Rainbow Beach Community News March 2013

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March 2013 Vol 15 Issue 3

www.rainbowbeachcommunitynews.com.au Ph: 5486 3561 e: info@rbcn.com.au

People Power clear the beach

It didn’t take long for bins to fill

Greg Baldwin, Rob Booth and Carol Baldwin load up the big skip

Horse Riding Tours return to Rainbow F

Progress to the north


ll ages and nationalities even volunteer surf lifesavers, were down on the beach for operation “Clean up after Oswald”. It was estimated around 150 people converged on the beach – some in boots and others in bikinis - to clear the sand of piles of sticks and rubbish. Promoted by the Modin family, they spread the word with posters and through facebook to encourage as many on the

In this issue

beach that Sunday afternoon, February 3. Rainbow Beach fared better than many other communities affected by ex-tropical cyclone Oswald, however our beach was riddled with sticks and debris from the storms. Ruth Modin spoke to The Mayor and Council CEO and they were shocked to see the mess on the shore. With council workers continued on page 3

Tour Bookings for Coloured Sands

Tour Bookings for Fraser Island

• All new attraction/activity guide • See photos of Cooloola’s Preps • Clean up Australia Day on March 3

amiliar faces Andrew and Kirsty McCarthy have returned to the area and bring great news for visitors and everyone in the tourism sector. Rainbow Beach Horserides starts up in the beginning of March… well and truly ready for Easter holidays. Andrew is happy to say, “What I think is special about us is that it is just as important to us for the fi rst time rider to feel comfortable as an experienced rider.” “We are different to any other trail ride. Most companies have horses for extremely inexperienced riders, so they can feel comfortable. But the horses are only suitable for beginners, and experienced riders miss out.” “Our horses and saddles are superior. We’ve gone to a lot of trouble with our horses - you can do anything on any of them –from children on their fi rst try to the most experienced riders.” Four horses were brought back from WA when Andrew was managing a station which carried over 17000 head of livestock plus progeny. We bought them with the intention to start this business -knowing that

they were suitable for horse rides and working on a station. They have mustered under helicopters and worked in cattle feedlots. “We have 3 horses from when I ran the business 4 to 5 years ago –with the idea we may run it ourselves one day, and the rest are Australian stockhorses bought specifically for business.” Also of benefit to riders is that they will always have two staff members on the tour so they can cater to individual riding abilities. It means one of them can stay with those that prefer to canter and the other with the walkers. Their professional set up with quality saddles (almost all are new) are more comfortable to horse and rider compared to other trail rides. Andrew explains that “sore bits and pieces are greatly reduced” because of their focus on comfort. Their permit only allows up to ten horses per ride, in a location that is on the cover of 100 Best Beaches. “That’s where we’re riding - how can you beat that? A world heritage location!” he says. continued on page 11

All your local Tourist Information in one Place... OPEN 7 DAYS • All Tourist Information • Tour Bookings to Fraser Island • Tour Bookings to Coloured Sands

• Accomodation • Souvenirs and Gifts Lines • Swimwear and Clothing

TOURIST CENTRE Shop 8 RAINBOW BEACH ROAD, RAINBOW BEACH QUEENSLAND 4581 AUSTRALIA Phone/Fax (07) 5486 3333 (07) 5486 3277 www.rainbowbeachinfo.com Email: sam.rainbow8@bigpond.net

Rainbow Beach Community News is published monthly by Yarabee Pty Ltd T/a Rainbow Beach Community News P.O. Box 204, Rainbow Beach, Qld, 4581 Editors & Advertising Enquiries Heatley and Michelle Gilmore

Ph: 5486 3561, Mobile: 0407 660 198 Fax: 5486 3050 Email: info@rbcn.com.au Web: www.rainbowbeachcommunitynews.com.au

Contributions are welcomed from individuals and community groups by the 20th of each month. Issues are delivered on the 1st of the month. A total of 4000 copies are delivered to Cooloola Cove, Rainbow Beach & Tin Can Bay at selected drop off points including all shopping centres, newsagents, tourist hot spots, caravan parks, motels, real estate agents and more. Whilst great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the contents of the publications, the Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views held by the Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News. All content is copywrite and may not be reproduced without permission.


Editor’s Note

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RADIO, COONDOO AND THE SCHOOL BUS I am just off the phone to ABC Sunshine Coast Radio. Every couple of months we’ll be interviewed about what’s happening at Rainbow Beach. I kept the focus on tourism, our foreshore, new horserides (Welcome back, Andrew, Kirsty and family!) and why our coast is the best holiday choice. Of course, there were questions on the floods – it is the third time in the last month that high schoolers (and tourists and business deliveries) can’t reach Gympie. We queried Transport and Main Roads(TMR) this week about plans for raising Coondoo Creek Bridge on Tin Can Bay Road. A spokesperson said “TMR has no plans to further upgrade Coondoo Creek Bridge at this time”.

–we found out yesterday they will not run earlier than their allotted time (in the event of Coondoo or other creeks flooding). It says on their website that TMR and Education Qld must authorise any changes to operate at different times. This is something we’ll seek clarification on, because ultimately it means more days off school or students left stranded in Gympie.

In this edition, our Progress Association tell us of their meeting with the Premier. Council share plans for the stairs, and the community spirit of the coast is evident with beach clean up and backpacker stories. Remember to help out Clean Up Australia Day 8am March 3 and at a Beach Working Bee 2pm March 24. Is that really OK? If there was only one flood a year Until next month, –it would be no problem. All too often lately we’ve had to watch that road and wait for holiday cancel- Heatley and Michelle Gilmore lations. Another gripe regards a change to school buses

PS Thumbs up to the new Sport Club play room

ESSENTIAL SERVICES EMERGENCY - AMBULANCE .................... 000 EMERGENCY - POLICE............................... 000 EMERGENCY - FIRE ................................... 000 Ambulance - Tin Can Bay .......................... 13 12 13 Community Centre Rainbow Beach ......... 5486 3355 Gympie Regional Council .......................... 5481 0800 Dentist - Tin Can Bay ................................ 5486 4800 Doctor - Rainbow Beach ........................... 5486 3078 Doctor - Tin Can Bay ................................. 5486 4600 Doctor - Cooloola Cove ............................. 5486 4600 ENERGEX ..................................................... 13 62 62 QPWS 137468 (13QGOV) FIRE & RESCUE - Rainbow Beach ............ 5486 3169

HOSPITAL - Gympie (incl. Community & Mental Health Services) ......................................... 5489 8444 RB Clinic - 8:00am to 4:00pm Mon., Tue. and Wed. with Thu. and Fri. being 8:00am to 12:30pm Library - Raibow Beach ............................ 5486 3705 Pharmacy - Rainbow Beach ..................... 5486 3070 Police - Rainbow Beach............................. 5486 8765 Police Tin Can Bay...................................... 5486 2426 POISONS Information Centre................... 13 11 26 RACQ - Rainbow Beach ............................ 5486 8555 School - Rainbow Beach............................ 5486 9333 SES - Rainbow Beach ................................ 5486 3314 Coastguard Tin Can Bay - VMR 417 ...... 5486 4290

Sick or Injured Wildlife RSPCA 1300 264625 (1300 ANIMAL) TAXI - Rainbow Beach .............................. 13TAXI Warren Truss MP (Federal Member for Wide Bay) 1300 301 968 David Gibson MLA (State Member for Gympie) . 5482 3651 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COTTAM, Mary .......................................... 5486 8607 or 0403 006 758 DEACON, Arthur......................................... 0419 624 208 HOLT, Neville.............................................. 5486 3250 HUXLEY, Anthony Lewis........................... 0418 715 065 MISSEN, John Joseph ................................ 5486 8153 SYSTSMA Sandra Evelyn .......................... 5486 8343 (Please phone to make appointment for JP services)

Local News

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Andrew Kingsley with that rusty wheelbarrow

Progress started at the rocks and worked north

Dodgey’s skip is full again continued from page 1

so busy inland with the damage, Ruth knew the quickest way to clean up “our lifeline” was a working bee. “We had no idea, Ruth Modin said, “We thought 50 people maybe would turn up – when we knew how many were down there we thought – we’re going to run out of sausages! I took down everyone I had, plus what the butcher gave us plus more from the IGA.” It was a huge job – from the Mudlo Rocks in the South to past the last beach entry to the North, at least 400 metres of coastline were cleared. It started at 2pm and did not fi nish until 4.30pm. A couple of skydivers provided some entertainment when volunteers had to stop to give them room, then the sand army resumed operations. A bikinied backpacker from the UK said they were laying on their towel, soaking up Rainbow’s rays when they realised there was a clean-up happening all around them. So they joined the group and picked up sticks with lots of locals. They said it was impressive to be part of such a community effort. Starting at the rocks, groups collected the debris and placed it in the nearby skips, utes and trailers whilst north of the skips, more formations of volunteers raked the strewn rubbish into piles. It worked like a well-oiled machine; raking, lifting, dumping and all the manoeuvring of vehicles in between the people and other runners to the dump. Tuppy Modin wanted give a special mention of the over 60’s. “They were a star that fell out of heaven, I’ve never seen a group of people keep working so much. Young

people were complaining of sore backs and the heat, but they were amazing. I saw kids – 5 to 7 years olds work for 3 hours and they never whinged, one girl never put down her rake.” Darren Cross from Carty Skip Bins told us that there was easily 200 cubic metres more at the dump after the massive beach clean-up. Armloads, handfuls, crates, sacks and buckets of sticks were emptied into huge 16 cubed metre skip bins. Darren told us continued on page 4


IRISH on St Paddy’s Day

Live Performance / 7.30pm

AlanKelly Irish folk singer

Rita Mancktelow with her hardworking wheelbarrow


MONDAY 11 MAR 2 0 1 3


Local News

Some of the sand army – well done!

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Ernie Vines from Toowoomba, with Rochelle Hunter, Natasha Vines, Chloe Thompson and Sheryl Doig -they didn’t stop!

Beach BBQ to wind down – Greg Pearce and Darren Cross say it was a job well done

continued from page 3

the Dodgey’s low loader took 4 trips to the dump, that people fi lled 11 of his smaller 6 metre cubed size skip bins and over 10 trailers or utes made many trips back and forth. The Council made sure there were no charges for the dump and everyone volunteered their time and equipment. Thanks go to Darren, Sharkey and Dean and Wayne Hayes and all the other vehicles for the countless trips to the dump. Local Rita Mancktelow says “I brought 2 wheelbarrows and 2 rakes to the beach, and then I never saw them anywhere the whole time.” She told us they were in constant use and returned to her at the end of the clean-up. One wheelbarrow was on its

last legs (or wheels) and fi nished its long life after the workout. Rita says it is destined to be retired as a big fl ower pot in her yard. A BBQ and beer get together was organised for the post clean up and thanks must go to local businesses owners Sue, Darryl

and Scott Fitzgerald from Rainbow Beach Meats, Matt and Bernie from the Rainbow Beach IGA, Foodworks, and BBQ cooks Joe and Cheryl Zunic. “It blew me apart, people who came down and gave up their Sunday afternoon

to embrace the community and help,” Ruth said. Come along to the next working bee. Ruth says they’ll be at it on “Sunday before Easter (weather permitting), 2pm with a beach BBQ afterwards, by popular request.”

Time for a beach rake?

Ruth says they have done the research – a new machine would cost $60 000 but she has her eye on one coming up for auction- the exact model they prefer, that would clean up to 7 acres per hour. Confident, Ruth is certain: “We’ll achieve this. We already have quite a bit of money toward it. We have a tractor organised at a reasonable price and we’ll appeal to council

– as they have the right and liability to remove beach debris. We’re sure Council will do that if we purchase it!” Ruth appeals, “So if someone knocks on your door for the rake, please open your wallet.” Date claimer: 2pm Sunday March 24 Bring utes and trailers, rakes and crates.

A beach rake is commonly used by other coastal communities, and would have certainly helped us out with the working bee. Our beach is the town’s greatest asset, especially considering most Rainbow workers rely on tourism – we need a clean beach that looks fantastic.

Local News

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Backpackers take refuge in the Hall

This table was full of Europeans, eager to enjoy their holiday despite the weather


x Tropical Cyclone Oswald hit on the Australia Day weekend (January 26-27) and the Community Hall was declared an evacuation centre for stranded travellers on January 27. Only a few were around that day but numbers grew to around 200 by the 29th. Many backpackers were quite distressed – they had to leave all their food and forfeited their Fraser trip to return back to safety. They said trees were falling on tents and all around them, and the wind was ferocious; they felt it was not safe to stay on

the island. They arrived back with no food and no access to cash. Roads were shut to Gympie and Maryborough, buses had ceased, internet was down with all the ATMs not working. Many buses did not resume services until late in the week. Thankfully the hall was open, and many caring locals made sure our visitors had full bellies. Harps, his daughter and others canvassed businesses (many were not aware of the backpacker’s plight) and donations came in for meals from all over town. Backpackers said people just arrived and dropped in a cake or a slice, and were met with applause from the tourists. They were touched by the generosity of individuals, some younger then themselves, and saw residents using their own wages to supplement a meal. Locals offered them the use of their showers and the aquatic centre were generous with welcoming the travellers too. The centre block green was fi lled with sunbathers enjoying the rays. Other volunteers had never seen the kitchen so busy – everyone pitched in with the donated foods, they said the camaraderie was amazing. Music nights whiled away the evening plus a generous soul loaned their TV. Many will agree, it is wonderful that the community has a hall to provide hospitality to those in need. It’s also fantastic to see the community spirit in providing these young travellers with food, basic needs and entertainment.

Community Hall turned sanctuary for weary backpackers

German tourists still a bit dismayed with their holiday plight

Pavilions in March

Every Sunday Full Hot Buffet Breakfast Bookings Recommended Open to the public Pavilion Bar & Restaurant 7.30am to 9.30am Adults: $ 12.50 Children (4-14yrs): $ 7.50 Under 4yrs old eat free


If you are booked in at the Pavilion Restaurant and Bar for dinner and seated before 6.30pm, children under 12 eat FREE!*


Phone 5486 3777 (Bookings Essential)

Opening times: Kitchen: 5:30pm to 8pm Tuesday to Saturday Bar: 10.00am till late Tuesday to Saturday 10.00am till 5pm Sunday & Monday

Easter Sunday 31st March Pig On Spit! Live Entertainment until 4pm

Come down with the family and enjoy a traditional roast lunch on the deck Adults: $15.00 Children: $1.00 per year of age (up to 14) Bookings Essential


New Summer Menu Stuffed Chicken

Chicken thigh stuffed with feta and sun dried tomatoes, Serv Served with a herb cream sauce, crushed potatoes and a wild mushroom risotto

Pan Fried Snapper

Served with Tian potato, seasonal vegetables and topped with prawns In a mango chilli lime butter Please be advised that due to a private function Pavilion Restaurant and Bar will be closed to the public from 3pm on the following dates 2nd, 9th, 15thand 16th


Pavilions is located at BreakFree/Mantra Rainbow Shores Resort

Open to the public Bookings Recommended *(Bookings are essential prior to 4pm on the day, children’s meals must be ordered off the Kid’s Menu each child must be accompanied by a paying adult, valid Tuesday-Saturday only) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Local News Kirsten and many of the Rainbow Warriors

In the new Aquatic Centre Gym

Meet a New Local

Kirsten Porter R

aised at Balliang East near Ballarat on a property, her mechanic Dad and school administrator Mum drove Kirsten 45 minutes to Geelong, 6 to 8 sessions each week. It must have paid off – Kirsten competed at Nationals in breaststroke and decided on a career in the industry. Kirsten has just started work at our aquatic centre. She is a university qualified exercise therapist with a speciality in injury rehabilitation and postgraduate qualification in teaching. Her boyfriend Ryan has worked as a Civil Engineer in Gas Drilling at the mines in Moranbah for the last six months, so they have less travel time now to see each other. Of Rainbow, Kirsten says, “It is definitely a lot quieter and relaxing, although I am busy at the pool. I talk the dog for a walk and am at the beach in no time. Everyone’s been very friendly, and knows who I am, asking me ‘how’s the pool going?’” She was quite surprised at the amount of talent in the Warrior swim club– considering most haven’t competed before. “It’s pretty exciting, even in the pool at the moment we probably have fi ve kids that will go to state championships at the end of the year. “ She is planning a swimfi t 3 day clinic in the school holidays. It will be a challenge for our squad with intensive focus on technique; but it is also aimed as an introduction for children who are apprehensive about swimming as a sport. There will be cross training, fi tness work, fun and games. Kirsten has joined other Rainbow folk to train for the Sunshine Coast “Tough Mudder” and sais, “It’s like a military inspired obstacle course. “(Editors Note: Sounds horrible to me – it is 16+ km of mud, fire, ice-water, 3m walls to climb and 10,000 volts of electric shocks. Underground mud tunnels are in construction in Caloundra now for the August event. They are expecting over 35,000 people to compete! It would be fun to watch.) She also hopes to compete in open water swims – both Hervey Bay and Noosa offer them early this year (please let her know if you are keen). Ryan and Kirsten also plan to learn to surf, “I bought boards for my Partner and I – locals can have a good laugh when they see us try.” “Ryan said the next time he’s here we’ll visit Fraser Island – everyone is telling us how lovely it is over there.” Drop into the pool and welcome Kirsten, it’s great she has brought her skills and expertise to town!

