Rainbow Beach Community News April 2017

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FREE copies to Rainbow Beach and home delivered to Tin Can Bay and Cooloola Cove

April 2017 • Vol 20 • Issue 4

Paradise Found

In this issue... We know that our little corner of the world is full of holiday fun for all ages. But what about if you are on a permanent vacation? Heather Robertson, Carmel Darcey and Margaret Ballantine are three inspiring residents who prove life doesn’t stop after retirement. Embracing their independence, they talk about adventures in their Suzukis. More images and story by Barb Rees on pages 16-17.

• Do we want to join Noosa? n! • Family holiday fu es • ANZAC Day tribut

Editor’s Note


to town! D

ID YOU KNOW this is just about our busiest time of the year?

If you are a regular Easter visitor to our haven, you’ll have to wait until next time to see our upgraded playground! May is when we have been informed the upgrade of Lawrie Hanson Park (above the surf tower steps) will be complete - weather permitting. The old playground has been flattened, families will know the park has been out of use, with equipment removed or cordoned off for months. Please remember it is not a $900,000 brand new park- but a long overdue, well consulted (except who saw that they were planning to move the propeller?) upgrade of a rundown old one - plus lighting, toilets, shade, etc. Of course a water park on the Cooloola Coast would be wonderful too - anything to draw families to our towns, and provide locals with active options.

Now we have Our Towns - Council is staging more improvements across the coast and region - unfortunately we didn’t find out about it until just before print, and consultation is due April 3. There’s plenty else on this month see our holiday activity guide: fishing, ANZAC Day services and Easter Fair, plus a Hotrods and Rockabilly event, Warbirds, Bay to Bay Yacht Race and loads of fundraisers. April is the perfect time to enjoy the beach, walk to Poona Lake, cycle along the Tin Can Bay foreshore and, if you can, by energised by the cooling waters of Seary’s Creek. Along with your Easter eggs, visit an Easter Fair, a unique Easter Dawn service - and sample delicious local seafood you’ll want to have not just on Good Friday, but the whole weekend!

2 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

Until next month, Michelle and Heatley Gilmore



Owners: Heatley & Michelle Gilmore Yarrabee Pty Ltd T/a Rainbow Beach Community News Business Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:00am-2:30pm Phone: 07 5486 3561 Mobile: 0407 660 198 Fax: 07 5486 3050 Address: PO Box 204, Rainbow Beach QLD 4581 Email: info@rbcn.com.au Web: www. rainbowbeachcommunitynews.com.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/RainbowBeachCommunityNews 5,000 papers are home delivered to Cooloola Cove and Tin Can Bay. Bulk deliveries extend to resorts and tourist hotspots in Rainbow Beach and across the Cooloola Coast including shopping centres, newsagents, caravan parks, motels, real estate agents and more. 100% locally and independently owned. Over 15 years in print, the full colour tabloid sized newspaper is a way to get your message to market in a product that is actually read and treasured by locals and visitors alike. The Community News is owned by locals, employs locals and is active in the community sponsoring many local events and organisations.

While great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and contents of the publications, the RBCCCN accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views held by the RBCCCN. All content is copyright and may not be reproduced without permission. The production of this FREE newspaper is only made possible by you continuing to support our advertisers. Deadlines: News Items/calendar of events: 18th day of the month Advertising: Bookings 20th day of the month Copy deadline 23rd day of the month Printed by: Fairfax Media

Parking, planting and paths are priorities identified by Our Towns




HE OUR TOWNS Final Draft Concept Plan for Rainbow Beach was released for public display March 6. You have until April 3 to comment. Council seek further feedback from the community to finalise plans for Stage 5 of the “Our Towns” Sustainable Centre Program at Rainbow Beach. It identifies several key immediate and short term priorities for Rainbow, representing the following issues raised by the community during the consultation period: • Increased parking and associated landscape in central area by filling in u-turn areas; • Additional street tree planting at key 7% locations to enhance the hub and sense of community around the Local Centre which7%will also result in increased shade to improve the experience of some existing pathways and encourage more walking 7% connections; • Creation of a number of exploratory routes for pedestrian and cyclists to increase activities available and 6% improve connectivity and safety; • Improved pathways to streets to make 6% the town more pedestrian and cycle 5% friendly; and • Creation of a parking overflow area with reinforced turf to create more parking in peak times. The program, focused on supporting and enhancing the Region’s townships as attractive and desirable places to live, work and visit, forms part of Council’s continued focus on economic advancement. The focus Council’s planning for Rainbow Beach centres on streetscape improvements including landscape design, and improvements for pedestrian access and strengthening tourism attributes. The planning integrates with existing projects in these areas, including the Cooloola Coast Foreshore Management Plan, Rainbow Beach Foreshore Parks Revitalisation Plan and Open Space and Recreation Plan. Mayor Mick Curran said “Rainbow Beach is a premier tourism destination for national and international visitors and we want to make sure that it will have sustainable long term growth by providing appropriate design and infrastructure.” “We believe that the community is best placed to provide feedback on Council’s planning proposal and we encourage everyone to get involved and Have Your Say.” he said.

The detailed action plan is listed in the Our Towns document - your feedback is due April 3

The Our Towns consultation result was 10 actions and a number of actions that require further investigation and studies by Council

A preliminary round of community engagement has already been undertaken by Council and contributions from community have been used to develop the Final Draft Concept Masterplan that was considered by Council in a workshop on March 1. The full report will be available at www. gympie.qld.gov.au/our-towns and Rainbow Beach Library. The final Concept Master Plans and priority actions for the townships of Tin Can Bay and Cooloola Cove have been endorsed for progressive implementation. Council has committed significant funding of $400,000 total to undertake detailed design and construction of a first round of implementation projects within both townships in the 2015/16 financial year. Based on the outcomes of the consultation exercise, the focus of the work Council is planning in Tin Can Bay and Cooloola Cove will centre on streetscape improvements including landscape design, improvements for pedestrian access and strengthening tourism attributes. Tin Can Bay will benefit from an improved public realm within the Local Centre and Community Precinct and Cooloola Cove hub will benefit from the investigation and delivery of a pedestrian linkage from the Local Centre to surrounding residential areas. The consulting project team is now developing the detailed concept plan/ landscape design for the selected priority action/s which will enable Council to proceed with drafting construction drawings. h t t p s: // w w w. g y m p i e . q l d . g o v. a u / d o c u m e n t s / 4 0 0 0 5 0 5 7/ 4 0 0 0 5 5 6 0 / OurTowns_Stage-Five_Rainbow-BeachConcept-Plan.pdf April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 3


Holidays! T

HERE ARE A lot of people who have gone to a lot of effort to organise this great line up of activities for our families to enjoy these Easter school holidays! Everything from skilling up in surfing and fishing - to panning for gold. HAVE FUN!

Are you a gold digger? Come and learn about the town that saved Queensland. Explore the wonders of the past and learn some exciting things about local people and historical events from our region. Finish off the morning panning for gold – eureka! Tour will conclude with a free BBQ and drink. From 10am – 12pm on Monday April 3, at Gympie Gold Mining and Historical Museum, 215 Brisbane Road, Monkland. There are 20 places only in each age group: 5 – 11 years (20 only) and 12 – 17 years and it is FREE – however children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Bring a water bottle and small snack. Bookings: goldpanning.eventbrite.com.au

Try roller skating Have you ever wanted to try roller skating? Well now’s your chance to show your skating skills to your friends at the newly opened SkateZone Gympie. The session will include skate hire, music and games. So come along and have some fun, 10am – 12pm, Monday April 5, 15 Dennis Little Drive, Gympie. Under 12 years (must be accompanied by an adult), 100 places only and it is FREE! Bring a water bottle and socks are a must. Food and drinks available for purchase. Bookings: rollerskating.eventbrite.com.au

Disco at the Rainbow Beach Pool April 1 Disco from 5pm till 9pm, ages 5 to 13. Under 10 must have parental supervision. $5 entry. Hot food, games and prizes, all to raise funds for the Warriors Swim Club. We send a big thanks to Gympie Regional Council for organising these final activities - for further information contact the Community Development Team on 1300 307 800 and check out www.gympie.qld.gov.au/holidayfun

Science fun at our libraries Mark your diary for the free school holiday activities this month which are all about zany science experiments. Come along and get creative and messy with silly concoctions, puzzles, and a host of other weird and wacky things. Sessions at the Tin Can Bay Library are on Wednesday April 12 from 10.30 - 11.30am and the Rainbow Beach Library from 2 - 3pm.

4 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

Barefoot Bowls Here’s one for all ages - feel the soft green grass under your feet and enjoy the amazing experience of lawn bowls. Challenge your friends or workmates - make a date for 5.30pm, Saturday April 15 at Tin Can Bay Country Club. At only $10 per person, this includes free snacks and from 6.30pm, you are treated to live entertainment - GB Fox. For further information please contact Hilly on 0412 134 752. Fancy some barefoot bowls - venture to Tin Can Bay Country Club for a roll up on April 15!

Cooloola Coast Youth Activity Project Thanks to the Cooloola Coast Youth Activity Project, kids and teens have enjoyed afternoons of batting balloons, water activities, tin can telephones, jars of wonder and potted boots. April brings more fantastic fun. Our aim is to provide safe social and mentoring activities for youth and we are always looking out for new and exciting projects. If you or your child have a suggestion then please let us know. Here’s what’s on for April: Sound of Teen Spirit on Saturday 1, from 5pm at the Community Complex. Aspiring teen artists take to the stage in an evening of live entertainment. $5 entry with food and drinks available. Move and Giggle Groove on Tuesday 4, from 9-11am at the Cooloola Cove Veterans and Community Hall. Laugh and dance the morning away. Cook Up a Storm on Thursday 6, from 9-11am at the Cooloola Cove Veterans and Community Hall. Create a delicious feast then enjoy devouring it! Games and Gaming on Tuesday 11, from 2-5pm at the Cooloola Cove Veterans and Community Hall. Board, card and computer game entertainment. Minute Challenge on Thursday 13, from 9-11am at the Cooloola Cove Veterans and Community Hall. Attempt to complete activities in just one minute, can you beat the clock? Crafty Delights on Saturday 15, from 9am at the Cooloola Cove Residents and Friends Easter Fair at the Tin Can Bay Community Complex. Colouring competition, Easter boxes and other creative activities. Family Fun Day on Saturday 29, from 9-11am at Federation Park in Cooloola Cove. Activities for all ages. All participants are required to be signed in for each activity. For bookings call either Jess on 0411 218 254, or Ronnie on 0413 135 867.

A Junior Fishing Day! On Saturday April 8, the TCB Fishing Club is hosting the Sunfish Junior Fishing Day at Norman Point, and this is an excellent opportunity for juniors from 7-15 years to learn fishing techniques and skills from three Sunfish Level 1 instructors. Entry is free and there will be prizes for each junior, as well as refreshments, morning tea and a free BBQ lunch provided to all juniors and their parents. Numbers are very limited and to register for this event please phone the secretary on 0437 242 171 or email: tcbfishingclub@bigpond.com

Learn to surf Learn to surf on one of Australia’s most spectacular beaches at Double Island Point. This epic surf trip is a great adventure for anyone looking for an experience that’s both fun and memorable! Prior to hitting the water you will learn beach basics and safety, and practice your pop-up before catching some waves in the pristine waters guided by qualified instructors. It is on from 10.30am – 4pm, Wednesday 12 April, at Double Island Point, Rainbow Beach. There are 18 places only for 12 -17 years, and it only costs $20! For bookings visit the website: learntosurfdoubleisland.eventbrite.com.au

Come along to a Junior Fishing Day April 8, and you can catch a whiting like 9-year-old Jackson May

Ten Pin Bowling Gympie Ten Pin Bowling will be booked out exclusively for the council-run event. Come along and enjoy a game with your friends and see who can score the most strikes. All children under 12 years of age must be supervised by an adult/guardian during the session. Held 10am – 12pm, Thursday 13 April, at 1a Potter Street, Gympie. There are 60 places for 6 - 17 years (under 12 years must have adult supervision) and it is FREE! Bring a water bottle. Wear comfortable clothing and socks are a must. Bookings: tenpinbowling.eventbrite.com.au

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 5

A trio of Easter events An Easter Dawn Service Coastguard drive


HE RAINBOW Beach Christian Community invites you to celebrate the Resurrection Easter Sunrise Service at the propeller, on Sunday April 16, commencing at 5.30am; followed by free refreshments at Arcobaleno’s, Plantation Arcade, Rainbow Beach. BYO blanket and torch For more information contact Chappy Ronnie on 0413 135 867. Left: At last year’s service the locals and visitors celebrated Easter watching the sun rise over the ocean

Easter Fair

Above: Coastguard volunteers, Terry Murphy and Lorraine Taylor, look forward to their Easter Roadside Fundraising Drive


HO DOESN’T enjoy an egg and spoon race? Especially when the eggs are chocolate! Cooloola Cove Residents and Friends Inc. (CCRFI) have planned a family fun day, from 9am until 4pm, Saturday, April 15 at the Cooloola Community Complex, Tin Can Bay Road. Gail and Graham Langdown from CCRFI stress that it is not just for older residents, “We have made it for families,” said Gail.”The younger generation are the future for our area.” There’s old fashioned fun for all ages crazy hats and Easter bonnets, best Easter cake, postcard competition, place your bids for the 10 cent Auction from 11.30am make sure you are there to race with the egg and spoon at 10am. “Showcasing local art, craft and photography, people can come along and meet with local groups, we just want a really good day - we might hold it every year!” said Gail.


There’ll be prizes, entertainment, cupcakes and drinks - and the day is open to locals and visitors. “Jess Milne is our auctioneer and two of our members are ex caterers/chefs, and have put up their hand to help.” They are planning a deluxe sausage sizzle, wraps, curry and more!

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Above: Gail and Graham Langdown from CCRFI welcome everyone to the Easter Fair

You can reserve a table on arrival for the auction. Call 0433 062 906 to find out more.

HEN EASTER is here remember to be generous to our Coastguard. Every year at this time, they are rostered from daylight until dark at two collection points around the area. Look out for them on the corner of Rainbow Beach and Tin Can Bay Roads and east of Tin Can Bay School on Tin Can Bay Road, near Salmon Street. Last year they raised $11,000 - it is by far their largest income revenue. This is the biggest single event. The money is absorbed by their annual operation expenses of $200,000. Government funding only contributes to ten percent, the rest is for us to raise. Register your interest for public courses on boating safety, bar crossings, radio operators program or first aid and resuscitation. There’s also an official resurvey of the bar occurring right now - so look out for adjustments to the bar protocol.

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 7


Do you want to be in the Noosa electorate?

