Animal Magic Heals at Maleny Hospital
5X BEST NEWSPAPER IN COUNTRY QLD QCPA 2011 • 2012 2013 • 2015 • 2016
JUNE 2017
Flaxton Couple Foster 163 KIDS
6 Open Gardens take you on THE EDGE
HOLIDAY FUN will 32-33 have you SEEING STARS
From the Editor
June 2017
“Gratitude is the attitude”
Inside this month Book lovers love Maleny
Nature leads the way in growing a generation
Could you help create a Maleny weather station?
Congratulations Glassy winners!
Montville Village Association highlights history
Kenilworth Quilt Show is brought to you by the letter 'B'
Your winter wellbeing is covered
EEiNG THiS quOTE has coloured my week. Life as an editor, i have just realised, gives me the opportunity to reflect EVERY month about all our Hinterland happenings, but also about life in general. Why then, almost every time fingers hover on the keyboard, am i moved to tears? Top of mind is how a dedicated police officer lost his life last week. Close friends of ours work on the force, and i am so grateful to them and all our local police for what they do for us and our communities. But i am also grateful to their families, and so saddened by this incident and others across the world where children and parents are permanently torn apart. When i first heard Phil and Di Wilson's story i was also floored. How could one couple have the capacity to foster and love so many children? Writer Victoria McGuin said they are incredible, with Phil constantly volunteering and fundraising for Montville State School whilst the kids were there. They manage a day visit to the cinema together maybe once a month, but said it doesn't really matter, because, "We enjoy THEM."
And i thought we were busy! Well, i was this month. The Catholic Ladies Group truly had 'Australia's Biggest Morning Tea' and i frocked up for a Glassy affair - i think were among the last to leave! i was very grateful for the delicious morsels and Flame Hill's Pinot Gris. Plus lunch and a brekky with various team members when they aren't wandering the country, and organising articles about inspiring locals. in June, there are two extra markets, a country fair, film nights, Maleny Singers latest offering of Mozart, Kenilworth's quilt Show and six gardens to explore at Gardening on the Edge. School holidays will be here before we know it - and a chance for our four darlings to get used to each other, before another term with big brother and sister away. See? More tears again! Oh, and one last thing i am grateful for - i don't have to spell “Tibrogargan" every time i'm writing about the electorate!
Until next month, Michelle Gilmore
Owners: Heatley & Michelle Gilmore
Phone: 07 5499 9049 Published first Wednesday of the month
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CO V E R STO RY President of the Maleny Soldiers Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, Val Bridger with the talented Lucy, her Delta Therapy Dog. Read more on pages 6-7. Image and story by Gay Liddington
100% independently owned While great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and contents of the publication, the HT accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views held by the HT. All content is copyright and may not be reproduced without permission. The production of this FREE newspaper is only made possible by you continuing to support our advertisers.
14, 000 papers home delivered and bulk dropped to Maleny, Montville, Mapleton, Flaxton, Nambour, Palmwoods, Woombye, Hunchy, Eudlo, Reeseville, Mooloolah, Glasshouse, Beerwah, Landsborough, Conondale, Kenilworth and Witta.
HINTERLAND TIMES DEADLINES News Items/What’s On/Creative Cuts events: 25th of the month Advertising: Bookings 21st of the month, Copy deadline 25th of the month
Making News
Maleny youth host info night
ALENY HiGH’S Environment Committee have joined up with the SCEC and Stop Adani Sunshine Coast to bring the new documentary Guarding the Galilee to the Montville Hall on Thursday, June 8. Presenter, queensland born actor Michael Caton, provides information about the proposed Adani mine in the Galilee basin - a proposal that leaves many people both here and around the world perplexed. Local Maleny student and spokesperson for MHEC isaac Reid concurs: “Why are we funding this massive coal mine when we see a worldwide move to renewables? “if we let this happen we can say goodbye to the Great Barrier Reef and hello to a warmer and more unstable climate with all of the health, environmental and
economic implications.” Montville Hall will be opening the doors at 6pm for a 7pm free screening with light meals available and a dessert fundraiser for the Maleny High Environment Committee Solar Panel project.
Picture Framing Service
Stories of freedom
OCAL REFuGEE support group, Welcome to Maleny (W2M), will be hosting a FREE screening of multi award-winning documentary, Freedom Stories (rated PG). Member, Lou Walsh said, "You can purchase a meal from local foodies, ‘Tashan’; the RSL have a licensed bar, and there is complimentary tea and coffee plus new W2M fairtrade organic cotton T-shirts." For the last year, W2M has been actively and effectively finding ways to support refugees. "Last month both the primary and secondary school raised funds for the group to purchase phone cards for people still in detention on Manus island, and to prepare for a second welcome day to visit Maleny." Freedom Stories, by acclaimed filmmaker Steve Thomas,
Functional yet elegant, handcrafted by experts
explores the achievements and stories of former ‘boat people’ who arrived in Australian waters seeking asylum from the Middle East around 2001. Locked in remote detention centres, both on and offshore, and then placed on temporary protection visas, their limbo lasted for years. Now Australian citizens, the people who have participated in this documentary are finally building secure lives and contributing to their new country. These are ordinary people who found themselves caught up in the extraordinary consequences of political brinkmanship but have long since dropped out of the media spotlight. it is time for their voices to be heard. Doors opening at 5pm for a 5.30pm start, come help us celebrate Refugee Week 2017 at the Maleny RSL on Saturday, June 17.
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... and bring your bras
HAT’S WHAT Majestic Cinemas & Event Centre Nambour is asking for when they attend our Girls Night Out event on June 15 to watch the comedy Rough Night. it’ll be a night filled with comedy, friends and we’ll be supporting a great cause with the aim to collect 200 bras on the night. Moviegoers are asked to raid their drawers in support of the uplift Project which began in 2005, and aims to provide disadvantaged women across the world with a basic item many of us take for granted. A bra in these nations offer women dignity, prevention of health issues, privacy, and the ability to carry out manual tasks with greater ease. Manager, Michelle Weir said “Most of us have bras in our drawer that we don’t wear anymore, they’re too big, too small, or maybe a nursing bra we’ve finished with and they’re all too good to throw away”.
any size/style
s Album Photo +
This simple donation, which can often cost women in the Pacific 10-30 hours wages. Bras have been distributed to increase attendance at information sessions regarding aids, vaccinations, and domestic violence issues. Those unable to attend are still able to help with donations accepted up until June 18. Tickets can be purchased via or by visiting the cinema.
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OVE People can be incredibly kind and generous in their nature, helping restore faith in the human race at times when we really need it. We have many inspirational locals who lift our spirits, including Flaxton couple, Dianne and Philip Wilson, as HT’s Victoria McGuin found out.
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Philip and Dianne Wilson have fostered 163 children!
by Victoria McGuin
iANNE WAS RECENTLY awarded the ‘Woman of Achievement Award’ by the Zonta Club of the Blackall Range for her 37 years of selflessly fostering children, although according to husband Philip she said, “No-one wants to know that – i’m no different to anyone else.” Their home in Flaxton shows the care and attention they put into everything. The driveway is framed with flowering shrubs and native plants, a large climbing frame and swimming pool look very welcoming, along with parking spots for scooters, two large trampolines and plenty of flat lawn to run around on. inside the house huge collages of children the couple have cared for over the years adorn the walls, alongside framed photos of family holidays abroad. Phil and Dianne met in Penrith, when Di was working for Allied Chemicals and Phil joined the company. They laugh at the memory of their first date. “i’d asked Di to go out one evening, and i was accompanying her home from work that afternoon when we saw a house on fire.” Di continues: “i said, ‘Look at all the fire brigades…’ Then i realised it was my parents’ house!”
“She still went out that night with me.” Phil adds with a grin. They married 51 years ago in Parramatta and had two children. The eldest was always having chest problems, so the doctor advised moving somewhere warmer. Coffs Harbour was the chosen spot. “Our son improved almost immediately. ironically, when he was 18 he went to Canberra university and he’s lived in Canberra ever since.” “We wanted to have more children,” Di tells me, “but i couldn’t; so we looked into adoption. To cut a long story short, just as we were about to adopt a baby girl from Korea the law over there was changed and we were told we couldn’t have her any more.” The pair were devastated, which is when the Department of Child Services asked if they had considered fostering. Di smiles, “i said, ‘what’s fostering?’ Now, 163 kids later we know what fostering’s about.” “We’d get calls in the middle of the night: emergencies, drugs, car accidents, family violence. We would foster kids for a day, a month, a year, some would go and come back, others were permanently with us,” Phil says. “We had one boy who came to us when he was six weeks old for six months – he’s still here and he’s now 33 years old,” Di adds. Stories they share are heartbreaking. Two children came to them who lived in a packing shed on a dirt floor. “After de-lousing and cleaning them and giving them fresh clothes, we showed them their bunkbeds” says Di. “it
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Above: Phil and Di on their wedding day 51 years ago Left: Dianne with some of the photo montages of their children Below: Scooters are always ready for play at the Wilson's home
was winter. They just stared at the beds, then touched them. One lay on top of the bed and i said ‘you can get in, under the blankets’. i realised they had never got in a bed before.” Eventually the couple moved to the Sunshine Coast with the idea of retiring and setting up a B&B in Flaxton. “Our kids had left home and we had two permanent children with us, so we thought it was a good time. But then Di was very sick in hospital and it made us rethink whether we really wanted a B&B.” At this time, news of their prolific fostering had reached the Sunshine Coast Department of Child Safety from Coffs Harbour, and they received a phone call asking if they would help again – they said yes. Twin boys had been abandoned in Nambour Hospital by their mother. Di and Phil took them in; then found out shortly after the boys had a 12-month-old sister living in a car with her mother and father – they fostered her too. Two years later the Department phoned to say the mother was pregnant again, “So we came and took the child from the hospital,” Phil says. “A few years later we had another call – the mother was in Sydney now with another baby. The Department said, ‘You might need to think about this, but would you consider another child?’ We said ‘when can we get him?’” These five children now range in age from 9 – 15. “A few years ago we became their official guardians,” Di says happily. “They want to change their surname to Wilson.”
Sometimes the couple foster a baby while adoption papers are being processed. “We have an old sheet that we hang up when the new parents arrive that reads, ‘Welcome Mummy and Daddy. i’m so pleased to meet you at last!’ One couple pulled up and burst into tears when they saw it.” i ask about funding support. “We receive some,” says Phil, “but we pay for a lot ourselves. Bigger cars to fit everyone in, hospital bills, and we choose to take the kids everywhere we go, even overseas.” Di continues, “Once they walk in the door they are part of our family, whether for a day or a year or more.” Phil adds with pride, “All our kids talk about the other kids as their brothers and sisters.” The day begins with Phil up at 5am making lunches, doing the school run and cooking the meals, whilst Di manages the house, shopping and the later shifts. it sounds exhausting to me, and these two are 70 and 72 years old. “We stopped fostering after our last baby came because of our age,” Di says. “i’ve got to last nine more years so my youngest will be 18; then his siblings can look out for him when the need arises.” The many children have flourished under their loving care: university degrees, managerial positions, marriages, one was in the Australian Army for eight years (“i bawled my
eyes out at his induction,” Phil admits), and there are seven grandkids so far. “if you stay on the right track and keep to it, they go in the right direction,” believes Di. Phil agrees, “We just want to give them the right start in life – it’s up to them how they grab it. We’re proud of them all.”
Lucy relaxes with Val and Geoff prior to the hospital visit
loves liing spirits
Animals work their magic around us every day, and Labradoodle Lucy is one such creature. Through her gentle nature and bounding presence, she brings joy and healing to those who most need it at the Maleny Soldiers Memorial Hospital. The effect she had proved a moving experience, when writer Gay Liddington went to spend a day with this wonderful dog.
by Gay Liddington
FiVE-YEAR OLD Labradoodle named Lucy plays an integral role in Maleny hospital’s wellness endeavours. Lucy’s temperament and charm, wins hearts and supports the patients’ healing process. it is a testament to the work of the Delta Society and their program, Delta Therapy Dogs. i visited retirees Geoff and Val Bridger of Booroobin and was greeted by Lucy. Her effervescence was like a fountain of happiness. Excited bounds and leaps, a wagging tail and eager eyes demanded my attention.
“At home, she is lively when welcoming guests, barking and jumping up but when we put on her Delta Therapy Dog bandana she’s a different girl. She knows where she’s going and what she’s doing,” said Val. it was the day for Lucy to visit patients at Maleny Soldiers Memorial Hospital. Geoff explained the routine. “We give Lucy a bath in the outdoor shower and then take her to the bathroom for a special blow dry. This makes her coat nice and soft for the patients.” Val Bridger has been involved with the hospital’s auxiliary for eight years - the past three as President. it was this connection that led them and Lucy to the Delta Therapy Dogs program. “Catherine Hunter, social worker at the hospital came to one of our auxiliary meetings. She asked if we would be interested in funding a therapy dog for the hospital.
Book with us for High Teas, Group Events, Special Occasions
RESPONSIBLE DOG BREEDING New Laws for dog Breeders in QLD applies to dogs born on or after 26th May 2017 A breeder is any person who has a female dog with a litter – planned or unplanned. Any person giving away, selling or advertising dogs or puppies must have a supply number. The supply number is available online. The supply number must be applied for within 28 days of the litter being born. The supply number must be included in a dog’s microchip details. A dog or puppy cannot be given away, sold or advertised without a supply number.
Help us protect the welfare of dogs.
Information can be found at
Mon-Tues-Thur-Fri: 8am - 6pm 7 Myrtle Street Maleny Wed: 9am - 5pm Sat: 9am - 12pm 07 5499 9077
In The Garden Haus Gallery Exhibition of Works: Noela Lowien Weekly Classes: Perception Pilates - Wednesday - Kristy Lee 0410 441 291 Hatha Yoga - Sunday - Melissa 0481 481 156
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School Holiday Activities
The response was immediate and unanimous. “We made enquiries but couldn’t find anyone who had a suitable dog. There’s a waiting list in lots of places for Delta Therapy Dogs,” said Val. On sharing the dilemma with Geoff, he suggested that Lucy, then two years old might be perfect for the job. “Dogs have to be between two and eight years of age and of a suitable temperament. Lucy was evaluated for hospital visiting but others might be specific to a children’s hospital, an aged care facility or a school,” said Geoff.
Above: Paul Franklin receives healing therapy from Lucy Below: Lucy meets patient Bev Betts for the first time
Val added: “Lucy had demonstrated her suitability to us a few times. At one stage, i’d had surgery on my feet and was in a wheelchair. She showed her concern, licking me and staying by my side. We could see Lucy had empathy and was patient.” Following Delta protocol Lucy was assessed for suitability. Val and Geoff then attended a one-day training session. This was geared for a hospital placement. Lucy is assigned through Delta to Maleny hospital. The host organisation pays a fee to the Delta Society. “We usually visit Maleny hospital once a week and Geoff does the rounds with Lucy. We’ve also taken her to Caloundra hospital. There was a patient who had to give up his dog and was very distressed. Word came to us so we visited him with Lucy. She just seems to relate to people in those kinds of situations. “We also have to make sure that Lucy is in peak health at all times. She has quarterly pathology testing because she visits an environment where health and cleanliness are paramount. Lucy often gets up on the bed with patients if invited,” said Val. i visited Maleny hospital with Val, Geoff and Lucy. Lucy pulled Geoff along by the lead and sought out staff as we walked the corridor. it was clear to see who was the star as staffers dropped to the floor with enthusiastic greetings while Lucy nuzzled for more. Then, Lucy heard the familiar voice of Catherine Hunter and bounded down the corridor into her arms. it was like the hospital had come alive with Lucy’s presence. “Catherine usually facilitates our visits as she is familiar with the patients. “Regularly there are palliative care patients and some haven’t spoken in a long time. When we take Lucy in, the person may suddenly start talking to her or to a family member. it gives them something to talk about or brings up a memory. “Sometimes when we’ve done the rounds Catherine has told us that the person hadn’t spoken or smiled for a couple of weeks but Lucy made a difference,” Val recounted stemming the tears. “We always try to go into the gym at the end of each visit. They have a lot of rehab patients. There might be a stroke patient working on a machine and trying to lift his arm. i’ll hold Lucy up and because he so badly wants to pat her he’ll just lift his arm without thinking,” shared Geoff. The hospital rounds led us to the gym. Lucy checked in with Paul Franklin who asked staff for a biscuit. Paul placed the cracker in his mouth and nose to nose Lucy extracted the treat.
Bev Betts, a patient, met Lucy for the first time. Her demeanour was uplifted by the encounter as she gave Lucy a hug and said, “Dogs know when you are not well and help you when you are sick.” Social worker, Catherine Hunter summed up the work of Delta Therapy Dogs. “Lucy and Geoff have been coming to the hospital for about two and a half years and they’ve been remarkable. They make a huge contribution to the wellbeing of our patients and ultimately help them to get better and leave hospital. it’s a wonderful program. We have tremendous volunteers.”
Steve Robinson or Mary McIver 5494 2665
eet, MALENY (opp Primary School) 15A Bunya Str
a Town of Books
If you’re searching for a good book, pay a visit to Maleny’s Maple Street. Second-hand bookstores, Rosetta Books and the official Book Crossing Zone in front of the Maleny Credit Union all have something to offer, and writer Dale Jacobsen has been investigating the rise of the town’s love affair with the printed page.
by Dale Jacobsen
ALKiNG ALONG MAPLE Street in Maleny, you may be surprised at the number of thriving book shops for such a small town. Maleny celebrates being “a town of books” rather than a “book town”, and it is important to acknowledge the difference. Book towns, such as Hay-on-Wye in Wales, originated to stimulate often rural communities, filling empty shops with second-hand and antiquarian books. Maleny’s focus is much wider and maintains a healthy balance of bookshops and readers. Maleny is well known for the creativity of its citizens, and the reading and writing community is alive and well; but the town has not always had a love affair with books.
Hinterland Annual Events January: Australia Day celebrations; Hinterland Wedding Summer Showcase; Maleny Film Festival; Yandina Ginger Flower and Food Festival February: Montville: Flame Hill Grape Stomp April: Anzac Day Services; Kenilworth Cheese, Wine & Food Festival May: Maleny Wood Expo; Cross Country: Maleny Community Precinct; Maleny Hospital Auxiliary Fashion and Flowers
Are you protected against today’s Influenza viruses? Your best protection against the flu is to get vaccinated annually between March and May. Speak to one of our friendly reception staff today about getting your flu vaccine.
June: Maleny Agricultural Show; Gardening on the Edge; Kenilworth quilt & Craft Show; Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show;
Montville 07 5442 9144
July: Maleny's Celebration of Books; Muscle on the Mountain Day; qLD MX Nationals Motorcross: Conondale; queensland Garden Expo; Lucas Parklands Music Festival; Village Wedding Expo Montville
Doctors Dr Michael Simpson Dr Wanyi Yeong Dr Michelle Johnston Dr Edwin Kruys Dr Stephen Booker Dr Sam Manger Dr Jocelyn Eggins
September: Mitchell Creek Rock n Blues Fest; Kenilworth ArtFest; Kenilworth Show and Rodeo; Lions Welcome Dinner: Maleny; Maleny Music Festival October: Mountain View Challenge; Heart of Gold Film Fest: Gympie; Blackall 100, Mapleton November: Mary River Festival; Heritage Day Celebration Palmwoods December: Christmas celebrations; Woodford Folk Festival
We’re all talking about it!
Maleny 07 5494 2388
6-7/168-170 Main St, Montville Mon-Fri: 8.30am - 5.00pm
1-3/39 Coral St, Maleny Mon-Fri: 8.30am-5.00pm Sat: 9.00am-12.00pm
Doctors Dr Jocelyn Eggins Dr Steffi Oedekoven Dr Christelle Greeff Dr Sheelagh Buttanshaw Dr Michelle Johnston Dr Sam Manger Dr Edwin Kruys
in 2001, local award-winning author Steven Lang and his wife Chris Frances lamented the fact that the only place to buy books in Maleny was a second-hand shop. “We knew nothing about running a bookshop,” said Steven, “but we felt Maleny really did need one. So we did some hard number crunching with the given population and figured we could break even.” They opened the doors to Rosetta Bookshop in 2001. Not content with just running the shop, the couple staged author events outside business hours and slowly, the flavour of the town changed. After six very busy years, Steven and Chris decided to sell Rosettas, which is now owned by Anne Brown. “After working in bookshops in Brisbane,” said Anne, “i
June 29 Opening, 6pm June 30 - July 2, 10-3pm
Bush Haven Youth Art ! Awards Imbil Public Hall Bush Haven
Robotham, and ABC Radio National’s book commentator, Kate Evans. During the Sunday Morning Talking Writing session, Michael will chat with Kate about his craft and his muchanticipated new book, The Secrets She Keeps, to be launched just days before the festival. They will be joined by Melissa Ashley, author of The Birdman’s Wife, and Roanna Gonsalves, author of a book of short stories, The Permanent Resident. All details, including bookings, are available on the Celebration of Books Maleny website:
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Entries close June 15
Mary Valley
in prizes!
