Asia-Pacific Communications Summit 2017

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Join 200+ in-house communicators from Asia Pacific

15 –16 /



Harbour Grand, Hong Kong












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Focus 2017


Driving Post-Digital Communications

When we talk about "post-digital communications", we're not talking about detoxing from your devices. Instead, we want to talk about a way of communicating that is more concerned with being authentic, being human - and being truly relevant. In a world saturated with voice-operated assistants, digital identities and connected devices, mobile communication is affecting us on a biological and emotional level. And Asia Pacific is on top of the digital game, leading the world in growth, access and penetration. How can Asia Pacific's corporate communicators act as responsible drivers for this development? How can they promote conversations true in voice, message and impact? With what tools can they replicate that face-to-face feeling over remote devices, and how should they deliver messages that matter, and that stand out from the crowd, rather than adding to the post-factual information flood? For the third Asia-Pacific Communications Summit we are excited to be back in Hong Kong, a city fuelled by creativity and innovation. Again, we will gather innovators and leading experts from the field to engage in meaningful discussion and debate – we hope you’ll join us for this thrilling event. Pierre Goad President of APACD, Group Head of Communications, HSBC


Programme 11.00 am


Doors Open

12.00 - 12.10 pm

Welcome & Opening // Mark Laudi, Master of Ceremonies // Pierre Goad, President APACD

12.10 - 12.50 pm


01.00 - 01.20 pm

Spotlight | Asia-Pacific Communication Monitor 2017: Key results and conclusions

01.20 - 02.20 pm


02.20 - 02.50 pm

INTERACTIVE NeurocommunicaBEST CASE The communicator tion: Understanding the science be- as corporate conscience hind stakeholder attitudes & behavior Dr. Andreas Meier

EXPERT SESSION Prevent a reputation meltdown with effective stakeholder engagement

Tina McCorkindale CEO, Institute for Public Relations

Caroline Sapriel Founder and Managing Partner, CS&A International

May O. Lwin, Nanyang Technological University // Ana Adi, Quadriga University of Applied Sciences, Berlin Ansgar Zerfass, University of Leipzig // Jim Macnamara, University of Technology, Sydney


03.00 - 03.30 pm SESSION II

BEST CASE Storytelling and stakeholder engagement


Vice President Corporate Affairs, Asia-Pacific, BASF


BEST CASE Change Communication Os Ishmael Head of Digital, East Asia, British Council

03.40 - 04.20 pm SESSION III

BEST CASE How communications INTERACTIVE Social media played a leading role in Apple's influencers and communication turnaround skills: What the Asia-Pacific Communication Monitor tells us Cameron Craig Global Head of Corporate Communications, Polycom

Jim Macnamara // Ansgar Zerfass Ana Adi // May O. Lwin

04.20 - 05.00 pm

Coffee Break

05.00 - 05.40 pm

Keynote | Building a challenger brand and accelerating it regionally

05.40 pm from 08.00 pm

09.00 am

INTERACTIVE Customer-centric social media

Azran Osman-Rani, Business Innovator & CEO, iflix Malaysia

APACD General Meeting APCA Gala


Doors Open

09.50 - 10.00 am

Welcome & Opening // Mark Laudi, Master of Ceremonies

10.00 - 10.40 am

Keynote | Five gravest challenges to strategic communication as seen by your CEO

10.50 - 11.20 am

BEST CASE Reputation management

Alan Hilburg, President/CEO, Hilburg/Malan



BEST CASE Leadership communication


EXPERT SESSION Making it count –Measuring social media

Shravani Dang Group Vice President – Corporate Communications, Avantha Group

11.30 - 12.00 pm SESSION V

BEST CASE Sustainability in corporate communications

BEST CASE Advocacy through digital media

Joyce Chau FTA Representative Greater China, Foreign Trade Association

Rachana Panda Chief Communications Officer & Citizenship Leader, GE South Asia

12.00 - 01.00 pm


01.00 - 01.40 pm

BEST CASE VR, AI & Co - How entertainment wins new customers and bigger budgets!