To compare maps: h t t p : // b o u n d a r i e s . e c q . q l d . g o v . a u/e l e c t o r a l - b o u n d a r i e s/ f i n d - y o u relectorate/?myaddress=rainbow%20beach



AKE YOUR VOICE heard on the electoral boundaries. Submissions were due March 27. But from April 8, you are invited to comment on the objections - this closes on April 18. The final determination on Queensland’s state electoral districts is on May 26, and unless they see enough opposition, Rainbow Beach will be collared into the Noosa electorate. What does this mean? We aren’t talking about rates, or council boundaries here - it is purely for state, not local government. For now. State boundaries can be a precedent for changes in council areas. But Noosa? Really? Did the Commission have their math’s heads on or take into account geography? For a Rainbow Beach resident to access our representative, we’ll have to drive through Gympie and a further hour to Noosa - a four hour round trip. The Coastal Link road is not sealed, you can drive down the beach at low tide for most of the year, but this is not accessible for all. There is no public transport to Noosa from Rainbow Beach, and by calculation the trip would take over three hours - one way! If we need a hospital, high schools, businesses, council services, emergency services, disaster management, we travel to Gympie. Our Surf Club President, SLSC Supporter Club President and most of the lifesavers are from Gympie and surrounds. What do we have in common with Noosa - vegetation and tourism perhaps, but all of our community interest is with Gympie. It is a measly 564 votes that Rainbow Beach offers (booth count in 2015), but the proposed borders annex not just Rainbow

What locals think

Locals voiced their concerns at a well attended public meeting hosted by the Rainbow Beach Chamber of Commerce last month

Beach, but straight up the Tin Can Bay Inlet to Inskip Point. A public meeting hosted by the Rainbow Beach Chamber of Commerce last month, was attended by a surprised MP Tony Perrett, Mayor, CEO and Councillor, and we were told you could be standing at Norman Point in the Gympie electorate, looking at the dolphins swimming in the Noosa electorate! Which brings me to the matter of most concern: the proposal severs the communities of the Cooloola Coast. We are in Tin Can Bay every week to join a community group, work and shop. Our youth attend schools across the towns. We have Tin Can Bay dragon boaters from Rainbow Beach and Nippers from Cooloola Cove. Our history and our community are shared. We agree with Cr Mark McDonald - Rainbow Beach is a part of the

8 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

Cooloola Coast. What political pressures will Noosa MP Glen Elmes will be under? In the past, beach access has been threatened. Our precious Double Island Point is already under the control of Noosa Parks Association Inc. The proposed borders include the pristine waters all the way to the Gateway to Fraser Island - Inskip Point. Our 600 or so votes could be very valuable to Noosa. We believe the proposed Gympie electoral boundaries are not practical or sensible. All the submissions will be up on the website from March 27. We were urged at the meeting to respond to every submission, and make it positive to those you support. But if you think a submission is ridiculous, or need to be challenged, you have the right to take that further April 8-18: http:// boundaries.ecq.qld.gov.au/have-your-say

Geoff Apps: If there is to be any substantial growth in population in the foreseeable future, it would be in areas closer to Noosa/Tewantin, so it beggars belief that this decision was reached by a logical process. The Electoral Commission has ignored its own guidelines and plucked a remote township, with a static population, 60 kilometres away, with no infrastructure in between and placed it under the control of an electorate of the heavily populated Sunshine Coast. Garry and Julie Hewitt: These proposed changes could mean we may lose control of what happens regarding the future of our beach regulations and the town of Rainbow. This may also impact the future use of the waterways of Tin Can Bay. In the proposed changes Tiaro has replaced Rainbow Beach in the Gympie electorate despite the fact that Tiaro has more connections with Maryborough than Gympie, and Rainbow Beach has more connections with Gympie than Noosa, and their voting numbers are very similar. Again, it makes no sense. Leave Rainbow Beach in the Gympie electorate where the needs of this community are understood and historically connected. Tony Stewart: So easy online, everyone just do it. Don’t cry later if it goes against your wishes!

ANZAC day is Tuesday, April 25

T Ruth and Tuppy Modin look forward to the opening!

Sea Salt @ Rainbow is a fresh approach


ALK DOWN Rainbow Beach’s main street and you will see a brand new shop called Sea Salt @ Rainbow. Owner Ruth Modin and her store are both institutions in Rainbow Beach - and been there for 36 years! The newsagency/supermarket is now reinstated after the fire that devastated the shop and surrounding businesses last October. “We’re really so sorry that such a big part of town has looked like a construction site for so long - we want to apologise for the barriers. But things are much better already!” Peek inside and it’s huge - with a vibrant cement floor, and the latest new Golden Casket shop fittings and ATM. “It’ll just look bigger and brighter! We are going to be introducing many more things we didn’t have last time.” The space is dedicated to the supermarket and newsagency, but there’s a wall of new refrigeration that will handle a larger fruit and vegetable selection and deli, plus an expanded area for gifts. Ruth says there are two things she is most looking forward to: “Having 95% of what people need when they come into the shop - and welcoming

old customers back!” Standing in the small ‘pop up shop’, Ruth says, “This here will become another top class café - still serving fish and chips. You have no idea how many people ask that question.” She said it will be a family effort - her grandkids and their mums, Shelley Jones and Tuppy Modin, were working hard to get it ready for an early April opening. “They’ve always been here - always involved and it’s no different. They helped cart everything to the dump, now they’re here to help put the new shelving up and stock in. “We’ll run it ourselves, we have to - there’ll be a few baristas amongst them!” Ruth joked. The end site is still under construction for another month or so. “Expect old favourites plus new upmarket food,” Ruth smiles, “we have just ordered furniture for the new deck!” Sea Salt @ Rainbow Newsagency Market Café looks forward to another 35 years of business, with locals and tourists alike. Just like the Sea Salt name, they plan for a seaside holiday atmosphere on the main street!

HE RAINBOW BEACH dawn service commences at 4.15am at the cenotaph. After the ceremony those attending are invited to a Gunfire Breakfast at the surf club. President Joe Casey advises, “A gold coin donation to be passed on to a charitable organisation would be appreciated.” The march through town from the centre block to the cenotaph commences at 10am followed by the memorial service. Marchers to assemble from 9.45am near the community hall. The dawn service is held at the Tin Ray Parker lays a wreath at the Can Bay Stage Area Rainbow Beach Cenotaph last year 5.20am, and once completed they hold a Gunfire Breakfast. Form up for the parade at 8.30am, at Raine and Horne, 6 Gympie Road, and at 8.40am the march commences, and includes 50 or so military police from Brisbane. The ANZAC Day service is 9am at the Tin Can Bay Memorial, and the RSL Sub Branch also conduct the Tin Can Bay Community Service 9.40am at the RSL and Citizens Memorial Hall. The CWA provide refreshments after conclusion of the community service, which includes the school choir and speeches from military representatives. Call Maureen Costello, Secretary, on 0408 882 917 to find out more. Both town’s services are open to the whole community. See you there!

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 9

Think local think Benny!

Organiser local Nick McGrath with Teana from Helltown Hotrods are looking forward to the Rainbow Beach Hotrod and Rockabilly Rumble Image supplied

It’s a Hotrod and Rockabilly Rumble! Benny Bulat’s mobile Rainbow Beach Auto Electrics service now has permanent digs!


ENNY BULAT and Amanda Schier have had a busy 12 months, not only has their family grown, but their business has expanded as well. Amanda and Benny met overseas in South America, where Benny was working as an overlander driver and Amanda was travelling. They toured through Africa and South America together, came back to Australia and the rest, as they say, is history. Benny started work for RBAC in 2014. He soon realised there was an opening and launched Rainbow Beach Auto Electrics 18 months ago, as a mobile business. So successful has it been that the couple recently decided to get a more permanent base. “I started by printing basic details on an A4 page and handing it out to everyone I

could think of. It grew from there, to the point where I needed somewhere that the customer could come to me. It was a good move,” explains Benny. “You can come in for anything from a fuse to a battery to an alternator, I can do the work for you or you can DIY. I am gradually expanding to include parts for boats, caravans and more.” The phone and office are manned for half a day Monday to Friday by Amanda and her offsider, the beautiful sevenmonth-old Lelaina. Open 8am -4.30pm Monday to Friday at 7 Karoonda Road and Saturday by appointment. If you can’t get to him he will come to you. So if your battery is flat, or your car aircon is blowing hot, call 0499 144 678 Benny is your man!

10 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017


N SUNDAY, April 30 during the Labour Day long weekend, experience the first Rainbow Beach Hotrod and Rockabilly Rumble. Visitors will be treated to a spectacle of hotrods, classic cars and custom motorcycles from all over the world. Organiser Nick McGrath says that most people don’t realise it, but our region is a minefield of real talent. “There are four in the region who build custom cars and hotrods - real talent exists here,” enthuses Nick. Adam from Helltown Hotrods, Gympie, is a specialist of hotrod, custom builds and auto-fabrication and he will be bringing his display. Local Kylie Betteridge (says Nick, “She’s an artist, man”) offers a pop-up Hair Do Salon and it will be retro all the way. So ask for your beehive! And there’s rockabilly clothing, badges,

food and beverages, a ‘kick ass’ tattooist’s display and best of all, two bands playing all day! The Rock ‘n’ Roll Boys and The Heymakers will bring the vibes for Sue Steward and her Gold Dust Rockers “old school” rock ‘n’ roll dance display. Teaching rock ‘n’ roll, swing and partner dancing in Gympie and the Sunshine Coast for the past 14 years, you’ll be sure to pick up some tips! The event will be held in the Sports Club car park from 11am onwards, BYO chairs, adults $5 and under 16s are free. There will be judging from 2pm and prizes and trophies to follow. To keep the party going, Coltseavers rockabilly band will be playing inside the club from 8pm until late. Says Nick, “I hope to see many faces there for lots of rock ‘n’ retro fun!” Find out more, call Nick on 0401 736 129.


Not too late to help Droughtrunners W

HILE MANY OF us will enjoy a great night out at the Rock ‘n’ Roll Show on April 1, the organiser, Tony Stewart, reports that if no big rain falls in the next three weeks it will be the fifth year of drought. “It has not rained in the Longreach area, but from Augathella up past Blackall there’s good feed and fat cattle. “West of Roma out through Mitchell is very dry and six months ago this really looked good.” Tony plans to bring a bus load of kids from Longreach to enjoy Rainbow Beach - you can still buy your ticket at the door on April 1. The 2006 Victorian Entertainer of the Year, Rodney Vincent, performs his high- country, comedy, storytelling and rock ‘n’ roll show. The night will kick off at 6.30pm with drinks, followed by Chef Kelvin Gett’s two-course meal, including local prawns from Kevin Reibel and Lees Fishing. There will be a guest speaker, prizes, and silent and live auctions, with tickets costing $55 for a great cause. Tony and the Tin Can Bay Lions have planned a wonderful night and expect a good crowd - they hope to see you there. Recounting his latest trip, Tony shares, “I travelled to Longreach last month with possibly my biggest load yet of food supplies.” Nearly reaching Barcaldine just before dark, he said it was impossible to go on due to ‘roos everywhere. “Hitting two in the last two trips was enough, thank goodness for the Big Roobar. “Realising my mattress was on top of the load under four ratchet tiedowns, I camped on top of the load. No sheet or shirt and no mozzies or dreaded sandflies, I slept like a log with the dog. “Observations next morning showed the temp went down to 28 degrees.” He delivered all food supplies to

Acclaimed performer Rodney Vincent brings his high-energy Good Times Rock ‘n’ Roll Show to Rainbow Beach on April 1 - and all for Kids Bush to the Beach

Longreach next morning, clothes to Ilfracombe and Naomi’s donation of a box of books to School of the Air. After a big swim in the Thompson River he was on the road again for another camp under the stars. “I had also bagged and filled the back of the ute with sheep manure, now for sale.” A big thankyou from the reliable helpers in IGA Rainbow Beach and Tin Can Bay, Mitchells Fruit and Veg, Rainbow Beach Pharmacy and a very generous anonymous donor from Rainbow Beach. Tony is planning another trip to the Drought Angels at Chinchilla. Any food parcels or IGA vouchers gratefully received, contact Tony Stewart, RB Droughtrunners on 0408 767 930.

‘Like’ Rainbow Beach Events Acclaimed performer Rodney Vincent brings his high-energy Good Times Rock ‘n’ Roll to Rainbow BeachEvents on April 1Group - and HE NEWLY FORMEDShow Rainbow Beach for Kids BushBush to the Beach who helped drive allthe Kids to the Beach


fundraiser with Tin Can Bay Lions, invites you to keep up to date with latest happenings on their new Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/rainbowbeachevents/ Rainbow Beach Events is a community group that welcomes you to fundraisers and events in Rainbow Beach. Find out more about the group: Tony Stewart 0408 767 930. April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 11

Tips for your beach photography By Julie Hartwig Tin Can Bay Camera Club


AKING PHOTOS at the beach creates special challenges for digital cameras. Photos may appear overexposed or very bright, or the scene may be properly exposed but any people in the photos may be too dark. This is because your camera’s in-built light metering system may encounter difficulties (even in Auto modes) when faced with light/dark contrasts and light reflecting off sand, white surf and water. Here are a few tips to address this problem. The first method is to point the auto focus point in the centre of the LCD/viewfinder (also the light metering point) at the subject, then half press the shutter button to lock both auto focus and metering. Holding the shutter button down, recompose the photo, then press the shutter all the way to take the photo. Another method is to use your camera’s flash to fill in light in dark areas such as people’s faces. Look for the Flash setting (lightning bolt symbol) on your camera or in the menu and turn it on. Some point-and-shoot cameras have a pre-set “Beach” scene mode specifically for taking photos at the beach. This will automatically adjust the camera settings to compensate for the brightness of beach scenes. It’s a good alternative setting if you’re encountering exposure problems on Auto. Smart phones and tablets encounter this problem, too. If you’re using an iPhone, some smart phones or a tablet, compose

your photo, then touch the screen to set the exposure point, usually on the subject you want properly exposed. The Tin Can Bay Camera Club’s next

meeting: 7pm, Wednesday April 19 at TCB Library. View information and members’ images: www.tincanbaycameraclub.wix. com/tcb-camera-club.

A Sandblow Siesta - photographer Julie Hartwig gives some hints for taking photos on the beach


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Kerry is a champion


Workforce Skilling Strategy with Energy Skills Queensland over the past five years.

Kerry was a finalist in the Gender Diversity Champion in Queensland Resources category.

Also in 2016, Kerry was a regional finalist in the Sunshine Coast Community Leader of the Year Australian Institute of Management Leadership Awards, acknowledging her work with the Queensland Workforce Skilling Strategy, as well as other community volunteer roles.

ONGRATULATIONS TO local Rainbow Beach resident Kerry Fullarton who was a finalist in the BHP Billiton Queensland Resources Council Women in Mining and Resources Queensland Awards.

The award ceremony took place at the Women in Mining and Resources Queensland International Women’s Day breakfast, held in Brisbane.

Kerry is currently project managing the CR Rail Employment Project and the NBN Telecommunications projects across Queensland.

In 2016, Kerry also received third place in the Australian Centre for Leadership for Women Awards Diversity category. The awards were held at Parliament House in Sydney and acknowledged Kerry’s work in empowering rural, remote and regional women through the Queensland

Rainbow Beach’s Kerry Fullarton was congratulated by Energy Skills Queensland CEO Penelope Twemlow

Farewell Rainbow Beach Pig Day Out I

T IS SAD NEWS, but the Rainbow Beach Pig Day Out is not to return. The event was created by Terri and Bruce Geissmann in memory of their daughter Kelly, to raise funds to prevent melanoma. “After five planned dates in four years – we cannot beat the damn rain,” said Terri. “As much as this devastates us, we could see no other way out but – oh boy! Wasn’t it fun while it lasted!” “Last year, the first date in June was cancelled due to a Terri and Bruce Geissmann at the final Rainbow Beach Pig Day Out

severe weather event. Our July date did go ahead despite the bad weather.” The couple send huge thanks to all the locals and visitors, Rachael Sporn from the Australian Melanoma Research Foundation, Doctor David Smith with the free skin check clinic, and family and friends who travelled far and wide, who braved the wind and rain to support the cause. “Unfortunately, the event itself was not financially viable due to the bad weather and we had outstanding expenses.” The couple thank Rainbow Beach Meats, the Surf Club, Maree Herron, Bruce, staff and committee members and Rachel Croker and her band of helpers for holding raffles. A September holiday Barefoot Bowls day at the Sports Club included raffles

and auctions that were held back due to bad weather. What great fun that was thanks to Ricky and his team of workers. “I would just like to thank a few people who worked their butts off right till the end, even though there was no end in sight for quite a while. “Dianne Major and her two girls, Sara and Jasmine, Rachel Croker, Kirstie Jordison, Maree and Phil Herron, Michelle Gilmore and of course my husband Bruce, who had to put up with me being a stress head for the last four years.” All proceeds went directly to the Australian Melanoma Research Foundation with the final donation of $2051! Said Terri, “Once again, I thank everyone for all your support. It has just been awesome, as our Kelly would say!”

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 13

Warbirds to fly again at Tin Can Bay

Cup of tea?

The Shadow TUAS being retrieved by army personnel after another successful flight


S USUAL, there will be many model planes from all over Queensland, as far north as Barcaldine and south to the Gold Coast, at the Tin Can Bay Model Flying Club’s Warbirds to be held on April 29 and 30. A special feature this year will be a static display by the ADF (Australian Defence Force) of their Shadow 200 TUAS (Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System), more popularly known as a drone. This system was used extensively in Afghanistan. The complete system, four aircraft, launcher, ground control station and associated spares and other equipment, was valued at $15.5 million in 2011. Individual aircraft are worth $750,000 each and it is believed the camera, a very high definition unit, is worth about $1 million.

