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environmental infodesign theme: coffee culture

Ho Siu Kwan Suen Hei Lam / 2C2


up cycling

organisation the alchemist cafe and bistro The Alchemist Cafe and Bistro has always been an assembly point for travelers, artists, and musicians around the world to share their ideas and experiences with diners. The Alchemist Cafe and Bistro aims at promoting arts and culture since 2012. The cafe had focused on raising the awareness of cultural diversity by hosting more than 50 sharing sessions with experienced travelers. Brought together by a space pervaded with literature, art, and music, the cafe also facilitates the enrichment of lifestyles in the Hong Kong community. Events like concerts, exhibitions, and writing contests spark off creativity as well as attention to social issues like environmental protection, cultural preservation, and education. They aims to develop The Alchemist Cafe and Bistro, a brand made-in-Hong-Kong into a cultural hub which serves quality food and coffee.

/ 牧⽺羊少年年咖啡館



behind the exhibition

objective (the progress)

… Coffees are Hong Kongers' medicine, people tend to drink a coffee for refreshing their mind and emotion since living in Hong Kong is fast-paced. As a result, they love to buy insta-coffee and those can buy in anywhere. But most of them really don t know the behind history and different countries culture about the coffee. So, in this exhibition, we want to give audience a experience to know coffee is not only a drink, it also is a art and culture communication.

… At a mean while, the exhibition expected the audience realise that manufacturing a cup of coffee needs a wide range of processes, that s the reason why specialty coffee exists and specialty coffee owns its values. Though this exhibition, we aimed to attract the audience more appreciate on the culture of specialty coffee.





history significance/ emotion/lifestyle


specialty latte-art coffee




the progress of making coffee

coffee waste


a cup of coffee

storyline & structure

… -

history of coffee Tools of coffee Beans source Making coffee process Latte-art style and information - Finish a cup of perfect coffee - Taste a trend of high-quality: specialty coffee - Use coffee waste to upcycling

/ the progress


behind the exhibition

objective (backpacker)

… Every countries has their own coffee culture and its different significance for their citizen, like Vietnam, Italy, Germany etc. In order to let the audience experience different countries coffee, this exhibition let the audience to become as a backpacker to enjoy this ‘trip’. At the end, we will bring the audience back to our city: Hong Kong, study How’s coffee affects our lives and its development for the upcycling.


mind-map coffee


beans originated

different country

types of coffee


Hong Kong coffee culture

significance/ emotion/lifestyle

coffee development

sub-product (coffee waste upcycling)

storyline & structure

… -

introduction of coffee beans source different country style coffee different meaning of coffee from the different country Back to HK coffee culture Development of Hong Kong coffee (sub-product > upcycling)

/ backpacker


behind the exhibition

objective (history)

… Coffee culture exists a long time ago, there s a lot of cultures and its value. Since Hong Kong is a fast-paced city, people enjoy their coffee only a few minutes, they don't understand coffee is very special and cultural. In this event, we will take audience time to enjoy the coffee's wonderful history. And, let them be more interest about coffee through the upcycling products.


mind-map coffee


who found coffee


traditional tools

Found coffee is a refreshing drink


different type of coffee

coffee waste


coffee culture of different country

significance/ emotion/lifestyle


storyline & structure


… -

History stories about coffee Information about coffee beans Traditional coffee tools Coffee culture of different country Type of coffee waste Upcycling the coffee waste

visual reference

mood board

coffee history: the trend

/ 咖啡浪潮

coffee history: the trend

/ 咖啡浪潮

coffee tools

coffee tools for making types of specialty coffee

coffee beans

latte art

/traditional >


> 3d >






coffee beans types

coffee culture, significance, lifestyle of different countries

thank you

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