Below: Prue Mason and partner Kerry ready to launch Amazing Australians in Their Flying Machines
Opposite page: For the second year in a row Anne Brown from Rosetta Bookshop won a coveted "Glassy" business award presented by MPs Andrew Wallace and Andrew Powell
Workshops+Talks+Demonstrations+Studio strolls
Above: Book artist, Fiona Dempster selecting paper for a book
started working at Rosettas and took the opportunity to buy the business when it arose. Two years later, i moved to the present position and added a coffee shop. it is a joy to own a bookshop in such a wonderful and creative town. i am proud to be part of a community that can support so many bookshops.” This year, Rosetta Bookshop was voted by the public for a Bronze in the 2017 Glass House Small Business Awards. Maleny now boasts four successful bookshops and has its fair share of book clubs too. Over a dozen at last count. Of course, bookshops would not be in business without authors, and Maleny is well endowed with writers who scribble away in their homes, creating books. Prue Mason wrote her most recent children’s book, Amazing Australians in Their Flying Machines, because of her love of aviation. “Travel is easy these days but things were different years ago and i wanted to write a book to show how aviation played such an important part in our history. it celebrates the early flyers who put their lives at risk at a time when planes were made from cloth, wire and wood,” explained Prue. Prue and her husband Kerry, who co-authored the book, own a vintage 1942 Fairchild Argus (flown by women of the Air Transport Auxiliary during WW2). Prue holds a private pilot licence and Kerry has been a training captain with Virgin “since the year dot”. in all, Prue has five books published, including Camel Rider, winner of the queensland Premier’s Prize for Best Children’s Book in 2005, and Birdie in the Sky, winner of the Notable Books Award in 2010. Not all books fit the traditional published format. Book artist, Fiona Dempster, uses books to create art. “They are more than a scrapbook of images. A good artist’s book provides layers of meaning, often challenging your understanding. i started as a calligrapher and decided that books were the right place for thoughtful and beautiful words.” Fiona feels books have changed the world. “They are powerful tools in righting injustices, and my artists’ books are a small way of continuing that tradition.” in creating Too Many Poppies, Fiona depicts 42 poppies on each page – the number of Australians who died in Afghanistan. in tiny, undulating handwriting, she has repeated the words “too many poppies, too many deaths” to form a landscape in which the dead are buried. Recognising how important the book, writing and reading are to Maleny, six years ago a group of reading enthusiasts began a boutique community event, Celebration of Books Maleny, to share their passion. To be held over the weekend of July 14-16, the event will feature international crime writer, Michael HiNTERLAND TiMES – JuNE 2017
Above left: Ellie and Joss show off their mini worm composters; Above: Vicci Oliver talks bush safety with the Wildlings
Nature nurtures local children
Homeschooling is expanding on the Sunshine Coast, and more and more people are stepping up with resources, ideas and inspiration to help those who are making this educational choice for their families. Victoria McGuin went to spend the day with two educators who have recently created a special learning space … Where the Wildlings Grow.
by Victoria McGuin
ARRiVE AT THE Nambour PCYC and can immediately hear where i need to go. The joyful yells from energetic children swirl down the stairs from the rooms above. The closer i am, the more deafening the sound, and when i finally meet co-founder Nicki Farrell, we have to step out to the verandah to hear one another. “Sorry,” she grins, “it’s almost lunch time and they get very excited.” She opens a double door and a dozen or so children spill out with big smiles, ready for food.
Two young members of the group approach me and Nicki introduces us. Ellie and Joss are keen to chat, “Hi, this is my compost container,” explains Ellie, “i put holes in the top and bottom, and we feed the worms inside.” The second cheery face looks up, “My worm is called Muddy!” “And mine is called Rosie!” They bound away and i head over with Nicki to meet her co-founder, Vicci Oliver, as she packs up for the weekly walk to the nearby creek. “it’s not as busy as usual,” she tells me. “Most Wednesdays we have about 27 kids here, so you can imagine how that can be!” The two women met a few years ago, when Vicci was running a ‘natural parenting’ playgroup called Little
Wildlings. “From the moment we started talking, we found we felt the same about so many things,” explains Vicci. “We were both high school teachers, we both felt a frustration with mainstream education as it stands, and we were wondering where we wanted our own kids to go.” The pair realised they could create something together. “i didn’t have the option of sending my kids to alternative schools as they were too far or the fees were too high,” says Nicki. “i also wasn’t ready to go back to work full time, so we thought ‘why not try this?’” it took a long while for the duo to find the right place. “We really wanted somewhere with a natural space next to it, as that is fundamental to our philosophy. i don’t know any parent who hasn’t noticed their kids are better outdoors.” During this conversation, we have been ambling through bush to reach the creek and, affirming Nicki’s point, the children are noticeably calmer as the soothing green canopy envelops everyone, and the relaxing sound of water trickling over rocks reaches our ears. Tree stumps have been placed in a circle, rugs are laid out and parents settle by the creek as the children play. After a few minutes, Vicci encourages them to the circle where they chat about ‘safety rules’ before she shares the news, “Today we can build a BuG hotel!” “We rotate the subjects we teach,” shares Nicki. “At the moment it’s environment, sustainability and insects.” Drawings are laid out, along with various tools and natural materials, and the children discuss their plans. Some drift away and create a merry band walking across a makeshift ‘bridge’ on the creek. “We like to give them the invitation to do an activity,” says Nicki, “But it’s entirely up to them if they choose to do it. Sometimes they are quite happy just to play games, build dams and climb about.” Vicci comes from the Gold Coast, and moved to Currimundi six years ago, whereas Palmwoods resident Nicki was raised “on a farm in the middle of nowhere in South Australia”. “Where i grew up, there were only about 60 kids in the school, and there was a real sense of community,” she shares. This is something the pair aim to encourage with Where the Wildlings Grow. “The current average age here is seven, but we hope to start holding groups for older kids next term, up to 12-years-old, and eventually up to 17.” The cooperative needs parents present at all times, but
ponchos & scarves
Just Arrived
Above: Founders, Vicci Oliver and Nicki Farrell
the plan is to implement a ‘kinship agreement’ amongst the parents, where responsibility can be shared, so parents can do shifts and have breaks. “We need funding and staffing for that to happen,” Nicki says. “Vicci and i aren’t even paying ourselves yet while we establish this – it’s a slow build.” The Nambour PCYC is very supportive, and the children also take part in art, gymnastics, yoga, cooking, music workshops and survival skills at the venue. Homeschooling is certainly on the rise in queensland, with the number of students more than doubling in the last five years (from 891 in 2011 to more than 2,300 in 2016), according to the queensland Education Department. And this statistic doesn’t include the thousands who do not register, according to Homeschooling Downunder. “On the Sunshine Coast there are plenty of homeschool activities available,” says Vicci, “but the trouble is they are often spread out, so we spend huge amounts of time driving. The good thing about Where the Wildlings Grow is that it’s all in one place.” “We know it’s early days,” Nicki adds, “but eventually we hope to have our very own space to do all this … so if there are any philanthropists out there who feel like donating a parcel of land?” She laughs and heads over to inspect progress on the rapidly expanding Bug Hotel.
134 Main Street 9am to 5pm 7 Days
5478 5777
Fashion boutique with a twist
To find out more, visit Where the Wildlings Grow on Facebook, or email for info packs.
eastonlawyers your local lawyers
Maleny’s weather history:
worth preserving
Tove Easton
TIPS FOR LANDLORDS OF RETAIL PREMISES As a landlord of commercial premises it is important to identify what business your tenant will be carrying out from your premises so that you can prepare a lease that will comply with the requirements of the relevant act involved. In Queensland commercial leases generally speaking come under two distinct areas; the first being retail shops which are governed by the Retail Shop Leases Act and the second being non retail shops governed by provisions of the Property Law Act. I shall concentrate my discussion on leases that come under the Retail Shop Leases Act. When negotiating with your prospective tenant these are some important tips to keep in mind: • DISCLOSURE – both you and your tenant must provide disclosure in the particular format provided by the Retail Shop Leases Regulations. As a landlord your disclosure must be in the form of a Lessor Disclosure Statement annexing a copy of the lease. The Lessor Disclosure Statement gives information about the lease such as the term of the lease, the option periods available, the rental payable, whether bond is payable etc. Importantly note that this information must be given to the tenant at least seven days before the parties enter into the Lease otherwise the tenant will be at liberty to terminate the lease at any time within the next six month period. • TERM AND OPTIONS – keep in mind what you want to do with your premises when you negotiate the term and any options (further terms). An example is a lease that has an initial term of three years with two options each of three year duration. It is important that you note that legally, as long as your tenant is not in breach, you have to honour the lease for the whole period of time until the end of the second option period – in this case a period of nine years. • EARLY NOTICE OF THE NEW MARKET RENT – prior to exercising the next option in the lease your tenant is entitled to request and be provided with the new market rental amount. • NOTICE ABOUT EXERCISING OPTION PERIODS – there is an obligation on you as the Landlord to give the tenant notice that the time to take up the option period is coming up. This notice must be given at least two months’ prior to the option notice period detailed in the lease. • NOTICE ABOUT NO OPTION – if the lease does not contain any option period you must also give your tenant notice that the lease is coming to an end. Failure to give such notice would result in the lease term automatically being extended by another six months from the time such notice is given by you! • BOND – you are entitled to request that a bond be paid by the tenant. The amount of bond payable is often around one month’s rental. • LEGAL COSTS – you have to pay for your own legal costs for preparing the lease. • TENANT IS A COMPANY – you should require that the directors of the tenant company be noted in the lease as guarantors.
Community weather stations are valuable indicators of climate changes across Australia, and ready-to-retire Mal Somerville is hoping to pass his weather mantle on to preserve its data and history for future generations.
by Dale Jacobsen
OR THE PAST 20 YEARS Bald Knob resident, Mal Somerville, has been collecting and recording local weather details every day. “i have observations that go back to 1893. That’s nearly 1,500 entries, 99% of which came from reliable, official sources such the Bureau of Meteorology and historical data by inigo Jones from Crohamhurst Observatory at Landsborough. “Pat Stacey from Maleny Weather helped me compile the monthly rainfall lists, and most of the last 20 years’ data came from his Maleny Weather website. But i’m 76 and can’t go on forever. “it would be a tragedy if all this information were to sit, unused, on my computer when i can’t do it anymore.” The Australian Bureau of Meteorology depends on volunteers like Mal to gather data from the far corners of Australia. in all weather, for over 100 years, men and women have taken daily readings from private weather stations to feed into a huge data bank allowing BOM to make accurate forecasts from rainfall to flooding, dry years to wet years. These days, technology has made life much easier for the collectors. “i have my own weather station that feeds daily data on temperature, rainfall and humidity directly onto my iPad,” explained Mal. “i enter all the obs onto an excel spreadsheet on my computer—but this is Bald Knob data, not Maleny, and we have different rainfall here.” Mal is pretty fit for his age. Since 2009, when he started the Maleny Heartbeats walking group, he has walked, gone
Q,5&'9(6#)$27'='*(%&)/>'78$#, /7' 9 ,/ N/$'E0AR0S Kondalilla Eco Resort Our Resort boasts 23 fully self-contained cabins in three styles: Bush Cottages, Treehouses and Villas all nestled within the rainforest and caters for couples, families, and groups. This unique resort is located !" #$%&'&('&)$'* +%,-#$%&'.(%! /,// '0 &,(% /'1 23' %!'&)$'4(2 ' %!'5 6% '78,//'(9$2',%&('(62' !" #$%&' property, offering our guests a relaxing eco experience.
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to the gym or the swimming pool (during summer) most days of the week. He also concentrated on healthy eating, losing a considerable amount of weight in the process. He reckons he is fitter than he has been for 40 years. However, he is worried what will happen to his collection of Maleny weather data when he isn’t around anymore. Mal is keen to share this information and regularly prints data sheets which he provides, laminated, at cost to anyone who needs them. He also supplies precis of the wettest years (1893 with 5121.8mm) and driest years (1902 with 627.7mm), complete with an historical snapshot of the 1893 flood, particularly how it affected Maleny. “in 1893 we had the highest February rainfall. Over 2733mm. On February 3, the highest official 24 hours rainfall in queensland was recorded at Crohamhurst, by
RELAX - REVIVE - RECHARGE Amongst nature at Kondalilla Eco Resort
Mid Week Specials
Mal Somerville with his weather station at Bald Knob
For Online Bookings Only
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07 5445 7650
FAMILIAR FACES Entering the data onto his computer is a daily task for Mal
inigo Jones, with 907mm. This record still stands today. “it is said the Obi-Obi Creek rose to an enormous height, reaching a point in Maple Street above Coral Street, which would have been submerged.” Jones kept daily records for 60 years at his observatory at Peachester, which was listed on the queensland Heritage Register in 2008. His work of long-range weather forecasting continued through his assistant Lennox Walker and currently by his son, Haydon Walker. i asked Mal about the long-standing Maleny Weather Station operated for many years by Patrick Stacey. “Sadly, Pat passed away September last year, and that signalled the end of his data collection. The website is still live, but hasn’t been updated since then. “it is such a valuable community asset with detailed archives and lots of interesting and important information. i do hope it will survive.” Taking a proactive step, Mal is keen to have another weather station established in Maleny to carry on Pat’s work. “What i would love is for the community to get behind this project – perhaps the Maleny Historical Society, or the local high school – some group that would keep the collection going even if people die. i’ve done some research, and reckon it could be set up for around $1,500. “This could be a terrific opportunity for the local services clubs to get behind as sponsors. i’m available to help train people to read and record the information accurately. But they’d better hurry,” he laughed, “i’m not getting any younger.” it comes as no surprise that Mal is a numbers man, habitual collector and an amateur historian. He worked as an electrician in Rabaul (where he met Dell Burgum, whose family moved to the Blackall Range in 1886). “We’ve been in Maleny on and off since we married in 1967, which means we have been married for 50 years. it’s always been Dell’s home, and it’s the place we returned to despite working around queensland, mainly in the mines. “i’ve always been interested in the history of wherever i hang my hat. When i was in Moranbah, i wrote the history of that place.” They moved permanently to their property on
We only supply our customers what we feed our family, that’s why we choose GOORALIE FREERANGE PORK FLAVOURS are succulent from animals in a stress free environment FREE of antibiotics, hormones & chemical residue | RSPCA approved
Bald Knob 20 years ago when Mal retired. Mal has helped Dell amass much information on her family, such as how her grandmother, aged just four, walked with her family from Palmwoods to Montville. But that’s another story … Please contact Mal Somerville if you can help with the future of a Maleny Weather Station. Email: Phone: 0467 009 764.
Choose from our easy dinners scrolls, pies, stir fry, stews... MADE IN HOUSE Personalised Service Quality Products
JEREMI & JODY SCOTT Riverside Centre Maleny
5429 6499 MON - FRI: 7am to 5:30pm Saturday: 7am to 1pm HiNTERLAND TiMES – JuNE 2017
George and Lynne Thomas enjoyed last year’s Gardening on the Edge, this year you can experience the event on June 10-11
Glorious gardens to explore
ARNiE TRASS, Maleny Garden Club president says, “Start your Gardening on the Edge experience at the Maleny Showgrounds in Stanley River Road, where you can buy tickets to all six gardens for $20, $15 for three and $5 for the single garden. “You will see more than 30 stall holders selling and displaying their plants and giving advice amongst the flowers. We also have the Micro Gardener; offerings from members of our Garden Club; catering by the Maleny Hospital Auxiliary and much more.” Marnie said “This is the 13th successive year where we have different gardens not seen before or for quite some time - and we are not-for-profit, so all proceeds go back into the local community.” The event is held in the winter because, according to Marnie, it is the time to reflect on the seasons past and prepare for spring. Gardening on the Edge owes its continued success to the goodwill of over 80 volunteer workers each year, and over 80 owners who delight in sharing their beautiful gardens. There will be six open gardens, including a small block in town featured in the Lions Festival of Colour in
Open: Most Weekends 10am to 4pm 14
November 2000, which demonstrates gardens do not need to be large to be colourful, interesting and low maintenance. You can see the gradual restoration of the gardens of Pattemore House, which was built in 1907, and enjoy the open garden at Booroobin with its long pedigree. “Booroobin was placed first in the Northern NSW/South east queensland zone in its category in the 2001 The Garden Clubs of Australia Inaugural National Garden Competition.” it was also the 2001 and 2002 Maroochy and Caloundra's Gardens in the Sun competition grand champion, and featured several times in the Australia's Open Garden Scheme between 1999 and 2009. Marnie said that, “Visitors will be impressed with the views of the Glass House Mountains from the three-acre site, it is a happy garden where you can sense the delight of the children in climbing the big old trees and running around before going to class.” Dot Jupp, the event convenor said “The three open acreage gardens in Flaxton have not been opened before and are a feast for the eyes, including natural environmental features, rainforest areas, frogs, native fish, breeding turtles, butterfly and bird habitats among fruit orchards.”
Sunshine Coast Hinterland
A Comprehensive guide to eating out
Daniel Jarrett and Ryan Dillon welcome locals to enjoy Spicers Tamarind
by Victoria McGuin
HE NEXT TiME YOu think about a breakfast, lunch or dinner away from your own dining table, take a drive to Spicers Tamarind, nestled in a stunning rainforest setting and just minutes from the centre of Maleny. With a welcoming restaurant, cocktail bar, comfy outdoor seating, and a garden area complete with fire pit for those chilly nights, this could become your regular favourite escape. General Manager, Ryan Dillon, explains, “Because of the beautiful surroundings, people may assume we are rather exclusive or expensive, but that isn’t the case. “People don’t have to choose a set price menu any more. We want you to come and enjoy a couple of curries on a week night, or share a few plates. We’ve also introduced BYO on Thursday, and Jazz in the Forest on the first Sunday of the month.” Ryan himself is a local, raised in Peachester, and despite moving to work in the Hunter Valley he always hoped to eventually “come home” and join the Spicers Group – a move that recently eventuated. “i am a local and i love this gem in our backyard. i want other locals to come and use this place as their hang out.” Executive Head Chef, Daniel Jarrett, agrees, “i hope hinterland residents will visit and try the new menu – i’ve focussed on an Asian family-style cuisine, with shared plates and incredible flavours.” With its more accessible menu, Sunday jazz, and BYO Thursday, plus plans for a celebratory ‘Local Legends’ dinner and an Asian food festival in the pipeline, Spicers Tamarind could easily become a very welcome hub for the community.
Maleny’s Original Maleny’s Original Maleny’s Original
Sunshine Coast Hinterland
A Comprehensive guide to eating out
Indulge Your Senses Regardless of whether it is fine dining or a casual café you can be sure that unique culinary experience awaits. The Hinterland Times Food, Drink and Dine Guide introduces visitors and reminds locals about the delicious dining options on the range. Spoilt with local fresh produce, stunning views and village atmospheres, be tempted to explore our food haven. Bon Appetit.
26 28
39 Maple Street, Maleny Q 4552 | 07 5494 2118 | OPEN 7 DAYS 39 Maple Street, Maleny Q 4552 | 07 5494 2118 | OPEN 7 DAYS 39 Maple Street, Maleny Q 4552 | 07 5494 2118 |
11 1
Please note : Map locations indicative only
16 14 20 15 19 18 21 13
7 3
4 10 6 9 8 and Beerwah
Daawat Indian Restaurant
Hotel Maleny
Address Phone Web OPEN
Address 6 Bunya Street MALENY Phone 07 5494 2013 Web OPEN Lunch: Mon - Fri 11.30am – 2.30pm Dinner: Mon - Fri from 5.30pm Sat & Sun: all day dining from 11.30am
4/45 Maple Street MALENY 07 5435 2461 7 days: 11.00am – 2.00pm 4.00pm – 9.00pm
Indulgent Flavours of India. Dine In & Takeaway. BYO. Air-conditioned. Birthday Parties, Corporate Bookings & Catering for your functions. Best Butter Chicken around!
Quality dining in a relaxed atmosphere. Daily specials. Bar, Bistro, Functions & Accom. Liquour Legends. Member discounts. Courtesy bus available.
Concept Coffee
Spicers Tamarind
Address Shop 6 Riverside Centre 2 Maple St MALENY Phone 07 5370 2906 Web OPEN Mon - Fri: 7.00am - 4.00pm Sat - 7.00am - 12.00pm, Sun Closed Internet Café. Healthy breakfast options, gf & refined sugar free cakes, wholesome snacks and raw treats. Locally roasted vintage coffee & a variety of beverages on offer. Relax over looking the Obi Obi creek or grab something on the run.
Address Phone Web OPEN
88 Obi Lane South MALENY 07 5420 5420 Breakfast: 7 days 7.30am - 10am Lunch: Fri to Sun from 12pm Dinner: Tue to Sun from 5pm
Gourmet Breakfast, A la Carte modern Thai & Asian Cuisine, Jazz in the Forest 1st Sunday of the month. Cooking Classes available Saturdays. Be inspired with a choice of Italian, French or Thai. Bookings essential.
Cappriccio’s Italian Restaurant
Lumbini Nepalese Restaurant
The Garden Maleny
Maleny Marketplace
Address Phone Web OPEN
Address Phone Web OPEN
Address Phone Web OPEN
Address 55 Maple Stree, MALENY Phone 07 5435 2493 Web OPEN 7 Days: 7:00am - 5:00pm
Riverside Centre MALENY 07 5499 9444 Tue to Sun: 4.00pm – 10.00pm Lunch Sat & Sun: from 11.30am
Licensed & B.Y.O. Live entertainment every friday! Delicious traditional Italian food. Dine in, takeaway or home delivery. Prices to please. Huge menu. Overlooking the Obi Obi River.
11 Coral Street MALENY 07 5435 2912 Lunch: 11.00am – 3.00pm Dinner: 5.00pm – late
Open 7 days . “A high altitude food served with great attitude” come and try our momo, crispy duck & tantalizing lamb shank in curry sauce & many more. Variteis of vegetarian & gluten free option available.
34 Mountain View Rd MALENY 07 5499 9928 Mon to Fri: 9.00am – 4.30pm Sat & Sun: 8.00am – 4.30pm
Open for breakfast, lunch, coffee & cakes. We offer unique homemade cakes with all food made on site (GF/DF/NF/Vegetarian avail). BYO. High tea & group bookings welcome. FREE wifi. Kids play area.
Maleny Marketplace is located at the top end of Maple Street sited in an old Workshop with relics still visible. Visitors can choose from a contemporary mix of organic foods and drinks, grown and prepared on site.
Maleny Food Co.
The Orangery Maleny
The Terrace Seafood Restaurant
Indian Palace
Address Phone Web OPEN
Address 10 Mountain View Road, Mary Cairncross corner MALENY Phone 07 5435 2545 Web OPEN 7 days: From 8.00am Dinner only: Thurs - Sat From 5.30pm Imagine sipping champagne with a leisurely meal or afternoon tea on our long verandas, gazing at the glorious Sunshine Coastline. Light meals to a la carte, tapas, weddings functions, high teas. A wide range of freshly baked gluten free goodies.
Address Cnr Maleny-Landsborough Rd & Mountain View Rd MALENY Phone 07 5494 3700 Web OPEN Open 7 days Lunch: from 12pm, Dinner from 6pm An award winning restaurant with expansive coastal views, specialising in seafood platters using ocean fresh Mooloolaba seafood & locally sourced produce. A special occasion’s destination offering a la carte, fine dining, functions & Christmas parties.
FULLY LICENSED BYO Wine only, (No Corkage). Dine in, Take Away, Delivery, Fully Air Conditioned. Now serving Chinese & Thai too.
37 Maple Street MALENY 07 5494 2860 Mon - Frid: 8.30am - 5pm Weekends: 8am - 4pm
Award winning artisan gelato & sorbet made in Maleny. Deli style dining in our café, gourmet cheeses & cured meats in our walk in fromagerie.
Address Phone Web OPEN
1 Koorawatha Lane PALMWOODS 07 5445 9882 Mon to Sun: 4.30pm – 8.30pm
Join us207daily for Narrows Road,Montville
Christmas in July Ph 5478 5888
Plus Special Christmas Enjoy the2 Stunning Views of Evenings Lake Baroon 7th from & 21st Secrets 5pm - 7:30pm | Bookings essential on the Lake Cafe BOOK FORUS VALENTINE’S LUNCH BOOKNOW WITH TO CELEBRATE!