Some statistics of the drone are: Weight: 212 kg Wingspan: 6.2 metres Ceiling: 18,000 feet (5486 metres) Payload: 43 kg Endurance (time in the air): 9 hours Range: 125 km It is believed the launching system will also be displayed, but probably not the ground control station. The event will be held at the club’s field on Kidd Straight, and the public will be catered for with a full canteen operating both days, and admission is by gold coin donation. Keep this weekend free and bring the family out to the Warbirds. Further information from Neil Low, 5486 4412, or 0417 072 878.

14 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

Irene Manwaring says you’re welcome to join the CWA for a crafty Community Morning Tea on April 5


HE TIN CAN BAY Country Women’s Association (CWA) invite you to a social morning tea, 10am on April 5. Bring along your craft - you can see what everyone is creating. At the Community Morning Tea you can learn a new craft or just enjoy a cuppa. On April 1 we’ll host a sausage sizzle at Cooloola Cove Shopping Centre. Hoy is on the third Wednesday of every month. Arrive 9am for morning tea then play from 10am to noon. It is proving very popular and only $5.

The monthly meeting is 9am, Monday April 10. On Saturday 29, join a Women Walk the Day - 8.30 for 9am from Crab Creek to Cathy House. Finally they offer a mystery bus tour on May 24; 32 spots only. It’s $25, bring your morning tea and lunch. You don’t have to be a member to attend. All welcome. Call Irene Manwaring on 5488 0382 or 0419 926 085 or just turn up - most of the events are at the CWA Hall in Whiting Street, unless stated otherwise.

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 15


“I bought a ... Jeep by Barb Rees


ARMEL DARCEY, Heather Robertson and Margaret Ballantine make up an amazing trio of ladies. Restless and at a loss after retiring they decided to do something about it. Carmel, who was in the human services industry most of her working life, was feeling a sense of loss of purpose and identity. If you see three a French Tricolour of Jimnys on our sand - it is likely to be retirees Heather Robertson, Margaret Ballantine and Carmel Darcey ... ... they have rediscovered the surrounds of Rainbow Beach and Fraser Island (including the Coloured Sands) and their freedom with their four wheel drives!

16 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

“I went from being frantically busy to nothing…it was a huge adjustment, it was awful. I even toyed with the idea of offering a counselling service to retirees who felt the same,” explains Carmel. “I was planning on going on a holiday to Switzerland, I couldn’t believe how expensive it was, I couldn’t justify spending that much on a week’s holiday!” Carmel saw an ad for a Suzuki for sale, “I went and had a look, the man took me for a drive and I was hooked …I bought it. It has been the best investment, much better value than a holiday! “If you had told me two years ago, I would be driving around K’Gari (Fraser Island) and Double Island, in a 4WD, on sand, by myself, I would have said you were mad,” laughs Carmel. “The freedom it has given me is amazing, you can’t put a price on it. I have been on K’Gari 10 times in the last 12 months!” The confidence and joy it has given Carmel is obvious; when you talk to her about her escapades, she literally glows. She has since been joined on her four-wheel driving journey by two other ladies who were also feeling at a loss. Well-known and loved local Heather Robertson (Mrs Robbo) had owned a 4WD for most of her life when her kids were growing up and really wanted to get one just for her. “Financially I couldn’t afford it for a long time, then things changed a little bit and I thought bugger it, I am going to get what I want.

“I wanted a Suzuki and looked for a fair while, then I saw one advertised down at Maroochydore. I went down and had a look and that was it. It was meant to be mine.” Heather continues “I just love it, it is so much fun. The size suits me and it gets me out of my flat and into this beautiful area of ours.” Margaret is a relatively new resident of Rainbow. She always wanted to live in Rainbow Beach but never really thought it would happen. “After retiring I came up for a visit and a look around. A house at the Shores was the right price, so I went home and told the kids I was moving and here I am.” Margaret was introduced to the 4WD life by Carmel. “I went to Fraser with Carmel, as her navigator. I had never been in a 4WD before. That was an experience I will never forget.” Heather insists Margaret was jealous of her and Carmel owning two cars each and decided she needed to get a Suzuki as well! “I was too,” she laughs. “I wanted a Suzuki, so I went into Gympie and asked the car yards. They didn’t have anything. Then two days later the salesman rang and said I don’t know how you did it but we have a Suzuki for you! “The funny thing was it was from Rainbow Beach, the guy who owned it couldn’t sell it here so took it into Gympie. I bought it back!” says Margaret. “My first try by myself was frightening, my heart was thumping and I got stuck, but I got myself out and I was hooked. “Our next outing was breakfast down at Double. I drove with Heather in the passenger seat. It is so good to have the other two with you, it makes me feel safe. “I honestly never thought I would drive a 4WD,” she continues “I thought I was too old. You are never too old.” They all agree that they have learnt by their mistakes and know there is usually someone willing to help you out if you get bogged. They all have their own reasons for loving the 4WD life.

“I bought a ... Jeep


In Brief Don’t miss out on early bird entry! Early bird entries for the 2017 Women in Super Mother’s Day Classic close on April 13, so get in now before you miss out. Entering early secures you the early bird entry price of $35 (runners are $5 extra). By entering and fundraising you are making a difference to the lives of people with breast cancer.

Mother’s Day Sale The Lions and Lioness Clubs of Tin Can Bay are holding a Plant Sale for Mother’s Day at Cathy House. We will also have second hands books for purchase and Devonshire Teas. So bring along your Mum for wonderful day and pick up some great bargains. Held 10am -2pm, Saturday April 29, Cnr Coral Trout & Toolara Roads, Tin Can Bay.

Resource Centre has a new phone number

With their red, white and blue 4WDs against the beautiful Coloured Sands: Heather Robertson,Carmel Darcey and Margaret Ballantine

Carmel is a mad bodysurfer and loves being able to go up to Double to catch some really good waves. Margaret is a keen fisherman and is rapt that she can get to more places to throw in a line. “Not that I catch anything!” she adds. Heather is just happy to have the freedom to get out and enjoy the beach, even venturing to Teewah and Tewantin! So if you see the red, blue and white Jimneys tootling down the beach, give them a wave and know that life doesn’t end when your working life finishes, these three are living proof of that! Carmel sums it up nicely. “You only have one life, and there is always something out there for you, it might take a while but you will find it.” Just like they did!

All from the Tin Can Bay Resource Centre would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter Please remember our new address at the rear of the Tin Can Bay Library. Please note: we have a new phone no. 0400 741 951. Due to unforeseen circumstances we were unable to provide vouchers for groceries, but we now have Woolworths Grocery Cards available for people with a Centrelink Income Statement. Victory Hampers are unavailable at the moment due to Victory Care volunteers taking a break. We are hoping that the hampers will be available again in a few weeks, so please ring us on 0400 741 951 for further updates.

World Day of Prayer thanks by Jacquie Cross

On behalf of the Tin Can Bay Catholic community, I would like to thank everyone who attended the World Day of Prayer on March 3 at Cathy’s House. We had approximately 85 ladies and gentlemen there and we raised $303.20, which goes to the people of the Philippines this year. The Cooloola Bay Choir sang for us and also four ladies from the Philippines did a dance for us, which was beautifully performed. It was a great day of fellowship. Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone who brought morning tea, it was a beautiful spread. Also a big thank you to all the ladies who helped to organise the day, and to everyone who stayed behind to clean up. Thank you.

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 17

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HE MONTH starts off with a bang on April 1 with two events. The Rock ‘n’ Roll Kid’s Bush to the Beach fundraiser dinner is at the Rainbow Beach Community Hall, and the Tin Can Bay Community Complex hosts CCYAP’s Sound of Teen Spirit concert. Keep a lookout on our Facebook page for updates of entertainment across the coast at Coffee Rocks, Rainbow Beach Hotel, the Marina Bar and Grill and Tin Can Bay Country Club.

Cooloola Coast Art Group news M

AJOR SPONSORS, Tin Can Bay Country Club Inc, will host the Cooloola Coast Art Group Art Show and photography competition over the weekend of July 29-30. It is early days yet, but this is just to inform all interested parties that our show is on again and you will need to get those submissions in early. Relevant leaflets and flyers will soon be made available from local businesses. The group meets at 2pm every last Thursday of the month in the rooms behind the Tin Can Bay Library, and for information about the group or the Art Show please call Norma on 5488 0840. For the photography competition call Ken on 5486 2745.



Music Plus A

T THE FIRST Music Plus night of the year it was encouraging to hear original lyrics, songs and poems, and we look forward to more in the future. The newly built-in sound system proved to be all we could have hoped for and more. A delight in many ways, not least, saving Len and Pam from packing equipment into and out of the car four times on each of these Music Plus nights. The highlights were the melding of the two voices of Kirsten and Sarah in Stretched on Your Grave, the addition of Debbie on flute with Ron’s very able guitar and Manfred’s singing. Other highlights included Neil’s rendition of two of Leonard Cohen’s compositions, Jo’s lovely flute playing in Benjamin Britten’s The Salley Gardens and Sicilienne by Gabriel Faure, and Pam’s piano solo of one of Mendelssohn’s Songs Without Words. Most of all, the constant surprise of young talent witnessed in our own local lad Braden Gray, who entertained

Kay Muir and Len Druce with a song about Three Hopeful Fishermen and the One That Got Away

us with two songs with guitar, showing he has great feeling for the music he plays and integrity in performance. We look forward to another night of such excess on Thursday April 27 at 7pm in the Veterans’ and

Community Hall, Cooloola Cove. If you would like to participate please be early as we may have to disappoint late requests. Please contact Pam 0427 180 649 or sykapalua@spiderweb.com.au

Cooloola’s Got Talent D

O YOUTH in your family have hidden talent that only comes out in the lounge room? Get their name down for the upcoming Cooloola’s Got Talent Showcase for an opportunity display that talent to the world.

There are great prizes up for grabs and no matter how big or small their skill is, we want to see it. For all enquiries or talent nominations contact CCYAP through Jess on 0411 218 254 or Ronnie on 0413 135 867.

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 19

Historical Cooloola

Holiday memories D

ALE AND DELL Rutherford have fond memories of five trips to Rainbow Beach. On a return trip this year, they contacted the Community News to share their photos. “The story was back then, we were married January ‘65, there was a bit in the Sunday Mail about ‘well kept secrets’ something like that - places to visit. “That’s what brought us here. That’s what we found - only really fisherman and the odd camper.” After their first trip in ‘65, these images were captured on their return trip in January, 1966. The couple arrived here on the Sunday night, “Everyone else packed up and left.” There was a house near the Life Saving Club. “It was the only house here those two years - we believe it was the Rutile Manager

Dale and Dell Rutherford have been married 52 years; the couple have both retired from the Sacred Heart School where Dell worked as a teacher, office and then secretary, and Dale finished his working life as groundsman at the same school – they returned for their fifth trip to our coast

for the sand mining.” Dale pointed at the photo, “This is a little shed here and man from Gympie used to come out and sell things milk and soft drinks. You can see our little VW and tent beside it - no glamping in those days!” “We like to be close to the water,” Dell explained. Well, you couldn’t get much closer - perched on the cliff to the beach. “There was water coming out of the rocks - they reckon it was A rated,” smiled Dale. They said fishermen used to come out to camp and fish, somewhere along the cliff there was a walkway to the beach, 4WDs used to access the beach too. “Yes, we thought it was pretty fantastic,” agreed the couple. For Dale and Dell, it was just an escape from the city. Leaving Brighton, in north Brisbane, they said, there was no 110 speed limit, and remembered most of the road from Gympie was dirt. “And there were no trees beside the road, it was sandy and dry. “This is only our fifth time. It’s got bigger. In the early 90s we brought our last born child with us. We stayed in an A-frame on a hill, there was a huge change then.” With further trips in 2005 and now, they say it’s grown every time. They have had much to compare, opting for a cabin at the caravan park this time, rather than their tent! If you have some older photos or memories of the Cooloola Coast - please contact: 5486 3561 or email: info@rbcn.com.au

20 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

Where Phil Rogers Park is now and the Surf Club - taken in 1966!

Who remembers the rock with the hole in it?

Find trash and treasure in Rainbow Beach

The Rainbow Beach Community Centre meeting room swelled with the CIRS AGM crowd last month - and in the front, Mark McIntosh was welcomed as the new vice president


N SATURDAY APRIL 8, the Rainbow Beach Community Centre present their Trash and Treasure Day 7am to 12.30pm - the markets will be on too! Tables are $5, book at the Community Centre. Call 5486 3355 to find out more. On simply bring your wallet and find some bargains. It all helps the hall. The group have a newly elected vice president - Mark McIntosh, relieving Heather Robertson to step down, and

President Ross Brown continues another term. The group have pledged support cooking for the school breakfast club every two months, and plan a Christmas in July raffle. And remember they have fantastic books - it is not uncommon to find recent releases in stock at very reasonable prices. Another date not to be missed is their Cancer Charity Morning Tea on May 16. See you there!

Check out the Rainbow Beach on: www.facebook.com/RainbowBeachCommunityNews

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 21

your Community Wolvi boasts awardwinning garden W

HETHER YOU are an experienced gardener or just starting out, take advantage of the wealth of knowledge being shared at the Gympie Garden Expo. Treat yourself to a fantastic weekend of plant displays, workshops, guest speakers, tools and machinery for the home gardener, the G150 open gardens - with one close by at 22 Eaton Road, Wolvi. Henry and Dell Kross’s country garden holds a mystery feel of what appears as garden rooms to investigate. This property has many tales to tell as they moved here 47 ½ years ago when their son was just six months old. So a great deal of family abounds in their country garden. Various camellias, vines, one being the potato vine set amongst the big trees, with birch groves and hedges.

With cattle in the nearby paddocks and chicken breeding pens, all enjoy the quiet homely atmosphere. Their beautiful, well-established garden was awarded first ‘Country’ and ‘Overall’. The Expo is on May 6 from 8am-4pm and May 7 from 8am-3pm with only $5 entry and kids free. www.gympiegardenexpo.com.au

Dragons host a High Tea by Norma Sanderson


EADERS KNOW that we lost our coach, Gayle, to cancer recently; so the Club is going to organise an event with the proceeds to go to the Leukaemia Foundation. The Foundation helps country folk with accommodation while being treated in Brisbane, as not all treatments can be given in the patient’s local area. Please support this worthy cause by coming along to a High Tea on May 16, at the Tin Can Bay RSL rooms, from 10am to 2pm. Catering is for 60 guests only at a cost of $25 p.p, so be quick to register your attendance by phone: 0412712965. Raffles, lucky door prize and of course, tantalising food.

A special guest from the Leukaemia Foundation will be present and receive the proceeds of the day for their wonderful work. Don’t forget our training times Thursday afternoon 3.30pm and Sunday 7.30am. Phone Sandra on 5486 2695 to register for a ‘come and try’ paddle.

