HINTERLAND TIMES Sunshine Sunshine Coast’s Coast’s free free independent independent news news magazine magazine
May 2013
Chainsaw mayhem on Main Street ... story p4-5 THE GOOD LIFE ...
Kris and Angel have found a perfect combination of work, home and lifestyle.
Carl Jonsson represents Oz at Youth Science Week in South Africa
Chris Brooker is a prince among Hinterland ‘vollies’
page 6-7
page 10-11
page 18-19
From the Editor
M AY 2 0 1 3
Boom boom ... you’re dead
T’S OFTEN SAID that as a people we Australians have very similar values to Americans. But not it seems, when it comes to firearms. What is it about the American psyche that has them accept their National Rifle Association assertion that the answer to gun violence is more guns? Guns don’t kill they say. People kill. Australians reacted to Martin Bryant’s killing spree at Port Arthur in 1996 by accepting a gun buy-back. PM John Howard said we don’t want to invite the American gun disease here and Australians gave up relatively easily, more than 630,000, mainly semi automatic weapons. I say, relatively easily because Australia has never had the same kind of rabid pro-gun lobby as the US National Rifle Association (NRA). We’ve had shooters clubs for hunting and sports since the 1850s but there has never been a need for our Constitution to guarantee the individual’s right to bear arms as in the US. Of course, we never had a civil war like the Americans. It left them feeling they might well need armed militias in a future stoush with government. But their gun rights legislation was written in the time of the flint-lock blunderbuss. How does the right to self defence legitimise semi-automatic military assault rifles with 30 round ammunition magazines. Self defence against whom? The Tea Party perhaps. Mind you, Australia got close to armed insurrection with the Eureka uprising when rebellious gold miners and Irish immigrants with a chip on their shoulder against the British, decided to resist state laws with guns. The Ballarat miners struggled to find firearms suitable to fight the Redcoats and ironically it was the American diggers, fresh from California, who were admired for their six shot pistols and repeater rifles, and were most welcomed on the barricades. Where Australians and Americans part company is that our governments do not accept that Australians need firearms for self defence. We have a low level of violent crime, with overall levels of homicide and suicide with firearms in decline for several decades. In the US nearly 70 per cent of all homicides are by firearms - 11,078 in 2010. What is scary though are the mass shootings in the US - sixteen in 2012 leaving at least 88 dead. The 26 children and teachers killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School should have been America’s Port Arthur moment but it wasn’t because of the scary control by the NRA over how US senators cast their votes. It is known that more than 90 per cent of Americans believe in the importance of background checks on gun owners. They are way ahead of their legislators who have just knocked back all gun control measures proposed by President Obama. How bizarre. Clearly Americans don’t dispute the need for vehicle registrations, passports or social security numbers. But this was not about the rationale of debate this was about the brute force of NRA lobbying. Something has gone horribly wrong in a leading democracy where 300 million people want gun owner registrations and a lobby group can dictate a negative outcome in the Senate. Could it happen here? Well, commenting on President Obama’s failed gun legislation bills, NSW Upper House politician Robert Borsak recently advised Americans to, ''fight as hard as you bloody well can. Don't allow [US President Barack Obama] and the rest of the reconstructionist socialists to get away with what they want to do. To think of doing anything as stupid as that in the United States - the land of the free and the home of the brave - is an absolute disgrace.'' It’s worth mentioning that Mr Borsak and his Shooters and Fishers Party colleague, Robert Brown, have secured a deal with the O'Farrell government to open up 79 national parks in NSW to recreational hunting in return for electricity privatisation support. Gun violence casts a shadow over American society. Let’s hope it never does so in Australia.
The views expressed in the Hinterland Times are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or policy of the magazine’s publishers.
Making News ... Matt George creates animal magic on main street Maleny
Don Powell carves jewellery from ancient mammoth ivory P 8 - 9 Disabilities are no barrier to success of Luke Fitzgerald
P 14-15
Chris Brooker is the Hinterland’s quiet achiever
P 18-19
Are we failing our soldier veterans?
P 26-27
How fair have we been to Julia Gillard?
P 30-31
UK Treechangers - Matt, Mandy and Katie Jee
P 33
COVER STORY Matt George loves to carve and have fun. He has injected some of that fun into the main street of Maleny with wooden animals perched on shop roofs. Story P 4-5
June edition Deadlines Copy Deadlines
Published first Wednesday of the month.
Ad bookings: News items:
20 May 2013 25 May 2013
Faith Baigent
Darren Baker
Katie Buckley
Julie Shelton
Leigh Robshaw
Natalie Brown
Editor: Michael Berry
Ph: 07 5499 9049 Fax: 07 5499 9308 PO Box 818 Maleny 4552 Email News: editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au Advertising: faith@hinterlandtimes.com.au
Website: www.hinterlandtimes.com.au Printed by: Horton Media Australia Ltd
Ph: 5478 5440 Shop 4, Mayfield 127 - 133 Main St, Montville www.illumecreations.com.au Ruby Rose Cloud Nine 2
P 4-5
Golden Sunrise by Tina Cooper
Children’s Community Garden is abuzz with activity
HE CHILDREN’S COMMUNITY GARDEN, behind the Upfront Club in Maleny, has been abuzz with activity since we last checked with them in our March issue of the Hinterland Times. Kate and Madhu Kazony have had a huge number of people come on board to assist them in developing the garden! It has become quite a community hub for both the children and adults of the area. The garden now has
a beautiful three tiered water fountain thanks to Barung Landcare and Independent Power and Water Systems, and the children delight in being able to turn it on and off with their hand shadow. The Kazony’s have launched their “Green Supamarket” idea, where families can purchase home-grown produce straight from the ground. At the moment they have a large crop of mixed lettuce and plenty of basil available. They are selling lettuce seedlings for around 30 cents! Next month they will have a range of different vegetables coming through, such as snowpeas, tomatoes, spinach, silver beet and Asian greens. These will be closely followed by the brassicas – broccoli, cauliflowers, kale and cabbages. There is an honesty box on site so if you visit when there is no-one around you will be able to leave your donation which covers costs and keeps the garden sustainable. The couple are inviting Maleny folk to consider visiting the children’s community garden and taking their pick of fresh seedlings on display to be planted in place of the harvested items. Their aim is that the children who don’t yet have garden beds at home can have the experience of fresh garden food, and the fun of planting and harvesting. They are also making a permanent seedling section in the garden to be available for kitchen garden growers to grab some seedlings all year round. What a wonderful place for the children of the community to learn and share together! If you haven’t already been down to the Children’s Community Garden, get along there soon and see what’s growing… Natalie Brown
New Arts Committee promises entertaining events for the Hinterland
ENNIFER RADBOURNE, Emeritus Professor of Deakin University, an enthusiastic arts promoter, and a resident of Maleny, has been elected president of the Maleny Arts Council for 2013. Jennifer says the new committee will continue to find interesting and entertaining touring productions to bring to Hinterland audiences. For 2013 the events include: Caxton Street Jazz Band – Saturday 7pm 4 May at the RSL Hall Sounds of Splendour – Sunday 3pm 16 June at ‘Braeside’ B&B Piano Lessons – Friday 7pm 12 July and Saturday 5pm 13 July at Lucas Parklands Skitch Tease – Thursday 10 October at the RSL Hall For further information, call Jennifer on 5494 3998.
Hinterland Restaurants win top Queensland Gourmet awards
WO SPICERS RESTAURANTS on the Sunshine Coast Hinterland have walked away with a total of three Chef Hats at the 2013 Queensland Good Food Guide awards, announced recently at an award ceremony in Brisbane. The Long Apron restaurant at Spicers Clovelly Estate in Montville retained its two Chef Hat ranking, while The Tamarind at Spicers Tamarind Retreat in Maleny retained its one Chef Hat ranking under executive chef Daniel Jarrett (pictured top right). Headed by acclaimed chef Cameron Matthews, (pictured below right), The Long Apron in Montville specialises in an innovative European-inspired menu showcasing local ingredients, an extensive wine list and personalised service. It was lauded by the judges for its “European inspired dishes, which blend classic technique and the finest local produce with exquisite results”. The restaurant prides itself on using local produce such as Hervey Bay Scallops, Kenilworth yoghurt, Maleny cream, Mooloolaba squid and herbs from the restaurant’s kitchen garden. Set in a tranquil pavilion designed to make the most of the peaceful location, The Tamarind specialises in innovative modern Asian cuisine.
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Matt’s Chainsaw Mayhem o n M a p l e S t re e t M a l e ny
Ful Fu Full ullllll Ra Rang Range ge of S Sk Skin kkiin Tr T Treatments rre rea ea atm atments tmen nts n ts & Medi Me Medic Medical dic ical ica Gra Grade G rrade ad de d eS Sk Skin kin C Ca Care a arrre eP Pr Products Produ rrodu oduct od u ts | Medi-Facials ucts Medi Me M ed dii-Fa -F -F Faci aciial allss Skin Ski Sk kin in Ne Needl Needling dlilin ing | Medica Medical Medi Me dic ica ca al Str Strength tre re ength th Pe Peel Peels els ls Para-Medical Para Pa ra-Me Medi dic ica cal Mi Mic Microdermabrasion Microder icrrode roder errmabrasion rmabra rm rasio ion (Crystal (Cr (C (Cry Crys ryysta ystal tal & Di Dia Diamond iamond He Head) ead) ea ad) | El Ele Electrolysis lectr tro roly lys ysiis is Ear-Piercing Ea Ear r--Piercing -Pi Pie ier erc rciing in | Waxing Wax W Wa a axing axi xin ing | Tinting Tiinti Ti inting ntin ing | Laserr Skin Ski Sk kin in Ch Chec Checks eck cks ks | Antiti wr wri wrinkle wrinkl rin ink nkl kle kl le & Fi Fil Filler illlle ler er In Inj Injectables nje jec ecta tab bles ble les Eyelid Eye Ey ye elilid id Re Rej Rejuvenation eju juve ven enatitio ion | Mo M le Re Mole Rem Removal emova val Liposuction Lip iposuctitio ion | B Breast re east Au Augmentation ugmentation ugm ug gmen enta tatitio ion Skin Ski Sk kin in Ca Cance Cancer er Ex Exc Excision xciisio ision | Va Vasectomy Vasecto V asectomy a tomy my
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2 /13 Bun Bunya nya nya y St Street, tre tr reet, t, Ma Male Maleny len ny ny 5494 54 494 363 3630 30 04 0448 4 844 935 448
in the Hinterland Times Ph: 54 999 049
ATTHEW GEORGE and his young son were taking an evening walk down Maple Street, Maleny. The town was going to sleep for the day and the street was defined by its shadows and ragged roof lines. It was then that Matt was struck by an inspiration for a project that is now bringing smiles up and down the main street. Crouching down to Jamie’s eye level Matt was pointing out the spiders and lizards coming out for the night when his eye was drawn back to the street’s roof lines with the thought, “Wouldn’t it be exciting to discover animals on those roofs.” Back at his Peachester workshop Matt produced chainsaw sculptures of a possum and a python which were then mounted on the veranda of Watson’s Service Station. People saw the animals, were intrigued, and chatted about them with Watson’s staff. There was clearly interest in this eye-catching idea that was bringing a smile to people’s faces. So Matt’s dream of an animal trail gradually took shape – each animal sculpture would be carved to the client’s specification and the finished sculpture would be mounted on their premises in sight of passing residents and visitors to Maleny. The next commission was an eastern water dragon for Mark Richardson at 3 Maple Café. This huge dragon almost two metres long was mounted on the terrace roof. It was given a personal name and a Certificate of Authenticity was delivered to a delighted Mark. A Facebook page was then launched along with an explanatory email to potential businesses and interested parties.
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As Matt’s Maleny Animal Trail started to take off it became easier to sell the concept to more business owners up and down Maple Street. They started approaching Matt with commissions, not because of any commercial reasons, but simply because they wanted to be part of Maleny’s new fun project. Since the first animal was installed in March the Maleny Animal Trail has been expanding every week with a possum on the One Zero phone shop, another possum on Supa IGA), a bilby on the Maple Street Coop, a tawny frogmouth on Rosettas Bookshop), a rooster on Maleny Kitchen & Homewares, mother and baby possum on Maleny Credit Union, a kiwi on Imelda’s Shoes, a python on Maleny Property Rentals, a trio of black cockatoos on the Maleny Community Centre, an orangutan on Maleny Newsagency, a giant goldfish on Monica’s Café, an Alice in Wonderland Caterpillar on Happy High Herbs, a kangaroo on Humphries + Fisk, a dragon on Collin James Fine Foods and a fox on The Range Hardware roof. Matt George is a tall, lithe and cheerful man who says he has a taste for adventure and has learnt how to use a chainsaw to make a living. His huge shed / workshop in a Peachester clearing is dotted with his fanciful sculptures including massive toadstools and life-size animals from kangaroos to chickens. He also has sketchbooks filled with drawings of animals and birds as well as concepts for private playgrounds and garden art. When HT visited Matt in his workshop, he was carving a 1.5m dragon for the Colin James store. Some animals are simply carved out of timber without preparatory drawings, and he uses a variety of chainsaws and carving tools to achieve the basic iconic look of each animal or bird. Matt lives where he works and he looks after his four and a half year-old son Jamie who is already involved in Dad’s work. He has his own tools for sanding and oil sealing the various animals, and his interest suggests a future father and son business has been seeded. “When I had my son,” says Matt, “instinctively my thinking changed. And when later I had a daughter the importance
Far left: Matt completes a dragon for Colin James Also on this page: Watson’s Garage possum, kiwi on Imeldas on Maple, water dragon at Maple 3, rooster at Maleny Kitchen & Homewares, possum on One Zero Telstra shop, and a whale now at Spicers Tamarind Retreat.
of family really hit me - it is mainly about being inclusive and sharing. So, I wondered how I could stay home, enjoy what I do and be there for my kids at this stage of our family’s life. “Well it turned out that part of me already knew the answer way ahead of time. I had purchased a carving saw to play with and learnt that I really enjoyed creating something out of nothing. “My opportunity to create was always available as I grew up and in carving I discovered something that was unique, outdoorsy, and I could give my creations as gifts, to friends and family when required.” What excites Matt about the animal trail is that he has been able to tap into something that gives adults and kids some fun as well as providing him with a viable income stream. Close friends are helping Matt develop the idea by creating an Animal Trail map that covers the entire Maleny township. This will become a downloadable phone app with notes on the variety of wooden animals and birds created by Matt. The Maleny Animal Trail is scheduled to go ‘live’ at the Maleny Wood Expo on May 4, complete with an information leaflet detailing the trail. To contact Matt George phone: 0408 755 767 or email: treeservice.matt@gmx.com
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Co-Creating for the Future A Hinterland couple find a way to combine work, family and home life
• Kita Ku • Tani • Braintree by Natalie Brown
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For Kris Randall and his partner Angel, working together for their Cocreations business encompasses a fine balance of work and play, to perfection.
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orn of their enjoyment of spending time together and working on creative projects, they decided a year ago to combine their individual talents to start their own business creating phone applications or ‘Apps’ together. This ensured that they could have the best of both worlds, spending as much time as possible with their children, while earning an According to the ‘WiseGeek’ website, an App is ‘a smart phone add-on that performs a function other than making a phone call, ranging from games to medical monitoring.’ These days there appears to be an App for everything from tuning your guitar, to watching the news or checking the stock market. So how does a person get into building Apps for phones? Usually through software programming, or if you are lucky enough to live in Maleny, you might attend one of Kris’ App building courses that he runs from time to time. Kris, who is the software programmer of the couple, first took an interest in computers when he was in Grade 4 but his family got their first computer when Kris was in Grade 8 and he developed a strong interest in computer games. Not only did he enjoy playing them, but he was drawn to
• Vigorella
in the Hinterland Times Phone: 54 999 049
understanding how they worked. The years that followed were all about programming, and Kris graduated from University as a proficient software developer. Four years ago when Kris’ first child, Sashi was about to be born, he saw a need to work in a job that would allow him to spend as much time as possible with his family. “I didn’t want to be working a 9-5, Monday to Friday job. I wanted to be more involved in my child’s life.” So Kris started his own software programming business, Evernew, contracting out to companies such as Telstra, and developing software programs for them. He was living the dream, combining his love of the Hinterland lifestyle, while earning a decent income for himself and his family. Kris and Angel met through a mutual friend, and spent time together brainstorming creative ideas, and realised that they shared a lot of common goals in life. Kris began what he describes as ‘courting’ Angel, to which she says with a laugh, “he even opened the door for me once!”. Their family consists of daughter Willow, born last year and their other children Toby, Ana and Sashi. With their large family they needed to create a joint income and still allow them to have as much time with their family as possible. Hence Cocreations was born. Kris says, “It’s really nice for our relationship to share goals and work on projects together. It’s something that makes our
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Threadz Clarity Lazybones Gabriella Frattini Vigorella Cafe Latte Worship Orientique Above: Kris, Sashi, Angel and Ana share their digital world Left: Kris in his App Builders Guild office space in Maleny Far left: Kris & Angel - working together is their common goal
lives intertwined and makes us feel much closer.” The couple’s talents complimented each other perfectly with Angel (who has a creative arts background) handling the aesthetic, creative problem solving side of the business, and Kris creating the code and software programming. The first App they built together was for Robin Clayfield’s ‘Gifts for Wild Women’ book and card set. The App allows you to utilise aspects of the book and card set on your phone. Their most successful App so far, ‘Lovescore’, was Angel’s idea. With the Lovescore App you put in someone’s name and then your own name. The App then calculates how much
you love each other, how compatible you are etc. “It’s not the most technical App we’ve made,” says Angel with a laugh, “but it’s the one that was the most fun to make.” Their Trio, and Trio Mastermind game has been quite successful and is a lot of fun to play. They recently formed the App Builders Guild, working with Jule Rebeiro and Jimmy Halliday on a range of projects. One project that will be published through Cocreations is a Maleny Animal Trail App with Matt George. (See P4-5). It will incorporate a Google map with co-ordinates so that people can follow the Maleny Animal Trail on their phones and spot Matt’s animals on the roofs around Maleny. So how do they manage the work/life balance with such a large family? They both agree that it’s all about making sure the other person has time outside of the relationship, and making time to communicate about what they need, while working together towards their common goals. “The beauty is in the flexibility of being aware of the other persons needs and being there to support each other.” The main focus of Cocreations is evident in the name of their business; ‘connecting people who have an App idea and working with them to make it a reality.’ For more information visit their website cocreations.com.au or give Angel a call on 0409 899 765.
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I’ll never stop doing it unless I’m physically incapacitated.” by Leigh Robshaw
S A BOY OF 13, DON POWELL loved roaming around his father’s workshop, toying with tools and playing with pieces of wood. His father was the curator at the Marks-Hirschfeld Museum of Medical History in Brisbane and had an extensive workshop filled with every tool imaginable. One day, as he wandered around this boy’s wonderland, Don picked up a scalpel. “The first things I carved were an eagle’s head and a little ram,” says Maleny’s multi-award winning master woodcarver, who will be teaching hand held carving workshops at this year’s Barung Wood Expo. “They were both brooches made of walnut. I was self-taught. I saw an article in Popular Mechanics magazine on whittling and I just started. My father showed me how to turn the machine on and left me to my own devices.” Many decades later, Don has returned to miniature carvings but in mammoth ivory, rather than wood.
Steering well clear of the modern ivory trade, Don sources mammoth ivory buried in glaciers or the tundra of the northern hemisphere. “There’s no problem importing it into Australia,” says Don, holding a piece of raw ivory about the size of a piece of firewood worth $2000. “Ivory is very hard, but on the other side of the coin, when you carve it you can carve any sort of detail, you can make it totally realistic. So it sits well in jewellery.” Don has been carving miniature ivory figurines, characters such as the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland or a lioness with her cub, for five years now. Each piece is set with diamonds by a jeweller and sold as a pendant. “I sold a mermaid ivory pendant to a lady in the United States,” he says. “She was a wealthy lady in politics. She came back to Australia and showed us a picture of herself shaking hands with Obama and she was wearing it. It’s nice when you sell a piece and you know it’s cherished. You put a lot of yourself into it.” Don is fond of carving miniatures, and whenever he goes on holidays, he packs a few tools and makes small hand held woodcarvings while he sits on the beach. He finds as much enjoyment in this simple work, as he does his high relief work and complex wood sculptures, such as a tableau of Lord of the Rings characters or his outstanding rendition of the Norman Rockwell painting, The Doctor and the Doll. His work is characterised by realism and exceptional attention to detail, but he’s currently completing a life-size piece that will be a departure from his usual style. The Redlands College in Brisbane has commissioned him to create a life-size tribute to their headmaster in the semi-abstract style of Henry Moore. “It’s not my style but I’ve always admired Henry Moore, so I thought, ‘hey, it’s like a tribute not only to the teacher but to Henry Moore’. David Linton is going to assemble a block in red cedar and the piece needs to be finished by July.” Don is no stranger to large works, having been commissioned about four years ago to work on a project for Saint Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney. One piece he worked on was a cathedral chair for the Pope, a complex piece comprised of a multitude of figurines and miniature heads of various saints. The work took three years, and Don says he was pleased the church insisted on using Australian artists.
He was one of only two Australian woodcarvers chosen for the job, a testament to his reputation. His talent was also recognised when he won a Churchill Fellowship in 1996 to study techniques of woodcarving and wood sculpture in Germany and Switzerland. “I thoroughly enjoyed it. I finished up working with a particular carver who was like a mentor to me,” says Don. “I was there quite a while working alongside him. He impressed on me the drawing side of it. I could draw, but when you’re younger you can go through a stage in your life where you feel if you haven’t gone to art school, you should be inferior. I think that affected me in my drawing. I thought, ‘no one’s ever taught me, therefore it can’t be much chop. “Because I could visualise my work, I didn’t do much drawing — but I could draw. I find I’ve got good imagery in my mind and I can see the piece there. When you’ve been carving a long time, I think it becomes subconscious and the piece just emerges.” Don enjoys teaching his craft as much as he likes practicing it. He runs master classes in Maleny and occasional workshops at the Barung Wood Expo each April, as well as at Turnfest, Australia’s largest woodturning symposium, and Wanaka Autumn Arts School in New Zealand.
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Top left: Don’s carving of the Norman Rockwell painting, The Doctor and the Doll Top right: Low relief carving from the Lord of the Rings Below: Don draws and then carves miniatures from mammoth ivory such as the Mad Hatter (centre)
Something he likes to emphasise to his students is that woodcarving is not a male art form and it doesn’t require physical strength. “So many people are under the misconception you need to be strong,” he says. “You do need to have strong wrists and strong hands, but if you’re reasonably fit you can do it — it’s about technique and sharp tools. There are as many females as males doing it and you can’t say one is going to be better than the other.” His chosen vocation keeps him busy, but for many years it was sidelined as a hobby, while he worked to support his wife and five children. It’s surprising to discover this creative soul with such a keen eye for aesthetic beauty spent his career as a police officer. He became a plainclothes officer in 1965, went on to join the Commonwealth Investigations Branch (CIB) and was later put in charge of the witness protection squad. “I was very fortunate in the police force, some interesting things came my way,” he says. “I was sent to Quantico FBI Academy (USA) to study hostage negotiation before it started in Australia. I became the first hostage negotiator in Queensland and ran a few national courses. I did that for 12 years.”
The police force had served its purpose for Don by the age of 50, when he retired and went straight into professional sculpture. “It was fantastic,” he says. “When I was in the special branch I was a bodyguard to Charles and Di, you name it, all the royals. That’s part of your job. It was a really interesting career, but I much prefer what I do now. I’ll never stop doing it unless I’m physically incapacitated.” Don is a man who appears content with his lot in life. He has a grand home on Mountain View Road, which he built in 1999, five children, lots of grandchildren, a reputation as one of Australia’s top woodcarvers and teachers, and a loving wife who is a great cook and the toughest critic of his work, never hesitating to tell him when his work “isn’t good enough”. It must be a good feeling to know you’re at the top of your game in your chosen field, but Don says he’s still learning. “You’re constantly trying to push the boundaries,” he says. “Every piece has got to be better than your last.” Don is running two hand-held woodcarving workshops at the Maleny Wood Expo. Visit malenywoodexpo.com.au for details.