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Local News

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Support our Surf Girl Ashleigh A

shleigh Dodt was gearing to head back to University when we caught up with her. In her third year of an Occupational Therapy (OT) degree at Sunshine Coast University, with a part time job at Gympie’s Donut King, holiday work for Surf Lifesaving Qld at Southbank and with a her surf patrol every fortnight she has added the Summer Surf Girl competition to her workload. She has been working hard since last July raising much needed funds for the safety of our beach. Every Saturday night Ashleigh has been selling raffl e tickets at the Rainbow

Beach Surf Club, even visiting the Muster and Inskip Point’s New Year’s Day Party to fundraise some more. This month will see two major fundraisers: a Sunday afternoon Barefoot Bowls event on March 3 at Gympie and a Saturday Golf Day on March 23 at Gympie’s Gunabul Homestead. Ashleigh learnt about the Surf Girl Program at an SLSC State-wide Camp. It turns out the person she fi rst asked about it and encouraged Ashleigh to set her sights for it, was Bridget Seymour, who went on to win 2012 Surf Girl for Alex Heads SLSC. Fundraising ceases on April 22 and Ashleigh will travel to the Gold Coast for the judging week May 7-11 at Jupiter’s Casino. “My parents, members of the Surf Club, and friends I’ve met through Surf Lifesaving from all over the state will be there to support me.” “There are 4 winners – Overall, Runnerup, Highest Fundraiser and Personality. Until the Saturday night, no one knows who has raised the most money. It’s a lot of fun with team activities, rescues like on proficiency days and etiquette training.” Born in Gympie, Ashleigh progressed through nippers to become a patrol member and tells us she is the fi rst Surf Girl for Rainbow Beach in 14 years. The whole program increases awareness of our surf club and that the whole state’s surf clubs are run by donations. “I would be a very different person if I hadn’t been a surf club member. I would

recommend nippers to anyone - especially in Rainbow Beach as it is so family based. Training gives you the potential to save a life - it is so powerful.” Last September Ashleigh secured a job within SLSC Little Lifesavers at Southbank. She says it is basically nippers for city kids. “I work as an age manager for the holiday program where kids paddle on boards, and dive for fl ags and other nipper activities for 5-11 year olds. My group are the Under 7’s – it is really fun and so good for the kids.” Meanwhile, she is half way through her four year course, and was planning to work in aged care until she did her three week practical in a lymphodema clinic last year. Ashleigh admits, “After seeing all the different options at PA hospital, I am now

confused and have no idea – I’ll be happy to work in any fi eld of OT.” Ashleigh tells us there is still time for businesses to come on board with the fundraisers. She thanks Ruth from Foodworks and Shelley from Bitchy Chix for donating prizes and other businesses have sponsored a hole or entered a team. “If anyone is interested in donating or assisting in anyway please call me on 0567 666 626.” “We have raised above and beyond what I thought was possible -it has been amazing!” Ashleigh says. So - get down to the Surf Club on Saturday nights or put a team together for the bowls or golf days, and help Ashleigh raise more cash for our beach and promote our piece of paradise to the rest of Queensland. (Photo contributed)

Local News

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Hunt a bargain in Tin Can Bay I

have been living on the Cooloola Coast for over 7 years now, and have just discovered (thanks Roma) that Tin Can Bay has an Op Shop. You’ll find it in an converted Church, on the corner of Buchanan and Emperor Streets (you turn left off the Tin Can Bay-Gympie road, a few streets past the IGA). Tin Can Bay Community Church Op Shop is packed with surprises. With plenty of bric a brac, clothes for all ages and even furniture, it is a pleasant (and inexpensive) retail therapy option. Funds are raised to sponsor a child, for the Think Like a Pony project and help out many groups including Tin Can Bay’s Meals on Wheels, CWA, SES, Coast Guard, Referral Centre, Medical Transport, Lioness and Lions Groups, RSL and

Wendy, Helen and Irene volunteer several times a week at Tin Can Bay’s Op Shop

the Red Shield Appeal. The shop is open mornings 9am- noon, Monday to Friday. If Op shopping is your thing, you can see a recent list of all the Gympie Op shops. (https://gympiecommunitygardens.wordpress.com/2012/12/04/ save-money-and-support-our-local-op-shops/)

Community Cabinet Meeting Update From the Progress Association: To Be Continued On Sunday, 24th February, as reported last month, Ruth Modin, Councilor Mark McDonald and myself attended a meeting with the Premier, Campbell Newman and Minister Steve Dickson, at the Brolga Theatre in Maryborough regarding our very long battle against the “Beach Driving Fees”. Walking into a huge room full of tables, chairs, Premier, Ministers, Police [lots of police], and hundreds of people, I felt sick with nerves even after a quick cuddle of support from David Gibson, who came up especially to be with us. The ice was quickly broken with Ruth saying to the Premier “You can call me Ruth if I can call you Campbell!” Joking aside, we very strongly put our case forward over the course of 15 minutes, and came away confi dent in the knowledge that we were listened to closely by the Premier, and changes are definitely afoot. The Minister said that the new proposals had to go before Finance Committee fi rst for approval, then to Cabinet for final ratifi cation. Unfortunately we are not privy to this information, but have been assured we will be the fi rst to know, hopefully a fairer outcome than we have previously endured. David Gibson was our invited guest at the fi rst meeting of our association for 2013 on Thursday 28th, and we thank him for making the time to attend. Congratulations must also go to the Foodworks girls who organized the ‘beach cleanup’ after ex cyclone Oswald. Over 200 volunteers spent several hours taking tonnes of rubbish, washed up from the storms, off the beach. The results were amazing! Well done everyone, and the Premier was very impressed by the before and after photos.

Would you like to access Rainbow Beach Cooloola Cove Community News online? Go ahead and register your name online this month (you’ll be able to add your email address for notifications soon). Visit http://rainbowbeach communitynews.com.au/ or email info@rbcn.com.au

Rain, Rain, go away!!! We’ve had quite an eventful February, beginning with the Australia Day weekend fl oods, cutting us off for several days, closely followed by more rain, and another rise in fl ooded creeks. As I write, we are waiting for more with expected falls to reach 200mm. The breakdown of Telstra communications, including ATM’s, EFTPOS, mobile phones and internet, certainly caused some enormous problems for businesses and visitors all caught out by our dependency on modern technology, in what has become a cashless society! Often makes you wonder if we are actually going forwards or backwards. Rainbow Beach is always resilient in the face of challenge, so I congratulate each and every one of you who so selfl essly gave of your time, money, food and support for those in need during some very diffi cult times. I feel very proud to be part of such an extraordinary community. Until next month Sandy Brosnan ph: 0427-863007 President

Local News

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Wolf Rock Dive Report


nfortunately there has been no diving this month due to bad weather conditions. However as a result of the weather we have been busy with mooring installations and repairs. There have been a few broken moorings which have created a few problems for other mooring holders. If you have a mooring it’s extremely important to have your components checked by qualified commercial divers to ensure the safety of not only your own vessel but the vessels around you. When we are doing these mooring inspections you would also be surprised at what sort of marine life we come across. It’s

3 hour Surf Lessons and Dolphin View Kayaking Tour at Double Island Point


3hr lesson Learn to Surf on the Longest Safest Wave in Australia Both Tours include a 4WD beach drive past the famous Rainbow Beach Coloured sands Also available: n Gift Vouchers n Sand and Surf Board hire n Hardwire, Surfwear outlet

Sunset kayak tour departing 4.30pm daily (2 hours) $29

Paddle with the Dolphins and see these amazing animals in the wild!

$65 3hr trip

Rainbow Beach Surf Centre

Shop 1, 6 Rainbow Beach Road, Rainbow Beach, Qld, 4581 Ph: 0408738192

not unusual to fi nd turtles having a nap on top of a mooring anchor and Kev has had to fi ght off the odd sea snake or sand crab. Some vessels even have their very own eco system growing right under their hulls with loads of hard and soft corals that are home to all sorts of tiny animals. I still fi nd it a lot more exciting though when you come face to face with the big stuff at Wolf Rock. To give you some perspective, the grey nurse shark in this photo is about 3 metres long and the bull rays measure about 2 metres across the body. Cheryl Maughan Wolf Rock Dive

Local News

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continued from page 1

It’s been a few years since the McCarthy’s have lived in Rainbow, in some of their time away Andrew led customers on 5 day trail rides through the Victorian high country. “We took our clients where the Man from Snowy River was fi lmed - including the downhill scene.” Andrew grew up in Kia Ora and attended Gympie High. “My family bought a Rainbow Beach block in 1973 and still own the holiday home. My brother remembers when he was young staying in the caravan south of where the surf club is now – lots of district families would tow their caravans with a tractor and park right on the beach.” Kirsty’s Mum is well known Librarian

Heather Robertson, who secured Principal of Rainbow’s school when Kirsty was in Grade 9. Andrew and Kirsty racked up over 20 years of surf patrols with time as Club Captain and various executive positions, and they plan to be patrolling again soon. Their children Courtney and Zac attended Rainbow Beach State School trip in 2008 and 2009. Now Courtney is at her parent’s old high School and Zac back at Rainbow and a nipper too. Phone 04121RIDES to book a horseride, Andrew and Kirsty know horses, know the area and are great for a nag (pun intended). They’ll make sure you have a magical ride on our beautiful beach.

The McCarthys bring Rainbow Beach Horserides back- Andrew, Kirsty, Courtney and Zac

Quilty qualifier added to Far-A-Way E

ndurance riders at the Easter carnival in the Mary Valley will get their last chance to qualify for the famous Tom Quilty Gold Cup National Championship event being held in Kilkivan this year. The new feature event - a 160-kilometre “Tom Quilty Queensland Qualifier” was added to the Far A Way Easter Endurance Carnival, FAW president Geoff Fisher said. “With the annual rotation of the Tom Quilty around Australia, it will be six years before Queensland riders again have the chance to compete in their own state,” Mr Fisher said. Endurance horse riders from across Australia will join international competitors at Imbil this Easter to compete in a

huge endurance riding program developed by event organiser, Far A Way Riders Association (FAW). Events ranging from 20km to 320km see the Easter carnival as the annual highlight for many Queensland endurance riders and others from across Australia. It is anticipated that more than 300 competitors and their horses will camp at the Imbil Showground over the holiday period along with their support crews and families. This event will add to the busy Easter weekend population of Imbil by more than 1000 people. The signature Easter Endurance Carnival event is the 320km marathon spanning four days, and an experienced team of equine veterinarians headed up by Jon

Fearnley, the 2013 Tom Quilty Gold Cup Head Veterinarian, will be working throughout the carnival to assess and ensure horses’ fi tness to continue in the competition. Many competitors say that it is fortunate that riders are not given the same scrutiny. First timers are encouraged to “come and try” in the 20km introduction event which Mr Fisher said provided a great opportunity for those who wish to give endurance a try as experienced pace riders provide support throughout the event. Other events include a 120km minimarathon event, two 80km Open events and two 40km training events. Mary Valley locals figure highly on the

national level with Kenilworth rider, Brook Sample, a six-time winner of the Tom Quilty Gold Cup, including in Tasmania in 2012. The Sample family will have four generations at the Easter Endurance Carnival. Peter Pike also a Kenilworth rider and longtime FAW committee member will again defend his record winning run in the 320km marathon event. From its humble beginnings at Kenilworth in 1987, the Far A Way Riders Association has become a powerful force in Australian endurance. Twice it has organised and hosted the Tom Quilty Gold Cup event, and has also hosted FEI internationally affiliated championship events at Imbil.

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Suitcase Market Gympie D

on’t miss the Suitcase Market, on Saturday the 9th of March at Gympie Regional Gallery between 9am and 2pm, connecting our community with local ARTrepreneurs. It is the premium opportunity in our region to admire and snap up lovingly handmade artistic products, all displayed in a suitcase on the Gallery verandah. Local Kathy McFarlane brought her wares to the fi rst Suitcase Market last Winter. Kathy crafts beautiful earrings ( that she also sells locally through 7th Wave), mobiles of driftwood and beanies. “I started knitting beanies when Mum had cancer, she helped me learn to use the patterns,” she said. The driftwood is salvaged from our very own beach and she has started incorporating buttons to make her colourful earrings. When you see the suitcase market advertised, you have to go. It has what I want to see at a market – all unique, homemade things like cards, jewellery, tea pot cosies, bunting and more. You see what people are doing and it gives you different ideas for your own craft.” Not only can you have a rummage through local products and a chat to those

hocking their eclectic wares, this Suitcase Market you can also make the most of the Gallery with their Bizzart day. The Gallery is Playing Up for their 15th birthday Bizzart Day with three exhibitions open, children’s activities, food and drink are available and they promise all round free family fun. In fact, they’re Playing Up all March long – the gallery has lots of other activities, including lunchtime concerts, Friday evening jam sessions and something for the kids. They are also offering their Verandah Chill Zone where you can tuck into coffee and cake. Plus you can stop into the Art Gallery shop – there are always beautiful gifts and homewares to admire. It’s well worth the drive. If you haven’t been to the Gallery in Nash St, Gympie, March 9 is the perfect opportunity. Phone 5481 0733 for more information. Breaking News: Rainbow’s own Bessie handmade vintage and retro fabric bags is delighted to announce they they have secured a place at the next Suitcase Market on March 9. Hope to see you there! Find us on facebook at Facebook -BessieBagsAndHomewares

Waterview Bistro News W aterview Bistro is open again after two lovely weeks in Melbourne, visiting our family and meeting our new granddaughter for the first time. What a delight! We had glorious weather and lots of good food and wine.

Matt did lots of cooking; it seems he can’t get away from it! Our Lunch Special will resume from Wednesdays to Saturdays.$19.50Main Course, including a glass of House Wine (choice of Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot

Kathy McFarlane with her suitcase full of crafty goods Grigio, Shiraz or Cabernet Sauvignon). Also the Friday Night Special will also be available- a selection of 4 Mains- choose 2 and a bottle of House Wine for $50.00 per couple. Amazing value, so come up and join us! (These Specials won’t be available over Easter). Easter Trading Hours: Open. Lunch & Dinner Good Friday 29th March,

Easter Sat 30th March, Easter Sun 31st March, Closed Mon 1st& Tues 2nd April We’re looking forward to seeing our regulars as well as new customers. Come up for a delicious meal or just pop in for a Cocktail or a Beer and watch the sun set. Take Care, Matt, Judy & Andreas

Page 13 Local News Clean Up Australia Day for Rainbow Beach 2013


Harry McGrath and Drew Lindenberg get ready for Clean Up Australia Day

n the past 23 years, Australians have devoted more than 24 million hours towards the environment through Clean Up Australia Day and collected over 200,000 tonnes of rubbish. The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) and Gympie Shire Council have once again registered Rainbow Beach as a site for Clean-up Australia Day, which is on Sunday 3 March this year. Details and steps on how to register as a volunteer are at www.cleanupaustraliaday. org.au. Follow the links to pre-register with QPWS for Rainbow Beach or Inskip. We encourage people to pre-register online – this will save time fi lling out the forms on the day and help us estimate numbers for teams and a barbeque afterwards.

