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SUEN Hei Lam / 187163430 Birmingham City University (Graphic Communication) VIS6036 Major Study 15 February 2019

Major Project _

Promoting Cantonese culture

Project Background & Information

Cantonese, native language of hongkongers and Guangzhou people was suppressed by the Hong Kong and China government recently.


Hong Kong Government are popularizing ‘teaching Chinese in Mandarin’ in primary & secondary education since 2008.


Programmes on the news channel of Guangdong TV are broadcasting in Putonghua since September 2018.

“There's a huge threat of mandarin replaced Cantonese in the future.”

2012: Numbers of schools implementing "Teaching Chinese in Mandarin" from 1997 to 2015


Comparison of 2012 and 2015 Census and Statistics Department Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s survey results

Survey about Use of language in Hong Kong By CENSTATD

The results showed that major population of Cantonese native speakers has significant decreased and other Chinese native speakers has slightly increased.


Numbers of local schools implementing "Teaching Chinese in Mandarin” has soared after 2008 the education policy has launching.

An interview with Sheung Shui primary school’s students about "Mandarin Chinese as schoolchild daily languages" by Cable TV.

Negative impact of promoting Mandarin in HK’s education

Findings: - "Teaching Chinese in Mandarin" used to mandatory methods for school child to dominate their rights of speaking mother tongue (e.g. get punished when speaking Cantonese).


Mandatory education of "Teaching Chinese in Mandarin” forced younger generation forgotten their native language and get used to communicate with locals in mandarin

Interviews with schoolchild about the cognition of Cantonese by local media Opener and Oncc’s 港呢啲

Findings: - Schoolchild prefer use vocabulary of Putonghua rather than that of Cantonese when they speak native language.


“Teaching Chinese in Mandarin” will decrease younger generation’s interests and cognition of native language.


A threat for inheriting native language culture.

Trend of local buzzwords culture

Other Asia region language culture are gradually spreading around in HK younger generation.


2000s tend to use buzzwords from foreign, especially China, Taiwan, Japan etc. Asia region.


Cantonese slangs as the entry point to promote our native language to target audience Values: - Slangs carry and reflect that the different eras’ local culture > A better way to deeply understand about the history and culture of Hong Kong

Categories of Cantonese Slang -

According to So, classic Cantonese slangs mainly categorised in Cantonese from Guangzhou, society events, Macau culture, foreign language.

Interview with Cantonese studies expert So Man Hing

Slangs from foreign language -

Some early cantonese slangs are translated from english pronunciation


The Chinese developed the initial Pidgin language (⽪皮欽語) for communicating with the British


Also based on Pidgin language to develop a branch of foul language euphemism (粗⼝口委婉語)

Show Hong Kong’s British colonial history and culture in past


尷尬癌(China Slang)

忟憎, ⾕谷氣


舐嘢, ⼤大獲, 倒⽶米


GG(Taiwan Slang) 杯具(China Slang)


Low(China Slang)

低b, ⽊木咀, 豬兜, 茂利利


腦殘(Japan Slang)

蛇𠺌, 騰雞, 縮沙


閉翳, 囉囉攣


威⽔水, 巴閉


扮哂蟹 蒲 Past

Evolution of local slangs

傻逼(China Slang)

OP (Taiwan Slang) Skr, 666, ⽜牛逼(China Slang)


Cantonese slangs in Early are varied and blended into daily lives, e.g. the slangs divided in describing emotion, behavior, enhance expression/ curse


Nowadays, The locals less developing representative, iconic slangs.

裝逼(China Slang) WET


Chill(Western Slang) Now

Cantonese slang in foreigner’s eyes -

One the most different feature between Cantonese and foreign language is Cantonese like to express a meaning in implicit.

Related Project Research

Cantonese Collquial by Frank Lo


Varied and experimental Chinese typography structures to express similar texture and literally meaning from those Cantonese colloquial.


Expression of Chinese typography may only deliver the surface of the meaning.


Abstract for the audience


Not understand/ associate with the wrong meaning

Related Project Research

Cantonese Collection by Fairy Floss


Funny Cantonese terms Integrated into related daily necessities, e.g. word of '好⿁鬼重 (So heavy)' into the shopping bag, it also promotes local pop culture, like the umbrella has printed a cantonese song about 'Break up always appointed on a rainy day', to raise the locals and foreigners awareness of Cantonese culture and Hong Kong local culture


Low effectiveness of popularising Cantonese in foreign countries, only the packaging mention the meaning of the Cantonese.

