2024-2029 Strategic Plan

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2024-2029 Strategic Plan

HEC Liège, deep roots Context

HEC Liège, , has a long and rich history. Originally, it resulted from the union between the Faculty of the Faculty of Management and Economics of the University of Liège

HEC Liège is endowed with a unique DNA located at the heart of Europe. This DNA is composed of the following elements: , rooted in a region with a wealth of resources

A Strong Academic Culture

Founded in 1817, the University of Liège has from the very beginning been inseparable from its environment.  Throughout its history, it has ensured and perpetuated its primary missions: to create knowledge, transmit it, and contribute to the life of its community.

A Unique Entrepreneurial Spirit

HEC Liège was founded by businesses and has grown alongside them throughout its history. The entrepreneurial spirit is reflected in all the School's actions and represents one of its greatest strengths. This strong entrepreneurial spirit is not only the cornerstone of our agility in facing tomorrow's major challenges, but also of the critical thinking and freedom of thought essential to any scientific approach.

An Openness to the World

Located at the heart of Europe, the Liège region has belonged to many different countries throughout its history. It has been immersed in various cultures and has welcomed workers from many countries. Its border location, its history, and its people make it an inherently international and multicultural region.

A United and Committed Community

HEC Liège s stakeholders form a strong community committed to the development and influence of their region. This community is recognized for its great solidarity as well as its welcoming nature and warm atmosphere.


Societal Environment

At the beginning of the 21st century, the complexity of problems and the lack of information made it necessary by drawing on various fields of knowledge. This period was also marked by . to find solutions significant progress

In 2020, the health crisis plunged us into uncertainty and disrupted our daily behaviors. Since then, geopolitical volatility, questions about the globalization of our markets, international competition, and the polarization that radicalizes current events and society have become part of our everyday lives.

We can now speak of a "BANI world" (Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear, and Incomprehensible), an amplification of the earlier VUCA period (Volatile, Uncertaint, Complex, and Ambiguous). Uncertainty, exacerbated by disinformation and the complexity of events, fuels a form of collective anxiety.

These transformations confront us with new challenges: sustainability, social inequalities, digital transition, governance, ...

But above all, they compel us to restore confidence in our youth and equip them with a systemic vision and the tools to face these challenges.

Society, organizations, and institutions need individuals capable of imagining concrete and sustainable solutions, transforming them into ambitious projects while managing transitions and changes from one world to another.

On a more local level, this means our region must commit to training and attracting talents capable of adapting, innovating, and leading with a clear understanding of the issues at stake.

Context Vision & ValUES Strategy of HEC Liège

Context Vision & ValUES Strategy of HEC Liège

HEC Liège Today

The strengths developed by HEC Liège throughout its long history enable it today to meet challenges and seize opportunities as they arise.

Our key strengths include a connection with environmental needs, a transdisciplinary and transversal approach, a clear link to strategic research domains, an international dimension, and personal development through soft skills.

The tradition of rigor and the pursuit of excellence - both for students and at the organizational level, including the quality of its teaching- has been a longstanding hallmark of HEC Liège.

The School's committed community is a well-established asset, reflected not only in the accessibility of professors and staff in general but also in students and alumni who are deeply involved in the life of HEC Liège. The spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship that drives the community creates a strong sense of belonging among all stakeholders.

The HEC Liège brand, the reputation of our research, and our accreditations position the School as a recognized player in its region shining both nationally and internationally.

Finally, our city-based campus, equipped with the latest and most innovative technologies alongside an original governance model, and participatory and forward-thinking management practices, enables HEC Liège to offer a high-quality and work environment.

: Key figures

3,105 2,127

students participants in Executive Education programmes a year

of international students in the master programmes


200 92 15 150 150 900

Over graduates a year ready to enter the job market (90% integration rate after 6 months)


% % 36


companies and organizations affiliated with HEC Liège with nearly 300 interventions in courses, conferences, ... per year

hours worked in compagnies and organizations during internships & projects a year

partner universities for teaching and research

alumni FTE staff members hectare city campus

scientific publications and conferences per year

More than of our publications are the subject of management communications companies created by student entrepreneurs, in 10 years nearly 1,000 jobs generated by companies incubated at VentureLab


participant-hours of training in Belgium and abroad per year



users of our digital platforms 

Vision & Values

Our Purpose

HEC Liège's purpose can be summed up by its slogan:

We nurture the future

At its core, HEC Liège's purpose is to prepare for the future.

All actions, projects, and programmes in economics and management are designed to address the needs of tomorrow's society. They serve the development of our region and, more broadly, the world.

