Heelside Magazine Issue 06

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Issue 06

AUST RRP $11.00 | 2012

Photo: R

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Writ e Chr rs / Co Rob is Bradle ntributo in Mat Sanb y, Adam rs: Nolet Ardern erg, Na Yates Mac n, Carlo e, Colin dim Bu , Nick S Jona kenzie, s Hauc Beck, rkan, Ch able, Ale Mic tan Lu Luke S k, Josh Lucas H ing Ho x Toun Lucahael Engndmark, orensenua Marr erringto, Tony G ge, ia r li n T Jose Colema sh, Mic roy Bilb, Sally Ja ge, Jam , Mand aves, hael n, R roug ph K mes ieso y o E h n , arch b Pho emn McWhijansanto, Oliver Nick Fo t B le y innie s Nige ograph , Ma , Holleyareaud, y, Hum l Dawe y / Illus ga M Car cWh ne, Dav phrys, s, Kind tration innie Spa id Pang Henry GOf Galle s: , Sorece Cow , John H unson, ry, Rob b n Dan sen, F oy, Ca arle, Th Coehn McWhin Mich Hall, Sa lavio Bierlos Ha or McC O’Neill, nie, W u a m le a R Sco el Eijan Stron hl, Kirst ck, Ashle an, Jas ainer, yne in tty sant g on D os, J , Kobie Scholt y Donald r a Proo Bee w n, efri M Rod z, Ba s iswa gers, rbara on, Luke Rac f Reade Troy ri, C Britv Daw hel Syer rs: h B in in il g Ho brou , es, H s, Sh gh , aggy aron Stro Solym m, L inco a, Coli n ln H illard Beck, , Jam Nige es H l opkin


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Notes from the Editors: Trav: Integrity; where did everyone’s go? More concern with not rocking the boat than standing up for what you believe in, even if it means offending people. Without it you are nothing, if you sell it...even worse. Don’t take shit from anyone. If it’s against your moral fibres, man up and tell them to fuck off. Kurt: Lately I have been thinking about how

dependent we have all become on technology. My iphone, macbook pro, imac, all devices that I can’t do without on a daily basis. One morning for some reason the Net was down in our area, and I was left with a helpless and completely disabled feeling of not being able to work on this issue for a whole 50 minutes Ahhhhh. Then after my little hissy fit, I pissed myself laughing, grabbed a board and went for a skate. At the end of the day if you can’t have a laugh in life, you haven’t got anything. Keep Smiling Always (-: K



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Photo Rider: : Ashley Do out pa Joshua Ma naldson rr ge 30 for the iage full se quenc e

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National Distrib ution JHS & Co John & Christin e sales@jhsco.com .au (08) 8234 1111 International Di stribution Travis Horsfall trav@heelsidem ag.com +61 (0) 431 28 9 410 Advertising Kurt Nischel kurt@heelsidem ag.com +61 (0) 450 33 5 628 Digital Media www.heelsidem ag.com

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So that’s the cars outta the way, now u have to negotiate lines, draft, braking distance, speed, pavement changes, other sk8rs error. i love nothing more than sk8n tight, pushin and passin down the hill, however, im always sk8n within my limits. i dont want to injure myself or worse still, injure my buddies. this is NOT stoke. Think of the image we are trying to create. aren’t we all trying to get the general public on our side and totally stoke on wat we get up ta? How’s the sport meant to grow without outside interest? wat better way than to do wat we do and do it in control with uber amounts of stoke and style eh! ask yourself, would u think its cool seeing a bunch of dudes mobbing a hill, lose control in a corner, run wide of the apex narrowly missing a car and a lady in a wheelchair, skid off the road and end up twisted in a barbed wire fence all cut up, or would it be cooler seeing a bunch of dudes, all control their entry into the corner, rail round it two wide and keep sk8n down the hill, frothin. Shit mate, thats not hard. i mean if I wanted to act like a clown I woulda gone to clown school and joined the circus! seriously peeps, keep it within ur limits. knowing and understanding the size of the steps u need to take to improve is very important. Too big and u go down, in turn, losing your comfort and confidence. SMALL STEPS LEAD TO BIG THINGS! This is a lesson I teach all knew sk8rs and grommets. smaller steps help u become more comfortable, in turn boosting your confidence. I love this part! the learning curve of someone who’s confident is aggressive and exciting. wats possible? everything! Remember, think before u act. KNOW UR LIMITS! Sk8 safe, Yatedawg.

