wayfind T&P

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Wayfinding Design Lesson 3

Wayfinding typography & pictogram (additional)

1. Typography – your choice of type

x-­height and viewing distance This text with x-­height 10mm can be read by normal sighted people at a distance of 10mm x 500 = 5 meters Source: a rtwork d emonstration ©Amy Chan Source: Millerup, P ., 2 013, Wayshowing Wayfinding: B asic a nd Interactive, L ars Muller P ublishers

1. Typography – your choice of type

Source: artwork demonstration ©Amy Chan

2. Symbols and Arrows Pictograms are ideograms, graphic symbols that represent an idea, object, function, or situation by visual likeness. -­ As non-­verbal signs, they are designed to help people with different language backgrounds -­ It should be faster to “read” than corresponding text -­ It should be standardized and well publicized use consistently -­ Pictograms can also be paired with typographic messages on signage to reinforce the typographic message

Source: Millerup, P ., 2 013, Wayshowing Wayfinding: B asic a nd Interactive, L ars Muller P ublishers

2. Pictogram: Symbols and Arrows Case study: The Digital Water Pavilion

Source: h ttp://www.studiofmmilano.com/EN/Work/dwp-­zaragoza-­expo-­2008/

2. Pictogram: Symbols and Arrows Case study: Sport Hall at the Industrial School, Chemnitzl

Source: h ttp://www.designboom.com/readers/gourdin-­muller-­industrieschule-­chemnitz-­wayfinding/

2. Pictogram: Symbols and Arrows Case study: 三郷市立 / Misato City Plaza-­City Community Center

Source: h ttp://ujidesign.com/?contents_service=si&page=detail&id=121

2. Pictogram: Symbols and Arrows Case study: Simon Urmel (electrical equipment for security and communication system)

Source: http://www.studiofmmilano.com/IT/Work/simon-­urmet/

Source: http://www.studiofmmilano.com/IT/Work/simon-­urmet/

Source: http://www.studiofmmilano.com/IT/Work/simon-­urmet/

Source: http://www.studiofmmilano.com/IT/Work/simon-­urmet/

Source: http://www.studiofmmilano.com/IT/Work/simon-­urmet/

Assignment Go back to your presented wayfinding system. Start brainstorming and sketching and prepare for your Interim Presentation next Thursday 28 Sept 2017. CA 2: Interim Group Presentation: Concepts and graphic system •

Information Content System (Scenario Pathway, Route Plan and Message Plan (refer to your path)

Graphic Systems: 3 sets of sketches of pictogram directions (based on identity)

Chosen appropriate set of typography and color palette (consideration of identity and environment)

Hardware system (visual reference): think of possible size, and shape (the longest and shortest) and appropriate materials (visual reference)

Bibliography: Beate Kling & Torsten Krüger, 2013, Spatial Orientation, Detail Calori, C 2007, Signage and Wayfinding Design: A Complete Guide to Creating Environmental Graphic Design Systems, J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc, New Jersey. Millerup, P., 2013, Wayshowing Wayfinding: Basic and Interactive, Lars Muller Publishers Lorenz, M 2010, Left, right, up, down : new directions in signage and wayfinding, Berlin, Germany : Gestalten. Society for Experiential Graphic Designs (SEGD), http://www.segd.org Uebele, A 2007, Signage System and Information Graphics, Thames & Hudson.

Prepared by CDM/HKDI/ Amy Chan and Monica Chiu, 2016/ r evised by Sannia Ho, 2017

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