Help reduce plastic with Boomerang Bags


OR THE UNINITIATED, Boomerang Bags is a way for our community, to make a small but significant contribution in the reduction of the plastic shopping bag. Local organiser Barb Rees is eagerly awaiting the design of the Rainbow Beach logo to arrive. “Thanks to the Rainbow Sands for offering up the use of their conference room and to Foodworks who have said they will carry the bags for us.” If you forget your reusable bag you borrow a bag and bring it back next time you shop…easy! Asks Barb, “Can you sew, cut, iron or stamp? If not - we can all learn together! I see it as a great way to meet new people and learn new skills and help our earth in a small way…it’s the only one we have!” Barb is seeking interest across the coast. Please donate old fabric, sheets,

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curtains, T-shirts, pillowslips and basically anything that is clean and usable. Interested in making a difference? Call 0423 841 062 or email: barees621@ bigpond.com

Cooloola City Farm

City Farm, opposite the Community Centre, on Tin Can Bay Road, is open to the public for plant sales on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8am-3pm, 07 5486 2304, ccfni09@gmail.com, www.cooloolacityfarm.org


REE TREES are available with your latest rates notice until 31 May 2017. Palms have an ancient history and are distributed throughout the world in tropical regions, extending into sub-tropical and temperate zones. About fifty species occur in Australia. Most have a single stem (though some have a cluster of stems at ground level) and large fronds arranged around the top. Leaves are palmate - large and fan-like - or pinnate - feathery. Palms are popular in garden landscaping as they are ornamental and give a tropical feel to a garden. Their crisp, clean lines are appreciated also. Birds enjoy the fruit. Many make good potted plants and they can even be grown indoors in sunny spots. Our plant of the month is Livistona decora (Weeping Cabbage Palm), a single-stemmed palm to 30 metres, which thrives in coastal or near-coastal areas from Townsville to Tewantin. It has a thick crown of drooping fronds and 2 metre long flower spikes in summer, followed by


black fruit. Free draining soil is preferred though it can tolerate a wide range of soil types and it will cope with full sun. (Photograph: www.pacsoa.org.au)


Visit us at: www.gympie.qld.gov.au/library Book review by Rae Webb

Victoria: the Queen By Julia Baird 941.081 VICT

Techno Thursday classes at your library – Library eResources Be part of the technology revolution and join one of our Techno Thursday classes. During April, learn how to connect with family and friends on Facebook and Instagram. Techno Thursday classes will be held at all libraries, with a session at the Tin Can Bay Library on April 20, 2-4pm, phone 5486 4355 to book your spot. The session at Rainbow Beach Library is on April 20, 10am-12noon -phone 5486 3705 to book your spot. Bookings are essential.

Art Workshops at Rainbow Beach Library Join us every second and fourth Thursday of the month at 10am for art workshops by Jenny! Jenny will cover various types of art – from sketching with charcoals to painting with watercolours and acrylics - morning tea provided.

“They say never choose a book by its cover.” I chose this book because of the author. Julia Baird was the first presenter on the ABC TV Current Affairs programme “The Drum”. This is her first book; I hope it isn’t her last. Queen Victoria came to the throne as a teenager, married Albert, a German “princeling’, had nine children, and was a widow for 40 years. These are the bare facts of an extremely complicated, efficient and clever woman at a time when legally women were chattels of their husband; expected to keep house and keep quiet. Julia Baird writes succinctly and is very readable. She obviously has a great sympathy and understanding of her subject. This isn’t just the story of a queen, it is the story of a woman who married her first love who helped her become a queen and a force in the land. In addition to her journalistic qualifications, Julia Baird has a PHD in history and was a fellow at a J.F. Kennedy school at Harvard. At present she is ill with recurring cancer. Like Queen Victoria, Julia Baird is quite a woman.

Rainbow Beach Ph: 5486 3705

Tin Can Bay Ph: 5486 4355

Monday and Thursday 9.30am – 12.30pm Wednesday and Friday 2pm – 5pm Saturday 9am – 12 noon

Monday and Wednesday 9am – 12.30pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9am – 5pm Saturday 8.30am – 11.30am April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 23

Out and About

White for a Night in Rainbow Beach

Above: Nigel-la Worthington comes between Costa and Kay-Lynne Ladas

Above: The sixty plus guests enjoyed a fine night of food and fun at an indoor chic picnic at the Community Hall

Left: A big thank you to the organisers Trish Torenbeek, Glenys Badcock and Lindy Orwin - here they hand over a “mingle-bingo” prize to Fiona Worthington

Above: Best dressed female and male: Tracy Hopf and Andrew Hawkins

Below: Enjoying pre dinner aperitifs: Dean Hayes, Phill Horne, Andrea Hayes, Matt and Bernie O’Connell and Daz Gauld

Rebecca Gilmore and Selina Palmer quiz each other to fill out their “bingo” card

More photos on facebook: www.facebook.com/RainbowBeachCommunityNews

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Entertainment included the organisers putting on an impressive Fire Twirling Show with the help of Tina and Adrian we all had a try! Twirling without the fire, that is.

Rainbow Beach Police Beat by Senior Constable Mick Emery

Unnecessary tragedy A

COUPLE OF months back we reported about a traffic crash on Rainbow Beach Road that I described at the time as a ‘near miss’. Somehow no-one was killed, despite one of the cars swerving onto the wrong side of the road and causing a head-on collision. The reason for the erratic driving has now become evident – with toxicology results revealing a high concentration of illicit drugs in the driver, who will now face court. I’ve previously made the point that you don’t know the state of the driver coming towards you, and this was again emphasised only weeks ago when yet

another car strayed onto the wrong side of the road before rolling off into the trees. Again there was evidence of drug and alcohol use, only this time the driver was killed. The only good news out of the whole thing was that there was no one coming the opposite way at the time… Now I’ve heard it said that if someone gets blind drunk or stoned before driving into a tree and killing themselves, it may be considered ‘natural selection’. Yet if they end up killing someone else in the process (as could easily have been the case in either of the above two crashes on Rainbow Beach Road) it is nothing short of

an unnecessary tragedy. With that in mind, we continue to breath test and drug test drivers, and welcome any calls about ‘suspect’ drivers. Some recent tip-offs we’ve received go to show that everyone can play their part in keeping our roads free of these dangers. On a lighter note, we recently received an interesting bag of found property at the office - but had trouble finding the owner. The bag had fallen off a ute heading to Fraser and was found to contain an expensive camera and an expensive laptop – but neither had a contact name or number to assist with reuniting them with their owner.

I continued to search through the bag – only to find a sandwich bag containing drugs (needless to say there was no name on that bag either!). About half an hour later a sheepish looking bloke knocked on the door and asked if his bag had been handed in. “Well actually...” I said, pausing for effect, “I have some good news, and some bad news…” The man was reunited with his camera and laptop – and spent a memorable and drug-free weekend on Fraser Island. He then drove home without hitting any trees, and will attend a Drug Diversion program to learn about the health consequences of drug use. A memorable weekend indeed…

International Women’s Day


LL OUR DREAMS can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney’s quote symbolised the 2017 International Women’s Day celebration, as courage was developed through the vehicle of laughter. Ever completed a triathlon sitting in your seat while being chased by a shark, having wheels fall off your bike and running up hills in fits of laughter? Around 20 ladies won gold at the finish line, celebrating with a laughter cocktail and open zipper. Everyone was also given a smile string to take home and wear anytime they need a boost. After the session, participants described

feeling energised, tingly all over, heaps better then when they walked in and just plain happy. Jess Milne from Soul from the Belly would like to thank all participants who took the time out to attend and make the morning a joyous occasion. “The morning tea spread was delicious, thank you to all who helped out.” Make dreams into goals, be bold to create change and be the best you can be, but don’t forget to laugh along the way.

Jess Milne from Soul from the Belly with some of the participants from the International Women’s Day event

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 25

TOURISM UPDATES You can be a part of the New Zealand Fly Drive Promotion T

HE NEW ZEALAND market has been identified as a significant market for us to target - it is cold and wet throughout the winter months, there are direct flights from Auckland to the Sunshine Coast and agents are always looking for new places to send their clients. Plus the Kiwis just want some sun! Heatley Gilmore from the Community News and Rainbow Getaway Holiday Apartments said, “In October last year, Andrew Saunders from Visit Gympie Region and I attended a five-day New Zealand Roadshow in conjunction with other tourism operators from the Sunshine Coast.” He said it was very worthwhile, with over 200 face-to-face meetings with travel and booking agents from Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington. “While I was there to promote Rainbow Getaway, the main focus of my presentation was on the whole of Rainbow Beach and why New Zealanders should visit our wonderful region.” To follow up the initial and ongoing work being undertaken by ourselves and Visit Sunshine Coast, he is taking the bull by the horns, and will create a Rainbow Beach news magazine, to be inserted into the New Zealand Herald, with the

Our Photo of the Month by Garry Hewitt: Brad Hethorn on an early morning ocean paddle if you love photography come to a free Sunset Instameet, Rainbow Beach 5pm – 6pm

Free instameet: April 11


ISIT SUNSHINE Coast (VSC) is delighted to announce Canon Collective will be at Rainbow Beach for a Dive at Wolf Rock, 8am – 2:30pm ($180 bookings required max 6 divers) on April 11 and Sunset Instameet, Rainbow Beach at 4–5.30pm (free to attend). Canon Collective is the education and community relations arm of Canon Cameras and they hold sessions all over Australia to show people how to use their cameras and lend them new equipment to try. See you there! VSC CEO, Simon Latchford welcomed the opportunity, “Destination imagery is

the number one tool to inspire travel and convert bookings to our region. “It tells our Sunshine Coast story in a powerful way, and the levels of engagement we get when we share some of these amazing images on our social channels is just extraordinary. “It’s really exciting to support an initiative that matches our region’s inspirational locations with a group of talented photographers, to capture the best of our diverse landscapes and share this with the rest of the world,” said Mr Latchford.

Dolphin Volunteers take a trip by Norma Sanderson, volunteer

support of Visit Gympie Region and RB Chamber of Commerce and Tourism. It will be focussed on the beauty and wonder of the area, activities you can do and more. Local business owners, now it is your chance to be involved with a product to promote the destination of Rainbow Beach. The booking deadline is April 3 with copy due April 7. By advertising in this promotion, or just supporting it with a financial contribution, you are helping promote the region and we will all benefit. Call Heatley on 0407 660 198 to find out more.

26 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017


OME OF THE dolphin volunteers visited Sea World on the Gold Coast to see Amity (an Australian humpback dolphin just like our dolphins). This Dolphin has been at Sea World since 1979 (and before that at Marine World) and she is now around 62 years old. So these dolphins can have an extended life span. Amity was rescued when she was injured when quite young and would not have survived in the wild. She can be seen by the public in one of the pools and adapts well with the Indo Pacific bottlenose dolphins. Actually, dolphin trainer Dean says, “she is like a surrogate mother to the young dolphins”. We were given VIP treatment by the trainers and we were very impressed by

their methods and love of the animals. We all came away with tears in our eyes after seeing the interaction between trainers and dolphins. Sea World has a junior program with school youngsters learning about the environment and the dolphins. They are privileged to be able to interact in the pool with Echo, a large dark grey off-shore dolphin. Amazing! Of course our dolphins are not trained and are wild, but they do sometimes put on a show with some leaping out of the water and tail slapping. Don’t forget to come see our new calf, Joe. If you are a local, just show your identification at the gate and entry is free. However if you wish to feed, the cost is $5. See you there!

Dive into a local’s special by Fiona Butler, Wolf Rock Dive



AST WEEK, Visit Sunshine Coast (VSC) attended the ATEC Southern Inbound Workshop held on the Gold Coast last month and met with 45 Inbound Tourism Operators (ITOs), as well as

representatives from Tourism and Events Queensland and Tourism Australia. Other attendees from the region included Destination Gympie Region (DGR), and we were fortunate to host inbound tourism

operators. Famils are coming thick and fast, thanks to the hard work of operators, VSC and DGR, showcasing our region to the rest of the world.

Australian Tourism Export Council (ATEC) buyers attended a post workshop by VSC and DGR here and included a Rainbow Beach horse ride

We deliver one of Australia’s best shark dives - here are some of our local grey nurse sharks


OLF ROCK HAS been hampered by the epic swell through March, but when we have managed to get out we’re still seeing large numbers of grey nurse sharks, including some of the tagged sharks. Eagle and manta rays are still gracing us with their visits and with the water a warm 26 and viz at 10—15m our divers are happy! We are pleased to announce we are now running ‘Locals Special’ dive courses. PADI Open Water courses will be running on Mondays, with the fourth week being certification. Locals from Rainbow Beach, Cooloola Cove, Tin Can Bay and Gympie will receive a locals special price when you sign up. Minimum numbers apply. Please contact us for more information and express your interest. Call Wolf Rock Dive on 5486 8004 to find out more.

Australia’s Nature Coast Roadshow T

HE AUSTRALIA’S Nature Coast (ANC) campaign is an international consumer and trade campaign promoting the whole of the Sunshine and Fraser Coast including Noosa and Gympie. DGR Tourism Development Manager, Andrew Saunders says, “I believe that much of the recent interest in the region has been driven by ANC (since 2013) and the success of the 2015 Roadshow.” The Australia’s Nature Coast ITO Roadshow introduces local operators to the

Left: Heatley Gilmore, Rainbow Getaway, Andrew Saunders, DGR and Andrew McCarthy, Rainbow Beach Horserides were the local representatives at the 2017 ANC Inbound Roadshow

key Product Managers - the decision makers of the major Inbound Travel Companies who pass on recommendations and selections of new products to their overseas travel clients/ offices for inclusion in travel itineraries, brochures and marketing programs. In the past it has been attended by Rainbow Ocean Palms, Surf and Sand Safaris, Mary Valley Views and Rainbow Beach Horse Rides. Rainbow Getaway joined the Roadshow in 2017 and visited Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane in an intense week last month. Andrew confirms, “Relationship building and getting to sit one-on-one with the industry is always important and can really make a difference.”

Become a member The next Rainbow Beach Chamber of Commerce and Tourism meeting is on April 5, 5.30pm at Cafe Jilarty, pizza menu available. Find out about the NZ promotion, new events and more!

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 27

Rainbow Beach Over 60s enjoy a morning tea at the Surf Club T

HE FUN LOVING Rainbow Beach Over 60s catch up at the Rainbow Beach Surf Club to enjoy the views and the coffee, 10am on the first Tuesday of each month. They travel to Morning Melodies at the Brolga Theatre Maryborough with Philip Gould and Michele Fitzsmaurice and their show Lloyd Webber and Friends on April 6 and visit Maryborough Zoo in May.

28 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 29

Rainbow Beach Rainbow R E A LBeach TY

RRainbow E A LBeach TY


RAINBOW BEACH RAINBOW BEACH RAINBOW BEACH It’s happening. It’s happening. It’s happening.

Sales activity is increasing. Sales is increasing. increasing. Sales activity activity is We need properties now! We propertiesnow! now! We need need properties

Call Andrew Hawkins Call Andrew Hawkins Call Andrew Hawkins Your local real estate agent Your local local real Your real estate estateagent agent

0408 736 711 0408 736 736 711 711 0408

30 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

07 5486 3900 07 07 5486 54863900 3900

Rainbow Beach Rainbow R E A LBeach TY RRainbow E A LBeach TY


HOLIDAY MAKERS RAINBOW BEACH HOLIDAY MAKERS happening. Are you It’s ready to make a move? Are you ready to make a move? Sales Invest, activity is increasing. Enjoy, Live! Invest, Enjoy, Live! We need properties now!

Rainbow Beach Realty Rainbow Beach Realty Your local real estate agency Call Andrew Hawkins Your local real estate agency 07 5486 3900 Your local real estate agent

07 5486 3900

0408 736 711

07 5486 3900

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 31

Cooloola Coast Visitor’s Guide Rainbow Beach and the Cooloola Coast is home of the Coloured Sands, the majestic Carlo Sandblow and gateway to World Heritage listed Fraser Island. You can feed wild dolphins, visit a historic lighthouse and kayak with the whales.

Rainbow Shores Clarkson Drive has a concrete path for most of the way taking you through wallum and paperbarks. If riding, you can turn left to the industrial area (Karoonda Road) and the return to town via Carlo Road.