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Time to celebrate Chappy Week ... CHOOL CHAPLAINS across the Hinterland will begin celebrations for Chappy Week, which runs from 19th to 26th May. The aim of Chappy Week across Queensland is to celebrate and support the work of school chaplains – often referred to as ‘Chappies’ by students. Some of the activities planned by our local chaplains, Boyd Eime, Bev Seagroatt and Chris Davis include: the Chaplaincy Supporters’ Thankyou after work refreshments from 5:15 pm to 6:30 on Tuesday 21st May at Maleny State (Primary) School; attending the Chappy Week Speaker’s Breakfast at Parliament House Brisbane on Thursday 23rd May; running a Breakfast Club at Maleny State School on Thursday 30th May; and participating in Andrew Powell’s Great Walk on Friday 24th May. The walk is part of Andrew’s ongoing campaign to draw attention to the condition of the road from Kenilworth to Maleny. Community members are encouraged to join the walk and seek sponsorship with all proceeds donated to Conondale and Maleny Chaplaincy Services. Scripture Union Queensland’s school chaplains run positive, fun activities for young people – both in and out of school – and help to foster a supportive, caring school community. The work of chappies is varied, with each responding to the needs of the individual school. Chappies might go on school camps, join in class activities, organise Family Fun Days, help out at school sports Days, run craft and lunchtime groups. Chappies do lots of things but the most important thing is being there to offer support in whatever way they can. This includes support for at-risk students, support for staff and families from the wider school community, and spiritual support for the school community. The work the Chaplains do would not be possible without the wonderful support and donations that they receive from local services, businesses, churches, individuals and their local chaplaincy committees. The local chaplaincy services would like to extend their sincere thanks to everyone who contributes and helps out during the year.
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in the Hinterland Times Phone: 54 999 049
If you would like any further information about Chappy Week, please contact Chappy Bev at Maleny State Primary School: 5499 8333 or Chappy Boyd at Conondale: 5494 4571 or Chris Davis at Maleny High School: 5499 8111.
Far Left: Chappy Boyd, Andrew Powell and Lauchlan Walker at the start of Andrew's Great Walk last year. Top right: Making balloon sculptures - Chappy Bev,Hannah Page and Hannah Scott at the Maleny State School’s 100th Anniversary. Above: Chappy Chris Davis and Maggie Crowe – fundraising at Maleny Show 2012 Right: Bike Ride for Conondale Family Fun Day 2012
Carl represents Australian youth science in South Africa THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE and a passion for science has enabled Year 12 student Carl Jonsson of Pacific Lutheran College to be selected to attend the National Youth Science Week held in Pretoria South Africa in 2013. Carl was an active and effective participant in the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF): a 12 day residential program run in both Canberra and Perth, in January of this year. To be selected for the NYSF Carl competed for selection for one of 432 places with some 2,000 other applicants from all parts of the country, each identified as a top science student at their school. At the January Forum Carl demonstrated exceptional levels of interest, capacity and potential in fields of science, and also strong interpersonal, teamwork, inquiry, communication and potential leadership skills. That Carl has then sought, and been selected, to represent Australian youth science at this prestigious international event is a great credit to the student, their family, their great school and their whole community. “A chance to attend the National Youth Science Week is incredible!” an excited Carl said. “Before I attended the NYSF, which
Now open seven days...
SU QLD is the largest supplier of school chaplains in Australia and is officially endorsed by Education Queensland as an accredited employing authority for school chaplains. Collectively, SU QLD supports around 540 chaplains in primary and secondary schools in all corners of the state.
opened so many new perspectives and options for me, I could not have dreamed of being a part of this amazing opportunity.” “In the next couple of years I will be making some career-shaping decisions, so to have the chance to experience cutting edge science at an international level is a fantastic springboard into the future.” The time in South Africa will provide a real understanding of science in action on a global scale. Participants also have a unique opportunity not only to network with peers and leading scientists from all over the world, but also to travel and build inter-cultural awareness, on their own initiative. Trips will include a dig site outside Cape Town, Thornybush game reserve and Kruger Park, and visits to a number of science laboratories in Johannesburg and Cape Town. “Most top scientists I have met are well-travelled, with a first hand appreciation of different cultures,” says NYSF Director Geoff Burchfield. “Travel seems to enrich people’s lives profoundly, and to give them an edge professionally.’ Carl’s interest in science started early at school in Maleny. “I used to love bringing in cool science experiments for show and tell in my earlier grades. Anything from film canister rockets to erupting volcanoes had me hooked.” Carl told HT that back home he wants to do either a bachelor of science or a bachelor of engineering. “ Some of the fields that I am interested in are nanoscience, material science and engineering and electrical engineering,” he said. Before jetting off, Carl must take on the difficult task of fundraising $10,000 to cover costs. So any sponsorship or donations from local businesses and Rotary Clubs are deeply appreciated by Carl and his family. Chris Brooker and Deb Lynde have agreed to act as mentors for Carl. Email: secretary.maleny@rotary9600.org
Barung Landcare is on the move ARUNG LANDCARE President Eric Anderson wishes to advise customers, members of Barung and the community that some temporary changes are being implemented. These were outlined to members and staff at a meeting recently held at the Maleny Community Centre. “The main change involves vacating our current Resource Centre and Office in the Riverside Plaza in Maleny, to our new Wholesale Production Nursery at 65 Amigh Road, Landsborough. In addition we will move all of the current plant production and most of the plants from our current temporary nursery in Porter’s Lane, North Maleny. However, we will maintain the current
farm gate sales and a supply of plants at the Porter’s Lane Nursery as at present. These changes will be in place by June. In order to maintain our presence in Maleny we have hired the Kiosk by The Community Centre in Maple Street. We will be there every Thursday to provide a mini Office and Resource Centre. As a community group that has been in Maleny for over 20 years we still aspire to build an Education Resource Centre and Retail Nursery on the Maleny Community Precinct as soon as possible. Negotiations are being held with Council to move from our currently allocated site on the Precinct to a more favourable site.
Robyn’s distinctive new art is created from discarded ‘stuff’ OBYN WOODROW has helped define her art through recycled, repurposed and refashioned materials. What she produces is remarkable - creating works of art from old books, dolls and kitchen utensils. All works are made from vintage, found and discarded ‘stuff’, some combined with elements of the new. Tree Frog Gallery of Maleny is showing Robyn’s work throughout May. One of Robyn’s paper hats (pictured) recently won second prize (from a field of 132) in the Hatalk international recycled hat competition. The hat (currently on display at the Tree Frog Gallery May 4-29) will be exhibited in the UK's only millinery museum, Hat Works in Stockport, as part of the 'Redesigning Fashion' exhibition. Robyn adds, “An image of one of my paper art dresses (pictured right), which has been on display at the Tree Frog Gallery for the last couple of months, has been selected to feature in Malta next month as part of the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. The image is one of 20 to be displayed on huge billboards outside the Fashion Awards and remain on display for the Fashion Week. To contact Robyn email: redzebra@bigpond.net.au
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Great new events and old favourites at ...
Maleny Agricultural Show There is new entertainment, live music, specialty children's entertainers,new competitions plus all your old favourites on offer at the 76th Maleny Agricultural Show - at the Maleny Showgrounds Friday May 31 and Saturday June 1. A highlight of the Show on Friday, are a group of skydivers who will jump into the Showgrounds.
EW HEADLINE ACTS this year include Eljay and his team of motor cycle and push bike trials doing extreme jumps and daredevil acts. The Crack Up Sisters are heading back to Maleny with new routines to suit the whole family. On Friday night, Brisbane band, Golden Child will perform around the cattlemans bar, and on Saturday night you can catch Paul McKenna also performing live with his well known classic rock. Some exciting news for all the kids, is that this year the Silly Billies are heading to the Show, on both days for some fantastic children's entertainment and workshops. These guys are fast making a huge name for themselves in the children's entertainment world, and it’s a tremendous thrill to have them attend our Show. The main Showgrounds oval will play host to all of the magnificent horse events each day - one of the staples of the Maleny Show. The entertainment oval will also be a place not to be missed with performances and events running on both days of the Show - everything from our celebrity cook off, shows of reptiles and snakes, whipcracking demonstrations, as well as comedy, camel rides, stunt bike shows, cheer leading, dancers, and the QLD Police pipes and drum band.
Don’t forget our Silly Billies workshops, and also our chats and displays with local producers where you can learn about a host of rural activities from alpacas to bee keeping. The Maleny Show will always reflect the traditional aspects of rural life with activities that include working dog displays, guess the weight of the fat bullock, animal nursery, wood hops, fireworks and the ever popular rodeo. The Show would not be the same without the buzz of sideshow alley. Big kids or small never fail to make their way to the fast and furious rides down side show alley. The Ute Muster is on Saturday morning as well a Grand Parade each Day. New to this year’s Show is our novice cookery judges competition, where anyone can join in on Friday, up in the main pavilion. Novice judges can try their hand at judging cakes and cookery under the expert guidance of our cookery experts. You never know, you might discover a hidden talent for picking a prize sponge cake. Beef cattle displays and judging runs both days, as does the Dairy Pavilion, where you can get a real hands-on experience of how milking was done in the old days with the Nambour High School presenting their historical milking display. You can milk a cow by hand, separate the cream and make butter as well.
For those of you who feel you would like to dress up to come to the Show, there will be prizes on offer for fashions on the field. The crowning of the 2013 Maleny Showgirl, Show Princess, and Rural Ambassador will take place before the Show on May 18 at the show dance in the Show Pavilion from 7.30pm till late with dancing and music by the Sunshine Swing Band. The Maleny Show has always been a great opportunity for the community to come together, catch up, share stories and news and be proud of all that is great in our town and surrounding district. The Maleny Show Society is the largest volunteer group in town, and has been going strong since 1922. That’s why the current committee want to continue to promote and display the best of our region’s agriculture and farming traditions. But they also see their role as encouraging newcomers and young people to get involved in their local Show; understand what it's all about and why it's a very important part of our community. Membership of the Maleny Show Society is on sale now, via the printed Show schedule of events, or online at www.malenyshowsociety.org.au or phone the show office on 5494 2008 to ask for further details.
Top Left: Side Show Alley attractions. Centre: Eljay’s team of motor cycle and push bike riders Top Right: Ute Muster - the best on wheels is on Saturday morning Far Left: Celebrity milking in the main arena
Lois White.
Left: Silly Billies will delight the kids Centre top: Crack Up Sisters will have you laughing with a new routine Centre above: Golden Child will entertain at the Cattlemen’s Bar Right: fireworks provide a fitting Show climax
Disabilities are no barrier to his artistic achievements by Leigh Robshaw
UKE FITZGERALD is quickly emerging as one of Maleny’s most talented artists, with a fresh, whimsical style that can’t help but make you smile. He was recently selected as one of only four artists from Southeast Queensland to exhibit his work in the Heiser Gallery Emerging Artists Exhibition, held from April 16 to 21 at Graydon Gallery in New Farm. The exhibition sprang from the Wesley Mission’s Art From The Margins program and Luke was thrilled to work under the wing of Brisbane art identity Bruce Heiser in the leadup to the exhibition. “Bruce Heiser came up here a little while ago, looked at Luke’s art and chose what pieces to put into the exhibition,” says Luke’s mother, Kris. “He said he has a few buyers who would be interested in Luke’s style of art.” Exhibition openings can be daunting, but they are especially so for Luke. This charming 26-year-old is autistic, intellectually impaired and epileptic, and doesn’t like crowds. However, he fronted up to the busy Brisbane gallery filled with dignitaries feeling quite proud of himself and sporting a stylish suit he said made him “look like Tony Abbott”. “He was so excited and he had a ball,” says Kris. “Everyone was shaking his hand. “When we first started going to exhibitions we wondered how he’d cope. He likes to get into a corner, back to the wall and observe. He’s taught himself to get away from the throng of the crowd.” Bruce Heiser says the opening was well attended and he was very pleased with the response Luke’s work received. “Luke’s works are wonderful, celebratory things,” says Bruce, who classes Luke’s work as outsider art. “They’re terrific themes because he’s looking at popular culture, that’s one of the things I find interesting about Luke’s work. He’s looking at media and TV — all programs from the 60s to today. They’re really fresh and really honest and lovely, colourful works. I think he’s a very interesting artist. “Luke’s work stood out to me because of the draughtsmanship; they were lovely little celebrations.
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ADVERTISE ... in the Hinterland Times
Phone: 54 999 049
The magazine people read cover to cover.
They’re sort of illustrative; the figures have a real personality, they’re quite simple, but they’re striking works.” Luke’s first solo exhibition was six years ago at Peace of Green in Maleny, and since then he has exhibited at galleries across the Sunshine Coast and in Brisbane. His first major art prize came in 2011, when he won the prestigious Xstrata Young Artist Achievement Award in the Queensland Regional Arts Awards for his painting, Small Faces: Obsessions, depicting 11 famous faces. It’s a remarkable achievement for an artist who showed no sign of talent until a few years ago. Diagnosed with autism at the age of four, he only began drawing when he left school. “He always loved colouring in and he coloured in really neatly, but we didn’t realise he could draw,” says Kris. Now it’s as if he’s opened the floodgates and released a gushing cascade of creativity that cannot be held back. He draws constantly, filling a visual diary every two days. When he’s not working in his studio beneath the house, he’s in his bedroom drawing. When he needs a break from art, he purses his other hobbies: film, TV and music.
AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST MORNING TEA INVITATION Homebaked FRIDAY FRID AY 24 M May ay 20 2013 13 from from 10am
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Food Styling, Food ood T Tales, ales, a Workshop Food Photography W orkshop Chris Klaas,former chef & professional photographer. Peter Brettell, chef & owner of Wild Rocket. Maureen Shaw, one of Australia’s top food bloggers. $75 prepaid at Maleny Community Centre Call/txt all/txt Chris Klaas on 0416 169 519
RECIPES T D A TE WAN Like to see your recipe in print? “I’m a very good artist,” Luke says matter-of-factly, holding up a series of drawings of The Beach Boys, Elvis, Britney Spears, Tori Amos, Radiohead and his favourite band, The Beatles. His favourite TV characters to draw are currently Paddington Bear, Mickey Mouse, Thomas the Tank Engine and The Wiggles. “He loves simple cartoon drawings of his favourite TV characters and singers,” says Kris. I’m surprised at how much self-esteem it’s given him, which I didn’t think would ever happen. Breaking into the Brisbane market has been really good.” Luke attends TAFE on Fridays and spends four hours on a Tuesday with Flaxton artist and carer, Nathalie Bastier and loves every minute. “When he goes to Nathalie he seems to have a typical rigidity,” says Kris. “He knows he’s at Nathalie’s for four hours every Tuesday and he concentrates and works hard. He also attends the Compass Farm at Palmwoods,
where he learns to grow food and cooks lunch with his mates using vegetables they grow themselves. Kris says supporting Luke in his art career is like a fulltime job, and the cost of art supplies and framing adds up quickly, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. She plans to enter Luke into as many exhibitions as possible in future, and assist him in whatever direction he chooses to take his work. Bruce Heiser is also a big believer in Luke’s potential as an artist. “Luke will always make work — I think he’s one of those people who has to,” says Bruce. “I think he’ll always produce interesting work and I think there’s an audience for that sort of work.” See more of Luke’s work at the website: lukealexanderfitzgerald.com. Art From The Margins helps bridge the gap between disadvantaged and isolated artists and the public. Visit artfromthemargins.org.au
Maleny IGA A is working on a C kb k for Cookbook f both b th locals & tourists. Call/txt Lisa Blainey-Lewin on 0422 584 046
in the Hinterland Times Ph: 54 999 049
The final countdown to digital-only TV has begun!
Brisbane and surrounding areas switch on 28 May 2013* The analog TV switch off is happening on 28 May 2013*– and there’s no turning back. After this date you won’t see anything if you’re not ready for digital-only TV.
What do I have to do? Remember, to keep watching free-to-air TV shows, you’ll need either: • one set-top box or a digital TV recorder for each analog TV you use; or • a new TV with a built-in digital tuner. Most importantly, you do not have to buy a new TV if you do not want to. Most antennas and cabling should work after the digital switchover. However, if you have any concerns about your reception, you may consider asking an endorsed Antenna Installer to check your antenna and cabling. If you have any other questions, or to find your nearest endorsed Antenna Installer, visit our website or call the Digital Ready Information Line.
Don’t put it off any longer. Get ready for digital TV today. *Please note: switch off may occur earlier in some towns. Residents in these towns will be informed about the switchover dates. See the website for more information.
For help or more information on how to get digital ready in your area: 1800 20 10 13
Authorised by the Australian Government, Capital Hill, Canberra
Why I think the Hinterland hillbilly NIMBYs rock...
Leigh Robshaw
A Simple Life T HAS COME TO MY ATTENTION that some people think we’re a bunch of tree-hugging losers up here in the hinterland, especially in Maleny. A whining bunch of unsophisticated hillbilly NIMBYs. NIMBY is an acronym for Not In My Backyard, a pejorative term used to describe residents who oppose new developments in their local area. It has been bandied around the media a lot lately, specifically to attack anyone who dares to have a say in the future direction of their town. Those who label anyone who cares about what happens to their town a NIMBY can (in the words of pro wrestler The Rock), go and drink a nice tall glass of shut up juice. It’s easy to dismiss someone as a NIMBY if they speak out against the steady engulfing of society by consumerism, with its accompanying environmental destruction. I’ve noticed this attitude prevails on the coast towards us hinterland ‘hillbillies’, especially when a protest makes the news. ‘There go the mad hippies again’, they think. And there’s a similar prejudice up here towards people on the flatlands, stereotypes of bogans who care nothing for the environment. The whole ‘us’ and ‘them’ thing is bullshit, of course. We humans are all essentially the same. We have the same basic needs and we are all more emotionally vulnerable than many of us are willing to admit. But it makes us feel better to be part of a tribe, and to feel our tribe is superior to another tribe. The hinterland tribe versus the coast tribe. Queensland versus NSW. Sydney versus Melbourne. Labor versus Liberal. Sensible versus NIMBY. It took me years to feel part of the Maleny tribe, after moving here from Sydney in 2004. After dwelling on its downsides for a long time, I now find myself selling its attributes to outsiders. A co-worker of mine from the coast asked me recently: “Why do you live in Maleny? Like — why would anyone want to live there?” This is what I told her: l Because it’s a real community. You bump into someone you know almost every time you walk down our (one)
main street, Maple Street. And other people bump into people they know, so it’s a very sociable and chatty little street. (Yes, that can be annoying if you’re in a hurry. But if you don’t want to be stopped, you can just get your mobile phone out and pretend to talk, or tap the invisible watch on your wrist, smile, and keep walking.)
Let’s Talk Travel
When I go for walks past the dairy in town, I look the cows in the eye and I say hi (not out loud, it’s more of a psychic connection we’ve got going on). I see them lazing around in the lush green grass, warming themselves under the sun, and I know my milk is coming from happy cows. That matters to me. We have the best ice-cream shop, Colin James. Those same happy cows at Maleny Dairies provide the milk, and something about ice-cream made with fresh milk from around the corner just takes it to another level. As a result, you see grown men and women wandering up and down Maple Street licking ice-cream at all times of the day. And when adults lick ice-cream, they look like little kids. Which is kind of funny.
We have the UpFront Club, which is the only cooperative restaurant/cafe/bar/music venue/art gallery I’ve ever known. It’s the town loungeroom. I like having a town loungeroom.
Next door to the UpFront Club is Maple Street Co-op, an all-round cool store with a long history, selling everything organic and health-related. Plus, we don’t have just one organic food shop but two, and plenty of other stores selling organic goods of varying descriptions. That so many people buy organic around here says a lot about who we are.
We have three awesome bookstores, seven great cafes, a lolly shop straight from a childhood dream and no McDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC, Burger King or Hungry Jacks. I think Red Rooster tried to come to town once and the
Sri Lanka ... ...beckons once again
ills With Gillian M
HEN THERE IS POSITIVE BUZZ about a country that has previously been under a cloud, that’s the perfect time for the seasoned traveller to investigate its pleasures. The idea is to get there before there are more tourists than locals per square mile. Such is the case with Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is known as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean because of its spice-rich tropical forests, white-sand beaches and diverse landscapes; it has one of the longest documented histories in the world — spanning 125,000 years — the treasures of its past civilizations are the country’s crown jewels. It has a total of six UNESCO World Heritage sites, an astonishing number for such a small country All of the country’s important sites are accessible by car, so after arrival in its capital, Colombo, take a road journey; seven days will allow travellers
to make the circuit without feeling rushed to circle the island and the central and eastern area of the island where the majority of ancient cities are concentrated. On the way to Sigiriya, a surprise treat is a stop at the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage. This 24 -acre site is home to 78 orphaned, injured or deserted Asian elephants. Time your visit to see the herd having a two-hour afternoon swim in the river. A rewarding climb to the top of the rock fortress of Sigiriya, the “Fortress in the Sky,” brings you to a sweeping 360-degree view of the countryside. UNESCO declared it the 8th Wonder of the World.
townsfolk chased them away with pitchforks or something. Doesn’t that restore your faith in civilisation? l
People here don’t appear to be zombie consumerholics. They get involved, they care, they do good stuff for other people and the environment and animals. Things that feed the soul, rather than drain the wallet and kill the spirit.
When a big supermarket came steamrolling its way into town and declared our platypus habitat of no concern to them, we fought them to the bitter end. I’m proud of that. Trying and losing is better than not trying at all.
Our town celebrates and values creativity and artistic achievement. There is not enough of that in the world. Imagine life without artists, musicians, dancers, poets, circus performers, writers. It wouldn’t be a life worth living, so why is it so hard for these people to actually MAKE a living?
In Maleny (and the hinterland) we are surrounded by nature at its most beautiful in all directions. Remnant rainforest, rolling green hills, the Glasshouse Mountains, views of the distant ocean, clear swimming holes, clean air, no traffic lights. Here, the dominant colour of the landscape is green in all its rejuvenating shades, not the dead and soul-sucking tones of the concrete jungle.
So there. That’s why I live here, among many other reasons. And I will continue to speak out against inappropriate developments, even if I get called a NIMBY. I like Maleny the way it is, and it fills me with hope that we have so many passionate, strong, intelligent people who refuse to be intimidated by big business dictating to them how our town will look and function. .... Who have the integrity to stand up and take action when our values are threatened by purely commercial development proposals. Who actually give a damn. Leigh’s Blog: http://www.lifeinahippietown.com
Sri Lanka is a little known prize that’s finally coming into its own ... The 10th and 11th century provided the country’s pinnacle of fascinating ruins, palaces and royal edifices. Drive to the city of Kandy (below) and stop at the Spice Gardens of Matale where you can see how hundreds of spices are grown. Kandy’s elevation is 1,500 feet above sea level - a respite from the summer heat. Do visit the beautifully appointed Temple of The Tooth. Set on a pretty lake in the middle of the city, it is believed to contain a sacred relic - one of Buddha’s teeth. Nuwara Eliya is Sri Lanka’s most popular resort. Along the drive you will see an endless succession of waterfalls, panoramic views and gardens. Its 6,500-foot elevation is what inspired the British to introduce the tea industry. Go to Galle on the southwest coast, one of the seaports used in the Silk Road and watch the sun go down between the lighthouse and the minaret of a mosque.
Gillian’s comment: Gillian has travelled extensively throughout Sri Lanka and recommends you plan your visit to coincide with the Esala Perahera Festival in Kandy between July and August -the exact date changes each year. People flock to Kandy, to see the main Perahera (meaning parade) on the final night of the festival. This spectacular sight of over a hundred elephants, in lavish costumes of colourful silk and fairy lights transform the streets. This festival parade is recognised as one of the most famous in the world. You don't need tickets and standing among the crowds of friendly people is a welcoming experience.