Related Project Research

Products about Cantonese profanity by G.O.D


'Delay No More' is a slogan that has become synonymous with G.O.D. The phrase is a phonetic translation of a Cantonese profanity, but in English it is a positive call-to-action to seize the day. Think of it as the Hong Kong answer to "carpe diem”.


Deliver the wrong meaning of the words to target audience > Negative meaning in Chinese, Positive meaning in English

Related Project Research

Picture Cards of Trendy Expressions in Hong Kong Cantonese by Sorealreal


With reference the past hong kong textbooks, the cards mentioned the bilingual meanings of buzzwords, example sentence and attached retro and humorous style illustration.

Project Aim

“To hold an educational campaign about Cantonese culture of slangs, deeply introducing the behind local culture and society phenomenon to local younger and older generation.”

話 cult⾹港 _ Campaign Name

Meaning of “Culture” Euphony of HK’s swear word 「𨳊」;




Campaign concept



「溝」= “Mix”


Meaning of “Dialect” , “Chat”

Create bold, vital mood for campaign Fits in image of HK slangs vulgar & vivid

Dialect culture of every era (香港話, Hong Kong Cantonese)

Hong Kong

Mixture of HK’s slang between new & old generation

Visual Reference

Competition _

Star Industrial Co Ltd. Design Competition

Client Background

Star Industrial Co Ltd Star Industrial Co Ltd., well-known as Red-A, has established over 70 years, it is the largest plastic ware manufacturer in Hong Kong. Star has dedicated to producing a diversity of high-quality plastic ware line for different industries uses.

Competition Brief RedA will launch a series of professional kitchen equipment including 12 different products for offering high-quality kitchen experience to users.

Products including:


South Pro Wexiodisk Fusionchef Vito Timestrip Henkelman


Supermax Notion Lite Dick Atlantic Chef Easy cut Thermo Future Box

Client will launch a showroom and the promotional campaign to introduce its brands with relevant marketing collateral and designs to the business stakeholders.

Project Aim

“To design a set of integrated campaign to promote large scale kitchenware of RedA to the target audience.”

Project Objectives


Let the public get to know more about RedA and its professional kitchen total solution with outsource brands through delivering the messages in unified visual and content.


Notify 'new Showroom is launched' to the audience


Design solution can link with the upcoming Hofex exhibition.

Promotional Items

Visual Identity

Promotional campaign Naming Logotype Supergraphics (Applied on Showroom hallway) Character design

Attribute Professional Simple Contrast

Language Cantonese

Target Audience Business stakeholders of RedA - Large scale kitchen suppliers - Buyers who interested in developing certified kitchenware People heard RedA brand before


Based on Name, Stages of machine, Brand attributes and Feature of Kitchen equipment aspects, to decide the concrete visual identity and storytelling approach.

Campaign Concept

廚具總動員(Let's Gather! Kitchenware Bots)


“廚具總動員” is a robot team to guarantee the kitchen safety and hygiene comprehensively.


The name of the inspiration is come from that the kitchen equipment can do the step from preparing, cooking, saving to cleaning.


The 12 Kitchen Bots which correspond to Red A kitchen collection product.


#Futuristic #Energetic #Playful #Friendly #Smart

Logotype sketches



High-technology, High-efficient, Fast, High-quality Clean, Hygiene 總動員 (All members gather around) 戰隊 (Team), Member Machines, Robots Iconic symbol of RedA

Computer sketches 1st development (attempt on words “廚具”)

Element: - Referred to Japanese superhero typography style - Tilt typography structure > High-efficient & Fast - White space means glossy > Clean, Hygiene

Improvement: - Low legibility when scale down the logo > can’t see the logotype’s features

Computer sketches 2nd development

Improved: - Weight of typography are bolder, heavier

Element: - Iconic “A” symbol > RedA - Shining star> Clean, Hygiene, 立立令 (Spick and span) - Eyes and legs > Vital robot

Computer sketches 3nd development (Select approach)

Element: - Referred to bubble forms and colors > Clean, Hygiene + Varied - Geometric based typography structure> More Friendly to audience

Improvement: - Low legibility > can't actually recognize the word by the public's eyes.

