Hinterland Times October 2014

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d Times • Sunshine C n a l r e o as t Hint Sunshine Coast’s free independent news magazine

October 2014

Montville GP, Sue Redman tells HT about her role as a Flying Doctor

Maleny Bowls Club are“switching on” to the future of lawn bowls pages 10-11




For two weekends you can chat to local artists in their studios

Visit the writer's market, book swap tree and more at Maleny's Celebration of Books

....at Montville - in HT's new Market Guide

page 22

page 23

pages 36



Dynamic locals and stellar events... O NCE AGAIN there was too much to fit in one edition! Make sure you read the What's On this month, as we have tried to accommodate all the community group events. Remember not for profit groups, if you send in a fantastic photo with your event we may be able to give you more coverage. We are also on the lookout for fabulous front cover images taken on the hinterland - budding amateurs or professionals are invited to email them in. Congratulations to the organisers and volunteers of the Real Food Festival, the Lions Welcome Dinner, Arts Connect

Sculpture on the Edge and the Range Restaurant Awards and see photos of the events inside this edition and on facebook. This month, read about some dynamic locals and stellar events. You even have the opportunity to celebrate Melbourne Cup - twice! Plus get reading for the Big Book Club Gathering. On issues this month, we broach the topic of birth centres, and the National Broadband Network consultations are raising hot discussions locally for and against- why not tell HT what you think on our facebook page? Columnist Mungo is back, and Bryan and Val draw nearer

to the end of their year abroad. Bryan had been wondering if anyone found their travels of interest, then had some wonderful feedback from Australia. I know reading about their tough existence in France puts a smile on my face every month! If you have any feedback for them, I will be happy to forward it on. Until next month, Michelle Gilmore editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au

Making News ... Miss Personality is off and racing, raising funds for medical research Susie Duncan: building corridors of native vegetation for wildlife Microbiomes and birth centres - an opportunity for the hinterland


P6-7 P12-13

Published first Wednesday of the month

Phil Hoffman is Cuckoo about Clocks


Owners Heatley & Michelle Gilmore

Who did you vote for? Range Restaurant Award winners announced


Ph: 07 5499 9049


Fax: 07 5499 9308 PO Box 818 Maleny 4552

Bridget Sparks has seen Maleny Visitor Information Centre grown a long way from “a hole in a wall” OAM Kevin Oxley has a new exhibition



Heatley Gilmore

Michelle Gilmore


Darren Baker

Katie Buckley

Dale Jacobsen

Leeza Baric

Gay Liddington

Debbie Blackley

P27 Email News: editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au

CO VE R S TO RY Meet Flying Doctor, Sue Redman (centre) as she tells us about keeping life in balance with her work in isolated Queensland towns, in a busy Montville practice and as a yoga teacher. Sue is pictured with RFDS Nurse Tracy Harker and Pilot Michael Urquhart . Story pages 4-5 Image courtesy Royal Flying Doctor Service

HINTERLAND TIMES DEADLINES News Items/What's On/Creative Cuts events: 25th of the month Advertising: Bookings 21st of the month, Copy deadline 25th of the month


Advertising: advertising@hinterlandtimes.com.au Website: www.hinterlandtimes.com.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/Hinterlandtimes Printed by: Fairfax Media

Victoria McGuin

100% independently owned While great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and contents of the publication, the HT accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views held by the HT. All content is copyright and may not be reproduced without permission. The production of this FREE newspaper is only made possible by you continuing to support our advertisers.

14, 000 papers home delivered and bulk dropped to Maleny, Montville, Mapleton, Flaxton, Nambour, Palmwoods, Woombye, Hunchy, Eudlo, Reeseville, Mooloolah, Glasshouse, Beerwah, Landsborough, Conondale, Kenilworth and Witta.





High Tea for Chicks in the Sticks T

HE HIGH TEA, which has established itself as a must attend event on the local calendar, has proven so popular that the number of guests has to be limited, so it is vital you get in early to book your tickets. You could win Kenilworth Quilt and Craft Group's beautiful quilt, prizes in the popular multi draw raffle or bid in the huge charity auction. There will also be prizes for the best dressed table, best hat and many more. Just about everyone goes home with a treat. On arrival, from 1pm there will be a free glass of pink bubbles for guests and nonalcoholic punch will be available, with a yummy afternoon tea served from 2pm.

Maleny artist takes International “Gold” Tickets are $39 each, call: Lolie Murtagh 54460 0222 or Kelli Hoyes 5446 0155 or 5446 0598.

Ten days of fun A

PACKED 10 day program of local arts, culture, heritage, environment, sport and more is in the making for the 2014 Glasshouse Country Festival (17 - 26 October). The ever popular steam train will be hitting the tracks again with carriage loads of visitors from Brisbane. Locals will also be able to take a ride, stopping in Glass House Mountains to hear about the local area, Landsborough for the

WW1 themed Landsborough Day festivities and Mooloolah for the Kids Market and more. Steam train tickets go on sale from 25 September at the Landsborough Museum. Festival coordinator, Natasha Odgers, from the Hinterland Community Development Association of Caloundra (HCDAC), said there has been positive community spirit in planning the festival to celebrate the unique attributes of the local area. “Groups, businesses, schools and individuals are uniting their enthusiasm, creativity and skills across towns and throughout Glasshouse Country to make this festival something exciting for everyone to enjoy”. “The Glasshouse Country region has many unique qualities which can sometimes be undervalued or unrecognised. The community will be drawing on the qualities and beauty of the region as a natural stage to showcase and share local talents and interests,” said Natasha. The program of events will begin with the Beerwah Celebration where the festival and upgraded main street will officially open with stalls, a kids zone and live music from


EN MESSINA Landscape photographer from Maleny recently entered this featured image “Eye Of The Storm” in the 2014 Epson International Pano Awards, where he not only achieved being in the top 10 finalists but also collected Gold in the Open Nature Category. This competition attracts the top nature and landscape photographers from all over the world. Ben’s image “Eye of the Storm” captured at Lake Mungo NP NSW earlier this year is just another example of Ben’s natural talent and passion for capturing nature in all of its beauty. As Ben states, “ I spent the day watching small storm cells off in the distance, I noticed one coming closer so I hurried to find some foreground interest when I spotted this large dune. I was hoping the cell would come close enough, well it ended up coming straight over me, 30 seconds later I was slammed with 90km winds.” This award winning image is on display for viewing at Ben Messina’s gallery in Maple St, Maleny. Well Done Ben!

schools, the Super Dads and headline act, the Cheap Fakes. Experience the natural, creative and cultural highlights of the area with art exhibitions and workshops, a musical, markets, local live music, tours of a recycle centre and organic farm, guided bushwalks around the Glass House Mountains, Nungeena Indigenous yarning circles and open day with NZ flavour at Marae Gardens. For the sporty there will be a skate comp, Hinterland Relay for Life, an aquathon and walks. Most events are free. See more at www.glasshousecountryfestival.com.au and on Facebook.



Doctor in the House ... Plane ... Yoga Studio

Dr Sue Redman - at work in Montville

by Victoria McGuin

It is always interesting to find out more about the lives of the folk of the hinterland, and Doctor Sue Redman is no exception. Currently working at Ochre Health, Montville, she also travels to Agnes Waters as part of the Royal Flying Doctor Team, helping at the Rural Women’s GP Service and occasionally heading for the outback. Oh, and she teaches Radiant Yoga in Palmwoods once a week.


EETING SUE, the first thing that strikes you is her calm, gentle manner, her kind smile and easy approach. She puts this down to finally finding balance in her life, through her work, her yoga and meditation. Originally from England, Somerset to be precise, she spent her childhood dreaming of becoming a doctor and living in Australia; so I was curious to hear about how her journey led to Montville, Yoga and the RFDS. Sue moved here in 2002, first finding herself in Redcliffe, then Brisbane and the Gold Coast, before the Vipassana Centre at Pomona brought her to the Sunshine Coast. Falling in love with the area, she ended up working with Sheilagh Cronin in Montville. Sheilagh was working with the Rural Women’s GP Service in Agnes Waters, having been instrumental in setting up health clinics for women in rural areas. She had found that women out there needed a female doctor, otherwise they often felt uncomfortable attending

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clinics and their health was subsequently compromised. With Sue’s post-graduate diploma in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Family Planning, she was the perfect candidate to join the team. I asked Sue what the work entails on an average trip. “I fly out from the Sunshine Coast about five times a year to meet Nurse Tracy Harker at the centre. Most of our appointments are pre-booked and well attended, as the nearest female GP is 150km away.” Some of her patients have birthed their babies at home, or in the car, due to the difficulties with travel. “I haven’t had to deliver any yet,” Sue smiles. “But the paramedic in town is very good at delivering babies!” There are other issues facing women in these remote communities. They can easily feel isolated which can lead to depression and the need for mental health care. “These women need friends and social support, which can be hard out there.” Sue also believes exercise is important to fight depression and remembers suggesting a patient try Pilates or yoga, to which the patient replied, “Um…Where?” A good point. Sue explains in more detail that a healthy lifestyle is harder there. There is only one store in town and the produce is not good. People have to drive a long way to find decent fresh food. The other choice is the ridiculous cycle where they are buying fruit grown by their farmers, which has been sent to Brisbane and sold back to them via the farmers’ markets, before being radiated and flown back to Agnes Waters. Sue has bitten into many apples to find them rotten in the centre. “Some of the girls take fresh fruit and veg over to their patients, and we always bring our own fruit when we travel up. It gives you such an appreciation for places like this.” We are in the café at Kunara, Forest Glen, the organic store brimfull of delicious produce. I ask if Sue has had any adventures in her work with the RFDS. She shakes her head, apologetically. “We land on a grass strip, which turns into a waterslide when there is a lot of rain, but I don’t get too scared as the pilots are extremely experienced.” She takes a moment to consider, then shakes her head “No, because I’m not part of the Retrievals service, I don’t see so much action, but it is an affirming thing to do; it makes me feel good to be helping.”

Ready for take-off

There are more than twenty women involved state-wide in the Rural Women’s GP Service and they manage to meet twice a year at workshops in Brisbane and Cairns. These events are part professional development and part networking. “There are so many incredible women, explains Sue. “Farmers as well as doctors, lecturers at university…they lead such well-balanced lives.” She finds it impressive and moving that they are “so enthusiastic and passionate” about all that they do. Sue seems to have found that balance herself; so I ask her how she manages it. “I’m good at protecting my time,” she says. “I need to be fully present as a Doctor, so I find that yoga, meditation and running all help.” There was a time before she came to this point, where things were out of kilter, so she resigned from medicine for a year in 2010 to train as a yoga practitioner. However, once the year was up, she returned as a locum and then the patients encouraged and persuaded her to come back and join the practice in Montville. It is always inspiring to speak to people with a passion for what they do, especially when they are giving something back to the community. Sue has managed to find three ways of doing this, whilst still nurturing herself. A valuable lesson and a valuable woman.

RFDS Nurse Tracy Harker, Dr Sue Redman and Pilot Michael Urquhart

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Duncan Well respected ecologist and Malenyite, Susie Duncan, is helping community members build corridors of quality native vegetation. The aim is to assist the local native fauna and flora to best adapt to our changing conditions, and she tells HT more about it.

Connecting landscapes for wildlife – locally and globally What's your background and qualifications?

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How the Hinterland Bush Links program works with Barung?

I have been entranced by nature since I was a small child growing up near the coast in Victoria. I would spend my weekends bird-watching in the swamps and bushland near our farm, and bring home caterpillars and tadpoles to watch their magical transformation. My first serious foray into science was collecting information about nesting birds for the CSIRO. This early passion led naturally to my studying biological science and I spent my Honours year investigating the lives of Honey Possums in the beautiful wildflower heathlands of Western Australia. Since then I have enjoyed working with wildlife in many parts of Australia and overseas. I would say my driving force in life is to protect our amazing native plants and animals into the future.

In my time here I have done a number of local wildlife surveys with a study at Curramore Sanctuary being a highlight. Working there with Tony Bright, we recorded a great diversity of native plants and animals including many threatened species. We realised that restoring habitat to connect this reserve to the Conondale and Maleny National Parks would enhance the survival of our local wildlife. This was the beginning of Hinterland Bush Links which now has a vision for connecting habitat in the Hinterland of the Sunshine Coast, from Caboolture to Gympie. The project is hosted by Barung Landcare with in-kind support from Lake Baroon Catchment Care Group and key funding from Sunshine Coast Council.

How you came to be in Maleny?

Why is the hinterland so important in the program?

I came to Queensland with my partner 11 years ago for a state-wide conservation project. We first did a tour of southeast Queensland to find a home with access to both the bush and to Brisbane. Maleny was ideal and discovering the warm community here was a bonus.

The Sunshine Coast Hinterland is a hotspot for diversity of native plants and animals. The varied terrain, areas of fertile volcanic soil, good rainfall and sunshine, have all contributed to a rich landscape. Unfortunately a lot of vegetation has been cleared, removing habitat and making life difficult for animals that cannot cross cleared country. Even mobile birds like the Wompoo Fruit-dove rarely take the plunge to fly to isolated rainforest patches. This means that they can’t spread the seed of rainforest fruit to these habitat fragments. The Hinterland is also a critical link in the Great Eastern Ranges vision to Above: Susie - wildlife survey Curramore Sanctuary photo W.Lawler, Australian Wildlife Conservancy

Left Roving Restorers day, Fryers Creek

Wompoo Fruit-Dove, photo David & Diane Armbrust

Wompoo Creek plantings, Mary Valley

re-connect vegetation from Victoria to North Queensland. This is a super-highway for migratory birds such as the Rainbow Bee-eater and many cuckoos and honeyeater birds which breed in Victoria in the summer and travel to Queensland and Asia in the winter. Many other birds and flying-foxes are nomadic, moving around the Hinterland chasing seasonal fruit and blossom on native trees. This region provides shelter and food for all these animals as they move through the landscape. What would you hope to see happen with connectivity locally? Since the launch of Hinterland Bush Links three years ago, the project has been engaging community across the Hinterland in sharing a vision for a healthy, connected landscape. We put effort into tree-planting to connect habitat, but just as important is the control of environmental weeds so that existing vegetation can thrive and regenerate naturally. Roving Restorers has been a very successful program to connect volunteers with landholders who need a hand with weeding or planting. People learn restoration skills, see some beautiful properties and enjoy a really friendly social gathering. We are extending this approach by encouraging clusters of neighbouring landholders to work collaboratively on their properties. This will enable good planning for connecting habitat. Hinterland Bush Links is also undertaking strategic control of three serious weed vines in the Upper Mary Valley to prevent them smothering rainforest and causing harm to the Richmond Birdwing butterfly. This work has been supported by Burnett-Mary Regional Group. For further information see www.hinterlandbushlinks.org or our Hinterland Bush Links Facebook site for the latest news.

Acclaimed conservationist visits Maleny Hinterland Bush Links is bringing highly acclaimed Canadian conservation leader, Harvey Locke, to Maleny Community Centre, Wednesday, on November 5. In recent years, Harvey has been working with conservation biologists in Australia and many other parts of the world but is best known for the Yellowstone to Yukon Initiative. This project is working to connect 1.3million square kilometres of landscape along a 3,200km stretch of North America (west coast), to protect migratory animals such as bears: http://y2y.net/our-vision/y2y-region. Harvey is a pioneer and exceptional leader in Landscape Connectivity and an inspirational speaker, so don’t miss this event. He will provide the community with some wonderful ideas about how to connect habitat for conservation of our native animals and plants in the Sunshine Coast region. Book early: Barung Landcare 5494 3151 or www.barunglandcare.org.au


in the Hinterland times Phone: 54 999 049



Our Miss Personality:

Kirsten Grigor I

Miss Personality Entrant Kirsten Grigor with Quest Banner

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Maleny Showgirl, Kirsten Grigor is now off and racing, raising funds for medical research. With a couple of successful fundraisers under her belt, she invites the community to her next “do” a Melbourne Cup Fun Night.

T IS HARD RAISING funds at the best of times. But it is even harder when you are part of a competition! Twenty-year-old Kirsten Grigor is the Hinterland’s local entrant in The Lions Medical Research Personality Quest. With the support of the Maleny Blackall Range Lions Club, Kirsten is spending a year raising much needed funds for pioneering medical research. “I was asked by the Lions Club to be their entrant for the 12-month venture, and I accepted because I believe raising funds for medical research is an important cause, as well as a great experience for me. I am developing my public speaking skills and getting more closely involved within the community.” Kirsten, Miss Maleny Showgirl 2014, will be judged both on the amount of money she raises for the foundation, as well as on her personality. A preliminary round will be held in May next year and if she is successful she will proceed to the finals in June. She will be helping to raise funds for medical research that will greatly improve the quality of life for present and future generations. Kirsten attended Clayfield College in Brisbane as well as Sunshine Coast Grammar, here on the coast. She currently lives in Maleny and is studying occupational therapy at the University of the Sunshine Coast. But Kirsten is always on the move. “Once I graduate, I hope to travel with my profession both rurally within Australia as well as overseas, working in the range of avenues that occupational therapy provides,” she said. She enjoys running, exercising and playing football and works part time at her family’s businesses: the Landsborough IGA and Birdy’s Boutique. Her taxing role as entrant in The Lions Medical Research Personality Quest began in July and will finish in July 2015. She has already held two fundraisers and the next is planned for November.

Phil Holmes, Gail Denver, Lyn Alexander, John Burnham and Kirsten Grigor enjoying the appetizers at the Lion's Welcome Dinner

Lions Club member Diane Hobson, told the Hinterland Times, “Kirsten will be helping to raise funds for research in conjunction with The Lions Cancer Research for Kids and the Apex Club for Roadcraft and Defensive Driving at a Melbourne Cup Fun Night at the Maleny RSL on Saturday 1 November. We are asking people to please RSVP by 22 October.” In 1970 fundraising began with the “Lions Miss Personality Quest”, which is now called “The Lions Medical Research Personality Quest” and is open to both married and single women. Over the past decades the quest has contributed a great deal to medical research in Queensland as well as nationally and internationally. The hard work and dedication of entrants, past and present, has enabled research to be carried out at the Princess Alexander Hospital and Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital in Brisbane. Over the years this has led to medical developments that benefit people all over the world and several are world firsts. Many current notable academics were funded by the foundation as young researchers, such as Professor Ian Frazer who developed the cervical cancer vaccine and Professor J. McGrath who has completed groundbreaking schizophrenia research. The Students Performing Advanced Research (Queensland) program is a unique educational facility at the Translational Research Institute (at the PA Hospital) which is a partnership between the University of Queensland Diamantina Institute and the Department of Education, Training and Employment. The program was launched by

Professor Frazer in 2009 to give primary and secondary students a unique, practical introduction to biomedical research. Kirsten is asking for support in her fundraising efforts for this cause, and has planned a very exciting night for her next venture. Doors open at 6.30pm at the Maleny RSL for the Melbourne Cup Fun Night with a preview of the horses at 7pm. Races start at 7.15. They will be followed by a “Funny Money Gaming Table” event, with roulette, black jack, crowns and anchors, heads and tails and a state wheel. But winners should hold onto their takings as later in the night there will be a prize auction using funny money. There will be prizes awarded for the best hat or fascinator as well as the best dressed male and best dressed female. All proceeds from the fun night will go to Lions Cancer Research for Kids, Lions Medical Research and the Apex Club for Roadcraft Defensive Driving. Tickets for the event can be bought from the Birdy Boutique in Maleny or the Landsborough IGA. For enquiries, or to pledge your support, please call Karen Heading 0418 761 507 or Winston Johnston 0428 995 499. Thank you Hinterland!

Maleny Miss Personality Coordinator Diane Hobson, Kirsten Grigor and Lions President Helen Johnston



The Changing Face of Lawn Bowls reaches Maleny by Dale Jacobsen

This month, Maleny Bowls Club “switches on”, for the first time can offer evening bowls and their first Twilight challenge. Dale Jacobsen finds out the game she remembers from her childhood is long past – now lawn bowls is attracting younger players, families and lots of laughter on the green.


Above: Mo Lawrence rolls up at Maleny Bowls Club. Top: Mo and Steve Lawrence are part of the changing face of lawn bowls.



REMEMBER GOING to watch my mum play lawn bowls when I was a kid. The greens were full of ‘mature’ ladies in white regulation-length dresses over white stockings (my sister and I cruelly called them leghorns) and the men all sported ties and blazers. Half a century later, bowling greens are more likely to be full of vibrant young people wearing shorts and sporty T-shirts. While the rules of the game remain important, there is a more relaxed atmosphere and certainly a lot of laughter. This year, at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, three young women brought home silver medal in lawn bowls. Lynsey Clarke (Armitage), Australian captain at just 30, has been playing since she was 11. Kelsey Cottrell, 24, first represented Australia 9 years ago. The most senior of the trio at 39, Karen Murphy has won gold three times. As a testament to the fact that lawn bowls players are growing younger, the average age of the Australian team, men and women, is just 31. For the past six years, keen to encourage young players, Maleny Bowls Club members have regularly instructed year 11 students from Maleny High School on the game, including rules and etiquette. The sport forms an assessable part of their third-term Physical Education Course. Mo and Steve Lawrence are typical of the changing face of the sport. These two active Malenyites both play golf and are keen walkers and travellers. Like many people, myself included, they enjoyed watching the weekly broadcast by the ABC. “When we arrived in Maleny five years ago and wanted to meet people, it seemed a good way to combine exercise and socialising,” says Mo. “Steve had played some bowls in the UK. The Maleny Bowls Club members are a terrific bunch, and were very welcoming.” Steve’s work on oilrigs off Western Australia takes him away for weeks at a time, but he plays bowls whenever he gets the chance. “We will probably get more involved in competition after Steve retires and we have more time on our hands,” explains Mo.