Our Vision

HEC Liège aims to become a both nationally and internationally, while supporting its region in becoming . catalyst for sustainable solutions a key economic player in societal transformations

To achieve this goal, HEC Liège has developed a thoughtful and ambitious strategic plan, incorporating transversal and specialized actions within its three pillars: Education, Research, and Service & Citizenship.

Stakeholders of the School

Individuals are at the heart of HEC Liège's strategy and operations. It is therefore essential to consider every stakeholder and ensure that their expectations and aspirations are addressed on an individual basis.


Research networks

Organizations & Partners Alumni Staff

Our Values

The values of HEC Liège . These values are deeply embedded in the DNA of HEC Liège and closely aligned with the values upheld by the entire university community. 
 guide and drive its vision and mission

Citizenship & Inclusivity

Rigor & Creativity

Ethics & Responsibility

Strategy of HEC Liège



Service & Citizenship

Our Mission

tackle the societal challenges of tomorrow's world

By placing  knowledge creation in economics and management at the core of its strategy, HEC Liège shapes committed, transdisciplinary, agile, and innovative leaders, fostering a community prepared to . The success of this mission is built upon an entrepreneurial dynamic, a sustainable integration within the local economic fabric, and a strong synergy between its three pillars: Education, Research, and Service & Citizenship.

This mission addresses the challenges that HEC Liège is currently facing.

HEC Liège contributes to the attractiveness of its region by appealing talents, collaborating with companies, and enhancing its international impact through programmes, research, actions, and strategic partnerships.

HEC Liège is committed to training interdisciplinary profiles that demonstrate resilience and are able to provide tangible solutions to adapt sustainably to the current context.

HEC Liège is dedicated to developing synergies with local organizations to adapt to their realities and needs and also to serve as a springboard for their visibility, just as it promotes knowledge more generally. Context Vision & ValUES Strategy of HEC


Context Vision & ValUES Strategy of HEC Liège

Strategy of HEC Liège

These three elements enable the development of projects and action plans in Education, Research, and Service & Citizenship, emphasizing their closely interrelated components of life skills, know-how, and commitment.

HEC Liège aims to be a meeting place for a community of committed, agile, and innovative individuals.

The School is composed of resilient and critical thinkers.

HEC Liège is made up of a community of interdisciplinary profiles.

The school trains individuals that demonstrate intellectual, analytical, and technical agility.

These individuals who are at the heart of HEC Liège, are the trainers and actors of tomorrow as well as the creators of knowledge who work together to provide sustainable solutions to societal transformations, both on a national and international scale.

The Pillars of the Strategic Plan


Research Service & Citizenship

We train talents in economics and management, grounded in strong values, and committed to , so that they become and . 
 societal transformation dynamic agents of change ambassadors of our region on the international stage

Beyond solid skills in economics and management, the development of transdisciplinarity, soft skills, and interculturality, essential for a comprehensive education, are at the heart of our educational strategy.

Built around our strategic research fields, our training programmes and our specializations ensure a strong and relevant connection with the needs of the local economic fabric and global challenges.

The objective of the educational pillar is to develop the students' intellectual, analytical, and technical adaptability and agility, enabling them to act in a rapidly changing world. From this perspective, we prioritize four axes: sustainability & transitions, digital & analytics, entrepreneurship & innovation, and scientific approach.

Strategic Objectives in Education: Key figures related to the 2019-2024 strategic plan:

Create strong commitment to the School;

Develop soft skills and interculturality;

Promote the scientific approach and analytical skills;

Develop innovation and entrepreneurial skills;

Cultivate societal and transitional thinking and acting.

950 new students trust us each year; 97% of students have a job one year after graduation;

82% of students are satisfied with their studies; 15 months after graduation, 83% of graduates are satisfied with their studies;

75 different nationalities are represented among students;

HEC Liège offers the largest selection of language courses in its programmes in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.


The Pillars of the Strategic Plan


Service & Citizenship Research

Our innovative and responsible research, rooted in the challenges and ambitions of our society, generates tangible academic and practical impact. We train and expand our . top-level researchers scientific reach internationally

Our research is "impactful research": scientific impact, reflected by the influence of our discoveries or publications in the scientific community, and societal impact by contributing to the development of our region and society.

We are committed to providing innovative, actionable, and forward-thinking solutions to emerging challenges.

The entrepreneurial spirit is at the heart of our research approach and is reflected in the skills and initiatives of our researchers, as well as in our rigorous and collaborative work environment. This approach fosters both freedom and academic rigor.
 Context Vision & ValUES Strategy of HEC Liège

Strategic Objectives in Research:

Publish high-quality research;

Co-create impactful and valuable research;

Train and educate qualified and productive researchers;

Expand our international reach.