Photo | Adam Yates Illustration | Jason Drawn


antoks, wats crackin? with the growth and development of longboarding, newbies are keen to step up, rise to the occasion and prove themselves worthy. question is, prove themselves to who? the extreme nature of wat we take part in is very high risk but that doesn’t mean we all need to hurl ourselves down some crazy steep mondo hill on the edge of the world to get a result. calculate that shit dudes. Evaluate the risk and is it within your own individual limits? I’m not saying sit at the top of every run with ya googly eyed coke bottle glasses, pocket protractor, pens, calculator and suspenders and nut out the math behind wat ur about to do. no way. it may be a great look but its eating into ur time to turn wheels. use ya noggin. think about it just before ya kick in. we’re all individuals and we all do things a lil different. sure we like to imitate those that are better than ourselves but each individual learns differently and at different speeds. some are naturals, pick it up like its being laid down. others may have to go back and try it a few times to get the hang of it. it doesnt mean your any better than the other if ur more of the first, just means that u’ll be tryin the harder stuff faster, in turn, increasing the risk. its up to u to stay within ur limits and keep ur sk8n positive, full of stoke and most importantly SAFE. we all sk8 in packs, with our buddies, its better this way. more fun, more stoke! with more peeps on the hill naturally the risk is increased. instead of doin a run down a new hill by yourself, with plenty of room to figure out the lines, u have 5 of your buddies and a whole lot more to think about. traffic is always there. even if there’s no cars or ur sk8n at nyt, my wingman told me once and i’ve lived by it ever since. 1 CAR - 10 CAR! if u dont get it, think longer. u will.

Words Adam “Yatedawg” Yates

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Photos | Barbara Britvin & Travis Horsfall


Have You Seen

The French Thing?

How to Pick up with Olivier Bareaud

K: What is your name? O: Olivier Bareaud, 26 years old, from France. K: How do you like the girls in Australia? O: I love it. I love how they look especially the blonde one with fake lips and fake boobs on the Gold Coast. K: What do you usually say to the blonde girls with the big lips? What’s your pickup line? O: Hey. Nice lips. K: So do you find it easy to talk with these girls?

O: No very hard. They are very closed especially on the Gold Coast I think. And to have a discussion with them, they just go away or they don’t look at you. K: But you’re French? Surely that makes it easier?

O: Mmmm I think at the beginning they are a little bit scared and for some it’s cute and for some it’s too hard to speak with me. Ummm ... it’s not especially good. K: Ok then - what pick up lines do you use in France? O: To meet a girl that I don’t know? ... Salut, désolé je vous ai vu dans la rue que vous êtes très mignon. Comment êtes-vous? Je voudrais vous rattraper, peut-être boire un verre ce soir ou un autre jour et je voudrais vous donner mon numéro de téléphone. K: And now in English?

O: In English? Hi. Sorry, I saw you on the street, you are very cute. How are you? I would like to catch up with you, maybe have a drink this evening or another day and I would like to give you my telephone number. K: What are you doing in Australia? O: I can’t tell you that? K: You can’t tell? O: No because I’m a fucking outlaw mate. K : So you have no visa and as soon as we publish this you will go to prison? O: HaHaHaHa Exactly! I am here for skateboarding! K: Well then what can we talk about? O: I’m single. I look for girlfriend? If someone want to ahh ... I want to fook! K: What is your favourite way to attract a girl? O: I think maybe to lie naked on the beach? With a fucking hard on. And say “Hey girl have you seen that? Have you seen the French thing?” It’s at this point that the interview concludes in fits of laughter. Thanks for the words of wisdom Olivier and best of fuck with whatever it is you’re not doing whilst here in Australia mate. Photo & Interveiw | Kurt Nischel

Check out

www.heelsidemag.com > Shop to subscribe Rider Joshua Marriage Photos | Ashley Donaldson

Scan Here To Subscribe

Subscribe before the 18/06/12 and go into the subscribers draw to win a brand new 2012 model Fat Pigeon Deck. To sweeten the deal we’ll be throwing in a Bonehunter board bag to put it in.

Team Rider Brad Sterritt

Photography David Pang

R: James Kelly, Kody Noble | P: Michael Alfuso

DEALER INFORMATION |P: info@futuresport.com.au | P: (02) 4365 1838



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