Creating a culture of trust, engagement and innovation.
Internal Communication Conference
Benefit From The Expertise Of Our Speakers Welcome Dear participants,
Anne-Sophie Breband
Morten Dal
Rotraud Diwan
Gosia Dobosz
Head of Social Media Black Sun
Internal Communications Manager Pandora
Managing Director Hi! Employer Strategies
Head of Communications Skanska Poland
Prof. Dr. Ana Adi Professor of PR/Corporate Communications Quadriga University
Power to the people: this rings more truth today than ever before. With digitalisation taking over every aspect of our lives, building long-term, meaningful relationships is increasingly important. Creating a culture of trust, engagement and innovation is at the foundation of this, with internal audiences being at the centre. Without trust, engagement and continuous support of their own employees, organisations cannot thrive and innovate, cannot attract new talents and cannot survive crises. This is why the 9th edition of the Internal Communication Conference will focus on creating such a resilient and accountable culture. We’ve handpicked our speakers and challenged them to share with you their best lessons and cautionary tales regarding strategy, measurement, evaluation, crises (and how to deal with them) and the right tools. Join us in Berlin for an intensive day of learning through workshops, networking, presentations and more!
Christoph Drebes
Thorsten Duess
Jeremie Guillerme
Johanna Hille
Managing Director Mystery Lunch
Director Corporate Communications Weber Shandwick
Lead Corporate Reputation Consultant Black Sun
Associate Director Employee Engagement Weber Shandwick
Davor Jakovac
Huib Koeleman
Rachel Royall
Nike Wessel
Head of Corporate Communications Croatian Post
Head of Corporate Strategy & External Relations icco Cooperations
Director of Communications NHS Digital
Managing Director dasprogramm
Register now Executive Coordinator Stephanie Hirner Tel +49 30 84859-0 Mail
Participants Management Dennis Schultz Tel +49 30 84859-0 Mail
Kind regards and #keepquestioning
Please register online and find more information on our website:
Early Bird 940 €* (until Nov 8, 2018) Standard Fee 1,190 €* Members and subscribers 940 €* (EACD members and Communication Director Magazine subscribers get tickets at a reduced price.) *Prices do not include VAT.
Location Quadriga Forum Werderscher Markt 13 - 15 10117 Berlin
Prof. Dr. Ana Adi
5 reasons to participate Dec 5-6 2018 Berlin 9th edition
Mix of best cases
Get to know
exchange with
and interactive
new working
solutions to your
for everyday
experts and
methods and
own challenges.
working life.
The Programme In Detail EVENING PROGRAMME The Gendarmenmarkt is a square in the historic centre of Berlin and is generally regarded as the ,most beautiful square in Berlin‘. In winter, this place is full of Christmas magic. You will find a holiday mix of fine arts, culinary delights, and old craftsmanship, as well as performers on stage and throughout the square. In the cosy warmth of the Kasermandl Hut, we will kick-off the conference with our keynote, Carol Whitworth. For dinner there will be a wintry menu and lots of mulled wine, commonly known as ,Glühwein‘. You can look forward to a magical evening at Berlin‘s most wonderful Christmas market.
© Kasermandl Weihnachtszauber, Rexha Jahdauti
The rise of the social employee: a user’s manual Social media is everywhere. Inside organisations, a proliferation of social apps and networks allow employees to connect with each other like never before. Outside organisations, every employee is now empowered to share their opinion about their employer on a number of platforms. What are the opportunities to leverage this ‘social’ behaviour to build strong cultures on the inside, and create advocates to the outside world? How to develop an integrated approach that makes the most of social media internally and externally? We will explore these questions in a practical and engaging workshop. Anne-Sophie Breband, Jeremie Guillerme Black Sun
„Corporate happiness: How to sustain and increase employee engagement in times of change” In today’s volatile world, who goes unscathed? Companies that 1) design and nurture their culture, and 2) know how to keep employees energised and inspired. Employees expect communication that is personalised, transparent, immersive and participatory. Together we will define what (corporate) happiness means and discuss rules of employee engagement. Johanna Hille, Thorsten Duess Weber Shandwick
How to make sure you have one of your strongest forces for employer branding supporting you: your employees. After a short introduction into employee advocacy, we explore options and possibilities to raise engagement across your workforce; identifying, enablling, and supporting those who are enthusiastic about becoming brand ambassadors.
Sound Stories Internal communication with podcasts Why is podcasting a trend and what possibilities does this format offer for internal communication? How do you find and develop the right format? Why are intro and linking so important? In this workshop, we work together to develop ideas and results that can be integrated into everyday professional life.
