Cooroora Connect October 2018

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The Cooroora Connect An Initiative of Pomona & District Community House

October 2018

Come ride the wind at Lake Cootharaba If you want to get into a sport that the whole family can enjoy together, think about sailing. It is never too late to learn. Whether you want to sail alone, with a partner, or even with the whole family, there will be a boat to suit your needs. We are blessed in our beautiful region to have one of Australia’s great sailing venues and one of the best volunteer-only sailing clubs anywhere in Australia. The Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club is located at Boreen Point, only 15 minutes from Noosa. While being a family-orientated club, with sail training and two races run every Sunday, the club also hosts regattas and state and national titles during the season. Charlie Hacker, the club coach, is a local legend who has been teaching juniors and seniors to sail for well over 30 years. Recently, Charlie conducted a twoday Try Sailing Clinic, which attracted much interest. Participants learned how to rig a boat and they were taken out onto the water under the guidance of experienced sailors. Club membership entitles you to ongoing free sail training every Sunday morning and use of the club’s boats while learning. For inquiries, phone Charlie Hacker on 0427548527, visit, or just turn up.

Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club coach, Charlie Hacker, and young potential sailors.

Grants available Noosa Council is seeking applications from not-for-profit organisations for the next round of Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) and Community Project Grants. The Community Project Grants help small groups deliver community projects and programs, including cultural, sporting and other events. Allocated through a competitive assessment process twice a year, the grants can also help fund building works or repairs to local facilities. In declaring the community grants round open, Cr Frank Pardon said: “Grants allocated in the last round supported a wide range of projects, including restoration of the Kin Kin Arboretum.”

Meanwhile, Cr Jess Glasgow said RADF grants provided assistance for eligible arts and cultural projects. “The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Noosa Council. Since 2014, the RADF Program has provided more than $170,000 to assist creative projects in Noosa,” Cr Glasgow said. Projects have included art installations, workshops, plus projects that employ emerging or established artists or arts workers. Applicants for both categories of funding have until noon, Friday, 19 October 19, 2018, to lodge bids. Visit or phone (07) 5329 6437.

Pomona & District Community House - Keeping You In Touch With Your Community

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