"Bowls is one of the few games that can be enjoyed by a variety of age groups at the same time."

Maleny Bowls Club committee preparing for Twilight Bowls: John Lewis, Warwick Moody, Margaret Ginns, Curly Petersen and Ian Hansen.

Steve and Mo are about to set off for a six-month trip around Australia. With so many people on the road these days, bowls plays a part in social interaction with travellers. “We only need to take our bowls, and we can join any community we visit. It’s a great way of getting to know the people and the local area,” says Steve. A few months ago, Maleny Bowls Club took a gigantic step forward when they secured a grant of $30,000 from the Gambling Community Fund to install floodlights. Club secretary, John Lewis, is excited about the potential of Twilight Bowls. “We want to embrace the wider Maleny community and get people thinking of the club as a place to go and have some fun rather than a place where a few old retired people play during the week. Bowls is one of the few games that can be enjoyed by a variety of age groups at the same time. It therefore has great merit as a family event,” explains John. Mo likes the way bowls is a game for all levels. “We enjoy watching those who are very skillful and competitive, but it can also be played at a simple level. The basic rules are easy to understand and it's not too strenuous, so anyone can have a go and have a lot of fun. We are really looking forward to playing in the evenings with the new floodlights.” The whole of Maleny is invited to an official ‘Switching On’ open house from 6pm on Wednesday 8 October. To meet ‘Jack’ and ‘Kitty’ (for non-bowlers, these are the small white bowls), to have fun, to see what a game of bowls is all about. All people need to bring is a gold coin for a burger and either bare feet or soft-soled shoes. The club has bowls for people to borrow. The club is in the process of applying for a Queensland State Government ‘Get Going’ grant to purchase coloured bowls and jacks for playing under lights. They have lots of activities planned for the beautiful Maleny summer evenings, including ‘ladies only’ nights for local women and girls. Of course, the usual activities of Monday monthly pairs, Tuesday jackpot pairs, Friday

social/barefoot bowls will continue, as will feature days like the Plum Pudding Day in November and inter-club competitions and social days. The club boasts fantastic facilities of lounge, dining room, full kitchen and a bar that is open every afternoon (except Sunday) from 2:30pm. A few years ago, worried about the high cost and environmental consequences of maintaining a natural-turf green, with subsequent runoff into Obi Obi Creek, they converted to artificial turf. This October, they will install solar lights, further reducing their environmental footprint and substantially contributing to the power used by the club. The panels will offset any power used during Twilight Bowls evenings. A major feature of the new-look Maleny Bowls Club will be the Twilight Challenge, a six-week competition commencing on 15 October. “We invite local businesses, families, in fact anyone, to form a team; to wear team colours, take this challenge seriously!” says John. It will become a regular feature. For further information, contact the club by email: malenybowlsclub@bigpond.com.au

The way we were in 1939: Maleny Bowls Club in more formal times.


in the Hinterland times Phone: 54 999 049



Bacteria, Babies and Birth Centres

For the last decade, hinterland women have not had the option of birthing at Maleny Hospital, and before long Nambour's Birth Suite will close, too.

by Victoria McGuin

HT's Victoria McGuin attended a gathering to help create better birth choices for women on the range.




in the Hinterland times Phone: 54 999 049


OMETHING SPECIAL happened on the 20th September in the world of science and the world of babies. A worldwide simultaneous screening of the documentary Microbirth took place, from London to New York, Lisbon to Kraków, Bunkyo to Maleny. This documentary aims to illuminate a scientific theory all about the transference of bacteria during childbirth and the resultant long-term health of humans. Now, before anyone thinks this may be a “Caesareans are bad” theory, I must emphasise that the message is certainly not that. If a natural birth is not possible, researchers are looking into how to help Caesarean born babies ‘seed their microbe’ in different ways, such as the use of probiotics, less antibiotics and antibacterial products, a breast milk donor and plenty of skin-to-skin contact in the first few months after birth. In fact, professors and doctors from the documentary are keen to point out that Caesareans can be vital and lifesaving, but if a woman is in a low-risk category, a natural birth can have huge benefits on a microbiome level that are only just coming to light. What IS a microbiome? I hear you ask. Good question, and one I asked myself a few weeks back. The human microbiome is basically trillions of microorganisms that live in and on us from our mouths, to our guts, to our skin. We need these microbiomes to absorb vitamins, protect us from germs and break down food for energy release. They

help us build a strong immune system and Microbirth is essentially explaining that many of the valuable microbiomes we need for this come from the birthing process, skin-on-skin contact and breastfeeding. So, on a wet and misty Saturday night, I found myself at Maleny Community Centre meeting mothers, midwives, obstetricians, doulas and natural birth advocates who were excited about the documentary and united in their overriding belief that women on the Sunshine Coast need, “better birth choices.” Sarah Cornfoot organised the event and runs CAPERS Bookstore, which provides literature and offers educational events on pregnancy, childbirth and beyond. She was passionate about bringing Microbirth to Maleny, believing it to be informative and supportive for women considering their birthing options. Women in the hinterland have been unable to have their babies at Maleny hospital for ten years, and in 2016 the birth suite at Nambour is due to close. Therefore, women will have to travel all the way to Kawana to have their babies. This hardly seems conducive to the least stressful experience possible for mothers in labour, and may result in more complications and less chance of a natural birth. So, Sarah (along with many midwives and doulas) is calling for a local birthing place to be available. Belinda Costello, President of the ‘Friends of the Birth Centre Sunshine Coast,’ echoes these sentiments. “We need

one-to-one or group practice midwifery available,’ she explains. “There is no continual care up here, and studies have shown this can affect an expectant or new mother’s wellbeing a huge amount.” She is also hoping that Kawana will change their stance from offering a birth centre ‘tacked on' to the existing building, and create a free-standing centre with “a more homely environment” for women. In addition, she hopes Nambour will create a birth centre and bring in birth pools, so women have even more options. “Queensland is behind the times a bit with homebirth programs compared to New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia,” Belinda continued. “We have a real opportunity to create a publicly-funded homebirth program, with all the hospital changes going on right now. Why not take the opportunity to create a world-class system that offers a real variety of choices for women?” It is obvious the current situation frustrates her and she clearly wants better choices for the community. Belinda isn’t the only one. Friends of the Birth Centre Sunshine Coast recently created a survey about birth services, which over 870 women (to date) have completed. In the survey a whopping 90% of respondents wanted birth services to remain at Nambour and 70% wanted services reopened at Maleny. In addition, over 70% wanted a publiclyfunded homebirth program introduced and over 90% wanted a Midwifery Group Practice. Midwife, Terri Schaumberg, worked at Maleny birth suite until it closed in 2004. She feels a local safe space is needed for hinterland women to give birth, if they are low-risk. “Some homes are difficult for emergency services at access in the bush, and sometimes women are free-birthing because they cannot afford the current midwifery care.” A system of shared care with GPs and midwifes in the community, with a local birthing centre, would be ideal. Others seem to agree, with one obstetrician adding, “We are clogging up the hospital system unnecessarily. If it is safe, financially effective and meets women’s and midwives’ needs, then it’s a win-win for everyone.” So, back to the documentary. It supports the idea that natural births need to be encouraged, not hindered, and it was jam-packed with professors, researchers and scientists explaining the importance of a mother’s bacteria on newborn babies. Although factual results will not come in for a few years yet, the research suggests if we are not exposed to this vital bacteria, we may be more susceptible to obesity, asthma, autism, mental health disorders and even some cancers. (Also putting a huge stress on global finances in the coming years.) I need to stress the word ‘may’ in all of this, as none of these theories have been unequivocally proved at this point. But as Professor Hannah Dahlen from the University of Western Sydney comments in the documentary, if they are wrong, they will have done no harm - if they are right, they are potentially helping thousands of lives.

Above: The Microbirth Documentary talks about transference of bacteria and its importance during birth Opposite, left ans below: Sarah Cornfoot, with son Xavier Tegge, is passionate about improving birthing choices locally

AIRPORT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ON DISPLAY You are invited to view and comment on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that has been prepared for the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project.


The EIS will be on public display for 30 business days between Monday 29 September and 5pm Thursday 13 November 2014.

information sessions to learn about the Sunshine Coast

To view the EIS online and to make a submission, visit www.haveyoursay.dsdip.qld.gov.au/coordinatorgeneral/ SCAexpansion All submissions must be sent to the Office of the Coordinator-General. Information supporting the EIS, including a Summary of Major Findings, Aircraft Noise Information booklet, online aircraft noise tool and fact sheets are available via www. sunshinecoastairport.com.au and www. sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

Join the project team at the following community Airport Expansion Project EIS: Date Saturday 11 October Wednesday 15 October Wednesday 22 October

Time 9am – 5pm

Location North Shore Community Centre, 701 David Low Way, Mudjimba 10am – 2pm Maroochy Surf Club, 4pm – 8pm 34-36 Alexandra Parade, Maroochydore 10am – 2pm Yandina RSL Hall, 4pm – 8pm 24 North Street, Yandina

For more information about the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project EIS, contact us by email info@SCAexpansion.com.au or phone 1800 210 755. www.sunshinecoastairport.com.au

A Business Unit of Sunshine Coast Council



A Coming of Age


the area we live. We have experienced challenges over the years but I stick to my values and always go the extra mile. I have learnt in business, you can’t be everything to everyone you need good help. We have that, our team are wonderful.” Phil and Fran’s clock shop has been a Montville icon since it opened in 1993. The stone and shingle building at the southern end of town is a perfect outlet for their unique range of Black Forest Clocks – German masterpieces, personally checked for quality and affordability. Whether you are looking for a novelty animal clock for the nursery, a precision grandfather clock for your entryway or an anniversary clock – you will be assured of a unique heirloom that will tick and chime to the tune of generations.


A R t T

4t & h 5- Oc M 7p t & U m 1 SI st C N ov

CLOCK IS LIKE the heartbeat in every home,” says Phil Hoffman. And this expert on clocks should know – he is of German descent and has tuned in to the workings and sounds of clocks from way back. “A ticking clock brings back childhood memories and when my father-in-law bought us one some 25 years ago, it struck a special chord in me.” Years ago the owner of a clock shop in Toowoomba told Phil he could learn everything he needed to know about timepieces and that is precisely what Phil did. The ex-butcher and Commonwealth Meat Inspector, turned clock expert, has been in the same business in Montville for 21 years now – offering master repairs to old timepieces or selling majestic grandfather clocks, cuckoo clocks, chiming mantel clocks and artistic modern clocks. “That is either a great achievement or I could be a bit daft staying here that long!” he said. “I am so lucky to have my wife Fran who has been a big part of the shop and my working partner for around nineteen of the 21 years. All my children, Garryn, Pru, Daniel and Courtney have worked in our store, and each one of them has made a valuable contribution to the uniqueness of our business.” “I love what I do, I love the town where we work and I love



Then and Now: Above is Phil and Fran Hoffman and their daughters taken some 20 years ago and at The Clock Shop's recent 21st celebrations

Our Award-winning Range!

The team at Secrets on the Lake were delighted with securing overall winner of the Cafés



on Obi

Image Deb Blackley

VERYONE WAS A winner in the Range Restaurant and Café Awards: the cafes, the restaurants and, of course, The Range Restaurant Winners the very satisfied local and visiting customers. First – The Terrace of Maleny Organiser Shiralee Cooper said, “We believe our Runner up – Bella Vista Mapleton Hinterland has the best standards and varieties of cuisine from casual to fine dining. Here we have the best service Quality – The Long Apron Spicers Clovelly, and the most stunning settings in regional Queensland, if Montville not the entire country!” Ambience – Bella Cucina, Montville This year the standard was high across the board so every participating venue was rewarded great scores and Service – The Long Apron Spicers Clovelly, stacks of praise. Montville Head chef, Daniel Rousso of the Terrace Seafood Value – Bella Vista, Mapleton Restaurant at Maleny, said, “The team at the Terrace is Most Outstanding Restaurant Staff Member: proud to have been recognised as the winner of the Range Will, Reserve Maleny Restaurant and Café Awards 2014. Most of all we appreciate the loyalty we have received from our customers.” The Range Café Winners Duty manager, Christine Bailey, agreed, “We would like Overall Winner– Secrets Café, Montville to thank all our customers for the recognition. We always Runners up – Elements at Montville and strive to provide the finest quality of food and service.” Maleny Cheese Shiralee explained the judging process. “The winners were determined by the highest average score out of five Quality – Maleny Cheese for the individual categories. Then the highest average of Ambience – Secrets Café Montville all four categories was combined for the overall winner. Given the outstanding scores customers gave, the results Service – Elements at Montville were close across all areas.” Value – Secrets Café Montville The dedicated awards committee consisted of Shiralee Most Outstanding Cafe Staff Member – Cooper and Barbara Lamont (Montville Chamber of Jessica Mitchel, Elements at Montville Commerce), Karen Shaw (Maleny Commerce) and Martin Duncan (Hinterland Tourism Sunshine Coast) with help from Breannon Shaw, Helen Hutchinson, Ruth Kuss and Lisa BlaineyLewin. “Given that we had a lot more entries than previous years, there was a lot more work to do. Sorting out the results and entering the data was mostly done by volunteers,” Shiralee said. “It has been wonderful reading comments about the pleasure so many people have experienced being served by people who love what they do and do it so well. It reminds us how fortunate we are to live along our Blackall Range with its award-winning eateries. Left: Overall Winner for Restaurants, The Terrace Team Thank you to everyone Right: Head chef Daniel and young Cam from the Terrace of Maleny who made the 2014 RRCA Images Shiralee Cooper a success!”

Happy Birthday to us...

we turn 4 this month so lets celebrate! To celebrate this milestone we’re going to be putting on great weekly specials, as well as giving away to one of our lucky diners a gourmet getaway package for two. The winner will be drawn at our Melbourne Cup Lunch on Tuesday Tuesday 4th November November..

Where will you be for this years ‘race that stops a nation’? Why not consider celebrating with us at Pomodoras on Obi. We will be having heaps of fun with lots of great prizes. Then watching the race on our BIG TV TV.. Glass of French Brut on arrival, Delicious 3 course luncheon, great prizes and fun sweepstakes, all for only $65pp So get on track this Melbourne Cup day Tuesday the 4th of November with us! (SS [OL WYVJLLKZ MYVT V\Y YHўLZ will be going to the Breast Cancer council of Australia. See our webZite for more information.

18 Lawyer Street, Maleny on the banks of the Obi Obi Creek

Ph: (07) 5429 6543 Pomodoras.com.au HINTERLAND TIMES – OC TOBER 2014


Postcard from ...

Ye Olde Sweet Shoppe

La Charente


The cost of living the good life in France Just Arrived Belgian Delights Dark Couverture Chocolate Buttons, with 63% cocoa content, and White Couverture Chocolate. This couverture chocolate is made by Belgian Delights’ Belgian born and trained chocolatiers using Ivory Coast cocoa beans. Ideal for making your own chocolate creations, cakes, baking, fountains, etc... Most of our hand-made chocolates are also made by Belgian Delights, which is a family owned Queensland business. Some interesting facts about chocolate: · There are four basic food groups: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles. · Diet tip: Eat a chocolate bar before each meal. It’ll take the edge off your appetite, and you’ll eat less. · Chocolate covered raisins, cherries, orange slices and strawberries all count as fruit, so eat as many as you want! · Man cannot live on chocolate alone, but women sure can!

Fudge New flavour: Chocolate layered with Salted Caramel. Come in for a free taste. Go on TREAT YOURSELF.

find us on facebook


39 Maple St, Maleny Ph: 5494 2118

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Ph: 07 5499 9049 or ads@hinterlandtimes.com.au



Above: Val and Bryan preparing to order “galettes” (savoury crepes) at a street side café in Saintes, once a very important Roman provincial administrative town.


NE MUST MAINTAIN one’s standards when living abroad, even when one is communing with nature in the French countryside. Now our standards, I must admit, are actually fairly pedestrian. However the big questions remain: What’s it all cost? Is it expensive? Can one afford to live a house swap dream? To answer these profound questions one needs to look

at the absolute essentials of modern living: an adequate wine supply, good food, dining out and those little romantic trips away. On wine, obviously one could spend real money if one had that predilection and the income stream, neither of which we have. A quite acceptable quaffing red by the bottle can be had for $5.00 or, say, a better full-bodied “Cahors” cab/sav for $8 to $10. A 5ltr cask of Bordeaux Superior: about $22.40 or $4.50 a litre while a Super U Supermarket brand cask can be just $3.40 a litre. For the true blue bottom feeders, the LIDL supermarket chain regularly has wine offers around $3.00 (or less!!). We have not found a bad bottle yet. Fancy the odd wee dram? Here are some supermarket prices: Grants scotch at $21.00, Jameson at $26.00 or Laphroaig 10 year old at $56.00. Not bad at all. If one must, absolutely must, carve a succulent lamb roast for Sunday lunch or love the taste of artfully grilled lamb chop (aren’t the tails simply divine) then French living may not be for you. Try digesting a leg of lamb that cost $59.00 or putting on a chop when a pack of two chops has a per kilo ticket at $29.30! Val was overjoyed at finding frozen NZ legs on special at $28.00. We were just in time to grab the last two. Pork (a three meal pork roast, unfortunately sans crackling, $16.50) turkey (tender, juicy fillets at $10 a kilo) and sausages (a pack of 8 Toulouse snags $10.00) are the go here. A rack of spare ribs casually thrown on the barbie, a bottle of Bordeaux, and tasty cheese does wonders for the appetite. Venturing into the exotic, a box of 20 quail eggs is just $6.50 while a whole skinned bunny runs to $18.40 (no pun intended). Sad to say, to us, the supermarket red meat just does not look appetizing. However Val does create very tasty slowcooked casseroles with the chunky cut stewing steak ($12.00 a kilo). Oh, and LIDL does have great little whole trout and packs of Atlantic salmon at prices to hook you.

by Bryan & Val Hughes Well known hinterland identities, Val and Bryan Hughes have left Maleny for a home swap in rural France. They tell us of their adventures...

Above: Val looking for a suitable tray of chicken parts for “Coq au vin” in our local Montmoreau Super U where we do most of our normal food shopping

Veggies and fruit supply in our part of France is highly seasonal, unlike the year-round supply of most items found at home. In July Val wanted pumpkin to showcase her pumpkin and citrus cake for a language club cooking project however sourcing a pumpkin of any variety proved impossible. (Maybe I shouldn’t tell you that her fallback display was lamingtons.) Perhaps this seasonality helps to maintain the so evident tastiness of the products. The regular street markets are great for atmosphere and lively activity. Monday mornings wandering our local Chalais market followed by a coffee or beer and people watching at café Le Flore is now something of a ritual for us. We do find that markets prices (no haggling, thank you) are usually higher than supermarket prices but quality and freshness do seem a little better than the supermarkets. Dining out in rural France is cheap! The “restro” in the nearby hamlet of Nonac offers restaurant quality four course “formula midi” lunches for just $20.00. Others offer the same price including wine. Our anniversary dinner at Chateau Talleyrand (white linen, professional service, excellent food and wine) $137.00. For those trips away, fuel is dearer at $2.04 for diesel and $2.40 for petrol but the compensation is excellent accommodation at very reasonable prices. Just last week, two nights in the “Donjon Room” (55sqm suite really) at the Chateau d’Avanton was $282, brekkie included. Bottom line: living a full life to our Aussie standards in La Charente is no more expensive than living in Maleny and we dine out much more often! And I haven’t even mentioned the pate, the cheese, the bread!!! Last word goes to our exchangee, Brian, on mushrooms (ceps). “Sept to Nov is the mushroom season. The locals go mad in search of Ceps. On many mornings, M and Mde M, our neighbours, will often leave the hamlet in a small white car. They are off in search of the sacred cep. No one knows where they go. It’s a secret location and rumour has it that if they think they are being followed they take evasive action to shake the tail. You will see cars parked in lay bys and gate ways often miles from woodlands. The occupants are hunting for ceps but don’t want people to know where, so diversionary tactics are used! “

Top: Bryan and Father's Day picnic alongside the Dronne river in a lovely private spot behind the Bonnes village church. The church itself is fortified and sports an exceptionally unusual wooden front porch. Above: “On no, I’ve dropped the crab!” Maleny friend Don Cole and Val checking the fish stall at Riberac street market

Promote your business through the HT using ... Prices from $88.00 / 1000


Ph: 07 5499 9049 or ads@hinterlandtimes.com.au

Au revoir and see you soon, Bryan and Val. HINTERLAND TIMES – OC TOBER 2014


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19 19

Focus on a Volunteer:

Bridget Sparks by Coralie Waldron

From small beginnings, the Maleny Information Visitor Centre, now boasts more than 70 volunteers, who provide information every day, to the hundreds of visitors to our beautiful Maleny township and surrounds. Bridget Sparks is one volunteer who has helped craft this dream into reality.