Sports club secures grant

Sign-on and a pre-cleanup briefi ng will be at the Rainbow Beach Community Centre from 8am, where cleanup kits and maps of the area will be available. Pre-formed teams are welcome, or we can arrange teams on the day. Cleanup areas will be all around Rainbow Beach township and major roads including the Rainbow Beach and Inskip Pt roads. If possible, please bring your own transport. Utes and trailers will be most welcome for carting rubbish bags to the tip. There will be a free sausage sizzle and soft drinks for those involved from around 11am at the surf club, so if you have any spare time during that Sunday morning, why not get involved in this worthy community get-together.

Rainbow Beach

Meeting point: Rainbow Beach Community Centre, Rainbow Beach Road. Start time: 8am. Other organised points – see www. cleanupaustraliaday.org.au for details.

Cooloola Cove

Meeting Point: Billabong Park (behind the shopping centre), Cooloola Cove. Start time: 8.30am.

Tin Can Bay

Meeting point: SES Shed, Snapper Creek Road, Tin Can Bay. Start time: 8am.

Send us to your family and friends

Kirsten Porter and Leanne Bergin with new aquatic wheelchair


t’s easy and free! Your Community News can be found on the internet - and the link is working! Simply visit www.rainbowbeachcommunitynews.com.au add your name and

email address and a link will be sent to you. People are telling us they love that they share photos and articles with friends and family out of the district. It also means you can access the news fi rst, and keep the Coast’s calendar of events right on your computer. Regular visitors or holiday home owners can also keep on top of all the latest on the Cooloola Coast, without waiting for your next trip here. Be assured, we are still circulating more paper copies than ever, and at more outlets on the Cooloola Coast and Gympie. NB We respect your privacy, the link is sent once a month only and we do not share your details with third parties. In time, the website will be up and running as well as social media. So register your name, and stay in touch.

Local News

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St Patrick’s Day Fun W

hy do we celebrate this Irish day? Saint Patrick isn’t even his real name. Maewyn Succat was born in the UK in 385 AD. Kidnapped by raiders at 16 years of age he was sold into slavery on the Green Isle. He escaped to France after 6 years and bcame a bishop named Patricus. He returned to Ireland to spread the word and used the shamrock, which resembles a three-leafed clover, as a metaphor to explain the holy trinity. The fi rst St. Patrick’s Day parade didn’t take place in Ireland, but actually in New York City on March 17, 1762. We don’t have a parade, but you can still celebrate this month: n Rainbow Beach Hotel is featuring an Irish singer, chip butties and loads of green for their Tribal night that week. n The Sports Club is the ONLY place in town with Guinness on tap. They’ll have Irish music and the menu will offer Irish food for lunch and dinner on the 17th. Plus they’ll host a UFC event Georges St Pierre vs Nick Diaz. n Or you can head to St Pat’s Race Day in Gympie – marquees have been booked and it would be a great day out watching the horses and a chance to catch the fashions of the field.

Oswald wreaks havoc

Birds Around The Bay I

The big storm at the end of January showed just how quickly and drastically coastal environments can change. The high tide was pushed further inland than I have ever seen it and nearly every sandbank in the strait was changed in some way. I am waiting for both the wind and rain to ease so that I can get out on my kayak and visit all the shorebird roosts to see what has happened to them. I went out to Inskip Point the day after the storm fi rst eased and found a Tern roosting on the sand that I had never seen before. It was a Sooty Tern and there were several more just offshore where they were diving and catching fi sh. Sooty Terns only come ashore when very bad weather forces them there. At other times they are found on offshore islands and coral cays. This time there were Sooty Terns found all along the coast and as far south as the Sydney area. The migratory shorebirds must have sheltered as best as they could until the worst of the storm was over. They are now following their usual routine of resting and eating. It


is only a few more weeks until most of them will migrate to the northern hemisphere for the breeding season. The other morning on a high tide there were large flocks of shorebirds – especially Bar-tailed Godwits – roosting on Inskip Point. Usually once a fl ock settles down they all stay still until the tide goes out again or something disturbs them. However, this time there were several dozen Godwits busily chasing after the waves that were coming right over the Point. Water softens the sand and then Godwits can safely probe deep into it with their long slender bills in search of small creatures to eat. These birds were eating rather than resting. They all need to build up body fat to give them the energy they need for their migration. If you want to join our monthly shorebird counts then phone Dorothy Pashniak: 54880057 and if you want to read more about the birds I see every week then visit my blog at http://www.sandystraitsandbeyond.blogspot.com.au/

n the 26th January 2013 when most of Australia was celebrating our great nation’s day, Queensland’s east coast was thumped by ex-tropical cyclone Oswald. This storm was relentless and didn’t spare anything in its way, which saw our small community face its own damage and destruction. Boats torn from their moorings, yachts pushed into mangroves and boats literally torn apart by strong winds and abnormally high tides. Even our own coast guard wasn’t able to avoid the destruction as the tides damaged the pontoons and even buckled the steel bridge leading them to their rescue boats. Lluckily the rescue boats were moved to safer waters before any damage was sustained. With wind gusts recorded at Double Island Point in excess of 125km an hour and torrential rainfall of an estimated 700 mm over the 2 to 3 days there was plenty of localised fl ooding, road closures, Rainbow Beach was swamped with debris. With the Cooloola Coast losing power, phone towers and the television towers plus the fl ooding at Coondoo Creek and

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Debris was cast onto the beach

It was compelling viewing from the lookout

This tree has now been righted

A damaged roof... Foam everywhere

Maryborough meant we were completely isolated. Given all this our local community banded together to get it all back on track. Volunteers  ocked to Rainbow Beach and did the massive clean-up, strangers were literally helping each other with boats and fallen trees. It’s this community spirit that makes the Cooloola coast a great place to live. Scott Johnson

Local Services

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Library Happenings OPENING HOURS Monday & Thursday 9.30am – 12.30pm; Wednesday & Friday 2pm – 5pm; Saturday 8.30am – 11.30am; Phone us on: 5486 3705 Visit us at: www.gympie.qld.gov.au/library Membership Gympie Regional Libraries are always happy to welcome new members, so bring along a form of identifi cation showing your current address, visit your nearest branch, fill out a membership form and take advantage of our generous offer of 20 loan items over a 3 week period. Once you have your library card, tuck it away and bring it with you each time you come to the library. Visitors to the region are also most welcome to borrow materials or use the facilities and services available. Ancestry Library Edition The State Library of Queensland provides access to Ancestry Library Edition for all Queensland Public Libraries. ALE is a huge

subscription database, similar to the Ancestry.com. The licence allows for onsite access only, and Gympie Regional Libraries are providing access at all branch libraries. ALE is available on all of the Internet computers at the Tin Can Bay Library. Give us a call to make a booking and see if you can find someone on Ancestry Library Edition. Computers & Xbox Don’t forget the Rainbow Beach Library also provides a free computer service for members. There are three Internet pcs available for one hour booking slots. The Microsoft Offi ce suite is installed on all of the pcs and printing is available at 20c per page. Library staff are happy to assist you with locating information but may not be able to help with technical or site difficulties. For the kids and young at heart there is also an Xbox – come along and get your kids to show you how to play! Visit us online at: www.gympie.qld.gov.au/library

Book Review

The Panther by Nelson De Mille AF DEMI 2012

This is the long awaited follow-up to The Lion. Defi nitely well worth the wait while De Mille carefully researched the region and topic… mostly set in Yemen. “Filled with breathtaking plot turns and told in John Corey’s inimitable voice The Panther is a brilliant depiction of the most treacherous countries in the world and raises disturbing questions about whether we can ever know who our enemies – or allies – really are”. This book really lives up to all the hype and good reviews, although I found it really slow to build the fast paced page turning suspense of the latter half of the novel. Since I love full-on action thrillers, I thought there was too much background description and scene setting to begin with, however it was well worth persevering, as it developed into a relentless thriller with twists and turns a plenty. On reflection the slow build up at the start was necessary to

Cooloola Coast Medical Transport Inc A

s previously indicated and due to increasing overheads medical transport fees have been increased effective March 1, 2013. Our fees are calculated on kilometres travelled, Brisbane travel fees have always been lower than the calculated price and remain so however a twenty dollar increase was necessary. We are a not for profit organisation and currently receive no government funding.

We rely on fundraising and donations along with transport fees to keep operational. We are submitting funding applications to various bodies in the hope of gaining support for the purchase of replacement vehicles this year. Each of our 5 vehicles travel in excess of 60,000 kilometres each year therefore vehicles need to be replaced on a regular basis. Medical transport is a door to door ser-

give the story authenticity, showing how well this novel was researched and therefore, making it all the more convincing. The ending suggests there may be more to come from this master storyteller where fact and fiction blur so well. Paul

vice for our residents travelling out of town medical appointments. We must strongly emphasize this service is solely for medical travel and under no circumstances is personal shopping permitted. Cooloola Coast Medical Transport members are all volunteers and give their time to help this community.We take this opportunity to thank all drivers, offi ce staff, car cleaners, raffl e sellers, bingo organisers and the man-

agement committee. Also a big thank you to the community and businesses that continue to support us. Bingo every Sunday at Cooloola Coast Bowls Club eyes down 1.30 p.m. We recommend booking your transport as soon as you have notifi cation of your appointment to avoid disappointment. Offi ce hours 8.30 am - 12.30 pm Monday Friday; 5/6 Scullett Drive Cooloola Cove Phone 5486 2488 NEW VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS WANTED

Local Services

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Ex Cyclone Oswald clean up in parks continues E

Grant Phelan

x Tropical Cyclone Oswald tracked inland down much of Queensland’s east coast between 24–28 January 2013. More than 250 national parks and other protected areas were impacted by the gale-force winds and intense rainfall that coincided with very high tides. In less than a week after the weather system passed, rangers from the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service had managed to fully re-open 47 protected areas and partly re-open another 64. As at 18 February 2013, 82 protected areas were still closed for further cleanup work. A number of these national parks, conservation parks and resources reserves are currently considered unsafe for visitors because of erosion, landslips and fallen trees. Cooloola’s QPWS Commu-

QPWS machinery at work clearing the Freshwater Rd in the wake of ex Tropical Cyclone Oswald on January 27.

nity Engagement Ranger Grant Phelan said Great Sandy National Park was not spared. “Fraser Island was heavily impacted from erosion and hazardous trees on roads, beaches, walk trails and in visitor areas,” Mr Phelan said. “Before the storm and in the immediate aftermath visitors were asked to leave for their safety.

“It was a similar story across Cooloola. Teewah h Beach was closed for camping, and the Freshwater Road was blocked by fallen trees for a couple of days. Inskip Peninsula Recreation Area was eerily empty over the Australia Day long weekend, except for a few hardy souls braving the driving wind and rain,” he said. “QPWS rangers throughout the state have been working hard to restore access and re-open as many parks as possible. Many have also been helping clean up their local communities including one of our local rangers who has been engaged in the disaster recovery program for Gympie. “Wild weather again in mid February led to more closures and cautions, and some setbacks on the cleanup. “Works will continue until all parks and amenities are safe and accessible for visitors. For some protected areas, this could be some months. However, much of Great Sandy National Park has now been reopened to visitors,” Mr Phelan said. If you are planning on visiting any of Queensland’s protected areas, please check the park alerts (http://www.nprsr. qld.gov.au/park-alerts/index.php) for the latest information on park access, as well as road and weather conditions, before leaving home. Before going to Fraser Island and Cooloola, also check the Conditions Reports which come out at least fortnightly: http://www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/fraser/ pdf/fraser-conditions-report.pdf and http:// www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/cooloola/ pdf/cooloola-conditions-report.pdf.

Local Services

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Laptops Vs Desktops I

Hello all and welcome back to another month of tips and tricks, this month I will be looking at Laptops and Desktops and doing some comparisons between the two. I often get asked which one to buy after a customer has had an unfortunate computer failure or has decided that it is time for an upgrade. Many think that a laptop is just a very small version of a desktop computer, and that there great because they are mobile, and take up next to no space, but at the end of the day there are other factors to consider as well. If you are travelling or looking to, laptops are great and with the mobile internet that Telstra and other ISP have on offer now, the possibilities are limitless. If you are however, a home user then there is more to consider because speed and expandability come to mind and also value for money. A good laptop with everything will cost approximately $900-1100 you can get much cheaper ones but something of top quality will cost that amount easily, now for that price you will get quite a fast laptop but if you compared it to a desktop counterpart of the same value you would have a computer that is up to 25-35% faster. This is especially true if the computer is to be used for graphics or games as most laptops still don’t handle these too well. Laptops also have a poor selection of ports, depending on the type to purchase, and it would be a shame to ďŹ nd out that you can’t plug in your printer or have to purchase an additional hub because you have run out of USB ports. Now the aspect of speed and lack of features can be overlooked but the one thing that is important is the ability to repair the unit when it breaks down. A desktop computer can be ďŹ xed anywhere, even if it means voiding the warranty, it can still be ďŹ xed at most computer shops and most technicians will have the parts available at their disposal. Laptops on the other hand, have to be sent away or

Soundwaves Session 1


he programme is ďŹ lling up for the ďŹ rst session of Music and Entertainment to be held in the Community Hall at Rainbow Beach on Sunday 10th March, 2013, between 3pm – 6pm The Sessions are an initiative of the Rainbow Beach Community Centre and are created with the intent of providing a regular Music and Entertainment presence in Rainbow Beach. So far we have: n Bluegrass n Medley of dance songs on a digital electric piano n Nat King Cole rendition n Guitar and vocalist from the A.I.C.M. n Clawhammer Banjo n Dance Routine n Resurrection of the School Band If you have a talent or just want to have a go, give us a ring and we will slot you into the programme For only $2 a head donation for adults, children under 16 free (refreshments included) the First Session promises to be a cheap afternoon of eclectic entertainment For information ring: Frank 0438080950 RBCC 5486-3355

returned to the place of purchase, as you will ďŹ nd that most computer technicians can’t ďŹ x them due to their complex design and part availability. Simple things like, Memory or HDD problems or upgrades can be looked at but as soon as a major part fails, it’s time to put it in a box and send it away. I have had many customers whom have bought a laptop with a 12 month warranty and then have had something go wrong 14 months later, yes it does happen. So let’s say the screen went, to get this replaced on some laptops after the warranty period can cost hundreds and for the most part it is cheaper to buy a new laptop, pretty expensive considering you have only had the product for just over a year. So when someone asks me about which is better all I can say is laptops were designed for mobility, if you are a traveller or a student they are a gift, and for the most

part the laptops you can buy now are quite good we have come a very far way from what they used to be. The new net books are quite popular amongst travellers and students as they are amazing for their size, however when buying a laptop or net book all I can say is get extended warranty, because then you get 3-5 years of satisfaction rather than 12 months. If you want speed and expand-

ability and you not going to be moving the computer around, I suggest you get a desktop computer as they do have many upsides. Andy Feldmann

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Local Services

Page 21

Let’s help Church Of The Good Shepherd News people in Bundaberg

Hannah with all the donations so far


are Packs for the community of Bundaberg who have been through the disastrous fl oods. We will be donating packs to Bundaberg North State School. Marni from the P & C said her daughter Hannah made a special pack for a dog – with pet food, toys and a new dog lead. Another pack they made was a Tupperware container full of toiletries. Marni says a big thank you to everyone who has dropped in a box so far. They have extended the date, so more people can have a chance to help out. How can you help? 1. You will need a shoebox or a box of the same size. No bigger as we will be posting the boxes to Bundaberg. 2. Select items to fi ll your shoebox for a specifi c gender & age to send your gift pack to, for example it will be for a Male or Female, ages can range from Infant, Child, teenager, 20-30, 30-45, 45-55, 55-60 & over 60. 3. Items should be new personal items, for example toothbrush, deodorant, hair brush, hair ties, underwear, sunscreen, perfume, coloured pencils, soft toys, coffee cup, lego, tennis ball, makeup, hat, face washer, itunes card, the list is endless of what you can fill the box with. Think of small items that they need DO NOT pack items that are perishable. 4. Write a letter wishing the person best of luck, it can be anonymous and as brief or as long as you wish. 5. Wrap the shoebox and clearly label on the outside of wrapping who the package is for e.g. Male Aged 30-45. Ensure your parcel is secure. 6. Bring your labelled, wrapped shoebox to the school by Wednesday March 13. We will then organise postage or freight to Bundaberg. Thank you. Your generosity is appreciated. Encourage friends, families and children to help. Please contact the school for any enquires or Marni Robertson on 0400 790409