Just a reminder that Secrets Cafe is closed for renova�ons and will re-open on Saturday 6th February
Ph 5478 5888 Open 9am to 4pm Tuesday to Sunday 8.30am4pm Tues to Sun Breakfast �l 11am - Groups welcome
207 Narrows Road, Montville
13 Secrets on the Lake Café & Gallery Address Phone Web OPEN
207 Narrows Rd MONTVILLE 07 5478 5888 Tue to Sun: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Enjoy breakfast, lazy lunches, great coffee & homemade cakes on Secrets Deck with stunning views over Lake Baroon. Groups welcome, why not spoil yourself & book for a gorgeous High Tea. Gallery and accomodation on site.
Elements at Montville Address Phone Web OPEN
38 Kondalilla Rd MONTVILLE 07 5478 6212 Wed to Mon: 8.00am – 4.00pm
Fabulous teahouse, interiors & gift store overlooking the Kondalilla falls. Delish breakfast. Light lunches. Home baked goodies. Limited seating. Small functions welcome. Bridal & Baby Showers a must.
19 Mayfield Patisserie & Chocolates
Fishtales Café
Address 127 Main Street MONTVILLE
Address 11 Obi Obi Rd MAPLETON Phone 07 5478 6248 OPEN Thurs - Mon: 11:30am - 7:30pm
07 5478 5999
Daily: 9.30am – 4.00pm
Quality handmade Chocolates & Patisseries, great Coffee & one of the best views around. Celebration cakes made to order.
Drop into Mapleton for delicious Fish and Chips. Freshly prepared to order, we offer fish & chips and burgers, in a relaxed café setting overlooking the Lilyponds park. Lunch and Dinner, BYO, dine in or take away.
Flame Hill Vineyard
Montville Café Bar Grill
Maudy’s Bistro & Bar
7 days: 9.00am – 2.00pm
Address 249 Western Ave MONTVILLE Phone 07 5478 5920 Web OPEN 7 Days: 10.30am - 5.30pm Sunday Brunch: 10.00am - 12.00pm
Address Phone Web OPEN
NOW OPEN at Chic & Sassy Boutique - Serving small savoury & sweet luncheon selections daily with their very own exclusive Sassy coffee blend. Enjoy a grab & go or feel welcome to sit & enjoy the beautiful garden setting.
Ethically & sustainably produced from our vineyards & farms, guaranteeing patrons an experience of paramount quality at this magnificent location featuring breathtaking ocean views and mountain vistas.
Address 466 Maleny Kenilworth Road WITTA Phone 07 5494 4411 Web OPEN Wed to Sun: Lunch: 10am - 2:30pm Dinner: 5:30pm - 8:30pm Sat & Sun: 8.00am - 8.30pm For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner CLOSED: Mon & Tues
Sassy Beans and Bites Address 134 Main St MONTVILLE Phone 07 5478 5777 Web montville
126 Main Street MONTVILLE 07 5478 5535 Everyday: 10.00am - 10.00pm
Great food at pub prices. Dine in our ambient restaurant or enjoy your meal in the beautifully landscaped beer garden. Phone to use our FREE courtesy bus pickup & drop off service. Live music Fri night, Sat and Sun 12-4pm
Excellent modern cuisine with a twist. Come & try our share plate, a glass of wine or a craft beer.
The Edge Restaurant
Little May Espresso
Montville Gourmet Pizzeria
Witta General Store
Address Phone Web OPEN
Address 1/174 Main Street MONTVILLE Phone 07 5478 5015 OPEN Daily: 8.00am – 4.00pm
Address Phone Web OPEN
Address Shop 1/466 Maleny Kenilworth Road WITTA Phone 07 5494 4411 Web OPEN 7 days: 6.30am - 6.30pm
127-133 Main St MONTVILLE 07 5442 9344 Mon to Sun: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Savour our delicious modern cuisine on the deck overlooking stunning views. The perfect location to enjoy a champagne breakfast, leisurely lunch, or coffee & cake. Licensed.
Born from our love of great coffee & tasty fresh food, Little May is a space to unwind, relax & recharge. Join us for breakfast, lunch & house baked sweet treats. Dietary requirements catered for, no fuss. All food available all day. BYO. Catering services available.
202 Main Street MONTVILLE 07 5442 9505 Sun - Thurs: 10.00am – 8.00pm Fri & Sat: 10.00am – 10.00pm
Gourmet Pizza, Pasta & Salads. Open for lunch & dinner, 7 days. Dine in or takeaway. Licensed & BYO.
Situated next door to Maudy’s Restaurant. Focusing on day to day staples, take away gourmet burgers and fish & chips . We stock our own artisan roasted coffee “ Witta organic coffee”.
6 Riverside Centre, Maleny Phone (07) 5370 2906 18
Husk and Honey Address 16/18 Queen St NAMBOUR Phone 07 5441 3510 OPEN Mon to Fri: 8.00am – 3.30pm Sat: 8.00am – 2.00pm
Entirely Gluten free & Grain free Café offering all day breakfast & seasonal lunch menu. Cakes & other treats all baked on site daily. Tim Adams Coffee.
Out and About
Le Relais Bressan
Flaxton Gardens
Flaxton Barn
Address 344 Flaxton Drive FLAXTON Phone 07 5445 7157 OPEN Lunch: Wed to Mon Dinner: Wed to Sun Closed: Mon night & all Tue
Address 313-327 Flaxton Drive FLAXTON Phone 07 5445 7450 Web OPEN 7 days: 10:00am - 3:00pm Thur to Mon: Happy hr from 5pm, Dinner from 5:30pm Experience excellence in food at prices that won’t send you broke. Whether you choose a relaxed breakfast, al fresco lunch on the terrace, a High Tea on the veranda or dine within our restaurant we can ensure you quality throughout.
Address Phone Web OPEN
French Dinning at its best. A la carte lunch and dinner. House Special 2 course set menu $29, 3 course set menu for $35. NEW express lunch menu (dine in) available.
445 Flaxton Drive FLAXTON 07 5445 7321 Thur to Tues: 9.00am – 5.00pm
Relax & enjoy our home-baked delights. Scrumptious Buttermilk Scones, Grandmas Famous Apple Pie, Premium Harvest Coffee & Gourmet lunch platters featuring local produce. A treasure trove of Antiques, Giftwares, Boutique wines & Gourmet foods.
Maleny Catholic Ladies Group Biggest Morning Tea
Jennifer Holden, Liz Salmon, Carol Thorton and Felicity Bradford catch up for the popular fundraiser
Rosa Felkin and Elizabeth Robinson keep the cups of tea rolling!
Margaret Ingrim selects an item in the glorious goose raffle - overseen by Pam Foale
escaping the everyday in the hinterland
$29 2 Course Set Menu $35 3 Course Set Menu $25 Last Friday of each month Special meal & dessert (dinner only) NEW Express Lunch Menu (Dine in)
60+ ladies enjoyed a magnificent morning tea and raised $1,940 for people affected by cancer
DAY GUE S T S W EL COME From the award-winning modern Asian menu at The Tamarind restaurant, to the revitalising treatments of Spa Anise day spa, Spicers Tamarind Retreat is a place to nourish both body and soul.
Join us for breakfast, lunch or dinner and try The Tamarind’s brand new menu. Call 5420 5420 to book.
Le Relais Bressan A LA CARTE LUNCH AND DINNER 5445 7157
Wedding Wonderland
NCE A YEAR Montville brings together local Sunshine Coast Hinterland wedding industry professionals to showcase their products and services that complement the award-winning venues and enhance this amazing wedding destination region. A Village Wedding Expo is regarded as one of the best wedding expos to attend, as it has a great vibe, atmosphere and is beautifully decorated.
The success of the expo has a lot to do with location. The beautiful setting of St Mary’s Hall and the village green, the character and charm of Montville Village Hall, magical marquees and yurts all set against the backdrop of gorgeous Montville. Engaged couples from throughout queensland are introduced to our wonderful community of volunteers and take in the visual spectacle of florists, decorators, wedding cakes, photography displays, wedding dresses, jewellery and giftware. They have a chance to speak to celebrants, stylists, venue operators, accommodation providers, and hair and beauty specialists. On display is a range of wedding transfer vehicles amidst caravans for makeup, alcoholic beverages and even a caravan for coffee this year! Entertainment on the day takes many forms from DJ’s to guitarists or cellists.
Take a scenic drive and explore our hinterland haven. Not only can you find cosy romantic roosts to stay, you can enjoy a taste of our tempting cuisine. You will be provided with a keepsake in the form of a Venue and Accommodation Map within the Village Wedding Expo special feature in the July Hinterland Times that will also list all the exhibitors. So save the date! Mark in your calendar – Sunday, July 16, A Village Wedding Expo, 9am to 3.30pm and bring along your partner, bridesmaids, family and friends. in the meantime, go to and click on the Register – Brides button to go in the draw for $2000, donated by the Montville Chamber of Commerce to spend with our exhibitors. The Sunshine Coast Hinterland is a haven for destination weddings Image Jennifer Oliphant
Keeping it Country!
Win a double movie pass. With any beverage purchase go into the draw until June 30!
July 2nd Watch it here on FOXTEL
SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS 1. Purchase a carton of Carlton Dry or 10 pack of Little Green 2. Use your Rewards Card 3. Go into the draw
2 x Double Passes to be won worth $3,300 each! Till June 19th.
Reservations | Accommodation | Bottleshop: 5494 2013 | 6 Bunya St. MALENY | 20
Beaded Necklace and Bracelet FLAXTON BARN
Coeur de Lion Necklace MALENY JEWELLERS
Zohara Tights...variety of colours & styles HILL TOP TOES
Wallet THE GARDEN MALENY OGI Frames MALENY OPTICAL Von Treskow Australian Coin Jewellery Bracelet MALENY JEWELLERS
Winter accessories - new season stock STOCKISTS : Chic and Sassy Boutique MONTVILLE 5478 5777│Maleny Optical 5435 2733
Maleny Jewellers 5494 3477│Flaxton Barn FLAXTON 5445 732│The Garden MALENY 5499 9928│Hill Top Toes MONTVILLE 5442 9326
Hinterland businesses a winner
ONGRATuLATiONS TO Member for Glass House, Andrew Powell MP, and his team. Over 150 locals from small businesses had their moment to shine last month at the second annual Glass House Small Business Awards Gala Event, aka the Glassys. With almost 100 businesses and over 50 employees nominated this year, Andrew was thrilled that so many members of the community took the time to vote and show our local businesses how important they are in our community. “The night was all about promoting and encouraging the many local small businesses we have in Glass House and giving them the opportunity to bask in the spotlight, if only for one night. it’s our way of saying thank you for everything you do”, he said. Michelle Gilmore and Karen Muir were thrilled that the Hinterland Times was nominated, and see the Gold Glassy crowned to Renae’s Pantry (Palmwoods) and Rhylie Coutts (Wamuran iGA) for Employee. Held at Flame Hill Vineyard at Montville, the night was a lot of fun - congratulations to all the nominees and the winning businesses and employees:
Left: The night was a perfect excuse to put on the finery, like these beautiful ladies, and take a moment out from the day-to-day of running a business
Above: Silver Employee Glassy winner, Stacey English, is congratulated by her boss, Kelly Pini from The Garden Maleny
Bronze Business
Bronze Employee
Silver Business
Silver Employee
Montville Post Office/IGA
Joy Kachina (Illume Creations)
Little May Espresso
Matt Turner (Little May Espresso)
Rosetta Books
Peter Falcongreen (Maleny Dairy)
Monica’s Café
Stacey English (The Garden Maleny)
Beerburrum Post Office
Claudia Eastmure (Beerwah Hair and Beauty)
All in One Fitness Centre
Reegan Clarke (Beerwah Cosmetics)
Mane Street Hair and Beauty
Celeste Hargraves (Elders Real Estate)
Renae’s Pantry
Shaylee Clyde (Studio S)
Scissor Magik Hair Design
Maria Catlin (Wamuran Water Babies)
Clews News (Woodford Newsagency)
Sarah Sweeney (Ray White Wamuran)
Onward Fitness
Krystal-Rose Thomas (Kids Capers Elimbah)
Hans Electrical
Cassandra Denison (Hans Electrical)
MPs Andrew Wallace and Andrew Powell present the Silver Business Glassy to Hannah Hayes from Little May Espresso - they also collected a Silver Employee Glassy for team member, Matt Turner
Gold Glassy winners Ben and Renae Sirl from Renae’s Pantry
This is the Life! BROOKLAND
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10am – 3pm MONDAY to FRIDAY
The Glassys
Behind the scenes Jen Adermann and Megan Harkin ensured the evening ran smoothly and MP Andrew Powell thanked his team on the night Above: The night was well represented from businesses across all regions of the Glasshouse Electorate
Below: Alana Spreag and Emily McKay heard only positive feedback about the excellent hors d'oeuvres, wines and function centre at Flame Hill Vineyard
Shiralee Cooper (Illume Creations) was delighted to accept the Bronze Employee award for Joy Kachina from MPs Andrew Wallace and Andrew Powell
Check out the Hinterland Times on Facebook:
HiNTERLAND TiMES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; JuNE 2017
Hinterland holds elixir of
There must be something in the Hinterland air. Not one, but three local faces turned 92 recently! All are clients of RangeCare, formally Blackall Range Care Group, in Flaxton - where the home care package team work hard to achieve goals of keeping people independent in their own home....
O, WHO ARE the three birthday characters? First is Rob Reilly of Maleny, the founder of Manawee Garden Centre. Rob continues to satisfy his green thumb propagating plants in his courtyard and selling the plants at market stalls. Prior to this, Rob held jobs as a foreman in a factory in Melbourne as well as a dairy farmer in Gympie. He remembers a time when there was no electricity, and people got around with a horse a buggy. He also fondly remembers a time when the butcher, baker and milkman delivered to your door by horse and cart, and when mail was delivered twice daily and once on Saturday. How times have changed! Rob has been living in Maleny for more than 30 years and started exercising through some of RangeCare’s health and wellbeing programs. He openly states that, “if it wasn’t for exercise, i would have seized up”. Rob has one daughter and two sons. He is pictured with Mary Donovan, RangeCare’s Home Care Package Coordinator, who helped celebrate with cake, balloons and flowers, and of course a happy birthday song! Secondly we have Mapleton local Paul Stojanovic.Originally from Croatia, Paul moved
Left: Rob Reilly of Maleny
to Australia during WWii with his wife and children and lived in Melbourne for 15 years, where he worked in a meat factory. Paul believes his creative and ingenious spirit got him out of many sticky situations and still today he invents tools to help make his life a little easier. He moved to the area with his family more than 40 years ago, and cared for his wife for 30 years before she died in 2009. Recognising Paul’s rich history, his grandson and wife gave him a special journal and pen so that he could start to write down his memories. He continues to work on recording his memories to this day. Finally, we meet Tony Barnett of Montville, who still lives with his wife, Dawne, on a property owned by Dawne’s family since 1906. Tony, who was born in Sydney, moved to the area in the 1940s, where he then met Dawne and they married in 1950. The property originally grew citrus and was heavily forested but when timber became more valuable, the forests were cut down. Removing the forest caused lots of problems for the citrus, so the property turned to farming pineapples until the 1960s. About 10 years ago, Tony and Dawne subdivided and sold their farm, keeping an acre for themselves. After selling, the couple did various trips around Australia and England. Tony said that, “we learnt to slow down and gradually enjoy ourselves”.
Maleny Town and Country Supplies 24
31 Coral Street, Maleny Ph 5494 2302 Fax 5494 3036 Monday to Friday: 7:30am - 5:00pm Saturday: 8:00am - 1:00pm
Maleny singers perform
The Magic Flute
Paul Stojanovic (above) and Tony Barnett (below) have both turned 92!
NJOY GLORiOuS TuNES, and a melodramatic storyline in Maleny Singers June performances of Mozart’s last opera, The Magic Flute which remains one of the most regularly performed operas worldwide. it has an engaging, if melodramatic plot, full of handsome heroes, beautiful maidens, and evil villains, demanding an extended cast of soloists in addition to a small chorus, and making it one of the Singers’ more ambitious productions. Contributing to the spectacle are the bDifferent Dance Academy, and the Maleny Performing Arts Orchestra. Regular leads Colin Dunn (Tenor) and Evalee Sharples (Soprano) play the hero and heroine, Prince Tamino and Princess Pamina. Pamina’s mother is the evil queen of the Night, beautifully played by Evalee’s talented “real life” daughter, Lisa Grigor. Tamino sets out to rescue Pamina, sequestered in the Temple of Wisdom by the wise Sarastro (Tony Glazebrook), to keep her from the bad influence of her mother. The tale plays out as a battle between good and evil that leaves its last twists right to the finale. injecting some wonderful humour into the plot is Tamino’s sidekick and travelling companion Papageno, played with gusto by Chris Ward. The two of them together remind one of Don quixote and Sancho Panza, as Papageno somehow manages to prick the bubble of Tamino’s lofty idealism whenever it tries to get too serious! Musical Director, Margaret Taylor, has done a superb job to trim the opera to a manageable length for families without losing any of its impact, and the show is bound to be a great night or afternoon out for lovers of light opera. Performance dates are: Saturday June 17 at 6.30 pm; Sunday June 18 at 2pm; Saturday June 24 at 4pm and Sunday June 25 at 2pm at the Maleny Community Centre. Book tickets at: or the Maleny Visitor Centre. Maleny Singers Tenor Colin Dunn and soprano Evalee Sharples play the hero and heroine, Prince Tamino and Princess Pamina with bass-baritone Tony Glazebrook as Chief Priest Sarastro in Mozart’s The Magic Flute
MAKITA 18V LI-ION 4PCE BRUSHLESS KIT Includes hanner drill, impact driver, circular saw, angle grinder
Make use of your Accelerated Depreciation for Small Business up to $20,000
Mungo Maccallum July 8th - 9th 2017 MALENY Free Community Event
MALENY Yarnbombing 26 Workshops Street Tree Decorations Saturday Suitcase Markets Trade Stalls | Exhibitions Demonstrations
Check out the “HT” on Facebook:
Marcel T
HE GREAT FRENCH mime artist, Marcel Marceau, had an act which consisted solely of walking briskly onto the stage. it seemed entirely normal, but when he got to the middle of the stage something happened – he kept walking, but he wasn’t getting anywhere. Marceau became alarmed, then frantic: his legs and arms worked harder than ever but he remained stuck in the same spot. Which brings us, inevitably, to Malcolm Turnbull. Our Prime Minister is obviously not as graceful and elegant as Marceau, nor, unfortunately, as silent: he has spent the last week of parliament repeating the same diatribe in everincreasing volume in the hope that those few voters who watch question Time on television will hear him, even when they have reached for the mute button. His loyal colleagues have followed the same formula, with varying results. Peter Dutton is, as you would expect from a queensland copper, a natural; Scott Morrison is getting there. Christian Porter and Josh Frydenberg are trying hard, but Greg Hunt is seriously unconvincing – let’s face it, he always has been. Barnaby Joyce, on cue, can be relied on to provide comic relief. And on the other side, Bill Shorten and his troops are delivering all their hard-won experience of barracking at rowdy union meetings to ensure that the cacophony is bipartisan. if there are any actual messages, they are lost in the hubbub, which is probably just as well, because the pseudo-arguments from both sides do not bear examination. The National Disability insurance Scheme is not dependent on an increase in the Medicare levy; Turnbull’s pretence that there is no alternative is frankly deceitful. The NDiS can be funded from multiple other sources from consolidated revenue if the government chooses. But an increase in the levy, which is in fact an across-theboard increase in the variable, progressive, tax schedule, is not in itself such a bad idea; Shorten is being, at best, disingenuous saying it is an unfair burden on lower and middle income earners. But he has a point about the end of the tax levy on high income earners: if it was designed to reduce the deficit, why does it cut off when the deficit is far larger than it was when the levy began? Everyone agrees the banks should be bashed, so although this is clearly ad hoc populism, the bank levy will go ahead. But it would be nice if the government could explain just how much revenue it hopes to gain, and the apparent paradox of charging the levy at the same time it claims all corporations desperately need a tax cut. Labor, on the other hand, continues to play silly buggers on Gonski Mark 2, piously fingering its collective rosaries as it pretends to protect the Catholic Church from the horrors of the sector-blind, needs-based model that it once extolled as the solution to all educational ills. And in the meantime, both are scrabbling frantically
beneath the surface to persuade the self-important cross benchers in the senate to join their cause – if they can ever figure out what it is, and find a way articulate it. Plenty of sound and fury but, as the man said, signifying nothing – at least that is what Turnbull’s unhappily invoked bible, Newspoll, is telling us. The coalition optimists reckon that it is all too early to tell, that the benefits – of the politics, if not the policies – will emerge in the fullness of time. But if the fiasco of the last few days in parliament are any guide, it is hard to see any sign of a dawn for their brave new world. And as a natural consequence of the dysfunction, the media have gone off in pursuit of any souffles they can beat up – the perils of Pauline Hanson, the syntax of ASiO chief Duncan Lewis, the suggestion – the hope – that there just might be the beginnings of a leadership tussle between Shorten and Anthony Albanese that just might take some of the heat off Turnbull. And when in doubt, when any serious contemplation of the issues on which Turnbull and Shorten are ranting is either too hard or too unedifying, there is always terrorism to fall back on, making the latest international atrocity a handy segue into the Lewis non-story. Presumably we are to go on with business as usual. The senate will squabble, bicker and bargain until some kind of unsatisfactory compromise to the budget measures will be hammered out, with outrageous and irrelevant concessions to the smartest operators offered by ministers desperate for a result – any result. And what cannot be traded will either be junked or else left languishing as a new set of zombie measures for next time. The remains of the budget, which a month ago was so vital to our economic survival, so crucial to the national interest, will once again to be history. And Turnbull, Shorten and the rest of them will go on shouting in the hope that eventually at least one of the puerile insults will stick. Anything rather than confront the awful reality: the punters are not interested. They have been disappointed too many times and they simply don’t believe this government – probably any government – is going to provide them with any serious relief. All they can see is the pantomime: the melodramatic farce of impotent political caricatures indulging themselves for a hour or two before going back to do whatever it is they do – presumably continue jumping up and down in the same spot. Fortunately there is a solution to Marcel Marceau’s and Malcolm Turnbull’s twin predicaments: “My dear,” said the Red queen. “here we must run as fast as we can just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that.” Of course, that is Alice in Wonderland, but it’s about the only advice around. So get moving Malcolm – get agile! The views expressed in Mungo's column are his and not necessarily the views of the HT team.