Half-day 4WD Tours (5486 3131) or hire your own to Cooloola National Park, Coloured Sands, Double Island Point, Lighthouse, Rainforest and Lake Freshwater. Coloured Sands Starting below the lookout, walk along the beach towards Double Island Point for a kilometre or so to these amazing Coloured sand cliffs, with the best colours around 9 to 10 kilometres along the beach (accessible with a 4wd or Surf and Sand Safari tour) 5486 3131. Carlo Sand Blow A bush walk up to Carlo Sand Blow is a must for every visitor. Drive to the reservoir at the top of Cooloola Drive. The Blow is an easy 600m walk from the car park or take the longer walk from the National Parks Office. Spectacular views of the Coloured Sands, Double Island Point and Tin Can Bay Inlet are the bonus for your efforts. When the thermals are right, you will often see Hang Gliders taking off and landing at this beautiful piece of Nature’s Sculpture. Fraser Island Great Walk A 90 km trail which showcases natural and cultural features of the world’s largest sand island as it meanders between Dilli Village and Happy Valley www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/ parks/great - walks-fraser-island/about. html Cooloola Great Walk A 102 km trail which passes through a rich diversity of vegetation types with spectacular views, connecting Rainbow Beach with Noosa North Shore. www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/ greatwalkscooloola/ index.html Rainforest Walk / Bymien Picnic Area A few kilometres from town, on the Gympie Road, take the Freshwater Road to the left. 3km on a good gravel surface will bring you to Bymien, which is the limit for conventional vehicles. Lake Poona After morning tea or lunch in the picnic area you can venture on some wonderful walks to Lake Poona or through some spectacular Rainforest. Allow 40 minutes to reach Lake Poona. Lake Freshwater Only accessible by 4WD, Tour or Walking. Walking tracks starts at the Bymien picnic area. The round trip from Rainbow Beach will take a full day and requires fitness. Foreshore Tin Can Bay You can walk 4km from Crabs Creek to Norman Point, over picturesque bridges, signage of flora and fauna, through mangroves, playgrounds and outdoor gyms. It is mostly flat – very safe for children on wheels. Start at the playground opposite the library, cycle to Crabs Creek and stop for a coffee, then return to opposite the library. Enjoy the views out to the inlet while the kids enjoy the playground and skatepark. Rainbow Beach 10,000 steps walk – from the headland behind the Surf Tower and Playground to Carlo Road. Paths are perfect for bicycles, scooters and skateboards.

4x4 Hire Rainbow Beach 4x4 Hire 5486 8300 Rainbow Beach Adventure Centre 4WD Hire 5486 3288

Double Island Point (DIP) has the longest break in Australia (when the swell lines up. (4WD only) Surf School & Board Hire Learn to surf with the experts at Rainbow Beach Surf Centre on the best and one of the longest beginner waves in Australia. 0408 738 192 Stand up paddle tour The 2 hour tour on offer is a basic introduction to SUP to anybody who would like to see what its all about.With all of our equipment catered for the beginner, also the flat water of Pelican Bay/ Carlo Point this is a fantastic tour for scenery and also the whole family to enjoy, it’s just so easy to participate. 0408 738 192 Seary’s Creek 7km from town towards Gympie, with 2 waterholes, boardwalks, bridges and history – do read the sign and spot the creatures. Always cool on the hottest of days.

walk 4WD back to nature swim, surf and on the water fish extreme adventure national parks family fun accommodation annual events plus Scuba Diving A popular spot for the scuba enthusiast is at Wolf Rock, off Double Island Point. World class diving on Fraser Island’s doorstep, phone Wolf Rock Dive Centre on 5486 8004. Hang Gliding & Paragliding Carlo Sand Blow is one of the top spots for hand gliders in Queensland with the National Championships being held there each January. With a take off of 300ft and a soarable ridge of 12 kilometres long and about 500ft high, Carlo Sand Blow is definitely the place to go. Fliers should be of Hang2 standard, fly in north easterly winds and remember landing in the bathing reserve is prohibited. Wind surf off the surfing beach or in Tin Can Bay Inlet, taking off from Carlo Point.

Rainbow Beach Aquatic Centre and Tin Can Bay Pool offers squad, learn to swim, water aerobics and more. Sailing And Cruising If you love the wonderful peace and relaxation of sailing or cruising, the sheltered waters of the Great Sandy Strait are for you. You may see dugong, turtles, dolphins and more. Great Sandy Strait Cruises and Sunset Cruises 0428 838 836

Dolphin Ferry 35 minutes by ferry to view the dolphins at TIn Can Bay 7am daily 0428 838 836

By Canoe Explore the mangrove fringed waters of Carlo Creek, Carlo Island and Tin Can Bay Inlet Carlo Point Boat Hire 0405 818 277

Dolphin Viewing/Feeding at Tin Can Bay just a thirty minute drive to Tin Can Bay through Cooloola Cove and you can see the Dolphins at Barnacles Dolphin Centre, Norman Point at around 7 – 7.30am each day, feeding time is 8.00am. Charges apply. Come and have a look around this pretty little town while you are there. 5486 4899 Turtle Tours Paddle in double seated ocean kayaks along the edge of the mangroves at Pelican Bay on this two hour tour, you quietly encounter all types of sea life from turtles to rays to the odd dolphin. 0408 738 192 Sea Kayaking Dolphin View Sea Kayaking: A unique experience - see dolphins, whales (seasonal), manta rays, turtles and more 0408 738 192 Horseride with professional guides on our World Heritage Listed Beach. 04121RIDES Tin Can Bay Foreshore Bird Walk – 137 species with best viewing spots on the brochure. Tin Can Bay Wildflower Walk spectacular wildflower species, all on the brochure.

Probably one of Rainbow’s greatest attractions would have to be the abundant opportunity for fishing. Fishing, in all its styles, is available right on our doorstep. Beach fishing has unlimited scope with nearly 100kms of beach to choose from. Varieties include Bream, Whiting, Tailor, Dart, Jew and Flathead. Estuary fishing in Tin Can Bay Inlet, through the Inskip Point area and up the Great Sandy Strait is perfect for those with a boat or the wish to hire one. Access is from an efficient boat ramp at Carlo Point. Another ramp is located at Bullock Point. Boat and Kayak Hire Carlo Point Boat Hire 0405 818 277 Charter Boats Excellent reef fishing is only a few miles offshore and charter trips can be arranged through Rainbow Beach Fishing Charters on 0439 775 070 or Keely Rose Reef Fishing Charters on 0407 146 151. The reefs off Rainbow yield Red Emperor, Sweet lip, Snapper, Pearl Perch, Parrot and Coral Trout.

Our safe beach is patrolled between September - March. ALWAYS SWIM BETWEEN THE FLAGS. Surfing The most popular area is near the Surf Tower. Note Surfing In Bathing Area Is Prohibited.

32 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

extreme adventure Kitesurfing Lessons Learn to kitesurf with very experienced instructors from Rainbow Beach Surf Centre. 0408 738 192

Cooloola Sand, wind and water have sculpted a varied landscape at Cooloola, the largest remnant of coastal vegetation on the southern Queensland’s mainland. High sand dunes, coloured sand cliffs, sweeping beaches, sandblows, freshwater lakes, tall forests, paperbark swamps and wildfl ower heath make the Cooloola Recreation Area a spectacular part of the Great Sandy National Park. www.nprsr. qld.gov. au/parks/cooloola/index Inskip Peninsula is a narrow, sandy finger of land built up by wind and waves. It forms a natural breakwater at the entrance to Tin Can Inlet and Great Sandy Strait. Inskip is a gateway to World Heritagelisted Fraser Island. Beach she oaks, cypress pine and other coastal trees and shrubs shade the very popular camping areas ringed by open ocean beaches and sheltered estuary shores. All are within 15 minutes drive to Rainbow Beach. Most of the peninsula is protected as a Recreation Area. www.nprsr.qld.gov. au/parks/inskip-peninsula/index The Great Sandy Marine Park extends from Baffl e Creek in the north to Double Island Point in the south. It includes Hervey Bay, Great Sandy Strait, Tin Can Bay Inlet and the waters off the east coast of Fraser Island, seaward to three nautical miles. Seagrass meadows, mangroves, rocky shores, reefs, sandy beaches, bays, sheltered channels, rivers, creeks and estuaries host a wealth of wildlife including whales, turtles, dugong, grey nurse sharks, fish, corals, birds and more. www. nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/great -sandymarine/ index Fraser Island is the world’s largest sand island and an area of remarkable natural beauty. Growing on seemingly infertile sands are a great variety of plant communities ranging from coastal heath, mangrove forests and swamps to subtropical rainforest. The many archaeological remains found on Fraser Island record thousands of years of culture and tradition, and provide important links to their past for the Butchulla people. The island is 123 km long and covers an area of 166,038 ha, so you need to allow plenty of time to explore and appreciate it. www. nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/fraser/index

Visitor’s Guide Local Groups

Page 39 Fishing and Boating VISITOR UIDE Fishing &G Boating

Sponsored by:

Tourist Centre

Cooloola Coast Visitor’s Guide

to Inskip Point and crossing in the barge. Unless you intend holidaying Fraser Rainbow Beach Flying Servicesonoffer a Island, most probably bestbut way of daily service to Fraseryour Island, prior seeing all its is to take a 1 day or 2 bookings arebeauty required. Remember that day tour. Or you can make the trip in your going independently, a permit is required own drivingfrom up the or beach . and 4WD, is available theroad National Parks Offi ce. To Inskip Point and crossing in the barge.

Markets – Saturdays Saturday Markets 1st3rd Cooloola Cove Veterans and - Tin Can Bay Community Hall 0499 110 944 2nd & 4th Rainbow Beach Centreblock 5483 4866 3rd Tin Can Bay 0418 711 897 Sundays Top Shop Craft Market 0413 716 491

Rainbow Beach Flying Services offer a daily service to Fraser Island, but prior bookings are required. Remember that going independently, a permit is required and is available from the National Parks Office.

family fun Playgrounds North and South of the Playgrounds North and South of the Headland and Rainbow Shores


Headland and Rainbow Shores

Playrooms Pub and and Sport SportClub Club Playrooms at at the the Pub Family Family friendly friendly directory directory

Cooloola Coast Realty www.accommodationrainbowbeach.com.au 07 5486 3411 Rainbow Beach Holiday Village

Cooloola Coast Realty www.rainbowbeachholidayvillage.com www.accommodationrainbowbeach.com.au 07 5486 3222 07 5486 3411

get active

Rainbow Beach Realty 07 5486 3900 Rainbow Beach Realty www.rainbowbeachrealty.com www.rainbowbeachrealty.com 07Rainbow 5486 3900Getaway Holiday Resort

Bowls There is a lawn green at the Rainbow Beach Sports Recreation & Memorial Club where visitors are most welcome. 5486 3191 Tennis Two courts are available at the Sports & Recreation Club. Bookings 5486 3191

VISITOR GUIDE UPDATE Golf A par 3, 9 hole golf course is located

atOur Rainbow Shores Resort. of the advertisers are Members given further public are very welcome. Rainbow Shores promotion through the Cooloola Coast Social Golf Club (0429 668 255) stages Visitor’s Guide. regular competitions. A picturesque course willalso be attracts updated month atThe Tin guide Can Bay allnext golf addicts to include all our current advertisers. from this area. Yoga, IfDarts, you Pool, would likeTai toChi, be Sailing, listed, Pilates, please Zumba, 5486 Fitness3561. Classes (see What’s On) contact

www.rainbowgetaway.com.au Rainbow Getaway Holiday Resort 07 54863500 www.rainbowgetaway.com.au 07 5486 3500

plus... Clubs, Restaurants and Eateries (many Clubs, Restaurants and Eateries (many are Breastfeeding Welcome Here venues) are Breastfeeding Welcome Here venues)

Library and Xbox) Xbox) Library (Internet (Internet and Heritageand andFood Food Trails Heritage Trails Pamper YourselfYourself- Massages, Pamper Massages, Hair Hair Salon Salon and Beauty Treatments and Beauty Treatments Playgrounds, Skatepark, Bike riding

Playgrounds, Skatepark, Bike riding

Rainbow Waters Holiday Park

Rainbow Beach Resort www.rainbowwaters.com.au www.rainbowshores.com.au 07 54863200 5486 3999 Sleepy Lagoon Hotel/Motel

Rainbow Waters Holiday Park www.tincanbayhotelmotel.com.au www.rainbowwaters.com.au 07 54864124 07 5486 3200 Motorhome hire (sleeps 6) Tin0407 Can Bay Caravan Park 660198

www.tincanbaytouristpark.com.au 5486 4411to Queensland Parks and Wildlife Thanks Service to forQueensland their assistance. Thanks Parks and Wildlife Service for their assistance.

Page 39

annual events

January “Brushes by the Sea” Rainbow January Beach Artby & the Craft Festival “Brushes Sea” Rainbow February Cooloola Crocs Swimming Beach Art & Craft Festival Carnival February Cooloola Crocs Day Swimming April Anzac Parade Carnival April Anzac Parade May Bay Day to Bay Yacht Race May Bay to BayRainbow Yacht RaceBeach Family June/July June/July Rainbow Beach Family Fishing Classic July 4-12 Fishing Classic August Rainbow Beach Triathlon August Rainbow Beach Lion’s Club Annual Kite Rainbow Beach/Trail Runs Festival Rainbow Beach Triathlon September Tin Can Bay Seafood September Festival Rainbow Beach Festival October Rainbow Beach Invitations Tin Can Bay Seafood Festival Fours Bowls Tournament October Tin Can Bay Ambulance Flower Show Rainbow Beach Invitations Fours Bowls October Rainbow Beach Nippers Tournament Carnival Cooloola Coast Ambulance Flower Show November Rainbow Beach/Trail Runs Rainbow Beach Nippers Carnival December Tin Can Bay Foreshore December Family Nights Christmas Concert Beach Lions Club Twilight TinRainbow Can Bay Foreshore Family Nights Christmas and Afternoon Markets “The Tents”Concert Rainbow Beach Holiday “The Tents” Rainbow Beach Holiday Program Program See What’s On Onpage page more See our our What’s forfor more on on Things ThingstotoDo. Do.Suggestions, Suggestions,amendments amendmentsor to add business to the visitor guide or to your add your business to the visitor pleaseguide call 07 5486 or email please call3561 07 5486 3561 info@ rbcn.com.au . info@ rbcn.com.au or email

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 33

Fishing & Boating

Rainbow Beach Fishing Charters






Local Time APRIL m








LAT 24° 58’ LONG 153° 21’ Times and Heights of High and Low Waters JUNE JULY

0354 1006 1606 2242

0.79 1.70 0.72 1.75

0502 1108 SA 1655 2346


0.75 1.61 0.64 1.97

0522 1055 SU 1628 2335


0.91 1.43 0.81 1.81

0619 1209 MO 1734


0.79 1.43 0.80

0602 1120 TU 1642 2354


0.88 1.34 0.85 1.79

0442 1043 1639 2326

0.89 1.60 0.77 1.73

2 0616 1210

0.85 1.48 0.76

17 0626 1142

0.96 1.35 0.88

2 0036 0734

2.02 0.83 1.39 0.90

17 0701 1218

0.90 1.30 0.91

0541 1124 1717

0.97 1.50 0.83

3 0054 0743

1.92 0.90 1.40 0.85

18 0025 0737

1.74 0.97 1.29 0.93

3 0146 0851

1.94 0.83 1.42 0.96

18 0049 0802

1.72 0.87 1.29 0.95

0017 0653 1211 1804

1.69 1.03 1.40 0.87

4 0211 0914

1.90 0.88 1.39 0.89

19 0127 0850

1.69 0.94 1.27 0.95

4 0254 0957

1.88 0.79 1.50 0.95

19 0152 0901

1.69 0.81 1.34 0.94

0118 0817 1311 1902

1.66 1.04 1.31 0.90

5 0324 1025

1.90 0.81 1.45 0.87

20 0237 0949

1.68 0.85 1.32 0.92

5 0358 1048

FR 1706 2239

1.83 0.74 1.59 0.91

20 0257 0952

1.68 0.71 1.44 0.88

0230 0938 1429 2013

1.65 1.00 1.27 0.90

6 0428 1117

1.91 0.74 1.53 0.81

21 0340 1036

1.71 0.73 1.41 0.83

6 0454 1127

SA 1753 2333

1.79 0.69 1.68 0.85

21 0355 1037

1.71 0.59 1.57 0.80

0338 1035 1552 2133

1.68 0.90 1.29 0.85

7 0522 1156

1.91 0.68 1.62 0.74

22 0434 1116

1.77 0.60 1.54 0.72

0541 1200 SU 1831

1.75 0.65 1.76

22 0447 1116

0434 1118 1700 2240

1.74 0.78 1.37 0.75

8 0607 1229

1.90 0.63 1.70

23 0521 1153

1.83 0.47 1.68 0.62

0017 0621 MO 1229 1906

0.80 1.71 0.62 1.83

0520 1156 1750 2332

1.82 0.65 1.47 0.64

9 0028 0647

0.69 1.88 0.59 1.77

24 0604 1227

1.88 0.38 1.83

0057 0657 TU 1254 1939

0601 1231 1831

1.90 0.53 1.58

10 0107 0722

0.66 1.85 0.58 1.83

25 0037 0646

0.54 1.90 0.31 1.97

0016 0639 1306 1909

0.55 1.96 0.43 1.69

11 0144 0754

0.66 1.79 0.59 1.87

26 0122 0730

0.49 1.89 0.29 2.10

0057 0717 1339 1947

0.48 2.00 0.36 1.81

12 0220 0826

0.69 1.73 0.61 1.90

27 0210 0817

0.49 1.84 0.32 2.18

0137 0757 1412 2028

0.45 2.01 0.33 1.91

13 0256 0859

0.73 1.66 0.64 1.91

28 0302 0907

0.54 1.75 0.41 2.21

0220 0841 1448 2112

0.46 1.97 0.35 1.99

14 0338 0934

0.79 1.59 0.69 1.90

29 0402 1001

0.62 1.64 0.53 2.18

0307 0926 1527 2159

0.52 1.88 0.41 2.02

15 0425 1013

0.85 1.51 0.75 1.87

30 0508 1059

0.71 1.52 0.67 2.11

0400 1015 1609 2249

0.63 1.76 0.52 2.01

Full Moon

SU 1751

MO 1334 1859 TU 1500 2023 WE 1618 2150 TH 1721 2255 FR 1809 2346 SA 1848

SU 1300 1924 MO 1330 1958 TU 1356 2029

WE 1420 2102 TH 1447 2136 FR 1517 2211

SA 1551 2251

MO 1710

TU 1241 1807

WE 1402 1921 TH 1529 2047 FR 1634 2206

SA 1723 2304

SU 1805 2353

MO 1845

TU 1302 1925

WE 1337 2008 TH 1417 2054 FR 1459 2143

SA 1545 2235

SU 1635 2332

TU 1330 1844 WE 1451 2003 TH 1606 2130

WE 1736

TH 1335 1845

FR 1459 2007

Last Quarter

Phillips Time with m TimeAbove: Dan m

0024 0121emperor 1.92 0817 0.81 0719 1.44 1304 FR TH 1430Right: Jem Cooper 1940 0.97 1820