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... the Hyperactive Volunteer
by Julie Shelton
HRIS BROOKER is what one might call a hyperactive volunteer. He contributes around 100 hours per month to his various chosen organisations and also finds time to drive a school bus run for Maleny Schools. His capability, attention to detail and wicked sense of humour make Chris one of Maleny’s cherished assets. A long-term member of Rotary Club of Maleny, Chris has held the position of president on two occasions, in addition to holding various board positions. Similarly, he was President of RSL Maleny for three years until 2012, complementing his contribution by holding various board positions. During this time he was Treasurer of Maleny Show Society for three years. Chris spreads his community service even further by giving continuing support to TS Centaur (Maleny’s Australian Navy Cadet unit), Maleny District Sports & Recreation Club and the Rotary Bike Education program. It’s this community-mindedness that led to his award as Caloundra City Council Citizen of the Year in 2008. Chris is a third-generation Maleny-ite. His grandfather came to the area in the late 1880s as one of the early pioneers and settled out near the Devil’s Elbow Road. His father, Bert, was born and bred in Witta – there are 11 or 12 Brooker family graves out at Witta Cemetery. Chris attended Maleny State School and then Ipswich Grammar, before embarking on a career in banking. This was interrupted by two years of voluntary national service in the army, serving in Vietnam in 1968/69. “I was there one year, one week and one day,” he says, smiling at the symmetry. Based south-east of Saigon (which is now known as Ho Chi Minh City), Chris’s job as a Lance Corporal in the 3rd Cavalry Regiment was to drive the armoured personnel carriers. He saw some combat, which he’s reluctant to elaborate on, but the experience left him with rich memories. “It was a great way to go away and do something
Live in May OKA MAY 3 The Aston Shuffle DJs MAY 17 The Ninjas & Daisie May MAY 18 Emma Louise MAY 23 Ian Moss & Band MAY 24 RedX MAY 25 Dawn MAY 31
Now available at Maleny BI‐RITE
• Washing Machines • Dryers • Dishwashers • Vacuum Cleaners
We remove your old appliances
Monday–Friday $13 lunches
GAME NIGHT Monday & Thursday
Coming up in June HoneyBird & Trojan Horse JUNE 1 Daryl Braithwaite JUNE 8 Owen Campbell JUNE 9 Yolanda Be Cool JUNE 15 Kooii JUNE 28
72 Maple St Maleny Phone: 5499 9439 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 12 noon
completely different to what you’d been doing. I didn’t do it for money and I didn’t do it for adventure.” Back in Australia, he recommenced work with National Australia Bank and married Jocelyn, with whom he has three daughters, now living in Toowoomba, Kawana and Cobargo, NSW. In addition, they have 6.5 grandchildren (the seventh is due in August). Chris and his young family returned to Maleny in 1975, when he purchased his parents’ fuel and fertilizer business, which he operated for the next 26 years before selling to BP. With a little more time on his hands, he began a dedicated career of office bearing with a number of clubs and associations in Maleny, including Rotary where he has been a member for over 25 years. “Rotary is one of the most brilliant organisations,” he says proudly. “The amount of work it does around the world is phenomenal – it’s a pity that it doesn’t get more recognition.” Chris also has a long association with RSL Maleny and has managed the RSL bar for the last nine years. “We are not like the licensed RSL Clubs you see on the Coast, with their slot machines and awful carpets,” says Chris, barely hiding his dislike. “Maleny is a traditional RSL, with the Hall and the sub-branch.” RSL, the Returned and Services League of Australia, was set up after World War I to take care of the returning
now now at at the the Woombye Woombye P Pub ub
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meal + schooner of Hahn Superdry 3.5 $15 in the front bar
diggers. The focus of the RSL is on the welfare of Australian men and women serving in the armed forces. Says Chris, “Some diggers slot back in easily (to civilian life) when they return, some take more time and some don’t ever slot back in – it depends on their personality.” “RSL is a lot about providing support and camaraderie – we also run social activities such as bus tours.” Chris also volunteers for organisations catering for the younger members of the community. “Maleny has a plethora of sporting clubs but there is an important role played by the non-sporting groups like TS Centaur,” he explains, passionately. “Any organisation that can give young teenagers some type of extra training or interest has got to be supported by as many people as can get into it.” “Every organisation always needs new people, because if you don’t have new people coming in, it becomes stale,” he observes. “New people bring new ideas, new energy and new contacts. It is a double-edged sword – if it wasn’t for the long-term people, the organisation wouldn’t be there, but sometimes it’s because of them that new people won’t come in. For that reason, organisations must be in a constant state of flux.” Despite having lived in Maleny for most of his life, and thus having stronger roots and connection than the majority of today’s townsfolk, Chris cautiously embraces change. “My dad carried milk and cream and kids (to/from school) – that was his living for a while. A 160-acre (or one quarter square mile) dairy farm back then would support one or two families, from producing only 30 – 40 gallons of milk per day.” Business and competition has reduced farm viability and Chris observes that Maleny is turning into a retirement village, with a greater proportion of people over 60 than in neighbouring towns. He doesn’t see this as a negative, but it does pose new challenges and opportunities. “If you have a lot of people in that age group, you also need support people to take care of them – financial, trades, transport, retail, everything. Now there’s no land in Maleny for industry – the only land is for retail and some business, primary production and residential. So we will turn into a service town, servicing the older generation who live here.” Chris believes strongly in getting involved and giving back to the community. For him, it’s not just about supporting your friends and neighbours but participation can lead to developing your interests and making new friends. “Pick up the Apex Maleny Business Directory and have a look in the back of that, and see how many community organisations and clubs there are. You’ll find so many different organisations catering for different interests – there’s something for everyone.” “If you come to town and you can’t find something to keep you occupied and interested within two weeks, then you’re not really looking.” If the adage that ‘you only get out of life what you put in’ holds true for community service, Chris – and Maleny, through his efforts – are reaping huge rewards.
Top: Rotary past District Governor Eric Wood presenting Chris with the annual Club Builder Award Above: Chris representing the RSL on Anzac Day 2012 Below: Lance Corporal Chris Brooker in Vietnam in 1969 driving an armoured personel carrier
A taste of our New Sunday Breakfast Menu Wild Rocket Breakfast $19.0 Home Smoked Dry Cured Organic Bacon, Home Made Beef Sausages, Grilled Field Mushroom, Roasted Roma Tomato, Home Made Baked Beans, Eggs your way & Toasted Home Made Ciabatta
Sunday’s @ Wild Rocket Live Jazz Sunday Breakfast 8:30am 11:00am Sunday Lunch 11:30am 2:30pm including traditional roast
fresh ... local ... seasonal
@ Breakfast in May
Baked Eggs $15.5 Spinach, Bacon, Spicy Tomato Sauce with Toasted Home Made Ciabatta Soldiers add Feta, Mushroom or Smoked Salmon $4.0 ea
Pete's French Toast $15.0
Brioche, Banana, Raspberries, Guernsey Cream, Maple Syrup
Eggs Benedict $15.5 Toasted Home Made Walnut Bread, Ham Terrine, Poached Eggs & Hollandaise Sauce
Wild Rocket's Fresh Fruit & Veg Juice $7.0 Beetroot, Apple, Pineapple, Cucumber, Ginger, Carrot, Celery Tues Sun Lunch 11:30am 2:30pm Dinner 5:30pm 8:30pm
All our Eggs are Free Range and all our meats are Organic & Local!!
142 Main St, Montville. Phone 5478 5560
Bring this ad with you and receive 20%off your breakfast bill
*conditions apply
Tea and Pendants at Pomodoras...
Our new range of chocolate is... stone ground, organic, gluten free, dairy and soy free, direct trade. This all sounds impressive, but it also tastes great. The making of the Taza chocolate was inspired by Mexican chocolate making traditions, stone ground with minimal processing, which highlights the intense, explosive flavours of their ingredients. Taza is also committed to maintaining direct relationships with cacao producers and compensating them fairly. In Mexico and other cacao-growing countries, chocolate has historically been enjoyed as a beverage. Cacao is ground into a paste, mixed with water and spices, and served hot. Our suppliers have given us some samples for tasting, so next time you're up our end of town drop in for a new taste experience. Flavours include: coffee, chilli, vanilla, cinnamon, salted almond and orange. Fudge news - The most popular new fudge is Caramel with Sea Salt flakes.
OIN JODI OF POMODORAS on Obi and Frances of Jubeadilation for a delicious morning tea plus you will have a special opportunity to explore the wonders of swirling polymer clay to make a beautiful pedant. Frances is well known for her jewellery making workshops around the Sunshine Coast hinterland. She will introduce you to an easy swirling technique that will only take ten minutes or so, yet produce a unique pendant every time - suitable for any adult who can play with plasticine or playdough! Come and relax on the deck overlooking the Obi Obi creek with Kim Kirkman from Hinterland Harps (pictured), who presents a piece of heaven with the beautifully evocative sound of the harp. Join us at 9.30am on Thursday May 23rd. Bring your friends or come and make new ones! Bookings essential.
find us on facebook
39 Maple St, Maleny Ph: 5494 2118 2,.7<.7*:@ *7. *5.7@
Donated tea pot cake from Cakes by Zoe
Book now, only $25.00 all inclusive plus bring raffle money on the day. Raffle prizes include; a teapot cake made by local cake makers â&#x20AC;&#x153;cakes by zoeâ&#x20AC;? and $25 beauty voucher donated by Allure Hair & beauty. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be helping to fund the cancer council research prevention programs and support service. The charity is the standard biggest morning tea â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cancer Council Queenslandâ&#x20AC;? Donate: www.biggestmorningtea.com.au Phone 5429 6543 or email info@pomodoras.com.au
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Sponsor Wendy’s walk for breast cancer research AM TYPICAL of the almost14,000 Australian women who found themselves being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, never thinking that it was ever going to happen to me. Apart from being a woman and over 60, I had no family history of cancer. Since hearing the words “you have cancer” (triple negative breast cancer) in October 2012, it has been a difficult and confronting experience for me, my family and my friends. However, it has been the support of my wonderful three sons, friends and others in the community, as well as the army of health professionals, that keeps me motivated and positive. Due to improvements in treatment through research (which highlights the importance of fundraising), and targeted public-awareness Above: Wendy wearing campaigns, the five year survival rates for people her wig, receiving with breast cancer had increased from 72 per cent in hospital treatment on 1982-1987 to 89.4 per cent in 2006-2010, proving the Sunshine Coast. beyond doubt, that research saves lives. Right: Wendy with So, it is wonderful to have the opportunity to give her wonderful fundback to these organisations to continue to improve raising son, Joseph. the health outcomes for breast cancer patients in the future. I have registered to complete the Mother’s Day Classic walk for Breast Cancer Research in the Pink Hearts team on Sunday 12 May 2013, to help raise funds for this important, and personal cause. Our team has already raised more than $3000. or the Pop-Up Gallery. The lucky winners will be drawn at Supporting this great cause, leading artists from COMA noon on Sunday 20 May at the Pop-Up GalleryGallery. and the management of the Maple Street Co-operative Rob and Samantha Outridge from Maleny SUPA IGA are running a fund-raising raffle and have assembled a who are always stalwart supporters of this community, fantastic prize pool of beautiful artworks, plus a $100 gift have dedicated Friday May10 as Wendy Day at IGA voucher from Maple Stree Co-Op. Prizes can be viewed at where all funds nominated to Wendy for that day will go the new Maleny Pop-Up Gallery, at 5 Maple Street, and $1 to the Breast Cancer Reseach Project from the IGA tickets can be purchased either from Maple Street Co-Op Community Chest.
Our fromagerie with Colin James
Please sponsor me to complete the Mother’s Day Classic walk for Breast Cancer Research at: https://register.eventarc.com/sponsor/view/185577/wendy-nugent The walks are held throughout Australia, so you can also register to participate at: http://mothersdayclassic.com.au/ Wendy Nugent, Maleny
UR FROMAGERIE (CHEESE SHOP) was carefully designed and purpose built to allow our customers to be part of a unique cheese shopping experience.
It is virtually a walk-in cold room. The refrigeration unit is configured to maintain the humidity above 85% ensuring optimum conditions for the storage of our product. During the day the temperature is maintained at approximately 8 to 10°C to allow customers to shop in reasonable comfort then the temperature is adjusted to 2-3°C at night to prevent excessive maturing of our product. Beginning eleven years ago with only 25 Australian cheeses our room is now packed with a wide range of Australian and internationally acclaimed cheeses, the majority of which are purchased in their original whole wheel form. This enables us to cut each wedge from the wheel as it is required by customers, guaranteeing a fresher product full of its original flavour. Depending on availability, you’ll find a range of cow, sheep, goat and buffalo cheese. Our staff members can assist you in your selection or you can peruse the information card which accompanies many of the cheeses. Andrew, our manager, carefully selects the gourmet boutique dips, pates, crackers, fruit pastes, the renowned Borgo salamis, organically produced Qld olives and other deli products that he stocks our fromageie with so that our customers can purchase the perfect accompaniments for their cheese selection.
Colin James Fine Foods
37 Maple Street Maleny Phone 5494 2860
Where to
maleny Cappricios Pizzas Traditional Italian food. Licensed Restaurant. Open Tue - Fri 4pm-10pm. Sat & Sun 11.30am-10pm Riverside Centre – 5499 9444
Colin James Fine Foods Try our famous freshly made sorbet, gelati and ice cream cakes. Light snacks and lunches including a wide selection of gluten free options. Great coffee. 37 Maple Street – 5494 2860
King Ludwig’s German Restaurant & Klaushouse Mountain Bar Authentic home style cuisine. 25 German beers. Lunch 10.00am Wed- Sun, Dinner 6.00pm Fri & Sat Bookings recommended. Great mountain views. Private functions & special events. 401 Mountain View Road – 5499 9377
Maple 3 Cafe Real food. Real Service. Venue available for functions. Fabulous meals in a cafe setting in the heart of town. 3 Maple Street – 5499 9177
Maudy’s Extensive breakfast, lunch and dinner menu with finest steaks on the Hinterland. Vegetarians catered for. Dinner Wed - Sat. Lunch Fri - Sun. Breakfast w/ends. 466 Maleny Kenilworth Road – 5494 4411
Pomodoras on Obi Obi Obi creek & treetop views. “Slowfood” philosophy. Restaurant, Cabins, Functions. Montville organic coffee. Tues–Thurs 10:00–9:00pm Fri 10:00–10:00pm Sat 9:00–10:00pm; Sun 9:00–3:00pm 18 Lawyer Street, Maleny – 5429 6543
Reserve Restaurant Cellar A la carte lunches and dinners. Open for lunch and dinner seven days a week from 11.30am. 840 Landsborough-Maleny Road – 5435 2288
Spicers Tamarind Innovative Thai & Asian Cuisine. Dinner Tues - Sun Lunch Fri - Sun. Reservations essential. 88 Obi Lane South (above Gardners Falls) – 1300 311 429
The Terrace Award-winning Seafood Restaurant. Open 7 days for lunch and dinner. Cnr. Maleny-Landsborough Road and Mountain View Road – 5494 3700
The Upfront Club Licensed restaurant. Daily blackboard specials & takeaway. Live music. Preview performers www.upfrontclub.org. Breakfast & lunch 7 days. Open dinner from 5.30pm Mon, Thurs, Fri & Sat. 31 Maple Street – 5494 2592
Montville Gourmet Pizza & Cafe Gourmet Pizza, Pasta & Salads. Open for lunch and dinner, 7 days noon till 8.00pm 202 Main Street (next to bottle shop) – 5442 9505
Poets Cafe Superb food in a rainforest setting. Open for breakfast & lunch. Dinner Friday & Saturday nights. 167 Main Street – 5478 5479
Secrets on the Lake Cafe & Gallery Enjoy Devonshire Teas, homemade cakes, or lunch on the deck overlooking the lake then browse through the gallery. Open 9am-4pm. Group bookings welcome. Sunday breakfast 8.30am-11.30am. Licensed. bookings essential. www.secretsonthelake.com.au 207 Narrows Road – 5478 5888
The Edge Restaurant
montville Elements at Montville Fabulous teahouse, interiors and gift store overlooking the Kondalilla falls. Open Wed - Mon 8am - 4.00ish. Delish breakfast. Light lunches. Home baked goodies. Limited seating. Small functions welcome. Bridal and Baby Showers a must. 38 Kondalilla Falls Road – 5478 6212
Flame Hill Vineyard & Restaurant Visit this 100 acre property for wine tasting, wine sales, a la carte lunch & magnificent views. The perfect function venue. Thurs – Mon 10.30 – 5.30pm. Gourmet Sun Brunch 9.30 -11.30am Book ahead. Closed Tues & Wed. 249 Western Avenue – 5478 5920
Montville Cafe Bar Grill Great food at pub prices. Fully licenced. Blend of modern Aust. cuisine & home-style cooking. Courtesy Bus 7 days from 5.30pm. Live music Fri night, Sat & Sun 12-4pm. Club 90 jackpot $1000 Fri night. 10.00am-10.00pm daily. 126 Main Street – 5478 5535
Savour our delicious modern cuisine on the deck overlooking stunning views. The perfect location to enjoy a champagne breakfast, leisurely lunch, or coffee & cake. Open daily 8.30am -4.00 pm. Licensed Mayfield Centre 127-133 Main Street – 5442 9344
The Long Apron’ Restaurant Winner Best Prestige Restaurant in Qld 2011. Our modern European menu offers a ‘Table d Hote’ & 5 or 10 course degustation. Open daily for breakfast 8-10.a.m. Lunch Fri-Sun. Dinner Wed-Mon Spicers Clovelly Estate, 68 Balmoral Rd – 1300 272 897
The Montville Coffee Pot Relaxed dining friendly service. Home style cooking using fresh ingredients. Hearty breakfasts, gourmet sandwiches & burgers, fresh salads, open grills, vegetarian & vegan meals, yummy cakes, Poffertjes. Locally roasted coffee prepared by qualified baristas.Wi-Fi Hotspot 8.15am - 5.00pm - 7 days Village Square, 168 Main Street – 5478 5522
Wild Rocket @ Misty’s Delicious organic, cuisine. Warm friendly service, professional baristas. Unique historic venue. Cosy dining. Intimate functions. Tues -Sun Lunch & dinner. Sunday breakfast 8.30 -11.00 and lunch including traditionalroast. Bookings appreciated. 142 Main Street – 5478 5560
Le Relais Bressan 3 course set menu er inn Lunch & D
Closed Tuesday and Wednesday
0 $27e.5 pt
exc ight Fri & Sat n
Open 7 days for Breakfasts, Lunches, Coffee & Cakes Outstanding Modern Cuisine
Ph 5442 9344 MAYFIELD CENTRE MAIN STREET, MONTVILLE Superb mountain & ocean views 22
344 Flaxton Drive, Flaxton Ph 5445 7157
Restaurants • Cafés • Take-aways mapleton Bellavista Pizza & Pasta Licensed restaurant, take away & bar. Great views. Pizza, pasta, a la carte, gelato, coffee, dine-in or takeaway. Open 5 days 2.00 - 9.00pm Wed - Sun. Lunch Sat & Sun from 12 noon. Shop 8, 1 Post Office Road – 5445 7722
flaxton Flaxton Gardens Tranquil elegance in an area of natural beauty. Restaurant, Bar, Events. Sunday and Wednesday 9.00am-4.00pm. Thursday - Saturday 9.00am - 9.00pm 313 Flaxton Drive – 5445 7450
Le Relais Bressan Sensational French Cuisine. Great 3 Course set menu $27.50 except Fri & Sat night. Open lunch and dinner. Closed Tuesday & Wednesday. 344 Flaxton Drive – 5445 7157
The Woombye Pub Open daily for lunch and dinner with a range of fresh hand prepared dishes using the best local produce. $13 weekday lunches plus a host of weekly dinner offers. See the full menu at thewoombyepub.com.au
Indian Palace Authentic curries and Tandoori cuisine. Curry Club nights every second Wednesday of each month. Eat as much as you can for $25 with a bottle of complementary Indian beer. Dinner- 7 days 5pm til late. Dine in or takeaway. Fully licensed & BYO (wine only) Air--conditioned. 1 Koorawatha Lane, Palmwoods - 5445 9882
Palmwoods Hotel Best steaks on the coast. Fresh local seafood. Bistro menu to suit everyone. Open 7 days. 28-34 Main Street – 1300 PALMWOODS
Fabulous French Cafe in a garden setting. Superb coffee, pastries & light lunches at great prices. Open 9am to 4.30pm. Closed Mondays & Tuesdays. Look for the red umbrellas! 342 Flaxton Drive - 5445 7077
Organic Coffee & Home Cooking. Organic Salads & Gluten Free House Baked Cakes. All Day "BIG" Brekky and "BIG” Veggie Brekky. Open every day except Monday and Tuesday. Follow us on Facebook or www.sweetheartscafe.com.au 2 Anzac Road, Eudlo – 5445 9665
Husk and Honey Grain free and gluten free. Mon - Fri 8am – 3.30pm. All day breakfast & seasonal lunch menu. Sat mornings – live music, seasonal lunch platters, all day breakfast – 8am – 2pm. 16 Queen Street – 5441 3510
palmwoods / eudlo
Sweethearts Cafe Le Jardin Garden Centre & Cafe
The Nut Factory,
Beerwah Hotel A taste of the Country. Fabulous steaks & other dishes to please everyone. Eat inside in our new Bistro or outside in our new Bistro Garden. Open lunch & dinner 7 days. Cnr Mawhinney Street & Beerwah Parade 1300 BEERWAH
More than just nuts... At The Nut Market we are crazy about all sorts of high quality market style products! Including beautiful dried fruits, quality chocolates, snack foods, spices, grains and a large range of specialty sauces. If it's unique, unusual or hard to find then start with us, you will be surprised by our large international and Australian grown and produced lines. So come instore, meet our friendly team and enjoy a cup of award winning coffee on the verandah. For the months of May and June, upon mention of this article you will receive a 10% discount when you spend $20 or more instore. Located in the iconic Camphor Cottage, 190 Main Street, Montville 4560. Ph: 5442 9554
WE ARE PROUD OF ALL OUR AWARDS, BUT YOU JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Licensed cafe open 7 days. Enjoy a delicious lunch on our verandah.
Wine and cheese tastings Watch our cheese and yoghurt being made. Buy your supplies of cheese and yoghurt to take home.
Open 9am- 5pm - 7 days a week 1 Clifford Street, Maleny :
Phone 5494 2207
Mungo MacCallum
Tony Abbot ... seen simply as the lesser evil “The mere fact that he is not Julia Gillard has been considered enough. ”
ONY ABBOTT’S free ride is finally coming to an end, paradoxically because of his apparently assured success. The fact that the polls now seem to be locked into an easy coalition win on September 14 has meant that the prospect of Anthony John Abbott, Prime Minister, has finally to be confronted as emerging reality rather than a possible future scenario, so the punters are reluctantly turning away from the easy pickings of the carcase of the Labor Party to take a few cautious sniffs at the fresh meat of an incoming government. And, by and large, they are not too keen on the smell. Of course, many of them never have been; what the polls also show is that while loathing of the present government has become something of an obsession with a large chunk of the electorate, there is little discernible enthusiasm for the alternative; Abbott is seen not as the long awaited Messiah but simply as the lesser evil. But so far there has been a willingness to ignore just what he will actually do when he takes over The Lodge. The mere fact that he is not Julia Gillard has been considered enough.
Don’s View...
“Abbott has given even those critics willing to attempt a few predictions almost nothing to work with: his small target strategy has consisted almost entirely of slogans and negatives. .” And in any case, Abbott has given even those critics willing to attempt a few predictions almost nothing to work with: his small target strategy has consisted almost entirely of slogans and negatives. These days he has taken to waving a pamphlet (which he insists on describing as a book) entitled: “Our Plan: Real Solutions for All Australians” around in a vain attempt to prove that he is not, as charged, a policy-free zone. But in fact the 50 pages contain a lot of hopes, thought bubbles and aspirations but almost nothing which can be pinned down as a detailed, costed, commitment. For instance reducing the size of government and getting rid of red tape no doubt sounds like a laudable idea; it must be, since it is one that has occurred to every opposition since the dawn of time. But it is almost never put into practice and when it is the unintended consequences can be pretty horrendous – just ask Campbell Newman in Queensland. In fact, leaving aside the things that Abbott wants to abolish (the carbon and mining taxes, the low income superannuation contribution, the schoolkids bonus etc) or, perhaps, sell (of the many mooted, Medibank Private seems the most likely) the coalition has released just two positive policies: Abbott’s own Parental Leave scheme and Malcolm Turnbull’s version of National Broadband. And both have gone down like lead balloons, even among those who would normally thought to be the coalition’s political allies. The business establishment and the conservative economists have been particularly unwelcoming about the former, and now, with the defeat of the government seen as a rolled gold certainty, they are starting to speak out. The idea that big business should have to pay for an incredibly generous benefit not only for its own employees but for everyone else’s as well was never exactly a matter for celebration, but while the extra levy would be covered by an across the board reduction in business tax, it was tolerable – barely.