Key figures related to the 2019-2024 strategic plan:

Between 2019 and 2023, the members of HEC Liège Research have:

Produced 224 publications in quality journals, including 60 publications in top-tier journals;

Presented at over 400 conferences worldwide

Developed nearly 300 outputs with managerial, educational, or societal impact;

Published 173 articles related to our transversal axes.

The Pillars of the Strategic Plan

sustainable and essential partner

We are a for businesses and organizations, creating a visible community recognized by all as a place for exchange and learning.

HEC Liège, as a leading provider of executive education, stands out through its proximity to regional businesses and the strong connection between the executive education programmes and the activities of the School. It offers programmes that meet practical needs at both regional and international levels.

The programmes offered are grounded in research and evolve according to emerging issues, thus enabling a dialogue between researchers and businesses.

The service & citizenship pillar plays a key role in connecting practice and academia and serves as a sounding board for these companies.

We provide personalized and high-quality contact and demonstrate agility and responsiveness throughout the process.

Strategic Objectives in Service & Citizenship:

Strengthen the image of HEC Liège at all levels;

Key figures related to the 2019-2024 strategic plan:

320 000 hours of internship performed in companies by our students;

320,000 hours of internship performed in companies

Ensure sectoral diversification of partnerships;


Become an essential partner in the development of executive education within the region;

Continue the development of executive education internationally in connection with local ecosystems;

Strengthen the involvement of organizations, including alumni, within the School to better address current challenges;

Through mandates, expert roles, research activities, executive education, and alumni contributions, continue to have an impact within our ecosystem;

Support organizations and our stakeholders address societal challenges.

Over 120,000 participant-hours in executive

Over 120000 participant-hours in executive education in Belgium and abroad;

More than 150 partner companies and organizations;

More than 150 partner companies and organizations;

A network of nearly 20 000 alumni;

A network of nearly 20,000 alumni;

Almost 2 million euros per year in support from businesses and organizations;

Almost 2 million euros per year in support from businesses and organizations;

Over 100 mandates held by members of the School in professional organizations and companies.

Over 100 mandates held by members of the School in professional organizations and companies.

Context Vision & ValUES Strategy of

Transversal Axes

HEC Liège's mission is based on three transversal axes

Digital & Analytics

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Sustainability & Transitions

HEC Liège

Through this axis, HEC Liège creates, disseminates, and applies knowledge regarding the digital transformation of our society. This pertains to both processes and data.

Change management, process transformation, business model evolution, data analysis, and the implications of artificial intelligence, are addressed transversally in Education, Research, and Service & Citizenship.

The entrepreneurial spirit has been part of the HEC Liège's DNA and its community since the School was founded.

More than a set of activities, HEC Liège has created a mindset. In the future, the objective is to maximize the impact of these activities and further disseminate the knowledge created to actively contribute to the development of the region.

For a long time, HEC Liège has been an active player in transitions, through initiatives such as the Centre d'Economie Sociale and the Smart City Institute.

The School has made sustainability and transitions central themes. The entire HEC Liège community is mobilizing to become a recognized player in these areas.

Vision & ValUES

Key figures related to the 2019-2024 strategic plan:

Nearly 10 000 users of the platforms created by HEC Liège;

Nearly 20 educational projects, including digital innovations;

Over 100 participants per year in digital-related training.

Key figures related to the 2019-2024 strategic plan:

Nearly 200 projects supported, 20% of which originate from HEC Liège;

Over 1,500 jobs created by companies stemming from the School's entrepreneurial programmes;

On average, more than 15 companies created each year.

Key figures related to the 2019-2024 strategic plan:

Conducted an energy audit and implemented a sustainability campaign, leading to a reduction in carbon footprint;

Launched 4 executive education tracks focused on sustainability and transitions.

Strategy of HEC Liège

International Outreach

The staff is composed of more than 20 different nationalities, students from over 70 nationalities, a significant cultural and linguistic diversity, and the School’s location in the heart of Europe, surrounded by borders and open to the world, all make HEC Liège inherently international.

HEC Liège is a double-accredited institution with a strong international presence, thanks to its double degrees, its focus on Asia and Africa, and its diversified partnerships. The international mindset of the School is well-established and visible in all its activities.

This strategy is supported by a network of nearly 20 000 alumni across more than 100 countries. Executive Education also plays a key role in the international outreach of HEC Liège.

International outreach is the guiding thread of HEC Liège's strategy.




International Outreach



Sustainability & Transitions

Digital & Analytics


Entrepreneurship & Innovation


Service & Citizenship



Material & financial resources



Our région


Histoiry & roots

HEC Liège's 2024-2029 strategic plan is the result of a collective reflection.

Drawing on our strengths, our eco-system and our community, we will transform the plan into concrete actions for the benefit of all the School's stakeholders.

Thank you all for your collaboration.

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