SPIRIT of Management n°43

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How HEC Liège addressed PRME principles in 2019 & 2020

Every two years, HEC Liège reports its commitment to work in accordance with the fundamental principles of the PRME network Principles for Responsible Management Education, with the constant will to accelerate the awareness of our society, to participate in the development of a positive social impact on our environment and to lead the HEC Liège community and society at large in the same direction. As a member of PRME international community, the S’LAB submitted HEC Liège Sharing Information on Progress report (SIP) in August, according to the 6 PRME principles: Purpose, Values, Method, Research, Partnership, Dialogue. Discover some information, facts & figures (not exhaustive at all, only examples) that illustrate our actions in 2019 and 2020.


> HEC Liège integrated Societal transformation as a transversal axis at the heart of its strategy > Creation of the S’LAB, with the objective to accelerate sustainable transition.

PRINCIPLE 2: VALUES > Personal development & Social responsibility: Launch of the first Enactus team in Liège, composed of 9 HEC Liège students > Respect for diversity: “Mentoring au Féminin”: 20 duos mentors-mentees

PRINCIPLE 3: METHOD > 40% of our courses at the bachelor level and 59% at the master level cover ERS issues via: • Ethics/ethical position • Multidisciplinary/multicultural dimensions • Team spirit & taking responsibility.

> Gender Diversity, percentage of women per category: • Staff – all categories: 50% • Core Faculty: 50% • Scientific staff: 58,33% • Management services and student support services: 75,6% • Postdoctoral researchers: 50% • Students: 43,5%

> Specific programs such as our pioneering specialization in “Management of Social and Sustainable Enterprises” (Master in Management, 120 ECTS), etc. > Pedagogical innovations, such as HEC Liège Nudge Challenge, our Skills Portfolio (with 12 dedicated ERS activities), etc.

S’LAB’ mission: HEC Liège S’LAB is at the service of a sustainable transition through educating leaders to rise up to our world’s complex ethical challenges, to question solutions taken for granted and to create value grounded in alternative models.

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