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Women Inspiring Action, Transforming Lives


It doesn’t seem two minutes since our last report but here we are again – and busier than ever. Like they say, time flies when you’re having fun!

This month we have been giving more attention to climate change. It’s our organisation’s main thrust this year so we’re seeing what small changes we can do to make a big impact. 1. Reduce emissions: Use your car less, whenever possible. 2. Save energy: By being careful how we use home appliances, we can save energy and, of course, money at the end of the month. 3. Put the 3 R’s of sustainability into practice: Reuse, Recycle, Reduce 4. What about your diet? Eat low-carbon.

Eat food that is local and in season: read the label and eat food that is produced in the area, avoid imports which create more emissions due to transportation.

Also, eat seasonal items, to avoid less sustainable production methods. Avoid excessive packaging and processed foods as much as possible. 5. Act against forest loss: Plant a tree!

Throughout its life, it can absorb up to a ton of CO2. 6. Make demands from the government:

Demand that they take measures toward a more sustainable life.

Calculate your carbon footprint: at www. clevercarbon.io Use this revolutionary new carbon quiz to calculate your carbon footprint online. It only takes two minutes!


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Regional Activity

June also saw another regional meeting (again remotely). All the clubs were asked to do a short presentation on what they had done for climate change. When we went through our projects, I think it’s fair to say we were really proud of our achievements and even prouder when Joan put them together into a short video. It was really interesting to see what all the other clubs in the north west region have been doing – seeing where we are undertaking similar activities and to get ideas for potential new projects. You can watch the short video on at http:// bit.ly/sorrow-short-vid or hop along to our Facebook page.

WOW Women

We also looked into a report on the Generation Equality Forum in Mexico, which has pledged to double the number of women and girls working in technology and innovation. The plea was ‘So, as a Soroptimist what will your contribution be?’ Soroptimist International Garstang’s answer – our WOW Women profiles. This is going to spotlight local women and girls entering into and succeeding in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) areas – a male dominated sector. You will be hearing a lot more about this soon.

Blister Packs – and a Petition

Finally, our petition of the month picked up on the blister/medicine package recycling that we have been involved in. We have held two hugely successful public collections of these in Garstang, and more will follow. The petition seeks to get all pharmaceutical companies to support the recycling of medicine packaging, an important element of the climate change agenda. Please do join us in signing this petition at:

http://bit.ly/sorop-blister-packs AfriReuse

Fundraising for our charity for 2021/22 AfriReuse www.afrireusepads.org is currently being planned. Normally by now we would have had at least one event - the bric-a-brac stall on Garstang High Street but with all the upheaval of Covid this has been scrapped again for his year. But never fear, there will still be plenty of opportunities for readers to support us in our work. And in fact, one member has been running a small ‘virtual’ bric-a-brac stall by offering a few items through Facebook with no charge, just a request for donations. So if you happen to see anything you fancy please don’t hesitate to dig deep for us.

June Speaker

Our guest speaker for the latest social meeting was Nicki Detko, who is a transplant survivor and talked to us about her experiences of competing in national and international sports events. Full report next time.

Further Information & Membership

Don’t forget to keep checking our website and Facebook page for fuller, regular reports on what we’re up to. Why not look into joining us to help make a difference? Just drop us a line or give our membership co-ordinator Muriel BurnhamAirey a ring. We’ll be happy to talk to you and answer your questions. Until next month, take care and enjoy friendship.

t: (01995) 606604 (Muriel Burnham-Airey) w: www.sigarstang.org.uk facebook: SoroptimistsGarstang twitter: GarstangSoropt

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