Rotraud Diwan
Nike Wessel
Hi! Employer Strategies
Programme Day 1 – Dec 5, 2018
Programme Day 2 – Dec 6, 2018
08:00 - 08:45 08:45 - 09:00 09:00 - 09:40
HOW DO CEOS AND TOP MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVES GENERATE TRUST AMONG THEIR EMPLOYEES? In the last few years, the media world has been flooded with fake news, which initiated a huge loss of trust in global communication. As a result, confidence in corporate leadership has plummeted. Leaders, managers and executives, all find themselves in a new situation, where they need to take conscious actions to generate trust among employees. During this workshop, we will identify the reasons behind employees‘ mistrust in management, and work on solutions and ideas to help management representatives deal with loss-of-confidence issues. Participants will also learn facilitation techniques that leverage leaders‘ ability to spur positive action within the organisation. 14:30 - 15:00 15:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 16:45 16:45 - 18:15
Registration Opens Par t 1 Coffee Break Par t 2
WHO | Ada Borucka, Founder, PinPoint Internal Communications WHERE | Quadriga Forum, Berlin PRICE | 300 Euros (VAT not included) Register at
Creating A Global Digital Workplace Through InclusiveInternal Communication
Re gistration O pen s Kick O f f W ith Prof. D r. Ana Adi
How C or porate C ul ture Became A Signif icant Par t O f C ompany’s St rategy
Croatian Post
09:40 - 10:20
The Programme In Detail
10:20 - 10:50 1 0 : 50 - 1 1 : 20
Creat ing A Global Digital Work place T hrou gh Inclusive Internal C ommunicat ion
P and ora Cof fee B reak
TR E N D TA L K Made To Mea sure, No More Bluepr int T hin king
ic c o Coop erat ions
1 1 : 20 - 1 2 : 00
Using Gamif icat ion To Be Bet ter Toget her
Skanska Poland
1 2 : 00 - 1 2 : 20
1 2 : 20 - 1 3 : 20 1 3 : 20 - 14 : 00
14 : 00 - 1 5: 3 0
TR E N D TA L K Face-To- Face C ommunicat ion In A Digital World
N HS D igital WO R K S H O P S
Global Communication
C or porate Ha ppiness: How To S usta in A nd Increa se Employee Engagement In T imes O f C hange WS 1
E V E NING PROGRA MME 19:00 - 19:30 K EY N OT E Carol Whit wor th 19:30 - 22:00 Dinner
Ta il winds For Your Employer Brand Act ivat ion
We are often looking for the single best way to communicate change. But can we really apply the same principles to different types of change? During this lecture, we look at different visions on change and what impact they have on effective internal communications. It is a mix of theoretical concepts, practical cases and discussion.
WS 3
T he R ise O f T he S ocial Employee: A User ’s Manual
Hi! Emp loyer St rategies B lack Sun
As the founder of employee experience agency Home, Carol has created an award-winning business that has constantly evolved, grown and stayed relevant. What are her secrets and how can we use them in our every day work situation?
WS 4 S ound Stor ies Internal C ommunicat ion W it h Podca st s
1 5: 3 0 - 1 6 : 00 1 6 : 00 - 1 7 : 3 0 17:30 - 17:45
dasprogramm Cof fee B reak Worksho p s Round 2 Ho sts W ra p Up
Made To Measure, No More Blueprint Thinking TR E N D TA L K
Web er Shandw ick WS 2
Bringing three diverse business units under one roof shoud be treated as a great opportunity to collaborate better. At Skanska, we used gamification to build a new community based on corporate values and to fight the natural resistance during the office change. Gosia Dobosz Head of Communications Skanska Poland
Morten Dal Internal Communications Manager Pandora
Myster y Mind s Lunch
TR E N D TA L K Making A n Impact W it h Internal C ommunicat ion
How can internal communication create a culture of transparency, pride and passion with a collaborative platform? What aspects go into connecting a global workforce across 84 countries? What challenges and opportunities do internal communicators face while implementing a large scale transformation programme? Find out in this global award-winning case study.
Using Gamification To Be Better Together
Change Management
Huib Koeleman Head of Corporate Strategy & External Relations icco Cooperations
Making An Impact With internal Communication
How Corporate Culture Became A Significant Part Of A Company’s Strategy BEST CAS E
Croatian Post is the biggest provider of postal services in the Republic of Croatia. Due to emerging ecommerce markets and structural changes in the postal industry, one of the biggest topics for the company in the last couple of years became internal communications and corporate culture. So important as a change management enabler that it became a vital part of company’s strategy and the foundation for fulfilling its mission to be at the service of citizens. Davor Jakovac Head of Corporate Communications Croatian Post
In a world of increasing data, how do we ensure that we measure the impact of our internal communications effectively? How do we justify the value of what we do to our business leaders and boards? This session will give you an overview of effective models of internal communication measurement with some real life case studies of how they have been applied in practice. Rachel Royall Director of Communications NHS Digital