“About Our Church!” Church Services 9 Am Every Sunday This is an Anglican or Uniting Service to which people of all denominations are invited. On the third Sunday of each month, a Uniting Church pastor will celebrate while on other Sundays, the celebrant will be an Anglican pastor. Morning tea after the service each Sunday provides an opportunity for fellowship. (7am at St Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church in Manooka Drive) Easter Services - 9am Good Friday 9am Easter Sunday Prayer Group At The Church - 10am Fridays - All Welcome Please note during Lent (13th February – 29th March) our regular prayer hour will commence at 9.30am followed at 10.30am with a combined Lenten Study with our Catholic church family members and an optional “cuppa” and BYO lunch. All are most welcome to join us. Rainbow Beach Christian Radio - Vision Fm 87.6 Your prayers are requested - if you know anyone sick or in need of help and prayer, please contact the church. We pray especially at this time for all who have been so adversely affected by the recent floods and fi res and we offer prayers of thanks for all those wonderful people who have rendered assistance in any way. We also remember Fr Andrew Cooper, Pam Lidbetter, Lynn and Peri Sanchez, Audrey Gilbert, baby James Bellette, Barbara McGladrigan, Alex Barritt, Cyndari, Jahli and Seth Parton, Lesley Whackett, and Rika Martin and

we give thanks for the blessing of healing received. Religious Education If you wish to help at our RB school this year, your offer would certainly be greatly appreciated. Please ring Glenys on 5486 3433. The Kids’ Fun Club We have the venue and a number of willing helpers, as well as children, but we need to pray for new people to come forward to lead the club. School Chaplaincy We pray for the appointment of a Chaplain for the RB School in 2013. World Day of Prayer Service - 10am Friday, 1st March – Cooloola Cove Hall All are invited to this interdenominational world-wide service and morning tea. Church Activities in the Hall All are invited, especially anyone here on holidays. Mahjong/Games Mornings are held

at 9am each Wednesday while the Arts & Craft Group meets 9am 2nd and last Tuesdays of each month. “No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever!” God Bless! Annette Collins

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Rainbow Beach Police Beat O

nce again Rainbow Beach has copped the brunt of some extreme weather with two major weather systems hitting the town in recent times. Fortunately despite all the rain we did not have any Indonesian Naval vessels wash up on the beach this time around. I’m also happy to report that we have only attended one traffic accident during the past month, despite some terrible driving conditions. I would like to thank all those people who stayed off the road as much as possible, especially during the weather created by exTropical Cyclone Oswald. It makes our job much easier at a diffi cult time if people are not out sightseeing and putting themselves and their family in danger. Here is an example of what not to do. Leroy and I were conducting some traffic control at the fl ooded section of Rainbow Beach Road (near Carlo Road) during the worst of the weather conditions in late January, when I was approached by a tourist in a four-wheel-drive asking how far he could make it out of town. After giving him some advice I asked him where he was trying to get to and he replied, “Oh nowhere, we’re staying in town, I’m just taking the kids for a look around.” He had two young children in the car with him so I told him that it would be best if he returned to his accommodation until conditions improved. Not five minutes later we received information from the local Disaster Management Group that they were tracking a weather pattern that may result in a tornado hitting Rainbow Beach. Not a

good time to be out on the road. In other news, the Queensland Government has recently announced a state-wide amnesty from prosecution for the surrender and registration of weapons and unregistered fi rearms during the amnesty period. The Firearms and Weapons Amnesty commenced on 1 February and will fi nish on 30 April 2013. You can surrender unregistered firearms to your local fi rearms dealer or police station without prosecution for its possession. Personal details or reasons for the possession may not be required. If you hold a Weapons Act licence for the relevant category you can apply to register a fi rearm at your shooting club, fi rearms dealer, armourer or local police station without prosecution for its possession. Unlicensed people with unregistered fi rearms who wish to obtain a fi rearms license are encouraged to place the fi rearms in storage with a firearms dealer or ask a licensed friend or family member to register the fi rearm on their behalf and hold it until they obtain their own license. Any inquires regarding the amnesty can be directed to the Firearms Amnesty Contact Centre on 1300 833 548 from 10 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday during the amnesty or via email: firearmsamnesty@police.qld. gov.au. If you are taking firearm(s) to a fi rearms dealer or police station, please ensure the weapon is made safe. See http:// www.police.qld.gov.au/News+and+Alerts/ campaigns/fi rearms/faq.htm for more information.

In the past month we have attended a number of jobs where dogs have been found roaming the streets either causing concern to pedestrians or running in front of cars and causing traffi c chaos. If you are a dog owner it is your responsibility to ensure that your animal is effectively restrained, both at your home, and also when out in public. Al and I understand that dogs can be crafty animals and will sometimes escape from the yard despite your best efforts, and that is why we will do our best to return your animal if we have the time. However, if your dog is constantly roaming around town, or we simply can not locate the owner, we will have no option but to call the council and have your dog collected and taken to the Gympie pound. If your dog is impounded it will cost you $110 to retrieve your registered dog from the pound, or $165 if the dog is not registered. So if you choose to own a dog, please accept responsibility and consider the obligations such ownership entails. Taking the simple step of attaching a tag with your phone number to the dog’s collar can avoid a lot of drama for both you and us. Finally this month, I would like to congratulate former Rainbow Beach resident, Lleam Rees, for his acceptance into the Queensland Police Service Academy. Lleam has done great things within Surf Lifesaving Queensland for years now and we’re fortunate to have someone of his calibre joining us in the blues. Michael Brantz Rainbow Beach Police

Community Information & Resource Centre News Community Hall Management: The Community Information & Resource Service now offi cially manages of the Community Hall. An agreement has recently been signed between the Gympie Regional Council and CI&RS. For all enquiries regarding the hire of the Hall, Meeting Room, or Offi ce please ring

Local Services the Community Centre on 54868607, or drop in and see us. Special Thankyous: During the recent storms the Community Hall became an Evacuation Centre for people who were relocated into Rainbow Beach from Fraser Island and Inskip Point. There were some very kind and generous locals who provided food and cooked for these people, on the day that the ATMs and other telecommunications were all out. A very big thank you is well deserved for helping those people who were stranded away from home. Fund Raising Events: • Cancer Morning Tea. Each year the Centre’s volunteers hold a Morning Tea in May and donate money raised to “Supporting Chemo in Cooloola”. This event will again be held in early May. • Country Music Evening. This is a first for the CI&RS; organisation is well underway to hold this evening on 1st June. Artists Jed & Trudy will entertain with their grea ll. More information on both events will be provided over the next couple of months. Financial Information Seminars: Janine Quinn, ‘Centrelink’s’ Financial Advisor from Gympie has been invited to speak to interested people in April. The dates are yet to be fi nalised. Janine can cover a range of topics including Your Pension, Incoming Streams and Investing with Safety. The Centre is taking expressions of interest from people who would like to attend any of the sessions. Please drop in and gives us your name, this will help us estimate numbers. AGM: Our AGM will be held in April. All CI&RS Members are invited to attend, the date will be advised next month. Our Volunteers: We have a number of very good people who provide their time to run the Community Centre. One of these people, Lyn Sutton, has been a volunteer for the past 10 years. Lyn is very well respected among her colleagues and the people she has helped over this time. For many years now she has compiled our rosters, making sure that there is always someone available to open the Centre daily. Lyn and her husband are moving out of Rainbow, and Lyn will be a big loss to the Centre. We thank her for her great effort and wish her a Neil all the best for their future. New volunteers are always welcome. If you would like to join us please drop in to the Community Centre for a chat. Mary Cottam Secretary CI&RS

Music Plus Night In Cooloola Cove Thursday 28th March 2013 at 7pm Vet’s & Community Hall Come and join our happy band of music lovers and performers, who always give us a fun evening with all the trimmings. Don’t forget to bring your friends and your voice. If you have an instrument you play or a story to tell and want to join in just contact Pam Graham on 5488 0110 or 0428 541 784.

Would you like to access Rainbow Beach Cooloola Cove Community News online?

Go ahead and register your name online this month (you’ll be able to add your email address for notifications soon). Visit http://rainbowbeach communitynews.com.au/ or email info@rbcn.com.au

Page 23 Mr David Gibson happily hands over the new ambulance

Ambulance Report New Vehicle The Tin Can Bay Ambulance Station received a new replacement vehicle recently. Our local MP Mr. David Gibson handed over the vehicle last week. In the photograph are Mr. Gibson and Mr. Keith Clark, who was present on behalf of the Local Ambulance Committee. Donation from Sleepy Lagoon Sports and Social Club The Local Ambulance Committee recently received a most generous donation from the Sleepy Lagoon Sports and Social Club. This money was raised through raffles, including meat trays and will be used towards upgrad-

Gordon Alexander (right) from Sleepy Lagoon Hotel Sports & Social Club cheque presents cheque to the Local Ambulance Committee Troy Rivaldis (QAS), Randolph Aguirre(QAS), Keith Clark(LAC)

ing equipment in the ambulance vehicles and at the station. Many thanks. Photo: A/OIC QAS Troy Rinaldis, Randolf Aguirre QAS, Keith Clark (LAC) and Gordon Alexander (SLHSS). Street Numbering In the not too distant future Rainbow Beach residents will have their house numbers stensiled on their kerb at no cost. This is necessary for easy identifi cation by emergency services personnel when out on a call, as every second counts in some cases. Lost minutes can be critical and these numbers will make house location easy to achieve, especially at night.

Flower Show Early notice! The Flower Show will be held this year on the 19th October and there will be some small changes to the format, including a section for Peoples’ Choice prize winning plant/display. More on this to follow in later notices. Calling 000 Once again please take note that in cases of emergency, or suspected emergency, please DO NOT attend at the station, but call 000 and wait for the ambulance to arrive. Time is of the essence, and if there are no officers at the station, time lost waiting may well be critical.

Local Services Dr David Smith ready to check your moles

Page 24

New Hours at Rainbow Beach Medical Practice


From 25th February the opening hours at Rainbow Beach Medical Practice will increase to 8:00am to 4:00pm Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with Thursday and Friday being 8:00am to 12:30pm.

New Mole Clinics Dr David Smith will run a mole clinic at Rainbow Beach Medical Practice on Wednesday afternoons and another mole clinic at Cooloola Coast Clinic at Tin Can Bay on Thursday afternoons. David has a wealth of experience and post-graduate training in diagnosis of melanomas and skin cancers and in their excision including advanced fl ap repairs for larger lesions in more difficult spots. David uses a dermatoscope, the instrument of choice in assisting with the diagnosis of skin cancers and melanomas. He does all his own follow up and after care for all patients he operates on. He however does not do after care for excisions done elsewhere which is the responsibility of the doctor who did the excision. David holds Membership of the Australasian Colledge of Skin Cancer Medicine and the Diploma of Skin Cancer Medicine ACSM. Included among the courses and workshops he has attended are:- Introduction to Skin Cancer Surgery ACSM, Advanced Skin Cancer Surgery ACSM, Primary Care Skin Cancer – Advanced Skin Cancer Surgery Workshop, Advanced Skin Cancer Surgery Workshop (nose & lower limb), Skin Cancer Conference – Dermoscopy 2011, Intense Dermoscopy Workshop and Advanced Dermoscopy and Dermal Imaging in 2012. He also attended the World Congress of Dermoscopy in 2012. You are invited to use the expertise of our doctors at your local mole clinics at Rainbow Beach and Tin Can

Bay rather than travelling long distances to similar clinics in other towns.

New Doctor at Cooloola Coast Clinic Dr Dennis Rhodes will start work at the Cooloola Coast Clinic at Tin Can Bay on 25th February. He will be working on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dennis is an Australian trained doctor with extensive General Practice experience. He has recently moved to Rainbow Beach for a “seachange”. We welcome him to our region and hope he will enjoy living in this beautiful part of Queensland as much as we do.

Dr Dennis Rhodes

Page 25

Government slashes PAMDA red tape M

ember for Gympie, David Gibson MP says home buyers and agents will be the big winners under the Newman Government’s proposal to split the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 (PAMDA). Mr Gibson said the reforms were another example of the Government’s campaign to reduce red tape by 20 per cent and urged industry to provide feedback on the draft bills released on Monday. “Consumers have been swamped with pages of paperwork in the buying process, which meant many people just sign the dotted line without reading the fi ne print,” Mr Gibson said.

“This has caused problems for buyers and, based on feedback, we have decided to make the process simpler in the interests of consumers and industry. “The draft Bills released on Monday also aim to reduce the endless regulation imposed on businesses licensed under PAMDA and consolidate licence categories. “It is now critical that we get more feedback from local industry on the draft bills so we can identify ways to further reduce red tape and ease the regulatory burden. “The current Act contains more than 23 licence and registration classes across sev-

en industries, but these proposed reforms will separate them into four bills.”

The Bills are: n Property Occupations Bill 2013 n Motor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Bill 2013 n Commercial Agents Bill 2013 n Agents Financial Administration Bill 2013 The Government has already removed sustainability declarations, while the new changes will also allow for the removal of warning statements, which were time consuming and cumbersome. “These changes will simplify the process

New houses to get cheaper H

ome affordability has been given a boost thanks to new laws scrapping the requirement for new properties to be forced to include features that owners may not have wanted or been able to afford. Member for Gympie, David Gibson MP said the changes were effective as of the start of this month and were expected to re-

duce the cost of a new home in the Gympie region by more than $5000. “That’s good news for people looking to enter the property market, and good news for the construction sector,” Mr Gibson said. “These changes will also let owners of existing homes replace a broken electric hot water system with a similar model.”

“Under the old laws, people were forced to include rainwater tanks and expensive energy effi cient hot water systems in the construction of a new home.” “These new laws are about offering consumers a choice,” “Under these changes people are free to make decisions based on their own budget

for consumers by deleting the government 30 C warning statement form, removing unnecessary duplication from the buying process,” he said. “The commitment to split PAMDA was made before the election and has been welcomed by agents across the state. “It is another example of how the Newman Government is letting Queensland business get on with the job as we continue to get the state’s finances back on track.” For a copy of the consultation paper and to provide feedback, visit www.fairtrading. qld.gov.au or call 13 QGOV (13 74 68). and lifestyle.” Mr Gibson said that although those features were more energy efficient, they are considerably more expensive to buy and often when replacing a hot water system would require extra plumbing or electrical work to retrofi t the property before they can be installed. “A broken hot water system is always an unexpected expense and it isn’t fair to force people to go for the more expensive option.” He said.

Your Local Agent with Global Reach We can sell your House!! 20 Achilles Ave Cooloola Cove

5 Ajax Ct Cooloola Cove

Shop 1 Dolphin Shopping Centre Gympie Rd Tin Can Bay 07 54880734

Cooloola Cove TUCKED AWAY - VERY PRIVATE– $445,000 $267,000


36 Mauretania Ave Cooloola Cove

93 Investigator Ave Cooloola Cove

UNDER OFFER $415,000


2 Doric Crt Cooloola Cove

44 Marco Polo Dr Cooloola Cove

Be Prepared to Be Impressed with this 4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom, 2 Storey Brick Home. • Downstairs: spacious lounge, a/c, mod. kitchen & dining, bathroom, entertainment area, 2 bay garage & laundry • Upstairs: timber staircase, racked ceilings, 4blt.in bedrooms, main bathroom, ensuite, formal lounge, kitchenette, full length veranda. Situated on a fenced 1/2 acre block Inspect Today, You Won’t Be Disappointed Noel: 0427 654 019 – Sherry 0403 277 555

Cooloola Cove IDEAL FOR DUAL LIVING- Auction $230,000-$250,000


47 Discovery Ave Cooloola Cove

7 Marlin Way Tin Can Bay

Holiday Let Property $385,000

from $300 per week

Your Property Address

20 Squire St Tin Can Bay

We would love to advertise your Sale Property Rental Property Holiday Let Property HERE!