Hinterland Accommodation Directory
For further information about accommodation options on the Sunshine Coast hinterland visit www.hinterlandtourism.com.au
Montville, Flaxton, Mapleton Montagues of Montville • 5445 7854 77 Kondalilla Falls Road www.montaguesofmontville.com The Narrows Escape Rainforest Retreat • 5478 5000 National & international award-winning 4.5 star hosted accommodation. Airport transfers Narrows Road www.narrowsescape.com.au
Now that Abbott has put the tax cut in doubt there is something close to outrage. If Labor had dared to propose such a move, it would have been castigated as an act of class war, wanton destruction of productivity. Coming from a self-styled economic conservative it is almost an act of treachery, certainly an unacceptable aberration. Not happy, Tony. Turnbull’s NBN Lite is less of an immediate problem, because business will still get the real thing, as promised by Labor; it’s only the hapless householders who will be dudded. But there is still a recognition that sooner or later, and probably sooner, it will have to be done properly and doing it under the coalition plan will cost a lot more than it would to just get on with Labor’s roll out. And then there is the big one, the carbon tax. Indisputably business doesn’t like it and would rather never have had it imposed in the first place. But now, nearly a year later, it has been pretty much factored in. And the likelihood is that in the near future – which could always be brought nearer at the stroke of a pen – it will become considerably cheaper. In 2015 the tax is to translate into an Emissions Trading Scheme with the carbon price equal to that prevailing in the European Union. The expectation – or at least the hope – was that this would be around $29 a tonne, but in fact it is now between $3 and $4 a tonne, considerably less than the mandatory $10 a tonne in force in Australia. So abolishing it altogether will save money, but not much – and possibly very little indeed when the necessary replanning is taken into account. Whereas Abbott’s alternative measures to deal with greenhouse gas emissions, his direct action plan, will cost heaps, is open ended and uncosted and will impose precisely the kind of bureaucratic red tape he has promised to get rid of. Admittedly the immediate bills will be paid by the taxpayers rather than the polluters, but this will be little comfort to the majority of businesses not currently involved. When the big money boys start to ask if there is any real point in abolishing Abbott’s great big new tax on everything, the basis for three years of stunts, scare campaigns and blood oaths, his very political raison d’etre – then we have problems. And when Abbott’s fellow New South Wales Liberal, Premier Barry O’Farrell, publicly thumbs his nose at Abbott by signing up to Gillard’s educational reforms and repudiating Abbott’s uncompromising line on gay marriage, we know that they’re getting serious. Sorry, Tony – the party’s over. Time for a reality pill – if possible.
Maleny Montville Real Estate • 5478 5478 Homes & apartments for holiday letting www.montvillerealestate.com.au Montville Country Cabins • 5442 9484 396 Western Ave, Montville Perfect for a relaxed & romantic escape. www.montvillecabins.com.au
Maleny Tropical Retreat B&B • 5435 2113 540 Maleny-Montville Road www.malenytropicalretreat.com Spa Views Guest Suites • 5494 4222 Spa Views B&B and Penthouse 475 Maleny-Kenilworth Tourist Drive Witta, Maleny www.spaviews.com.au
The Falls Rainforest Cottages • 5445 7000 20 Kondalilla Falls Road www.thefallscottages.com.au Mapleton Information Centre Maleny Information Centre -
5478 6381 5499 9033
Maleny Hinterland Visitor Information Centre Montville Information Centre -
5499 9788 5478 5544
Community News Community News Community News Donna’s a hit in balloons...
Lacey is a national champ Sunline Alpacas of Palmwoods are the breeders of fine show quality huacaya alpacas from Peru. Jeff and Jill Willis have actively sought out proven genetics, combining Peruvian stock and homegrown Queensland animals since 2001. Their devotion to achieving superior alpacas for Queensland’s subtropical climate has paid off many times with awards across the country. At the latest Sydney Royal Easter Show the Willis team were again successful when “Sunline Lacy” (pictured with Jill Willis) won Grand Champion Female. National Alpaca Week is all across Australia from Saturday May 4. Activities include displays of fleece and alpaca products, There are three farms on the Coast. To find an open farm near you go to www.alpaca.asn.au Photo: Alexandra Gatward
Donna Egan from Nambour Heights won second prize in the Balloon Dress section of the recent annual world balloon twisters competition in St Louis, USA. Virtually unknown in Australia, balloon twisting is very big in the US. Donna, also known locally as Donna the Clown has other skills including face painting, stilt walking, juggling and magic. Donna’s award-winning balloon dress was called Aussie Elegance. She also came second in the Medium Sculpture category with her Monster Party entry. www.missdonnatheclown.com.au
Echidna gift to Montville firies
Free Quilts for kids in care
Given the extreme weather and loss of power the hinterland has been experiencing lately, a recent gift of a generator to Montville firefighters could not have been more appreciated. A 3.3kVA Honda-powered portable generator was a gift from the Montville Echidna Club and the Brisbane Generator Centre. Echidna Club representative Peter Simpson (below right) presented the generator to Montville RFB officer Jenny Hawke, who said the easy portability of the equipment was a key factor in its likely use in a range of firefighting and community assistance operations. “We really appreciate this gift,” said Jenny, “and I’m sure the generator will soon have a place in both training and operational use,” she said.
Sunshine Linus Inc. quilters are thrilled to once again support Gifts4KidsInCare and their Annual Winter Appeal, with a donation of 22 quilts and 24 little zippered bags. The quilts are given to the fostered children and are theirs to keep. Often, it's their only possession, and it is treasured. Sunshine Linus quilters meet on a monthly basis in Nambour and also donate quilts and other comforts to emergency accommodation centres, women's refuges, hospitals and special schools. They are wholly funded by donations of money and quilting supplies from the local community and, in many cases, the quilters themselves. To help with a donation go to www.sunshinelinusgroup.blogspot.com or phone the Secretary, Cynthia Gray on 5437 3907. For more information about Gifts 4 Kids in Care phone Chris Potter: 0411 772 122. Chris Potter pictured left with Cynthia Gray
‘people who care’ ‘HIGH GROVE’ – circa 1886
WE HAVE MOVED! We are now located at Shop 2 / Cnr Post Office Road & Obi Obi Road, Mapleton. (opposite Mapleton Tavern) The important thing to note is our contact details remain the same.
• Neat lowset brick 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home in Flaxton • Two separate living areas plus meals area off the kitchen • Generous entertaining deck overlooking the back yard • Front porch with fenced front garden for small pets • Established gardens surround the home creating privacy • Double shed + carport, room for 2 vehicles & workshop • Slow combustion heater, 10,000 gals rainwater & septic • A nice package with potential to refresh if desired • Walking distance to Kondalilla Falls National Park • Great location just 2kms to Montville & 3kms to Mapleton
$359,000 898m2 2
Our office is very easy to find and visible from all roads into Mapleton. Plenty of parking options include behind the Tavern, at the back of our new building & on Delicia Road near the Lilyponds. We will continue to offer 7 day service and the team remains the same, Roger, Monica, Lara & Elaine.
• Original colonial home on Western Avenue, Montville • Large entertaining decks with Baroon Pocket Lake views • Features: 12’ ceilings, VJ walls, fanlights & fretwork • Slow combustion heater, A/C & polished timber floors • Formal dining & lounge & centrally located kitchen • Separate attic (sleeps 4) with bathroom & lounge area • Gently sloping land with rich red volcanic soil & fruit trees • 3km to Baroon Pocket Lake & 2kms to Montville Village • Perfect weekender, B&B or permanent residence • The charm of a by-gone era with modern conveniences
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For more information and to organise a personal viewing of any of these properties please phone Roger Loughnan Real Estate on (07) 5478 5288 or visit our office at Cnr Post Office Rd & Obi Obi Rd, Mapleton e-mail : sales@rlre.com.au - web : www.rogerloughnanrealestate.com.au - www.facebook.com/rogerloughnanrealestate HINTERLAND TIMES - MAY 2013
Copyright Copyright protects the original expression of ideas, not the ideas themselves. It is free and automatically safeguards your original works of art and literature, music, films, sound recording, broadcasts and computer programs from copying and certain other uses. Note that copyright is not registered in Australia. Material is protected from the time it is first written down, painted or drawn, filmed or taped. Copyright material will also enjoy protection under the laws of other countries who are signatories to the international treaties, of which Australia is a member. Copyright protection is provided under the Copyright Act 1968 and gives exclusive rights to license others in regard to copying the work, performing it in public, broadcasting it, publishing it and making an adaptation of the work. Rights vary according to the nature of the work. Rights for artistic works, for instance, are different to those for literary and musical works. Although making copies of copyright material can infringe exclusive rights, a certain amount of copying is permissible under the fair dealing provisions of the legislation. Copyright doesn't protect you against independent creation of a similar work. Legal actions against infringement are complicated by the fact that a number of different copyrights may exist in some works - particularly films, broadcasts and multimedia products. Although a copyright notice with the owner's name and date is not necessary in Australia, it can help prove your ownership of the copyright, and is necessary to establish copyright in a few overseas countries. It can also act as a deterrent to potential infringers. Copyright is lost if the owner applies a threedimensional artistic work industrially. In such a case, it is necessary to register the design if protection is required. The duration of copyright varies according to the nature of the work and whether or not it has been published. Depending on the material, copyright for literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works generally lasts 70 years from the year of the author's death or from the year of first publication after the author's death. Copyright for films and sound recordings lasts 70 years from their publication and for broadcasts, 70 years from the year in which they were made.
62 Maple Street, Maleny Ph: 5494 3511 6b/3 Obi Obi Road, Mapleton Ph: 5478 6500 tove@eastonlawyers.com.au
Shabby Treatment for our Veterans BY GRAEME MICKELBERG
“The approach taken by the Australian Government to veterans is considerably diminished by shallow rhetoric and a failure to honor undertakings.”
ECENTLY THE AUSTRALIAN Government announced that Australia’s military commitment in Afghanistan was to be significantly reduced by the end of 2013. Although this announcement was well received, Australia’s involvement in Afghanistan has come at a high cost with 39 soldiers killed, over 200 wounded and countless numbers of personnel scared permanently as a result of psychological trauma.
MUCH has been spoken and written about the ANZAC spirit. Underpinning that spirit is the steadfast commitment of the men and women who have served and continue to serve as members of the Australian Defence Force. That commitment, which is shared by their families, comes at a high price with many families having to live their lives without a loved one. ALTHOUGH ANZAC Day is a national day where the service of Australians and their sacrifices is recognised, the reality is that veterans and their families live with the costs of their service every day of the year. This reality, coupled with the shared experience of veterans who survived World War 1 was the driving force behind the establishment of the Returned and Services League of Australia in 1917, which recognised the need to provide support to veterans and their families. Other organisations such as Legacy are focused on supporting war widows and their children. More recently the number of ex-service organisations assisting veterans has grown significantly, reflecting an increasing need for the support they provide. IN addressing the obligation that Governments have to persons who have served in the armed forces, Justice Toose in his 1975 report of his review of repatriation arrangements for veterans stated, “Those who have
served should be suitably rehabilitated and reestablished back into civilian life at the conclusion of their service”. IN 2011 there were approximately 320,000 persons receiving support provided to veterans, war widows and orphans by the Australian Government and approximately 16,000 live on the Sunshine Coast. The responsibility for implementing Government policy in relation to veterans rests with the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), which in 2012 had a budget of approximately $1.2 Billion. ALTHOUGH the majority of Australians would agree that our Government should support veterans and their families and that the resources provided to DVA are appropriate, the approach taken to administering veterans affairs and recognising the costs of their service is not as adequate as politicians and bureaucrats would have us believe. Despite speeches and undertakings expounding the bipartisan support of veterans, often
Temporary Water Supply Interruption Thursday 9 May To improve the performance of the water network and to cater for current needs and future growth in Maleny, Unitywater has installed a new trunk water main in Macadamia Drive. What we are doing • To complete the connections for this new main we need to temporarily interrupt the Maleny water supply. What to expect • To minimise inconvenience to the community, we have scheduled this work to occur overnight on Thursday 9 May 2013 between the hours of 12am and 4am, weather permitting. • Please ensure you have enough water stored to provide for household needs; and all taps are turned off and appliances which use water are not operating. • You may experience discoloured water for a short period following this work. If this occurs turn on the tap nearest to the ground level (usually an outside tap) and let it run for up to five minutes until water runs clear. If water remains discoloured contact Unitywater.
in the Hinterland Times Ph: 54 999 049
If you have any concerns please contact our Customer Service Centre on 1300 0 UNITY (1300 086 489) for the cost of a local call from a landline. To see what else Unitywater is doing in your area visit www.unitywater.com/projects
much of what is spoken and written amounts to little more then meaningless rhetoric. Indeed, the irony is not lost on veterans that after years of military service and sacrifices shared with their families veterans are confronted with another battle – a battle that requires them all to often to ‘fight’ their way through what is a bureaucratic process administered in a less than emphatic manner.
veterans often being subjected to protracted review and appeal processes. Many veterans are ill equipped to deal with the protracted nature of the claims and appeal process however they have little choice other than to persevere to secure recognition that their injuries are the result of their military service. Compounding the frustration experienced by veterans are the costs incurred in by what is essentially a bureaucratic process, which cuts into the budget allocated by Government – a budget that should be focused on veterans as the first priority with red tape being regarded as the means and not the end.
THE legislation that addresses veterans’ affairs is far too complex. Some veterans must find their way through three different Acts of Parliament, resulting in a lengthy process, which can often be legalistic, requiring specialist advice to interpret DVA requirements and apply them to a veteran’s circumstances. Accessing such advice depends on volunteers many of whom are also veterans and members of Ex-Service Organisations. In some situations, particularly when appealing DVA decisions, veterans must fund legal representation themselves whereas DVA can be represented by a barrister at the expense of the taxpayer.
A more practical alternative, which DVA could consider, would be to make use of members of recognised ExService Organisations, who as veterans, could be called upon to provide advice as to the credibility of claims by drawing on their military experience and the empathy they have with other veterans in a way that acknowledges the sensitivities attached to veteran’s service.
THE approach taken to government policy relating to veterans welfare and the administration of veteran’s benefits has a strong emphasis to operational or warlike service. Although serving and ex-serving defence members killed or injured in training are able to access compensation there is widespread misconception that a veteran is someone who has war service.
ALTHOUGH the Veterans Affairs portfolio is well resourced, the approach taken by the Australian Government to veterans is considerably diminished by shallow rhetoric and a failure to honor undertakings. Australia would be well served to examine the steps taken by the Governments of England and Canada, both of whom, are considering a military covenant that recognises the unique nature of military service and enhances the respect accorded to Defence Force members and veterans.
THE success of the Australian Defence Force in war is wholly dependent on effective peacetime training, which must provide skills and test people in conditions that as close as possible replicate the conditions they will confront when deployed on operations. To do this effectively requires exposing servicemen and women to situations in training with significant risks. This often results in injuries and on occasions, deaths. The accident involving the crash of two Blackhawk helicopters in 1997, which resulted in the deaths of 18 soldiers, reflects the high risks involved in training. The word veteran is not only someone who has served his or her country in war but also relates to those who serve Australia in peacetime.
Drawing by Michael Reilly
Graeme Mickelberg lives near Kenilworth. He retired from the Australian Army as Lieutenant Colonel in 1999. He has more than forty years of service as an Infantry officer and has served overseas and at locations around Australia.
WHEN a veteran submits a claim to DVA it is vetted by public servants with little if any understanding of the risks and rigors involved in peacetime training or of warlike operations. This lack of experience contributes to a lack of empathy and many claims are refused, which results in
Mountain Bliss in North Maleny
WHAT sustains our servicemen and women is the commitment they share with each other as members of the Australian Defence Force and, as a consequence, Australia and all Australians. Underpinning that commitment is the trust that members of the Australian Defence Force place in the Australian Government and the Australian community that they and their families will be cared for.
Unbelievable buying in Witta!
88 Burgum Burgum Road, North Maleny Stop looking for that perfect combination of characterr, quality and location, THIS IS IT! Situated only minutes from town on a private acreage allotment landscaped with mature trees and gardens, this warm and inviting home is high on style and design and even comes with lovely rural views...
65 T Tesch esch e Rd, Witta 3 Bedroom 1 Bathroom brick home - Fresh paint, new blinds and brand new carpet PLUS an Approved Studio with new roof, carport, toilet and shower Fireplace for cosy winter nights, 9×6 Double Lock-Up Shed. ALL OF THIS on 2.5 Acres of level to gently sloping land - Get in quick!
Price: $850,000 Inspect: By Appointment Web Web e ID: 113620987
Price: A Bar Bargain gain at $529,000 Inspect: Call for Times W Web e eb ID: 113423507
Nothing to do but rrelax elax and enjoy!
“Ain’t She Sweet” “Ain’t
1 Hillfoot Lane, Montville * Corner allotment - 2 street frontage - fully fenced * Fully renovated home – ‘as new’ condition * Open plan living, kitchen and dining area * North facing large patio overlooking property * Gourmet Kitchen with Smeg Appliances * Brand new quality bathroom * Large 3 bay colorbond shed * Fully Landscaped
15 Miva St, Maleny Character Queenslander is situated in the heart of Maleny. Elevated position, high level renovation with fresh paint and new bathroom and further options. Offffe fering warmth, character and a relaxing ambience - This property has all the hallmarks of a great home, and must be inspected to appreciate.
Price: Price By Negotiatio Negotiation on Inspect: By Appointmen Appointment nt W Web e eb ID: 113609811
Price: $495,000 Inspect: By Appointment Web Web e ID: Visit Visit our Website Website e
Returns on Investment... What's in the Spotlight Apply for a RADF grant before 1 June Artists and arts workers are invited to apply to the current minor round of the Regional Arts Development Fund, a council and Arts Queensland partnership. This funding can assist artists to develop their skills, helping to develop the region’s art industry. Visit council’s website for details and apply online.
Find out about the Coast's economy The Sunshine Coast economy is worth more than 13 billion dollars! If you’re interested in seeing where the region’s economy is heading and the potential opportunities for business, industry and investors head for council’s website to view the draft Sunshine Coast Economic Development Strategy.
TRULY REMARKABLE contribution to the general health and well being of the population is made by those who look after the environment. This contribution may be referred to as ecosystem services; generally meaning providing clean air, clean water, and maintaining diversity in the environment. There are also of course the aesthetic and recreational values of natural landscapes. Successful applications for Landholder Environment Grants from private landholders across the Hinterland will provide some financial assistance to help them reduce and prevent erosion along creeks, stabilise slip prone areas, develop and widen vegetation corridors for the movement of wildlife and dispersal of seed, and fence to exclude stock from waterways. The list is extensive and the link between controlling erosion and provision of clean water is obvious. Foliage absorbs pollutants, improving air quality. These environment grants are a part of the Sunshine Coast Council’s commitment to a clean, green region.
Wage war on weeds!
In the Wild with Spencer Shaw
Have your say on Local Laws
'Give a Beep' for transport upgrades In an election year, South East Queensland's Council of Mayors want to show Federal candidates that we 'Give a Beep' about transport upgrades. To discover how everyone will benefit from transport upgrades, visit the 'Give a Beep' website. While you're there, hit the 'beep' button to show your support.
National Volunteer Week National Volunteer Week, 13 to 17 May is the time to recognise Sunshine Coast volunteers. Events, programs, organisations, disaster and emergency efforts are just some of the services that depend on volunteers. Council sincerely thanks all volunteers for their community service on the Sunshine Coast.
2013 Floating Land Festival Join artists from across the globe at the 2013 Floating Land Festival at Boreen Point from Friday 31 May – Sunday 9 June. The award winning festival is one of Australia’s premier green art events and features sculptural installations, dance, music, theatre, the written and spoken word. Visit www.floatingland.org. au for more information.
Council meetings Ordinary Meeting 9am 23 May, Nambour 07 5475 7272 mail@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au
www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au 28
Ph 0428 130 769 spencer.shaw@brushturkey.com.au
Myrtle Rust 2 ... ACK IN MARCH’S issue of the HT I wrote an article about Myrtle Rust Uredo rangelii, that nasty little fungal pathogen that arrived on the Range just over two years ago and wreaked havoc on many of our local rainforest myrtles. We’d just had the longest period (since its arrival 2 years ago) without Myrtle Rust damaging the new growth of our Myrtles which spurred me on to write a positive and glowing article about the “balance of nature” and “ ecological equilibrium” being reached and that perhaps Myrtle Rust was not going to be that much of a problem after all... Well obviously Myrtle Rust can read, and very much took umbrage at my theory and decided to launch a full scale campaign to prove I didn’t know what on earth I was going on about and that there was plenty of fight left in this invading fungi yet - thank you very much! Within days of the March HT hitting the news counters, Myrtle Rust was flexing its muscle and I was thinking to myself that I should really sit on some of these ideas a bit longer and watch what happens next! I guess the crux of this story (as I write this) is that Myrtle Rust hasn’t gone away. Generally the severity of infection appears to have lessened on many of the plants that have been hit previously. However (and it’s a big however) a
Nominate now for the 'Glossies' Nominate by Friday 24 May for council’s 2013 Living Smart Glossies Awards. Be recognised for your commitment to sustainable practices at work, at home or in the community. Categories cover sustainable building design, edible landscaping, business ecoefficiencies, greening the arts plus more. The awards night will be held on Saturday 29 June. Visit council’s website for details and to nominate.
Phone 5494 3151
Porters Lane Nursery opening times: Wednesday - Friday - 9am -3pm
Council is hosting weed swaps across the region throughout May. Simply bring along a bag of weeds to your nearby weed swap and you’ll receive three native plants for free. Visit council's website for details and to locate your closest weed swap event.
Council is reviewing some of the local laws adopted in January 2012 and you are invited to have your say on the proposed changes. Visit council’s website for more information and to make your submission or a customer contact centre close to you. Submissions close 31 May.
When the value of a landholder’s time plus his or her own financial contribution is taken into account, the personal contribution can be up to five times the value of the grant. In terms of maintaining our clean, green image this is not a bad return on investment for Council. We are fortunate in this area to have retained a mosaic of productive land and natural vegetation which is valued by Council, landholders and visitors. Landcare has done much over the years to assist landholders including primary producers, long term residents, tree-changers and retirees. Management advice, accessing grant assistance from various levels of government, undertaking on-ground work via contracting teams and of course growing the local provenance tubestock essential to most projects are all aspects of landcare. Let’s celebrate Council, its staff, Barung and all the dedicated landholders who invest heavily in our environment generating high returns for all of us.
We need more.
new disturbing trend of the current flare-up of infection over the last month or two, is that it is apparent on a much wider range of species in the wild including Eucalypts and Melaleucas (that in the past haven’t shown signs of infection, locally, in the wild). So to sum up, the severity of the infection (my observation) has lessened on many plants previously hit, but Myrtle Rust has thrown a much wider net and is appearing on many, many more Myrtle species in the wild. The story of this nasty little invader is far from over and could range from complete apocalypse and collapse of the Myrtle based forests of Australia through to “balance of nature” being restored and all being hunky dory... or perhaps somewhere in between. So what should you do to treat Myrtle Rust infection of your favourite plants? Pruning damaged foliage stimulates sappy new growth which is even more susceptible to infection. Fungicides will effectively kill Myrtle Rust on your favourite plants but are not a cure and need to be applied regularly as a preventative and in the long term Myrtle Rust may well develop immunity to these chemicals. Selecting resistant plants and organic and diverse, natural plantings are as always the best solution!
Maleny Town and Country Supplies NEW ON S A E S GE RAN
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31 Coral Street, Maleny Phone 5494 2302 Fax 5494 3036 HHINTERLAND TIMES - MAY 2013
The following extract is from an essay by Mary Delahunty in the current Griffith Review 40 Women & Power. This edition reveals the changing relationship between women and power in the public and private spheres of Australian life and overseas.
Liars, witches and trolls On the political battlefield
Mary Delahunty is the author of Public Life; Private Grief (Hardie Grant, 2010). She is a Gold Walkley awardwinning journalist, a former interviewer on ABC TV’s 7.30 Report and Four Corners, and Education, Arts and Planning Minister in the Victorian Labor Government led by Premier Steve Bracks. Mary says that “Australians are ambivalent about women and power ... Access to power, not actual power seems to be the offer.” In this extract Mary Delahunty claims that Prime Minister Julia Gillard still remains unexplained.
N UNMARRIED, CHILDLESS, ATHEIST with a live-in partner is a challenge for conservatives. Yet Gillard seems to embody a particularly potent insult to many of the old boys with megaphones and microphones, some of whom have made less than conventional lifestyle choices themselves. Older conservative males are driving the bellicosity – the constant demeaning mantra on radio (‘she should be chucked in a chaff bag and sunk at sea’) is echoed by bloggers and net trolls vilifying her online (‘this evil slut’), a ceaseless rant that she is not to be trusted. It seems to come from a deep seam of panic about women in power – and if said often enough builds belief and almost seems normal. This was the dominant dynamic in focus groups of swinging voters in Queensland in 2009 when premier Anna Bligh was seeking to win the premiership in her own right. ‘That bitch is not going to tell me what to do,’ was the refrain. Focus groups both measure and help shape modern politics. The raw, rancid sexism was too much for one witness: ‘I heard middle-aged blokes angrily refer to Bligh as “that slut” and “she’ll get what’s coming to her”. It struck me they kept calling her “that bitch”.’ Bligh’s team gave up on the grumpy old men and focused instead on working mothers prepared to give another woman a go. This was effective in 2009, but could not be sustained against the angry bellicosity in 2012. Even widespread satisfaction with her empathetic leadership during the 2011 floods could not save her from ridicule as the ‘weather girl’.