FR 1544 2104

1.81 0.80 1.51 1.00

3 0323 1014

17 0119 0814 SA 1422 1934

4 0421 1056

SU 1733 2320







0047 0725 SU 1344 1909


1.65 0.71 1.39 0.91

0254 0932 TU 1639 2249


1.37 0.79 1.59 0.97

0236 0840 WE 1547 2223


1.36 0.68 1.65 0.86

1.68 0.76 1.35 0.93

2 0240 0932

1.60 0.79 1.56 1.02

17 0145 0820

1.56 0.69 1.46 0.94

2 0405 1023

1.31 0.76 1.67 0.90

17 0356 0956

1.32 0.65 1.77 0.75

1.51 0.76 1712 1.64 the TCB Fishing MO 2306 0.98

18 0253 0919

1.49 0.65 1.58 0.90

3 0515 1107

1.29 0.71 1.74

18 0507 1058

1.33 0.58 1.90

19 0402 1017

1.44 0.60 1.73 0.82

4 0034 0612

0.81 1.29 0.65 1.80

19 0022 0608

0.64 1.38 0.49 2.01

5 0113 0656

0.73 1.31 0.59 1.85

20 0106 0658

0.54 1.45 0.40 2.09

SU 1619 2157


1.72 0220 1.64 0.77 0908 0.70 1.60Saturday 1.44 April 8, SA 1645 On SU 1534 2220 0.98 2055 0.92



1.71 0.81 1.49 to 1.02

think of this amberjack!

2 0222 0921

a beautiful Time red m

Local Time AUGUST

1.73 0144 0835 0.80 1.31too sure SA 1512 not what 2034 0.91

3 0340 1021

Club are hosting the Sunfish Junior 1.61 1.65 1.45 Day at Norman Point.0.72 19 0321 4 0442 0959 0.62 0.73Fishing 1102 1.68 MO 1632 1.57 TU 1755 1.72 now at 0437 242 171. 0.86 0.93 Book 2213

5 0514 1132

1.59 0.69 1.76

20 0420 1044

1.59 0.54 1.73 0.78

6 0008 0559

TU 1202 1850

0.88 1.55 0.66 1.83

21 0515 1127

1.58 0.46 1.89

1.73 0.48 1.73 0.70

0050 0639 WE 1228 1923

0.84 1.51 0.64 1.88

22 0018 0607

23 0535 1153

1.75 0.39 1.89

0130 0716 TH 1254 1956

0.80 1.48 0.62 1.93

0.77 1.66 0.61 1.89

24 0021 0622

0.62 1.75 0.33 2.05

0207 0751 FR 1324 2028

10 0133 0730

0.75 1.62 0.60 1.93

25 0112 0711

0.56 1.74 0.31 2.19

11 0209 0803

0.75 1.57 0.61 1.96

26 0206 0802

12 0247 0836

0.76 1.53 0.63 1.98

13 0328 0912

MO 1503 2034 TU 1611 2211

WE 1708 2327

WE 1728 2348 TH 1810

FR 1146 1847

TH 1650 2331 FR 1745

SA 1151 1833

5 0000 0538

0.92 1.41 0.68 1.79

20 0506 1110

1.42 0.53 1.89

6 0047 0626

TH 1209 1910

0.85 1.38 0.65 1.85

21 0025 0605

0.71 1.43 0.46 2.03

6 0146 0733

SU 1259 1956

0.66 1.34 0.53 1.88

21 0146 0744

0.47 1.53 0.35 2.12

0.70 1.58 0.40 2.05

0128 0709 FR 1240 1944

0.79 1.37 0.61 1.89

22 0116 0659

0.61 1.47 0.39 2.16

0218 0806 MO 1336 2028

0.61 1.37 0.50 1.90

22 0226 0828

0.43 1.59 0.35 2.10

23 0113 0700

0.61 1.58 0.36 2.19

0205 0747 SA 1313 2017

0.74 1.37 0.59 1.92

23 0203 0752

0.53 1.52 0.35 2.23

0251 0837 TU 1411 2059

0.57 1.40 0.49 1.90

23 0307 0911

0.44 1.62 0.42 2.01

0.77 1.45 0.61 1.96

24 0208 0755

0.55 1.58 0.36 2.28

0240 0821 SU 1349 2051

0.71 1.37 0.58 1.93

24 0251 0843

0.48 1.55 0.37 2.23

0324 0909 WE 1446 2132

0.55 1.43 0.51 1.88

24 0347 0954

0.49 1.62 0.53 1.88

10 0245 0826

0.76 1.43 0.62 1.97

25 0302 0851

0.52 1.57 0.40 2.30

10 0317 0854

0.69 1.38 0.58 1.92

25 0339 0934

0.49 1.57 0.44 2.16

10 0358 0945

0.54 1.46 0.55 1.84

25 0427 1036

0.57 1.60 0.67 1.74

0.53 1.70 0.34 2.28

11 0325 0901

0.76 1.42 0.64 1.96

26 0358 0947

0.54 1.55 0.49 2.24

11 0354 0928

0.68 1.38 0.60 1.90

26 0427 1024

0.54 1.55 0.55 2.04

11 0432 1026

0.55 1.48 0.62 1.77

26 0504 1120

0.65 1.56 0.80 1.60

27 0304 0856

0.54 1.64 0.42 2.30

12 0408 0938

0.76 1.40 0.68 1.92

27 0453 1045

0.60 1.51 0.61 2.13

12 0432 1005

0.68 1.39 0.65 1.86

27 0514 1114

0.62 1.51 0.70 1.88

12 0508 1112

0.58 1.48 0.71 1.68

27 0542 1210

0.72 1.54 0.91

0.78 1.49 0.66 1.97

28 0404 0954

0.59 1.57 0.53 2.25

13 0453 1018

0.78 1.38 0.73 1.87

28 0546 1143

0.67 1.47 0.74

13 0512 1047

0.69 1.38 0.71 1.80

28 0600 1206

0.70 1.48 0.83

13 0549 1205

0.61 1.48 0.81

28 0007 0626

1.47 0.77 1.52 0.97

14 0416 0951

0.81 1.44 0.72 1.93

29 0506 1055

0.65 1.49 0.67 2.16

14 0540 1103

0.80 1.34 0.79 1.80

29 0000 0640

1.99 0.75 1.44 0.87

14 0553 1136

0.71 1.37 0.78

29 0011 0646

1.73 0.76 1.46 0.95

14 0018 0636

1.57 0.65 1.49 0.89

29 0059 0719

1.35 0.81 1.53 0.98

15 0507 1033

0.85 1.39 0.78 1.87

30 0608 1202

0.73 1.44 0.80

15 0628 1157

0.81 1.32 0.86

30 0051 0736

1.84 0.79 1.44 0.96

15 0000 0636

1.73 0.71 1.36 0.85

30 0057 0737

1.59 0.79 1.47 1.01

15 0117 0732

1.45 0.68 1.54 0.92

30 0208 0821

1.26 0.82 1.56 0.92

31 0021 0711

2.04 0.79 1.42 0.90

31 0151 0834

1.47 0.80 1.52 1.02

31 0327 0927

1.20 0.80 1.62 0.84

7 8 9

WE 1318 2010 TH 1344 2041 FR 1414 2114

SA 1448 2149

SU 1523 2227

MO 1600 2308

SA 1605 2129

SU 1656 2236

MO 1741 2331 TU 1823

WE 1231 1906 TH 1311 1951

FR 1355 2040

SA 1443 2132

SU 1534 2225

MO 1629 2322 TU 1727

WE 1314 1830

Ph: 5486 8555 Ph: 5486 5486 8300 8555 Ph: Ph: 5486 8300



MO 1814




SA 1357 2101

SU 1432 2136

MO 1509 2213 TU 1547 2252

WE 1629 2336 TH 1718

TU 1722 2320

WE 1808

TH 1210 1854 FR 1256 1941

SA 1344 2032

SU 1436 2124

MO 1528 2217 TU 1622 2309

WE 1715

TH 1245 1811 FR 1356 1915

WE 1137 1834




MO 1424 2124 TU 1500 2159

WE 1538 2236 TH 1618 2316 FR 1703

SA 1233 1800

 Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2015, Bureau of Meteorology Datum of Predictions is Lowest Astronomical Tide Times are in local standard time (Time Zone UTC +10:00) Moon Phase Symbols New Moon First Quarter

rainbowbeachtowing.com.au rainbowbeachtowing.com.au rainbowbeach4X4hire.com.au rainbowbeach4X4hire.com.au

34 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

TH 1758

FR 1159 1845

SA 1247 1933

SU 1337 2022

MO 1427 2111 TU 1516 2159

WE 1605 2246 TH 1654 2329 FR 1746

SA 1306 1848

SU 1419 2006

MO 1536 2133

Full Moon

SA 1223 1923




TH 1522 2208 FR 1603 2247

SA 1649 2330

SU 1746

MO 1311 1858 TU 1433 2039

SU 1238 1918

MO 1325 2003 TU 1410 2046

WE 1455 2128 TH 1539 2209 FR 1625 2246

SA 1715 2324

SU 1818

MO 1311 1935 TU 1425 2104

WE 1539 2223 TH 1640 2321

Last Quarter

Fishing & Boating

Keely Rose Fishing Charters

Matt with a beautiful pair of Rainbow Beach scarlet sea perch

RT and Julie were first timers offshore and had their hearts set on catching tuna. The Keely Rose delivered and the girls had an awesome day

Michael has done plenty of offshore trips elsewhere and this Gold Spot cod was his PB, caught on the Keely Rose

Tin Can Bay Fishing Club News


IN CAN BAY Fishing Club members were recently hosted by the Wondai Fishing Club at Lake Boondooma where members enjoyed the camaraderie, friendship and lake fishing. Members caught a number of good sized yellow belly, bass and red claw during the few days that we were there. We all enjoyed the friendly social and

BBQ dinner served to our members by the Wondai Club. The Clean Up Australia Day event in Tin Can Bay was very successful with 79 persons of all ages joining in, showing that they cared and took pride in our local parklands and foreshores and wanted to help remove as much litter as possible. We would like to thank all the clubs who

joined us, including QF 17 Coastguard Tin Can Bay, the TCB Girl Guides, C and K Tin Can Bay Kindy, TCB Lions Club, members of the TCB Fishing Club and all members of our community who participated in this important event. We would also like to thank Elli Webb from the Gympie Regional Council who arranged and provided all the cold drinks

and sausages for the BBQ, and we thank Woolworths, Cooloola Cove and the Lee Fishing Company for their generous support and contribution. Our congratulations to Derek Andrews who was the winner of last month’s Club Fishing Competition. Derek caught a 4.039 kg grassy sweetlip.

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 35

Clean Up Australia!

Let’s not wait until next year to pick up rubbish - there are many residents who bring back rubbish from our beaches and foreshores every day. Imagine if we all joined in what a difference it would make!

Nippers helped on 2017 Clean Up Australia Day Image Garry Hewitt

Left: In Tin Can Bay, 11 year old Lilliana proudly represented Victory College with her 8 year old brother Joseph - parents Jasmine and Leon Benn relocated here only a few weeks ago and said it was a great opportunity to get amongst things and help the kids build a sense of belonging in their beautiful new home town Images supplied

36 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

Right & below: 79 people registered for the TCB Fishing Club clean up who finished at Norman Point, including other volunteer groups who joined and assisted the club


Congratulations school leaders! by Principal Micheal Grogan


AST MONTH, we formally introduced our school leaders. I would like to thank MP Llew O’Brien and everyone who celebrated this significant achievement for our leaders. Our key message to our leaders is that leadership is about your actions, not your position. I am sure that we will see through their actions that we have eight very capable student leaders for 2017. At the Gympie Primary Leaders’ Day, we learnt about how to be a great leader and what it is to be a responsible role model. We merged into groups with other schools and had to use communication in all teamwork activities. The gold rush challenge was where one person from every group was blindfolded. Their group had to guide that one person to a bit of gold, then to the end of the course before the next person in the team could go. The aim of the Leaders’ Day was goal setting. For example, we had to set a goal for how far up the climbing wall we wanted to go.

Sports Captain Luxie Leigh, Principal Micheal Grogan, Vice Captain Mikayla, Sports Captain Jasper, Vice Captain Clive, and front: School Captain Sophie, Sports Captain Tia, Sports Captain Summer, Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien and School Captain Nathan Images supplied

There was an informative session with retired Brisbane Broncos players, Paul Dyer and Darren Burns. They talked about goal setting, healthy living and having successful relationships. Perhaps the most inspirational of them all was keynote speaker, Lorin Nicholson who talked about functioning in society as a legally blind citizen. Despite his disability, he is a successful author and musician. We all finished the day feeling motivated.

items only. Please drop items into office, or contact Brooke: 0412 132 699.

Brekky and fitness club

We’ve been having lots of fun at fitness club from 7am and Brekky Club from 7.45am each Thursday. Menus have varied from pumpkin and honey muffins, fruit kebabs, cereal and toast; bacon and eggs, fresh fruit and hot cross buns.

Fitness Club Sessions aren’t simple runs - Wall push-ups, wall snow angels, wall squats, planks, jogs, balance work and stretches. We’d love to see you on Thursday mornings and invite mums and dads to join us for breakfast. Also if you’d like to help out, join in a workout or donate some ingredients, organisers Sarah Booth and Leanne Bosse say they’d “love you forever”.

P&C news

How far did Luxie Leigh travel up the climbing wall at the Leaders’ Day?

We had the hand dryers installed finally and we are planning a Mother’s Day stall! The P&C will be fundraising at this years Hot Rod & Rockabilly Rumble with a Rockabilly Bake Sale and raffle, Sunday April 30. But, we need your help! This is your chance to help the P&C raise money for your school quite effortlessly. A laundry basket needs to be filled! Think; dishwashing liquid, cleaning products, cloths, pegs, laundry powder, Napisan, softener, towels, bath mat, sunscreen, toothbrush/paste, toilet paper, soap, moisturiser, shaving gel, deodorant, paper towel, tea towels, ice bricks, water bottle... Please, new items only. No food/ drink/perishable items, household

Ruby, Ella, “spilt milkshake” Shailah and Ella have a really CRAZY hair day!