• Located only a short walk to the Cooloola Cove shopping centre on a elevated 2144 M2 block is this large double level family home. Some of the many features Include. UPSTAIRS: • 3 Good sizes Bedrooms (all with built-in wardrobes) • Main Bedroom has ensuite • Open plan Kitchen/Living/Dining opening onto 2 large decks • Kitchen has plenty of bench space and storage DOWNSTAIRS: • 1 Bedroom self contained unit with Kitchen,Bathroom&Toilet • Large room suitable for another 2 Bedrooms or games room • Entertainment area • 6 Mt x 6 Mt Carport Great location only minutes to Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach OPEN FOR INSPECTION SATURDAYS 12:15PM - 1:00PM AUCTION ON SITE SATURDAY 9TH OF MARCH 2013 AT 1:00PM Noel: 0427 654 019 – Sherry 0403 277 555

Cooloola Cove SPACIOUS, IN AND OUT - $ 379,000 Holiday Let Property from $693 per week


Andrew 0457 862099

Ian 0400 047495

Warren 0418 235644


Great Home, Great Shed, Great Block • Lg.Brick 3 bedroom, 4th bedroom/office home, ensuite,wi robe • Spacious open plan living, a/c, office nook, wide entry hall • Timber kitchen, walk in pantry, lg.laundry • 1/2 acre fenced block, 6mx12mx3m shed with power & toilet • 3mx12m awning,3mx12m concrete slab, fruit trees, pond Lots on offer here - Find Out More - Call Now Noel: 0427 654 019 – Sherry 0403 277 555

Rental Properties Needed Tricia


Ph: 54864577


2/69 Gympie Road Tin Can Bay


Due to high demand we urgently require more rental properties. If you want your valuable investment taken care of by experienced, caring and professional property management team then contact Maureen. Please Contact the friendly team at Professionals 54880734 Email: tincanbay@professionals.com.au www.professionalstincanbay.com.au

Sherry Fuller

School News

Page 30

Rainbow Beach

Back: Vice captain Shakirra Grosskopt, Captains Jack Naylor and Emily Brantz, Vice Captain Cody Hethorn, Cr Mark MacDonald, House captains in the front: Riley Naylor, Lauren Palmer, Kyani Parton and Courtney Medland-McGrath


big thank you to all those busy parents/grandparents who came to our Leadership Induction ceremony. It was a great ceremony and I thought it was a really nice touch by Mark McDonald to ask the parents of the leaders to come up and pin the badges on their child. I could see plenty of proud students and parents on the day. Also presenting on parade was Caroline

Luder from the Reef Guardians Program who was on hand to present our school with a cheque for $500. We received this cheque as a part of a successful grant submitted by Mr Bennett for some signs for a indigenous bush tucker trail we are planning on building here at school in the near future. A big thank you to Mr Bennett for applying for the grant!! It’s hard to believe that the term is going

The very excited Prep/1 Class with teacher, Lynne Chamberlain so quickly, but as we near the half way mark of the term our attentions turn to the obvious Easter break but the big event after the easter break is NAPLAN. This year NAPLAN will be conducted from the 14th to the 17th of May. Students in years 3,5 and 7 will sit the test which will assess students in the following areas; Language Conventions (spelling and grammar and punctuation), Writing,

Reading and Numeracy. If you have children in year 3,5 or 7 it is probably a good idea to start talking to them now about the test, just to get them ready and to take some of the potential anxiety away about sitting the test. Teachers will ensure that students are prepared for the test but some sample questions and a sample writing task can be found at www.nap.edu.au. This Friday Rainbow Beach State School will be doing their part to help out Life Saving Australia by putting on our boardies to help raise some much needed funds for our lifesavers. We appreciate what a valuable job lifesavers do and this is one small way in which we can help out. Next Wednesday the 6/7 class will be participating in some real world science applications where students will be testing the water quality of our local waterways. Rainbow Beach students will be tapping into the expertise of local Environmental Protection Agency staff as well as representatives from the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee Next Friday students from years 5,6 and 7 will be heading into Gympie to compete in a Gympie schools Sports Gala Day. Students will be participating in sports such as volleyball, T-Ball and Kanga Cricket. Should be a great day!! Students will be doing their part to look after the environment in the annual Clean Up Australia Day. Students will be responsible for cleaning up the area in and around our school precinct. This project will allow our students to have a greater understanding what impact rubbish has on our own environment. Kind regards, Damian Olsen Principal, Rainbow Beach State School

School News

Page 31

Maya, Drew, Coby and Amy receive the $500 cheque and certificate from Reef Guardians Program’s Carolyn Luder

Deklan removed a plastic bag from Lucy the Green Turtle with Carolyn Luder’s help

Ripples of Change Awards L

ast month, students at Rainbow Beach State School received a boost to help them make positive environmental changes, benefi tting the Great Barrier Reef. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s (GBRMPA) Ripples of Change Awards support school projects that create awareness, understanding and appreciation of the Reef and its connected ecosystems. Carolyn Luder, Project Manager Reef Guardians Program, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority presented the school with $500 to help deliver educational environmental stewardship projects in 2013. This Reef Guardian school has taken a great approach to environmental stewardship with plans to develop an educational bush tucker nature walk through their school grounds. The project will help encourage conservation in the local area and educate students about the important connections between the environment and traditional Indigenous culture. The new funding will go towards signage for the plants to educate students about their food or medicinal qualities. The positive work of our Reef Guardians proves that a community-based approach to caring for the Reef catchment is essential to preserving social, economic and environmental values. Reef Guardian Schools receive their Ripples of Change award funding early in term one to allow teachers to implement their project during the school year. Currently 293 schools and more than

114,900 students and 7280 teachers take part in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s Reef Guardian Schools program.

All Reef Guardian Schools manage their energy, waste, water and biodiversity and educate their communities about the importance of working together today for

a healthier Reef tomorrow. A full list of Ripples of Change Award school winners and project summaries is available on the GBRMPA website at www.gbrmpa.gov.au.

School News

Tin Can Bay P-10

Page 32


e have had a great start to the year at Tin Can Bay P-10 State School. It is great to see the wonderful parents and students again in 2013. This week we are running our secondary leadership day which will focus on the development of leadership qualities at our school. Our enrolments at the school have climbed 10% since 2012. This is due to the increased confidence in the outstanding education we are providing at Tin Can Bay P-10 State School. We have people travelling from Gympie, Canina, Kia Ora, Rainbow

Beach as well as Cooloola and Tin Can Bay to be with us. We welcome you all. We have been recently provided with some data which is fantastic. This data is tabled below. We look forward to seeing you around. Please give us a ring if you would like a tour around our magnificent school, we are more than happy to share what we do with everyone in the community. Yours in Education Brad Roberts, Principal Ph 07 5488 1222

Percentage increase from 2012 - 2013

Dimensions of Measure

Tin Can Bay Preps with staff Irene Steger, Mandy Tiffin, Rosanne Dean, Shari Buczynsky, Lissa Istwald and Lorretta Mills

Percentage of students satisfi ed that they are getting a good education at school.


Percentage of parents/caregivers satisfi ed/agree that their child is getting a good education at school.


Percentage of school staff who agree that they have good access to quality professional development.


Overall percentage of school staff who agree with the individual staff morale items.


Preps Riley and Matty

Hayley Carnellor enjoying an icy cup as a part of the Canberra trip fundraiser at Tin Can Bay P-10 State School.

Local Groups

Page 33

Tin Can Bay Quilters T

Ann’s winning quilt at Brushes by the Sea Spiral table runners

Gympie Secondary Schools Update


ear 2013 kicked off with plenty of swimming carnivals. Maree Van Oirschot tells us, “The Gympie swimming pool was awash with Red, Purple, Yellow and Green with students loudly singing their house anthems and cheering all night at the St Patrick’s carnival.” Tin Can Bay’s Thomas Kenney was awarded Boys 18 Years Age Champion and at least three Rainbow Beach St Patricks College students scored places: n Annmarie Van Oirschot was awarded second for Chisholm house (Year 12) n Remy Hethorn received second place for breaststroke and butterfl y, and fourth place in backstroke and freestyle (Year 9) n Zac Lindenberg achieved third place for Butterfl y and Backstroke (Year 8) Gympie High School also conducted their 2013 swim carnival last month. Three of their ten champions hailed from the coast. New high schoolers Nicholas White and Kate Gilmore were both awarded Age Champions for Year 8. Rachel McFarlane

broke a backstroke record and was selected as a Year 11 Age Champion. Congratulations to all, including participants who swam, cheered and gained points for their house! It’s often harder to keep track of students once they get on that bus, so please contact the editor or send in a photo to share the achievements of your family members.

Annmarie Van Oirschot displays her badges for Chisholm house captain and a representative of the St Patrick’s school council leaders

he Tin Can Bay quilters meet every Tuesday from 9am.until lunch, at ‘The Complex’. We welcome visitors to the area and new residents who would like a time consuming hobby! The mystery bus trip planned for Tuesday 19th Feb was cancelled, as we were marooned on the coast, yet again. Our programme for March is that on the 5th March we shall be sewing pillowcases for children in hospital, who often have their own special pillow and our plan is to make some colourful pillowcases for them to keep. The group will be purchasing some fabric, but if you have some bright

children’s fabrics to donate that would be great. On the 12th March, Kathy is showing us ‘Tube piecing’ Handmade items for prizes at our friendship day, will occupy us on the 19th March. 26th March: Block of the month. 2nd April: Paper piecing and quilt as you go. Made of Simple shapes, for spectacular quilts. The spiral table runners came out in a great variety of colours. (see photo) For further information Contact Val. Ph: 54880226

Fishing & Boating

Page 34

Rainbow Beach Fishing Report Terry with his best catch ever Rainbow Beach Fishing Charters

Tin Can Bay Fishing Report W

ith the weather the region experienced over the Australia Day weekend, reports of fish were few and far between. The Snapper/Squire started to show up on the shallow reefs around Tin Can Bay again following the rain however there isn’t really much size about them yet. There seems to be a small window just after sunrise that these fi sh really come on the bite then completely shut down. A few nice Bream have been taken around Carlo Point of late with large schools being sighted off the boat ramp. Upside is the closed season for Barra has ended so it’s time to dust off the Barra lures and start hitting your favourite spots. Early in the month, fi shing had started picking up a little with several reports of Barramundi over the metre mark. The bay is still inundated with fresh however this doesn’t appear to have dampened people’s efforts to get out and catch their Barra for the season with several nice fi sh being caught. The upper reaches of Carlo Creek appear to be producing the best results. The Jacks are fi ring up big time with reports of people bagging out on some quality fi sh with most fish falling victim to bait’s of Herring and Mullet. Plenty of stingrays were about that are quite happy to take your baits and provide a little bit of fun in the process. All this rain should hopefully fl ush out a few prawns from up the creeks so it could be worth throwing the cast net around dusk for a feed of prawns or to gather some fresh bait for chasing some Threadfi n Salmon or Barramundi. Area’s like the old Jetty ruins at Poverty Point will be worth a go once the bay cleans up a little more. Carlo Point at night would be worth a try as would the pontoons and jetties in Snapper Creek.

Try fi shing times like dusk and dawn for best results with some of the more productive sessions of late coming from fi rst light. Prawns should be in good numbers about the bay so it could be worth grabbing the cast net or Prawn net and heading out at dusk for an hour or so but pack the mozzie spray as they are pretty savage at the moment following the recent deluge. Just as the bay had started to clear up we were hit with another deluge of rain to stir it all up again! Fishing reports have been very slow this past week or so and since I have been laid up follow a minor knee operation there is not a great deal to report on that front. For those wanting to get out on the water try fishing areas closer to Inskip Point where the waters have begun to clear up a little. Bullock Point, Pelican Bay or Kauri Creek would be good options and do provide a bit of shelter from the wind if it was to kick up. Carlo Creek was fi ring well for Barra, Mangrove Jack and Bream prior to the rain and hopefully should remain the same. The Mud Crabs should be about in good numbers so remember to take your pots with you while fishing and try setting them at the mouth of the creeks. Handy little tip if you don’t have time to chase around to get bait for your crab pots try a can of cheap tuna or cat food just pierce a few holes in the can to allow the juices to flow. You would be surprised with the damage a crab can do to a tin can. Don’t forget to share any photos of fish or crabs you have caught in the area or you may have a great recipe you would like to share on our facebook page or the newly created Fishing Tin Can Bay page. Feel free to email pictures to fishingtcb@bigpond.com Until then be safe on the water, Jim Cole www.tincanbayboathire.com.au 0408 329 167


A couple of nice snapper


Beautiful Frying Pan Snapper


ainbow Beach Fishing Charters owner, Tony Stewart, tells us with the system after system offshore, he hasn’t been out on Baitrunner at all in February. Greg Pearce from Double Island Point Fishing Charters said last weekend “was the first day the bar and conditions have allowed anyone to get offshore since Australia Day.” He said it was “Good to get out for a day on the water and pick up a nice feed

of fi sh.” They brought home Red emperor, Pearl Perch and Some small Snappers (pictured). He hopes for good weather offshore – as the weather in the next few months are typically unpredictable. “Weather will be more settled for offshore fishing after Easter,” he said. Greg said they were catching plenty of mud crabs in the straights and still catching Mangrove Jack and Bream in creeks.

Fishing & Boating

The catch for February from Double Island Point Fishing Charters

Page 35

Local Groups

Page 36 Bob Reibel park at the height of the storm

Flotsam by Coast Care


n these troubled days, with floods and devastation all around, there is a piece of good news along our local bayside shores! In the path of Cyclone Oswald, a number of boats dragged anchor at Tin Can Bay onto the low and exposed foreshore area along the Esplanade. Bob Reibel Park is extremely low lying and suffers regular inundation in high tide events. Being at the bottom of a hill that has a bitumen road and cement footpath leading to it, the added stormwater over hard surfaces during rain events increases the effect of overland fl ow and inundation. There is minimal coastal foreshore vegetation and thus the onshore winds are also an added impact onto this exposed section of foreshore. It is well documented that old-timers went looking for a quiet mangrove corner for their boats when a severe storm threatened. But now there is further reason for this good advice. A mangrove-lined shore provides a soft landing should your boat be set adrift... Fortunately, a few grey (Avicennia marina var. australasica) and red (Rhizophora stylosa) mangroves have survived at this section of the foreshore, possibly due to the Fisheries Act 1994 (Protection of marine plants)

that prevents the removal of mangroves. The cluster at Bob Reibel Park shoreline could well be re-establishing. Boats adrift have a soft landing because of shoreline mangroves, so lucky for a number of boat owners who would have suffered more damage to their vessels had the mangroves not been there to halt the shoreward progress and pull them up in the intertidal zone. Lucky also for local ratepayers who may have had to foot the bill to remove the vessels off Council controlled foreshores after an extreme high tide event! The damage caused to the mangroves was minimal, and mangroves damaged in this way do recover, however, like any natural system, there is a certain amount of resilience until it becomes stressed. Ensuring our mangrove population remains strong and healthy should be a community priority and the local MangroveWatchers will continue to monitor our shorelines. MangroveWatch was established at the Tin Can Bay inlet in 2008, and a kit to aid the volunteers has been provided. A great opportunity for us to become river keepers and get involved in helping to safeguard our very special part of the coast.

