Feel Good - Concept presentation

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Problems Nobody knows who we are

Concept What makes you feel good?

We need more customers We’re not appealing to our target audience

The Brief

Audience 16-34 year old energetic adults who are aware of healthy living.

Make Feel Good drinks famous.

Tone of Voice Create a unique and fun way to promote our drinks. The campaign should communicate three simple things: our brand name, what our drinks look like and that the drinks are full of natural, tasty, fruitiness.

Bright, colourful and engergetic. Make people smile and generally feel good.

Hugs The sea A smile

Strawberries Holidays Summer

Nice texts Shopping Completments

Football Sunshine Chocolate Lillies

Comedy Jumping Beer Dancing

Music Friends Green Babies


Feelings, objects and general things that make people feel good taken from primary research. These will form the basis of our designs.

Direction/ Inspiration

Our designs will be created in 3D models, and then photographed to create a 2D image.


Creating a poster per drink. Taking the fruit ingerdients from that drink and creating pantone swatches to use as a colour palette for that poster.

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