the next few decades.

Another study, published in 2017 in PLOS

ONE journal, found an “alarming” and “rapid” 75% decline in flying insect populations in nature protection areas in Germany during a 27-year time span. Researchers said these decreases will have widespread consequences for biodiversity and crop production.

CaraDonna compares species loss to a plane losing a bolt. The plane might not crash with the loss of one bolt, but if bolts keep disappearing, the plane will eventually fall out of the sky.

“We’re asking these critters to handle a lot and they’re being exposed to lots of stressors and extreme events much more frequently than they used to — that’s the concern,” he said.

Because many pollinators have an annual life cycle, CaraDonna cautioned that population sizes can shift substantially yearly based on a number of factors, such as weather, potentially contributing to some of the decreases Williams is see-


“A lot can happen from one year to the next in terms of a population having a relatively low abundance year, and that could be followed up for a variety of reasons with a really high abundance year,” he said. “Or, of course, it could be a signature of something that’s happening over and over again.”

Extreme weather in Illinois, such as drought, flooding or sweltering heat with temperatures reaching 100 degrees that have amassed attention this summer, can contribute to low abundance, he said.

“Your plants need water to be happy, so when we have these really dry conditions, it usually means the plants are under stress. When plants are under stress they tend to not do as well and one part of that is producing flowers for reproduction,” CaraDonna said. “Many pollinators rely on the flowers exclusively for food.”

“Extreme heat events can definitely cause some damage, and it can manifest in all sorts of ways,” he added. “Many insects especially in Illinois are probably able to withstand what we deem as a heat wave — they have a good amount of thermal safety margin — but if they’re in that environment for a really long time, that might change.”

What’s happening

Because of climate change, Christopher Dietrich, an entomologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, said the rusty patched bumblebee is in danger of

disappearing entirely. Dietrich said the bee, which the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed as endangered in 2017, has narrow habitat tolerances and “it’s going to get too hot for them.”

It’s also been at the center of a legal fight to preserve the Bell Bowl Prairie from the Chicago Rockford International Airport’s expansion plans.

The rusty patched bumblebee and other bee species such as the American bumblebee have declined significantly in Illinois during the past 30 years, according to Alan Molumby, a biology professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The state was once a mecca for bee diversity, Molumby said, but that abundance is in the past.

He said two species worked to fill the “ecological void” — bombus impatiens and bombus bimaculatus — better known as the common eastern bumblebee and two-spotted bumblebee, respectively.

“It’s something a lot of people wouldn’t notice,” he said. “Unless you know bumblebees, you wouldn’t realize that what was once a lot of different species has now been replaced to just a couple species.”

It’s fortunate that most bees are generally adaptive and resilient to dis-

turbances, Molumby added. He said bees can find and colonize new habitats in response to climate change. The problem, he said, is that because of rampant habitat destruction, suitable habitats may not exist.

“If you warm the planet now, a species can’t move,” he said.

Other pollinators and insects that live in Illinois will respond differently to climate change because their development requires different temperature and precipitation conditions, according to Dietrich. Mosquitoes, for example, depend on water sources to breed, Dietrich said. Under drought conditions, they won’t have enough places to breed and their population will decline.

Population declines are troubling, CaraDonna said, because pollinators are ecologically and economically important. They pollinate crops that humans rely on, as well as plants in the natural ecosystem, he said. According to the U.S. Forest Service, almost 80% of crop plants grown around the world require pollination by animals, meaning humans couldn’t survive without pollinators.

“I have a 6-year-old daughter and I wonder about the natural ecosystems that she’ll be experi-

NurPhoto via Getty Images/Pradeep Dambarage/NurPhoto A bee lands on the flower bunch.
Bees continues on

Food prices expected to rise through 2024

Federal pricing analysis from the U.S. Department of Agriculture projects that food prices will continue to rise through 2024.

The USDA pointed to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index that showed consumer prices overall rose 3.2% in the previous 12 months. Food prices, though rose more quickly at 4.9% during the same time.

Now, USDA says that increase will continue.