Volunteers, Paula and Bridget at the desk


ALENY RESIDENT, Bridget Sparks is one of the longest serving volunteers still assisting at the Maleny Visitor Information Centre. Married for 43 years, Bridget and Jervis Sparks, have resided in many far flung corners of the world – Canada, where Bridget was born, and India, Philippines, Indonesia – as part of Jervis’ positions with the United Nations and the World Bank. Their most interesting residence however, would have to be the thirty years they spent living in a lighthouse cottage at Barranjoey Lighthouse, Palm Beach, on Sydney’s most northern tip. Bridget “fondly” remembers pumping water from a well, tolerating the vagaries of a kero fridge, and having to traverse an access road which was passable only by 4WD vehicles. They retired to Maleny in 1998, and Bridget immediately became involved in her new community. Her background in public relations and sales/marketing led her to joining the fledgling Visitor Information Centre in Maleny, initially under the banner of the Maleny Chamber of Commerce. Its primary aim was to increase awareness of local accommodation and tourist venues of the Hinterland. Totally self funded, this small visitor information centre, operating from a “hole in the wall” of the old Maleny Community Centre, was staffed in those early days by ten volunteers, under the direction of Joan Benson. When Bridget took over Joan’s role, she was instrumental in the writing of manuals, organizing rosters and famils, and procurement of brochures. Along with her small band of willing volunteers (called a management committee), they slowly built the Information Centre to a sought after “first stop” for the increasing numbers of Hinterland visitors. Under the Presidency of Bridget, incorporation was achieved in January, 2009, and with the help of business 20


donations, and small grants from Council and the Credit Union, volunteers were supplied with new green shirts. Basic office equipment was generously provided by the Maleny Community Centre, and a low rental established. Bridget continued in her role as President, during which time she organized training sessions, liaised with the local businesses and when it was time for the Maleny Community Centre to be renovated, assisted with the conversion of the “Kiosk” to a temporary shopfront. When renovations to the Maleny Community Centre were completed in 2013, relocation of the Maleny Information Visitor Centre, to the new centre, was spearheaded and completed by new president Bryan Hughes and his committee. The MIVC’s success today, is testament to the hard work and solid foundations laid by Bridget, and her band of volunteers, in those early years. Scaling back on her involvement now, Bridget, with her vast local knowledge, remains a valuable volunteer, mentor and advisor to new recruits. It is worth noting that more than 3,200 visitors sought information at the centre in July, 2014. From advice about walks, accommodation, maps, timetables and events, the centre has become an integral part of the Maleny town centre. Still entirely self funded, it relies on business donations, merchandise sales, and the burgeoning Business Partnership program, where a business can display their brochures for $40 a year, or $150 a year for brochures and video footage. Sales of tickets for the various local productions also provides a source of revenue, to cover the Centre’s overheads. Today under the Presidency of Scilla Ecuyer, the MIVC volunteers, easily identifiable in their green shirts, enjoy the chance to converse with people from all over the world on a daily basis. A particular highlight for me as a volunteer, was when one afternoon a Spanish couple came into the centre. Having limited English, communication was difficult, until my fellow volunteer surprisingly stepped up and in fluent Spanish, was able to supply them

Above: Bridget in front of today’s Maleny Information Visitor Centre Below: Bridget's colleagues on Famil in the hinterland Left: Shopfront of MIVC before Community Centre renovations with volunteer Merilyn Milton

effortlessly with the required information.They were a delightful couple, and so grateful for my colleague’s language ability, as was I. Maleny Visitor Information Centre, with its new web site maleny.qld.au, is a place to acquire knowledge of the area, a place to make friends, somewhere to purchase a unique gift, and all because some local people many years ago, had the foresight to see a need. To Bridget and the many others, thank you!



Open Studios open studios

Sunshine Coast Hinterland Open Studios 2014 runs over two weekends, 11–12 & 18–19 October, 10 am – 4 pm daily. This event provides a rare chance to go behind studio doors ZDWFK DUWLVWV DW ZRUN 6RPH DUWLVWV DUH DOVR RÎ?HULQJ PLG ZHHN workshops where you can unleash your own inner artist. For further information & bookings please visit our website.


– it’s never been a better time to visit the Hinterland!

1 The Wilde Woode ȂɄdrawing, graphic design, painting Dr Nita C Lester | 93 Willandra Place Mapleton | 5445 7182 2 Boparoke Art Shed ȂɄpainting, pottery, mixed media Pamela Black | 115 Chinaman Creek Road Cambroon | 5472 4228 3 Janna’s Studio ȂɄsculpture Janna Pameijer | 27 Ekert Road Curramore | 0411 457 358 4 Heathberry Studio Lakeside ȂɄsculpture, painting, bark art Lindsay Muir, Heather Jones | 160 Curramore Road Witta | 0488 581 347


HE DOORS OF artists’ studios will be thrown ajar for two weekends in October when Arts Connect Inc. members invite you to visit their creative spaces. Over four years artists have offered this special program attracting thousands of visitors to the hinterland. Many have come from far-flung places, many are locals revisiting their favourite studios each year. In 2014 we have some new studios for you to explore and some great studios returning. Paper, canvas, bark; paint, inks, dyes; brushes, pens; knives; clays, metal, and more ‌ all being use to create a diverse range of art forms. Artists welcome you to their studios October 11 to 12 and 18 to 19, from 10am 4pm. You can watch them work, chat with them about the processes and materials they use, and if you love it, take it home with you!

1 2 3 4



5 Artworks In Clay Č‚É„pottery, sculpture, porcelain jewellery Anne Gentry-Smith | 55 Main St Montville | 0427 692 551

Exploring these tucked away studios will 6 Summer Hills Č‚É„WH[WLOHV SULQWV SDLQWLQJV PL[HG PHGLD Č´OP you Elcoate through the Rdhinterland to153 magic take | 308 Hunchy Hunchy | 0439 762 Christine places you never knew existed. 7 Studio 33 Č‚É„painting, drawing, ceramics, multimedia, installation | 33are Gardners Lane North Maleny 193 176 Joanne Turner 2014 we expanding this| 0418 program In 8 Jubeadilation Č‚É„Jewellery with several artists offering mid-week Frances Harper | 33 Gardners Lane North Maleny | 0468 323 864 workshops during this period. Here you can 9 Gary Myers Gallery Č‚É„painting be Gary guided how to create, to discover Community Centre Maple Street Maleny | 0427and 526 965 Myers |in to soul as you get your handsmixed dirty 10 free studioyour eight Č‚É„painting, drawing, photography, media 8 Avocado Laneinner Maleny |artist. 0448 278 478 Parkinson |your andJudiunleash own 11 Arts Rainbow Studio Č‚É„ceramics, Connect Inc. pottery events are made Dave Handley | 73 Mountain View Road Maleny | 0417 130 556 possible by strong support from our many 12 Treehaven Studio Č‚É„printmaking, collage, paper making, textiles sponsors funding from |the Sunshine | 941 Aherns Road Conondale 07 5435 0085 Jacky Lowryand Coast Council through the partnership andbooks 13 Heather Gall Fine Art Studio Č‚É„mixed media, children’s Bald Knob Road Maleny | 0417 520 also Heather Gall | 651 community grants program. We784are 14 Red of Door Studio Č‚É„printmaking, life drawing, mixed media ‘HinterLand’ an initiative of part Michele Deveze | 323 Candle Mountain Drive Peachester | 0412 936 361 Sunshine Coast Destinations Ltd and are grateful for their promotional support. Open Studios is proud to be part of Sunshine Coast Destination Ltd’s Now in its –second year, HinterLand – a HinterLand a celebration of Place, Arts and Creativity. festival celebration of place, arts and creativity unites a myriad of artists, makers and performers See the map and downloadable brochure: for a six week festival spectacular. http://www.artsconnectinc.com.au/explore-the-studios-2014.html Book early for the workshops: http://www.artsconnectinc.com.au/workshops.html

The Wilde Woode – drawing, graphic design, painting Dr Nita C Lester | 93 Willandra Pl Mapleton | 5445 7182 Boparoke Art Shed – painting, pottery, mixed media Pamela Black | 115 Chinaman Creek Rd Cambroon | 5472 4228 Janna’s Studio – sculpture Janna Pameijer | 27 Ekert Rd Curramore | 0411 457 358 Heathberry Studio Lakeside – sculpture, painting, bark art Lindsay Muir, Heather Jones | 160 Curramore Rd Witta 0488 581 347 Artworks In Clay – pottery, sculpture, porcelain jewellery Anne Gentry-Smith | 55 Main St Montville | 0427 692 551



Summer Hills – textiles, prints, paintings, mixed media, film Christine Elcoate | 308 Hunchy Rd Hunchy | 0439 762 153 7 Studio 33 – painting, drawing, ceramics, multimedia, installation | Joanne Turner | 33 Gardners Lane North Maleny 0418 193 176 8 Jubeadilation – Jewellery Frances Harper | 33 Gardners Ln North Maleny | 0468 323 864 9 Gary Myers Gallery – painting Gary Myers | Community Centre Maple St Maleny | 0427 526 965 10 studio eight – painting, drawing, photography, mixed media Judi Parkinson | 8 Avocado Lane Maleny | 0448 278 478

11 Rainbow Studio – ceramics, pottery Dave Handley | 73 Mountain View Rd Maleny | 0417 130 556 12 Treehaven Studio – printmaking, collage, paper making, textiles | Jacky Lowry | 941 Aherns Road Conondale | 5435 0085 13 Heather Gall Fine Art Studio – mixed media, children’s books Heather Gall | 651 Bald Knob Road Maleny | 0417 784 520 14 Red Door Studio – printmaking, life drawing, mixed media Michele Deveze | 323 Candle Mountain Dv Peachester 0412 936 361

Australia’s best authors headline Celebration of T

OP AUSTRALIAN and local authors feature in Maleny’s Celebration of Book – October 24 to 26 – now in its third year. Maleny is a town of readers, writers, authors, bookshops, book-makers, book illustrators, publishers and editors and we love books! This year Maleny celebrates with a full program – children’s activities, a writers' market, conversations and workshops – and welcomes a host of authors. Throughout the weekend, audiences are invited to actively engage with authors at workshops and signings, as well as join in discussions at the festival’s signature events, the Sunday Forum and Big Book Club Gathering. During the Sunday Forum, you'll hear how blogging, twitters and Facebook have influenced some of Australia's most acclaimed authors. The four award-winning authors will involve audiences in a conversation about their writing in an environment where ‘everyone’ is an author: Kristina Olsson, winner of the 2013 Queensland Literary Awards and the NSW Premiers Literary Award for her family memoir, Boy, Lost. Melissa Lucashenko of European and Murri heritage, whose most recent novel, Mullumbimby is set in the Byron Bay hinterland, focuses on ‘country’ and place, is a story of romantic love and cultural warfare. Melissa recently awarded the 2014 Victorian Premier's Literary Award for outstanding Indigenous writing. Kari Gislason, a creative writing lecturer at the Queensland University of Technology, who explores his Icelandic heritage and family relationships in The Promise of Iceland. Inga Simpson, whose latest novel Nest is set somewhere in our hinterland and explores the lost child in all of us. The theme of digital technology and the ‘invasion’ of social media and data collection in our lives also frames the Big Book Club Gathering on Saturday October 25. Book lovers are invited to read The Circle by Dave Eggers. This book is set in the not-too-distant future and focuses on Mae Holland’s rise through the ranks at the Circle– the world’s largest internet company. With mottos including SECRETS ARE LIES and PRIVACY IS THEFT, the Circle’s goal is to have all aspects of human existence – from voting to love affairs – flow through its portal, and be the world’s sole such portal. With afternoon tea in hand, small groups will debate the many topics and ideas in this contentious book. Popular culture and social media expert Dr Nicholas Carah will then


lead a whole-group discussion and further explore the ‘realities’ of Eggers’ fictional world. Renowned children’s author and illustrator, Peter Carnavas will be launching his latest book on Saturday morning and hosting a FREE illustration workshop for children in the library. Whilst you are there, see a beautiful display by Maleny book artist, Fiona Dempster. Saturday morning's Writers' Market in the Maleny Community Centre Hall provides an opportunity to have an up-close and personal chat with many of the Hinterland's most talented writers. The Book Swap Tree gives everyone a chance to bring along a book to swap in Cooke Park on the Saturday and Sunday. The Book Swap Tree is there all weekend and is a great place to discover books you haven't read, or always wanted to read. Free for all - just bring a book and leave it under the tree in exchange.

The people behind the Celebration of Books: Judy Paulson, Ann Brown, Sheila Bryden, Claire Booth, Jennifer Radbourne, Prue Mason, (and standing) Sue Collaro and Alice Hungerford discuss The Big Book Club Gathering 2014 book, The Circle

On Friday, budding authors are invited to a workshop led by Dr Ross Watkins where he’ll provide insights into what publishers are looking for from writers. You can also meet Henry Reynolds at the Outspoken event, where he’ll be in conversation with local author Stephen Lang. The streets of Maleny will be alive with these events and much, much more – come help us celebrate. To find out more about other events, displays and activities and how to buy tickets go to www.celebrationofbooksmaleny.com.




Lasting Impressions Gallery 6 Elizabeth Street Kenilworth

Ph: 5446 0422 lastingimpressionsgallery.net

Based in the tranquil Sunshine Coast hinterland town of Kenilworth, Lasting Impressions Gallery has, over a period of more than two decades, established a reputation as one of the region’s leading art galleries.


Illume Creations Shop 4 Mayfield 127-133 Main Street Montville Ph: 5478 5440 illumecreations.com.au

Come and escape to the lush hills and breathe in the fresh energy of Tina Cooper’s vibrant hand blown glass art! Illume Creations has the largest, most extensive range of this Montville hot glass artist’s work.



Shop 11 ‘The Village Green’ 127 Main St Montville Ph: 5442 9512 delislegallery.com oPen Sun - Mon: 10:00 - 4:30

oPen Tues - Sun: 10:30-5:00


Classic, Contemporary, Affordable mixed exhibition featuring - Dean Reilly - Colley Whisson - Colin Passmore. Numerous collector specials including Norman Lindsay, Robert Dickerson, David Mackay Harrison and others. Grand gallery space at the ‘Paris’ end of Montville.

Montville Art Gallery 138 Main Street Montville

Ph: 5442 9211 montvilleartgallery.com.au

Gallery manager, Lisa Powell ensures there is a constantly changing exhibition of paintings and sculpture by established and emerging Australian artists, many of whom live and work in South East Queensland.

oPen Sun - Mon: 10:00 - 5:00

Sunshine Coast


Gallery Trail To Noosa

1 Obi


Mapelton Falls National Park Road

Obi Obi

Kondalilla Falls National Park






12 11 Maleny

Balmoral Lookout

Myrtle St


Coral St




ks P

Reesville Rd


Lasting Impressions Gallery, Kenilworth, Gary Myers Gallery 11.00am, Wabi Sabi Jewellery by Noela Mills Lyn Diefenbach: “Pure Joy”, October 4, 5-7pm closing October 1



Montville Gallery Montville Art Art Gallery “Nostalgia” by award winning impressionist, “Nostalgia” by award winning impressionist, Ron Van Gennip Ron Van Gennip October 1 to 31 October 1 to 31





le Ma

Sta n

Sunshine Sunshine Coast Coast Art Art Prize, Caloundra Regional Regional Gallery Gallery Caloundra until until October October 26 26



ort nilw


4 23 7 8 15 5 Montville 6 9

Upcoming Exhibitions Butter Factory, Factory, Art Art Centre, Cooroy, Butter Centre, Cooroy, Judith Shores”, Judith Laws:“Beauty Laws:“Beautyand andTragedy Tragedy on on Fraser Fraser Shores”, until October 11 until


Maleny-Montville Rd


Mountain View Rd

Mary Cairncross Park



Australis of Montville Antiques 162 Main Street Montville

Ph: 5442 9400 shireantiques@bigpond.com oPen Wed - Mon: 10:00 - 3:45

Situated in the hinterland town of montville, this long established business has a great range of antique china, glassware, silver and collectables to suit all tastes. We also have a large range of antique, estate, and second hand quality jewellery.


Latitude Gallery

Shop 1, 180 Main Street Montville Ph: 5478 5771 latitudegallery.com.au oPen OPEN Mon - Sat: 09:00-5:00 Daily 10:00 - 4:00 Sun: 10:00-3:00



Secrets on the Lake Art Gallery 207 Narrows Road Montville

Ph: 5478 5888 secretsonthelake.com.au

A jewellery and fine art gallery featuring pearls grown by Pia Boschetti ‘the girl who grows the pearl’ from her own Australian pearl farm. The gallery also features certified Argyle diamonds, creative designs and beautiful art. Latitude Gallery has joined with existing gallery ‘Bold in Gold’ located at the Water Wheel in Montville.

Personally selected local artists and artisans exhibit in a unique art space which is a work of art in itself. Enjoy a cup of coffee or lunch in our café then browse the gallery, featuring Lindsay Muir, Siggi Cairns, Heather Jones, Peta Boyce, and more.

7 m a i n s t re e t GALLERY

167 Main Street Montville Ph: 5478 5050 mainstreetgallery.com.au

Home to some of Australia’s most original contemporary artists, our philosophy is simple: to offer patrons the very best in fine art, whilst developing the careers of our artists.


Shop 4 ‘The Pottery’ 173-181 Main Street Montville Ph: 5442 9598 opalcutter.com.au

oPen Wed - Sun: 11.00 - 4:00


Art on Cairncross 3 Panorama Place Cairncross Corner Maleny

Ph: 5429 6404 artoncairncross.com.au oPen Tues - Sun: 10:00 - 5:00

The Opalcutter

oPen Mon - Sun: 10:00-5:00

The gallery displays an array of fine art by leading and emerging artists from the region and throughout Australia. Paintings and drawings are complemented by exquisite porcelain, hand-blown glass, bronze sculpture, ceramics and unique leather mask sculptures.


Maleny Showcase Jewellers

Shop 4 Riverside Centre Maple Street Maleny Ph: 5494 3477 malenyjewellers.com.au

‘The Opalcutter’Australia’s national gemstone comes alive in Montville with over 30 years in mining, cutting, polishing and designing our own jewellery. Beautiful, unique, one of jewellery pieces with opal from all opal fields of Australia as well as the work of other artists and designers.

Celebrating a strong 14 years in business, we specialise in highquality handcrafted jewellery. Offering a full range of jewellery services including redesign, repair and valuation. View our large range of handmade individual pieces and receive the service you should.


12 Gary Myers



3/23 Maple Street Maleny Ph: 0427 526 965 garymyers.net.au oPen Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 4:00 Sun: 10:00 - 3:00


Gary’s art is immediately identifiable as Australian, with a deep connection to the outback and a passion for the history of Australia. His style is unique, providing glimpses of larrikinism that abandon the traditional norms of landscape painting.

Kenilworth Celebrates


Two weeks of Art and Entertainment


Holden’s Gallery 38b Coral Street

(Corner Coral & Myrtle Streets)

Maleny Ph: 5494 2100 holdensgallery.com.au oPen Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 4:00

The gallery, an iconic building which started life in 1907 as Maleny’s first church, is a treasure trove of original art, prints, hand made jewellery, pottery, sculpture, unusual gifts and collectibles, tasteful home décor items and an in-house picture framing service.

Kenilworth Celebrates

Two weeks of Art and Entertainment “HinterLand – a celebration of place, arts and creativity” Will be staged across the Sunshine Coast Hinterland region from “HinterLand of artists, – a celebration of place, arts and 19th September to 26th October, offering a spectacular festival creativity” will be staged across the Sunshine Coast makers and performers to suit all tastes and levels of experience.

Hinterland region from 19th September to 26th


Much of the action is centred on the township of Kenilworth, October, where foroffering the a spectacular festival of artists, 17th year, the township will stage Kenilworth Celebrates. makers and performers to suit all tastes and levels


The Clockshop

Australia’s most extensive of thexperience. collectionconcert of German Cuckoo The Festival starts with an orchestral on September 28 , followed by th Clocks, Black Forest Clocks fouror five-day workshops with professional tutors from September to On the29 weekend of October 4 and 5, the and Bavarian Handicrafts. rd October 3 (bookings required). Kenilworth’s main street celebrates with music, We hope you enjoy the new dance, a poet’s breakfast, markets and street andtown’s easy shopping On the weekend of October 4 features and 5, the main street celebrates with entertainment. You can see a chalk artist, experience in our online 194aMain Street music, dance, poet’s breakfast, markets andnew street entertainment. You can see a chalk artist, storytelling, store. The Clockshop offers storytelling, chainsaw sculpting or try fun and funky MONTVILLE chainsaw sculpting or try fun and funky sand art, tie dye or bush critter art. Plus there’s lots of art demonstrations an exciting range of quality sand art, tiehoney dye ormead bushmaking! critter art. - even medieval crafts like longbow making demo, minor blacksmithing, European items including Ph: 5442 9409 original hand Plus there’s lots of art demonstrations - even crafted cuckoo Free art exhibitions run from October 4th to 11th. The prestigious 2014 Kenilworth Trophy Competition sections www.clockshop.com.au clocks, German grandfather medieval crafts like longbow making demo, minor include three dimensional work, Handmade Prints and Painting, with categories of Landscape, Miniatures, Still Life, clocks, modern and traditional blacksmithing, honey mead making! The Human Form, Animal Life,wall Contemporary Art and Portraits. clocks and popular OPEN Free art exhibitions run from October 4 to 11. Mon-Sat: 9:30 - 5:00 mantles, Austrian linen, folk Full details at www.hinterlandevents.com.au music and souvenirs. Full details at www.hinterlandevents.com.au.

Sun: 12:30 - 5:00



Manfred’s Wood & Antique Shop

460 ReesvilleRoad (Cnr. Corks Pocket Road) Maleny Ph: 5494 3595 manfreds-wood-shop.com

We are the Specialists to ensure that your rare furniture or Antiques are kept in top condition, with 50 years experience in Restoring, Repairs and Retail, then Manfred`s Wood & Antique Shop is the right choise for you and your precious Heirloom, or rare furniture and Valuables.

Only 3 spots left on HT’s new and expanded Gallery Trail! Advertise here and it includes a: • Full A4 page advertorial Online A4 Gallery Trail booklet, including at least 3 images • Business Directory listing within the HT online business directory under Galleries • Promotion of upcoming exhibitions on the Gallery Trail page • Favorable editorial coverage for advertisers’ events • Weekly posts promoting events and exhibitions via the gallery trail page Your Investment: $121.00 incl GST per issue, Call 07 5499 9049 before they disappear.