As has so often been the case in Australian politics, Queensland was the off-Broadway tryout for a new style of politics, before the main event in Canberra – in this case demeaning, sexualised and based on gender. The cohort of older white males fired up and most virulent against a female political leader seem to see in her power the mirror image of their declining influence and potency. The sexual decline of the alpha male is a cruel burden, particularly if your self-image and brand is based on dominance and certitude. It is easy to build a constituency of those men in the marginal seats, beloved of focus groups of all parties, who bluster while their jobs disappear in industrial restructures, and whose personal authority in the family dissipates as wives and daughters soldier on in the services sector. Pub talk masks the deep pain of diminishing selfbelief. ‘That bitch’ makes handy target practice. Julia Gillard’s power has become, under the incantations of the shock jocks and net trolls, sorceress to a declining demographic.
If you want to put one face to this phenomenon, go no further than Alan Belford Jones, AO. He has been at the forefront of the campaign with cruel jibes about chaff bags, saying her father died of shame – until the backlash forced an ungracious apology. Others at the forefront also have ideological agendas or old scores to settle, like the discredited Ralph Blewitt, who came from a steamy stint in Thailand to attack the Prime Minister’s memory and actions as a lawyer twenty years before. In one studio interview, Blewitt was asked why according to his Facebook page he spent so much time on the ‘Worst PM in History’ website and Larry Pickering’s lewd cartoons of the PM. His answer, ‘I just look at them occasionally for a laugh.’ A laugh at the poisoning of a public figure, the worst form of degrading pornography yet directed at a woman in public life, most certainly the most virulent assault on any Australian Prime Minister. Anne Summers’ research for her Human Rights and Social Justice lecture at the University of Newcastle uncovered a ‘whole industry of vilification’, sexually crude and designed to undermine Julia Gillard’s authority and legitimacy, and described it as the political persecution of Australia’s first female Prime Minister. It is shocking that vile and sexually demeaning drawings were being regularly sent to every member of the federal parliament, and no one called it out. Is female power so mysterious to us and its consequences so threatening it cowers so many? It took the PM herself to name it. In one of her marathon press conferences over the AWU saga she asked and answered the question herself, ‘Will the nut jobs on the internet give up? No they won’t.’ Love her or loathe her, Julia Gillard is a portrait of resilience, a challenging physiological and political study. What is this steely resilience, this quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger? Psychologists identify some of the factors as a positive attitude, optimism and an ability to regulate emotions. Julia Gillard seems one of the most controlled human beings on the planet; she doesn’t give away pieces of herself, with the unusual ability to regard failure as a form of helpful feedback. Even after misfortune resilient people are able to change course and soldier on. Setbacks prompt the resilient to take risks, as Gillard has done. She flicked a switch and turned weakness into strength. Facing plummeting polls she struck out, intimidated Rudd, called Abbott’s sexism and stared down the boys on the slush fund affair. She unleashed a
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feminist fire that gave Australians a look at courage under pressure. Flipping orthodoxy on its head, Gillard named the election date at the start of the election year (as Harold Holt did in 1966 and New Zealand’s John Key did in 2011). Well behind and weighed down by party scandals not of her making, she demonstrates fortitude that had the ‘boxing blue’ Tony Abbott, the most pugilist Opposition Leader in modern times, lament to his party room ‘she just won’t lie down and die.’
Maleny’s Pop-Up Gallery ... pops up again!
……………………… In government both as Deputy PM and PM, she has earned a reputation from allies and enemies as a dogged and skilled negotiator. Making the Fair Work Act, Gillard set up a relentless circuit of consultation and abatement successfully navigating the treacherous shoals of industrial relations policy and the dismantling of John Howard’s WorkChoices. Faced with the first Australian hung parliament in forty years after the tawdry 2010 election she out-negotiated Tony Abbott and cobbled together, held together, a minority government and passed significant legislation. POLITICS, LIKE FIRE, uses people as fuel, and Julia Gillard stoked up Australian politics in the House of Representatives on 9 October 2012 when she let rip at Tony Abbott. ‘I say to the Leader of the Opposition I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man. I will not. And the Government will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man. Not now, not ever.’ On this day hers was a voice sharp with disdain. It faded and almost faltered when she referred to the death of her father whom she loved deeply. ‘Can I indicate to the Leader of the Opposition the Government is not dying of shame, my father did not die of shame, what the Leader of the Opposition should be ashamed of is his performance in this Parliament and the sexism he brings with it.’ This was a stunning political persona: fierce, feminist, barely restrained. The speech was an electric shock, firing a charge into a population who had never heard a woman in power speak of sexism. Gillard named it for all women. Though the nation still divides between those who applaud her and those who are appalled by her, something changed with the ‘misogyny speech’. Occasionally in politics, like tennis, you hit the sweet spot when not only does the ball hit the target with laser-like precision but its truth is recognised and appreciated by a surprised audience. So ‘I will not be lectured by this man... I will not’ echoed around tearooms and boardrooms. Women and girls watched it whooping and punching the air as they heard the Prime Minister put into words a truth they all knew from their own lives. Something shifted. Millions watched on YouTube, American feminists lauded her as a ‘badass woman’. Something shifted in Australian civic sensitivity.
Griffith REVIEW 40 Women and Power Edited by Julianne Schultz www.griffithreview.com
Pop-Up Gallery opens at old Pump House building in March ... and closes ... in March ... only to open again at 5 Maple Street (the old Henzell’s real estate premises
NLY A MONTH after announcing Maleny had a Pop-Up Gallery in the old Pump House building, the landlord announced he had secured a tenant for the building and the Pop-Up community of artists had to move out! But now the Pop-Up Gallery has popped up again - still in the main street but closer to the centre of town. As we explained in our March edition, Pop-Ups are a world-wide phenomenon whereby small businesses move into otherwise vacant or deserted commercial premises in order to keep trading. Once a permanent tenant comes along the Pop-Up has to move. So it was with Maleny’s Pop-Up Gallery which was offered the old Henzell’s real estate premises at 5 Maple Street. Fearful of being moved on again so quickly, the Gallery received a generous three months guarantee of occupancy from the landlord, Michael Katsaras. Representative of the group of twelve artists, Ken Munsie said his group was
Driveway Design
Landscapes with FRANZ LOORS ... ... landscaping the Range for the past 24 years
delighted with the new space at the entrance to town. “The through put of traffic is wonderful,” Ken told HT. “On Sunday we had more people through the gallery in one day than we had in a whole week at the previous space.” Each one of the twelve artists takes time out to ‘man’ the gallery which is open 7 days a week, from 10am-4pm.
Loors Landscaping Phone: 07 5445 7615 Mobile: 0412 680 801
RIVEWAY DESIGN is one of the most important parts of our landscape and often an overlooked aspect when homes are designed and built. Your driveway gives a first impression of your home, in addition to looking good it needs to be durable, low maintenance, functional and comfortable to drive and walk on. The most direct route is not always the most desirable! Plan your driveway to provide not only a practical purpose but a sequence of visual experiences. Whether the driveway is long or short it should say something special about your place. When deciding on the shape and length of your driveway remember to consider elements such as parking areas (if room permits), drainage, lighting, room to reverse and planting areas. Choosing a driveway material is not an easy task when considering a balance between cost, durability, maintenance and aesthetics. The most important element of any driveway regardless of the surface is a structurally sound base with adequate drainage. Carefully select plants that are site specific and won’t inhibit the
functionality of your driveway allowing for future growth. Resist the temptation to plant close to the edge or over plant initially to try and achieve an instant full bodied appearance. If you are lucky enough for space not to be an issue, tree lined avenue's of London plane trees, Liquid amber, Tropical birch, Tabebuia, Jacaranda or Cassia javanica to name a few can look spectacular! Where space is a restriction, hedges or mass plantings of Japanese box, Photinia, Murraya, Michelia figo, Azalea, Agapanthus or Gardenia florida can work beautifully. A well designed driveway to compliment your home not only heightens the aesthetic appeal but is also a long lasting investment.
Maleny Film Society May 2013 screenings Saturday May 11 Evening -7.15pm
“... is the ultimate expression of humankind’s technological arrogance”,
The Sessions is a compassionate, compelling, and deeply humane film based on a true story about the late poet Mark O’Brien (John Hawkes). who is nearly immobile from childhood polio. Mark is encouraged to seek sex therapy after falling in love with one of his carers. He consults with his priest (William Macey) who helps him connect with Cheryl (Helen Hunt), a married woman who works as a sex surrogate, 6 sessions only. Sex, religion, poetry and the disabled might be the subject matter, but nothing will prepare you for the emotions that are shared in this unique, poignant and unforgettable film. Helen Hunt has won best supporting actress at this year’s Oscar. USA - Drama / romance - MA 15+ - 95 min
Saturday May 25 Evening -7.15pm
Performance An unusual film by Yaron Zilbermann about harmony in music and human relationships, in which the movements of drama are echoed by the seven movements of Beethoven’s Opus 131. The harmony and ‘oneness’ of a 25 year-old established Manhattan-based classical string quartet called The Fugue is threatened by the crumbling marriage of two of the players, a burgeoning romance between their daughter and an ambitious violinist, and most crucially the diagnosis of its leader and spiritual inspiration, cellist Peter Mitchell, with the early stages of Parkinson’s. The cast, headed by Philip Seymour Hoffman, Christopher Walken and Catherine Keener, convince with their musical techniques and the believable struggle between egos which underlies performance success. USA - Drama - M- 104 min
All welcome !
Maleny Community Centre, 23 Maple Street Doors open 6pm for tickets + bar + dinner Screening commences 7.15pm Catering by Pomodoras on Obi
Enquiries – 5494 2882 www.malenyfilmsociety.info
with Anne Brown of
Playing God with the climate ...
The Sessions
Book Bites
EARTH MASTERS – Playing God with the climate Clive Hamilton Allen & Unwin $25.00
HIS IS A SCARY BOOK. And it’s a book we should all read because it very seriously reveals a Dr Strangelove future for this planet. Clive Hamilton is professor of public ethics at Charles Sturt University and in his well researched book Earth Masters he has laid out the growing scientific and political support for geoengineering ... using science to stop global warming. Hamilton reports that the world’s leading scientific organisations, including the OECD’s staid International Energy Agency, all conclude that unstoppable fossil fuel energy use is leading to irreversible and potentially catastrophic climate change. The impact of burning fossil fuels on the earth’s atmosphere has been so far-reaching that it is the principal factor, along with population growth (up from 800 million 10,000 years ago, to 7 billion today), that has persuaded earth system scientists that the human imprint now rivals human nature. The tragedy is that the mitigation solutions like planting more trees, sequestration of carbon deep into the earth, using solar or wind power are all too slow and ineffective against the massive outpouring of carbon into the atmosphere. Hamilton’s book uncovers a more worrying phenomenon – the increasing promotion of geoengineering solutions to solve the worst outcomes of climate change. Hamilton acknowledges that politicians world-wide are incapable of making pragmatic decisions to reduce carbon emissions and the gradual heating of our planet. Geo-engineering methods are basically techno-fixes which are meant to alter the global climate. They principally include ... iron fertilisation (liming) of the seas, solar radiation management, and cooling the planet by spraying sulphate particles into the upper atmosphere. Hamilton names an increasing number of scientists and think-tanks that now support these concepts of geoengineering.
Their philosophy seems to be that mankind is incapable of making decisions to reduce global warming, so technology will once again have to come to the rescue. We will take over the management of planetary climate say the scientists and provide an “optimum” level of heat. What worries Hamilton is that none of these often scary engineering scenarios has proven successful. The ultimate downside is that a geoengineered solution could well propel the planet into a quicker decline than global warming. Also, the cost of trying to seed the atmosphere with sulphur or to build solar shields is phenomenal. As he says, “There is something deeply perverse in the demand that we construct an immense industrial infrastructure in order to deal with the carbon emissions from another immense industrial infrastructure when we could just stop burning fossil fuels.” What is more sinister for Hamilton is that many of the scientists promoting geoengineering are supported financially by global oil companies and billionaires, including Bill Gates and Richard Branson. In the interests of unfettered markets global oil companies prefer geoengineering solutions rather than curbing fossil fuel use which threatens their bottom line. Hamilton believes that geoengineering is a moral question like nuclear power and genetically-modified foods. He concludes, “It is surely the ultimate expression of humankind’s technological arrogance”, and like many scientists, he asks, how you can attempt to change a system that we still don’t understand. This book is an important insight into the growing infatuation by scientists with geoengineering, particularly as very few of us in the public arena worldwide know what it means, or that it is increasingly attracting policy-makers and governments fixated on finding a one-stop technical fix to the global warming dilemma. A geoengineered solution means business as usual... no nasty taxes, no industrial disruption and no loss of income from fossil fuels. The attractions of geoengineering are fascinating but the ultimate dangers may mean the end of the world. And as Hamilton concludes,“If the meek are ever to inherit the earth then they had better be quick.” Michael Berry
The Treasure Box
Under Your Skin
Dying to be me:
by Margaret Wild & Freya Blackwood When the enemy bombed the library, everything burned. The only book to survive is one Peter's father has taken home to read. It becomes a symbol of all that is precious and all they have lost. They flee their home, taking the book with them, kept safe in an iron box. As the years pass, Peter never forgets the treasure box and one day he returns to find it. With evocative text and powerful illustrations, this is a beautiful tale of the power of words, the importance of stories and the resilience of the human spirit. A picture book for all ages.
by Sabine Durant
My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing
Gaby Mortimer appears to be the woman who has it all. But one day, while out running, she discovers a woman’s body. From that moment nothing in her life is the same. The police collect evidence and the more they get the more it points to a link between the two women. Not long afterwards, Gaby is arrested and imprisoned whilst protesting her innocence. The novel is both a crime mystery and a psychological thriller which will keep the reader involved from the first page.
by Anita Moorjani Experience; after which she took only weeks to heal from the advanced Lymphatic cancer she had battled for years. Beautifully and honestly written, it is a riveting read that gives you goosebumps along with a whole new perspective on what it means to be healthy and how healing can work. Following the popular Proof of Heaven by Dr Alexander Eben, Moorjani’s account adds to the knowledge that can be gained from people who undergo NDE’s. Whether you are a sceptic or a believer, there is little doubt that these highly transformative experiences have great impact.
Tree Changers...
...about people who change their lives to settle on the Range and why they choose to stay. This month ...
Matt, Mandy and Katie Jee Prolific artist Matt Jee recently moved to Maleny with his wife Mandy and daughter, 14 year old Katie. They initially moved from the cold climate of the UK ten years ago, to live in Caboolture near Mandy’s brother, but they felt drawn to ‘rainy’ Maleny with its cool weather that reminds them of back home. Matt’s recent showing at Rosebed St Gallery in Eudlo where his colourful paintings were snapped up enthusiastically by visitors and locals alike.
Why did you come here? Matt: We came from the UK 10 years ago and we’ve got family living in Caboolture. We’d been over for visits to see Mandy’s brother in Caboolture, so when we came out we moved to Caboolture. I’m a registered nurse and I got a job working in Mental Health. It was straight forward settling here - sorting out banks, culture and so on. While living there we went out looking at different places that we liked and we always preferred the Sunny coast. Mandy: I love it here because I’m a country girl and it’s just beautiful. We were a bit torn between sea and hinterland, but countryside is the winner for me. Matt: We’d visited Maleny a few times but we weren’t sure about it because of commuting workwise for me, cost of living and all that kind of stuff. But then we just took the step and we’ve been here nearly a year now. I think for Mandy it suits her country background, and it suits me for my artistic side of things as it’s second to none when it comes to views and landscapes. The first time I came down to Eudlo through that Brandenburg road I had to stop the car and go, ‘oh my god, it’s absolutely breathtaking…’ Katie: And scary… no gates, and all the cows. Matt: So I still work in Caboolture working with youth although obviously art is my passion. It’s what I’ve always done. We also moved because we wanted Katie to be settled before going into High School. Katie: Yeah, I miss my old school with the computers. But we’ll get them next year. Mandy: For me it meant a change of job. I’ve worked at the Maleny Schools since I’ve been here, working as a teacher aide, so I do some casual work up here which I really love. I’m actually at Nambour Tafe at the moment doing Early Learning and I’m really impressed by the professionalism of the teaching staff and tutors there.
What did you have to change in coming here? Mandy: For Matt it was a bit more about the commute for work. Matt: Yeah, that was one of the practical changes that we had to make, and Mandy had to give up her job. Mandy: I had a permanent job in North Lakes, so it’s been a bit of a change not having a permanent job. But we’ve survived. There was also a loss of connections at work for me. But I’m meeting lots of really nice people here and I’ve already got some good friends from all sorts of backgrounds. Mandy: The great thing about Maleny is that it’s really got everything you need. You don’t need to go anywhere and it’s nice to not have McDonalds on every corner. Or you can go out a bit and at Witta or Conondale you can really be in the country. It’s changed how I think because I really want to hang out for a job on the Range rather than
having to travel and commute all the time because I just love it and don’t want to leave it. Matt: Yeah, there’s plenty to see and do here . We were from Morayfield and Caboolture, and besides shops in those places, there’s really nothing else there. Mandy: I’m a vegetarian and I have been since I was 10, so it’s great just to be able to get everything in Maleny. It’s fantastic that the foods I have always eaten are now just on our doorstep. That’s really cool. Katie: I had to give up school laptops and had to make all sorts of new friends when I came here. That was the most painful experience of my life, so now I help all the new people along. Then there was the recent blackout for three days in Maleny. You don’t get that in Caboolture! Mandy: Yeah, the blackout really demonstrated that people do band together. We had friends around us and we all shared our resources and had quite a social time. We were really impressed with how the IGA and everyone really helped each other out. Matt: It was a bit strange because the power went and then we used the battery on the mobile and then that went. Then the radio batteries went and we were plunged into isolation, so we had to go out to see if there were people out there. Of course, we were all doing to same thing, wandering around asking, ‘anybody got a battery’? So yeah, we wouldn’t have had that experience if we were in Caboolture.
What would keep you here? Mandy: Definitely our friends, and the natural beauty of the place. Having a house in the future, as we are renting at the moment; so somewhere nice to live. Oh and a permanent job, which is coming, so that’s good. Matt: Well having lived and worked in Caboolture and now living in Maleny, being able to go home to somewhere completely different from where I work is such a nice change. You really feel like you get away from your day job and are in a different place and mindset up here, so that’s a big thing for me. Also as an artist, you can’t really get views anywhere else like the ones you get here. It’s much more inspiring and the light here is a lot different here than the UK. It’s perfect for an artist or photographer. Mandy: Yeah, being able to walk in this countryside is just awesome and it’s what would keep me living here. We walk the dog every night and can see the changes and the wildlife. We’ve got tawny frog mouths, very noisy possums and snakes in the garden. I have a horticultural background so I really appreciate the native plants in Maleny. It’s so different here, it has its own climate and there’s quite a few plants that I would have grown in the UK, and couldn’t have grown in Caboolture. Natalie Brown
Art Gallery Trail - Sunshine Coast Hinterland
Explore the breathtaking scenery of our Hinterland ... and discover the remarkable variety of galleries and talented local artists. Stay longer at any one of the region’s welcoming guest houses.
Lasting Impressions Gallery 6 Elizabeth Street, Kenilworth Ph: 5446 0422 lastingimpressions7@bigpond.com www.lastingimpressionsgallery.net
Artist: Brent Harvey “Adjourned” (acrylic on paper)
10 6 Secrets on the Lake Art Gallery
Obi Valley Woodworks 430 Hunsley Road Coolabine Ph: 5472 3996 www.cedarcreations.com.au
207 Narrows Road, Montville Ph: 5478 5888 Gallery open seven days: 9am - 5pm www.secretsonthelake.com.au
Artist: Jack Wilms Sculpture, furniture, doors Open: weekends & most public holidays 10am-4pm Closed for October
Artist: Cathy Lawley
Illume Creations Shop 4, ‘Mayfield’ Main Street Montville Ph: 5478 5440 www.illumecreations.com.au
4 5
“Golden Sunrise” Artist - Tina Cooper
13 Rosebed St Gallery & Studio
13 Rosebed St, Eudlo Ph: 5457 3780 Open: Wed-Sun 10am-4pm E: annie@rosebedstgallery.com www.rosebedstgallery.com
Artist: Victoria Fitzpatrick Title: “God of the Cup & Planet”
Manfred’s Wood & Antique Shop
Cnr Corks Pocket & Reesville Rds, Reesville Ph: 5494 3595 E: contact@antique.net.au
Rocking chair & old-fashioned doll
Montville Art Gallery
Tree Frog Gallery
Maleny Showcase Jewellers
138 Main St, Montville Ph: 5442 9211 www.montvilleartgallery.com.au Artist: Judy Da Lozzo
926 Montville Road, Maleny Enquiries Ph: 5435 2303 www.treefroggallery.com Gallery Hours: Wednesday- Monday 10am-4pm Works by local artists & art classes.
Shop 4, Riverside Centre, Maleny Ph: 5494 3477 “The Prodigy” Sterling silver pendant set with Trilliant Peridot & yellow citrine Designer: Jim Goulton
Main Street Gallery 167 Main Street (below Poets Cafe) Montville Ph: 5478 5050 www.mainstreetgallery.com.au Artist: Christopher Pope “Superb Fairy wren” ( acrylic on board)
Art On Cairncross
Holden’s Gallery
Cairncross Corner, Maleny Ph: 5429 6404 www.artoncairncross.com.au Artist: Nan Paterson “Softly” pastel
38b Coral St, Maleny (cnr. Coral & Myrtle Sts) Gallery & Picture Framing Ph: 5494 2100 www.holdensgallery.com.au
ARTISTS: Nan Paterson and Marc Kalifa
Nan Paterson & Marc Kalifa
CLEAR VISIONS TRUE ARTIST KNOWS what they want to create; how to make a concept into a reality that we can all share. Such wonderful vision shown by two artists will be displayed at Art on Cairncross throughout May. Nan Paterson is approaching her 90th birthday and is proof that age is no barrier, certainly not to her art. The eyes may be aged, but they carry the wealth of wisdom and hindsight too. Her beautifully crafted nude studies show her knowledge of anatomy and physiology, but also her artistic experience in knowing when a work is complete. Her confident approach to charcoals and pastels has been gained through years of practice and convey a softness and sensitivity. Nanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still life paintings have a timeless, classical air, which again is achieved through skill honed during her scrupulous training post-war at the National Gallery School in Victoria. The second visionary is glass artist Marc Kalifa. The physically demanding nature of glass-blowing and the dexterity required can only bear fruit if the aim is clear and well thought through in advance. Knowing how much blowing will reward with the desired colour as well as depth or if a vase needs a foot for aesthetic balance, rely on the artistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s insight. These days Marcâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s art is continuing to evolve into more sculptural forms and with sand-cast glass, which requires the ability to visualize the final positive piece as a negative form in the sand box. Clarity is a word often applied to glass for obvious reasons, but it should equally encompass the aspects of form and purpose. Both Nan Paterson and Marc Kalifa have also shown remarkably clear vision in choosing the Range as their home, which in turn has nurtured their creativity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Clear Visionsâ&#x20AC;? will be on display at Art on Cairncross near Maleny until the end of May. For some images and details please see www.artoncairncross.com.au
7 2 ' ' : + , 6 6 2 1
Feature Artist
Montville Art Gallery Top right: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;totem Pathâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by Marc Kalifa
MAY 2013
From Strength to Strength
Top Left: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Softlyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; - Pastel by Nan Paterson Top Centre: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Sunset Dreamers Vaseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; - hand-blown glass by Marc Kalifa Right: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Nude Study 134â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Charcoal by Nan Paterson
Todd Whissen ORN IN BRISBANE in 1963, Toddâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parents are Eric and Ruth Whisson, both well known artists, as is his brother, Colley. Although he began painting seriously in the 1990s, it was not until 2003 that Todd gave up his job as a picture framer to become a full time professional artist. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I much prefer painting outdoors than being cooped up in a studioâ&#x20AC;? Todd told us. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For the last ten years, I have travelled extensively throughout Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria searching for interesting subjects to paint. I love the bright, warm, sunny colours of the Australian countryside. I am also inspired by our magnificent coastal scenery particularly the beaches and waterways of South East Queensland.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;In 2010, Todd won a major award in every show he enteredâ&#x20AC;? said gallery director, Joan Page. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He was awarded best oil painting in both the Pine Rivers Art Award and the Murgon Art Show. He won the second prize in the oil section at the Maleny Art Show this year, having won first prize in this section in both 2008 and 2009. His paintings were also highly commended in the Matthew Flinders Art Show and the RASGO National Open Art Awards.â&#x20AC;? For the last two years Todd has been studying for a Diploma of Visual Arts at Ithaca TAFE. He is now continuing his studies at university level. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have always enjoyed teaching and feel the additional qualifications will not only add to my teaching qualifications but complement what I have already learned from my parents and from notable tutors such as Ken Wenzel, Dale Marsh, Robert Lovett and Kasey Sealy.â&#x20AC;? Open daily from 10 to 5, Montville Art Gallery is located at 138 Main Street, Montville, opposite the Village Green.