Deck the halls with Sunshine Coast history
importance of this type of activity to our well being and social development as a community.” Montville Village Hall activities include everything from markets to morning teas, ‘Rockwiz’ and quiz nights to art exhibitions and film screenings. it is a valuable hub for the community, where meals are enjoyed, history is shared, classes are held and laughter is usually heard. A website is being developed to not only highlight the month long celebrations, but to provide updated information on the activities held in over 28 local hall’s throughout the Sunshine Coast. Go to for information on the festival and follow them on Facebook. Any enquiries or interest in getting your hall involved can be made on 0428 193 156. For more information on Montville’s historical displays, please contact Jenny Tatton or Cate Patterson on
Designing · Installing · Renovating Servicing the Hinterland for more than 10 years
The Montville Village Hall is onboard for the Festival of Community Halls - the MVA ask you to loan photos from the last 50 years
The 50th anniversary of the naming of the Sunshine Coast is officially commemorated on August 1, and small halls scattered across the Sunshine Coast will be lighting up the hills to celebrate with a Festival of Community Halls Montville Village Hall is one of them.
HROuGHOuT AuGuST, over eighteen halls will host a series of events and activities unique to each of their communities for the Festival of Community Halls. The Montville Village Association (MVA) has been asked to participate in the celebrations, and is looking forward to preparing digital and hard-copy photographic historical displays on a theme of “The Changing Face of Montville; From Farm to Café" to capture the growth of tourism on the range. The MVA is inviting people to lend it historical photographs of Montville from the 1960s to today that would help illustrate the changes that have taken place over the last 50 years.
in particular, they are hoping for photos of the Main Street, the village green, and around the school, that capture the area and the different buildings.They would also love to receive photos that capture the changes in fashion, transport, people and local features. You can drop your photos off at the Montville iGA or Montville Real Estate or mail them to the Montville Village Association, PO Box 5, Montville, 4560. Make sure you put your name and contact details on the back so they can be returned. The digital copies will be posted online and the scanned photographs will be presented at the Montville Market on August 12, with relevant source credits. This is the perfect time to celebrate our identity, engage our community and showcase our history and future on the Sunshine Coast. Gheerulla Hall president, Mary Ann Law initiated the overall project, “With halls in our communities having such historical significance, we have the opportunity to celebrate and commemorate the people and places that have shaped and defined the Sunshine Coast. “Small halls have been integral to community life for over a century and communities today can learn of the
CONTACT PAUL FOR A QUOTE “We commissioned Paul to custom build the kitchen & cabinetry in our newly built home. Paul has taken the time to listen to our particular wish list, and has walked us through all aspects of how to achieve our dream kitchen, with many suggestions of fine detail we would have otherwise missed. With Paul’s 38 yrs of experience in custom & bespoke work, he delivered to us our beautiful cabinetry. Our colour scheme is complimented by the granite bench tops. We are fortunate to have such a cabinet maker in our local area here on the Range. Thank you Paul.” Sue & Steve Lord, BALMORAL RIDGE
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Gallery Trail
Hinterland Treasures & Garden Centre
To Noosa
Ph: 0427 457 773 hinterlandtreasures
K ny-
MALENY Reesville Rd ks P ock
et R
Mountain View Rd
Discover the remarkable variety of galleries & talented local artists
Ph: 5472 3996 OPEN Most Weekends: 10:00-4:00
12 10
Mary Cairncross Park
Our gallery is open to the public most weekends. We are located in the beautiful Obi Valley, half way between Mapleton & Kenilworth. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Whether it’s the climate, the sweeping views, the atmospheric ‘villages’ dotted about or the people – this is a special, creative place. Artistic talent can be seen virtually everywhere you look. From ‘Strangler Cairn,’ Andy Goldsworthy’s huge egg sculpture in Conondale National Park, to the wealth of art galleries, local markets and viewings in artists’ personal studios. To help you on your journey of artistic discovery, the hinterland has its own Gallery Trail. Enjoy contemporary art, antiques, photography, sculpture, glass art, quilting, papermaking, jewellery, Aboriginal art, pottery, wood craft, watercolours and oils...the list goes on. There is something for everyone, whatever your taste or budget. If you would like to see pieces by nationally and internationally recognised artists, whilst also savouring the
Upcoming Exhibitions
It has been said that the hinterland is the Soul of the Sunshine Coast - once you take the Gallery Trail, you will probably agree.
Montville Art Gallery Artist of the Month: Wayne Malkin Landscapes inspired by past and present
Latitude Gallery Shop 1, 180 Main Street MONTVILLE Ph: 5478 5771 OPEN Mon - Sun: 10:00-4:00
Art on Cairncross “Bronzed Aussies” – Chris Gavins. Beautifully crafted bronze native birds and animals. June 3 -25 Arts Connect Open Studios trail features 8 award winning artists June 24 & 25 The Garden Haus Gallery Artist of the Month: Noela Lowien
Lift Gallery
926 Maleny-Montville Road BALMORAL RIDGE Ph: 5435 2303 OPEN Wed - Sun: 10:00 - 4:00
work of local talented artists, this could be the perfect answer.
Showcasing carved Red Cedar sculptures, furniture and doors created by renowned timber artist, Jack Wilms.
Obi Valley Woodworks 430 Hunsley Road, COOLABINE (Obi Valley)
15 13 14 7 8 Coral St 17
Balmoral Lookout
3 MONTVILLE 5 9 11
lw eni
Kondalilla Falls National Park
le Rd
1 4
Mapleton Falls National Park
OPEN Thur - Mon: 9:00 - 4:00
Hidden in Mapleton, this unique store offers a tantalizing mix of articles including giftware, furniture, chalk paint, decorative knobs, pots, second hand wares and garden supplies.
For more information about Galleries on the Hinterland go to and open the “Sunshine Coast Gallery Trail Booklet”
A jewellery and fine art gallery featuring pearls grown by Pia Boschetti ‘the girl who grows the pearl’ from her own Australian pearl farm. The gallery also features certified Argyle diamonds, creative designs and beautiful art. Latitude Gallery has joined with existing gallery ‘Bold in Gold’ located at the Water Wheel in Montville.
Lift Gallery is Australia’s largest space for spiritual and energy art. The works have been specifically created with the intention of uplifting the viewer. The gallery also features a holistic therapy centre, concert hall, gift shop and cafe.
Illume Creations Shop 4 Mayfield 127-133 Main Street MONTVILLE Ph: 5478 5440
Come and escape to the lush hills and breathe in the fresh energy of Tina Cooper’s vibrant hand blown glass art! Illume Creations has the largest, most extensive range of this Montville hot glass artist’s work.
Montville Art Gallery 138 Main Street MONTVILLE
Ph: 5442 9211
OPEN Mon - Sun: 10:00-4:00
Gallery manager, Lisa Powell ensures there is a constantly changing exhibition of paintings and sculpture by established and emerging Australian artists, many of whom live and work in South East Queensland.
Art Antiques Antlers Shops 3 & 4 1 Post Office Road MAPLETON Ph: 0414 782 079 OPEN 7 days: 10:00 - 2:00
OPEN Mon - Sun: 10:00 - 5:00
The Exquisite Decorator Boutique for Her Exclusive Parlour & His Exotic Man Cave. An exquisite array of Art, Antiques & Antlers sold ‘as is’ to retain their natural beauty. Contact us re hiring our delectable furniture & decorator products for weddings & functions. Come & see our Montville showroom by appointment only.
Australis of Montville Antiques 162 Main Street MONTVILLE Ph: 5442 9400 OPEN Wed - Mon: 10:00 - 3:45
WINTER ART EXHIBITION Private art collection Contact us for catalogue
Forest Art Collective 20 Coral Street, MALENY Ph: 0427 607 628 OPEN Tue to Sat: 10:00-2:00
Wander down the garden path through The Gardens nursery to discover ‘The Garden LOCATED AT Haus Gallery’ exhibiting The Garden Maleny local artists changing 34 Mountain View Rd regularly. MALENY Ask us about our PH: 5499 9928 upcoming art workshops. OPEN Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 4:30 Sat & Sun: 8:00 - 4:30
Rick Everingham Studio/Gallery 26 Thynne Court, MALENY Ph: 5435 2323 M: 0488 594 616 OPEN By Appointment Only
This unique gallery offers an opportunity to chat with local artists as they work & become involved in regular community creative sharing event.
The Garden Haus Gallery
Arts Connect Inc.
Forest Art Collective is a network of creative artists and nature lovers.
SCULPTURE ON THE EDGE Set in the gardens of Spicers Tamarind Retreat since 2011.
Maleny Showcase Jewellers Shop 4 Riverside Centre Maple St. MALENY Ph: 5494 3477 OPEN Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 5:00 Sat: 9:00 - 1:00
Set in the original stables of the old Thynne property, one of the pioneering families of the Maleny region, this is the private art gallery of renowned Queensland artist Rick Everingham. The gallery presents a continually changing exhibition of Rick’s current paintings, limited edition prints, and sculptures.
OPEN STUDIO TRAILS The last week of every month (why not download the map from ACI website) & take a weekend drive through the Hinterland visiting artists in their studios & learn a little about their creative worlds.
Celebrating a strong 17 years in business, we specialise in highquality handcrafted jewellery. Offering a full range of jewellery services including redesign, repair and valuation. View our large range of handmade individual pieces and receive the service you should.
Secrets on the Lake Art Gallery 207 Narrows Road MONTVILLE Ph: 5478 5888 OPEN Tue - Sun: 9:00 - 4:00
Holden’s Gallery 38b Coral Street
(Corner Coral & Myrtle Streets)
MALENY Ph: 5494 2100 OPEN Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 4:00 Sat: 10:00 - 1:00
Personally selected local artists and artisans exhibit in a unique art space which is a work of art in itself. Enjoy a cup of coffee or lunch in our café then browse the gallery, featuring Lindsay Muir, Siggi Cairns, Heather Jones, Peta Boyce, and more.
You will love this iconic c. 1907 building stocked brim full of art supplies for the most discerning artists. Also, unusual handmade gifts, jewellery, art, prints & tasteful home decor items. And, an in-house picture framing service provided by experienced professionals.
Art on Cairncross 3 Panorama Place Cairncross Corner MALENY Ph: 5429 6404 OPEN Tues - Sun: 10:00 - 5:00
Healthy Homewares 74 Maple Street MALENY
Ph: 5429 6557 OPEN 7 days 9:00 - 5:00
Situated in the hinterland town of montville, this long established business has a great range of antique china, glassware, silver and collectables to suit all tastes. We also have a large range of antique, estate, and second hand quality jewellery.
The gallery displays an array of fine art by leading & emerging artists from the region & throughout Australia. Paintings & drawings are complemented by exquisite porcelain, hand-blown glass, bronze sculpture, ceramics & unique leather mask sculptures.
Healthy Homewares is dedicated to offering you healthy, intelligent options for products you can use in and around your home. We have a personal connection with all of our suppliers and they all have a connection with Nature and a story to tell.
Gallery Trail To promote your business here please contact Karen Muir M 0414 432 423 │P 07 5499 9049 E
Obi Art Prize demands respect Feature artist
Wayne Malkin Montville Art Gallery june 2017
Landscapes inspired by past and present Wayne was born in Derbyshire, uK in 1961. always having had a passion for all things art, he began drawing very young, moving on to watercolours and then changing in 1986 to oils which coincided with his move to australia. Here he saw new opportunities and colours for his landscape
Montville Art Gallery
works. “My eyes were opened to the great australian landscape painters past and present, the likes of streeton, McCubbin, Lloyd rees and William robinson, amongst others”. From this experience, he has developed a strong eye for colour and a unique style. in 2012, he became a represented artist at the highlyrespected Lethbridge Gallery in Paddington, Brisbane, going on to win a number of awards and finalist berths in major art competitions, including Best Oil at the 2017 rotary art spectacular in Brisbane, his second win in this competition in three years. Now Wayne has new adventures ahead, recently taking over the Montville art Gallery with his wife tracey. Being the artist in residence gives customers the chance to see oil painting in action, with completed artworks also for sale, alongside an impressive display of artwork from the existing gallery of artists. Oil painting classes will be commencing soon. Open daily from 10 to 5, Montville art Gallery is located at 138 Main street, Montville, opposite the Village Green, phone 5442 9211. From june 1st, Wayne’s paintings will be featured under exhibitions on the gallery website:
“Powerful” was submitted into the Obi Art Prize by Susheela Giri
OW DOES A SMALL local neighbourhood centre launch an art prize and pull in submissions from around the country? Well, that’s something to ask the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre, who received over 75 submissions nationally from artists inspired to paint works showcasing the theme of positive RESPECT. in an inaugural year this is an astounding result and highlights how many people are feeling the need to express RESPECT, as events around the world show us what RESPECT isn’t. According to curator Satya Demasson, “it was an incredibly difficult job to reduce the number of works put
Wayne Malkin Artist of the Month June 2017
before the judges down to 40, with the quality of submissions for the main prize so high.” This year the prize pool is impressive, with a total of over $8000 in prizes and Maleny iGA sponsoring the $3000 main prize. The Maleny River School participated and now has a number of students in the under 19 awards, which include the Youth Prize of $1500, sponsored by Maleny Apex. The Obi Painted Tie Event is the winner’s announcement celebration and the launch of the Obi Art exhibition, held at the Maleny Community Centre, July 7-9. Tickets are only $25 and include great entertainment, a free drink and nibbles, with music from Sing for Change artists, including Hayden Hack and Tim Hall along with dance performances, speakers, raffles and live art. As the theme for the evening is Painted Tie. Have fun and create or find a colourful tie, or buy one - funds raised are for the Neighbourhood Centre. Go to to buy your tickets and find out more.
Prep student Violette Scott from The Maleny River School - offered her 5 year old talent
138 Main Street, Montville Opposite the ‘Village Green’ Open daily: 10 - 5 Phone: 5442 9211
Community News Community News Community News “B” for Kenilworth Quilt Show
HE ANNuAL Kenilworth quilt and Craft Circle Show is coming on June 10 and 11, 10am-4pm, for only $5 admission at the Kenilworth Community Hall. The format doesn't change much, because it is so popular with everyone who attends. This year, the Show is presented by the letter ‘B’: birds, bows, butterflies, bling, buttons, blue, bears, books, bikes… you get the idea! Partners can relax with a cuppa whilst the womenfolk admire the quilts, unless there are any keen male quilters out there? You can enjoy the merchant stalls with large selections of fabric and craft items, and the locally made woodwork. For those feeling peckish, savour some hot pumpkin soup, or a Devonshire tea, maybe some sweet treats or a warming meal. Bring some friends to Kenilworth Community Hall (opposite the school), have an explore and check out the bargains galore. Wheelchair access is now available. For more information contact Olive on 5446 0131, Jan on 5446 0167 or Paula on 5446 0229.
Local Francophiles launch amusing book
OCAL WRiTER, Bryan Hughes, has produced his long-awaited book based on the series of articles that first appeared in the Hinterland Times entitled Postcards from The Charente. The amusing and very entertaining Postcard series told of Val and Bryan’s day-to-day house-exchange life in a small French hamlet. Old friends and new readers will enjoy this collected edition of their adventures and misadventures as they meet their neighbours, join in local community activities, even go to the village doctor, and discover a rural France well beyond the usual tourist paths. The book now includes extra material not previously published, even some less rosy happenings are seen as simply a part of an overall joyful year. The158-page, black and white photo edition aimed at keeping the price down. A second edition, has the same text but the 37 photos are in full glorious colour. Just one reviewer’s comment: “a very enjoyable read!” Visit: or for best prices - B&W $15 and Colour $27 plus postage, email:
Book now for Knitfest
RTS, CRAFTS, YARN and Yarnbombing. Sound like your thing? This year's Knitfest is set to explode with another year of fun, colour and all things yarny in a fun filled weekend of workshops, demonstrations, Trade Stalls, displays, music and good food at this free community event on July 8 and 9. We will be yarnbombing and decorating the main street of Maleny which will come alive with yarnbombing, decorated Tree Cosy competitions, workshops, Guest Speakers, Kids Club, music, Friendship Bridge, competitions, Saturday Suitcase Markets and craft markets. it is a magical event for families and a time for young and old to discover new skills, talents and creativity with the use of yarns including knitting, crochet, basket weaving, spinning and weaving, felting and lots more. Travel the yarnbombed Mystic bus around the Festival Precinct. We're currently looking for people to volunteer over the festival weekend, reister at 'Get involved' on the website. The theme for this year is “under the Sea”. For more details, go to
Astronomy nights in Maleny
Strawberries, stars, golf and grubs for the holidays! School holidays are here this month and if you're looking for awesome ideas for the whole family, there's plenty on. From eco-treasure hunts at the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary to hands-on workshops at the Maroochy Botanic Gardens and creative experiences at Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve.
Regular viewing nights are now being held at Maleny Golf Club, in conjunction with the Brisbane Astronomical Society. Our next public viewing night will be Saturday July 1 6pm-8 pm. First quarter moon and the best time this year to see Jupiter and Saturn. Dr Ken Wishaw said, "i will do a laser-guided naked-eye tour of the night sky starting at 5.30pm. Then we will have telescopes for looking chiefly at the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and some star clusters. "Main thing is dress real warm, including beanies, no bright torches near the telescopes, a gold coin donation per person for our schools outreach project is appreciated but not compulsory." Other nights and activities will be posted on our Facebook site, "Sunshine Coast Dark Sky Astronomers”. You too can check out Southern Cross and pointers over Pattemore House at the Astronomy nights at Maleny Golf Club
Strawberry picking season starts in June Winter is here and the strawberry picking season starts Friday June 16. The cafe and shop are now open seven days a week at 133 Laxton Rd, Palmview. Bring the whole family and observe a working commercial strawberry farm, but best of all - pick your own delicious fresh strawberries straight from the patch. Strawberry Fields has free admission, making it an affordable day out for the family.
Hands on workshops Get down low and discover the earth beneath your feet at ‘eARTh kids’ workshops this winter. This holiday program for children and young people presents a mix of practical, beautiful and hands-on creative experiences between June 26 and July 6 at the Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve, Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary and Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Gardens. These workshops fill up fast, so book today via the ‘What’s On’ calendar on Sunshine Coast Council’s webpage.Held 9am-5pm, Maroochy Regional Botanic Gardens and Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve.
On June 28 you can join a junior golf program at Maleny Golf Club and play like Lais Perske
• tV & DVD tuning • telephone Data • Digital specialists • Home theatre specialists • Five Year Warranties • satellite systems
There’s a Jim’s Technician on the Range. CALL For A Free quote todAy
131 546
Wedding Connections How about a spot of golf?
uR JuNiOR SCHOOL holiday golf program provides the highest standard of coaching to students (boys and girls) aged 6 to 14-yearsold, from beginner to elite, to learn all aspects of the game of golf. The program runs each day for five days but you can just do it on a daily basis for $130 per day. Each day is at a different golf club - Pelican Waters Golf Club, Maroochy River Golf Club, Maleny Golf Club (June 28), Peregian Golf Club with the finals back at Pelican Waters Golf Club so the children learn about how to
play on different courses. Held 9am-3pm, June 26 to 30 - numbers are limited, and fees are tax deductible. it includes all equipment, video analysis, and tuition in all aspects of the game (putting, short game, oncourse strategy, long game, bunkers and trackman), bottled water, a daily six-hole tournament, fun games and prizes. Bring your hat, enclosed shoes, lunch and golf glove.
Eco-hunt adventure
Your guide to local wedding services on the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.
Celebrants & Ceremonies Ruth Kuss - Wedding Celebrant Whatever you are celebrating – welcoming a precious new baby into the world, committing to your life partner, renewing your marriage vows or farewelling a loved one – creating a ceremony that befits your personality is something that you should approach with your head as well as your heart. Ph: 0429 997 771
Photography Maleny Wedding Photography
Get ready for an eco-hunt adventure like no other this school holidays! Grab your walking shoes and your phone/tablet and join in the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary Eco-Hunt for your chance to win a range of great prizes. Your quest is to explore the wetlands and find as many birds, butterflies, insects, crabs and other animals living at the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary as you can. Submit your sightings (captured on your device camera) through the fun mobile app, questaGame. You'll receive expert feedback and points for your sightings based on their rarity. 9am5pm, June 24- July 9, Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary, Sports Rd, Bli Bli.
Local professional photographer Clive captures the personalities of all couples, traditional, classic, fun, quirky or romantic with his offbeat humour. The studio provides stills, video, albums, wall decor, prints and digital. Ph: 0455 500 007
The Hinterland Times Karen Muir Do you offer a unique Hinterland Wedding experience? Contact Karen to discuss adding your service here. Mobile: 0414 432 423; ph: 07 5499 9049 E:
Check out the “Hinterland Times” on Facebook:
Go on a bughunt!
Book Bites with Anne Brown of
30 Maple Street, Maleny
Phone 5435 2134
Men Without Women
Between Them
by Haruki Murakami
by Richard Ford
‘i find writing novels a challenge, writing stories a joy. if writing novels is like planting a forest, then writing short stories is more like planting a garden.' - Murakami Across seven tales, Haruki Murakami brings his powers of observation to bear on the lives of men who, in their own ways, find themselves alone. Here are vanishing cats and smoky bars, lonely hearts and mysterious women, baseball and the Beatles, woven together to tell stories that speak to us all. Curiosity, in this pitch-perfect new collection of short stories - Murakami’s first for more than a decade -is what motivates most of his characters. Their curiosity becomes ours and helps to propel each narrative onwards. But curiosity is shown to be complicated. is it healthy, necessary, wise? The mix of humour and melancholy in Murakami’s writing is astounding. Murakami is a master story-teller.
Richard Ford is the only child of older parents. Before he was born, his parents spent years driving around the South of the uS for his father’s job as a traveling salesman. After his birth, he and his mother would remain home in Jackson, his father returning on weekends. How is it that we come to consider our parents as people with rich and intense lives that include but also exclude us? For Ford, the questions of what his parents dreamed of, how they loved each other and loved him become a striking portrait of American life in the mid-century. Between Them is a quiet, meditative work. Longtime readers of Ford and newcomers alike will devour it in an afternoon for the personal and familial insights where he brings his celebrated candor, wit, and intelligence to this most intimate and mysterious of landscapes—our parents’ lives.