For more in-depth information about the Galleries on the Hinterland go to www.hinterlandtimes.com.au and open the “Sunshine Coast Gallery Trail Booklet” HINTERLAND TIMES – OC TOBER 2014


Community News Community News Community News Eudlo Tennis Club is back in business!

Show off the hinterland at an Instameet

Paint October Pink



FTER YEaRS of applying for grants, Eudlo Tennis Club announces the launch of the re-furbished twin courts (plus lights for night tennis and a hit-up wall) with a Family Fun Day on Saturday October 25. The fun starts at midday, and if you arrive in the first hour you can sign up for a single point tournament. It will be excitement plus with a sudden death if you lose a point and they keep rolling people on and off the court. Challenge yourself at the speed serving machine with hotly contested prizes for the fastest serve for boys, girls, men and women. Coach Jani Kroyherr (pictured) will supervise games for the kids, while the ball machine operates on one of the courts. Treasurer Peter Driscoll says, “We do the food pretty well, quite classy homemade, sweet food and probably some German sausages. The day is free to one and all, except for the food and drinks.” They thank SC Council, heritage Bank Palmwoods, Tennis Qld, Gambling and Jupiters Casino Community Benefit Funds. Find out more: www.eudlotennis.org.au



UNShINE COaST residents are encouraged to save the date on October 4 to participate in the world’s biggest ‘Instameet’, a landmark social media event to capture thousands of images of Queensland destinations. an Instameet is a pre-determined place and time where a group of Instagrammers or photographers get together for about an hour or so to meet each other and take photos. Then they upload the photos to Instagram to share with each other and the world. Usually there’s a hashtag to group all the photos together in one gallery and for the Queensland Instameet the hashtag to remember is #thisisqueensland and #visitsunshinecoast. all you need to participate is a smart phone with the Instagram app installed and your account set-up. Instameet at: 9am

Maleny Botanic Gardens (register with Maleny Chamber of Commerce)


aussie World, Palmview


australia Zoo, Beerwah


amphitheatre Stage, Eumundi Markets


The Edge Restaurant, Montville


Big Kart Track, Landsborough

5pm Imbil Yabba Creek Bridge, Mary Valley Plus visit our website to find out other Sunshine Coast destinations.


ID YOU KNOW…. In 2014, it is estimated that 15,270 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. The good news is, thanks to research and early detection, the survival rate is currently approximately 89%. Secrets on the Lake Café will be decked out in PINK, PINK, PINK for the whole month of October for the upcoming Paint October Pink. Come and join the fun, when you try their special pink drinks, desserts and a special “pink lunch” menu and they'll donate more towards breast cancer research. Buy a ticket in a wonderful raffle with the proceeds to the Cindy Mackenzie Breast Cancer Foundation. The prizes will be drawn at a special morning tea on October 31 from 9.30 to 11am. If you would like to support a wonderful cause and have some PINK fun, call 5478 8888 to book for breakfast, morning tea, lunch or afternoon tea and BE PINK IN OCTOBER.

Kevin Oxley I

N ThE 2014 Birthday honours list, Kevin Oxley was awarded the OaM. This richly-deserved acknowledgement came for over 45 years of dedication to art, including establishing art centres and workshops in both NSW and Victoria, being gallery director at the Tweed Regional Gallery and continuing in many ways to encourage art practice. This may come as a surprise to some who feel they already know his work, but as widelyskilled as he is across oils, etching, drawing and more, so “Kevin Oxley recently the depth of his talents extend received his Order of into the areas of teaching, Australia Medal” administration and mentoring. his true driving force, however, has always been his art and his focus is now on the Barmah Forest region. This vast wetland and red gum area spans across from Victoria into NSW and essentially is a floodplain connected to the Murray River. It has been declared a national park because of its historical and ecological importance. “Colour of the Wetlands” is an exhibition by Kevin Oxley examining the multiple facets of this remarkable landscape. Oxley came to know the area because his mother lived nearby and he became fascinated by the spirit of the place. Originally the natural abundance of fish and other foodstuffs were staples for the Indigenous population, but following European settlement, the mighty river red gums were logged and many areas were cleared for running sheep and cattle. It also was important for charcoal production and in the early 1900s nearby dams were constructed which obviously changed the watercourses. The natural beauty combined with this story has inspired Oxley to create pieces from traditional scenes and depictions of water fowl to contemporary interpretations of the very feeling of the place. Oxley describes “…what I feel when I am in that area, sitting quietly observing the natural surrounds in silence. It would be an insensitive soul which could not feel moved by this vast area of tranquility”.

“C o l o u r o f t h e We t l a n d s ”

“Charcoal Burners”, oil on canvas by Kevin Oxley

One look at “Gathering Bush Tucker” conveys so much more than an aboriginal couple out fishing, as the forest around them seems to speak for itself. While the images of wading birds such as the spoonbill, depict the serenity and calm to be found there. Oxley has again shown not just his understanding for the subject, but also of a range of media from traditional oils to contemporary collages. This ability to portray beyond the physical beauty into the deeper aspects of the area give all viewers an insight into this fascinating environment and into the remarkable ability of the artist. “Colour of the Wetlands” will be officially opened by 2006 australian of the Year, Professor Ian Frazer aC, on Saturday October 25th and the exhibition continues at art on Cairncross near Maleny until November 9th. More details can be found at www.artoncairncross.com.au


in the Hinterland times Phone: 54 999 049



Phone 0428 130 769 spencer.shaw@brushturkey.com.au


www.brushturkey.com.au with Spencer Shaw

Tips for Landlords of Retail Premises As a landlord of commercial premises it is important to identify what business your tenant will be carrying out from your premises so that you can prepare a lease that will comply with the requirements of the relevant act involved. In Queensland commercial leases generally speaking come under two distinct areas; the first being retail shops which are governed by the Retail Shop Leases Act and the second being non retail shops governed by provisions of the Property Law Act. I shall concentrate my discussion on leases that come under the Retail Shop Leases Act. When negotiating with your prospective tenant these are some important tips to keep in mind: • Disclosure – both you and your tenant must provide disclosure in the particular format provided by the Retail Shop Leases Regulations. The Lessor Disclosure Statement gives information about the lease such as the term of the lease, the option periods available, the rental payable, whether bond is payable etc. • Term and Options – keep in mind what you want to do with your premises when you negotiate the term and any options (further terms). • Early notice of the new Market Rent – prior to exercising the next option in the lease your tenant is entitled to request and be provided with the new market rental amount. • Notice about exercising Option Periods – there is an obligation on you as the Landlord to give the tenant notice that the time to take up the option period is coming up. This notice must be given at least two months’ prior to the option notice period detailed in the lease. • Notice about No Option – if the lease does not contain any option period you must also give your tenant notice that the lease is coming to an end. Failure to give such notice would result in the lease term automatically being extended by another six months from the time such notice is given by you! • Bond – you are entitled to request that a bond be paid by the tenant. The amount of bond payable is often around one month’s rental. • Legal Costs – you have to pay for your own legal costs for preparing the lease. • Tenant is a Company – you should require that the directors of the tenant company be noted in the lease as guarantors.

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Guarding the Future Forests!


OU MAY HAVE NOTICED Pink Coreflute Guards on revegetation projects around the Range such as the Maleny Community Precinct plantings, at Mary Cairncross and many, many more revegetation sites. These tree guards are simply the best when it comes to protecting your revegetation stock from weather extremes; nibbling fauna and accidental damage when controlling weeds (spraying and slashing). And surprisingly your own home grown Brush Turkey Enterprises are the main suppliers of this guard on the Sunshine Coast. Revegetation is an investment that we often under value, but we are investing our time, we are investing in the future and we are often investing in plants that are sometimes rare and hard to get hold of, so it really is worth investing in tree guards to make sure all plants are protected to ensure we reap the benefits of our revegetation projects! Brush Turkey Enterprises have a range of Pink Coreflute Guard packages for landholders that include the Guards, Stakes and Mulch mats, all of which are available through our Wholesale Tubestock Nursery. A combination of our nursery’s tubestock and tree guards is a great way to succeed with your revegetation projects this year! For more information check out our website www.brushturkey.com.au/shopbte/ or call me on 0428 130 769.

Enough of a sales pitch (for now...) Spring has sprung and we’ve been lucky enough to get some decent rain at the start of September and hopefully this will continue as the rainfall outlook wasn’t looking too promising for spring not too long ago. With the cool start to spring and good rainfall revegetation work and planting in general is looking good, all our plantings of the last few months are getting off to a great start and a lot of you folk out there are busy planting, if our sales are anything to go by. When people ask me the best time to plant trees I invariably come out with corny quip like – “Yesterday”, but seriously any time in the subtropics is a good time depending on conditions. Things to be careful of when planning planting times include: not planting frost sensitive plants in frosty areas (or at best after the last frost of the season to give them a chance to grow big enough to bounce back from next year’s frosts), avoiding dry spells (unless you’ve got a long hose and lots of water) and avoiding extreme heat and UV for stock that is fresh out of a nursery (unless you use guards). Plant trees now for the sake of our flora and fauna, you, your family, your community and, the future! Cheers Spencer

Local and Global...


N THE LOCAL FRONT, now that we have had some rain and spring is here, and aren’t the spring flowers welcome, it is time to control rapidly growing weeds before they set seed. The small white blooms on mistflower are easily spotted, making it a ready target for glyphosate. It is relatively shallow rooted and small plants can be traced to their source, which is often adjacent to roots or rocks, and dug out with hand tools. If infestations of the pasture legume glycine have not already set seed, spray that also, watching for any naturally regenerating tree seedlings that may be lurking underneath. The seedpods of this plant are explosive, scattering seed away from the parent plant where they unfortunately can persist in the soil for a long time. Small seedlings can be hand-pulled. The seedlings of several other vines such as corky passionfruit are also appearing on the forest floor. It’s worth focussing on one area at a time and being thorough. The war on weeds may

take a while but you will win battles along the way. Weeds of course are not confined to our area and their control is just one management tool we use when looking after our precious and increasingly threatened environment. Experience and specialist knowledge combine to make a difference to our own property management. Both groups and individuals are willing to assist those working locally and at landscape scale. Barung, through Hinterland Bush Links, will be bringing internationally renowned conservation leader Harvey Locke to Maleny on November 5th. Harvey has a particular interest in connecting landscapes and has been working with conservation biologists in Australia and elsewhere. Can we in Australia match the Yellowstone to Yukon initiative, a 3,200 km stretch of connected landscapes along America’s west coast? Winning those small battles and connecting with likeminded people can achieve remarkable outcomes.


with Loors Landscaping FRANZ LOORS ... landscaping the Range for the past 24 years Mulching is the application of a material over the soil surface which acts like a protective blanket. However the material used has to be beneficial to plant growth and help improve the soil and its beneficial micro organisms. The material should also be porous enough to allow the movement of water and air through it. Mulches that are too fine can bind together and retard this movement, having an adverse effect. Advantages of mulching are: 1) reduces water usage by up to 70% by protecting the soil from evaporation; 2) Encourages worms and other beneficial micro organisms that help to aerate and fertilize the soil from their castings; 3) helps with the friability and texture and releases valuable nutrients into the soil from the breakdown of mulch; 4) suppresses the germination of weeds.

Try to use mulches that are free of chemicals.Straw from legume crops such as lucerne and pea add nitrogen to the soil. Compost mulch covers a large range of organic matter from green plant waste to all sorts of organic kitchen waste. It’s hard to beat for its nutrient adding qualities. A huge range of bark and wood chip mulch is commonly used, these take longer to breakdown making the chore of mulching less frequent. Beware of pine mulch, it can be quite acidic particularly with plants less tolerant to acid soils. Mulch should be applied ideally at 75mm-100mm in depth and thicker still around larger plants. Do not mulch right up against tree trunks and stems of plants as this could cause the bark to rot. Its nearly spring once again, so get mulching and reap the benefits of this new growing season.

Hinterland Gems

Ruth Kuss - Wedding Celebrant

Image courtesy SCDL

Sunshine Coast Hinterland Great Walk


hE SUNShINE COaST hinterland Great Walk winds through the scenic Blackall Range. Warm subtropical rainforest, tall open eucalypt forest and picturesque waterfalls in secluded areas of the rainforest feature on this 58km walk. along the top of the range and traversing four reserves, this Great Walk is designed with multiple access points to give visitors the opportunity to walk the entire walk over four days with bush campsites or shorter sections as halfday and full-day walks. If you are walking the whole track, the Barron Pocket entrance, near Montville is recommended as your starting point. Gorges, waterfalls, rock pools, scenic views, subtropical rainforest and tall open eucalypt forest feature on the Great Walk. Wildlife recorded in this area includes more than 100 species of birds, about 70 reptile species and more than 30 frog species. Walkers' camps are provided at: Flaxton, Ubajee and Thilba Thalba camping areas. Each camp has a toilet, water—treat before drinking—and platform tables. Individual sites are separated into areas suitable for one or two small tents. Each camp has an area for groups.

The four major access points are Baroon Pocket (carpark just before the Baroon Pocket Dam picnic area), Kondalilla National Park (Kondalilla Falls Road), Mapleton Falls National Park (Mapleton Falls Road) or Mapleton National Park (Delicia Road entrance). always walk within a group and choose walks to suit your groups experience and fitness levels. Check conditions before departing for a safe and enjoyable walk. Please remember that visitor numbers are limited in all walkers' camps. advance bookings are essential and can be made up to 12 months in advance. Camping permits are required and fees apply. For more information about The Sunshine Coast hinterland Great Walk visit: www.nprsr.qld.gov.au The Sunshine Coast hinterland Great Walk is being opened up for the first time for running events, with Run Queensland securing permits to hold the Blackall 100 on the weekend of 8 and 9 November, 2014. For more information on this spectacular rainforest visit: www.blackall100.com You can also explore more of the region’s secret treasures at the Sunshine Coast Destination website: www.visitsunshinecoast.com.au

Whatever you are celebrating – welcoming a precious new baby into the world, committing to your life partner, renewing your marriage vows or farewelling a loved one – creating a ceremony that befits your personality is something that you should approach with your head as well as your heart. www.montvilleweddingcelebrant.com.au Ph: 0429 997 771

Flaxton Gardens Tranquil elegance with panoramic views across the Coast. Ideal for superb bridal photographs to treasure. Excellent food, discreet & caring service. Husband and wife team, Alan and Georgina Thompson welcome your ideas to help them create this special day with you. Phone: 5445 7450.

Pomodoras on Obi A complete package of “real” food, boutique beverages, unspoilt water and treetop views, award winning local bridal services & luxury onsite cabin accommodation. “Escape to the mountains and discover the magic.” One stop wedding destination in the heart of Maleny. Phone: (07) 5429 6543 www.pomodoras.com.au email: info@pomodoras.com.au

Dot & Birdie Providing all of the primping and preening that a bridal party needs prior to looking their very best. Specialising in bridal styling for the big day. Mobile hair and makeup team available. 35 Coral Street, Maleny. 4552 Phone: 5499 9424.

About That Tree with T Tony o Wootton tree surgeon ony TONY WOOTTON Tree Surge Surgeon eon is our local arborist and authorr,, m meeting the Hinterland’’s s tree needs since 1996

Wedding Cars of Maleny Are you looking for a vintage or classic car? Do you want to experience the essence of days gone by? Be chauffeur driven through the beautiful countryside of the Hinterland? Then we have the car for you! You will look gorgeous in your wedding photo's for years to come. www.weddingcarsofmaleny.com.au Ph: 0429 570 725

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Mungo MacCallum

ISIS – Is a “morale crusade” in our national interest? h

aVING FINaLLY begun to recover from yet another Intensive Care Unit and, of course, from anne Summers, I feel my recuperation has been set back by yet another tergiversation from our beloved prime minister. It appears that Tony abbott has morphed from the Saviour of the Economy and the Protector of Borders to the Great War Leader. Well, at least the Great War Urger, eagerly waiting the go-ahead from Washington. But he had taking the position with a fervour that belies his subordinate role. Team australia is being geed up in the manner of a desperate coach approaching the final quarter. abbott is talking in apocalyptic terms of about the enemy, and he has the videos to prove it: ISIS is indeed horrible bunch, and should be eliminated. “In conscience australia cannot leave the Iraqi people to face this horror, this pure evil, alone, or ask others to do in the name of human decency what we won’t do ourselves,” he thundered. he makes a good argument. But the problem is that it is a little too good. a moral crusade, however passionate it may be, is not the business of a national government. This is not to say that australia should ignore the outrages, but it is to say that any implementation has to be tempered, indeed subordinated, to the national interest. Otherwise we would we would have never ending wars against everybody, in the model of George Orwell’s dystopian satire of 1984. Sure, ISIS makes a policy of beheadings – but so does Saudi arabia. ISIS commits consistent abuses of human rights – but so does China. ISIS kills many civilians – but so does Israel. ISIS is a culture of violence – but so is america. and of course ISIS indulges in terrorism – but so did the IRa and we did not contemplate air strikes. We cannot, and certainly should not, attempt to all the wrongs of the world. and the most basic point is that ISIS is not some irrational death cult, pure evil to be defeated by some kind of exorcism.



Its leaders may be considered mad, bad and dangerous to know but their essential motivation is the desire for power – hence the idea of a Caliphate. In that sense they are the lineal descendants are the empires of Genghis Khan, Tamburlaine, hitler and Stalin, not to mention some less notorious imperialists. and from australia’s perspective, they are half a world away. To suggest that they are a clear and present threat (or any conceivable foreseeable one, for that matter) is simply nonsense. But what about local terrorism, home grown or imported or (gasp) repatriated from Syria and Iraq? Well, what about it? at most we are talking a few hundred people, more likely a couple of scores. The local police deal with greater numbers with a far greater likelihood of serious violence every day, and if they feel inadequate to the situation, we have an army of spooks (with more to come) already on the job.

It is not, repeat not, an excuse to deploy the armed forces to throw themselves into another adventure whose aims are uncertain, outcomes unlikely and, most importantly, end point unknown – mission impossible. abbott, and almost equally Bill Shorten, should take two steps back, take a few deep breaths and perhaps take the ice bucket treatment before it is too late. But of course they won’t; it would be just too hard. In abbott’s case it would involve changing the habit of a lifetime; gung ho aggression has been his style from his student days. he admits that the middle east is a witches’ brew, but is willing to plunge in head first with the eyes of newts and toes of frogs. The dwindling band of pacifists and idealists may demur, but who cares about those lefty wimps. No doubt the cynics are also right: it is a very welcome distraction from the tangled domestic scene. But abbott

can be counted at least somewhat sincere, which is about all we can hope for from today’s politicians. Shorten’s position may be more equivocal. he undoubtedly loathes ISIS as much as much as everyone else does, but is probably more cautious about the likely consequences of becoming involved. But why not play the bipartisan card, at least for the start; it can’t do any harm and there is no point in opening another front against the government while the domestic skirmishes are proceeding pretty satisfactorily. at least, that what the opinion polls say, so there’s no need to switch, at least for the moment. and of course the shock jocks are carrying on with their usual mindless belligerence, so they might have well keep ranting, unless or until they start running out of steam. and these reactions encapsulate the broader approach and its political consequences – facing both leaders. abbott, demonstrably untrustworthy and occasionally flaky and even irrational, has, according to his supporters, simply given up on affection; he is resorting to toughness, a modern version of the emperor Tiberius’s dictum, “let them hate me so long as they fear me.” Shorten, calculating and sometimes devious, has taken to increasing outrage about everything from submarines to the war memorial but people do not know what he stands for or even who he is. So as a result, according to Newspoll, more than a quarter of the voters reject both. They would rather embrace the Greens, the Pups, the fringe dwellers, the independents – anyone but the major parties. But the hard fact is that either abbott or Shorten (or their replacements) will be our prime minister. Which may be depressing, but at least gives all concerned an opportunity. Vision, serious aims, debate and discussion are not dead. all we need is someone with the guts to get moving. and a proper, measured and reasoned discussion about just what we need do, should do and decide to about ISIS would be a good start.

Out & About

at the Real Food Festival Clockwise from left: Stacey Bentley and Tess Simpson enjoying their freshly brewed Montville Coffee Kerry Murray, Steph Murphy, Mike Trotter and Karen Veltmeyer volunteering at the Festival Kids loved digging for veggies in the garden Lachlan Walker from Walker Farm Foods carrying lettuce seedlings Anna Johnston (Maleny), Gai Moritz (Maroochydore) and Chantel Maney (Caloundra) enjoying the culinary delights Spencer, Meighan and Karen Shaw from Brush Turkey Enterprises Sue Verstraten and Karen Syrmis from Maple Street Co-Op



C R E AT I V E C U T S A Dream of Vienna ... in Nambour

Serenade with Aether String Trio Performed by australia’s leading and renowned musicians in classical music, this beautiful chamber music event celebrates the elegance, romance and fire of Beethoven and Dohnanyi. Known for their sparkling technique and virtuosic performance style, australia’s Aether String Trio is Michele Walsh, head of Strings Queensland Conservatorium of Music on violin, Patricia Pollett Senior Lecturer University of Queensland School of Music on viola and Louise King Cello Dreaming. Dreaming BIG concert 6: Saturday 11 October, 7pm, Eudlo hall. Doors open 6:30pm with special guest support act. Cash bar and refreshments available. Wheelchair access. www.cellodreaming.com.au

“Mosaic Dawn” at the Upfront Club

Brett Campbell started playing around with mosaics one day 13 years ago, and loved it so much that he quit his job in banking to do it full time. Now his mosaic works are sought by people across the world for their homes and gardens. Brett and his students are looking forward to show off some of their finished works together in this exciting exhibition, showcasing some unique, vibrant designs, using an array of colours, and demonstrating different methods for cutting and laying the tiles. Don’t miss out on checking out this unique mosaic exhibition while it is on display at the Upfront Club from October 16 to November 20. To book a table for opening night phone 5494 2592.