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 37


Every day counts!

by Principal Desley Kirby, Tin Can Bay P-10 School


ID YOU KNOW? Research shows that in Queensland, higher student attendance at school is associated, on average, with higher student achievement. Why is regular attendance at school important? Regular school attendance will mean that your child has a better chance in life. Children who go to school all day every day: learn better, make friends, are happier and have a brighter future. Why must I send my child to school? Under Queensland law, you must make sure your child of school age is enrolled and attends school all day, every school day unless they have an acceptable reason. Illness, doing work experience or competing in a school sporting event are acceptable reasons for being absent from school. Principals decide if the reason given for your child’s absence is acceptable. Avoid keeping your child away from school for: birthdays, shopping, visiting family and friends, looking after other children, minor check-ups or care such as haircuts. Are you having problems getting your child to school for some of these reasons? • won’t get out of bed in the morning • slow to eat breakfast • hasn’t done their homework • won’t go to bed at night • watching TV • have a test or presentation to do, have an assignment to hand in • can’t find their uniform, books, school bag. If so, a set routine can help by having a: • set time to go to bed, get out of bed, for

Year 4 students Xander Murphy, Sarah Gray, Harmonie Milesi, Lauren Lewis and Grace Reeves were checking out the P&C’s Book Show

daily homework activities and starting and finishing breakfast • uniform and school bag ready the night before • firm approach • rule to speak about school positively. Send your child to school every school day including their birthday and the last day of term! What should I do if my child won’t go to school? You should contact us as soon as possible for advice and support. Our school staff works hard to develop positive relationships with our families and are always there to assist families working with us to make a difference for their child.


The Auskick Program will commence in Term 2.

Chaplaincy News

Triple P – Positive Parenting Program gives participants a range of practical strategies to help make parenting more enjoyable. The group is being facilitated by Chappy Ronnie and the parents attending are gaining new insights into why children act as they do and how their behaviour can be changed. Triple P helps you: • Raise happy, confident kids • Encourage behaviour you like • Manage misbehaviour so everyone in the family enjoys life more • Take care of yourself as a parent • Set rules and routines that everyone respects and follows • Feel confident you’re doing the right thing. There are other options to access the helpful positive parenting strategies provided by Triple P, including an online eight-module course you do whenever, wherever you want, or you can call the Triple P Parentline on 1300 30 1300 for the cost of a local call, seven days a week, from 8am to 10pm. If you would like to enrol in the next parenting group which will start on Wednesday May 3 and run for four weeks, reserve your place by contacting Chappy Ronnie on 0413 135 867 or email: ronniet@ chappy.org.au For more information about Triple P, hop on the website at www.triplepparenting.net.au

P&C news

On Tuesday, April 18, the P&C are holding their meeting. Families are always encouraged to become involved in the P&C as a great way to communicate and work in partnership with the school. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6pm in the School’s admin office.


38 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

Above: Balin Nash and Tristan Daltrey tied for 10 year old boys cross country age champions! Below: Indianna Sinclair runs in the Cross Country


Congratulations Age Champions

It is all fun and games on the break up day!

Nippers end the season

by Nerissa Legge, Junior Activities Co-ordinator


E’VE ALL SURVIVED another exciting season filled with fun games, activities, beach and surf safety awareness, new skills and fitness. Congratulations to all the 80 Nippers registered with our club this season, I’m sure that each one of you has benefited from the program. I thank: Vicki Schooth, Age Managers and Assistants, Water Safety Team, Ron Organ, Nic Lunney, Michelle Gilmore, Justin Schooth, Tracey and Brad Hethorn, Fiona Worthington, President Shane Handy and committee, Don Reid and all parents who have helped out or contributed throughout the season. (Nerissa’s full speech is

http://rainbowbeachcommunitynews.com.au/ ) Thanks also to Tracey and all the wonderful parents who have helped with the breakup, including Rainbow Beach Fruit for providing the salad and fruit, and supporters for their donations, including Gympie Printing for the attendance certificates. Indiana, Lily and Jasmine Wintle-Legge deserve recognition for attending every single training session throughout the season, as do the all Age Champions listed below! Skill, attendance, attitude, enthusiasm, motivation, behavior and club representation

Age Group

Age Managers

Sleepy Lagoon Hotel Encouragement

Rainbow Sea Most Improved

Cafe Jilarty Most Consistent


Kerri-Lee Sheard

Emelie Dwine

Luke Richardson

Brandi Kenman

Ava Sheard

Tiahna Misso

James Bergin


Brad Hethorn farewell the U14’s and congratulate those who are continuing on the beach as lifesavers



U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14

Remy Hethorn Suzanne Norman

Nerissa Legge Josie Thompson Heatley Gilmore Rebecca Duggan Brad Hethorn

Taylah Rooks

Hannah Cruickshank

QCivil Male *

Cooloola Coast Realty Female *

Luke Lattanzi

Zoe Emery

Ashleigh McKay

Lily Stapleton

Mason Bignell

Ella Falconer

Jake Rooks

Indiana Wintle-Legge

Alex Kingsley

Emily Schooth

Gwen Stapleton

Lotte Klein

Jimmy Duggan

Jasmin White

Eddie Walters

Kayla Meldrum

Archie Gilmore

Matilda Duggan

Casey Dobson

Charlie Kingsley

Alex Brantz

Sophie Schooth

Caleb Letham

Zac Emery

Jack Walter

Abby Schooth

*Prizes sponsored by Sportspower Gympie, Rainbow Fruit, Gympie Veterinary Services, Cooloola Coast Cabinets and Next Generation Electrix

Nerissa Legge, who retires from JAC after three years in the role, congratulates and thanks everyone for a great season

at competitions are assessed for the Most Outstanding Nipper for RBSLSC, sponsored by MP Tony Perrett congratulations Alex Brantz! Well done SRC awardees and especially Under 14’s who have completed their final year of Nippers. Maddy Betteridge, Alex Brantz, Zac, Jorja Duggan, Keely Flaconer, Hugh Gilmore, Abby Schooth and Jasmine Wintle-Legge were presented a prize

sponsored by RBCC Community News and Rainbow Getaway Holiday Apartments. As this is my last year as JAC, I would like to thank you all for your support, the hugely successful seasons and I wish the future JAC all the best for the future! More images: https://www.facebook.com/ RainbowBeachCommunityNews

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 39


Warriors Swim Club by Coach BJ Parton


N THE LAST month, swim club members have been achieving personal goals and competing against other clubs at away meets. Tabitha Permezel attended The Hervey Bay long course meet, and with such a long way to swim for most children her age, Tabitha continues to progress and show outstanding efforts throughout her training and club night times. Warriors Ari Skennerton, Anjelica Geurts, Amanda Geurts, Mason Bignell , Jahli Parton and Tabitha Permezel also attended the Eumundi development swim meet. I give them a big pat on the back, as these are really long days for families and swimmers. Starting at 8.30am and last race for one of our swimmers was 5pm, and Mason showed strength in his final event, using up his last bit of energy and completing a 100m. I’m very proud of all swimmers for their efforts. Just remember, training is an important part of progression, so please, if you would like to improve and push a little harder YOU can and WE are here to help.

Mason Bignell prepares for another race at Eumundi!

The TCB Golf Club Ladies Pennant Team won convincingly against Noosa at Cooroy and look forward to the next match play against Mount Coolum at Noosa.

Congratulations TCB Golf Club winners


T LOOKS LIKE it will be another exciting year for the Tin Can Bay Ladies’ Pennant Golf team. They will be competing in the Bronze Division against Sunshine Coast teams including Noosa, Mount Coolum, Maroochy River, Noosa Springs and Cooroy. Ladies Monthly Medal Winners were: Division 1 – Angie Weise 69 nett; Division 2 – Marie Young 71 nett. Men’s Monthly Medal Winners were: Division 1 – Jon McCarthy 69 nett; Division 2 – Julian Sullivan 67 nett; Division 3 – Alan Malon 70 nett. Veteran’s Monthly Medal Winners were: Division 1 – Neil Low 67 nett; Division 2 – Ross Mapleston 66 nett; Division 3 – Ray Hutchinson 63 nett.

The morning swim squad are all smiles

40 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

With some timely rain during the month, the course is looking green throughout and ready for local and visiting golfers to enjoy. To organise a game, phone 0484 005 266 at the Starters Box.


37th Annual Bay to Bay Trailable Yacht Race


OME AND SEE the Bay to Bay trailable yachts set off from Tin Can Bay Yacht Club on April 29 to sail this approximately 90km along the marine and land habitats of the Great Sandy Strait. Leg 1 is Tin Can Bay to Garrys Anchorage 11am to 4pm on Saturday, overnight between Stewart Island and Fraser Island.

Leg 2 from Garrys Anchorage to Hervey Bay 7.30am to 3.30pm, is on Sunday April 30. Trophy presentation is at 8.00pm on Sunday at the Hervey Bay Boat Club. The event follows a course through what is essentially a sparsely populated wilderness area and conservation park.

Cooloola Coast Little Athletics


HE TEAM MAY be small but a mighty effort was made by all at the last training session of the season. Battling the muggy conditions, athletes pushed through and

2016-17 Athletes with their medals. Back- Lachlan Jensen, Anjelica Geurts, Coach Bill, Hayden Hall. Front- Amanda Geurts, Blake Hall. Absent- Ari Skennerton, Jahli Parton, Kayden Taylor, Ryan Taylor

did a mini cross country before doing their last warm down. With water splashing everywhere and BBQ sizzling we had our end-of-season breakup party. Everyone enjoyed the free time reflecting on the year that had passed. Athlete medal presentations were awarded to all, well done participants! A special congratulation goes to Anjelica Geurts who was awarded the Athlete of the Year trophy. Centre Manager Jess Milne would like to thank Coach Bill McKechnie for donating his time and sharing his many years of experience and wisdom. Also big thumbs up to all the parents for participating in the training sessions and making the Little Athletics motto of Fun Family Fitness come alive. The 2017-18 season sign-on will be held in August, but you can register your details now to be forwarded information as soon as it becomes available. Email ccla2014@outlook.com or call Jess on mobile 0411 218 254 for further information.

Buffer and marine park zones are bounded by the Great Sandy National Park World Heritage Area on Fraser Island to the east and the mainland, including a military reserve, to the west. The Bay to Bay is an inclusive event that values entries from all levels of competitive racing and cruising sailors.



E SAVED THE worst performance ‘til last,” bemoaned Captain Merv O’Neill. After sailing into the Gympie grand final top of the ladder, the Rainbow Beach Cricket Club were disappointed. “We lost the toss, they decided to bat, we dismissed them at 159. At the end of the first day we were 9/52. We got 97 the next day. Then they were all out for 176.” Rainbow Beach needed 238 to win, at the end of the second day it was 3/ 52 and all out for 178. “It was the only time we were dismissed for less than 150 all year!” smiled Merv. “Onwards and upwards, we’ve got young fellas down here involved.” He explains if the club is going to survive, they need to keep the interest with our youth. The team don’t finish the season empty handed, after bringing the One Day Match trophy home, and they only lost two games all season - an impressive result. Players and supporters are all welcome to an end of year presentation at xx on xxx.

10-year-old Seth Parton surfs at Double Island Point

Boardriders hold three events in April Gromms Comp April 15 Sign up at the beach front 8am, for ages 4 to 13. Entry fee will apply for insurance and will include a BBQ lunch and presentation of awards for surfers. Come along for a bit of fun and keep up the tradition with the local surfers. The crew will be there to help with tips and judging, not to mention a few lessons along the day with long time local experts!

Members comps April 8 and 29 Meet at the beach front 7.30am sharp for the destination choice for the day. Only $5 per surfer for a pancake breakfast and BBQ lunch.

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 41

A Little Humour THE LEMON SQUEEZER At a local bar in Tamworth the owner and bartender was so sure that he was the strongest man around that he offered a standing $1000 bet. He would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass, and then hand the lemon to a patron. Anyone who could squeeze three more drops of juice out of it, would win the money. Many people had tried, over the years: weightlifters, lumberjacks, miners, football players etc., but nobody had ever been able to do it. One day, this scrawny little fellow came into the bar, wearing thick glasses and a polyester suit. He sat down, ordered a glass of draft and started looking around the bar. After reading the sign on the wall about the lemon challenge, he said in a meek voice: “I was just reading your sign, and I’d like to try the bet.” After the laughter in the pub had died down, the bartender grabbed a lemon and squeezed the heck out of it..... Then he handed the wrinkled remains of the rind to the little fellow. The crowd’s laughter turned to total silence.... as the man clenched his little fist around the lemon....and six drops fell into the glass!! As the crowd cheered, the owner paid the guy his $1000, and then asked the little man: “Do you mind if I ask what do you do for a living? Are you a lumberjack, footballer, a weight-lifter, or what?” The little fellow quietly replied: “No... I work for the Australian Tax Office.” SHORT AND SWEET Why I don’t trust joggers? Well, they are usually the ones to find the dead bodies. Why won’t Mexicans be sad too long about Trump’s wall? They will get over it. My car horn now sounds like gunshots. People move out of the way much faster recently. Q. Why do the French like to eat snails so much? A.. They can’t stand fast food. A recent scientific study showed that out

of 2,293,618,367 people, 94% are too lazy to actually read that number. 8 p.m. I get an SMS from my girlfriend: Me or football?! 11 p.m. I SMS my girlfriend: You of course. After many years of studying at a university, I’ve finally become a PhD… or Pizza Hut Deliveryman as people call it. Why did the physics teacher break up with the biology teacher? There was no chemistry. I’ve been really depressed lately. A friend told me I should go to the petting zoo perhaps, to cheer up. I went today, but not one person would stroke me. One woman to another: “Wow, you have impressive thigh muscles!” “Yes, I’ve been using public toilets quite often recently.” Funny, those road signs: “Caution - Watch for children!” I mean, how dangerous can a child be? I just got a photo from a speeding camera through the mail. I sent it right back – way too expensive and really bad quality. What is pointless? To tell a bald guy a hairraising story. A snowman sniffs, “Hm, funny, I smell carrots…” I’ve always thought my neighbors were quite nice people. But then they put a password on their Wi-Fi. FAIRY TALE At a psychiatric ward: “Doctor, what should we do with the new guy in room six? He believes he’s a wolf.” Doctor: “Whatever you do, don’t let his grandmother visit!” WISH GRANTED I’m a magical fairy. You can have two wishes. What? But I want three wishes! Very good, granted. You now have two wishes left.

42 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

PULLED OVER Police officer talks to a driver: “Your taillight is broken, your tyres must be exchanged and your bumper hangs halfway down. That will be 300 dollars.” Driver: “Alright, go ahead. They want twice as much as that at the garage.” CANNIBAL LOGIC A cannibal is invited to a teambuilding week in the mountains. The instructions say he can also bring one friend. But when he arrives, he brings ten people. The organiser is shocked: “Come on Alan, what the heck, the invitation said you can only bring one person!” “Yeah, but it also said bring your own food, didn’t it?!” UNLUCKY BREAK A boy breaks an old vase at a rich uncle‘s house. The uncle gets extremely angry and yells: “Do you even know how old the vase was? It was from the 17th century!” The boy sagged in relief: “Oh, good that it wasn’t new.” ON THE HUNT A well-known hunter was once asked if it was true that the jungle predators will never attack a person carrying a lit torch. “That is true,” he responded, “but it does depend at what speed you are carrying that torch.” HONESTY HURTS “You are so sweet!” “Thank you.” “I wish after we had known each other for so long there could be something more between us.” “Yes, me too.” “Wow! Really?” “Yes, a wall for example.” MARRIAGE My wife and I have been married for 43 years and we’ve never even thought about a divorce. Murder, yes. But divorce, no. I shouted at my wife while she was in labour: “Push honey! Come on and push! You have to push harder!”

