Smoothies are good.
I chose to base my ‘What is good?’ project on Smoothies, as they are something I enjoy on a dialy basis. Initial spider diagrams, looking into the many reasons as to why I think smoothies are good, limiting myself to one word.
Starting Point.
I looked pacifically into two main areas as to why I feel smoothies are good, these being ‘Fresh’ and ‘Substantial’. I looked at these words in the dictionary to see if they were saying exactly what I wanted them to say. At this point, ‘Fresh’ seemed the most appealing.
Exploring ‘Fresh’.
I spent time looking into ‘Fresh’, looking into how I could visually present it. I began to realise that this wasn’t the direction I wanted to go in, no matter how I tried the information I wanted to get accross was dry and boring. I wanted to make the most out of this project.
A New Concept.
Going back to my original idea, ‘Substantial’. Looking at the fact that smoothies are a filling drink, and can also be used as snacks.
Smoothies are good because they keep you sustained.
People who skip breakfast.
Serious, Minimul, Simple, Sophisticated, Clarity.
who don’t have the time to sit down
It will be a simple yet effective
5 x A2 presentation boards, and ongoing posts to relevant blogs.
Smoothies are a filling drink, and
and eat breakfast in a morning. In
design, along with an upmarket,
Within this, I aim to produce a
can also be used as a snack. I intend the wide age range of 18-45.
unique appearance compared to
carton which can be taken home
to create a smoothie brand that will
other smoothies.
for the whole family to enjoy, and a
More specifically business people
be promoted specifically as a break-
portable bottle which can be taken
fast drink, something that can be
when in a rush. Alongside this there
drank instead of eating breakfast in
will be an advertising poster which
a morning.
will promote them.
My Concept.
Looking at what’s already out there. Found that smoothies/fruit drinks tend to have vibrant colours, and are very visually representitive of whats inside them.
Some of the print processes, typography and general packaging designs that have influenced me during this project. All referenced on my blog.
Initial Sketches.
Looking into ways information can be displayed, on and seperate to the bottle. Looking at how the bottle is held, specifically the fingers. Also at how I can interpret this into my design. I had the idea of 5 finger dints on the bottle, represents counting towards your 5-a-day.
Thinking Exercise.
An exercise that enabled me to get down all my ideas. This really helped and almost formed the beginning of this project, for me, as I began to really engage with it.
Logo Development.
Developing the first branding idea. Because it is a morning drink, one of the most obvious approaches was to name it rise. Though I played with text manipulation and colour, I kept drifting back to the original. I wanted a name that would speak for itself without visual references.
An Idea.
Adding in the illustrations of fruit and colour. Began to go off the logo as I didn’t feel it represented my smoothie properly. I wanted it to be made clearer that it was a breakfast drink. I chose the colour theme to further represent the flavour, along with the illustration. This is something I wanted to keep.
Logo Development.
Whilst manipulating the text for the ‘rise’ logo, I began to create these. I felt these were more successful in comunicating my concept. I wanted the audience to not have to pick it up and read it in order to understand what it is.
d ink
d ink
d ink
d ink
d ink d ink
d ink
d ink
d ink
for the kids
d ink
for the kids
d ink
d ink
d ink
for the kids
d ink
for the kids
Carton Layouts.
Playing with layouts, trying to keep to that ‘minimal’ and ‘simplicity’ theme I orgininally set out to create.
Label Development.
Looking into different ways information can be displayed and how this would work with my designs. Also looking into materials, and how I can use them to my advantage. I began to realise that working with plasic rather than glass would be more suitable as the vibrant colour of the drink would interrupt the design.
Label Development.
Looking further into the development of a fruit shaped label. Though I really liked these I felt they were slightly childish. I did, however, think these would be great for a childs squidgy pack drink. Unfortunately, this wasn’t within my target aundience.
Bottle Layouts.
Experimenting with the layouts of my designs on the bottle. Wanted it to be very similar to the carton to create an identity that would be obvious when viewed in a supermarket. Taking into consideration the 1/3 rule (what would be visable when stacked on shelves).
Packaging Idea.
I went on to look at how these smoothies could be sold as a pack, as obviously more than one would purchased at a time. So I looked at having one for each day of the week. Unfortunately, I ran out of time to be able to carry this out, but this isn’t something I’d planned on doing.
The Final Products.
All three flavoured smoothies in both carton and bottle form. These would all be printed using flexography on alluminium coated paperboard for the carton, and white HDPE plastic for the bottle. In addition, the logo ‘breakfast drink’ will be embossed in order to add a tactile element to the design.
Poster Development.
Ideas for promotional poster. Decided it was best to promote each smoothie flavour individually, enabling me to stick to the colour theme. I was able to do this because all smoothies have the same identity, so the audience would be able to identify other flavours of the same brand easily.
Final Poster.
The final promotional poster, printed using lithography onto 212gsm glossy outdoor poster paper. These will be printed on various sizes and will be on display at a range supermarkets where the product will be sold, along with on a much larger scale such as bus shelters and billboards.