Mzaza crowdfunds new album In a special weekday morning time-slot, the concert will be a special treat for lovers of fine singing and the wonderful music of old Vienna. The performance features OPERaTIF! founders, soprano Jennifer Parish and baritone Stewart Cameron who will be joined by brilliant accompanist, Lynne Sterling Jordan. Whilst the singers enchant with marvellous songs from The Merry Widow, The Gypsy Baron, The Chocolate Soldier and other great operettas, violinist Spiros Rantos and his pianist wife Brachi Tilles (pictured), will thrill with favourite waltzes, haunting gypsy laments and fiery, rhythmic dances! On Thursday 2nd October at 11am, bookings are at Nambour Civic Centre Box Office or phone 5475 7777. For general information about OPERaTIF! phone 1300 308 385 or go to their website www.operatif.com.au

Mrs Curly and the Norwegian Smoking Pipe

World music six-piece Mzaza have just over 30 days to raise $7,500 and are offering a range of rewards to contributors, including a pre-release copy of their recordings, an exotic meal served at home, a house concert or even an Executive Producer credit on the album. The band has brought together an impressive team to make the album, including engineers Pix in Conondale and Robin Mai. So far the band has raised over four thousand dollars, but if they don’t meet their $7,500 goal by the 19th October they could lose it all! To support Mzaza, head to www.pozible.com/mzaza2014

Film Festival Program Launched heart of Gold International Short Film Festival’s artistic Director Tahnee McGuire said excitement is building among the volunteers, devotees and festival staff for a better than ever festival, to be held in Gympie on October 9-12. “The jam-packed program offers visitors to the festival a heartwarming, uplifting experience, showcasing the best of local and international film makers’ efforts,” Ms McGuire said. “The Family Shorts sessions are especially delightful, enjoyed by all of us adults who had the privilege of choosing the best ones to screen for younger viewers.” Information, tickets and the festival program is available at www.heartofgold.com.au.

This World Premiere concert features 12 of Linsey Pollak’s unique self made and invented single reed instruments. They will be played in musical collaboration with percussionist Tunji Beier, Philip Griffin on electric bass and Gourd and cellist Louise King. This concert will come at the end of a period of rehearsals and recording to produce a brand new album. The 8.30pm show is nearly SOLD OUT (it's a small Theatre - only 54 seats) so bookings are now open for the 6.30pm performance on Friday October 10, Maleny Players Theatre - Maleny Showground. Tickets - $25 / $20(conc). Booking is essential. Email: linsey@spiderweb.com.au

Adult Cello Classes

Youth Music Workshop at Eudlo Hall Seize an amazing opportunity to learn with master musicians to develop your playing and performance style. Solo players, trios, string quartets, chamber ensembles, music students…. polish your skills in an open and supportive lesson. Flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone and any string player’s are welcome. Participate in an exclusive and inspiring performance



workshop and masterclass with Aether String Trio. Private lessons are also available. held 10am-12pm, Sunday 12 October, morning tea included, $40 per performer and $15 observer. Open to students with grade 5 aMEB and above. Book before October 8 at info@cellodreaming.com.au or 0415 128 799. http://www.cellodreaming.com.au/ education/workshops/youth-music-workshop/

Ever thought of taking up the cello? Participate in a funfilled group class of music making, technical warm-ups, musical guidance and inspirational tips from one of australia’s top professional cellists and teachers, Louise King. Day and evening classes and bonus public performance opportunities, October- December 2014. Book online www.cellodreaming.com.au and more info info@cellodreaming.com.au 0415 128 799. MUSIC is provided.

visual arts entertainment performance Wabi Sabi Jewellery by Noela Mills

Festival of Small Halls Eudlo hosts the Festival of Small halls, Sunday October 19th at 3pm and we are in for a treat. Internationallyacclaimed Canadian songwriter andy Brown, returns to australia and will be joined by break-out australian act, The Mae Trio, for a night of incredible music, friends and family and festive cheer. The Eudlo hall again plays host, so expect wonderful food and beverage and their well known warmth and community spirit. This was a stand out show in 2013 and we can only expect another amazing night out. Tickets are $25 ($20 concession). They are on sale now and limited, so don't miss out. Purchase at: www.festivalofsmallhalls.com (children 10 and under are free).

Canta La Tumba at UFC

In the musical traditions of The Buena Vista Social Club and elements of Cuban Jazz, Canta La Tumba captures the haunting and playful vibe of the havana Bar & Cafe Scene. Let the band move you with infectious 'Musica Cubana', featuring Spanish Song, Flamenco Guitar, Double Bass, Congas, Bongos, Drum Kit and Brass. Perfect for dancers and diners and all lovers of classy Latin sound, our music delivered by a sophisticated crew of live musicians. See them October 17, 7pm at the UpFront Club.

UpFront Club a renowned artist in many fields, Noela Mills’ exquisite jewellery makes use of recycled, repurposed and found objects. her current pieces are wearable mini contemporary art installations, combining all sorts of disparate materials such as wire, aluminium, perspex and driftwood with sublimation printing. Get together with live music and a bar on the deck: 4 October, 5-7pm at Gary Myers Gallery, upstairs Maleny Community Centre, 23 Maple Street, Maleny: 0427 526 965, garymyers.net.au

Epizo Bangoura

Wizard at Hotel Maleny



4 3

11 andrew Farrell grew up in the southern suburbs of Melbourne and started piano lessons at the age of eight. he studied classical music for many years and then after hearing some boogie woogie thought that it might be fun to play. andrew then set about playing every style of music that appealed to him, giving him a wide and varied arsenal of tunes which always surprises and excites all those that get to see and hear this amazing talent.

31 Maple St Maleny. Bookings: 5494 2592 upfrontclub.org








Mon, Fri, Sat - music at 6.30pm. Donation entry

Vibes Virtuoso

ŽīĞĞ͗ ϳ͘ϯϬĂŵ͘ ƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚ͗ ϴͲϭϭĂŵ ;ϳĚĂLJƐͿ >ƵŶĐŚ͗ ϭϭ͘ϯϬĂŵͲϮ͘ϯϬƉŵ͘ ŝŶŶĞƌ ĨƌŽŵ ϱ͘ϯϬƉŵ dƵĞƐ͕ tĞĚ Θ ^ƵŶ ĐůŽƐĞĚ ĨƌŽŵ Ϯ͘ϯϬƉŵ


On November 1 and 2 Maleny will host West african master percussionist Epizo Bangoura. Born into a family of Griots, keepers of Guinea ancestral traditions, Epizo is highly respected in his community of musicians and storytellers, immortalizing his culture through songs, music, dance and legends, and receiving world acclaim for his clever mastery of rhythm and rare dexterity. a Saturday night concert starring Epizo and friends and some special guests will be held at the Community Centre. Doors open at 7pm. Epizo will be teaching african Drumming and Dance workshops over the whole weekend: contact Natalie on 5435 8208 /0437 603 213 or email natsdrum@bigpond.net.au

Music’s greatest ‘hits’ re-imagined by one of the world’s foremost vibraphone players and his mallets of steel. Nick Parnell makes old music new again, injecting energy into repertoire that might be familiar to some, but definitely inspirational to all, as evidenced with his latest album release, Vibes Virtuoso. Favourites from classic repertoire, including Gershwin’s Summertime, are re-interpreted for a vibrant listening experience – from the technically challenging to sheer lyrical beauty in the space of a heartbeat. See Nick Parnell at Maleny Community hall, Wednesday October 15, 7pm. Tickets: www.malenyartscouncil.com or Maleny Information Centre.

SHOP TILL YOU DROP Clothes swap with THE BEFORES Funky Duo. 6pm ($10 entry) 3 ROD CHRISTENSEN PROJECT (S.Coast) Multi-instrumental jazz, Latin, blues, rock 4 FOLK, BLUES AND BEYOND ($5) Monthly Blackboard, guest act STEVE TYSON 10 ALL STRINGS ATTACHED (S.Coast) Contemporary Celtic Gypsy Grooves band 11 INNESSA (S.COAST) Outstanding singer, originals, Russian folk & modern rock 16 Art Opening MOSAICS, BRETT CAMPBELL & STUDENTS 17 CANTA LA TUMBA (Maleny/S.Coast) Genuine Cuban songs, guitar, vocals, percussion, trumpet, bass 18 SAM SHEPHERD (Maleny) National young jazz & blues guitarist, Frankston 2005 24 FAT MATTRESS ( Maleny/Brisbane) ‘Rehabilitated guitar & k’boards duo, combining PLOHDJH ÁDVK· 25 LAURA MITCHELL (S.Coast) Jazz piano, vocals, fave 1930’s, 40’s. Accomp TBA 31 HAYDEN HACK (Maleny/S.Africa) Funk/Afrobeat/Reggae hINTERLaND TIMES – OC TOBER 2014


What's in the Spotlight

Outspoken has two events for October

Sunshine Coast Art Prize Auction Invest in original artworks at the Sunshine Coast Art Prize Auction, 2 pm Sunday 26 October at Caloundra Regional Gallery. Enjoy delightful jazz and world music in in Felicity Felicity Park Park at atthe theGarden GardenParty Party luncheon preceding the auction from 11.30 am. V isit Council’s gallery website for bookings.

Technology Trendsetters launch Become a technology trendsetter and expand your digital world at the Maleny Library Te ech Bar launch, 11am, 5 November. Enjoy morning tea and ‘test drive’ varying technology including iPads, a Macbook, PC, Samsung Galaxy, Windows Surface and eReader devices. Bookings are a must via Council’s library website.

Ride2Work Day :DQW D IXQ ZD\ WR JHW WR ZRUN WKDW JHWV \RX ¿W DQG helps the environment? Then jump on your bike for Ride2W Work ork Day on October Octob 15. Visit Council’s website to register and go into the draw for a $1000 bike shop voucher.

Event management workshop Make sure you get along to Council’s Scene Event Management workshop, 1.30pm, Wednesday 15 October. The Value Add workshop will feature professional speakers sharing their expertise on topics such as sponsorship strategies and event evaluation. Held at Mooloolaba Surf Club, bookings are essential via Council’s website.

Sunshine Coast Business Gateway Council has established the new Sunshine Coast Business Gateway, an online portal helping to connect local businesses to projects and procurement opportunities right here on the Sunshine Coast. Visit Council's website and click ‘Business Gateway’ for more information and to register.


RaEME SIMSION will be talking about his new novel, The Rosie Effect on Monday October 6 . Graeme’s first novel, The Rosie Project, was an international publishing phenomenon, winning many awards and selling more than a million copies in over forty countries. The Guardian had this to say: ‘The hero is one of those rare fictional characters destined to take up residence in the popular consciousness. Don Tillman… seems set to join adrian Mole and Bridget Jones as a creation with a life beyond the final chapter.’ In the highly anticipated sequel, The Rosie Effect, Don Tillman and Rosie Jarman are now married and living in New York. Don has been teaching while Rosie completes her second year at Columbia Medical School. Just as Don is about to announce that Gene, his philandering best friend from australia, is coming to stay, Rosie drops a bombshell: she’s pregnant. Don instantly becomes an expert in all things obstetric. But between immersing himself in a new research study on parenting and implementing the Standardised Meal System (pregnancy version) Don’s old weaknesses resurface. While he strives to get the technicalities right he gets the emotions wrong, and risks losing Rosie. In association with both Maleny’s Celebration of Books and Eumundi’s Reality Bites, Outspoken presents a conversation with two fascinating authors: henry Reynolds and, introducing, Ellen van Neerven on Friday October 24. henry Reynolds is arguably australia’s pre-eminent historian. In the early eighties he single-handedly changed the way australian history was conducted with his book The Other Side of the Frontier in which he shone a light on the way the country had been settled. his work prompted a flowering of study about aboriginalWhite relations throughout the two hundred years since white settlement. Reynolds himself went on to write more than twelve books focusing on the subject, including the best selling Why Weren’t We Told?, which was a very personal account of how he came to understand that he, like most

Graeme Simsion

Henry Reynolds

other people in australia, had a distorted view of the country’s past. The research he undertook played a major part in the Wik and Mabo judgements, indeed he was a close friend of Eddie Mabo. Mr Reynolds will be in conversation about his most recent book, The Forgotten War. This work draws on the many studies undertaken in recent years to tell the story of the Frontier Wars, and to ask why it is there are no official memorials or commemorations to them; indeed, why it should be that it is even more controversial to discuss them now than it was a hundred years ago. The evening will open with a conversation with last year’s David Unaipon award winning author Ellen van Neerven about her debut novel Heat and Light. Ellen’s writing has appeared widely in publications such as McSweeney’s and the Review of Australian Fiction. She works at the State Library of Queensland as part of the ‘black&write’ Indigenous writing and editing project. She’s the editor of the digital collection Writing Black: New Indigenous Writing from Australia. hosted by Steven Lang at the Maleny Community Centre, Doors Open at 6 for a 6.30pm start. Tickets $15 and $10 for students, Maleny Bookshop 5494 3666, visit www.outspokenmaleny.com.

Welcome New Residents of the hinterland 2014

Sunshine Coast Australia Day Awards Nominate now for the 2015 Sunshine Coast Australia Day Aw wards to reco recognise and honour the o make a diffference ference achievements of citizens who to life in our region. You can nominate a person, community group or organisation. For information visit Council’s website.

Sunshine Coast Venues Venues Fancy a trip to the theatre, a fun run, circus, expo, acrobatics, rock ’n’ roll, soulful tunes or the latest chart topping hits? Sunshine Coast Venues has it all. Grab the latest edition of the Sunshine Coast Venues What’s On guide and be entertained through to December. Visit www.scvenuesandevents.com.au for more details.

Council meetings Ordinary Meeting 9am, Thursday 16 October, Nambour 07 5475 7272 mail@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au www .sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au 34



VER haLF of the 211 people attending the successful Maleny Blackall Range Lions Club 9th annual ‘Welcome Dinner’ were new comers to the area. The Real Estate agent trophy for inviting the most

Arts Connect Sculpture on the Edge Congratulations to all the commended artists: Elli Schlunke, Claire Sourgen (judge), Kirsten Cash, Shireen Willing (back) , equal first place winners Kaya Sulc (seated) and Greg Windsor, Craig Dornbosch (Wayne Markwort who was not present).

newcomers was ReMax hinterland, Gary Myers painting, valued at $1250, reached the reserve at the charity auction and main raffle prize a $750 Ben Messina photograph of the Glasshouse Mountains, was won by a delighted newcomer.

Maleny Radio Communications Health Forums H High igh sspeed peed National National B Broadband roadband Network Network ((NBN) NBN ) for for tthe he S Sunshine unshine C Coast oast Hinterland Hinterland L a st m onth NBN NBN C o held held a Community Community Information Information Last month Co ts plans plans to to S ession tto od iscuss w ith the the c ommunity iits Session discuss with community reless h igh-speed b roadband n de deliver liver a fixed fixed wi wireless high-speed broadband network etwork to to tthe he H Hinterland, interland, iincluding ncluding tthe he rural rural ssurrounds urrounds of Maleny. of M aleny. Mo More re tthan han 200 200 people people attended attended tthis his session session on on 17 17 September September 2014, 2014, and and NBN NBN C Co o iiss g grateful rateful ffor or the the time time p people eople c committed ommitted tto o participate par ticipate iin n tthis his fifirst rst communitycommunityw id e c onsultation e vent. wide consultation event. During tthis his ssession, ession, members members of of tthe he c During community ommunity raised ra is e d concerns concerns a about bout tthe he iimpact mpact o off rradio adio communications communications ignals, or radiofrequency radiofrequency ( radiofrequency ssignals, (radiofrequency electromagnetic energy) energy) on public public he alth. N BN C o electromagnetic health. NBN Co agreed tto o hold hold a forum forum to to discuss discuss the the sscience cie nc e a nd agreed and regulations governing governing radio radio communications, communications, and and to to regulations address c ommunity questions questions on on this this p ar ticular iissue. ssue. address community particular

by independent radio radio frequency frequency assessor, assessor, and and observed obser ved by independent c ommunity me mbers on 1 6S eptember 2014. 2014. community members 16 September A the rradio adio communications communications he alth fforums, orums, c ommunity Att the health community rrepresentatives o epresentatives wi lso be given given a n opportunity oppor tunity tto willll a also an p resent tto o the the audience, audience, a nd tthen hen an an hour hour will will be present and a BN Co Co llocated tto o a question question a nd a nswer session session with with N allocated and answer NBN rrepresentatives. epresentatives. W e llook ook fforward or ward tto o expanding expanding o ur d iscussion wi th We our discussion with tthe he M aleny c ommunity rregarding egarding tthe he fifixed xed w ireless Maleny community wireless n etwork, a nd w eh ope to to see see interested interested residents residents a network, and we hope att tthe he rradio ad i o c ommunications health health forums forums on T hursday, communications Thursday, 1 6 October October 2014. 2014. 16

Health Forum Details

H Health ealth Forum Forum Details Details N NBN BN C Co o wi willll hold hold ttwo wo rradio ad i o c communications ommunications health health fforums orums ––one one for for pe ople w ho are are ffree ree tto attend in o attend in the the people who ay, a nd a ssecond econd fforum orum iin n tthe he e vening, middl e o he d middle off tthe day, and evening, for rresidents esidents w ho a re a avvailable tto oa ttend a f ter w ork. T he for who are available attend after work. The session de ta ils a re: session details are: Maleny Community Communit y Hal Maleny Halll Thursday 16 16 October October Thursday 1pm – 2.30pm 2 .3 0 pm 1pm OR 7pm – 8 .3 0 pm 7pm 8.30pm NBN C o has has booked booked tthe he M aleny Community Community Hall Hall tto o NBN Co Maleny make itit as as easy easy as as possible possible for for local local residents residents tto o attend. attend. make ( *The evening evening session session has has been been scheduled scheduled for for 7pm 7pm (*The due to to a regular regular taekwondo taek wondo booking booking at at the the M aleny due Maleny Community Hall). Hall ). Community

Maleny Centre Hall Mal eny Community Community Ce ntre – Main Main H all 23 2 3 Maple Maple St, St, Maleny Maleny Thursday 1 6O ctober Thursday 16 October 1pm 1pm – 2.30pm 2 .3 0 pm OR 7 7pm pm – 8 8.30pm .3 0 pm

For For more more iinformation: nfo ormation: nd o ut more more a bout tthe he Na tional B roadband To T o fifind out about National Broadband mean to to you, you, p le ase N etwork a nd w hat iitt wi Network and what willll mean please c contact ontact N NBN BN C Co: o: P hone 1 8 0 0 OUR OUR N BN ((1800 18 0 0 687 6 87 626) 62 6 ) Phone 1800 NBN V Visit isit our our w website ebsite at at w www.nbnco.com.au w w.nbnco.com.au E mail iinfo@nbnco.com.au nfo @ nbnco.com.au Email

The Session Session will will include include a short shor t presentation presentation by by NBN NBN C o The Co representatives and and safety safety experts exper ts on on the the science, science, representatives regulation and and op erations o ad i o c ommunications regulation operations off rradio communications networks, iincluding ncluding tthe he N BN F ixed Wireless Wireless network. network. networks, NBN Fixed T h is p resentation wi nclude tthe he rresults esults of of a survey sur vey of of the the This presentation willll iinclude cu mulative radiofrequency radiofrequency e nergy p resent iin na nd a round cumulative energy present and around M aleny, w hich was was conducted conducted by by an an accredited accredited a nd Maleny, which and



SUNDaYS Maleny Art, Craft and Collectables Market 8am-2pm, Maleny RSL hall, open rain, hail or shine - quality second hand books, vintage, antiques, art, handmade gifts and more. 0448 423 919


YOUR MaRKET GUIDE It’s World Food Day at Montville

Crystal Waters Market community-run, recycled/upcycled items, jewelry, organic veges, cakes, plants, honey, seedlings, soaps, hearty meals, light snacks, wood-fired sourdough bakery, great coffee, live music and a warm welcome. 5494 4590

SECOND SaTURDaY OF ThE MONTh Montville Growers and Makers Market 7.30am-noon, Piping hot pancakes, buskers, genuine locally grown food, handmade craft, barista made coffee, under historic fig trees, profits maintain our Village hall. 0407 656 726

4Th SaTURDaY OF ThE MONTh New market in Maleny: Bliss Market 11 Coral Street, 8am to 2pm, Local products, Fairtrade, recycled and upcycled. Contact Cherie 0407452815 or Dev at Bliss Cafe for bookings

. .. g in w o r g is t s li is h T Advertise your Market here for $44 per month (6 months minimum)


ONTVILLE GROWERS and Makers Market marks the approach of World Food Day by holding its’ second annual ‘Oxfam Eat Local, Feed Global’ breakfast at the Montville Village hall on Saturday, October 11.

Sundays 8am - 2pm Maleny RSL Hall

Lots of unique and different gift ideas, quality second hand books, health and beauty, massage, vintage, antiques, art, fair-trade and handmade items as well as jams and preserves and local produce.

Monthly Market Advertisers will have the opportunity to submit articles and/or images for the hinterland Markets page. additional promotion will be provided via the popular hT websiteand facebook page.

Open rain, hail or shine! Over 30 under cover stalls!