Computer sketches 3nd development (Select approach)

Improved: Legibility increased - Stroke bolder - Shadow added > emphasised some Chinese word strokes

The Logotype

The concept The logotype referred the form of bubbles, geometric shapes for shaping its form abstractly, it means forms of bubbles are varied, which fits in our 12 robots and series of ‘Red A’ kitchenware can protect kitchen safety and hygiene comprehensively.

Characters sketches

Characters sketches In 3D Angle

South Pro, Wexiodisk

洗野兄弟 Wash Bro


twins of washing kitchenware machine


featuring cleaning function > making bubbles automatically for cleaning varied of kitchenwares


the mouth of Washing pot machine Bro will spurt out bubble


the nose of Dishwasher Bro featured character of South Pro (⼤大眼雞), represents user can observer situation of washing kitchenwares.


吸旋風 Suction cyclone


The robot’s mouth and hands have pipes for sucking in different size and packing’s air into its head, which collect the extra air for transferring to wind power

Thermo Future Box

保溫飯俠 Hot Lunch Hero


The hand can extend to be longer and longer, it can take out or put in the food.


The mouth have two function , one is inspiration for keep it cool and the other one is expiration for keep it heat.

South Pro, Wexiodisk

溜溜溜溜測溫怪 Temperature Measure Teleport Monster


Nose is temperature, mouth is digimatic indicator for monitoring the food and the temperature of kitchen.


If there have monitoring the abnormal temperature, the robot will be change the blue lighting to red colour.


濾油神槍⼿手 Filter oil sharpshooter


Handing with 2 guns, representing input (Oil absorption) & output (filtering oil)


Buckets behind the body are responsible for filtering and saving the filtered oil


慢慢煮廚匠 Slowly cook master


The nose of the robot can adjust the temperature


Within electronic screen displaying temperature


時溫標籤⼩小⼩小兵 Timestrip Soldier


The robot of the left eye is for the temperature and right eye is for the time.


The nose is the button for start to use.


鐵甲廚⼿手 Iron Hands


The Supermax outlook is a hard iron material.


Is more protective than the ordinary hands gloves.

Atlantic Chef

Dick ⼑刀幫同盟



The robot body is base on the Schweizer Messer principle.

Easy Cut ⼑刀幫同盟


The robot is similar with the dick outlook.



The cuter can easily open the box safely.

The middle is stone mill , for grind the knife.



The goods will not hurt by the easy cut.

The mouth is collect the chipping.

It can adjust the right knife you need

Color Experiment


Attempting different gradient tones matching for background Founded that pastel colors are more appropriate

Color Experiment


For Applied on logotype, it is best to match a creamy-white as the main tone to be background

Computer sketches of Hallway Supergraphics 1st dev


Not enough RedA characteristic Logotype and 12 characters wasn't obvious The layout composition is a bit boring


Added the most iconic product of RedA Change layout composition to be more dynamic Characters are still not enough contrast to the background and other objects

2nd dev

Hallway Supergraphics


Iconic Red color as main tone > representing RedA

Reference List 【廣東話危機】 88.1%⼈人⺟母語係廣州話 3年年跌2.2% | 蘋果⽇日報 | 要聞港聞 | 20180505 China Is Forcing Its Biggest Cantonese-Speaking Region To Speak Mandarin - Business Insider Guangdong TV news channel quietly changing from Cantonese to Putonghua | South China Morning Post 港府推⾏行行「普教中」⼋八年年,為何⽗父⺟母仍憂⼼心忡忡?|香港|端傳媒 Initium Media 主題性住⼾戶統計調查 第 59 號報告書 Thematic Household Survey Report No. 59 港實測:暴暴露年年齡測試!不同年年代「潮語」你識幾多?|即時新聞|港澳|on.cc東網 廣東話資料料館 Cantonese Museum 港⼈人講雅⾔言 新聞刺刺針 -【普通話成為⼩小學⽣生的⽇日常⽤用語?】

Reference List

港呢啲:普教中改造⼩小學⽣生 唔識正宗廣東話|即時新聞|港澳|on.cc東網 香港淪淪亡始於⼩小學普教中 | 曾焯⽂文(Chapman Chen, Ph.D.) | 立場新聞香港淪淪亡始於⼩小學普教中/ Ansheles - 廣東話真係⼀一個好優美嘅語⾔言,不過有時啲解釋真係令我諗爆頭… - YouTube 【真本⼟土】廣東話不只是俗 為古代潮語留留⼀一盞燈的⼈人-蘇萬興 - 明周⽂文化真本⼟土-蘇萬興-老餅潮語-52339

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