The ‘Hilda’ Graphic Novel Series by Luke Pearson All the Hilda books are full of excitement, adventure, rather odd creatures and of course, the feisty protagonist herself! They are so wonderfully illustrated that you will quickly be transported into a world of whimsy and wonder. Luke Pearson is the artist and writer of the Hilda series of graphic novels. He has fast become one of the leading talents of the united Kingdom and united States comics scene, garnering rave reviews from the New York Times and the School Library Journal. He was the winner of the Young People's Comic category at the British Comic Award in 2012, and he has been nominated for the Eisner Award's Best Publication for Kids and Best Writer/Artist in 2013. it's rare to come across graphic novelists whose visual and written talents are equally strong. Pearson's certainly are!
INTER IS HERE, and what a great time of year to fossick through our local markets for warm winter woolies and seasonal veggies for stews, soups and baked dinners. Read all about the newest regular edition to the HT Market Guide - the Maleny Village Artisan Market. Why not also add to your wanderings two seasonal markets: Mooloolah Valley Community Centre Four Seasons Winter Market, Saturday, June 10 and the Kenilworth Arts Council market on Sunday, July 2.
A feast for the senses
JuLY MARKET Kenilworth Arts, Makers & Growers Market Sunday July 2nd 9am-1pm Kenilworth town. Park on Elizabeth Street. Crafty gifts, growers produce, handmade & upcycled wares, all locally made. Enquiries E:
quARTERLY MARKETS Mooloolah Valley Community Centre -Four Season Markets 43 Bray Road Mooloolah 8am to 1pm Winter Market 10th June then Spring Market 9th September. New Stall holders welcome info at 5494 7822 or E:
EVERY FRiDAY, SATuRDAY & SuNDAY Maleny Village Artisan Food Market Maleny Village Artisan Food Market from 9am-4pm. in the heart of Maleny you will find local food, live music and more in a rustic garden setting. Follow on facebook. Monthly night market.
SATuRDAYS Hinterland Harvest Market A feast of Fresh Flavours, 7am to 12pm. Connecting real food with real people. Suncoast Church carpark, Kiel Mtn Rd, Woombye. Helen Langlois 0416 217 093
HEN YOu WANDER into the Maleny Village Artisan Market, your eyes will be greeted by rustic shacks set amongst succulents growing in old boots, cups and teapots displayed on the funky pallet furniture. Your nose will pick up the smell of fresh lattes, cappuccinos and espressos from ‘The Coffee Shack’, homemade curry and indian street food from the ‘Maleny Curry Hut’ or freshly-baked pies, pasties and sausage rolls from ‘the maleny pie guy’.
Your ears will hear live and local music on the pallet stage down the back, every weekend.
See, smell, taste, hear and touch every, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and most public holidays.
Open Hail Rain or Shine OVER 30 regular undercover STALLS
Crystal Waters Market community-run, upcycled items, jewelry, organic veges, cakes, plants, honey, seedlings, hearty food, sourdough bakery, great coffee, live music and a warm welcome. 5494 4530
Montville Growers and Makers Market 7.30am-noon, Piping hot pancakes, buskers, genuine locally grown food, handmade craft, barista made coffee, under historic fig trees, profits maintain our Village Hall. Judith: 0490 374 903
Art Craft Collectables Clothes Books CDs Candles Fruit & Veg, Food, Coffee, Cake & More Buskers welcome on the grass, Stall Holders welcome whether one-off or regular
THiRD SATuRDAY OF THE MONTH Witta Growers Market: 7.30 - 12.00 Fresh local vegetables; local cheese, meat & eggs; preserves; quality organic nuts & seeds; seafood; seedlings & plants; great take-away & more! New stall-holders & all visitors welcome. 5435 8154
Like the facebook page, the ‘Maleny Village Artisan Market’ to get a sense of the above for yourself and read about their market entertainment in HT's Creative Cuts. You'll find this amazing little market at Pallet Life, right in the heart of main street Maleny.
Touch the well-weathered wooden noughts and crosses boards and challenge your friends to a match - or perhaps have a game of giant Jenga?
Treat your tastebuds to real Japanese sushi from ‘Soul about Sushi’, passionate plant-based vegan food from ‘Maleny Munchies’ or share a nacho or two, from the ‘Taco Shack’.
SuNDAYS Maleny Art, Craft and Collectables Market 8am-2pm, Maleny RSL Hall, open rain, hail or shine - quality second hand books, vintage, antiques, art, handmade gifts and more. 0448 423 919
There's lots of delicious choices you have waiting at the Maleny Village Artisan Market
like us on facebook
New owners for Roseville House B&B Peter and Adline Whitmarsh welcome new owners, Jim and Christine Cusack, to the multi-award winning B&B, Roseville House. After 13 years, the couple are retiring to the Sunshine Coast - where thanks to the perseverance of their real estate agent, Paul Freney from @realty, Peter can now be a permanent fixture at the local surf club! The couple leave a legacy of excellent service at Roseville House, which was rewarded with a 9.8 Oceania award - that’s the top 2% in Australia and the South Pacific. Adline said treating guests like family brought them their great reviews, “People love the personal touch and home-made cooking. Christine is also a devoted cook, “I love entertaining and pleasing people - going the extra mile. I’m looking forward to people coming through the doors.
Located at Balmoral Lookout between Maleny and Montville, Roseville House commands views over the ocean, mountains and valley.
“We came here for the wedding of our daughter Tamara (who is currently a Masterchef 2017 contestant), and fell in love with it. We loved it so much we bought it.”
Worship from 9am
Rev. C. Scott Kroeger 0412 681 715
14 Cedar St, MALENY
Hinterland Accommodation Directory Montville, Flaxton & Mapleton The Narrows Escape Rainforest Retreat • 5478 5000 National & international award-winning 4.5 star hosted accommodation. Airport transfers. Narrows Road;
Hoteliers for 32 years, the couple have worked overseas - from the Maldives and Thailand, to South Korea and more recently, Mackay in Queensland.
Montville Country Cabins • 5442 9484 396 Western Ave, Montville. Perfect for a relaxed & romantic escape. Secrets on the Lake • 5478 5888 Luxurious treehouse accommodation with spectacular views of Lake Baroon. Fireplaces, relaxing double spas, spoil someone special- perfect for your romantic getaway. Narrows Road, Montville.
Formerly known as ‘The Elms’, the Queenslander, with broad verandahs, french from @realty declares Roseville House doors and a log fireplace, is Paul Freney sold to new owners Christine and Jim Cusack 21 years old. The couple were understandably wooed by the surrounds, the magnificent views and the lure of the Hinterland, and look forward to being involved in the community.
Luxury English Manor In Flaxton – Flaxton Gardens • 5445 7450 A magnificent three storey manor with English style gardens, swimming pool, pool table and gazebo. Sleeps 16 and is ideal for family getaways. Fully equipped for self-catering. Minimum 3 days stays.
Smiled Adline and Peter, “We wish Jim and Christine every success for their future.”
Say hello or book a room or cottage: Call Jim and Christine on (07) 5494 3411 or email:
640 Maleny-Montville Road, Maleny
(07) 5494 3411 ADVERTORIAL
Kondalilla Eco Resort • 5445 7650 This unique eco resort is located on the property adjacent to the magnificent Kondalilla National Park. The Resort boasts 23 fully self-contained Bush Cottages, Treehouses and Villas all nestled within the rainforest. Catering for couples, families, and groups. A resort where you can truly relax, recharge and experience nature.
Maleny Artisan Spa Views • 5494 4222 Bed & Breakfast suites & self-contained penthouse. 475 Maleny-Kenilworth Road, Witta, Maleny Hotel Maleny • 5494 2013 Overnight classic pub style accommodation in the heart of town. Offering several types of rooms to suit your needs. Fully self contained luxurious 4 bedroom house which sleeps up to 12 people also available. Maleny Terrace Cottages • 5435 2569 Boutique accommodation, beautiful rainforest gardens, pool, wedding gazebo with views. Walk to The Terrace Seafood Restaurant. Perfect getaway for couples,1 night stays available. Maleny Tropical Retreat B&B • 5435 2113 540 Maleny-Montville Road. Offers something different from the traditional Bed & Breakfast accommodation. Spicers Tamarind Retreat • 5420 5420 Wake up to the gentle sounds of the rainforest in one of the most romantic and unique places in Australia. Mapleton Information Centre Maleny Information Centre Maleny Hinterland Visitor Information Centre Montville Information Centre -
5478 6381 5499 9033 5499 9788 5478 5544
C R E AT I V E C U T S Brett Hallam Holland in Witta Former Maleny resident Brett Hallam Holland will be performing solo at the Old Witta School Hall, 316 Witta Road, at 4pm on June 11 entry by donation. The songwriter/guitarist will be sharing songs from recent albums, as well as material from a new project, Fuse Box Social. His songs cover topics from social issues to natural and unnatural disasters, to unnatural disasters, to loss and love, with a bit of humour is also thrown in the mix. incorporating two-hand tapping, slapping, walking bass lines, harmonics, and much more, Brett’s music is big on groove and strong on melody.
Anna and Jordan go to market
Guitar artistry at Eudlo Eudlo Hall plays host to guitar masters, Richard Gilewitz (uSA) and Michael Fix (Aust), on Thursday June 15 from 7pm, for an evening of artistry, fun and humour. Michael Fix is a leading contemporary acoustic guitarist with a distinctively original sound. His latest of 15 albums, Bending Air, features exquisite original new pieces. Richard Gilewitz performs with a quirky take on everything around him, and humorous stories. He takes his audience on a journey with twists and turns at every tune. Supporting act is artist Van Larkins, with drinks and snacks by the Eudlo Hall committee as a fundraiser. Tickets online at
Anna and Jordan showcase their original music, both sung and instrumental, producing a colourful range of vocal and instrumental harmonies. Combining Anna’s knowledge of traditional music and Jordan’s exceptional creativity in songwriting, they create a distinctive combination of genres and styles that is truly unique and uplifting. They have performed at many national folk festivals and were two-time finalists for the Folk Alliance Australia's Young Performer of the Year Award in 2014 and 2015. See their gig at the Maleny Artisan Markets is on Sunday June 18, from 12-2pm. The new single will be available online in June:
High afro beats at Finbars
Take the Open Studio Trail On June 24-25 (10-4), six warm studio/galleries across the Hinterland and surrounds will be welcoming visitors. Eight local artists will be demonstrating: Chris Blake, Christine Elcoate, McCotter-Musk Studio, Belinda Stanton, Michele Deveze, Annie Mcintosh and Feature Artist Megan Bice. Megan describes her art adventure as, ‘i love it all. There is always something new to discover, you never stop learning. The power of art and its practice is a part of my everyday life. i will always encourage people to make art a part of their lives. information and maps:
HH3, also known as the Hayden Hack Trio, is a journey into the outer depths of creativity, the mind and your molecular stratosphere.Excite your neural networks, dance, laugh, jump, spin and connect. Hayden Hack, Leon Tussie and Brad Wenham combine their musical wisdom collecting sonic spices from all over the multiverses, then make into a tasty rich sauce to produce fresh original compositions to amplify the aural tastebuds. it’s funky, it’s groovatious, it’s tribal, it’s prime time dramatic. it’s a shot of hot chilli infused tequila. Hayden Hack Trio, Finbars on June 17 at 8.30pm.
Choral festival for Sunshine Coast Come celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the naming of our wonderful Sunshine Coast at the Lake Kawana Community Centre, 114 Sportsmans Parade, Bokarina on Saturday June 10, commencing at 1.30pm. The Choral Festival of the Sunshine Coast will feature 12 of the premier choirs from the region, with Bruce Hamilton as Master of Ceremonies. Enjoy music of different genres from across the globe, with the Hinterland area represented by Sweet Chilli, The Joy Of Singing, inspiration Choir and Mouth Orchestra. Enquiries please contact 07 5448 5487 or visit the choral festival website: 36
visual arts entertainment performance
Drum and Dance Retreat
More Jazz in the Forest Moving elegantly through jazz, folk, classical and Middle Eastern styles, Lizzie O’Keefe is a commanding vocalist. Studying opera, classical and jazz from an early age, she has developed a completely unique signature style. Based in Maleny, Lizzie is quickly gaining recognition throughout the upper echelons of the Australian music industry. The release of her debut solo EP Leaden Heart in mid 2014 cast her into the spotlight, with the title track making her a finalist in the jazz category for the 2015 queensland Music Awards Spicers’ Jazz in the Forest is on July 2 at the Tamarind, 88 Obi Lane South.
Rhythm Culture presents Camp Afro Foli Drum and Dance Retreat, bringing you world-class artists from Africa and Australia in a three-day retreat in the beautiful Sunshine Coast Hinterland from July 14-16 . Three days of movement, fun, cultural workshops, African food and performances, with international artist Bassidi Kone (Mali), interstate artist Mohamed Bangoura (Guinea), Brisbane artists Yenenesh Nigusse (Ethiopia) and Adama Doumbouya (ivory Coast) bringing Africa to the Sunshine Coast. Be immersed in West African culture with workshops in djembe, dancing, dundun drumming and dundun dancing. Loads to choose from and the gift of rhythm for your hands and feet.
Hidden Figures Learn the inspiring, previously untold story of three mathematicians employed by NASA in the early days of the space race with the uSSR, when American prestige was on the line. They happened to be African-American and female. Working quietly in the background in an era of pervasive prejudice, the gifted trio played a crucial role in overcoming the challenges of putting a man into orbit. Their story is surprising and the likeability of the characters makes this a cheerful and popular film. See the Maleny Film Society 3pm matinee and 7.15pm screening, Saturday, July 1 at the Maleny Community Centre.
See Mr Chuck and Missy Chrissy Brisbane duo Chuck and Chrissy Euston will bring their own brand of blues and jazz to the Goodwills’ lounge room on Sunday June 25. Also known as members of the folk band, Stockade, this duo play everything from roots and blues to jazz, with hints of gospel and country swing. Hosts, The Goodwills, will present an opening set of old and new originals and other people’s songs. The concert starts at 2pm, tickets are $15/$12 and afternoon tea will be available. Goodwills house concerts are sponsored by the queensland Folk Federation. Email Laurel:
The Sunshine Coast Symphony Orchestra is performing a concert for families, Fantasy and Imagination, featuring the narrated story of Peter and the Wolf in which all the characters are represented by various instruments in the orchestra. Other works to be played include Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. This is a great opportunity to introduce young ones to the delights of orchestral music related to children’s stories. Come along on Saturday June 17, 2pm at the Caloundra uniting Church in queen Street. Tickets from and the Old Buderim Post Office.
New Program out Download this Program from our website Sat 10 Jun
Kim Kellie Duo play Finbars The Kim Kellie Band formally known as the "Clearwater Band" consists of Kim Kellie on Mark Nyburg, Karl Wilson and Russ Armstrong, with their guitars, drums, bass and great vocals. Hear all your favourite hits and join in the fun with one of the Coast’s most popular bands, playing 70s and 80s pub rock. Time to dance the night away with all the rock classics! See them on June 24 at Finbars, 8.30pm.
Mary Valley Art Festival has $9000 in prizes Mary Valley Artslink brings uSC Art Gallery Manager to imbil as a guest speaker for its art festival which opens on June 29. Megan Williams will deliver a curator’s address on Friday June 30 at the imbil Public Hall. it is an exciting addition to the exhibition viewing days– June 30-July 2. As well, artist Brett A Jones presents a freehand drawing workshop June 29-30 where participants can learn how to draw realistically; cost $150. Find out more: 0419 024291 or email: Entry closes June 15:
Family orchestral concert
Sat 1 Jul Matinee & Evening
special guest
Sat 15 Jul Sat 29 Jul
The Salesman Hidden Figures Jasper Jones JJon in collaboration with
Sense of an Ending
Sat 12 Aug Matinee Sun 13 Aug
Rosalie Blum
Sat 26 Aug
David Stratton: a Cinematic Life
Sat 09 Sep
Things to Come
+ BONUS short from Heart of Gold Int. Film Festival with every film this program
Saturday & Sunday Matinees 3:00pm Saturday Evenings at 7:15pm Members $8/Students $8/Public $13 Maleny Community Centre, 23 Maple St Check online for door open times & catering 0418 708 244 [enquiries, not bookings] HiNTERLAND TiMES – JuNE 2017
In the Wild Staying Connected
with Spencer Shaw
What's in the Spotlight What does your Transport Levy fund? The Transport Levy allows the Sunshine Coast to pursue a transport strategy that will preserve and enhance our region’s enviable lifestyle. The Transport Levy funds service improvements, bus stop upgrades, improved hinterland services and undertakes research, investigations and analysis. The levy also contributes to the Transport Futures Fund for signiÞcant contributions to future projects such as Sunshine Coast Light Rail.
Immerse yourself in arts and culture Experience the creative soul of the Sunshine Coast at Horizon Festival of Arts and Culture. Immerse yourself in 10 arts-fuelled days across the region from August 25 – September 3. The program of more than 200 events includes arts Þlled weekends in Maleny and Eumundi, international artists, projects and speakers, public art, workshops and more. Check out some of the incredible events already announced and book your tickets now at
Velothon is coming soon! Velothon Sunshine Coast, a four day road cycling experience for professional and amateur riders, is coming to Australia for the Þrst time July 13 to 16. To Þnd out if the event will visit your area and for details on changed trafÞc conditions visit
Improve your social media presence Learn about promoting your event or business using social media at council’s free Sunshine Coast Events Network ‘Digital Sunshine Coast Social Media for Business’ on June 21 at the Surfair Beach Hotel. Book now via council’s website.
Celebrate the men in your life Men’s Health Week, June 12 – 18, celebrates the strengths of men and the contributions they make in our community. This year’s theme is 'Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Keeping the Balance.' Attend free nutrition talks, Þtness sessions and more. Visit council’s website for bookings and more details.
Lots to do these school holidays School holidays are just around the corner and if you're looking for awesome ideas for the whole family, there's plenty to discover at council's nature reserves. From eco-treasure hunts at the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary to hands on workshops at the Maroochy Botanic Gardens and creative experiences at Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve. Visit council's website to reserve your spot today.
N THESE DAYS of digital technology, with our mobile phones and internet it’s easier than ever for us humans to stay connected to the rest of society. if only staying connected was so easy for the wildlife! As the virtual world wide web increases its ability to connect human beings across the planet, the very real and necessary world wide “web of life” is becoming increasingly fragmented. As wonderful as the virtual world is, we need to apply some serious work into ensuring the world wide “web of life” stays connected or we are in for some serious repercussions. For those of you who have become “connected” to the virtual world, just imagine if the world wide web disappeared…would life ever be the same for you again (and this virtual world has only been around for most of us for a mere 20 years or less!). unfortunately we don’t have to imagine what will happen if the world wide web of life starts to crumble (were there already). This real world has taken over 4 billion years to evolve. Compared to the mere inconvenience of the loss of the internet, the loss of the world wide “web of life” has far reaching consequences for us all. unfortunately for our wildlife, their ability to communicate and move through the landscape is now extremely limited,
Forest Heart Local Native Plant Nursery 20 Coral St, Maleny Phone: 5435 2193
which has and continues to lead to localised extinctions and reductions in species diversity. Where there was once boundless forest there are now scattered remnants from a few hundred acres in size to scattered trees. They sit there like islands of the old forest in a sea of grass. So what can we all do individually to keep our real world functioning and healthy and connected? What can we do to help the ecosystems that support all of life across the planet? The solution is simple, we must reconnect the remaining forest remnants so that wildlife can move freely through the landscape again. To continue our internet analogy. We measure the flow of information (of connection) on the world wide web using kilobytes, megabytes etc... With our real world, it’s the flow of genes by which we measure the flow of information (of connection). it’s the ability of animals and plants to move through the landscape that allows the world wide web of life to function. unfortunately gene flow is at best poor and our wildlife are often lucky to be able to connect at dial up level and often the server is down! Now more than ever it’s time to plant native plants, to try and help get our local wildlife back on the network, so they too, can stay connected.
Ecology and Revegetation
COLOGiSTS, REVEGETATORS and landholders have recently been discussing the relative merits of using scarce resources to protect the habitats of rare and endangered species and/or building connecting corridors. Some species will be less able than others to adapt to the effects of global warming and could become confined to areas which suit their particular needs. Without access to those specialised habitats or refugia, they are unlikely to survive. if the refugia are lost, so are these species. At the same time, do we really understand just how different species of birds, animals, frogs and insects move through the landscape. There’s a wealth of science behind the study of ecology, and also behind what we as landholders do on the ground as we continue to revegetate our own patches of the landscape.
Recent and ongoing research is finding that the idea of ‘build it and they will come’ is not necessarily true. A complex mix of trees, shrubs, groundcovers, rocks, logs and water certainly helps but some species require continuous vegetation of a particular type e.g. woodland, to enable them to live successfully in their preferred habitat. They will not move from patch to patch across open ground. Whether we are gardeners or live on rural blocks, we need to connect and work with our neighbours. Finding out the best way do this equates with citizen science. We love watching our wildlife, but will the finches living in the grassland next door be eager to make use of a similar patch of grassland on your property? Will they move through a wide corridor of revegetation, mostly trees, to get there or do they actually need a corridor of grasses? Some birds move seasonally from the coast to the ranges and cross
many landscapes but others may not. Science is fascinating and underpins so much of our lives. Science is for everyone so enjoy observing, recording and sharing the results.
Barung native Plant nursery Phone 5494 3151
Porters Lane Nursery opening times: Wednesday - Friday - 9am -3pm, Saturday 9am - 12pm
Landscapes with Loors Landscaping ... landscaping the Range for the past 26 years
Get involved in SC50 celebrations Come celebrate the 50th Anniversary Naming of the Sunshine Coast. Community days, street fairs, an outdoor movie night, art exhibits, a commemorative cook book, concerts, musical tributes, heritage displays and an open cockpit weekend are just some of the SC50 celebration events.
Council meetings Ordinary Meeting 11am 15 June, Nambour 07 5475 7272 38
Winter Nights Outdoors Fire Pits have become a central part of our outdoor living, evolving from the days of caveman and campsites (out of necessity) to a myriad of modern designs to suit each individual application. There is something primeval, mesmerising and calming watching flames in motion. Most fire pits are fuelled by wood or charcoal with some designs operating on gas. Not only is it a place to gather and chat with a drink of choice but also a means of cooking, using skewers, grill baskets, cooking grate, cast iron skillet of rotisserie. Pictured: Recently finished project by Loors Landscaping
Loors Landscaping
Phone: 07 5445 7615
Mobile: 0412 680 801
See Brazzen Rural Products at Farm Fantastic F
AMiLY BROuGHT Barbara Wilkinson to Morayfield and a semi-rural acreage. After sourcing fencing and cages for four dogs, 20 fantail pigeons, three chooks, two Major Mitchell cockatoos and a horse later - she became a distributor for Brazzen Rural Products. One year down the track, and if you need "anything steel" - like cattle fencing, crushes, trailers, cattle feeders, dog cages and more, Barbara is the person to call. "it is good quality product that doesn't cost the earth and quality control is excellent.” Brazzen is an Australian owned company, they manufacture their own products and supply the united States, New Zealand, Germany, the united Kingdom and Dubai.