0 $ <
From May 1, Toddâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s paintings will be featured under â&#x20AC;&#x153;Exhibitionsâ&#x20AC;? on the gallery website: www.montvilleartgallery.com.au
Maleny Art Supplies is now located at 38a Coral Street Maleny Ph:54942977 Mon - Friday 9am-4pm HINTERLAND TIMES - MAY 2013
C R E AT I V E C U T S Sounds of Byron at the Palmy
Chris Staff at the Beerwah Hotel
Blues Men at the Upfront Club
Grafton-based singer and guitarist, Chris Staff was able to record his debut album, Different Road in Nashville, Tennessee last year, The self-taught guitarist has quickly made a name for himself in the music industry and has previously performed alongside some of the cream of the Australian country music crop, including Troy Cassar-Daley, the McClymonts, Col Finley, the Sunny Cowgirls and Travis Sinclair. Get to see this fantastic new Aussie rock country artist at the Beerwah Hotel on Friday May 11at 8pm.
They say that music has the power to soothe a savage beast, but there’s nothing tame about the ‘Sounds of Byron Bay’ tour, a mother (nature) lovin’ masterpiece showcase of three of the iconic bay’s finest bands: Pacha Mamma, JaFFer, and Andy Jans-Brown & Cozmic. Each band are as unique as the town they herald from, but can all boast an ever growing cult following across the nation, three critically acclaimed albums apiece, and an impressive resume having recorded and performed with artists such as Pete Murray and Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. They are thrilled to announce that this year they will be migrating across Australia before taking flight overseas to continue their stampede across Canada and Europe. So don’t miss this opportunity to unleash your wild side at Palmwoods Hotel on Saturday May 4 at 7pm whilst the sounds of rocking reggae, blistering blues, fresh funk, and sweet island grooves are still in captivity. It promises to be an evening that is sure to set even the most cold blooded of snake-hips a swaying!
Talk to the artists at work Five members of the Blackall Range Visual Artists group are happy for you to chat with them as they paint in a working exhibition in Montville this month. The paintings by Toni Black, Kate Websdale, Barbara Willcocks, Robyn Wight and Chris Stidolph (pictured) are diverse in subject, mediums, styles and techniques. They promise visitors a rich choice of landscapes, still life and flowers in acrylics, watercolours, oils and pastels. Greeting cards of their work will also be on display and for sale as well as Raku and Earthenware Pottery. The working exhibition starts on Saturday 4 May and runs until Monday 6 May, open each day from 9.30am ‘til 4pm at Saint Mary’s Hall on the Montville Village Green. Admission is free. See: www.blackallrangevisualartists.com
Maleny Singers do Die Fledermaus The Maleny Singers are this year celebrating their 10th anniversary, and have chosen the great opperetta Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss for their June show. The cast will be made up from many of the Maleny Singers, including Jenny Keys, Barbie Norman, Colin Dunn, Eddie Weir, welcoming back Paul Richardson, and introducing a new member Evalee Sharples. Several dancers from the Bdifferent Dance Academy are also welcomed back. The performances will take place at the newly renovated Maleny Community Centre on 21 June, 6.30pm (Gala Night), 23rd June - 2pm, 28 June - 6.30pm, 29 June - 4pm, and 30 June – 2pm. Ticket prices: Gala night only- $33.00; Adult - $27.50; Concession - $22.00, available at the Information Kiosk.
Bluesmen, Doc Span and Tim Gaze perform at the Upfront Club for the first time this month!! They will take you on a musical journey that is straight from the heart of Blues culture. The show at Maleny’s Upfront Club will feature some song favorites from both singers and powerful acoustic guitar and Doc’s melodic harmonica riffs. Doc Span is renowned for his harmonica playing and warm, smokey, vocals. His expressive harmonica tone, soulful dynamics, and exciting stage presence are world class. His style is drawn from a personal pilgrimage through blues jamming with many of Chicago's Blues greats while working as a paramedic at the notorious Cook County Jail – hence the "Doc". Tim Gaze (pictured above) has enjoyed a long career as one of Australia's premier guitar players, songwriters and vocalists. Gaze's early influences ranged from Hendrix to his passion for the deep Blues. Loaded with material from their individual cd’s and a repertoire full of classic and original songs, they will appear at the Upfront Club on May 18 from 7pm.
Mandolins in Montville
John brings his tuba to town... John Szkutko is a man who lives and breathes his tuba and he will present a recital in Maleny in July. Born in Armidale NSW, John was introduced to the electronic organ at ten before he finally discovered the tuba. He started out with the Armidale City Band in 1982 and with his Tuba has worked in the Queensland Youth Orchestra (1987-991), the Canberra Symphony Orchestra (1992) the Brisbane Philharmonic and Brisbane Symphony Orchestra up to the present day. As a competitor John gained many local, state and national contest solo victories, including a New Zealand National Eb tuba title in 2005. While at the Queensland Conservatorium he won the Yamaha Brass Prize in 1990. John has also been soloist with various ensembles. The most notable occasion being in November 2003 where he performed the Vaughan Williams Tuba Concerto with the Brisbane Symphony Orchestra. John Szkutko will perform a mix of music on different tubas with his accompanist, Mitchell Leigh at the Maleny Community Centre on July 7 at 2-3pm. See the Centre website for more details: www.malenycommunitycentre.org
Mandolins in Brisbane and some brilliant operatic voices present a premiere performance in Montville this month of the Australian Production of Jephtha. Jephtha is one of the greatest musical stories ever told and this production showcases the style and beauty of mandolins under the deft hand of up and coming young Brisbane conductor Nathan Aspinall. Nathan Aspinall as musical director partnered with brilliant Brisbane composer Timothy Tate to develop the Jephtha project Jephtha is a drama full of extreme emotion involving the combined works of Handel and Carissmi. It also has new music by Timothy Tate, making it more convincing and accessible. Jephtha is on Sunday May 19 at 2.30pm in Montville Village Community Hall. Tickets at the Hall. $25 Adults, $20 concession.
visual ar ts enter tainment per formance Diesel and Asa Broomhill
With a career spanning 25 years (35 singles, 13 albums, 6 ARIA awards) and record sales edging 1 million, DIESEL (pictured above) the journeyman of music is stripping back into solo mode and heading around parts of the country to tour Solo & Select Series II. He will be at the Maleny Community Centre on Friday May 10 With blues music in his â&#x20AC;&#x153;DNAâ&#x20AC;?, an influence largely from his Fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s record collection, DIESEL has blended all styles to come up with a truly unique sound, punctuated with his distinct guitar playing and vocals. His latest show has the audience playing the main part in forming the set list for the night - they decide on the song choices forming a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;tailored setâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. How it worksâ&#x20AC;Ś From a list received on entry, the audience make their song selection. The set list for the evening then gets formulated based on these choices. Supporting Diesel on this tour is Asa Broomhall (pictured left). Growing up in a Sunshine Coast hinterland musical household, Broomhall developed a passion for roots music at an early age and soon became adept on harmonica and guitar. Asa released his fifth CD at the end of last year, and Jangle House has firmly established him on the concert and music festival circuit. For bookings email info@asabroomhall.com or phone 0400 614 235.
Colinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Icons of Rockâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Roll No Australian photographer was closer to the hotbed of 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rockâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;roll than Colin Beard. Currently showing at The Shared in Yandina until June is an exhibition of black and white photos Icons of Rockâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Roll - some of Colinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best images of the 60s rockers ... the Rolling Stones, Janis Joplin, Sonny & Cher and Jimi Hendrix, to name but a few. Colin was fortunate to have toured the world taking photos for the Australian pop magazine Go-Set and to have met many of the rockâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;roll artists who were changing the face of popular music. Colin Beard has since taught photography at UTS in Sydney, the Sydney College of the Arts, and he is currently the princpal teacher at the Sunshine Coast School of Photography, in Yandina. Icons of Rockâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Roll runs through to June 20. Refer â&#x20AC;&#x201C; www.colin-beard.com and www.1960srocknroll.com
Animal Farm at Lake Kawana
Maurice is Muso of the Month
Sunshine Coast Council presents a vibrant production of George Orwell's simple yet intensely powerful fable Animal Farm for one performance only at 7pm on Monday 3 June 2013 at Lake Kawana Community Centre. Animal Farm, one of the most controversial and studied political commentaries arrives in a brand new production combining physical theatre and storytelling. George Orwellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s simple yet intensely powerful fairy tale illustrates how greed and absolute power corrupts and with devastating consequences, which can change the course of history Tickets can be purchased in advance at www.scvenuesandevents.com.au, at the Lake Kawana Community Centre Box Office located at 114 Sportsmans Parade, Bokarina or by calling 5413 1400. Cost is $39 for adults, $35 for concessions or groups of eight or more, $30 for subscribers and $20 for young people under 26 years. People are urged to book early to avoid disappointment.
Country musician, Maurice Hardy is muso of the month at the new Caboolture Hub through May and June, and his performances are free. Mauriceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s latest original ballads, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;A Cross beside the highwayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;A man can dreamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, showcase the talents of this singer songwriter, who is equally happy performing music for the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;tin lidsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; with classics such as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Home among the gum treesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Performances are free and will take place on Thursday, May 9 and Thursday, May 30, followed by Saturday, June 15 and Wednesday, June 19 at the Vault space of the Caboolture Hub, 4 Hasking Street, Caboolture. For further information, contact The Caboolture Hub: (07) 5433 3700.
UpFront Club 31 Maple St Maleny. Bookings: 5494 2592 upfrontclub.org.au
May 3
10 ĎŽĎ°
Live & Loopy Linsey Who can fail to see the amazing musical creations of Linsey Pollak. His new show at Yandinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the shared is on Sunday May 19 - 3-5pm and he shares the stage with one of his acolytes, Katalytic. Linsey makes music by live looping instruments of his own making such as the saxillo, Mr Curly, Rubber Glove bagpipes and the Carrot Clarinet. In Live & Loopy there are new and remarkable inputs such as bubble wrap drum and jawharps to let you enjoy the process of composition as well as performance. Katalyticâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s debut show is a one woman band performance. Taught by Linsey she delivers a fusion of world and electronic dance music. Live & Loopy doors open 2.30pm. 13 Railway St, Yandina. Tickets: $15 / $10 conc. kids free. Tea coffee snacks.
Mon, Fri, Sat - music at 6.30pm. Donation entry ŽčÄ&#x17E;Ä&#x17E;Í&#x2014; ĎłÍ&#x2DC;ĎŻĎŹÄ&#x201A;ĹľÍ&#x2DC; Ć&#x152;Ä&#x17E;Ä&#x201A;ŏĨÄ&#x201A;Ć?Ć&#x161;Í&#x2014; ϴͲĎĎÄ&#x201A;Ĺľ ͞ϳÄ&#x161;Ä&#x201A;Ç&#x2021;Ć?Íż >ƾŜÄ?Ĺ&#x161;Í&#x2014; ĎĎÍ&#x2DC;ĎŻĎŹÄ&#x201A;žͲώÍ&#x2DC;ĎŻĎŹĆ&#x2030;ĹľÍ&#x2DC; Ĺ?ŜŜÄ&#x17E;Ć&#x152; ĨĆ&#x152;Žž ĎąÍ&#x2DC;ĎŻĎŹĆ&#x2030;Ĺľ dĆľÄ&#x17E;Ć?Í&#x2022; tÄ&#x17E;Ä&#x161; Î&#x2DC; ^ƾŜ Ä?ĹŻĹ˝Ć?Ä&#x17E;Ä&#x161; ĨĆ&#x152;Žž ĎŽÍ&#x2DC;ĎŻĎŹĆ&#x2030;Ĺľ
FOOD FOR THOUGHT. 5.30 Dinner 7pm start 3 OL KING COEL (Maleny) â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The voice of a man with an ear to the ground and a telescope to the skyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 10 JEN MIZE (S.Coast) Folk, country & soul Ă DYRXUHG $PHULFDQD 11 SEAFARER DUO (Brisbane). $OH[ %HOO (OHDQRU $QJHO¡V FODVV\ PRGHUQ IRON 16 ART OPENING. 0DOHQ\ &20$ :RRG $UW 5.30pm dinner, 6.30 17 IDAHO $QWL JHQGHU GLVFULPLQDWLRQ FHOHEUDWLRQ -$.( ',()(1%$&+ PRUH 18 DOC SPAN & TIM GAZE (USA/SE.Qld) &KDPSLRQ %OXHV KDUPRQLFD JXLWDU YRFDOV 24 MARK MORONEY (S.Coast) Âś5H GHĂ&#x20AC;QLQJ WKH VLQJHU VRQJZULWHU UROH LQ $XVWUDOLD Ă&#x20AC;QJHU style guitar and smokinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; soul vocalsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 25 OM JAAN (Adelaide/Nomad) %ORR]H )RON -D]] Funk, Reggae and soulful songs of peace, love, life and living 31 ROBYN BROWN & SASSY JAZZ (S.Coast) Âś+HDUWIHOW UHQGLWLRQV RI -D]] DQG %OXHV standardsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. View events, links and videos at www.upfrontclub.org.au
Volunteer carers Wedding Connections wanted at Erowal Your guide to local wedding services on the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.
Photography Penny Riddoch Photography AIPP For unmatched quality, choose well known local professional wedding and portrait photographer. Services include wedding album design, DVD slide shows, personal online viewing gallery. Ph (07) 5494 2808 or visit the website: www.pennyriddoch.com.au
Aged Care Facility Blue Care Maleny Erowal Aged Care Facility is seeking volunteers to participate in a palliative care project titled the Spirit of Caring. Coordinator Henri Moxhet said the project offers special training to volunteers so that they can assist residents and their families from a palliative care approach. “Palliative care is about supporting people along their journey during the final stages of life,” Mr Moxhet said. “Preparing for death is something traditionally we would rather not have to think about however we know that it is an experience we will all face within our lives. “Having trained support volunteers means we are better able to respond to our residents’ emotional and spiritual needs as they face the latter stage of their life.” Mr Moxhet said volunteers are trained to assist in
creating reflective time with residents as well as respecting confidentiality and privacy. “Support volunteers are provided with specialised education and guidance and as per legislation, all volunteers must have a probity check and training, essential to the tasks to be performed is also provided.” Anyone interested in becoming a palliative support volunteer can phone 07 5494 3844. Alternatively, email Henri at h.moxhet@bluecare.org.au. This year Blue Care is celebrating 60 years of providing services to Queensland and northern New South Wales communities. For more information on Blue Care or to find your nearest centre please visit the website www.bluecare.org.au.
Celebrants & Ceremonies Find out about Chrissie Ray A marriage celebrant who lives in Mapleton and is available for you anywhere you choose. www.chrissieray.com.au Ask me about my low fees. Ph: 5478 6610 Mob: 042 794 5833
Wedding Venues Flaxton Gardens Tranquil elegance with panoramic views across the Coast. Ideal for superb bridal photographs to treasure. Excellent food, discreet & caring service. Husband and wife team, Alan and Georgina Thompson welcome your ideas to help them create this special day with you. Phone: 5445 7450.
Pomodoras on Obi A complete package of “real” food, boutique beverages, unspoilt water and treetop views, award winning local bridal services & luxury onsite cabin accommodation. “Escape to the mountains and discover the magic.” One stop wedding destination in the heart of Maleny. Ph: (07) 5429 6543 www.pomodoras.com.au email: info@pomodoras.com.au
Know Your Life with Feng Shui The home and the business location determine your future happiness. Buy Richard Giles’ book, The Personal Guide to Feng Shui at $19 (pp) or contact Richard, local Feng Shui practitioner, for a full assessment. Astrology Life Paths a Specialty.
Having recently returned from India with new but old remedies for treating hair loss, Andrea invites you to her home clinic for a traditional Indian head massage. Sit back, enjoy 180 degree coastal views and have the tension released from your neck, shoulders, back and scalp. Or gift yourself with a full body masssage and feel totally relaxed and rejuvenated. Allow experienced hands to find the knots, release them and fine tune the body enabling it to heal itself...
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in the Hinterland Times Ph: 54 999 049
5- Cervical torticolis- severe neck pain with any movement, can't turn your neck, muscle spasm, sudden onset (often wake up with it) 6- Whiplash- sudden hyperflexionhyperextension injury from rear end auto collision or sports (getting hit from behind) This can cause any of the above conditions.
All of these conditions respond well with Chiropractic care. Techniques vary from gentle low force to spinal manipulation depending on your condition, whether acute or chronic, age, preference & amount of spinal damage from previous injury.
Dr. Ralph StockmannDoctor of Chiropractic (USA), Palmer graduate, Medicare & DVA Provider, Health Fund Rebates 13 Thynne Court Maleny Phone 0410793513
A Passion for the Fiddle Music of Joe Yates - now on CD INTERLAND MUSICIAN, and manager of Maleny’s Neighbourhood Centre Cath Ovenden, has a passion for a genre of music that has almost completely disappeared - old Australian folk music from 200 years ago to the present day. Cath’s special interest is in the music of Joe Yates (18951987) - a prolific fiddler who lived around Hill End in NSW. Cath Ovenden worked with Joe Yates in 1985 and is currently the National Library, National Folk Fellow, researching and re-presenting some of Joe's music, popular in the early 1900s. Cath returned recently from performing some of Joe’s music at the National Folk Festival in Canberra with Steve Cook (pictured) and Wendy Hodgins. Joe’s music has a unique sound and feel says Cath. “Originating from his Yorkshire grandfather, aged under Australian skies, and played at country dance halls, this is the type of music and song that was enjoyed by our grandparents and great-grandparents. The material is an unwritten, aural tradition, and an integral part of Australia’s cultural identity.” During the eighties and nineties, Cath Ovenden met and played with many highly skilled elderly
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players around country areas and recorded their music for the Oral History Archives of the National Library. Cath said it was sad to hear, that no one at all, had been interested in their music for the last 50 years. Everyone used to sing and play music, a hundred years ago - fiddles, pianos, accordeons, banjos, whistles and flutes and it took a folk revival in the Northern hemisphere in the seventies, to start people playing music again. “It’s just that we don’t realise there is fabulous ‘roots’ music, so far a little overlooked, in our very own backyards,” she added. Cath recently took three weeks off to record a CD as part of a National "Folk Fellowship" jointly funded by the National Library and the National Folk festival to breathe life into the fiddle music of Joe Yates. Aided by two local wonderful musicians Wendy Hodgins on piano and Steve Cook on many instruments, the Fellowship CD has been recorded with Pix Records at Conondale. If you want to hear some of The Fiddle Music of Joe Yates it is available on CD www.urbansmartprojects.com/shop.
Advertising Bookings
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Ph: 07 54788 500 HINTERLAND TIMES - MAY 2013
Ayurvedic Health Advice to Suit You
In Fitness ...and in Health
The path to fat burning power... This article is for everyone, including your children. Being overweight or obese is now the greatest public health crisis we face. Fight fat we were told with a low fat/high carbohydrate diet. This approach never had a chance of working because the rational behind it was defective. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. If you’re overweight and starting to store abdominal fat, you probably have elevated insulin levels - and this includes teenagers. It is this excess of insulin that got you fat in the first place and it’s going to keep you overweight and unwell until you learn how to burn fat for power and energy. About 3 out of 4 people have an elevated insulin response to the carbohydrates they eat. This not only plays havoc with your overall health but it also creates devastating imbalances in your blood sugar levels. Symptoms such as getting hungry a lot, craving sweets, feeling sleepy after meals, feeling irritable before meals, feeling depressed and lacking motivation are all connected to low blood sugar problems and elevated levels of insulin. Incidentally, the number one predictor of heart disease is not high cholesterol, not high blood pressure, rather it is elevated levels of insulin. What I want to teach you is how to burn fat effectively and when you tap into this reserve, the fat you utilise actually slows down the entry rate of carbohydrate into the bloodstream, thereby decreasing the production of insulin. As a result, you’ll get leaner, feel and look better, and lower the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and cancer. It’s simple and it works. I invite you to give this approach a try. John Pirie
www.siaholistichealth.com.au Dr John Pirie Chiropractor & Applied Kinesiologist 19 Coral Street, Maleny Phone: 5435 2155
HU A Gift to the World eckankar.org 07 5496 5054
HU Song in the garden Spiritual Discussion Past Lives * Dreams * Soul Travel Uplifting * Fellowship * Refreshments
Sippy Downs Botanical Bush Garden Take the Tanawha Forest Glen Tourist Drive follow the Botanic Gardens signs
Perceptions of Truth OW WE perceive the world depends on our state of consciousness. This in turn determines how we think, Wendy Rosenfeldt speak and act. We may know how we would like to behave but when we are feeling disconnected or depressed it is hard to act in a positive way. In the state of Unity Consciousness, the experience is that everything in creation is just an aspect of the self. Reading about this state is no comparison to the actual experiencing, and while it may be inspiring, it opens the door to misinterpretation. Trying to live life in a state which is not in our experience can bring strain to the mind. Patanjali, an ancient seer, wrote the Yoga Sutras. He outlines the eight limbs of Yoga; yoga meaning unity or Samadhi. These eight limbs include truthfulness, non-violence, noncovetousness, Samadhi etc. When the Yoga Sutras where translated, eight limbs became eight steps. So instead of understanding that all the aspects developed together, it was thought that one had to be mastered before another one could be attempted. Maharishi understood that without the 8th limb of transcendental consciousness or Samadhi, mastering the other limbs is impossible. For example non-violence in the complete sense of the word means that every thought, word and action is completely life supporting and positive in regards to every aspect of creation. Trying to achieve this state by controlling the mind will just
cause a headache. The effort involved in trying to just think positive thoughts is not a natural process and it inhibits the spontaneous flow of living. In comparison by going to the state in our awareness, where everything is a part of oneself there is no possibility of violence because you would no more harm others or the environment than you would yourself. Maharishi also explains the absurdity of trying to master the quality of truthfulness without the experience of Unity. Our experience of truth depends on our level of perception. At the quantum level of life or in the experience of Unity consciousness, we can understand that everything is connected, but at our everyday level of consciousness this is not our reality. Truth is that which doesn’t change while our experience of material life is ever changing. How can we speak truth when our perception is limited to the material world? One day we may love someone, the next they may be our enemy. The experience of Unity is developed by taking our awareness to the source of life, which is eternal, not trying to create it by visualising what it might be. We develop our consciousness and then we can just act naturally instead of trying to think positive when we don’t feel it or beat ourselves up for our negative thoughts. Wendy Rosenfeldt is a Maharishi Ayurveda Practitioner and teacher of Transcendental Meditation. Call ph 5499 9580
A Problem Shared ... with Marisa Food as Medicine... S WELL AS GIVING a tasty lift to most meals, here are some interesting examples of what herbs and spices can do for your health. Cinnamon helps to balance blood sugar levels. With diabetes on the rise cinnamon provides a simple tasty addition to our diet that also has antibacterial and antifungal properties. A little sprinkle added to warm drinks, cakes or breakfast is an easy way to use this spice. Curcumin included in most curries has great antioxidant value and is reported to have anticancer properties, it is also used to reduce blood sugar levels. Oregano is a tasty addition to any tomato based meal while at the same time packing a huge antioxidant value of up to 20 times the amount of most other herbs. Parsley contains about 36 different phytonutrients while a tea made from Parsley will build up the nervous system. Coriander, while sometimes requiring an acquired taste, will help to bind and chelate (remove) mercury out of the body. Ginger gets the circulation moving and has many health benefits.
White tea, has more antioxidant value than green tea and tastes more pleasant as well. Coffee tastes good and in moderate amounts confers many health benefits. It is also widely used in beauty therapy treatments that are worth exploring. Always use herbs and spices in moderation as they can be more potent than they seem and always check that there is no drug interaction that needs to be avoided. Remember that drinking beverages that are very hot contributes to throat and stomach cancer so let your hot drink cool a little before consuming. Remember to drink plenty of Water in the winter months as this is needed to detox the body. Breathe fresh air, move your body and mind, create sacred space to give you time to regain perspective and balance, stressing can become an unconscious habitual way of reacting to very small issues and can be changed with a little mindfulness. Marisa Kliese is a Clinical Member Aust. Counselling Assoc. Fellow Holistic Life Coach. Reiki Master. Fellow Aust. Natural Therapists Assoc. Marisa can be contacted on 5494 2627.
