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© VTC 2012

Module Code: CDM4162

Publication Design

Publication for a place


Publication Design

legibility/ readability/ hierarchy/ grid system/ single-column grid/ column grid/ modular grid / multi-column grid/ pagination

Publication Design l Pagination • pagination is the system by which the information on a newspaper, bookpage, manuscript, or otherwise handwritten, printed or displayed document is laid out. In a strict sense of the word, it can mean the consecutive numbering to indicate the proper order of the pages • pagination can also refer to the process of organizing information

Publication Design l Thumbnail Pencil Sketches

Publication Design l A typical publication pagination

Kenya Hara (原研哉)

Publication Design l Start drawing thumbnail plan…

Publication Design l Thumbnail Pencil Sketches

Publication Design l pagination

Publication Design l pagination

Publication Design l dummy

Publication Design l dummy

Publication Design l flow & variation

Publication Design l flow & variation

Grid system “A grid is truly successful only if, after all of the literal problems have been solved, the designer rises above the uniformity implied by its structure and uses it to create a dynamic visual narrative of parts that will sustain interest page after page.” TIMOTHY SAMARA, Making and Breaking the Grid

Grid is a structure / method for organizing and clarifying text on a page to reinforce its meaning.

Components of grid: column & margin

Components of grid: gutter & field

Kinds of grid: 2-column grid & 3-column grid

Learn the Basic Structures

Assess your Material > Figure out your Grid

Boxed-in sidebar functions as separate information

Pagination and Grid

Every publication begins with a grid system


Vertical Column Space

Horizontal Column Space


Text column

Crop Marks

Running Head (Book Title: Chapter Title)


Running Feet (Book Title: Chapter Title)

Folio (Page number)

A grid plan starts with pencil sketch

The grid system remains when overlaid with the same grid tracing paper

Hierarchy of information

Headlines with text

Headlines with text

Putting together the sequence of subheads with hierarchy.

Indicating paragraphs

Indicating paragraphs

Highlighting text: Italic type & serif in Bold

Highlighting text: sans serifs in bold & colour

Extending text: indentation with bullet point

Level 1: Main title Level 2: Introduction or descriptive

Level 3: Sub title

Level 4: Caption Level 6 Folio, Running heads/feet Level 5: Body copy

Assignments 1) Each person pickup free samples of different types of publication 2) Each person start researching into textual contents of your topic 3) Base on your research content, each person to do pencil sketches on : • 2 sets of Pagination (e.g. Documentary, 5 senses…)

Publication| the end

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