The ex-scientist who used to research in skin diseases and skin cancer in Sydney, found it hard to pin down what she liked most about running her own business: "Rural people are really lovely and there's more flexibility for my kids." She says, "The most popular item is cattle yards, my husband Andrew and i also offer a design and set-up service - as not everyone wants to or can build their new yards." You can see Barb and Andrew and her products at Farm Fantastic, one of queensland’s largest rural, farming, agriculture, livestock and lifestyle Expos held at Caboolture Showgrounds, 8.30am - 4pm, June 30 - July 2. Save some dollars and call Barb on 0418 528 939 or visit:
dances. This is a fun way to exercise and make new friends. No partner needed; no special outfits required.Buffalo Hall, Price St, Nambour. Mondays 9.30 11.30am, $5 per class. Enquiries: Lorraine 5445 1740 Mandala Folkdancers.
Save wildlife Join Wilvos as a carer or hotline volunteer. Volunteers work from home, making a BiG difference for our little Aussie mates. To register for training workshops in 2017, please contact: Sylvia
DNA barcoding rainforest flora Scientists are only just now just starting to use DNA barcodes as a way measuring genetic diversity within eco-systems. This cutting edge research is helping scientists plan for conservation much more effectively. Come and hear leading plant ecologist Associate Professor Alison Shapcott (uSC) talk about how she is using DNA barcoding as a better way to measure biodiversity for conservation planning on June 8 23.30pm at Mary Cairncross Centre.
Hatha Yoga/Pilates Enjoy Hatha yoga and Pilates at the Woombye School of Arts Hall, with a relaxation session with every class.Main hall: Wednesday 9.30am; lower hall: Saturday 9am. Beginners and seniors are welcome, with the cost only $10 Concession $8. Contact Christine: Tel. 5441 6285. (Dip. iYTA)
Multicultural dance classes for adults Learn Balkan, European, Asian, English and American
Sunshine Coast singing Local singers, songwriters and bands are invited to develop a song that celebrates the Sunshine Coast and have the opportunity to perform it live at a free birthday concert taking place at the Sunshine Coast Stadium, Bokarina, on Sunday August 6 from 2-4pm. The concert will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Naming of the Sunshine Coast and the selected finalists will have the chance to perform their original song celebrating life here on the Coast. For more info:
Flush it down Do you have an on-site sewerage facility or do you intend to install either a septic tank or treatment plant? Join Des Harms from Sunshine Coast Council Building and Plumbing Services and gain insights from an industry professional. Find out what types of treatment systems are available and how to select the best one for your property. Learn more about protecting the environment and community health. Discover useful maintenance tips to help reduce costly repairs and save water. Free, but bookings essential.Maleny June 8, 1.30pm3pm, Nambour June 14, 10am-11.30am, June 21, Beerwah 1pm-2.30pm.
Above: Pictured with her horse, Sapphire, Barbara Wilkinson's business will help you house your pets and livestock
Maleny Meals On Wheels
Roster June 2017 1 2 5
RECENTLY ATTENDED to a large Flooded, or Rose, Gum, Eucalyptus grandis. The botanical name says it all, Grandis means big. Anyway, this tree had been struck and killed by lightning, not an uncommon occurrence here on the Plateau, particularly when trees are tall, and/or on ridgelines. The owners had experienced a massive bolt of lightning that had fried their underground powerline creating a weird, potentially lethal electrical scenario in their home, and two weeks later all the leaves on the gum died. At this point i was called and upon arrival at the property immediately
realised that the bolt had blown the bark open all the way in a line down the back of the tree. in this case, the bolt superheated the liquid in the trunk and the resulting escaping steam blew the bark open, and the steam treatment killed the tree. There are many fascinating ways lightning can affect trees, but there are not enough column inches available to go into them here, unfortunately. On a happier note, i’ve begun posting photographs on instagram under ‘aboutthattree’ and also on my Facebook page ‘Tony Wootton Tree Surgeon’, to offer an arborist’s view
of the world. it’s awesome. Now go outside and touch a tree and marvel at the wonder of it. Follow ‘aboutthattree’ on Instagram, and Tony Wootton Tree Surgeon on Facebook
6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30
S.Stockwell, K.Lanphier, R/K.Howell J/A.Caradine, K/A.Kennedy J.Glasscock, T.Dansie, D.Somerville, R.Blackburn B/G.Diefenbach, P.McLennan, B.Crozier Y.Richards, M.Closkey, M/D.Cole M.Foster, M.Marshall, D.Shepherd, S.Brown S.Carn, A.Wilson, C.O’Neill, R.Groves B.Clayton, P.Perisic, B/T.Feenstra L.Gemmell, S.Johns, S/G.Ellis P/V.Weaver, J/L.Tilley B/J.Whan, J.Proctor, S.Grundon M.Allen Waters, B.Perry, M/R.Cock M.Foster, G.Carson, D.Somerville, S.Carn V.Carberry, N.Hungerford, M/J.Benn E/J.Atkinson, P.McLennan, B.Crozier B.Lingard, L.Lowe, E/R.Robinson M/B.Moss, S.Marchant, S.Frohlich G.Carson, S.Brown, S/G.Ellis D.Shepherd, W.Harper, F/A.Keating L/P.Shaffer, D.Graves, M.Sherrin R/K.Howell, B/T.Feenstra S.Marchant, D.Wall, E/J.Atkinson
Out and About
at the 2017 Maleny Show
Locals Elina Syrmis and Fraser having fun on the dodgem cars
Images Karen Muir
Poultry show judge Noel Nelson has been judging at shows for over 30 years Junior Show Princess Sharn Phipps with runner up Junior Princess Neive Vinall
Riley and Tyler Van Grondelle loving the dagwood dogs
HiNTERLAND TiMES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; JuNE 2017
Local singing sensation Nellie Finley with Denise Howard
Chloe Tango from Toogoolawa showed cattle
Hinterland Times
ReAl estAte Absolutely the best buy on the market in 2017!
A lifestyle like no other...
EDuCED FOR sale, immediate you'll find 29 lush and private Maleny acres and a spacious and solid home that features: • Soaring ceilings, timber floors and plenty of ambient light • Country timber kitchen with ample space and peaceful outlook • Cosy sunken lounge with wood fireplace plus vast dining / family area, opening out to large decks • Generous bedrooms with built in robes plus separate study • Master suite on entry level featuring walk in robe and private ensuite
• 12 x 6m shed featuring workshop space plus double carport • Absolute peace and privacy, situated toward the end of a quiet country lane and surrounded by other rural properties.
• Separate bathroom upstairs along with powder room for guests in main living quarters
Bed: 3 Bath: 2 Garage: 4
• Expansive decks wrap around three sides of the home, taking in the glorious rural views!
Price: Offers Over $895,000
• Established cattle underground water rainwater tanks + dam
Agency: RE/MAX Hinterland 07 5408 4220 2/10 Maple St, Maleny Qld 4552
yards with and 10,000g
Land Size: 29 acres
Contact: 0447 737 737
DYLLiC ACREAGE living on seven lush, gently undulating acres boasting privacy and a prized north-east aspect. The custom-designed contemporary home itself is approximately 400m2 under roof, and is complete with five bedrooms, study, three bathrooms, multiple living areas including media room, chic designer kitchen, and massive alfresco entertaining deck showcasing a glorious vista over property and dam. infrastructure on the property includes: fencing, cattle grid, children’s play gym, 2 x gas hot water systems, 2 x water tanks under deck and 2 x water tanks attached to colorbond shed with 3kW solar power
(adjacent to house) with double lock up garage, plus a 17x11m single-phase powered double skin brick shed with 3 roller doors, 3 windows, sizolation in ceiling and open gable timber trusses.
Agent: Melinda Martin Contact: 0497 550 161 Price: Offers Over $1,100,000 View: Saturdays and By appointment Agency: Ray White Maleny 1/5 Maple St, Maleny QLD 4552
HiNTERLAND TiMES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; JuNE 2017
HiNTERLAND TiMES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; JuNE 2017
302 Mount Mellum Road, Mount Mellum
32 Curlew Court, Maleny
Extraordinary valley views - Superb Queenslander 3 Charming, quality character home with protected, North Eastern panoramic views!
Looking for Exceptional Value? HERE IT IS!
2 4
3 Multi-level architecturally designed residence
3 52,000 Litres Water, Eco Cycle Treatment system
3 N=5#"<8)&569&;":@?&E;;$9&I"?#@$6&#<D=;$?$& with stone benches
3 5.3kw Solar system plus Solar hot water
3 O&I"6:&)"P$&7$9!<<D)&=;8)&<A#$&569&<=$6& library
3 Holiday Let / Dual living potential here!
3 Quiet 2,400m2 allotment in elevated position
3 Master retreat on top level with enclosed sundeck area 3 Ducted plus split system Air-conditioning 3 Huge open Media / Main lounge area 3 N<869&=!<<E6:&?<&D8)"#&!<<D
Inspect: By Appointment !"#$%&'($!)&'*$!&+,-./... Land Size: 2,400 m2 Agency: RE/MAX Hinterland Contact: 0447 737 737
3 Spacious kitchen featuring quality appliances, stone bench tops and ample cupboards
3 Huge entertainment deck with wrap around verandahs overlooking glorious valley views in every direction!
3 Garden shed with power and gravelled storage space under the home + 2kw solar system
Land Size: 5,613m2 Agency: RE/MAX Hinterland Contact: 0447 737 737
in robes, master suite featuring ensuite
4/12 Bicentenary Lane, Maleny
57 Tesch Road, Witta
Exceptional value on the hinterland - Do not delay 3 Spacious home over 2 levels – Freshly painted inside and out – Nothing to do but enjoy!
3 Large 176m2 tenancy in Bicentenary Lane, Maleny 3 456&7$&8)$9&5)&5&)"6:;$/&<=$6&)=5#$&>"?@&<A#$ 3 Potential for division and use as 2 separate tenancies 3 Large car parks below and above incl. 5 exclusive use car parks 3
5)?&8)$)&@5*$&"6#;89$9%&B$?5";&'A#$)/&B$)?58!56?/&569& Church space
Inspect: By Appointment Price: $450,000 + GST Land Size: 176m2 Agency: RE/MAX Hinterland Contact: 0447 737 737
3 Grease trap for restaurant option already in place.
2/10 Maple St, Maleny - Ph: 07 5408 4220 44
2 5
3 L5!9><<9&?"D7$!&K<<!)/&)<5!"6:&2F?&#$";"6:)/& 3 Town water and sewerage plus 5,000gal tank to ducted air-conditioning throughout with house and #<)C&><<9&E!$=;5#$&"6&;<86:$&F<!&?@$&>"6?$!& Inspect: By Appointment 800 gal tank months !"#$%&'($!)&'*$!&+120/... to gardens. 3 Four beautiful bedrooms, carpeted with built 3 M$58?"F8;;C&E6")@$9&75?@!<<D)/&D5"6&>"?@& claw foot bathtub and stone bench tops
Looking for a great space for your new venture, or upsizing to a larger space? Look no further!
3 Expansive open plan living and dining 3 Double garage adjoining home plus areas, featuring plenty of natural light and separate lined double garage as well as an 5"!K<>/&)=";;"6:&<8?&?<&)>$$="6:&>!5=&5!<869& extra high caravan / motorhome port verandahs and decks
3 Ample storage throughout the home
3 Gourmet kitchen with stone tops, quality appliances and dishwasher 3 4<)C&?"D7$!&;<:&E!$&?<&?@$&F<!D5;&;"*"6:&5!$5& with raked ceilings 3 5 or 6 bedrooms depending on your preference for layout! 3 GH?$!65;&5##$))&><!I&F!<D&@<D$&<A#$J business potential as well! 3 Wrap around verandahs with entertaining areas for all aspects with decks to the upper level – Glorious views!
2 7
the northern side of the home! 3 Large outdoor pizza oven and awesome cubby house for the little ones as well! 3 Fully fenced, landscaped grounds with chook run, working vegetable and herb gardens, fruit orchard 3 3508m2 allotment – 2 sealed entry driveways – 2 large lock up sheds/garages.
Inspect: By Appointment !"#$%&'($!)&'*$!&&+-0./... Land Size: 3,508m2 Agency: RE/MAX Hinterland Contact: 0447 737 737
3 Sparkling new plunge pool and sun deck on
What do our clients say about us?
HiNTERLAND TiMES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; JuNE 2017
Health, Wellness
We've lots more news for you this month, as winter begins there are many ways to keep your body, mind and soul healthy. Be sure to learn more from our knowledgeable columnists Marisa, Wendy, Tim and Mary.
Mindfulness and meditation in daily life
OME TO A SEVEN-DAY Meditation Retreat from July 1- 7, by Ruth and ian Gawler with Melissa Borich, at the delightful Chenrezig institute, Eudlo. His first queensland retreat, ian has written many books on this topic, and has an amazing ability to share in such a way that is accessible, informative, research-based and experiential. Expect the retreat will be practical and regenerative; accessible to any beginner along with more experienced meditators. Secular, non-secular, all-inclusive, as we take the time out of our busy lives to meditate for a variety of reasons. Whether one is in full health or dealing with health concerns this retreat shows you ways in which to regain perspective, clarity, vitality and balance. Exploring techniques that unite practice with daily life. To book and receive further information please email or call Melissa on 0417 200 192.
Book in a Foodie talk q
CWA COuNTRY KiTCHENs Program, the CWA Maleny Branch, and university of the Sunshine Coast are inviting community groups and individuals to take part in activities which can be monitored by nutrition students, to enable them to identify nutrition needs within our diverse Maleny community.
This gives them a valuable experience in applying the theory of community and public health in preparation for professional practise as dietitians. The activities run from 10 July to 14 August in an effort to highlight the need to prevent the rising incidence of obesity and chronic diseases such as diabetics and heart disease. One-hour sessions include nutrition facts and a demonstration of a modified everyday recipe, based on one or all of our five key health messages: eat more fruit and vegetables; cook at home; check your portion size; be aware of sugar in your drinks and sit less, move more.
For appointments please call: We are here
07 5373 0700 9 Ochre Way, Sippy Downs Weekdays: 8:00am - 7:00pm Weekends: 9:00am - 2:00pm
Online bookings are available at: 46
Contact: Judy Stubbs by email: or phone 5435 8140. Country Kitchens facilitator Judy Stubbs says the CWA has been working with Maleny Girl Guide leaders Sandra Graham, Marilyn Large and Chelsea Large and members for four months and their final workshop is on June 20 Image Jessica McKenzie
It's Men’s Health Week
ROM JUNE 12 – 18, celebrate the strengths of men and the contributions they make in our community. This year’s theme is 'Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Keeping the Balance’. Attend free nutrition talks, fitness sessions and more. Visit Council’s website for bookings and more details.
Dr Campbell Ramage joins Ochre Medical Centre Sippy Downs! Dr Ramage brings a wealth of healthcare experience to our Sippy Downs Medical Centre. A GP who specialises in Men’s Health, Antenatal Care, Paediatrics, Psychiatry and Sexual Health & Family Planning. We are now taking bookings for Dr Ramage for new and existing patients.
These sessions are suitable for kindy kids up to university students, guest speaker occasions, morning and afternoon tea or lunch gatherings and after school activities. We can consider your requirements and include craft activities for children.
Sippy Downs
Our services • Audiometry Services • Dietician • Exercise Physiologist • Obstetrics & Gynaecology • Pathology • Pharmacy • Physiotherapy • Podiatrist • Psychologist • Yoga & Pilates • Dentist • X-Ray Facilities • Psychiatrist • Family Dispute Resolution
Our Doctors Dr Marc Daniels Dr Marlene Pearce Dr Bernard Spilsbury Dr Alison O’Connor Dr Vincent Friend Dr Iain Loan Dr Corinne Aveline Dr David Baker Dr Joanne Butterfield Dr Bianca Maiden Dr Helen Loan Dr Campbell Ramage
Do they need ed a mouthguard to protect tect ct their t ir teeth? the tee eeth ee If you have Extras cover with MBP, BUPA, TUH UH or HCF Dental Centre Maleny will have a mouthguard made for you with no out of pocket expense.
No private health cover ? Pay only $120 This promotion is valid until June 2017 only ( T&C’s apply ) Health Fund rebate must cover Laboratory costs.
OPENING HOURS Mon - Sat with early and late appointments available
Ph: 5499 9722 17 Bunya Street, Maleny
Health, Wellness
HospITals – please stop selling soft drinks
ONGRATuLATiONS Caboolture Hospital on your queensland-first move - banning the sale of all energy drinks, sports drinks and soft drinks. Cancer Council queensland CEO Ms Chris McMillan encouraged hospitals to implement active measures to limit the consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks. “Two in three queensland adults and one in four children are overweight or obese – we need to do more to help our communities maintain a healthy weight,” Ms McMillan said. “We’re urging hospitals to set an example and promote healthy lifestyles by helping patients, staff and
visitors make the healthy choice the easy choice, by limiting the sale of sugar-sweetened beverages. “Regular consumption of sugary drinks is associated with significant health problems including obesity, some cancers, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. “One 600ml bottle of a soft drink, sports drink, or energy drink contains up to 16 teaspoons of sugar and over 250 calories or 1000 kilojoules. “At least one-third of all cancers are preventable through healthy lifestyle changes including eating a healthy diet, being physically active, reducing alcohol intake and maintaining a healthy weight.”
Take conTrol of your
Do you or someone you know need assistance to remain independent at home?
Hinterland Home Assist AGED & DISABILITY HOME CARE
Someone to Help Experienced, fully qualified and insured Carer
Available by the hour, day or night respite. Personal or palliative care, house duties, meals, transport to/from appointments or simply a coffee...
NEW GROuP education program will be helping people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes - both newly diagnosed and those who have had the condition for some time. Credentialed Diabetes Educator and podiatrist, Jane Stanley says, "i will support and encourage you to take what you need from sessions and fit it into your lifestyle.” Something tertiary-educated Jane is well qualified to do, with specialised training in diabetes and an impressive 1000 hrs of supervised practice! Working with a dietitian, the group sessions will cover: understanding diabetes; demystifying myths and what you should be doing; what commonly prescribed medications do; lifestyle skills including nutrition, exercise; taking care feet, and living well with diabetes and staying in control. Jane explains, "Group learning is very supportive and fun - a great way to increase your knowledge and skill." Participants will have one individual session and then attend six weekly sessions of 1.5 hrs with the group. All participants will set their own goals. Diabetes is a selfmanaged condition.
queenslanders can limit their consumption of sugarsweetened beverages by drinking water or unflavoured low-fat milk instead. More information about Cancer Council queensland is available at or 13 11 20.
Hinterland & surrounds CONTACT Sya Marie Wiersma 0432 795 549 to assist you today!
Credentialed Diabetes Educator and podiatrist, Jane Stanley, invites people to fun sessions so they can live well with their diabetes
"The ultimate aim is for participants to take control and live well with their diabetes," smiles Jane. Held at Ochre Medical Centre Maleny from July, you simply need a referral from your GP, and you can claim under Medicare to attend. Call Jane to find out more: 5494 2388.
Tim and Mary Bagshaw
• Physiotherapy for all ages • Specific exercise prescription • Postural assessment and correction • Sporting injuries • Post operative rehabilitation • Workplace rehabilitation • Injury preventions strategies • More services available
Ph: 07 5494 3911
• Podia try • M a ss age Therap y • Audio Clinic • Wom ens Health
1/70 Maple Street, Maleny
We are a local, not-for-profit, in-home and respite care provider committed to helping you live your best life. RangeCare’s services include: ! home help ! personal care ! nursing care ! respite care ! healthy lifestyle programs. Available to everyone in the community Government subsidies may be available Tailor-made services
Ask todayy how we can best meet yyour needs
5478 6600 HiNTERLAND TiMES – JuNE 2017
Health, Wellness
Ayurvedic Health Advice to Suit You
Control is opposed to evolution
O YOu FEEL SORE after a yoga class? Stressed about not being able to meditate? Straining to achieve Wendy Rosenfeldt happiness? The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness and while we may have got caught up looking for it in the wrong places and straining to achieve it, the natural tendency of life is for fulfilment. Happiness comes from within and while most of us acknowledge this, we still spend a lot of time chasing it on the outside. We seek satisfaction in material possessions; nice cars, beautiful clothes, comfortable homes; and while there is nothing wrong with having these they will not make us happy. We may look for fulfilment in relationships, looking attractive or being successful in our career but these cannot fool proof us from feeling anxious, depressed or insecure. A state of bliss consciousness is at the depths of our being. Experienced at the deepest level of the mind it can permeate all phases of living. initially it is experienced when the body is deeply resting. The mind and body are intimately connected. Mental stress creates tension in the body just as poor health affects the quality of our thinking. A stress free physiology is more conducive to bliss. The mind naturally moves in the direction of more happiness. When we are enjoying a good book we cannot put it down but if it gets boring the mind will drift to other thoughts. Trying to control the natural movement of the mind is like trying to stand in the fast flowing current of a river. it can be hard and create resistance for a time, until it will at some point it will be swept along with the rush of the current. Transcendental Meditation is like going with the flow. The
technique also gives the mind the direction to go inward so we are not just floating along on the surface of the mind but going deep within to the source of thought. These quiet levels are like gravity to the mind, so in an effortless way, the mind just sinks within. it is opposite to concentration or control. Likewise attempting to relax the body by forcing it into painful positions or pushing beyond what is comfortable may improve our flexibility but causes stress and strain to the body in the process. Ayurveda advocates exercising to less than your full capacity to improve fitness and overall health. While you are exercising you should be able to breathe comfortably through your nose. initially you may feel that you cannot run as fast or exercise as heavily but over time your ability to run faster and go for longer will improve without creating strain in the body. Exercise should release stress not create it. Creating a routine or lifestyle where you are constantly trying to better your self can also become a source of stress. Strictly following a diet while craving the ‘wrong’ foods can be a detrimental to health and happiness. Sometimes we do need to avoid certain foods if they are creating health problems but if we are just doing it because we have an intellectual idea that particular foods are bad or we should eat food we dislike in the name of good health then it is time to tune into how we feel when we eat or avoid them. Finding happiness should not be hard work.