“Food prices are expected to grow more slowly in 2023 than in 2022 but still at above historical-average rates,” USDA said in its analysis. “In 2023, all food prices are predicted to increase 5.9%, with a prediction interval of 5.3% to 6.5%. Food-athome prices are predicted to increase 5.2%, with a prediction interval of 4.4% to 6.1%. Food-awayfrom-home prices are predicted to increase 7.1%, with a prediction interval of 6.8% to 7.5%.”

Food prices are rising more slowly than the fever pitch inflation spike in years past, but those prices are still increasing.

“Food prices are expected to continue to decelerate but not decline in 2024,” USDA said. “In 2024, all food prices are predicted to increase 2.8%, with a prediction interval of minus 2% to 7.9%. Food-at-home prices are predicted to increase 2.1%, with a prediction interval of minus 5.1% to 9.9%, and foodaway-from-home prices are predicted to increase 5.1%, with a prediction

interval of 2.7% to 7.5%.”

Food costs soared in particular in 2022, rising by 9.9%. While 2022 saw the largest spike, prices had already begun rising earlier in the Biden administration.

Food prices rose noticeably in 2020, increasing by more than 3% while some categories like meat became even more expensive than that.

“The largest price increases were for meat categories: beef and veal prices increased by 9.6%, pork prices by 6.3%, and poultry prices by 5.6%,” USDA said. “The only category to decrease in price in 2020 was fresh fruits, by 0.8%.”

In 2021, the price of food-at-home rose 3.5% while the food-awayfrom-home prices rose 4.5%. Once again, beef saw a spike in cost, though all categories became more expensive.

“Of all the CPI food-athome categories tracked by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, the beef and veal category had the largest relative price increase (9.3%) and the fresh vegetables category the smallest (1.1%),” USDA said. “No food categories decreased in price in 2021 compared with their prices in 2020.”

U.S. lawmakers are gearing up to renew the “farm bill” legislation, a major spending package focused mostly on agricultural issues.

That spending package, which normally authorizes five years of funds, could top a trillion dollars this time around. The existing farm bill expires Sept. 30 of this year.

Andresr/Getty Images Food prices are rising more slowly than the fever pitch inflation spike in years past, but those prices are still increasing.

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They benefit from going to those events. … Going to those events gives them leadership skills, teambuilding skills.”

Bergschneider agreed. “It was very beneficial to me,” he said. “Now I know I want to go into an ag field and I have more leadership skills.”

It also can help students who might not see college in their future, he said, noting participating in a career development event focused on agricultural

mechanics or another area might point them toward a career they hadn’t previously known existed, let alone considered pursuing.

Such events only help reinforce the lessons being taught in class, Dyer said.

“I have speakers come in,” he said. “I try to do everything from seed sales to chemicals. I try to tell them, you don’t have to be a farmer (to work in agriculture). Ag’s not going anywhere; we all have to eat.”

Rep. Sonya M. Harper, D-Chicago, who co-spon-

sored the legislation, sees its benefits.

“Organizations like 4-H and Future Farmers of America make important contributions to the future of Illinois farming, and in a state where 27 million acres — around 75% of our state’s total land area — are under cultivation, that’s a really big deal,” Harper said when the legislation was signed. “4-H and FFA programs have educational and economic value. The skills and knowledge gained from these programs not only benefit the students but also benefit this state.”


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as hauling and spreading fertilizer or spraying of the chemicals.

“We do our own spreading and spraying,” Potter said. “We do what we can where we can to avoid having to hire someone. There are some savings there, but not a great deal.”

Hadden said he has looked into increased coverage under his crop insurance, which will cover any natural disasters or bad crops, but also can help cover a drastic decrease to crop prices.

Machinery is one of the biggest expenses and both Hadden and Potter said

you have plan for those costs as much as possible.

“If we look at what we paid five years ago to what it is today we are seeing 60% to 80% increase in cost,” Hadden said. “We also try to spread cost over a longer period of time, so maybe instead of three to five years, we do four to seven years on a loan.”

Land is another large increase. Though farmers are not buying land every year, Hadden said there has been a increased interest in land, causing land values to increase, reaching new peaks in recent year.

“I thought with interest rates increase that would slow down, but the demand for good land is still there,” Hadden said.