Kim Stengert Director of Communications, WWF-Singapore

01.50 - 02.30 pm 02.30 pm

BEST CASE Crisis communication

EXPERT SESSION Employer branding – Employees as communicators


Jesmond Chang Head of Corporate Communications, APAC, Kaspersky Lab

Panel Discussion | Driving post-digital communications: Issues, trends and future developments Mark Laudi // Cameron Craig // Ana Adi // Azmar Sukandar

Goodbye & Summary // Mark Laudi, Master of Ceremonies



Find the Summit





Key note 15 / NOV 2017

05.00 - 05.40 pm

Azran Osman-Rani, Business Innovator & CEO iflix Malaysia Azran is one of the leading business innovators in Asia. As someone who has built, and continues to build, ‘attacker’ businesses and lead teams from start-up to IPO, Azran passionately believes that organisations and corporations can deploy similar structures, focus and creativity that single-minded entrepreneurs have used to create break-through business models and innovative products and services. In July 2007, at the age of 36, Azran was appointed as the founding CEO of AirAsia X, the world’s pioneer low-cost long-haul airline. In 2015 Azran left AirAsia X and joined iFlix Group as its group COO and CEO of iflix, Asia’s leading Internet TV service.

Building a challenger brand and accelerating it regionally When iflix was conceived less than three years ago, many people dismissed it as a copycat idea that would not stand a chance against an already dominant global video-on-demand giant, local cable & satellite TV incumbent giants in each market, and the largest giant of all - content piracy. Yet, since its launch in May 2015, iflix today has scaled rapidly to 25 markets across Asia, Middle East, and Africa, defying industry skeptics and creating an online brand that resonates with the mass market segment that has been underserved by other players.


Key note 16 / NOV 2017

1 0 . 0 0 - 1 0 . 4 0 am Alan Hilburg, President/CEO Hilburg/Malan Alan Hilburg is President and CEO of Hilburg-Malan in Hong Kong. He has written two New York Times best sellers on leadership, received an Academy Award nomination for the first environmental documentary and five Emmy nominations, won six Silver Anvils, five Clio awards, created three of the top ten brand campaigns of the 20th century and has been recognised as one of the world's foremost crisis advisors.

Five gravest challenges to strategic communication as seen by your CEO Recent CEO research in HK and globally point to dramatically rebooted expectations senior leadership have for strategic contributions from their communication executives over the next three years. CEOs highlighted five core areas they will be measuring and evaluating their communications professionals in 2020. How do you measure up in terms of strategic relevance?

He has received more than two dozen industry awards for his work in resuscitating and launching brands including National Geographic, Gillette, GE, Johnson Wax, Wendy's and JPMorganChase. More recently, he has been a pioneer in aligning corporate culture, values-based decision making and multi-generational workforces to create trust-based high performance teams.

see for more

Key notes

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Track 1: CONTENT


BEST CASES & INTERACTIVE DAY 1 / / 03. 40 - 0 4 .2 0 pm B ES T C A S E

Cameron Craig Global Head of Corporate Communications, Polycom

How communications played a leading role in Apple's turnaround In this session Cameron Craig will share how communication played a pivotal role in Apple’s turnaround period from Steve Jobs’ return as CEO to the launch of iPhone. Over this period, Apple would prove the cynics wrong and dazzle the world with its groundbreaking innovations, masterful marketing and against-the-grain approach. Cameron will share five communications lessons from those days and how you can take advantage of these same principles for your company or brand. Themes include the importance of keeping it simple, prioritizing influencers, staying focused on your message, and leveraging outside milestones for internal momentum. Cameron was with Apple for 10 years under Steve Jobs’ leadership including three years as corporate communications lead for the Asia Pacific region based in Singapore.