Enquiries Phone 0448 423 919 www.malenymarkets.weebly.com

Hinterland Accommodation Directory Montville, Flaxton and Mapleton The Narrows Escape Rainforest Retreat • 5478 5000 National & international award-winning 4.5 star hosted accommodation. Narrows Road Airport transfers www.narrowsescape.com.au Montville Country Cabins • 5442 9484 396 Western Ave, Montville Perfect for a relaxed & romantic escape. www.montvillecabins.com.au

Mapleton Information Centre Maleny Information Centre 36


Our popular pancake breakfast celebrates the abundance of beautiful Sunshine Coast produce with a seasonally changing menu. This month enjoy the last flush of the seasons sweet local strawberries served on buckwheat pancakes with lashings of pure maple syrup. Breakfast is served up at long communal tables by an army of sociable volunteers in the sunny CWa annexe of our historical community owned hall. Ten percent of takings from the breakfast, espresso coffee stall and organic sausage sizzle this month will be donated to this Oxfam initiative. The market endeavours to encourage local food production by both farmers and backyard gardeners alike and does this by waiving stall fees and providing a friendly and supportive market environment. We also encourage global food production by supporting Oxfam to assist farmers in developing countries who have the added burden of increased extreme weather events due to incremental climate change. an example of Oxfam’s work includes the recent donation of seed stocks to farmers in the Philippines, after rice crops and stocks were lost to the devastating Typhoon haiyan in 2013. So come and enjoy a pancake breakfast, fill a basket and gain a halo at this months’ Montville market from 7.30am to midday, with over 25 produce stalls, music and children’s activities everyone is catered for. Enquiries: 0407 656 726 or find us on facebook.

For further information about accommodation options on the Sunshine Coast hinterland visit www.hinterlandtourism.com.au

Maleny Montville Real Estate • 5478 5478 Homes & apartments for holiday letting www.montvillerealestate.com.au

The Falls Rainforest Cottages • 5445 7000 Queensland Hall of Fame property. Superb double spa and wood fire cottages. Secluded, romantic. 20 Kondalilla Falls Road. ww.thefallscottages.com.au

5478 6381 5499 9033

Maleny Tropical Retreat B&B • 5435 2113 540 Maleny-Montville Road www.malenytropicalretreat.com Artisan Spa Views • 5494 4222 Bread & Breakfast suites & self-contained penthouse 475 Maleny-Kenilworth Road, Witta, Maleny www.artisanspaviews.com.au

Maleny Hinterland Visitor Information Centre Montville Information Centre -

5499 9788 5478 5544

IN BRIEF: Access for history lovers and art buffs 24/7 Everyone can now access all Council-owned heritage and art collections 24 hours a day, seven days a week – thanks to new improved access through the Sunshine Coast Libraries online catalogue. Division 1 Councillor Rick Baberowski recently launched the art and heritage Collections catalogue at Bankfoot house, 1998 Old Gympie Road, Glass house Mountains. “This new online platform, partially funded through the heritage Levy, is the first in Queensland using the Cultural Collections and Digital assets modules for art and heritage Collections in collaboration with libraries,” Cr Baberowski said. “This is a great leap forward allowing members of the public the ability to access, online, Council’s collections including the Bankfoot house Collection, Public art Collection and the Sunshine Coast art Collection. ”Council acquired the historic Bankfoot house property in 2004 including all the contents - fittings, furnishings, textiles, clothing, domestic utensils, tools and implements, documents, personal records, journals, books and photographs. “The contents date from the nineteenth to the late twentieth century can now be viewed on the Sunshine Coast Libraries catalogue by selecting the art and heritage Collections,” he said. “This is a huge piece of work and I would like to personally thank the Friends of Bankfoot house for their great assistance with the cataloguing of the Bankfoot house collection.” “While Council will continue to add to the catalogue and to look at how all our collections can be placed into this forum, there is no doubt the arts and heritage Collections catalogue will become an excellent aid for researchers, schools, visitors and the community.”

Green Army Recruiting For Projects Mark Dwyer, Regional Manager of Conservation Volunteers australia is recruiting about 30 people, aged between 17 and 24 years, for a Green army to rehabilitate a Maleny Project from 29 September, the Bells Creek Riparian area at the end of this year, and other projects on the Sunshine Coast. These roles are paid positions. Mr Dwyer said this project aimed to improve the water quality entering Bells Creek and Pumicestone Passage, improve biodiversity values, habitat connectivity, enhance eco-system services and increase the resilience of the catchment during flooding events.

Rejuvenate yourself in Montville


ELCOME TO therapists Teige hasted and aleisha Thompson to the newest beauty salon in town, Bodihouse Rejuvenation Clinic. They offer the latest laser, IPL and advanced skin treatments, including tattoo and hair removal.

Participants will work with land managers to implement best practice, on-ground works including weed control and revegetation. This Green army program, funded by the Commonwealth's Department of Environment, will involve numerous projects on the Sunshine Coast over the next three years. For more information phone 0404 828921 or go online www.conservationvolunteers.com.au

Maleny gets talking about mental health In any year, one in five australians experience a mental illness – so why are so many people reluctant to talk about it? hinterland communities are invited to join conversations about building on our already resilient and supportive communities, during a special Mental health Week Community Lunch on Thursday 9 October, 12.30 to 2pm at Maleny Neighbourhood Centre. “Whether you realise it or not, everyone knows someone who has experienced poor mental health – to think that such an issue is sometimes treated as ‘taboo’ is unacceptable,” Care Connect Sunshine Coast hinterland support facilitator Tina Searle said. “Improving and maintaining good mental health is important for everyone, at all stages of life – we need to normalise not only the experience of mental health difficulties but also the act of speaking openly about them. “By talking openly about mental health and mental illness we empower people to seek support without fear of stigma, and we improve the wellbeing of our communities.” The Mental health Week Community Lunch is part of Mental health Week, which takes place across australia from 5–12 October.

Sunshine Coast Art Prize winners announced Community Programs Portfolio Councillor Jenny McKay said it was an honor to welcome artists and guests to the Caloundra Regional Gallery – the home of the Sunshine Coast art Prize. “Each year we see a high level of creative talent that is certainly impressive and that talent is a challenge to the judge to select two winners from the 40 finalists,” she said. “We are extremely fortunate to have secured highly respected judge Chris Saines, Director of Queensland art Gallery and Gallery of Modern art.” Chris Saines said Matthew de Moiser from Preston, Victoria was the outstanding winner of the prestigious national 2014 Sunshine Coast art Prize. “Matthew’s artwork entitled Servo (state 3) was the most visually compelling and entirely resolved work in the Prize and receives a $15,000 cash prize and an artist in Residence at arley Farm in Maleny,” Mr Saines said.

Chris Saines said he awarded the highly Commended prize to Prudence Flint from St Kilda, Victoria, who receives $2500 prize money for her artwork Doll. “Flint’s Doll is an evocative and finely calibrated painting, at once a self-portrait and a visual poem of reflection and quietude,” Mr Saines said. “I would like to congratulate all artists named as finalists in one of the nation’s most prestigious art prizes – this is something they can be very proud of.” The Sunshine Coast art Prize exhibition will be on display at Caloundra Regional Gallery until October 26, 2014. More information at: www.gallery.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.

NURSES URGENTLY REQUIRED This After Hours Service is a successful Public-Private Partnership between Queensland Health’s Maleny Soldiers Memorial Hospital and local Maleny General Practices. Provision of this service, on Weekends and Public Holidays, assists the Sunshine Coast Hinterland’s Residents and Tourists with access to non-urgent care outside the Hospital setting. Nursing Staff (EEN/RN) are URGENTLY needed for Telephone Triage and Clinical support to allow this Service to remain open beyond 12th October 2014. Rostering for the following shifts is now open: Saturday: 12.30pm to 4.00pm Sunday/Public Holidays: 9.00am to 12.30pm Sunday/Public Holidays: 12.30pm to 4.00pm Remuneration is consistent with current Modern Award Levels and penalties. In-service orientation and certification is provided onsite. Please direct all enquiries to Veronique Ponthieu: T 5494 3944 F 5494 3954 E bournez@pacific.net.au

Tim and Mary Bagshaw

• Physiotherapy for all ages • Specific exercise prescription • Postural assessment and correction • Sporting injuries • Post operative rehabilitation • Workplace rehabilitation • Injury preventions strategies • More services available

Ph: 07 5494 3911

• Podia try • M a ss age Therap y • Audio Clinic • Wom ens Health

1/70 Maple Street, Maleny



5478 6 6600 600 00 hINTERLaND TIMES – OC TOBER 2014



&" %%




BODY ACIDITY AND WEIGHT GAIN Did you ever think that you might be too acidic? If you’re feeling tired and sluggish, you probably are, but go through the following information and ask yourself – do you have some or most of the following symptoms as these are definite indicators of excess acidity. - General mental and physical fatigue - Joint pain or stiffness especially in the morning - Hormonal symptoms such as nasty PMT, heavy or painful periods and menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes - Symptoms of intolerance to carbohydrates like cravings for sweets, always hungry, bloating - Blood sugar handling problems such as sleepiness after meals, get tired when you stop - Feel flat, depressed, non motivated (it is virtually impossible to feel good when you’re acidic) - Weight gain and fat storage – because of the sluggish metabolism, acidic people struggle with their weight and find it very difficult to achieve and maintain effective weight loss. Clinically, I find, without exception, a person who feels unwell and fits the above picture, is too acidic. I would like the opportunity to help you fix these problems. Is it a challenge? Yes, it can be, but when you learn how to get well, it doesn’t get much better than that. Optimal health is a great achievement. Invest in yourself. Give me a call, I’d love to be able to help.

A few points of interest...


MOOTHIES AND HEALTH drinks are all the rage at the moment and though they do bring additional nutritional support to ones diet there are things to be considered. Fruit and Vegetable juices are packed with living enzymes which help the nutrients they deliver be better processed and made available to the body without any added burden to the digestion. As far as possible choose organic produce, if this is not possible because of cost or availability wash your produce very well. Celery is a great addition to fresh juice and salads but it and spinach are very heavily sprayed with chemicals which are yet to reveal their effect over time. Basically all conventional produce is. And though its not always possible to wash the spray out



or off the fruit or vegies, there are still many nutrients juicing delivers to your body. Unlke fresh juices most smoothies are not packed full of living enzymes, for example, nuts and seeds and protein powders are not meant to be drunk without chewing. Our saliva is packed with enzymes that start breaking down the food we eat so that its not a burden to our digestion. If you do choose to have a smoothie, soak your nuts and seeds overnite to awaken the enzymes they contain but still swish your drink around in your mouth to soak it in saliva and you wont get any of the wind and bloating that patients often report on these drinks. Marisa Kliese is a Clinical Member Aust. Counselling Assoc. Fellow Holistic Life Coach. Reiki Master. Fellow Aust. Natural Therapists Assoc. Contact me on 5494 2627.


Shoulder disorders: physiotherapy can help T

hE ShOULDER COMPLEx is a complicated area. It consists of the glenohumeral joint, acromioclavicular joint, sterno-clavicular joint and scapulothoracic articulation. There is minimal bony support which enables a large range of movement to occur through the upper limb. This leads to problems as in essence, the shoulder complex is controlled by soft tissue. The gleno-humeral joint has often been described as a watermelon on a saucer. This is not far from the truth. The rotator cuff muscles need to work in good synchronisation, with supportive ligaments for effective shoulder function. a full subjective and objective assessment of the shoulder and surrounding areas can be a lengthy process but is essential for good clinical outcomes. There are three main subdivisions into which shoulder disorders nearly always fall: 1. impingement/rotator cuff injuries 2. instability 3. adhesive capsulitis/capsular restrictions. It is also important to consider other factors when assessing a shoulder disorder: • referred pain (from the cervical or thoracic spine) • sporting technique including equipment changes/modifications, eg. tennis racquet change • biomechanical and postural issues. If these factors are not addressed they will affect the healing process and the patient’s outcome. a thorough subjective and objective assessment is important. Experience in orthopaedic shoulder tests is vital. Shoulder range of movement, scapulathoracic rhythm, strength, impingement and stability tests should be an essential part of your assessment to assist diagnosis. If necessary, imaging will also assist diagnosis.

Research shows the majority of shoulder problems will settle with exercise, modified rest and re-education. although osteoarthritis is uncommon in the gleno-humeral joint, subtle changes in the bone may be present that can predispose to specific conditions developing. acromial spurs are an example of this. Diagnosis and treatment must be tailored to the ! individual client. Early diagnosis and physiotherapy treatment will produce quicker improvements and better outcomes in the majority of clients. If you are experiencing shoulder pain, come in and see Tim or Mary Bagshaw at Maleny Physiotherapy.

Hawaiian Healing Massage

“Amazing Bodywork that Reduces Stress, Relieves Tension and Gives You More Energy!” Improves Joint Movement, Eases Sciatic and Lower Back Aches, Releases Tight Shoulders … Be Free of Aches and Pains and Feel Blissfully Relaxed!

Ph: 07 5494 3911

Gift Certificates, Health Fund Rebate Receipts Phone: 0415 518 415 4/10 Coral St Maleny (at back of the building)


Connective Therapeutics

1/70 Maple Street, Maleny

Healing Treatments & Products for Body, Home & Environment

Call Now for a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing! toxins and imbalance in the body cause health problems. symptoms are warnings! Over millions of years, our bodies have slowly developed systems for overcoming health problems. However, over the last century, we have been subjected to ever increasing toxic attacks from every direction. Outdoor workers are exposed to petrol and diesel fumes, industrial chemical waste, agricultural herbicides, pesticides, petrochemical toxins etc. Indoor workers are exposed to all sorts of toxins from plastics, rubber, vinyl, glues, paint, cleaning agents and electromagnetic fields from office wiring, equipment and appliances. We ingest toxins in the form of preservatives, additives,

Sallyann Stewart

Naturopath, Herbalist, Remedial Massage Therapist, Live Blood Analysis Practitioner

Naturopathic Clinical Testings: • Live Blood Analysis (Hemaview) – immune status, nutrient deficiency, digestive issues • urinary & saliva pH testing, iridology, gut dysbiosis, zinc status, blood type testing, naturopathic assessment, hormonal testing Specialising in: • Stress/adrenal management, detoxification, children’s health, digestive disorders, hormonal/thyroid complaints, preventative/maintaining wellness healthcare, nutrition & dietary support, fatigue issues. • Remedial, Relaxation, Deep tissue & Sports massage, Lymphatic drainage. Appointments: 5435 2599 / 0421 410 558 sallyann@naturaltherapiesstudio.com

colourings and flavourings in packaged and processed foods, sprays on fruit and vegetables and chlorine and fluoride in our water. We absorb toxins through our skin with well over 10,000 chemicals used in skin care ingredients. Achieving optimal body function is the goal of Natural Medicine that looks at everything affecting your body externally and internally and works on establishing the root cause of your symptoms. If you are experiencing chronic stress, poor sleep, ! fatigue, foggy head, digestive and bowel complaints, hormonal problems, thyroid and adrenal issues, poor

Have you undergone blood tests for thyroid functions that are within normal range, but still have symptoms?

immune function, allergies, feeling anxious and overwhelmed, or just need nutritional advice to 'get back on track', call Gleny to make an appointment for a thorough assessment of your health problems.

Gleny Pirovich

Medical Herbalist, Naturopathy and Nutrition ATMS Appointments 5499 9476 Maleny Holistic Health Centre

David Anderson

John of God Maleny Crystal Light Bed & Journey Facilitator

Tiredness, fatigue, low libido, weight gain? Reliable, non-invasive thyroid testing and treatment. Call us to find out how Thyroflex can help. Phone Maleny Holistic Health Centre

54 999 476

The power of being present is truly transformational. Journey facilitation is a process of uncovering cellular memories which create either healthy or unhealthy emotions and beliefs. New empowering, healthy memories can be reprogrammed to experience freedom in any area of life. The crystal light bed combines crystal, light and colour therapy. This is greatly enhanced by the Spirit Doctors and Saints who serve with unconditional love to further Saint John of God’s humanitarian work. Appointments: 0418 496 574 or 54 999 476 crystalbed@malenyholistichealth.com.au

19 Coral Street, MALENY For a holistic approach to your general health and wellbeing, call today to make an appointment with one of our friendly Holistic Health Centre professionals. (Contacts above).



Hinterland Health and Beauty ACUPUNCTURE Anthony Brown Acupuncture Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner. Member (fellow) AACMA. Anthony has 30 years clinical experience, 26 of them here on the Sunshine Coast and Hinterland. 26 Coral St, Maleny Ph: 5435 2555

BOWEN THERAPY Bronwyn Huckle Specialising in Bowtech, the original Bowen Therapy technique. Treating health issues in babies, childen & adults. Montville therapy rooms. Monday to Friday by appointment. Ph: 5442 9371

Mapleton Natural Therapies Clinic Jackie Hansel: Bach H.S (Acu), Adv. Dip H.S (Hom), Dip Bowen Therapy Acupuncture. Holistic & Intergrated health care with Acupuncture, Bowen Therapy, Homeopathy, Lymphatic Drainage, Remedial & Relaxation Massage. Ph: 5445 7749

Kathy Blackburn Dip. Bowen Therapy (Bowtech).Gentle effective treatment of Back Pain; Migraine; RSI ; Tennis Elbow; Knee, Ankle & Foot Conditions; Menstrual/ Hormonal irregularities; Chronic Fatigue; Respiratory Conditions and MORE. Health fund rebates. Ph: 5429 6180

Maleny Acupuncture Dolina Somerville: BHSc (Acupuncture) China Trained: Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine,Chinese Remedial Massage & Cosmetic Acupuncture. 38a Coral St Maleny H F Rebates. Ph: 5435 2777, 0408 693 029 www.malenyacupuncture.com

ASTROLOGY Stargazer Astrology - Chirone Shakti Insight into your relationships, family issues, spiritual purpose, life transitions, and your year ahead. Counselling astrologer with spiritual focus. Astrology courses and workshops. ph: 0421 814459, email: astro@chironeshakti.com.au, web: http://chironeshakti.com.au

BEAUTY THERAPISTS & HAIRDRESSERS A little Beauty, Body and Wellness Elements at Montville Customised beauty treatments. Pamper packages. Special occasion & bridal make-up. Massage. Manicures. Pedicures. Devine body treatments. Natural therapies. Ph: 5478 6212 www.elementsmontville.com.au DOT & BIRDIE - hair, beauty, bridal All beauty and hair services under one retro roof. Dynamic team of qualified professional staff where your comfort and satisfaction are our priority. Follow us on Facebook for the latest specials for locals. 35 Coral St, Maleny Ph: 5499 9424

JEANNA MARIEE - ENERGY MENTOR -Emotional Transformation Coach -Life / Personal Mentor -Reiki Master / Practitioner -Personal / Private / Programs / Local Ph: 0466403651 www.jeannamariee.com.au ReConnections Counselling Service – Dr Monika Wilson. General counselling and specialising in grief, bereavement and palliative care. Quality, heartfelt, affordable and change orientated. Crystal therapy also available at Montville. 0428 777 809 www.reconnectionscounselling.com E: monika@reconnectionscounselling.com

CHIROPRACTORS Maple Chiropractic Maleny Dr Stephen Lowe & Dr Samuel Lowe 60 years combined experience. Concession rates & HICAPS. Relaxed & friendly atmosphere. 45 Maple Street, Maleny. Ph: 5494 3322 www.maplechiropractic.com.au Dr. Ralph Stockmann- Dr of Chiropractic USA, Palmer Graduate Medicare & DVA Provider Special interest in difficult & chronic conditions of lower back,neck,knee, shoulder, ankle, elbow, wrist & headaches 13 Thynne Ct. Maleny Ph: 0410 793 513 Hinterland Chiropractic Dr Josephine Sexton. Using gentle, safe and effective techniques to maintain spinal health and wellbeing. Concession rates, Family discounts and HICAPS available. 21 Bunya Street, Maleny. Ph: 5435 2987 John Pirie Chiropractor & Applied Kinesiologist Gentle hands-on chiropractic using applied kinesiology. Individual programs available. 19 Coral Street Maleny. Ph: 5435 2155 www.siaholistichealth.com.au Philip James Lovitt D.C. Contemporary approach, using traditionally based chiropractic techniques. Now servicing Maleny. HICAPS, Medicare, Work Cover and DVA all welcomed. Shop 6A/15 Maple Street, Maleny 4552. Ph: 0417609640


DENTAL Dental Centre Maleny Affordable Family Dentistry Open: Mon-Sat. Also, early mornings & late evenings for your convenience. 17 Bunya St, Maleny. Ph: 54 999 722 www.dentalcentremaleny.com.au maleny@dentalcentregroup.com.au

ENERGY HEALING / SOUND THERAPY Josie Coco – Certified BodyTalk Practitioner Ph: 0498 065 306 There are 200 billion processes in the body that rely on communication with each other. Stress will break that communication. BodyTalk can restore it. Web: www.josiecoco.com

FENG SHUI FENG SHUI & Astrology. Richard Giles, qualified Feng Shui practitioner. Feng Shui Home/business assessments. EM Radiation & 'dirty electricity' checks. Trained astrologer of 22 years. Shed The Light, Maple Street, Maleny (5499 9003) Thurs or 5435 0158. E: ricgiles@powerup.com.au

HOMEOPATHY Pauline Ashford - B. H. Sc, Complementary Med & Homeopathy Classical homeopathy; Lymphatic drainage; Dorn spinal, joint and headache therapy; EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques; Reiki 130 Ansell Rd Witta Ph: 5494 4101 e: paulineashford@dodo.com.au