Wendy Rosenfeldt is a Maharishi Ayurveda Practitioner and Teacher of Transcendental Meditation. For more information call 5499 9580/ 0438 507 188 or email
You influence your future and your health 3x a day
Jane Stanley PODIATRIST/DIABETES EDUCATOR COMPREHENSIVE PODIATRY & DIABETES EDUCATION PRACTICE MALENY FULL PODIATRY SERVICE • General foot & nail care • Complete diabetes foot assessment & follow up care • Corn & callus removal • Heel & foot pain • Orthotic therapy/ sporting injuries DIABETES EDUCATION • Managing your diabetes on a daily basis • Medication & Insulin management • Promoting a healthy lifestyle, skills & strategies BULK BILLING FOR DVA & ENHANCED PRIMARY CARE PLAN PATIENTS HOLDING PENSIONER & SENIOR HEALTH CARE CARDS Weekly appointments available: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Saturday morning by appointment only
5494 2388
39 Coral St MALENY 48
OMETiMES WHAT YOu EAT is not as important as how you feel when you are eating it. A rushed meal eaten just to put something in your body so that you have the energy to keep running around is not going to nourish your body as well as a relaxed meal eaten slowly with enjoyment. Even though the nutritional ingredients in a meal are important, they are of little value to the person who can’t absorb them due to stress or who consumes them in a rush so that the food is not mixed adequately with saliva to make the ingredients available to the body. Chewing your food, is important, so is choosing the best quality food items available. This means as far as possible buy ORGANiC. Recently i read an comment by a dietitian that stated that there is no real difference in the nutritional value of organic over conventionally grown food. Even if that was a correct statement, we aren’t just speaking about nutritional value when we recommend organic, we are saying it makes more sense to chose foods that are grown without an abundance of chemicals thrown in, in soil that has been built up with
natural compost rather than with with chemicals. There has been much valid research that documents the health hazards of chemicals that are used in modern farming. We are also just beginning to get scientific validation about the healing applications of food as medicine. Dr. William Li who researches the benefits of foods in terms of CA protection, recently stated that “1/3 of Cancers can be prevented by diet alone”, he also says “We get to influence our health 3x per day when preparing and eating meals.” Dr. Li ‘s advice is also that we eat brightly pigmented foods as these often confer the greatest level of protection against CA. Lifestyle choices make a profound difference to your future experience, so take a breath, stop and think why you do what you do, rethink every aspect of your life, and make choices that will help you create the life you truly desire for yourself and your family. Marisa Kliese is a Clinical Member Aust. Counselling Assoc.; Fellow Holistic Life Coach; Reiki Master; Fellow Aust. Natural Therapists Assoc. Contact me on 5494 2627.
Health, Wellness
Physiotherapy can help…
shoulder disorders T HE SHOuLDER COMPLEX is a complicated area. it consists of the glenohumeral joint, acromio-clavicular joint, sterno-clavicular joint and scapulothoracic articulation. There is minimal bony support which enables a large range of movement to occur through the upper limb. This leads to problems as in essence, the shoulder complex is controlled by soft tissue. The gleno-humeral joint has often been described as a watermelon on a saucer. This is not far from the truth. The rotator cuff muscles need to work in good synchronisation, with supportive ligaments for effective shoulder function. A full subjective and objective assessment of the shoulder and surrounding areas can be a lengthy process but is essential for good clinical outcomes. There are three main subdivisions into which shoulder disorders nearly always fall: 1. impingement/rotator cuff injuries 2. instability 3. adhesive capsulitis/capsular restrictions.
it is also important to consider other factors when assessing a shoulder disorder: • referred pain (from the cervical or thoracic spine) • sporting technique including equipment changes/modifications, eg. tennis racquet change • biomechanical and postural issues. if these factors are not addressed they will affect the healing process and the patient’s outcome. A thorough subjective and objective assessment is important. Experience in orthopaedic shoulder tests is vital. Shoulder range of movement, scapulathoracic rhythm, strength, impingement and stability tests should be an essential part of your assessment to assist diagnosis.
1/70 Maple Street, Maleny
Ph: 07 5494 3911
Try our free f new app!! Experience i the th God G d Soun S nd Great places to meet other spiritually aware people to discuss Dreams, Past Lives, Soul Travel and more
Kawana Island Meeting Place Parrearra
5 Grand d Parade - 3rd Sunday ay of the Month 9:30-12:30 12:30 pm
Maleny Neighborhood Centre
17 Bicentenary Lane - every Wednesday Evening 6-7:30pm 6 7:30pm
Tewantin CWA Hall
123 Poinciana Ave - 3rd Wednesday of the Month 6-7:30pm
Call: 5496 5054 * 0429 957 989 Visit: * Facebook and Meetup
if necessary, imaging will also assist diagnosis. Research shows the majority of shoulder problems will settle with exercise, modified rest and re-education. Although osteoarthritis is uncommon in the glenohumeral joint, subtle changes in the bone may be present that can predispose to specific conditions developing. Acromial spurs are an example of this. Diagnosis and treatment must be tailored to the individual client. Early diagnosis and physiotherapy treatment will produce quicker improvements and better outcomes in the majority of clients. If you are experiencing shoulder pain, come in and see Tim or Mary Bagshaw at Maleny Physiotherapy. www
Fully Equipped Studio Certified & Experienced Teachers Teachers
Call Now for a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing! ses and workshops! See the new Upcoming Events page on our website for cour
Would you like to achieve and maintain Optimal Health? Well you can by having a Wellness Healthcare Check Up. This includes Naturopathic Clinical Testings to gauge how your body is functioning. Assessment tools are used including: ➢ Live Blood Analysis/Hemaview which is based on the medical science of Hematology. It provides an accurate and immediate indication of the state of your general health. HemaviewTM can help assess
This space is available now! Contact the Malen y Holistic Centre for details
the following factors: Poor nutrition; Immune system health; Oxidative stress and free radical damage; Inflammation; Liver health. A customised computer report is generated providing the key features in your blood. Best of all you can keep a record and see how your blood picture improves over time! ➢ RBTI Urine/Saliva Analysis is a comprehensive assessment of total carbohydrates, pH of urine and saliva, digestive health, cellular debris, salts and
toxins. It gives a baseline of your individual biochemistry. A full report is created that explains each section of the test and what can be done to rebalance the body. ➢ Zinc status test; tongue & nail diagnosis; iridology; blood pressure check, comprehensive case assessment. ➢ In house Thyroflex testing (thyroid function), utilising blood pathology tests, functional testing through private laboratories.
The end result is ….A happier, healthier, more vibrant you!
Sallyann Stewart Naturopath, Herbalist, Remedial Massage Therapist, Live Blood Analysis Practitioner
Terri Schaumberg
Midwife in Private Practice
Offering: • Pregnancy Care • Birth Care • Postnatal Care • Breastfeeding Support • Antenatal Education Continuity of Midwifery Care for Hospital and Home Birth Pregnancy and Postnatal Care for up to 6 weeks Medicare and Bulk Billed services available
Ph: 5494 3657 Mob: 0408 074 522 Email:
19 Coral Street, MALENY For a holistic approach to your general health and wellbeing, call today to make an appointment with one of our friendly Holistic Health Centre professionals. (Contacts above).
Health, Wellness Beauty Hinterland Health and Beauty
ACUPUNCTURE Anthony Brown Acupuncture Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner. Member (fellow) AACMA. Anthony has 30 years clinical experience, 26 of them here on the Sunshine Coast and Hinterland. 26 Coral St, Maleny Ph: 5435 2555 Mapleton Natural Therapies Clinic Jackie Hansel: Bach H.S (Acu), Adv. Dip H.S (Hom), Dip Bowen Therapy Acupuncture. Holistic & Intergrated health care with Acupuncture, Bowen Therapy, Homeopathy, Lymphatic Drainage, Remedial & Relaxation Massage. Ph: 5445 7749
ASTROLOGY Chirone Shakti – Stargazer Astrology Insight into your relationships, family issues, spiritual purpose, life transitions, and your year ahead. Counselling astrologer with spiritual focus. Astrology courses and workshops. Ph: 0421 814459, www.
BEAUTY THERAPISTS & HAIRDRESSERS A little Beauty, Body and Wellness Elements at Montville Customised beauty treatments. Pamper packages. Special occasion & bridal makeup. Massage. Manicures. Pedicures. Devine body treatments. Ph: 5478 6212 Michelle Jarden - Beauty Therapist Electrolysis, facials, massage, make-up, nails, sauna, spray tanning, tinting, waxing, ear-piercing. 66 Curramore Rd, Witta. Ph: 5494 4012 or Mob: 0402 531 500 Nellies Creative Hair Design Cut and Colour specialists. Nellie, Annette and Jenny offer you the opportunity to have exceptional hair using great product at fantastic prices. 21 Coral St Maleny – Ph: 0438 785 443 Honeycomb Hair Hive The Hive’s priority is you loving your look. We provide an unmatched depth of experience and diversity. Open Tue - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm and Sat 9.00am –12.00pm 168 Main St, Montville. Phone 5442 9269
Beauty By Gabrielle Specializing in facials, skincare, waxing, tinting, massage, shellac nails, spray tan, manicure, pedicure, Make up for weddings. 13 Ribbonwood Ave Maleny Ph: 0476 976 812 Tanya-Maree Beauty Therapist Mobile Service - Ensuring a service with total care and professionalism. Providing pedicures, manicures, facials and massage, waxing, tinting and shellac gel nails. Ph: 0409 857 186
Montville Day Spa
Dr Ralph Stockmann
In the Clouds at 166 Balmoral Road, Montville Our centre of excellence in Holistic Health Services employs ‘the best of the best’ Contact us for an unforgetable enriching experience. Ph: 0456 173 389
Chiropractor- Palmer USA – SCENAR Therapy, Ayurveda – Effective Pain Relief – 32 years of spinal manipulation – DVA & Medicare Provider 0410 793 513 26 Coral Street, Maleny
Maple Chiropractic Maleny Dr. Stephen Lowe, Dr. Samuel Lowe, Dr. Catherine Metcalf, Dr. Rebel Hungerford Concession, family rates & HICAPS available. Gentle, effective care for the whole family. 45 Maple Street, Maleny. Ph. 5494 3322
DENTAL Dental Centre Maleny Affordable Family Dentistry. Open: Mon-Sat. Also, early mornings & late evenings for your convenience. 17 Bunya St, Maleny. Ph: 54 999 722
FENG SHUI Feng Shui and Astrology: Richard Giles, Qualified Feng Shui practitioner Feng Shui home/business assessments. EM radiation assessments. Astrologer of 27 years. Contact Richard on 5435 0158, Email:
Hinterland Chiropractic Dr Josephine Sexton. Using gentle, safe and effective techniques to maintain spinal health and wellbeing. Concession rates, Family discounts and HICAPS available. 21 Bunya Street, Maleny. Ph: 5435 2987 Dr John Pirie Chiropractor & Applied Kinesiologist Gentle hands on chiropractic using applied kinesiology. Over 30 years in private practice. Families welcome. Mon, Tues,Thur 2:00 – 5.30pm; Fri 9:00am -12noon 19 Coral Street Maleny, Ph: 5435 2155
COUNSELLING & LIFE COACHING Counselling - Margaret Davoren B.Nurs.,Mas. Counselling. Think change, think balance & live a rich, full, life. Learn strategies to manage stress, depression, anxiety & relationships. Maleny Physiotherapy, 1/70 Maple St Maleny Ph: 0403 571 572 Leeann Horrill Counsellor M. Gest Therapy. A holistic and experiential approach to healing and personal growth. Specialising in parents, children and families. Member GANZ, PACFA. Ph: 5499 9990 or 0410 280 946 e: Margarete Koenning Counselling BA Social Work, Gelstalt Therapist, Psychotherapist working with individuals, couples and, families. Training professionals in family constellation 20 yrs practicing in Maleny, Clinal member of Pacfa. Ph: 5494 2778, 0408 416 041 Juliette Kalifa Qualified Counsellor & Arts Therapist 20 years experience combining counselling with arts and sand play as requested. Adults, children, individuals, relationships and groups. Training and supervision of counselling professionals. Ph: 0417 643 592
BOWEN THERAPY – Bronwyn Huckle Specialising in Bowtech, the original Bowen Therapy technique. Treating health issues in babies, childen & adults. Montville therapy rooms. Monday to Friday by appointment. Ph: 5442 9371
Ruth Donnelly - Holistic Counsellor Heart-centred approach to healing trauma, building emotional wellbeing. Integrating body psychotherapy, mindfulness, artistic therapies, Reiki, Acutonics, Bush Flower Essences, Dru yoga. Ph: 0409 564 276,,
Kathy Blackburn Dip. Bowen Therapy (Bowtech).Gentle effective treatment of Back Pain; Migraine; RSI ; Tennis Elbow; Knee, Ankle & Foot Conditions; Menstrual/ Hormonal irregularities; Chronic Fatigue; Respiratory Conditions and MORE. Health fund rebates. Ph: 5429 6180
Heartspace Artspace & Counselling-Liz Antcliff. B. Psych. MA. Coun. PG Art Therapy Somatic Experiencing Practitioner Sensorimotor Art Therapy/ Counselling Individuals; Couples & Groups.ACA; ACATA; ANZATA. Maleny/Brisbane Ph: 0438 1632 55
HOME CARE Hinterland Home Assist – Aged and Disability Home Care Experienced, qualified, insured carer to aid in assistance of independent living. Personal or palliative care, respite, transport, house duties. Sya Marie Wiersma 0432 795 549
HOMEOPATHY Pauline Ashford - B.H.Sc, Complementary Med & Homeopathy Classical homeopathy; Lymphatic drainage; Dorn spinal, joint and headache therapy; EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques; Reiki 130 Ansell Rd Witta Ph: 5494 4101 e:
HYPNOTHERAPY Suzi Lough at Mind Management For hypnotherapy, Acutonics Vibrational therapy, coaching and more. Ph: 0438 050 839 for appointments. "The door to change is always open" Mary (McGrory) CrawfordPowerful Transformations Depression, Self Esteem, Motivation, Addictions (eg. smoking, alcohol), Weight Loss, Confidence Building (eg. Public Speaking), Coachingachieving your goals and more. Health Benefits may apply. Ph: 0457 230 952 E:
MASSAGE THERAPISTS The Stillpoint - Katie White Remedial, Relaxation, Reiki Massage & now Emmett Technique. Reiki Treatments & Workshops. Appts Mon- Sat. HF Rebates. Gift Vouchers. Ph: 0400 722 786 Kathy Blackburn, Adv Dip Applied Science (Remedial Massage). Remedial/Sports Massage; Traditional Chinese Massage; Lymphatic Drainage; Emmett Technique, Trigger Point & Myofacial Release. “Integrated Bodywork” tailored to your special needs. HF rebates. Ph: 5429 6180
Advertise here for only $44/month ($33.00 for ongoing advertising)
Contact Karen Muir: 0414 432 423 Email:
Health, Wellness
Hinterland Health and Beauty MASSAGE THERAPISTS cont.
OPTOMETRIST Stephen Hammond Optometry
Beautiful Kahuna Massge with Linda
44 Lowe St, Nambour Ph: 5476 2333
Total blissful relaxation or combo deep tissue (good for tradies/sports/remedial). Practitioner of the healing art EMF Balancing technique. Relax, unwind & balance 7 days. Ph 0457 194 339
Maleny Optical Deborah & Stephen Hammond are proud to be local, independent eye healthcare providers. Focussed on quality care for you and your family, giving your eye health and vision the best personalised attention it requires and deserves. Shop 8 Riverside Centre, 8 Maple St Maleny Ph: 5435 2733
KA HUNA Massage Jessica Ainsworth - Maleny Relax your body, relax your mind. Massage with a profound and lasting effect. Certified Level 7 Ka Huna bodyworker and teacher. Ph: 5499 9372
PHYSIOTHERAPY/OSTEOPATHY Maleny Physiotherapist Tim & Mary Bagshaw. For all of your Physiotherapy requirements. 1/70 Maple Street, Maleny. Ph: 5494 3911
Blue Zen Massage – Shayne Harris Dip.Remedial Massage and Dip.Reflexology Member of A.T.M.S. with all Health Fund Rebates! Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Cupping, Deep Tissue Massage, Hawaiian Massage, Indian Head Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Pregnancy Massage, Reflexology, Remedial Massage, Shiatsu, Sports Massage, Stone Therapy Massage, Trigger Point Therapy Ph: 0407 002 567. Maleny
Eudlo Osteopathy – Thomas Whitton Gentle manipulative therapy for body dysfunction and pain in all ages. 13 Rosebed Street, Eudlo Ph: 5445 9555
WELLNESS - MIND BODY SPIRIT Tarot Channeller Mary-Lou is now Montville based. 1 hour - $80 plus a free vehicle reading, (showing your present challenge). Hens and group bookings available. Phone 5445 7418 or 0418 912 797
Praxis Therapy Clinical Hypnotherapy, Regression Therapy, Reconnective® Healing, The Reconnection™, Reiki Healing, Counselling, Between Lives Spiritual Regression. Sunshine Coast, Maleny-Montville. Appointment: 0417 754 242 Online appt via Skype.
Metafisica Natural Therapies We offer Egyptian, Hawaiian, Brazilian massages. Transformation energy treatments to clear emotional/physical pain, blockages, karmic, genetic & cellular memories. Past, present, future, life path, divine purpose readings. Mediumship. Colour healing mist sauna. Dalila 0411 033 730 visit
Conscious Energy
Range of Motion Physiotherapy Mapleton - Montville - Maleny - Imbil
Elizabeth Khalu – Living Therapies
Russ, Barbs, Lauren and Kerrie. Providing the highest quality care to restore & maintain optimal physical function & mobility. Ph: 5478 6600
Offers Universal Medicine Therapies, an approach to health and well being from the understating that, we are out own best medicine. Esoteric Massage, Chakra Puncture, Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy, Sacred Esoteric Healing, Energetic Facial Release. Mobile: 0428 815 211 Email:
Maleny Osteopathy Assessing and solving your muscular, joint and spinal pain problems using ‘hands on’ manual therapy. Effective in treating postural strain, neck and back pain, aches, strains, stiffness, and sports injuries. Ph: 5494 2388
MEDICAL CENTRE Ochre Health Medical Centre Offering onsite Doctors, experienced nursing staff and Allied health services. Appointments available Mon- Fri 8.30am- 5 pm and in Maleny Sat 9am-12pm. Ph Maleny: 54942 388 ; Ph Montville: 5442 9144 Book online at
Get Active!!! Group Fitness & Personal Training Join me for a fun affordable and social way to achieve a fit and healthy body. All fitness levels welcome, fully qualified trainer. ‘Your Goals Are My Goals’. Rachel Ph: 0423 618 945 Email:
Sallyann Stewart - Naturopath, Herbalist, Remedial Massage Therapist, Live Blood Analysis Practitioner Naturopathic clinical testings & assessment, Live Blood Analysis, stress mgmt, digestive issues, children’s health, remedial massage, lymphatic drainage. 19 Coral St, Maleny, 5435 2599/ 0421 410 558,
Aikido A traditional non-competitive Japanese martial art taught in a safe, friendly, atmosphere. Confidence, Connection, Friendship, Fun. New members welcome- Kureelpa Hall Tuesday evenings 6.30pm. Ph: 0401 866 414
Naturopath, ThyroFlex practitioner, RBTI analysis. Discover your imbalance and get in the “healingzone”! Free 15min. consult Ph: 5499 9476 w:
Laurel Hefferon Naturopath & Herbalist BHSc Colonic Hydrotherapist & RN. Specialising in detoxification & healthy weight-loss, gut & digestive restoration, stress reduction, fatigue and post-viral syndromes. Comprehensive, individual and in-depth approach to addressing the cause of illness and restoring optimal health, wellness & vitality. Ph: 0401 750 255
NUTRITIONIST Natalie Harms - Nutritionist
PODIATRY Jane Stanley Podiatrist / Credentialled Diabetes Educator
Tanya Kurzbock
Chi-Gung White Crane Qi Gong develops balance, lightness & agility, cools & relaxes your body, balances the Heart Energy, gently stretches ligaments, releases tightness spine. Palmwoods/ Gheerulla/ Private. Ph: 0414 366 604
Angelic Reiki Healing with Jane
Marisa T Kliese offers a complete Natural Therapy Clinic. Services include, Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Professional Counselling, Life Coaching, Spiritual Healing. Ph: 5494 2627
Past Life Regression - learn about your soul’s journey through time. Combined Energy Healing & Intuitive Reading -gain insight and positive change. Energetic Alignment -step into your true nature in a powerful way. Kirsten Rothe Ph: 0400 197 997
For all podiatry and diabetes education services. 1-3 39 Coral St, Maleny. Appointments available weekly on Tue, Wed and Thurs. Ph: 5494 2388
PSYCHIC READINGS / TAROT Psychic Readings/Tarot Kerry Laizans: Readings that bring together insightful intuition and holistic counselling, Kerry is available for events such as weddings, by appointment in Maleny, by phone or online. Contact: 0411 488 291 or at
Angelic Reiki Healing is a high frequency energy that assists with conditions such as anxiety, pain and stress. Australian bushflower essences and shell essences help to balance the emotions. Call Jane 0410 150 760 – Palmwoods.