Potter said farmers have to take the hits, but find the savings where they can.

As the operator of Stone Seeds, Potter said he tries to provide discount programs to those that are new customers or on early orders. Although the price for corn seed, increased a bit, he said that could be offset by the early-order program.

He said he has been trying to save money on the seeds by providing the treatments himself instead of having the treatments applied elsewhere.

It is because of the high costs of the business, machinery, land and other things needed for the industry that Potter said there are fewer and fewer new farmers, unless they are taking over for family. Potter’s son is currently buying into his business more and more, taking on more responsibility.

Land, equipment and other inputs are used throughout the land owned by the members of the family.

“It is very difficult to start without family help,” Potter said. “It can be done, but it is very unusual.”

Despite the unknowns, Potter said he and others keep pushing forward.

“This is a wonderful way of life and no one knows what the future holds,” Potter said. “We plan on raising a good crop every year. and even though we have to watch expenses we can’t cut corners.”

Mark Dyer/Provided Jacksonville High School FFA students Carson Van Bebber (front) and John Beeley look over a piece of farm equipment during the Farm Progress Show in Decatur. Samantha McDaniel-Ogletree/Journal-Courier Potter treats the seeds he sales himself to lower costs.


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have had the most detrimental effect on it. The later maturing hybrids weathered it better,” Brown said.

“With lodging, you will see corn lay completely flat. Then it grows like a gooseneck, but the corn plant will stand back up. Generally, takes three to four days for it to stand back up, and 10 days to two weeks to fully recover,” Brown said.

To see lodging, Brown said to look at the western edges of affected fields. Some of it might stay down, but much will stand back up because the corn is still growing.

“If lodging happens during the vegetative growth state, it can have some yield effect, but not tremendous. Once we got those rains, the drought map started looking better and the crop made a good recovery. Overall, the crop

looks decent, but the combine will tell the true story,” Brown said.

Marr is optimistic. He and his crew were busy starting harvest during the first full week of September, filling four semitrucks with corn harvested from his fields in Morgan County on the border with Sangamon County.

“We want to start early to check our machines to see if we’re ready to go. We had combines in-

spected in July to be prepared. The most important thing about harvest is to be prepared,” Marr said.

“Our yields will be respectable, but not the best. We are hoping for at least 200 bushels per acre. From some of our yield checks, we are looking at 210 to 240 bushels per acre. Beans are a big question. They podded up fairly well, so they have good yield potential,” Marr said.

“A dry June hurt more than we thought, though certain areas will be better because there was some spotty precipitation. The 100-degree weather in August brought lots of concern about what it did for yield potential,” Marr

said. “Yields need to be pretty good because the price of corn is down.”

When it comes to the fields east of New Berlin, it will be slower going because Marr will be combining the goosenecked corn and the rows are not in line.

“We will have to go slower so as not to lose some of the ears. We have a special attachment coming in to deal with the corn that’s goosenecked. We hope it only has a nominal effect on yield,” Marr said.

Marr is waiting for the export market to come back, but he would also like to see the Next Generation Fuels Act gain approval from Congress.

The act would phase in higher gasoline octane levels through greater use of ethanol. By increasing the amount of ethanol that can be used in the fuel supply, prices at the pump would decrease while increasing the demand for corn. The act is being co-sponsored U.S. Reps. Darin LaHood, R-Peoria, and Nikki Budzinski, DSpringfield.

Photos by Dave Dawson/Journal-Courier Marty Marr, who farms in Morgan and Sangamon counties, is just starting to harvest corn near the county line. Marr had 200 acres of corn two miles east of New Berlin that took a direct hit from a tornado spawned by the June 29 derecho. Marty Marr stands with his son, Evan, as they started harvesting corn near the county line.

Group says fixing ‘bacon ban’ could have unintended consequences

An attempt to override California’s animal welfare law through federal legislation will have unintended consequences, according to a Missouri farm group.

California’s Proposition 12, approved by 63% of voters in 2018, bans the sale or importation of pork, veal or eggs that were raised in confined spaces. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld California’s ability to enact and enforce the law in May after the National Pork Producers Council challenged the practice.