Counselling - Margaret Davoren B.Nurs.,Mas. Counselling. Think change, think balance & live a rich, full, life. Learn strategies to manage stress, depression, anxiety & relationships. Maleny Physiotherapy, 1/70 Maple St Maleny Ph: 0403 571 572 www.icpaustralia.com


Nellies Creative Hair Design I specialise in cutting, colouring, foiling and perming. once voted best hairdresser on the Sunshine Coast and hinterland region. Heaps of parking and wheel chair friendly. 9 Bunya St, Maleny. 0438 785 4 4 3

Ruth Donnelly - Holistic Counsellor Heart-centred approach to healing trauma, building emotional wellbeing. Integrating body psychotherapy, mindfulness, artistic therapies, Reiki, Acutonics, Bush Flower Essences, Dru yoga 0409 564 276, ruth@ruthdonnelly.com.au, www.heartmindconnections.org


Hair by Kylie and Beauty by Gabrielle We are all about creating a personal style just for you, We are boutique style salon specialising in all aspects of hair and beauty. Tucked away in a private tranquil setting. Ph: 5429 6431 for an appointment

Margarete Koenning Counselling BA Social Work, Gelstalt Therapist, Psychotherapist working with individuals, couples and, families. Training professionals in family constellation 20 yrs practicing in Maleny, Clinal member of Pacfa. Ph: 5494 2778, 0408 416 041

Honeycomb hairdressing Montville Friendly, experienced senior hairdressers. Affordable quaklity hairdressing and beauty services. Gift vouchers available. Organic hairdressing products ans ervices Call for an apointment: 54 4 2 9 2 6 9

Chirone Shakti – Relationships & Sexuality Holistic Therapist specialising in relationships, sexuality, grief and loss. Discover deeper and more satisfying levels of relating. ph: 0421 814459, email: info@chironeshakti.com.au, web: http://chironeshakti.com.au

Michelle Jarden - Beauty Therapist. Electrolysis, facials, massage, make-up, nails, sauna, spray tanning, tinting, waxing, ear-piercing. 66 Curramore Rd, Witta. Ph: 5494 4012 or Mob: 0402 531 500




Suzi Lough at Mind Management. For hypnotherapy, Acutonics Vibrational therapy, coaching and more. Phone 0438 050 839 for appointments. "The door to change is always open"

Specials Full Body Scrubs and massages $50. Head, Neck and Shoulders $30, Foot massage $30, facial $45. Montville Call Andrea 0417523193 Hours 5.30am to 5.00pm. Connective Therapeutics - Rebecca Hopkins Hawaiian Massage, Hot Stone Therapy, Aromatherapy, Access Bars.Eases Aches and Pains, Releases Tight Muscles. 3/10 Coral St. Appts: Ph 0415 518 415 Temple massage: mobile service. We will visit you in your accommodation throughout the hinterland. Your choice of deep relaxation, tailored remedial or nurturing skin rituals. Open 7 days 8am til 6pm. Bookings essential. 1300 TEMPLE 1300 836 753 www.templemassage.com.au

Hinterland Health and Beauty OPTOMETRIST The Stillpoint - Katie White Remedial, Relaxation, Reiki Massage & now Emmett Technique. Reiki Treatments & Workshops. Appts Mon- Sat. HF Rebates. Gift Vouchers. Ph: 0400 722 786 www.thestillpoint.com.au


Rachel Leigh Optometrist comprehensive eye care, quality spectacles, contact lenses and retinal photography. Bulk Billing, HF rebates. Locally and Independently owned. Riverside Centre Maleny Ph: 5494 2666 Stephen Hammond Optometry and Maleny Optical 44 Lowe Street, Nambour Ph. 5476 2333 Shop 8 Riverside Centre, 8 Maple St, Maleny 4552. Ph. 5435 2733

MASSAGE THERAPISTS Kathy Blackburn, Adv Dip Applied Science (Remedial Massage). Remedial/Sports Massage; Traditional Chinese Massage; Lymphatic Drainage; Emmett Technique, Trigger Point & Myofacial Release. “Integrated Bodywork” tailored to your special needs. H F rebates. Ph: 5429 6180

Beautiful Kahuna Massge with Linda. Total blissful relaxation or combo deep tissue (good for tradies/sports/remedial). Practitioner of the healing art EMF Balancing technique. Relax, unwind & balance 7 days. Ph 0457 194 339

KA HUNA Massage Jessica Ainsworth Maleny.Relax your body, relax your mind. Massage with a profound and lasting effect. Certified Level 7 Ka Huna bodyworker and teacher. PH. 54999372 www.jesskahunahut.com.au Facebook.com/jesskahunahut

REMEDIAL MASSAGE, SHIATSU Gary Broadhurst : Sanctuary Shiatsu Zen Shiatsu , Acupressure , Balancing Futon mat or seated chair at Holistic Health Centre , room 5/19 Coral St, Maleny Monday & Tuesday – Appts: 0438 972 880

NATUROPATHS Sallyann Stewart - Naturopath, Herbalist, Remedial Massage Therapist, Live Blood Analysis Practitioner Naturopathic clinical testings & assessment, Live Blood Analysis, stress mgmt, digestive issues, children’s health, remedial massage, lymphatic drainage. 19 Coral St, Maleny, 54 352599/ 0421410558, sallyann@naturaltherapiesstudio.com

PHYSIOTHERAPY/OSTEOPATHY Maleny Physiotherapist Tim & Mary Bagshaw. For all of your Physiotherapy requirements. 1/70 Maple Street, Maleny. Ph: 5494 3911 www.malenyphysiotherapy.com.au

Eudlo Osteopathy Thomas Whitton. Gentle manipulative therapy for body dysfunction and pain in all ages. 13 Rosebed Street, Eudlo. Ph 5445 9555

Range of Motion Physiotherapy MAPLETON - MONTVILLE - MALENY - IMBIL Russell McDonald & Rae Duffield-Jones. Providing the highest quality care to restore & maintain optimal physical function & mobility. Ph: 5478 6600 www.rangeofmotion.com.au Maleny Active Physio exercise physiology services at Maleny Community Gym for rehabilitation after injury or illness,balance & falls prevention, general fitness & weight loss. Medicare & Veterans bulk-billed. Covered by health funds. T: 5494 0060

PERSONAL TRAINER, FITNESS, DANCE Renew You Personal Training Private studio or your home. Regain energy, strength, healthy weight. Deborah Yffer - Cert IV Fitness; Grad. Dip Teaching. Menofit Trainer (Post-Menopause). 0411 389 727 www.renewyoufit.com

PSYCHOLOGIST Pascale Richy – Naturopath BHSc Acute & chronic ailments, women’s health, stress management. Evidence based, wholistic & inclusive approach. In depth consultation & naturopathic assessment. Nutrition, Herbal medicine, dietary planning & lifestyle counselling. 2/38 Maple St. Maleny. Ph: 0423 615 413

Marisa...Naturally Marisa T Kliese offers a complete Natural Therapy Clinic. Services include, Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Professional Counselling, Life Coaching, Spiritual Healing. Ph: 5494 2627 Laurel Hefferon Naturopath & Herbalist BHSc Colon Hydrotherapy & Ka Huna Bodywork Specialising in herbal & nutritional treatment of adrenal exhaustion, post-viral syndromes & acute & chronic immune conditions. 35 Rosella Rd, North Maleny Ph: 5494 2101 Mob: 0401 750 255

Dr Marilyn Fisher MAPS Counselling Psychologist with 30 years experience. Works with individuals, couples and groups on life issues including relationships, depression and workplace matters. Medicare registered. Contact Montville Psychology: 0418264642 marilyn@marilynfisher.com.au

Be Radiant... Be Flawless... Be Beautiful Expertise and perfection is what you will experience by our team of Make Up and Hair Stylists both pre wedding and on your special day. Styling brides for over 20 years in Maleny and the hinterland. “Be Our Guest” Ph.54 943 355 Shop 9 43 Maple Street Maleny.QLD 4552

SCENAR THERAPY Pain Relief Specialist Scenar is a non-invasive therapy using electrical impulses to stimulate your nervous system, reducing pain, inflammation and restoring normal function. Ph: Sonia 0488 922 441 or Kerri 0431 938 393 www.malenypainrelief.com

YOGA PILATES AND MEDITATION Melissa's Healing Space - Yoga/ Mindfulness Meditation classes @ Curramore Studio Tues 6 -7.30pm (Gentle yoga), Fri 9.30- 11.15am (General yoga), Fri 11.30 - 12.30pm ( Meditation Class), Fri 12.45-1.45pm (Chair/Gentle yoga) Ph: 0417 200 192 em: melissa@melissashealingspace.com www.melissashealingspace.com

Yoga with Lottie using WEIGHTS For sculpturing,raising metabolism, increased bone density and flexibility. Mon 10.30am,Tues 5.30pm and Thurs 9.30 am. No bookings required. Classes suit all levels of experience. Maleny Showgrounds Pavilion Ph: Lottie 5313 7756

Radiant Light Yoga with Rukmini Wed 6.30pm, Fri 9.30am Peachester Hall. Private Classes and Yoga Therapy available Ph: 0437 914 029 www.shantipathyogaspace.com.au

Maleny Yoga Vrksa Shop 7 Rainforest Plaza, Maple St, Maleny, Fully equipped studio Variety of teachers & classes, Workshops & private tuition, All ages & abilities welcome Ph: 0448 518 734 E: malenyyogavrksa@gmail.com

Yoga & Crystal Awareness Training Centre, Mapleton. Radiant Light Yoga Classes, mixed levels, adult & children's classes. DNA Activations, Healings, Entity Removal, Meditation Classes, Crystal Light Healing Practitioner Training. See website for details at www.yogacrystalawareness.com.au or phone Kaatheryn on 0433 945 826.

PSYCHIC READINGS / TAROT Kerry Laizans Psychic/Tarot Readings and Massage, head, neck, shoulders and feet, Maleny Markets on sundays, By appointment, phone readings, sound healing, bodywork and breathwork, call me on 0411 488 291 or check out throughthevortex.org Tarot Channeller Mary-Lou is now Montville based. 1 hour - $80 plus a free vehicle reading, (showing your present challenge). Hens and group bookings available. Phone 5445 7418 or 0418 912 797 hINTERLaND TIMES – OC TOBER 2014


Professional Services




Jacques Fayolle – Local ANZ Mobile Lender My motto is “Customer for Life”. I will visit you, wherever, to secure the home loan best suited to you, and develop an on-going banker /customer relationship to care for your future needs. Ph: 0408 734 152 or 5437 7311 Email fayollej@anzmortgagesolutions.com

Book keeping, Accounting & Tax Trilogy Tax has the expertise to provide clients with solutions for every bookkeeping and accounting need. T: 07 5499 9973 frank@cassells.com.au

Maleny Financial Planner Ralph Ding ARN 244792 ABN 47309386540 Authorised Rep. of Professional Investment Services Pty Ltd

ARCHITECT Brad Drew - Architect 35 years design experience. Design & documentation for both new and existing residential projects. Ph: 5478 5546 Email: brradd00@gmail.com

AFSL No 234951 ABN 11074608558

Specialisingin pre and post retirement planning, superannuation and Centrelink entitlements. For an obligation, and cost free, first appointment, please call me on 07 5429 6756 Em: ding@powerup.com.au


BUILDING DESIGNER Idesign2build Specialising in building design services with a sustainable & green design approach: New Residential – Extension & Renovation – Commercial & Office spaces QBCC Lic N° 740 695.Call 0417 770 455 or Email: info@idesign2build.com

QGAP Maleny - Maleny Police Station, 49 Maple St Manager -Judy Phipps Mon, Tue, Fri:9am–2pm Ph 5429 6293 New Vehicle Registrations & Housing close 1pm. Dept of Transport & Main Roads, Business Registrations, CTP Insurance, Seniors/Carers Cards, Birth, Death & Marriage Certificates & more. EFTPOS & credit cards.

Range Airconditioning Lic. No L016305 Supply and installation of high quality, energy efficient, ducted and wall mounted reverse cycle, split air conditioning systems for cooling, heating and de-humidification. Ph Yelma on 5494 3459 or 0421 488 048 Hinterland Air Conditioning & Domestic Refrigeration Located in Palmwoods,Eddie offers a prompt,friendly competitive service.Eddie specializes in all Air Conditioning & Domestic refrigeration work including installations,sales,service,and repairs.. Ph 0429516598

ANTENNAS Jim's Antennas Digital & problem reception specialists. Locally owned, servicing the hinterland. Call Craig Titheradge today for a free quote. Ph: 131 546 www.jimsantennas.com.au

APPLIANCE SERVICE Luke Wilkinson Appliance Service Washing machines, dryers, fridges, etc. Lic. No 68598

Ph: 0419 684 324 or 5429 6565




Concept IT Systems - reliability & service

Easton Lawyers Tove Easton Principal Lawyer 62 Maple St, Maleny Ph: 5494 3511 Email: tove@eastonlawyers.com.au

New computers & repairs. Internet setup & websites. Printers, scanners ,Ink refills, cameras. Authorised Apple reseller. Onsite service. Drop in to discuss you computer needs. Shop 6 Riverside Centre Maleny 5429 6750 or sales@conceptsystems.com.au

Ecocyber - Computer Services Repairs, troubleshoot computer problems, tuition, web design & hosting services. On site or at Maleny workshop. Contact Hans. Ph: 5499 9599 Email: hans@ecocyber.com.au

Paul Randall Cabinetmaker of Maleny New & renovated kitchens & vanities benchtops a speciality - stone, timber & laminated finishes. Home Offices, Wall Units, Wardrobes. Ph: 0432 953 186 Lic QBSA 1162819. Member Master Builders.

CARPENTRY PICTURE FRAMING Holden’s Gallery Custom framing by professionals. Items including art, needlecraft, memorabilia, etc. Monday – Saturday10am to 4pm Cnr. Coral & Myrtle St. Maleny Ph: 5494 2100 www.holdensgallery.com.au

Maleny Multi-Media Man Professional editing of video, photos & audio. VHS tape & photo prints to DVD. Video compilations with special effects. Relive precious memories as never before. 0408 684 482 www.multimediaman.biz

Patios, decks, renovations, new work All aspects of carpentry from planning to the finished product. All work guaranteed Qld BSA No 103-1105 Phone Steve 0402167355

CARPET & UPHOLSTERY Range Carpet Care Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning & Protection Ph: 5445 7611 or 0418 776 578

CURTAINS AND BLINDS Maleny Curtains and Blinds Free design and consultancy service, Made to measure, indoor and outdoor bespoke window coverings and home accessories. Free Measure and Quote Ph: 0437 373 222

CHAINSAW & TREE WORK All Trees to Chip Tree felling, pruning, lopping, mulching, stump grinding, landscaping & retaining walls, fences etc. Two chippers - 6 inch & 12 inch. Qualified and insured. Phone Rob Milner: 5445 7805

Hinterland Annual Events January


hinterland Wedding Expo Maleny Film Festival Yandina Ginger Flower and Food Festival australia Day celebrations

February Montville: Flame hill Grape Stomp

March 8 22

International Women's Day Woodstock at Witta

30-31 Maleny agricultural Show Quota Quilt Show: Maleny high School

June 13-15 Sunshine Coast agricultural Show: Nambour 15 hinterland Wedding Expo 27 Lucas Parklands Young Musician's Festival


19 Kenilworth Cheese, Wine & Food Fest 19-20 Easter in the Garden: Montville 25 anzac Day Services

Muscle on the Mountain Day QLD Mx Nationals Motorcross: Conondale 11-13 Qld Garden Expo: Nambour Writers award State Library Of Qld



3-4 Maleny Wood Expo 4 Cross Country: Maleny Community Precinct 17 Big Pine Music Festival: Woombye



6 13

24 29

Mountain View Challenge Running Events and Walks River School Spring Festival Maleny Music Weekend

September 12 Gary Crew hinterland Readers Cup 13-14 Real Food Festival, Maleny 19-21 Mitchell Creek Rock n Blues Fest 21 Mary Valley Scarecrow Festivals arts Connect Open Studios 26 -4 Kenilworth Celebrates! Lions Welcome Dinner: Maleny

October Sound of healing Festival: Maleny 9-12 heart of Gold Film Fest: Gympie 24-26 Maleny's Celebration Of Books

November 8

Mary River Festival heritage Day Celebration Palmwoods River School Spring Fest

December 7

Mary Valley Tomato Festival Christmas celebrations 27-1 Woodford Folk Festival

Email your community event to editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au, with subject heading What's On. 42


Tony Wootton Tree Surgeon.Dip Hort(Arb) Operating locally since 1996. Tree assessments and advice. Trees and shrubs pruned and detailed. Hazardous trees removed. M 0403 467 664 p 54 944 917 www.twtreesurgeon.com

DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL CLEANING External Cleaning - tile & Colorbond roofs, house washing ,mould removal & all surfaces. Obligation FREE quotes – fully insured. For a high quality professional service. Call Jay 0404 707 693 www.waterwisepressurecleaning.com.au

ELECTRICAL Green Energy Electrical

Lic No. 71210

Reliable prompt domestic electrician. Extensions, renovations, maintenance, new homes, safety switches, switchboard upgrades, test & tag, smoke alarms. Solar Grid Connect. Ph: Steven Pilcher for an obligation free quote 0421 162 007 E: stevenpilcher@bigpond.com

Trades & Services ELECTRICAL (cont)


R V Electrical Lic # 72787 Workshops, Homes, Cottages, Sheds & Renovations, Energy Saving Solutions, LED Lights, Security Lighting. Switchboard Upgrades, Safety Switches, Generator Outlets, Smoke alarms, Solar. For Speedy Diagnostics and Quality Service. Call your local Sparkie Zak on 0413 885504 email: rvelectrical@yahoo.com.au

Stone on the Range Stuck for ideas? Speak to Jim, he’s an effective communicator. All stonework including raised vegie gardens, creek beds, waterfalls, sculptural features, driveway entrances,walls, steps, fire pits,steep site specialist. Ph: 0401 308 824 Em: jim-stoneontherange@hotmail.com

FENCING & AUTOMATIC GATES Plan-it Fence & Gateworks servicing locals in the supply of Automatic Gates. Glass & aluminium pool fencing, balustrade & aluminium privacy screens. Prompt reliable service. Ph: Paul for a free quote 0412 698 595 or www.planitfencing.com.au

Handbuilt Stone Licensed, range-based professional. Traditional rock walls, pillars, steps, paving, entrance walls and all garden features. Visit our website to see previous work for inspiration. Phone Chris on 0438 811 975 www.handbuiltstone.com QBSA1235589

FURNITURE MAKING Furniture Making - Randy DeGraw design maker of fine functional furniture & woodturning to suit your home or office decor. Ph: 5494 4222 for an appointment. www.randywoodwork.com

GARDEN MAINTENANCE & MOWING Man with Scythe Mows, Slashes, Cleanly, Quietly Domestic or Acreage www.manwithscythe.com 0402027922

Range Mowing & Gardening Complete mowing and gardening service. Mowing, hedging, edging, tree work, weed control & landscaping. Steep and difficult terrain a speciality - large gardens and small acreage properties. Ph Paul 0413 920 049 www.rangemowing.com.au

GUTTER CLEANING Gutter Sucker Gutter Sucker specialises in cleaning your guttering. a unique portable operation for the efficient and effective removal of leaves and rubbish from all types of gutters and roofs. Phone 1800 558 7 4 5

HANDYMAN & HOME MAINTENANCE Montville Handy Man 20 years building experience. All concreting, carpentry, home maintenance and repairs. Prompt and reliable service. Garden Clean -up. Competitive rates. Ph: Wayne 0434 724 030 Hatch's Home Maintenance Qualified Cabinet Maker, 35 years experience. Update * Renew * Repair * Plastering * Cabinets * Tiling * Call John Ph 0404 056 147 hatchshomemaintenance@hotmail.com QBA Lic. No 1242008


Step n Stone Landscapes All aspects of stonework and landscaping design and construction. Outdoor pizza ovens, fire-pits & fireplaces. Sculpture commissions. No job too big or too small. Ph. John: 5478 6754 or Mob: 0411 426 099 www.stepnstonelandscapes.com.au

PAINTING City to Surf Painting & Decorating Re-paints & new work, industrial coatings, decorative finishes, Anti mould coatings. Quality & value for money guaranteed. Servicing the Range & beyond. Phone Richard Daveson: 0418 708 620 BSA 1117847

PEST CONTROL Top of the Range Pest Management Termite specialists House treatment for general pests. Termite inspections and treatments. Phone: 1300 663 808 or 0411 105 005

PLANT NURSERIES Brush Turkey Enterprises Wholesale native nursery qlty tubestock. Rainforest, wetland, grasses, sclerophyll, coastal & understorey species. Min. order 100 plants. Open to public by appt. Ph: 5494 3642 or email: nursery@brushturkey.com.au barung ;andcare Native Plant Nursery Your local community nursery stocks an extensive range of species indigenous to the Blackall Range and surrounds. Open to the public Wed – Fri 9am – 3pm, Saturday 9am – 12 noon Ph: 0429 943 152 Email: nursery@barunglandcare.org.au On the right at the end of Porters Lane,


BRUCE MORRIS PLUMBING QBSA lic 456322 24hr emergency service, all plumbing, building,maintenance installation domestic and commercial. Gas installations, septic/ drainage ,hot water, solar, bathroom renovations, leaking roofs. Ph 0410 457 606

MUSHROOM COMPOST Direct from the grower to you The perfect environmentally-friendly garden mulch and soil conditioner. Full ute tipper load. $90 delivered. Phone Gerard: 0407 588 824 or 54 997 273 E: gerard.rutten@bigpond.com