Spotlight DAY 1 / / N O V E MB E R 15 01. 00 - 01. 20 pm

May O. Lwin,

Ana Adi,

Professor and Associate Dean, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Professor of Public Relations / Corporate Communications, Quadriga University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, Germany

Ansgar Zerfass,

Jim Macnamara,

Professor and Chair in Strategic Communication, University of Leipzig, Germany

Professor of Public Communication, University of Technology Sydney,



Asia-Pacific Communication Monitor 2017: Key results and conclusions The Asia-Pacific Communication Monitor is one of the largest surveys dedicated to uncovering the trends in strategic communication in the region. At its second edition, the survey results show what communicators believe to be the strategic issues that will be the most important for communication management and PR in the coming years, how they relate with identifying social media influencers and the skills they feel they should develop to address these trends and changes..


DAY 2 / / 1 1 . 3 0 - 1 2 . 0 0 p m BE S T CA S E

Joyce Chau Representative Greater China, Foreign Trade Association

Sustainability in corporate communications

DAY 2 / / 01. 00 - 01. 40 pm B ES T C A S E

The United Nations' SDGs have driven governments, companies and organisations across different countries to formulate their own strategy and plans to contribute to these goals with respect to their interests. How to articulate the strategy in the right context to win the support from stakeholders requires lots of considerations and efforts. Some practical cases will be shared in this presentation.

Kim Stengert, Director of Communications, WWF-Singapore

VR, AI & Co - How entertainment wins new customers and bigger budgets! Which new channels to invest in and which to forget? A blueprint for decision makers and anyone interested in increasing their budgets.


200+ PEERS






BEST CASES & INTERACTIVE DAY 1 / / 03. 00 - 03. 30 pm B ES T C A S E

DAY 1 // 02 .2 0 - 0 2.50 p m B E S T CASE

Change communications

The communicator as corporate conscience While the traditional concept of a communicator is that of a “megaphone” – repeating the messages defined by the management, in today’s complex perception environment the communicator must take a step beyond: to the role of the corporate conscience. This expanded role includes understanding and interpreting the expectations of stakeholders, engaging directly in communities, asking management the difficult questions during crises, and even analysing which issues are likely to impact the regulatory environment.

Os Ishmael Head of Digital, East Asia, British Council

Organisational change is now the norm and its greatest barrier are employees. How can we make employees embrace change and advocate it? Leveraging change communications to gain not only employee acceptance, but also their support, is crucial to achieving successful organisational change. How can change communications move employees towards a common outcome, feel part of it and benefit from it? This session will address these questions as well as the role that technology can play in change communications.

Dr. Andreas Meier Vice President Corporate Affairs, Asia-Pacific, BASF

DAY 1 // 0 3.40 - 04 .2 0p m I NTERACT IV E

Social media influencers and communication skills: What the Asia-Pacific Communication Monitor tells us This workshop focuses in more details on specific insight of the Asia-Pacific Communication Monitor, paying more attention to cross-country comparisons as well as national insights. Participants can find out how communicators in their country and region define and identify social media influencers. The workshop will also give an opportunity to discuss about the skills communicators in their country and region indicated they wanted most to develop, as a means of finding personal and professional development opportunities.


Jim Macnamara

Ansgar Zerfass

Professor of Public Communication, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Professor and Chair in Strategic Communication, University of Leipzig, Germany

Ana Adi

May O. Lwi

Professor of Public Relations / Corporate Communications, Quadriga University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, Germany

Professor and Associate Dean, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

DAY 2 // NOVEMBER 16 DAY 2 // 10 .5 0 - 1 1.2 0 a m BEST CAS E

Leadership communications The Voice of the Leader: Striking the right chord. Connected and valuable tools. The role of the trusted advisor: Building and retaining trust. Crafting the strategy. Connecting to Hearts and Minds: Organisational conversations, horizontal and vertical. Closing distances Institutional, attitudinal, and even spatial.

DAY 2 / / 11. 30 - 12. 00 pm B ES T C A S E

Advocacy through digital media Rachana will focus her discussion with case studies on how today is an era of innovative content, new brand advocates and relevancy. Digital media helps to multiply advocacy efforts by potentially reaching more people, in more places, faster than ever before. It's time that we leverage a variety of tools in order to promote and advocate change – internal or external.