Camera Club T

Jennifer Gamble - John’s Shed-Honour

Julie Hartwig -Boat Shed-Merit

he Tin Can Bay Camera Club met on Wednesday 20 February for its monthly meeting. The topic for this month was ‘Sheds’ and Ben Stoffl from the Gympie Camera Club was our judge for the night. The winners in A grade were Kerry Leyland, Jan Blackshaw and Lindsay Rigby (merits) and B grade Jennifer Gamble (honour), Lynn Milnes, Frank Posch (merits) and Julie Hartwig (2 merits). It was a lively night which went well past our normal finishing time as Ben gave plenty of feedback and demonstrated the latest version of Photoshop. We welcomed another four new members including Caitlyn, our fi rst ever junior member. Next month’s topic is ‘Looking In’ so why not come along and join us at 7pm on Wednesday 20 March at the Tin Can Bay Library? For information about membership and club activities contact our Club Secretary Cathy Reed 5486 4010 or email cathy@ spiderweb.com.au or refer to our website http://tincanbaycameraclub.wix.com/tcbcamera-club#

Rainbow Beach Community News

Local Groups

Page 37


ity Farm, opposite the Community Centre, on Tin Can Bay Road, is open to the public for plant sales on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8 am-3pm. Phone – 07 54862304 Email: ccfni09@ gmail.com Website: www.cooloolacityfarm.org Please be informed that your last rates notice can no longer be used to obtain free plants. The good (and bad)news is that new rates notices will be issued shortly and valid vouchers for free plants will be included with those notices . A shrub is a woody plant with multiple stems coming from ground level. Shrubs range from small (less than 1 metre), through medium (1-3metres), to large (3-6 metres).

Australia has a very large range of shrubs and these will often be the basic framework in a garden, as they have a lasting presence and smaller plants, such as ground covers, herbs (plants without woody stems) and annuals can co-exist around and amongst them. By choosing shrubs carefully, you can create great diversity in foliage, flowers and fruit. Consider selecting shrubs for their different shape, size and colour in leaves, fl owers and fruit and don’t forget to take into account when they bloom or fruit, as you may then have colour all through the year. There is also the opportunity to plant shrubs to attract birds and butterfl ies to add even more colour, variety and life to your garden. City Farm has a large range of shrubs and

this month we will consider small shrubs: Austromyrtus dulcis (Midyim) grows to about 50cm, is a pretty spreading shrub with sweet, edible berries that are white, speckled with purple. It is a bird attractant. Acacia ulicifolia (Prickly moses) grows to around 1 metre and has white ball flowers in spring. It is a host plant for butterflies. Leptospermum semibaccatum (Wallum tea tree) found in heathland, is about 1 m tall and has white to pink fl owers in spring. Grevillea leiophylla is a spreading to erect shrub to 1m, suitable for moist conditions, with pink fl owers from spring to autumn. Petrophile shirleyae (Conesticks) is an erect shrub with few branches and the fl ower is a terminal, creamy coloured cone

Photo by Mary Boyce

Shrubs - Cooloola City Farm

Plant of the month is Pultenae paleacea (Chaffy swamp pea) that becomes woody. Flowering is spring to summer. Pultenaea paleacea (Chaffy swamp pea) has yellow pea fl owers from spring to summer and reaches about 1m in height. As the name suggests, it does well in moist conditions. It is a host plant for butterflies. Westringia tenuicaulis grows to 45cm and has white/pink/mauve flowers spring to autumn.

Rainbow Beach Residents And Ratepayers Association T he fi rst meeting of the association was held on 12 February. We look forward to a productive year. As a starting point, we will begin by supporting one of our members who has written to Gympie Regional Council (GRC) to comment on the lack of shaded places near the main surfing beach. There is very limited space where people can safely spend some time between swims. It was acknowledged that a lot of money has been spent on the car park area and the improvement this has made, but the area becomes very congested and as this is the main access road to the beach, there is

cause for concern, especially for the safety of small children. Our member’s suggestion, which we endorse, is to make unallocated state land to the north of the car park available to the public. This area has trees and grass already, so for a minimal amount of money and limited maintenance, spending time at the beach could be much enhanced for many. As our member said in his letter, this could be done a section at a time, gradually creating a useful and attractive zone to our beach. One fl y in the ointment is the presence of radioactive material in some

sections of this zone. Another of our members has found high levels in one particular area and is in the process of informing the appropriate agency. This can easily be remediated and should be no impediment to opening the area to the public. Finally, once the old mill site is cleared of its radioactive material, the community should have a say in what that land is used for. No doubt there are many ideas out there. The Rainbow Shores Stage 2 appeal is still underway, but submissions have been made and responses to these are imminent, so a judgement may not be

too far in the future. Sadly, the weather conditions experienced over the Australia Day weekend and since have damaged some of the dunes and caused the loss of more casuarinas. Our many attempts to have some action taken on replacing lost beach signs at Rainbow Shores have failed and the dunes are weakened by loss of stabilising plants as many paths are forced through the dunes by people finding their way back to the road. We will continue to try to resolve this issue. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 9 April at a venue to be decided.

Cooloola Coast Rainbow Beach and the Cooloola Coast is home of the coloured sands,the majestic Carlo Sandblow, the Sandy Straits and gateway to Fraser Island. You can feed wild dolphins, visit a historic lighthouse and kayak with the whales.

Views to Double Island Point


Hugh, Archie and Abby Gilmore in Seary’s Creek

A Bit of Heritage

Cooloola Sand, wind and water have sculpted a varied landscape at Cooloola, the largest remnant of coastal vegetation on the southern Queensland’s mainland. High sand dunes, coloured sand cliffs, sweeping beaches, sandblows, freshwater lakes, tall forests, paperbark swamps and wildflower heath make the Cooloola Recreation Area a spectacular part of the Great Sandy National Park. http://www. nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/cooloola/index.html Inskip Peninsula is a narrow, sandy finger of land built up by wind and waves. It forms a natural breakwater at the entrance to Tin Can Inlet and Great Sandy Strait. Beach she oaks, cypress pine and other coastal trees and shrubs shade the very popular camping areas ringed by open ocean beaches and sheltered estuary shores. All are within 15 minutes drive to Rainbow Beach. Most of the peninsula is protected as a Recreation Area. http://www.nprsr.qld. gov.au/parks/inskip-peninsula/index.html The Great Sandy Marine Park extends from Baffle Creek in the north to Double Island Point in the south. It includes Hervey Bay, Great Sandy Strait, Tin Can Bay Inlet and the waters off the east coast of Fraser Island, seaward to three nautical miles.Seagrass meadows, mangroves, rocky shores, reefs, sandy beaches, bays, sheltered channels, rivers, creeks and estuaries host a wealth of wildlife including whales, turtles, dugong, grey nurse sharks, fish, corals, birds and more. http://www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/ parks/great-sandy-marine/index.html Fraser Island is the world’s largest sand island and an area of remarkable natural beauty. It was listed as a World Heritage Area in 1992 to recognise the island’s internationally signifi cant natural features: evolving dune, lake, soil and forest systems, the extent and age of which are outstanding examples of ongoing geological and biological processes.

Growing on seemingly infertile sands are a great variety of plant communities ranging from coastal heath, mangrove forests and swamps to subtropical rainforest. The many archaeological remains found on Fraser Island record thousands of years of culture and tradition, and provide important links to their past for the Butchulla people. The island is 123 km long and covers an area of 166,038 ha, so you need to allow plenty of time to explore and appreciate it. http://www.nprsr.qld.gov. au/parks/fraser/index.html Unless you intend holidaying on Fraser Island, most probably your best way of seeing all its beauty is to take a 1 day or 2 day tour. Or you can make the trip in your own 4WD, driving up the road or beach to Inskip Point and crossing in the barge. Remember that going independently, a permit is required and is available from the National Parks Office. WALK Coloured Sands Read the Legend, starting from the Surf Club walk along the beach towards Double Island Point for a kilometre or so to these awesome Coloured sand cliffs. Carlo Sand Blow A bush walk up to Carlo Sand Blow is a must for every visitor. Drive to the reservoir at the top of Cooloola Drive. The Blow is an easy 600m walk from the car park or take the longer walk from the National Parks Office. Spectacular views of the Coloured Sands, Double Island Point and Tin Can Bay Inlet are the bonus for your efforts. When the thermals are right, you will often see Hang Gliders taking off and landing at this beautiful piece of Nature’s Sculpture. Fraser Island Great Walk A 90 km only trail which showcases natural and cultural features of the world’s largest sand island as it meanders between Dilli Village and Happy Valley http://www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/ great-walks-fraser-island/about.html Cooloola Great Walk A 102 km trail which passes through a rich diversity of vegetation types with spectacular views, connecting Rainbow Beach with Noosa North Shore. http:// www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/great-walks-cooloola/index.html

he Month Photo of t

Double Island Point Lighthouse

Out and About Tin Can Bay Sunset

Tony and Rosie Stewart’s grandkids Teddy and Lucy with their Uncle Hugh enjoying the Summer lagoons on the beach Rainbow Beach Community News

Page 38

Cassie Head from Hire-a-camp send in her Goanna photo taken at Inskip Point

Visitors’ Guide

Rainforest Walk / Bymien Picnic Area A few kilometres from town, on the Gympie Road, take the Freshwater Road to the left. 3km on a good gravel surface will bring you to Bymien, which is the limit for conventional vehicles. Lake Poona After morning tea or lunch in the picnic area you can do some wonderful walks to Lake Poona or through some spectacular Rainforest. Allow 40 minutes walk to reach Lake Poona. Lake Freshwater Only accessible by 4WD, Tour or Walking. Walking tracks starts at the Bymien picnic area. The round trip from Rainbow Beach will take a full day and requires fitness. Foreshore Tin Can Bay You can walk 4km from Crabs Creek to Norman Point, over picturesque bridges, signage of fl ora and fauna, through mangroves, playgrounds and outdoor gyms. It is mostly fl at – very safe for children on wheels. Start at the playground opposite the library, cycle to Crabs Creek and stop for a coffee, then return to opposite the library. Enjoy the views out to the inlet while the kids enjoy the huge playground and skatepark. Rainbow Beach 10000 steps walk – from the headland behind the Surf Tower and Playground to Carlo Road. Paths are perfect for bicycles, scooters and skateboards. Rainbow Shores Clarkson Drive has a concrete path for most of the way taking you through wallum and paperbarks to the golf club. If riding, you can turn left to the industrial area (Karoonda Road) and the return to town via Carlo Road.


Half-day 4WD Tours 07 5486 3131 or hire your own to experience Cooloola National Park, Coloured Sands, Double Island Point, Lighthouse, Rainforest and Lake Freshwater Wheelchair accessible10 seat Taxi- 13TAXI (13 82 94)


Dolphin Viewing Just a thirty minute drive to Tin Can Bay through Cooloola Cove and you can see the Dolphins come in at Norman Point out the front of Barnacles Café . Have a look around this pretty little town while you are there.

Dolphin Ferry Thirty fi ve minutes by ferry from Carlo Point to view the wild Dolphins at Tin Can Bay. First ferry departs at 7.00am to hand feed ‘Mystique’ a wild dolphin. 0428 838 836 Sea Kayaking A unique experience for those who like to commune with marine life up close and personal. See dolphins, whales (seasonal), manta rays, turtles and more 0408738192 Horseride with professional guides on our World Heritage Listed Beach. 04121RIDES Tin Can Bay Foreshore Bird Walk – 137 species with best viewing spots on the brochure. Tin Can Bay Wildflower Walk spectacular wildfl ower species, all on the brochure.


Our safe beach is patrolled between September March. ALWAYS SWIM BETWEEN THE FLAGS. Surfing The most popular area is near the Surf Club (Surfi ng In Bathing Area Is Prohibited) or Double Island Point (DIP is 4WD only) Surf School & Board Hire Learn to surf with the experts at Rainbow Beach Surf Centre on the best and one of the longest beginner waves in Australia. 0408738192 Seary’s Creek 7km from town towards Gympie, a short boardwalk takes you to decks and steps to 2 waterholes, bridges and history – do read the sign and spot the creatures. Always cool on the hottest of days. Rainbow Beach Aquatic Centre and Tin Can Bay Pool offer squad, learn to swim, water aerobics and more. Cruise the Sandy Straits You may see dugong, turtles, dolphins and more. 0428 838 836 By Kayak Explore the mangrove fringed waters of Carlo Creek, Carlo Island &Tin Can Bay Inlet in a kayak. Tin Can Bay Boat Hire 0408 329 167, Kayak Tours 0408 738 192


Probably one of Rainbow’s greatest attractions would have to be the abundant opportunity for fi shing. Fishing, in all its styles, is available right on our doorstep: Beach fishing has unlimited scope with nearly 100kms of beach to choose from. Varieties include Bream, Whiting, Tailor, Dart, Jew

Page 39 Sponsored by TOURIST CENTRE

and Flathead. Estuary fishing in Tin Can Bay Inlet, through the Inskip Point area and up the Great Sandy Strait is perfect for those with a boat or the wish to hire one. Access is from an efficient boat ramp at Carlo Point, Bullock Point, Crab Creek and Norman Point. Boat Hire Carlo Point Boat Hire 0427 743 427 or Tin Can Bay Boat Hire 0408 329 167 Fishing Kayak Hire Tin Can Bay Boat Hire 0408 329 167 Charter Boats Excellent reef fishing is only a few miles offshore and charter trips can be arranged through Rainbow Beach Fishing Charters on 5486 8666, Double Island Point Fishing Charters on 0417 073 313 or Keely Rose Reef Fishing Charters on 5486 3150. The reefs off Rainbow yield Red Emperor, Sweet lip, Snapper, Pearl Perch, Parrot and Coral Trout.

Strait are for you. Sailability 5486 2783


Playgrounds North and South of the Surf Club and Rainbow Shores, Skatepark, Bike riding Playrooms at the Pub and Sport Club Family friendly directory: http://www.gympieonline.com/wp-content/ uploads/2012/12/family-friendly-DIRECTORYFINAL_1.pdf

Tandem Skydiving Unforgettable aerial scenic views of Rainbow & Fraser and the adrenaline pumping thrill of free fall tandem sky diving. Skydive Rainbow Beach 0418 218 358. Kitesurfing Learn to kitesurf at the Rainbow Beach Surf Centre with very experienced instructors. 0408738192 Scuba Diving A popular spot for the scuba enthusiast is at Wolf Rock, off Double Island Point. World class diving on Fraser Island’s doorstep, phone Wolf Rock Dive Centre on 5486 8004. Hang Gliding & Paragliding Carlo Sand Blow is one of the top spots for hand gliders in Queensland with the National Championships being held there each January. With a take off of 300ft and a soarable ridge of 12 kilometres long and about 500ft high, Carlo Sand Blow is defi nitely the place to go. Fliers should be of Hang2 standard, fl y in north easterly winds and remember landing in the bathing reserve is prohibited. Wind surf off the surfi ng beach or in Tin Can Bay Inlet, taking off from Carlo Point. Sailing And Cruising If you love the wonderful peace and relaxation of sailing or cruising, the sheltered waters of the Great Sandy


Bowls There is a lawn green at the Rainbow Beach Sports Recreation & Memorial Club where visitors are most welcome. 5486 3191 Tennis Two courts are available at the Sports & Recreation Club. Bookings 5486 3191 Golf A par 3, 9 hole golf course is located at Rainbow Shores Resort. Members of the public are very welcome. Rainbow Shores Social Golf Club stages regular competitions. A picturesque course at Tin Can Bay also attracts all golf addicts from this area. Gyms Rainbow Beach Aquatic Centre and Cooloola Cove Darts, Pool, Yoga, Tai Chi, Sailing, Pilates, Fitness Classes and more



Heritage Trail http://www.facebook.com/ GympieRegionHeritageTrails Clubs, Restaurants and Eateries (many are Breastfeeding Welcome Here venues) Library (Internet and Xbox) Photography Tours Pamper YourselfRainbow Beach Massage and Natural Therapies 5486 8388, 0408 637 639 Rainbow Hair &Beauty 54863533 439 852 038 Serenity Beauty 0438 868 116 See our Calendar of Events for more on Things to Do. Suggestions, amendments or to add your business to the visitor guide please call 07 5486 3561 or email info@rbcn.com.au Thanks to Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service for assistance with this guide.