Lady Mountain Therapies Healings, Tarot Readings, Aura Wipes, Women’s Massage, Emotional Mental Physical Spiritual Soul, Well Being Sciences. 8/38 Maple Street, Maleny Jennifer Marie – Ph: 0499 603 248
YOGA PILATES AND MEDITATION Melissa's Healing Space - Yoga/ Mindfulness Meditation classes @ Curramore Studio
Tues 6 -7.30pm (Gentle yoga), Fri 9.3011.15am (General yoga), Fri 11.30 - 12.30pm (Meditation Class), Fri 12.45-1.45pm (Chair/Gentle yoga) Ph: 0417 200 192 e:
Yoga with Lottie using WEIGHTS For sculpturing, raising metabolism, increased bone density and flexibility. Mon 10.30am and Thurs 9.30 am. No bookings required. Classes suit all levels of experience. Maleny Showgrounds Pavilion Ph: Lottie 5313 7756
Maleny Yoga Centre Shop 7 Rainforest Plaza Maple St Maleny. Fully equipped studio. Certified & Experienced Teachers. Beginners & senior classes available, casuals welcome. Ph: 0448 518 734 E:
Personalised, practical dietary and nutritional recommendations for optimum wellness, disease prevention and existing health conditions digestion issues, food allergies, intolerances, weight management, diabetes, stress, anxiety and women’s health. 1/70 Maple Street, Maleny. Ph: 0417 689 677
RangeCare Offering in-home and respite care services to support independent living. Our tailor-made services are available to everyone in the community. We can deliver your home care package. Ph: 5445 7044 Visit:
Pilates in Witta & Maleny Strength, weight-loss, pain management, flexibility, well-being. Qualified Instructor. Group mat classes using small props. Friday & Saturdays. All welcome. Kid friendly classes. Bec: 0421 983 321;
Professional Services ACCOUNTING & TAXATION
Frederick A Forbes - Accountant & Registered Tax Agent Specialising in small business & individual tax returns. Primary producers, rentals, investors, salary & wages. Personal & professional service. 3/15 Maple St, Maleny. Ph: 5491 1504 0434 996 608. E:
QGAP Maleny - Maleny Police Station, Mon, Tue, Thurs: 9am–2pm closed 12–12:30pm New Vehicle Registrations & Housing close 1pm. Services include: Dept of Transport & Main Roads (not Driver Licences), Births, Deaths & Marriages, Seniors Cards, CTP Insurance & more. EFTPOS & Credit Cards preferred. Manager: Judy Phipps 49 Maple Street – Ph: 5429 6293
Concept IT Systems - reliability & service New computers & repairs. Internet setup & websites. Printers, scanners, ink refills, cameras. Authorised Apple reseller. Onsite service. Drop in to discuss you computer needs. Shop 6 Riverside Centre Maleny 5429 6750 or
Melissa Berglas – Comsure Sunshine Coast Insurance Brokers Specialising in all types of commercial insurance for your business. We take particular care matching your business to insurance policies, minimising exclusions that could cost your thousands. Based in the hinterland, we are your strong advocate in the event of a claim. Ph: 0477 200 091 / 5641 2545 Email:
ENGINEER Parteck Consulting - 33 years experience Civil-Structural Engineers & Environmental Planners. Property Development, Building Inspections & Reports, Structural & foundation Design, Soil, Stability & Wastewater. Locally owned. 5494 1368 or 0418 711 408
LEGAL SERVICES Easton Lawyers Tove Easton Principal Lawyer Your Local Lawyers in Maleny 62 Maple St, Maleny Ph: 5494 3511 Email:
Lember and Williams (the LAW team) Carolyn Williams City Expertise, small town service 6 Coral St, Maleny Ph: 5495 1499 Email:
Bob Malcolm – CEO Maleny Credit Union We have the experience to provide financial solutions for your everyday life. All loan approvals and other key decisions are made locally by people you can talk to. Give us a try. 5499 8988
Baker Robinson Lawyers Steve Robinson – Mary McIver Experienced Professional Legal Team 15A Bunya Street, Maleny Ph: 5494 2665 E:
Sam Archer - BOQ Maleny Remember when having a Bank Manager actually meant having a Bank Manager!!! Here’s my number 5499 9855 or 0407 407 070
TRAVEL AGENTS Above & Beyond Travel We take pride in our attention to detail and providing you with a unique travel experience. Shop 2 Riverside Centre Maleny. Ph: 07 5499 9015 or Maleny Cruise and Travel Maleny Cruise & Travel is a bespoke travel company that has been taking the stress out of travel for over 20 years. 39 Maple Street, Maleny Ph: 5499 9111 E:
REAL ESTATE Remax Hinterland Nobody in the world sells more Real Estate than RE/MAX. Office: 07 5408 4220 Sales: 0447 737 737, 2/10 Maple St, Maleny Humphries and Fisk Whether you are looking to buy or sell, Ian and Pat, with over 20 years experience on the range would love to share their expert local knowledge with you. Ph: 07 5494 3344, Fax: 07 5494 3488 20 Maple St, Maleny. Ray White Maleny One of the leading real estate agency's for the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Unit 1, 5 Maple Street, Maleny Ph: 5499 9966
VETERINARY CARE District Vets Maleny Veterinarian Susan Portas and Nurse Deb Barratt combine to provide professional compassionate care for your pets. Hours: Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 8am–6pm; Wed 9am–5pm; Sat 9am–12noon. 7 Myrtle St Maleny Ph: 5499 9077
PICTURE FRAMING Doug Tognolini – iQ Money Management “Growing & Protecting your Wealth” We provide a full range of financial services including; Superannuation (including SMSF’s), Retirement Planning, Wealth Creation & Life Insurance. Ph: 5442 2764 / 0409 594 044.
Holden’s Gallery Custom framing by professionals. Items including art, needlecraft, memorabilia, etc. Mon to Fri: 10am–4pm; Saturday: 10am–1pm. Cnr. Coral & Myrtle St. Maleny Ph: 5494 2100;
Get your business noticed for only $44 per month ($33.00 for ongoing advertising) Contact Karen Muir: 0414 432 423 Email:
Trades & Services AIR CONDITIONING Range Airconditioning Lic. No L016305 Supply and installation of high quality, energy efficient, ducted and wall mounted reverse cycle, split air conditioning systems for cooling, heating and de-humidification. Ph Yelma on 5494 3459 or 0421 488 048 E:
CAR CARE Car Care Maroochydore, Nambour, Hinterland Premium mobile detailing from wash to major interior/exterior details. Own power and water. We come to you (home or work). Call Mark 0402 988 003 / 1300 227 227
Jim's Antennas Digital & problem reception specialists. Locally owned, servicing the hinterland. Call Craig Titheradge today for a free quote. Ph: 131 546
Patios, decks, renovations, new work All aspects of carpentry from planning to the finished product. All work guaranteed Qld BSA No 103-1105 Ph Steve: 0402 167 355
Merv Schulz Maleny TV Antennas Est business in Maleny and the hinterland for over 30 years. For all your digital TV reception / antenna needs, including satellite installations. Insurance quotes. Friendly reliable service. 0418 774 958, or in the evenings on 5494 2876.
Tim Clark Carpenter Trade qualified local and licensed. Stairs, carports, decks, renovations, extensions, home & building maintenance, creative work. Ask us about our unique pricing method. Phone Tim for a fair quote: 0412 854 222 QBCC 47098
BUILDER Porcha Property Maintenance Reg. builder – QBCC 41059 Insured New homes, renovations, build in under, pergolas, decks, carports, building repairs, alterations and extensions. Call Alex for obligation free quote Ph: 0407 024 114
CABINETMAKER Paul Randall Cabinetmaker of Maleny New & renovated kitchens & vanities benchtops a speciality - stone, timber & laminated finishes. Home Offices, Wall Units, Wardrobes. Ph: 0432 953 186 Lic QBSA 1162819. Member Master Builders.
CARPET CLEANING Range Carpet Care Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning & Protection Ph: 5445 7611 or 0418 776 578
CARPET & VINYL LAYERS Flash Floor Covering Service is your local, qualified carpet and vinyl and vinyl plank layer. All aspects of laying, repair work and restreching. Call Daniel on 0400 551 730 for a free measure and quote.
All Trees to Chip Tree felling, pruning, lopping, mulching, stump grinding, landscaping & retaining walls, fences etc. Two chippers - 6 inch & 12 inch. Qualified and insured. Phone Rob Milner: 5445 7805
Tony Wootton Tree Surgeon.Dip Hort(Arb) Operating locally since 1996. Tree assessments and advice. Trees and shrubs pruned and detailed. Hazardous trees removed. M: 0403 467 664 Ph: 54 944 917 BRM Tree Services All forms of tree & palm care. Certified climbing arborist & insured. Storm Damage/ Hazardous Trees, Drone inspections, removals, trimming, mulching, tight access, stump grinding & land/ block clearing. Free Quotes & Advice. Benjamin R Miller 0401 441 945 – /
CLOCK REPAIR Montville Clockshop Repairs for Cuckoo, Grandfather, Mantle, Wall Clocks. Antique clock restoration. We can supply quartz movement and parts, and repair quartz clocks. P: 07 5442 9409.
CURTAINS, BLINDS, SECURITY Custom Curtains and Shade Specialising in custom made Blinds, Awnings, Shutters, Curtains, Security and Umbrellas. Professional advice and installation. Servicing the hinterland since 1989. Call us for a free measure and quote. Ph: 5494 6898
Get your business noticed for only $44 per month
Trades & Services ELECTRICAL
($33.00 for ongoing advertising)
Green Energy Electrical Lic No. 71210 Reliable prompt domestic electrician. Extensions, renovations, maintenance, new homes, safety switches, switchboard upgrades, test & tag, smoke alarms. Solar Grid Connect. Ph: Steven Pilcher for an obligation free quote: 0421 162 007 E:
Amber Leaf Landscaping Looking for a landscaper who can deliver? Tohm Hajncl heads the team that offers you guaranteed quality. Choose from landscaping consultations, designs, construction and planting, pre-sale makeovers and specialised maintenance services. Ph: 5445 9801
O’Connors Electrical & Civil Contractors Servicing all areas of Sunshine Coast Covering all aspects of electrical work, from service calls to those larger jobs. We do it all and have the experience that’s needed. Call Leonard: 0437 131 637
PLASTERING Castle Plaster P/L Fibrous Plaster and Plasterboard-fixing, setting, cornices, steel frames and suspended ceilings. New homes and renovations. No job too big or small. Est 1980 Contact John: 0417 275 241
PLUMBING & WASTEWATER Anderson Plumbing & Roofing QBSA1066328 Plumbing, drainage & roofing. New work, renos, maintenance specialists. Septic systems, blocked drains, high pressure ‘sewer jett’ drain cleaner, drain camera, cable locations, tank installations, roof & guttering. Ph: 5494 3340 or 0409 541 475
East of Eden 30 yrs experience. Specialising in Landscape Consultancy. Japanese Gardens, Japanese water Features, Garden Renovations/ Maintenance, Courtyard Design/ Creating Sacred Spaces. Eamon Jefford Lic. 54178 Ph: 0414 366 604
EXCAVATION Terrafirma Detailed Excavations & Earthworks Cost effective, friendly & reliable service. Providing wet hire machinery for big & small jobs. Call today to discuss your next project. Ph: 07 5494 2140;
Sky Plumbing & Gas Fitting BSA 1078655 Guttering, Water Tanks, Filters and Pump Installation. Septic Trenches, Holding Tanks, Blocked Drains. Heat Pumps & Gas Installation. Landlord water reports. Water Hammer solutions. Ph: 042 11 66 882
Handbuilt Stone QBSA1235589 Licensed, range-based professional. Traditional rock walls, pillars, steps, paving, entrance walls and all garden features. Visit our website to see previous work for inspiration. Phone Chris on 0438 811 975
Jekco Mini Earthmovers ‘Small Machine – Big Capacity’ - Catering for all your excavation needs. Owner / operator with 35 years’ experience. Limited access machine (Kanga/Dingo) combined with a 3 tonne tip truck. Ph Kev: 0439 647 221
Suncoast Liquid Waste Removal Local owner/operator specialising in commercial / domestic waste water pump outs- septics, treatment plants, grey water, holding tanks, pond/pool sludge, drains etc. Avoid costly blockages & system failure with prompt, reliable & expert service. Tank assessments available. EPA licensed and fully insured. Call 0439 646 707
Loors Landscaping (est: 1987) From concept to creation all aspects of structural and soft landscaping. Ph: 5445 7615 Mob: 0412 680 801
BRUCE MORRIS PLUMBING QBSA lic 456322 24hr emergency service, all plumbing, building, maintenance installation domestic and commercial. Gas installations, septic/ drainage, hot water, solar, bathroom renovations, leaking roofs. Ph 0410 457 606
FENCING & AUTOMATIC GATES Honest Johns Fencing for Domestic fencing styles. Timber, Colorbond, Chainwire, Timber Retaining. Free quotes. Have confidence in knowing the man who does the quote, does the job. Smaller jobs, $3300.00 and under.
Stone on the Range Stuck for ideas? Speak to Jim, he’s an effective communicator. All stonework including raised vegie gardens, creek beds, waterfalls, sculptural features, driveway entrances, walls, steps, fire pits, steep site specialist. Ph: 0401 308 824 E:
FIREWOOD Firewood Delivery in Maleny and surrounding areas. All seasoned hardwood $140 per cubic metre. Contact Craig on 0457 907 520 or email taylorsfarmenquiries@
MECHANICAL Montville Auto All things Mechanical All your mechanical needs in one place from cars to farming machinery. If you can’t get it to us, we will come to you. 12 Balmoral Rd Montville Ph: 5442 9413 M: 0403 104 774
GUTTER CLEANING Gutter Sucker Gutter Sucker specialises in cleaning your guttering. a unique portable operation for the efficient and effective removal of leaves and rubbish from all types of gutters and roofs. Ph: 1800 558 745 or 0402 456 391 Roof & Gutter Maintenance Clean gutters, Blocked downpipes, New & repair downpipes, Roof repairs & leaks, Fix leaking gutters, New gutters & fascias, Install & service whirly birds, Skylights & Water Tanks Free quotes, local bloke, over 20 yrs experience Phone Brad 0419 712 081
HANDYMAN & HOME MAINTENANCE Montville Handy Man 20 years building experience. All concreting, carpentry, home maintenance and repairs. Prompt and reliable service. Garden clean-up. Competitive rates. Ph: Wayne 0434 724 030 Hatch's Home Maintenance Qualified Cabinet Maker, 35 years experience. Update * Renew * Repair * Plastering * Cabinets * Tiling * Call John Ph 0404 056 147 QBA Lic. No 1242008 A1 Handyman Work Small jobs, improvements and maintenance. In the home and out in the garden. Affordable and reliable. Discounts for pensioners. Local. Call Lester for a free quote 0435 498 891.
KITCHENS Kidds for Kitchens -Russell Kidd QBCC 478438 Now servicing the local area. Kitchens, Vanities, Robes. No matter your requirements we can help from laminated cabinets to stone bench tops with two-pac doors. Established over 35 yrs with CNC equipped factory. Call Russell: 0409 275 378 or factory: 4162 3732
ROCK WALLS Phil Watts Quality Rock Walls Retaining, free standing design and construction. Hand crafted feature stonework specialist. Built by local qualified stonemason, 40 years experience with 23 years here on the range. Ph: 5445 7218 or mobile: 0401 535 476 e:
RUBBISH REMOVAL A Load of Rubbish Friendly, reliable rubbish collection service. All green and general waste. Cheap rates. Servicing Cooroy to Caloundra, Kenilworth to the Coast. Call Andy: 0406 932 663
RURAL PRODUCTS Brazzen Rural Products For all your animal handling needs. We stock cattle and sheep panels, cattle crushes, horse round yards, dog/chicken cages, ramps, gates. Free delivery to local area. Enquiries: 0418 528 939
PA / SOUND SYSTEMS Tom’s Sound Tom’s Sound has many years’ experience providing PA and sound to weddings, festivals, parties and other events. Ph: 0437 279 505, e:
SMASH REPAIRS Palmwoods Smash Repairs Panel beating & spray painting by professional tradesmen. Insurance & private work. Direct link to insurance companies. Repair, paint, weld or makeover. All work guaranteed. Ph: 5478 8922
PAINTING City to Surf Painting & Decorating Re-paints & new work, industrial coatings, decorative finishes, Anti mould coatings. Quality & value for money guaranteed. Servicing the Range & beyond. BSA 1117847 Ph: Richard Daveson: 0418 708 620
SOLAR Negawatts Electrical & Solar Power Call Us Last For A Competitive Quote! Over 1000 local installations – Grid & Off-Grid & Battery Storage. CEC Licensed Installer A5100260 quality components - designed to last. Gary Phillips Ph: 0407 760 838
Rob Presnell Painting Flaxton Quality workmanship and professional service, 2 pak coatings, sprayed texture coatings for floors and driveways, commercial line marking and roof coatings. Local reliable painter servicing the hinterland for 10yrs. Ph: 0451 100 286
All Energy HQ – Solar & Battery Storage Locals (since 1989) you can trust, providing only the highest quality products. Solar installations and upgrades - home and businesses Battery storage. 10 Jeffreys Rd, Glasshouse Mtns Ph: 5438 7200 E: W:
PLANT NURSERIES Forest Heart Your Local Native Plant Nursery. Specialising is the native plants of SE QLD for Revegetation, Gardens, Habitat 20 Coral Street, Maleny Ph: 07 5435 2193 Barung Landcare Native Plant Nursery Your local community nursery stocks an extensive range of species indigenous to the Blackall Range and surrounds. Open to the public Wed–Fri 9am–3pm, Sat 9am–12pm Ph: 0429 943 152 E:
TINTING Hinterland Tints Window Tinting for all flat glass with our 25 years experience. We ARE the problem solvers for Fading, too much Heat, not enough Privacy, too much Glare or Glass Security and strengthening. Excellent warranties. Call Tony for a Free quote: 0411 777 922
TANK CLEANING Pristine Water Systems Full water tanks cleaned, water testing and correction, filtration - Free appraisals Ph: Trevor 0404 302 723
What’s on in ...
JUNE 2017
Organisers Jan Paulger, Olive Hassall and Paula Gillis look forward to seeing you at the Kenilworth Quilt Show on June 10 and 11 and more beautiful creations like Paula's Flora and Fauna Quilt from last year's event
Eckankar Maleny Neighbourhood Centre, 17 Bicentenary Lane (off Coral St), weekly Wednesdays 6-7.30pm, Jennifer: 0429 957 989 Free film and info night Guarding the Galilee, light meals available. Maleny High School Environment Committee providing dessert as a fundraiser. Doors open 6.00pm Aglow International meet 9.30am Flame Tree Baptist Church hall, 27 Coes Creek Road, Burnside, $8 includes morning tea Melva: 5443 5752
Beerwah Library Book Sale, 9am-noon
Gheerulla Hall Country Fair, 8am - 2pm, Bush poetry, local produce, craft, plants, trash and treasure, collectibles, locally made jewellery, hats, WWKiP, stallholders welcome, 8km from Kenilworth - Cnr Kenilworth-Eumundi Rd and Moy Pocket Road, Alana: 0427 599 097
The Salesman, Maleny Film Society, 7.15pm, Maleny Community Centre
Eckankar Kawana island, Meeting Place Parrearra (off Kawana Way), 9.30-12.30pm, Jennifer: 0429 957 989
10-11 Kenilworth Quilt and Craft Circle Show 10am-4pm - bring your friends to the stalls, morning and afternoon teas or lunch $5 admission, Kenilworth Community Hall Native Plants Sunshine Coast meet 1pm at the carpark for a guided walk in the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary or Marie 0427 152 022
Mary Valley Art Festival continues
Obi Art Prize and Painted Tie events
Lucas Parklands Music Festival Ph: 5478 5667
13-16 Velothon Sunshine Coast 14-16 Celebration of Books 16
A Village Wedding Expo
Tuition and Workshops Piano Tuition Experienced teacher – all levels Experienced Accompanist – exams, concerts & rehearsals Dee Steele – 0413 253 193
Make your own furniture workshop One-day workshops making funky functional furniture. identify suitable materials & create your own unique piece using simple wood-working tools. Materials & lunch included $175. Gift vouchers. Ph: Richard: 5422 9291
Introductory to Sewing Workshop Art Antiques Antlers Saturday 24 June 2pm -5pm $150 Limited spots Enquiries:
Bonjour! Want to learn French?
Free social media workshop, Surfair Beach Hotel, book on the council website
Eckankar Tewantin, CWA Hall, 123 Poinciana Ave, 6-7.30pm, Jennifer: 0429 957 989
Learn to Weave
School holidays again
24-25 Open Studio Trail 26-30 Junior school holiday golf, 6 to 14 years old from beginners, to contact Maleny Golf Club 29
Join like-minded craft lovers, last Thursday of each month at Nambour Library, BYO knitting, crochet, needlecraft or any other craftwork and share in good company over a cuppa in the library, 9am-noon Mary Valley Art Festival
30-2 Farm Fantastic, Caboolture Showgrounds, 8.30am - 4pm
Best's Great Western Masterclass 5.30pm, Purple Palate, $10 pp pre-book: 5494 2499
Richo's Round Up at Finbars, 7pm
Majestic Cinemas and Event Centre Nambour, Girls Night Out event, comedy Rough Night bring bras for uplift Project
Meditation Retreat by Ruth and ian Gawler, Chenrezig institute, Eudlo Melissa Borich: 0417 200 192
Please email your community events with subject heading What's On to: HiNTERLAND TiMES – JuNE 2017
Astronomy nights, Maleny Golf Club, 6pm-8pm, gold coin donation per person is appreciated
Working or planning a holiday where French is spoken? Group classes or one on one only $25/hr in Maleny. Ph: Jacques 0438 759 581 or email:
Karaoke 8pm, Finbars
10-11 Gardening on the Edge
Freedom Stories - celebrate Refugee Week 2017 with Welcome to Maleny (W2M) FREE screening of multi award-winning documentary, doors open 5pm for a 5.30pm start, Maleny RSL
17-18 and 24-25 The Magic Flute by the Maleny Singers, Maleny Community Centre Ph: 5499 9795
23 10
Strawberry picking season starts at Strawberry Fields, Palmview
with New Zealand Flax with Maleny Maori artist Alice Spittle. Connect with nature and get creative using traditional NZ Maori techniques. Workshops run at the Kondalilla Eco Resort in Montville and are only $85. For more information please visit
Essential Elements of Drawing for beginners and dabblers. New Thursday Studio Sessions in Montville – creative energy, motivation and inspiration. AVENiDA ArtSpace Western Avenue. For further information Ph Barbie: +61 417 076 815
Rhythm Culture Join Rhythm Culture Tuesdays and Thursdays for adult dance classes and kids & adult drumming classes. Great for fitness, loads of fun and awesome community @ Palmwoods. Everyone welcome! Ph: 0434 585 992
Make your Workshop a Success From as little as $33.00 an issue, list your workshop. Ph: 5499 9049 or email
HiNTERLAND TiMES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; JuNE 2017
Bed Linen month at
Authentically MADE with the purpose to enhance your health & well-being
Did you know that... The human skin acts like a giant sponge for whatever we surround it with.
bed-linen can legally contain 10% polyester and still be called 100% cotton. In fact, the % is often a lot higher than that.
Polyester is harmful to the body. It is made from synthetic polymers that are made from esters of dihydric alcohol and terpthalic acid and may cause cancer, according to the EPA.
June is
Sustainably MADE with respect for our environment
Your bed-linen needs to be pure & that means certified organic. At Healthy Homewares we sell a wide range of certified organic Sheet Sets; Quilt Cover Sets and Protectors. Now you can surround yourself with completely natural fibres. Your body will thank you for it.
We spend many hours a day absorbing these chemicals through our skin
Come and see our other amazing homewares & garden centre & relax in our cafe. Plenty of parking underneath with an elevator to both levels. Bring your friends. We cater for bus tours. Planning a wedding? Ask about our gift registry opportunity.
Top of the town, 74 Maple St Maleny Ph: 5429 6557