She said: “Stop talking to me you cretin!” I mean what did she expect? It’s an old car and if she wants to get to the hospital we need to get it started somehow… “Hey Sue, what do you say to a nice walk?” “Oh Harry, that would be lovely!” “Wonderful. Could you bring me some beer and cigarettes on your way back?” The husband in a married couple kept passing wind horribly in bed, for years. It was terrible. His wife suffered greatly and kept nagging him to do something about his indigestion, often saying, “One day, Trevor, your horrible habit is going to force your guts right out!” The husband only made fun of this feeling very macho. So one Christmas day the wife was gutting a turkey for Christmas dinner and had an idea… She took the intestines out and placed them quietly in her sleeping husband’s bed, under the covers. She couldn’t wait for the husband to wake up – and sure enough, in about one hour, Trevor, all white and shaky, came down the stairs: “Mary, by Golly you were right! It did force my guts out! But with the help of our Lord and these two fingers, I set everything right again!” Husband: “Oh the weather is lovely today. Shall we go out for a quick jog?“ Wife: “Hahaha, I love the way you pronounce ‘Shall we go out and have a cake’!” A woman is at a doctor after her husband’s check-up. The doctor looks serious and says, “Mrs Connelly, your husband is very sick. He needs to rest and not get upset. I will prescribe you some sleeping pills.” “Ok,” nods Mrs Connelly, “and how often should he take those?” “Oh, they’re not for him, Mrs Connelly, they’re for you.” When my wife starts to sing I always go out and do some garden work so our neighbors can see there’s no domestic violence going on.


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Gympie Gympie

5480 5555 5480 5588

Caravan Parks Rainbow Waters Caravan Park Tin Can Bay Caravan Park

Rainbow Beach Tin Can Bay

54863200 5486 4411

Cooloola Cove

5486 4004

Rainbow Beach

5486 3471

Tin Can Bay Rainbow Beach

0407 764 661 0421 600 148

Tin Can Bay

5486 2576

ESSENTIAL SERVICES EMERGENCY - AMBULANCE / POLICE / FIRE . . . . . . . 000 SES Flood/Storm Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 500 SES - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3314 SES - Tin Can Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 4604 City Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 2304 Coastguard Tin Cay Bay - VMR 417 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 4290 Community Centre Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3355 Cooloola Coast Medical Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 2488 Doctor - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3078 Doctor - Tin Can Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 4600 ENERGEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 62 62 EPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 130 372 FIRE & RESCUE - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3169 Tin Can Bay Fire Warden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0409 828 414 Rural Fires Goomboorian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0417 793 286 Rural Fires Neerdie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0400 865 132 QPWS Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 9900 QPWS Tewantin (7 days) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5449 7792 Gympie Regional Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 307 800 HOSPITAL - Gympie (ind. Community & Mental Health Services) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5489 8444

5482 7688 5886 4800 5488 0271

Rainbow Cooloola Wholesalers

Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast

0407 022 159 0407 762 986

Cooloola Cove

0428 645 369

Tin Can Bay Physio

Laurie Donnelly Plumber

5486 3070

Tin Can Bay

5488 0533

Cooloola Cove

0418 382 442

Cooloola Coast

0487 681 524

Rainbow Beach

5486 9090

5486 3411

Podiatrist Pubs and Clubs Rainbow Beach Hotel

Tin Can Bay

0419 980 607

Real Estate

Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach

0417 073 313 0407 146 151

Cooloola Coast Realty Cooloola Coast www.cooloolacoastrealty.com.au Rainbow Beach Realty Rainbow Beach

Rainbow Beach

5486 8666

Restaurants and Café’s


5482 6500

Arcobaleno Coffee Rocks Marina Bar and Grill Rainbow Fruit Barn

Rainbow Beach

5486 3607

5486 3900

Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach Tin Can Bay Rainbow Beach

5486 8000 5486 8877 5486 4400 5486 3126

Rainbow Beach

5486 3152

Cooloola Cove

0408 645 369

Rainbow Beach

5486 8700

Tin Can Bay

5486 2887

Rainbow Beach

0418 729 474

Tin Can Bay

5486 4577

Seafood Ocean Breeze Seafoods

Sewing Cooloola Cove

5488 0222

Ennovy Designs

Shopping Centre

Gas Supplies

IGA Supermarket

Rainbow Beach and Fraser Island Gas Supplies

Rainbow Beach

Glass and Aluminium

Page 10

Soda Graphics

Rainbow Beach


Cooloola Coast Podiatry

Garden Supplies

Graphic Design

5486 8686 0421 600 148


Food Wholesalers

0400 657 797

Signs Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach Signs

Local Ne

Wolf Rock Dive R

Tin Can Bay

5488 0601

Cooloola Coast

0403 193 916



Rainbow Beach Hardware Rainbow Beach Mitre 10 Cooloola Cooloola Cove

5486 3444 5486 2000


4rent4sale Storage Sheds Cooloola Tin Can Bay Mini Storage

Tourist Centre

Health and Beauty Rainbow Beach

0438 868 116

Kennels and Catteries

Tin Can Bay

1300 727 025

Some brilliant diving ove customers raving about W dive we have here.

Rainbow Beach 5486 3227 With improved visibility Rainbow Beach 5486 8888

entire vista of Wolf Rock about 50 grey nurse sharks bull rays, turtles, octopus, Rainbow Beach/TC Bay 0428 838 836 more. In amongst all these Rainbow Beach 0408 738 192 baitfish, trevally, kingfish, b Rainbow Beach 0457 726 388

Tours and attractions

0418 498 089

Dolphin Ferry Cruises Epic Ocean Adventures Fraser Island 4x4 Tours To see more and Rainbow Beach Horserides Rainbow Beach 0412 174 photos 337 Wolf Rock to our Faceb Surf and Sand Safaris Rainbow Beach 5486go 3131

5486 3228 5486 8555


Mechanical Rainbow Beach Rustproofing and Mechanical Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach Towing Rainbow Beach

Rainbow Beach Tourist Centre Shell Tourist Centre

by Cheryl Maughan, Wo

Cooloola Cove

5483 5364

Kayaks Sea Breeze kayaks

Chiropractor Tin Can Bay Chiropractor

Gympie Tin Can Bay Cooloola Cove

Gympie Cooloola Pet Resort Gympie

Carpet Cleaners Benny’s Carpet Cleaning Cleanwave

Rainbow Beach Pharmacy


Serenity Beauty

Caravan Antennas Saturn Antennas

Coastwide Fishing Charters Double Island Point Fishing Charters Keely Rose Rainbow Beach Fishing Charters

Cooloola Coast Rainbow Beach


Fishing Charters


Caravan Repairs and Hire Whatever

5486 4030


Lighthouse Glass and Aluminium

Car Dealers John Madill Toyota Madills Mazda

Cookies Electrical Mark Little

Cooloola Cove Landscape & Garden Supplies


Cooloola Coast Cabinets Whatever Cabinetmakers

Cooloola Cove



Bakery Ed’s Beach Bakery

Channon and Lawrence Dental Cooloola Cove Smiles Coloured Sands Clinic

4D Engineering

Auto Electrics

Chilly Bin Rainbow Beach Tackle & Camping

5481 2846


Air conditioning

Eledric Rainbow Beach Auto Electrics

Cooloola Cove


Gympie Veterinary Services Tin Can Bay

Visibility has been in the 5486 4666

Library - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3705 Library - Tin Can Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 4355 Local Disaster Management CCCLDMSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 4483, 0439 862 264 Cooloola Cove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5488 0436, 0459 26 374 Wallu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0419 685 338 Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0427 863 007 Pharmacy - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3070 Police - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 8765 Police - Tin Can Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 2426 Police - non urgent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 444 POISONS Information Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 11 26 Resource and Referral Centre Tin Can Bay . . . . . . . . . . 5488 0035 School - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 9333 School - Tin Can Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5488 1222 Warren Truss MP (Federal Member) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 300 301 968 Tony Perrett MLA (State Member) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5329 5100 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE (Please phone to make appt ) CARKEET, Sally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0417 751 327 DEACON, Arthur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0419 624 208 FISHER, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0407 95 4678 GETT, Kelvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3538 MISSEN, John Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 8153 April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 43

40 FISHIN TRADES AND SBoating ERVICES Fishing andPage

Page40 34 Page

TRADES & SERVICES DIRECTORY Advertising/Graphic Design






Troy Rowley

Concreting Contractor ABN 64-930-176-411



• House Slabs CONCRETING • Garage Slabs • Driveways • Paths

CONCRETE Also specialising in; • Stamp • Concrete Stencil • Exposed Seeded Concrete NG CRETI N O C PPZ Mobile: 0413 060 797 MO3914 Phone: 5486 Troy Rowley



Concreting Contractor ABN 64-930-176-411

ELECTRICIAN • House Slabs • Garage Slabs • Driveways • Paths

Also specialising in; • Stamp • Concrete Stencil • Exposed Seeded Concrete Phone: 5486 3914 Mobile: 0413 060 797

Appliance Repairs




Cabinet Making


Auto Electrics



44 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

40 FISHING TRADES AND SBoating ERVICES Fishing andPage













MO Gas

Troy Rowley

Concreting Contractor ABN 64-930-176-411

• House Slabs • Garage Slabs • Driveways • Paths

Pet Boarding



Tyre & Mechanical Service

Also specialising in; • Stamp • Concrete Stencil • Exposed Seeded Concrete Phone: 5486 3914 Mobile: 0413 060 797



Page 35 Page 41





Screens & Blinds


Reach all the locals on the Cooloola Coast advertise in the Trades and Services Pages from $60.00 a month. To find out more, phone: 5486 3561 April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 45



QLD school holidays begin!


TCB Community and Men’s Shed meeting 10am, 40 Endeavour Drive, all welcome, Brian: 07 5486 2835


RB Aquatic Centre Disco 5- 9pm, ages 5 to 13, under 10 must have parental supervision, $5 entry. Hot food, games and prizes, raising funds for the Warriors swim club

13 CCYAP Minute Challenge 9-11am, CC Veterans and Community Hall

29 CWA Women Walk the Day - 8.30 for 9am from Crab Creek to Cathy House

9am Mahjong/games mornings, Church of the Good Shepherd Hall

13 Early bird entries Mother’s Day Classic close

29 CCYAP Family Fun Day, 9-11am at Federation Park in Cooloola Cove

10am Mainly Music, TCB Community Complex, 10am

13 & 27 Art Workshops, 10am Rainbow Beach Library

29 TCB Lions and Lioness Club’s Mother’s Day plant and second hand book sale, 10am - 2pm, Cathy House

4.30 Karate and Jiu-Jitsu, RBSS: 0417 079 579

29-30 Bay to Bay Yacht Race

7am RBSS Brekky and Fitness Club

29-30 TCB Model Flying Club Warbirds

8-10am Coastcare Wetland Weeding, for location www.cooloolacoastcare.org.au/ or text: 0417 554 905

14 Good Friday 15 Boardriders Groms Comp 8am, ages 4 to 13

Bush to Beach Rock n Roll night from 6.30pm at RB Hall

15 Easter Fair - CCRFI Family Fun Day, 9am- 4pm, Cooloola Community Complex


Sound of Teen Spirit 5pm TCB Community Complex

15 Barefoot bowls and live music, from 5.30pm TCB Country Club


CCYAP Move Giggle and Groove, 9-11am CC Veterans and Community Hall

16 Easter Sunday and Rainbow Beach Christian Community Easter Sunrise Service at the propeller, 5.30am

TCB CWA social morning tea, 10am CWA Hall in Whiting Street

18 School resumes


5 5

6 8


18 DEADLINE for Community News editorial

RB Commerce and Tourism Meeting 5.30pm, Cafe Jilarty, pizza menu available

18 TCB P-10 School P&C Meeting, 6pm school admin office

CCYAP Cook Up a Storm 9-11am CC Veterans and Community Hall

19 CWA Hoy morning from 9am, CWA Hall in Whiting Street

Trash and Treasure Market by CIRS, 7am to 12.30pm at RB Community Hall - the Saturday markets will be on too! Tables $5 book at Community Centre: 5486 3355

19 TCB Camera Club’s next meeting: 7pm, TCB Library

Junior Fishing Day

20 Ad bookings due for Community News 20 Techno Thursday: 10am-noon RB Library, 2-4pm TCB Library

30 Rainbow Beach Hotrod and Rockabilly Rumble, RB Sports Club carpark from 11am, adults $5, children free

9 -11am Playgroup, RB State School 9am - noon TCB Craft Club, Penny: 5486 2512



9.30am - 10.30am First 5 Forever - fun for under fives at Tin Can Bay Library

May Day Public Holiday

6-7 Gympie Garden Expo

3.30pm Cooloola Dragon Boat Club training

16 Cancer Charity Morning Tea, RB Community Centre


16 Dragon’s High Tea, Tin Can Bay RSL rooms, from 10am to 2pm, $25 pp, 0412 712 965

8am - 10am Volunteer “revive our creeks”, www.cooloolacoastcare.org.au 9am Sailability Saturday

19 Gympie Show Holiday

Markets on almost every Saturday! See visitors’ guide

Weekly (many are term time only)

Discover Sailing, Tin Can Bay Yacht Club



10-11am First 5 Forever - fun for under fives at Rainbow Beach Library

7am St Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church service, Manooka Drive

8 & 29 Boardriders Members comps 7.30am beachfront for destination

22 Rainbow Beach SLSC First Aid

4.30 Karate and Jiu-Jitsu, RBSS: 0417 079 579

23 Ad copy due for Community News


8.30am Nippers

10 CWA meeting, 9am, CWA Hall in Whiting Street

23 Rainbow Beach SLSC ART

9am Arts and Craft group, Church of the Good Shepherd Hall (second/last of month)

9.30am Church of the Good Shepherd Contemporary Family, followed by morning tea. All denominations welcome! 17 Carlo Rd

11 Free instameet: Canon Collective 8-2.30pm, Dive at Wolf Rock ($180) and Sunset Instameet Rainbow Beach at 4-5.30pm (free to attend) 11 CCYAP Games and Gaming 2-5pm, CC Veterans and Community Hall

24 School ANZAC ceremonies

7.30am Cooloola Dragon Boat Club training

25 ANZAC Day and services

9am – noon Tin Can Bay Quilters, community complex. Ph: Maree 5486 5706

27 Cooloola Coast Art Group meet 2pm TCB Library

9.30am Little Guppies playgroup, Tin Can Bay

27 Music Plus, 7pm CC Veterans’ and Community Hall

7.30am TCB P-10 Garden Club


GENUINE GETAWAY VEHICLE Every family loves to getaway. With Toyota Genuine Accessories, Fortuner will take you places other cars can’t go.

John Madill Toyota

John Madill Toyota



Noosa Autopark, Noosaville T 07 5470 0750 4718811

10am – 2pm Rainbow Beach craft market, Top Shops If you have an event or date you would like to add please email info@rbcn.com.au

Crusade model shown in Phantom Brown accessorised with Alloy Bull Bar (Winch Compatible) and Tow Bar, Tow Ball and Trailer Wiring Harness. Accessories sold separately.

44 Geordie Road (Bruce Highway), Gympie T 07 5480 5555 4718811

Towing capacity is subject to regulatory requirements, towbar and vehicle design and towing equipment limitations. Ask your Dealer for Toyota Genuine Tow Bar capacity and availability details. All Toyota Genuine Accessories purchased and fitted to a Toyota are warranted for the remainder of the New Vehicle Warranty or 12 months, whichever is greater. Toyota Genuine Accessories purchased from an authorised Toyota Dealer over the counter are warranted from the date of purchase for one year. Conditions apply. The Toyota Genuine Accessories Warranty does not limit and may not necessarily exceed your rights under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. Toyota Genuine Accessories are not applicable to all models/grades. Consider the mass of your load to ensure you will not exceed the maximum allowable individual axle capacity, Gross Vehicle Mass and /or Gross Combined Mass of the vehicle. Refer to the accessories brochure (available from your Toyota salesperson) or visit www.toyota.com.au for details on warranty and to help determine which accessories are suitable for your vehicle. Pictured accessories are sold separately. Accessory colours shown may vary from actual colour due to the printing process.

46 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – April 2017

April 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 47

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