The Script Road 6th Short Story Competition - Regulations The Script Road short story competition is accepting works in three languages. The final jury will consist of Dorothy Tse (Chinese language), Raquel Ochoa (Portuguese) and Peter Gordon (English), renowned writers who’ve visited the Festival’s previous edition. They will be the ones to decide who the winners are. 1. Addressees: a) The competition is addressed to all people without any constraints of age, nationality or residence. b) The immediate families of members of the organization and members of the jury cannot compete, nor can any persons connected with the organization of The Script Road festival. 2. Presentation of the stories a) All stories must have Macau as a backdrop, as the theme. They should, in some way, be about Macau. b) Each entrant may submit up to two stories maximum. Entries must be totally original and may be in Chinese, Portuguese or English. c) The text should have a maximum of 3500 words in Portuguese and English, and 6000 words in Chinese. Texts exciding this limits will automatically be excluded from the contest. 3. Deadline and submission a) The stories should be delivered at the premises of the newspaper Ponto Final, at Travessa do Bispo, No. 1C, 6th Floor, Macau, or by email to, up to 8pm of December 31, 2017. b) The works sent by mail must bear the stamp with a dispatch date on or before December 31, 2017. Projects must be delivered in a sealed envelope