Every 3rd Sunday of the month 9:30 am ±12:30
Maleny Library Meeting Room. Cnr Maple & Coral Sts
Every Tuesday weekly 6-7:30pm Admission free
Buy quality healing crystals, tumbled stone,gifts, candles, incense, tarot cards, runes, books, or get a clairvoyant reading. You can place an order with Rainbow Light Crystals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
When you advertise in the Hinterland Times... your message travels from Noosa to Brisbane
Ph: 54 999 049 Email: ads@hinterlandtimes.com.au 40
To take a giant step towards your health and wellbeing, contact Ray Shapcott, Atlasprof (servicing Brisbane Nth, Sunshine Coast and Hinterland). Certified Atlasprofilax Acadamy, Valais, Switzerland.
Phone (07) 5429 5520 Mobile 0412 490 374. www.atlasprofilaxaustralia.com.au
Moving Forward with Maleny Physiotherapy
Maleny Medical Centre offers a caring, friendly environment for you and your family
Heart awareness week - Sun May 5 to Sat May 11 eart Week is important, and a time for people to recognise the warning signs of a heart attack and learn what to do when confronted with the symptoms.
Experienced, Caring Male and Female GP’s
Warning Signs • Warning signs differ fromperson to person. Heart attacks are not always sudden or severe. Many start slowly with only mild pain or discomfort. Some people do not get chest pain at all - only discomfort in other parts of their upper body. • No two heart attacks are the same. Someone who has already had heart attack may have different symptoms the second time.
New patients welcome Surgery Hours Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm Sat from 9am (1st & 3rd)
Phone 5494 2131
• Knowing the warning signs of heart attack and acting quickly can reduce the damage to your heart muscle and increase your chance of survival.
Behind the Maleny Chemmart at 25 Maple St, Maleny
Too many people lose their lives because they wait too long to call Triple Zero (000).
Be prepared Activities during heart week include
• Know the warning signs of heart attack and
The Heart Moves Walking Group walk in Maleny on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For further information please phone Marie: 54943735.
what to do. • Keep your action plan handy on your fridge. • Make sure that you have ambulance cover.
You can also join the walkers for a Health Breakfast at Monicas Cafe, 11/43 Maple Street, Maleny at 7.30am. Hear more helpful tips from our Guest Speaker at breakfast, Dr Shane Luland.
• Prevent a heart attack by taking steps to reduce your risk - talk to your doctor or visit
For further information on Heart week contact Maleny Physiotherapy on 5494 3911
Ph: 07 5494 3911
• Tell your family and friends about the warning signs of heart attack and what to do - don’t keep this lifesaving message to yourself.
1/70 Maple Street, Maleny
Tim and Mary Bagshaw
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Physiotherapy for all ages Specific exercise prescription Postural assessment and correction Sporting injuries Post operative rehabilitation Workplace rehabilitation Injury preventions strategies More services available
Ph: 07 5494 3911
• Podia try • Mass age Therap y • Audio Clinic • Wom ens Health
1/70 Maple Street, Maleny
in the Hinterland Times Phone: 54 999 049
Maleny Holistic Health Centre
19 Coral Street, Maleny
Rebecca Hopkins - Hawaiian Healing Massage About the Centre ... ... for a holistic approach to your general health & wellbeing, call today to make an appointment with one of our friendly health professionals. (Ph. numbers below).
Experience a luxuriously soothing, deep delicious massage… healing hands touch you and you begin to sink into a state of blissful relaxation, completely letting go in Rebecca’s competent hands, knowing she will anticipate your bodies needs without having to speak… Rebecca combines expertise with an innate intuitive ability, so each movement feels right for that part of your body. A firm therapeutic massage, yet soothing and relaxing, Rebecca’s massage eases your aches and pains, releases tension and stress from your body leaving you feeling realigned, refreshed and blissfully relaxed! Rebecca works with your body using techniques from many different modalites, integrated into the Hawaiian Lomilomi style. Rebecca has a very unique and amazing bodywork.
Ph 0415 528 415 for appointment. www.hawaiianhealingmassage.com.au
She Oak Natural Fertility
Josie Coco
Sallyann Stewart
Naturopath, Herbalist, Natural Fertility Teacher, Homotoxicologist & Kinesiologist Rochelle specialises in hormonal health and fertility management • Balance your hormones • Detoxification • Fantastic weight loss program • Contraception the natural way • Assisting women during pregnancy and IVF • Birth plans • Tailored programs for preconception & pregnancy • Naturopathic Clinic tests • Thyroid testing Appointments: 5499 9476
Certified BodyTalk Practitioner BodyTalk is mind-body medicine - for those who have lost their quality of life where physical abilities, mental health or general ability are compromised: any condition that inhibits natural abilities. The BodyTalk System employs non-invasive techniques and formulas derived from both the new physics and philosophy. Interfacing cutting edge science with ancient paradigms has given birth to a revolutionary and highly effective way of addressing disease through quantum healthcare. Phone Josie on: 0498 065 306 Web: www.bodytalk.josiecoco.com
Naturopath/ Herbalist / Remedial Massage Therapist • Sallyann specialises in children's health, stress management & preventative/ maintaining wellness healthcare • Utilising naturopathic assessment and live blood analysis • Nutrition and dietary support • Herbal medicine and homeopathic treatments • Remedial, deep tissue & lymphatic drainage massage Appointments: contact Sallyann Stewart on 5435 2599 or 0421 410 558
Sanctuary Shiatsu
Rob McMurray
Shiatsu Practitioner - Acupressure Zen Shiatsu is a Japanese acupuncture meridian therapy that facilitates the movement of energy (Qi) in the body using acu-point pressure with meridian massage. It’s true strength is improving energy and wellbeing, assisting and maintaining health and help prevent illness. It can assist with: • Pain, and muscular tightness •Digestive disorders • Emotional & mental stress •Headaches and more ! • Futon mat or seated chair Appointments 0438 972 880 Gary Broadhurst
Why consult a Psychologist? Everyday problems such as relationship breakdown or personal trauma can dramatically affect our health, wellbeing and positive relationships. As an experienced Psychologist I: • Actively listen to gain an understanding of your needs • Prepare you with necessary coping skills to manage stress, anger, emotional problems • Assist in improving your self-esteem & interpersonal skills For a confidential appointment, call Rob on 0488 129 302
Mon - Fri 9.30am - 5pm We provide a comprehensive array of natural medicines to achieve our therapeutic treatment goals. They include nutritional supplements, homeopathics, herbal medicines, flower essences, organic skincare, and other health related items. Increasing scientific evidence demonstrates the safety and efficacy of prescription only natural medicines in wellness treatment and prevention of chronic disease.
For consultations ph: 5499 9476
Hinterland Health and Beauty ACUPUNCTURE
Anthony Brown Acupuncture Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner. Member (fellow) AACMA. Anthony has 30 years clinical experience, 26 of them here on the Sunshine Coast and Hinterland. 26 Coral St, Maleny Ph: 5435 2555
Mapleton Natural Therapies Clinic Jackie Hansel. Bach H.S. (Acu), Adv. Dip. H.S (Hom), Dip. Bowen. Holistic and integrated health care with Bowen Therapy, Classical Homeopathy, Acupuncture and Massage Therapy. Ph: 5445 7749
Mapleton Natural Therapies Clinic Jackie Hansel: Bach H.S (Acu), Adv. Dip H.S (Hom), Dip Bowen Therapy Acupuncture. Holistic & Intergrated health care with Acupuncture, Bowen Therapy, Homeopathy, Lymphatic Drainage, Remedial & Relaxation Massage. Ph: 5445 7749
Kathy Blackburn Diploma Bowen Therapy (Bowtech). Gentle effective treatment of Back Pain; Migraine; RSI ; Tennis Elbow; Knee, Ankle & Foot Conditions; Menstrual/Hormonal irregularities; Chronic Fatigue; Respiratory Conditions and MORE. Health fund rebates. Ph: 5429 6180
Maleny Acupuncture Dolina Somerville: BHSc (Acupuncture) China Trained: Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine,Chinese Remedial Massage & Cosmetic Acupuncture. 38a Coral St Maleny (HBC). H F Rebates. Mob: 0408 693 029 www.malenyacupuncture.com My Life to Live Acupuncture, Naturopathy - Diet, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine. Occupational Therapy (Medicare) - Autism and Upper Limb Therapy Brent Couling and Carolyn Brunner-Couling 25Years experience. Health Fund Rebates. Ph: 5499 9894
ASTROLOGY Stargazer Astrology - Chirone Shakti Relationships, career, family issues, spiritual purpose, life crisis, transitions, your year ahead. Counselling astrologer. Astrology courses and workshops Thurs at Awakening Centre, Nth Maleny. Ph: 0421 814459 E: astro@chironeshakti.com.au
Chirone Shakti – Relationships & Sexuality Professional counsellor specialising in relationships, sexuality, grief and loss. Discover deeper and more satisfying levels of relating and intimacy. Thurs at Awakening Centre, Nth Maleny Ph: 0421 814459 E: info@chironeshakti.com.au www.chironeshakti.com.au
Cigarettes, Quit Counselling, Hypnotherapy and Soft Laser therapy are utilised in assisting even the most committed smoker. Butt Out For Good in Maleny. Gift vouchers available for Christmas and New Year’s resolutions W3 www.ciggybusters .com, Ph. 0410 000 880
CHIROPRACTORS Margarete Koenning Counselling BA Social Work, Gelstalt Therapist, Psychotherapist working with individuals, couples and, families. Training professionals in family constellation 20 yrs practicing in Maleny, Clinal member of Pacfa. Ph: 5494 2778, 0408 416 041
Maple Chiropractic Maleny Dr Stephen Lowe & Dr Samuel Lowe 57 years comb exp. Effective low-force techniques for all ages. Helping to restore, balance & maintain spine & nervous system function. Relaxed & friendly atmosphere. HICAPS available. 45 Maple. Ph: 5494 3322
Dr. Ralph Stockmann- Dr of Chiropractic USA, Palmer Graduate Medicare & DVA Provider Special interest in difficult & chronic conditions of lower back,neck,knee, shoulder, ankle, elbow, wrist & headaches 13 Thynne Ct. Maleny Ph: 0410 793 513
ENERGY HEALING / SOUND THERAPY Josie Coco – Certified BodyTalk Practitioner BodyTalk is mind-body medicine - effective for people who have lost their quality of life: any condition that inhibits natural abilities. 19 Coral St, Maleny. Appts: 04980 65 306
Hinterland Chiropractic Dr Josephine Sexton. Using gentle, safe and effective techniques to maintain spinal health and wellbeing. Concession rates, Family discounts and HICAPS available. 21 Bunya Street, Maleny. Ph: 5435 2987
Sound Spa Release, retune, refresh. Therapeutic music with Kim Kirkman (BMus, Grad Dip Mus, MLM), harp and voice. 202 Main Street, Montville, below Pizzeria. Ph: 0431 560 929
BEAUTY THERAPISTS & HAIRDRESSERS A little Beauty, Body and Wellness Elements at Montville Customised beauty treatments. Pamper packages. Special occasion & bridal make-up. Massage. Manicures. Pedicures. Devine body treatments. Natural therapies. Ph: 5478 6212 www.elementsmontville.com.au Michelle Jarden - Beauty Therapist. Electrolysis, facials, massage, make-up, nails, sauna, spray tanning, tinting, waxing, ear-piercing. 66 Curramore Rd, Witta. Ph: 5494 4012 or Mob: 0402 531 500
BOWEN THERAPISTS BOWEN THERAPY Bronwyn Huckle Specialising in Bowtech, the original Bowen Therapy technique. Treating health issues in babies, childen & adults. Montville therapy rooms. Monday to Friday by appointment. Ph: 5442 9371
John Pirie Chiropractor & Applied Kinesiologist Gentle hands-on chiropractic using applied kinesiology. Individual programs available. 19 Coral Street Maleny. Ph: 5435 2155 www.siaholistichealth.com.au
Trish Hodges Energy Psychology Specialist. With your determination and my dedication, what happens will surprise and delight you, faster than you ever thought possible. Buderim Ph: 5476 9192 www.ntp.com.au/39475
COSMETIC TATTOOING Qualified Cosmetic Tattoo Practitioner – Rebecca Rea Dip. Beauty Therapy Professional Make-up Artist. Procedures include: Eyebrows, top & bottom eyeliner, lips & beauty spots. Mon – Fri 9am – 3pm Shop 9/43 Maple St, Maleny. Ph: 5494 3355
Ruth Donnelly - Holistic Counsellor Heart-centred approach to healing trauma, building emotional wellbeing. Integrating body psychotherapy, mindfulness, artistic therapies, Reiki, Acutonics, Bush Flower Essences, Dru yoga 0409 564 276, ruth@ruthdonnelly.com.au, www.heartmindconnections.org
FENG SHUI FENG SHUI & Astrology. Richard Giles, qualified Feng Shui practitioner. Feng Shui Home/business assessments. EM Radiation & 'dirty electricity' checks. Trained astrologer of 22 years. Shed The Light, Maple Street, Maleny (5499 9003) Thurs or 5435 0158. E: ricgiles@powerup.com.au
HOMEOPATHY Pauline Ashford - B. H. Sc, Complementary Med & Homeopathy Classical homeopathy; Lymphatic drainage; Dorn spinal, joint and headache therapy; EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques; Reiki 130 Ansell Rd Witta Ph: 5494 4101 e: paulineashford@dodo.com.au
Headlth an Beauty 42
Get your business noticed in the Hinterland Times H & B Directory Ph: 54999 049
Counselling - Margaret Davoren B.Nurs.,Mas. Counselling. Think change, think balance & live a rich, full, life. Learn strategies to manage stress, depression, anxiety & relationships. Maleny Physiotherapy, 1/70 Maple St Maleny Ph: 0403 571 572 www.icpaustralia.com
HYPNOTHERAPY Judith Richards Hypnotherapist Sensitive, effective hypnotherapy: lose weight, move past trauma, anxiety & depression, cure phobias, stop smoking, become self confident, sports and study enhancement, public speaking and much more. Maleny. Ph: 0488 782 827
Hinterland Health and Beauty MASSAGE THERAPISTS & RAINDROP TECHNIQUE Hawaiian Healing Massage Rebecca Hopkins Remedial Massage *Hot Stone *Therapeutic *Pregnancy *Chiron Healing *Aromatherapy: Raindrop, Emotional Clearing & Vitaflex Tech Gift Certificates & H F Rebates. Maleny Holistic Health Centre. App Ph: 0415 518 415 bec@hawaiianhealingmassage.com.au
The Stillpoint - Katie White Remedial, Relaxation, Reiki Massage & now Emmett Technique. Reiki Treatments & Workshops. Appts Mon- Sat. HF Rebates. Gift Vouchers. Ph: 0400 722 786 www.thestillpoint.com.au
Laurel Hefferon - Naturopath/Herbalist, Colon Hydrotherapist, Energy and Sound healer. Fantastic autumn cleansing and detox packages available now! Revitalise your system from the inside! Ph 5494 2101 www.awakeningcentre.com.au Email: laurel@awakeningcentre.com.au. Pascale Richy – Naturopath BHSc Acute and chronic ailments, women’s health, stress management. Introductory offer–autumn immunity booster– half price initial consultation till 31 May. 2/38 Maple St, Maleny. Ph: 0423 615 413
PERSONAL TRAINERS, FITNESS & SELF DEFENCE Jon Presswell Personal Trainer Weight Loss, Tailored Fitness Programs, Strength & Muscle Growth. Older Adults - Balance, Strength & Mobility. Registered trainer with broad experience. Mob: 0439 673 768 Email: jonandtess@ozemail.com.au Rhee TaeKwon-Do - Fitness and Self Defence for Adults and Children. 5pm every Tuesday & Thursday at Maleny Community Centre. Free Trial Available. Call Nathan on 0419 496 160 or visit www.rhee.com.au.
OPTOMETRIST PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHOTHERAPY Kathy Blackburn, Adv Dip Applied Science (Remedial Massage). Remedial/Sports Massage; Traditional Chinese Massage; Lymphatic Drainage; Emtech; Trigger Point & Myofacial Release. “Integrated Bodywork” tailored to your special needs. HF rebates. Ph: 5429 6180
Massage in Mapleton Intuitive, Tailored, Experienced Diploma I value the Nurturing AND Therapeutic. $70/hr. Pension discount $10. READINGS $50/hr Intuitive, Psychic, Clairvoyant since young. Ph: Brenda Tahili 0438 358 189
Montville Massage Indian head massage - great for anxiety, early greying and hair loss * full body massage * hot stones* body scrubs*mud wraps... 12 yrs experience Ph: Andrea 0417 523 193
KA HUNA Massage Jessica Ainsworth Maleny. Massage with a profound and lasting effect.Certified level 7 Ka Huna bodyworker and teacher. Can include hot stones *Polynesian floor work* Appts (out of work hours available). Ph: 5499 9372
Rachel Leigh Optometrist comprehensive eye care, quality spectacles, contact lenses and retinal photography. Bulk Billing, HF rebates. Locally and Independently owned. Riverside Centre Maleny. Ph: 5494 2666 Stephen Hammond Optometry Your Vision Is Our Passion 44 Lowe Street, Nambour 4560. Ph. 5476 2333 Maleny Optical 5/45 Maple Street, Maleny 4552. Ph. 5435 2733 Like us on Facebook
ORTHODONTIST Dr Jamie Galbraith, specialist Orthodontist at Symmetry Orthodontics, will now be visiting Coral Dental each month and providing a range of the most sophisticated treatment options. Enquire on 07 5352 3500.
PHYSIOTHERAPY/OSTEOPATHY Maleny Physiotherapist Tim & Mary Bagshaw. For all of your Physiotherapy requirements. 1/70 Maple Street, Maleny. Ph: 5494 3911 www.malenyphysiotherapy.com.au
REMEDIAL MASSAGE, SHIATSU Gary Broadhurst : Sanctuary Shiatsu Zen Shiatsu , Acupressure , Balancing Futon mat or seated chair at Holistic Health Centre , room 5/19 Coral St, Maleny Monday & Tuesday – Appts: 0438 972 880
NATUROPATHS Rochelle McKay-Masterton Naturopathy, Homotoxicology, Herbal Medicine, Kinesiology, Nutritional therapy Women’s hormonal health, Infertility & preconception care, fertility education. Digestive disorders & weight management. Referrals to holistic doctors. Ph: 5499 9476 rochelle@sheoaknaturalfertility.com.au Sallyann Stewart - Children's health, stress management. Naturopathic assessment & Live Blood Analysis. Utilising nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, remedial massage, lymphatic drainage. 19 Coral Street,Maleny. Ph: 5435 2599 / 0421 410 558 Marisa...Naturally Marisa T Kliese offers a complete Natural Therapy Clinic. Services include, Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Professional Counselling, Life Coaching, Spiritual Healing. Ph: 5494 2627
Thomas Whitton D.O., Grad.Dip.Ost.Paed Gentle manipulative therapy for body dysfunction and pain in all age groups. Registered Osteopaths Services covered by private health funds; Veterans Affairs; Workcover, Medicare EPC 74 Blackall Terrace, Nambour. Ph: 5441 4166 www.ntpages.com.au/therapist/18935
Range of Motion Physiotherapy MAPLETON - MONTVILLE - MALENY - IMBIL Russell McDonald & Rae Duffield-Jones. Providing the highest quality care to restore & maintain optimal physical function & mobility. Ph: 5478 6600 www.rangeofmotion.com.au Physiotherapy-Rehabilitation-Excercise
Tundi Udvary Palmwoods Physiotherapy Friendly caring, hands on practice committed to making a positive change to your total health and wellbeing. 5/12 Hill Street Palmwoods ph; 54788500
Maleny Active Physio – caring professionals offering physiotherapy, exercise physiology, massage and Medicare-funded Type 2 Diabetes Education Programs. Covered by health funds & referrals from DVA & Medicare (bulk-billed). 5/15 Maple Street, Maleny Ph: 5494 0060
Rob McMurray Experienced psychologist. Active listening, learn coping skills for stress management. Improve self esteem. Assist with relationship breakdown and personal trauma. For a confidential appointment ph 0488 129 302
PSYCHIC READINGS / TAROT Kerry Laizans Psychic/Tarot Readings and Massage, head, neck, shoulders and feet, Maleny Markets on sundays, By appointment, phone readings, sound healing, bodywork and breathwork, call me on 0411 488 291 or check out throughthevortex.org
SCENAR THERAPY Pain Relief Specialist Scenar is a non-invasive therapy using electrical impulses to stimulate your nervous system, reducing pain, inflammation and restoring normal function. Ph: Sonia 0488 922 441 or Kerri 0431 938 393 www.malenypainrelief.com
YOGA AND MEDITATION Radiant Light Yoga with Melissa Fri 9.30 -11.15 Maleny RSL -All levels welcome Friday Mindfulness Meditation Class 12.15 - 1.15 @ Curramore pl/call or email Melissa for further details p. 0417 200 192 e. millieb2@bigpond.com
Integral Hatha Yoga with Lottie Mon 10.30am,Tues 5.30pm and Thurs 9.30 am. No bookings required. Classes suit all levels of experience. Maleny Showgrounds Pavilion “Not too gentle ... not too strong” Phone: Lottie 5313 7756 Yoga with Maree at 71 Tamarind St Maleny Fully equipped studio. Weekly classes & private tuition. Monthly workshops Daily personal practise sessions. Health Rebates Available. Ph: Maree 0448 518 734 Radiant Light Yoga with Rukmini Wed 6.30-8pm Peachester Hall Thurs 9.30-11am Landsborough Hall Private Classes and Yoga Therapy PH. 0437 914 029 www.shantipathyogaspace.com.au Vinyasa Flow Yoga with Rose Being Yoga Trained Montville – 4 Hillfoot Lane Tues: 6-7:30pm. Wed: 9:30-11am, 6-7:30pm Thurs: 9:30-11am. For other times refer: www.rosehawkinsyoga.com.au or Ph: 5478 5426 / 0417 937 653 HINTERLAND TIMES - MAY 2013
Front Line Tax Frederick A Forbes. Specialising in individual & small business tax returns. 15 Maple St, Maleny. Ph: 5494 2622 Local and Reliable Bookkeeping Registered BAS Agent. Full bookkeeping services: Payroll & Super, MYOB/Excel (PC & MAC). On/Off-site services. Covering the entire Sunshine Coast. Ph: 54296931 Em: info@malenybk.com.au
ARCHITECT Brad Drew - Architect 35 years design experience. Design & documentation for both new and existing residential projects. Ph: 5478 5546 Email: brradd00@gmail.com
First Aid Stand-by Service KMS First Aid Response is a private first aid stand-by service operating on the Sunshine Coast and Hinterland, providing services for special events. Ph: Ken 0431 979 347. Em: kenetic.solutions@y7mail.com
AIR CONDITIONING GOVERNMENT SERVICES QGAP Maleny - Maleny Police Station, 49 Maple St Maleny Manager -Judy Phipps Mon, Tue, Fri:9am–2pm Ph 5429 6293 New Vehicle Registrations & Housing close 1pm. Dept of Transport & Main Roads, Business Registrations, CTP Insurance, Seniors/Carers Cards, Birth, Death & Marriage Certificates & more. EFTPOS & credit cards.