Trades & Services Directory

Page 40


ACCOMMODATION Rainbow Getaway 07 5486 3500

CELEBRANT Carolyn Wright Wedding Celebrant 07 5482 7141

ADVENTURE Skydive Rainbow Beach 0418 218 358 Rainbow Beach Surf Centre 0408 738 192

AIR CONDITIONING Cooloola Coast Refrigeration 07 5486 4499 Ian Postle Marriage Celebrant 0439 739 360

CAFES Café Jillarty 07 5486 3277 Coloured Sands Café 07 5486 3143 Temptations By The Water 07 5486 4442

Nikki Goodwin Celebrant 0407 583 561

CAR CLEANING Cooloola Mobile Car Cleaning 0401 495 473

ANTENNA SALES Saturn Antennas 1800 443 471

BAIT & TACKLE Chilly Bin 07 5486 3788 Rainbow Beach Camping & Disposal 07 5486 8100


CARAVAN PARK Rainbow Beach Holiday Village 07 5486 3222 Rainbow Waters Holiday Park 07 5486 3200 Whatever 07 5486 4004

Ed’s Beach Bakery 07 5486 3080 Rainbow Beach Pies & Cakes 07 5486 3454


CLEANING Sid Gilmore 07 5486 3500


Carlo Point Boat Hire 0427 743 427 Tin Can Bay Boat Hire 0408 329 167

Benn’ys Carpet Cleaning 0407 764 661

BOATING SUPPLIES Marina Chandlery 07 5486 4744

BOOKEEPERS All About Bookkeeping 0404 333 882

BUILDERS Kj Homes 07 5486 2820 Mark Daniels Homes 07 5486 4853

BUILDING/RENOVATIONS Rainbow Remodeling & Repairs (see page44)


0417 728 510 Cleanwave 0421 600 148

Rainbow Beach Meats 07 5486 3230

CABINET MAKER Cooloola Coast Cabinets 07 5488 0443

CLUBS / RESTAURANTS Rainbow Beach Sports Club 07 5486 3191 Rainbow Beach Surf Club 07 5486 3249

COMPUTES Andy Feldman 0437 880 519

Would you like to access Rainbow Beach Cooloola Cove Community News online? Advertise here from $33.00 a month Ph: 5486 3561

Go ahead and register your name online this month (you’ll be able to add your email address for notifications soon). Visit http://rainbowbeach communitynews.com.au/ or email info@rbcn.com.au

Trades & Services Directory CONCRETING Moppz Concrete 0413 060 797

Page 41

FISHING CHARTERS Double Island Point Fishing Charters 0417 073 313 Keely Rose 07 5486 3150 Rainbow Beach Fishing Charters 0408 767 930


JUICE BAR Rainbow Juice Bar 0408 738 192

KENNELS Gympie Cooloola Pet Resort 07 5483 5364

Cooloola Wholesale 07 5486 3607

FURNITURE Davies Furniture 07 5482 3889

GAS The Gas Man 0400 657 797

GLASS & ALUMINIUM Lighthouse (see page 44) 0459 162 378

GOLF CLUB Rainbow Shores Social Golf Club 0429 668 255


LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES Cooloola Cove Landscaping 07 5488 0222

Rainbow Beach Hair & Beauty Studio 07 5486 3533 Serenity Beauty 0438 868 116

HANDMADE GOODS Bessie 07 5486 3561

HANDYMAN Bruno 0427 671 074 Concrete Edging 0421 348 884

CRAFT AND FASHIONS Cooloola Craft & Fashions 07 5486 4107

CURTAINS AND BLINDS Cooloola Curtains & Blinds 07 5486 4030



Cooloola Smiles 07 5486 4800 Channon Dental 07 5482 7688

Cosgroves Lawyers 07 3371 9199 Power And Cartwright 07 5482 1077



Wolf Rock Dive 0438 740 881

Rainbow Beach Massage 07 5486 8388



Bay & Beach Driving School 0418 743 727

Rainbow Beach Auto Group 07 5486 8555 Rainbow Beach RustprooďŹ ng & Mechanical 07 5486 3228

ELECTRICIAN Cookies Electrical & Antenna 0407 022 159 Owens Handy Man Services 0427 719 218

Smiley Mick Electrical 0448 955 768

HARDWARE Mitre 10 07 5486 2000 Rainbow Beach Hardware 07 5486 3444

HIRE SERVICES Cooloola Hire (see page 43) 07 5486 2822

HOME LOANS Wide Bay Australia 0408 455 812

HOTEL Rainbow Beach Hotel 07 5486 9090

Advertise here from $33.00 a month Ph: 5486 3561

Trades & Services Directory Rainbow Beach Tyre & Mechanical 07 5486 3144

MOWING AND MAINTENANCE Tin Can Bay Mowers 07 5486 2285 Hueys Mowing & Maintenance 0418 786 472

! " # # $ % $ & # ' !

Page 42 PANEL BEATER Tin Can Bay Bodyworks 07 5486 4233


Beach To Bay Pest Control 0413 524 941

Brad Swan Painters 0413 997 125

METAL CRAFT Cooloola Metal Craft 0437 424 102

Tin Can Bay Painting Services 0438 862 283

PHARMACY Rainbow Beach Pharmacy 07 5486 3070

PLUMBERS Rendell Plumbing 0422 456 968

MINI STORAGE Cooloola Tin Can Bay Mini Storage 1300 727 025 Wiggins Painters 0409 986 733

Tin Can Bay Plumbing 0417 074 297

Trades & Services Directory POOL SUPPLIES Indoors/Outdoors

07 5486 4352

Page 43

Ocean Breeze Seafood/Soapy 07 5486 3152SIGNAGE Tin Can Bay Signs 07 5486 2887

access plans underway

POST OFFICE Rainbow Beach Post Office Tin Can Bay Post Office

07 5486 3214 07 5486 2279

PRINTING Gympie Printing

07 5482 6555

REAL ESTATE 4Rent4sale Pty Ltd Cooloola Coast Realty Rainbow Beach Cooloola Waters Retiremnt Village Pradella Group Professionals Rainbow Beach Realty Tuncunba Dolphin Waters Resort


ympie Regional Council reports that plans for restoring beach access at the southern end of Rainbow Beach are underway. Two options at two locations are being considered - one at the southern end of Phil Rogers Park and the other approximately 150 metres to the north. A report, including cost estimates, is planned for council consideration mid year. If approved, options will be included in a Rainbow Beach Master Plan, which council hopes to release for public consultation in the latter half of this year. Material types will be decided upon as part of the project’s design stage, which will focus on engineering a resilient structure which could help combat coastal erosion, while also being sensitive to the coastal environment.

07 5486 4577 0411 093 389 0411 441 706 0428 726 272 07 5488 0734 07 5486 3900 0418 749 723 07 5486 2600

REMOVALS Tin Can Bay Furniture Removals

Southern Beach

0437 119 980

Footy Tipping Time


SOLAR Gympie Regional Solar

07 5482 7656


RESTAURANT Pavilion Restaurant Royal Palace Indian Restaurant Waterview Black Cockatoo Marina Bar And Grill

07 5486 3777 07 5486 3452 07 5486 8344 07 5486 4222 07 5486 4400

TATTOO Tattoo & Bodypiercing


07 5486 8400

0411 072 349

TOURIST INFORMATION Rainbow Beach Tourist Centre

07 5486 3333 07 5486 5588 07 5486 6688

07 5486 3333

TOURS Dolphin Ferry Cruise Surf & Sand Safaris

SEAFOOD Lees Fishing

0439 825 136

Rainbow Beach Taxi

RETAIL Checkout Charlies Cooloola Cove Shopping Centre Rainbow Clobber Rainbow Beach Tourist Centre Rainbow Beach Trading Company Shell Tourist Centre

07 5486 3629 07 5486 8700

0428 838 836 07 5486 3131

VET SERVICES 07 5486 4137

he NRL seasons kicks off on the 7th of March so time is running out to get involved Ben from the Pub said “Last year with prizes and money won, we gave away over $2000 and we would like to do better this year.” It’s $50 per competition this year but if you join both it drops to $80 (saving $20). Ben says, “There is also a Last Man Standing Competition which is $10 per code and is a winner takes all.” He continues,”Friday afternoon is the official footy tipsters meet where there will be free bar snacks and a tipsters raffle. There will also be prize giveaways throughout the year and an end of year grand final party where the winners will be announced.” Please see Ben, at the pub to join up.

Gympie Vet Services

07 5486 4666

Advertise here from $33.00 a month Ph: 5486 3561

Cooloola Coast Garden Group W

e meet on the second Thursday of each month from February to December. Our meetings are at a different garden each month. Every garden is unique... Large...Small...Tropical...Native...Eclectic...Wallum...Cottage. And some with a collection of all of the above. We have a relaxing afternoon... Wandering at leisure throughout the garden... Learning … sharing knowledge... swapping plants & cuttings... and we finish with Afternoon Tea and Friendship. On occasions we have bus trips, and we invite speakers and or demonstrators to chat about the various aspects of “All things plants and associates”. Our February meeting was a great start to the year with 45 members in attendance. We discussed the upcoming bus trip on 20th April to the Wondai Garden Expo, along with other topics of interest, and we enjoyed a tour through Marcia and David’s beautiful home. We all fell in love with the “Calibrachoa Minifamous Double”. 5 Colours in the one plant.....Natural? or a fasciation!!!! Didn ‘t really care.... but it was awesome! Our Next Meeting Is On Thursday 14Th March At The Private Garden Of: n Dawn And Ray Gant, 15 Investigator Ave Cooloola Cove n Map Ref: Bay Bulletin B8 n 1.30Pm Start n Bring A Chair And Cup Swap Table – Plants And Cuttings n Afternoon Tea – “Bring A Plate” $2.00 Fee (For Bus Trips) Enquiries Colleen 5488 0309

Out and About

Page 44

Kye gives Wylie a reassuring pat on the back (Photo-Kerry Leyland)

Carolyn and Dave with kids Peige Sik, Jack Elder and April Sik

A big step for Brodie Preston (with Clay and Tania) and Ella Falconer (with Mum Kim) as they enter the classroom On the buses – Nic White, Kate Gilmore, Jasmin Betteridge and Elizabeth White

Wylie with mum Leanne Bosse

Sarah and Maia Booth enjoy last cuddles before the bell

First Day of School

I won a load of money in the bookies yesterday and my mate said, “I hope you’re going to spread the wealth.” “Of course I will.” I replied as I put some in my back pocket, some in my top pocket and the rest in my wallet. *** A middle-aged woman looks in the mirror. “God, I look old, fat and ugly,” she says to her hubby. “Pay me a compliment, dear.” Her hubby says, “Your eyesight’s good!” *** Men are like computers: Hard to figure out and never have enough memory. *** I was sat in a restaurant and got hit on the back of the head by a prawn cocktail. I looked round and this bloke shouts, ‘That’s just for starters!’ *** I got sacked last night from serving in the Salvation Army soup kitchen, ungrateful bleeders... All I said was, ‘Hurry up, some of us have got homes to go to!’ *** My neighbour knocked on my door at 2:30 this morning, can you believe that? 2:30am? Luckily for him I was still up playing my Bagpipes. *** The Grim Reaper came for me last night, and I beat him off with a vacuum cleaner. Talk about Dyson with death. *** Paddy says, “Mick, I’m thinking of buying a Labrador . “Really,” says Mick “have you seen how many of their owners go blind?” *** I saw a poor old lady fall over today on the ice!! At least I presume she was poor - she only had £1.20 in her purse. *** My girlfriend thinks that I’m a stalker. Well, she’s not exactly my girlfriend yet. *** Woke up last night to find the ghost of Gloria Gaynor standing at the foot of my bed. At fi rst I was afraid, then I was petrified. *** The wife has been missing a week now.

Police said to prepare for the worst. So I have been to the charity shop to get all her clothes back. *** A mate of mine admitted to being addicted to brake fluid. When I quizzed him on it he reckoned he could stop any time. *** I went to the cemetery yesterday to lay some fl owers on a grave. As I was standing there I noticed 4 grave diggers walking about with a coffi n, 3 hours later and they’re still walking about with it. I thought to myself, “These guys have lost the plot!” *** My daughter asked me for a pet spider for her birthday, so I went to our local pet shop and they were $70. “Blow this,” I thought, “I can get one cheaper off the web.” *** Statistically, 6 out of 7 dwarves are not happy. *** I was at an ATM yesterday when a little old lady asked if I could check her balance, so I pushed her over. *** I start a new job in Seoul next week. I thought it was a good Korea move. *** I was driving this morning when I saw an RACQ van parked on the side of the road. The driver was sobbing uncontrollably and looked very miserable. I thought to myself, “That guy’s heading for a breakdown.” *** Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes. *** If you lend someone $ 20 and never see that person again, it was probably well worth it. *** Two fish swam into a wall. One fi sh said to the other, “DAM!!” *** I dont repeat gossip, so listen carefully. *** If Barbie is so popular. Why do you have to buy her friends?

Kate’s Kid’s Corner

provided by Rainbow Beach Library

Eight’s Picnic Eight gets left behind when it starts to rain... find out what happens to Eight. Read the picture book Eight by Lyn Lee and Kim Gamble

Can you fi nd the 15 things missing from the picture below? Colour the pictures when you have spotted what is missing.

Too Loud Lily

Joom the dots and colour the picure, guess what animal Lily is... Find out by reading Too Loud Lily by Sofi e Laguna & Kerry Argent. It is a great story to act out, get some friends together and turn it into a play, give it a try!

Zac Power and the Space Scout This wordsearch is designed for fans of the Zac Power series (by H. I. Larry), and of the new series by Hilary Badger about Kip the youngest Space Scout. Borrow them from your library!

Letter to the Editor Dear Customers, As most of you probably already know Rosie and I have sold the business Rainbow Beach Pies & Cakes at 2/10 Rainbow Beach Rd opposite the New Hotel. The last 4 years has been quite an experience and challenge meaning a lot of hard work, and not a lot of sleep.A big thankyou to our hardworking staff as without their support we could not have managed this business. As you know this town is at the mercy of the

weather so we have ups and downs in Business and that has been our greatest challenge. As I write we are once again, cut off from the outside world with road closures in the area. Finally to all our valued customers a big thank you to all of you whether Retail or Wholesale without your support we would not exist. I know we will miss your friendly chats. To the new owners Jamie and Sharon Sharman we wish them all the best for the future. Yours Sincerely ,Tony & Rosie Stewart

Out and About

Page 45

Answers: 3 fl owers; 3 legs; 2 stars; 2 cups; bird; duck; duck’s eye; picnic basket lid; handle on bucket.

Jokes/ Letters to Editor













Tourism news

Visitor information centre G ympie Regional Council continues to implement the transition of tourism services to council. The transition, which came into effect at the start of February, is currently focused on operational implementation, but it is business as usual with respect to the opera-

Action in the Aquatic Centre with BJ’s water aerobics

tion of visitor information centres. Council has also begun planning for the establishment of an advisory group, which will play an important role in providing industry input. To contact council’s tourism services branch, phone council on 1300 307 800.



Page 46

Thomas and Kirsten Kenney, Paige Reibel and Rachel McFarlane

Crocs Swim Club Carnival Sponsors


he Cooloola Coast Crocs Swimming Club Inc. has just held their third annual Swim Meet at the Tin Can Bay Swimming Pool on Saturday 2 February 2013 with huge success. The Meet attracted nominations from 218 competitors from 18 clubs from throughout the Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast. The day went extremely well with fantastic weather considering the events of the weekend before over the Australia Day long weekend and all clubs enjoyed a day of great racing and Cooloola Coast hospitality. The Cooloola Coast Crocs younger members achieved some wonderful personal best swims with Jorja Ranuve and Laura Rooks competing for the fi rst time at a Swim Meet. Nikki Reibel placed 8th in 50m freestyle with a 6 second personal best, 5 seconds in her 100IM and Hayley Carnellor also taking off 6 seconds in her 100IM and 4 seconds in her 50m freestyle. Nemani Ranuve and Madalyn Reibel having competed before set a wonderful pace in their events. Two of the clubs members achieved Age Champions Kirsten Kenney in Girls 14 years, winning 7 Gold medals on the day and Thomas Kenney in 15 Years & Over with 3 Gold and 2 silver and both swimmers also won the Dash for Cash events in their respective categories. Paige Reibel won 2 silver and 3 bronze medals and Rachel McFarlane won 1 silver and 2 bronze medals and also placed 5th in the girls 13 Years & Over Dash for Cash. The relays are always a popular drawcard to the Meet with 62 teams competing in the four relay events on the day. Cooloola Coast Crocs came a very close second in both the Freestyle and Medley 12 Years & Over relay events – oh so close and placed 4th out of the 18 clubs in attendance on the day overall with the points score championship. A special thank you to all of our supporters and sponsors, your contribution is very much appreciated.