Shravani Dang Group Vice President – Corporate Communications, Avantha Group

Rachana Panda, Chief Communications Officer & Citizenship Leader GE South Asia

D AY 2 / / 0 1.00 - 01 . 4 0 p m BEST CAS E

Crisis communication In many organisations, when there is a discovery of a malware or an APT (advance persistent threat) infiltration within a company’s infrastructure, the post communication process can be easy and very straight forward. However, what happens before and in between this post communications and what should a company really do? Here is what we can share… Jesmond Chang, Head of Corporate Communications APAC, Kaspersky Lab


Track 3: SOLUTIONS EXPERT SESSIONS & INTERACTIVE DAY 1 / N O V E MB E R 15 02. 20 - 02. 50 pm EX PER T S ES S ION Caroline Sapriel, Founder and Managing Partner, CS&A International

Prevent a reputation meltdown with effective stakeholder engagement Downplaying the issue and ignoring stakeholders’ perceptions will quickly turn a crisis into a complete reputation meltdown. Only principled-based organisations with focused crisis leadership can weather the storm and even emerge from it stronger. Come and find out what it takes to be one of them.

Panel Discussion DAY 2 / / NO V EM B ER 1 6 01 .50 - 02 .3 0 p m

Driving post-digital communications: Issues, trends and future developments Selected speakers will trade opinions on the subject of post-digital communications.



Ana Adi


Helge Schlüter

Coordinator Partner Programme


Cameron Craig

Azmar Sukandar

Meet the APACD

Leading network for in-house communicators in Asia Pacific

Types of activities Showcase Events

Coaching Days

Peer2Peer Sessions

Networking Events

Expert Webinars

Regional Debates

Partner Become a partner

One Summit, Three Hosts

Incorporated in October 2014, APACD has developed into the leading network for midto senior-level in-house communicators from across Asia Pacific with over 470 members. APACD meets the needs of in-house communication professionals working in corporations, associations, NGOs and institutions. True to the motto “for peers, by peers”, the APACD unites Asia Pacific’s in-house communicators in an exclusive community. Community. We provide a peer-network for in-house communicators across Asia Pacific to exchange and generate knowledge in order to tackle the challenges we share.

Sent to over 15 countries across Asia Pacific, Communication Director is the official partner magazine to the Asia-Pacific Association of Communication Directors. Each issue we feature articles by communication leaders at major organisations as well as by internationally-recognised academics, and are read by opinion leaders in communications, PR and public affairs. We provide insight into those themes most important in the communications and public relations sphere, including digital, internal communications and crisis communications to name a few.

Quadriga is part of a competence centre that is committed to educating and professionalising managers in various disciplines. Our goal is to offer an education and a networking platform to professionals from Human Resources Management, PR & Communications, Marketing and Sales as well as Compliance Management: Business Communities are our passion! Since 2002, our 200+ employees have been working with innovative training formats, excellent speakers and lecturers. We aim to support our customers throughout their professional careers.

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Award The Asia-Pacific Communications Awards celebrate the finest communications, PR and public affairs work in the Asia-Pacific region. Outstanding achievements, innovative strategies and projects will be honoured. Showcase your very best work and present your cases at our live Jury Meeting: On 14 November 2017, all shortlisted nominees will have the chance to present their cases to our expert Jury made up of the most senior and experienced communicators in Asia Pacific. Taking place in Hong Kong, the final evaluation session will allow shortlisted teams to present their work in 10-minute sessions.


1 September (23:59 CEST)


8 September (23:59 CEST)


Beginning of October


14 November


15 November

Sophia Toth-Feher Awards Manager

Any questions? Please contact our Awards Manager.


Categories Special Achievements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Campaign by a Company Campaign by an Institution Campaign by a NGO & Association Communications Team of the Year Agency of the Year Young Communicator of the Year

Corporate Communications 7. Internal and Change Communications 8. Issues & Reputation Management 9. Publication Digital Communications

10. 11. 12. 13.