LEGAL SERVICES COMPUTER / WEB SERVICES Concept IT Systems - reliability & service New computers & repairs. Internet setup & websites. Printers, scanners ,Ink refills, cameras. Authorised Apple reseller. Onsite service. Drop in to discuss you computer needs. Shop 6 Riverside Centre Maleny 5429 6750 or sales@conceptsystems.com.au
Easton Lawyers Tove Easton Principal Lawyer 62 Maple St, Maleny Ph: 5494 3511 Email: tove@eastonlawyers.com.au
Kelly Air Pty Ltd Supply, installation & maintenance of domestic & commercial airconditioning. Call Greg (BSA 1113295) Ph: 5478 5255 or 0400 123 231 Email: info@kellyair.com.au
Range Airconditioning Lic. No L016305 Supply and installation of high quality, energy efficient, ducted and wall mounted reverse cycle, split air conditioning systems for cooling, heating and de-humidification. Ph Yelma on 5494 3459 or 0421 488 048 Em: rangeaircon@gmail.com
ANTENNAS Jim's Antennas Digital & problem reception specialists. Locally owned, servicing the hinterland. Call Craig Titheradge today for a free quote. Ph: 131 546 www.jimsantennas.com.au
PHOTOGRAPHY Ecocyber - Computer Services Repairs, troubleshoot computer problems, tuition, web design & hosting services. On site or at Maleny workshop. Contact Hans. Ph: 5499 9599 Email: hans@ecocyber.com.au
Ron Hoddinott - Watch and clockmaker 50 years experience. Specialist on-site repairs & restorations. Battery replacement and pressure testing. By appointment. Phone: 0413 278 403
Penny Riddoch Photography & Design AIPP Weddings, portraits - families, children, business, pets. Commercial - product photography, properties, advertising. Graphic Design - web site images, DVDs, digital albums, brochures, posters, business cards. Ph: 5494 2808 - www.pennyriddoch.com.au
APPLIANCE SERVICE Luke Wilkinson Appliance Service Washing machines, dryers, fridges, etc. Lic. No 68598
Ph: 0419 684 324 or 5429 6565
FINANCE MCU Sustainable Banking 28 Maple St, Maleny www.mcusb.com.au See Loans Manager Scott Howie for savings a/c, online cash management, E Saver, term deposits, Visa card, Green Loans: appliance /solar/car/ home, standard personal, home & business loans P: 5499 8988 Email: info@mcusb.com.au
Shutterstorm Photography Locally owned and operated photography business specialising in portraiture, corporate and event photography covering the entire Sunshine Coast. Call Farley 0410 229 600 or visit www.shutterstorm.com.au
PICTURE FRAMING Jacques Fayolle – Local ANZ Mobile Lender My motto is “Customer for Life”. I will visit you, wherever, to secure the home loan best suited to you, and develop an on-going banker /customer relationship to care for your future needs. Ph: 0408 734 152 or 5437 7311 Email fayollej@anzmortgagesolutions.com
RADITIONALLY the ‘wet’ season in northern Australia begins to peter out towards the end of March. April is a transitional month and by May the ‘dry’ southwesterlies are well established. During this period the monsoonal trough line moves into the northern hemisphere. April’s weather in the hinterland began with an upper level trough bringing rain and strong wind gusts. This was the weather pattern throughout Easter and the school holiday period. At the date of this report it has rained on 19 days out of 28 to measure 190mm in the gauges. This was 10mm above the April average. However, there was a change in the weather pattern on Friday 12th when a
Paul Randall Cabinetmaker of Maleny New & renovated kitchens & vanities benchtops a speciality - stone, timber & laminated finishes. Home Offices, Wall Units, Wardrobes. Ph: 0432 953 186 Lic QBSA 1162819. Member Master Builders.
Holden’s Gallery Custom framing by professionals. Items including art, needlecraft, memorabilia, etc. Monday – Saturday10am to 4pm Cnr. Coral & Myrtle St. Maleny Ph: 5494 2100 www.holdensgallery.com.au
Sunshine Coast Hinterland
CARPET & UPHOLSTERY Range Carpet Care Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning & Protection Ph: 5445 7611 or 0418 776 578
April Climate Summary 2009-2013
very active low formed-up in the upper level trough; while simultaneously a surface low deepened in the Coral Sea. A combination of the two systems brought atmospheric instability resulting in strong gale force winds, erosion to our beaches and torrential rains over the hinterland. The weekend of 20th and 21st were two spectacular days when a high developed over SE Queensland bringing stable atmospheric conditions, zephyr winds and long hours of sunshine. Weather we have not seen for a very long –long time, not since the beginning of January!! The high continued to dominate our weather for the remainder of the month – a little too late for school holiday makers.
The weather report for the Hinterland Times is compiled by Patrick Stacey, Maleny Weather Station. Log on to www.malenyweather.com for daily data and weather news.
Hinterland House and Garden Montville Handy Man 20 years building experience. All concreting, carpentry, home maintenance and repairs. Prompt and reliable service. Garden Clean -up. Competitive rates. Ph: Wayne 0434 724 030
CHAINSAW & TREE WORK All Trees to Chip Tree felling, pruning, lopping, mulching, stump grinding, landscaping & retaining walls, fences etc. Two chippers - 6 inch & 12 inch. Qualified and insured. Phone Rob Milner: 5445 7805
Hatch's Home Maintenance Qualified Cabinet Maker, 35 years experience. Update* Renew *Repair*Plastering*Cabinets*Tiling* Call John today Ph 0404 056 147 hatchshomemaintenance@hotmail.com QBA Lic. No 1242008
DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL CLEANING External Cleaning - tile & Colorbond roofs, house washing ,mould removal & all surfaces. Obligation FREE quotes – fully insured. For a high quality professional service. Call Jay 0404 707 693 www.waterwisepressurecleaning.com.au
ELECTRICAL & SOLAR Green Energy Electrical
Loors Landscaping (est: 1987) From concept to creation all aspects of structural and soft landscaping. Ph: 5445 7615 Mob: 0412 680 801
Lic No. 71210
Reliable prompt domestic electrician. Extensions, renovations, maintenance, new homes, safety switches, switchboard upgrades, test & tag, smoke alarms. Solar Grid Connect. Ph: Steven Pilcher for an obligation free quote 0421 162 007 E: stevenpilcher@bigpond.com
305 Landscapes Garden design, construction and cleanups. All landscape aspects. Dingo Hire. View works on gallery page at www.gardenartistry305.com. Operating out of Montville for over 10 years and servicing all areas. Ph: Jamie 0408 722 025.
R V Electrical Solutions Lic. No. 72787 Installations, Extensions, Renovations, Safety switches, Switchboards, Solar. Your local sparky for Sunshine Coast, 20yrs experience, Contact 0415 528 116 for free quote. or e: vision@optus.ap.blackberry.net
Step n Stone Landscapes All aspects of stonework and landscaping design and construction. Outdoor pizza ovens, fire-pits & fireplaces. Sculpture commissions. No job too big or too small. Ph. John: 5478 6754 or Mob: 0411 426 099 www.stepnstonelandscapes.com.au
MUSHROOM COMPOST Direct from the grower to you The perfect environmentally-friendly garden mulch and soil conditioner. Full ute tipper load. $80 delivered. $50 half ute load. Phone Gerard: 0407 588 824 E: gerard.rutten@bigpond.com
FURNITURE MAKING Randy DeGraw - designer & maker of fine functional furniture & woodwork to suit your decor. Ph: 5494 4222 for an appointment. www.viewwoodwork.com.au
Wyhoon Garden Services Edge to edge mowing. Servicing all your garden needs incl. ride-on,push mowing, whipper snipping, garden clean ups, hedging, fencing, rubbish removal & general property maintenance. Ph. Casey: 0459 444 310
Graeme Lyon Lawn Mowing Ride-on, push mower, whipper snipping, guerney, hedge trimming, rubbish removal, chain saw & pruning. Servicing all of the Range incl. Conondale. Ph: Graeme 5494 2720 or 0404 471 859
HANDYMAN & HOME MAINTENANCE A Very Handy Man Fix anything in & around the home: Paint * Plaster * Tiles * Carpentry * Odd Jobs * Flatpack * Move Furniture * Pressure Wash * Gutters/Windows * Chainsaw * Garden makeovers & Clean up. John 0439 942 077
PLASTERER Castle Plaster No job too small. Fibrous plaster & plasterboard, framing, fixing, setting, cornice, suspension, patching. Licensed & insured. Established 1980. Call John Ph: 0417 275 241 or 5442 1723
PLUMBING & WASTEWATER AWS Advanced Wastewater Solutions All plumbing & drainage work. Supply & installation of advanced wastewater treatment systems. Septic conversions. 1 ton excavator for hire. Ph: 0412 858 020 www.advancedwastewatersolutions.com.au Gavins Plumbing Service All maintenance plumbing, draining, gasfitting, roof & guttering, domestic pump repairs & replacements. Complete wet area renovations. BSA Licence 48654 Ph: 5445 7230 - Mobile: 0402 791 058 All Hinterland areas - 35 years experience
Guttering, Water Tanks, Filters and Pump Installation. Septic Trenches, Holding Tanks, Blocked Drains. Heat Pumps & Gas Installation. Landlord water reports. Water Hammer solutions Ph: 042 11 66 882 BSA 1078655
Amber Leaf Landscaping Looking for a landscaper who can deliver? Tohm Hajncl heads the team that offers you guaranteed quality. Choose from landscaping consultations, designs, construction and planting, pre-sale makeovers and specialised maintenance services. Ph: 5445 9801 www.amberleaf.com.au
Brush Turkey Enterprises Wholesale native nursery qlty tubestock. Rainforest, wetland, grasses, sclerophyll, coastal & understorey species. Min. order 100 plants. Open to public by appt. Ph: 5494 3642 or email: nursery@brushturkey.com.au
Sky Plumbing & Gas Fitting
Negawatts Electrical - Solar Power Over 500 local installations. Quality European panels and inverter. System upgrades and system annual check-ups ($120). Call us last for a competitive quote. Gary Phillips Ph: 0407760838 Info@negawatts.com.au
Plan-it Fence & Gateworks servicing locals in the supply of Automatic Gates. Glass & aluminium pool fencing, balustrade & aluminium privacy screens. Prompt reliable service. Ph: Paul for a free quote 0412 698 595 or www.planitfencing.com.au
PAINTING City to Surf Painting & Decorating Re-paints & new work, industrial coatings, decorative finishes, Anti mould coatings. Quality & value for money guaranteed. Servicing the Range & beyond. Ph: Richard Daveson 0418 708 620 BSA 1117847 Maleny Paint Place 6/ 14 Lawyer Street, Maleny. For Wattyl and Taubmans Paints and all paint accessories. Taubmans Trade Paint Centre "We can quote & do it for you" www.hinterlandgrapevine.com Ph: 5494 2002
Anderson Plumbing & Roofing Plumbing, drainage & roofing. New work, renos, maintenance specialists. Septic systems, blocked drains, high pressure ‘sewer jett’ drain cleaner, drain camera, cable locations, tank installations, roof & guttering. Ph: 5494 3340 or 0409 541 475 QBSA1066328 BRUCE MORRIS PLUMBING QBSA lic 456322 24hr emergency service, all plumbing, building,maintenance installation domestic and commercial. Gas installations, septic/ drainage ,hot water, solar, bathroom renovations, leaking roofs. Ph 0410 457 606
TANK CLEANING Pristine Water Systems Full water tanks cleaned, water testing and correction, filtration - Free appraisals Ph: Trevor 0404 302 723
Motors - Mechanical Repairs
Great rates!!
Great service!! Open Saturday from 8.00am -12.30pm All mechanical repairs & services, tyres, wheel alignment & Roadworthy Certificates
Tammy and Mike
10% pensioner discount.
4 Lawyer St, Maleny
Ph 5499 9169
PEST CONTROL Top of the Range Pest Management Termite specialists House treatment for general pests. Termite inspections and treatments. Phone: 1300 663 808 or 0411 105 005
Trades and Services
Get your business noticed for only $30 per month ($25 for ongoing advertising)
MAY 2013
What’s on in ... Friday May 3 Maleny CWA monthly meeting 9.30am. Sub-branch 7.30pm. Jewellery making from marbled paper. 1 Bicentenary Lane. Enquiries Judy 5435 8140 or Cynthia 5499 9639. Friday May 3, Saturday May 4 Op Shop run by St Margaret’ s Anglican Church Woombye. 9am-4pm and 9am-12noon. This is a Centrelink approved activity. sausage sizzle and craft market is held on the third Friday of each month. Contact: Sue Beiers on 5476 1073. Saturday May 4, Sunday May 5 Quota Club of Maleny biennial Quilt Show at Maleny High School. 9.30am-4.30pm Sat 9.30am-4pm Sun. Admission: $5. Raffles Help with purchase of fabrics, sewing machines. Refreshments. Sunday May,5,12,19,26 Maleny Market held at RSL Hall, opposite Maleny Hotel. Open rain hail or shine. Over 35 interesting stalls, including antiques and collectables; Art & craft; fruit & veg. Little Fair Trade Café. Enq: 0448 423 919.
Saturday May 11, Sunday May 12 Open Gardens Australia - Lost Gardens Belli Park 822 Cedar Creek Rd.This natural garden nestled in a secluded valley feels as though it is ‘lost’ within the landscape that embraces it. Surrounded by the Mapleton National Park. Tickets: $7. More info: Frank & Judy Jasinski 5447 0261. Saturday May 11 Cooroy Fusion Festival - 9am to 3pm Maple St & Lower Mill Precinct. Free festival offers something for all ages. Workshops on sustainability & technology, demos of Tai Chi, Yoga,Zumba; school performances & displays, literary performances - meet-the-authors, Gubbi Gubbi storytelling, markets and more. www.cooroyfustionfestival.com.au Sunday May 12 Society for Growing Australian Plants May excursion: 2 pm meet in the carpark for a walk in the Jowarra section, Mooloolah River NP, Steve Irwin way, UBD map 98 C 3. All welcome. Enq: 5494 9187.
Tuesday May 7 HU Chant and Spiritual discussion. May 7, 6-7pm Maleny Neighbourhood Centre, 17 Bicentenary Lane. Maleny Library Meeting Room, May14th , 21st, 28th 6- 7pm. pH: 5496 5054 www.HearHU.org - eckankar.org.au
Monday May 13 - Sunday May 19 Vision Australia wants volunteers to collect and drive a small group of people who are blind or have low vision from their homes, to a pre-determined Sunshine Coast venue. For further information contact Richard Attwater, Coordinator of Volunteers at Vision Australia by phone on (07) 3727 2277, or by email richard.attwater@visionaustralia.org
Thursday May 9 Friends of Maroochy Reg. Bushland Botanic Gardens monthly meeting. Guest speaker: Prof. Helen Wallace from USC - Promiscuous Plants and Strange Bee Behaviour 2.30pm for 3pm start at Botanic Gardens, off Palm Creek Rd, Tanawha. Enquiries: 5445 3375. Em:friendsofMRBBG@gmx.com
Wednesday May 15 Cansurvive Cancer Support Group. Provides, both holistic and orthodox information, medical and naturopathic guest speakers. Alex Penhaligan/ meditation - 10am –12.30pm. CANSURVIVE 69 Park Rd, Nambour, Parking in the grounds All welcome. Ph: 5441 5730.
Friday May 10 Spinal Injuries Association Sunshine Coast Post Polio Network meets at 10am at the CWA Hall, Memorial Avenue, Maroochydore. Guest Speaker from the SES. New members welcome. Ph: further information on 5494 3272.
Wednesday May 15 Free support group for women and girls with low self esteem, worth & confidence by Self Esteem Co. Offers a place to build friendship & connections. Education, tips and techniques, rebuild & maintain high self esteem by an expert. Maleny Neighbourhood Centre 9.45am-11.45am. Ph Janis : 5493 8304. Em: selfesteemco@bigpond.com
Friday May 10 Aglow - Sunshine Coast 9.30 am CWA hall, Kalinga St, Caloundra. Speaker is Norma Ironside. Women welcomed from all denominations. Entry is $8 includes morning tea. Info: Ph: Isabella: 5476 8463 or Dorothy: 5476 4190. Saturday May 11 Montville Growers and Makers Market Montville Village Hall 7:30 to midday. Enjoy a hot breakfast, organic sausage-sizzle freshly roasted coffee. Local Fruit and Vegies, Fresh Flowers, Organic Bread and Pasta, Seedlings, Preserves, Honey, Fresh Seafood, Bale Hay, Hand-crafted Soaps etc. Ph: 5499 9114
Friday May 17 Big Cuppa for Cancer presented by the Maleny Catholic Ladies' Group. 10am at Pat Daley Function Centre, Maleny Catholic Church. Entry $10. Delicious Morning Tea. Multidraw Raffle. Lucky Door Prize. Bookings essential. Phone Marie 54942271 or Pam 54942487.
Saturday May 18 Montville Village Association dinner dance fundraiser to paint the village hall. Two books signed by Julia Gillard will be auctioned on the night.Tickets: $75. Call Frith: 5478 5525 or email: hallcoordinator.mva@gmail.com. Saturday May 18 Blackall Range Growers market, Old Witta School, 316 Witta Road. 7-30am – 12 midday. Great variety local produce. Come for breakfast and good coffee. Music. Bring your green bag. All enquiries phone Pat on 5499 9924. Sunday May 19 Bloomhill Cancer Help High Tea for a Blooming Good Cause at Flaxton Gardens. Cupcakes, croquet & fine china will set the scene 2pm to 5pm. High Tea tickets: $40 pp at www.usc.edu.au Click online payments button or ph: Bloomhill (5445 5794. Saturday May 25 Aether String Trio plays Beethoven & Dohnanyi. Eudlo Hall, Rosebed St. $35 adult music lover | $30 concession & Eudlodian $20 student | group & family tix available http://www.trybooking.com/CSPV. More info: Louise King 0415 128 799; info@cellodreaming.com.au Saturday May 25 Caloundra Family History Research Group hosts History Qld AGM Guide Hut, Arthur St, Caloundra. Includes pres. of A Brief History of Caloundra by heritage librarian, Julanne Neal. e: caloundrafamilyres@y7mail.com ph: Roz 5493 1197 Friday May 31, Saturday June 1 76th Maleny Agricultural Show theme: Celebrating Horses. Miss Show Girl, Ute Muster, Battle of the Bands, Gumboot Ironman. Pub rock band, Golden Child features at Friday night at the Maleny ShowGrounds. For more info Ph: Felicity Grigor 0437 966 589. Monday June 3 Closing date for entries to the Mary Valley Art Festival. Formsavailable from art suppliers and outlets in the Mary Valley/Gympie, or www.maryvalleyartfestival.org Prize money of $5000 across 11 categories. Sunday June 9 World Environment Day University of the Sunshine Coast 10am-4pm. A fun, free and family-friendly event, from food, fashion, high-tech gadgets to arts and crafts, wildlife & more. Ph: Ross Waldron 0422 107 578 or em:pr@wed.org.au Tuesday June 11 Closing date for entries in the $6000 worth of prizes Australian Pastel Society Annual Awards. If you’re interested and not a member, please seek membership at: www.ozpastels.com and to see full award details.
Tuition and Workshops PRINTMAKING WORKSHOPS 2 day Linocut – easy, fun and addictive Sunday 5 & 12 May. Monoprinting with Gelatine Plates Saturday afternoon 11th May. Contact Sonja on 0407 238 026 or sonja@rebix.com Studio: 37 Coral St, Maleny INTRODUCTION TO ENCAUSTIC PAINTING with Nancy Stockmann –17,18 & opt. 19 May. Learn the ancient art of painting with beeswax and pigment. Contact Sonja on 0407 238 026 or sonja@rebix.com Studio: 37 Coral St, Maleny DRAWING – THE FUNDAMENTALS Learn to “see” in order to draw – 9 classes covering: line, space & shape, linear perspective, Light & shade, composition. Sat 2-5pm commencing May 25 Contact Sonja on 0407 238 026 or sonja@rebix.com Studio: 37 Coral St, Maleny 46
Heart of Relaxation Enjoy the day and learn to relax from the heart, using Dru yoga and meditation. Sat 18th May, Maleny, $100 incl lunch. Ruth Donnelly, ruth@ruthdonnelly.com.au 0409 564 276
Hawaiian Healing Massage Courses Enhance Your Well Being & Learn New Skills! Unique & Flowing with Profound Healing Effects. Beginners to Advanced. For information pack contact: Rebecca Hopkins Ph: 0415 518 415 bec@hawaiianhealingmassage.com.au
Richard Knight furniture workshop One-day workshops making funky functional furniture. Identify suitable materials & create your own unique piece using simple wood-working tools. Materials & lunch included $150. Ph: Richard: 5422 9291. Gift vouchers. www.richardknightwoodworks.com.au
Art Classes at Tree Frog Gallery Mindful Art Workshops for Adults/Mindful Art Program for Schools & Special Interest Groups/Acrylic, Oil, Watercolour,Pastel holiday workshops/term classes. Enquiries re classes, workshops & tutors. Closed Tuesdays only. Ph: 5435 2303 or 0417 784 520 or info@treefroggallery.com www.treefroggallery.com Fermentation Gatherings Learn to produce fabulous, cultured foods, full of natural probiotics and enhanced vitamins. Kefir, gluten-free sourdough, beet kvass, sauerkraut etc. Join our gatherings- fourth Thurs of each month. Ph: Anni 0417 798 314 or Ros 5499 9914. E: rosanni@fabulousfoodferments.com.au
Make your workshop a success List your event by phoning 54 999 049 or ads@hinterlandtimes.com.au
i-MiEV blog
EV critics with petrol fumes in their nostrils ...
Key features across the range: > > > >
Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive Premium Multi-Function Display Bluetooth® wireless technology Rear view reverse camera
> > > >
Maximum 5-star ANCAP ANCAP safety safety 220mm ground c clearance learance nly) X-Mode (CVT only) Hill Start Assist
2012 Impreza 2.0i
2012 XV 2.0i CVT Auto
Manual Sedan Demo
2012 XV 2.0-S S/N R6613
Auto Hatch
2012 Impreza 2.0i-S CVT S/N R6224 SAVE SAVE $5,000
SAVE SAVE $2,206
2012 Impreza 2.0i-L CVT DEMO
$31,990 DRIVEAWAY SAVE SAVE $5,090
Auto Wagon with Leather
$37,891 DRIVEAAWAY SAVE S AVE $4,910
2013 XV 2.0-L CVT S/N R6813
DRIVE VE AWAY WAY $39,8 $39,890 ADRI
2012 LIBERTY 2.5 S/N R6542
SAVE SAVE $2,306
Auto with Sat nav and Sunroof
Auto Hatch with Sat Nav & Sunroof S/N R6342
With Sat Navv, Leather and Sunroof S
Auto Sedan Demo
Auto Sedan
2013 Impreza 2.0i CVT S/N R6752 SAVE SAVE $4,466
2012 Libertyy X 2.5 Luxury CVT
2012 Liberty Exiga Premium CVT
Auto, 7 Seats, Leather, Sat Nav DEMO S/N R6360
$41,890 DRIVEAAWAY SAVE S AVE $5,541
Don’t Don’t forget the Garry Crick Finance Price Promise
Cricks Subaru
0GCA 2849
HE CRITICS of all-electric cars often assert that EVs are equally, if not more polluting than petrol vehicles, mainly because their power comes from coal-fired power stations. There is no comprehensive data to confirm that assertion, but the point may be relevant where coal alone drives a country’s power needs. This is not the case where economies are based around hydro-electric, nuclear, solar and other alternate power sources. But the critics are forgetting an important issue here - vehicle emissions are the biggest carbon polluter and threat to global warming. So, surely, by getting more emissions-free EVs on our roads we are at least tackling the biggest pollution problem? John Martin, head of European manufacturing for Nissan, makes the same point. His company has just invested £420m in the UK to build a new version of the EV Leaf. "We talk about ordinary combustion engine vehicles in terms of tail-pipe emissions," says Mr Martin, "and if we compare tail-pipe emissions from an EV; they are zero. They're 100% less than an internal combustion engine car!” Sadly, Australia’s mainline power is generated from coal despite opportunities to utilise alternative energy sources like wind and solar. Many EVs in Australia could be powered from solar energy like our own i-MiEV solar energy has provided us with free motoring for two years. In the UK 40 per cent of the electricity generated uses coal. But the mix in that country is changing as coal-fired power stations are phased out and replaced with gas. Nuclear power is also part of that mix. It is intervention by governments who are most sensitive to atmospheric carbon from vehicles, like China, Europe and the US that continues to breathe life into the EV industry. Like President Obama’s current attempt to hike the tax credit for electric vehicles to $10,000. Obama wants EV buyers to get the credit as a pointof-sale rebate rather than when they filed a tax return the following year. The White House initiative is a targetted effort to make electric-powered vehicles as affordable and convenient as petrol-powered vehicles for the average American family within a decade. Policies similar to the Obama plan are now being rolled out around the world particularly where carbon emissions from petrol vehicles are seen as affecting the health of a nation. One of the exciting developments in the EV industry is the holy grail of battery power. Research laboratories around the world are now frantically searching for the formula that will produce an EV battery pack to end range anxiety for motorists. An Israel-based company for example, Phinergy, has developed a metal-air battery consisting of 50 aluminium plates, each providing around 32km of driving. That adds up to 1609 km of driving with stops required only every 300km to refill the system with water. Phinergy claims to have created an air electrode that blocks out CO2 and has an operational lifespan of 1000s of hours. The metal air battery certainly has problems but this race to find an emissions-free fuel source for EV vehicles has now come down to a matter of time. It is clear that EV motoring is only a few short years away from entering the main stream, despite some carping critics who still have petrol fumes in their nostrils. Michael Berry - Email: editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au
*Saving applies to 2012 Liberty 2.5 X Luxury CVT CVT,, S/N R6398.
53 Beerwah Parade
For the best in steaks and live music Open 7 days for Lunch and Dinner BOOK TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT
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