Rainbow Beach Community News

n Allytable n Belz Pizza n Chameleon Realty n Cooloola Coast Seafood n Cooloola Coast Tyre Brakes & Auto n Cooloola Cove Smiles n Cooloola Coast Dragon Boat Club n Cooloola Hire n Cooloola Pharmacy n Cooper Family n Cove Bakery n Cove Fish & Chips n G & W Duggan Seafood Supplies n Gone Bonkers n Kingfi sher Caravan Park n Little Family n Rainbow Beach Hardware, Fishing & Camping n Rainbow Beach Post Office n Rainbow Beach SLSC n Rainbow Beach Trading Co n Rainbow Hair & Beauty Studio n Rainbow Meats n Reibel Fishing n Scott Reibel Family Trust n Seychelles Luxury Accommodation n Sportspower - Gympie n 7th Wave Tourist Information Centre n Sleepy Lagoon Hotel n Sleepy Lagoon Hotel Sports & Social Club Inc. n The Sands Centre Pharmacy n Thirsty Camel n Tin Can Bay Chamber of Commerce n Tin Can Bay Country Club n Tin Can Bay Fruit & Veg n Tin Can Bay News n Top Tackle n Zenith Hair Design

Cooloola Crocs Results For many of the Rainbow Beach Warriors, it was their fi rst time at an external swimming competition at The Cooloola Crocs meet on the 2nd of February in Tin Can Bay. This was only my second day in Rainbow Beach but was a great opportunity to check out the talent and see the swimmers in action, and they definitely impressed!! Some standouts from the day include: Hugh Gilmore who brought home 6 medals including taking out the 8-9 years Dash for cash, gold in the 25 and 50 Freestyle, 50 Backstroke and 50 Breaststroke. As well as silver in the 100IM. n Hannah Hanson took gold in the 25 Breaststroke and 25 Backstroke, Silver in the 25 Freestyle and Bronze in the 25 butterfly. n Julia Allen-Best took gold in the 100 Backstroke, silver in the 200IM and 50 Butterfly. n Annalise White took gold in the 25 Freestyle and 25 Butterfly. n Archie Gilmore silver in the 25 freestyle and bronze in the 25 Backstroke n Jasmine White who is only 6 years old won silver in the 7 and under 25 Butterfly n Jorja Duggan took silver in the 50 Butterfly, 50 Breaststroke and bronze in the 100 IM. n Matilda Duggan silver in the 25 Backstroke and bronze in the 100IM n Kyani Parton bronze in the 50 Backstroke We also had a whole list of commendable 4th’s as well as Kate Gilmore and Elizabeth White who both smashed their personal best times in almost all of their events! This is a great achievement, and shows that both these girls dedication to training is paying off. I know the Rainbow Warriors surprised many around the pool that day, being such a new club. I can’t wait to see how far these kids can go! Squad News The summer season is coming to an end on March the 28th, with our Easter club night

and club championships. This night will be a great showcase of our current swimmers competing for age champion. It will also be a ‘Bring a friend’ night; there will be novelty races, an Easter egg hunt, BBQ dinner and music. A great way to fi nish the school term, the summer swimming season and bring on the Easter holidays. We will be kicking off our winter training season on The 8th of April. Winter is the perfect opportunity to put in the hard yards that will pay off come summer, and the main competition season. Remember our pool is heated, so there is no reason not to train in winter. I believe that come the end of the year we could be taking a great group of kids to the state championships in Brisbane. Club nights will run fortnightly throughout winter, with a training session running on alternate Thursdays and with the gym now up and running, we will be incorporating some dry land and cross training into our program. Collect the Winter Training Schedule from the aquatic centre. This is a great opportunity to improve your fi tness for all of your sports! Maleny Summary Another amazing effort by our Rainbow Beach Warriors on the weekend (24th Feb) All though we only 5 swimmers attending, they all swam exceptionally well! We Annalise and Jasmine White dominate in their age groups (6 and 7 years), both taking Gold in all four of their events, all in personal best times! Also two of those times set by Annalise were less than 0.3 off the pool records for her age! Also collecting her fair share of medals was Hannah Hanson who won a medal in all her events with Silver in the Breaststroke and Freestyle, and Bronze medals in the Backstroke and Butterfl y. She also scored 3 personal best times. Kyani Parton was also a standout on the day, with 3 personal best times, and Julia Allen-Best who put in gutsy performances in all her races, as well as being a great leader on the day for our younger competitors. Finally fi nishing off the day with some inspiring relays, our young 6 and 7 year old competed in the 11 and under and 13 under relay events. Holding their own and getting a great round of applause from the crowd for their efforts.

2013 Qld State Sprint Championships The Cooloola Coast Crocs Swimming Club had three members who qualifi ed for the QLD State Sprint Championships on 9 & 10 February 2013 in Brisbane. Kirsten Kenney competed in all four strokes in her age group and also three open events at the Sprint Championship, placing 14th in Girls 14 years 50m Butterfly and making the semi-fi nals in the Women’s 50m Butterfly. Thomas Kenney is competed in 17 Years 50m Butterfl y, 50m Freestyle and Open 50m Butterfl y and Paige Reibel placed 16th in the Girls 14 years 50m Breaststroke. All three swimmers achieved personal best times over the course of the Championships. A fantastic achievement by our members. Congratulations to you all. For more information regarding the Cooloola Coast Crocs Swimming Club, please contact our Registrar, Geraldine Little, on 54 88020.

Marni, BJ and Olivia were presented with medals engraved with “In appreciation for dedicated coaching”

Croc carnival medal holders Kyani Parton, Jorja and Tilly Duggan, Hugh Gilmore


Page 48

Nippers Age Champions Day

Cooloola Dragon Boat Club F

ebruary has seen Coach Gayle intensify our training program leading up to State Titles at Kawana with an extra session on Tuesday afternoons. The Wide Bay Series kicks off at Hervey Bay on May 11th followed by Bundaberg June 15th, Cooloola July 13th and 1770 Sept 21st. We are holding our Annual Sleepy Lagoon Sports Regatta on July 14th. This will be a big weekend of Dragon

Boating for our club and we would love to invite the general public along to enjoy the spectacle of Dragon Boat racing. Club members participated in the Sailability Trivia night on the 14th February at the Yacht Club and a fun night was had by all.

Celebrating 10 Years! On the 6th of March 2003, a few like-mind-

ed people met in Tin Can Bay to establish a Dragon Boat Club. The inaugural meeting was attended by Lali Mackenzie, Debbie Norton, Sybil and Grame Leigh, Kevin Nebauer, Darcy Roan and Roslyn Raynes…. And these seven locals agreed on the name Cooloola Dragon Boat Club. We hope to bring you some of the highlights of our Club’s development in the coming issues….

And would like to invite all past and present members to a ’10 years Celebration Dinner’ to be held at the Sleepy Lagoon Hotel on Wednesday 6th March at 6.30pm Rsvp by 4th March and further enquires: Sandra 5486 2695 Come try paddling for fun, fitness and friendship. Tuesday and Thursday 4.00pm, Sunday 8.00am. We meet near the Yacht Club hardstand. Contact Gayle 5486 2929 or Sandra 548 2695 for more details. Sherry Fuller, Publicity Officer

Rainbow Shores Social Golf Club


elcome to our new sponsor Jay Kent of Café Jilarty. Jay has agreed to be a sponsor of the club and joined us on a Thursday afternoon recently. Thank you Jay, and we hope to have your company regularly on the course. Welcome also to new member Mal Tolhurst. The most recent Fun Day was played on the 10th February, a beautiful sunny day, just a tad too hot!! This was a “String” game. The winners on the day being: 1. Geoff Apps & Archie Goddard 2. Ada Drinkwater & Darryl Keily 3. Don Drinkwater & Sandra Keily Weekly Winners, for February have been, Ray King and Sandra Keily. Ladies Day, has seen, Dawn King win on three of the four weeks since the ladies resumed golf in January. Jenny Pike was also a worthy winner. Chook Run winners recently have been,

Trevor Ansell, Ray King, and Graham Jefferies. Now I have to mention a lot of the winners are my close neighbours, maybe there is something in what we drink!!! Talking of the neighbours winning streak for the month, they have also take home most of the Chooks from the lucky drawer!! Congratulations to all of our winners over the last few weeks, well done everyone!! Schedule January to July 2013 There has been some rearrangement to the schedule recently. Coming up on the next Sundays: n 3rd March, IGA Major n 17th March, Fun Day n 24th March, Café Jilarty Major A big thank you to the kind people who are sponsoring the Majors. If anyone would like a revised schedule, please see Dave. Enjoy your golf everyone, Mary Cottam


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Maleny Swim Meet

Jlia Allen-Best, coach Kirsten Porter, Kyani Parton, with littlies Annie White, Hannah Hanson, Jasmine White Crocs Geraldine Little and Rebecca Reibel on ofďŹ cial duties

Warriors Hannah Hanson, Tilly Duggan, Kyani and Cyndari Parton, Jorja Duggan and Annie White get ready for their heats

Coach Neil Cozens with Crocs Nikki and Hayley

Hannah Hanson and Jasmine White had a great day

Croc Carnival 2013, Tin Can Bay Pool

Pre racing smiles for Crocs Nemani and Jorja Ranuve, Hayley Carnellor, Laura Rooks, Nikki Reibel

Reibel boys Scott and Kevin

Crocs Maddy Reibel and Warrior Kate Gilmore in the marshalling area

Warrior specators Ryan Sharman and Olivia Modin

New Coach Kirsten Porter with most of the Warriors competing on the day www.rainbowbeachcommunitynews.com.au

Calendar of Events MARCH 2 Cooloola Cove Markets 3 Clean Up Australia Day 9 Suitcase Market, Gympie 9 Kilkivan Great Horse Ride 16 Tin Can Bay Markets 17 St Patrick’s Day & Gympie St Pats Race Day & UFC wrestling, Sports Club 23 Mothar Mt Speedway 24 Working Bee on the Beach 2pm 28-1 Imbil Easter Endurance Carnival (Equestrian, long distance events) 30 Kenilworth Cheese, Wine and Food Fest APRIL 1-4 1-14 6 20 25

Easter is here School Holidays Qld Cooloola Cove Markets Tin Can Bay Markets Anzac Day

Get active every week Mums and Bubs, Learn to Swim, Squad call Rainbow Beach Sports Club for details 07 5486 3191 Monday: Calisthenics 2.45-4.45pm Karate Tuesday: Rainbow Beach Playgroup 9.3011am Community Hall Golf – Ladies Day 0429 668 255 Pilates 9.15-10.15am light Pilates 10.15-11am, Tuncunba Hall, Tin Can Bay. Sarah Booth 0432 690 194, 54862798, sarah_pilates@ hotmail.com Resistance Circuit 4.30 -5.30 Yoga Wednesday: Mahjong/Games Mornings 9am Karate Thursday: Aqua Aerobics, Aquatic Centre 9am Golf Chook Run 3pm Cooloola Dragon Boat Club 4pm Cardio Kickbox 4.30-5.30pm

Out and About

Swim Club 5.00pm Yoga Friday: Sailability Saturday: Aqua Aerobics, Aquatic Centre 10.15am Sunday: Cooloola Dragon Boat Club 8am Nippers 8.30-10.30 – rain, hail or shine! Kid’s Supervised Play Times, Aquatic Centre 2.30-3.30pm Tai Chi (during school terms), Aqua aerobics, Swim Squad, Sporting Shooters, Bowls, Darts, Tennis, Golf, Line Dancing, Belly Dancing, and more! Community Date claimers QCWA 2nd Mon in month SES 1st and last Thursday of the month SES Rainbow Beach Prayer Group Fridays 10am Arts and Craft Group 2nd and last Tuesdays of the month, Rainbow Beach Church Hall Over 60’s 1st Tue month Dragonboat last Sunday of the month “Come and Try” Soundwaves 2nd Sunday of each Month, 3-6pm MARCH 3 Rainbow Social Golf Major 6 Dragon Boat 10 Year celebration dinner 6.30pm 6 Footy Tippping Comp - last chance at the Pub 10 Soundwaves 3-6pm RB Community Hall 14 Cooloola Coast Garden Group 17 Rainbow Social Golf Fun Day 24 Rainbow Social Golf Major 28 Music Plus Cooloola Cove 7pm APRIL 9 Residents and Ratepayers 20 Garden Group to Wondai Garden Expo If you have an event or date claimer you would like to add please email info@rbcn.com.au. Annual Events on the Cooloola Coast January “Brushes by the Sea” Rainbow Beach Art & Craft Festival

Lin Groombridge, Helen Joyce and Chris Harvey enjoy a morning stop at Temptations by the Water

Page 50 FEBRUARY Cooloola Crocs Swimming Carnival MAY Bay to Bay Yacht Race JUNE/JULY Rainbow Beach Fishing Competition JUNE 28 - JULY 6 AUGUST Rainbow Beach Triathlon SEPTEMBER Tin Can Bay Seafood, Boat and Camping Show OCTOBER Rainbow Beach Invitations Fours Bowls Tournament OCTOBER Rainbow Beach Nippers and Masters Carnivals NOVEMBER Rainbow Beach/Trail Runs DECEMBER 23 Tin Can Bay Foreshore Family Nights Local markets Cooloola Cove Markets: Veterans & Community Hall, Nautilus Dv. RSL Hall. 1st Saturday of the month 7am to 11.30am. 07 5488 0436 Tin Can Bay Markets: (Opposite IGA) Tin Can Bay. 3rd Saturday of the month 7am to 12 midday. 0408 066 988 Gympie Southside Markets: Gympie South State School, Exhibition Rd. Every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month. 0418 151 352. Glenwood Community Markets: 3rd Saturday of the month. Glenwood Community Grounds, Pepper Rd. 7am to 12 midday. 07 5485 7468. Gympie Museum Markets: Gympie Lake Alford (The Duck Ponds). Bruce Highway or Brisbane Rd entry. 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday of the month. 07 5482 3995. (Bushranger Shootout & Public Flogging Re-enactment every 3rd Sunday in the Summer months from 9am and Winter months at 10am by the Gympie Historical Re-enactment Group P: (07) 5482 6937) Dagun Growers Market: Dagun Heritage Railway Station. Every Saturday from 4pm during the summer months 07 5484 3749 www.dagungrowersmarket.com Kandanga Markets: Kandanga Railway Station, Kandanga. Every Wednesday & Sunday 10am to

12 md. 07 5488 4605 Kilkivan Railway Markets: Kilkivan Railway Station. Every Sunday in the month 6am to 12md. 07 5484 1032 Amamoor Markets: Amamoor Station Train Visits Open 9am-12md. 1st Saturday of each month. 0488 075 955. Imbil Country Markets: Central Park, Yabba Road, Imbil. Every Sunday 8am to 2pm. Ph: (07) 5484 5109 M: 0428 843 480 Friends of Amamoor Craft Shop: Coincides with the “Red Rocket” train visit. Tuesdays & Saturdays 10am – 10.30am. 07 5484 3650 Kin Kin Creations Markets: Main Street Hall. 1st Sunday of every month 10am-2pm. 5485 4226 / 5485 4228. kinkinmarket@hotmail.com Widgee Markets: In the grounds of the Widgee Corner Store: Second Saturday of every month 7am - 12md, 07 5484 0102 or 0408 734 478. Market information provided by Tanya Easterby -Events in All Directions

Out and About

The Sports Club’s new (and popular!) Kid’s Play Room opened on Valentine’s Day

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