Social Media Film & Video Online Platform Viral Communications

Projects & Strategies 14. Corporate Responsibility 15. Event & Interactive Experience 16. Multi-Channel Communications 17. Storytelling 18. Brand Relationship 19. Launch & Relaunch 20. Content Marketing 21. Film & Video


Register on our password protected intranet


Go through our online application checklist


Choose the right category for your project


Fill out the application online


Upload supportive materials


Submit your project – now it’s the Jury’s turn! 15

Our wide range of categories explore the diversity of the contemporary communications functions. Until 11.59 p.m. CEST on 1 September 2017, the first application is 240 USD, and each additional application submitted is 190 USD. Between 2 September (00:01 a.m. CEST) and 9 September (11.59 p.m. CEST), which is the late deadline registration period, applications come with an extra charge of 50 USD each.


We invite you and all participants to a networking dinner and party providing you with the unique opportunity to celebrate with the best and finest minds in PR, communications and public affairs.


CELEBRATE YOUR WORK Our Award Show will be the glamorous highlight of the AsiaPacific Communications Summit celebrating the finest communications work in Asia Pacific at the Harbour Grand in Hong Kong. On 15 November, we will honour the winners of the Asia-Pacific Communications Awards – showcasing the very best of what modern communications has to offer.



Location Harbour Grand, Hong Kong Boasting iconic Victoria Harbour view, the awardwinning Harbour Grand Hong Kong is the location for this year’s summit.


Registration & Pricing Please find here an overview of the registration options for the 2017 Asia-Pacific Communications Summit, taking place on November 15/16. As our platform is exclusively designed for in-house corporate communicators and public affairs professionals, we can only accept registrations from communications and public affairs professionals working in corporations, companies, NGOs, associations and political institutions.

TRUSTRATE for the first 50 tickets: 888 US$ EARLY BIRD rates until October 6th: · ·

Members of the APACD and those willing to join the Association pay a reduced fee of 1390 US$*. Non-Members of the APACD and those not willing to apply for membership pay 1690 US$.

REGULAR registration after October 6th: · ·

Members of the APACD and those willing to join the Association pay a reduced fee of 1690 US$*. Non-Members of the APACD and those not willing to apply for membership pay 1990 US$.

Register now at: *Annual membership fee of 1500 HK$ (ca. 193US$). Visit for more information.

Any questions? We are glad to help.

Matthias Gutschmidt Project Coordinator

Thi Thuc Tran Head of APACD Coordination Office

Dennis Schultz Participant Management


TERMS & CONDITIONS Discounted prices Members of the Asia-Pacific Association of Communication Directors (APACD) and individuals applying for APACD membership at the time of the registration receive a discount on the registration fee. The participant’s individual membership will be verified with the APACD. All discounted prices are valid only if the amount invoiced is received within the time stated on the invoice. Filming and photography Please be aware that some of the sessions and events during the conference will be filmed and photographed. Participants who do not wish to be filmed or photographed should warn the organisation in advance. Films and photographs will be available at www., and a link will be sent to all participants. Participants can request the removal of a picture or video segment in which they are portrayed at any given time. Cancellation If a previous booking is cancelled and no replacement participant can be found, the following cancellation charges will be incurred: • Cancellation 31 days or more before the event takes place: no charge • Cancellation between 14 days and 31 days before the event takes place: 50% of total price • Cancellation less than 14 days before the event takes place: 100% of total price • Cancellations have to be made in a written form. Cancellation and programme changes The hosts reserve the right to cancel or to reschedule the location or time, or to arrange a substitute speaker, if this is absolutely necessary due to an unforeseen problem with the speaker, or other unforeseen reasons which are out of the control of the the organisers. In these cases, the hosts are not required to compensate travel or accommodation costs, loss of working time, or other damages, and in other cases only when there is gross negligence. If relocation is not reasonably possible for the participant, then (s)he is entitled to cancel the booking immediately and free of charge. Place of jurisdiction: Berlin, Germany. Organisation: Quadriga Media Berlin GmbH, a global service provider for business communities and conferences


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