U.S. Reps. Ashley Hinson, R-Iowa, and Zach Nunn, R-Iowa, introduced the Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression (EATS) Act. It will prohibit state and local governments from interfering with the production or manufacture of agriculture products in other states. About 170 members of Congress signed a letter to the leaders of the House Committee on Agriculture opposing the EATS Act or any similar legislation in


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the 2023 Farm Bill.

“We’ve been opposed to the EATS Act for almost a decade and it wasn’t called the EATS Act back then; it was the Steve King amendment,” said Tim Gibbons, communications director for the Missouri Rural Crisis Center. “The main reason we’re opposed is because of its impact on local control and the ability of locally elected representatives to create protections at the local, state and county levels.”

The Iowa Republicans stated the EATS Act reiterates the Constitution’s Commerce Clause, which gives the federal government the duty to regulate interstate commerce and prohibit state and local governments from interfering with the production or manufacturing of agricultural products.

“Our farmers take great care of their animals and ensure families have safe, affordable and high-quality food on the table,” Hinson said in a statement. “I am proud to lead the EATS Act to stand against this ‘bacon ban,’ ensure

farmers can continue to feed the nation and protect interstate commerce.”

California produces only 1% of the nation’s pork, but it consumes 15%. Nearly a third of all the nation’s hogs are raised in Iowa as its annual production of 33 million hogs make it the top producer of pork in the nation.

Representing about 5,600 members throughout Missouri, Gibbons said his organization serves the needs of the independent family farm alongside multinational companies operating most of the state’s hog farms.

“They’ve got a loud voice because they’ve got billions and billions of dollars and farmers out here don’t have that loud of a voice,” Gibbons said. “But there’s a lot of us. There are a lot of people supporting independent family farmers in our state and in our country. I don’t want the narrative to be shaped by the very corporations developing the narrative. I think it needs to be shaped based on truth and what’s really going on.”

encing when she’s in her 20s or 30s,” he said. “In terms of nature as we know it, I think the loss of species is important. But for pollinators, because they provide these important pollination services to plants, we stand to lose quite a bit.”

Saving native bees

There are simple steps everyone can take to protect bees, or as CaraDonna likes to call them, “amazing and magical critters.” He suggests building pollinator gardens with native plants so they have lots to eat, reducing pesticide use or simply appreciating insects — even ones that aren’t usually considered pretty.

Even though it might seem counterproductive at first, CaraDonna advises against building honeybee colonies. Honeybees are known to take resources from and carry diseases that can infect native bees, such as the rusty patched or common eastern bumblebees, suppressing their populations.

“If you want to be sav-

ing the bees, we do not need more honeybee colonies,” he said.

When Anthony Demma learned about the plight of native bees, he decided to start up the nonprofit Bee Haven in the Chicago area and work to restore their habitats. In two years, Demma said they’ve installed them at about seven locations, including at farms and a corporate campus.

“From the beginning, we got to pick a site that makes sense. Right now we’re looking at a site for example on a retention pond. We’re thinking that would be a good site because it would give these native plants room to spread out,” Demma said.

“Then we get an estimate on the budget, and the first thing we have to do is remove all the weeds that are currently there.”

Afterward, Demma said they work with an ecological restoration company to design, install and maintain the habitats. All in all, he said the projects — from one-tenth of an acre to 10 acres — all cost under $20,000.

“Most of the attention goes toward commercial honeybees because we get honey from them, but there’s tons of other species of pollinators out there doing similar or uniquely designed tasks, and they’re not getting the attention that the honeybees are getting,” Demma said.

Williams doesn’t need a push to care about insects — she’s been doing it all her life. As she walks along the confluence of the Rock and Pecatonica rivers searching for mussels, the Natural Land Institute volunteer said she’s always gravitated toward the underdogs — the bats, bees and wasps that people are scared of and might not appreciate.

Protecting them, she said, is still important.

“Any of those things that got mistreated and misunderstood, I was like ‘I need to save them,’” Williams said.

Jonathan Brady/PA Images via Getty Images Polly Stevens works among perennials meant to encourage pollinators.

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