PUMPS Pumps on the Range Specially added service from Gavin's Plumbing. Problem solving house, spa, garden pump issues, standby pumps available new pump installations, pump servicing, filter installations/replacements. Ph: 5445 7230 Mobile Gavin: 0402 791 058. Dan: 0412 296 454

SECURITY, AU Security & Communications Installation of Commercial and Domestic Security Systems including camera surveillance, gate intercoms and more. Call for a quote: Ph: Russell 54 4 8 9 2 9 3 , 0 4 1 3 9 6 0 9 7 9

Custom Curtains and Shade Friendly service and advice, professional installation and free in home measure & quote for shutters, blinds, curtains, awnings and security screens. Ph: Jim or Julie on 5494 6898 www.customcurtains.com.au

SKYLIGHTS Skylights - full range to suit most situations. Flue Installations and repairs. Leaks, Flue cleaning, Whirlybird ventilation Jobs to value of $3300 Greg Goozee. Ph: 0416 073 416

SMASH REPAIRS Palmwoods Smash Repairs Panel beating & spray painting by professional tradesmen. Insurance & private work. Direct link to insurance companies. Repair, paint, weld or makeover. All work guaranteed. Ph: 5478 8922

AWS Advanced Wastewater Solutions All plumbing & drainage work. Supply & installation of advanced wastewater treatment systems. Septic conversions. 1 ton excavator for hire. Ph: 0412 858 020


LANDSCAPING & DESIGN Loors Landscaping (est: 1987) From concept to creation all aspects of structural and soft landscaping. Ph: 5445 7615 Mob: 0412 680 801

305 Landscapes Garden design, construction and cleanups. All landscape aspects. Dingo Hire. View works on gallery page at www.gardenartistry305.com. Operating out of Montville for over 10 years and servicing all areas. Ph: Jamie 0408 722 025. Amber Leaf Landscaping Looking for a landscaper who can deliver? Tohm Hajncl heads the team that offers you guaranteed quality. Choose from landscaping consultations, designs, construction and planting, pre-sale makeovers and specialised maintenance services. Ph: 5445 9801 www.amberleaf.com.au

Gavins Plumbing Service All maintenance plumbing, draining, gasfitting, roof & guttering, domestic pump repairs & replacements. Complete wet area renovations. BSA Licence 48654 Ph: 5445 7230 - Mobile: 0402 791 058 All Hinterland areas - 35 years experience Sky Plumbing & Gas Fitting Guttering, Water Tanks, Filters and Pump Installation. Septic Trenches, Holding Tanks, Blocked Drains. Heat Pumps & Gas Installation. Landlord water reports. Water Hammer solutions Ph: 042 11 66 882 BSA 1078655

Negawatts Electrical & Solar Power Call us last for a competitive quote. Over 500 local installations. Grid and Off-Grid CEC licensed installer A5100260 Quality European panels and inverter. Gary Phillips Ph: 0407 760 838 Info@negawatts.com.au

TANK CLEANING Pristine Water Systems Full water tanks cleaned, water testing and correction, filtration - Free appraisals Ph: Trevor 0404 302 723

WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT SERVICES Anderson Plumbing & Roofing Plumbing, drainage & roofing. New work, renos, maintenance specialists. Septic systems, blocked drains, high pressure ‘sewer jett’ drain cleaner, drain camera, cable locations, tank installations, roof & guttering. Ph: 5494 3340 or 0409 541 475 QBSA1066328

Tom’s Wildlife Management Service 18 years’ experience in mgmt and removal of problem native wildlife. Brush turkeys, magpies, butcher birds, plovers, possums, and more. Qld Parks & Wildlife registered permit holder. Ph: 5494 4590, Mob: 0437 279 505, E: magpiesrus@redzone.com.au, W: www.tomswildlife.com.




37 Ridley Road, Reesville

283 Hovar Hovard rd Road, Bald Knob

Business or Pleasur Pleasure? re? e Y You o ou won’ won’tt buy better! Sitting atop of its protected knoll, this pavilion styled home has a beautiful peaceful ambience HSS VM P[Z V^U @V\ ^PSS ÄUK H WLYMLJ[ JVTIPUH[PVU VM UH[\YHS SPNO[ HUK ZWHJL OLYL 9VVTZ ÅV^ LќVY[SLZZS` IL[^LLU LHJO V[OLY [V H JLU[YHS SP]PUN HUK LU[LY[HPUPUN ZWHJL IV[O PUKVVYZ HUK V\[ with the large deck taking in the much desired Northern aspect. Unique properties such as this do not remain on the market for long, make sure you come and inspect at the open home or contact us to arrange a suitable time for your private inspection.




Inspect: Contact Agent Price: $950,000 Mark Clayton 0409 181 095 Michael Reck 0447 589 491 We eb ID: 9832683 Web

62 Upper Cedar Cr Creek re eek Road, Upp Upper per Cedar Cr Creek re eek

The PERFECT downsize option n for the rretiring e etiring farmer Located on the high plateau of the Reesville Hinterland, this 20 acre property is close enough to Maleny and the Coast, but far enough away to enjoy country living! The residence is superb, spacious, solid and secure! Yo ou and visiting family and friends, will enjoy the space, privacy and valley views from this country home. There is ample room for vehicles and machinery, with the large shed and mezzanine area, ideal for extra storage, or a separate retreat. An inspection will impress - Must be SOLD!




Inspect: By Appointment Price: $1,300,000 Michael Reck 0447 589 491 Mark Clayton 0409 181 095 Web e ID: 11289653 Web

9 Lansdowne Rise, Maleny

GREAT GREA AT BUY ALER ALERT! T! The VIEW is worth it alone! This beautiful home is located in a quiet and serene pocket just a few kilometres from Maleny’s bustling main street. Built 7 years ago, this Nathan Quail build presents as a brand new home! Enjoying a commanding aspect and beautiful rolling hills views from it’s elevated position. Located on a cul-de-sac street, you will enjoy the peace and quiet here for years to come! Make sure you inspect this extremely well presented property as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Acrres e 85 Acres

THIS HIS is what GREA GREAT AT VALUE VALUE A looks like! HURR HURRY! RY Y! Located just 10 minutes from Maleny, this allotment of nearly 85 Acres is an absolute bargain and ready to go! Plenty of options for building sites - Just choose your aspect Privacy assured, tranquil and quiet but not far from Maleny Finish the cottage onsite and you have your secluded escape Why buy an acre when you can have over 80 acres! This is a genuine bargain - BE QUICK!

Inspect: Contact Agent 7YPJL! 6ɈLYZ V]LY Michael Reck 0447 589 491 Mark Clayton 0409 181 095 Web e ID: 10232043 Web

Brookhaven Br rookhaven o Country Estate Maleny Male




Inspect: By Appointment 7YPJL! 6ɈLYZ V]LY Mark Clayton 0409 181 095 Michael Reck 0447 589 491 We eb ID: 10852473 Web

168 W Watson atson a Lane, Reesville

Charming country cottage - The perfect weekender in the country! Everyday will feel like a peaceful and relaxing country holiday at this charming cottage, tucked away on a hilltop at the end of a quiet lane in Reesville. Situated in its elevated position on 2.5 acres, you will enjoy commanding and panoramic views with a perfect North Easterly aspect. Just a few minutes drive from Maleny’s vibrant main street, the location is not only perfectly peaceful and quiet but convenient as well. Act quickly - Organise your inspection ASAP!



2/10 Maple St Maleny - Ph: 07 5408 4220 44



Inspect: Contact Agent Price: $539,000 Michael Reck 0447 589 491 Mark Clayton 0409 181 095 We eb ID: 9796063 Web

Boutique Maleny Land - 3/4+ Acr Acre re Blocks from frrom o $330,000 - Act now! now Don’t leave this opportunity too late! Vacant a lots in sought after areas are in very limited supply in Inspect: By Appointment LY Y! Maleny, and these 3/4 acre (3000m2+) allotments are sure to move VERY QUICKL Price: frro om $330,000 Situated tuated on Treehaven Way, 4 blocks are left in this small boutique estate, all with underground Mark Clayton 0409 181 095 power and country outlooks, you won’t feel fenced in on large open blocks like these. *SVZL [V HSS HTLUP[PLZ `V\ JHU [HRL `V\Y WPJR VM [OLZL ÄUL ISVJRZ I\[ VUS` PM `V\»YL =,9@ 8<0*2 Michael Reck 0447 589 491 Call RE/MAX Hinterland NOW! We eb ID: 7860903 Web

www.realestatemaleny.com.au www w.r .re ealestatemale eny y..com.au


57 Main Street, Strre eet, Montville


New England Classic meets Spectacular V Views! iews! This New England inspired home will leave you SPEECHLESS! With gorgeous street appeal and location, this home is a combination of superb architecture, design and quality. Perched on top of the range and only a short stroll into the village of Montville, you will soak up the outstanding north eastern aspect and panoramic views over the Sunshine Coast and Hinterland from almost every room in this home. * Built by Ross Sinclair Constructions / Interior Design by John Croft Design

* 1/2 an acre of level, landscaped grounds - no neighbours in sight! Amazing, uninterrupted coast and valley views - Noosa through to Caloundra * Elegant Formal Living Room and Grand Foyer, Informal Living Rooms and :[\K` 3HYNL [PTILY ]LYHUKHOZ SLHKPUN VU[V [OL IHJR SH^U HUK KLJR VU [OL \WWLY SL]LS *VŃœLYLK *LPSPUNZ )SHJRI\[[ [PTILY Ă…VVYZ )\PS[ PU NSHZZ JHIPUL[Y` 4HZ[LY I\PS[ RP[JOLU ^P[O 4PLSL (WWSPHUJLZ HUK .YHUP[L ILUJO tops * 3 spacious and ensuited bedrooms all with spectacular views * Exquisite porcelain tiled, 5 star quality bathrooms with marble vanities * B and B compliant with potential for additional income * TOO MUCH TO LIST!

557 Mountain View View Road, Maleny


214 Mountain V View iew Road, Maleny

DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION - MOUNT MOUNTAIN TA AIN VIEW LAND MUST BE SOLD Perched high on Mountain View Road, you will be glad to know you are only minutes from Maleny and 30 minutes to the Sunshine Coast Beaches. The lot size is just under 1/2 an acre and is low maintenance. With a gentle slope, the choice is yours to build closer to the road, or further down on the allotment. Yo ou will enjoy th the aspect and views from all levels on this block. Absolutely priced to SELL! Check out the last sales price (PRE-BOOM) - You o will have to be QUICK to snap up the only block for sale on the view side of Mountain View Road.


Inspect: By Appointment 7YPJL! 6ɈLYZ HIV]L Mark Clayton 0409 181 095 Michael Reck 0447 589 491 We eb ID: 11224093 Web


Inspect: By Appointment Price: Only $385,000! Mark Clayton 0409 181 095 Michael Reck 0447 589 491 Web e ID: 10035953 Web

AUGUST AUGUSTA UGUST TA in MALENY - A Perfect, Flat acr acre re - Pr Premium re emium Location! 0U NVSĂ„UN [LYTZ [OPZ WYVWLY[` PZ H OVSL PU VU [OL IS\L JOPW YLHS LZ[H[L ZJHSL ;OPZ WYVWLY[` provides an opportunity for the astute buyer to capitalise on a great location and an even better block of land. An investment in a home built with character and style will provide for THNUPĂ„JLU[ Z[YLL[ HWWLHS HUK H ZVSPK PU]LZ[TLU[ MVY `V\Y M\[\YL The block is fenced and there is a considerable water bore along with an onsite power connection for your new home.

4131m2 Inspect: Contact Agent 7YPJL! 6ɈLYZ V]LY Michael Reck 0447 589 491 Mark Clayton 0409 181 095 W eb e ID: 11326333 Web


2/10 Maple St Maleny - Ph: 07 5408 4220

www.realestatemaleny.com.au www w.r .re ealestatemale eny y..com.au HINTERLAND TIMES – OC TOBER 2014


What’s on in ... 4-11 Kenilworth Celebrates free art exhibitions.

OCTOBER Mary Valley Scarecrow Festival and HinterLand http://www.hinterlandevents.com.au/ continues. 1

Ducky Day Out, Lodge Hall, Tamarind St, Maleny, Zonta 5445 7808

1-29 Arts Connect Sculpture on the Edge starts at Spicers Tamarind Retreat 2








Mooloolah Cemetery Tour, 9am-11am Join in this history and heritage tour if you are intrigued by cemeteries or the local history surrounding Mooloolah. While walking through the Cemetery there will be stories and little known facts of the early pioneers. Heritage Library staff will be your guides through the Mooloolah Cemetery. This event will take place at: Mooloolah Cemetery Steve Irwin Way (across road from Daisy's Place) Glenview. Not suitable for Children aged 10 or under. All children aged 11-16 must be accompanied by an adult. Weather: the walk will be cancelled if there is inclement weather on that morning. 4th Alan Reading Memorial Art Awards, Maleny State Primary School, 9.30am to 4pm daily. Come along and relax over Coffee and Refreshments whilst viewing an exceptionally high standard of fine art and sculpture.Proceeds from this year's event will go to support Aussie Farmers for drought relief and MSPS Chaplaincy Program. www.alanreadingmemorialartawards.webs.com Queensland Country Women's Association Maleny Branch, 9.30am and 7.30pm, 1 Bicentenary Lane, Maleny, morning tea, to share friendship and community service. Have you heard of our Country Kitchen's Project? Evening activities include cuppa, craft and chat. All welcome. Judy 54358140


Karaoke Finals, Hotel Maleny




BRVA spring exhibition, is being held in conjunction with the Nambour Garden Club and other 'green thumbs' along the Blackall Range.

Dragon drawing,10am-11am, Maleny Library, Learn how to draw dragons with local author/illustrator, Thomas HamlynHarris. Activity suitable for children aged six and over only. Free. Bookings essential. Kenilworth Celebrates street entertainment, stalls and art workshops.

The Travelling Artist Workshop Sunday 12th October Versatile equipment, contemporary methods and techniques for recording and working while travelling. Details: www.sonjageorgeson.com 0407 238 026 or sonja@rebix.com Introduction to Luscious Encaustic with Nancy Stockmann Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th October Day 1 – Beginners Day 2 – Techniques, Applications & Books Info: www.sonjageorgeson.com or www.nancystockmann.com 0407 238 026 or sonja@rebix.com New Foundations Workshop Sunday 26th October Learn to create supports, grounds & surfaces to add dimension, texture, surprise and individuality to your paintings & drawings. Details: www.sonjageorgeson.com 0407 238 026 or sonja@rebix.com



Maleny Bowls Club 6 week Twilight Challenge begins

6,24 Outspoken, an extended writer festival, Maleny Community Centre, 6pm, 54943666 7

17-19 Sunshine Coast Caravan & Camping Show Stockland Park

Eckankar, Finding the Truth of God Within You, 6 – 7.30pm (every Tuesday) Neighborhood Centre, 17 Bicentenary Lane. (off Coral St.)

17-26 Glasshouse Country Festival


Maleny Swimming Club welcome swimmers of all ages and abilities at their sign on, from 5:30pm, 7 & under are free to join, BBQ dinner.


Maleny Bowls Club “Switching On” 6pm


Mental Health Week at Maleny Neighbourhood Centre: Community Lunch, art, coffee, yoga, boxing, drumming live and impromptu music. Get involved!


Fashion Parade & Morning Tea presented by the Maleny Catholic Ladies Group, to support Sr Christine Henry coordinator of Q'ld Downs & West Community Support (DWCS) Mission. Fashions by Simply Stylish & shoes by Imelda's on Maple.

9.30 for 10am at Pat Daley Function Centre Maleny Catholic Church. Entry $10.00 Multi-draw raffle and Lucky door prize. Bookings essential: Pam 5494 2487. 10



BRINGING UP GREAT KIDS .....developed by the Australian Childhood Foundation. A 6 week Parenting Program for building good relationships with children: Reflective parenting, focusing on building parent-child connections, Positive communication patterns that promote calm and respectful family interactions, Development of children’s positive self identity. For Parents with children under 12. Kenilworth State College, Fridays until November 14, 9.30am12.30pm Cost: free! Bookings: 5476 4933, Ali ngb@nambourcc.org or 0421 880 494 Aglow international - Sunshine Coast Branch , 9.30am, Flame Tree Baptist Church Hall, 27 Coes Creek Road, Nambour. $8 includes morning tea. Men and women welcome. Isabella: 5476 8463 or Dorothy: 54764190 Spinal Injuries Australia Sunshine Coast Post Polio Network 10am, CWA Hall, Memorial Avenue, Maroochydore. New members welcome. 54476608 or 5494 3272

11-12 Arts Connect Sunshine Coast Hinterland Open Studios, Blackall Range 12

Society for Growing Australian Plants 2pm to learn about Mycorrhizae and their special relationship with native plants. 5494 9187 or email sgapsuncoast@gmail.com

ACT 4 Change Now Mindfulness Courses for Managing Stress, Anxiety and Depression, Incorporates evidence-based practices of Acceptance Commitment Therapy. Evening classes: 2 hours over 8 weeks. $395. Medicare and Health Fund rates available. Maleny Psychology: 54352301 Richard Knight furniture workshop One-day workshops making funky functional furniture. Identify suitable materials & create your own unique piece using simple wood-working tools. Materials & lunch included $150. Ph: Richard: 5422 9291. Gift vouchers. EMM Tech Short Course Maleny Sat Nov 1, 9am – 4.30pm Fast, simple, effective muscle release technique. Learn how to help yourself & your family with neck, shoulder, leg & balance issues. No experience required! Investment $200. Bookings: Ph: Katie White on 0400 722 786 or www.thesillpoint.com.au

PIANO TUITION , MALENY, Available, as1/2 hour sessions at my home in Maleny or your home. Learn for fun -all styles, incl jJazz, Dance, Ballroom ,Liturgical , Contemporary or Classical. Exams to grade 8 for AMEB, Trinity College or ANSCA. 35 years exp as a Church Organist, Band Musician & teacher. Ph Peter 0407444767 or 54999048. 46

Maleny Chamber of Commerce meeting, 7-8.30am Networking Breakfast, Spicers Tamarind

16-20 The Language of Art Exhibition in St Mary’s Hall on the green at Montville, 10am – 4pm (Friday, 17 open until 6.30 pm). Entry is free. Donations invited. All paintings, cards and craft work are for sale. We are also hoping that children as well as adults might be able to join us to discuss the meaning of some of our art.

Range Cancer Support Group, 12.30 to 2.30pm, Maleny Neighbourhood Centre 17 Bicentenary Lane, Maleny. Guest speaker Veronica Davidson guide us on how to protect ourselves from sickness and disease,and how to speed recovery from illness. Join us for information sharing, companionship and a shared lunch. Tea and coffee provided. Judy 54358140 Walks on the Wildside: storytelling in the forest. The walk will venture down through the forest to a beautiful part of the Obi Obi Creek with wide flat rocks to crawl over. Once again we will meet at Jill Morris's The Book Farm on the corner of Burnett Lane and Rees Lane at 8.45 for a 9am start. Raine 0412031880



Montville Village Hall: Pretend you're on Rockwiz is always a fun good value night for our community. Brush up on your Rock Trivia because we always have some silly prizes to giveaway. Don't miss out - BOOK your Table Early. Maximum 10-12 on each table $15/pp entry. BYO Food and DrinK. MVA Hall 18 OCT from 6:30pm. BYO Nibbles and drinks booking essential 0418 708 584

18-19 Grey Medallion for the Over 50's -only a few places left! www.caloundracity.asn.au or secretary@caloundracity.asn.au 17-18 His Eminence the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche is visiting Maroochydore 23-26 Noosa Bites Literary Festival held in Cooroy http://www.realitybitesfestival.org/ 24-26 Celebration of Books, Maleny 29

Mooloolah Quilting and Craft Group Biennial Show & Tell and Open Day, Mooloolah Hall, Bray Road Mooloolah.Come and see the friendship quilts that we have created throughout the years. You are welcome to bring along your own quilts for show and tell. Admission $7 includes morning tea and a light lunch, 9.30am start Phone Judy 54947527 or Ann 54929481.


Hands on iPad, 10.30am-11am, 11am-11.30am and 11.30amnoon, Beerwah Library. Free. Bookings essential.


Walk on the Wildside: Maroochy Botanic Gardens, 8.45am at the table near the carpark for a 9am start. Raine 0412031880


Melbourne Cup Fun Night, Maleny RSL 6.30pm, Tickets Birdy Boutique and Landsborough IGA


Melbourne Cup Day


Montville Chamber of Commerce AGM, 5.30pm


Mary River Festival Kandanga http://www.maryriverfestival.org.au/

Please email your community events to editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au with subject heading What's On.

EPIZO BANGOURA -African Drum /Dance Workshops November 1st & 2nd, Maleny Community Centre. Four sessions daily. All levels welcome. A great opportunity to learn from a master Ph Natalie 54 358208/ 0437 603213 natsdrum@bigpond.net.au The family Inheritance Astrology workshop exploring the astrological connections through the generations of your family. Sun 9 Nov 10am-4pm Maleny. To register or for more details Contact Chirone Shakti on 0421 814459 or astro@chironeshakti.com.au, www.chironeshakti.com.au Brett Campbell Mosaics Studio Style Mosaic classes in Maleny. Tuesday & Saturday mornings from 9am. Be guided by a renowned artist to make whatever you like at your own pace. Relaxed setting. For more info visit: www.mosaics.com.au Phone: 5435 2951

YOUTH MUSIC WORKSHOP Sunday 12 October, 10am-12pm morning tea included VENUE Eudlo Hall, Sunshine Coast. COST $40 per performer | $15 observer. INFO & BOOK 0415 128 799 www.cellodreaming.com.au/education/workshops/youth-music-





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